Thesis Fulltext PDF
Thesis Fulltext PDF
Thesis Fulltext PDF
A thesis
submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Degree
University of Canterbury
This thesis is submitted as a partial requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Mechanical Engineering in the University of Canterbury. This research was conducted
under the supervision of Associate Professor Milo V Kral in the Mechanical Engineering
Department, University of Canterbury, between March 2003 and December 2006.
Azmi Abdul Wahab, Milo V. Kral, 3D Analysis of creep voids in hydrogen reformer
tubes, Materials Science and Engineering A 412 (2005) 222-229.
I would like to acknowledge the following people and organizations that have made this
research work possible:
Associate Professor Milo V. Kral for supervision of this thesis, and also for his
enthusiasm, optimism, knowledge, and friendship;
Methanex (NZ) Ltd. and Schmidt-Clemens Spain S.A. for funding of this research;
Peter Tait (Methanex) and Pedro Imizcoz Goni (Schmidt-Clemens) for the many
useful information and communications;
Most importantly, I dedicate this thesis to my wife Rosmawati, my children Sarah Hana
and Luqman Ilyas, and to my parents.
Preface .................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgements ...............................................................................................................ii
Contents ................................................................................................................................iii
List of Figures......................................................................................................................vii
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ xi
Nomenclature and Abbreviations .......................................................................................xiii
Chemical Abbreviations .............................................................................................. xv
Miscellaneous Abbreviations ..................................................................................... xvi
Chapter 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Research Objectives ................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Research Overview.................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Scope of Research ................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Format of Thesis...................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2
LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Methanol Production Basics and the Role of the Steam-Methane Reformer.......... 9
2.2 Reformer Tube Metallurgy.................................................................................... 14
2.3 Overview of Creep Deformation in Metals ........................................................... 18
2.4 Brief Discussions on Void Growth Models........................................................... 25
2.5 Three-Dimensional Analysis of Materials............................................................. 26
iv Contents
Chapter 3
MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION............................................................................. 31
3.1 Reformer Tube Samples........................................................................................ 31
3.2 Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Precipitates.................................. 33
3.3 X-ray Diffraction of Precipitates........................................................................... 38
3.4 Characterization of Precipitates Using EBSD....................................................... 39
3.5 Transmission Electron Microscopy of Fine Precipitates....................................... 41
3.6 Summary of Precipitates in Ex-service Reformer Tube........................................ 44
Chapter 4
SERIAL SECTIONING AND 3D RECONSTRUCTION ................................................. 45
4.1 Serial Sectioning Process ...................................................................................... 45
4.2 Image processing and 3D Reconstruction............................................................. 50
4.3 3D Reconstruction of an As-Cast Reformer Tube Material.................................. 56
Chapter 5
ANALYSIS OF CREEP VOIDS IN A FAILED REFORMER TUBE .............................. 63
5.1 Serial Sectioning and 3D Reconstruction Methods............................................... 63
5.2 3D Characterization of Creep Voids ..................................................................... 65
5.3 EBSD of Creep Void Precipitates ......................................................................... 71
5.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 78
Chapter 6
CREEP VOIDS AT VARIOUS STAGES OF CREEP ...................................................... 79
6.1 Experimental Details ............................................................................................. 79
6.2 3D Reconstructions and Characterization of Voids .............................................. 83
6.3 Results and Observations ...................................................................................... 90
6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................. 102
Chapter 7
MODELING THE GROWTH OF CREEP VOIDS ......................................................... 105
7.1 Void Growth Model ............................................................................................ 105
7.2 Results and Discussions ...................................................................................... 113
Contents v
7.3 Final Thoughts..................................................................................................... 122
Chapter 8
SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS ............................................................. 125
8.1 Summary.............................................................................................................. 125
8.2 Future Work......................................................................................................... 129
Appendix I
SELECTED PROPERTIES OF CENTRALLOY CA4852-MICRO................................ 139
Appendix II
CALCULATION OF STRESSES IN THE REFORMER TUBE..................................... 143
II.1 Thermal Stresses ................................................................................................. 143
II.2 Stresses Due to Internal Pressure........................................................................ 145
II.3 Stresses Due to Tube Weight.............................................................................. 145
II.4 Calculation of Effective Stress ........................................................................... 146
Appendix III
CALCULATION OF TIME-TO-RUPTURE.................................................................... 147
III.1 Code for Void Geometry Factors ...................................................................... 147
III.2 Code for Integrating the Term 1/f(A)................................................................. 148
III.3 Spreadsheet Layout to Calculate Time-to-Rupture ........................................... 149
Appendix IV
PUBLICATIONS .............................................................................................................. 153
Appendix V
ANIMATED 3D MOVIES................................................................................................ 167
vi Contents
List of Figures
1.2: Picturesque view of Methanex Kitimat Plant in British Columbia, Canada .................. 4
2.2: Aerial view of Methanex (NZ) Waitara Valley methanol plant ................................... 11
2.5: Typical macrostructure of a centrifugal cast reformer tube showing both the
equiaxed and columnar grains .................................................................................... 18
2.6: Three stages of creep typical of creep test performed under constant load.................. 19
2.8: Graphical representation of the Larson Miller parameter and the determination of
the constant C ............................................................................................................. 21
2.9: Diffusional flow creep deformation resulting from motion of atoms and
vacancies..................................................................................................................... 23
3.1: Cross-section of reformer tube wall showing the typical macrostructure .................... 32
3.4: Backscatter electron (BSE) image of ex-service reformer tube and the
corresponding EDS spectra ........................................................................................ 36
viii List of Figures
3.7: TEM bright field image and corresponding indexed SAD patterns of the fine
intragranular precipitate ............................................................................................. 43
3.8: High resolution TEM image of a Cr-rich fine intragranular precipitate ...................... 44
4.2: Buehler Minimet 1000 polisher (left) and the older model Buehler Minimet
polisher....................................................................................................................... 48
4.3: A sequence of nine serial section images showing the placement of fiducial
marks and the reduction of their sizes due to polishing ............................................. 49
4.4: Overlayed pair of serial section images showing the manual image registration
process........................................................................................................................ 51
4.8: Backscatter electron (BSE) image of ex-service reformer tube and the
corresponding EDS spectra ........................................................................................ 57
5.7: Phase identification procedure for precipitates near creep voids ................................. 75
6.1: Temperature and pressure profiles of the Kitimat ex-service reformer tube................ 80
6.3: Macrostructure of the reformer tube wall showing the approximate locations of
where the volumes were obtained for 3D reconstructions ......................................... 82
6.4: 3D reconstructions of the equiaxed microstructure at the inner wall of the tube ......... 84
6.5: 3D reconstructions of the columnar microstructure at the outer wall of the tube ........ 85
6.9: Comparison of characteristics of grain boundary voids between the three samples
taken at various positions along the reformer tube and at three wall positions.......... 91
6.10: Correlation of void location with: (a) void size, and (b) void density........................ 94
6.11: Correlation of contact precipitates with: (a) void size, and (b) void density.............. 96
6.12: Correlation of void type with: (a) void size, and (b) void density.............................. 98
6.13: Correlation of void shape with: (a) void size, and (b) void density............................ 99
7.1: Schematic of void array on a grain boundary and the associated parameters ............ 111
7.2: Geometry factor of void configuration on the grain boundary FB .............................. 112
7.3: Plot of time-to-rupture versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature for the ex-
service samples with their existing level of creep damage....................................... 114
7.4: Comparison of Tresca stress distributions for various positions along the length
of the idealized reformer tube................................................................................... 116
7.5: Time-to-rupture behavior for various sample locations on the idealized reformer
tube ........................................................................................................................... 118
7.6: Adjusted time-to-rupture behavior for various sample locations on the idealized
reformer tube ............................................................................................................ 119
x List of Figures
7.7: Effect of variations in void-to-void distance on the time-to-rupture computations
for samples at the inner wall of the idealized reformer tube.................................... 120
7.8: Effect of tube wall temperature variations on the time-to-rupture computations ...... 121
8.1: Void shapes and microstructures of tube material subjected to creep........................ 127
II.1: Schematic of a long thick-walled cylinder and its reference axes ............................. 143
List of Tables
II: List of candidate compounds used to determine the unknown precipitates ................... 37
VI: Material constants for Fe (as the diffusing atom) at a grain boundary interface ........ 109
VII: Summary of ex-service sample parameters used in the model .................................. 113
xii List of Tables
Nomenclature and Abbreviations
xiv Nomenclature and Abbreviations
Chemical Abbreviations
Bi bismuth
C carbon
Ce cerium
CH3OH methanol
CH4 methane
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
Cr chromium
Fe iron
HCl hydrochloric acid
HNO3 nitric acid
H2 hydrogen
H2O water (steam)
M7C3 Cr-rich carbide (also noted as Cr7C3)
M23C6 Cr-rich carbide (also noted as Cr23C6)
Mn manganese
MTBE methyl tertiary butyl ether
Ni nickel
Nb niobium
NbC niobium carbide
Pb lead
Si silicon
SiC silicon carbide
xvi Nomenclature and Abbreviations
Sn tin
Ti titanium
TiC titanium carbide
W tungsten
Zr zirconium
Miscellaneous Abbreviations
2D two-dimension
3D three-dimension
AVI audio-video interleave
BSE backscatter electron
CAD/CAM computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing
CATIA computer aided three-dimensional interactive application
CDROM compact disc read-only memory
DDR RAM double-data rate random access memory
EBSD electron backscattered diffraction
EBSP EBSD patterns
EDS energy dispersive spectroscopy
FIB focused ion beam
FO forescatter orientation
FZ forescatter Z-contrast (atomic number contrast)
GIMP GNU image manipulation program
HK, HP designation of two types of high temperature cast stainless steels
OM optical microscopy
OR orientation relationship
RGB red-green-blue
SAD selective area diffraction
SEM scanning electron microscopy
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TIFF tagged image file format
wt% weight percent
XRD x-ray diffraction
In the present research, the technique of serial sectioning was used to generate three-
dimensional reconstructions of voids in several steam-methane reformer tube samples with
creep damage. The serial sectioning method and subsequent 3D reconstruction revealed
creep void information such as size, density, location, and shape in three-dimensions,
information that cannot be obtained from two-dimensional micrographs alone. Samples
were obtained at various locations along the length of an ex-service reformer tube to
investigate the effects of service conditions on the characteristics of creep voids. In
addition, samples were taken from various positions along the wall thickness where there
were differences in temperature, stress, and microstructure. Additionally, the identity and
crystallographic orientations of the phases adjacent to creep voids were studied by electron
backscatter diffraction (EBSD) to determine the crystallographic trends in creep void
Three dimensional observations revealed that creep voids were indeed not uniformly
distributed through the volume in terms of their size, shape, and location. All voids
appeared next to carbides and these voids came into contact with M23C6 precipitates
somewhere along their perimeter. Most of the voids were found on austenite () grain
facets (the interface between two grains) but the larger voids were generally found at
grain edges and corners. The grain boundaries where voids were located were generally
oriented at 45 degrees with respect to the hoop stress direction. Here, the effective stress
due to a combination of loading and temperature were highest.
xviii Abstract
EBSD results showed that 80% of the M23C6 precipitates surrounding these voids have an
irrational crystallographic orientation relationship (OR) with the austenite matrix. In
contrast, grain boundary precipitates in an aged sample always show a rational OR with
respect to one adjacent grain. This implied that the preferred sites for creep voids are low
registry boundaries between M23C6 precipitates and austenite.
The data obtained from 3D observations were applied to a classic void growth model.
Various permutations of the parameters obtained from this work were applied to the model
to simulate conditions that may be beneficial to extending the service lives of reformer
tubes. It was shown that the void growth model required accurate and representative
materials constants for good estimation of life. Furthermore, the model revealed that more
work was required in terms of observations of void nucleation in 3D, in order to fully
utilize the model. Finally, it was shown that void density measurements are the most
critical item for accurate prediction of growth of voids.
Chapter 1
When metals are subjected to stress at a high temperature, a type of plastic deformation
known as creep occurs. This deformation takes place over an extended period of time and
failure is due to either excessive deformation of the components or physical separation of
the affected parts. These failures are however not accurately predictable, and data scatter
with regard to component lives is a paramount concern. Microstructural examinations of a
failed part typically reveal small voids dispersed throughout the material. These voids are
not completely random in occurrence, and their formation is due to certain material
characteristics and service conditions. In the present research, creep voids occurring in ex-
service steam-methane reformer tubes were studied by reconstructing their appearance in
3D. A database of information was collected and the results were applied to a creep void
model. It is anticipated that the knowledge gained will be used to create tubes with longer
and more predictable service lives.
One engineering component which typically fails by creep is the steam-methane reformer
tube. In methanol processing plants, steam-methane reformers consisting of hundreds of
vertically oriented straight tubes are filled with catalyst, while gases pass over the catalyst
at extremely high temperatures. The tube material is commonly centrifugally cast
austenitic stainless steel, and these tubes typically fail via creep void formation and
coalescence during service. The life expectancy of these tubes is 100,000 hours (11.4
years), however the actual lives achieved can be significantly shorter than the target. With
the price of each tube exceeding US$7000, the cost of replacing these tubes and the
associated cost of a plant shutdown is a major concern for plant operators.
2 Chapter 1
Reformer tube materials usually undergo some sort of accelerated tests where test
specimens are subjected to either a higher load and/or temperature (than the service
conditions) such that the test samples will fail in a relatively short period of time. These
results are then extrapolated to determine the suitable operating conditions for the tubes.
Since the test parameters may not completely replicate the service conditions, unexpected
tube failures are not uncommon. Microstructural studies of reformer after long term high-
temperature service are usually performed to shed further light into the problem of creep.
Cross-sections of failed tubes are metallographically prepared and creep void numbers and
densities are determined from two-dimensional micrographs. Models based on these
measurements are then generated and the results of the models are then used to further
enhance the tube lives.
In the present research, reformer tubes with various levels of creep damage were studied.
Instead of the usual examination of the microstructure from two-dimensional micrographs,
the study will be carried out on three-dimensional reconstruction of the reformer tube
microstructure. Thus, the objectives of this research were as follows:
characterize the microstructure of reformer tubes with creep damage and
reconstruct the microstructure in 3D;
obtain statistical measurement characteristics of creep voids and their relation to the
surrounding microstructure;
correlate the information obtained to various service conditions and levels of creep
apply data obtained into a void growth model to establish microstructure
characteristics prone to creep damage.
It was anticipated that this thesis would present a novel way of studying material
deformation or failure by viewing the defects and associated microstructural features in
3D, and from these unique observations, the knowledge of the high temperature creep
deformation and void formation in steam-methane reformer tubes is further enhanced. It
was also expected that the knowledge obtained could then be utilized to recommend
microstructural characteristics least inclined to creep damage which can presumably be
obtained through adjustments of tube processing parameters.
a b
Figure 1.1: Microstructure of reformer tube material. (a) Low magnification as-polished
micrograph showing creep voids as dark spots, (b) higher magnification etched image
revealing the various precipitates near the voids (Murukamis tint etch).
The steam-methane reformer tube samples studied in this work were supplied by Methanex
(NZ) Ltd., which is one of the sponsors for this project The centrifugally cast austenitic
stainless steel tubes were manufactured by Schmidt-Clemens Spain S.A. which is the other
sponsor for this project. The ex-service tubes used for the 3D reconstructions and analyses
had been in service between six and ten years at the Methanex Kitimat plant in British
Columbia, Canada (see Figure 1.2). Tube segments with known service histories were
removed from the original 13.5-m length of the tubes and shipped to the Metallurgical
Laboratories at the University of Canterbury for analysis.
4 Chapter 1
Figure 1.2: Picturesque view of Methanex Kitimat Plant in British Columbia, Canada. The
red arrow points to the building housing the steam-methane reformer.
The experimental process for this project is schematically summarized in Figure 1.3.
Metallographic samples were first prepared from the tube segments received. The samples
were then fully characterized with various laboratory techniques available. This step is
vital in order to properly reconstruct the microstructure in 3D. The samples then
underwent the serial sectioning process in which a set depth of material was removed by
mechanically polishing the samples. Micrographs were obtained after each polishing and
etching step. During the serial sectioning process, electron backscattered diffraction
(EBSD) scans were obtained at 10 to 20 section intervals. This step was taken so that the
crystallographic orientations of the various microstructural features in the vicinity of the
voids were recorded. The set of micrographs obtained were then reconstructed into a 3D
image using a computer software package. The reconstructions revealed various
characteristics of the creep voids such as their sizes, shapes, locations, adjoining
precipitates, and orientation in three-dimensions, information that cannot be obtained from
two-dimensional micrographs alone. A database of information obtained from 3D
observations was created and the results were then applied to a void growth model.
Serial Sectioning
3D Image
Characterization of
Voids from 3D
Application of 3D
Data into Void
Growth Model
The initial plan of the research was threefold: study microstructures of ex-service tubes,
study microstructures of interrupted accelerated creep tests, and modeling of data.
However, preliminary work on the interrupted creep tests showed that the test samples and
conditions could not faithfully replicate the ex-service material. Firstly, it was impossible
to obtain a test piece from the reformer tube to be tested in such a way that the same
6 Chapter 1
microstructural orientation and features aligned with the stress directions of the reformer
tube in service. Attempts at performing an accelerated pressurized tube test in the presence
of hydrogen gas were also not successful. Furthermore it was discovered that the
characteristics of the microstructure and the creep voids of the accelerated test samples
were completely different from the ex-service samples even though the respective Larson-
Miller parameters were identical. The decision was then made to only study ex-service
reformer tubes at various stages of creep. The ideal case would be to obtain tube samples
after different periods of service. In reality however, it is impossible to request these
samples because it involved interruptions in plant operations and also necessitated the
removal of tubes that are still capable of service. Therefore, only a retired, unruptured ex-
service tube was obtained for this study. By taking samples at different positions along the
tube, different levels of creep damage can be studied. Thus the scope of this research can
be represented by three phases as follows:
Phase I: 3D characterizations of a failed reformer tube;
Phase II: 3D characterizations of a retired reformer tube at various levels of creep
Phase III: Modeling of creep void growth.
This work is limited to only one alloy composition of tube material. In addition, a general
conjecture was made throughout the work that all the characteristics observed were
assumed to be the results of creep deformation mechanisms during high temperature
This thesis will be presented in eight chapters and five appendices as follows:
Chapter 1 (this chapter) briefly discussed the objectives, overview, and scope of this
Chapter 2 is a literature review chapter which addresses five topics pertinent to this
research work, namely methanol production basics, metallurgy of reformer tube
material, creep deformation in metals, void growth models, and three dimensional
analysis of materials.
Chapter 4 provides the details of the serial sectioning and 3D reconstruction process
used in this research. A 3D reconstruction of an as-cast reformer tube material will be
Chapter 5 presents the analysis of creep voids in a failed reformer tube. Serial
sectioning and 3D reconstruction techniques are applied to study characteristics such as
shapes, sizes, locations, and adjacent precipitates of creep voids. In addition, a
crystallographic study of precipitates found adjacent to voids is also presented.
Chapter 7 describes the application of 3D data from Chapters 5 and 6 into a void
growth model. Various combinations of parameters will be applied to the model to
simulate conditions that may be beneficial to extending the service lives of reformer
Chapter 8 is presents the summary and conclusions to the current work, and also
possible future research work that expand on the current research.
Appendix IV contains a copy of each journal paper that was published during the
course of this research.
Appendix V contains a CDROM which contains movies of the serial sections and 3D
volumes presented in this thesis.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents a general narrative on the subject matters contained within the
research work; specifically this chapter will discuss the basics of methanol production, the
metallurgy of the materials used in the reformer tubes, a general overview of creep
deformation and void formation in metals, and three-dimensional methods in materials
2.1 Methanol Production Basics and the Role of the Steam-Methane Reformer
Methanex sole primary product is methanol (CH3OH). At all the Methanex plants, the
production of methanol can be broadly classified into four main sections: feed gas
preparation, steam-methane reforming, compression and synthesis, and distillation* [2, 3].
The process flow for methanol production is shown schematically in Figure 2.1 and some
of the respective features of the methanol process are indicated on an aerial view of a
typical methanol plant in Figure 2.2.
Feed gas preparation is the first stage of the methanol process where natural gas (methane)
is readied for use as fuel and also as raw material for the reforming process. Methane gas
goes through an initial preheating stage after which a small portion of the gas is diverted to
be used as fuel, while the remainder of the gas is heated further in the presence of cobalt-
molybdenum or nickel-cobalt-molybdenum catalyst to convert any sulphur in the natural
gas into sulphur dioxide. The gas then flows through a zinc oxide bed in the sulphur guard
to remove the sulphur dioxide. This step is needed to prevent sulphur from contaminating
the catalyst used in the reforming stage.
* The contents of this section are adapted from refs [2, 3] and the figures in this section are
adapted and used with permission from Methanex (NZ).
10 Chapter 2
Figure 2.1: Schematic of the methanol production process. Dashed lines separate the four
stages of the process: feed gas preparation, steam-methane reforming, compression and
synthesis, and distillation [2, 3].
reformer compression
and synthesis
towers product
Figure 2.2: Aerial view of Methanex (NZ) Waitara Valley methanol plant showing some of
the main features of the methanol production.
In general, reforming is a chemical process where gases are reacted to form other new
gases. During steam-methane reforming (also known as hydrogen reforming), steam is
added to the methane gas stream and this steam-methane mixture is further preheated
before entering the reformer. A steam-methane reformer consists of hundreds of vertically
oriented catalyst-filled tubes contained in a large furnace operating at a temperature around
900C. These tubes have an internal diameter and wall thickness of about 125mm and
10mm respectively, and are typically expected to sustain service for 100,000 hours (11.4
years). Methane and steam enters from the top of the tubes at an internal pressure of
approximately 2MPa. In these tubes, the gas mixture reacts in the presence of nickel oxide
catalyst to produce hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide according to the
following reaction equations:
CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2
CO + H2O CO2 + H2
The mixture of gases produced during steam-methane reforming is called synthesis gas and
this gas mixture exits the tubes at the bottom of the furnace and cooled down to about
12 Chapter 2
In the next stage of the methanol process, the synthesis gas goes through a compressor
raising the gas pressure from 1.5MPa to 8.6MPa. The compressed gas then enters the
methanol converter containing a copper catalyst, and a chemical reaction ensues to form
methanol and water. The products of the converter unit go through a methanol separator
where unreacted synthesis gas is separated from the methanol, to be recompressed and
recirculated back to the converter inlet. The methanol produced at this stage is referred to
as crude methanol at approximately 75% purity.
The final stage of the methanol process is distillation. Two or more distillation columns
sequentially separate the crude methanol into light ends (dissolved unreacted gases),
water, and heavier alcohols. Light ends products such as hydrogen gas and heavier
alcohols such as propanol are reused as fuel for combustion, while water is send to the
sewer system. The resulting methanol is temporarily stored in shift tanks for quality
checking before being sent to final product storage tanks. The methanol at this stage is
99.85% pure. The methanol produced is mainly used to produce formaldehyde, acetic
acid, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), and various other chemical products
It would be fair to say that the steam-methane reformer is the heart of the methanol
production plant. The reformer is probably the most expensive part of a methanol plant,
and it is also the main energy user. The complex chemical and physical processes taking
place in the hostile environment of the reformer also make it prone to various problems,
and more often than not, the reformer is the cause of plant shutdowns or productions
delays. It is thus not surprising that a lot of attention is paid to the well-being of the
reformer components, especially the tubes. Tube wall and furnace combustion
temperatures are regularly recorded in addition to many other process variables such as
temperatures, pressures, and flow rates of the reacting gases. Whenever possible, the tubes
themselves undergo diametrical measurement inspections or other nondestructive tests to
determine any tube abnormalities so that catastrophic failures may be anticipated. It is also
not uncommon for plant operators to obtain metallographic samples for evaluation of
microstructural evidence of damage.
In general, reformer tubes fail due to creep. Although the tubes are designed to last at least
100,000 hours (11.4 years) of operation, some of the tubes in the furnace fail prematurely.
A few of the possible causes of early failure of reformer tubes are listed below [4]:
1. Improper metallurgical properties of the tubes. This is by far the most difficult
factor to pinpoint. The tubes are typically Fe-Cr-Ni cast austenitic stainless steel
alloy with additions of elements such as Si, Nb, Ti, and Mn. The actual behavior of
these alloys and the interactions between the various elements and precipitates at
the high service temperatures and long service period are not fully understood and
impossible to replicate in laboratory tests. The data scatter commonly present in
laboratory creep tests is frequently attributed to material and test condition
variations and this data scatter may be amplified in actual service conditions.
2. Thermal fatigue due to cycling of the tubes. This problem occurs during startup
and shutdown of the plant and is sometimes identified as one of the main
contributor to premature failures.
3. Poor heat distribution in the furnace. The large size of the reformer furnace almost
guarantees some temperature variations between the many rows of tubes. Some of
these tubes may experience extreme temperature conditions (overheat).
4. Different temperature profiles due to different tube sizes. In furnaces containing
tubes of different sizes, the tube wall temperature profiles will be different, and
thus create variations in expected lives. Furthermore, in some cases, eccentric tube
bores can make part of the tube wall thinner than the minimum safe wall thickness
and thus lead to early failure.
5. Catalyst induced temperature profile. Certain catalyst shapes or arrangements
within the tubes are known to create hot spots which may accelerate untimely
It is thus vital for plant operators to correctly identify the causes of early failures in their
reformer tubes. Actions such as using reformer tubes with different alloy content or
employing better monitoring methods of operational parameters may be implemented to
prevent untimely failure of these tubes.
14 Chapter 2
2.2 Reformer Tube Metallurgy
a b
Up to the early 1960s, reformer tubes were made from expensive wrought austenitic
ferrous superalloy containing 18% (by weight) Cr and 37% Ni in order to withstand the
service requirements of a steam-methane reformer [5]. To reduce the costs of the
reformers, cast stainless steel tubes were introduced in the early 1960s. These early cast
tubes have similar alloy content as the expensive wrought superalloy tubes. Subsequent
research on creep of reformer tubes and development of reformer tube alloys found a
cheaper alternative in HK40 alloy containing 0.4% C, 25% Cr and 20% Ni, which has
similar creep-rupture strength as the 18Cr-37Ni superalloy and better creep-rupture
Designation system of the Alloy Casting Institute (ACI) which is now replaced by the
High Alloy Product Group of the Steel Founders Society of America.
strength than alloys with lower C content [5]. The higher C content in HK40 forms Cr-rich
eutectic carbides (M7C3) along the cell and grain boundaries in the microstructure which
improves creep resistance in the alloy [6, 7]. However, after high temperature exposure,
M7C3 carbides transforms to M23C6 which is a more stable Cr-rich carbide. The in-situ
transformation, first proposed by Shaw and Quarrell [8], leads to Cr being further depleted
from the austenite matrix along the boundaries M7C3 carbides transforms to M23C6
precipitates. As a result, the cell and grain boundaries would be more susceptible to
corrosion. Nevertheless, the HK40 alloy has become the basis of subsequent reformer
alloy development.
A variation of the HK40 alloy used for reformer applications is the HP grade alloy, which
contains higher Ni content than Cr (35% Ni vs. 25% Cr) that results in a very stable
austenite structure, as opposed to HK40 alloy containing lower Ni content than Cr (20% Ni
vs. 25% Cr). The stable austenite structure prevents any occurrence of ferrite in the
microstructure which can transform into the brittle -phase at high temperature. The as-
cast microstructure of the HP grade alloy also contains M7C3 carbides which convert to
M23C6 after high temperature ageing. Common versions of the HP grade are the HP40
(0.4% C) and HP50 (0.5% C) which have improved high temperature strengths, and thus
better resistance to thermal stresses and thermal cycling, plus superior performance in
oxidizing and reducing environments [6]. Similar to HK40, the composition of the HP
grade alloys also became the basis for further improvements of the reformer alloy.
The next significant development of the HK40 alloy was performed by International
Nickel Ltd. which produced an alloy designated as IN519 which has 0.3% C, 24% Cr, 24%
Ni, and 1% Nb. As in HP alloys, the microstructure is fully austenite due to the high Ni
content, thus preventing the formation of brittle -phase from ferrite [6]. Furthermore, the
slight decrease in the Cr and C content coupled with the addition of Nb reduces the volume
fraction of M23C6 and forms NbC due to the greater affinity of Nb to C [9, 10]. These
microstructural changes improve the creep strength and ductility of the material making it
superior to both HK40 and HP40 alloys, as shown in Figure 2.4.
The M in the precipitate designation usually represents more than one metallic element.
16 Chapter 2
When Nb was added to the HP grade alloys, numerous commercial variations were
spawned that have been grouped under the HP-Nb or HP-Nb mod grade. Due to the
greater affinity of Nb to C than Cr, it was found that higher Nb additions changes the
stoichiometry of the chromium carbides from M7C3 to M23C6 as a result of having less
available C to combine with Cr [11]. As in the IN519 alloy, the Nb additions resulted in
NbC precipitates, which partially replace M23C6 precipitates [12]. The NbC precipitates
form along the cell and grain boundaries in conjunction with the M23C6 precipitates
causing fragmentation of the carbide network which is believed reduce creep failures at the
carbide-matrix interface [13, 14]. Furthermore, the addition of Nb is believed to change
the composition of the intragranular austenite matrix by reducing the amount of C present,
and as a result, finer secondary precipitates of M23C6 during high temperature application
was reported [15]. By and large, the presence of Nb in the HP-Nb grade alloy produced
reformer tubes with superior creep rupture strength than IN519 [9, 15], as indicated in
Figure 2.4.
The present development of reformer alloys is a progression of work done by Wen-Tai and
Honeycombe [5, 14]. In their work, small additions of Zr and Ti produced more
complicated eutectic microstructures which further improved the creep rupture strength of
the material. Currently, reformer tube manufacturers perform what is referred to as
micro-alloying by adding small amounts of Ti, Zr, W, Ce, or other proprietary
combinations of elements to further enhance the high temperature properties of the
reformer alloy. The improved high temperature properties achieved by micro-alloying
additions is believed to be due to either or a combination of the following effects [10, 14,
15]: solid solution strengthening; formation of new MC carbides such as TiC or complex
MC carbides such as (NbTiZr)C to further fragment the M23C6 carbide network; and
prevention of precipitate coarsening during service. Figure 2.4 compares the average
100,000 hours creep resistance of several reformer alloys [9].
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature (C)
Figure 2.4: Comparison of creep resistance of several reformer alloys (redrawn from [9]).
Improvements to the high temperature properties of the reformer tube alloys were not
confined to modifications of alloying features alone. Changes in manufacturing methods
also contributed to the enhancement of reformer tube properties. Most of these changes
are closely guarded industry secrets, but two of the common manufacturing advancements
are the reduction of casting voids by centrifugal casting, and the control of the tube wall
microstructure via adjustment of the cooling rates of the casting moulds. In centrifugal
casting, molten metal is poured into a spinning horizontal tube mould. The centrifugal
forces acting on the solidifying metal constrained any casting voids to the inner wall of the
tube, which can then be removed by inside machining. On the other hand, controlling the
temperature of the casting mould will influence the solidification process and thus the
grain structure of the tube wall. Manufacturers typically desire to produce a reformer tube
wall having 30% equiaxed structure along the inside wall where creep damage usually
originates, and the presence of the equiaxed structure is believed to be a hindrance to creep
crack propagation [9]. Together with centrifugal casting and inside machining processes, it
is believed that tube failures due to internal pressure will be reduced [9]. Figure 2.5 shows
a typical macrostructure of a reformer tube with a mixture of equiaxed and columnar
18 Chapter 2
Figure 2.5: Typical macrostructure of a centrifugal cast reformer tube showing both the
equiaxed and columnar grains. Alloy is an HP-Nb modified grade produced by Schmidt-
Clemens Spain S.A.
It should be noted that development of reformer tube materials is actively ongoing and not
confined to the methods discussed here. Various alloying combinations are being actively
pursued and changes in manufacturing methods incorporating heat treatments are also
being tested to further extend the service life of reformer tubes [9].
creep rate
initial extension
Figure 2.6: Three stages of creep typical of creep test performed under constant load.
20 Chapter 2
Various types of creep tests can be set up to obtain useful creep properties for design.
Creep-rupture tests performed on samples under constant uniaxial loading produce creep
curves such as the ones shown in Figures 2.6 and 2.7a. This type of test requires strain
measurement to be carried out during the duration of the test until failure occurs. The
creep-rupture test measures creep deformation as a function of time until failure occurs for
a given stress level. For example, the curves in Figure 2.7a shows the effect of stress and
temperature on creep properties of a eutectic bismuth-tin solder alloy [19]. An assortment
of information can be gathered from creep-rupture tests including time-to-rupture, strain-
at-rupture, amount of primary and secondary creep, time to onset of secondary and tertiary
creep, steady-state creep rate, and so forth [6]. In some instances, the test would be
stopped prior to sample failure, and in this case the test is simply referred to as interrupted
creep tests. A simpler type of creep test can also be carried out without strain
measurements where samples are placed under a constant load until rupture occurs. In this
case only the time-to-rupture and strain-at-rupture data would be obtained. These tests are
referred to as stress-rupture tests and produce stress-rupture creep curves such as the ones
shown in Figure 2.7 for eutectic bismuth-tin solder alloy [19].
Creep tests are usually performed for up to 1000 hours (41.7 days) and are rarely done for
longer lifetimes. In order for the short-life test data to be useful in engineering
applications, extrapolations to actual service conditions are required and typically involve
the so-called time-temperature parameters. Various approaches for the time-temperature
parameters have been proposed such as the Sherby-Dorn, Larson-Miller, and the Manson-
Haferd parameters (see [17]). For reformer tube materials, the Larson-Miller parameter
approach (commonly referred as LMP) is most common. The Larson-Miller parameter is
given by the equation LMP = T(log tr + C), where T is absolute temperature (K), tr is the
time-to-rupture (hours), and C is a constant. Figure 2.8 graphically shows the
determination of the constant C from a plot of time to rupture vs. the inverse of absolute
temperature for various stress levels. The value of C is usually close to 20. Once the
constant C is obtained, a plot of stress vs. LMP can be created (for example see Figure
I.2 in Appendix I) where time-to-rupture can be estimated for any given temperature and
stress level. Similarly for any given stress level and rupture life, the maximum application
temperature can be determined.
40 10
55C, 5.5MPa
stress (MPa)
% strain
25C, 5.5MPa
55C, 4.4MPa
0 1
0 200 400 600 800 100 1000
time (hours) time to rupture (hours)
(a) (b)
Figure 2.7: Presentation of creep-rupture and stress-rupture test data in (a) and (b)
respectively. Data is for eutectic Bi-Sn solder alloy. Note in (a), an indicates a
ruptured sample while an arrow specifies an interrupted creep test.
log t r
Figure 2.8: Graphical representation of the Larson Miller parameter and the determination
of the constant C.
22 Chapter 2
The physical mechanisms by which materials deform due to creep are dependent on the
various combinations of stress and temperature. In various metallurgy textbooks, creep
mechanisms occurring in metals are usually categorized into two general classes called
diffusional flow creep and dislocation creep [16, 17]. Diffusional flow creep occurs at low
stresses and high temperatures, and this mechanism requires the motion of vacancies.
Conversely, dislocation creep, as the name implies, involves the movement of dislocations
and requires much higher stresses. Under the two classes listed above, various creep
mechanisms are described and given names such as Nabarro-Herring creep and Coble
creep which are diffusional flow creep, dislocation glide creep and dislocation climb creep
which are dislocation creep, and Harper-Dorn creep and grain boundary sliding which in
general are a combination of both diffusional flow and dislocation creep. In reformer
applications, the reformer tubes are subjected to temperatures approaching 75% of the
absolute melting temperature of the material, while having to withstand service for 100,000
hours at relatively low stress levels. Assuming a maximum allowable creep strain of 3%
during the life of the tube, the creep rates are on the order of 810-11 s-1 where the typical
creep mechanisms can be classified as diffusional flow creep, Harper-Dorn creep, or grain
boundary sliding [20, 21].
As previously mentioned, diffusional flow creep may happen at low stress levels but
requires fairly high temperatures to allow for motion of vacancies in the lattice. Grain
boundaries can be generally viewed as areas of lattice mismatch, and thus would contain a
high concentration of vacancies. Under an applied tensile stress, grain boundaries
perpendicular to the stress direction will be in tension and this would assist in the
formation of more vacancies at these boundaries. Meanwhile the boundaries parallel to the
applied stress will be in compression and would inhibit vacancy formation. This process is
shown schematically in Figure 2.9. As a consequence, there will be a net migration of
atoms near the boundaries in compression to the grain boundaries in tension, which also
results in the migration of vacancies in the opposite direction (Figure 2.9a). Continuous
motion of atoms and vacancies would eventually lead to permanent deformation of the
grains in the direction of the applied stress (Figure 2.9b).
mass shape
(a) (b)
Figure 2.9: Diffusional flow creep deformation resulting from motion of atoms and
vacancies. (a) Atoms migrate from boundaries in compression to boundaries in tension
while vacancies move in the opposite direction; (b) over time, a net change in grain
dimension will occur.
Creep deformation resulting from motion of atoms and vacancies through the crystal lattice
(transgranularly) is called Nabarro-Herring creep, while deformation due to motion along
grain boundaries is referred to as Coble creep. Creep-strain rates of both Nabarro-Herring
and Coble creep are proportional to stress; however Nabarro-Herring creep is inversely
proportional to the square of the grain size while Coble creep is inversely proportional to
the cube of the grain size. Coble creep appears to be the more probable deformation
process in many applications involving polycrystalline materials because the temperature
may not be high enough for transgranular atomic and vacancy migration, and hence these
migrations only occur along grain boundaries [22].
The description of the mechanism of Harper-Dorn creep and its occurrence in crystalline
materials is somewhat more ambiguous due to some disagreement between various
researchers [20, 23, 24]. However, the generally accepted characteristics of the Harper-
Dorn creep are that it occurs at very low stresses, and although its creep-strain rate is
proportional to stress as in Nabarro-Herring and Coble creep, the rate is independent of the
grain size. Furthermore, the creep rate is higher than Nabarro-Herring creep by a factor of
two or more and is proportional to the dislocation density [20, 24]. Nabarro [21] describes
the mechanism of Harper-Dorn creep as a migration of vacancies from dislocations with
24 Chapter 2
their Burgers vector parallel to the tensile axis to dislocations with Burgers vectors
perpendicular to the stress axis. It is also believed that Harper-Dorn creep is a unique
mechanism occurring under certain low stress conditions and this mechanism cannot be
explained either by diffusional flow creep or the dislocation glide and climb mechanisms
[20, 23].
During high temperature creep, the deformation of individual grains may also lead to
relative displacements between adjacent grains and this phenomenon is referred to as grain
boundary sliding. The theory behind grain boundary sliding is probably the least
understood of all three low-rate creep mechanisms; however two types of grain boundary
sliding mechanisms are usually described [16, 21]. The first one is called primary grain
boundary sliding which occur at strain rates proportional to the square of the stress and
inversely proportional to the square of the grain size. Primary grain boundary sliding
occurs at boundaries located at 45 with respect to the stress axes where shear stress is
highest [21]. The second type of grain boundary sliding occurs in conjunction with
diffusional creep and is called accommodation grain boundary sliding, where additional
diffusion occurs along the grain boundaries. The rate of diffusional creep is matched by
the rate of accommodation grain boundary sliding in order to prevent cracks or voids from
forming. This type of grain boundary sliding is most significant on grain boundaries
parallel or perpendicular to the tensile stress axes. It is also important to note that
accommodation grain boundary sliding creep would be inhibited by the presence of
precipitate particles along the grain boundaries.
When sufficient time has passed, creep deformation will ultimately result in fracture. High
temperature fracture can occur in three different modes rupture, transgranular creep
fracture, and intergranular creep fracture [16]. Rupture is accompanied by a high reduction
in area (close to 100%) and happens at high stress and high temperature. It is believed that
dynamic recovery and/or recrystallization takes place preventing the formation of internal
voids which consequently allows the material to be capable of high reductions in area.
Transgranular creep on the other hand is analogous to low temperature ductile fracture
where internal cracks and voids form at highly stressed locations of the microstructure and
coalesce. The fracture is ductile and the appearance of the fracture surface is very similar
to ductile fracture at lower temperature. The third type of high temperature fracture is
intergranular creep which occurs at stress levels much less than those of rupture and
transgranular creep fracture. In this fracture mode, cracks and voids forms along grains
boundaries and coalesce to fracture in a brittle manner. Wedge-like cracks (or w voids)
are believed to occur at higher stress levels than spherical shaped voids (or r voids).
However, in some instances, wedge cracks are also thought to be the consequence of the
accumulation of spherical voids [25]. Cracks and voids are usually associated with
inclusions or precipitates. It is believed that the presence of these particles along the grain
boundaries prevents the rate of accommodation grain boundary sliding from matching the
deformation rate of diffusional creep thereby allowing cracks and voids to form at the grain
boundaries [16, 21].
As mentioned in the previous section, it is believed that during high temperature creep, the
presence of precipitate particles inhibits the rate of accommodation grain boundary sliding
from matching the rate of diffusional creep, resulting in the formation of cracks or voids
along the grain boundaries. This mechanism of void nucleation is still not well understood
[25], nevertheless, the review papers by Goods and Brown [26], and [25] presented several
void nucleation models. One major conclusion that was presented in the Goods and Brown
[26] paper was that at high temperatures, the large amount of dislocation motion allows for
plastic relaxation resulting in little local work hardening. As a consequence, nucleation of
voids becomes difficult. It is believed that voids that eventually grow and cause failures in
high temperature creep applications are formed at low temperature during material
processing [26].
Void growth has been studied in some detail and a variety of models is available for
treating the kinetics [27-31]. The void growth model presented by Raj and co-workers [27,
28] expands on the opinion that under the proper conditions, grain boundary voids nucleate
and grow in size through diffusional motion of atoms and accumulation of vacancies [32].
These voids will then coalesce resulting in intergranular fracture. Their mathematical
model is unique due to the fact that the model accounts not only for stress, temperature,
and void density, but also the various interface energies resulting from different void
configurations attributable to either microstructural locations of the voids or the
configuration of the void-precipitate interface. This exceptional feature of the model
26 Chapter 2
makes it most suitable for modeling creep void growth where the presence of precipitates
along the grain boundary may be responsible for the formation of voids. The general
equation of the void growth model given by Raj and co-workers is listed below (see [27,
28] for complete derivation of the equation):
Essentially, this equation accounts for the motion of atoms along the grain boundaries, the
loading conditions experienced by the interface containing the voids, and finally the
geometry of the voids at the grain boundary. A more detailed discussion of this equation
will be given in Chapter 7.
1 2
D B l
dV 2
= 2 + p v
dt kT rv l 3 r 2
ln + B2 1 B2
rB 4 l 4l
Other void growth models mentioned in the previous paragraph are also elegant but their
application to experimentally obtained data can be rather complex. The differential
equation model given by Cocks and Ashby [30] for instance, expands the work of Raj [27]
and determines void growth via mechanisms of grain boundary diffusion, surface
diffusion, or power-law creep, or via a combination of any two of these mechanisms. The
model can also account for multiaxial stress states and the results are usually displayed on
void growth maps. Several variations of the differential equation-based void growth model
were also discussed in the review paper by Kassner [25]. Void growth models based on
finite element modeling can also be found in the literature such in the ones presented in
papers by Needleman and Rice [29] and Pardoen and Hutchinson [31].
The earliest known 3D analysis of microstructures was done in 1918 by Forsman [33] who
employed the method of serial sectioning to study the 3D structure of pearlite. By making
cardboard cutouts of features in each serial section layer and attaching these cutouts
together, 3D representations of cementite lamellae were created. A later work in 1960s
employed a combination of serial sectioning and motion pictures to show the structure of
pearlite in three dimensions [34]. Early 3D microscopy research usually involved serial
sectioning and some form of laborious physical or graphical reconstruction method, or the
use of expensive motion picture techniques to represent microstructures in three
dimensions. In order to reduce the time required for the serial sectioning processes, semi
and fully automated apparatus have been introduced. Furthermore, in the 1990s,
improvements in computer image processing and visualization capabilities allowed for
better 3D observations of serial section images. For instance, Hull and co-workers [35]
employed CAD/CAM software called CATIA to reconstruct several titanium prior-beta
grains in three-dimensions.
The process of three-dimensional microscopy can be divided into three key segments:
acquisition of a series of 2D images; processing of 2D images; and 3D reconstruction and
visualization. Among the techniques used to obtain the 2D images, serial sectioning is
possibly the least complicated and the most widely used method. In that method, a set of
images (usually referred as the image stack) is obtained by consecutively imaging the same
region of interest as a specific increment of depth of material is removed. Two important
factors to consider during serial sectioning are the depth of each section and the placement
of fiducial marks. The section depth is usually set to either between 0.05m and 1.0m for
manual or semiautomated polishing methods or between 1.0m and 20m for micromilling
methods [36]. The value chosen is dependent on the rate of material removal and the
28 Chapter 2
microstructural features to be examined for the specific sample. Fiducial marks are
typically microhardness indents, and they are used primarily in manual and semiautomated
polishing cases. The purpose of these indents is threefold: mark out a region of interest;
track the material removal rate; and align (register) the subsequent image set [36]. Further
items to consider for the serial sectioning method are sample etching, image resolution,
and the total number of serial section images to be obtained.
Other techniques used for obtaining 2D images are typically more complex and expensive.
For example, focused ion beam (FIB) devices raster scan a beam of ions that sputters off a
layer of material in each pass. This method allows for finer serial sectioning depth
enabling high resolution observations and analyses of 3D features. A recent variation of
the FIB device is the dual beam FIB-SEM instrument which has separate ion and electron
columns. The separate electron column allows for the integration of other analysis tools
such as the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) detector which enabled complex work
such as the combined analysis of 3D morphology and crystallographic information for
superaustenitic stainless steel [37]. Another technique used to generate series of 2D
images for reconstruction is the x-ray microtomography technique. This method uses x-
rays to non-destructively penetrate samples and obtain series of images at various positions
within the sample. Various contrast mechanisms can be employed to generate the
necessary image stack, and a general description of these mechanisms is available in ref
Once a set of registered images is obtained, the next stage of 3D microscopy is the
processing of these images. Processing of image stacks usually involves some method of
highlighting the features of interest. Various public domain and commercial image
processing software packages such as GIMP and Adobe Photoshop are suitable for these
purposes. In general, features of interest in each micrograph is usually extracted away
from the surrounding and stored in its own image file. The same highlighting process (also
called masking) is carried out for the entire series of images to generate a new image stack
containing only the feature of interest.
The continued advancement in computer hardware and software has made the adaptation
of 3D microscopy techniques easy and affordable for any metallurgy research facility.
Essentially, in addition to normal sample preparation equipment and consumables, the only
additional items required to begin doing basic 3D microscopy are a standard PC and image
processing software.
30 Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A major portion of the experimental work was dedicated to the characterization of the
reformer tube material which was critical in order to correctly determine all the
microstructural features present. Once all the microstructural constituents were identified,
the 3D reconstruction of the microstructure could then be properly performed. The
characterization methods employed here include optical microscopy (OM), scanning
electron microcopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), electron backscattered
diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selective area diffraction
(SAD), and x-ray diffraction (XRD).
The reformer tubes studied in this work were fabricated from Schmidt-Clemens
Centralloy CA4852-Micro centrifugal cast austenitic stainless steel tubes. This tube
material is based on the standard heat resistant HP-type casting alloy containing 0.35-0.75
weight percent (wt%) C, 2.00 wt% (max) Si, 24-28 wt% Cr, 33-37 wt% Ni, and 2.00 wt%
(max) Mn [6]. Chemical composition for Centralloy CA4852-Micro is listed in Table I,
showing that the material is within the specifications of an HP casting alloy and with small
amounts of Nb and Ti. As discussed previously in Chapter 2, the additions of Nb and Ti in
HP50-type alloy have been shown to improve the high temperature strength of the material
and the presence of these elements was also shown to improve carburization resistance of
this alloy during high temperature service [6, 9] (refer to Appendix I for typical properties
of CA4852-Micro).
32 Chapter 3
Table I: Main alloying elements (in wt%) present in Schmidt-Clemens Centralloy
CA4852-Micro. Remainder is Fe and other minor alloying elements [41].
Figure 3.1: Cross-section of reformer tube wall showing the typical macrostructure
consisting of fine equiaxed grains along the inner wall region and large columnar grains for
the remaining wall thickness.
For HP-type 25Cr-35Ni centrifugal casting alloys containing Nb and Ti additions such as
the CA4852-Micro, various precipitates have been reported for these alloys in the aged or
ex-service conditions [11, 42-44]. In general, Cr-rich M23C6 precipitates are commonly
observed as coarse intergranular precipitates along the grain and dendritic boundaries, and
also as fine secondary intragranular precipitates. Another precipitate regularly reported in
the literature is MC in the form of NbC, TiC or (Nb-Ti)C which may appear in the grain
and cell boundaries or intragranularly. In alloys containing silicon, a silicide known as G-
phase, may also develop from transformation of primary NbC at high temperatures [11, 42,
43]. During the characterization process, the various precipitates observed in the
microstructure would be first assessed against the above mentioned candidates before
being compared to other carbides or silicides which contain the same elements present in
the observed precipitates. Various techniques would be utilized to ensure the proper
identifications of all the precipitates observed.
a b
Figure 3.2: Preparation of metallography samples. (a) Removal of sample from the
reformer tube segment to make a metallography mount; (b) Leco automatic polisher used
for grinding and polishing of samples.
a b
Figure 3.3: Microstructure of ex-service reformer tube. (a) Low magnification image of
sample etched in glyceregia; (b) higher magnification image revealing three distinct
precipitates A, B, and C.
The same area of the sample seen in Figure 3.3b was also observed in the SEM in
backscatter electron (BSE) mode, as shown in Figure 3.4a. Precipitates were first
characterized using the EDS technique. The equipment employed for SEM and EDS
examinations are JEOL JSM-6100 Scanning Electron Microscope and Moran Scientific
QXAS QUOLL Quantitative X-ray Analysis Unit. An accelerating voltage of 20kV and a
working distance of 39mm were utilized for all observations. The same precipitates
specified in Figure 3.3b are again indicated in Figure 3.4a and their corresponding EDS
spectra are shown in Figures 3.4b-d. Based on the EDS spectra, precipitates A, B, and C
were identified to be rich in Cr, Nb, and Ti respectively. Knowing the elements present in
36 Chapter 3
the precipitates, a list of possible candidates was generated from various sources [47-64]
listed in the Pearsons Handbook [65]. The list of possible precipitates is shown in Table
Counts (10 )
A 4
void 2
B 1
0 2 4 6 8 10
Energy (keV)
6 6
5 5
Counts (10 )
Counts (10 )
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
X-ray diffraction (XRD) method was used to confirm the identity of both the coarse and
fine precipitates found in the samples. Rectangular slices approximately 10101-mm
were taken from the tubes and immersed in beaker containing 30ml glyceregia solution to
dissolve away the austenite matrix. Since glyceregia becomes more dangerously reactive
with time, the solution had to be replenished every two hours until all the austenite matrix
had completely dissolved. The entire immersion time to dissolve the austenite matrix took
approximately sixteen hours. Pouring out the final glyceregia solution, the remaining
precipitate particles were then carefully retained in the beaker and rinsed - first with water
and then with isopropyl alcohol, before being filtered out of the alcohol using a
Whatman GF/C glass microfibre filter paper and left to dry.
The collected precipitates were then scanned in a Philips XRD system** consisting of a
Philips PW1729 x-ray generator, PW1820 Goniometer, PW1710 Diffractometer Control
and a PW2273/20 Copper x-ray tube. The x-ray tube operated at 50kV and 40mA (2kW
power) producing Cu K radiation with a wavelength of 1.54178. The scan was
performed at 0.01 steps between 10 and 100. Identification of the precipitates was
performed by comparing the obtained XRD spectrum against the simulated spectra of
various candidate compounds previously listed in Table II. For each possible precipitate,
the characteristic peaks of the simulated spectra were generated by Desktop Microscopist
2.2a software using the data obtained from Pearsons Handbook [65].
Figure 3.5 shows the XRD spectrum of the powdered precipitates. The peaks were
matched to characteristic peaks of Cr23C6, NbC and TiC. In addition, the lattice parameters
for Cr23C6, NbC and TiC precipitates were calculated to be 1.062nm, 0.4425nm and
0.431nm respectively, which are in good agreement with values presented elsewhere [10,
C: M23C6 peaks
N: NbC peaks
T: TiC peak
Relative Count
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
2 (degrees)
Figure 3.5: XRD spectrum of reformer tube precipitates. M23C6, NbC and TiC peaks are
The next step of the identification of precipitates employed the EBSD technique, which
was performed using the HKL Technology Nordlys II EBSD system attached to the JEOL
JSM-6100 Scanning Electron Microscope. Samples were placed in the SEM sample
holder tilted at 70 with respect to the electron beam, and viewed scanned an accelerating
voltage of 20kV and a working distance of 30mm. The electron backscattered diffraction
(EBSD) patterns or EBSPs from these precipitates were obtained and then compared
against the list of possible compounds using HKL Technologys Flamenco software, and
the best solutions are displayed in Figure 3.6. Referring back to Figure 3.4a, EBSD results
indicated that the Cr-rich precipitate A is Cr23C6, the Nb-rich compound B is NbC, while
the Ti-rich precipitate C is TiC, confirming the results obtained using the XRD technique.
It must be noted that due to the presence of small amounts other elements observed in the
EDS spectra of Figures 3.4b-d, the Cr23C6, NbC and TiC precipitates would be more
accurately designated as M23C6 and MC respectively. In this thesis however, the terms
M23C6, NbC and TiC will be used to classify these precipitates.
40 Chapter 3
1 02
1 02
1 01
1 11
2 01
111 011
The TEM sample was then placed in a double-tilt sample holder before being loaded into
the Hitachi H600 transmission electron microscope operating at 100kV with a filament
current approximately 125A. The perforation made during the electropolishing step was
then located using the low magnification SCAN mode. Adjacent to the hole will be
areas thin enough to be imaged by the TEM. Once located, the area of interest was then
observed in ZOOM mode to obtain bright-field images. To obtain selective area
diffraction (SAD) patterns, the sample must first be made eucentric by coinciding the tilt
axes and the center of rotation of the viewed area. This meant that the area of interest
remained centered during sample tilting. Using the smallest SAD aperture on the area of
interest, SAD patterns were obtained in DIFF mode. All images were recorded on
Kodak electron microscope film and processed in the darkroom accordingly. Images were
obtained by scanning the negatives using an Epson flatbed scanner attached to an Apple
Power Macintosh G3 computer.
These fine intragranular precipitates were also characterized using a Philips CM30
transmission electron microscope operating at 300kV. Figure 3.8 shows an atomic
resolution image of a Cr-rich fine intragranular precipitate. This image was obtained along
a [100] zone axis and measurements of the lattice spacing yielded a lattice parameter value
of 1.06nm which agreed with the previous measurements from indexed SAD patterns of
M23C6 precipitates.
Equipment is located at US Naval Research Lab, Washington D.C. Philips CM30 TEM
work was done by Associate Professor Milo V. Kral during a sabbatical leave in October
a b [011]
+ (200) M23C6
+ (200)
[1 11] d
[1 21]
(202) M23C6
+ (220) M23C6 (202)
+ (220)
Figure 3.7: TEM bright field image and corresponding indexed SAD patterns of the fine
intragranular precipitate identified as M23C6.
44 Chapter 3
Figure 3.8: High resolution TEM image of a Cr-rich fine intragranular precipitate.
Measurements of the lattice spacing indicated the precipitate is M23C6.
Measured Lattice
Precipitate Crystal System Technique Used
Parameter, (nm)
M23C6 cubic 1.062 XRD, EBSD
This chapter describes in detail the serial sectioning and 3D reconstruction processes used
in this research. The techniques for serial sectioning and 3D reconstruction employed in
this work were adapted from methods described elsewhere [68]. A common difficulty
faced in any 3D reconstruction work is the inability to recreate the visualization of 3D
objects on 2D pages. A CDROM containing simple animated movies of serial section
images and rotating 3D reconstructed volumes has been provided with this thesis to assist
with the visualization of 3D reconstructions (see Appendix V). Figures which are
accompanied by animated movies in the CDROM will be denoted by this icon . All
movies are in uncompressed audio-video interleave (AVI) format and compatible with
Microsoft Media Player and Apple Quicktime.
The serial sectioning process was preceded by characterization of the precipitates present
in the material, as previously discussed in Chapter 3. After the characterization process is
completed, a major decision regarding the depth of material to be removed in each serial
46 Chapter 4
section was necessary after considering the sizes of the grains, precipitates, and the voids
within the material. During characterization, it was observed that equiaxed austenite grains
along the inner wall of the tube were about 100m in diameter while the columnar grain
sizes were larger than 1mm. Furthermore, precipitate and void sizes ranged from
submicron to tenths of micrometers. Due to the large disparity of these sizes, it would be
impossible to reconstruct complete grains together with the associated precipitates and
voids. Therefore, a compromise was made and for this work a serial section depth of
0.5m was chosen. This decision also meant that the smallest feature to be reconstructed
would be limited to 1m (i.e. 2 serial sections), and features seen in only one serial section
image will be ignored. The serial sectioning process commenced when the areas of
interest were chosen and marked for imaging. Fiducial marks were made using a diamond
pyramid indenter with 100g load in the Leco M-400-HI microhardness tester. The
microhardness tester had a slightly modified sample stage which allowed for samples to be
rotated in addition to the normal X-Y translation (see Figure 4.1) enabling the fiducial
marks to be precisely placed on the samples. The indentations were arranged in a
triangular pattern so that they surrounded an area with dimensions (length width) as
follows; for 200 magnification 400300m, for 500 magnification 160120m.
These indentations served three purposes; identify areas to be imaged, indicate amount of
material removed, and act as reference points during image registration (alignment). After
etching in glyceregia, the first image of the serial section was then obtained using the Leica
DM-Inverted Research Microscope and Zeiss Axiocam.
The ratio between the diagonal distance and the depth of the microhardness indentation is
7:1. Thus, in order to remove 0.5m layer of material, the sample must be polished such
that the diagonal dimension of the indentation marks was reduced by 3.5m. Each sample
was polished using either the Buehler Minimet polisher or the Buehler Minimet 1000
polisher (see Figure 4.2). A timer was used to control the amount of material removed
while the applied load was kept constant at 5lbf (4.4N). Polishing speed was set at 50rpm.
Figure 4.1: Microhardness tester used for placement of fiducial marks. The rotation and
translation stages allowed for exact placement of indentation marks.
Initially, the sample was polished using Buehler MetaDi 1m diamond compound and
suspension on Buehler Trident cloth, followed by a final polish using Buehler
MasterMet 0.06m colloidal silica suspension on Buehler Chemomet pad. The
diamond polish was used to reduce the indentation mark dimensions by 3m and the
colloidal silica polish reduced the dimension a further 0.5m. This two-step process
produced an excellent finish on the samples, however the process required at least two
hours per serial section from the start of polishing to image capture. Furthermore, the
colloidal silica suspension had a tendency to crystallize during the long polishing process,
and these relatively large silica crystals (>0.06m) caused scratches on the polished
For subsequent samples, a one-step polishing stage using a fifty percent (by volume) water
dilution of Buehler MasterPolish suspension on Buehler Chemomet pad was employed.
Polishing load and speed settings on the Minimet remained unchanged. The polishing
results were not as impressive as colloidal silica polish, but the entire polish-etch-image
process typically took less than one hour per serial section, dramatically reducing the total
serial sectioning times for subsequent work. All serial section images were recorded as
48 Chapter 4
1.3-megapixels (12801024), 24-bit RGB (red-green-blue) TIFF*** color images (file size
approximately 3.9-megabytes per image).
Figure 4.2: Buehler Minimet 1000 polisher (left) and the older model Buehler Minimet
polisher (right) used for serial sectioning. The newer model has built-in electronic timer,
load and speed setting. The older model employed an external black box (upper right)
for timer and load controls.
For the reformer tube material studied in this work, a 100g indenter load normally
produced an indentation with an initial diagonal dimension of about 30m. After five
serial sections, the diagonal dimension would be reduced to 12.5m. At this point, a new
set of fiducial marks would be placed around the area of interest at some distance away
from the previous set of marks. This was done to preserve the continuity of the
measurement of diagonal dimension, and also maintain the reference points for image
registration. Figure 4.3 shows a sequence of nine serial section images of the same area.
Note the reduction in sizes of the fiducial marks and the placement of new marks.
Tagged Image File Format
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Figure 4.3: A sequence of nine serial section images showing the placement of fiducial
marks and the reduction of their sizes due to polishing.
For this work, a decision was made to limit the number of serial sections to no more than
100 layers per sample. Several exploratory samples were serial sectioned and
reconstructed in 3D and the decision to limit to 100 layers was made after considering
these various factors. For reformer tube materials, typical grain sizes are about 80-120m
in diameter for equiaxed grains near the inside wall of the tube, and the grain sizes can be
more than 2000m in length for columnar grains which extend to the outside wall (refer to
Figure 3.1). In contrast, void sizes were measured to be generally no larger than 50m in
diameter while the smallest voids to be reconstructed were limited to 1m in diameter,
based on the serial section thickness of 0.5m and the decision made earlier to only
reconstruct features appearing in at least two consecutive serial sections. Similarly,
precipitate particle sizes range from less than 1m for fine intragranular precipitates to
more than 50m for some grain boundary clusters. Ideally, it would be preferable to serial
section and reconstruct at least a full grain depth, but this would not be practical for the
case of reformer tubes. In terms of number of samples, between three to five reformer tube
50 Chapter 4
segments were sourced for this work, and for each tube segment, samples were to be taken
from two to four locations along the wall thickness. Assuming a total of four samples in
each of five tube segments, the total time required for serial sectioning 100 layers per
sample would amount to at least 2000 hours.
The first procedure that must be performed prior to 3D reconstruction is the image
registration process. During the serial sectioning process, the images were recorded from
samples that were manually placed on the optical microscope, thus it would be almost
impossible to place the sample at exactly the same position every time, which then resulted
in an inherent displacement of the features from one serial section to the next. The
collection of serial section images must therefore be aligned with respect to the first image
recorded so that any features reconstructed later would represent the true attribute of the
microstructure. In the early stages of this research, the image registration process was
done manually by overlaying two consecutive images together using NIH ImageJ software
[39]. The second image was then translated and rotated to align with the first image using
the Align3_TP plugin [69] within ImageJ. This process is shown pictorially in Figure 4.4
which clearly shows the resulting superimposed indentations in the aligned images of
Figure 4.4b. In the latter stages of this research, image registration was done automatically
using the StackReg plugin [38] within ImageJ. Using ImageJ, the entire set of serial
section images was first placed into an image stack and saved as a single TIFF image
file. The StackReg plugin would then register this image using the first image as the
reference and the resulting registered images were then be stored into another TIFF image
stack for subsequent processes. Movies of the before and after process in Figure 4.4
are available in the accompanying CDROM.
Once the stack of registered images was obtained, the 24-bit RGB images were converted
to 0.3-megapixels (640512), 8-bit greyscale images and saved into another TIFF image
file. This was done to reduce computer memory requirements during further image
processing of the stack. A crude 3D reconstruction would then be performed on the
greyscale image stack using the Volume Viewer plugin [70] in ImageJ to check the
appearance of the 3D volume. A transparent view into a 3D volume could also be made
using ImageJ. For the transparent view, the images were first inverted so that the
background (matrix) became black and thus removed, leaving the precipitates and voids.
Based on this transparent view, a crude animation of the 3D volume rotating in space can
also be performed within ImageJ; however this simple animation limits the rotation about
either X or Y axis only. More detailed 3D reconstructions and manipulations required the
use of more sophisticated software.
For example, the original 100-layer 1.3-megapixels, 24-bit RGB image stack will have
a size of 393-megabytes while the size of 100-layer 0.3-megapixels, 8-bit grayscale image
stack will only be 33-megabytes.
52 Chapter 4
remove the fiducial marks. Figure 4.5b shows the see-through image of the same
volume in (a) while Figure 4.5c shows a deep-etched image (glyceregia etch) of the same
material reconstructed in (a) and (b) (different area, obviously). Note the appearance of the
precipitate structure in the deep-etched image is similar to transparent view in (b); however
the intragranular precipitates and voids are not observable since they have been removed
by the deep etching process. As seen in Figures 4.5b and 4.5c, the serial sectioning
technique coupled with a simple 3D reconstruction method have already demonstrated
their usefulness to observe creep voids and adjoining microstructural features in 3D.
Figure 4.5: Example of a 3D view of ex-service reformer tube microstructure; (a) isometric
view of a 79053931m volume , (b) transparent view of the volume in (a) revealing
voids as white areas, precipitates in grey, and austenite matrix as black , (c) deep-etch
microstructure of the same material showing the network of precipitates, but all the fine
precipitates and creep voids were destroyed by the deep-etching process.
54 Chapter 4
Detailed 3D reconstruction was performed using a computer program written using RSI
IDL software [71] which read the individual image stacks and reconstructed the
microstructure accordingly. Edges of features highlighted (see Figure 4.6c) in consecutive
serial section images were rendered into 3D surfaces to create a hollow 3D object.
Similarly, the program could also build a solid 3D object from the serial section images;
however the program execution is slower and more memory intensive for creation of solids
as opposed to creation of surfaces. The separation of microstructural features done earlier
allowed for these features to be independently reconstructed and they can then be revealed
or hidden as required. Furthermore, employing the translation, rotation, and zoom tools in
IDL, specific components of the reconstruction can be scrutinized in even greater detail.
Figures 4.6d-g show the 3D reconstruction of creep voids and its surrounding features. By
employing these 3D reconstructions, the interactions between creep voids and their
surrounding precipitates can be properly studied.
(d) (e)
(f) (g)
Figure 4.6: Detailed 3D reconstruction of a void and surrounding features; (a) a single
serial section image showing a void, M23C6 precipitates (blue), and NbC precipitates
(brown); (b) cleaned inverted image with fine precipitates removed; (c) image
highlighting the various microstructural features void is yellow, M23C6 is blue, NbC is
red; (d) 3D reconstruction of a void and nearby precipitates ; (e) void only ; (f) M23C6
precipitates only ; (g) NbC precipitates only .
56 Chapter 4
4.3 3D Reconstruction of an As-Cast Reformer Tube Material
As mentioned in Chapter 3, the ex-service reformer tubes obtained for this research were
Centralloy CA4852-Micro centrifugal cast austenitic stainless steel tubes manufactured
by Schmidt-Clemens. A tube segment in the as-cast condition was also obtained for the
purpose of serial sectioning and 3D reconstruction. Prior to serial sectioning, the as-cast
tube sample underwent the same procedures outlined previously, namely the processes of
metallography sample preparation, grinding and polishing, and characterization of
precipitates. Brightfield optical micrographs of the as-cast sample are shown in Figure 4.7.
The most apparent difference between this as-cast microstructure and the ex-service
microstructure of Figure 3.3 in Chapter 3 is the absence of fine intragranular precipitates.
In addition, the as-cast grain boundary carbides have a more angular or faceted appearance
and some of the precipitate colonies also appear lamellar, in contrast to the ex-service grain
boundary carbides which have spheroidized and coarsened.
a b
Figure 4.7: Microstructure of as-cast reformer tube. (a) Low magnification image of
sample etched in glyceregia; (b) higher magnification image revealing three distinct
B 10
Counts (10 )
C 2
0 2 4 6 8 10
Energy (keV)
10 10
8 8
Counts (10 )
Counts (10 )
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Energy (keV) Energy (keV)
In Figure 4.9a, an isometric view of the equiaxed microstructure near the inner wall of the
tube is shown, while Figure 4.9b represents the transparent view of the 3D
reconstruction. The differences between the as-cast and the ex-service microstructures of
the reformer tubes (compare Figure 4.9 to Figure 4.5) are also apparent from these
reconstructions. The equiaxed structure is seen bounded by intergranular precipitates,
some of which show the typically more angular and lamellar-like structure of the M23C6
precipitates, compared to the intergranular precipitates in Figure 4.5. There are also coarse
intragranular precipitates observed in the as-cast structure similar to the ex-service
microstructure; however the fine intragranular precipitates are not present in the as-cast
Figure 4.9: 3D reconstruction of an equiaxed region of the as-cast reformer tube. (a)
isometric view of a 40425350m volume obtained near the inner wall of the tube .
An EBSD map is superimposed on the top layer to reveal the equiaxed austenite grains; (b)
transparent view of the volume showing intergranular precipitates, coarse intragranular
precipitates, and the absence of fine intragranular precipitates .
Figure 4.10 shows the typical 3D appearance of the columnar microstructure at the mid-
thickness area of the reformer tube. Here, the precipitates surround the grain boundaries in
addition to also bordering the fingers of the dendritic structure. Also observed are coarse
intragranular precipitates appearing discretely between the dendritic and grain boundaries.
Figure 4.10 also highlights the problem of 3D methods on complex materials with large
disparities between the sizes of its features. The chosen serial sectioning parameters
allowed for the precipitates to be faithfully reconstructed, however only a portion of the
large grains was captured in the volume.
60 Chapter 4
Figure 4.10: 3D reconstruction of a columnar region of the as-cast reformer tube. (a)
isometric view of a 40025050m volume obtained near the mid-thickness of the tube .
An EBSD map is superimposed on the top layer to reveal the large columnar austenite
grains; (b) transparent view of the volume showing precipitates at the grain and dentritic
boundaries and also coarse intragranular precipitates .
A more detailed 3D reconstruction can also be performed on the volumes to show the
various morphologies of the precipitates. Figure 4.11a shows an example of a detailed 3D
reconstruction of a subvolume where different features are separated by colors. In this
case, the M23C6, NbC, and TiC precipitates are blue, red, and green respectively.
Additionally, the subvolume in Figure 4.11a can be further detached into two portions as
shown in Figures 4.11b-c, to enable the viewer to have a less cluttered look into the
microstructure. The various features can also be turned on or off for inspection, as shown
previously in Figure 4.6. Figures 4.11a-c show that the M23C6, NbC, and even TiC
precipitates at the grain boundaries are intertwined, and this precipitate fragmentation
attribute is believed to contribute significantly to the creep strength of this material [14, 15,
43]. The detailed 3D reconstruction also allowed for precipitate volume percent to be
easily obtained. For the four volumes reconstructed for the as-cast tube, the volume
percent was calculated to be 7.8% for M23C6, 3.1% for NbC, and 0.2% for TiC.
It also needs to be pointed out that detailed colored 3D reconstructions were usually not
required for the analysis of the reformer tube microstructure. Simpler 3D reconstructions
generally were able to show the microstructural features adequately in various shades of
gray. Even when ambiguities occurred, the original colored serial section images were
used to remove any uncertainties.
62 Chapter 4
Figure 4.11: Detailed 3D reconstruction of a subvolume in the equiaxed region of the as-
cast tube. (a) 537950m volume showing the M23C6, NbC, and TiC precipitates as blue,
red, and green ; (b) separated top half of the reconstruction in (a) showing a less cluttered
appearance of the subvolume; (c) lower half of the reconstruction in (a) showing M23C6
precipitates lining up the base of the grain.
Chapter 5
A sample which has undergone severe creep was selected for the initial study of creep
voids. This sample was obtained from a reformer tube that had prematurely ruptured
during service, and thus would contain numerous creep voids. Serial sectioning and 3D
reconstruction techniques would then be employed to reveal the shapes, sizes, locations,
and adjacent precipitates of the creep voids in 3D, information that cannot be obtained
from two-dimensional micrographs alone. Additionally, crystallographic orientations of
the phases adjacent to creep voids would be studied by electron backscatter diffraction
(EBSD) to determine any crystallographic trends in creep void locations. A similar EBSD
study on precipitates in the same material subjected to high temperature ageing (but with
no creep deformation) would also be performed for comparison.
A major portion of this chapter has been published in 3D analysis of creep voids in
hydrogen reformer tubes by Azmi Abdul Wahab and Milo V. Kral, in Materials Science
and Engineering A 412 (2005) 222-229.
The sample studied in this chapter was obtained from a ruptured reformer tube from the
Methanex Kitimat plant in British Columbia, Canada. The tube had been in service for
60,000 hours (6.8 years) at approximately 2MPa internal pressure and a maximum service
temperature of 940C. Investigations into the cause of the premature creep failure
discovered that there was excessive eccentricity of the bore of the tube resulting in a wall
thickness less than the designed minimum sound wall thickness [72]. The tube material
64 Chapter 5
was Schmidt-Clemens Centralloy CA4852-Micro centrifugally cast austenitic stainless
steel tubes similar to the one previously described in Chapter 3, but with a thirty percent
equiaxed microstructure. This tube was selected for study in order to establish a worst-
case scenario of a material which had undergone severe creep. The sample for study was
obtained from a location adjacent to where rupture had occurred. The chosen location
contained numerous creep voids but did not contain any cracks.
Prior to serial sectioning, precipitates in the ex-service sample were first characterized
using the various techniques described earlier in Chapter 3, specifically optical
microscopy, SEM/EDS, XRD, EBSD, and TEM. Once characterization of precipitates was
completed, serial sectioning commenced on this sample using methods outlined in Chapter
4. Sectioning was performed at 0.5m steps for sixty five layers for a total thickness of
32m, and for this sample, the two-stage polishing process was employed. The Buehler
MetaDi 1m diamond compound and suspension on Buehler Trident cloth was used to
remove approximately 0.4m thick layer of the section, followed by a final polish using
Buehler MasterMet 0.06m colloidal silica suspension on Buehler Chemomet pad to
remove the remaining 0.1m of the serial section.
A total of four locations of the sample were selected for study; two 400300m areas and
two 160120m areas were imaged at original magnifications of 200 and 500
respectively. All four areas were selected from the equiaxed region near the inner tube
wall where most of the creep voids were located. Due to the relatively large size of some
of the grains involved (in excess of 150m), it was ascertained that only the two
400300m areas were suitable for 3D reconstruction and analysis.
Image processing and 3D reconstruction of the ex-service sample were also performed
using methods described in detail in Section 4.2 of Chapter 4. The collection of images
was first registered with respect to the first serial section by manually overlaying two
consecutive images together, and manipulating the second image (rotating and translating)
so that the fiducial marks of the second image line up with those of the first image.
Separate image stacks were then created for each microstructural feature and specific
colors were attributed to the various microconstituents and voids for enhanced
visualization. Visualization of the 3D datasets allowed observation and quantification of
microstructural data that would have been impossible to study via other techniques.
Information such as void volume or precipitate volume fraction can be determined by
counting voxels which were then converted into units of volume. Furthermore, 3D
reconstructions could be viewed and rotated about any axis and animated for further study
of morphology and interconnectivity of features. By loading the specific image stacks,
microstructural features can be revealed or hidden as needed (refer to Figure 4.6 in Chapter
The precipitates characterized in this ex-service reformer tube were similar to the ones
described earlier in Chapter 3. The coarse precipitates were identified as M23C6, NbC, and
TiC, while the fine precipitates were established as M23C6. Figure 5.1 displays the
isometric views of 3D reconstructions of one of the sectioned volumes. In Figure 5.1a, a
total of 138 creep voids are reconstructed and highlighted in yellow and are superimposed
on the 3D volume. Figures 5.1b shows only the creep voids while Figure 5.1c represents a
smaller sub-volume showing the voids and grain-boundary precipitates in various colors.
One observation that can immediately be made from this 3D reconstruction is that the
creep voids are not uniformly distributed in the sample volume in terms of their size,
shape, and location. This instant observation already highlights the effectiveness of 3D
techniques in revealing the true microstructure of materials. On the other hand, Figure 5.1
also shows the problem of viewing 3D reconstructions on a two-dimensional medium such
as the pages of this thesis. The inability to manipulate the appearance of the 3D
reconstructions on paper reduces ones appreciation of the complexity of the
microstructure and ones ability to fully study the reconstructed microstructure. Only via
real time computer display enables the full comprehension of the generated 3D
microstructure. The animated movies available in the accompanying CDROM allow for a
limited amount of manipulation which to some extent would allow for better
understanding of the microstructure in 3D.
Using the movie player scroll bar allows one to step through the movie frame by frame.
66 Chapter 5
(a) longitudinal
(b) longitudinal
(c) longitudinal
Figure 5.2: Classification of creep void shapes; (a) spherical voids ; (b) peanut-shaped
void which appear to be a joining together of two or more voids ; (c) ellipsoidal void .
68 Chapter 5
A total of 290 voids were reconstructed from the two larger serial-sectioned volumes
(obtained at the original magnification of 200), and their various characteristics observed
from the 3D reconstruction are summarized in Figure 5.4. Figure 5.4a shows the overall
void distribution represented by the equivalent void diameter. Total void volume for each
diameter classification is indicated on the left axis while the number of voids in each class
is indicated on the right axis. This graph simply points out that although there are a higher
number of voids with diameters less than 4m, the total volume occupied by these voids is
small compared to the total volume occupied by voids that are larger than 12m diameter.
Figure 5.4b shows a further breakdown of the void distribution in terms of their location
within the grain structure. The larger voids appear predominantly along grain edges and
corners (intersection of three and four grains respectively), while smaller voids are located
primarily along facets (between two grains) and edges. There were a few instances of
voids appearing intragranularly (within austenite grains) where they appear adjacent to Cr-
rich M23C6 precipitates. These void locations are categorized as Intragranular on Figure
5.4b, and due to the low frequency of occurrence, their appearance on the graph is hardly
Figure 5.4c displays the correlation between void location and void shape. Peanut-shaped
voids account for most of the total void volume, perhaps unsurprisingly, since this void
type appears to be a coalescence of two or more voids. Ellipsoidal voids occupy the least
amount of space, but it can be argued that these voids might also be a coalescence of two
voids. In terms of numbers, there were more voids occurring at grain facets, however, the
total volume of the voids at this location is less than as tenth of the volume taken up by
voids at grain edges and corners. A possible explanation is as follows. In high
temperature diffusional flow creep, deformation results when adjacent grains displace
relative to each other in a process called accommodation grain boundary sliding. Here,
additional diffusion occurs along the grain boundaries to prevent cracks and voids from
forming due to migration of atoms and vacancies during diffusional creep. However, in
the presence of inclusions or precipitates, the rate of accommodation grain boundary
sliding could not match deformation rate of diffusional creep, thus allowing voids to form
[16, 21, 73]. In this material, the occurrence of larger voids at grain edges and corners
coincide with the presence of large carbide clusters at these locations. These carbide
clusters may have inhibited accommodation grain boundary sliding, hence causing large
voids to grow, which lead to more severe creep damage at grain edges and corners.
Figure 5.4d displays the link between the precipitates in contact with the voids and their
occurrences in terms of number of voids and fraction of total void volume. These results
show that a higher number of voids was in contact with only M23C6 precipitate but a higher
fraction of total void volume came in contact with both M23C6 and NbC precipitates. The
most significant observation made from Figure 5.4d is that all the voids inspected came in
contact with M23C6 somewhere along their perimeter. No voids were observed solely in
contact with NbC and/or TiC precipitates. Correlation between creep void locations and
M23C6 precipitates has been mentioned previously in the literature [73, 74]. From the
present inspection of a single ex-service tube, it cannot be conclusively said that these
voids nucleated only at M23C6 precipitates. However, it should be noted that for the
material volume inspected, there was twice the amount of M23C6 compared to NbC
(approximately 7% vs 3%, by volume), and thus the absence of voids solely adjacent to
NbC precipitates is conspicuous. Another comment to follow these observations is that
there were no other types of inclusions or impurities found to be associated with the voids.
One work on bainitic CrMoV steel has indicated that creep voids nucleate exclusively on
grain boundary sulfides [75]. It has also been proposed that creep voids nucleate only on
nonadherent grain boundary inclusions [73]. However, in this work, no evidence was
found to support this claim.
70 Chapter 5
50 150 50
Total Volume (10 m )
Number of Voids .
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0 0
10 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 101012121414161618182020 10 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 101012121414161618182020
Equivalent Void Diameter (m) EquivalentVoid
Equivalent Diameter((m)
VoidDiameter m)
Facet Edge
Total Volume Number
Corner Intragranular
(a) (b)
90 160 1.0 160
Voide Volume
Total Volume (10 m )
Number of Voids .
70 0.8
Number of Voids
120 120
of Total
80 0.5 80
30 0.3
40 40
20 0.2
10 0.1
0 0 0.0 0
M M C 23 +Nb
M 2 3 C6 M C
6 C M 2 323 6
C6 +TiC
Intra- M 23 C6
Facet Edge Corner
Corner +NbC +TiC
Void Location Precipitate in Contact
Peanut Spherical Volume Fraction Number
Ellipsoidal Number
(c) (d)
Figure 5.4: Characteristics of creep void obtained from 3D reconstruction of reformer tube
material. Total number of voids analyzed is 290 obtained from two reconstructed volumes;
(a) overall distribution of total void volume and number for various sizes of voids; (b)
distribution in (a) is further categorized in terms of void location; (c) correlation between
void location and void shape; (d) voids and contact precipitates listed as fraction of total
void volume and void count.
5.3 EBSD of Creep Void Precipitates
It is important to restate here that all voids in the ex-service reformer tube were observed
next to precipitates, and all of these voids came into contact with M23C6 somewhere along
their perimeter. Previous studies [76-81] have shown that formation and growth of M23C6
precipitates in austenitic stainless steels is influenced by the orientation relationship (OR)
between the precipitates and the adjacent austenite grains. Consequently, it was
hypothesized that OR of the precipitate-austenite interface (i.e. between adjacent austenite
grains, neighboring precipitates, or bordering austenite and precipitate particles), may also
be responsible for the occurrence of M23C6 next to every void observed in the ex-service
sample. Using EBSD, the crystallography of the M23C6-austenite interfaces of an ex-
service sample was studied and compared to similar interfaces in an aged as-cast sample
with no creep damage. This experiment was performed in order to establish any
crystallographic trends that might be unique to M23C6 precipitates in tubes that were
subjected to creep.
After sectioning layers 45, 55 and 65, all four areas of interests in the ex-service sample
were subjected to EBSD scans to generate an overall orientation map. To expedite the
EBSD and serial sectioning processes, scans were perform only after every tenth serial
section layer, or every 5m of material removed. Considering the fact that on average, the
austenite grain size was about 80m and void diameters were typically larger than 5m,
sufficient crystallographic information can still be obtained by scanning every tenth layer.
An example of an EBSD map of the austenite grains is shown in Figure 5.5a (same
location as Figure 5.1a). Here, the grains are represented by different colors according to
their respective crystallographic orientations, which meant that grains shown in the same
color have the same crystallographic orientation with respect to the reference axes.
Furthermore, the output of EBSD mapping was also applied to the 3D reconstructions, as
shown in Figure 5.5b (same location as Figure 5.1c). The reconstructions incorporated the
crystallographic orientations to differentiate each austenite grain, while precipitates and
voids were superimposed as areas of gray and white respectively. Following the EBSD
mapping, all the voids and their immediate surroundings in all four areas were imaged
using forescatter Z-contrast (FZ) and forescatter orientation (FO) detectors, in addition to
(a) (b)
Figure 5.5: EBSD mapping of reformer tube microstructure. (a) EBSD map obtained after
layer 45 of the serial section process (same area as Figure 5.1a). (b) EBSD map
superimposed on a 3D reconstruction to differentiate the austenite grains (same area as
Figure 5.1c). Precipitates and voids are shown in gray and white, respectively.
A control sample was also prepared from an as-cast tube made from the same alloy as
the ex-service tube. In order to replicate the service time and temperature, the control
sample was aged at 1030C for 500 hours in air resulting in a Larson-Miller parameter
(LMP)**** value of 33.4, compared to a value of 33.6 for the ex-service sample based on a
temperature of 940C for 60,000 hours. The control sample was used to determine the OR
of the precipitate-austenite interface in an aged material and compare that to the OR of the
precipitate-austenite interface in a material with creep deformation (ex-service sample).
The differences in microstructures between the ex-service and aged samples are very
apparent in Figure 5.6. Although the LMP values were similar, the microstructural
development of a sample that has undergone 6.8 years at a maximum temperature of 940C
(Figure 5.6a) is completely different from the aged sample that experienced 1030C for
only 500 hours (Figure 5.6b). The combined presence of applied stress, operating
temperature, and perhaps a chemically active environment (of methane and hydrogen) for
Refer to Appendix I for Larson-Miller diagram for CA4852-Micro.
6.8 years resulted in the presence of numerous creep voids amongst the coarse precipitates
lining up the grain boundaries. On the contrary, the grain boundary precipitates in the aged
samples still show the lamellar-like appearance even though their form is much less
angular or faceted as in the as-cast sample (refer to Figure 4.7 in Chapter 4). Furthermore,
the intragranular precipitates appear slightly coarser and less in numbers in the ex-service
tube, whereas in contrast, the aged sample contained denser and finer intragranular
precipitates. The shorter time at high temperature, coupled with the lack of applied stress
would have impeded the dynamics of the creep deformation processes, slowing the
coarsening of the precipitates and the formation of voids. However, identity of precipitates
in the aged sample was the same as in the ex-service tube.
a b
Figure 5.6: Differences in microstructure between the tube samples. (a) Ex-service
reformer tube after 6.8 years at a maximum temperature of 940C; (b) Aged tube sample
after 500 hours at 1030C. Larson Miller parameters for both tubes are similar.
EBSD patterns (or EBSPs) were then recorded in spot mode for specific locations of the
matrix and precipitates surrounding the creep voids. For each precipitate grain in contact
with a creep void, EBSPs were obtained from the precipitate as well as the austenite grains
on both sides of the grain boundary. In instances where the precipitate grain contained
subgrains, EBSPs were obtained from each subgrain if its size was larger than the size of
the electron beam. The occurrence of these subgrains within large precipitate colonies
would certainly influence the orientation relationships (OR) data obtained if the electron
beam size is larger than the subgrain size. This would be due to the fact that the largest
74 Chapter 5
subgrain within the electron beam spot would dominate the EBSD pattern and obscure the
pattern from any smaller subgrains. EBSD scans were also carried out on the control
sample. Since the control sample did not contain any creep voids, grain boundary
precipitates were selected at random and EBSPs were obtained for these precipitates and
the adjacent austenite matrices.
An example of the EBSD procedure is demonstrated in Figure 5.7. Figures 5.7a, 5.7b, and
5.7c are examples of SE, FZ, and FO images of a creep void and its vicinity. The locations
where EBSPs were obtained are identified in Figure 5.7c. Examples of typical EBSPs are
shown in Figures 5.7d through 5.7j. A combination of EDS and EBSD was used to
positively identify the various precipitates observed.
HKL Technologys Flamenco software was used to analyse the EBSPs which then
automatically calculated a 33 orientation matrix for each EBSP. The misorientation M
between any two phases (A and B) can then be obtained from the matrix operation:
[A][B]-1 = [M]
where [A] and [B] are orientation matrices of locations within phases A and B with respect
to an arbitrary reference axis system. Assuming that:
m11 m12 m13
[M] = m21 m22 m23
m m33
31 m32
the orientation relationship (OR) between location A and B is then:
[m11 m21 m31 ]A // [1 0 0]B
[m12 m22 m23 ]A // [0 1 0]B
[m31 m32 m33 ]A // [0 0 1]B
The misorientation angle M and axis [u v w] between A and B can also be calculated from
misorientation matrix [M] by the following equations:
m11 + m22 + m33 1
M = cos -1 [u v w] = [m23 m32 m31 m13 m12 m21 ]
a b NbC c
void 1 M23C6
1 7
3 2
d e f
111 111
121 121
110 110
130 130
g h i
111 121
121 121
110 011
110 010
Figure 5.7: Phase identification procedure for precipitates
121 near creep voids. (a) SE image of a creep void and
011 surrounding area; (b) FZ image identifying various phases
present; (c) FO image identifying the different grains and
also specifying the locations where EBSPs were obtained;
(d) EBSP of austenite (location 1); (e) EBSP of another
austenite grain (location 2) (f-h) EBSPs of three M23C6
010 grains (locations 3, 4, 5); (i) EBSP of TiC (location 6); (j)
EBSP of NbC (location 7).
76 Chapter 5
Figure 5.8a shows the OR between M23C6 precipitates adjacent to creep voids and each
adjacent austenite matrix grain in the form of a [100] stereographic triangle. A total of 442
points was plotted. Data represented by filled squares are M23C6 precipitates with a near
cube-cube OR (high coherency) with an adjacent austenite grain while data represented by
open squares are for M23C6 precipitates with a random OR (low coherency). Typically an
angular difference between grains of 10-15 is taken as low angle grain boundary, where
dislocation arrays are able to compensate for the interface mismatch [82]. For this work,
near cube-cube OR is determined by a misorientation angle of 10 or less. Figure 5.8b
shows the distribution of misorientation angles for M23C6 precipitates and austenite grains
in the vicinity of the creep voids. The distribution showed that approximately twenty
percent of the M23C6 precipitates adjacent to voids show a near cube-cube OR, while the
remaining eighty percent of these precipitates occurred on low coherency interfaces.
Previous work by King and Bell [83] stated that grain boundary precipitates should obtain
rational OR with one of the adjacent grains. Specifically, works by Lewis and Hattersley
[77] and Beckitt and Clark [76] on M23C6 precipitates in austenitic stainless steels indicate
that grain boundary M23C6 precipitates should display a cube-cube OR with at least one of
the adjacent austenite grains. Furthermore, long term ageing such as the service condition
experienced by the ex-service reformer tube would typically result in realignment of the
grain boundary carbides towards a near cube-cube OR so that the total interface energy is
lowered [77]. This would imply that the occurrence of cube-cube OR between M23C6
precipitates and the adjacent austenite grains should be fifty percent. Interestingly, this
hypothesis was demonstrated by the control sample which underwent high temperature
ageing without any loading. As mentioned earlier, the control sample was aged in air at
1030C for 500 hours. Although the ex-service alloy experienced service at 940C for
60,000 hours, both Larson-Miller parameters were similar (33.4 for control sample, 33.6
for the ex-service). The OR data for the control sample (total of 272 points) showed a
higher degree of clustering around the 100 pole, as indicated in Figure 5.8c. The
misorientation angle distribution in Figure 5.8d established that cube-cube OR between
M23C6 precipitates and austenite occurred forty seven percent of the time.
Relative Frequency
Misorientation Angle (degrees)
(a) (b)
Misorientation Angle (degrees)
(c) (d)
Figure 5.8: Comparison of orientation relationships and misorientation angles between ex-
service material and laboratory-aged sample. (a) OR between M23C6 and austenite grains
in ex-service tube sample, closed squares indicate M23C6 precipitates with near cube-cube
OR with austenite; (b) misorientation angle distribution of OR data shown in (a), black
histogram bar correspond to near cube-cube data ; (c) OR between M23C6 and austenite
grains in laboratory-aged sample; (d) misorientation angle distribution of OR data shown
in (c).
Based on the above observations, it is believed the preferred sites for creep voids are low
coherency boundaries (random OR) between M23C6 precipitates and austenite. One
possible explanation for this phenomena is the low coherency boundaries contained more
vacancies due to lattice mismatch. As mentioned in Chapter 2, diffusional flow creep
occurs at low stress and high temperature, and this mechanism requires the motion of
78 Chapter 5
atoms and vacancies. Perhaps, this makes low coherency interfaces ideal locations for
voids to initially form. The applied stress and high temperature would then result in
continuous motion of atoms and vacancies which would cause permanent deformation of
the grains. However, the presence of precipitates at the grain boundaries is believed to
inhibit the rate of accommodation grain boundary sliding from matching the rate of
diffusional creep, resulting in the formation of these voids along precipitates at the grain
boundaries [21].
5.4 Conclusions
Creep voids in an ex-service hydrogen reformer tube have been studied via serial
sectioning and 3D reconstruction. Creep voids are not uniformly distributed through the
volume in terms of their size, shape, and location. The largest voids were formed by
coalescence of two or more voids resulting in a peanut shape. Almost all of the voids
appeared near grain boundary carbides and the larger of these voids were located at grain
edges and corners. This is possibly due to the presence of large carbides acting as
obstruction to accommodation grain boundary sliding, and also as large sources of
vacancies for the atom-vacancy migrations of the diffusional flow creep. All voids
appeared next to precipitates and all of these voids made contact with M23C6 precipitates.
No voids were observed in sole contact with TiC or NbC precipitates. EBSD observation
of the M23C6 precipitates surrounding these voids showed that 80% of the voids were
found adjacent to precipitates with a random OR with the surrounding austenite matrix,
rather than being distributed equally (50%) at precipitates with either cube-cube or random
OR with the austenite matrix.
Chapter 6
In this portion of the research, samples were taken from three locations along the length of
a single reformer tube to investigate the effects of service conditions on the characteristics
of creep voids. In addition, samples were obtained from various positions along the wall
thickness where there are also differences in temperature, stress, and microstructure. The
characteristics of these voids were studied with the idea of applying the findings to a
classic void growth model presented by Raj and Ashby [27]. The application of data
obtained from 3D observations to a growth model is anticipated to bring new insights and
the Raj and Ashby model will be discussed further in the next chapter.
The samples studied in this chapter were taken from a single reformer tube that was retired
after 90,000 hours of service at Methanex Kitimat plant in British Columbia, Canada. The
tube was retired due to excessive diametral strain (based on an in-house deformation
criterion) but was otherwise structurally sound with no cracks or ruptures. As previously
described in Chapter 3, the tube material is Schmidt-Clemens Centralloy CA4852-Micro
centrifugally cast austenitic stainless steel. The microstructure of this tube consists of
small equiaxed grains along 20% of the inner cross-section of the tube, while the
remaining outer cross-section contains large columnar grains. Various precipitates outline
the grain and cell boundaries of the equiaxed and columnar structures and these
80 Chapter 6
precipitates are responsible for the high temperature characteristics of the reformer tube
(refer to Section 2.2 in Chapter 2).
The locations along the reformer tube where the samples were obtained were at distances
of 12.5m, 9.9m, and 2.4m from the top inlet flange and these samples were identified as
K1, K2, and K3 respectively. Profiles for the inner and outer wall temperatures and the
internal pressure for this ex-service tube are shown in Figure 6.1, with the respective
sample locations indicated. Additionally, the diametral strains for the tube and the
corresponding sample locations are shown in Figure 6.2. The strain measurements were
determined from LOTISTM inspections performed on the tube. Note that samples K1
and K2 were taken from the same tube segment while K3 is from an adjoining tube
segment. A summary of the operating conditions for all three samples is given in Table
1000 2.5
K2 K1
0 1.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance From Top Flange (m)
Figure 6.1: Temperature and pressure profiles of the Kitimat ex-service reformer tube.
Locations where samples were obtained (K1, K2, K3) are indicated on the graph.
Diametral Strain (%)
3 K2
1 K3
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Distance From Top Flange (m)
Figure 6.2: Diametral strain of the Kitimat ex-service reformer tube. Locations of samples
K1, K2, and K3 are shown on the graph.
In general, the methods employed for characterization of precipitates, serial sectioning, and
3D reconstruction on these samples are similar to those described earlier in Chapters 3 and
4. Characterization of the precipitates was performed using a combination of EDS and
EBSD techniques. The serial sectioning process was carried out via the one-step polishing
method using a fifty percent (by volume) water dilution of Buehler MasterPolish
suspension on Buehler Chemomet pad. For each sample location, four 40030050 m
volumes of material were obtained, each from 100 serial sections at a 0.5 m sectioning
increment. Two volumes were taken in the equiaxed-grain region near the inside wall of
82 Chapter 6
the tube and the other two volumes were taken from different locations containing large
columnar grains, one from mid-thickness and another from an outer wall area. These
approximate areas are shown graphically in Figure 6.3. EBSD scans of the samples were
done on five serial sections layers; for K1 sample, EBSD scans were made every tenth
section starting at layer 15 and ending at layer 55; for samples K2 and K3, EBSD scans
were performed at every twenty layers from layer 10 to layer 90.
hoop stress
Figure 6.3: Macrostructure of the reformer tube wall showing the approximate locations of
where the volumes were obtained for 3D reconstructions. The inner wall of the tube is on
the right hand side of the image and the increase in temperature and hoop stress relative to
the wall thickness is indicated by the arrows.
Registration of serial section images was carried out using NIH ImageJ software [39] and
the StackReg plug-in [38], while 3D reconstructions of the volume were performed
using RSIs IDL [71]. Void measurements such as volume, inter-void distance and grain
boundary angle were achieved using various tools available in ImageJ, while void
characteristics such as shape, type, location, and precipitate in contact were visualized
using a combination of ImageJ and IDL.
Due to the large austenite grain sizes, EBSD scans were reduced from every tenth
serial section to every twentieth serial section (every 10m).
6.2 3D Reconstructions and Characterization of Voids
Characterization of precipitates via EDS and EBSD techniques revealed that three types of
precipitates were present in the tube samples. Coarse chromium-rich M23C6 precipitates
were present in the cell and grain boundaries and were also present as fine intragranular
precipitates. Other precipitates present were of the MC-type carbides that appeared as
either NbC in the cell and grain boundaries, or as TiC that appeared predominantly within
the grains.
Twelve hundred serial sections were obtained to generate twelve reconstructed volumes for
the three reformer tube samples. Four volumes were reconstructed for each sample, and
examples of 3D reconstructions of the equiaxed and columnar microstructures are shown
in the isometric views of Figures 6.4 and 6.5, respectively, with the corresponding EBSD
maps superimposed on the top layers to show the austenite grains. Creep voids appear as
the irregular dark shapes whereas the various precipitates appear in varying shades of grey.
The differences between the equiaxed structure and the columnar structure are clearly
evident, as revealed by the EBSD maps, and the carbide distribution generally marks the
grain boundaries in the equiaxed microstructures of Figure 6.4, and dendrite arm
boundaries in the columnar microstructures of Figure 6.5.
The precipitate morphologies and the distribution of creep voids of the same volumes
shown in Figures 6.4 and 6.5 are further illustrated in the transparent views of Figures
6.6 and 6.7. The higher service temperature experienced by K1 samples resulted in larger
creep void volumes and coarser precipitates as clearly shown in Figures 6.6a and 6.7a,
compared to the K3 samples shown in Figures 6.6c and 6.7c. The differences in precipitate
morphologies due to the temperature variations are also apparent in Figures 6.6a and 6.7a
compared to Figures 6.6c and 6.7c. In the higher temperature samples of Figures 6.6a and
6.7a, the grain and cell boundary precipitates appear rounder and coarser measuring around
6m wide in grain facets and up to 15m wide in grain edges and corners. In contrast, the
precipitates are thinner and more angular in the lower temperature samples in Figures 6.6c
and 6.7c and measured approximately 3m wide and rarely exceeded 5m in width.
Furthermore, intragranular precipitates are also much finer and appear in abundance near
the grain and cell boundaries in the lower temperature samples. All data in this chapter
were obtained from these transparent greyscale 3D reconstructions.
84 Chapter 6
T = 878C
p = 1.82MPa
(a) longitudinal
T = 867C
p = 1.91MPa
T = 775C
p = 2.16MPa
Figure 6.4: 3D reconstructions of the equiaxed microstructure at the inner wall of the tube.
(a) Sample K1; (b) sample K2; (c) sample K3. Note that diametral strain and temperature
decreases from the sample in (a) to the sample in (c), but the internal pressure increases.
The orientation of the volumes with respect to the tube axes is indicated. EBSD maps are
superimposed on the top layer.
T = 888C radial
p = 1.82MPa
T = 886C
p = 1.91MPa
T = 848C
p = 2.16MPa
Figure 6.5: 3D reconstructions of the columnar microstructure at the outer wall of the tube.
(a) Sample K1; (b) sample K2; (c) sample K3. Note that diametral strain and temperature
decreases from the sample in (a) to the sample in (c), but the internal pressure increases.
The orientation of the volumes with respect to the tube axes is indicated. EBSD maps are
superimposed on the top layer.
86 Chapter 6
From the twelve 3D reconstructions, a total of 1268 voids were reconstructed and
characterized. Figure 6.9a-c shows the total volume, mean diameter, and void density for
creep voids occurring at the inner wall, mid-thickness, and outer wall of the tube. For each
3D reconstruction, the total void volume was determined by summing the volumes of all
grain boundary voids contained within the reconstruction. The mean diameter values were
determined by first calculating the mean volume of voids and then determining the
equivalent mean diameter by assuming that all voids are spherical. Meanwhile, the void
density for each reconstruction was obtained by dividing the number of grain boundary
voids by the grain boundary area. This action resulted in a void density value that is
independent of the reconstructed volume size or the number of grains sectioned.
In essence, the two plots in Figure 6.9a and 6.9b show that larger voids tend to occur at the
bottom of the reformer tube (sample K1) where temperature is generally higher than the
top of the tube (sample K3). However, in each sample location, there is a decrease in both
the total void volume and the size of the voids from the inner wall regions to the outer wall
regions of the tube even though the temperature is higher on the outer wall. It is important
to note that the inner wall of the tube consisted of equiaxed microstructure, which in
general contained more grain boundary areas for voids to nucleate and grow. Referring
back to Table V to compare the grain boundary areas, it appeared that for instances where
there were large differences in grain boundary areas between the inner and outer wall
(samples K1 and K2), the observed differences for total void volume and mean void
diameter between the inner and outer wall were significant. Conversely, in the case of the
K3 sample, the grain boundary areas at the inner and outer wall were quite similar, and the
respective differences for total void volume and mean void diameter were not as dramatic.
In terms of the density of grain boundary voids shown in Figure 6.9c, the general trend for
samples K1 and K2 indicated an increasing in the number of voids per grain boundary area
from the inner to the outer wall. It needs to be noted that at the inner wall, the
microstructure is equiaxed and the grain boundary area is larger than at the outer wall,
while the temperature is lower than at the outer wall. In contrast, sample K3 appears to
indicate a different deformation mechanism considering that the effective stresses were
much higher for K3 due to the higher difference in temperature between the inner and
outer wall (refer to Table V). Nevertheless, the obtained measurements of mean diameter
and void density will be applied to the void growth model to be presented in Chapter 7, and
the effects of temperature, stress, and microstructure will be further analyzed.
250 20
Total Void Volume ( 1000 m )
0 0
Inner Wall Mid- Outer Inner Wall Mid- Outer
Thickness Wall Thickness Wall
(a) (b)
Void Count/GB Area ( mm )
1000 K3
Inner Wall Mid- Outer
Thickness Wall
Figure 6.9: Comparison of characteristics of grain boundary voids between the three
samples taken at various positions along the reformer tube and at three wall positions. (a)
Total void volume; (b) mean void diameter; (c) void density.
92 Chapter 6
The mean void diameter and the void density data presented in Figure 6.9b and 6.9c are
further broken down to see the how various microstructural features affect the size and
density of these voids. Void size can be thought of as a representation of void growth
whereas void density can be assumed to represent nucleation. Void size and void density
information obtained were separated in terms of void locations, adjoining precipitates(s),
void type, and their shape. These trends are discussed further in the following paragraphs
and their outcome will also be applied into the model in Chapter 7.
Figure 6.10a shows the influence of void location on the size and density of creep voids in
the samples obtained. Generally, most of the larger voids are located at grain edges and
corners. However, this information is somewhat misleading for the mid-thickness and
outer wall regions of the tube samples where data were not available for comparisons due
to the predominance of large columnar grains (i.e. very few corners and edges were
actually observed). This is evident for sample K1 where mid-thickness and outer wall
reconstructed volumes did not contain any grain edges or corners. Thus, these large
columnar grains may be inadequately represented in the 3D reconstructions. Nevertheless,
in comparing only the inner wall regions, samples K1 and K2 show a similar behavior
where voids are largest at the grain corners (four-grain junctions) and smallest at grain
facets (two-grain junctions). In contrast, sample K3, which experienced the lowest
temperature but highest stress, shows a different behavior where its largest voids occur at
the grain edges (three-grain junctions) and the smallest voids were at the grain corners.
If we regard void size as the representation of void growth, the results in Figure 6.10a
imply that voids grow more readily at grain edges and corners. It has long been advocated
that void growth is the result of diffusion occurring across the void surface and subsequent
migration of atoms along the grain boundaries [25]. The highly disordered nature of the
interfaces at grain edges and corners (due to presence of more lattice mismatch from three
or four grain boundaries) would thus make corners and edges the ideal locations for
diffusion to occur, thereby enhancing the creep deformation process. However, the
presence of precipitates at these locations would impede the process of accommodation
grain boundary sliding from matching the process of diffusional creep, resulting ultimately
in the growth of voids
The main observation to be made from Figure 6.10b is that a much higher number of voids
was found at grain facets than at grain edges and corners. Considering void density as
representing nucleation, the higher number of voids at grain facets may not be too
surprising, since in a typical microstructure there will always be more grain facets present
than grain edges and corners. It is conceivable that simply because of the higher numbers
of grain facets than edges or corners, there would likely be more sites at facets for voids to
nucleate. Furthermore, comparing inner and outer wall of samples K1 and K2, void
density numbers also shows an increase from the inner wall than the outer wall. This may
be either due to the higher temperature at the outer tube wall, or due to the fact that the
voids at the inner wall have coalesced and thus reduced in number. Sample K3 again
shows an opposite behavior, presumably due to a different creep mechanism resulting from
the lower temperature but higher stress present at the inner wall of this location of the tube.
Nucleation of creep voids is still not a well-understood field. In his review paper, Kassner
[25] summarized three theories of void nucleation:
nucleation from grain boundary ledges or at triple point caused by grain boundary
nucleation due to vacancy condensation at high stress regions;
nucleation due to dislocation pile-ups.
The presence of precipitates at grain boundaries (such as the reformer tubes studied here)
may require a combination of all three mechanisms for void nucleation to occur [25]. In
the reformer tube material, samples taken from the lower portion of the tube (hotter region)
most probably have undergone void nucleation either from grain boundary sliding at or
vacancy condensation since the stresses were relatively lower than in the upper region of
the tube. At the upper region of the tube, the higher stresses present may have resulted in
voids nucleating due to dislocation pile-ups. Nevertheless, both the void size and density
information gathered here will be used in the model in Chapter 7.
94 Chapter 6
Mean Void Diameter ( m )
20 21
15 16 16 17 17
10 12 12 11 11
8 8
5 7
6 5 6
4 4 4
0 0 0 0 0
K1 K2 K3
Void Count/GB Area (mm )
K1 K2 K3
Facet Edge Corner
Figure 6.10: Correlation of void location with: (a) void size, and (b) void density. Samples
were obtained at various positions along the reformer tube and at three wall positions.
(Note: IW=inner wall, MT=mid-thickness, OW=outer wall).
Figures 6.11a-b show the breakdown of void size and density of contact precipitates. The
most important information obtained from these two figures is that all observed voids
encountered M23C6 precipitates somewhere along their perimeter. No voids were observed
solely in contact with either NbC or TiC, or with both of these precipitates together.
Additionally, no voids were observed not in contact with any precipitate at all. This
outcome further confirmed the same observations made earlier in Chapter 5 on a different
reformer tube sample where all the voids were also observed in contact with M23C6
Figure 6.11a also shows that the larger voids tend to appear next to a combination of
M23C6 and NbC or a combination of M23C6, NbC, and TiC precipitates. Initially, it was
thought that this may simply be due to the fact that when the voids grew large enough, they
will encounter more precipitates and precipitate types other than just M23C6. However,
looking at the smaller voids at the outer wall of sample K2 and at all locations of sample
K3, precipitates other than M23C6 were present even though these voids were less than
10m in diameter. Thus, void size may not matter and it must mean that although the
presence of M23C6 is required for voids to form, the additional presence either NbC or TiC
or both precipitates may induce the growth of these voids further. Yet, inspecting the
mean diameter of voids appearing next to only M23C6 and TiC precipitates uncover that
they are the smallest with a mean void diameter no larger than 5m. This eliminated TiC
as a factor affecting void growth, leaving M23C6 and NbC precipitates as probable factors
influencing the growth of these voids.
Figure 6.11b illustrates that most of the voids appeared either next to M23C6 precipitates
exclusively or next to both M23C6 and NbC precipitates. Very few voids were located next
to all three precipitates together, and voids appearing next to both M23C6 and TiC
precipitates are almost nonexistent. Moreover, the overall number of voids in contact with
either M23C6 or both M23C6 and NbC is similar. However, since no voids appeared next to
NbC precipitates exclusively, the appearance of M23C6 precipitates in all cases of Figure
6.11 implies that perhaps M23C6 precipitates are solely responsible for overall void
nucleation. Nonetheless the combined presence of M23C6 and NbC may still induce the
voids to grow largest. This fact will be taken into consideration in the modeling of void
growth in Chapter 7.
96 Chapter 6
Mean Void Diameter ( m )
20 21
15 16
15 14
10 11
9 9
8 7 8 8
5 6 7 6
5 5 4 4 4
0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0
K1 K2 K3
Void Count/GB Area (mm )
K1 K2 K3
c cn cnt ct
Figure 6.11: Correlation of contact precipitates with: (a) void size, and (b) void density.
Note: c = M23C6, cn = M23C6+NbC, cnt = M23C6+NbC+TiC, ct = M23C6+TiC.
The classification of void size and density into void types (as defined earlier in Figure 6.8)
are presented in Figures 6.12a-b. Figure 6.12a indicates that at lower temperatures, void
sizes for type A and type B voids are approximately equal. At higher temperatures, type B
voids are essentially the larger void type, and the extent to which they are larger than type
A voids are even more obvious towards the lower portion of the reformer tube (sample
K1). Referring to Figure 6.8, a type B void extends across the boundaries of two grains
and thus it would be expected that the larger voids are the ones extending into other grains.
Alternatively, Figure 6.12b show that there were a higher number of type A than type B
voids at higher temperatures, even though their number were quite similar at lower
temperatures. It is possible that voids are equally likely to have nucleated as type A or
type B voids, especially in the equiaxed structure. The higher void count for the mid-
thickness and outer wall locations of sample K1 may be due to the reconstructed volume
containing only grain facets and no edges or corners. The overall picture gained from
Figures 6.12a-b reveal that type A voids were slightly more predominantly occurring.
However, since type B voids span across grain boundaries, the availability of vacancies
from these boundaries may stimulate the growth of type B voids further, as evident in the
larger mean void diameters of the higher temperature samples (K1 and K2). Nevertheless,
both types of voids will be considered in the void growth model.
A final categorization of void size and density was made for void shapes according to
Figure 5.2 in Chapter 5. Figure 6.13a reveals that the largest voids are peanut shaped.
This may imply void coalescence since that shape may be due to two or more
interconnected spherical voids. Most of the voids are spherical, as indicated in Figure
6.13b. This would imply that voids nucleate and grow initially as spherical voids and only
change into peanut shape voids when two or more voids coalesce. A category for
ellipsoidal void was also made, but the ellipsoidal void could be a peanut shape void
without a distinct waist. In future work, void shapes should be taken into consideration
when ex-service samples are modelled. For instance, ten large peanut-shaped voids with
the equivalent diameter of 30m may be misleading in the model calculations (as opposed
to for instance, twenty 15m diameter voids). It may be necessary to actually determine
the probable number of voids contained within the peanut-shaped during 3D observations.
98 Chapter 6
Mean Void Diameter ( m )
20 22
15 17
10 11
8 8
7 7 7
5 6 5 5
K1 K2 K3
Void Count/GB Area (mm )
K1 K2 K3
Type A Type B
Figure 6.12: Correlation of void type with: (a) void size, and (b) void density. Void types
were classified according to Figure 6.8 (intragranular voids are not shown).
15 16 16
10 11
10 10
9 9 9
5 7 7
6 66
5 5 5 4
0 0 0 0 0 3 0
K1 K2 K3
Void Count/GB Area (mm )
K1 K2 K3
peanut ellipsoidal spherical
Figure 6.13: Correlation of void shape with: (a) void size, and (b) void density.
Categorization of void shape is done according to Figure 5.2.
100 Chapter 6
The next measurement made from the 3D reconstructions is the void-to-void distance.
Two types of void-to-void distances were obtained. The first method measures the
distances from the centroid of one void to the centroid of the closest neighboring void.
The second method calculates the void-to-void distances using the equation 2l = 1
where 2l is the void-to-void distance and is the void density per grain boundary area [27]
shown in Figure 6.9c. The first method produced a minimum void-to-void distance
whereas the second method resulted in a mean void-to-void distance, and these two
results are shown graphically in Figure 6.14a-b. The resulting plot shows that the
minimum void-to-void distances have a narrower range for all three regions of the tube
(between 10 and 25 m). On the other hand, the mean void-to-void distances are
approximately 2 to 2.5 times greater than the minimum value. It was observed from the
3D reconstructions that for especially for the equiaxed microstructure, voids tend to cluster
at grain edges (three-grain junctions) and corners (four-grain junctions) resulting in the
small minimum void-to-void distance but large mean void-to-void distances are due to
the higher distances between these void clusters. The larger distances between void
clusters in an equiaxed microstructure would presumably make linking or coalescence
more difficult than in an array of voids that lined up along columnar grain boundaries.
This observation supports the belief that the presence of equiaxed grain structure along the
inside wall region of a reformer tube impedes creep crack propagation [9].
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Inner Wall Mid- Outer Inner Wall Mid- Outer
Thickness Wall Thickness Wall
K1 K2 K3 K1 K2 K3
Figure 6.14: Comparison of minimum and mean void-to-void distances. The larger
mean distance indicate the effect of void clustering.
Mean Grain Boundary Angle ( degrees)
Inner Wall Mid- Outer
Thickness Wall
K1 K2 K3
Figure 6.15: Mean angle of grain boundaries containing voids. Measurements were taken
with respect to the hoop stress axis.
102 Chapter 6
6.4 Summary
Three-dimensional techniques have been applied to reconstruct and analyze creep voids
appearing at various positions along an ex-service reformer tube. A number of significant
creep void parameters were obtained, including:
characteristics of void sizes, shapes and locations;
void density and separation statistics;
the geometry of neighboring grain boundaries;
void-precipitate configuration;
the identity of neighboring precipitates.
General trends that have not been identified in any previous work can be gleaned from 3D
observations. For example, there appear to be two separate mechanisms for void formation
and growth. For sample K3, the difference in temperature between the inner and outer
wall would result in a larger effective stress acting on the tube. Consequently, the creep
mechanism at work is believed to be either Harper-Dorn or grain boundary sliding, both of
which are a combination of diffusional flow and dislocation creep mechanisms. At the
cooler end of the tube, the highest void density occurred at the inner wall of the tube where
the temperature is lowest, effective stress is highest, and the microstructure consists of
equiaxed grains.
On the other hand, for samples K1 and K2, the effective stresses should be relatively low
compared to K3, and thus, the probable creep mechanism is Coble creep, which is a
diffusional flow creep mechanism caused by motion of vacancies along the grain
boundaries. At the hot end of the tube, the highest void density occurs at the outer wall
where temperature is highest, and the microstructure consists of large columnar grains. In
general, void size increases towards the hotter end of the tube. A higher number of voids
were found at grain facets (two-grain junctions). However, larger voids were located at
grain edges (three-grain junctions) and grain corners (four-grain junctions). All voids were
also observed to be in contact with M23C6 precipitates with the larger voids also
encountering NbC and TiC precipitates. It is thought that M23C6 may be solely responsible
for void nucleation, however the combined presence of M23C6 and NbC resulted the largest
voids in the material. In addition, from 3D observations and analyses, it appeared that at
lower temperatures, type A and type B voids were almost equal in size and numbers. At
higher temperatures, type B voids grew larger than type A voids, possibly assisted by the
supply of vacancies from the grain boundaries in which type B voids reside. Overall,
spherical voids were more common at all temperatures, but at higher temperatures, larger
voids were peanut shaped, indicating coalescence of voids have occurred. Measurements
of void separation also show a small range in the minimum void-to-void distances whereas
the mean distances are 2 to 2.5 times greater than the minimum distances. This agreed
with the 3D observations that showed clustering of voids especially at the grain edges and
corners of the equiaxed microstructure. Finally, the grain boundaries containing voids
were oriented at 45 degrees with respect to the hoop stress direction, coinciding with the
direction of maximum shear stress.
To realize further efficiencies in the creep performance of reformer tube alloys requires an
understanding of the damage accumulation processes that leads to unacceptable strains and
ultimately to material failure. The ductile failure of metallic materials loaded under creep
conditions typically proceeds by the nucleation, growth and coalescence of creep voids
followed by macroscopic crack propagation [25, 84]. In this chapter, the creep void data
collected from 3D reconstructions generated in Chapters 5 and 6 will be applied to a well-
known creep void growth model by Raj and others [27, 28]. Various permutations of the
parameters obtained from this work will be applied to the model to simulate conditions that
may be beneficial to extending the service lives of reformer tubes.
As discussed briefly in Chapter 2, when given sufficient time, high temperature creep
deformation will ultimately result in fracture. Three possible modes of fracture are listed
as follows [16]:
rupture, which occurs at high temperature and high stress levels;
transgranular fracture, which occurs at low temperature and high stress levels;
intergranular creep fracture, which occurs at high temperature and low stress levels.
In the intergranular creep fracture mode, cracks or voids form along grain boundaries and
coalesce leading to brittle fracture. Spherical shaped voids usually form at lower stress
levels than wedge-like voids, and both of these void types are often associated with
inclusions and precipitates at the grain boundaries [16, 21]. The creep voids observed in
the reformer tube samples in Chapters 5 and 6 were generally spherical in nature, appeared
mainly next to grain boundary precipitates, and formed in components experiencing low-
106 Chapter 7
stress high temperature deformation. Thus the fracture mode in the reformer tubes studied
in this work can be described as intergranular creep fracture due to coalescence of
spherical voids forming at grain boundary precipitates.
Given the very long service lifetimes expected of the steam-methane reformer tubes, it
would be very useful to develop a simplified computational description of the damage
accumulation processes so that some guidance on the expected effects of any designed
microstructural changes could be obtained before performing time-consuming and costly
long-term creep experiments. It is intended that this initial model will apply the data
obtained from 3D reconstructions and analyses, and the calculation process itself will be
rather uncomplicated and will be done using common computational software. As
mentioned in Chapter 2, the void growth model presented by Raj and co-workers [27, 28]
accounts for stress, temperature, void density, and various void-precipitate-matrix
configurations such as void size, type and locations. This special trait of the model makes
it suitable for modeling creep void growth in reformer tubes where all voids were observed
next to precipitates. On the other hand, finite element models proposed by Needleman and
Rice [29] and Pardoen and Hutchinson [31], are deemed to be too difficult for application
to the reformer tubes studied in this work. The finite element modeling of the void-
precipitate interfaces in the microstructure would be too complicated and beyond the scope
of this work. The finite element modeling of void-precipitate interfaces in itself would
however make an interesting future study.
The differential equation for the void growth model given by Raj and co-workers is listed
below (see [27, 28] for derivation of the equation):
1 2
D B l
dV 2
= 2 + p v - equation (1).
dt kT r l 3 r2 r2
ln + B2 1 B2
rB 4 l 4l
Using the substitutions 2 = rc ( + p v ) and rv = rB , equation (1) can be rewritten
108 Chapter 7
r FB
1 c (1 A)
dA DB ( + pv ) r
= B
- equation (2).
dt kT l3 1 1 3 A
A ln + A1
2 A 4 4
FB = geometry factor of void configuration on the grain boundary;
rc = critical radius for void nucleation.
kT l3 A max 1
tr =
DB ( + pv ) A min f ( A)
- equation (3).
1 1 3 A
A ln + A1
= 2 A 4 4
f(A) r FB
1 c (1 A)
l A
A simple Visual Basic program was written in Microsoft Excel as a macro to numerically
evaluate the integral in equation (3) and the results was subsequently used to calculate the
time-to-rupture, tr. Microsoft Excel was chosen due to its ability to easily accept and
modify different input datasets and produce the various respective graphical outputs (refer
to Appendix III for program codes and spreadsheet layout). The main problem in running
this model was the determination of the proper material constants to be used. It was shown
in Chapter 5 and 6 that all creep voids encountered M23C6 precipitates somewhere along
their perimeter. Thus, material constants for an M23C6-Fe interface were obtained. Data
for austenitic Fe-Fe interfaces will also be used for comparisons. Material constants to be
used in the calculations are listed in Table VI for both M23C6-Fe and austenitic Fe-Fe type
Table VI: Material constants for Fe (as the diffusing atom) at a grain boundary interface
= atomic volume
atomic mass
(atomic density ) 6.022 10 23 )
For Fe atom:
atomic volume = 55.85 g/mole atomic density = 7.87106 g/m3
In the initial run of the model, data obtained from 3D reconstructions in Chapters 5 and 6
will be applied to the simulation. A time-to-rupture value tr will be calculated for each
sample based on their respective service parameters and current damage levels (i.e.
existing ex-service void sizes, void densities etc.). This tr value will represent the
remaining life for each sample location. Next, the model will then be generalized to
cater for any generic reformer tube and its time-to-rupture will be calculated for a typical
reformer application. Various tube characteristics will be tested with the model to observe
their effects on extending the life of these tubes.
110 Chapter 7
Parameters to be used in equation (3) such as temperature and applied stress were either
obtained or calculated from service conditions. Temperature values were obtained from
service temperature profiles such as the one shown in Figure 6.1. The remote applied
stress was taken as the effective stress (or Tresca stress) resulting from the internal
pressure, weight of the tube, and temperature gradient across the tube wall, and was
calculated using the methods shown in Appendix II. Tresca criterion was chosen instead
of the von Mises criterion as the method for calculating the effective stresses merely
because it provided the more conservative values (for the reformer tubes, Tresca effective
stresses are no more than 15 percent larger than von Mises effective stresses). In Chapter
6, it was shown that on average, voids were found at grain boundaries oriented at 45 to the
hoop stress direction, and this corresponds to the planes of maximum shear in which the
Tresca stress is the normal stress. Furthermore, for simplicity, the effective stress
calculations accounted only for elastic conditions and the effect of plastic deformation in
relieving thermal stresses in the reformer tube was not accounted for. Finally, the internal
gas pressure p inside the voids is assumed to be zero.
The integral term 1/f(A) of equation (3) will be evaluated from Amin to Amax. The value of
Amin will be calculated from the equation A = rB2 l 2 where rB is the starting void radius and
l is one-half the void-to-void spacing 2l as defined in Figure 7.1. In the initial run of the
model for ex-service samples, the value rB was set as the mean radius of the voids and the
value of l would be based on either lmean or lmin measurements obtained from 3D
reconstructions (recall that lmean was calculated from void density at the grain boundaries
while lmin was measured as the mean distance from one void to the closest neighboring
void). The integral upper limit Amax will be set to 0.5 to represent (arbitrarily) the final area
fraction of the grain boundary occupied by voids at rupture. This value implies that when
the square of the ratio between the projected void radius on the grain boundary and half the
void-to-void spacing is 0.5, the material is assumed to be no longer usable (as opposed to
Amax = 1 when the voids are already interconnected). The value for the critical radius for
void nucleation rc will be set as 2.5nm, and varied between 1 and 10nm to monitor the
consequence of variations in this parameter (rc value is not well established, values of 2-
5nm are commonly used [25], the value of 2.5nm was used in ref. [28], the value of 1nm is
approximately the lattice parameter of M23C6).
Figure 7.1: Schematic of void array on a grain boundary and the associated parameters.
Equations for the geometry factor of void configuration on the grain boundary FB are listed
in Figure 7.2 for the five possible void configurations. Angular values of , , or for
these geometry factors will be initially set at the midpoint of their respective ranges and
varied from the respective lower and upper bounds to observe the effects on the results of
the model (the upper bound of /2 represents a spherical void). The choice of which void
configuration to employ in the model would be established on the results of 3D
reconstructions of Chapters 5 and 6. It was discovered that based on void counts, most of
the voids characterized in Chapter 6 would be described either as type 2 or type A, i.e. the
voids were found mostly on the grain facets (two-grain junctions) and the void-precipitate
configurations were primarily type A (refer to Figures 6.10b and 6.12b). The geometry
factors for these two void configurations are the same and thus the angles or can be
assigned the same value. The summary of all the ex-service sample parameters used in the
model is listed in Table VII.
112 Chapter 7
FB = sin 2 F
6 sin 1 ( 12 csc F )
FB = 2 +
cos F cos F
cos F 4 sin 2 F 1
cot F
+ 3 cos 1 (
3 cos F
FB = 2
cos F
12 2 cos F 3 A2
+ cos 1
cos F A sin F
3 A2
A 4 sin 2 F A2
2 2
( ) A
+ 6 3 cos 2 F sin 1
2 sin F
where A =
2(4 sin 2 F 1) cos F ]
d) type A void: e) type B void:
FB = sin 2 F FB = sin 2 F
Figure 7.2: Geometry factor of void configuration on the grain boundary FB. For (a), (d),
and (e), the respective angles F, F, and F range from 0 to /4. For (b) and (c), the angle
F ranges from /6 to /4.
Table VII: Summary of ex-service sample parameters used in the model. Note: letters I,
M, and O in the sample ID represents inner wall, mid-thickness, and outer wall
Dominant GB
Sample Micro- , lmin, lmean, rB ,
T, K void types (based
ID structure 106Pa 10-6m 10-6m 10-6m
on void count)
K1-I equiaxed 1151 19.9 12 30 8.6 2, A
K1-M columnar 1156 15.1 8.8 14 8.3 2, A
K1-O columnar 1161 4.77 9.1 10 5.8 2, A
K2-I equiaxed 1140 29.8 8.6 21 7.0 2, A
K2-M columnar 1149 7.69 9.7 18 7.3 2, A
K2-O columnar 1159 11.4 7.0 12 2.8 2, A
K3-I equiaxed 1048 111 6.3 12 3.7 2, A
K3-M columnar 1085 13.8 5.6 11 3.4 2, A
K3-O columnar 1121 55.2 8.3 17 2.6 2, A
X1-I equiaxed 1213 30.2 7.7 15 4.8 2, A
The initial run of the model was carried out using data from Tables VI and VII as the
starting point. The resulting plot of time-to-rupture versus the reciprocal of absolute
temperature for all the samples from Chapters 5 and 6 is shown in Figure 7.3, with a
straight line fitted through the data points. Essentially the plot represents the estimate of
the remaining life for the current level of creep damage; for instance for sample X1, the
time to rupture was calculated at 7.6106 seconds or about 88 days (refer to Appendix III
for a sample calculation for sample X1). Since this particular sample came from an
adjoining segment of an already failed reformer tube, the remaining life value obtained
seems reasonable.
Of the ten points plotted in Figure 7.3, data points for samples K1-I, K2-M, and K3-I
deviated from the fitted line by almost an order of magnitude. The model used here is
highly sensitive to void density numbers, and for samples K1-I and K2-M, the volumes
reconstructed did not contain a high enough number of voids per grain boundary area,
which can be due to coalescence of the voids affecting the void density numbers (i.e. two
or more voids being counted as one). On the other hand, sample K3-I had a higher void
density than expected, and even though these voids were small, the model calculated a
114 Chapter 7
short time-to-rupture value based on the high void density. It is important to note that of
all ten samples, sample K3-I experienced the lowest temperature (1048K) but the highest
effective stress (111MPa), and it is possible that this sample experienced a different creep
deformation regime [30, 88] (perhaps power-law creep or coupled diffusion and power-law
creep), whereas the model used here was based on creep deformation due to diffusional
motion [27].
t r (s)
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
1/T (0.001K )
K1-I K1-M K1-O
K2-I K2-M K2-O
K3-I K3-M K3-O
Figure 7.3: Plot of time-to-rupture versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature for the ex-
service samples with their existing level of creep damage.
The accuracy of the simulation of time-to-rupture is also highly dependent on the material
constants. For the plot in Figure 7.3, the grain boundary diffusivity constant and activation
energy values were obtained from a M23C6-austenite interface where Fe is the diffusant
atom and the Fe-Cr-Ni alloy matrix consists of 16wt% Cr, 14wt% Ni, and 0.2wt% C. This
was the only available data found for the M23C6-austenite interface. In contrast, if the data
for an austenite Fe-Fe interface was used (refer to Table VI), the resulting fitted line in the
plot of time-to-rupture in Figure 7.3 would be shifted down by more than one order of
magnitude (tr value for sample X1 is now 5.1105 seconds or 6 days). Since all the creep
voids were found adjacent to M23C6 precipitates, the former data would be used for all
subsequent calculations. It was discussed in Chapter 6 that NbC precipitates in the
presence of M23C6 may enhance the growth of voids. However no grain boundary data
were available to test this hypothesis.
Additionally, the time-to-rupture calculations for the ex-service samples used lmean values,
based on 3D void density measurements, as l (one-half the void-to-void spacing), while rB
values were set as the mean radii of existing voids. It was discovered that the lmin values
(based on the distance from each void to its closest neighboring void) would invalidate the
computations because lmin values for some ex-service samples would result in the lower
bound of the integral Amin to be larger than the upper bound Amax, implying that the sample
would have already failed. Thus all the time-to-rupture estimates in Figure 7.3 used lmean
values based on 3D void density measurements.
The next stage of the modeling process was carried out on an idealized reformer tube with
an external diameter of 125mm and a wall thickness of 10mm. For modeling purposes,
five locations along the length of the tube were selected at 2.5m intervals (labeled N1
through N5), and at each of these locations, calculations were performed at the inner wall,
the outer wall, and at the location where the effective stress is minimum, resulting in a total
of fifteen modeling positions. Stresses for this tube were calculated based on to the service
temperature and pressure distributions shown previously in Figure 6.1. The Tresca stress
distributions for locations N1 through N5 are shown graphically in Figure 7.4, while the
modeling locations selected and their corresponding service parameters are listed in Table
VIII. Note that in Figure 7.4, the locations for minimum effective stresses do not coincide
with the mid-thickness positions. Also, as done previously, the calculated Tresca stress
will be used as the remotely applied stress in the calculations. Material constants for
M23C6-austenite interface (Table VI) were used in the computations, while geometry
factors used were for type A voids with = 45.
116 Chapter 7
outside wall
inside wall
Tresca Stress (MPa)
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
Tube Radial Position (mm)
N1 N2 N3 N4 N5
Figure 7.4: Comparison of Tresca stress distributions for various positions along the length
of the idealized reformer tube. Samples N1 through N5 represent locations at 2.5m
intervals starting at 2.5m to 12.5m from the top inlet flange.
Table VIII: Summary of modeling parameters for the idealized tube. (Note: I, O, and
min represent inner wall, outer wall, and minimum stress locations respectively).
Distance from ,
Sample ID p, MPa T, K
Top Flange, m 106Pa
N1-I 1048 114
N1-min 2.5 2.16 1087 2.09
N1-O 1121 83.1
N2-I 1097 86.4
N2-min 5.0 2.07 1126 2.98
N2-O 1151 59.5
N3-I 1119 55.7
N3-min 7.5 1.99 1138 3.98
N3-O 1151 32.9
N4-I 1141 37.7
N4-min 10.0 1.91 1154 4.43
N3-O 1159 17.7
N5-I 1151 25.2
N5-min 12.5 1.82 1159 4.59
N5-O 1161 7.31
The lower bound Amin of the integral term 1/f(A) in equation (3) was based on a starting
void radius rB which was set equal to the critical radius for void nucleation rc of 2.5nm
(approximately 2.5 times the lattice parameter of M23C6 precipitate). The void-to-void
spacing 2l was taken as 80m (l = 40m), which is the approximate grain diameter of the
equiaxed microstructure, and in addition, the assumption was also made that the number of
void nuclei is fixed (i.e. 2l value is constant). In reality, the number of nucleation sites
varies with time and their rate of formation would be dependent on various factors such as
temperature, stress, and microstructural characteristics [27]. In this work, 3D void data
was obtained from ex-service samples only, thus the nucleation growth behavior of these
voids in the material during early high temperature service was not studied. Meanwhile,
the upper bound Amax of the integral was set to 0.5, and for these calculations, the largest
void size at rupture would be about 56m based on the fixed void-to-void distance of
Figure 7.5 represents the time-to-rupture for the various locations on the idealized reformer
tube, showing a somewhat distinctive C-shape for the distribution. Note that for clarity,
the coloring scheme of the data points followed the stress distribution plot of Figure 7.4.
In addition, data for inside wall, outside wall, and minimum stress locations were
represented by diamonds, squares, and triangles respectively. Upon closer inspection, the
graph can be noticeably divided into two parts. The upper portion of the curve consisted of
triangular markers representing minimum stress locations and thus tube failures would be
unlikely to occur at these locations. The lower section of the curves contained data from
the inside and outside wall of the tube where stresses were higher. From this plot, it was
initially quite surprising to see that the location of the tube with the shortest time-to-rupture
is at the outside wall of the tube 5m from the top inlet flange. However, it must be
reminded that this simulation assumed a reformer tube with a uniform microstructure and
with an equal density of void nuclei throughout the thickness, and hence the time-to-
rupture would only be dependent on the Tresca stresses, which combined the effects of
pressure, temperature, and weight of the tube.
118 Chapter 7
tr (s)
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
1/T (0.001K )
Figure 7.5: Time-to-rupture behavior for various sample locations on the idealized
reformer tube.
A slight modification to the model was made by considering that a typical reformer tube
would contain equiaxed grains at the inner wall region and columnar grains elsewhere. It
was observed from 3D reconstructions that the secondary dendrite arm spacings of the
equiaxed structure averaged about 60m. In the high temperature samples, large voids
were viewed to occur at every two dendrite arms resulting in a void spacing of 2l = 120m.
Employing only this slight adjustment, the simulation produced another time-to-rupture
curve shown in Figure 7.6. In this plot, all the data points representing the doubled void-
to-void distances were shifted upwards near and above the 109 seconds level. Data for the
inner wall regions (equiaxed) were still based on 2l = 80 m and they exhibit a shallow U-
shape with time-to-rupture ranging from 3.4108 to 5.8108 seconds (10.8 to 18.4 years).
tr (s)
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
1/T (0.001K )
Figure 7.6: Adjusted time-to-rupture behavior for various sample locations on the idealized
reformer tube. Calculations for inner wall samples used 2l = 80m, while computations
for other locations used 2l = 120m.
The final stage of the modeling process was determining the effects of variations of the
parameters used. As previously discovered, the material constants had a significant
influence on the outcome of the computations. Changing constants from M23C6-Fe to Fe-
Fe interface resulted in a more than one order of magnitude variation in the time-to-rupture
value. It was also implied by the plots in Figures 7.5 and 7.6 that variations in the void-to-
void distance would substantially affect the resulting calculations. Varying the void-to-
void distance from 60 to 117nm yielded the plot shown in Figure 7.7 for time-to-rupture
for inner wall locations of the tube. The lower value of 60m were chosen since that was
approximately the mean void-to-void distance for sample K1, while the higher value of
117m was obtained by averaging the distance between grain edges in sample K1
120 Chapter 7
(measurements were performed from 3D reconstructions). In Figure 7.7, the upper line
represented 2l = 117m, while the lower limit corresponded to 2l = 60m. For reference,
distance between grain corners in sample K1 averaged at about 130m. Using this number
for the upper limit would certainly raise the upper curve of Figure 7.7 even higher.
2l = 117 m
2l = 80 m
tr (s)
2l = 60 m
0.8 0.9 1.0
1/T (0.001K )
Other parameters found to appreciably affect the time-to-rupture computations were the
inner and outer wall temperatures. Variations in either or both of these parameters which
caused change in T would noticeably alter the time-to-rupture curve. Figure 7.8a shows
the effect on tr when the outer wall temperature was increased by 1% (lower bound) and
decreased by 1% (upper bound). On the other hand, Figure 7.8b shows the effect of a 1%
increase and decrease in inner wall temperature. The lower bounds on the graph were due
to the inner wall temperature being increased by 1%. Although the 3D work done here
have no bearing on the temperature, the temperature effects are presented here just for
1.E+10 1.E+10
1.E+09 1.E+09
tr (s)
tr (s)
1.E+08 1.E+08
1.E+07 1.E+07
0.8 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.0
-1 -1
1/T (0.001K ) 1/T (0.001K )
N1-I N2-I N3-I N1-I N2-I N3-I
N4-I N5-I N4-I N5-I
(a) (b)
Figure 7.8: Effect of tube wall temperature variations on the time-to-rupture computations.
(a) Outside wall temperature variation of 1%; (b) inside wall temperature variation of
1%. Lower bound is due to increase in temperature.
Variations in other modeling parameters did not significantly affect the time-to-rupture
calculations. In most cases, these variations were too small to be visible on the logarithmic
vertical scale of the plot. These influences of the various computational factors are
summarized in Table IX.
122 Chapter 7
Table IX: Percent change (average) in time-to-rupture tr due to variations in various
modeling parameters. (Note: and E are temperature dependent, and their respective
values are given in Appendix I).
Type A Type 3
void types
= 45 = 30, 90 -0.0097, +0.0022
Type 4
= 30, 90 -0.010, +0.0097
thickness, 10mm 9mm, 11mm -2.3, +1.9
coeff. of
thermal 0.95 (T), -3.6
= (T)
expansion, 1.05 (T) +3.9
modulus of
0.95 E(T), -3.5
elasticity, E = E(T)
1.05 E(T) +3.8
upper limit, 0.5 0.3, 0.7 -24.4, +10.3
distance, 80m 60m, 117m -57.8, +213
outside wall
0.99 To(y),
temperature, To = To(y) -37.5, +18.9
1.01 To(y)
inside wall
0.99 Ti(y),
temperature, Ti = Ti(y) -6.8, +19.6
1.01 Ti(y)
Although the computations were rather crude, they demonstrated the utility of 3D data in
developing a simple void growth model. Note that creep failures typically progress by the
nucleation, growth and coalescence of creep voids, but the model shown in this work only
catered to the growth of the voids. Additional research would be required to obtain three
dimensional information of void nucleation, which would then complement the simple
void growth model presented here. The combined model could then be refined further to
accommodate coalescence of voids.
It was also demonstrated here that the accuracy of the void growth model was highly
dependent on a few factors. Firstly, material constants for grain boundary diffusion
behavior had a substantial effect on the results. Constants used in the modeling process
must be adapted from the same type of material. The model would be improved if the
grain boundary diffusion data were actually obtained for the same material. The other
critical component of the model is the void density factors, which in this work were given
in terms of void-to-void distance. Here, it was assumed that the void-to-void distance is
based on a predetermined grain size and hence the number of void nuclei is also constant.
Changing this value based on 3D measurements greatly affect the results. For instance, by
using the mean void-to-void distance of 2l = 60m, which was measured from and ex-
service tube, reduced the time-to-rupture by approximately 50%. On the other hand using
a higher value based on a measured distance between grain edges yielded a longer time-to-
Although further improvements to the model are needed to increase the accuracy of the
predictions, the following general conclusions can be made based on the 3D observations
and the application of the void growth model:
Tube material with a matrix-precipitate system of higher grain boundary activation
energy would yield a higher time-to-rupture life. Perhaps improvements in the
matrix-precipitate interface by variation in alloy content may result in formation of
precipitates with higher grain boundary activation energies..
124 Chapter 7
Larger equiaxed grains in the inner wall of the reformer tubes may lead to longer
distances between grain edges and corners hence longer void cluster-to-void cluster
Larger secondary dendrite arm spacing may further enhance the service life of the
reformer tube.
Chapter 8
When bringing this work to a closure, the author was frequently reminded that research of
this nature must extend the boundaries of knowledge in order to be of use. It is certainly
hoped that this thesis had presented a novel way of studying material deformation or
failure by viewing the defects and associated microstructural features in 3D, and from
these unique observations, it is anticipated that the knowledge of the high temperature
creep deformation and void formation in steam-methane reformer tubes is further
enhanced. At the very least, this work should serve as the initiator to various future
research projects.
8.1 Summary
Steam methane reformers contain hundreds of centrifugally cast austenitic stainless steel
tubes operating at temperatures up to 950C and internal pressures of 2.5MPa. The typical
material used for the tubes is based on an HP-type casting alloy. The failure of the tubes is
by nucleation, growth and coalescence of creep voids culminating in rupture. Failure by
rupture is preferably pre-empted by retirement from service according to a schedule or to
predetermined deformation limits.
In this research, ex-service reformer tubes were obtained from a Methanex plant in British
Columbia, Canada. The tubes were fabricated from Schmidt-Clemens Centralloy
CA4852-Micro centrifugally cast tubes. In the ex-service condition, the microstructure of
the tube consists of a network of grain boundary and dendritic precipitates in austenite
matrix. Fine intragranular precipitates were also present. Various techniques were applied
to characterize the microstructural features present, and it was discovered that the coarse
precipitates lining the grain and dentritic boundaries were usually either Cr-rich M23C6 or
126 Chapter 8
NbC precipitates. Coarse TiC precipitates were also found along the boundaries or at
intragranular positions. The fine intragranular precipitates are exclusively M23C6. An as-
cast tube sample was also obtained for comparison. The microstructure of the as-cast tube
is clearly different than the ex-service tube due to the absence of fine intragranular
precipitates. Furthermore, the grain boundary and dendritic precipitates appeared more
faceted and lamellar-like. Characterization of the precipitates revealed the same types as in
ex-service tubes; Cr-rich M23C6, NbC, and TiC precipitates.
Creep voids are not uniformly distributed through the volume in terms of their size, shape,
and location. In general, void size increased towards the hotter end of the tube. The
largest voids were formed by coalescence of two or more spherical voids resulting in a
peanut shape. Most the voids observed show rounded surfaces, characteristic of low-stress
high temperature void formation as opposed to wedge-like cracks which occur at higher
stress levels.
It needs to be added here that laboratory creep tests were initially planned on as-cast
reformer tube samples. However, preliminary work revealed that these interrupted test
samples and conditions could not faithfully replicate the ex-service material. Due to the
curvature of the tube, it was impossible to obtain a uniaxial creep test piece from the
reformer tube that can be tested such that the same microstructural orientation and features
aligned with the principal stress direction of the reformer tube in service. Attempts at
performing a pressurized tube test in the presence of hydrogen gas were also not yet
successful. Moreover it was observed that the creep voids and surrounding microstructure
of the accelerated test samples were completely different from the ex-service samples even
though their Larson-Miller parameters were identical. The sample from the accelerated
creep test revealed voids that were wedge-like (Figure 8.1a) while the ex-service sample
showed more spherical voids (Figure 8.1b). Furthermore the density of fine secondary
precipitates was higher in the accelerated test sample compared to the ex-service sample,
as evident in Figure 8.1. Based on these issues, laboratory creep tests were not performed
in this work.
a b
Figure 8.1: Void shapes and microstructures of tube material subjected to creep. (a)
Accelerated creep test sample; (b) ex-service sample. Note: LMP for both samples are
Almost all of the voids appeared near grain boundary carbides and most of these voids
appeared at precipitates located at grain facets (two-grain junctions). However, the larger
of these voids were located next to precipitates at grain edges (three-grain junctions) and
corners (four-grain junctions). There were also a small number of voids that were
observed away from grain boundaries, and these voids appeared at precipitates located
either at dendrite arm boundaries or intragranular positions. As expected, no voids were
observed away from precipitates either at grain boundaries or intragranularly.
Two different measures of void separation were obtained from 3D observations. Void
density values were acquired by counting the number of voids per grain boundary area, and
the mean void-to-void distance can be determined from this number. On the other hand,
128 Chapter 8
by measuring the distance from each void to its closest neighbor, the minimum void
separation distance can be established. It was shown that the mean void-to-void distances
were about 2.5 times greater than the minimum distances. This agreed with the 3D
observations that showed clustering of voids especially at the grain edges and corners of
the equiaxed microstructure.
Next, the grain boundaries containing voids were found to have an average orientation of
45 degrees with respect to the hoop stress direction. The reformer tube experiences a
three-dimensional state of stress, however the larger stresses are parallel to the hoop and
axial directions (radial stresses are comparatively smaller). As a result, the direction of
maximum shearing stress will also be located at 45 degrees with respect to the hoop
direction, and the stress normal to this maximum shear stress plane will be the highest
effective stress, which in this work was referred to as Tresca stress.
All voids made contact with M23C6 precipitates somewhere along their perimeter, whereas
no voids were observed in sole contact with TiC or NbC precipitates, or appearing alone.
EBSD observation of the M23C6 precipitates surrounding these voids showed that eighty
percent of the voids were found adjacent to precipitates with a low coherency (random OR)
with the surrounding austenite matrix. Interestingly, material defects associated with
precipitates having a random OR with the surrounding matrix have been previously
reported. Kinzel [89] showed that corrosion on M23C6 interfaces with an irrational OR with
the austenite matrix was more pronounced. More recently, Kim and co-workers
demonstrated that higher coherency of grain boundary M23C6 carbides resulted in better
resistance to cavity nucleation for austenitic stainless steels under creep-fatigue conditions
From 3D reconstructions, various measured parameters were used in the void growth
model developed by Raj and co-workers [27, 28]. The most important information
obtained was that the void density measurements had a significant effect on the growth
model. Other parameters obtained did not show considerable influence on the calculations.
Based on the 3D observations and the application of the void growth model, the following
general conclusions can be made:
Tube material with a matrix-precipitate system of higher grain boundary activation
energy would yield a higher time-to-rupture life. Perhaps improvements in the
matrix-precipitate interface can be achieved by variations in alloying content and
elements to produce changes in terms of precipitate types, size, or fragmentation.
Larger equiaxed grains in the inner wall of the reformer tubes may lead to longer
distances between grain edges and corners hence longer void cluster-to-void cluster
Larger secondary dendrite arm spacing may further enhance the service life of the
reformer tube.
As with most research endeavors, the outcomes of this research probably raise more
questions than provide answers. One of the limitations of this work is the relatively small
volume of material and relatively small number of samples that were serial sectioned and
consequently reconstructed. For the reformer tube samples, the need to reconstruct large
3D volumes to cater for the large grain sizes on the order of hundreds of micrometers wide
was hampered by the requirements to also reconstruct small voids that were on the order of
only a few micrometers in diameter. In this work, of the five tube samples obtained (X1,
K1, K2, K3, as-cast), a total of twenty 3D volumes were reconstructed from approximately
two thousand serial section images. However it is quite surprising to know that the total
volume of all twenty reconstructed 3D volumes is a mere 0.08mm3. Automated 3D serial
sectioning devices such as Robo-Met.3D [91] or dual-beam FIB systems [92] can, in
theory, automatically serial section large sets of data for analyses. Continual
130 Chapter 8
improvements on these types of system may in the near future allow for collection of 3D
data to be more efficient and less time consuming.
In terms of materials, this work studied ex-service reformer tubes manufactured from only
one type of alloy. Tubes made of different alloy content could certainly be studied in the
future for comparisons. Furthermore, differences in microstructural configurations of the
tube such as different grain sizes or ratio between equiaxed and columnar structures can
also be considered. It would also be interesting to investigate in detail the formation,
evolution, and characteristics of various precipitates in the reformer tube alloy, and how
these precipitates affect the high temperature behavior of these materials. Another item of
interest is the generation of precise deformation maps for these materials. These
deformation maps would allow for accelerated laboratory creep tests to more accurately
simulate long term high temperature deformation. High temperature pressurized tube tests
would also be expected to shed new insights on the creep behavior of these materials.
With regards to modeling of void growth, the inclusion of void nucleation factors is crucial
for better prediction of creep damage. A 3D study of nucleation behavior either in
laboratory tested samples or early ex-service tubes would be required to complement the
void growth aspects learned in this work. Accommodating the factor of void coalescence
should enhance the combined model further.
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Appendix I
The figures in the following pages represent typical mechanical properties of Schmidt-
Clemens Centralloy CA4852-Micro centrifugal cast tubes. Data for CA4852-Micro were
taken from ref [41]. In addition, other physical and mechanical properties are as follows:
Density, t = 8.0g/cm3
Thermal Conductivity, kT = 14.6W/mK
Poissons ratio, = 0.3
140 Appendix I
b) percent elongation
Figure I.1: Tensile properties for Schmidt-Clemens Centralloy CA4852-Micro. (a) Yield
and tensile strength; (b) percent elongation.
Figure I.2: Parametric stress rupture strength for Schmidt-Clemens Centralloy CA4852-
Consider a long thick-walled cylinder symmetric about the tube axis as shown in Figure
II.1 with a tube wall temperature distribution of T = T(r).
z +
Figure II.1: Schematic of a long thick-walled cylinder and its reference axes.
The hoop, radial, and axial thermal stresses are given by the following equations [93]:
T E ri 2 1
ro r
hT = 1 + 2 2 2 Tr dr + 2 Tr dr T
1 r ro ri r i
r r i
T E ri 2 1
ro r
rT = 1 2 2 2 Tr dr 2 Tr dr
1 r ro ri r i
r r i
E 2
aT = T 2 2 Tr dr T
1 ro ri r i
144 Appendix II
where: T = coefficient of thermal expansion (see Appendix I)
E = modulus of elasticity (see Appendix I)
T = T(r) = temperature distribution
= Poissons ratio = 0.3 (assumed constant)
ri = tube internal radius
ro = tube external radius.
Assuming a steady heat flux through the wall, with T, E, and also being constant across
the wall, the hoop, radial, and axial thermal stresses can be approximated by [93]:
1 ln ro ro
+ 1
E (Ti To ) r r
hoop stress : hT = T
2(1 ) r ro
ln o 1
ri ri
ln ro ro
E (Ti To ) r r
radial stress : rT = T +
2(1 ) r ro
ln o 1
ri ri
1 2 ln ro
T E (Ti To ) r 2
axial stress : aT =
2(1 ) r ro
ln o 1
ri ri
Lames Equations: hoop, radial, and axial stresses due to internal pressure p in a long
thick-walled cylinder [94]:
pri 2 ro2
hoop stress : hp = 2 2 1+ 2
ro ri r
pri 2 ro2
radial stress : rp = 2 2 1 2
ro ri r
pri 2
axial stress : ap =
ro2 ri 2
Tube hangar system supports seventy five percent of tube weight. The axial stress due to
tube weight is:
Wt gA l
axial stress : aW = 0.25 = 0.25 t t t = 0.25 t glt
At At
Effective stress (to be referred in this thesis as Tresca stress) was calculated using the
Tresca criterion as follows [17]:
TS = MAX{ 1 2 , 1 3 , 2 3 }
where 1 = hT + hp
2 = rT + rp
3 = aT + ap + aW .
(principal stresses from combined hoop, radial, and axial stresses)
Appendix III
Microsoft Excel was used to calculate time-to-rupture tr for the void growth model. A
simple Visual Basic program was written as a macro to numerically evaluate the integral in
equation (3) of Chapter 7. The Extended Simpsons Rule [95] was used as the method for
numerical integration. A separate macro program was also written to calculate the void
geometry factors shown in Figure 7.2. The results of these two programs were then used in
conjunction with other standard Excel spreadsheet functions to calculate and plot the time-
to-rupture, tr. The layout of the Excel spreadsheet used for these calculations will also be
presented in this Appendix.
Three short program functions were written to calculate the void geometry factors.
Function Fb_2AB was used for either two-grain junction, type A, or type B voids.
Functions Fb_3 and Fb_4 were used for three-grain junction and four-grain junction voids
respectively. The single input variable for all three functions is as defined below:
angle : void interface angle (in degrees).
Function Fb_2AB(angle)
Const Pi = 3.141592654
alpha = angle * Pi / 180
Fb_2AB = Pi * Sin(alpha) ^ 2
End Function
Function Fb_3(angle)
Const Pi = 3.141592654
148 Appendix III
alpha = angle * Pi / 180
Fb3part1 = (Pi / Cos(alpha)) + 2 * Pi
asinterm = 1 / (2 * Sin(alpha))
Fb3part2 = 6 / (Cos(alpha)) * Atn(asinterm / Sqr(-asinterm ^ 2 + 1))
Fb3part3 = Cos(alpha) * Sqr(4 * Sin(alpha) ^ 2 - 1)
acosterm = 1 / (Sqr(3#) * Tan(alpha))
Fb3part4 = 3 * (Atn(-acosterm / Sqr(-acosterm ^ 2 + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)) * (3 - Cos(alpha) ^ 2)
Fb_3 = -Fb3part1 + Fb3part2 - Fb3part3 + Fb3part4
End Function
Function Fb_4(angle)
Const Pi = 3.141592654
alpha = angle * Pi / 180
Aterm = 2 / 3 * (Sqr(2 * (4 * Sin(alpha) ^ 2 - 1)) - Cos(alpha))
Fb4part1 = (2 * Pi / Cos(alpha)) + 2 * Pi
acosterm = (Sqr(2) - Cos(alpha) * Sqr(3 - Aterm ^ 2)) / (Aterm * Sin(alpha))
Fb4part2 = 12 / (Cos(alpha)) * (Atn(-acosterm / Sqr(-acosterm ^ 2 + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1))
Fb4part3 = 1.5 * Aterm * (Sqr(4 * Sin(alpha) ^ 2 - Aterm ^ 2) - Aterm ^ 2 / Sqr(2))
asinterm = Aterm / (2 * Sin(alpha))
Fb4part4 = 6 * (Atn(asinterm / Sqr(-asinterm ^ 2 + 1))) * (3 - Cos(alpha) ^ 2)
Fb_4 = -Fb4part1 + Fb4part2 - Fb4part3 + Fb4part4
End Function
The two Visual Basic functions below, inverse_fA and integrate_inverse_fA were used to
numerically integrate the term 1/f(A) in equation (3) of Chapter 7. Input variables to these
functions are as defined below:
A : transfer variable from functions inverse_fA to integrate_inverse_fA
rc : critical radius for void nucleation
l : of void-to-void spacing
Fb : geometry function of void configuration on the grain boundary
Amax : upper integration limit
Amin : lower integration limit
n : number of integration steps
Note: & indicates a line continued from the previous line of code (& is not used in the
actual Visual Basic code).
Function inverse_fA(A, rc, l, Fb)
Const e = 2.718281828
Const Pi = 3.141592654
inverse_fA = A ^ 0.5 * (0.5 * Log(1 / A) / Log(e) - 0.75 + A * (1 - A / 4))
& / ((1 - rc / l * (Fb / Pi / A) ^ 0.5) * (1 - A))
End Function
Function integrate_inverse_fA(Amax, Amin, n, l, Fb, rc)
h = (Amax - Amin) / n
sum_odds = 0
sum_evens = 0
A_odds = A_min + h
For i = 1 To n - 1 Step 2
sum_odds = sum_odds + inverse_fA(A_odds, rc, l, Fb)
A_odds = A_odds + 2 * h
Next i
A_evens = A_min + 2 * h
For j = 2 To n - 2 Step 2
sum_evens = sum_evens + inverse_fA(A_evens, rc, l, Fb)
A_evens = A_evens + 2 * h
Next j
integrate_inverse_fA = h / 3 * (inverse_fA(Amin, rc, l, Fb) + 4 * sum_odds
& + 2 * sum_evens + inverse_fA(Amax, rc, l, Fb))
End Function
The Excel spreadsheet used in calculating time-to-rupture is shown in Table X. All the
data used for computations were placed in column A. The grayed cells indicate cells
containing formulas (listed in the notes following the Table X). A sample calculation
using data for X1 tube sample is shown the table.
150 Appendix III
Table X: Layout of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet used in calculating time-to-rupture for the
void growth model.
2 Data Description REMARKS
3 X1 sample ID
4 55.85 amu atomic mass, g mole-1
5 7.87E+06 density atomic density, g m-3
6 6.02E+23 Avogadro's number
7 1.18E-29 atomic volume, m3 (see note 1)
8 1.38E-23 k Boltzmann's constant, J K-1
9 8.314 R gas constant, J mol-1 K-1
10 1213.0 T absolute temperature, K
11 2.00E-14 (Db)0 GB diffusivity constant, m3 s-1
12 1.70E+05 Qb GB activation energy, J mol-1
13 3.02E+07 remote applied stress, N m-2 (Tresca stress)
14 0 p pressure inside of voids, N m-2
15 A void type void geometry parameter - choices:
16 45 2 (deg) 2 (0<2<90 is active);
17 60 3 (deg) 3 (30<3<90 is active);
18 60 4 (deg) 4 (30<4<90 is active);
19 45 (deg) A (0<<90 is active);
20 45 (deg) B (0<<90 is active)
21 1.5708 Fb (see note 2)
22 1.45E-05 l void-to-void distance, m
23 4.8E-06 rB projected radius on GB, m
24 2.5E-09 rc critical void radius, m
25 1.10E-01 Amin Amin =(rB/l)2 (see note 3)
26 5.00E-01 Amax arbitrarily set at 0.5
27 1000 n integral steps
29 7.61E+06 tr time to rupture, s (see note 4)
30 8.24E-01 1000x1/T 0.001K-1 (see note 5)
31 940.0 T temperature, C (see note 6)
32 1213.0 T temperature, K
33 X1 sample ID
atomic mass
1. =
(atomic density ) 6.022 10 23 )
= A4/A5/A6.
2. FB is calculated using one of the functions listed in section III.1 depending on the
void type entry in cell A15. The equation used in cell A21 is:
& IF(A15=3,Fb_3(A18),IF(A15=4,Fb_4(A18),"error"))))).
3. Amin = = (A23/A22)^2.
4. Calculation of tr using the functions listed in section III.2. Equation used is:
& *integrate_inverse_fA(A26,A25,A27,A22,A21,A24).
5. 10001/T = 1000/A10.
6. T in degrees Celcius = A10-273.
152 Appendix III
Appendix IV
The following journal papers were published during the course of this research and are
attached in the following pages of this Appendix.
Azmi Abdul Wahab, Milo V. Kral, 3D Analysis of creep voids in hydrogen reformer
tubes, Materials Science and Engineering A 412 (2005) 222-229.
154 Appendix IV
156 Appendix IV
158 Appendix IV
160 Appendix IV
162 Appendix IV
164 Appendix IV
166 Appendix IV
Appendix V
A CDROM containing simple animated movies of serial section images and rotating 3D
reconstructed volumes is attached in this Appendix to assist with the visualization of 3D
reconstructions. Figures in the thesis which are accompanied by animated movies in this
CDROM will be denoted by this icon . All movies are in uncompressed audio-video
interleave (AVI) format and compatible with Microsoft Media Player and Apple
Quicktime. Movie files are named according to the corresponding figure numbers in the
thesis. Movies of several 3D reconstructions not shown in this thesis are also included in
the CDROM for additional reference.
168 Appendix V