Energy Transformation
Energy Transformation
Energy Transformation
Mobile Phone
To use a mobile phone, sound energy
Sound Energy travels in the form of sound waves
through the mobile device and is
transformed into electrical energy. The
electrical energy then travels within the
device and turns into radio
Electrical Energy (electromagnetic) energy. This radio
energy then converts to electrical energy,
since the energy is trying to reach another
Radio (electromagnetic) mobile device. Then the electrical energy
Energy transforms back to sound energy where
Fax or Modem
Light Energy
A fax or modem machine is a device
that digitally and electrically sends
information from one fax/modem
machine to another. Light energy is
Electrical Energy used to convert into electrical energy
to transmit information over power
lines. The electrical energy is then
Heat Energy
converted back to light energy once it
reaches its destination. During the
conversion of electrical energy to light
Light Energy energy, heat energy may also be
converted since some electrical energy
Kinetic Energy
Sound Energy
A radio firstly receives sound energy from
Radio (electromagnetic) Energy a person and this sound energy
transforms into mechanical and then
Mechanical Energy Magnetic Energy electrical energy once it enters the
And microphone of the radio person. After that,
Electrical Energy Mechanical Energy this energy converts to radio (waves) in
order for successful transmission. The
Electrical Energy radio waves (electromagnetic energy) is
then transformed into electrical energy,
Light Energy and then mechanic, and finally, magnetic
energy. After transforming into mechanical
Radio Energy Electrical Energy energy, the energy converts back to sound
Julie Tran.
Year 11.
MMC, Physics.