Lesson Plan: Intern Name: Grade: 9th Subject Focus: Date of Lesson: 11/17/2016
Lesson Plan: Intern Name: Grade: 9th Subject Focus: Date of Lesson: 11/17/2016
Lesson Plan: Intern Name: Grade: 9th Subject Focus: Date of Lesson: 11/17/2016
Introduce lesson/Hook: Has anyone seen the movie sliding doors? Gwyneth Paltrow
movie where she misses a train and you see the two paths her life takes based on this
inconsequential, seemingly by chance, event. We are not going to be talking destiny, or
karma, today. But we are going to be examining how chance and split second decision
making played a role in the US pacific Strategy of WW2. And hopefully, by the end of the
lesson you can offer up your own thoughts on this compelling question. (on powerpoint)-
Watch Strategic Overview Video: But first, lets get a little overview of what was
happening in the Pacific during WW2 (students would have had some prior lessons for
background but for this demo, this will have to do, in case of video problems I have
backup reading material) -4min
We Do
So, while Roosevelt and Churchill were deciding long range plans and making decisions
with far reaching impact, there were events happening that were beyond their control
and decisions needed to be made quickly.
Hand Out Scenario 1: Give each student the scenario 1 and assessment worksheet,
have them read the scenario and answer the questions on their own (5 min)
Discuss Scenario 1: What did everyone choose, why did they make the choices that
they did? What do think Mclusky would have done? (3 min)
Share outcome on PowerPoint: (1 min)
Discuss with students: why do they think he made the decision that he did, do they
think it was the right decision? Could he have done anything different? (3 min)
Pair students into two groups: (1 min)
Handout next scenarios: Give Scenario 2 to one group and scenario 3 to the other
along with Scenario Assessment worksheet #2. Have students discuss and come to an
agreement on their courses of action.
When students have reached an agreement, and filled out the WS, they can get their
outcomes (5-7 min)
Hand out outcomes: Have outcomes in envelopes with outcome assessment WS, have
students fill these out as a team. (5-7min)
Have teams share their scenarios: (5 min)
You Do
Exit Ticket: Answer the compelling question (3 min)
Evaluation I will be able to assess students based on their
How will you know that students worksheet responses, their discussion within
met the lesson objectives?
groups and by their answer on the exit ticket.
Works Cited
From the Collection to the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2016,
from National WWII Museum website: http://www.ww2classroom.org/lesson-
Strategic Overview [Video file]. Retrieved from From the Collection to the
Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2016, from National WWII
Museum website: http://www.ww2classroom.org/lesson-plans#pacific-