Medoralv16 I3 p425
Medoralv16 I3 p425
Medoralv16 I3 p425
DDS. Fellow of Oral Surgery and Implantology, School of Dentistry, University of Barcelona (Spain)
DDS, PhD. Master of Oral Surgery and Orofacial Implantology. Professor of the Master in Oral Surgery and Implantology.
School of Dentistry, University of Barcelona. Investigator of the IDIBELL Institute. Barcelona (Spain)
DDS. Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology. Associate professor of Oral Surgery and professor of the Master in Oral Surgery
and Implantology. School of Dentistry of the University of Barcelona. Investigator of the IDIBELL Institute. Barcelona (Spain)
DDS, MD, PhD. Chairman and Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Director of the Master in Oral Surgery and Im-
plantology. School of Dentistry of the University of Barcelona. Investigating coordinator of the IDIBELL Institute. Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeon of the Teknon Medical Center, Barcelona (Spain)
Objectives: To evaluate the intensity and location of musculoskeletal pain suffered by students and professors
from different postgraduate programs of the School of Dentistry of the University of Barcelona (Spain), to identify
the variables related to the occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms and signs, and to establish possible preven-
tive measures for such disorders.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was made among students and faculty members from different
postgraduate courses of the School of Dentistry at the University of Barcelona between May and June 2007. A
total of 74 dentists (54 postgraduate students and 20 faculty members) completed an anonymous questionnaire
containing 19 questions. The variables were divided into three main groups: sociodemographic information, ergo-
nomic features and musculoskeletal pain arising from professional practice.
Results: Most of the dentists (79.8%) had experienced some kind of musculoskeletal pain in the last 6 months. On
comparing the different locations of pain (lumbar, cervical, dorsal, wrist, shoulder and others), the neck was found
to be the most commonly affected location (58% of all subjects), and only 34% of the respondents took some pre-
ventive measures against musculoskeletal disorders. Women showed a higher frequency of intense pain involving
the cervical, lumbar, dorsal and wrist areas (p<0.05). A higher incidence of wrist pain was recorded in professio-
nals exclusively dedicated to oral surgery (p<0.05). No statistically significant correlation was found between the
workload (hours) and pain in the different anatomical locations (p>0.05).
Conclusions: An important incidence of pain symptoms secondary to musculoskeletal disorders was observed,
particularly in the cervical region. Females and younger dentists showed a higher frequency of such symptoms.
The implementation of preventive measures is necessary, in view of the high incidence of these disorders.
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011 May 1;16 (3):e425-9. Ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain in dentists
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011 May 1;16 (3):e425-9. Ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain in dentists
Female 29.3
43 25 16 2
Cervical 20.9
(58.1%) (33.8 %) (21.6 %) (2.7 %)
Male 13.4
Female 20.1
30 17 10 3
Dorsal 14.9
(40.5 %) (22.9 %) (13.5 %) (4.1%)
Male 10.1
Female 25.2
39 22 13 4
Lumbar 19.8
(52.7 %) (29.7 %) (17.6 %) (5.4 %)
Male 14.9
Female 13.2
20 15 3 2
Wrist 8.8
(27.1 %) (20.3 %) (4.1 %) (2.7 %)
Male 4.8
Female 9.7
18 11 3 4
Shoulder 9.6
(24.3%) (14.8 %) (4.1 %) (5.4 %)
Male 9.6
* Intensity scored by VAS: mild <40 mm; moderate 40-70 mm; severe >70 mm. Significant differences were found between males
and females regarding pain in all locations except the shoulders (Student t-test; p<0.05).
Cervical NS NS -- NS ++ NS NS NS NS
Lumbar NS NS NS NS ++ NS NS NS -
Wrist NS NS NS NS ++ ++ NS NS -
++ significant direct relationship (p<0.05); -- significant inverse relationship (p<0.05); + direct relationship (p>0.05); - inverse relationship
(p>0.05); NS nonsignificant relationship.
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011 May 1;16 (3):e425-9. Ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain in dentists
our case, are useful for identifying the prevalence of a exception of those who performed stretching. These
disorder, determining the clinical features of patients, seemingly disappointing results must be analyzed with
and for designing possible preventive strategies. caution, since professionals showing a higher incidence
Dentists are normally included within the group of of pain are those who most frequently try to implement
professionals at risk of suffering musculoskeletal dis- preventive measures (9-12).
orders, due to prolonged awkward or forced postures According to some studies, improvement in the ergo-
at work and failure to adopt preventive measures (3). nomics of the dental equipment has not served to re-
Our study found that most professionals referred some duce the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders (9).
kind of musculoskeletal pain in the last 6 months, in The etiology of musculoskeletal disease is multifacto-
coincidence with the information found in the literature rial, with the involvement of biomechanical, individual
(3). In agreement with different studies, the region most and psychosocial factors related to work. Consequently,
commonly affected by pain was the neck, followed the the preventive strategy must be multifactorial and not
lumbar zone (3-5). It is important to underscore that the only focused on ergonomics (10-12). Any useful study
great majority of the respondents had mild symptoms, on musculoskeletal disorders among dentists should in-
and that only a small percentage suffered moderate or clude an analysis of preventive strategies. These strat-
severe pain. egies in turn should focus on the following areas: er-
Lalumandier et al. (4) reported that all dental specialties gonomics, breaks at work, general health and physical
show a high occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders, exercise (10-12).
but with variations in frequency and order in different The ergonomic factors to be taken into account could
locations. Ratzon et al. (5) found musculoskeletal dis- be summarized as supports of the upper limbs, the use
comfort to be more frequent in the oral surgeon than of instruments with large handles, and working with a
in other dental specialists, and attributed this to an mechanically adjustable chair presenting an adjustable
increased workload (4-6). In our study, oral surgeons backrest. The use of indirect vision and correct patient
suffered more pain in the wrist (p = 0.043), though no positioning in the dental chair to avoid awkward or
statistically significant association was found between forced neck postures are also important. Proper lighting
the pain and workload (Pearson correlations; p>0.05). and the use of systems such as magnifiers and micro-
The wrist pain in oral surgeons could be explained by scopes also help reduce fatigue and increase productiv-
specific activities of this specialty, such as suturing. ity (11-13).
Coinciding with our study, most authors find that fe- Repetitive movements and prolonged body postures can
males are more susceptible to this type of pain, though be expected to cause muscle damage, as well as ligament
the reason is unclear. In any case, this association is and joint injuries (9-12). Daily work planning should al-
not specific to dentistry. Some authors relate this dif- low a break for the alternating muscle groups in order
ference to a lesser muscle tone and a higher incidence to maintain productive work. In our study, 52.7% of the
of osteoporosis among women (6). The role of age is professionals did not take breaks between attended pa-
even more controversial. While there are studies that tients. The Applied Occupational and Environmental
claim that the frequency of pain remains stable with age Hygiene guidelines recommend at least 6 minutes of
(7), others believe that musculoskeletal discomfort is rest every hour for professionals who perform repetitive
maximum around the sixth decade of life (5). A third movements (5,11,12). The three types of breaks which
group of authors believe that discomfort is greater in are recommended for dentists would be the following:
young professionals. In our study, we found young pro- - Frequent stops and shaking exercises (relaxing of the
fessionals to have a higher incidence of neck pain. This arms, shaking and dropping them for periods of 15 sec-
could be due to incorrect working positions, since older onds).
dentists use more indirect vision and usually avoid neck - Breaks between successive patients (dentists should
overload (8). perform movements opposite to those done during
In this work we found that the professionals, although work, for 2-3 minutes).
experiencing musculoskeletal discomfort, did not take - Breaks to allow recovery (periods of 10-15 minutes
measures to prevent or lessen the symptoms. Specifi- every 2-3 hours).
cally, 33.8% of our respondents claimed to take some General health is another aspect to be taken into account
preventive actions. However, these actions were not the for the correct prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
most appropriate solution, since the main preventive (13). It is essential to dedicate the necessary time to lei-
measures should be changing posture, taking breaks, sure activities, and to implement other measures for the
and stretching between successive patients and these control of mental stress.
measures were little used by our subjects. However, Lastly, the preventive role of physical exercise is also a
no decrease in pain intensity was recorded among the key element to be taken into account. Dental profession-
dentists who practiced preventive measures, with the als should learn to avoid the various risk factors - the
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2011 May 1;16 (3):e425-9. Ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain in dentists