Algebra and Geometry of Hamilton's Quaternions: Well, Papa, Can You Multiply Triplets?'
Algebra and Geometry of Hamilton's Quaternions: Well, Papa, Can You Multiply Triplets?'
Algebra and Geometry of Hamilton's Quaternions: Well, Papa, Can You Multiply Triplets?'
q = e + i + j + k. It is natural to write q = e + u,
where e is called the real or scalar part of q. The
other part u = i + j + k may be regarded as a vector
in three-dimensional space and is called the imaginary
or vectorial part of q. In fact, the word vector rst
appears in Hamiltons writings of 1845.
Quaternions derive Quaternions derive their power from the fact that they
their power from the can be multiplied with each other, so that they form a
fact that real algebra (a vector space where vectors can be mul-
they can be multiplied tiplied to get other vectors). Since any quaternion is a
with each other, so
linear combination of the basis quaternions e, i, j and k,
that they form a real
it suces to specify their products. First, e is taken to
be the multiplicative identity (sometimes denoted 1),
algebra (a vector
so eq = qe = q for any quaternion q. In addition,
space where vectors
i2 = j 2 = k 2 = e, while
can be multiplied to
get other ij = ji = k, jk = kj = i and ki = ik = j. (4)
Notice the analogy with cross products of unit vectors
i j = k in 3D Euclidean space.
e i j k
e e i j k
i i e k j
j j k e i
Table 1. Hamiltons quater-
nion relations.
k k j i e
Though Hamilton speculated q, q = (q q) = +uu = + + + , (6)
on how time and space may be
combined, he did not live to see is dened so as to recover the usual Euclidean7 squared-
their synthesis in the Minkowski norm |q|2 = (q q) = q, q = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2.
space-time of special relativity.
Notice however, that the bilinear Law of moduli and Eulers four-square identity:
form (qq) = u . u on the As noted before, Hamilton was led to his quaternion
space of quaternions is the
product by requiring that the norm of the product of two
Lorentzian inner product of spe-
cial relativity.
quaternions is the product of their norms, as is the case
for complex numbers. For a pair of complex numbers,
|zw| = |z||w| follows from the two-square identity:
(x2 + y 2)(u2 + v 2) = (xu yv)2 + (xv + yu)2, (7)
which goes back to Diophantus and Brahmagupta. The
analogous statement |qq | = |q||q | for two quaternions
requires the following identity:
(2 + 2 + 2 + 2)(2 + 2 + 2 + 2) =
( )2 + ( + + )2
+ ( + + )2
+ ( + + )2 . (8)
Remarkably, Euler had discovered this identity in 1749,
while trying to prove Fermats conjecture (1659) that
every natural number is a sum of four squares. The
identity also appears in an unpublished note of Gauss
from 1819.
2. Quaternions Represented as 2 2 Matrices
qvq 1 = (u v, v + u v) (, u)
= (0, v + 2u v + (u v)u + u (u v))
= 0, ( |u|2 )v + 2(u v) + 2(u v)u
Rv = v = v + v v + 2u v. (14)
Recall Euler's formula ei = A delightful piece of trigonometry shows that this rep-
cos + i sin for a unit complex resents a counter-clockwise rotation of v about the axis
number as an exponential of an
imaginary number. Similarly, unit = u/|u| by a small angle with || = 2|u| 2|u|
quaternions are expressible as since 2 = 1 |u|2 and |u|2 0 (see Figure 2). More
exponentials of purely imaginary
quaternions e(/2) n = cos (/2)e + generally, we may always express the unit quaternion
sin(/2) n . To show this, notice q = e + u as10
that the unit imaginary quater-
nionn = nxi + nyj + nz k satisfies q = cos(/2) e + sin(/2) n
, (15)
n = e, n 3 = n, n 4 = e, etc.,
where n is the unit vector along u. The division by
allowing one to sum the expo-
nential series. two ensures that for small |u|, may be interpreted as
the angle of rotation, since |2u| = |2 sin(/2)n| ||.
Plugging = cos(/2) and u = sin(/2) n into R in
(13) we arrive at
Rv = cos2 (/2) sin2(/2) v
+ 2 cos(/2) sin(/2) n v + 2 sin2 (/2)(
n v) n
= cos v + sin n v + (1 cos)(n v) n
. (16)
Interestingly, this formula for the result of rotating a
vector v by angle about an axis n was obtained by B
O Rodrigues (1840) shortly before Hamiltons discovery
of quaternions, using Eulers 4-square identity. For small
, (16) reduces to (14). In general, the rotated vector
v is expressed as a linear combination of (the generally
non-orthogonal vectors) v, n v and n . For planar
rotations (v perpendicular to the axis n ), these vectors
become orthogonal and the third term is absent.
The ability to multiply real
The set of unit quaternions {|q| = 1} is closed under
numbers gives the unit reals
S0 = {1,1} the structure of
multiplication and inverses and forms a group isomor-
the cyclic group of order two: phic to SU(2) via the map F of equation (12). The map
/2 . The multiplication of R(q) denes a homomorphism from unit quaternions (or
complex numbers gives the SU(2)) onto the rotation group SO(3). The homomor-
unit circle S1 in the complex
phism is 2 : 1 since conjugation by both q = e and
plane the structure of the
group U(1). Similarly, the ex-
q = e correspond to the identity rotation (the kernel
istence of the quaternions en- is {e}). The appearance of the half-angle /2 in (15)
dows the unit quaternions is symptomatic of this. We say that SU(2) is a double
(i.e., the 3-sphere S3) with cover of SO(3). This fact has many interesting conse-
the structure of the group
quences, such as the possibility for particles such as the
electron to have spin one-half [6, 7].
= S 1 /S 0 , S2
= S 3 /S 1 and S 4
= S 7 /S 3 . (18)
{|x| = 1} = S 0 / S1 1
{|z| = 1}
= S1 / S1 3
R = S C = S
P 1 (R) = S1 P 1 (C) = S2
{|q| = 1}
= S3 / S1 7
{|o| = 1}
= S7 / S1 15
H = S O = S
P 1 (H) = S4 P 1 (O) = S8
Suggested Reading
[1] R P Graves, Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Volume II, Reprinted from the collection of the Univ. of
Michigan Library, Chapter xxviii, 1882.
[2] W R Hamilton, On Quaternions; or on a new System of Imaginaries in Algebra, The London, Edinburgh and
Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science (3rd Series) Vol.xxv-xxxvi, 18441850; reprinted in The
Mathematical Papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Vol.iii, (Algebra), Edited for the Royal Irish Academy
by H Halberstam and R E Ingram, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967.
[3] E T Bell, Men of Mathematics, Simon and Schuster, New York, pp.340362, 1986.
[4] L Brand, Vector and Tensor Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp.403429, 1947.
[5] M Koecher and R Remmert, Hamilton's Quaternions, Chapter 7 in H-D Ebbinghaus et al, Numbers, Graduate
Texts in Mathematics 123, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp.189220, 1990.
[6] K Gottfried and T M Yan, Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2nd Edition,
Chapters 3 and 7, 2003.
[7] E C G Sudarshan and N Mukunda, Classical Dynamics: A Modern Perspective, Hindustan Book Agency, New
Delhi, 2015.
[8] R Nityananda, Impossibility of a continuous phase convention for polarised light, Pramana, Vol.12, No.3,
pp.257262, 1979.
[9] M Nakahara, Geometry, Topology and Physics, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, 2nd Edition, pp.368369,
[10] R Mosseri and R Dandoloff, Geometry of entangled states, Bloch spheres and Hopf fibrations, J. Phys. A: Math.
Gen., Vol.34, pp. 1024310252, 2001.
[11] J H Conway and D A Smith, On Quaternions and Octonions: Their Geometry, Arithmetic, and Symmetry, A K
Peters/CRC Press, Massachusetts, 2003.
[12] K Shoemake, Animating rotation with quaternion curves, ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Vol.19, No.3,
pp.245254, 1985.