Echmsyll PDF
Echmsyll PDF
Echmsyll PDF
Module -1 Teaching
Electrochemistry and Battery Technology 10 hours
Module -2
Corrosion and Metal Finishing: 10hours
Module - 3
Fuels and Solar Energy: 10 hours
Fuels: Introduction, classification, calorific value- gross and
net calorific values, determination of calorific value of fuel using
bomb calorimeter, numerical problems. Cracking: Introduction,
fluidized catalytic cracking, synthesis of petrol by Fishcher-Tropsch
process, reformation of petrol, octane and cetane numbers.
Gasoline and diesel knocking and their mechanism, anti knocking
agents, power alcohol & biodiesel.
Module - 4
Polymers: 10 hours
Water Technology and Nanomaterials: 10 hours
Text Books:
1. B.S.Jai Prakash, R.Venugopal, Sivakumaraiah & Pushpa Iyengar.,
Chemistry for Engineering Students, Subhash Publications,
2. R.V.Gadag & A.Nityananda Shetty., Engineering Chemistry, I K
International Publishing House Private Ltd. New Delhi.
3. P.C.Jain & Monica Jain.,Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai
Publications, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. O.G.Palanna,Engineering Chemistry,Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi, Fourth Reprint.
2. G.A.Ozin & A.C. Arsenault, Nanochemistry A Chemical Approach to
Nanomaterials, RSC publishing, 2005.
3. Wiley Engineering Chemistry, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. Second
4. V.R.Gowariker, N.V.Viswanathan & J.Sreedhar., Polymer Science,
Wiley-Eastern Ltd.
5. M.G.Fontana., Corrosion Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.