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Good Practices for the Care and Custody

of Propane in the Supply Chain

A Report From
Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc.
On PERC Docket 11352

First Edition
June 2005
Propane Council Good Practices

Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liabilities

This report was prepared by Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc. (EEA) as an account of
work sponsored by the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC). Neither PERC nor EEA,
including any consultant, subcontractor, or any other party acting on behalf of either of them:

A. Makes any warranty or representation whatsoever, express or implied,

i. With respect to the use of any information, apparatus, method, process, or similar
item disclosed in this report, including merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose, or

ii. That such use does not infringe on or interfere with privately owned rights,
including any partys intellectual property, or

iii. That this report is suitable to any particular users circumstances, or

B. Assumes responsibility for any damages or other liability whatsoever (including any
consequential damage, even if PERC or any PERC representative has been advised of the
possibility of such damages) resulting from selection or use of this report or any
information, apparatus, method, process, or similar item disclosed in this report.

This report does not address potential safety and regulatory concerns. It is the responsibility of
the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory

Propane Council Good Practices

PERC wishes to thank Energy and Environmental Analysis (EEA) for completing this project.
Consulting Solutions and DPM Consulting both provided valuable assistance to EEA, and the key authors
Kelly Tarp, Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc.
Richard Tidball, Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc.
Larry Osgood, Consulting Solutions, LLC
John OConnor, Consulting Solutions, LLC
Dennis Moraski, DPM Consulting, Inc

PERC also wishes to thank the following stakeholders for reviewing a draft copy of this report
and providing valuable comments that improved the publication:

Ron Brunner, Gas Processors Association

Walter Cressman, Cress Gas
Dennis Gagne, Eastern Propane Gas & Oil
Greg Kerr, PERC staff
Terry LeClair, SemStream
Phil Lombardo, Superior Energy Systems
Dan McCartney, Black and Veatch
Robert Myers, Industry consultant
Bob Nicholson, Eastern Propane
Kirk Saunders, White Mountain Oil
Don Sextro, Dynegy
Don Singleton, Blossman Gas
Joe Sternola, Permagas
Bill Stewart, Blue Star Gas
Don Tomiello, Dynegy

PERC acknowledges a recent assessment completed by the Australian LP Gas Association that
focused on guidelines for the gas supply chain in Australia. The Australian assessment was a motivating
factor in completing this project.

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Propane Council Good Practices



Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ v

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Background...................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Overview of Propane Supply Chain ................................................................................... 2

2.2 Quality ................................................................................................................................ 3

3. Pipelines and Propane Terminals..................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Production........................................................................................................................... 5

3.2 Transportation to Terminals................................................................................................ 5

3.3 Receipt at Terminals ........................................................................................................... 6

3.4 Treating and Conditioning at Terminals ............................................................................. 8

3.5 Shipment from Terminals ................................................................................................. 10

3.6 Propane Sampling and Testing for Quality Assurance ..................................................... 13

4. Bulk Plant Storage and Customer Delivery ................................................................................... 15

4.1 Bulk Storage Tank and Piping System ............................................................................. 15

4.2 Bobtail Delivery Truck ..................................................................................................... 17

4.3 The Customer Storage Tank, Piping System, and End-Use Equipment ........................... 18

4.4 Bulk Plant Personnel Training .......................................................................................... 21

5. Summary........................................................................................................................................ 23

Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 26

Appendix A. Contaminants .................................................................................................................... 28

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Propane Council Good Practices



Table 1. Possible Propane Contaminants.......................................................................................... 4

Table 2. Summary of Propane Quality Issues................................................................................. 23



Figure 1. Simplified Propane Distribution Chain............................................................................... 2

Figure 2. Product Separation Pig for Batch Shipments in Liquid Pipelines....................................... 5

Figure 3. Propane and Refined Products Terminal ............................................................................ 6

Figure 4. Propane Barge (capacity of 16,600 barrels)........................................................................ 8

Figure 5. Propane Terminal Loading Rack and Transport Trucks................................................... 12

Figure 6. Bobtail Delivery Truck ..................................................................................................... 17

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Propane Council Good Practices

Batch system a pipeline system where more than one product is moved, in series, through the line.
Buffers or batching pigs are used to separate the products.

Batching pigs a plastic or foam bullet placed between product batches.

Buffer the use of normal butane or iso-butane in a pipeline to reduce product intermixing by separating
propane from other products that may be transported through the same pipeline.

Commercial propane a hydrocarbon product for use where high volatility is required. Commercial
propane is suitable for heating applications and most engine applications.

Dedicated system a pipeline system where propane is the only product moved through the line.

Gas chromatography process in which a mixture of gases or vapors are separated by their differential
adsorption by a stationary phase. Gas chromatography is used as an analytical method to
determine the composition of a mixture, including the concentration of individual species.

HD-5 propane a high quality product defined by GPA 2140 that is composed predominantly of propane,
which exhibits superior antiknock characteristics in high-output engines when used as an internal
combustion fuel (equivalent to special-duty propane defined in ASTM D-1835).

Heavy-ends non-volatile liquid or solid material left in tanks or piping systems after propane is

Liquefied petroleum (LP) gas a mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly propane, propene (propylene), and

Odorant fade the depletion over time of the odorant content in odorized propane, due to various
complex processes.

Passivate action taken to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of propane odorant fade caused by certain
complex processes which can take place on the active metal surfaces of new containers and

ppm parts per million, which is a measure of concentration. Parts per million (ppm) can be expressed
on either a volumetric or weight basis.

Special-duty propane a high quality product defined by ASTM D-1835 that is composed predominantly
of propane, which exhibits superior antiknock characteristics in high-output engines when used as
an internal combustion fuel (equivalent to HD-5 propane defined by GPA Standard 2140).

1. Introduction
All stakeholders in the propane industry have a common interest in maintaining propane quality.
There are many quality assurance practices that are required (by a facilitys management or industry
standard) or voluntarily followed by those that have custody of propane as it moves through the supply
chain. However, propane quality can and does reach unacceptable levels if product control practices
are not constantly monitored.

The objective of this document is to increase awareness of maintaining fuel quality for propane
that is delivered as an odorized product. Maintaining fuel quality involves more than producing propane
with the proper composition. Rather, all entities that have custody of propane throughout the supply
chain need to follow good practices that will ensure that high quality propane is delivered to the final

This guideline provides a basic foundation of the complex subject of fuel quality. In the United
States, propane supplied by producers generally complies with one of the following specifications:
HD-5 (GPA Standard 2140)
Special Duty1 (ASTM Standard D 1835)
Commercial (GPA or ASTM standards)
HD-102 (California Code of Regulations)

History and experience show that propane does not always meet one of these specifications.
Further, meeting a specification does not necessarily mean that the product is fit for all applications that
use odorized propane. Therefore, it is incumbent on those that produce, handle, transport, store, and
deliver propane to monitor and maintain propane quality as it moves through the supply chain.

This guide is organized as follows:

Chapter 2 Background and overview of the propane supply chain
Chapter 3 Good practices related to pipelines and terminals
Chapter 4 Good practices for bulk plant storage and customer delivery
Chapter 5 Summary of good practices and fuel quality issues
Appendix A Summary of major propane contaminants

This report does not address safety issues and should not be used to replace or supersede any
propane safety procedures or policies.

Special-duty propane (D1835-03a Standard Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases) is identical to HD-5
propane (GPA 2140).
The term HD-10 is used in the propane industry, but there is no official HD-10 specification.

2. Background
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP-gas or LPG) is a mixture of hydrocarbons, consisting mainly of
propane, propene (propylene), and butanes. In the United States, LP-gas is primarily propane (C3H8), and
in this report the terms LP-gas and propane are used interchangeably.

2.1 Overview of Propane Supply Chain

A simplified schematic of the propane supply chain is illustrated in Figure 1. For this guideline,
the supply chain is divided into three groups:
Production and Transportation
Bulk Plants and Customer Delivery (cylinder filling plants, bulk storage plants, and large
industrial customers)
End-Use Customers (final consumers of odorized propane)

Production &

Bulk Plants &

Customer Delivery


Source: Adapted from the World LP Gas Association

Figure 1. Simplified Propane Distribution Chain

As indicated in Figure 1, there are many custodians that are involved in the multitude of paths
that can be used to deliver propane from the production source to the end-use customer. All of these
custodians play an important role in maintaining quality.

2.2 Quality

Maintaining propane quality is more than just producing a product with the proper composition.
After the product is produced within specifications, each custodian in the supply chain must handle the
product properly to ensure that contamination does not occur. If there is a breakdown anywhere in the
supply chain, serious problems can occur. Consider the following examples:
A manufacturer of propane engines used for indoor applications reported a high incident rate
of poor engine performance that was traced to oil in the propane. Analysis showed that the
oil would build into a tar-like substance on the intake valves and keep the valves from closing
completely. This situation caused loss of cylinder compression, which led to poor engine
performance and high emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons. One
beneficial selling point for propane is low emissions for indoor engine applications.
However, oil in the propane caused just the opposite result for this manufacturer high
engine emissions.
A propane tanker from a refinery was contaminated with a common cleaning agent for steel
tanks and piping systems. The tanker was off-loaded at a bulk plant and the contaminated
propane was then delivered to approximately 300 customers. The problem was reported by
end-users that experienced severe problems using the contaminated propane in water heaters,
furnaces, and vehicles.
Water contamination of propane delivered by rail car has been a significant challenge. One
distributor received two rail cars on separate occasions contaminated with water. The
contaminated propane was not immediately detected and was delivered to over 50 customers.
A propane distributor purchased a secondhand propane storage vessel from a tank broker and
put it into service without first doing an internal inspection. Unknown to the distributor, the
vessel had been previously contaminated with sulfur. This situation resulted in the
distribution of corrosive propane to end users.

These preceding anecdotal examples illustrate the undesirable impacts that poor quality control
can have on customers. If unchecked, poor quality control affects the entire propane industry and can
lead to the erosion of market share or the inability to move into new markets. For example, based on
unfavorable warranty and service experience, some engine and vehicle manufacturers have expressed
reluctance in producing new propane engine offerings without assurances that propane will not trigger
future unwanted warranty claims. With engine applications, concerns include both on-road and off-road
vehicles. For example, new emission regulations applicable to off-road equipment present opportunities
for clean burning propane. However, control technologies require consistent fuel properties for
satisfactory performance, and off-road vehicle manufacturers may be reluctant to develop propane engine
alternatives if fuel quality is uncertain or highly variable.

Table 1 includes a list of common propane contaminants and potential problems related to these
contaminants. In the following sections, the source of these contaminants in the supply chain is explored,
and good practices are discussed that can be followed to mitigate the introduction of these contaminants.

Table 1. Possible Propane Contaminants

Contaminant Problem
Water Water promotes rust on internal surfaces of carbon steel storage tanks
and black iron piping systems. Rust can result in odor fade,
reducing the life of system components. Rust particles can also block
small openings. In cold weather or during pressure reduction
operations, water can freeze. Ice can impair the operation of, or even
damage, valves, pumps, piping, and regulators.
Oil residues and heavy ends Operational problems with end-use equipment and inability to meet
emissions standards. May lead to the production of carbon
Solid particulates Operational problems with end-use equipment when not properly
purged. May lead to the production of carbon monoxide.
Air and nitrogen Operational problems with end-use equipment (improper fuel-air ratio,
poor or no combustion). May lead to the production of carbon
Ammonia Failure of brass fittings through stress corrosion cracking.
High sulfur (S), hydrogen Corrosion and failure of copper containing materials.
sulfide (H2S), and other
corrosive components
High butane content3 Inadequate vaporization in cold weather.
High propylene content4 Increased emission production and inability to meet air quality

Butane is an acceptable component of propane. However, in high concentrations, butane can be regarded as a
contaminant because the fuel will not perform as expected.
Like butane, propylene is an acceptable component of propane but can be regarded as a contaminant in high

3. Pipelines and Propane Terminals
Good practices for the care and custody of propane in pipeline distribution systems and propane
terminals are discussed in this chapter. A detailed discussion of the production of propane is beyond the
scope of this manual. However, a brief overview of propane production is provided for completeness.

3.1 Production

Propane is one of many hydrocarbons that are produced through the processing of natural gas and
the refining of crude oil, both of which are found and extracted from underground reservoirs. A complex
series of production and processing steps, such as field treating, transportation, desalting,
desulphurization, fractionation, catalytic cracking, alkylation, separation, finished-product treating,
storage, and quality assurance testing are utilized within gas plants and refineries. These steps must be
properly conducted to produce propane that meets required specifications and is suitable for pipeline,
truck, rail or marine delivery to propane terminals, distributors, and end-users.

3.2 Transportation to Terminals

Propane is delivered from refineries and gas plants to propane terminals (or directly to some
retailers) by transporting the propane, in liquid phase, either through liquid pipeline grids located in the
central and eastern United States, or by truck, ship, barge, or railcar.

Pipeline transportation utilizes pumping stations positioned along the pipeline grid to provide the
energy needed to move the product. Some pipelines are dedicated propane systems, in which propane
is the only product moved in the line. Others are batch systems, in which more than one product is
moved, in series, through the pipeline. In batch systems, propane is typically isolated from other products
in the pipeline by separating the propane batch either with a product of different density before and after
the propane, by the use of normal butane or iso-butane buffers, or the use of batching pigs placed between
product batches see Figure 2.

Source: Girard

Figure 2. Product Separation Pig for Batch Shipments in Liquid Pipelines

3.3 Receipt at Terminals

Figure 3 illustrates a propane and refined products terminal. A large propane storage
sphere is shown on the left side of the photo (many terminals use horizontal storage vessels for propane
storage, rather than spheres). Propane dehydration equipment and propane truck loading facilities are
located below and left of the sphere. Several atmospheric (non-pressurized) refined product tanks are also
shown, along with the refined product truck loading rack (the large, covered structure at the lower right of

Operators at terminals should pay close attention to the following general activities, based on
managements instructions, in order to maintain and protect product quality during receipt of propane into
terminal storage:
Proper valve line-up to terminal propane storage to ensure that the propane being received is
routed to the correct terminal storage without cross-contamination by other products.
Proper sampling, testing, frequency of testing, and interpretation of results on the propane as
it is being received into terminal storage.
Proper action plan followed if an off-spec test result occurs.

Figure 3. Propane and Refined Products Terminal

3.3.1 Pipelines

Propane received by pipeline into terminals should be sampled and undergo oversight testing for
quality just prior to the start of the receipt into the terminal and periodically during delivery, based on the
facility managements requirements. A sampling point located in the pipeline just upstream of many
terminals remotely monitors the density (specific gravity) of the pipeline product as it approaches the
terminal. This information gives the terminal operator guidance on the timing of the arrival of the
propane at the terminal. Once the propane reaches the terminal, it is typically sampled and undergoes

oversight testing for density (specific gravity), volatile and non-volatile residues, and oily contaminants
before it is routed to the appropriate storage vessel or cavern within the terminal. Terminal operators
continue to test the propane at the facility managements required frequencies throughout the pipeline
receipt. In some cases, the propane composition is analyzed on a continuous basis. Key items at pipeline
terminals include:
Careful timing on opening the pipeline propane into terminal storage on batch systems to
avoid possible contamination with the products on either end of the propane batch.
Close coordination with the pipeline scheduler/controller throughout the receipt operation.

If any quality control oversight tests are found to be out of compliance, then some or all of the
following actions should be considered:
The pipeline receipt into the terminal should be shut down immediately until further
confirmation testing can be done.
The terminal supervisor should be notified.
The propane storage to which the receipt was originally lined-up should be isolated, tested,
and confirmed to be on-spec before delivering from it.
If any propane transport vehicles were loaded with suspect or off-spec propane, follow-up
testing should be done on that material and corrective action taken, if needed.

Propane found to be off-spec in terminal storage should, with facility management review and
approval, either (1) be blend-adjusted at the terminal, retested, and confirmed to meet the required quality
specifications before delivery, or (2) be removed from the terminal for off-site quality correction,
reprocessing, or other approved disposal action. For large batches, on-site treating and dehydration may
be considered. The delivery of off-spec fuel could be in violation of contract terms and some laws or

3.3.2 Ships and Barges

Propane receipts into marine terminals can be by barge or ocean-going vessels (barge shown in
Figure 4). The relative size of the cargos can range from 8,000 to 600,000 barrels for some of the
worlds largest propane vessels. Quality control of propane is a critical component due to the expense
and logistics associated with handling product that does not meet specifications. Marine cargos are
typically tested for ammonia, corrosion, composition by chromatographic analysis, freeze valve (on
barges only), density (specific gravity), and vapor pressure. Prior to loading ships or barges, the previous
cargo transported must be considered to ensure the propane cargo will meet specifications after loading.
In some cases, this may require flaring, purging with nitrogen, and/or sweeping with propane vapors to
ensure a sufficient amount of the previous cargo has been removed such that the propane will meet
contractual specifications.

Large ocean-going vessels deliver propane into marine terminals, and this propane is then either
delivered directly into the wholesale propane market or stored in underground caverns or refrigerated
tanks. Typically, propane transported and received from ocean-going vessels is refrigerated to
approximately 40 F. At this temperature, onboard tank pressures are less than 1 psig. This refrigerated
product must be warmed before it is delivered into trucks, railcars, underground storage, or pipelines to
avoid thermal stresses.

Source: Dynegy Midstream Services, L.P.

Figure 4. Propane Barge (capacity of 16,600 barrels)

Propane is transported in barges at ambient temperatures, thus barge tanks are designed for a
maximum working pressure of 250 psig at 100 F, the same pressure as land-based tanks. Some cargoes
are transported on ships that are neither fully pressurized like barges nor fully refrigerated like large
ocean-going vessels. These semi-refrigerated vessels have tanks with a design pressure lower than
barges, but higher than fully refrigerated ships, and usually have capacities ranging up to approximately
100,000 barrels.

3.4 Treating and Conditioning at Terminals

Propane terminals use a variety of methods for treating and conditioning the propane they receive
and store, prior to delivery to distributors and end-users. The methods employed are dependant on the
condition of the propane at that location and on facility equipment and capabilities.

3.4.1 Water

Although not allowed in either commercial grade or HD-5 grade specifications, some terminals
receive propane containing free water and/or dissolved water which, if left in the propane, may cause
freeze-up problems at piping low points, valves, or pumps during cold weather or at pressure reduction
steps. Propane with a water content of approximately 26 ppm or higher has a tendency to freeze-up, and
is considered wet. Dissolved water is not visibly evident in liquid propane. A freeze valve test is used
to determine if propane containing dissolved water is wet or not. Free water is water that physically
settles out of the propane or is carried along with the propane and accumulates at the bottom of vessels or
containers or in piping. If free water is present in propane, the propane is water saturated and the amount
of dissolved water in that propane will cause it to test wet. Propane is usually wet when it has been
stored in underground caverns in which water or brine is pumped into the bottom of the cavern to deliver
(displace or push) the propane from the cavern. To remove moisture from propane, terminals typically
employ the use of one or more of the following processes:
Coalescing filter
Dryer (dehydrator)

Particulate filter
Methanol injection

Coalescing Filter

A coalescing filter physically removes free water from wet propane, but may not remove enough
water to pass a dryness test. It typically consists of a water knockout vessel containing a polymer
(plastic) or metal-mesh pack or pad located near the vessels outlet, which helps coalesce and separate
any free water from the propane. The separated water then settles into a water drop-out pot and is
periodically drained into a holding tank for treatment and disposal, based upon local regulations.

A good practice to maintain proper filter operation is for the terminal operator to check the level
in the water drop-out pot at regular intervals and drain as necessary to prevent water carry-over into the
propane stream.

Dryers (Dehydrators)

Dryers are typically located downstream of the coalescing filter. Dryer vessels can be of the salt-
dryer type, in which salt is used to remove moisture by the formation of brine (salt water), which is then
removed from the propane. The salt is consumed in the process and normally replaced when moisture
begins to be indicated by the freeze valve test. It is also a good idea to heat trace the system to prevent
the brine from freezing at low temperatures.

A good practice to maintain proper salt-dryer operation is for the terminal operator to run a freeze
valve dryness test at regular intervals on propane downstream of the dryer. This practice will help avoid
the delivery of wet propane, which may occur due to a low salt bed level or channeling of the propane in
the salt bed. A particulate filter downstream of the dryer can be equipped to sound an alarm if water is

Dryers can also be of the regenerative type, which contain a desiccant material such as activated
alumina or silica gel or are constructed with molecular sieves. Regenerative dryers remove dissolved
water from wet propane as it passes through the dryer bed and may also remove free water if so designed.
These dryers are periodically regenerated by passing hot propane vapor through the dryers after the
desiccant or molecular sieve has reached near-saturation with water. The need for dryer regeneration is
typically determined by routine freeze valve testing for moisture content in the propane downstream of
the dryers, but may be continuously monitored with online moisture analyzers.

A good practice to maintain proper regenerative dryer operation is to run a freeze valve dryness
test at regular intervals or use online moisture detectors on propane downstream of the dryer. This
practice will prevent the delivery of wet propane caused by water saturation of the alumina or mole sieve

Particulate Filter (final filter)

A particulate filter is often utilized downstream of the dryers and just upstream of the loading
dock to remove any particles (e.g., rust, desiccant dust, debris, etc.) in the propane. Some particulate
filters swell if water is present in the propane, increasing the pressure differential across the filter
which, in turn, can be equipped to sound an alarm in the terminal control room and shut down the propane
loading pump until the situation can be investigated.

The following are good practices to maintain proper particulate filter operation:

A terminal operator and instrument technician should regularly check pressure differential
readings, the condition of instrumentation and alarms, and the general condition of the
particulate (final) filter.
A freeze valve dryness test should be run at regular intervals or online moisture detectors
should be used downstream of the particulate (final) filter.

Methanol Injection

Propane terminals that do not have dehydration equipment typically use methanol injection to
control moisture. Methanol helps prevent the formation of ice crystals (freeze-ups) when water is present
in propane. The amount of methanol added should be recorded on the bill of lading (BOL) or loading
ticket so as to guard against subsequent additions of methanol after delivery from the terminal. Facility
equipment and capabilities determine the specific methods used to deal with water at a particular
terminal. Methanol is sometimes injected into individual transport trucks and railcars during propane
loading if small amounts of moisture are detected.

3.4.2 Odorant Injection

Propane is an odorless gas, and for safety reasons an odorant is added for most applications.5
Odorant is typically injected into un-odorized propane during the first bulk loading process at propane
terminals. Experience has shown that ethyl mercaptan in the ratio of 1.0 pounds per 10,000 gallons of
liquid propane has been recognized as an effective odorant6. However, a standard practice in the propane
industry is to inject 1.5 pounds per 10,000 gallons of propane to provide an extra margin of safety.
Excessive odorant addition (additions significantly above the 1.5 pounds per 10,000 gallons level) may in
some circumstances cause problems in sulfur-sensitive end-use equipment, and may cause complaints of
strong odor in cooking and heating appliance use. Odorant is commonly transferred from a storage vessel
into the loading line, often through a metering system, during propane loading. Metering systems often
employ a fail-safe mechanism which shuts down the propane loading pump if an odorant injection
malfunction occurs. The odorant injection systems should be checked and calibrated on a routine basis to
maintain accurate injection rates and consistent operation. While not required, the amount of odorant that
has been injected into a load of propane is normally printed (or hand written) on the BOL or loading
ticket when the propane loading has been completed.

A good practice to maintain proper odorant injection system operation is to have qualified
terminal personnel make regularly scheduled checks on the odorant injection system to ensure proper
operation of odorant storage, transfer, and metering equipment.

3.5 Shipment from Terminals

Propane is delivered from propane terminals to distributors and re-sellers via truck, railcar, ship
or barge, and sometimes by pipeline. The previously sampled and tested propane is transferred from
storage vessels (sales tanks) to the loading dock where odorant is injected into the propane as it is being
loaded into transport vehicles. Periodic freeze valve testing for moisture is typically done at terminals,
either by terminal personnel or, at some facilities, by the vehicle drivers as the vehicles are being loaded.
Freeze valve test results, time of test, vehicle identification, and testers name are typically required to be
logged on a form at the loading facility. Transport vehicles are normally loaded with propane using

The requirement to add odorant can be waived in special-use applications, such as aerosol propellants and food and
drug products where the odorant has a detrimental effect on the final product.
NFPA 58, Appendix A, A.1.3.1, 2001.

temperature-compensating meters, by weighing in and out, or by container outage gauge reading and
calculation using product gravity, temperature and the container volume (strapping) data. A bill of lading
(BOL) or loading ticket is printed, showing load date, time in and out, customer and carrier identification,
and the gross and net gallons of propane loaded. In most cases, the amount of odorant injected will also
be shown on the BOL. The results of any freeze valve tests are not included on the BOL but may be
requested. Copies of the BOL or loading ticket are sent with the carrier vehicle, and are typically sent to
the purchasing customer and retained at the terminal and/or supplying companys home office.

The following good practices may help maintain product quality when shipping propane:
The terminal operator should conduct dryness testing on propane whenever a change in sales
tank line-up is made, based on facility managements requirements.
At facilities where propane transport drivers do freeze valve dryness testing during propane
loading, proper training and demonstration of acceptable testing techniques should be
conducted. Pertinent vehicle/driver identification and freeze valve test result information
should be routinely logged and proper action taken in the event propane fails the freeze valve
At a minimum, periodic analysis for composition using gas chromatography (GC) or the 95
percent evaporated test, residue and oil stain, copper strip corrosion, and vapor pressure
testing should be performed on propane that will be supplied to the loading rack. Testing
often includes the 95 percent evaporated test, residue and oil stain, copper strip corrosion and
vapor pressure test. If a propane sample is analyzed for composition using gas
chromatography, the results and subsequent calculations are often used in place of the 95
percent evaporated test and the vapor pressure test. (See a detailed discussion on contaminant
testing options in Appendix A.)
Routine testing of propane that has been loaded into each individual truck or railcar may not
be needed unless a problem is noted by an operator, driver, or customer. Although not
required, some facilities may recommend additional testing.
Some facilities are equipped with an automatic loading-pump shutdown feature on their
odorant injection system, which shuts down propane loading in the event of an odorant
injection malfunction. In addition, the operator or driver can perform a "sniff test" to confirm
the presence of odorant in the propane.
Replace product transfer-line caps tightly to prevent connector and hose contamination.
Use hoses that are lined with proper materials.7

3.5.1 Transport Truck Loading

Transport trailers that have been to a repair shop for unscheduled service or pre-scheduled five-
year hydrostatic testing should be hand wiped and purged with nitrogen to remove water vapor and
oxygen prior to release and subsequent loading with propane. Also, the loading terminal (see Figure 5)
should be advised that the trailer is coming from a repair shop for an initial load of propane. The carrier
may need to remove any excess nitrogen pressure and pressurize the vessel with propane vapor before
loading the transport truck with propane. Some terminal operators will add additional odorant to the first
load of propane to passivate the internal walls of the transport tank and minimize the potential for odorant

All hoses used for propane transfer are lined, but there are concerns that some lining materials may cause

fade in the propane. While not a requirement, the additional odorant should be noted on the bill of lading.

Figure 5. Propane Terminal Loading Rack and Transport Trucks

Many propane loading terminals are not attended on a 24-hour basis. For the most part, the
transport truck driver is responsible for loading propane. Therefore, the transport trucking company must
be responsible for ensuring the transport truck meets all DOT requirements for propane transportation. In
most instances, the terminal operator completes product oversight testing on propane receipts, and these
tests can include:
Length of stain tube for moisture, ammonia, odorant, or hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Lead acetate paper to test for presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Red litmus paper to test for ammonia
Freeze valve test for dryness of propane
Copper strip test for corrosive contaminants
Reid vapor pressure test for vapor pressure
95 percent evaporated temperature test for volatile residue
Oil stain observation for oily residue
Residue on evaporation of 100 milliliters of propane to test for non-volatile residue
Gas chromatography to measure fuel composition, odorant concentration, and the presence of
other chemical species

The level and frequency of testing will depend on the types of deliveries into a terminal (pipeline,
common carrier truck, ship, barge, railcar), the methods used to store the propane (above ground vessels,
refrigerated storage, caverns), other equipment and processes specific to the terminal (type of dehydration
equipment, if any, other products handled in the terminal, and the degree of product isolation), and the
contractual product specifications required by the customer.

3.5.2 Rail Car Loading

Rail cars that have been to a repair shop for unscheduled tank repairs, cleaning, or pre-scheduled
five-year hydrostatic testing should be hand wiped and purged with nitrogen to remove water vapor and
oxygen prior to release and subsequent loading with propane. The amount of purging required at the
repair shop is dependent upon reaching an oxygen content of less than 2 percent, and a moisture content
of less than 1,000 ppm in air, so that when the tank is filled with propane, the moisture content remains
less than the maximum allowed. The receiving terminal should be advised that the railcar is coming from
a repair shop. The terminal operator may need to remove any excess nitrogen pressure before loading the
railcar with propane. Also, some terminal operators will double stench the first load of propane to
minimize the potential for odorant fade in the propane. Although not required, the additional odorant
should be noted on the bill of lading.

When a terminal operator receives a railcar, the terminal operator should perform an inspection of
the rail car prior to loading. This inspection should include looking for expired dates, mechanical defects,
leaking valves, and missing fittings to ensure the railcar can be loaded.

Once the railcar has been deemed fit to load, the terminal operator will estimate the volume to be
loaded on the railcar to ensure leaving sufficient outage for liquid thermal expansion while the railcar is in
transit. Product testing is performed by the terminal operator prior to loading, and these tests can include
some or all of the following (same list as that used for transport truck loading discussed in preceding
Length of stain tube for moisture, ammonia, odorant, or hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Lead acetate paper to test for presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Red litmus paper to test for ammonia
Freeze valve test for dryness of propane
Copper strip test for corrosive contaminants
Reid vapor pressure test for vapor pressure
95 percent evaporated temperature test for volatile residue
Oil stain observation for oily residue
Residue on evaporation of 100 milliliters of propane to test for non-volatile residue
Gas chromatography to measure fuel composition, odorant concentration, and the presence of
other chemical species

The level and frequency of testing will depend on the types of deliveries into a terminal (pipeline,
common carrier truck, ship, barge, railcar), the methods used to store the propane (above ground vessels,
caverns), other equipment and processes specific to the terminal (dehydration equipment, if any, other
products handled in the terminal, and the degree of product isolation), and the contractual product
specifications required by the customer.

3.6 Propane Sampling and Testing for Quality Assurance

In the United States, refineries and gas plants generally comply with the sampling and testing
requirements of GPA Standard 2140 for HD-5 Grade Propane, and ASTM D 1835 Standard
Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases for Special-Duty Propane (these are equivalent
standards). However, some refineries in certain areas of the country comply with the GPA and ASTM

specifications for Commercial Propane, and some may comply with what is commonly called the
California HD-10 specification (California Code of Regulations Title 13, Motor Vehicles, Section
2292.6, Specifications for Liquefied Petroleum Gas). The propane production stream in the operating
units of refineries and gas plants is commonly sampled and tested at regular intervals, typically one or
two test series per eight-hour shift. Some of the more time-consuming tests, such as total sulfur analysis
and laboratory gas chromatography, may be run once or twice per week. However, in some plants
composition and moisture analyses may be performed on a continuous basis. The propane in final storage
is usually sampled and tested again prior to or during delivery to pipelines, trucks, railcars, ships, and

Propane terminals that receive product only directly from refineries and gas plants typically
sample and test the propane product on a more limited basis (oversight testing), due to the propane having
already been fully tested by the supplying refinery or gas plant and, in some cases, due to limited
manpower and testing equipment at some propane terminals. The tests that are typically run on propane
received by propane terminals are as follows:
95% evaporated temperature (ASTM D 1837) for volatile residue
Residue on evaporation of 100 milliliters (ASTM D 2158) for non-volatile residue
Oil stain observation (ASTM D 2158) for oily residue
Copper strip corrosion (ASTM D 1838) for corrosive contaminants
Freeze valve test (ASTM D 2713) for dryness

Larger terminals with additional laboratory resources often perform testing beyond those listed

4. Bulk Plant Storage and Customer Delivery
The bulk plant is a key segment in the propane distribution system. Collectively, bulk plants
account for the greatest number of personnel, trucks, tanks, and piping systems within the propane
industry. At a typical bulk plant, liquid propane is received in tanker trucks, railcars, and/or barges from
large terminals, gas plants, or refineries. Bulk plants typically have storage capacities in the range of
10,000 to 100,000 gallons. There are approximately 13,5008 bulk plants in the United States with at least
one storage tank. These bulk plants deliver propane to thousands of wholesale and retail customers.

Bulk plants generally represent the interface with the end-user. If a propane customer suspects a
propane quality problem, the customer generally contacts the bulk plant. For many propane customers,
the bulk plant operation is the only segment of the propane industry that they see. For many customers,
their knowledge of propane comes from the information they receive from delivery truck drivers or bill
stuffers included with mailings from bulk plants.

4.1 Bulk Storage Tank and Piping System

Bulk plants typically have one to five storage tanks with individual tank capacities of 10,000 to
30,000 gallons. Propane quality can be affected during routine operation or maintenance of existing
storage tanks or during the commissioning of new tanks.

4.1.1 Operations

A major source of potential contamination is open flexible hoses that can allow water or solid
debris to enter storage tanks. Water in a carbon steel tank or black iron piping system causes rust, and
rust can cause odor fade or create rust particles that can plug regulators or burners. Flexible hoses with
metal end fittings are used during unloading of tanker trailers and rail cars into bulk storage tanks as well
as when filling bobtail trucks that are used to deliver propane to distributors and end-users. Good
practices that help keep connecting hoses free of contamination include:
Placing plastic screw-on caps at the hose ends whenever they are not in use.
Using racks that keep the hoses off the ground.
Covering the ground with concrete or crushed rock to eliminate dust and dirt from the
immediate vicinity of the hose ends.
Use hoses that are lined with suitable materials.9

4.1.2 Maintenance

The bulk storage tank and piping system maintenance can have undesirable effects on propane
quality if not properly maintained. Maintenance items that are good practices include:
Regularly cleaning strainers in piping systems to ensure that any solid particles that pass
through piping systems are collected and removed. By installing a 1/2 ball valve in the
plugged fitting on the strainer, it can then be blown-down with high-pressure propane
periodically to remove any accumulation of solid debris. At the same time, the integrity of
the strainers can be checked, and if needed, replaced. Deteriorating strainers can themselves

Facts About Propane Americas Exceptional Energy, NPGA #3026, April 10, 2001.
All hoses used for propane transfer are lined, but research shows some lining materials cause contamination.

be a source of contamination and should be thoroughly inspected at least annually or
whenever the propane flow appears to be impaired. A thorough inspection involves
removing the strainer from the housing, cleaning the strainer, and inspecting for holes.
Hoses at bulk plants should be given a brief examination every time they are used and
thoroughly inspected monthly. Regular inspection of
hoses for deterioration reveals if hoses have begun to
break down, which can result in a safety hazard and a Note: Flexible hoses commonly
source of contamination if hose material flakes off and used in propane distribution have
enters the propane system. been identified as possibly having
detrimental effects on propane
Hoses at bulk plants should be inspected in accordance quality by potentially leaching hose
with the requirements of NFPA 58. Replacing hoses materials into the propane.
after they have been in service for a period of time Studies are in progress to assess
whether or not they show visible signs of deterioration any possible effects that flexible
is a good practice that can prevent unwanted propane hoses have on propane quality
and possible methods to mitigate
contamination. To implement this practice, bulk plant
any problems that are identified.
operators need to make sure all hoses have labels
clearly stating the date when the hoses were placed in

4.1.3 New Equipment Design, Construction, and Installation

The design, construction, and commissioning of bulk plant tanks and piping systems is an
important consideration. Bulk plants often operate for an extended time with few changes, and the bulk
plant systems must function properly to avoid propane contamination. There are several aspects of the
design, construction, and commissioning of new equipment that can affect propane quality and these
All bulk plant rigid piping and storage tank systems need strainers, filters, or some other
means installed to collect and remove solid contaminants before propane leaves the bulk
Bulk plants need to use only materials that are acceptable for propane service. In general,
materials that comply with NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code are acceptable.
During construction, care should be taken to ensure that foreign material, such as dirt, scale,
and oil from pipes, fittings, and components, is kept from the system prior to assembly. Also
during construction it is important to prevent excess joint sealing material such as pipe dope
or Teflon tape from contaminating the piping system and eventually getting into the propane.
When construction is complete, prior to commissioning, it is important to clean out any
welding and cutting slag from the piping assembly. One approach is to pump 200 gallons of
propane at a high rate through the piping assembly and then through a portable 80-mesh
strainer, and finally into a propane storage tank to be used exclusively for vapor service.
When a storage tank is being installed for service, the tank must be purged if it was opened to
air or was used to store any gas or liquid other than propane. Supplemental odorant may also
be required to passivate the tank walls and minimize odor fade.
Tanks that are taken out of bulk plant storage service may have contaminants such as rust,
water, methanol, heavy ends and debris in them, and these tanks should be checked, and if
necessary, cleaned and purged before being reused. Material removed from tanks that have
been in service may be hazardous, and should be disposed of properly.

When a storage tank is entering new service, whether the tank itself is new or used, the tank
and associated piping needs to be checked by the supplier or installer prior to commissioning,
to ensure that all foreign material has been cleaned from the interior of the tank. The foreign
material may include rust, mill scale from manufacturing, or any accumulation of heavy-ends
left from previous use. When propane tanks are opened for internal inspection, or to have
other work carried out, the vessel needs to be cleaned to remove dust or other material that
may accumulate on inside surfaces of the vessel.

4.2 Bobtail Delivery Truck

The bobtail delivery truck (Figure 6) is the last link in the distribution of propane from its source
to the end-use customer. Any propane quality problems that originated upstream will likely be passed to
the propane in the bobtail truck and then on to the end-use customer. However, there are aspects of
quality that are under the control of the bobtail truck driver; specifically the liquid loading procedures at
the bulk tank and unloading procedures at the customers site.

Figure 6. Bobtail Delivery Truck

4.2.1 Operations

Similar to the loading or unloading of large tanker trucks, a source of contamination for bobtail
tank trucks is the potential for getting water or debris into the open ends of flexible hoses. Standard
practices that help keep connecting hoses free of contamination include:
Placing plastic screw-on caps at the hose ends whenever they are not in use.
Using hose racks on the truck that keep the hoses off the ground when delivering propane at a
customer site.
Covering the ground with concrete or crushed rock to eliminate dust and dirt from the
immediate vicinity of the hose ends at the bulk plant.
At the delivery site, the bobtail driver faces many of the same possibilities for contamination
as during loading. However, the conditions during filling and the position of the customer
tank can vary widely. The hose nozzle is especially susceptible to dirt and water when

reeling the hose back to the bobtail. A recommended good practice is to screw a plastic cap
on to the hose nozzle to protect it from contamination before reeling the hose back. It is also
important that the plastic end caps are not cracked.

4.2.2 Maintenance

The bobtail truck tank and piping system maintenance can have an important effect on propane
quality. Maintenance practices that help maintain propane quality include:

Regular cleaning of strainers in piping systems to remove solid particles that may have been
collected. At the time strainers are cleaned, the integrity of the strainers should be checked.
Strainers can deteriorate or plug and thus become ineffective. Each strainer in a bobtail truck
tank should be removed from its housing, cleaned and inspected for holes and plugging
annually. Likewise, each strainer in a bobtail truck tank should be cleaned and inspected for
holes when the tank is hydro-tested.
Placing a magnet at the tank outlet before the pump and in the meter strainer to collect steel
Giving hoses a brief examination every time they are used, and examined thoroughly every
month in accordance with the requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT) in HM-225A. Regular inspection of hoses should reveal deterioration
that could lead to hose fragments entering the propane system or other hose breakdowns that
may pose a safety hazard.
Replacing hoses after they have been in service for a pre-determined length of time whether
or not they show any signs of deterioration can prevent unwanted propane quality problems.
To institute a hose replacement practice requires that all hoses have labels stating when they
were placed in service, which is required by DOT HM-225A.
Using hoses that are lined with suitable materials.10

4.2.3 New Equipment Design, Construction, and Installation

As with any propane piping, storage, or delivery system, the design, construction, and
commissioning of bobtail propane delivery trucks can have an effect on propane product quality.
Manufacturers of bobtail trucks should have careful housekeeping and cleanup practices to eliminate
possible contaminants. Most bulk plant operators rely on the bobtail truck supplier to deliver a well
designed unit with a clean tank and piping. If a used bobtail truck is purchased, the operator needs to be
assured that the piping system and tank are clean before placing the truck in service. To be confident of
the bobtails cleanliness, one approach is to flush the bobtail with 200 gallons of propane. The propane
should be pumped at a high rate through the bobtail truck (tank and piping), then through a portable 80-
mesh strainer, and finally into a storage tank to be used exclusively for vapor service.

4.3 The Customer Storage Tank, Piping System, and End-Use Equipment

Propane quality problems are typically reported by the end-use customer, even though the source
of the problem could have occurred anywhere in the propane supply chain including the customers
storage tank, service piping, or end-use equipment (burner tip or engine).

All hoses used for propane transfer are lined, but research shows some lining materials cause contamination.

4.3.1 Storage Tanks

The customers storage tank can be a source of propane contamination and is not always under
the control of the bulk plant that is delivering propane to the storage tank. Some customers own their
tanks, which may have been purchased new or from a previous owner. Recommended good practices
New customer tanks are generally shipped from the manufacturer with the air evacuated
(vacuum sealed) and plastic shrink-wrap around the valves. It is a good practice to leave the
plastic shrink-wrap in place until the tank is ready to be filled and the hose has been
connected. This practice will reduce the possibility of inadvertently admitting air or water
vapor into the new tank.
If new tanks are delivered pressurized, it is a good practice to leave the tanks pressurized until
just before being placed in service. At that time, the tanks should be de-pressurized and re-
pressurized five times to purge any air or other non-propane gases.11
Assure that a tank is purged of air and other non-propane gases if it is new or has been open
to the atmosphere.
Tanks may be delivered from the manufacturer containing moisture. The water should be
removed, and it may be necessary to add supplemental odorant to passivate the tank walls and
reduce the possibility of odor fade.
When a customers storage tank is filled for the first time, the driver should be alert to the
possibility of contaminants in the tank. This may be accomplished by checking appropriate
documentation, talking directly with the personnel who installed the tank, or by inspecting the
Tanks that are taken out of customer storage service, or used tanks entering customer storage,
may have contaminants such as rust, water, methanol, heavy ends and debris in them, and
should be checked, and if necessary, cleaned before being returned to service. The material
removed may be hazardous, and should be properly disposed.
If a service valve is taken out of a tank in the yard for repair or replacement, insert a plug or
replacement valve or cover the fitting immediately. Waiting until there is time to complete
the work may be too late because it may rain or other contaminants may get into the tank.
A fixed liquid level gauge (80 percent valve) is frequently used to depressurize a tank, and
once the pressure is relieved, the valve is frequently left open. By leaving the valve open, the
tank is exposed to the atmosphere and moisture can get into the tank. Thus, it is a good
practice to double check that all valves have been closed after depressurizing a tank.

4.3.2 Propane Deliveries

It is the responsibility of the propane distributor to use reasonable care in providing acceptable
quality propane to the customers tank. Quality issues that should be addressed by bobtail delivery truck
drivers include:
Visually inspect customer tanks and associated piping prior to every filling, specifically
looking for:

This publication does not cover fugitive emissions. However, when purging tanks, operators must take care to
comply with prevailing emissions regulations for propane.

Modifications to the tank
Damage to the tank
Anything unusual
The belly of the tank to not be touching the ground, which can cause rust
Keep dirt and water from tank connections by ensuring that the fill connections are always
covered with a plastic cap when not in use.
Be aware of changes in the storage tank and piping that might indicate a possible quality
problem related to system modifications. Signs of potential problems include a different tank
location, piping that has been changed, or indications of major construction activity at the
Listen to customers to find out if there are any problems or concerns related to propane

4.3.3 Piping Systems and End-Use Equipment

Besides the customers storage tank, contamination to propane at the customers site can occur
from the piping, regulators, valves, and end-use equipment. Issues that distributors should consider when
confronting these contamination problems include:
In order to fully investigate
Note: Black iron pipe is the most common material used for
possible problems with propane systems. In recent years, polyethylene (PE) pipe
propane quality, the has become common, particularly for low pressure (less than
distributor needs to have 30 psig) underground vapor service applications. PE has
service technicians excellent corrosion resistance properties and is not subject to
available (in house or by rust, which can occur with black iron. In addition, compared
independent contractor) to black iron, PE pipe is manufactured without any oil
and capable of coatings and no paint is applied to prevent corrosion.
understanding and working Therefore, in low pressure vapor applications, PE is a good
on the customer piping and choice that results in a clean piping system that presents
minimal risks for contamination from the pipe material. Use
end-use equipment.
only PE pipe rated for hydrocarbon service.
End-use equipment that is
not operating properly can indicate a problem with propane quality and can also indicate a
problem with equipment maintenance or operating procedures that is not related to propane
Keeping new regulators and other parts sealed in original boxes keeps foreign material out of
system components. Note: Like black iron pipe,
Keeping a minimum of parts and using good storage galvanized (hot dipped zinc coated)
pipe is approved for use in propane
methods in service vehicles minimizes damage and
systems (NFPA 58). There are
deterioration. Another good quality practice is to keep concerns that the galvanized coating
coils of copper tubing and hose ends capped to avoid may flake off and block small
contamination. orifices, regulators, or burner tips.
Some end-use equipment is more sensitive to propane However, galvanized pipe has been
used in the propane industry for
contaminants. Examples of sensitive equipment many years with no unusual reports
include internal combustion engines and other systems or problems attributed to the
where heated external vaporizers are used to produce galvanized piping.
propane vapor.

When setting a tank for a construction heater or similar system, it is a good practice to use a
first stage regulator located near the tank that is set at 10 to 30 psig. It has been found that if
high pressure vapor is allowed to sit in long flexible hoses and re-condenses during cold
weather, an unusually large amount of oily residue can be carried over to the burner regulator,
orifices, and piping. A small amount of oily residue is usually not a problem. However,
large amounts of oily residue can cause problems with regulators and burners.
Use a sediment trap downstream of vapor regulators to catch oil and heavy-ends. A sediment
trap is used on some appliances as required in NFPA 54 (Section 8.5.7, 2002).

4.3.4 Quality Oversight

It is important for propane distributors to maintain proper propane quality oversight, including:
Fully investigating customer questions about propane quality and poorly operating end-use
equipment. Do not dismiss the customer as a one-time exception or a complainer.
Keeping records of propane quality complaints, investigations, and the results of those
investigations so that patterns can be noted and actions taken to solve recurring quality
Maintaining regular communication with other distributors and the greater propane industry
to learn about other quality problems, responses to those problems, and ongoing research that
is aimed at solving industry-wide problems.
Keeping detailed records of all propane received including the source, the transporter, the
driver, in addition to the quantity and all relevant information relating to quality.

4.4 Bulk Plant Personnel Training

The training of a propane distributors personnel plays a crucial role in maintaining propane
quality throughout bulk plant operations. Training can be a key factor in responding in a positive way to
customers who have valid issues with propane quality. Training can have a positive impact on personnel
attitudes toward propane quality, and can provide personnel with examples of how actions can affect
propane quality in a negative or positive way. Personnel training related to propane quality can include
the following items:
An explanation of the company policy towards propane quality. To maintain a high quality
product everyone in the organization needs to be aware of the importance of ensuring
propane quality.
Hold regular product quality meetings where employees discuss propane quality issues,
develop solutions, and ask questions. Report concrete examples of propane quality problems
from within the organization or from the industry.

The following types of personnel training at bulk plants can help maintain or improve quality:
Quality practices for liquid transfer by personnel in bulk plant operations.
Housekeeping at bulk plants for the sake of propane quality.
Quality considerations in bobtail deliveries.
What to look for at customer sites that may cause problems in propane quality.
Recommendations for preventing contamination of propane at bulk plants.

Quality procedures for filling cylinders.
Quality issues to be addressed when new equipment is installed at bulk plants.
Quality issues when using propane as an engine fuel.
Procedures for responding to a customer who claims to have a problem with the quality of
their propane.
Training drivers, service personnel and every person answering the telephone to be aware of
and carefully listen for possible issues of propane quality.
Procedures for investigating a possible problem with propane quality.

5. Summary
Several propane quality problems have been evaluated in this report, and a summary of common
contaminants is listed in Table 2 (each contaminant is discussed in more detail in Appendix A). This
table provides an overview of possible problems and the possible sources for these contaminants.

Table 2. Summary of Propane Quality Issues

Contaminant Problem Possible Source
Water Causes rust on surfaces of storage Water sources include propane processing,
tanks and piping systems. Rust can pipelines, tank trucks and railcars, open hose
result in odor fade, reduces life of ends, filling a tank during rain or snow,
system components. Rust particles hydrostatic testing, and leaving a tank open to
can block small openings. In cold the atmosphere.
weather or during pressure reduction
operations, water can freeze, leading
to impaired operation (or damage) of
valves, pumps, piping, and regulators.
Oil residues and Operational problems with end-use Oily residue sources include propane
heavy ends equipment and inability to meet handling, pipelines, pumps, compressors,
emissions standards. May lead to the piping systems, flexible hoses, and pumping
production of carbon monoxide. out (emptying) older, in-use vapor tanks.
Solid particulates Operational problems with end-use Debris (dirt, dust, rust, welding slag, Teflon
equipment. May lead to the tape, or liquid-thread sealants) occurs during
production of carbon monoxide. construction and manufacturing of equipment
and through unprotected hose ends.
Air and nitrogen Operational problems with end-use Nitrogen is used to prevent corrosion in empty
equipment (improper fuel-air ratio, tanks or piping systems. Nitrogen is also used
poor or no combustion). May lead to to purge railcars of oxygen at a tank car repair
the production of carbon monoxide. shop. Air is introduced when a system is
opened to the atmosphere.
Ammonia Failure of brass fittings through stress Anhydrous ammonia and propane may be
corrosion cracking. stored or transported in the same equipment,
and if not cleaned properly, the propane will
be contaminated.
High sulfur (S or Corrosion and failure of copper Improper propane processing and un-
H2S) and other containing materials. inspected secondhand bulk storage tanks.
corrosive species Excessive odorant.
High butane Inadequate vaporization in cold Inadequate propane processing, pipelines and
content12 weather. terminal handling, rail car and transport
service changes.
High propylene Increased emission production and Inadequate propane processing, pipeline, and
content13 inability to meet air quality standards. terminal handling.

Butane is an acceptable component of propane. However, in high concentrations, butane can be regarded as a
contaminant because the fuel will not perform as expected.
Like butane, propylene, is an acceptable component of propane, but can be regarded as a contaminant in high

In this report, good practices have been identified that address the contaminants listed in Table 2.
These good practices, and several other recommendations for maintaining propane quality, have been
discussed, and can be summarized as follows:

Good practices for production, pipelines, and terminals

Proper valve line-up to terminal propane storage to ensure that the propane being received is
routed to the correct terminal storage without cross-contamination by other products.
Proper sampling, testing, frequency of testing, and interpretation of results from propane
Proper action plan followed if an off-spec test result occurs.
Careful timing when routing pipeline propane into terminal storage on batch systems to avoid
possible interface contamination.
Close coordination with the pipeline scheduler/controller throughout the receipt operation.
Qualified terminal personnel should make regularly scheduled checks on the odorant
injection system to ensure proper operation of odorant storage, transfer, and metering
Terminal operator should do freeze valve dryness testing on propane prior to methanol
injection whenever a change in sales tank line-up is made, based on facility managements
At facilities where propane transport drivers are required to do freeze valve dryness testing
during propane loading, proper training and demonstration of acceptable testing techniques
should be conducted. Pertinent vehicle/driver identification and freeze valve test result
information should be routinely logged and proper action taken in the event of a failed test.
Periodic copper strip testing and analysis for composition using gas chromatography, or 95%
evaporated test and vapor pressure testing should be performed on propane that is being
supplied to the loading rack.
The routine testing of propane that has been loaded into each individual truck or railcar is not
usually needed unless a problem is noted by an operator, driver, or customer. Although not
required, some facilities may recommend additional testing.
Some facilities are equipped with an automatic loading pump-shutdown feature on odorant
injection systems, which shuts down propane loading in the event of an odorant injection
malfunction. In addition, the operator or driver can perform a "sniff test" to confirm there is
odorant present in the propane.
Replace product transfer-line caps tightly to prevent connector and hose contamination.
Propane terminals will typically run the following tests as propane is received into the
terminal (larger terminals with additional laboratory resources often perform testing beyond
those listed below):
95% Evaporated Temperature (ASTM D 1837) for volatile residue
Residue on Evaporation of 100 ml (ASTM D 2158) for non-volatile residue
Oil Stain Observation (ASTM D 2158) for oily residue
Copper Strip Corrosion (ASTM D 1838) for corrosive contaminants
Freeze Valve Test (ASTM D 2713) for dryness

Good practices for bulk plants
Using caps to keep water and dirt out of hose ends where liquid is transferred from tanker
trucks to bulk storage tanks.
Design system piping to prevent debris from contaminating the system using strainers or
other means.
Keeping all propane piping systems sealed from contamination of air, water, dust and debris.
Ensuring that new construction piping at the bulk plant or customer site has been thoroughly
cleaned prior to introducing propane for the first time.
Making every effort to keep rain and snow out of tank service valves.
Preventing moisture from entering empty tanks by keeping them pressurized.
Purging new tanks of non-propane vapor by following documented good practice procedures.
Perform independent routine field tests that help determine the presence of contaminants such
as moisture, oil residue, and ammonia before the propane is received into bulk storage.
Document any tests that are run. If contamination is indicated by a field test, immediately
stop the transfer, isolate the bulk tank, and contact the propane supplier to arrange
confirmation testing. Copper strips and stain tubes can be purchased commercially.
Be alert to signs of contaminants, including solid particles, moisture, and heavy-ends that
may be in the customer tanks.
If a customer vapor-service tank is pumped out in preparation for moving or cleaning, the
material pumped out should be checked for contamination (heavy-ends) and if found,
undergo proper disposal. The material should not be transferred to a bulk storage or delivery
tank for future sale.
Respecting the customer by carefully investigating complaints about propane quality.

The good practices discussed in this report are intended to help custodians of propane in the
supply chain maintain quality. These good practices can benefit the entire propane industry. By
providing customers with a consistent fuel free of contaminants, the propane industry can expect
increased opportunities to capture market share in existing markets and lower barriers for entering new

This section includes a representative (not all inclusive) list of publications related to propane
quality that are publicly available. Resources no longer in print or not publicly available are not included.

ASTM DS 4B, "Physical Constants of Hydrocarbon and Non-Hydrocarbon Compounds"

ASTM D 1265, Practice for Sampling Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Manual Method)

ASTM D 1267, Test Method for Gage Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (LP-Gas

ASTM D 1657, Test Method for Density or Relative Density of Light Hydrocarbons by Pressure

ASTM D 1835-03a, Standard Specifications for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases

ASTM D 1837, Test Method for Volatility of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases

ASTM D 1838, Test Method for Copper Strip Corrosion by Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases

ASTM D 2158, Test Method for Residues in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases

ASTM D 2163, Test Method for Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases and Propane Concentrates
by Gas Chromatography

ASTM D 2420, Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Lead Acetate

ASTM D 2598, Practice for Calculation of Certain Physical Properties of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases
for Compositional Analysis

ASTM D 2713, Test Method for Dryness of Propane (Valve Freeze Method)

ASTM D 2784, Test Method for Sulfur in Liquefied Petroleum Gases (Oxy-Hydrogen Burner)

ASTM D 3700, Practice for Obtaining LPG Samples Using a Floating Piston Cylinder

ASTM D 6667, Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Gaseous Hydrocarbons and Liquefied
Petroleum Gases by Ultraviolet Fluorescence

Australian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association, Draft LP Gas Supply Chain Guidelines, December

California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 13, Motor Vehicles, Sec. 2292.6, Specification for Liquefied
Petroleum Gas

Gas Processors Association (GPA) Standard 2140, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Specifications and Test

NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, 2004

NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code, 2002

NPGA, "Propane Safety and Technical Support Manual," NPGA #0001

NPGA, Facts About Propane Americas Exceptional Energy, NPGA #3026

PERC, "Certified Employee Training Program," PERC Resource Catalog

PERC, Basic Principles and Practices (1.0)

Appendix A. Contaminants
There are a number of potential contaminants in propane that when present in sufficient quantities
have been shown to cause problems. This appendix provides a brief overview of just a few common
contaminants, including:
Oil residues and heavy hydrocarbons
Solid particulates
Air and nitrogen
High butane, propylene, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, or sodium hydroxide content

For each contaminant, the following topics are covered:

Description describes the characteristics of the contaminant
Source identifies likely sources of the contaminant
Potential Problems explains possible problems caused by the contaminant
Testing Methods laboratory and field methods of testing for the contaminant
Prevention discusses how to prevent the contaminant from entering the propane distribution


Description: Free and dissolved water.

Source: Water can contaminate propane at several points in the supply chain. Examples include
transportation or storage tanks that have been open to the atmosphere or steam cleaned, open hose ends,
filling uncovered tanks in the rain or snow, or valves exposed to weather.

Potential Problems: Moisture in propane at a level of approximately 26 ppm or more may cause freeze-
up problems in tanks, valves, pumps and piping during cold weather or during pressure-reducing

Testing Methods: The laboratory tests include Gas Processors Association (GPA) Propane Dryness Test
(Cobalt Bromide) or ASTM D 2713-91 (Freeze Valve Test). The recommended field tests for moisture in
propane are the Freeze Valve Test, the Needle Valve Freeze-up Test (as described in NPGA #T151, 1991,
Suggested Field Tests for Contamination in Propane14), and the Stain Tube Test.

Prevention: The following steps may prevent or reduce the occurrence of water in propane:
Eliminating water in propane at major terminals.
Keeping propane piping systems and tanks that are not currently in use sealed and under
pressure at all times.

This NPGA guideline was last published in 2003.

Checking all propane storage vessels prior to use to ensure that water is not present.
Making sure that caps are used for filling hoses and service valves on tanks and transfer

Oil Residues and Heavy Hydrocarbons

Description: This type of potential contamination can vary from very light oil to a very viscous tar-like
substance. Sometimes it is a waxy material like paraffin, or it may be similar in consistency to axel
grease. Sometimes it is transparent (no apparent color) while at other times it is light brown, dark brown,
or even black. It usually has a strong odorant smell, as the ethyl mercaptan used as an odorant in propane
appears to concentrate in the oily residues.

Source: The oils in propane can come from many sources; from processing, pipelines, pumps or
compressors, piping systems, and flexible hoses. Heavy-ends usually appear when the liquid propane is
vaporized for end-use applications. When external heat is used to vaporize propane, like in a propane
powered vehicle vaporizer or industrial water-bath vaporizer, heavy-ends tend to deposit in greater

Potential Problems: Oils and heavy-end contaminants can cause operational problems with many types
of end-use equipment, such as internal combustion engine fuel systems, microturbines, and fuel cells.
Dissolved oils and heavy ends can also accumulate in vapor service tanks (customer tanks) and eventually
cause an odor problem (oily smell) with propane heating and cooking appliances.

Testing Methods: The laboratory test is Residues in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (ASTM-2158).
Field test methods include the Weathering Test (NPGA #151, 1991, Suggested Field Tests for
Contamination in Propane15) and the Stain Tube Test for Oil Mist.

Prevention: The following steps may prevent or reduce the occurrence of oily residues and heavy-ends in
Investigate and develop processes and procedures to help identify and eliminate the sources
of oil.
Use filters in the propane liquid or vapor lines (such as a coalescing filter) to remove oil prior
to the end-use equipment.
Use inspection and remediation procedures to ensure that empty storage tanks and piping are
free of oils and heavy-end contaminants before being filled with liquid propane.
Use oil traps to collect and remove any oils downstream of all externally heated vaporizers.


Description: Solid particulates cover a wide range of potential contamination such as dirt, dust, rust,
welding slag, Teflon tape, or liquid thread sealants.

Source: The most obvious source for solid debris is during construction and manufacturing of propane
equipment and systems. Another common source is from hose ends that are not protected from dirt, dust
and sand through the use of end caps and hose racks. In forklift and other engine-fuel applications,

Last publication was 2003.

oxides such as black powder can flake off from the steel.

Potential Problems: Solid particles can clog small openings in regulators and burner orifices which can
lead to malfunctioning end-use equipment.

Testing Methods: Visual inspection of a propane sample that is allowed to evaporate under ambient
conditions, or inspection of strainer, orifices, and regulators.

Prevention: The primary approach to prevent solid debris from contaminating propane is to clean all new
or modified storage tanks and piping systems prior to introducing propane for the first time. Use of
aluminum or composite cylinders will eliminate sources of rust particles. The use and frequent inspection
of filters and screens can be helpful in protecting pumps, meters, regulators and other equipment in the
propane distribution system.

Air and Nitrogen

Description: Any common non-condensable gas, such as air or nitrogen, that is found in propane storage
tanks and piping systems.

Source: These non-condensable gases are usually found in storage tanks and piping systems that have
been opened to the atmosphere during manufacturing, construction or during maintenance or
refurbishment. Some new storage tanks and cylinders are filled at manufacturing plants with a dry, non-
corrosive gas, such as nitrogen, to prevent corrosion. The storage vessels are kept sealed until they are
put into service.

Potential Problems: Air and nitrogen can cause increased pressure in tanks being filled unless the air or
nitrogen is vented-off during filling. Air and nitrogen can also cause improper fuel-air ratios and retard or
prevent combustion of propane in vapor service end-use equipment. The oxygen in the air can also
oxidize ethyl mercaptan odorant causing odor fade.

Testing Methods: Analysis of vapor sample composition by gas chromatography or a vapor pressure test.

Prevention: The standard method for eliminating air and nitrogen in tanks and piping systems is to
follow well developed and documented purging methods, where propane vapor is used to flush out all
traces of air and nitrogen prior to filling a tank or piping system with propane.


Description: Anhydrous ammonia is widely used as an agriculture fertilizer. As with propane, anhydrous
ammonia is stored and transported as a pressurized liquid and used as a vapor.

Source: Anhydrous ammonia and propane are sometimes used in the same storage and transportation
equipment, alternating on a seasonal basis. If ammonia equipment is switched to propane use and the
storage tank or transport truck is not cleaned properly, ammonia contamination of the propane occurs.

Potential Problems: Ammonia contaminated propane can cause brass and bronze fittings to fail in a
process known as Stress Corrosion Cracking. This failure may occur on the brass fittings of a propane
storage tank or throughout a gas distribution system that has been contaminated with ammonia. If steam
cleaning is used to clean tanks after being in ammonia service, water and rust may result unless all water
is eliminated.

Testing Methods: An acceptable field test is the Red Litmus Paper Test for Ammonia in LP-Gas as
described in NPGA #122, Recommendations for Preventing Ammonia Contamination of LP-Gas. An
alternative test is the Stain Tube Method of testing.

Prevention: When switching from anhydrous ammonia to propane service, the storage tanks or transport
trucks should be emptied and purged. The procedures include steam cleaning, water flooding or a
combination of the two as outlined in NPGA #122, Recommendations for Preventing Ammonia
Contamination of LP-Gas.

High Butane, Propylene, Sulfur, or Sodium Hydroxide Content

Description: Butane, propylene, sulfur, and sodium hydroxide are grouped together because they
generally originate at the upstream end of the supply chain (e.g., gas fields, refineries, gas plants).


High Butane or Propylene: Commercial propane supplied throughout the United States
frequently contains more than 90% propane, with the remainder being non-propane
hydrocarbons, including, butanes or propylene. These non-propane hydrocarbons are all LP-
gases, but they can be regarded as contaminants if levels become too high. ASTM specifications
limit butanes and heavier components to 2.5 liquid volume percent for Commercial and Special-
Duty Propane (same as HD-5).

Sulfur: Sulfur is contained in crude oil and raw natural gas that is recovered from oil and gas
fields. ASTM specifications limit sulfur to 185 ppm for Commercial and 123 ppm for Special-
Duty Propane (same as HD-5).

Sodium Hydroxide: Sodium hydroxide is used to treat propane in some processes and is a
contaminant if it enters the propane stream.

Potential Problems: While butane is similar to propane in many respects, end-use equipment that is
adjusted to operate on propane may not operate properly when using propane containing excessive
amounts of butane. Butane has a lower vapor pressure than propane, and during cold weather butane does
not vaporize as readily as propane, which can lead to conditions where butane-rich liquid accumulates in
a storage tank or cylinder. Excessive propylene content can alter combustion characteristics and create
high combustion emissions.

If the sulfur content is higher than the specified limit, it can lead to corrosion and failure of copper
containing materials such as copper tubing and brass or bronze valves.

Sodium hydroxide can cause severe corrosion to steel surfaces in equipment and piping throughout the
distribution chain and in end-use applications.

Testing Methods: The following tests may prevent or reduce the occurrence of these contaminants in

High Butane or Propylene: The laboratory tests for LP gas include analysis by gas
chromatograph, testing for specific gravity (ASTM D 1267), the Reid Vapor Pressure (ASTM
D 1267), and Volatile Residue Tests (ASTM D 1837 and D 2163). The field test is to
compare the temperature of the propane liquid with the gauge pressure of the propane vapor,

using a pressure-temperature chart for propane. An extreme variance from the chart could
indicate a product composition problem.

Sulfur: The laboratory test for sulfur includes the Total Sulfur Test (ASTM D 2784) and the
Test Method for Determination of Total Sulfur in Gaseous Hydrocarbons and Liquefied
Petroleum Gases by Ultraviolet Fluorescence (ASTM D 6667). The field test for hydrogen
sulfide includes the Lead Acetate Paper Test and the Copper Strip Test (NPGA #151, 1991,
Suggested Field Tests for Contamination in Propane16), and the Stain Tube Test for Hydrogen
Sulfide. The Copper Strip Test is one of the most practical and useful tests for detecting
problems with propane. It is not to be confused with the various Stain Tube Tests.

Sodium Hydroxide: Sodium hydroxide can be detected through laboratory analysis. Since
sodium hydroxide is contained in a water solution, all of the problems associated with water
contamination are also a concern when sodium hydroxide is detected.

Prevention: Prevention of these contaminants requires appropriate equipment, processes, and quality
control procedures at the refineries and gas processing plants where propane is produced.

Last publication was in 2003.


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