Board Game InDesignORGINALl
Board Game InDesignORGINALl
Board Game InDesignORGINALl
Bartek Lisowski
. . . Contents Page . . .
Research ....................................03
Typography .............................. 39
Mindmap ..................................42
Sketches.... ................................45
Development ...........................50
Final Outcome.........................66
Evaluation ................................71
Board Game
People were playing board games earlier than we have any records. Probably the first board games were scratched into
dirt and played with stones or fruit pits for pieces. The earliest board game that we know about for sure, from Pre-dy-
nastic Egypt, about 3000 BC, is a game called Senet. Senet was like our modern game backgammon. People also played
backgammon in ancient Iran by about 3000 BC, using dice that were pretty much just like modern dice
By 1500 BC, people in Shang Dynasty China were playing a game called Liubo. We dont really know the
rules to Liubo. A little later, about 1400 BC, Second Intermediate Period people in Egypt seem to have
been playing an early version of the African game Mancala.
The big new game of the Islamic Empire was chess. The
Arabs learned to play chess from the Sassanians when they
conquered them, and probably the Sassanians learned chess
from people in India. Indian people themselves seem to have
learned at least some version of chess from people in China.
People also kept right on playing the older games of back-
gammonand checkers, which go back to the Bronze Age.
Chess helped to replace the gambling games with dice like
backgammon which had always been very popular. Islam
forbade any kind of gambling.
Eurogames are sometimes contrasted with American-style board games, which generally involve more luck, conflict,
and drama. Eurogames are usually less abstract than chess, but more abstract than wargames. Likewise, they gener-
ally require more thought and planning than party games, such as Pictionary or Trivial Pursuit, but less than classic
strategy games, such as chess and go.
Game Boards
Game Map
Custom Packaging
Playing Cards / Board Game Cards
An avrage Game boards are made of black texture paper and
Game Money
high glossy litho wrap with durable chipboard inside. The
Cardboard Game Tiles
standard chipboard is 1.9mm (0.075 inches) for quad fold
Score Pads
game board with open size 18 X 18 inches.
Personalized Dice
There are many websites like http://www.makeplayingcards.
Custom Molded Game / Player Pieces
com/ that are focoused just on producing whole board
Parts Bag
games designed by their costumers. Apart from game cards,
you can also create custom board games and custom jigsaw
puzzles on their sites. Their main company QP Group is a
Game Timers
major manufacturer and printing company in the gaming
industry, hence they have all the equipment and expertise
Instruction Sheets and Books
gained from over the past 30 years to produce all custom-
ers board game needs to the highest industry standards.
Use your own art graphics for all elements of your games-
boards, cards, game pieces and more.
There are really sea of different types of board games. Some that just came out some years ago and those that are
thousends years old that started progress of board games. You dont have to think for a long time before naming one
board game thats because at one point in time they were most popular form of entertainment. Here are some board
games know by everyone
The most powerful piece is the queen and the least pow-
erful piece is the pawn. The objective is to 'checkmate'
the opponent's king by placing it under an inescapable
threat of capture. To this end, a player's pieces are used
to attack and capture the opponent's pieces, while sup-
porting their own. In addition to checkmate, the game
can be won by voluntary resignation by the opponent,
which typically occurs when too much material is lost,
or if checkmate appears unavoidable. A game may also
result in a draw in several ways.
Snakes and Laddersoriginated in Indiaas part of a family of dice board games, that includedGyan
chauperandpachisi(present-dayLudoandParcheesi). The game made its way to England and was sold as "Snakes and
Ladders", then the basic concept was introduced in the United States asChutes and Ladders(an "improved new version
of England's famous indoor sport") by game pioneerMilton Bradleyin 1943.
Battleship(alsoBattleshipsorSea Battle) is
aguessing gamefor two players. It is known
worldwide as apencil and paper gamewhich
dates fromWorld War I. It was published by
various companies as a pad-and-pencil game
in the 1930s, and was released as a plas-
ticboard gamebyMilton Bradleyin 1967.
The purpose of the game is to destroy the
opposing player's battleships, and ends with a
fight to the death.
I see games classified by their type/style/mechanic (area control or deck building for example).
However, despite quit a bit of searching I have failed to find a list of all these different types along with explana-
tions as to what they mean... I have found a few sites that list lots of different ones but they don't explain them, so
here is my view on different types of board games.
Pop - up games From my personal observations Ive made The initial white dummy designed by Nick
a category for different types of board Denchfield the paper engineer..This is the
games from the ones that I find interesting starting point of the project for me, basical-
ly it's like a three dimensional blank canvas
The first one is
to work on. You can see on early stages
a pop-up book
of designing it that author had everything
which the board
planned with a detail. You can see how he
game society does
numbered each piece to not get confused.
not persudes that
I really like that each piece has its own me-
much in games but
chanics which makes it outstanding.
I still like the idea
behind this proj-
ect, which inspiers
me to mix two
different worlds
of pop-up books
and board games
together.. I find it
really unusuall and
fascinating as the
process of making
An actuall board game which cought my attention by the palate of colours and unusuall illustra-
tions which fits perfectly combined. The game title can be seen on three sides so it can be identi-
fied easily even when only the smallest side is visible on a shelf at the shop, or at home. On the
three other sides there is information about the number of players, the required game time and
You can also see how the box inside looks like which tells
you that the author has put as much effort in visual conent
as much as the finish. There is a lot of components inside
the box which will make the game even more entertain-
ing and more complicated. The materials he used for each
piece are highest quality.
Food Chain Magnate is a heavy strategy game about building a fast food chain. The focus is on building your com-
pany using a card-driven (human) resource management system. Players compete on a variable city map through
purchasing, marketing and sales, and on a job market for key staff members. The game can be played by 2-5 serious
gamers in 2-4 hours. The design is based on fast food during the 50's and 60's
The game is pretty simple itself but the thing that cought my atten-
tion was the idea behind the game which you dont see often. You
can see event cards as well as pawns and other additional pieces
which might now have top quality finish but is entertaining at the
same time.
A round consists of two parts. First all players simultaneously select a card and move the number on the played card
(if able), in position order. After this, a single pair of dice is rolled by one player (the rolling player rotates through-
out the game). The player rolling the dice decides if all horses move the value of one or both of the dice and all horses
move (again in position order).
From the back of the box: James Bond has been captured and left in a pond full of alligators. In an attempt to escape,
007 steals one of the villain Kanangas boats. Can you complete the escape? Find out in this thrilling boat chase through
the Louisiana bayou with Kanangas men in hot pursuit. This game was designed for two players aged eight and up.
Extremely rare collector's item, to my knowledge only published in England due to copyright problems. This simple
game (Ages 8 and up) is part of the then successful James Bond franchise of Victory Games. It was an attempt to cre-
ate a simple 2-player game which would also appeal to kids (in contrast to their more complex efforts like the faulted
"James Bond Assault Game"). It is basically the race from the movie "Live and let Die" - James Bond uses a motorboat
to escape the evil henchmen of Kananga. Simple Action-System with small stand-up-boats and an abstract and slightly
boring (small) board. Not a total waste of time - it actually works as a fast 2-player game.
For the second part of the task i was asked to work on the workshop/module and include introduction into the definiton and
elements of typographic design - showing examples of interesting typographic designs in terms of their communication.
My first choice of typographical designer and typographic designs was Richard Niessen and his work
Richard Niessen (edam-
volendam, 1972) gradu-
ated from the gerrit ri-
etveld academy in 1996.
ever since he works on a
body of work that he calls
typographic masonry.
it is the almost hermetic
craft of forging amalgams
of signs, symbols & orna-
ments in mostly nonlinear
structures. this syncretic
approach to graphic de-
sign, with a predilection
for printwork, creates a
coherent formal language
exclusively to the project at
I also really like the work of Studio lindhorst-emme In germany. They are graphic
design, book design and typography based creators which as you would expect
from germans are really detailed and very well ordered. In comparison to Richard
Niessen work, lindhorst studio are very technical and into the shapes, everything
is where it needs to be and it seems as if there is a lot of planning behind each
So after i knew i wanted to go with the racing theme which was my prioriority through thinking stage,
i wanted to create few logos and typefaces in order to know which way i wanted to go with my design-
ing. I made some complex ones and made some names for the game,b ut at this stage i dindt want to
spend that much time in creating a logo as the schedule was thight.
After i had the typeface created i moved onto making quick few sketches for
the game and how i wanted it to look like. I knew for sure i wanted to have
few stops for fuel and mechanic for example as it would make the game more
At this stage, i moved onto making some adjustment which i knew i would have in my
final project. The only thing that got me waste some time was the path of the game as i
had so many ideas of how i wanted it too look like. I dint know if i wanted the street to
be simple dirt and the machines would fly over it, or simply a asfalt street you see every-
where around the world, and i thought it would suit the game the most as almost every-
one would relate to it and feel as that they actually driving a car.
My final sketch was my final one. I had everything i wanted in it, through fuel and mechanic stations to
coins and event cards which make the game interesting. It was everything in once, the layout of it made me
visualize of how i wanted it too look like. That i wanted a normal street with acutall cars and that, it will be
children friendly.
As i mentioned that because of my time menagment i could make seperate rules for any-
thing other then normal car i decided to go with it and design 4 different cars that children
would love to play as.
After i had it designed in photoshop only thing left for me to do was to add colour which i thought
that if i add bright shades, kids will find it more desireble and fun. When i had everything finished
i printed each car out and stuck it in onto the card board which people could then use without
worrying of folding and domagening it.
So i decided to start over again which also took some time out of my time schedule but im glad i did it, be-
cause the result is far more better than the previous version, which had colours in it that are children friendly
colours. You are intrigered just by looking at the instruction which was my target from the beggening. I have
added actual parts of the game so that people will get filimiar with it. I also included colours i used when mak-
ing the game in the instruction.
My next part of the development was to create event cards that wont be
just paper with task on it, i planned to make something more racing
theme, which i think i succeded in the end. I placed the typeface and the
logo at the back of the card design. I wanted to highlit the dynamic of the
game so i also made frame based on the finish line colours. So when i had
the back of the event card already designed i moved onto the front which
was the task you had to do after picking the event card.
I had four different kinds of event card, and which was made for something created on the map so that every-
thing works with each other perfectly. I created Mechanic card, Fuel card, Shortcut card and Slow down
card strictly from the black and white colours, which after reciving feedback from the teacher i decided to
change the colours and the layout of the event card so it relates more to the actual game. I Used brush tool in
photoshop and tried to experiment with it, which i then ended up with the result above. I really like the brush
strokes giving you the impression of it being made by the tires. That little green and yellow touch gives so
much more to it.
After i printed the cards out i had to find the material that wouldt be too soft so that the cards would fold
and rip. Ive cut out the perfect size and used spray glue to hold it in place.
Next part of my development process was to create typeface on photoshop of what i already made
when thinking of the name and logo for the game. I really liked the typeface ive made with aerody-
namic feel to it, which imidietly made me think of racing, cars and competitiveness, which were the
key features i was looking for. ALl i had to do then was to make it the right size and simetrical.
I started from the skratch in photoshop and start coming up with the right look of it, i knew that there had to
be space between the letters for the speeding effect
I slowly started to create the game in adobe photoshop. I knew i wanted bright green grass which would make the
game more enviroment friendly, ive made that by messing with image - adjusments and filters untill i reached the
definition i wanted. when i had my background ready, i moved onto making street, which i ddintt really knew how i
wanted it to look like, so i quickly made silver rectangle on which is tarted to add other layers with different shades.
Then when i was happy with the result i started to create a path with on with the track would be made.
After i knew how the track would be looking like, i quickly moved onto making additional houses for the game
which also would give the game more enviromental feeling. To make the houses i also used rectangle on which
i started to add different layers, colours and shades untill ive reached enough detail. The process of making the
game wasnt that complicated as i seperated each layer in case of errors.
This was my final look of the game, when i finished it on photoshop, as you can see there are some parts
not created by myself which if i had some more time i would fdefinetley do myself. After consultation
with the teacher we both decided it would be better to name the stations and important emelents to
make it slightly more easier. The end result was really surprising for me as all of the elements put togeth-
er made the whole much more detailed and aesthetic.
I then moved onto creating the box for the game. As it was
my first time creating anykind of a box i figured it will have
to be meassured and carefully planned. I didnt want to waste
any of my materials in experimenting so i used a4 paper to
create a mock up of the box, which after some time i man-
aged to get my head around.
I then after 24 hours of witing and leaving the box to dry had
to make quick few tests of its strenght as i didnt want the box
to break easily. As it was my first try of makng a box i was little
worried that it would not do it purpose job which was to consist
my game. I was hoping it could fit the game as well as everything
else, my parts, cards in place so i went to collect everything for the
game i had and put it inside.
For the brief i was asked to produce editorial pieces in the form of a physical board game and associated
items that comuunicate my appreciation of this aspect of graphic design. I had to create effective complex
designs that demonstrate my proficiency in the creation of effective board and page layouts and as this brief
was one of my favourites i enjoyed every part of the brief.
The most rewarding aspect of this module was understanding all of the mechanics behind the board games
and planning that goes behind it. I was lucky enough that i had some previous expirience with programs like
adobe photoshop and adobe illustrator which helped me to create the desings for the brief. I was able to give
my board game the details and definition required for the game to be playeble. I was able to use proffesional
equipment for the brief which gave me a perspective in future moduls.
The most challenging aspect of this module was definetley time menagement as there is so much that goes
into the brief which you have to create your own schedule to include everything perfectly as well as future er-
rors that sometimes make you lose time. I faced lots of different challanges along the way as having to create
your own package for the game. Creating box was one of the most challenging stages of the brief as every-
thing had to be perfectly meassured in order for game and every elemnt to fit the box.
I most enjoyed the planning and illustrating process when you had to come up with some quality ideas
which you then had to go with, as this part of the brief isnt always the most challenging, its definetley one of
the most important stages . You are allowed to be free with the way you think and ideas that come up in your
mind. In my opinion its the most creative stage which teaches you how to be creative. But there is also part of
the brief i least enjoyed which was puting everything together, as at this stage you have no idea if everything
will be suiting eachother or if it fits, how it all going to be looking like at the end, and if everything looks as
you planned it. fortunetley for me everything edned up looking better then i initially expected.