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A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the Degree of
Master of Science (Construction Management)

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Status Declaration Letter

Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah
UTM, Skudai
Johor. Date : November, 2007





Please be informed that the above mentioned thesis entitled SIMULATION OF

CONSTRUCTION be classified as RESTRICTED for a period of three (3) years
from the date of this letter. The reasons for this classification are



Thank you.

Sincerely yours,


M46-238, Faculty of Civil Engineering

To my beloved wife, my son,

All my family members,
My course-mates and friends.

Special thank to my supervisors,

And everyone who had involved
in this study.


Thank you


Alhamdulillah, all the successful things come from Allah. The greatest
gratefulness to Allah for His delight for the author to finished this magnificent study.

Firstly, a sincere gratitude is accredited to the supervisor, Associate Professor

Dr. Abdul Kadir Marsono for his passionate assistance, guidance and concern
throughout this study. A lot of knowledge and experience has been shared especially
on a new skills and technology in construction practice. With his invaluable advice
and excellent guidance, the author has successfully completed his Masters Project. It
is really good deed and exciting opportunity to work with such a dedicated

Also special thank to Dr. Masine Md Tap for their ideas and helps on
simulation expertise. Above and beyond, the author would like to thank all parties
that have been so kindly in giving invaluable information and data to the author.
Simultaneously, the author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to all who have
helped directly or indirectly in his Masters Project research work.

Last but not least, special appreciate is addressed to all family members
especially beloved wife for moral supports, motivation and concerns.


Industrialised Building System (IBS) is a construction method that offers

economisation of design, site work and materials, provides shorter construction time,
saving in labour, better quality control, immunity to weather changes and the most
importantly, the cost factor. It has been proven successful in some countries such as
Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Singapore, England and the United States (CIDB,
1998). In our country Malaysia, the shorter construction time offered by IBS may
seems to be the solution for the housing demand in Malaysia. The aim of this study is
to determine the process flow of housing construction that are applying Industrialized
Building System (IBS) components for its main structure. For that purpose, sequence
process of installation activities for construction of IBS houses has been identified.
Witness 2001 simulation software has been applied to model a construction of 300
IBS houses. The most achievable completion time has been examined and at the
same time optimum resources for the construction has been identified during the
simulation analysis. It is hoped that the widespread understanding on the
Industrialised Building System (IBS) can further help to develop and promote IBS as
an innovative construction method in Malaysia.


Sistem bangunan berindustri atau Industrialised Building System (IBS)

merupakan satu kaedah pembinaan yang menawarkan rekabentuk, kerja-kerja tapak
dan bahan-bahan pembinaan yang ekonomi, membekalkan tempoh pembinaan yang
lebih singkat, menjimatkan dari segi tenaga kerja, menawarkan kualiti yang lebih
baik, fleksibel dengan cuaca, dan yang paling penting adalah dari segi faktor kos
pembinaan keseluruhannya. Penggunaan IBS telah terbukti amat berjaya di beberapa
buah negara seperti Finland, Denmark, Belanda, Singapura England dan Amerika
Syarikat (CIDB, 1998). Di negara kita Malaysia, kelebihan IBS yang menawarkan
tempoh pembinaan yang lebih singkat seolah-olah menjadi penyelesaian kepada
permintaan rumah yang semakin meningkat. Matlamat utama kajian ini adalah untuk
mendapatkan suatu senarai proses kerja bagi membina 300 rumah teres dua tingkat
yang mengaplikasikan komponen IBS untuk struktur utamanya. Untuk tujuan itu,
susunan aktiviti-aktiviti yang lengkap dalam pemasangan komponen IBS telah
diperolehi. Dengan menggunakan perisian simulasi Witness 2001, masa pembinaan
yang terbaik yang mampu dicapai telah dikaji dan pada masa yang sama penggunaan
sumber yang paling optimum untuk kerja pembinaan telah dikenalpasti. Diharapkan
dengan bertambahnya pemahaman tentang pengaplikasian IBS, secara tidak langsung
ia akan membantu dalam membangunkan dan mempromosikan IBS sebagai satu
kaedah pembinaan yang sangat inovatif.




1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Problems Statement 3
1.2 The Objective of the Study 3
1.3 Scope of the Study 4
1.4 Significance of the Study 4
1.5 Methodology of the Study 5
1.6 Summary 7

2.0 Introduction 8
2.1 Industrialised Building System (IBS) 8
2.2 Typical Classification of IBS 10

2.2.1 The Frame System 11

2.2.2 Panel System 12
2.2.3 Box System 13
2.3 Classification for Types of IBS Used in Malaysia 14
2.4 Benefits of IBS Component 15
2.4.1 High Quality and Aesthetical
Value of Products 16
2.4.2 Cleaner and Safer Construction Site 16
2.4.3 Faster Construction 16
2.4.4 Greater Unobstructed Span 17
2.4.5 Lower Total Construction Costs 17
2.5 Modular Coordination 17
2.6 Just-In-Time Philosophy 20
2.7 The Selection of an Industrialised System 23
2.8 Barriers to the Adoption of IBS in Malaysia 24
2.9 Government and CIDB Initiative 25
2.10 Industrialized Building Systems versus
Conventional System 28
2.11 Sequence of Conventional Construction Method 29
2.12 Precast Construction 31
2.13 Steel Construction 33
2.14 Sequence of Construction for IBS Method 34
2.15 Modelling and Simulation in Construction 37
2.16 Simulation Worldviews 38
2.17 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation 40
2.18 Witness 2001 Software 41
2.19 Summary 43

3.0 Introduction 45
3.1 Research Design 45
3.2 Data Collection 47
3.3 Modelling and Simulation 49

3.4 Summary 51


4.0 Introduction 52
4.1 Site Observation 52
4.1.1 Conventional Construction 53
4.1.2 Steel and Precast Construction 54
4.2 Proposed IBS Construction 55
4.2.1 Site Layout Plan 55
4.2.2 IBS Components 56
4.2.3 Supply of Components 57
4.2.4 Resources Requirement 57
4.2.5 Working Time 58
4.2.6 Crane Constraint 58
4.2.7 Installation Process 59
4.3 Process Flow of IBS Housing Construction 59
4.4 Summary 62


5.0 Introduction 63
5.1 Simulation Elements 63
5.1.1 Part 64
5.1.2 Buffers 66
5.1.3 Machine 67
5.1.4 Labour 70
5.1.5 Vehicles and Tracks 72
5.1.6 Vinteger 73
5.2 Simulation Modelling 74
5.2.1 One House Model 75 Definition of Resources Group 76
5.2.2 15 Houses Model 77
x Crane Movements 78 Valuation of Progress Percentage 79 Definition of Next Row Start Up
(NRS) Percentage 80
5.2.3 300 Houses Model 81
5.3 Simulation Analysis 82
5.3.1 Achievable Completion Time 83
5.3.2 Achievable Completion Time
(Resource Factor) 85
5.3.3 Resources Optimization 87
5.3.4 Detail Resources Assessment 88
5.4 Summary 89


6.0 Introduction 90
6.1 Findings Review 91
6.1.1 First Finding 91
6.1.2 Second Finding 92
6.1.3 Third Finding 92
6.2 Overall Conclusion of the Study 93
6.3 Recommendations 94




2.1 Building System Classification according to

Structural System 11
2.2 Comparing IBS with Conventional System Factors 29
4.1 The Types and Number of IBS 56
4.2 Type and Task for Selected Resources 57
4.3 Installation Process for each IBS Components 61
5.1 Activities and Running Time for Particular
Progress Percentage 80
5.2 Achievable Completion Time for 300 IBS Housing. 84
5.3 The Effect of Number of Resources Group on
Completion Time 85
5.4 Optimizing the Number of Resources 88



1.1 Methodology of the Study 6

2.1 Classifications of Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) 10
2.2 Industrial Hall Using Frame System 12
2.3 Arrangement of Box Units into Position Onsite 14
2.4 Principle Of Just In Time. 20
2.5 Improvement of IBS Industry In The Future 26
2.6 Parties Involved In Implementing IBS Construction 27
2.7 Sequence Activities of Conventional
Construction Method 30
2.8 Sequence of Activities for IBS Construction Method 35
2.9 Sequences Process of IBS Components Installation 36
2.10 Model Building Steps In Witness 2001. 43
3.1 Methodology of the Study 46
3.2 A Structure Model of Double Storey House Using
IBS Components 48
3.3 Example of Simulation Case Using Witness 2001 49
3.4 Steps in Developing Simulation Process 50
4.1 Site Plan for IBS Housing 55
4.2 House Model Using IBS Components 56
4.3 Working Radius for Cranes 58
4.4 Sequences of IBS Construction Activities 60
5.1 Designer Elements in Witness 2001 64
5.2 The Detail of Parts (IBS Components) 66

5.3 Utilizing Buffers in Site Storage 67

5.4 Cycle Detail for Machines Element 68
5.5 Statement of Action on Finish for Machines Element 69
5.6 Detail of Labour Elements in Witness 2001 71
5.7 The Function of Vehicles and Tracks in the Model 72
5.8 Initialize Action for Variables Declaration 74
5.9 A Model of One IBS House 76
5.10 A Model of 15 IBS Houses 77
5.11 Assigning a Setup Time for a Machine 78
5.12 Define Clock in Witness 2001 79
5.13 A Model of 300 IBS Houses 82
5.14 Achievable Completion Time for 300 IBS Housing. 85
5.15 The Effect of Number of Resources Utilization on
Completion Time 86
5.16 Optimizing Resources Using Witness 2001
Simulation Report 87
5.17 Summarize of Resources Utilization per Week 88


1.0 Introduction

In the 7th Malaysia Plan, Malaysia planned to construct about 800,000 units
of houses for its population which is 585,000 units or 73.1 per cent were planned for
low and low medium cost houses. Nevertheless, the achievements are somewhat
disappointing with only 20 per cent completed houses in this category despite
numerous incentives and promotions to encourage housing developers to invest in
such housing category (Kadir et al., 2006). In the 8th Malaysia Plan, almost another
800,000 units of houses are planned to build but the result still unsatisfactory.

With the announcement of the 9th Malaysia Plan, the country continues to
embark on the development of affordable and sustainable low and medium cost
housing. However, the country is facing a difficult task to accomplish the target of
600,000 to 800,000 houses during this period because the conventional building
system currently being practiced by the construction industry is unable to cope with
the huge demand (Kadir et al., 2006).

In essence, the demand for construction labour usage varies as the project
progresses from structural work including basement construction, architectural and
finishing work and mechanical and electrical (M&E) work. Furthermore, the
proportion of foreign to local workers also differs considerably through these stages
because of different skills required to accomplish the task. Currently, we can see that

our countrys construction industry is still very comfortably using labour intensive
and low technology methods of construction. The intensive use of foreign unskilled
workers and low technology equipment and out-of-dated construction methods, has
eventually caused low productivity and efficiency of work at construction site (Tay,
2006). As a result this has lead to unproductive practices and initially contributes to
the late delivery of work.

The highly dependency on unskilled and cheap foreign workers has definitely
contributed to low productivity of work, because although they may be cheap, but
they are not efficient and cause high wastage. The quality of work has also been
terribly affected due to unskilled working method. After completion defects,
structural failures and design inadequacies are some of the tell-tale sign of the current
construction scenario in our country. According to CIDB (2000), complaints made
by consumers through national media and to the authorities are some of the
numerous indications of low quality of work. At the end, these will lead to decreased
quality of life in uncomfortable and unfriendly environments.

Therefore, according to those problems, the industry must find an alternative

solution such as the industrialised building system (IBS) which has a lot of
advantages in term of productivity, indoor quality, durability and cost. The
introduction of the Industrialised Building System (IBS) with the promise of
improving productivity rate, lowering construction costs and meeting the growing
demand for affordable housing is indeed welcoming news to the countrys
construction industry (Richard, 2005). In other word, the awareness of current trends
and latest construction technology and innovation is essential in order to survive in
the competitive market.

1.1 Problems Statement

Although the long-introduced Industrialised Building System (IBS) has

promised to solve and improved the current construction method and scenario in our
country, but the IBS method has been low in gaining popularity, partly due to lack of
awareness and coordination among the relevant parties. Currently, the level of usage
of IBS method is very low as compared to the conventional methods in building
construction (CIDB, 2005). In spite of its many benefits, the different perceptions
among the construction players and practitioners towards its application in
construction industry has led to the low usage of IBS components in the construction

Dulaimi (1995) believe that considerable research efforts have been directed
toward the hardware elements of the IBS technology which are concerned with the
structure itself (the strength of the concrete and steel, the share forces, the bending
moment of the structure members, etc) but to date, the software elements of the
IBS, which are concerned with the data and information available on the system,
users, clients, establishment of manufacturing and assembly layout and process, and
allocation or resources and material, have received little attention. Therefore, there is
a dire need to overcome the shortage in the software elements of the building
system research (Badir, Kadir, and Hashim, 2002).

1.2 The Objective of the Study

The aim of this study is to determine the process flow of housing construction
that are applying Industrialized Building System (IBS) components for its main
structure. Accordingly, there are three specific objectives towards the main goal:

(i) To identify the detail sequence activities of housing construction using

IBS construction method.
(ii) To examine the most achievable completion time for IBS housing

construction by using simulation software.

(iii) To determine the optimum resource utilization such as tools,
machineries and labours in IBS construction by using simulation

1.3 Scope of the Study

The scope of work is mainly focused on the installation of IBS components

including footings, beams, slabs, columns, walls, toilets, stairs, roofs and fences. It is
required for the construction of 300 units of double storey house. The installation
process that will be highlighted in this study is starting from transporting IBS
components to the site, lifting and delivery, assembly process, fixing and adjusting
IBS components until finish the whole structure. Some assumptions that have been
made in this study are the installation will not be interrupted due to any delay,
machine breakdown, lack of labours and insufficient supply of IBS components from
the supplier.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study is attempted to propose a better alternative method for housing

construction. As the construction industry now is facing the challenges of four
aspects of time, cost, quality and safety, besides the demands of hundred thousands
houses development in Ninth Malaysia Plan, it is vital to have a systematic system or
method to be used in this industry. Therefore IBS used in double storey houses has
been introduced.

Other than that, this study will be used as a guideline model for the developer
or the contractor of IBS projects in the future to construct houses using IBS
components with detail information especially on time and resources usage. Besides,

this study will show them on how to manage IBS construction method at site by
considering the best sequence process whereby it will offer the optimum resources
utilization with minimum construction time. Finally the idea gathered and simulation
model produced from this study may help all parties involved in IBS construction to
prevent unnecessary problems.

Yet, it is hoped that the widespread understanding on the Industrialised

Building System (IBS) can further help to develop and promote IBS as an innovative
construction method in Malaysia.

1.5 Methodology of the Study

This study consists of five stages towards the final aim as shown in figure
1.1. As far as the title of research is concerned, the main goal together with the
objectives of this study has been identified as discussed in previous topic. Then the
scope and limitation has been determined to concentrate on the aim of the study.
Literature review has been taken place after all preliminaries stage has completed.
The purpose of this stage is to strengthen the background knowledge of this study
and moreover to achieve some of the objectives fixed in the early stage.

The climax of this study is on the collecting data and the discussion of
findings stage. Detail description of procedures to collect data, findings and
discussions has been made in chapter 3. Construction simulation approach has been
used in this study to replicate the IBS construction of housing in real-time virtual
modes. A final finding is to determine the optimum resources utilization in IBS
construction by using simulation software. The study ended with conclusion and
some recommendations to further develop the result of this research.

Figure 1.1: Methodology of the study


1.6 Summary

First chapter was explained to introduce and elaborate the background of this
study for further understanding on the problems that has been solved. Such that issue
on the long-introduced of Industrialised Building System (IBS) still has been low in
attaining popularity in construction industry, partly due to lack of awareness and
coordination among the relevant parties. By considering the demands of housing
development and the need for construction industry to make changes, the
introduction of the Industrialised Building System (IBS) with the promise of
improving productivity rate, lowering construction costs and meeting the growing
demand for affordable housing is definitely welcoming news to the industry. This
study is prepared to provide some information of IBS technology that can be
implemented by all parties in construction project. With the extensive knowledge on
the Industrialised Building System (IBS) may further expand and promote IBS as an
innovative construction method in Malaysia, at the same time prevent all the barriers
to the adoption of IBS technology in construction Industry.



2.0 Introduction

Literature review on the background information for this study is to discuss

as many as theoretical issues to strengthen the final findings. This chapter highlights
the subject on Industrialised Building System (IBS) itself, its importance and
contribution to the construction industry. It also elaborates the sequence of IBS
construction according to the observation of conventional, precast and steel
constructions. This chapter also review on the concepts of Modular Coordination
(MC), Just-In-Time principles, the sequences of structural formation process of IBS
components at site, simulation construction overview and will emphasize on the
simulation of housing construction in Malaysia that utilising IBS method. At the
same time, this chapter presents on the literature information that will later illustrate
the research methodology that has been carried out in the following chapter.

2.1 Industrialised Building System (IBS)

According to Warszawski (1999), building system is defined as a set of

interrelated elements that act together to enable the designated performance of a
building. Industrialised system means to build on-site with elements or
components produced by series in plants (Badir, Kadir, and Hashim, 2002).
Industrialised Building System (IBS) is one of the improved building systems that

are being introduced to achieve the target of faster completion with mass production
of the building elements in places out of its final location in a building.

Rollet (1986) also defined the word industrialising as to build on site with
elements or components produced by series in plants. An industrialised organisation
of building means that these components can be assembled together even though
they are produced on different plants as they have then to be compatible. Another
definition given by Trikha (1999), expounded that Industrialised Building System
(IBS) is a system in which concrete components, prefabricated at site or in factory
are assembled to form the structure with minimum in-situ construction. Esa and
Nuruddin (1998) also defined that an IBS is a continuum beginning from utilising
craftsmen for every aspect of construction to a system that make use of
manufacturing production in order to minimise resource wastage and enhance value
for end users.

In short, Industrialised Building System (IBS) is a construction method that

offers economisation of design, site work and materials, provides shorter
construction time, saving in labour, better quality control, immunity to weather
changes and the most importantly, the cost factor. It has been proven successful in
some countries, namely Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Singapore, England and the
United States (CIDB, 1998). In our country Malaysia, the shorter construction time
offered by IBS seems to be the panacea for the housing demand in Malaysia. It is
hoped that the widespread understanding on the Industrialised Building System (IBS)
can further help to develop and promote IBS as an innovative construction method in

Nevertheless, it requires that the creativity to be created and implemented at

all stages of development plan to assembly to achieve successful IBS

2.2 Typical Classification of IBS

In general, there are various Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) used

throughout the world, and they can be classified into several major categories (Junid,
1986). From the structural classification, there are three IBS main groups identified
as being used in this country. The typical classifications are as follows:

(i) Frame or post and beam system

(ii) Panel system
(iii) Box system

Figure 2.1 shows the concept of the system as classified above. In the
evaluation of the systems, various parameters such as the industrialised process used,
the transportation and erection problems, architectural features and the social-
economic problems must be considered.

Figure 2.1: Classifications of Industrialised Building Systems (IBS)

However, Majzub (1977) commented that the relative weight of components

should be used as a basis for building classification. The factor of weight has a huge

impact on the transportability of the components and also has influence on the
production method of the components and their erection method on site. This
classification by weight can help to distinguish between various basic materials used
in the production of the components, which by itself help to determine the
characteristics of the studied system. Table 2.1 shows the building system
classification according to relative weight of component.

Table 2.1: Building system classification according to structural system

No General System System Production Material
Light weight frame Wood, light gage metals

Metal, reinforced plastics,

1 Frame system Medium light weight frame
laminated wood

Heavy weight frame Heavy steel, concrete

Wood frame, metal frame

Light and medium weight panel
and composite materials

Heavy weight panel (factory

2 Panel system Concrete

Heavy weight panel (tilt up-

produced on site)

Wood frame, light gage

Medium weight box (mobile)
metal, composite

Wood frame, light gage

Medium weight box (sectional)
metal, composite
Box system
Heavy weight box (factory

Heavy box (tunnel produced on


2.2.1 The Frame System

Frame system may be defined as those structures that carry the loads
through their beams and girders to column and finally to the footing or pilecap. Junid
(1986) also stated that, in such a system, the skeletal structures will help to reduce

the number and sizes of load carrying members. Their important feature is the
capacity to transfer heavy loads over large spans. Therefore, it is used in the
construction of bridges, parking lots, warehouses, industrial buildings and sport

Typical systems of linear components for industrial buildings are composed

of structural frames, spaced at equal distances whereby it creates modular linear
frame that can be repeated at a desired number of times. Figure 2.2 shows the
example of industrial hall using frame system.

Figure 2.2: Industrial Hall using Steel Frame System

2.2.2 Panel System

The second system is panel system which also known as planar system. Panel
system may be defined as those structures that carry the load through large floor and
wall panels (Junid, 1986). This system probably would be the most widely used
prefabricated system which employed planar or panel-shaped elements for floor
slabs, vertical supports, partitions and exterior wall. Concrete panel systems are
extensively used in Europe for high rise building for ease of construction purpose. In
Malaysia, this system is popularly used in high rise flats and low rise buildings.

Unlike frame system that mainly employed as structural framing, panel

systems also fulfil interior and exterior space enclosure functions. They may be
prefabricated with a considerable amount of finish with a considerable amount of
finishing work such as exterior finish, thermal insulation, electrical conduits and
fixtures, plumbing and window frames. Therefore, panel system will significantly
reduce the content and amount of skilled workers onsite. Hence, this system is
widely used in residential buildings, offices, schools, hotels and similar buildings
with moderate loads and large amount of finish works. Figure 2.2 shows the
application of panel system in industrial housing.

According to Junid (1986), panel system may be defined as those structures

that carry the load through large floor and wall panels. The panels can be made in
various forms and materials and are normally prefabricated at factory. Depending on
the scale of projects, some panels may be fabricated at site for easy transportation.
Concrete panel systems are extensively used in Europe for high rise building for ease
of construction purpose. In Malaysia, this system is slowly gaining popularity in
terms of high rise flats and low rise buildings. Other panel systems available are as
such wood, plastic, light weight metal and ferrocement materials.

2.2.3 Box System

According to Junid (1986), box system may be defined as those systems that
use three-dimensional modules (or boxes) for fabrication of habitat units. Box system
is useful and preferable because of its compatibility with a high degree of finish in
the factory and its lateral resistance (Bruggeling and Huyghe, 1991). The main
features of this system are in the internal stability as it can withstand load from
various directions.

The box system components can be either cast in box-like moulds or

assembled it in the plant from panel form elements. The components may contain a
large amount of finishing works such as wall and floor finishing, electrical wiring

and fixtures, kitchen cupboard, plumbing pipes and windows. This will definitely
speed up the construction time at site. In the case of high rise construction, the degree
of factory prefabrication is reduced for economic reasons of avoiding doubling of
wall, ceilings and floors. Depending on how it is used, the boxes can be made to be
load bearing or only support its own weight. The boxes can be produced in
monolithic form such as concrete boxes or be made in various sections joined
together in the factory. Figure 2.3 show the assembling of box units into position

Figure 2.3: Arrangement of box units into position onsite

2.3 Classification for Types of IBS Used in Malaysia

The Industrialised Building Systems (IBS) is a construction process that

utilizes techniques, products, components, or building systems which involve
prefabricated components and on-site installation. According to CIDB (2003), from
the structural classification, there are five IBS main groups identified as being used
in this country, and these are:

(i) Precast concrete framing, panel and box systems

This system includes precast concrete columns, beams, slabs, walls, 3-D
components (eg: balconies, staircases, toilets, lift chambers, refuse
chambers), lightweight precast concrete, as well as permanent concrete

(ii) Steel formwork systems

This system includes tunnel forms, tilt-up systems, beams and columns
moulding forms, and permanent steel formworks.

(iii) Steel framing system

This system covers steel trusses, columns beams and portal frame systems.

(iv) Prefabricated timber framing systems

This system prefabricated timber trusses beams and columns.

(v) Blockwork systems

This system includes interlocking concrete masonry units (CMU) and
lightweight concrete blocks.

2.4 Benefits of IBS Component

Most of the industry players fail to realize that IBS offers better alternative to
the traditional and labour intensive in-situ construction. The main benefits offered by
the usage of IBS elements are:

2.4.1 High Quality and Aesthetical Value of Products

IBS products are manufactured in a casting area where critical factors

including temperature, mix design and stripping time can be closely checked and
controlled; and this will ensure that the quality of IBS products are better than cast-
in-situ concrete. A huge sum of money will be saved by not having to do rectification
works. Also due to factory-controlled prefabrication environment, many
combinations of colours and textures can be applied easily to the architectural or
structural pieces. A vast range of sizes and shapes of IBS components can be
produced, providing a great deal of flexibility and offer fresher looks to the

2.4.2 Cleaner and Safer Construction Site

Usage of IBS elements eliminates or greatly reduces conventional formworks

and props. IBS construction also lessens the problem of site wastages and the related
environmental problems. The prefabricated products also provide a safe working
platform for workers to work on. Workers and materials are also greatly reduced at
the construction sites. Also, as elements are produced in the plant and mostly
designed to be repetitive, minimal wastage will be experienced at both factory and
construction sites.

2.4.3 Faster Construction

IBS construction will save valuable time and helps to reduce the risk of
project delay and possible monetary losses. IBS design and production of elements
can be started while the construction site is under survey or earthworks. Production
are also unaffected by weather conditions due to preliminary work such as the
controlled environment on casting area. Also, the usage of large IBS panels will

reduce the time taken to complete the structural works. Therefore, other trades such
as painting and electrical wiring can begin work sooner.

2.4.4 Greater Unobstructed Span

The usage of prestressed precast solutions such as the Hollow Core slabs and
Double-T beams offer greater unobstructed span than the conventional reinforced
concrete elements. With having the lesser beams and columns in any structure, it will
provide flexible working space. It is very ideal for the construction of places of
worship, warehouses, halls, car parks, shops and offices.

2.4.5 Lower Total Construction Costs of Ownership

All of the above simplify the construction processes and increase

productivity, quality and safety. As a result, the total costs of construction are

2.5 Modular Coordination

The introduction of MC in the industry is to improve productivity and quality

in building construction as well as to act as a tool towards rationalisation and
industrialisation of the building industry. The decision to replace the existing
imperial system of weights and measures in Malaysia with the metric system in 1972
provides a unique opportunity for technological advancement and rationalization in
the building industry.

The program for change to the metric from 1972 to 1982, however, faced
with much difficulty due to the complexity and fragmented nature of the building
industry. A coherent system of coordinating dimensions in the building process is
crucially needed to facilitate the communication at all levels in the building industry.
The approval of the recommendation for the introduction of modular coordination in
building in Malaysia by the Government in April 1986 constitutes a positive step to
streamline the industry towards proper metrication in building planning, design,
construction and manufacturing of building materials and building components. The
proper characteristics of MC are:

(i) The basic module is small in terms odd size in order to provide design
flexibility, yet large enough to promote simplification in the
components variation in sizes.
(ii) Industry friendly features that not only cater for manufacturing but also
the transportation and assembly requirements.
(iii) Ergonomically designed to promote efficiency.
(iv) Internationally accepted to support international market.

The introduction of modular coordination in the industry not only provides

dimensional basis for the coordination of dimensions and of those buildings
incorporating them, but also it acts as a tool towards rationalization and
industrialization of the building industry. Modular Coordination is essentially based

(i) The use of modules (basic module and multi-modules)

(ii) A reference system to define coordinating spaces and zones for building
elements and for the components which form them.
(iii) Rules for locating building elements within the reference system.
(iv) Rules for sizing building components in order to determine their work sizes.
(v) Rules for defining preferred sizes for building components and coordinating
dimensions for buildings.

The use of Modular Coordination as a dimensional basis for the building

industry will pave the way for the creation of open design principles and rules which
combine freedom in architectural planning and flexibility in the choice of
construction method. It offers designers the possibility of incorporating standardized
modular components in building projects effectively due to the following

(i) Dimensional coordination for simplification and clarification of the building

process. It provides a common language for the building industry players,
thus creating better coordination and cooperation between various parties.
(ii) Limitation of variants in dimensions of components, reducing design time
especially with the use of standardized modular components.
(iii) Standardisation of building components, thus reducing manufacturing and
installation costs.
(iv) Prefabrication of standardized components to minimize wastage of materials,
manpower and construction time.
(v) Industrialisation of the building process through the increased usage of
modern technologies such as Computer Aided Design and Drafting and
Computer Aided Manufacturing.

Modular Coordination is a concept for coordinating dimension and space for

which buildings and components are dimensioned and positioned in basic units or
modules. According to CIDB (2005) IBS Digest October December 2005 Issue,
MS 1064 introduces a certain geometric discipline using practical approaches which
relate to set-up coordination and measurement of components and spaces in the
building design.

MC has been introduced in Malaysia since 1986, but has not been widely
implemented in the building industry. The main factors limiting the uses of MC in
building industries is lack of knowledge on MC concept and it requires precision
dimensioning, proper planning and not by mentioning the production of IBS

The principal objective of implementing MC is to improve productivity

through the reduction of wastages in the production, installation process, to improve
quality in the construction industry and to encourage an open system. With Open
System approach, building components could combine in a variety of individual
building projects while ensuring the architect freedom in their designs.

MC is an important factor in application of Industrialised Building System

IBS by way of standardization of components and dimensions such as reduce time of
production and installation of components, achieving repeatability and able to
construct building at lower cost.

2.6 Just-In-Time Philosophy

Just-in-time (JIT) is originated from manufacturing industry. It is known as a

philosophy of manufacturing based on planned elimination of all waste and on
continuous improvement of productivity (Ahmad, 2005). It also has been described
as an approach with the objective of producing the right part in the right place at the
right time or just in time. The just-in-time philosophy has the potential for
managing the movement of precast concrete components from the prefabrication
yard to the construction site. Besides, it is also can be used for the logistics
management to help raise productivity levels.

JIT should improve profits and return on investment by reducing inventory

levels, increasing the inventory turnover rate, reducing variability, improving product
quality, reducing production and delivery lead times, and reducing other costs such
as those associated with machine setup and equipment breakdown. There are
altogether six key principles to illustrate the JIT philosophy. These six principles
include elimination of waste, total quality control, supplier relations: single sourcing,
Kanban or pull system, the uninterrupted work flow and top management
commitment and employee involvement.

In the aspect of elimination of waste, waste is regarded as anything that does

not add value to the final product. Waste results from any activity that adds cost
without adding value, such as the unnecessary moving of materials, the accumulation
of excess inventory, or the use of faulty production methods that create products
requiring subsequent rework will be eliminated in JIT. Therefore, excess inventory
is regarded as waste since it does not add any value to the final product. By
stockpiling inventory, it does not bring any benefit. It will just tie down the capital
and takes up space. Besides, it also incurs storage cost which includes insurance and
security cost. There are also risk of obsolescence and risk damage during the storage
time. In this case, JIT concept calls for buffer stocks or zero inventories.

Other than that, the JIT philosophy also emphasis on the total quality control
concept for a smooth and just-in-time execution of the work processes. It is because
the rejection of materials due to the poor quality of the products will indirectly affect
the whole production workflow and schedule. Total quality control is the practice of
building quality into the process and not identifying quality by inspection (Richard
et. al., 2001). Besides, it also refers to the theory of employees assuming
responsibility for the quality of their own work. In the JIT philosophy only good
quality product from the production operations will be accepted. If all product are
good, then no just-in-case extra inventory is needed. Hence, it can help to achieve
high quality and high productivity.

The manufacturing sector is one of the well-developed sectors, whereas the

output process is given full attention. According to Ahmad (2005), the success of JIT
can be clearly seen only in the manufacturing sector. This can be done, due to the
closed and controlled surrounding environment, assisted by the usage of full
automation and mechanical instruments. At the same time, the manufacturing of
uniform components in a continuous on-going process has helped to increase the
efficiency of operational and big scale project economy.

In reality by looking to the construction sector especially on the conventional

methods, most of the works are carried out at site. Therefore, construction process
and labour work will be severely affected by the weather. If the current situation

persists, the construction work will continue to depend on continuous labour force
and the production rate will remain at its lowest. Thus the implementation of JIT
principle in the construction sector through the introduction of precast elements is
hoped to achieve such success rate that has been long tasted in the manufacturing
sector. In this situation, the work process will be done in a controlled and closed
environment. The site will only be the installation place, whereas the components
produced from the factory will be delivered to the site and ready for installation.

The use of precast elements can help control the usage of formworks,
reinforcements and concrete in order to prevent wastage. Proper monitoring and
control and the quality assurance of raw materials and the steel moulds can ensure
the production of high quality products. In this case, prefabrication can meet the
demand of lean production. Figure 2.4 shows the JIT principle in the construction
industry scenario.

Figure 2.4: Principle of Just In Time.

In the construction sector, it needs a big space for the storage of materials at
site, and this will only reduce the capital budget. The need to prepare a large storage
area will not only waste money in allocating a large area for storage purposes, but if
the materials are not properly kept at site, it will affect the quality of the materials
greatly. Therefore, the implementation of JIT principle can save cost associated with
storage, since the materials will be delivered to the site in the right quantities and in a
controlled environment, to ensure that the quality of the components are guaranteed.

Since the materials will be delivered to the right place at the right time, this will also
reduce cost associated with storage of materials at site.

In this context, it can clearly see that the JIT principle has a good potential in
developing precast concrete components into eliminating the problem associated
with storage of materials at site, and also the heavy traffic problem at site. It is hoped
that the JIT principle can be fully implemented in the construction industry in our
country, so that the productivity and efficiency of work at site can be improved to a
greater height.

2.7 The Selection of an Industrialised System

Before selecting an industrialized system, there are a few aspects to be

considered such as economics, marketing, technology, management, physical
performance and architectural design. In the aspect of economics, it requires the
selection of the most profitable method, suitable location and size of the
prefabrication plant. Hence, the forecasting of the demand is required in order to
determine the size of the prefabrication plant.

In addition, marketing includes advertising, sales engineering and advertising

contracting for projects. As for the technology, it involves the selection of materials,
and production technique. It is vital in the selection of the materials, which will
determine the quality of the production. Besides, connecting, jointing and finishing
techniques needed also to be taken into account.

Management is always the most important aspect in the industrialised

building systems. Planning and coordination production, transportation, erection and
quality control are depending on the good management skill. Another aspect need to
be considered is the physical performance which includes strength, stability, fire
resistance, thermal and acoustic requirements, maintainability and insulation.
Moreover, architectural design is also important in the considering of implementing

an industrialized system. It involves aesthetics, functionality, versatility and


2.8 Barriers to the Adoption of IBS in Malaysia

IBS is not new in the Malaysian construction industry, particularly the usage
of steel structures and precast concrete for the construction of bridges, drains and
other infrastructure projects. Nevertheless, the usage of IBS in the Malaysian
building industry is still very low if compared to the conventional methods.
According to Ng (2006), the construction industry has been slow in adoption of IBS
due to several reasons:

(i) Wide swings in houses demand, high interest rate and cheap labour cost,
make it difficult to justify large capital investment. Contractors prefer to use
labour intensive conventional building system because it is far easier to lay
off workers during slack period.

(ii) Fully prefabricated construction system requires high construction precision.

Malaysian labour forces still lack of skilled workers. Many of foreign skilled
workers had left the country after the widespread crackdown on illegal
foreign workers in recent years. The new batches of foreign workers do not
possess the required skill and have to be retrained.

(iii) The construction industry is so fragmented, diverse and involves many

parties. Consensus is required in the use of IBS during planning stage.
However, the owners, contractors and engineers still lack of scientific
information about the economic benefits of IBS.

(iv) Lack of research and development in the area of novel building system that
uses local materials. Majorities of IBS in Malaysia are imported from
developed countries, thus driving up the construction cost. Engineering

degrees in local universities seldom teach about the design and construction
of IBS.

(v) The economic benefits of IBS are not well documented in Malaysia. Past
experiences indicated IBS is more expensive due to fierce competition from
conventional building system. Furthermore, there is an abundance of cheap
foreign workers in Malaysia.

(vi) The use of IBS in developed countries is so successful due to high quality and
high productivity. But, in Malaysia, the scenario different, most projects
constructed with IBS were low quality and high construction cost.

(vii) Lack of incentive and promotion from government in the use of IBS. Many
architects and engineers still unaware of the basic element of IBS such as
modular coordination (MC).

2.9 Government and CIDB Initiative

The usage of IBS in building is still low in our country. From a survey
conducted by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia, the usage
level of IBS in the local construction industry stands at only 15% (IBS Survey,
2003). The early efforts of the Government to encourage the use of IBS in the
construction sector has yet to garner a good response and this sector is still practicing
conventional construction methods that have proven time and again to be wasteful,
dangerous and messy.

The industry needs one fundamental plan that involves all the important
aspects in this evolution process. In this respect, the IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 is
formulated as a reference for all parties in implementing all programs towards the
modernization of the Malaysian construction sector. IBS Roadmap 2003-2010 is to
ensure that its programs are implemented to meet the total industrialisation of

Malaysias construction industry by the year 2010. Figure 2.5 simply illustrates the
improvement of IBS industries in the future.

Figure 2.5: Improvement of IBS Industry in the future

The Malaysian Government is also currently very active in promoting the

usage of prefabricated materials, particularly IBS components. In 7th, 8th and 9th
Malaysia Plan, increment of budget for the IBS sector can be seen dramatically
offered. The Public Works Department (JKR), CIDB as well as the Ministry of
Housing and Local Government are among the leaders in championing its usage in
the construction industry. JKR has also produced a new set of drawings utilizing IBS
Close System components for its standard quarters. More houses, hostels, schools,
colleges and low cost houses are also now being designed and constructed using IBS

It is hoped that more clients, designers and contractors in the local

construction industry heed to governments call for the industrialisation of the
construction sector and choose for precast or IBS construction as an alternative to the
in-situ method. The commitment and cooperation between the government and
private sector are crucial in ensuring the success of the program. Figure 2.6 clearly
shows how benefit IBS implementation to all practitioners in IBS construction

industry. There are a lot of job opportunities coming in if IBS industries are fully
launched. Therefore, in order to survive in the era of globalization, it is important for
local players in construction industry change their perception and begin to use new
techniques to produce better quality, productivity and safety in construction.

Figure 2.6: Parties involved in implementing IBS construction

The Government is determined to ensure that every Malaysian will have

access to affordable homes. During the period 1971-2003, the Government
constructed 490,000 units of low-cost houses while the private sector constructed
509,000 units for low-income families. The Government intends to provide an
additional 100,000 units of affordable homes to be implemented through the
industrialized building system. The usage of IBS components in Government
building projects will be increased from 30 percent currently to 50 percent
commencing from year 2005. According to the Prime Minister, housing developers
who utilize IBS components exceeding 50 percent will be given full exemption on
levy imposed by CIDB (IBS Digest, 2005).

2.10 Industrialized Building Systems versus Conventional System

The study has been done by Badir, Kadir, and Hashim (2002) in order to
determine the advantages and disadvantages of using IBS method. Compared with
the conventional method, IBS have lesser cost and higher speed of construction. In
terms of the total number of labour force required in the current IBS, it is far lower
than those required in the conventional method of construction. In terms of usage of
heavy equipment, the IBS construction requires less use of heavy equipment than
that required for the conventional method of construction. This is due to the fact that
most of the IBS are of formwork, sandwich panel, block panel, and steel frame.
These systems do not require use of heavy equipment. The precast panel is the only
system that needs the use of heavy equipment during erection.

In terms of quality of the building, the IBS construction was found to be

capable of producing units of higher quality than what the conventional construction
method could achieve (CIDB, 2005). However, the IBS need a much higher initial
capital investment than does a conventional system. This is because factories or
production facilities must be constructed and because of the high cost of training
labour. Table 2.2 simply shows the percentage of response when the IBS method was
compared with conventional method.

The IBS construction activities are highly capital intensive. This is the main
disadvantage of the IBS. The heavily mechanized approach has displeased a
substantial number of the labour force from the building construction industry. In
some IBS there is a tremendous need for expert labour at the construction site.
Therefore, extra costs are needed to train the semiskilled labour force for highly
skilled jobs. On the other hand, the savings in labor cost and the savings in material
cost are also the major advantages of the Malaysian IBS. The control in using
materials, such as steel, sand, and timber, will result in substantial savings on the
overall cost of the project.

Table 2.2: Comparing IBS with Conventional System Factors

(Badir, Kadir, and Hashim, 2002)

2.11 Conventional Construction Method

According to Bannet and Grice (1985), for the conventional construction

approach, it is based on the rigid separation of design and construction. The design
team prepares detailed drawings, specification and often Bill of Quantity. The tender
documents are prepared and the contract will be awarded to the winning bid from the
contractors. The contractor will then manage the construction projects by using

Conventional construction method involves construction work being carried

out at site. It involves site preparation by fellow contactors before the laying of the
footings. The foundation is then built on the footings, to extend above the level of the
ground. The building is actually made on the foundation. Usually a floor is laid on
the foundation. Beams will then be constructed, followed by the construction of
columns and slabs. Where it is necessary, staircases will be constructed, before
eventually roof beams are constructed, followed closely by the construction of roof

trusses. When the roof is to be framed on the site, the top sill plate is nailed on top of
the wall sections. Cutting and nailing each piece of wood one at a time takes a lot of
time. Not only must each piece be cut but each piece must be carried up the ladder to
the right place.

Water proof roofing materials will be placed to ensure the roof is water proof
before roof tiles are placed in position. Brick walls will be constructed where
necessary, with allocations for the placement of doors and window panels. Painting
and aesthetic decoration on walls and floor slabs will follow up and the end product
will be a complete on-site building. Figure 2.7 summarizes the sequence activities in
conventional construction method.

Figure 2.7: Sequence activities of conventional construction method

Certainly, with so much on-going works happening on site, many skilled and
unskilled labourers are needed to carry out the works on site. Formworks have to be

constructed to specified dimensions and concrete casting will be done when all the
formworks and reinforcements have been properly laid on site. Weather is a common
factor that affects the working schedule on site, and often, material wastage is a
problem faced by contractors.

Conventional construction method requires proper planning and scheduling to

ensure that the work is within the progress schedule. Due to many uncertainty and
risk of wastage at site, close watch on the cost of the construction project is essential
to minimise any risk of increase in the construction cost of the entire project.

2.12 Precast Construction

The construction of precast concrete should start with very tough planning
and scheduling. Schedule is one of the major reasons why precast construction is
employed. Hence a high emphasis is placed on commitment of a specific schedule
when a project is awarded. Sequence of construction may be dictated by several
factors including client requirements, physical constraints of site especially on
access, commercial advantages and to a lesser extend technical requirements.

After specifically determine the size and pattern of precast components that
will be used, it will be ordered from pilot plant. Delivery of precast components is a
factor to be considered during the design stage of precast components. The size,
shape, weight, route, site access, commercial aspects, etc all contribute it. In
Malaysia, the most common mode of transport is by trucks or trailers, and to a lesser
extent by rail or by barge. Usually, for very large components especially for
infrastructure projects casting is carried out near the site. Most of the components are
laid horizontally for delivery although some components maybe required to be
delivered in a near vertical position. Special frames during transportation will be
required to avoid damages, toppling, etc.

At site, considerations such as temporary accesses, condition of accesses,

turning circle for trailers, capacity of culverts, and temporary parking add on to the
factors to be considered at the planning stage. Temporary stability of a part of a
precast building is of significant importance and pre-determined before
commencement of installation works. On site, it is not recommended to store the
precast elements for long durations or in large quantities. This will eliminate the
possibilities of damages, double handling and site safety concerns. However they
may be situations when this becomes a necessity. If it so inevitable, some of the
considerations are:

(i) ground conditions able to carry self weight of stack,

(ii) earth movements due to other works,
(iii) accessibility of transportation,
(iv) lifting capacity of cranes hoist,
(v) special racking if required, and
(vi) safety aspects such as stability of stack, toppling etc.

When it comes to the construction of precast concrete, it is more simplicity

compare to conventional. Precast components will be delivered to the site, whether to
the storage area or to the installation place. Usually the deliveries process is
transported by heavy trucks because the components have a quite heavy self-weight.
After reach construction site, the component will be unloaded by crane whereby the
capability of crane is depending on components weight. Some workers are needed to
assist the installation component process in order to hoist, adjust and fix it into the
right places. The vital point to be alert in precast construction will be the connection
between components. The concept of good precast construction is when the whole
structure of precast building may react as one united component as far as
conventional product is resulted. Finally, the construction will end up with finishing
and usually finishing method will be same as conventional by installing door,
window, tiles, mechanical and electrical tools, etc.

2.13 Steel Construction

Steel construction is not too far different with precast construction. The
components of steel structure are ordered from pilot plant with certain specifications.
Before that, it is also need a good plan and schedule. Planning is one of the major
reasons why steel construction is employed. Without a good planning, problems will
occur during construction process especially on components installation. Hence a
high emphasis is placed on commitment of a specific planning when a project is
awarded. Design of steel structure must be recognize in detail including connection
type, bolt size, welding strength, etc.

Once it is principally determine the size and design of steel components that
will be used, it will be ordered from pilot plant. Delivery of precast components is a
factor to be considered during the design stage of precast components. The size,
shape, weight, route, site access, commercial aspects, etc all contribute it. In
Malaysia, the most common mode of transport is by trucks or trailers, and to a lesser
extent by rail or by barge. Usually, for very large components especially for
infrastructure projects casting is carried out near the site. Most of the components are
laid horizontally for delivery although some components maybe required to be
delivered in a near vertical position. Special frames during transportation will be
required to avoid damages, toppling, etc.

In construction of steel structure, honestly it is also more ease compare to the

conventional approach. Steel components will be delivered to the site, whether to the
storage area or to the installation place. After reaching construction site, the
component will be unloaded by crane with certain capabilities. More workers are
needed to install the component in order to hoist, adjust and fix it into the right
places. The workers are professional or skilled people because it involves bolting and
welding the connection. Not a lot of welders know how to weld professionally and
generally the welder will have a license for welding purposes.

Finally, the construction will end up with finishing and usually finishing
method will be same as conventional by installing door, window, tiles, mechanical
and electrical tools, etc. Steel finishing is not too similar to precast finishing because
in steel structure, there is a need to protect steel surface from fire or any other
damager. Therefore the final product between steel structure and precast structure in
term of interface, it will be some differences. Most of the time, steel and precast are
combined together to have simplicity in construction, speed of overall completion
time, cost economization, smart interface, etc.

2.14 Sequence of Construction for IBS Method

IBS method is different from the conventional construction method. Known

for its benefits in terms of shorter construction time, saving in labour, material
saving, better quality control, immunity to weather changes and the cost factor, IBS
method illustrates a different approach to the construction method commonly used. It
offers an alternative to the existing conventional building system.

Among one of the most important characteristics of IBS method is IBS

components are prefabricated offsite. According to Chew and Michael (1986),
prefabrication system of construction means breaking a whole housing unit into
different components such as the floors, walls, columns, beams, roofs, etc. and
having these components separately prefabricated or manufactured in modules or
standard dimensions in a factory. Figure 2.8 show sequence of activities of IBS
construction method.

Figure 2.8: Sequence of activities for IBS construction method

IBS method emphasizes on prefabrication concept. Firstly, the design stage is

carried out where the IBS components are designed according to specifications.
Then, the components are prefabricated at factory, where components of IBS are
manufactured according to specified dimensions and specifications. Quality-
controlled and highly aesthetic end products through the processes of controlled pre-
fabrication and simplified installations has maintained and ensured the quality of
work in the construction industry.

The IBS components are then transported to the site from the factory for
assembling process. At site, the IBS components are assembled accordingly with the
assistance of a crane. The reduction of construction waste with the usage of the
standardized components and less in-site works provides a cleaner site due to lesser
construction waste. Finally, the final unit of the building is finally assembled and
ready for occupation.

IBS method offers a new concept in terms of speed of construction, and it

clearly shows many other benefits as compared to the conventional construction
method. According to Chew and Michael (1986), IBS also consists of two types of
prefabricated systems in the market, namely; fully prefabricated system and partially
prefabricated system.

Fully prefabricated system is referring to the components produced in the

factory and later transported to the site for erection. Fully prefabricated system
consists of three categories, namely; panel system, frame system and box system.
Further description and explanation of the above-mentioned systems has been
clarified in the sub-section before.

Figure 2.9: Sequences process of IBS components installation

Partially prefabricated system is a type of system in construction where

certain elements that can be standardized are prefabricated in the factory, whereas
other components are cast in-situ. In this construction method, certain elements as
such wall panels, slab panels and staircase are considered as precast components,
while the columns, beams and the foundations are usually cast in-situ due to ease and
speed of construction. According to Chew and Michael (1986), this system usually
give more rigid construction and better water tightness characteristic, which are
normally a big problem with the usage of panel system and frame system.

2.15 Modelling and Simulation in Construction

Simulation has been recognized as one of the most powerful tools that help
decision makers in manufacturing and other industries to solve difficult and complex
problems for design, control or improvement of systems. The benefits from using
simulation include reduced costs, improved quality and productivity, and shortened
time-to-market. In spite of its power and benefits, the technology is still underutilized
in many applications. The main reasons are:

(i) Simulation modelling is a time-consuming and knowledge intensive process

requiring not only the knowledge from application domain, but also from the
simulation and implementation domain (Arons, 1999). This cross-domain
communication has caused great amount of difficulties in simulation
modelling, and the cost for training and skill development is very high.

(ii) Most simulation models developed with the current technology are
customized rigid models that cannot be reused or easily adapted to other
even similar problems.

(iii) With the current technology, simulation modelling is still an ad-hoc process,
for instance a craft rather than a science. The modelling quality and efficiency
depend largely on the skill and experience of human modellers (Mclean,
2001). The loss of intellectual capital due to a high turnover rate and
continuous retirement of experienced employees has further worsened the

On the other hand, the construction phase of a civil engineering facility is a

complex enterprise characterized by a set of tasks or activities with complex
relationships. The progress of these activities is heavily influenced by an
environment that is described by stochastic phenomena such as changing weather
conditions, equipment breakdowns, etc (Carson, 2004). Hence, the planning,
scheduling, and control of the various activities and resources of a construction

project are among the most challenging tasks faced by a professional construction
manager (Barrie and Paulson 1992).

Tools and techniques to analyze, plan, and control the construction processes
must be utilized. Over the last two decades, research and advancements in the area of
modeling and analysis of construction processes have demonstrated the usefulness of
computer simulation in this role. Modeling is an important step for understanding
and improving a process performance (Kartam et al., 1997). One of the more
widespread construction modelling or simulation tools is CYCLONE, developed by
D. W. Halpin in 1977.

2.16 Simulation Worldviews

Simulation modeling software usually takes one of three worldviews which

are event scheduling, process interaction, or activity scanning. As their names
suggest, each puts its main focus on the events, the processes, or the activities in a
simulation, respectively.

When following an event scheduling perspective, a model developer must

define the model logic and system state changes that occur whenever any event
occurs. A process is a sequence of events, activities and other time delays associated
with one entity as it flows through a system. For example, a customer process at a
bank consists of an arrival event to the lobby, perhaps joining and waiting in a queue
of delay, a service time by a teller, and finally a service completion event. In terms of
concepts discussed earlier, the service time is an activity and the teller is a resource.

Simulation software based on the process interaction perspective, or

worldview, provide a way for a user to define a process for each entity in the system.
Activity scanning provides a way to define model logic by focusing on activities
from the point of view of a resource, defining resource state changes depending on
various events. For example, in the bank, the teller serves one customer until

completion and then looks at the queue. If the queue is not empty, the teller takes
the first entity out of the queue, changes its own state to busy and begins a new
service activity. If the queue is empty, the teller changes its own state to idle.

Simulation is most useful in the following situations (Carson, 2004):

(i) There is no simple analytic model, spreadsheet model or back of the

envelope calculation that is sufficiently accurate to analyze the situation.
(ii) The real system is regularized; that is, it is not chaotic and out of control.
(iii) System components can be defined and characterized and their interaction
(iv) The real system has some level of complexity, interaction or interdependence
between various components, or pure size that makes it difficult to grasp in
its entirety. In particular, it is difficult or impossible to predict the effect of
proposed changes.
(v) For designing a new system, considering major changes in physical layout or
operating rules in an existing system, or being faced with new and different
(vi) In considering a large investment in a new or existing system and it
represents a system modification of a type for which someone has little or no
experience and hence faces considerable risk.
(vii) Someone need a tool where all the people involved can agree on a set of
assumptions, and then see both statistically and with animation the results and
effects of those assumptions. That is, the simulation process as well as the
simulation model can be used to get all members of a team onto a more
common understanding.
(viii) Simulation with animation is an excellent training and educational device, for
managers, supervisors, engineers and labour. In fact, in systems of large
physical scale, the simulation animation may be the only way in which most
participants can visualize how their work contributes to overall system
success or creates problems for others.

2.17 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation

Simulation allows experimentation with a model of a system. Without a

model, it will either experiment with a real system that probably causing major
disruptions or proceed without such experimentation and analysis at some potential
risk. Simulation allows the identification of problems, bottlenecks and design
shortfalls before building or modifying a system. It allows comparison of many
alternative designs and rules of operation. Evaluation and comparisons can take place
before committing resources and investment to a project.

Simulation allows studying the dynamics of a system, how it changes over

time and how subsystems and components interact. A simulation model provides
about the only method to study new or non-existent complex dynamic systems for
which analytic or static (spreadsheet) models provide at best a low fidelity model
with correspondingly low accuracy.

In contrast, often simulations are time consuming, data is not available or

costly to obtain, and the time available before decisions must be made is not
sufficient for a reliable study. In some companies, an early success with simulation
has evolved into simulation becoming a checklist item on every project whether it
is justified or not for the project at hand. In some situations, the animations and other
visual displays, combined with the time pressure present on all projects, may mislead
decision makers into premature conclusions based on insufficient evidence.

In addition, inexperienced simulation analysts, or those too focused on the

simulation software and technology may add too much detail to a model and spend
too much time in model development, resulting in the original goals and project
timelines being forgotten. This often leads management to conclude that simulation,
while a promising and interesting technology, is too costly and time consuming for
most projects.

A good simulation model provides not only numerical measures of system

performance, but provides insight into system performance. Insight comes from a
tacit understanding of system behaviour, an understanding that can be developed by
intelligent use of animation and other visual aids, and an intelligent set of valid
experiments together with a good statistical analysis.

2.18 Witness 2001 Software

Witness 2001 is Lanner Groups simulation software package. It is the

culmination of more than a decade of development. That experience has led them to
evolve a visual, interactive and interpretative approach to simulation. The program
indeed has the ability to support multiple analyses by allowing rapid changes to the
models logic and data. In addition, Witness 2001 is capable of handling large and
complex systems such as a manufacturing facility. Using this simulation tool could
generate the following benefits:

(i) Better visual interaction and display during the simulation runs.
(ii) Appropriate constructs to model the tasks, resources, flow of information.
(iii) Eliminates the need to use programming language to create models.
(iv) Easy to use and make modifications to the model.
(v) Easy to add detail such as breakdowns, or any other interruptions at certain
(vi) Easy to perform optimization such as minimize cost, minimize lead time or
maximize benefits.
(vii) Easy to obtain statistics such as lead time, throughput, resource utilization,
task efficiency.
(viii) Easy to assign resources to study resource optimization.

Witness 2001 is world wide used. One example, it is actively used by Air
France as a support tool for the purchase of baggage handling logistics services. The
simulation models developed using this tool has resulted in the establishment of

more effective resource solutions than those proposed by service providers. The
efficiencies obtained are primarily financial, yielding a saving of several million
Euros per year. They also have an organizational dimension in that the service
providers are now committed to a constructive process to improve their overall

In Witness 2001 designer tools, the most commonly used discrete elements
are parts, buffers and machines. They are displayed as dynamic icons and
represent tangible entities in the real-life situation under study. Parts flow through
the model and can represent, for example, people moving through a supermarket,
products moving through a production line, or calls in a telephone exchange.
Butters are places where parts are held, such as people in a queue, parts awaiting an
operation on a factory floor, or the space containing aircraft waiting to land.
Machines represent anything that takes parts from somewhere, processes them and
sends them to their next destination, for example a supermarket checkout or a
machine tool. Logical elements represent control and information aspects of the
model and include attributes, variables, distributions and functions.

There are three steps to build a model in the program as shown in Figure
2.10. Whatever the model requirements, the principles behind the process are simple
to understand and implement. Three steps are defined, displayed and detailed.
Define is for defining the major elements that make up the simulation model.
Display is for displaying each of the elements in order to build up a pictorial
representation of the facility layout. Finally Details for specifying the
characteristics of the elements have been used in the model. For example specify the
timings and routing of parts as they move through the model.

After the elements are defined, displayed and detailed, the model can be run
immediately and any logical errors can be located and corrected at this stage. The
model can then be modified by adding, changing or deleting items, and then be run
again to assess the impact of these changes. The simulation can be run in different
modes, from step by step with full screen display to a 'hatched' time in the future

with no screen display. The element flow shows the movement of parts through the

Figure 2.10: Model building steps in Witness 2001.

Last but not least, statistical reports are also generated automatically. These
reports can be used to help choose between alternative modelling scenarios. Standard
reports comprise a collection of statistics for an element and can be exported in
several formats. There are many Witness 2001 features which aid analysis, including
standard report tables and graphs which list the basic mathematical behaviours of all
elements in the model automatically. Designer can also create time series, pie charts,
histograms and customised report tables and expressions in Witness 2001 for the
purpose of optimization, understanding, new production line design, construction
simulation analysis, etc.

2.19 Summary

Literature review obtained a lot of information background for this study

especially on the IBS construction in recent construction industry. There are
advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and barriers in implementing IBS

technology. Compare to the conventional, IBS offer better construction process

especially on the productivity, time, cost, quality, and other extra benefit on the
safety, simplicity, clean site, constructability and so on. Malaysian Government is
currently very active in promoting the usage of prefabricated materials, particularly
IBS components. The Public Works Department (JKR) and CIDB as well as the
Ministry of Housing and Local Government, are among the leaders in supporting the
usage of IBS in construction industry. Pilot study on the sequences process of IBS
construction and conventional method has been done and the result publicized that
IBS present more simplicity on the erection process. With the application of Just-In-
Time concept, the installation of IBS components will be very effective in term of
time and resources used. In this chapter, some information of the first finding to
identify the sequences process of IBS construction on double storey house has been



3.0 Introduction

The research methodology in this chapter serves as a guide to the author in

achieving the objectives and scopes of the study. This chapter further discuss in
detail about research procedures, from how the data is collected until how it is
processed and analysed to achieve the objectives and scopes of the study. Generally
there are various methods of study. Nevertheless the best and suitable method should
be chosen in order to ensure that the study can be conducted in an appropriate and
efficiently approach. Simultaneously, a systematic methodology also may help in
preventing unnecessary mistakes that may occur in the study.

3.1 Research Design

Figure 3.1 shows the methodology of the study towards the main goal and
objectives. At least there are five major stages have been completed in this study,
which are preliminaries stage, literature review, data collection, findings and
discussion, and finally will end up with conclusion and recommendations.

Figure 3.1: Methodology of the study

In the early stage, it involved the identification and further understanding of

the research topic, which consists of problem statement, research objectives and
scope of studies. In this study, the title of research has been decided first followed by
the main goal of doing that study. Detail objectives in order to achieve the aim have
been determined presently together with scope and limitations to focus the study with
appropriate target. Preliminaries stage is important to establish the beginning
structure of the research.

Subsequently literature review has been done on several references from

electronic journals, books, magazines and articles, to further enhance understanding
on the research topic. Based on the objectives and scopes of the study, this research
has been focussed on the means to solve and to achieve the objectives of this study.
Pilot study has been conducted on the process of conventional construction method,
steel construction method, precast construction method, the application of IBS in
construction industry, sequence steps of IBS installation, and a few on construction

Stage three and four was the climax of this research. It involved a lot of
discussion and argument and has been discussed in another sub-topic afterwards. The
main objective in the third stage is to identify time and resources used in IBS

construction method while the forth stage focus more on modelling and simulation of
the IBS construction to determine the optimum resources utilization with appropriate

In the final stage, conclusions and recommendations will be drawn out based
on the results of the analysis obtained. Final checking will be carried out at this stage
to improve the quality of the research study and also to improve the gap in the study

3.2 Data Collection

The third stage involved data collection. The data collection was emphasized
on the construction sequence of IBS components to follow conventional construction
method. This means that, the sequence of construction and erection of IBS
components at site should follow the sequence of conventional construction method.
It has been done by conducting a pilot study on several construction sites of double
storey housing that applied conventional method for their project. Simultaneously,
some survey for steel construction and precast construction method also has been
done to revise the sequences process of components installation at site because some
of IBS construction method should be almost the same with both of them.

Data collection also involved the details of the proposed lifting system at site,
with the capacity of cranes required, its working radius and its working productivity
while handling the installation of precast and steel components at site. Site studies
for the lifting system have also been carried out at several sites utilizing IBS method
in its construction project. Further study which includes interview session with the
supplier of the crane equipments for major construction projects in the country has
also been carried out. On the other hand, it also engaged the determination of time of
each activity in the proposed IBS method. For this purpose, it involved site studies
on several construction sites implementing IBS method in the construction process
either steel structures or precast concrete. At the same time, interviews have been

conducted with several precasters, main contractors and precast specialist sub-
contractors in obtaining the data for the time used of each activity for the IBS

In this context of study, the focus of study is particularly to emphasize on the

installation of IBS components at site. In other words, this study is mainly focussed
on assembly time and resources used for the IBS components installation. Therefore,
other factors such as production of IBS components at factory, transportation to site
location, labour supply and availability of IBS components has to be maintained
constant with no defect.

The study was conducted to analyse how long does it takes to assemble each
components at site in producing the entire 300 IBS double storey houses. Figure 3.2
illustrates the model of proposed double storey house using IBS components.
Recently, this model of IBS house is still does not exist in current construction, thus
it needs some tools to represent or replicate the construction process so that some
analysis can be done in order to study the system. For that reason, simulation
software was used in this study to emulate the real system.

Copyright @ 2005 Dr. A.K. Marsono

Figure 3.2: A structure model of double storey house using IBS components

3.3 Modelling and Simulation

With the collected data, a model then has been created using simulation
software. In this study, Witness 2001 simulation software was used to simulate the
IBS construction process by considering time and resources as parameter. Witness
2001 is one of the simulation software that has a very interactive and friendly user
interface as the example shown in Figure 3.3. As literature discussed in Chapter 2,
Witness 2001 is commonly used in analyzing a process of manufacturing products.
As far as construction simulation was concern, the main objective is to find out the
optimum resources utilization in IBS construction method by restricting the
minimum time that the system may achieve. Therefore, time and resources are the
main concern in the simulation. Time means the overall time needed to complete the
installation of IBS components while resources means the machinery and labour
needed in erecting the components in a stipulated time.

Figure 3.3: Example of simulation case using Witness 2001


In order to setup simulation process, there were some steps have been
followed as shown in Figure 3.4. A model of house that applying IBS components
was first been proposed. In this case, the model was prepared by other researchers
and it was assumed that in term of structure capabilities, there will be no argument.
With the proposed of IBS double story model house as shown previously, the study
specifically determined the number of IBS components such as footing, beam,
column, stair, slab, roof, and wall that might be used for the main structure.

Figure 3.4: Steps in developing simulation process

Again the scope of study is limited to focus just on the construction process
for double storey IBS house including only the main structure itself. Besides main
structure means it including the footing, ground beam, ground slab, first floor
column, wall, first floor beam, first floor slab, second floor column, roof beam, roof
segment and other components such as toilet, stair etc. This is important scope in
order to simplify the study so that the aim of this study can be clearly defined.

With the strong background of literature review, detail sequence of the

construction process for IBS method has been established. Simultaneously, with
collected data of time and resources utilization in third stage, together with detailing
of IBS erection process, simulation can be done in easier way. Again the objectives
have been referred consistently in order to achieve the final findings according to the
target. In simulation analysis part, the aim is to get the optimum resources used in
IBS construction, therefore the simulation have to repeat for several times to get the
most optimum number of resources. However, the weakness in simulation process
using Witness 2001, optimization could be achieved only by using approximation but
it is still proper compare to the manual try and error analysis. A brief explanation on
simulation analysis and the results have been presented in Chapter 5.

3.4 Summary

Methodology has been design parallel towards the main goal of this study
which is to determine the process flow of housing construction that are applying
Industrialized Building System (IBS) components for its main structure. In general,
the study started with pilot study on IBS approach in construction industry. Then a
model of IBS double storey house has been proposed. Afterwards the process and all
parameters that will be used especially on time and resources utilization in IBS
construction have been determined. It is related to the first findings to identify the
detail sequence activities of housing construction using IBS construction method. A
real time construction using simulation software has been developed to
approximately plan and control the IBS construction in virtual manner. The most
achievable completion time and the optimum resources that might be utilized in IBS
construction has been identified and that are the second and third findings whereby
with the result, the implementation of IBS housing construction in the real form can
be applied.



4.0 Introduction

Data collection topic involved a great deal of data gathered from site survey,
interview and pilot study on previous research. Data input from site observation has
been discussed first in order to give some background knowledge on the data
collection for the subsequent topics. Site observation including conventional house
construction, precast and steel construction for buildings. Afterwards, IBS housing
construction has been proposed in the subjects of site layout plan, types and quantity
of IBS components and the circumstances on IBS construction including supply and
demand, crane capabilities, working hour, resources requirement and so on. This has
been followed by the finding on the first objective whereby it is to identify the detail
sequence activities of housing construction using IBS construction method.

4.1 Site Observation

On site observation, there are several site that has been observe and some
engineers has been interviewed in order to obtain full data to proposed IBS housing
construction for this study. The site observation report has been presented in a

division so that it can clearly define where the data has been founded and then
applied to the new proposed IBS housing construction.

4.1.1 Conventional Construction

Conventional construction method involves construction work being carried

out at site. It involves site preparation by fellow contactors before the laying of the
footings. The foundation is then built on the footings, to extend above the level of the
ground. The building is actually made on the foundation. Usually a floor is laid on
the foundation. Beams will then be constructed, followed by the construction of
columns and slabs. Where it is necessary, staircases will be constructed, before
eventually roof beams are constructed, followed closely by the construction of roof
trusses. When the roof is to be framed on the site, the top sill plate is nailed on top of
the wall sections. Cutting and nailing each piece of wood one at a time takes a lot of
time. Not only must each piece be cut but each piece must be carried up the ladder to
the right place.

Water proof roofing materials will be placed to ensure the roof is water proof
before roof tiles are placed in position. Brick walls will be constructed where
necessary, with allocations for the placement of doors and window panels. Painting
and aesthetic decoration on walls and floor slabs will follow up and the end product
will be a complete on-site building.

Crane factor is the most important in housing construction. The engineer

should know how many cranes must be utilized in order to obtain optimum
resources. Crane is also important in IBS construction besides all the activities in IBS
construction are using crane. Housing construction is differ than tall building
construction where it use tower crane to install the components. So it is economic in
term of cost of crane. Therefore, there is a dire need to focus on analysis of crane
factor in the study.

4.1.2 Steel and Precast Construction

Steel and precast constructions are two methods that are almost similar to
each other. The components of steel or precast structure are ordered from pilot plant
with certain specifications. Before that, it is also need a good plan and schedule.
Planning is one of the major reasons why steel construction is employed. Without a
good planning, problems will occur during construction process especially on
components installation. Hence a high emphasis is placed on commitment of a
specific planning when a project is awarded. Design of steel structure must be
recognize in detail including connection type, bolt size, welding strength, etc.

Once it is principally determine the size and design of components that will
be used, it will be ordered from pilot plant. Delivery of components is a factor to be
considered during the design stage of components. The size, shape, weight, route,
site access, commercial aspects, etc all contribute it. In Malaysia, the most common
mode of transport is by trucks or trailers, and to a lesser extent by rail or by barge.

In construction of steel structure, honestly it is also more ease compare to the

conventional approach. Components will be delivered to the site, whether to the
storage area or to the installation place. After reaching construction site, the
components will be unloaded by crane with certain capabilities. More workers are
needed to install the component in order to hoist, adjust and fix it into the right
places. The workers are professional or skilled people because it involves bolting and
welding the connection. Finally, the construction will end up with finishing and
usually finishing method will be same as conventional by installing door, window,
tiles, mechanical and electrical tools, etc. Steel finishing is not too similar to precast
finishing because in steel structure, there is a need to protect steel surface from fire
or any other damager. Therefore the final product between steel structure and precast
structure in term of interface, it will be some differences.

4.2 Proposed IBS Construction

For this point of study, the IBS house that has been used is currently new and
different from the other IBS closed system applied nowadays. Therefore, before the
data analysis and discussion has been done, there is a need to elaborate the proposed
IBS housing construction for this study. The explanations are on the subject of site
layout plan, types and quantity of IBS components and the circumstances on IBS
construction including supply and demand, crane capabilities, working hour,
resources requirement and so on.

4.2.1 Site Layout Plan

Site plan for this study was set up as shown in Figure 4.1. The total house to
be completed was 300 houses where it is presented in a uniform distribution with 15
houses per row in 20 rows. The position of the houses is organized without according
to any existing plan but anyhow it is arranged in order to simplify the next simulation
modelling work.



Figure 4.1: Site Plan for IBS Housing


4.2.2 IBS Components

IBS Component for housing includes several types: footing, beam, column,
slab, wall, roof, stair, toilet, etc. In this study, the types and numbers of IBS
component that have been used for simulation analysis were identified from IBS
house model as publicized in Figure 4.2. The model has been prepared by other
researcher in AutoCAD format. From there, the analysis on the type and the number
of IBS components utilized can be determined. It was summarized as shown in Table
4.1. Then the model has been adjusted to make a double storey terrace house of 15
units. Another calculation has been done in order to get the number of components
used in 15 IBS houses. Finally it has been multiple by 20 rows for the purpose to
obtain final number of components of 300 IBS houses. This data has been further
used in simulation analysis as described in Chapter 5.

Copyright @ 2005 Dr. A.K. Marsono

Figure 4.2: House Model using IBS Components

Table 4.1: The Types and Number of IBS

No. of House
Types of Component
1 15 300
Footing 12 96 1920
Beam 77 889 17780
Slab 69 1035 20700
Column 28 238 4760
Toilet 3 45 900
Stair 1 15 300
Wall_1 48 384 7680
Wall_2 28 420 8400
Roof 5 75 1500
Fence 20 230 4600

4.2.3 Supply of Components

As far as components supply was concerned, it was estimated that all

components were delivered to the site sufficiently in term of amount and correct
time. As shown in site plan, there is a storage area for components to be located
while waiting for placement. For the purpose of simulation analysis, all
transportation time between component plant to the site and from storage to the crane
were excluded. The reason was to avoid complex simulation analysis where the
actual focus of analysis was on the installation components itself.

4.2.4 Resources Requirement

Observation was conducted on several construction sites for resources

consumption during installation process and it was reported that for every
component, there are a number of resources used such as workers, crane, surveyors
and tools for bolting and grouting. In term of this research, it was decided to occupy
six types of resources which are Crane, Instructor, Surveyor, Grouter, Labour1 who
involve in lifting component and Labour2 for installation process as shown in Table
4.2. The selection of this type of resources is made from site observation input and
experts interview.

Table 4.2: Type and Task for Selected Resources

Types of Resources Task

Crane Hoist and deliver components for installation process

Instructor Giving instruction to the crane operator

To give instruction to the workers in order to adjust the

components installation

Grouter As a tool for grouting purposes

Labour1 Assist the hoisting work

Labour2 Install the components to the places


4.2.5 Working Time

Working time must be set up before running the simulation. Hence, this study
fixed the time for work as 60 minutes in an hour, seven hours in a day and 6 days in a
week without concerned any public holidays. Working hour is from 8.00 a.m. until
5.00 p.m. with 2 hours of total break, this means seven hours effective time per day.
In short, it was calculated that one week will be equal to 2520 minutes and this
equivalent was used for simulation analysis.

4.2.6 Crane Constraint

Crane analysis was conducted to determine required number of crane or

number of movement should be implemented. One row of houses content 15 houses
and it was assumed that the most effective working radius for crane is within five
houses. Therefore one row needs at least three numbers of crane or three movements
for the same crane. From site observation, crane movement together with setup time
will take approximately between 15 minutes and 25 minutes. Figure 4.3 shows on
crane capabilities and how working radius was calculated.





Figure 4.3: Working Radius for Cranes


4.2.7 Installation Process

In installation process, there were three types of data should be obtained:

sequence of activities, time required and resources involved. Sequence of activities
was identified from the IBS house model and information from experts. Time
requirement and resources utilization for each activity was collected from site study
by using stopwatch and information from engineer. However, because of the
difference IBS components installation process, some of the activities have been
assumed. Table 2 shows the complete installation process for each IBS components
with time and resources usage. This finding related to the first objective of this study.

4.3 Process Flow of IBS Housing Construction

IBS housing construction involves a lot of installation IBS components.

There just a little focus on in-situ construction where it engages raw materials to be
placed. Therefore the process flow in IBS construction will be more systematic
compare to existence construction method. From site observation, there are some tips
on IBS construction method that is almost similar to the steel and precast
construction. Moreover, the sequences in constructing a number of houses still
follow to the conventional approach. This is because there are plenty of the best
management approaches in conventional system that can not be argue. This study
was attempted to examine the application of IBS components in order to replace
existing conventional structure using conventional cast in-situ method.

In Chapter 2, literature on sequence of IBS construction has been concluded

as shown in Figure 4.4. From basic information on common step of IBS construction
sequences, process flow on how to construct IBS houses using the same approach,
but different in IBS components. The different of those components will be on size,
weight and connection. This is because the components that will be used are from the
other researcher input. So the factor that has been considered in order to design the

process flow of IBS housing construction were the weight, size and connection of the

Figure 4.4: Sequences of IBS Construction Activities

According to the model of IBS house in Figure 4.2, the connection of IBS
components will be similar with steel components connection. They use a bolt
connection but in term of IBS, there is some grouting after the bolt is fixed. In term
of size, it could be similar to precast components where they use precast concrete
that was created in a factory. But the weight is different with existing precast
concrete because they usually fabricated in a large size and using hard concrete. For
this model, the components are lighter and smaller. As far as all the factors have been
considered, final decision on process flow has been design as shown in Table 4.3.
Simultaneously, the time taken for installing the components also has been identified
by considering all those factors. Resources utilization for each activities has been
find out by site observation. Final finding for the first objective is as presented in
Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Installation Process for each IBS Components


Footing Hoist & Deliver 00:30 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 06:00 1C,1I,2L2,1S
Backfill 02:00 2L2

GF Beam Hoist & Deliver 00:30 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 05:00 1C,1I,2L2

GF Slab Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 03:00 1C,1I,2L2

GF Toilet Hoist & Deliver 02:00 1C,1I,2L1

Adjust & Affix 08:00 1C,1I,4L2

Rebar & Grout Slab 05:00 2L2,1G

GF Column Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,2L1

Adjust & Affix 07:00 1C,1I,2L2,1S
Grout Connection 01:30 2L2,1G

GF Wall 1 Hoist & Deliver 00:30 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 05:00 1C,1I,2L2

GF Wall 2 Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,2L1

Adjust & Affix 07:00 1C,1I,3L2

1F Beam Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 05:30 1C,1I,2L2

Stair Hoist & Deliver 02:00 1C,1I,3L1

Adjust & Affix 12:00 1C,1I,5L2

1F Slab Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 03:00 1C,1I,2L2

1F Toilet Hoist & Deliver 02:30 1C,1I,2L1

Adjust & Affix 10:00 1C,1I,4L2

Rebar & Grout Slab 03:30 2L2,1G

1F Column Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,2L1

Adjust & Affix 07:30 1C,1I,2L2,1S
Grout Connection 02:00 2L2,1G

1F Wall 1 Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 05:30 1C,1I,2L2

1F Wall 2 Hoist & Deliver 01:30 1C,1I,2L1

Adjust & Affix 07:30 1C,1I,3L2

Roof Beam Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 05:30 1C,1I,2L2

Roof Hoist & Deliver 02:00 1C,1I,3L1

Adjust & Affix 12:00 1C,1I,5L2

Ext Beam Hoist & Deliver 00:30 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 02:00 1C,1I,1L2

Ext Slab Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 03:00 1C,1I,2L2

Ext Wall & Fence Hoist & Deliver 01:00 1C,1I,1L1

Adjust & Affix 04:00 1C,1I,2L2

(RESOURCES: C = crane, L1 = labor1, L2 = labor2, I = instructor, S = Surveyor, G = grouter)


4.4 Summary

This topic presents a complete data collection before further study on

simulation modelling is carried out. Three types of construction: conventional,
precast and steel, has been observed on several construction sites. Moreover several
data has been obtained by interviewing engineers or experts and from previous
related research. Consequently, preliminaries data on proposed IBS construction has
been recognized in term of site layout, components supply, general working time,
resources usage and constraint. Finally the first objective has been successfully
achieved by providing complete process flow of IBS housing construction together
with time taken and resources utilized. This process was summarised from the whole
data gathered and has been reviewed by experts. From there, this study has been
expanded into simulation modelling on IBS housing construction.



5.0 Introduction

In this topic, detail explanation on simulation modelling and analysis has

been clarified. It concerned about preliminaries stage of modelling on how data
gathered in Chapter 4 have been effectively converted into a simulation modelling.
Then a brief description on simulation analysis conducted in the study and
comprehensive discussion has been presented. As far as simulation analysis is
concerned, this chapter highlighted a topic on simulation elements: part, buffers,
machine, labour, vehicles and tracks, another topic on simulation modelling starting
from one house model to 300 houses model and its description, and finally on
simulation analysis that included the findings for objectives two and three in this
study. At the end, the final aim for this study to determine the process flow of
housing construction that are applying Industrialized Building System (IBS)
components for its main structure has been obviously presented.

5.1 Simulation Elements

This study employed Witness 2001 simulation software for simulation

purposes. With the background literature on this software information that has been
described in Chapter 2, it is extremely effective to be applied in order to simulate the
construction of IBS housing. Nevertheless, Witness 2001 generally used in

manufacturing simulation process. Therefore in order to apply a system of

construction process, there are several vital points to be altered as to ensure an
effective relation between the system model and the real construction process.
Firstly, after setting up a complete process flow of IBS housing construction as
prepared in Chapter 4, it has been converted into a replication of manufacturing
process by using Witness 2001 simulation elements: Part, Buffers, Machine, Labour,
Vehicles and Tracks, as shown in Figure 5.1. The conversion needs a deep and clear
understanding of sequences process for the system and knowledge on how to use
Witness 2001.

Figure 5.1 : Designer Elements in Witness 2001

5.1.1 Part

In general, parts or entities are used to represent those discrete items that
move around the model. They can be used to represent small electronic components,
large oil tanks, or anything in between. Parts also have been used to represent calls in
a telephone exchange, process path and other types of information flow. In term of
simulation for IBS housing construction, parts have been used to show all IBS
components utilized in that construction such as footing, beam, slab, column, wall,
stair, roof, fence and toilet.

Witness 2001 creates parts and introduces them into the simulation at the
time and place dictated by the model. Parts can be handled singly; they can combine
into one; one can split into several; or a group can be batched together. Parts can
change into other parts as they progress through the model. For this study, parts was
simply used as one rigid item from start until finish the whole system without any
change, split or batch into a group. The total numbers of each part or IBS component
were referred to Table 4.1 as previously presented. According to that table, there are
ten types of IBS component used in construction and each of them has different
number. For simulation purposes, all the information must carefully applied and
should be checked frequently.

Figure 5.2 illustrates on parts element and the detail of its character. When
detailing parts, it needs to decide whether they are passive, active or active with
profiles. If parts are passive, it means they are always available. Elements in
simulation model can pull them from an infinite supply location at any point in time.
On the other hand, if parts are active, they arrive into the model following a specific
pre-determined inter-arrival time and lot size. For that case, IBS components in this
simulation model were set as passive parts and have been pulled to the model from
infinite supply location. This is because this study had set an assumption that the
supply of IBS components will be 100% sufficient with no delay, defect or any

The attachment or path of IBS components in that model were quite simple
starting with the components were pulled into the system from infinite location,
reached component plant where logically the components was created. Travelled to
the site storage by using vehicles or trucks, and finally forwarded to the installation
places where it needs some resources or labours to erect the components. The vital
point here is the supply and demand of IBS components can be assumed as nil time
involved because to circumvent any interruption in simulation process due to supply
and demand, whereby the model actually focus on the erection process of all IBS
components until it finish becoming 300 IBS houses.

Figure 5.2: The detail of Parts (IBS Components)

5.1.2 Buffers

In Witness simulation, buffers or queues store parts. They do not actively pull
parts in. parts are pulled out by some other elements or they are pushed out by a
buffer exit rule. In this situation, buffers are mostly used in site storage. It contains
10 buffers for particular IBS components: Footing, Beam, Slab, Column, Wall_1,
Wall_2, Stair, Roof, Fence and Toilet. Buffers in site storage are used to store the
IBS components that reached site. At the same time, it calculates the number of
components that entered site and the maximum number of components that has been
stored in the buffers. Figure 5.3 shows how buffers are used to calculate the number
of components that reached site. As far as no limitation in a supply of components,
the capacity of buffers is set to be capable to keep the maximum number of IBS
components that entered the site.

On the other hand, buffers are also used in the segment of housing
construction. Almost all machines or activities in this system consist of buffer that
functioned as storage and calculating tools. It is important to have buffer in each
activity because of two reasons: first is to reconfirm that the components are pass
trough the activities by checking the increment of the number in buffers, second is to
verify the total number enter and go out from the system must be in the same

Figure 5.3: Utilizing Buffers in Site Storage

5.1.3 Machine

Machines are considered as the important element in simulation process.

They are physical elements that operate on a part, often changing it in some way.
Machines in usual manner, take time to process parts, changing from one state to
another as time advances. In simulation of IBS construction model, machines are
used as activities or process that usually run in construction work. With the

information resulted in Chapter 4 on the sequence activities to construct IBS houses

as shown in Table 4.3, each of them will be considered as machines to process IBS
components which is to fix and adjust the components on a case by case basis, until
complete all IBS houses.

While considering the detail of machine elements, Figure 5.4 shows on how
information was transformed from Table 4.3 to Witness simulation software. One of
the activities for examples footing, has three or more sub-activities involved such as
hoist and deliver, adjust and affix, backfill, etc. Witness 2001 allowed users to make
multiple cycles in one machine. Thus in this case, multiple cycles were occupied and
each sub-activity has been declared with different cycle time, labour usage and logic
rules. That is mean a machine will become as activity while the multiple cycles will
represent as sub-activities.

Figure 5.4: Cycle Detail for Machines Element

One by one activity according to the sequences has been transferred into a
simulation model. All detail of each machine has been stated in the model. In order

to make the machine follow the right sequences, some logic rules for action on start,
action on finish, input rule, output rule, labour rule, etc. Figure 5.5 basically shows
on how logic rules were declared in simulation model. It is done by using machine
detail window.

Figure 5.5: Statement of Action on Finish for Machines Element

The cycle of machine activities was easily recognized. First, the machine will
wait for a sign to start and the sign was set using If and Else statement. The rule is
simple whereby the first machine will be started when simulation start running. The
second machine will be started when the first machine finish all cycles. It will follow
the rule until finish all activities. The machine starts operation by pulling a
component one by one from buffer in site storage. While the operation was ready to
begin, labour rule will be applied where it takes some of free labours or resources to
operate the components. Before that, action on start will be implemented in order to
reduce the number of cranes for the purpose to inform that the crane is on running.
After that, when the machine is already finished its job, the number of crane will be

increase back. All rules that has been explained previously, has been applied to all
machines. Some of the example of logic rules is:





IF NOPS (Footing) < VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row * 12 -

(VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row - 1) * 6 AND VARIABLES.no_crane >= 0
PULL from COMPONENTS.Footing out of TRANSPORTATION.sto_footing


IF NOPS (Footing) < 1

VARIABLES.no_crane = VARIABLES.no_crane - 1


IF NOPS (Ext_Wall_Fence) = VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row * 20

(VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row - 1) * 5
VARIABLES.no_crane = VARIABLES.no_crane + 1

5.1.4 Labour

Labours in manufacturing process are considered as operator for conducting

machines. While in construction, labours are workers who constructing building and
other construction works. Basically in simulation, labours recognized as resource that
may need to be present for an operation or task to take place. More often than not,
the employed of labours always associated with machines because machines need a
number of resources to run some task. In this case of study, labours were created and
assigned to several construction activities. Figure 5.6 simply demonstrates the
participation of labours in simulation model and the detailing of resources in order to
set quantity, name of labour, shift, allowance and other character that should be hold
by labours.

Figure 5.6: Detail of Labour Elements in Witness 2001

Labours are not just workers or people. They can be tool, machine, crane, a
group of workers, etc. Therefore in this simulation study, there were six types of
labours used in the model which are Crane, Instructor, Surveyor, Grouter as a tool,
Labour1 who involve in lifting component and Labour2 for installation process, as
mentioned earlier in Chapter 4. In detail of labours, all of them have been set to the
maximum number required to perform any task. This mean, there would be no lack
of workers problem occur during construction process. However in some cases of
analysis, limitation in the quantity of labours that utilized in the system must be
happened to determine the optimum number of resources that should be used to
complete overall project within the most achievable completion time. Other detailing
such as shift and allowance has not been considered.

5.1.5 Vehicles and Tracks

Vehicles are created to perform transportation task. They involve carrying,

delivering, loading and unloading IBS components from one place to another. On the
other hand, tracks in Witness simulation are presented to guide the movement of
vehicles so that they can go from one to another place with exact path. For that
reason, vehicles and tracks are used in IBS construction simulation as transportation
to deliver IBS components from component plant to storage site. Trucks reached
pilot plant to load components, delivered the components to storage site using path,
unload the components at storage site and keep them into a buffer and finally went
back to the component plant using another path as shown in Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7: The Function of Vehicles and Tracks in the Model

There is some logic rules are applied to the elements in order to create a
character of vehicles according to real character. The main point is to ensure that the
number of components store in buffers at storage site should never be nil as far as no
interruption due to insufficient components supply are allowed. This means the

vehicles must, in all the time, deliver sufficient components to the site without
lacking. Therefore in order to overcome the problem, the minimum number of
components in buffers was set as ten to avoid any disturbance during construction.
As a result, logic rule for loading components was stated as:

IF NPARTS (sto_footing) < 10

PULL from COMPONENTS.Footing out of WORLD
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_beam) < 10
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_slab) < 10
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_column) < 10
PULL from COMPONENTS.Column out of WORLD
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_wall_1) < 10
PULL from COMPONENTS.Wall_1 out of WORLD
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_wall_2) < 10
PULL from COMPONENTS.Wall_2 out of WORLD
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_toilet) < 10
PULL from COMPONENTS.Toilet out of WORLD
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_stair) < 10
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_roof) < 10
ELSE IF NPARTS (sto_fence) < 10

The truck loaded components and delivered to the storage site before went
back to the pilot plant using different track. At storage area, in order to unload the
components to the particular buffer, there is a rule applied which is:

PUSH COMPONENTS.Footing to sto_footing, COMPONENTS.Beam to sto_beam,

COMPONENTS.Slab to sto_slab, COMPONENTS.Toilet to sto_toilet,
COMPONENTS.Column to sto_column, COMPONENTS.Wall_1 to sto_wall_1,
COMPONENTS.Wall_2 to sto_wall_2, COMPONENTS.Stair to sto_stair,
COMPONENTS.Roof to sto_roof, COMPONENTS.Fence to sto_fence

5.1.6 Vinteger

Vinteger stand for Variables Integer element in Witness 2001. In general,

most data can be stored in Witness using the element details such as cycle time,
breakdown data, part quantities, etc. However it is often useful to store data in

variables. Variables are most useful when the data to be stored or used does not
relate to individual parts or cannot be used directly in the element details. In this
simulation model, variables was used in order to set the number of houses per row,
the number of IBS components and the number of crane utilized. The reason is
because in analysis part, the number of those subjects has been frequently changed.
Initialize action tool that was set up before the model start to process, were the place
for declaration all variables as illustrated in Figure 5.8. While simulation was
running, all the information has been grabbed by the system and affected the final

Figure 5.8: Initialize Action for Variables Declaration

5.2 Simulation Modelling

A designer element in Witness is such a basic formula to perform the real

simulation model. People use it to develop a large system that consist a lot of
elements seems like what has been done in this study. There were more than hundred

of machine elements employed in the IBS housing construction simulation.

Therefore the difficulties in simulation modelling was to make sure all elements are
running followed the rules and sequences until it finish to the end. For that reason,
simulation model was done step by step beginning with one model of house, then it
goes to the 15 houses to represent a row of houses, applying next step for 2 rows
which consist of 30 houses, then it goes to 60 houses, 120 houses, 180 houses, 240
houses and finally reached the maximum number of houses which is 300 houses or
20 rows of IBS houses.

5.2.1 One House Model

For the first step, one house model has been built by applying all sequences
activities in constructing one IBS house. All rules for every element in simulation
model have been declared. The total number of components has been set according
to the information stated in Table 4.1. While the simulation is running, a detailed
check has been done in order to verify the sequence of activities follow the order, the
number of component that has been processed is exact and the utilization of
resources is work out.

Generally in simulation modelling, the complete model will be verified with

real data on site to make sure the model is applicable in order to represent the real
system. In this case of study, there were no existing real data to compare for
validating process, thus according to Lanner Group (2000), a model can also be
validated by verifying the result with experts in that background. Hence the study
refers to the simulation experts and IBS practitioners in order to authenticate the
system. Figure 5.9 shows a complete model of one IBS house after it finish
simulating to construct the house. From the figure, final number of components that
has been processed by a machine is clearly stated. The result to complete one IBS
house is approximately about 1824.00 minutes (4.34 days of 7 hours/working days).
Also there is a tool of statistical analysis prepared by Witness 2001 can be used in
order to further examine the results.

Figure 5.9: A Model of One IBS House Definition of Resources Group

For the purpose to simplify the analysis, another term in simulation modelling
has been defined. A group of resources has been set as rigid combination number of
each type of resources. This was called a resources group. It is defined by using
statistical tool in Witness 2001 whereby it detects on the percentage of utilized
resources during construction progress. It s done on a model of one IBS house and
keep it run to the end. From there, a statistic on labours progress has been examined
and the result shows only one crane, one instructor, one surveyor, one grouter, three
labour1 and five labour2 has been utilized while the system was running. This
means, those labours are only the need resources to construct one IBS house.
Therefore this study attempts to put that combination of labours as a group of

5.2.2 15 Houses Model

Once the model of one house was completed and all preliminaries study has
been conducted to that model, another 15 IBS houses model has been developed. 15
houses will represent one row of houses as describe in Chapter 4. The model was
developed by upgrading the existing one model of IBS house. The different only on
the total number for the components of IBS as presented in Table 4.1. So the model
has been altered to fix a new number of components and obviously the results will be
increased as well as the number of components has been enlarged. Figure 5.10
simply shows on the model of 15 IBS houses and the overall running time was stated
as 22152.47 minutes (52.7 days of 7 hours/working days). Previously the result for a
model of one IBS house was 1824.00 minutes and if multiple by 15 houses, it
becomes 27360.00 minutes (65.1 days of 7 hours/working days). Hence it is clearly
explained that the analysis of 15 houses can not be done by simply duplicate the
result of one house because in the real situation, there are some circumstances that
the time can be reduced if it is applied for a bundle of components to operate.

Figure 5.10: A Model of 15 IBS Houses

78 Crane Movements

Basically, 15 houses in one row will take a long distance for a crane to
achieve for components installation purposes especially for hoist and deliver work.
In Chapter 4, it has been discussed on capabilities of crane during construction of
IBS houses where the best approach for a crane is within five houses working radius.
In other to move aside to cover another five houses, it takes about 15 to 25 minutes
for the movement and set up. Figure 5.11 demonstrates about the setup time for a
crane movement that has been assign in machines detail. So that is means, it will take
two times of setup time for each activities in order to complete 15 houses. As far as
crane movements was concerned, the result stated in Figure 5.11 is actually by
considering this factor and so that it became more similar to the real practice.

Figure 5.11: Assigning a Setup Time for a Machine

79 Valuation of Progress Percentage

There are a lot of facilities tools organized by Witness 2001. In order to know
the overall time for determination of completion time for one IBS house model, there
will be one segment in interface of Witness 2001 window that shows running time
for that simulation as illustrated in Figure 5.12. The running time will show the real
time running whilst the simulation in a progress. After it finish, the time will ended
and that will be the final completion time for that particular model.


Figure 5.12: Define Clock in Witness 2001

In this simulation study, Next Row Start Up (NRS) percentage has been
used to simplify the analysis. NRS explanation has been clearly explained in the next
sub-topic. Anyhow, the point is, to implement NRS, the percentage of work progress
must first be determined. In order to determine progress percentage, the overall time
for finishing one IBS house has been set as 100% progress. Then the time will be
divided into certain division so that NRS of 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% can
be determined. Table 5.1 describes about progress percentage and the time running.

By knowing the running time for particular progress percentage, simulation model
has been run to identify on what activities do the progress percentage represent. This
is important to programme the simulation in order to follow progress percentage so
that the factor of NRS percentage can be implemented. Also there are some tools to
set up clock time. This study fixed the time for work as 60 minutes in an hour, seven
hours in a day and 6 days in a week without concerned any holidays.

Table 5.1: Activities and Running Time for Particular Progress Percentage

Progress Percentage Time Running (minutes) Activities Involve

12.5% 2769.06 Ground Floor Beam

25% 5538.12 Ground Floor Toilet

50% 11076.24 Stair

75% 16614.36 First Floor Wall2

100% 22152.47 External Wall and Fence Definition of Next Row Start Up (NRS) Percentage

According to Table 5.1, there are at least five progress percentage has been
defined. This percentage has been further used to assign Next Row Start Up (NRS)
factor as guidance for the next row of IBS house to start constructing. NRS factor
was applied only for the whole 300 IBS houses model where it involves about 20
rows. The construction will start with the first row while another row will be waiting
for a sign to start. Either 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of NRS percentage will be
assigned to the system and it will be followed to the end of simulation running. The
main constraint for a system to keep running was the limitation of resources. A
machine or activity can not be run without resources and for that reason, if there was
any restraint, the system will be waiting for another machine to complete its task. All
this circumstances can be created using logic rules in Witness 2001. A logic rule has
been declared to the system so that the process of construction will follow the
sequences of NRS percentage. One example of that rules are:

IF NOPS (Footing) < VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row * 12 -

(VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row - 1) * 6 AND NOPS (group1.row1.G_Rebar_Grout)
>= VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row * 6 AND VARIABLES.no_crane >= 0
PULL from COMPONENTS.Footing out of TRANSPORTATION.sto_footing

The rules simply explained that, if the number of rebar and grout activities for
the first row is finished, this activity can start pulling components of footing from
site storage. This means the operation of second row will start process at the moment
that the first row was just finish the rebar and grout activity. So it will continue for
the third row to wait for a sign from the second row to finish rebar and grout activity
seems like the first one.

5.2.3 300 Houses Model

Afterwards by duplicating 15 houses model, another model of 30, 60, 120,

180, 240 and 300 houses as illustrated in Figure 5.13, were developed to make a
detail analysis and to get specific results. The main point to be considered in
duplicating the model was the connectivity of each row of houses must clearly
define. In that case, NRS percentage has been applied to make a connection between
rows so that all 20 rows of houses can be finished. This means, there are five models
of 300 IBS houses where each of them take one of different NRS percentages. From
there, further analysis has been done to study on achievable completion time and
resources optimization analysis. Another factor was on the number of resources
especially Crane. In the simulation analysis, there was a crane limitation to be
allocated in other to see the impact of that restraint to the final completion time.
Therefore some rules are applied as to make sure the number of crane is decreased
when each row of houses start to construct and increased back when it finish. The
rules are:


IF NOPS (Footing) < 1

VARIABLES.no_crane = VARIABLES.no_crane - 1


IF NOPS (Ext_Wall_Fence) = VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row * 20

(VARIABLES.No_of_house_per_row - 1) * 5
VARIABLES.no_crane = VARIABLES.no_crane + 1

Figure 5.13: A Model of 300 IBS Houses

5.3 Simulation Analysis

Simulation analysis is the most important part in the study whereby it

incorporates both findings for second and third objectives. Starting with simulation
model of one IBS house as explained before, all data and results were testified to suit
the real time of construction. Generally in simulation modelling, the complete model
will be verified with real data on site to make sure the model is applicable in order to
represent the real system. In this case of study, there were no existing real data to
compare for validating process, thus according to Lanner Group (2000), a model can
also be validated by verifying the result with experts in that background. Therefore

the first model of one IBS house has been reviewed by experts followed by further
15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and finally 300 IBS houses model.

As far as simulation analysis is concerned, there were three types of analysis

have been examined: achievable completion time without resources constraint,
achievable completion time with resources constraint and analysis of resources
optimization. It was related to the second and third objectives to examine the most
achievable completion time for IBS housing construction and determine the optimum
resource utilization such as tools, machineries and labours in IBS construction by
using simulation software.

5.3.1 Achievable Completion Time

The minimum time duration to complete 300 IBS houses has been testified by
using Witness 2001 simulation software. By considering the differences in NRS
percentage for IBS housing construction, brief comparison and analysis have been
done. There were at least five Next Row Start Up (NRS) percentage has been
considered in this analysis: 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. In order to find the
most achievable completion time, this first analysis was done without considering
resources constraint. The purpose is to simplify the analysis so that the relation
between completion time and NRS percentage applied can be clearly examined.
Moreover the analysis was done step by step, starting with 30 houses, 60 houses, 120
houses, 180 houses, 240 houses and finally the whole 300 houses to make the
analysis more systematic.

A model of 300 IBS houses applying 12.5% of NRS was first been examined.
As mentioned before, the real analysis actually has been done step by step. Table5.2
shows a complete result for all analysis for achievable completion time without
resources constraint. The result is presented in a weeks unit where one week is equal
to 2520 minutes as elaborated evidently in Chapter 4. In general, the overall running
time for 12.5% NRS of 30 IBS houses is 9.68 weeks, 60 IBS houses is 11.45 weeks,

120 IBS houses is 15.01 weeks, 180 IBS houses is 18.58 weeks, 240 IBS houses is
22.15 weeks and 300 IBS houses is 25.70 weeks. Afterwards, the analysis goes to the
next NRS percentage and the result is presented in Table 5.2. 100% NRS has been
set as a default value for NRS and it became a guideline for the results in order to do
a comparison. For that reason, a different percentage of each result has been
compared to 100% NRS result for the purpose to observe the effectiveness of using
different NRS percentages.

Table 5.2: Achievable Completion Time for 300 IBS Housing.

No. of houses completed
Percentage for the next row
to start up
0 30 60 120 180 240 300

12.5% 0.00 9.68 11.45 15.01 18.58 22.15 25.70

(Time Decreased Percentage) 0.0% 44.3% 67.4% 78.6% 82.4% 84.2% 85.4%

25% 0.00 10.62 14.27 21.56 28.87 36.19 43.49

(Time Decreased Percentage) 0.0% 39.6% 53.4% 79.3% 72.6% 74.3% 75.3%

50% 0.00 13.11 21.75 39.05 56.35 73.67 90.98

(Time Decreased Percentage) 0.0% 25.4% 38.1% 44.4% 46.6% 47.6% 48.2%

75% 0.00 15.54 29.07 56.12 83.16 112.27 141.37

(Time Decreased Percentage) 0.0% 11.5% 17.2% 20.1% 21.1% 20.2% 19.6%

100% 0.00 17.57 35.12 70.27 105.42 140.61 175.79

(as benchmark)
*(in weeks)

Further study has been done by plotting the results into a line graph. Figure
5.14 shows the performance for each NRS to achieve the best completion time.
According to the graph, 12.5% NRS is the fastest approach to complete 300 IBS
houses where it takes only 25.70 weeks compare to 25% NRS (43.49 weeks), 50%
NRS (90.98 weeks), 75% NRS (141.37 weeks) and 100% NRS (175.79 weeks). The
graph also shows the more number of houses applied, the more gap of completion
time between each NRS will be resulted. However the different between 12.5% and
25% of NRS has not too far affected. This is probably because of resources
utilization factor. Although smaller NRS is applied, if there is a constraint of
resources, it might disturb the performance of that particular NRS. For that reason,
further analysis has been done in order to implement resources constraint in the


140.00 12.5%
Time (week)
120.00 25%
100.00 50%
80.00 75%
60.00 100%
0 30 60 120 180 240 300
No. of Houses

Figure 5.14: Achievable Completion Time for 300 IBS Housing.

5.3.2 Achievable Completion Time (Resource Factor)

In this topic, the resources factor has been applied to the system and the result
has been examined. Using the term of resources group as discussed before, the
analysis was set the model to have an increment of resources group beginning from
one group to ten groups as shown in Table 5.3. The percentage of NRS should be the
same. According to the results, a graph as shown in Figure 5.15 has been plotted.

Table 5.3: The Effect of Number of Resources Group on Completion Time

No. of Resources Group
Percentage for the (1 GROUP = 1 CRANE, 1 INSTRUCTOR, 1 GROUTER, 1 SURVEYOR, 3 LABOUR1, 5 LABOUR2)
next row to start up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12.5% 175.79 88.77 62.42 46.63 38.74 34.47 30.83 29.06 27.27 25.70

25% 175.79 89.74 63.34 49.45 43.49 43.49 43.49 43.49 43.49 43.49

50% 175.79 92.23 90.98 90.98 90.98 90.98 90.98 90.98 90.98 90.98

75% 175.79 141.37 141.37 141.37 141.37 141.37 141.37 141.37 141.37 141.37

100% 175.79 175.79 175.79 175.79 175.79 175.79 175.79 175.79 175.79 175.79

*(in weeks)

Referring to the graph result, the increment of resources group to 100% NRS
has result no changes. This is actually because of there is no need on another group
of resources as it can be proceed just using one resources group. 75% NRS shows a

little bit change on two groups of resources but still constant for the next increment.
50% NRS is also at the same performance. However, 25% NRS shows better result
for the first five increment of resources group. There is a dramatic change if five
groups of resources are assigned for 25% NRS compare to one group. On the other
hand, 12.5% shows a good performance as well as the number of groups is increased.
Nevertheless, it is just a little bit better if compare to 25% NRS. It is happens
because of resources constraint factor that affected the performance of 12.5% NRS
so that the result will be approximately the same. It is believed that the result of
12.5% NRS will becomes more extreme when the group of resources assigned to that
system is more than ten.


Time (week)

100.00 50%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of Resources Group

Figure 5.15: The Effect of Number of Resources Utilization on Completion Time

So in this case of study, the 25% NRS has been decided to be the best
alternative to be selected in order to construct 300 IBS houses. As far as the most
achievable completion time is concerned for the second objective, it can be
concluded that the most achievable completion time to complete a construction of
300 IBS houses is 43.49 weeks with the utilization of five resources groups.

5.3.3 Resources Optimization

Resources optimization will be the third findings in this study. From the
previous analysis, further analysis is to optimize the number of resources during
installation process. After analyze the effect of resources group number, 25% NRS
was then tested in various combination number of resources but in fix number of
crane together with instructor, in order to optimize the number of each resource.

Witness 2001 offered excellent analysis tools whereby it can describe the
contribution of each element (including resources) after running simulation. Figure
5.16 shows how report was produced during simulation analysis. Therefore every
trial, simulation report has been examined and reconsidered the number of resources.
For this point of study, the minimum percentage for each resource utilized must be
above 10%. This is to make sure all resources are worked in fair productivity rate.
Table 5.4 simply explains the result on five trials has been made. The final trial has
been considered to be the best optimized resources number: five cranes, five
instructors, one surveyor, one grouter, three labours1 and twelve labours2, where the
contribution of all resources are above 10% and simultaneously the increased time is
not too long, almost in two weeks (2.03 weeks).

(a) Before Reconsideration (b) After Reconsideration

Figure 5.16: Optimizing Resources Using Witness 2001 Simulation Report


Table 5.4: Optimizing the Number of Resources

No. of Trial
No. of Crane
1 2 3 4 5

No. of crane 5 5 5 5 5

No. of instructor 5 5 5 5 5

No. of surveyor 5 2 2 1 1

No. of grouter 5 2 2 1 1

No. of labour1 12 6 4 3 3

No. of labour2 15 15 14 13 12

Completion time (in weeks) 43.49 43.49 44.10 45.12 45.52

(Increased Percentage) 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 3.8% 4.7%

5.3.4 Detail Resources Assessment

Last but not least, the selected number of resources that has been optimized
was detailed out according to appropriate construction period. In this case, the
required number of resources: crane, grouter, instructor, labour1, labour2 and
surveyor, per week were recognized as illustrated in Figure 5.17. This result can be
used to further optimize the number of resources utilized during construction period
by applying shift and overtime.

10 instructor
No. of resource

6 surveyor1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (week)

Figure 5.17: Summarize of Resources Utilization per Week


5.4 Summary

Witness 2001 simulation software is a good tool in replicating virtual IBS

housing construction as a simulation model. A lot of logic rules applied to the model
elements thus it becomes more accurate in order to represent as a real system and yet
an analysis can be done through simulation model perfectly. From the discussion in
this chapter, two objectives of this study have been clearly defined. The most
achievable time and the optimum resource utilization are the most important findings
in order to propose new method in constructing double storey house. In general, the
factor of Next Row Start Up percentage is really affected the completion time of
IBS installation for 300 houses. The smaller NRS percentage, the faster completion
time will be resulted. However, it is also depend on the crane factor. The smaller
NRS percentage, the more number of cranes is needed. The best choice is to optimize
the number of overall resources whilst at the same time achieves the fastest
completion time that be able to accomplish as what has been done in this simulation



6.0 Introduction

As far as the purpose of this study was concerned, the aim of this study is to
determine the process flow of housing construction that applied Industrialized
Building System (IBS) components for its main structure whilst the objectives are to
identify the detail sequence activities of housing construction using IBS construction
method, to examine the most achievable completion time for IBS housing
construction by using simulation software and to determine the optimum resource
utilization such as tools, machineries and labours in IBS construction by using
simulation software. Research methodology as described in chapter 3 has been
completely pursued whereby the most challenge part was in simulation modelling
application. Simulation for the first place is for the purpose of designing a trial model
on non-existing situation. Thus it should be no mistake as far as complex process
implemented and a lot of parties involved. For this final chapter, all findings has
been reviewed and summarized in proper manner so that relation between results and
the aim are clearly observed. Last but not least, as far as time limitation is concern,
there are some recommendations for further improvement for this study, at the end of
this chapter.

6.1 Findings Review

As mentioned above, there are three objectives to be completed in order to

achieve the main goal. Consequently, there are three findings have been
accomplished during the research progress as presented in the next sub-topic.

6.1.1 First Finding

The first objective is to identify the detail sequence activities of housing

construction using IBS construction method. A comprehensive literature review has
provided some figure of IBS construction method for housing. Sequence of housing
construction using conventional method is the key point to have an overview of
construction process at site. The implementation of steel and precast component in
large building is something useful information can be interrelated to the IBS
implementation. From there, how IBS components are install during construction has
been figure out.

In Chapter 4, the complete sequence process of IBS housing construction has

been successfully identified. It is straight forward installation whereby it begins from
footings, ground beams, ground slabs, a component of toilet, ground floor columns
and walls, first floor beams, a component of stair, first floor slabs, toilets, columns
and walls. Then it goes to the roof beams, roof elements and finally the external
components such as fence, corridor, etc. With that result, site survey and interview
the experts has been carried out to find the time and resources used for each activities
listed. A frequent study on the sequence activities, time taken and the resources
utilized has been made until the perfect finding on the detail sequence activities of
housing construction using IBS construction method has been achieved as presented
in Table 4.3.

6.1.2 Second Finding

Second objective is to examine the most achievable completion time for IBS
housing construction by using simulation software. To obtain a variety results of
completion time for the purpose to do a comparison, Next Row Start Up (NRS)
percentage has been declared. As explained in Chapter 5, NRS is used as guidance
for the next row of houses to start constructing. It will follow step by step until finish
all 20 rows of houses. In this study, at least five NRS percentage have been pursued:
12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Simulation model for 300 IBS houses has been
set to consider those NRS percentage and the final result will be the achievable
completion time for each different NRS approach.

As a result, without considering crane limitation factor, 12.5% NRS shows

the fastest completion time among others. By studying the graph results, it seems the
lowest percentage of NRS, the fastest completion time achieved. For that reason,
there is some limitation put on a number of crane utilized. Final result shows, 12.5%
NRS is still the fastest but by referring to the graph, 25% NRS such be the best
choice among others. The reason is because 12.5% NRS acquire a quite lot of
resources. By restraining the number of crane, performance of 12.5% NRS has been
disturbed. In term of construction progress, it looks like ineffective and not
systematic. All the argument has clearly discussed in Chapter 5. Therefore, 25%
NRS with 43.49 weeks of completion time will be the most achievable construction
period for 300 IBS houses, concurrently it is the finding for second objective.

6.1.3 Third Finding

Third objective and it will be the final finding, is to determine the optimum
resource utilization such as tools, machineries and labours in IBS construction by
using simulation software. In this scope of study, there are at least six types of
resources used in construction process which are Crane, Labour1, Labour2, Grouter,
Surveyor and Instructor. By default, one group of resources should contain 1 crane,

one instructor, one surveyor, one grouter, three labour1 and five labour2 as discussed
previously in Chapter 5. As far as optimum resource utilization is concerned, by
analyzing the 25% NRS approach, five cranes, five instructors, one surveyor, one
grouter, three labours1 and twelve labours2 will be the optimum resources as it is
able to finish the 300 IBS house construction in 45.52 weeks (within a year).

Basically, 300 IBS houses with 25% NRS can be finish in 43.49 weeks if
maximum resources applied. But anyhow, by applying full number of resources,
logically it seems uneconomic besides some of resources are not in full utilized.
Witness 2001 as simulation software is able to detect the percentage of resources
utilization in the system while it is running and from there the optimization analysis
has been executed. There are at least five trials have been made in order to achieve
the most optimum number of resources as presented in Chapter 5. Final trial has been
decided to be approved as it gives at least all resources are utilised more than 10%
during the construction process. Moreover, the increment of completion time after
optimization, shows only 4.7% increased compare to the default result. Therefore,
five cranes, five instructors, one surveyor, one grouter, three labours1 and twelve
labours2, in order to construct 300 IBS houses in 25% NRS, will be the final finding.

6.2 Overall Conclusion of the Study

The use of IBS components in the construction of houses is proved as

alternative ways to reduced construction time. Although this study focus on
installation process of IBS components for double storey house, which is only apart
of the whole construction cycle, but indirectly it is prove as an option to have faster
construction period during construction part.

Nevertheless this study has been identified the activities and process involved
during IBS construction with specific time and resources needed. In general, it is
quite simple process of components installation using IBS method. From there,
achievable completion time has been examined using simulation software whereby it

is hardly related to the number of resources used especially crane. Again the reason
is because IBS construction depends excessively on facilitation of crane for lifting
and installing components. The more crane used, the faster completion time will be

Using simulation software Witness 2001, the construction of 300 IBS houses
with a limitation of five cranes, 43.49 weeks (almost a year) of achievable
completion time can be attained and it involved five groups of resources: five cranes,
five instructors, five surveyors, five grouters, fifteen labours1 and twenty five
labours2. Consequently after optimization of resources, five cranes, five instructors,
one surveyor, one grouter, three labours1 and twelve labours2 will be able to finish
the 300 IBS house construction in 45.52 weeks (still in a year) with 4.7% of
increased time compare to previous result. Completing the main structure of 300
houses in a year is something great if compare to the previous construction results.

With that result, the aim of this study to determine the process of housing
construction using Industrialized Building System (IBS) components in detail has
been successfully accomplished. In view of the fact that a simulation model of 300
IBS houses is completely prepared and it may assist for the next researcher to do
further analysis on IBS housing construction as recommended in the next topic. Yet
it is hoped that the widespread understanding on the Industrialised Building System
(IBS) can further help to develop and promote IBS as an innovative construction
method in Malaysia.

6.3 Recommendations

Last but not least, due to the time constraint in preparing this research, there
are still some spaces for further enhancement and perfection of the final findings. As
a termination for this research, further improvement and development of this study is
possible especially in the following areas:

(i) In this study, the installation of IBS components process for the main
structure of double storey houses, there is only one method of sequence
considered. It is better to have variety of choice or method in installing the
components so that an analysis to obtain the most achievable time can be
comparable to each other. So it is suggested to prepare another more method
of sequences process for IBS houses.

(ii) For optimization purposes, by using a suitable decision making tools to

identify the optimum resources utilization, the analysis will be more efficient.
It is suggested to use other optimization software such as Microsoft Excel,
Solver, Mathematical Programme, etc..

(iii) It is recommended to include an interruption of some activities such as

lacking of workers, trucks breakdown, insufficient crane and other resources,
etc. Also, by including some failure for any critical activities.

(iv) As far as result of this study are concerned, it is recommended to further

analysis on detail of crane scheduling and simulation, team of resources
scheduling and simulation and transportation analysis. In order to overcome
the constraint of crane, it should be attempted to study on alternative ways to
replace the crane with portable lifting machine or by reducing weight of IBS
component using lightweight materials.

(v) Finally, the whole process of IBS construction can be further studied by
involving more on preliminaries stage, procurement, tender stage,
management, earthwork stage, and should be also clearly studied on the
finishing works, mechanical and electrical (M&E) component installation,
smart interfaces, external works, etc.


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