Safety Management Manual: Tipco Maritime Co., LTD
Safety Management Manual: Tipco Maritime Co., LTD
Safety Management Manual: Tipco Maritime Co., LTD
7 01/09/08
Revision Record
Rev. Effective Revision
Date Record
2 1 March2006 Revised Company name from “TIPCO MARINTIME CO.,LTD” to “TIPCO MARITIME
3 1 December 2006 Add General Manager (2) on ORGANIZATION CHART (OFFICE)
4 1 April 2007 Assign Assistant Crew Manager to in-charge the jobs of crew manager
5 1 September 2007 Cancel Senior Technical Manager's position and add Technical Superintendent
and Senior Operation Superintendent's position.
6 1 April 2008 Add link line from DP to Master and delete box operation vessel (Chief engineer) in
organization chart (Office), insert duties and responsibility for cadets, item 6.1 delete
Word “senior” and item 9.1 change wording from Owner to Designated person.
7 1 September 2008 Add responsibility for navigation audit for Operation Manager and senior officer
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G e n e ra l M a n a g e m e n t
D e p a rtm e n t
M a n a g in g D ir e c t o r
(1 )
G e n e ra l M a n a g e m e n t
D e p a rtm e n t
Em e rg e n c y D e s ig n a t e d
G e n e ra l
Response Team Pe rs o n
(8) ( 2( 2) ) (2 -A )
T e ch n ic a l O p e r a t io n & C h a r t e r in g
IS M D e p a rtm e n t
D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t
T e c h n ic a l O p e r a t io n IS M M a n a g e r
Manager Manager
(6 ) (4) (3)
T e ch n ic a l O p e r a t io n & C h a r t e r in g O p e r a t io n & C h a r t e r in g
D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t
T e c h n ic a l A s s is t a n t S e n io r
S u p e r in t e n d e n t C re w M a n a g e r O p e r a t io n O f f ic e r
(7) (5 ) (4 -A )
O p e r a t io n ( V e s s e l)
M a s te r
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O p e r a t io n
( V e s s e l)
M a s te r
D e c k D e p a rtm e n t E n g in e
D e p a rtm e n t
C h ie f O f f ic e r C h ie f E n g in e e r
(10 ) (1 8 )
E n g in e
D e c k D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t
O f f c e r T r a in e e
E n g in e e r
or deck cadet
(1 9 )
(1 0 -A ) E n g in e
D e p a rtm e n t
E n g in e e r
T r a in e e o r
E n g in e c a d e t
(1 9 -A )
C a t e r in g E n g in e E n g in e E n g in e
D e c k D e p a rtm e n t D e c k D e p a rtm e n t D e c k D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t
F o u tr h
S e c o n d O f f ic e r T h ir d O f f ic e r Bosun C h ie f C o o k T h ir d E n g in e e r E n g in e e r F it t e r
(1 1 ) (12 ) (13 ) (1 6 ) (2 0) (2 1 ) (2 2 )
C a t e r in g
D e p a rtm e n t
(1 7 )
E n g in e E n g in e
D e c k D e p a rtm e n t D e c k D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t D e p a rtm e n t
A b le B o d ie d O r d in a r y
Seaman Seaman O ile r W ip e r
(1 4 ) (1 5 ) (23 ) (2 4 )
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To define and document the responsibility, authority and interrelationship of all personnel who
manage, perform and verify work relating to, and affecting safety and pollution prevention.
Scope of Application
To be applied and followed in the company office and all ships operated by the company whether
they be owned, managed or chartered.
This chapter outlines the management structure in the company’s Head Office and the
relationship that exists between the Master of the ships which the company controls, his staff and
between the ship’s staff and their colleagues ashore.
It also outlines the roles of key personnel ashore and afloat and details the areas of authority and
responsibility of those persons.
Interrelation between the personnel are shown on organ-grams in “Organization Chart (Office)”
and the “Organization Chart (Ship)”
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Managing Director
The Managing Director has the authority as directed by management, including liaison with
owner principals.
1.1 Safety Management System
The Managing Director shall have the following responsibilities relating to the Safety
Management System.
Office Commander
1.2 Area of responsibility
The Responsibility of the Managing Director shall include but not be limited to the
(1) Responsible for all activities and daily running of company in accordance
with plans, budgets.
(2) Strategies and plans.
(3) Management proposals.
(4) To initiate all necessary actions and made decisions to ensure the company
meets its objectives and targets.
(5) Establishing an Emergency Response Team and appointing an executive
with absolute authority to implement the procedures found to be necessary
to respond to an emergency.
2. General Manager
The General Manager shall be in overall control of the Operations Department, Technical
Department, Personnel Department and ISM Department. He shall provide guidance for the
managers and other personnel of these divisions and he shall have overall responsibility for
these divisions’ operation. His responsibility and authority shall be over the following
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operations but not limited thereto as far as safety management of ship operation is
2.1 Operations related to Safety Management Systems
Monitoring Safety Management System.
2.2 Areas of responsibility
The responsibility of the General Manager shall include but not be limited to the
(1) To ensure the safe operation of each ship.
(2) Matters pertaining to ship management.
(3) Supervision and guidance of divisional supervisors.
(4) Delegation of responsibilities and authority to divisional supervisors.
(5) Management of shipbuilding, ship maintenance, ship modifications and
ship’s fixtures and consumables.
(6) Ship Insurance, P&I insurance and other forms of insurance pertaining to
(7) Management of spare parts and ship’s store.
(8) Control and evaluation of ship maintenance.
2-A Designated Person
The General Manager has been designated by the Managing Director to act as Designated
Person and has the responsibility and authority over the following operations, but not limited
to the following.
2-A.1 Operations related to Safety Management Systems
(1) Control of Safety Management Manuals and related procedures and
(2) Reporting Safety Management System deficiencies and non-conformances
to the management.
(3) Verification of corrective action to remedy defects in Safety Management
(4) Nomination and designation of internal audit team members, and
implementation of audits.
(5) Establishment and overall control of Emergency Response Team.
(6) Planning and implementation of Safety Management System internal audits.
2-A.2 Areas of responsibility
The responsibility of the Designated Person shall include but not be limited to the
(1) To ensure the safe operation of each ship.
(2) In change of safety, quality, security and environmental protection.
(3) Investigation and analysis of accidents, marine casualties and near misses.
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(4) Monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of
each ship and ensuring that adequate resources and shore-base support
are applied, as required.
(5) To provide a link between the company and those on board.
(6) Implementation and maintenance of the system.
(7) Matters pertaining to ship management.
(8) Research into conventions, laws, and regulations.
(9) Delegation of responsibilities and authority to divisional supervisors.
3. ISM Manager
The ISM Manager shall assist the Designated Person and authority when the Designated
Person is absent due to business or other reasons and have responsibility for and authority
over the following operations but not limited to the following.
3.1 Safety Management Systems
The ISM Manager shall have the following responsibilities relating to the Safety
Management System.
(1) Management of Procedures.
(2) Education and training of shore-based Safety Management System
(3) Emergency Preparedness
3.2 Area of responsibility
The ISM Manager shall be responsible for the following functions in the operational
functions, however their responsibility are not limited to those listed below.
(1) Research into conventions, laws and regulations and dissemination of
information to ships.
(2) Research into prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution and
dissemination of information to ships.
(3) Research into health and safety of all personnel onboard and dissemination
of information to ships.
(4) Research into marine technology and dissemination of information to ships.
(5) Review all safety related report from the vessels and other similar reports
from other sources.
(6) Liaise with the vessels in safety, quality, security and environmental
(7) Carry out onboard Safety, Quality, Environmental and Security audits.
(8) Coordinated for ensuring and verifying that the system is properly
implemented and maintained.
(9) Implement and promote security awareness within the company and
(10) Advise management and Vessels on all matters of security.
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4. Operation Manager
The Operation Manager shall assist the Designated Person and have responsibility and
authority over the following operations related to the planning, implementation, and
maintenance of safe ship operation:
4.1 Safety Management Systems
The operation manager shall have the following responsibilities relating to the Safety
Management System.
(1) Management of procedures.
(2) Emergency Preparedness.
4.2 Areas of responsibility
The operational functions of the Operation Chartering Department are listed below,
but the list in not exclusive and every effort must be made to respond to any
unforeseen events in a flexible manner.
(1) Collection of information on sea route safety and technical information on
port facilities, and dissemination of information to ships.
(2) Dissemination and control of navigation directions in accordance with ship
allocation plans.
(3) Collection of information on handling of dangerous and special cargoes,
and dissemination of information to ships.
(4) Operations pertaining to ship insurance, P&I insurance, and other ship-
related insurance.
(5) Research into matters pertaining to ship management.
(6) Give guidance to Masters and Officers in navigation/nautical matters.
(7) Officer evaluations and senior officer briefings. Advise in the selection and
appointment of senior officers.
(8) To monitor and review vessel operations.
(9) Carry out visits onboard regularly to concentrate on vetting matters,
operations, safety, and pollution prevention.
(10) Monitor movement and daily position of all vessels.
(11) Check and code the port disbursement for all vessels.
(12) Appointing agents as and when necessary.
(13) Providing vessel with description of cargoes and document as and when
(14) Responsible for maintaining nautical standards on board
(15) Planning to audit for Navigation
4-A. Senior Operation Officer
The senior Operation Officer shall assist the Operation Manager and have responsibility for
and authority over the planning. Implementation and maintenance of the following
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4-A.1 Safety Management Systems
The Senior Operation Officer shall have the following responsibilities relating to the
Safety Management System.
(1) Management of procedures.
(2) Emergency Preparedness.
4-A.2 Areas of responsibility
The operational functions of the Senior Operation Officer shall assisted Operation
Manager as listed below, but the list in not exclusive and every effort must be
made to respond to any unforeseen events in a flexible manner.
(1) Collection of information on sea route safety and technical information on
port facilities, and dissemination of information to ships.
(2) Dissemination and control of navigation directions in accordance with ship
allocation plans.
(3) Collection of information on handling of dangerous and special cargoes,
and dissemination of information to ships.
(4) Operations pertaining to ship insurance, P&I insurance, and other ship-
related insurance.
(5) Research into matters pertaining to ship management.
(6) Give guidance to Masters and Officers in navigation/nautical matters.
(7) Officer evaluations and senior officer briefings. Advise in the selection and
appointment of senior officers.
(8) To monitor and review vessel operations.
(9) Carry out visits onboard regularly to concentrate on vetting matters,
operations, safety, and pollution prevention.
(10) Monitor movement and daily position of all vessels.
(11) Check and code the port disbursement for all vessels.
(12) Appointing agents as and when necessary.
(13) Providing vessel with description of cargoes and document as and when
(14) Responsible for maintaining nautical standards on board
(15) Audit for navigation
5. Assistant Crew Manager
The Assistant Crew Manager shall assist the Operation Manager and have responsibility for
and authority over the planning. Implementation and maintenance of the following
5.1 Safety Management Systems
The Assistant Crew Manager shall have the following responsibilities relating to the
Safety Management System.
(1) Management of Procedures.
(2) Emergency Preparedness.
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5.2 Areas of responsibility
The Assistant Crew Manager shall be responsible for the following functions in the
Operation Chartering Department however, their responsibilities are not limited to
those listed below:
(1) All matters related to the employment of crew members, labour
management, service, insurance, health, safety and welfare.
(2) The circulation of information on revisions to The International Conventions
of Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers,
(STCW Convention 1978) to all ships together with the implementation of
any revised conventions and any instructions and notices based thereon.
(3) Formulation and implementation of company policy relating to crew
assignment, education and training of crew members.
(4) Management and control (including the verification where appropriate) of
Officers’ and Ratings’ certificates of competency, other certificates and
course attendance.
(5) All matters related to the assessment, job evaluation, promotion and
demoting, discipline and payment of crew members.
(6) All matters related to health, safety, together with the management and
control of medical examinations and services.
(7) Liaison and negotiations with labour unions.
(8) Evaluation and assessment of manning agencies with visits at regular
intervals which shall never exceed one year.
(9) The provision of crew mail services.
(10) All matters related to communication with crewmembers’ families,
particularly in the case of death, injury of illness.
(11) Be prepared to visit ship with a particular crew problem for investigation.
(12) Collation of Crew P&I claim documents.
(13) He will monitor which schools and training establishments meet with
national, flag state and (STCW) endorsement.
(14) He shall ensure that course and qualification files are kept and entered in
the individual personnel files.
6. Technical Manager
The Technical Manager shall assist the Designated Person and have the authority, within
the limits assigned to the position and make decisions to ensure that the fleet responsible for
are operated safety, cost efficiently and pollution free in advance with the Company System.
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6.2 Areas of responsibility
The Technical Manager shall be responsible for the following functions, however,
their responsibilities are not limited these listed below.
(1) Implementation and maintain a safe, cost efficient and environmentally
sound operation standard in compliance with the Company System.
(2) Evaluate and monitor the required reporting from the vessels including fuel &
Lubrication oil consumption, act as required and inform other office sections
and external bodies as is relevant.
(3) Review monthly cost control and financial report before sending to General
Manager and Managing Director for approval.
(4) Prepare the annual budgets for the vessels.
(5) Co-ordinates dry docking and evaluate the received quotations and present
them to the General Manager and Managing Director for approval.
(6) Discuss shipyard invoicing before presenting same to General Manager and
managing director approval.
(7) Follow up the onboard maintenance system, Monitoring the status and act of
overdue items in company fleet.
(8) Follow up the deficiencies and Non-conformities from Vetting inspection, Port
state control, Audit in company fleet.
(9) Prepare management reports for the Management approval.
(10)Direction of purchasing policy and relationships with major
7. Technical Superintendent
The Technical Superintendent shall assist the Designated Person and have responsibility for
and authority over the following operations to maintain the safety of ship operations:
7.1 Safety Management Systems
The Technical Superintendent shall have the following responsibilities relating to the
Safety Management System.
(1) Management of Procedures.
(2) Emergency Preparedness.
7.2 Area of responsibility
The Technical Superintendent shall be responsible for the following operational
functions, however, their responsibilities are not limited to these listed below:
(1) Advise Masters and Chief Engineers on important matters.
(2) Devising and implementing procedures for the maintenance of equipment in
the vessels operated by the company.
(3) The collection of data relation to the research and development of
equipment for the prevention of pollution of the environment.
(4) Monitoring the current and developing legislation relating to the safe
operation of ship’s equipment, and environmental protection. Providing
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guidance on the operation of the ships and their equipment to ship’s
personnel whilst ensuring that the ships and operating within the legal and
desirable parameters.
(5) Research into machinery damage and failures and the appropriate
measures to prevent recurrence.
(6) Conducting research into machinery systems and equipment.
(7) Conducting research into fuel oil, lubricating oil, water qualities.
(8) Conducting research into systems and equipment for preventing
environmental pollution.
(9) The collation of technical information, collation of marine casualty date and
the promulgation of the pertinent information to the ships.
(10) Planning, implementation and control of shipbuilding, and hull and
machinery conversions and modifications.
(11) Follow up the onboard maintenance system, monitor the status and act on
overdue items.
(12) The collection of information on overseas maintenance contractors and
(13) Coordinate with the assigned vessels and prepares the dry docking
specification and submit the specification to yards for quotation, evaluate
the received quotations and present them to the Technical manager.
(14) Attend the dry-docking; discuss shipyard invoicing before presenting same
to Technical manager for approval.
(15) Prepare docking report.
(16) Arrange external vetting audits by coordinating with the appointed audit
(17) Maintenance and updating of the vetting records.
(18) The annual evaluation of maintenance contractors.
(19) Follow up reported deficiencies and non-conformities from vetting
inspections, port state control, audits and flag state inspections, advised of
corrective action and closure.
(20) Follow up purchasing, monitor the orders from the vessel ensuring that they
submitted in a timely fashion.
(21) Visit vessels regularly (at least four times a year) and prepare visit reports.
(22) Approve invoice for payment
8. Emergency Response Team
In the event to an oil spillage, serious personal injury or any other emergency such as
collision, fire, explosion, stranding, hull failure, or major mechanical breakdown, occurring on
board a Company vessel.
The Emergency Response Team is mobilized by the Designated Person.
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Designated Person heads the Emergency Response Team and implements the contingency
planning procedures.
Member of the Emergency Response Team are to give priority to an emergency situation and
defer all other activities which may conflict with their role as member of the Response Team
until they are released from their emergency function by Designated Person.
9. Master
The Master, as Head of Shipboard Management Team, has the authority to intercede
between all departments to ensure the smooth operation and efficient performance of all
shipboard functions.
The Master has overriding authority in matters relating to safety of life, property, and pollution
9.1 Reports
Designated Person
9.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsibility for the safety of life, ship and cargo.
(2) Implementing and maintaining Company Policies and other related
(3) Motivating the crew in the observation of that policy.
(4) Issuing appropriate order and instructions in a clear and simple manner.
(5) Verifying that specified requirements are observed.
(6) Reviewing the SMS and reporting its deficiencies to the shore-based
(7) Coordinator departmental functions and activities through the Shipboard
Management Team and Planning Meetings.
(8) Ascertaining seaworthiness of the vessel in all respects (stores, navigation
equipment, machinery etc) prior to sailing.
(9) Ensuring that the water and weather tight integrity of the vessel is
(10) Navigation and voyage planning.
(11) Ensuring stability.
(12) Verifying and checking calculations for Stress and Bending Moments
(13) Vessel communication and administration.
(14) The Master must satisfy himself that all necessary documents and
certificates required by the various authorities are on board in good order.
(15) He is responsible for signing on and off crewmembers.
(16) Ensuring that seaman books, passport, vaccination, competency certificate
are valid.
(17) The Master should ensure that the conditions of any Charter Party are
understood and maintained.
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(18) The Master must personally be in charge of navigation upon entering and
leaving a port, approaching land, nearing or passing by any danger, altering
course for fog or other adverse weather conditions and at all times when the
safety of the ship may be at risk.
(19) He will ensure Standing Orders are kept and that a Night Order Book
(20) The Master will conduct official inspections, drills and musters.
(21) He will prepare a Master’s Review in accordance…reference.
(22) Training: liaising with the Chief Officer and Chief Engineer regarding
routines for all shipboard personnel, including Cadets.
(23) Custody of all narcotics on board, maintenance of appropriate logs for all
controlled substances.
9.3 Interface
» Build and maintain good relations.
9.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
10. Chief Officer
The Chief Officer is second in-command.
10.1 Reports
10.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Officer in charge in the Master’s absence.
(2) In charge of the efficient operation of the deck department.
(3) The Ship Safety Officer.
(4) The Chief Officer shall actively understudy the Master in all aspect of his
duties and responsibilities and assist as required.
(5) Safe navigation during his watch.
(6) The Chief Officer will be familiar with the content of the Company Policies.
(7) Ballasting and deballasting, loading and discharging the vessel, trim and
stability, tank cleaning and inerting.
(8) He will plan the mooring arrangements and brief the Second Officer and
Third Officers prior to arrival in port.
(9) He will ensure that the anchors are ready to be lowered when approaching
a bath or transiting narrow waters.
(10) Prior to departure, the Chief Officer will hand all loading or discharging
papers as well as calculation results of ship’s draft, stability, moments and
shear forces.
(11) Keeping the Master informed of the condition of the hull, tanks, pipelines
and deck equipment.
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(12) Preparing watch lists for port stays and sea watches.
(13) Maintenance, in accordance with the planned maintenance systems, of all
areas of the vessel, other than machinery and engine-room stores and
(14) Calibration of explosimeter, O2 meters and all other gas detection devices.
(15) Ensuring that the deck-hands are efficiently employed during working hours
and that adequate “on-the job” safety standards and routines are
(16) Dry-docking lists, in cooperation with Chief Engineer, for deck and cargo
related items.
(17) Training the Second Officer and Third Officer Officers in cargo ballast
handing, cargo stowage and stability calculations.
10.3 Interface
» Build and maintain good relations.
10.4 References
Company Policies, targets, & objectives.
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◙ Gyro Compass, Repeaters
◙ Weather Facsimile
◙ Course Recorder
◙ Engine Telegraph Recorder
◙ Binoculars
◙ Bells
◙ Loud Mailers
◙ Megaphones
◙ Anemometers
◙ Aldis Lamp
◙ Clocks
(4) Reporting all irregularities of malfunctions of equipment to the Master.
(5) Ascertaining the vessel’s position at noon each day and submitting this
information to the Master and Chief Engineer.
(6) Presenting all passage planning to the Master for his discussion and
(7) Checking up on all voyage routing, the laying-off of courses, way-points
etc., as instructed by the Master.
(8) Accounting of the vessel’s day-to-day performance and recording of same
in the Deck Log Book.
(9) Preparing the bridge prior to arrival/departure according to pre-
arrival/departure checklist, voyage planning.
(10) Maintenance of proper watches in port and at sea, the supervision of
personnel assigned to his watch in port/at sea and the proper recording of
events, during his watch-keeping periods, in the Deck Log book.
(11) Receiving navigational warning and weather reports.
(12) Ensuring the contents of the medicine chest is in good order, and any
consumables are promptly replaced, re-filled and recorded in the Medicine
Chest Log Book.
(13) Second Officer must familiarize himself with the contents of all relevant
Company Manuals and Procedures.
(14) Second Officer shall actively understudy the Chief Officer in all aspects of
his duties and responsibilities and assist as required.
(15) Any other duties, as the Master or Chief Officer may decide.
11.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
11.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
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12. Third Officer
12.1 Reports
Chief Officer
12.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel during his watch and in
accordance with shipboard manuals.
(2) Daily follow-up and maintenance of all vessel’s safety equipment, with the
exception of fixed installations, is delegated to the Third Officer.
(3) Maintenance of proper watches in port and at sea, the supervision of
personnel assigned to his watch in port/at sea and the proper recording of
events, during his watch-keeping periods, the Deck Log Book
(4) Keep Radio Log Books up to date
(5) He will assist the Second Officer, ad required with the correction of
navigational publications.
(6) The maintenance of all flags and navigation shapes and ensuring that the
vessel has on board and displays the correct flags in each port.
(7) It is the Third Officer responsibility to ensure proper maintenance and the
correct functioning of all safety equipment as outlined in the vessel’s “Fire
and Safety Plan”. This involves deck, engine room and other spaces where
safety or fire extinguishing equipment is located.
(8) It is the Third Officer duty to be familiar with the instruction manuals for the
safety equipment and to make sure the recommended safety procedure is
(9) The Third Officer must check that the life boats and associated launching
gear is in good order.
(10) It is the Third Officer duty to join the Safety Committee Meetings. Any
recommendations are to be carried out without delay.
(11) It is the Third Officer duty to check and update all safety posters, muster
lists, etc., as required.
(12) It is the Third Officer duty to report all deficiencies found in safety
equipment and on safety matters to the Chief Officer and the Master. He
also repots to the Chief Engineer concerning safety equipment in the engine
(13) The Third Officer must familiarize himself with the contents of all relevant
Company Manuals and Procedures.
(14) The Third Officer shall actively understudy the Second Officer in all aspects
of his duties and responsibilities and assist as required.
(15) Any other duties, as the Master or Chief Officer may decide.
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12.3 Interface
» Build and maintain good relations.
12.4 References
Company Policies, targets, & objectives.
13. Bosun
13.1 Reports
Chief Officer
13.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsible for the Chief Officer, and the Master, for ensuring that duties
and working routines carried out by all crewmembers are executed in a safe
and efficient manner and strictly in accordance with Company Safety
(2) The Bosun is also responsible for the efficient deployment and the
supervision of the deck crew in their daily duties and working routines as
directed by the Chief Officer.
(3) For the correct turnout, discipline, behavior and attention to duty of all
Ratings within the Deck Department.
(4) Keeping the Chief Officer closely advised on the progress of deck
maintenance and upgrading work.
(5) Actively coordinating activities to ensure the Deck Department is operated
in a safe, efficient and economical manner.
(6) Advising the Chief Officer immediately of any deficiencies or shortcomings
he may find with deck equipment or structural failures.
(7) Be given a schedule for lubricating and greasing all deck machinery, rollers,
fairleads, etc. this should be regularly performed and recorded as per ship’s
maintenance schedules.
(8) Sounding of all tanks, cofferdams, etc., as directed.
(9) Fresh water tanks will also be sounded daily and the results handed to both
the Chief Officer and Chief Engineer.
(10) A daily soundings book should also be maintained.
(11) Any other duties, as the Master or Chief Officer may decide.
13.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
13.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
14. Able Bodied Seaman
14.1 Reports
Chief Officer
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14.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Contributing towards the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
(2) Performing watch duties in port and at sea.
(3) Deck maintenance work according to instruction.
(4) Mooring stations.
(5) Support duties during cargo work.
(6) Any other duties, as the Master or Chief Officer may decide.
14.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
14.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
15. Ordinary Seaman
15.1 Reports
Chief Officer
15.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Contributing towards the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
(2) Performing watch duties in port and at sea.
(3) Deck maintenance work according to instruction.
(4) Mooring Stations.
(5) Support duties during cargo work.
(6) Any other duties, as the Master or Chief Officer may decide.
15.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
15.4 References
Company Policies, targets, & objectives.
16. Chief Cook
16.1 Reports
Chief Officer
16.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsible for the operation of the Catering Department, and the planning,
preparation and serving of meals.
(2) The Chief Cook’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to,
the following:
◙ General cleanliness and hygiene in mess rooms, provision rooms
etc. (dry provisions and refrigerated spaces).
◙ General hygiene of all appliances.
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◙ Ensure that the Company’s Procedure for Garbage Handling is in
place and complied with accordingly.
◙ Passing provision requisitions and cabin stored requirements
through the Master.
◙ Checking deliveries from the various suppliers for quantity, quality
and price.
◙ Checking of stocks remaining at the end of each month.
(3) Ensure that staff serving in the mess rooms is properly dressed.
(4) Attend Master’s routine weekly inspections.
(5) The Chief Cook must familiarize himself with the contents of all relevant
Company Manuals and Procedure.
(6) Any other duties, as the Master or Chief Officer may decide.
16.3 Interfaces
16.4 References
Company Policies, targets, & objectives.
17. Messman
17.1 Reports
Chief Officer
17.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Contribute vessels general appearance and condition.
(2) Serving of meals and beverages.
(3) Cleaning work in the accommodation.
(4) Cleaning of officers cabins and mess rooms.
(5) Vessel’s laundry.
(6) Any other duties, as the Master or Chief Officer may decide.
17.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
17.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
18. Chief Engineer
The Chief Engineer, as head of the Engine Department, assumes command of the engine
room, otherwise acting to Master’s order.
18.1 Reports
18.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsible for the maintenance and operation of all machinery onboard.
(2) Maintaining an awareness of the correct procedures as outlined in company
policies within his department.
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(3) The safe running, management and maintenance of all engine and
machinery related items.
(4) Ensuring engineers are familiar with operation of machinery under
emergency conditions.
(5) Keeping the Master informed of all matters related to the vessel’s
machinery and electrical installations.
(6) Attending weekly routine inspections and work planning meetings.
(7) Maintaining the Engine Log Book and Oil Record Book for machinery
(8) The Planned Maintenance System.
(9) The Chief Engineer is responsible for following up all Class related matters.
(10) Insuring that the ship’s Drawings and Plan and Instruction Manuals for
machinery are correct, up to date and correctly filed.
(11) Calculating expendables for the intended voyage including fuel, water,
lubricants, chemicals, gases, spare parts, tools, and supplies to ensure that
requirements are met and that sufficient reserves, depending upon trade
considerations, are available.
(12) All bunker operations.
(13) Spare parts and bunker requisition and the filing of the associated
(14) Dry-docking lists for all engine and machinery related items.
(15) Repair and service, from shore, for all equipment, except navigation and
communication system.
(16) Ensuring that regulations regarding Enclosed Spaced and Hot Work are
adhered to.
(17) The Chief Engineer is in change of the regular testing of lifeboat engines,
alarm systems, fire dampers and flaps (Coordinate with Chief Officer) and
emergency stops and quick closing valves.
(18) Coordinate and follow up Engine Department’s work schedules, including
watch instructions.
(19) Following the documented Handover Procedure.
18.3 Interface
» Build and maintain good relations.
18.4 References
Company Policies, targets, & objective.
19. Second Engineer
The Second Engineer is second in command of the engine room.
19.1 Reports
Chief Engineer
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19.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsible to the Chief Engineer for the day-to-day operation of the
Engine Department.
(2) The Second Engineer’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not
limited to, following:
◙ Auxiliary Engines
◙ Main Engine with gears, manoeuvering system etc.
◙ Cargo turbines, pumps and associated control equipment
(3) Second Engineer will ensure all safety equipment in the engine room and all
other machinery spaces are taken care of the Third Officer and that any
defects are brought promptly to his attention.
(4) He will ensure that engine room personnel are fully conversant with the
equipment under their control and are able to operate the plant according to
the manufacture’s instruction. He will ensure that they are knowledgeable in
relation to plant operation, piping systems and plant functions in order to
gain the best performance from the machinery, He will ensure that engine
room personnel are able to manoeuvre the vessel in an emergency as
(5) The Second Engineer is the daily leader of repair and maintenance work for
all machinery onboard including work in connection with deck equipment
such as loading/discharging gear, pumps, valves, lines etc.
(6) His duties Include maintenance planning in cooperation with Chief Engineer
and as a result of work-planning meetings, daily distribution of work and
ensuring that working hours are kept.
(7) Ensuring spare part stocks are well maintained and updated at all times.
(8) Any abnormalities are to be reported to the Chief Engineer, as well as the
general condition of the machinery.
(9) He may be called upon for standby and at any time as circumstances may
(10) He must attend weekly work planning meeting.
(11) He will watch over the proper care-taking and organizing of tools and
(12) The Second Engineer is responsible for the tidiness and cleaning of the
engine room, steering gear room and related workshops/stores etc.
(13) The Second Engineer shall familiarize himself with the contents of all
relevant company manuals.
(14) The Second Engineer shall actively understudy the Chief Engineer in all
aspects of his duties and responsibilities and assist him as required.
(15) Any other duties, as the Chief Engineer may decide.
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19.3 Interface
» Build and maintain good relations.
19.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
19-A. Engineer Trainee or Engine Cadet
19-A.1 Reports
Second Engineer
19-A.2 Function and responsibility
Any duties, as the Chief Engineer or Second Engineer may decide.
20. Third Engineer
20.1 Reports
Second Engineer
20.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsible for safe and efficient operation of all machinery during his
watch according to watch instructions.
(2) The Third Engineer’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited
to, the following:
◙ Proper maintenance of boilers and associated equipment, such as
valves, level gauges, safety valves, boiler water treatment
procedures, soot blowers etc.
◙ Proper maintenance of cooling water treatment main engine.
◙ Checking and proper running of lifeboat motors.
◙ Overhaul of start air and fuel valves for main engine and auxiliary
◙ Proper maintenance and operation of emergency generator and
emergency fire pump, including weekly running test.
◙ Routine maintenance of all electrical equipment, such as generators,
motors, switch boards, automation, navigational equipment (when
called for), cables and lighting fixtures.
(3) He may be called upon for standby and at any time at circumstances may
(4) Tidiness and cleaning of electric work shop, battery rooms, converter room
battery room, etc.
(5) The Third Engineer shall familiarise himself with the content of all relevant
Manuals and Procedures.
(6) The Third Engineer shall actively understudy the Second Engineer in all his
duties and responsibilities and assist him as required.
(7) Any other duties, as the Chief Engineer and Second Engineer may decide.
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20.3 Interface
» Build and maintain good relations.
20.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
21. Fourth Engineer
21.1 Reports
Second Engineer
21.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of all machinery during his
watch according to watch instructions.
(2) The Fourth Engineer’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited
to, the following:
◙ Proper maintenance of the evaporators, and equipment such as
ejectors, pumps, salinometers.
◙ Proper maintenance and cleaning of LO, DO, FO purifiers and
related equipment.
◙ Proper maintenance of all pumps and valves and air compressors.
(3) Anything abnormal is to be reported to the Chief Engineer or the Second
(4) He may be called upon for standby and at any time as circumstances may
(5) The Fourth Engineer shall familiarise himself with the content of all relevant
Company Manuals and Procedures.
(6) The Fourth Engineer shall actively understudy the Third Engineer in all
aspects of his duties and responsibilities and assist as required.
(7) Any other duties, as the Chief Engineer or Second Engineer may decide.
21.3 Interface
» Build and maintain good relations.
21.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
22. Fitter
22.1 Reports
Second Engineer
22.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Welding jobs on the deck and in the engine room.
(2) Maintenance and repair work involving welding both on deck and in the
engine room.
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(3) Any other duties as per the Chief Engineer or Second Engineer may decide.
22.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
22.4 References
Company Policies, targets, & objectives.
23. Oiler
23.1 Reports
Second Engineer
23.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Engine Department related maintenance.
(2) Maintenance work in the engine room.
(3) Watch duties at sea and in port including during bunker operations.
(4) Operating pumps and related lines during bunker operations.
(5) Any other duties, as the Chief Engineer or Second Engineer may decide.
23.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
23.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
24. Wiper
24.1 Reports
Second Engineer
24.2 Functions and responsibilities
(1) Engine Department related maintenance and cleaning.
(2) Cleaning work in the engine room.
(3) Any other duties, as the Chief Engineer or Second Engineer may decide.
24.3 Interfaces
» Build and maintain good relations.
24.4 References
Company policies, targets, & objectives.
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