CNC Simulator Turning & Milling Operation Manual: Software-Entwicklung GMBH

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Mathematisch Technische

Software-Entwicklung GmbH

CNC Simulator
Turning & Milling
Operation Manual

Version 5

Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101 10553 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 / 30 / 349 960 0 Fax: +49 / 30 / 349 960 25 eMail: mts@mts-
CNC Simulator Turning & Milling
Operation Manual

MTS Mathematisch Technische Software-Entwicklung GmbH

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 101 D-10553 Berlin Germany
( : +49 / 30 / 349 960 - 0 Fax: +49 / 30 / 349 960 - 25 eMail:

All rights reserved, including photomechanical reproduction and storage on electronic media

DIN (Deutsche Industrie Norm), is the German Standard Specification as defined by the "Deutsches
Institut fr Normung e.V."
PAL is short for "Prfungs- Aufgaben und Lehrmittelentwicklungsstelle" (Institute for the Development of
Examination Standards and Training Aids), a division of the "IHK Mittlerer Neckar" (Chamber of Industry
and Commerce of the Middle-Neckar Region)
Turning and Milling Contents


About this Manual __________________________________ 1- 1

1. System Overview _________________________________ 1- 2
1.1 The Workplace __________________________________________ 1- 3

1.2 Input Options ___________________________________________ 1- 7

1.3 System Functions _______________________________________ 1- 9

CNC Lathe _______________________________________ 1- 9
CNC Milling Machine _______________________________ 1- 11
Collision Monitoring ________________________________ 1- 13
Operating Modes __________________________________ 1- 13
Special Functions _________________________________ 1- 15
Data Management _________________________________ 1- 15

2. Introduction to Operation __________________________ 2- 1

2.1 Installation and Configuration _____________________________ 2- 1

2.2 System Start for MTS Programs ____________________________ 2- 1

Starting the CNC Simulator __________________________ 2- 3
Turning and Milling Menu ___________________________ 2- 5

2.3 Screen Display __________________________________________ 2- 7

2.4 Menu Functions__________________________________________ 2- 11

Shortened Menus __________________________________ 2- 15
Using CNC Keyboard or Tablet _______________________ 2- 15

2.5 Editing Menus ___________________________________________ 2- 17

Entries in Information Column ________________________ 2- 17
Entering NC Blocks ________________________________ 2- 17
NC Editor ________________________________________ 2- 19
File Selection Window ______________________________ 2- 19

2.6 Quitting CNC Simulator ___________________________ 2- 22

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu _________________________ 3- 1

3.1 Setup Sheet and Automatic Setup __________________________ 3- 5
3.1.1 Setup Sheet Syntax Rules ___________________________ 3- 7
3.1.2 Setup Sheet Default Settings ________________________ 3- 13
3.1.3 Create Setup Sheet ________________________________ 3- 15
3.1.4 Delete Setup Sheet ________________________________ 3- 15
3.1.5 Translate Setup Sheet ______________________________ 3- 17
3.1.6 Automatic Setup __________________________________ 3- 17

3.2 Status Manager __________________________________________ 3- 19

Load Status ______________________________________ 3- 20
Save Status ______________________________________ 3- 20
Delete Status _____________________________________ 3- 20

MTS GmbH 1996 3

Contents Turning and Milling

4. Setup Mode _____________________________________ 4- 1

Setup Mode Menu _________________________________ 4- 3

4.1 Blank / Workpiece _______________________________________ 4- 9

4.1.1 CNC Turning: Blank Changing _______________________ 4- 11
Specifying Blank Dimensions ________________________ 4- 13
4.1.2 CNC Milling: Blank Changing ________________________ 4- 15
Specifying Blank Dimensions ________________________ 4- 15
Perspective Views _________________________________ 4- 17
Change Viewing Point ______________________________ 4- 17
4.1.3 Workpiece Manager _______________________________ 4- 19
Inserting Existing Workpiece ________________________ 4- 19
Saving/Deleting Preproduced Workpieces ______________ 4- 21

4.2 Clamping Fixtures _______________________________________ 4- 23

4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures _____________________ 4- 25
Selecting Clamping Fixtures _________________________ 4- 25
Changing Clamping Element ________________________ 4- 27
Defining Clamping Method __________________________ 4- 31
Clamping with Jaw Chuck ___________________________ 4- 31
Positioning Tailstock and Sleeve _____________________ 4- 33
Reclamping Workpiece _____________________________ 4- 35
Tailstock ________________________________________ 4- 35
4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager ______________ 4- 37
Management Menu ________________________________ 4- 39
Define Clamping Element ___________________________ 4- 41
Input Parameters __________________________________ 4- 43
Copy Data Record _________________________________ 4- 47
Modify Clamping Element ___________________________ 4- 49
Delete Clamping Element ___________________________ 4- 51
Select Clamping Fixture ____________________________ 4- 53
4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures ______________________ 4- 55
Select Clamping System ____________________________ 4- 55
Changing Vice ____________________________________ 4- 57
Rotating Vice _____________________________________ 4- 61
Magnetic Plate Clamping ___________________________ 4- 61
Modular Clamping _________________________________ 4- 63
Define Clamping __________________________________ 4- 67
Reclamping ______________________________________ 4- 69
4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager _______________ 4- 71
Management Menu ________________________________ 4- 73
Define Clamping Element ___________________________ 4- 75
Copy Data _______________________________________ 4- 75
Vice Input Parameters _____________________________ 4- 77
Modify Clamping Element ___________________________ 4- 79
Delete Clamping Element ___________________________ 4- 81
Select Clamping Elements___________________________ 4- 83

4.3 Tooling and Tool Change _________________________________ 4- 85

4.3.1 Tool Change _____________________________________ 4- 87
4.3.2 Turret/Magazine Configuration _______________________ 4- 89
Information ______________________________________ 4- 91
Valid Compensation Values _________________________ 4- 91
Tool Engagement Times ____________________________ 4- 93
4.3.3 CNC Turning: Turret Tooling ________________________ 4- 95
4.3.4 CNC Milling: Magazine Tooling ______________________ 4- 99
4.3.5 Compensation Value Register _______________________ 4-105

4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Contents

4.4 Zero and Reference Points ________________________________ 4-111

4.4.1 Reference Point ___________________________________ 4-113
4.4.2 Workpiece Zeropoint _______________________________ 4-115

4.5 Machine and Technology Functions ________________________ 4-119

Speed and Feedrate _______________________________ 4-121
4.5.1 Spindle and Coolant _______________________________ 4-121
4.5.3 Increment Values __________________________________ 4-123

4.6 Override/Times __________________________________________ 4-125

4.7 Machining with Manual Control ____________________________ 4-127

4.7.1 CNC Turning _____________________________________ 4-127
4.7.2 CNC Milling ______________________________________ 4-128

5. Tool Management _____________________________________ 5- 1

5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools __________________________ 5- 3
5.1.1 Creating New Tools ________________________________ 5- 5
Data Entry: Tool with Reversible Tip or Drill _____________ 5- 5
Copying Existing Tool Data __________________________ 5- 9
Further Steps in Tool Definition _______________________ 5- 11
Cutting Edge Point Definition _________________________ 5- 13
Defining Toolholder ________________________________ 5- 17
Defining Tool Adapter_______________________________ 5- 19
Zoom Function ____________________________________ 5- 21
5.1.2 Modifying Tools ___________________________________ 5- 23
5.1.3 Deleting Tools ____________________________________ 5- 25

5.2 CNC Milling: Define/Delete Tools ___________________________ 5- 27

5.2.1 Creating New Tools ________________________________ 5- 29
Data Entry: Tool ___________________________________ 5- 29
Copying Existing Tool Data __________________________ 5- 33
Available Tools: Search & List _______________________ 5- 35
5.2.2 Modifying Tools____________________________________ 5- 37
5.2.3 Deleting Tools_____________________________________ 5- 39
5.2.4 Creating a New Tool Adapter _________________________ 5- 41
Data Entry: Tool Adapter ____________________________ 5- 41
Copying Existing Tool Adapter Data ___________________ 5- 43
Available Tool Adapters: Search & List _________________ 5- 45

5.2.5 Modifying a Tool Adapter ____________________________ 5- 47

5.2.6 Deleting a Tool Adapter _____________________________ 5- 47

6. Automatic Mode ______________________________________ 6- 1

Automatic Mode Menu Structure ______________________ 6- 3

6.1 Starting Machining Simulation _____________________________ 6- 9

Selecting NC Program ______________________________ 6- 9
Selecting Simulation Mode___________________________ 6- 11
Complete Automatic Run ____________________________ 6- 11
Single NC Block Mode ______________________________ 6- 13
Collision Monitoring ________________________________ 6- 13

6.2 Selecting Program Range for Simulation _____________________ 6- 15

MTS GmbH 1996 5

Contents Turning and Milling

6.3 Changing Simulation Mode________________________________ 6- 17

Switching from Automatic Run to Single Block Mode______ 6- 17
Switching from Single Block to Interactive Mode_________ 6- 19

6.4 Tool Path Indication______________________________________ 6- 21

6.5 Override/Times __________________________________________ 6- 23

6.6 Measuring, 3D View ______________________________________ 6- 25

6.7 Modifying Graphic Display, and Zoom Function ______________ 6- 27

CNC Turning _____________________________________ 6- 27
CNC Milling ______________________________________ 6- 29

6.8 Programming Aids _______________________________________ 6- 31

7. NC Programming _________________________________ 7- 1
Introduction_______________________________________ 7- 1
Programming Code ________________________________ 7- 3
Format Conversion ________________________________ 7- 5

7.1 NC Editor _______________________________________________ 7- 9

7.1.1 NC Program Management___________________________ 7- 11
Selecting NC Programs ____________________________ 7- 11
Program Management User Dialogues_________________ 7- 13
7.1.2 NC Editor Programming Interface_____________________ 7- 15
7.1.3 Editing Functions __________________________________ 7- 18
7.1.4 Program Functions_________________________________ 7- 23
Linking NC Programs_______________________________ 7- 23
Block Group Handling ______________________________ 7- 25
Modify Editing Range_______________________________ 7- 27
Renumber NC Blocks_______________________________ 7- 29
Switching to WOP Interface__________________________ 7- 29
Programming Aids_________________________________ 7- 31
Find Character String_______________________________ 7- 31
End NC Programming ______________________________ 7- 33
7.1.5 Syntax Check and Range Violation____________________ 7- 33
7.1.6 Free Format Mode_________________________________ 7- 35
Temporary Free Format_____________________________ 7- 35

8. Interactive Programming ___________________________ 8- 1

Screen Layout ____________________________________ 8- 3

8.1 Start Interactive Programming _____________________________ 8- 5

Load Existing NC Program __________________________ 8- 5
Create and Load New NC Program____________________ 8- 5
Load Selected Part of NC Program____________________ 8- 7

8.2 Programming NC Blocks __________________________________ 8- 9

Interactive Check of NC Blocks_______________________ 8- 13
Collision Monitoring________________________________ 8- 13

8.3 Switching between Programming Modes ____________________ 8- 15

Special Functions__________________________________ 8- 17

6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Contents

8.4 Teach-In Mode ___________________________________________ 8- 19

8.4.1 CNC Turning: Specifying Nominal Contour ______________ 8- 21
8.4.2 Enter Technology Data ______________________________ 8- 23
8.4.3 Programming Workpiece Zero _______________________ 8- 25
8.4.4 Machining with Manual Control _______________________ 8- 27
CNC Turning: Angle Input ___________________________ 8- 29
Cancel Last Travel Command ________________________ 8- 29
Change Increment _________________________________ 8- 30
Return to Interactive Programming ____________________ 8- 30

9. Measuring _______________________________________ 9- 1
Measuring Menu ___________________________________ 9- 3
Special Graphic Symbols and Markings ________________ 9- 5

9.1 Element Dimensioning ____________________________________ 9- 9

9.2 Point Dimensioning ______________________________________ 9- 13

9.3 Defining Dimension Reference Point ________________________ 9- 17

Incremental Dimensioning ___________________________ 9- 19
9.4 Measuring Configuration __________________________________ 9- 21
Position Dimensioning Frame: "Q point" ________________ 9- 23
Dimension Values: Places after Decimal Point ___________ 9- 25

9.5 Surface Roughness ______________________________________ 9- 27

Menu: Peak-to-Valley Height _________________________ 9- 29
Peak-to-Valley Height Definition: Measuring Distance _____ 9- 31
9.5.1 Modifying Screen Display ____________________________ 9- 33

10. Modification of Graphic Display ____________________ 10- 1

10.1 3D Display ______________________________________________ 10- 3
10.1.1 NC Turning: 3D Display _____________________________ 10- 5
Select Viewing Angle _______________________________ 10- 5
Select Display Mode ________________________________ 10- 5
Select Section_____________________________________ 10- 7
Menu: 3D Display __________________________________ 10- 9
10.1.2 NC Milling: Sectional and 3D Display___________________ 10-11
Select Sectional Position ____________________________ 10-11
Select Display Mode ________________________________ 10-13
Select Viewing Direction ____________________________ 10-13
Menu: 3D View ____________________________________ 10-15
Defining Machining Depths: Z Section Dotted ____________ 10-15

10.2 Changing Graphic Display _________________________________ 10-17

10.2.1 NC Turning: Changing Display ________________________ 10-17
10.2.2 NC Milling: Changing Display_________________________ 10-19
10.2.2 Displaying NC Lines ________________________________ 10-23

10.3 Zooming ________________________________________________ 10-25

Menu: Zooming____________________________________ 10-27
Defining Zoom Detail _______________________________ 10-29

10.4 Color Settings ___________________________________________ 10-31

10.4.1 Color Setting for CNC Simulation______________________ 10-31
10.4.2 Color Setting for WOP, Measuring, Depth of Roughness/
Peak-to-Valley Height Definition _____________________ 10-39

MTS GmbH 1996 7

Contents Turning and Milling

11. Miscellaneous Functions __________________________ 11- 0

11.1 Programming Aids _______________________________________ 11- 1
Names/Designations and Group Assignments ___________ 11- 3
CNC Turning Programming Aids ______________________ 11- 4
CNC Milling Programming Aids _______________________ 11- 6
Using Help Function________________________________ 11- 9
NC Programming with Help Functions__________________ 11-11

11.2 Printing Graphics ________________________________________ 11-13

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming __________________ 12- 1

Introduction_______________________________________ 12- 1
Starting WOP Interface _____________________________ 12- 5
Available User Options _____________________________ 12- 7

12.1 Menu Levels ____________________________________________ 12- 9

Main Menu _______________________________________ 12- 9
Element Menu 1 ___________________________________ 12-11
Element Menu 2 ___________________________________ 12-13
Input Menu for Geometry Definition ___________________ 12-15

12.2 Programming Contour Elements ___________________________ 12-17

Editing Functions in Input Menus______________________ 12-17
Input Parameters for "Linear Path" ____________________ 12-18
Input Parameters for "Circular Arc" ____________________ 12-19
Selecting Alternatives ______________________________ 12-23

12.3 Contour Modification ____________________________________ 12-25

Corrections during Parameter Input____________________ 12-25
Delete Element____________________________________ 12-27
Reset ___________________________________________ 12-29
Accept Background Elements ________________________ 12-31
Copy Existing NC Blocks ____________________________ 12-33

12.4 Programming Based on Non-Standard Dimensioning _________ 12-35

Open Contours and Multiple-Point Definitions____________ 12-37

Appendix 1: CNC Symbols and Miscellaneous Icons ______ A- 0

Appendix 2: List of Error Messages ___________________ A- 9

Appendix 3: Register ________________________________ A- 37

8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling About this Manual

About this Manual

This "CNC Simulator Operating Manual" is part of the MTS software documen-
tation package which explains the functions of the CNC Simulators for turning and
milling. In addition to the operating manual, this documentation package includes
the programming instructions for CNC turning and CNC milling, the configuration
instructions and the manuals for the postprocessors, the freely definable pro-
gramming keys and much more.

One important change since version 4.1 concerns the structure of this operating
manual. The programming instructions are discussed separately as turning and
milling sections, however, we have combined the software operations to avoid
unnecessary repetition. To make it easier for you and to reduce your learning pe-
riod, the two CNC Simulators have identical screen arrangements, operating con-
cepts and functional software structure. For this reason it was reasonable to com-
bine the descriptions of the two technologies as well. This operating manual gen-
applies to both turning and milling. In cases where only one of the two technolo-
gies is meant, it is indicated by graphics and text notes.

The operating manual provides an extensive introduction to the software and

serves both as a quick-start guide and a reference. In individual descriptions and
chapters each step is presented as an independent unit of a larger context, how-
ever without losing its contribution to the whole. For the sake of clarity, the de-
scriptions are further divided into sections: introduction, call procedure, process-
ing/editing and notes. This makes it easier for you to work through whole chapters
or just parts of a chapter. The index is a quick and easy reference for arising

The systematic structure of this manual is supported by graphics. The key func-
tions are depicted as icons in the left column in addition to the text descriptions.
Every menu and function choice is also represented by a procedural schematic.
The margin notes such as "Selection", "Procedure" or "Note" provide further ori-
entation and clarity. Finally, we have provided a CNC Simulator screen shot for all
work situations to be able to compare the text and the display directly. The graph-
ics are usually preceded by a graphical schematic representing the menu struc-

As the number of features grows, it is only natural that the software descriptions
become more extensive. The multitude of editing options might seem confusing at
fist sight. You need some time to get familiar with all the operations of your new
hi-fi system as well, dont you. You will soon have a good idea on how to proceed
with your CNC Simulator. And if in doubt, consult this manual about how to per-
form certain functions.

This about your manual! We would like to thank you for your confidence, and hope
that this introduction to our CNC Simulators is of practical value. At the same time
we would appreciate any comments you might have. Please send in your
comments and proposals to MTS GmbH.

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 1

1. System Overview Turning and Milling

Figure 1.1-1:
The minimum hard-
ware required for the
CNC Simulator work-
place is a central proc-
essing unit, a monitor
and a PC keyboard. A
tablet with a CNC
template can be used
in addition.

Available Video-Chips

ATI 18800/28800 ver 1

ATI 18800/28800 ver 2+
GENOA 5000series
VESA Standard

1- 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 1.1 The Workplace

1. System Overview
In the first two chapters you find a general overview of the system configuration
with an introduction to the modified screen displays and to the new operating con-
cept. If you are already familiar with the CNC Simulator, you can skip this intro-

1.1 The Workplace

Hardware The minimum hardware requirement for a single CNC Simulator workplace is:
a personal computer with a hard disk and diskette drive,
a monitor,
a PC keyboard.

This can be supplemented by the following equipment:

a CNC keyboard,
a tablet,
a printer, and other peripherals.

How to set up, connect and run this equipment is described in the manufacturer's

The efficiency of your PC depends mainly on its processor. Due to the rapid tech-
nical progress a wide range of computers are available. We therefore offer the
CNC Simulator in one 32-bit version (386 or 486) with 4 MB of RAM.

Graphics adapter To use the CNC Simulator you will need a graphics adapter card equipped with
one of the following chipsets:

TSENG ET 3000 or TSENG ET 4000

ATI 18800 or ATI 28800
TRIDENT 8800 or TRIDENT 8900

Before you start the CNC Simulator, check the documentation of the graphics
adapter to see which chipset the card uses.
If your graphics adapter has a different chipset and problems occur when starting
the CNC Simulator, you may be able to work out the problem as follows; so do not
replace the graphics adapter yet:
1. You change the applicable settings in the configuration, so as to suit your video
card (see Configuration Instructions)
2. At the DOS prompt, in the main directory containing the CNC Simulator, you
rename the files "VERTEIL.KN$" and "KONFIG.KN$" to "VERTEIL.KNF" and
KONFIG.KNF" and start the CNC Simulator again. The MTS programs can be
run in VGA mode in general.

Graphics Standard The following video modes are supported:

YVGA (1024 x 768 pixels)

SVGA (800 x 600 pixels)
VGA (640 x 480 pixels)

Note The graphics mode is selected in the configuration procedure (see configuration

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 3

1. System Overview Turning and Milling

Figure 1.1-2:
Template for the tab-
as an alternative to
the PC keyboard, the
CNC Simulator can
also be operated from
a CNC keyboard or
In this case the tablet
is equipped with a

1- 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 1.1 The Workplace

Ports Transition points between the devices of a system for exchanging data or signals
are called "interfaces". In other words, these are the connection points for periph-
eral devices such as printers, monitors and keyboards - commonly called "ports".
The number and type of ports depends on the peripherals you want to use. Please
refer to the manufacturer's notes and the MTS Configuration Instructions.

Operating System Version 5 of the CNC Simulator was designed to run on personal computers using
the MS-DOS operating system (version 3.3 or higher).

The CNC Simulator can also be installed in a Novell network.

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 5

1. System Overview Turning and Milling

Figure 1.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Main menu;
Function keys with text
notes for the process-
ing options available.

Figure 1.2-2:
CNC Turning,
Main Menu;
as an alternative to
text labels on the
function keys, CNC
symbols and other
icons can be dis-

1- 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 1.2 Input Options

1.2 Input Options

The CNC Simulator can be used with various different input media. These can, of
course, also be used parallel to each other (see Configuration Instructions).

PC Keyboard A PC keyboard is basically all you needed to use the CNC Simulator. In version 5
of the CNC Simulator you select all program functions with the function keys
and enter machine commands and NC program blocks as sequences of digits and
CNC Symbols The function keys displayed on the screen are usually labelled with a short text
indicating the subsequent editing steps. To imitate with the CNC Simulator the
handling of an NC machine tool, CNC symbols can be displayed instead of the
text labels. This option is recommended, in particular, for CNC training; the CNC
symbols being part of the curriculum.

There are some special menus, for example the tool and clamping fixture man-
agement menus, in which the function keys remain labelled with text. The appen-
dix provides a summary of the CNC symbols and other icons.

CNC Keyboard Instead of the PC keyboard a CNC keyboard can be used. It is a non-proprietary
design with 7 key blocks configured for NC purposes. The key blocks are grouped
as follows:

Editor / Programming Mode,

Automatic Mode,
Setup Mode / Manual Mode,
Character Inputs,
Digit Inputs,
Multipurpose keys: Input / Resume / Cancel,
Travel keys.

Similar to the CNC template for the tablet, standardized symbols for operating an
NC machine tool are assigned to the upper three key blocks.

Tablet If the INCAD CAD/CAM system and the CNC Simulator are used at the same
time, the PC needs to be equipped with a mouse or a tablet. A template can be
placed over the tablet (see figure 1.1-2) to provide a CNC keyboard configura-
The template has a total of 173 input keys including a reduced typewriter set and
the keys for NC editing arranged in functional groups as follows:

Automatic Mode,
Setup Mode,
Programming Mode Functions,
Supplementary Functions,
Travel Keys.

Even when using the tablet you retain the advantages of the dialogue-oriented
user guidance of the CNC Simulator as well as those of operation by CNC sym-

The CNC keyboard or tablet can easily be connected with the serial port of the
personal computer.

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 7

1. System Structure Turning and Milling

Figure 1.3-1:
CNC Turning;
Schematic of the ma-
chine configuration,
postaxial machining.

Figure 1.3-2:
CNC Turning,
Main Menu;
The machine ele-
ments: spindle, chuck,
stepped jaws or cen-
ters, turret, tool, tail-
stock, sleeve etc. are
also represented in the
CNC simulation.

1- 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 1.3 System Functions

1.3 System Functions

Before we deal with the handling of the individual program sections of the CNC
Simulator, we will first introduce the system as a whole. If you are already familiar
with the CNC Simulator, you can skip this chapter.

The simulation of the machining process with CNC Simulators closely follows ac-
tual work procedures on a machine tool and includes all the functional steps of the
machine tool and the control system operation. For this reason the CNC Turning
and Milling simulators can be adapted to all common machine tool types and their

CNC Lathe
Machine Type The CNC Turning Simulator is a single-spindle machine with 2-axis
contouring control.
It can also be equipped with driven tools.
The spindle, chuck, clamping fixtures, turret, tools and tailstock can
be specified according to the equipment on the actual machine
tool. The user can also select the travel range, the maximum and minimum speed
and feedrate, the settings for preaxial and postaxial machining and many other

Clamping Fixtures The CNC Simulator allows you to machine with the workpart clamped between
centers or in a stepped-jaw chuck. Various (definable) chucks, stepped jaws, lathe
centers and face drivers are available for this purpose.
It is also possible to selected a configurable tailstock which can be equipped with
a choice of lathe centers.

Tool Carrier The CNC Simulator can be equipped with various turret heads, subgrouped in
three different turret types:

Hexagon Turret,
Disk Turret and
Crown Turret.

Each turret has up to 16 tool positions.

Tools New in version 5 is a separate tool management system for specifying toolhold-
ers, cutting edges or reversible carbide tips [to DIN]. The following lathe tool types
are available in the standard version:

side and external cutting tools,

internal cutting tools,
copying tools,
groove recessing tools,
threading tools,
twist, center and reversible tip drills.

Control The MTS programming code is manufacturer-neutral and complies with DIN
66025. It contains all common extensions such as segment contours, cycles, tool
nose compensation, subroutine and parameter programming.

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 9

1. System Structure Turning and Milling

Figure 1.3-3:
CNC Milling;
Schematic of the ma-
chine configuration.

Machine zero

Reference point

Turret reference point

Tool reference point

Workpiece Zero

Tool change point

Figure 1.3-4:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
As with turning, the
CNC Milling Simulator
provides the following
machine elements:
clamping fixtures,
spindle, magazine, tool
adapter, tools and
many more.

1- 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 1.3 System Functions

CNC Milling Machine

Machine Type The CNC Milling Simulator simulates a 3-axis milling machine with
vertical or horizontal spindle position.
In the CNC simulation no distinction is made between knee type and
plano-milling machines or machining centres; instead, all positioning
and feed movements appear to be made by the tool carrier.

To simulate different machine types, however, the machining planes can be

selected from G17, G18 and G19:

long. lat. vert.
G17 X Y Z
G18 X Z -Y
G19 Z Y -X

Chuck The workpart can be clamped by using:

magnetic plate,
modular clamping.

Magazine The magazine holds up to 99 tool positions (pockets) in which the tools are in-
serted from the tool manager.

Tools The Tool Manager has been fully redesigned for version 5, so that tool adapters
and tools can be specified in compliance with DIN. The following tool types are
available in the standard version:

(shank-type) end mills,

shell end mills, boring slot cutters, face end mills,
(disc) side cutters,
T-slot cutters,
angular milling cutters (type A and B), concave milling cutters, radius -milling
drills, reversible carbide tip drills, step drills and taps.

Control The MTS programming code is manufacturer-neutral and complies with DIN
66025. It contains all common extensions such as segment contours, cycles, tool
cutter radius compensation, subroutine and parameter programming.

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 11

1. System Structure Turning and Milling

Figure 1.3.5: NC-Programmanage. NC-Editor WOP-Surface

Schematic of the
processing op-
tions of the CNC Editor WOP-Surface
Turning Simulator
(simplified). The Interactive Programming Teach in
program sections
Automatic mode WOP-Surface
Programming Automatic mode
Aidsand Single block
Graphic Printout
are available in Traverse Paths
practically all
processing situa-
tions. For the Chuck Chuck management

sake of clarity Part / Chuck

they are listed Workpiece file
separately in the Reversible Tip
Turret Tool Management Tool Holder

CNC-Simulator Setup Mode Reference Points Tool Adapter

Feedrate / Speed

Spindle / Coolant

Manual Treating

Setup form

Status management
Point dimensioning Threads

Turning Entity dimensioning

Surface finish

Section display

Display 3D-Display





1- 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 1.3 System Functions

Collision Monitoring
Reality-oriented simulation of machining processes is based on the fact that the
CNC Simulators function like the actual machine tools in the workshop :
During workpart machining, collision monitoring is performed and the results are
displayed as error messages. The entire machine tool space with workpart, fix-
tures, tool system etc. is taken into account. During machining the internally fol-
lowed mathematical model computes the actually resulting workpart contour
using the programmed tool paths during program execution, with a tolerance range
of less than 1 m. As the simulation can be performed for different tool qualities
and materials etc., the error and collision monitoring function does not check the
programmed feedrate or speed nor does it use coolant.

Operating Modes
The following three modes can be used for processing:

Setup Mode Setup Mode follows the corresponding steps on the machine tool. In this mode,
all the necessary preparatory operations are performed, such as mounting the
blank, choosing the clamping fixture, choosing the tool, entering the tool offset
values, specifying the machine zero, referencing the machine etc. (see Figure).
Of course, Setup Mode also allows manual machining just as the workshop ma-
chine tool does.

Automatic Mode In Automatic Mode, NC programs are executed and tested in real-time simula-
tion. The machining of the workpart is displayed dynamically in real-time with
continuously actualized coordinates. At the same time the current NC blocks are
displayed and the machining and feed times are computed. Collision monitoring
ensures that program errors can be quickly recognized and corrected.

Programming Programming Mode provides four ways of generating an NC program:

An Editor is available for direct input of NC blocks. It has a special program-

ming interface for NC blocks and checks the syntax (the formal structure of the
NC block) as the block is being entered.
Interactive Programming is a feature in which the Automatic Mode and Edi-
tor complement each other to provide the simplest and most efficient way to
get started with NC programming. The simulation follows step by step the
creation of an NC program , including collision monitoring.
A special form of interactive programming is the Teach-In function. As in
Setup Mode, the workpart is machined manually and the corresponding simple
travel commands complying with DIN 66025 are generated and automatically
inserted in the NC program.
To make it easy to program even complex contours, the editor and the inter-
active programming function have a dialogue-driven WOP Interface. The in-
puts are supported by a user guidance system with explanatory graphics

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 13

1. System Structure Turning and Milling

Figure 1.3-6: NC-Programmanage. NC-Editor WOP-Surface

Schematic of the
processing options
of the CNC Milling Editor WOP-Surface
(simplified). Interactive Programming Teach in
The program sec-
tions "Display",
Automatic mode WOP-Surface
Aids" and Automatic mode
"Graphic Printout" Single block
are available in
practically all ed-
Traverse Paths
iting situations.
For the sake of
clarity they are Chuck Chuck management

listed separately in Part / Chuck

this schematic. Workpiece file

Tool Holder

Magazine Tool Management

Tool Adapter

CNC-Simulator Setup Mode Reference Points

Feedrate / Speed

Spindle / Coolant

Manual Treating

Setup form

Status management

Section display

Display 3D-Display
Contour Points


WOP-Contours WOP-Contours



1- 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 1.3 System Functions

(-) The dialogue provides only those input options the programming code
would permit in the given situation. The contours created with the WOP In-
terface can also be measured and zoomed.

Measure/Roughness The CNC Turning Simulator provides "Measure" and "Roughness

Depth Gauging" ("Surface Peak-to-Valley Height") functions with
CNC Turning which the workpart quality can be tested before production. These
functions can be activated any time, even during workpart machining
or NC programming.

A further new feature in version 5 is the recording and display of thread ge-
ometry. This function lets you test thread pitch, depth, root and nominal di-
ameter and the right choice of tool.

An additional aid is the Zoom function, with which a section of the lathe workpart
or machining process can be enlarged or reduced any time.

Special Functions
Finally, the CNC Simulator incorporates some special functions which effectively
support processing and NC programming:

3D View A 3-dimensional view of the workpart can be displayed during turning or milling.
The workpart can also be "cut open" to reveal internal machining.

A help function is available in all editing situations. It is supported by illustrative

graphics and provides basic information on NC programming while explaining in-
Programming Aids
dividual commands in detail. When selected from a programming mode it allows
you to edit the current NC program directly. In this manner, almost the entire pro-
gramming instruction manual can be consulted during editing.

Printout To document the current editing progress, NC programs and screen displays can
be printed. These printouts give you a means of checking and filing the results of
your work.

Data Management
The internal data management functions provide a convenient means of docu-
menting and backing up all work results without previous knowledge of the oper-
ating system. These functions include:
NC Program Manager;
Tool Manager;
Clamping Fixture Manager;
Saving created workparts;
Saving current editing progress;
Generating various setup sheets;
Managing configuration files.

MTS GmbH 1996 1- 15

1. System Structure Turning and Milling

1- 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.1 Installation and Configuration

2. Introduction to Operation
Before we explain the functional operations such as setting up the machine tool,
creating and testing the NC program in Automatic Mode etc., we first want to dis-
cuss the screen display and menu operations in general. After that we can start to

2.1 Installation and Configuration

Before starting to work with the CNC Simulator you need to install the software on
your PC in a certain directory. You then need to modify the configuration to adjust
the default settings of the machine tool, CNC control system and hardware to meet
your specific working environment. This initial work prepares the CNC Simulator
ready for operation.

The installation and configuration procedures are supported by special utility pro-
grams. Separate instructions are available for these programs, and need to be
studied before you proceed here.

2.2 System Start for MTS Programs

When you switch on your PC, the MS-DOS operating system prompt indicates the
current drive. To run the MTS software, first change to the drive and directory
where the MTS programs are stored. Then run the CNC Simulator by entering the
command "MTSCNC":


Change Confirm Start program: Confirm

directory: [cd ...] [mtscnc]

First Example: The current directory is given as "C:\>_" and the CNC Simulator is in the directory
"C:\MTSCNC" as proposed by the installation program:
First enter the name of the directory and confirm by pressing ; the prompt
changes to indicate the new directory:


Now enter the command "MTSCNC" and again confirm with ; the MTS program
will now load:


MTS GmbH 1996 2- 1

2. Introduction to Operation Turning and Milling

Figure 2.2-1:
Example of the DOS
commands for starting
the CNC Simulator.

Figure 2.2-2:
Menu of MTS pro-
The individual pro-
grams are started us-
ing the function keys:
e.g. CNC Turning by
pressing the "F1" key

2- 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.2 System Start

Second Example: The current directory is "C:\SYS>_" and the CNC Simulator is in the directory
First change to hard disk partition "D:":
C:\SYS>D: D:\>_
Then enter the subdirectory ".\MTS386":
D:\>CD \MTS386 D:\MTS386>_
Now, as above, enter the command "MTSCNC" and confirm by pressing ; the
MTS program will now load:
D:\MTS386>MTSCNC [MTS program]

Cross Reference If you are not familiar with the commands of the operating system, please consult
your MS-DOS manual. The appendix of the Installation Instructions also includes a
brief introduction to the operating system.

The launching procedure described above can be simplified using an appropriate

batch file.

Starting CNC Simulator

Once you have launched the program, the menu (see figure) appears with the
choice of the MTS programs available in your system. The highlighted rectangular
boxes under "Machine" and "Control" indicate the currently selected configuration
files. Select the desired program by pressing a function key:

Turning/Milling: the F1 and F2 function keys launch the CNC Turning and Milling
F1 or F2 Simulators, respectively (if they are installed).

F3 [INCAD]: the F3 function key launches the INCAD NC/CAD system if it is installed.

F4 [Transfer program]: F4 starts the Transfer program if it is installed.

Configuration: the F5 key selects the Configuration program to specify default

F5 settings.
Turning/Milling Menu: these menus let you select the current files for machine
F6 or F7 and control configuration.
They also allow you to start the postprocessors, the Format Conversion Program
and the PAL Marking Program.

F8 The F8 key returns you to MS-DOS.

Try out these operations and run one of the CNC Simulators !

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 3

2. Introduction to Operation Turning and Milling

Figure 2.2-3:
CNC Turning,
Menu of utilities and
machine control and
configuration options.

Figure 2.2-4:
CNC Milling,
Menu of utilities and
machine control and
configuration options.

2- 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.2 System Start

Turning and Milling Menu

From this menu you can run certain utilities and select the files for the current ma-
chine and control configuration. Only those utilities installed on your system are dis-
played on the function keys.

The key activates either the list of machine configuration files or the list of con-
trol configuration files.

or Use the or cursor keys to mark the desired configuration file you want to
select as the current file.

F8 Press the F8 key to confirm your selections and to return to the starting point.

ESC Press the ESC

key to cancel the selections and to return to the starting point.

Besides the functions described above, this menu also allows you to run the fol-
lowing utilities:

[Postprocessor]: the postprocessor translates an NC program created with the

F1 MTS programming code into a DIN version of a specific control system and trans-
fers it to the CNC control system (see also the Postprocessor Manual).

Format Conversion: to edit or test an NC program that was created with an older
F2 version of the CNC Simulator or with the INCAD NC/CAD system or another sys-
tem, the data format has to be adapted to the new MTS standard. These programs
cannot be loaded into the NC Editor or CNC Simulator until they have been con-
verted (see also chapter 8).

[PAL Marking Program]: to modify an existing NC program in compliance with

F3 the PAL guidelines for CNC training and create the so-called "gap texts", run the
PAL Marking program (see also the PAL turning/milling manual).

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 5

2. Introduction to operation Turning and Milling

Figure 2.3-1:
CNC Turning,
Main Menu

2- 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.3 Screen Layout

2.3 Screen Display

When you launch a CNC Simulator, its Main Menu appears on the screen. It is the
top menu level, from which all other processing functions can be chosen.
In the new version the screen display of the Turning Simulator has been converted
to vector graphics. You can soon notice the difference between this and the CNC
Simulator 4.1: text and picture build-up on the screen is quick and accurate.

Screen Layout After starting your CNC Simulator you can see the second improvement: the
screen layout. The screen representation of CNC machining is in general divided
into three areas, with workpart machining displayed graphically and dynamically in
the work space window and the necessary text information in the "Information Col-
umn" beside it. It contains the information you need in your current work situation.
The display representation of each program section is called its interface.
If the screen also contains information (in the form of text or symbols) on subse-
quent machining steps (option choices) it is called menu.

One of our principles was to try to standardize the displays and menu structures
for CNC turning and CNC milling technologies so that each operation essentially
follows the same scheme. Therefore, if you are familiar with one CNC Simulator,
you are automatically able to use the other.

The main menu illustrates the above-mentioned changes in the screen layout:

Screen Windows 1. The left screen window shows a section of the work space with the blank or
workpart, the clamping fixture and, depending on its position, the tool. This ap-
plies to the Main Menu and to Setup and Automatic Mode.
In other operating functions this screen window always contains a graphical
representation of the current work situation.
Information Column 2. The right column contains text information on certain machining situations.
In the Main Menu none of the modes is active, therefore, no information is
shown. In Setup Mode and Automatic Mode this column contains information
on the current machine and system status. During measuring, for instance, it
contains dimensions etc.

Menu Functions 3. The numbered boxes at the bottom of the screen indicate the program func-
tions that can be selected with the function keys during processing.
The two lines above the function keys are reserved for the program dialogue.
After starting an NC program the current NC blocks are shown on the upper
line. The bottom line contains error messages.

CNC Turning The CNC Turning Simulator simulates a single-slide machine tool. The
work space shows a section of the Z/X axis, including the turret, tool,
fixture and possibly the tailstock and the blank or workpart.

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 7

2. Introduction to operation Turning and Milling

Figure 2.3-2:
CNC Milling,
Main Menu

Figure 2.3-3:
CNC Turning,
Menu: Graphical Dis-
A half-section view of
the workpart has been

Figure 2.3-4:
CNC Milling,
Menu: Graphical Dis-
In addition to the top
view, side views and a
system of coordinates
can also be displayed.

2- 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.3 Screen Layout

CNC Milling The CNC milling Simulator simulates a 3D milling machine with vertical
or horizontal spindle position. The work space shows a top view of the
workpart; side views and an axis cross can also be displayed.

To display the machining processes of milled workparts with extreme size differ-
ences as well, the display size adjusts itself automatically

Modifying the Graphical Display

Besides the display types described above, the CNC Turning and Milling Simulators
provide various ways of modifying the screen display to improve the representation
of machining processes.

Section Display In the CNC Turning Simulator the changes often involve various views of the
workpart, while in the CNC Milling Simulator the top view is complemented by op-
tional dynamic graphical section views according to the working position of the
tool in X/Z and Y/Z direction, and of the axes.

Zooming The Turning Simulator also provides continuous in and out zooming of
the screen section (up to the full work space of the machine tool during
CNC Turning machining).

This zoom function is also available during measuring and Workshop-Oriented Pro-
gramming (WOP).

Unlike the Turning Simulator, only WOP-programmed contours can

CNC Milling be zoomed during milling, and the view of the entire machine tool
work space is available only as a special function in setup mode when
choosing the clamping fixture

Color Display In both CNC Simulators you can confirm the colors of your choice for the screen
elements (within the limits of your graphics adapter).

Cross Reference The zoom function and the screen display modification options are discussed in
detail in chapters 9 and 10.

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 9

2. Introduction to Operation Turning and Milling

Figure 2.4-1:
CNC Turning,
Menu sequence to de-
fine a cylinder as a
from Setup Mode, first
select the "Workpart
/Fixture" function with
F1 . In the subsequent
menu choose "New
Workpart", again with
the F1 key, then select
the "Cylinder" function.

Figure 2.4-2:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
sequence of steps
for defining the
blank and clamping
fixture. This basi-
cally requires three Centered Cylinder
steps: define the
blank, then choose Part Pipe
"Clamping method"
and finally deter- Pipe with Bevel

mine the clamping.

All other options Present Parts

(e.g. defining and

as Tailstock / new Chuck
activating the Flip Part Lathe Chuck

clamping fixture)
Next Chucktype Chuck Change Step Jaws
serve to simulate
the machine tool as Chuck Previous Chucktype Chuck Management Lathe Centres
accurately as pos-
sible or to allow Tailstock on/off Face Driver
further editing (e.g.
"Reclamp"). Tailstock -->

Tailstock <--

Part /Chuck Tailstock

Set cent. Sl.

Diseng. cent. Sl.

Part <--

Part -->

New Chuck

Chuck open

Chuck close

Part Management

2- 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.4 Menu Functions

2.4 Menu Functions

When starting the system you have already taken the first steps in program execu-
tion. When using the CNC Simulator, a general distinction is made between pro-
gram control inputs and those for certain values or texts, called editing inputs.

WOP Operating All program control options of the CNC Simulator are given as context-sensitive
Concept menu items, with important procedural steps supported by program dialogues.
This new menu concept of the CNC Simulator is based on the WOP operating
concept ("Workshop-Oriented Programming" - cf. Chapter 12). It enables you to
carry out the operational steps without further assistance.
The only disadvantage of the WOP operating concept is, however, the fact that
with increasing functionality the number of submenus correspondingly grows. But
as the available options are shown in each work situation, the function keys at the
bottom of the screen give you guidance all the time.
On the other hand you can benefit from this operating concept because you are
able to make use of the operating functions without prior knowledge; as the work
sequences are structured functionally most of the menus are self-explanatory (e.g.
blank definition is followed by the selection of clamping fixtures and definition of
the clamping method - see schematic).

Example The figure illustrates an example of an operation sequence:

From the Main Menu, select Setup Mode by pressing the F3 function key. To use a
cylinder as a blank, continue by pressing the F1 function key three times, then en-
ter the blank dimensions. Such work sequences are illustrated with the following
scheme in this manual:

Presentation of Program Control/Selection:

Main Menu Workpart/ New

Setup Mode F1 Fixture F1 workpart F1 Cylinder

CNC Symbols It is important to know the CNC symbols when using a machine tool. We therefore
recommend that during CNC training the CNC Simulator is configured to show the
CNC symbols on the function keys instead of the text labels. The hardware setting
"Show Icons: yes" (under "MTS SoftKonfg", see Configuration Instructions) dis-
plays the available work steps with CNC symbols: pressing the associated func-
tion key then activates the processing function. The numbers to the left of the
square boxes refer to the function keys.

An example: from the main menu, to choose Setup Mode you press the CNC key

Now, try out the menu functions and operating steps! Dont worry about something
going wrong - unlike on the machine tool, nothing can be damaged in the Simula-
tor. Before you start programming make sure not to overwrite or delete an existing
NC program.

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 11

2. Introduction to Operation Turning and Milling

Figure 2.2-3:
CNC Milling,
Menu sequence for
testing an NC program:
starting in Automatic
Mode, first enter the
program name and
then choose the de-
sired simulation type.

Single Block
Figure 2.2-4:
CNC Milling, Graphic Display
Schematic of the work steps
for testing an NC program in Automatic mode 3D-View
Automatic Mode.
Like in Setup Mode, there is Time / Override
a simple method of starting
a program: select Automatic
Stop / Continue
Mode, enter the name of the
NC program and then start
the continuous automatic
Interact. mode ...
The "Graphical Display", "3D
View" and "Override/Times" cont. Automatic
functions are also available.
cont. Interactive

Graphic Display
Automatic mode Accept Program Single block
Select Range
Time / Override
Graphic Display
Exec. NC-block
Traverse Paths

Time / Override
Graphic Display

Time / Override

2- 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.4 Menu Functions

The below two flow-charts show the most important work sequences in Setup and
Automatic Mode:
Setup Mode
CNC Turning:

Automatic Mode Automatic-

Example: CNC Turn-
ing/CNC Milling:
The "Override/Times",
"3D view" and NC-
"Graphical Display"
functions are indicated
"Additional Functions" select accept additional
Range Program Functions
in the graphic

additional additional additional

Automatic- Functions Interactive Functions Single Functions Traverse-
mode mode Block paths

CNC-Simulation CNC-Simulation CNC-Simulation

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 13

2. Introduction to Operation Turning and Milling

Figure 2.4-5:
CNC Turning, Main
menu; restricted proc-
essing options: in the
configuration file you
can specify whether
certain operations are
to be excluded. In this
example, "Setup
Mode" has been dis-
abled, and can no
longer be activated. In-
stead, "Automatic
Setup" is available re-
storing the configurable
start-up state.

2- 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.4 Menu Functions

Starting from a fixed starting point now try and see, which menus follow
in sequence and how the editing steps are "interlocked" in consequence of the
menu sequence. If in doubt, return to your starting point by pressing ESC or F8 . Fi-
nally, you can always consult this manual to find the answer to your eventual ques-

Shortened Menu Sequences

For training purposes etc., certain menu sequences can be deactivated in the con-
figuration to reduce operation times or limit certain activities (e.g. tool and fixture

Note In this case, the deactivated processing functions are no longer displayed
and their function keys have no labels. Please check the configuration of
your system (see Configuration Instructions).

This manual documents, of course, the full scope of processing options.

Using the CNC Keyboard or Tablet

Unlike the PC keyboard, the CNC keyboard or tablet allows you to select
many functions directly. The intermediate menu steps can so be skipped!

An example: spindle activation can be selected through the menus or directly with
the corresponding key:

Menu Selection:

Setup Spindle/
F3 Mode F3 Technology F6 Coolant
Spindle Activation

CNC Keyboard Selection:

Setup Spindle
F3 Mode on/off

Always choose the selection method that appears the simplest !

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 15

2. Menu Sequences and Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 2.5-1:
CNC Turning, Setup
Entering blank dimen-

Figure 2.5-2:
CNC Turning,
WOP Interface;
the address values are
entered in the input
fields in the right col-

Figure 2.5-3:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture Man-
Defining a lathe chuck.

2- 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.5 Editing Menus

2.5 Editing Menus

Beside the above-mentioned screen layout and the menu operations, the various
modes of the CNC Simulator include editing menus requiring text or values to be
entered. The input routine is illustrated in the following with two examples:

Entries in the Information Column

In Setup Mode, the WOP interface and other menus, the input fields for values or
other data are located in the information column in certain editing situations. There
are various ways of activating an input field:

Press the key to move from one input field into another.

or Alternatively, you can often select an input field using the and cursor keys.

An input field is active when highlighted in color; the cursor is initially placed in the
middle of the input field or input entry:


There are two ways of entering the input:

[Input] Either enter the desired value by typing the number digit by digit, with decimal
points entered as <.> or <,>. The previous values are automatically deleted when
you enter the new value.

Or, to change only a single digit, move the cursor to the right position and overwrite
the existing entry.

The normal editing functions such as inserting characters: INS

, deleting characters:
INS or
apply here too.

Accept/End Input: after having entered all required values in the input fields, con-
or F8 clude your input by pressing or F8 .

The procedure described above applies to all editing situations. Any extended
functions or differences are described in connection of these specific editing

Entering NC Blocks
NC blocks are entered the same way the values described above. Even more sim-
ple: you only need to enter an address letter, and the address letter and fields are
automatically displayed so that you can enter values. Now enter the desired value
and then program the next NC word.
To delete an NC word, move the cursor to the address letter and press to delete
the entire NC word.

Have a try and practice entering values and programming NC blocks !

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 17

2. Menu Sequences and Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 2.5-4:
NC Editor,
Program example.

Figure 2.5-5:
Schematic overview of
the files that can be
created or edited while
working with the CNC

2- 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.5 Editing Menus

NC Editor
NC programs are edited directly using the editors programming interface. Conven-
ient functions are provided to support block input; you can check the syntax of ad-
dress combinations and specified value ranges etc.
To improve readability, the screen layout of the editor is slightly different from the
Setup and Automatic Mode interfaces described above (see figure):
The header contains the program name and the error messages.
The NC program is displayed below the header. If the NC program is long, the NC
blocks can be scrolled up or down to display the entire program.
The editing area (input area) is marked by double lines.
As usual, the numbered boxes at the bottom of the screen indicate the program
functions that can be selected using the function keys during editing.

Note When processing a program with the editor, keep in mind the difference between
editing functions such as entering values, inserting, deleting etc., and program
functions such as changing the block number, launching programming utilities,
search functions etc.

File Selection Window

As you work with the CNC Simulator there are various ways to save the results of
your work in a file and load them again. These include:
the configuration files, for saving default settings,
the files of the NC programs or Setup Sheets,
the workpart files, for saving created workpart geometries,
the status files, for saving a certain stage of editing and simulation progress.

Individual program sections offer simple management funtions, such as Load,

Delete and Save to access above files without interrupting the simulation. No
special knowledge of the operating system is required for their use.

File Selection In the "File Selection Window" you can select or name files. This window lists all
the files stored in the currently defined path. The selected editing function is dis-
played at the top of the list of the NC programs.

The file selection window has the same structure in all file management functions
of the CNC Simulator, and also works in the same way, with only a few slight dif-

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 19

2. Menu Sequences and Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Directory path
Editing function

Input file

File information

Existing files

Figure 2.5-6:
Example: File selection
for the "Edit NC Pro-
gram" function

Figure 2.5-7:
The default path File CNC Turning CNC Milling
NC program (MTS) .\DPROG\*.DNC .\FPROG\*.FNC

NC program (PAL) .\DPAL\*.PAL .\FPAL\*.FPAL

Tool .\DWZ\*.DVW .\FWZ\*.DVW


Status .\*.DST .\*.FST

Configuration KNF\*.KNF KNF\*.KNF

2- 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 2.5 Editing Menus


To change directory, press the key. This requires that access to the path has
not been disabled in the configuration.
[Enter Directory] The "Path" input field is then highlighted and you can enter the desired directory
address. You can also use wildcards "*" and "?" to define groups of files.
The various files usually have a special file name extension (see below). In the
displayed file list the files are listed according to the directory name and file name

An example: the files for the turning programs have a default extension of ".DNC",
so using the conventions of MS-DOS they are grouped under "*.DNC". Assuming
that the path for the subdirectory is ".\DPROG", the correct path statement is

Confirm the directory name with ; the cursor returns to the "selection field" and
the file list displays the programs according to your path definition.

and To change the order criterion, press the and keys at the same time. The
cursor moves to the next field and the following file list is rearranged.

[Enter the In the selection field, enter the name of the file you want to create or edit. To do
this, the file box provides additional functions which make it easier to select from
Program Name]
the existing program files:

or To select a file from the list, move the cursor using the and keys. The file
name marked by the cursor automatically appears in the selection field.

If the program directory is very large, you can also browse through the file list using
the and keys.

When overwriting an existing name you can move the cursor using the and
or keys.

The key deletes the character that is currently under the cursor in the selection

After having entered or selected the program name, confirm your selection with
or the corresponding function key.

ESC You can press ESC

to cancel the file selection and return to the starting point.

Note Changes in directory during program editing can be disabled with a corre-
sponding entry in the configuration. You can also use the default file extensions or
specify your own in the configuration (see figure).

MTS GmbH 1996 2- 21

2. Introduction to Operation Turning and Milling

2.6 Qitting the CNC Simulator

Close and quit the CNC Simulator from the main menu. After quitting the Simulator
program, the Main Menu of the MTS programs (see above) is reloaded. You can
now launch some other program or return to the operating system:


Quit Pro- [In- MTS Program

Main Menu F8 gram put] Menu

Procedure To quit the CNC Simulator, you first need to conclude the work you are currently
doing and return to the main menu.

The F8 function key starts the exit procedure. To make sure you really want to
F8 quit, you are prompted: "CTRL and ENTER: Exit the Simulator".
This prompt remains displayed in the dialogue line for about 10 seconds.

and Use the key combination and to terminate the program and return to the
main MTS program menu.

Note If you switch the computer off while the Simulator is running instead of concluding
the program correctly, there may be "lost chains" on the hard disk. The MS-DOS
"CHKDSK /F" command can be used to convert lost chains to files so that they can
then be deleted.

Using the CNC Keyboard or Tablet to Quit

When using the CNC keyboard or a tablet, the above dialogue is slightly different:

Qitting Procedure on the CNC Keyboard/Tablet:

MTS Program
Main Menu F8 Exit I CONT Keys

The F8 function key starts the exit procedure. To make sure you really want to
F8 quit, you are prompted: "<I> and <CONT>: Exit the Simulator". This prompt re-
mains displayed in the dialogue line for about 10 seconds.

Use the key combination <I> and <CONT> to quit the program and return to the
I and CONT
main MTS program menu.

2- 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3. CNC Simulator Main Menu

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu

When starting the CNC Simulator, its main menu appears on the screen. It is the
highest menu level, from which all other processing functions are activated.

Display In order to standardize the user interfaces of the CNC Simulators the same
display and operating principles are used in the turning and milling technologies.
The screen is, in general, divided into three areas:

Screen Window The left screen window in the main menu shows a section of the work space of
the machine tool, with the blank or workpart, the clamping fixture and - depending
on its position - the tool.
A graphic representation of the current work situation is always displayed in this

CNC Turning The view of the work space shows a section in Z/X direction,
depicting the turret, tool, fixture and, if visible, the tailstock and blank
or workpart. This section can be zoomed or reduced continuously.

CNC Milling The display of the work space shows a top view of the workpart.
Additional sections and the crossing axes can also be displayed.

Information Column The right column contains information about certain processing states. The fact
that you are in the Main Menu means no mode has been selected yet. Therefore,
no information is displayed here.

Menu Functions The numbered boxes at the bottom of the screen show the program functions that
can be selected using the function keys during processing.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 1

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Figure 3.-1:
CNC Turning and
Schematic of the Main

Figure 3.-2:
CNC Turning,
Main Menu.

Figure 3.-3:
CNC Milling,
Main Menu.

3- 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3. CNC Simulator Main Menu

The main menu offers you the following options:

NC Editor: Press F1 to start the NC program manager and the NC editor (see
F1 chapter 8).
Automatic Mode: before you select Automatic Mode with F2 , you have to go to
F2 the reference point in Setup Mode (see chapter 4).

F3 Setup Mode: Press F3 to switch to Setup Mode (see chapter 4).

Automatic Setup: Press F4 to start the automatic load of the setup data as
F4 specified in the configuration.
Setup Sheet: the "Setup Sheet" function has been added to version 5.0 of the
F5 CNC Simulator. It allows a specified setup to be generated as a setup sheet and
to be included in an NC program. This enables you an automatic set up of the
CNC Simulator during the program test.

F6 Status Manager: Press F6 to run the status manager.

Graphics, Colors: Press F7 to run the color configuration (see chapter 10). For
F7 turning, this subfunction includes the graphics configuration for the simulation.

F8 Exit Program: Press F8 to quit the CNC Simulator.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 3

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Figure 3.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Setup Sheet menu;
if you have selected
clamping between
centers, for example,
this setup data can be
saved as a setup

Figure 3.1-2:
CNC Milling,
Setup Sheet menu.

3- 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3.1 Setup Sheet

3.1 Setup Sheet and Automatic Setup

A Setup Sheet contains all the information needed for an automatic set up of the
simulated machine tool when starting an NC program. This information includes:
blank/workpart geometry
clamping fixture and method
tool in working position and turret/magazine configuration
offset values of the tools used
A Setup Sheet can be created for every current machine tool status. It is prefixed
to the NC program for which the setup status was created.
During the NC program load in Automatic Mode or for interactive programming the
CNC Simulator is set up automatically with the Setup Sheet Interpreter - if
activated - according to the stored information
To have a machine tool status loaded automatically during the CNC Simulator
start, you can specify the Setup Sheet describing that status in the configuration. If
you enter a Setup Sheet and a status file in the configuration, the Simulator will be
set up according to the status file.


CNC Simulator Setup Menu:

Main Menu F5 Sheet Setup Sheet

Setup Sheet: from the main menu, activate the "Setup Sheet" function by pressing
F5 .
The following options are then available:

F1 Create: to create a Setup Sheet with the current machine status, press F1 .

F2 Delete: to delete an existing Setup Sheet, press F2 .

Interpreter on/off: F3 switches the Setup Sheet interpreter on and off. Its current
F3 status is shown in the dialogue line.

Settings: With F4 you can define which information is to be saved in the Setup
F4 Sheet.
Translate: The information in the Setup Sheet can be saved as text or in coded
F5 form. Use F5 to have the current state translated in accordance with the

F8 Return: F8 takes you back to the main menu.

The Setup Sheet function saves you time because you need not set up the CNC
Simulator every time you want to edit a program. At the same time this machine
tool status can be listed as text in the NC programs, and can be checked or
modified at any time (see Configuration Instructions). We recommend to print out
the NC programs to have the data as a hardcopy as well.

Note Caution: when creating a Setup Sheet for a certain machine tool status, it is
automatically generated and inserted in the NC program without a prompt for
confirmation. If the NC program already has a Setup Sheet prefixed to it, the
existing information is overwritten without control query.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 5

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Figure 3.1-3:
CNC Turning,
example of a Setup
Sheet (excerpt).

Figure 3.1-4:
CNC Milling,
example of a Setup
Sheet (excerpt).

3- 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3.1 Setup Sheet

3.1.1 Setup Sheet Syntax Rules

On the opposite page you see two examples of automatically generated Setup
Sheets. When editing an NC program with the NC editor, you can also edit its
Setup Sheet unless this option has not been included in the configuration.
However, you need to follow the following syntax rules:

Start and End Marker: The character pair "()" marks the start and the end of the Setup Sheet. If one of
these characters is missing, there is no guarantee for a correct program run.

Beginning of Line The beginning of each line is marked by the "(" character, which is normally used
to mark comments.

Delimiter If various items are entered on one line, they need to be separated by at least one

Keywords Certain "keywords" are used for setup information. They indicate the element in
the machine space the subsequent information refers to. The following pages give
a summary of the keywords.
Exm.: ( CYLINDER D100 L135
The "(" character defines the beginning of the line and the following word
"CYLINDER" is the keyword defining the blank.

Parameters The keywords are followed by the dimensions, or the object or file names of the
Exm.: ( T02 RADIUS CUTTER D20 DIN 844
The radius cutter "D20 DIN 844" is located in magazine position "T02".

Element Groups Information belonging together is given in groups for better readability. These
groups make up operational units and must be kept together:
Exm.: ( VICE RS 110
CLAMP HEIGHT E+029.000 Group
OFFSET V+000.000
T01 DRILL D06 Group

Comments If you want to include comments or remarks in the Setup Sheet, insert a further
bracket "(" in front of the comment. Certain comments, e.g. "left front top corner
of workpart", are inserted automatically.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 7

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

CNC Turning: Setup Sheet Keywords

Keyword Meaning

() Start/end marker of the Setup Sheet; these

must not be deleted
Configuration ( CONFIGURATION Group identifier for configuration
( MACHINE The MTS file name denoting the desired
machine tool configuration
( CONTROL The MTS file name denoting the desired
control configuration
Blank ( CYLINDER Definition of blank, followed by blank
( CYLINDER WITH CENTERING Definition of blank, followed by blank
( TUBE Definition of blank, followed by blank
( TUBE WITH BEVEL Definition of blank, followed by blank
( BLANK GEOMETRY Definition of blank geometry, followed by
details of the geometry as an NC program
( BLANK FILE NAME Definition of workpart file, followed by the
file name
Material ( MATERIAL Definition of workpart material
Fixture ( FIXTURE Group identifier, clamping elements in next
( LATHE CHUCK Definition of lathe chuck, followed by chuck
( STEPPED JAW Definition of stepped jaws, followed by
designation: jaw set
( LATHE CENTER Definition of lathe center, followed by
designation: lathe center
( FACE DRIVER Definition of face driver, followed by
designation: face driver
Clamping Method ( CLAMPING METHOD Group identifier, next line indicates
clamping method
( OUTSIDE CLAMPING Defines clamping method (no param.)
( INSIDE CLAMPING Defines clamping method (no param.)
( OUTSIDE STEP Defines stepped jaws (no param.)
( INSIDE STEP Defines stepped jaws (no param.)
( TAILSTOCK POSITION Defines tailstock position, followed by
( SET SLEEVE Defines the sleeve (no parameter)
( DO NOT SET SLEEVE Defines the sleeve (no parameter)
( CLAMP DEPTH Defines the clamping method, followed by
clamping depth
( RECLAMP Defines reclamping (no parameters)
3- 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual
Milling 3.1 Setup Sheet

Keyword Meaning

( CURRENT TOOL Defines the work position, followed by the

turret position under "T".
Tools ( TOOLS Group identifier turret assignment; details:
under ID letter "T" the turret position,
followed by the tool type and number.
RIGHT-HAND CORNER TOOL [tool designations]
Compensation value TAPPING TOOL PREAXIAL
( T.. EMPTY no tool inserted
( ZERO ENGAG. TIMES Zero the tool engagement times (no param.)
( CORRECT COMPENSATION Add the compensation values of the tools
VALUES used to the associated registers (no
( COMPENSATION VALUES Group identifier. Tool comp. values; details:
under "D" the register and then the
compensation values.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 9

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

CNC Milling: Setup Sheet Keywords

String Meaning

() Start/end of the Setup Sheet; the markers

must not be deleted.
Configuration ( CONFIGURATION Group identifier for configuration
( MACHINE The MTS file name denoting the desired
machine configuration
( CONTROL The MTS file name denoting the desired
control configuration
Blank ( BLANK DIMENSIONS Blank definition, followed by the dimensions
( BLANK FILE NAME Definition of the workpart file, followed by
the file name and extension
( WORKPART POSITION Definition of workpart position, followed by
the X/Y coordinates referred to machine
Material ( MATERIAL Definition of workpart material
Chuck ( VICE Group identifier for clamping with vice,
followed by the vice number
( CLAMP HEIGHT Definition of clamping height, followed by
the value under E
( OFFSET Definition of clamping, offset of vice in v
( ALIGNMENT Definition of clamping, alignment of the vice
( MODULAR CLAMPING Group identifier for modular clamping, in the
following lines are: dimension and position
of the chucking modules by X/Y/Z
coordinates referred to machine datum
( CLAMP HEIGHT Definition of clamping height, followed by
the value under "E"
( MAGNETIC PLATE CLAMPING Definition of clamping type (no parameters)
( RECLAMP Group identifier for reclamping (no
( HORIZONTAL Reclamping mode (no parameters)
( VERTICAL Reclamping mode (no parameters)
( PLANE SELECTION Definition of plane (G17/G18/G19)
( CURRENT TOOL Definition of working tool, followed by the
magazine position under "T".
( TOOLS Group identifier for magazine assignment;
details: under ID letter "T" the magazine
position, followed by the tool type and

3- 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 3.1 Setup Sheet

SHANK-TYPE END MILLS [Tool designations]

Compensation value SIDE MILLING CUTTER
register TWIST DRILL
( T.. EMPTY no tool inserted
( CORRECT COMPENSATION Add the compensation values of the tool
VALUES used to the associated registers (no
( COMPENSATION VALUES Group identifier. Tool compensation values;
in the following lines the register is entered
under "D" followed by the correction values.
( ZERO ENGAG. TIMES Zero the tool engagement times (no param.)

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 11

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Figure 3.1.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Setup Sheet,
Menu of default

3- 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3.1 Setup Sheet

3.1.2 Setup Sheet Default Settings

Before the Setup Sheet is automatically generated, you can specify in the
submenu "Settings" which data of the current machine status you want to save. To
do this, select the corresponding data in the input fields of the upper screen area:


Use the key or the key combination + to activate the input fields one by

or Use the and cursor keys to select the available data in the input field. The
following settings are possible:

Input Field Settings

Workpart yes/no: this setting specifies whether the workpart

data are to be included.
Fixture yes/no: this setting specifies whether the clamping
fixture data are to be included.
Tools yes/no: this setting specifies whether the tool data
are to be included.
Offset Values Correct comp. values/List of storage/no: this
setting specifies whether the compensation values
are to be included.
Configuration yes/no: this setting specifies whether the
configuration files are to be included.
Save in [language]/no language
Setup Sheet The [language] setting (e.g. "English") saves the text
information in the current language; "no language"
means that the text information is coded. In this
case the Setup Sheet can be used in various
different language versions of the CNC Simulator.
Target language for to [language]/no language To translate a text
translation Setup Sheet to a coded version (or vice versa),
choose the corresponding setting.

F7 or ESC Cancel: F7 or ESC

cancels the function.

F8 or Return: F8 or
accepts the current settings and returns you to the starting

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 13

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Figure 3.1.3-1:
CNC Turning
Creating the Setup
Selecting the NC
program in which to
include the current
machine tool status as
a Setup Sheet.

3- 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3.1 Setup Sheet

3.1.3 Create Setup Sheet

Before creating a Setup Sheet you need to specify the NC program to which it is
to be prefixed, or to enter a new program name:

Create: to create a Setup Sheet recording of the current machine tool status,
F1 press F1 .

The File Selection window (see chapter 2) is then displayed listing all NC
programs in the current path:

or You can go through the list using the and cursor keys to select an existing
NC program.

[File Name] Or you can enter the name of the NC program file directly in the "Selection" input
You have to enter the file name always directly when creating a Setup Sheet
for a new NC program.

Then confirm your input with .

The Setup Sheet is then automatically generated and prefixed to the NC program.
If the selected NC program already contains a Setup Sheet, the existing setup
information is overwritten without prompting the user for confirmation.

New Program When entering a new file name, not only the Setup Sheet but also the NC
program has to be created as a new file, therefore, you are prompted as follows:

The program does not exist!

Create program? (Y/N)

N or ESC Press N or ESC

to cancel the procedure.

or Press or to confirm that you want to create the program.

The new NC program and Setup Sheet are then created.

3.1.4 Delete Setup Sheet

This function allows you to delete an existing Setup Sheet from an NC program. It
works in the same way as above (activate function, enter file name, confirm).

Now try to use the "Create Setup Sheet" and "Delete Setup Sheet"
functions with a new NC program!
Also switch on the Setup Sheet Interpreter, to generate Setup Sheets for
various machine tool states and load these NC programs in Automatic
Mode. This practical exercise demonstrates how the CNC Simulator is
automatically set up.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 15

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Figure 3.1.5-1:
CNC Turning,
a sample Setup Sheet
with text information

Figure 3.1.5-2:
CNC Turning,
a sample Setup Sheet,
translated version in
coded form (excerpt).

3- 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3.1 Setup Sheet

3.1.5 Translate Setup Sheet

The CNC Simulator is available in various language versions, including German
and English. To allow you to use existing NC programs and Setup Sheets when
changing from one language into another these can be translated into a
"language-neutral" version first. You can then switch into the language of your
option and load the language-neutral versions and have them translated into the
current language.

In this automatic translation process, all keywords of the Setup Sheets are either
translated into coded strings of characters or translated from a coded version into
a language version.

In the submenu "Settings" you first specify which version the Setup Sheet of the
NC program is to be translated into.

Translate: To have the Setup Sheet of an existing NC program translated,

F5 press F5 .

The File Selection window (see chapter 2) is then displayed, listing all NC
programs in the current path:

or Use the and keys to go through the list to select an existing NC program.

[File Name] Or enter the name of the NC program file directly in the "Selection" input line.

Then confirm your input with . The Setup Sheet is then automatically

3.1.6 Automatic Setup

To facilitate setting up the CNC Simulator, an existing setup status that has been
specified in the configuration (see Configuration Instructions) can be
automatically loaded:

Automatic Setup: this function is activated by pressing the F4 function key from
F4 the main menu. The CNC Simulator is then set up automatically.

The purpose of the "Automatic Setup" function is to minimize recurring setup

work. It is particularly useful for the CNC training when the focus is on NC
programming using standard machine settings. In the configuration you specify
which existing Setup Sheet is to be loaded automatically.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 17

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Figure 3.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Status Manager

Figure 3.2-2:
CNC Milling,
Status Manager

Figure 3.2-3:
CNC Milling,
File Selection window
with existing status

3- 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 3.2 Status Manager

3.2 Status Manager

In addition to the Setup Sheet function, the CNC Simulator also allows you to save
any editing status as a "Status File" and to load it again later on.
The editing status includes:
exact workpart geometry
clamping method
turret/magazine configuration, compensation values and current working tool
current technology values
The machining of workparts can thus be interrupted and resumed at a later time,
or it can be done in sections without having to repeat previous operation steps.


CNC Simulator Menu:

Main Menu F6 Status
Status Manager

Status: the Status Manager is activated by pressing F6 from the main menu of
F6 the CNC Simulator.

The following options are then available:

F1 Save status: to save the current editing status, press F1 .

F2 Load status: to load a stored editing status, press F2 .

F3 Delete status: to delete a saved editing status, press F3 .

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the Main Menu.

The procedures in the status manager are analogous to the Setup Sheet functions.

Like the Setup Sheet, the Status Manager saves time. with the difference,
however, that a processing status usually also includes the workpart machining
steps stored in an NC program.
To keep your system well-organized, we recommend to save the current status
always together with the reference to the NC program.

Note The configuration of the CNC Turning or Milling Simulator allows you to load a
certain status as soon as you start the system (see Configuration Instructions,
Machine Tool Configuration). If the configuration contains a Status File and a
Setup Sheet at the same time, the Simulator is automatically set up according to
the Status File.

MTS GmbH 1996 3- 19

3. CNC Simulator Main Menu Turning and Milling

Load Status

Press F2 to activate the "Load Status" function. All saved status files are listed for
F2 your selection (see figure).

or Move the cursor to the desired status file or enter the corresponding file name.

Then press to confirm the input. You then return to the Main Menu and the
selected status is loaded.

Save Status

To save the current processing status in a file, press F1 . Like in the "Load status"
F1 function, a list of existing status files is displayed in the selection window.

[File Name] Enter the name you want to save the current status with .

Then confirm your input with . The processing status is automatically saved
and you return to the Main Menu.
A saved status can be loaded again at any time.

Note If you enter an already existing file name, the (existing) file is overwritten, i.e.
the old status information is deleted. You are not prompted to confirm! You
should therefore always check your inputs before confirming with .
We also recommend to use file names that can be clearly associated with their
function. This makes it easier to identify the files later on.

Delete Status

Press F3 to delete an existing status file. As in the "Load Status" function, the File
F3 Selection window is displayed.

[File Name] Enter the name of the file you want to delete .

If you confirm this input with , you are prompted as follows:

Do you really want to delete this status?

= NO, = YES

ESC If you want to check your inputs one more time, cancel the procedure with ESC

If you confirm the prompt by pressing , the status file is deleted and you return
to the Status Manager.

Note The status manager path shown at the top left corner of the selection window is
a default set during software installation. It is not possible to choose an other
directory for this.

3- 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4. Setup Mode

4. Setup Mode

The setup or manual mode is used for preliminary work such as:
Inserting the blank/preproduced workpart,
Selection of the clamping method and clamping method management
Tooling (configuration) of the turret/magazine and tool manager,
Entry of the tool compensation values,
Go to the reference points,
Determining the workpart zeropoint etc.
The CNC Simulator thus includes the same operation steps as are required to set
up a machine tool. Here all functionally necessary activities (referencing, entry of
the tool compensation values) are obligatory.
Of course, it is possible to process with manual control as well.

Note The entries you make in the setup mode have to agree with the presettings of the
configuration. Otherwise the corresponding error message is displayed. The
currently selected configuration files (cf. configuration instructions) are relevant
for processing.


Main Menu
CNC Simulator F3 Setup Mode Menu: Setup
Mode Start

Proceeding from the main menu, you call up the setup mode with the function
key F3 (PC keyboard)

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 1

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.-1:
CNC Turning and
schematic of the Setup
Mode menu

Figure 4.-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode menu.

4- 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4. Setup Mode

Setup Mode Menu

Due to the extensive processing possibilities of the version 5 in the setup mode it
was necessary to make various submenus to the Setup Mode menu . The
following program functions are called from within the Setup Mode menu with the
function keys :

Workpart/Clamping Fixture: With F1 you select the workpart and clamping

F1 fixture manager to determine a new blank, to select the clamping method and to
determine the clamping.

F2 Reference Point: You move to the reference point with F2 .

F3 Technology: To enter the technology values, select F3 .

Tool/Zeropoint: With F4 you switch to the tool manager to determine the

F4 zeropoint.
Override/Times: To change the feedrate override and to determine the
F5 engagement times of the tools, select F5 .

[Measuring/] 3D view: With F6 you switch to the "Measuring" functions (only

F6 CNC Turning) or 3D view.

F7 Graphical Display: To change the display, select F7 .

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the main menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 3

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.-3:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode menu.

Figure 4.-4:
CNC Milling;
Display of a circular movement in the three machining planes G17, G18, G19:

Plane selection longitudinal lateral vertical

G17 X Y Z

G18 X Z -Y
G19 Z Y -X

4- 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4. Setup Mode

Screen Display
Screen Windows The screen display layout corresponds to that of the main menu: the left screen
window shows a section of the work space of the machine tool with a blank or a
workpart, clamping fixtures and - according to its position - a tool. Basically the
current working situation is displayed graphically in this screen window.

Note As already described, the screen display can be modified both in turning
(sectional displays, zooming etc.) and in milling (sectional and axial display etc.)
(cf. Chapter 10).

Information Column Unlike the main menu, information on the current machine status is given in the
right column:

Machine Status CNC Turning CNC Milling

Coordinates 1 X/Z/C X/Y/Z
current tool current tool
position [in mm] position [in mm]2
System Status S : Spindle speed S : Spindle speed
max.3: 9000 rpm max.3: 6000 rpm
min.3: 0010 rpm min.3: 0010 rpm
F : Feedrate F : Feedrate
max.3: 50,0 mm/rev max.3: 999,0 mm/Min.
min.3: 0,001 mm/rev min.3: 0,001 mm/Min.
Txxyy : Working tool Txxyy : Working tool
xx : Turret position xx : Magazine position
yy : Compensation value yy : Compensation value
reg. reg.
Cutting Speed in m/Min. in m/Min.
Spindle/Coolant M03 - M05 / M07 - M09 M03 - M05 / M07 - M09
Increment [in mm] 1.0 / 0.1 / 0.01 / 0.001 1.0 / 0.1 / 0.01 / 0.001
Blank [in mm] D : Diameter X : Length4
L : Length Y : Width4
Z : Height4
Override 10 - 150 % 10 - 150 %

Under consideration of tool compensation values and workpart zero
Observe plane selection
As to standard configuration
As to plane selection G17

CNC Milling Note that the plane selection ("G17", "G18" or "G19") made in the
configuration is taken into account in the coordinate data (cf. the Table
on the opposite page).

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 5

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.-2:
Overview of the
processing possibilities
in the Setup Mode.

4- 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4. Setup Mode

After the start, the CNC Simulator is set up as standard (provided no status file or
another setup sheet is stored in the configuration, cf. configuration instructions) in
accordance with the setup sheet "DSTART.DNC/FSTART.FNC" with blank,
clamping, turret or magazine configuration. Naturally, the simulated machine tool
can be re-equipped in the setup mode.

Submenus Many processing functions are available for setting up the simulated CNC
machine. Please refer to the overview on the opposite page for the menu
structure of the Setup Mode.
The submenus are called up, as a rule, by using the function keys:

Example of Selection:

Menu Tool/ Comp. Value Compensation

Setup Mode F4 Zeropoint F3 Register value entry

For the purpose of the CNC Simulator to be as identical as possible with the CNC
machine tool, the CNC symbols and further icons can be displayed on the screen
instead of the labelling of the function keys.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 7

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
"Workpart and
clamping fixture
definition" menu.

Figure 4.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
"Workpart and
clamping fixture
definition" menu.

Figure 4.1-3:
CNC Milling,
"Workpart and
clamping fixture
definition" menu.

4- 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.1 Blank/Workpart

4.1 Blank / Workpart

The "Workpart and clamping fixture definition" is performed in a separate
submenu called from within the Setup Mode menu with F1 . In this menu, the
boxes at the bottom margin of the screen indicate the next operation steps

F1 New workpart: To call up the submenu for defining the blank, press F1 .

F2 Reclamp: To reclamp a workpart, press F2 .

Change clamping fixture : To change the clamping fixture and the clamping
F3 method, press F3 .

New clamping: If you want to clamp a workpart anew, switch with F5 directly to
F5 the "Define clamping" menu.
Workpart Manager: To save the current workpart, call up the Workpart Manager
F6 with F6 .

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the main processing level of the setup mode.

CNC Turning In addition to the above processing possibilities, the turning CNC
Simulator also offers the option of setting a tailstock:

F4 Tailstock position : With F4 select the submenu to set or drop the tailstock.

Note In the menu sequence: "Determine blank" --> "Select clamping fixture" -->
"Determine clamping" the execution of the work steps depending functionally on
each another is prompted automatically in the required sequence and order .

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 9

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.1.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
blank changing.

Figure 4.1.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Workpart and
clamping fixture
"Change blank" menu.

4- 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.1.1 CNC Turning: Blank Changing

4.1.1 CNC Turning: Blank Changing

The "Blank magazine" has four different blank types you can equip
the CNC Simulator with.
Before entering the blank dimensions, first select the required blank
type, and then enter the blank dimensions in the following menu.

Preproduced workparts can also be read-in.


Menu Workpart/ New Blank Type

Setup Mode F1 Clamping Fix. F1 Workpart Selection

Proceeding from the "Workpart and Clamping Fixture Definition" menu, you
switch with F1 ("New workpart") to the "Blank Changing" menu:

F1 Cylinder: To insert a cylinder, press F1 .

Cylinder centered: Should the cylinder be readily centered on the front face or
F2 chuck side, press F2 .

F3 Tube: To insert a tube, press F3 .

F4 Tube with bevel: Should the tube be readily bevelled inside, press F4 .

Workpart with/without clamping fixture: Apart from determining a blank, the

F5 or F6 CNC Simulator workpart manager is able to store readily machined parts as files
and to load them again with or without clamping fixture. The workpart manager
saves time and work when preproduced parts (e.g. castings or forgings) are used.
To insert a preproduced part, call up the Workpart Manager with F5 or F6 .

F7 or ESC Setup Mode: With F7 you interrupt processing and return to the starting situation.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 11

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.1.1-3:
CNC Turning,
Blank Definition;
Entry of the
dimensions for an
already centered

Figure 4.1.1-4:
CNC Turning,
Blank Dimensions.

Blank Dimensions Cylinder Tube Tube w. bevel
Length L L L L
(Diameter) D D D D
, internal I I
Chuck side, bevel angle A A
Chuck side, of the bevel D D
Front face, bevel angle A A
Front face, of the bevel D D

4- 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.1.1 CNC Turning: Blank Changing

Enter Blank Dimensions

After having selected one of the described blank types, the dimensions of the
required blank can be entered in the following menu in the information column
on the right side of the screen . Proceed as follows:

or You move from input field to input field with the key (or and ) or .

[Value statement] Enter the desired dimensions in the input fields.

The following menu functions are also available:

Display workpart: To display now the new blank in the dimensions entered, press
F1 F1 .

F3 Material: Under F3 "Material", enter the material of the blank and confirm with .

Work space: To display the entire work space, press F5 . You can also switch
F5 back to the standard display with F5 .

F7 or ESC Interrupt: Interrupt processing with F7 and return to the starting situation.

F8 Accept: After you have entered all values, confirm your entry with F8 .

The next menu for selecting the clamping fixture is then loaded

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 13

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.1.2-1:
CNC Milling,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
blank changing.

Figure 4.1.2-2:
CNC Milling,
Workpart and
clamping fixture
Entry of the blank

Blank Dimensions G17 G18 G19

Length X X Z
Width Y Z Y
Height Z Y X

4- 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.1.2 CNC Milling: Blank Changing

4.1.2 CNC Milling: Blank Changing

A new blank is selected for the milling CNC Simulator by entering the
blank dimensions (in mm).
Preproduced workparts can be read-in as well.


Menu Workpart/ New Blank

Setup Mode F1 Clamping Fix. F1 Workpart Change

Proceeding from the "Workpart and Clamping Fixture Definition" menu, you
change to the "Blank Change" menu with F1 ("New Workpart"). Then enter the
dimensions of the blank required in the information column on the right side
of the screen:

Specification of the Blank Dimensions

or You move from input field to input field with the key (or and ) or .

[Value Statement] In the input fields you enter the desired dimensions (in mm): length, width and
height. Note the plane selection specified in the configuration ("G17", "G18" or
"G19"). It needs to be taken into account when entering the dimensions (cf.
overview opposite page)!

Furthermore, the following menu functions are available:

Workpart with/without clamping fixture : Apart from defining a blank, the CNC
F1 or F2 Simulator workpart manager is able to store ready machined parts and to load
them again with or without clamping fixture. The workpart manager saves time
when preproduced parts (e.g. castings or forgings) are used.
To insert a preproduced part, call up the workpart manager with F1 or F2 .
Material: In this subsequent menu you specify the material of the blank/workpart
and confirm it with .
Work space: To display the entire work space, press F5 . You also switch back to
F5 the standard display with F5 .

F6 Change view: You can change the view onto the workpart with F6 .

F7 or ESC Cancel: You cancel processing with F7 or ESC

and return to the starting situation.

Confirm: After having entered all values, confirm your entries with F8 .
F8 The next menu for selecting the clamping method is then loaded

You can also change the viewing perspective of the workpart while
determining the blank and clamping method. This display option remains
active only during the current processing.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 15

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.1.2-3:
CNC Milling;
Blank and clamping
method definition;
Changing the
perspective onto the
workpart: in this
example the "military
perspective" is

Figure 4.1.2-4:
CNC Milling, different views of the workpart in the blank and clamping method definition:
Above left: top view of the entire work space; above right: cavalier perspective; below left: military
perspective; below right: office perspective.

4- 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.1.2 CNC Milling: Blank Changing

Perspective Views
To illustrate the clamping situation (helpful especially in modular clamping), you
can display different views of it. The "Change View" menu is called from the
"Blank Change" menu with F6 . You can then choose between the following views:

Top view: If you have selected another perspective, switch back to the standard
F1 display: top view onto the workpart with F1 .
Cavalier perspective: The "cavalier perspective" shows the workpart and
F2 clamping fixture from a slightly elevated side-view perspective: the work space of
the machine tool being in the front sideways..
Military perspective: The "military perspective" shows the workpart and
F3 clamping fixture from a highly elevated top-view perspective: the work space of
the machine tool being in the front laterally.
Office perspective: The "office perspective" shows the front perspective
F4 elevation of the workpart and clamping fixture. This display view can be further
modified with the "Change Viewpoint" function (cf. below).
Work space: You display the dimensions of the work space (in X/Y direction
F5 according to G17) in the screen with this function. The work space is highlighted
in color and cross-hatched.
To cancel this type of display, press F5 again.
Change viewpoint : This function is activated only if office perspective has been
F6 selected . You can then modify this display with F6 .

Return: After having selected the perspective, F8 returns you to the starting
F8 situation.

Note The currently active display type is highlighted in the function key menu.

Change Viewing Point

Only in case you have first selected the office perspective it is possible to modify
further the screen display with F6 "Change Viewpoint":

Turn to the left/right : You shift the viewing position to the left or right with F1 or
F1 or F2 F2 respectively.

Raise/lower view: You shift the viewing position higher or lower with F3 or F4
F3 or F4 respectively.
Increase/reduce distance: You shift the viewing position closer to the workpart
F5 or F6 or increase the viewing distance to the workpart with F5 or F6 respectively.

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the starting position.

Note The terms "cavalier perspective", "office perspective" and "military perspective"
are technical terms from projective geometry. The cavalier perspective and the
military perspective are parallel projections with the projection plane parallel to
the X/Z plane (cavalier perspective) or X/Y plane (military perspective).
The office perspective is a central projection (defined by the viewing point and the
projection plane), rendering closest the natural picture of the object. In the office
perspective, the viewing distance and perspectice of the observer can be
changed with the cursor keys F1 - F4 .

Perspective displays are possible for blank and clamping method definition.
Preproduced workparts can be shown only in the top view.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 17

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.1.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for the
Workpart Manager

Figure 4.1.2-1:
CNC Milling,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for the
Workpart Manager.

Figure 4.1.3-3/4:
CNC Turning,
Workpart Manager;
File information for
loading a preproduced

4- 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.1.3 Workpart Manager

4.1.3 Workpart Manager

Inserting an Existing Workpart

In addition to the blank definition, the CNC Simulator includes a workpart manager
to store already machined parts in files and to load them again with or without
clamping fixture. The workpart manager is a great support when working with
preproduced parts (e.g. castings or forgings).

Selection Example CNC Turning:

Menu Workpart/ New Workp.

Setup Mode F1 Clamping Fix. F1 Workpart F5 w. Fixt.

Selection Example CNC Milling:

Menu Workpart/ New Workp.

Setup Mode F1 Clamping Fix. F1 Workpart F2 witho. Fixt.

To insert a preproduced workpart, select the function "Workpart with/without

clamping fixture" with F5 or F6 (CNC Turning) or with F1 or F2 (CNC Milling) in
the "Blank Change" menu.

The file selection window is then loaded for the selection of the workpart. Enter
the file name of the desired workpart in its input field or search for the desired
part with the cursor keys (please refer to Chapter 2 for handling of the file
selection window).

ESC You cancel selection of a workpart with ESC


You confirm the selected workpart with .

To avoid collision, be sure to leave enought distance between the tool

(-holder) and the clamping fixture when i nserting a new workpart.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 19

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.1.1-4:
CNC Turning,
Workpart Manager;
Save or delete a

Figure 4.1.3-5:
CNC Turning,
Workpart Manager;
File information to
save a preproduced

4- 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.1.3 Workpart Manager

Saving/Deleting a Preproduced Workpart

To save or delete a preproduced workpart, select the function "Workpart

Manager" with F6 in the "Blank and Clamping Method Definition" menu.

Selection Example CNC Milling:

Workpart/Clamp. Workpart Save Statem.: Workp.

fixture menu F6 Manager F1 workpart file name

This then loads a submenu in which you state whether the workpart should be
saved or an already existing one deleted:

F1 Save workpart: With F1 you save the current workpart as a file.

F2 Delete workpart: With F2 you select the existing workpart file to delete it.

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the starting situation.

After having chosen the processing function, the file selection window is loaded.
Enter the file name of the workpart to be saved or deleted (cf. above, Chapter 2
for handling the file selection window) in its input field.


you cancel the selection of a workpart.

With you confirm the selected workpart.

Control Enquiry After you have once pressed the key to delete a file an additional control query
is displayed before a workpart file is deleted or overwritten (this would be the case
if the name entered for the file to be saved is identical with an already existing file
name), to enable you to cancel the funcion in time.


you cancel processing.

With you confirm the control query.

You then return to the starting position.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 21

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
"Workpart and
Clamping Fixture
Definition" menu.

Figure 4.2-2:
CNC Turning,
clamping between

Figure 4.2-3:
CNC Milling,
modular clamping.

4- 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2 Clamping Fixtures

4.2 Clamping Fixtures

The clamping fixtures (clamping devices) required for workpart clamping depend
on the type of machining and on the geometry of the workpart. MTS Simulators
permit most of the current customary clamping situations used in production. The
version 5 has its own extensive clamping fixture manager including several
options for workpart clamping.

The starting point for the selection of the clamping fixture and specification of the
clamping method is the "Workpart and Clamping Fixture Definition" menu.
Proceeding from the Setup Mode menu, it is called with F1 :

F1 New workpart: With F1 you call the submenu to define the blank.

F2 Reclamp: To reclamp a workpart, press F2 .

Change clamping fixture: To change the clamping fixture and the clamping
F3 method, press F3 .
New clamping: If you want to change only the clamping method of a workpart,
F5 switch with F5 directly to the "Define Clamping Method" menu.
Workpart Manager: To save the current workpart, call the workpart manager with
F6 F6 .

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the main processing level of the Setup mode.

CNC Turning In addition to the above listed processing options, the turning CNC
Simulator also offers the use of the tailstock:

F4 Tailstock position : With F4 you call the submenu to set or drop the tailstock.

Procedure In general, there are two processing paths to determine the clamping method:

1.) If you define a new blank, the menus for "Selecting the clamping fixture" and
"Defining the clamping method" are loaded in direct sequence and you can
perform the necessary work steps consecutively.

2.) On the other hand, it is also possible to call up the selection of the clamping
fixtures or the definition of the clamping method separately.
In this case, the clamping fixture manager is activated to load or redefine
individual clamping elements for turning after selection of the clamping fixture.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 23

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the menu
sequence for selecting
the clamping fixture
and defining the
clamping method after
a blank change.

Figure 4.2.1-2:
CNC Turning,
workpart and clamping
"Clamping Fixture
Selection" menu.

4- 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures

4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures

Selection of Clamping Fixtures

In the Simulator for Turning, the clamping system consists of a lathe
chuck with stepped jaws (multiple jaw chuck); as an alternative,
clamping between centers with front driver and tool arbor/lathe
centers is also possible.
All clamping elements can be defined and assembled individually in the clamping
fixture manager.
The user specifies the geometrical dimensions of the tailstock and of the spindle in
the configuration.


Menu: Workpart/ Change clp. Menu: Clamping

Clamping fixture F3 fixture Fixt. Selection

Automatic Menu Guidance:

Blank dimension Menu: Clamping

input F8 Confirm
Fixt. Selection

The menu for clamping fixture selection is loaded either automatically after blank
definition or it is loaded proceeding from the "Workpart/Clamping Fixture" menu
with F3 "Change Clamping Fixture".

The clamping fixture selection is supported by five displayed graphic

presentations of the types of clamping.
Depending on the blank/workpart inserted, those clamping methods which are
not available for workpart clamping are crossed out in the display. Select the
desired clamping method by marking the corresponding presentation with the
color-highlighted frame :

Previous clamping type: Move the frame counterclockwise with F1 or the cursor
F1 or
key .

F2 or Next clamping type : Move the frame clockwise with F2 or the cursor key .

With/without tailstock : If you intend to set the tailstock as well, press F6 . In this
F6 case a lathe center is additionally displayed in the front area of the clamping
To drop the tailstock, press F6 again.

F7 or ESC Return: With F7 or ESC

you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

F8 or Accept: You confirm the marked type of clamping with F8 or .

Subsequently either the menu for defining the clamping method or the
Clamping Fixture Manager is loaded automatically.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 25

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.1-3:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
changing a clamping

Figure 4.2.1-4:
CNC Turning,
clamping fixture
Main menu.

4- 26 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures

Changing a Clamping Element

The turning Simulator has an independent clamping fixture manager for defining
and replacing of individual clamping elements.


Menu: Workp./ Change clp. Confirm clp. Menu: Clp.

Clamp. fixt. F3 fixture F3 type Fixt. Manager

After having selected the clamping type, the clamping element manager is loaded
automatically. However, if you have already defined a blank, this menu is
skipped. In this case select the clamping fixture manager with F3 via the menu
item "Change Clamping Fixture ".

The clamping fixture manager is described in this chapter only as fas as

necessary for changing clamping fixtures. Later on, it is discussed in detail..

Clamping Fixture The menu structure of the clamping fixture manager is similar to those of the tool
Manager manager (see below, p. 89):
1.) The upper screen area shows auxiliary graphics, information and input
In the main menu the clamping fixture groups are displayed in this area,
subdivided into the groups of currently used clamping element (or: "non-
inserted") and of "non-insertable clamping elements " (due to the
selected type of clamping).
In addition, information on spindle and tailstock/sleeve is given in the
bottom part of the screen.
2.) The function keys are displayed in the lower screen margin.

Change clamping fixture : With F1 you can use a new clamping element of the
F1 marked clamping fixture group.
Management menu: To define or to change or to delete a clamping element,
F5 press F5 . To avoid unauthorized interventions in the clamping fixture manager,
this function can be protected with a "password" (cf. Configuration Instructions).
Return: With F8 you confirm the listed combination of the clamping elements and
F8 switch to the menu for defining the clamping method.

Procedure To insert a new clamping element, first select the applicable clamping fixture
group and then switch to the submenu of this group:

With the cursor keys or you mark the desired clamping fixture group. In this
or case those clamping elements cannot be selected, of course, which are not
available for the specified clamping element.
Change clamping fixture : To pick up a new clamping element from this group,
F1 switch with F1 onto the selection menu of this clamping fixture group.

ESC You cancel processing and return to the starting situation with ESC

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 27

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.1-5:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
stepped jaws;
Selection of a
clamping element.

Figure 4.2.1-6:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
stepped jaws;
Display clamping

4- 28 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures

Overview In the selection menu of the clamping fixture manager, a graphic presentation of
the currently selected clamping element is shown next to the information field (or
input fields) (cf. Figure) for a better overview. Furthermore, the names of the
available clamping elements are listed.

Please note that after having selected a lathe chuck only the acceptable
stepped jaws are offered.
The following operation functions are available:

Show clamping fixture : With F1 you call up information on the currently

F1 selected chuck/clamping element.
Select clamping fixture: To select from the existing clamping elements those
F2 meeting the geometrical criteria, you can have these searched for and listed. A
detailed description of this function is given in the following chapter.

F8 Confirm: With F8 you accept the selected clamping element.


you cancel processing and switch back to the starting position.

Procedure To select a new clamping element, first mark the desired element in the overview
and then confirm your choice:

With the cursor keys or (in extensive lists you may also use or ), you
or mark the clamping element you want to select.
Selection: With F8 you confirm the selected clamping element; then you return
to the main menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager.
Individual Information The selcection of the clamping element from the listed overview can alternatively
be done by calling detailed information on each individual clamping element: This
display function is available in the overview of the Clamping Fixture Manager for
checking the geometical dimensions of the clamping element.

F1 Show clamping fixture: Detailed information is called with F1 .

Procedure: A clamping element is selected from the "individual display" in a similar way as
described above:

F1 Element list window: You return to the overview of all clamping elements with
F1 .
Make element list: To select from the list of all clamping elements the clamping
F2 elements meeting the geometrical criteria you can have these searched for and
listed as a new list.
Previous entry: With F5 , the geometrical data of the listed clamping element
F5 preceding the currently marked one are displayed.
Next entry: With F6 , the geometrical data of the listed clamping element
F6 following the currently marked one are displayed.

F8 Selection: With F8 you select the currently displayed clamping element.


you cancel the current processing and return to the Selection menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 29

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.1-7:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
"Defining the clamping
method" menu;
workpart clamping with
stepped jaws.

Figure 4.2.1-8:
CNC Turning,
defining the clamping
method with a stepped
jaw chuck.

4- 30 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures

Defining Clamping Method

Clamping Types The definition of the clamping method depends on the clamping type:
Clamping with a jaw chuck or
Clamping between centers.

The "Defining the clamping method" function is offered automatically after the
Clamping Fixture Manager or after the blank definition/selection of the clamping
This function is also loaded if you have selected "Reclamp" with F2 or "New
clamping" with F5 proceeding from the "Workpart/Clamping Fixture" menu.

Clamping with Jaw Chuck

When using a jaw chuck, you need to position the workpart and to close/open the
stepped jaws; for this the following functions are available:

Workpart -->/Workpart <--: Shift the workpart to the desired clamping position
F1 or
with F1 or F2 or the cursor keys or .
The information messages "Clamping depth" and "Chucking length " indicate
F2 or how the workpart is clamped (cf. Figure); "Workpart Pos." shows the workpart
position in relation to the machine zeropoint; "Increment" shows how many units
the clamping fixture has been shifted.

F3 or
Clamping fixture open/close : To close or open the clamping fixture,
press the function keys F3 or F4 or the cursor keys or . If the clamping
F4 or fixture is closed, this is indicated by a corresponding message.

Work space: If you want to display the entire work space, press F5 . You can also
F5 return to the standard display with F5 .
[Tailstock position] : If both the tailstock and the jaw clamping can be set, switch
F6 to the "Set/Drop Tailstock" menu (cf. below) with F6 .
Clamping Fixture menu: To replace clamping elements or to change the entire
F7 or ESC type of the workpart clamping, return with F7 or ESC to the selection of the
clamping fixture.

F8 or After defining the clamping method, confirm this with F8 or .

Note To position the workpart more precisely, you can additionally change the
"increment". The unit indicating how much the workpart has been shifted after
pressing once either of the keys F1 or F2 is called "increment" (please refer to
Section 4.5 below for setting the increment).

After having confirmed the clamping method, the starting menu "Workpart and
Clamping Fixture Definition" is automatically loaded. F8 returns you from there to
the main menu of the Setup Mode.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 31

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.1-9:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
"Defining the clamping
type" menu for
workpart clamping
between centers.

Figure 4.2.1-10:
CNC Turning,
defining the clamping
method for clamping
between centers.

Figure 4.2.1-11:
CNC Turning,
workpart and clamping
fixture definition;
If the workpart cannot
be clamped with the
selected clamping
devices, the error
message "Workpart
cannot be clamped" is
displayed and the
program switches
automatically back to
selection of the
clamping method. In
this example the
selected face driver is
too large.In such a case,
change either the blank
dimensions, type of
clamping or clamping

4- 32 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures

Positioning of Tailstock and Sleeve

When clamping between centers, the face driver is inserted automatically and you
set the tailstock and sleeve manually.

This menu is available if either the "With tailstock" option or clamping between
centers (possible for centered or machined parts) has been selected at the
clamping type selection.

Note In the machine configuration you enter whether you want to simulate a lathe with
tailstock and define the geometrical dimensions of tailstock and sleeve as well as
the increment for positioning the tailstock.

Two operational steps are necessary to set or drop the tailstock and the sleeve:

Tailstock -->/Tailstock <-- : At first the tailstock is moved with the function keys
F1 or
F1 and F2 or the cursor keys and close enough to the workpart sleeve to
set. At the same time the "shift" of the tailstock is displayed on the screen.
F2 or The information messages "Tailstock" and "Sleeve tip" indicate the respective
positions with regard to the workpart zeropoint (cf. Figure).

Set sleeve/open sleeve: The sleeve is then set to clamp the workpart with F3 .
F3 or
F4 The sleeve is opened again with F4 .
If the workpart is clamped, this is indicated with a corresponding message.
The information message "Sleeve tip chucking length " indicates the chucking
length (cf. Figure).
Work space: If you want to display the entire work space, press F5 . You can also
F5 switch back to the standard display with F5 .

Clamping Fixture menu: Cancel processing with F7 or ESC

and return to the
F7 or ESC
selection of the clamping fixture.

After clamping the workpart, confirm this with F8 or .

F8 or
The "Workpart and Clamping Fixture Definition" menu is then automatically
loaded. F8 returns you from there to the main menu of the Setup Mode.

Before you set the tailstock, be sure to have the tool positioned far enough from
the rotation axis and to have the spindle switched off.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 33

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.1-12:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
"Workpart and
Clamping Fixture
Definition" menu.

Figure 4.2.1-13:
CNC Turning,
reclamped workpart.

4- 34 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.1 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixtures

Reclamping a Workpart
Workparts can be reclamped for further machining on both sides as many times as


Main Menu Workpart/Cl

Setup Mode F1 p. fixt. F2 Reclamping


After calling up the "Workpart and Clamping Fixture Definition" menu from the
Setup Mode, you can reclamp the currently clamped workpart with F2 .

The workpart is displayed on the screen rotated 180.

The menu for defining the clamping method is then loaded automatically (cf.

A guide through the tailstock tip is used not only to clamp between centers but can
also be selected to clamp with the stepped jaw chuck, e.g. to machine shafts.

This clamping method can be defined only if the function "With tailstock"
has been activated in the "Clamping Type Selection" menu.


Main Menu Workpart/ Tailstock Set/reset

Setup Mode F1 Clp. fixt. F4 position tailstock/sleeve

To use or drop the tailstock, call up the function "Tailstock position" with F4 in the
"Workpart/Clamping Fixture Definition" menu.

The further handling steps are identical with those of defining the clamping
between centers (cf. above) and are therefore not repeated here. To conclude this
subject item, some general notes on handling the tailstock menu for your
To clamp with tailstock, the tailstock needs first to be moved next to the
workpart to be able to set the sleeve.
To cancel the "clamping with tailstock" function, the sleeve needs first to be
opened and after that the tailstock to be withdrawn.
As soon as the tailstock is back in its starting position, the starting menu
"Workpart and Clamping Fixture Definition" is loaded automatically.
The geometrical and technical data of the tailstock and of the sleeve are
defined in the configuration.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 35

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for the
Clamping Fixture
Manager, simplified

Figure 4.2.2-2:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
main menu.

4- 36 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Apart from the individual assembly of the clamping elements to form a
clamping system (see above), all elements: lathe chuck, stepped jaws,
face driver and lathe centers can be redefined, changed and deleted in
the Clamping Fixture Manager.

The Clamping Fixture Manager is loaded automatically after the clamping type
has been selected proceeding from the "Change Clamping Fixture" function.
If the blank has already been defined, the Clamping Fixture Management
menu is skipped.


Tool / Change Accept type M. Menu Clp.

Clamping fixt. F3 clp. fixt. F8 of clamping Fixt. Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Main Menu

Screen Display The layout of the screen display was described in Section 4.2.1 (Setup Mode).
In general, the upper screen area is reserved for graphics, information or input
fields, whereas the function key fields are displayed at the lower end of the
screen, providing the following operation alternatives:

Change clamping fixture : You can select and insert a new clamping element out
F1 of the marked clamping fixture group with F1 .
Management menu: To create a new clamping element or to change or delete an
F5 existing one, press F5 . To avoid unauthorized interventions in the clamping fixture
manager, this function can be protected with a "password" (cf. Configuration
Return: With F8 you confirm the listed combination of the clamping elements and
F8 return to the menu for defining the clamping method.


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

Note The clamping fixture manager is structured according to uniform criteria: the
same menu structure and handling is applied for all groups of clamping fixtures.
For the sake of clarity, the following systematic description is therefore structured
on the basis of practical handling features. In case of analogous processing steps
only the nonanaloguous steps are descreibed, to avoid repetition.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 37

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-3:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Management menu.

4- 38 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Management Menu

The management of the clamping elements is called up with F5 from the main
menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager.

Password To avoid unauthorized manipulation of the Clamping Fixture Manager, this

function can be protected with a "password". If you have defined a password in
the configuration, enter it after selecting the Clamping Fixture Manager and
confirm your entry with .

The management menu is then loaded:

The clamping fixture groups are displayed in the upper screen area, subdivided
into the elements of:
Lathe chuck
Stepped jaws
Face driver
Lathe centers
Irrespective of the current clamping type selection, you have the following
processing options for the clamping fixture file:

F1 Create clamping fixture: Press F1 to define a new clamping element.

F2 Change clamping fixture: Press F2 to change an existing clamping element.

F3 Delete clamping fixture: Press F3 to delete an existing clamping element.

F8 or ESC Return: F8 or ESC

returns you to the main menu.

Procedure To edit the clamping fixture file, first mark the corresponding clamping fixture
group and then select the desired processing function:

or Mark the desired clamping fixture group with the cursor keys or .

F1 or
F2 After you have marked a group, switch on to the desired processing.


Note Please note that after changes of the clamping fixture file, also certain
entries in existing setup sheets (e.g. data on clamping depth etc.) or
existing NC programs may have to be changed as well.
Therefore, change the clamping fixture file only as far as necessary and
check subsequently the setup sheets and NC programs containing data on
these clamping elements.
When in doubt, generate a new clamping element!

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 39

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-4:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Create clamping
example of lathe

4- 40 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Define Clamping Element

Define a new clamping element by calling up the corresponding menu with F1
from the main menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager.
Screen Display The input fields for entering the name, dimensions etc. of the clamping element
are in the upper screen area. On the left, next to this there is a window for
displaying the graphic presentation or an auxiliary graphic of the defined clamping
The menu functions in the lower part of the screen indicate the available further
operation steps:

Clamping fixture graphic display: As soon as you have completed the

F1 definition of a clamping element, you can have this displayed with F1 . In case of
incomplete data records, the corresponding error message is displayed.
Auxiliary graphic: An auxiliary graphic clarifying the entry parameters of the
F2 elements exists for each clamping fixture group. F2 displays the auxiliary graphic.

F5 Delete form: All entries in the input fields are deleted with F5 .

Copy data: If you want to take up the geometrical data of an already existing
F7 clamping element, press F7 .

Create clamping fixture: With F8 you confirm your entered data to create a new
F8 clamping element.

Procedure When entering the parameters, etc., please note the following operating steps:

You move from input field to input field with the key (or and ).

[Value Statement or Name] The input is entered as numbers, a decimal point with <,> or <.>.


you cancel current processing and return to the management menu.

F8 Confirm your entries with F8 only after all parameters have been entered.

After the new clamping element has been saved, the input menu is loaded
again with empty input fields for the definition of a further element.
returns you to the management menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 41

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-5:
CNC Turning,
Parameters for
determining the lathe
chuck jaws

Figure 4.2.2-6:
CNC Turning,
Parameters for
determining stepped

Figure 4.2.2-6a:
application options for
stepped jaws

4- 42 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

The following parameters are entered to determine a clamping element:

Lathe Chuck Input Parameters

General Entries Name: arbitrary entry

Standard designation: arbitrary entry (Standard: DIN 4612)

Dimensions Chuck length: in Z Z > 0)

External diameter: in XA XA > 0)
Internal diameter: in XI X I < XA)
Jaw range (Max.): in Xmax. XA > Xmax. > Xmin.)
Jaw range (Min.): in Xmin. XI < Xmin. < Xmax.)

Permissible Spindle
Standard designation: arbitrary entry (e.g. DIN 55022)1

Stepped Jaws Input Parameters

General Entries: Name: arbitrary entry

Dimensions: Number of steps: numerical value: 1 - 5

X1 and Z1: X and Z values of the first step (> 0)
X2 and Z2 etc.: X and Z values of the 2nd step (> 0) etc.
Bevel: Bevel length of step outer edge ( 0)
Radiusing: Radiusing of the inner edges ( 0)
Mounting: Jaw mounting onto chuck in X (>0)
Use: Stepping outwards 2: 1 = Yes / 0 = No
Stepping inwards 2: 1 = Yes / 0 = No
Permissable Chuck Standard designation: arbitrary entry (e.g. DIN 4612)1

1 The statement "*" replaces an arbitrary character string.

2 The jaws can be used with outside and/or inside stepping for outside and inside
clamping. The clamping type is defined in the "Clamping Fixture Selection" menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 43

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-7:
CNC Turning;
Parameters for
determining the lathe

Figure 4.2.2-8:
CNC Turning;
Parameters for
determining the face

4- 44 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Lathe Center Input Parameters

General Entries Name: arbitrary entry

Dimensions The centers can have a maximum of four gradations:

Length: l1 to l4 (in Z 0)
Diameter: d1 to d4 (in X; at di = 0 the diameter of
the previous segment is taken)
Angle: In each case total angle of a segment
part(at angle size = 0, the parallel line to
the Z axis is taken over)
Assignment to a Standard designation: arbitrary entry (e.g. DIN 4712)1

Length, diameter and angle depend upon one another!

Face Driver Input Parameters

General Entries Name arbitrary entry

Rotation direction to 1 = Yes / 0 = No
the right
Rotation direction to 1 = Yes / 0 = No
the left

Dimensions: Flange length: in Z > 0

Chuck diameter in X > 0
Driver Body Driver length in Z 0
Driver diameter in Z > 0
Driving Bolts Tooth position in X > 0
Tooth length in Z > 0
Tooth height in X > 0
Centering Tip Center length in Z > 0
Center diameter in X > 0
Center angle Total angle

Permissible Spindle Permi. spindle heads arbitrary entry (standard DIN 4812)1

1 The statement "*" replaces an arbitrary character string.

2 The statement 0/0 is inadmissible.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 45

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-9:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Definition of a new
clamping element and
reading in specific
existing data records.

Figure 4.2.2-10:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Menu: Reading in
specified data records.
Example: Lathe Chuck

4- 46 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Copy Data Record

If you want to use already existing data records for the definition of a new
clamping element, you can read in the data and then change the parameters as
The "Copy Data Record" function is called in the input menu with F7 :

The existing clamping elements of the currently selected group are displayed in
the upper field of the screen (cf. above, Change Clamping Fixture).

Show clamping fixture: With F1 you call up the detailed information for the
F1 currently marked chuck/clamping element.
Select clamping fixture: To select out of the existing clamping elements those
F2 meeting certain geometrical criteria, you can have these searched and displayed
as a new list.
Copy clamping element: With F8 you confirm and read-in the selected clamping
F8 element.

Procedure Please note the following steps for selecting existing data records:

Mark the desired clamping element in the selection window with the cursor keys
or or or .
Copy clamping element: F8 returns you to the input menu and the specified
F8 data are copied to the input fields.
You can then enter your data as described above to define a new clamping


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 47

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-11:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Schematic of the
menu sequence:
Modifying a clamping

Figure 4.2.2-12:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Menu: Selection of a
clamping element for
Example: Face driver

Figure 4.2.2-13
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Modify clamping
input menu for
modification function.
Example: Face driver

4- 48 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Modify Clamping Element

The menu for modifying an existing clamping element is called with F2 from the
management menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager.
Processing takes place in two work steps:
1. First select the clamping element you want to modify and
2. then change the parameters as you wish:

Select Element The selection menu of the modification function is laid out analogously to the
selection menu for copying data records (cf. preceding section):

Mark the desired clamping element in the selection window with the cursor keys
or or or .


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

Modify: With F8 you confirm the selected clamping element and switch on to the
F8 input menu to edit individual data.

Edit Data The input menu for data editing is laid out analogous to the input menu of a new
clamping element (cf. above): to change input values, first activate the
corresponding input field and then overwrite the existing values:

You move from input field to input field with the key or and .

or Move the cursor to a certain input position with the cursor keys or .

[Value Statement or Name] The input values are entered as numbers, a decimal point with <,> or <.> (the
individual parameters are explained in the preceding section).


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

F8 Modify clamping fixture: With F8 you confirm your modifications.

Note Please note that after changes of the clamping fixture file, certain entries in
existing setup sheets (e.g. data on clamping depth etc.) or existing NC
programs may also have to be edited.
Therefore, you should edit the clamping fixture file only if necessary and
then check the setup sheets and NC programs the clamping elements are
used in.
If in doubt, generate a new clamping element!

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 49

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-14:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Delete clamping
Example: Lathe

4- 50 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Delete Clamping Element

To delete an existing clamping element, a menu is called from the Management
menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager with F3 .
Processing takes place in two work steps:
1.) First select the clamping element to be deleted, and
2.) then confirm the control enquiry to delete this element:

Select Element The selection menu is analogously to the selection menu for copying element data
(cf. last section but one):

Mark the desired clamping element in the selection window with the cursor keys
or or or .


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

F8 Delete: Confirm your selection with F8 .

Security Enquiry Before the clamping element is deleted from the clamping fixture file, there is one
further dialogue enquiry for control: Do you want to delete this clamping

F7 No: F7 returns you to the selection menu.

F8 Yes: F8 deletes the clamping element.

Note Please note, that after a clamping element has been deleted, existing setup
sheets may need to be changed in respect of the deleted element as well .
Therefore edit the clamping fixture file only as far as necessary and then
check the setup sheets and NC programs as to the clamping elements

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 51

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.2.2-16:
CNC Turning,
Clamping Fixture
Select clamping
Example: Lathe

4- 52 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.2.2 CNC Turning: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Select Clamping Fixture

From the extensive list of existing clamping fixtures this menu selects the
elements meeting certain geometrical criteria and displays them as a new list for a
better overview.

Select clamping fixture: This function is called with F2 in the selection menus
F2 and the display menu.

The selection menu is analogous to the input menus (cf. the preceding sections):

F5 Delete form: All current entries in the input fields are deleted with F5 .

Select clamping fixture: With F8 you confirm your entries for the selection of the
F8 clamping fixture from the list.

Procedure The loaded menu is first without entries, You then make the entries in the relevant
input fields; only the data to serve as selection criteria is entered, e.g.:
all lathe chucks with internal diameter of 38 mm => "Internal dia.: 38";
all three-step clamping jaws => "Number of steps: 3" etc.

You move from input field to input field with the key.

[Value Statement or Name] The values are entered as numbers, the decimal point with <,> or <.>. Further
input options are listed in the following table.
Elements can also be selected according to relational dependencies:

Entry Selection
numerical "X ... Y" Those elements are selected
whose numerical value in the
corresponding input field is
larger than or equal to X and
smaller than or equal to Y

"> X" or ">= X" > X or X (see above)

"< X" or "<= X" > X or X (see above)
alphanumeric "*" arbitrary character string
"?" arbitrary character

If several selection criteria are entered, then only those elements meeting all
criteria are selected.


you cancel the current processing and return to the starting situation.

Confirm your entries with F8 only after all desired selection criteria are entered.
F8 You then switch back automatically to the preceding processing situation, the
displayed list of the clamping elements now contains only those elements meeting
the selection criteria.

To have the original complete list of all existing clamping elements displayed
again, enter no selection criterion in the input fields.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 53

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-1:
CNC Milling,
Schematic of the menu
sequence for selecting
a clamping system
after a blank change.

Figure 4.2.3-2:
CNC Milling,
Selection menu of the
clamping systems.

4- 54 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Selection of the Clamping System

Milling machines, as a rule, have several options for clamping the
workpart. For this reason the MTS Milling Simulator offers three
different clamping systems: jaw clamping, modular clamping and
magnetic plate clamping.
As in turning, the clamping elements can be defined in a separate Clamping
Fixture Manager. If modular clamping is used, you can define simple clamping
elements (clamps, bases, positioning and supporting elements) in a processing
menu and you can then assemble these to form a module or a system fixture.


Menu: Workp. / Change Menu: Clamp.

Clamping Fixt. F3 Clp. Fixt. System Selection

Automatic Menu Guidance:

Input: Blank Change Menu: Clp. Syst.

Dimensions F8 Confirm F3 Clamp. Fixt. Select.

The menu for the clamping system selection is called with F3 proceeding from the
"Change Clamping Fixture" function:

F1 Jaw clamping: Select the vice manager with F1 .

F2 Magnetic plate clamping : The workpart is magnetically clamped with F2 .

F3 Modular clamping: Select processing of modular clamping with F3 .

Work space: To display the entire work space, press F5 . You can also return to
F5 the standard display with F5 .
Change view: Similar to blank definition, you can change the view of the
F6 workpart when processing the clamping systems.

Previous clamping fixture : If you have already selected a new clamping system,
F7 you can reverse this with F7 .

Accept: After the clamping system has been selected, press F8 or to move to
F8 or
the following menu "Defining the Clamping Method".

ESC With ESC you cancel selection of the clamping system and return to the starting

Note The "Change View" function is described in Section 4.1.2.

To reduce the setup time, blanks or preproduced workparts can be saved

and loaded together with the clamping system as a file. Alternatively, you
can save a specific setup status as a status file or generate a setup sheet
for this.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 55

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-3:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
changing a vice.

Figure 4.2.3-4:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
Selection menu of the
Clamping Fixture

4- 56 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Changing the Vice

For jaw clamping, the MTS Simulator for Milling has a separate Clamping Fixture
Manager for defining and replacing of individual vices.


Menu: Workp. / Change Jaw Menu: Clamp. Fixt.

Clamp. fixt. F3 Clamp. Fixt. F1 Clamping Manager

After the menu item "Jaw Clamping" is selected with F1 , the Vice Manager is
automatically called.

To complete the general processing description of clamping fixtures before the

detailed description of clamping fixtures, the Clamping Fixture Manager is
discussed at this place only as far as necessary for changing the vice. The
detailed description follows in chapter 5.

Clamping Fixture The Vice Manager menus are similar to those of CNC Turning Clamping Fixture
Manager Manager:
1.) The upper screen area is reserved for help graphics, information and input
2.) The applicable function keys are displayed on the lower screen margin.

F1 Change clamping fixture : To insert a new vice, press F1 .

Management menu: To define or modify a vice, press F5 . To avoid unauthorized

F5 manipulation of the Clamping Fixture Manager, this function can be protected
with a "password" (cf. Configuration Instructions).

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the menu for defining the clamping method.

ESC Cancel: With ESC

you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 57

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-5:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
Selection of a vice.

Figure 4.2.3-6:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
Display of the data of
an individual vice.

4- 58 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Overview In the selection menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager, a graphic representation
of the currently selected clamping element is displayed for better understanding
(cf. Figure). A list of the available vices is displayed next to it.

The following processing functions are now available:

Show clamping fixture : With F1 you call up the detailed information on the
F1 currently selected clamping element.
Select clamping fixture: To select from the complete list of existing clamping
F2 elements those meeting certain geometrical criteria, you can have these searched
and displayed as a new list. A detailed description of this function is given in the
following chapter.

F8 Selection: With F8 you confirm the selected clamping element.


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

Procedure To select the vice, first mark the corresponding element in the overview list and
then confirm your selection:

or Mark the desired vice for selection with the cursor keys or or. or .

Selection: Confirm your selection with F8 . You then return to the main menu of
F8 the Clamping Fixture Manager.

Detailed Information As an alternative to selecting the vice in the general overview, this can also be
done by displaying the detailed information. This display function is available in
the overviews of the Clamping Fixture Manager to check the geometrical data of
a clamping element:

F1 Show clamping fixture : Press F1 to display the detailed data.

Procedure: Select the vice from the "Detail display", the same way described above:

F1 List clamping fixtures : Press F1 to return to the overview of all vices.

Select clamping fixture: To select from the complete list of existing clamping
F2 elements those meeting certain geometrical criteria, you can have these searched
and displayed as a new list.
Previous entry : F5 or and show the geometrical data of the clamping
F5 element preceding the currently specified element in the list.
Next entry : F6 or and show the geometrical data of the clamping element
F6 following the currently specified element in the list.

F8 Selection: With F8 you select the currently displayed clamping element.


you cancel current processing and return to the selection menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 59

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-7:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
After selection, you
can also rotate the
with F3 .

Figure 4.2.3-8:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Vice rotated by 90.

4- 60 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Rotating the Vice

After vice selection, an intermediate menu is loaded to rotate the vice 90:

F1 Jaw clamping: Press F1 to select the Vice Manager.

Rotate clamping fixture: Press F3 to turn the vice 90. This function can be
F3 executed several times consecutively.
Work space: To display the work space, press F5 . You can return to the standard
F5 display with F5 .
Change view: While defining the clamping method, you can change the view
F6 onto the workpart with F6 .

Previous clamping fixture : Press F7 to load the preceding clamping fixture

F7 again.

Confirm: After having specified the clamping system, return with F8 or to the
F8 or
starting situation.

Note Should the span of the current vice not be sufficient to clamp the workpart after
rotation, an error message is displayed:
"Vice is too small for the workpart. Nevertheless confirm? (Y/N)"

N You can cancel processing with N .

With the vice is rotated but the workpart is removed and you must then insert
a new blank.

Rotate clamping fixture: You rotate the vice further 90 with F3 . This function
F3 makes it possible to rotate the vice 180 - even if the intermediate position would
not be possible.

Magnetic Plate Clamping

Unlike the vice selection, magnetic plate clamping is loaded proceeding directly
from the "Selection of Clamping Systems" menu.

Magnetic plate clamping : The availability of clamping with magnetic plates is

F2 switched on directly with F2 . The menu for defining the clamping method is then
loaded automatically.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 61

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-9:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
Modular Clamping;
Menu for editing the
clamping elements.

Figure 4.2.3-10:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
Modular Clamping;
Defining the size of a
clamping element.

4- 62 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Modular Clamping
When using modular clamping, you first define simple clamping elements (claws,
bases, positioning and supporting elements) in processing menu and then
combine these to form a modular clamping fixture system .
To keep handling of this type of clamping under control in the CNC Simulator, the
elements are defined and displayed only as cuboids (max. external dimensions of
the upper clamping device). Collision monitoring is based on these cuboid
Processing Menu After selecting modular clamping with F3 , the processing menu for modular
clamping is loaded:

F1 Workpart position: Press F1 to change the position of the workpart.

Position clamping element : Press F2 to change the position of the clamping

F2 element.

F3 New clamping element: Press F3 to define a new element.

Delete clamping element: Press F4 to delete the clamping elements one by one
F4 again.

F5 Work space: To have the entire work space displayed, press F5 .

Change view: Change the view of the workpart with F6 during processing of the
F6 clamping elements.

F7 or ESC Cancel: Press F7 or ESC

to cancel processing.

F8 or Confirm: Press F8 or to confirm the defined modular clamping.

Procedure The definition of modular clamping consists of two work steps:

1.) You define the dimensions of the clamping elements and
2.) You position each element to clamp the workpart.

New Clamp. Elem. After you have called the "New clamping element" function with F3 , you can
define the size of the clamping element in the following menu.
For this purpose enter the corresponding values in the input fields in the
information column (right-hand-side section of the screen):

or You move from input field to input field with the cursor keys or .

or You move the cursor to a certain input position with the cursor keys or .

[Value Statement] The values are entered as numbers, a decimal point with <,> or <.>.

F7 or ESC Cancel: Press F7 or ESC

to cancel processing.

Confirm: After confirming your value entries with F8 , the clamping element is
F8 displayed and the menu for positioning this clamping element is loaded
Note Cf. Section 4.1.2 for the "Work space" and "Change view" menu functions.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 63

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-11:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
Positioning a clamping
element of modular

Figure 4.2.3-12:
CNC Milling,
Clamping fixture
Clamping elements of
modular clamping
displayed in "Office

4- 64 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Element Position As mentioned, individual clamping elements can be combined to form a clamping
fixture. However, clamping elements placed on top of each other cannot be
identified individually in a top view presentation.
In the next work step you clamp the workpart with an already defined clamping
element. For this purpose you need to position the clamping element at the
desired place of the machine table. Parallel to this, the coordinates of the current
position of the center point of the surfaces (related to machine zeropoint) are
displayed in the information column:

or You move the clamping element in X direction (according to G17) with the cursor
keys or

or You move the clamping element in Y direction (according to G17) with the 9 or
1 on the numerical keypad of the PC keyboard.

or You move the clamping element in Z direction (according to G17) with the cursor
keys or .

and The clamping element moves with larger steps with the key combination and
[cursor key].

Cancel: You cancel processing with F7 or ESC

; the just defined clamping element
F7 or ESC
is then deleted.

Confirm: Press F8 or to confirm the current position of the clamping element.

F8 or
The processing menu for modular clamping is then loaded automatically.

When positioning a clamping element note that an eventual collision message

always needs to be be confirmed first (with any key) before processing can be

Note With the plane selection G18 or G19, the assignments of the coordinates
and of the corresponding cursor keys change accordingly.
Cf. Section 4.1.2 for the "Work Space" and "Change View" menu functions.

Position Change The definition of the clamping element and its clamping position are made in
immediate succession without intermediate steps. However, the CNC Simulator
also enables the position of a clamping element to be changed later on. This
function is called from within the processing menu of the modular clamping with
F2 "Clamping element position ".
Determining a new clamping position of a clamping element takes place as
described above. However, the desired element needs first to be selected with
the cursor keys:

or Select the desired clamping element with the cursor keys or . The currently
selected element is highlighted in color.

Cancel: Press F7 or ESC to cancel the selection and return to the processing menu
F7 or ESC
of the modular clamping.
Confirm: Press F8 or to confirm your selection of the clamping element. In
F8 or
the following menu you determine the clamping position of this element as
described above.

Delete Element In the "Delete Clamping Element" function, the operation sequence:
`Selection of a clamping element => processing'
is analogous to that of the position change procedure.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 65

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-13:
CNC Milling,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
defining the clamping

Figure 4.2.3-14:
CNC Milling,
Selection menu for
defining the clamping

4- 66 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Defining Clamping
Clamping can be defined by entering the exact position of the workpart or the
clamping fixture with the menu item "New clamping" of the "Workpart/clamping
fixture definition" menu.
Furthermore, the selection menu for clamping definition is loaded automatically
after the blank has been defined and the clamping fixture selected:

F1 Workpart position: Press F1 to position the workpart.

Clamping fixture position : Press F2 to position the clamping fixture. This

F2 function cannot be selected for magnetic plate clamping.
[Change clamping fixture ]: This menu item is available only in the
F3 workpart/clamping fixture menu as well as after the blank change. Change the
clamping fixture with F3 .

F5 Work space: If you want to display the work space, press F5 .

F6 Change view: To change the perspective view of the workpart, press F6 .

Confirm: After the clamping has been defined as desired, press F8 or to

F8 or
return to the starting menu "Workpart and clamping fixture definition".


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

Note Cf. Section 4.1.2 for the ""Work space" and "Change view" menu functions.
Determine Position Provided the selected clamping system allows, the workpart and the clamping
fixture can be repositioned with the cursor keys. Parallel to this, the coordinate
values of the current position of the left lower corner of the bottom of the blank
(refering to the machine zeropoint) are displayed in the information column. Since
both work steps are analogous, they are described here together. When
positioning the clamping fixture, the workpart comes with:

or You move the workpart/clamping fixture in X direction (according to G17) with the
cursor keys or .

or You move the workpart/clamping fixture in Y direction (according to G17) with the
keys 9 or 1 on the numerical keypad of the PC keyboard.

or You move the workpart/clamping fixture in Z direction (according to G17) with the
cursor keys or .

and The workpart/clamping fixture moves with larger steps with the key combination
and [cursor key].

Cancel: Press F7 or ESC

to cancel the processing and return to the starting
F7 or ESC

Accept: Press F8 or to confirm the current position of the workpart/clamping

F8 or
fixture. The selection menu for defining the clamping is then loaded again.

Please note when positioning the workpart/clamping fixture that an eventual

collision message need to be confirmed first (with any key) before processing can
be continued.

Note In the plane selection G18 or G19, the assignments of the coordinates and
thus also of the cursor keys change accordingly.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 67

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.3-15
CNC Milling;
Reclamping a
workpart: vertically; by
reclamping, it is
possible to machine
opposite sides.

Figure 4.2.3-16:
CNC Milling,
Reclamping; if the
"Reclamping" function
is performed several
times in the
combination: vertically
and horizontally, thus a
total of four clamping
possibilities exist.

4- 68 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.2.3 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixtures

Reclamping the Workpart

To machine both sides of the workpart it can be reclamped as often as required
and then machined again.


Main Menu Workpart /

Setup Mode F1 Clap. fixt. F2 Reclamping

The "Reclamping" function is called up with F2 from the menu for "Workpart and
clamping fixture definition". In the following menu you define how to rotate the
Vertically: The workpart is turned vertically 180 with F1 (axis of rotation through
F1 the center point of the workpart and parallel to the Y axis). The system then
switches automatically back to the "Workpart and clamping fixture definition"
menu and the reclamped workpart is shown on the screen.
Horizontally: The workpart is turned horizontally 180 with F2 (axis of rotation
F2 through the center point of the workpart and parallel to the X axis). The system
then switches automatically back to the "Workpart and clamping fixture definition"
menu and the reclamped workpart is shown on the screen.
Return: Press F8 or ESC to return to the "Workpart and clamping fixture definition"
F8 or ESC
menu without reclamping the workpart.

From the "Workpart and clamping fixture definition" menu, press F8 to return to
the processing level of the Setup Mode.

Note If you execute the "Reclamping" function several times consecutively in the
combination of vertically and horizontally, then you can specify a total of four
clamping alternatives for the workpart.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 69

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.4-1:
CNC Milling,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
the Clamping Fixture
Manager, simplified

Figure 4.2.4-2:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Manager, Main menu.

4- 70 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

The CNC Milling Simulator provides an separate Clamping Fixture
Manager for the "Jaw Clamping" type of clamping for defining,
modifying and managing different vices.

Should you have selected some other type of clamping, the Clamping
Fixture Manager is skipped.


Tool / Change Jaw M. Menu Clap.

Clamp. Fixt. F3 Clap. Fixt. F1 Clamping Fixt. Manager

The Clamping Fixture Manager is called under the functions of "Change clamping
fixture" and then "Jaw clamping".

Clamping Fixture Manager: Main Menu

Screen Display The layout of the screen display was described above in Section 4.2.3.
The upper part of the screen is reserved for graphics, information and input fields,
whereas the labeled function keys in the lower screen margin allow the following
processing options:

F1 Change clamping fixture: You can insert a new clamping element with F1 .

Management menu: To generate a new clamping element or to modify or delete

F5 an existing one, press F5 . To avoid unauthorized manipulation of the Clamping
Fixture Manager, these functions should be protected with a "password" (cf.
configuration instructions).
Return: Press F8 to confirm the entered combination of clamping elements and
F8 switch to the menu for defining the clamping.


to cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

Note The Clamping Fixture Managers for the CNC Turning and CNC Milling Simulators
are identical in structure and are normally also identical in menu structure and
handling. For reasons of clarity, they are therefore described as follows
systematically according to the practical handling aspects; to avoid repetition,
only the differences are discussed in case of recurring analogous processing

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 71

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.4-3:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Management Menu

4- 72 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Management Menu

The management of the clamping elements is called with F5 proceeding from the
main menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager.

Password To avoid unauthorized manipulation of the Clamping Fixture Manager, this

function can be protected with a "password" (cf. configuration instructions).
In this case enter the password and confirm your entry with .
The Clamping Fixture Manager is then loaded:

F1 Create clamping fixture: To define a new clamping fixture, press F1 .

F2 Modify clamping fixture: To modify an existing clamping fixture, press F2 .

F3 Delete clamping fixture: To delete a clamping fixture, press F3 .

F8 or ESC Return: Press F8 or ESC

to return to the starting situation.

Note Please note that after editing the clamping fixture file, certain entries in
existing setup sheets (e.g. data on clamping depth etc.) or existing NC
programs may also need to be changed.
Therefore edit the clamping fixture file only as far as necessary and then
check the setup sheets and NC programs referring to these clamping
When in doubt, create a new clamping element!

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 73

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.4-4:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Definition of a new

Figure 4.2.4-5:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Specify data: select
the desired vice in the
selection menu.

4- 74 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Define Clamping Element

The processing menu for the definition of a new vice is called with F3 proceeding
from the Management menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager. The input menu is
then loaded for the input of names and dimensions:

Clamping Fixture graphic: As soon as all parameters have been specified, you
F1 can display a graphic of the clamping element on the screen with F1 .
Help graphic: An auxiliary graphic for explanation of the input parameters is
F2 displayed with F2 .

F5 Delete form: All entries in the input fields are deleted again with F5 .

Copy data: If you want to use the geometrical data of an already existing
F7 clamping element, press F7 .

Create clamping fixture: With F8 you accept your data to create a new clamping
F8 element.


you return to the management menu.

Procedure When entering the parameter values etc., the following operating steps are to be

or You move from input field to input field with , or and .

[Value Statement or Name] The values are given as numbers, the decimal point with <,> or <.>.

F8 Confirm your entries with F8 only after all parameters have been entered.

The input menu with empty input fields is then loaded to allow the definition of a
further clamping element.
With ESC you return to the management menu.

Copy Data Record

If you want to proceed from an already existing data record for the definition of a
new clamping element, you can have this read-in and then modify the parameters
as desired:
The "Copy data" function is called with F7 in the input menu:

The existing clamping elements of the currently selected group are displayed in
the upper part of the screen in the selection window (cf. above, Change Clamping

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 75

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.4-6:
CNC Milling,
parameters for
determining a vice.

4- 76 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

Show clamping fixture: With F1 you call the detailed information for the
F1 currently marked clamping element.
Select clamping fixture: To select from the complete list of existing clamping
F2 elements those meeting certain geometrical criteria, you can have these singled
out and so obtain a new list.

F8 Copy clamping fixture: With F8 you confirm the selected clamping element.

Procedure For selecting the existing data record to be read-in, please note the following
operation steps:

or Mark the desired clamping element in the selection window with the cursor keys
or or or .

With F8 the corresponding data are copied to the input menu. You can then
F8 overwrite the data to define a new clamping element.


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

Vice Input Parameters

In the Clamping Fixture Manager, a vice consists of the elements: body, fixed and
moving clamping jaw (cf. Figure). To determine these enter the following

General Entries Name: arbitrary entry

Dimensions Width: GX (in GX > 0)
Length: GY (in GY > 0)
Jaws (both fixed and moving) :
Jaw width: BX (in BX > 0)
Jaw height: BZ (in BZ > 0)
Jaw length: (differentiated according to fixed and moving):
Assignment of Length of the fixed jaw: LF (in LF > 0)
Spindle Heads Length of the moving LB (in LB > 0)
Total height: (body and clamping jaw) :
Total height: GH (in GH > 0)
Mounting position: (fixed clamping jaw related to body) :
Mounting position: BP (in BP LF)
Span: (between fixed and moving jaw) :
Span: SW from (= minimum) to (=

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 77

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.4-7:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Schematic for the
menu sequence:
Modifying a clamping

Figure 4.2.4-8:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Modifying a vice.

4- 78 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Modify Clamping Element

The menu to modify an existing clamping element is called with F2 proceeding
from the management menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager.
The procedure takes place in two work steps:
1. First select the clamping element you want to modify, and
2. then change the parameters as necessary:

Select Element For the selection, mark the desired clamping element in the list of the existing

or Select the clamping element with the cursor keys or or or .


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

Modify: With F8 you confirm the selected clamping element and go on to the
F8 input menu to change detailed data.

Edit Data The input menu for editing data is analogous to the input menu for the definition
of a new clamping element (cf. preceding section): to change entries, first
activate the corresponding input field and then overwrite the existing entries:

or You move from input field to input field with , or and .

or You move the cursor to a certain input position with the cursor keys or .

[Value Statement or Name] The values are given as numbers, the decimal point with <,> or <.> (the
parameters are discussed in the previous section).


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

F8 Modify clamping fixture: With F8 you confirm your modifications.

Note Please note that after editing the clamping fixture file, certain entries in
existing setup sheets (e.g. data on clamping depth etc.) or existing NC
programs may also have to be changed.
Therefore edit the clamping fixture file only as far as necessary and check
subsequently the setup sheets and NC programs referring to this clamping
When in doubt, create a new clamping element!

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 79

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.4-9:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Delete vice.

4- 80 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Delete Clamping Element

The menu for deleting an existing clamping element is called with F3 proceeding
from the Management menu of the Clamping Fixture Manager.
Processing consits of two work steps:
a.) First select the clamping element to be deleted, and
b.) then confirm the control query to delete this element:

Select Element A clamping element is selected - as described before - from the list of existing

Mark the desired vice in the selection window with the cursor keys or or
or .


you cancel processing and return to the starting situation.

F8 Delete: Confirm your selection with F8 .

Control Enquiry Before the vice is deleted from the clamping fixture file, there is a further control
enquiry: Do you want to delete the clamping element?

F7 No: Press F7 to return to the selection menu.

F8 Yes: Press F8 to delete the vice.

Note Please note that after a clamping element has been deleted, corresponding
entries in existing setup sheets need to be changed as well.
Therefore, edit the clamping fixture file only as far as necessary and check
subsequently the setup sheets and NC programs referring to this clamping

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 81

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.2.4-10:
CNC Milling,
Clamping Fixture
Select clamping

4- 82 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.2.4 CNC Milling: Clamping Fixture Manager

Clamping Fixture Manager: Select Clamping

With this function it is possible to select from an extensive clamping fixture list
the elements with specific geometrical criteria, such as a span or a jaw of a
certain size etc.

F2 Select clamping fixture: This function is called with F2 in the management


The selection menu is analogous to the input menus (cf. preceding sections):

F5 Delete form: Press F5 to delete all entries in the input fields.

Select clamping fixture: With F8 you confirm your entries to select the
F8 corresponding clamping fixture from the list.

Procedure The loaded menu does not include any entries: enter in the corresponding input
fields only those dimensions which are to serve as selection cirteria:

or You move from input field to input field with , or and .

[Value Statement or Name] The values are entered as numbers, the decimal point with <,> or <.>. Further
input options have been discussed above (cf. CNC Turning, Clamping Fixture


you cancel current processing and return to the management menu.

Confirm your entries with F8 only after the input of the selection criteria has been
F8 completed.

You then automatically return to the preceding processing situation, the new list of
the vices now only contains those meeting the selection criteria.

To obtain a complete list of all existing clamping elements again, leave the input
fields empty, this means do not enter any data in the input fields.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 83

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the tool
and zeropoint

Figure 4.3-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
"Tool and zeropoint
definition" menu.

Figure 4.3-3:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
"Tool and Zeropoint
Definition" menu.

4- 84 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3 Tooling and Tool Changing

4.3 Tooling and Tool Change

For turning and as well as for milling, the system modules for the tools, tool
carriers and tool changing systems have been considerably extended, to allow the
CNC Simulator be set up, to a great extent, like a machine tool.
The most important features are:
a separate tool manager, for defining and managing the tools, reversible
tips, tool holders and tool adapters [according to DIN],
configuration of different tool carriers,
a maximum of 16 turret positions or 99 magazine pockets,
compensation value registers, to determine and assign tool compensations
with and without finishing allowances,
determining different workpart zeropoints which can be activated as

CNC Turning The lathe can be equipped with six different types of turrets (cf.
Configuration Instructions) to insert the standardized tool holders in.
Each turret has a maximum of 16 tool places.

CNC Milling The spindle head, tool adapter and tools [according to DIN] are defined
in the configuration or in the Tool Manager. The automatic tool
changing system with a magazine of maximum 99 tools guarantees
continuous production.


Main Menu Tool / Tool / Zeropoint

Setup Mode F4 Zeropoint submenu

The tool change and equipping the turret or tool magazine takes place in the
"Tool/Zeropoint" submenu. It is called up with F4 within the "Tool/Zeropoint"
function proceeding from the main menu of the Setup Mode.
The boxes in the bottom screen margin indicate the available operation steps:

F1 Tool change : The currently active tool is changed with this function.

Turret/Magazine configuration : To change the assignment of tools to turret

F2 positions or magazine pockets (configuration), press F2 .
Compensation storage : Load the compensation value register for the tools with
F3 F3 .

Set zeropoint: Should the workpart zeropoint be set manually (e.g. by touching)
F4 press F4 .

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the main processing level of the Setup Mode.

As as rule, the modules: tool (reversible tip), tool holder and tool adapter are
changed completely in the new turret/magazine configuration. To allow further
tool combinations, the individual Tool Manager modules can be reassigned.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 85

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3.1-1:
CNC Milling,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
tool change.

Figure 4.3.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Manual tool change.

4- 86 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3.1 Tool Change

4.3.1 Tool Change

To allow the simulation of a continuous production sequence, the program-
controlled tool change takes place fully automatically and is added as down time
to the total time of the program run.
In an NC program, the tool change is programmed with the machine command
T 08 08 "T", followed by two-digit number indicating the tool location in the
turret/magazine as well as further two-digits number indicating the corresponding
compensation value register. After this, in the Setup Mode as well as in the
Position Automatic Mode, the current working tool and compensation value register are
displayed in the information column,under the entry "T".
Compensation Value Register Naturally, the current working tool and the assigned compensation value register
can be changed in the Setup Mode for machining with manual control:


Main Menu Tool / Tool

Setup Mode F4 Zeropoint F1 Change

The manual tool change is called up with F1 proceeding from the tool and
zeropoint definition menu.

Procedure After you have called up the "Tool change" function, the previous entries under
"T", in the information column, are highlighted in color and released for

[Entry of the Digits for the Enter the tool location and the number of the corresponding compensation value
Tool Location and for the
register in each case as a two-digit number : e.g. "0808", "1515" or "0517" (if
Compensation Value
Register] the compensation value register is assigned to "17").

For turning, you can also switch on the turret head from one position to the next
with the cursor keys or .

F7 or ESC Cancel: Cancel processing with F7 or ESC


Confirm: Then confirm your entries with F8 or . The tool change takes place at
F8 or once and you return to the starting situation.
"Switching" the turret to the selected working position is quickly diplayed with the
intermediate positions of the tool.

Note Whereas in milling the spindle head goes to the tool change point during the tool
change, it is possible in turning to swing a specific turret station into the working
position within the entire work space. Therefore, pay attention to sufficient
distance between the turret and the tool/clamping element, to avoid an collision
during tool change. In such a case, a collision message is displayed.

Cross Reference Tool change is also possible in the menu for the technology functions (cf. below,
Section 4.5).

When using the CNC keyboard or graphic tablet, the tool change can be activated

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 87

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
processing the Turret

Figure 4.3.2-2:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
Processing menu for

4- 88 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3.2 Turret/Magazine Configuration

4.3.2 Turret/Magazine Configuration

As already stated, there are max. 16 positions for turrets available and in the tool
magazine of the CNC Simulator a maximum of 99 tool pockets with continuous
numbers. This quantity can be limited in the Simulator configuration. In the
configuration you also select the type of turret to be used currently, and you can
specify certain geometrical and technical data for this.
To reduce the setup time, the relevant turret/magazine configuration is recorded in
the setup sheet or status file. After each program start or on reading this status
file, the corresponding set of tools is loaded automatically.

CNC Milling The configuration of the milling Simulator allows various controls of the
tool change: with the T command, the magazine is firstl either set to the
position for the tool change and this is then executed with the command
M06, or both operations are effected with the T command.


Main Menu Tool / Turret / Turret / Magaz.

Setup Mode F4 Zeropoint F2 Magazine proces. menu

The Turret/Magazine Configuration is called with F2 proceeding from the tool and
zeropoint definition menu.
In turning, the tool changing point is approached as well.

Screen Display The menu of the turret or magazine configuration shows the positions/pockets
with the inserted tools. In addition, the turret station currently in the working
position is marked by a second frame. Correspondingly, the active tool is
displayed enlarged and the relevant information is shown (cf. Figure).
The following functions are available for processing:

For removing or inserting the tool, the position needs to be determined first. To
or mark the desired location shift the moving frame field with the cursor keys or

Tooling: To insert a tool (from the tool manager) in the marked location, call up
F1 the tool selection with F1 .
Management: If you want to define a new tool or modify or delete an existing
F2 one, press F2 to activate the tool manager.
Information: You obtain detailed information on the tool geometry, the tool
F3 holder or the tool adapter with F3 .
Remove tool: You remove the tool from the currently selected turret/magazine
F4 location with F4 .
Valid compensation values : The compensation values of each inserted tool are
F6 entered in the register with the same number with F6 .

F7 Engagement times: You display the engagement times of the tools with F7 .

F8 or Return: With F8 or
you conclude the processing and return to the starting

Cross Reference The tool manager is discussed in Chapter 6.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 89

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3.2-3:
CNC Turning,
information on a
postaxial internal tool.

Figure 4.3.2-4:
CNC Milling,
information on a face
end mill.

4- 90 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3.2 Turret/Magazine Configuration

If you want to call up detailed information on the tool geometry, the reversible tip,
the tool holder and the tool adapter of a specific tool in the turret/magazine, first
mark the corresponding position/pocket and then select the "Information" function:

You mark a tool station by setting the movable frame into the corresponding field
with the cursor keys.

or At the same time, the inserted tool is displayed in detail.

F3 Information: You call up detailed information on this tool with F3 :

Tool Information The input menu of the tool manager is then loaded showing the name of the tool,
the geometrical data etc. on the right-hand side. The tool, tool holder and adapter
are illustrated graphically on the left side.

Info on/off: You get information on each input field in the information line with F1
F1 .

Return: F7 [CNC Turning] or F8 [CNC Milling] returns you to the processing of

F7 or F8 the turret/magazine configuration.

Valid Compensation Values

The system control initially refers to the tool reference point for all tool cordinate
data. This point is a fixed reference point on the tool carrier.
To be able to calculate the correct target point for the tool, the distance between
the real tool tip and the tool reference point has to be taken into account. The
differences of these values are called tool compensation values. They are
stored in a compensation value register and assigned to each tool.
For a good control of compensation values register, the numbers of the tool
positions should agree with those of the assigned compensation value register.

The compensation value registers do not need to be defined manually; modern

CNC control systems allow you to use default tool data. Similar to this, the
turret/magazine processing offers the option of automatic transfer of the
compensation values of the inserted tools into the corresponding registers:

Valid compensation values: With F6 , the compensation values of all inserted

F6 tools are transferred into the registers with the number corresponding to the
At the same time, you are returned to the tool and zeropoint definition menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 91

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3.2-5:
CNC Turning,
Display output of the
tool machining times.

Figure 4.3.2-6:
CNC Milling,
Display output of the
tool machining times.

4- 92 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3.2 Turret/Magazine Configuration

Tool Engagement Times

To support work preparation, it is possible to approximate the tool operation times.
An overview of the operation times of each tool (feed movement in seconds
calculated from the time of switching on) inserted in the turret or magazine is
given in the submenu for the turret/magazine configuration. These times can be
taken for costing calculations. Further additional operation time to be calulated can
be determined with reference to the theoretical service times required.
The times are set back to zero on tool change or as a result of a manual entry.

Operation times: F7 displays the operation times.

The determined operation times of the tools (in seconds) are then shown in the
turret/magazine configuration display and you can choose between the following

F1 Zeroing: Press F1 to set all given times to zero.

F2 Editing: Press F2 to call up the editing function.

F8 Return: Press F8 to return to the turret/magazine configuration processing menu.

Editing If you want to change the given operation times manually, please proceed as


Mark the desired tool location with the cursor keys by setting the moving frame
or into the corresponding field.

Then select the editing function with F2 . The engagement time data are then
F2 released for manual change.

[Time Data] Now enter the desired time in seconds.

You accept the changed times with . You can then change any further time
statement or return with F8 to process the Turret/Magazine Configuration.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 93

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.3.3-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
Turret Tooling.

Figure 4.3.3-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Turret Tooling,
Selection of the tool

4- 94 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.3.3 Turret Tooling

4.3.3 CNC Turning: Turret Tooling

A maximum of 16 tools can be inserted in each turret head depending
on the configuration. The tool manager with the available turning tools
including the tool adapter and the tool holder stored in it is used for

For the sake of clarity, handling the Tool Manager is described at this place only
as far as necessary for tooling the turret.

Tooling a turret position consists of three work steps:

first mark the location in which the tool should be inserted,
then specify the desired tool type and
choose the required tool from the available tools of this type:


Turret Position--> Tool

F2 Configurat. (mark) F1 Tooling

The turret configuration is called with F2 proceeding from the tool and zeropoint
definition menu.

Mark Position The turret assignment menu shows the turret head positions with the inserted
tools. In addition, the active position is highlighted with a second frame.


You mark a tool station by setting the moving frame into the corresponding field
or with the cursor keys. Parallel to this, the data of the inserted tool are displayed.

Tooling: To insert an other tool in the marked location, call up the Tool Selection
F1 with F1 .
The management menu of the tool types is then loaded for selection of the
desired tool (cf. Figure):

Select Tool Type The tool types are listed in a window in this menu. Analogously to the marking of
a tool location, the field activated for further processing is highlighted in color:

or Mark a tool type with the cursor keys or .

Confirm selection: You confirm your selection with F8 or .

F8 or
The Tool Selection menu is then loaded:

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 95

4. Setup Mode Turning

Figure 4.3.3-3:
CNC Turning,
Tool Manager, Display
of a tool, here a left
cutting external
threading tool.

4- 96 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 4.3.3 Turret Tooling

Tool Selection For tool selection, the data of each tool is displayed on the right side of the screen
while the tool, tool holder and tool adapter are illustrated graphically on the left
The further processing options are given in the bottom screen margin:

Info on/off: You obtain information on each input field in the information line with
F1 F1 .

F2 Delete form: To delete all data in the input fields, press F2 .

Spindle cl.wise/ Specify the spindle rotation direction clockwise or

F3 counterclockwise with F3 .

Browsing forwards/back: You "browse" in the tool file with F4 or F5 , i.e. all
F4 or F5 existing tools (of the selected tool type) are displayed consecutively.
Select: With this function you select specific tools from an extensive tool list in
F6 order to have a better overview (as a reduced list). The data entered in the data
fields serve as selection criteria. If all the fields are left empty, the entire tool list
is read in again.
Return ESC : The selection is interrupted with F7 or ESC
and you return to the tool
F7 or ESC
type management menu.
Further/Accept: With F8 or , you accept the currently displayed tool in the
F8 or turret position marked at the beginning.
Simultaneously you are returned automatically to processing the turret

Procedure Provided the tool name or certain geometrical data of the desired tool are known,
you can select this tool from the tool file using the "Select" function and then
confirm it in the turret position marked at the beginning:

You activate the input fields one by one with .

[Value Statement] Enter the data you know of the desired tool in the relevant input fields.

With F6 you select from the tool list the tools meeting the criteria you have
F6 specified.
Browse forwards/back: Should several tools meet the specified selection
F4 or F5 criteria, select the desired tool with F4 or F5 .

Proceed/Confirm: With F8 or you confirm the currently displayed tool in the

F8 or
turret position marked at the beginning.

If you do not know any concrete data on the desired tool, first
"search/select" the tool file without data. The data of the first tool (of this
tool type) are then displayed and you can have the desired tool displayed
and selceted with the aid of the "Browse" function.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 97

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.3.4-1:
CNC Milling,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
magazine tooling.

Figure 4.3.4-2:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
Magazine tooling,
Selection of the tool

4- 98 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.3.4 Magazine Tooling

4.3.4 CNC Milling: Magazine Tooling

A maximum of 99 tools can be inserted in the magazine, depending on
the configuration. The Tool Manager with the available milling tools
including the tool adapter and the tool holder stored in it is used for

For the sake of clarity, handling of the Tool Manager is described here only as far
as it is needed to tool the magazine.

Tooling a magazine position consists of three work steps:

first mark the pocket in which the tool should be inserted,
then enter the desired tool type and
select the required tool from the list of existing tools of this tool type:


Magazine Pocket --> Tool

F2 Configur. (mark) F1 Tooling

The magazine configuration is called up with F2 proceeding from the tool and
zeropoint definition menu.

Mark Pocket The magazine configuration menu shows the pockets with the inserted tools. In
addition, the position activated for further processing is highlighted with a second

You mark a tool pocket by setting the movable frame into the corresponding field
or with one of the cursor keys.

or Parallel to this, the data of the inserted tool is displayed.

Tooling: To insert another tool in the marked position, select Tool Selection
F1 with F1 .
Then the Management menu of the tool types is loaded for selection of the
desired tool (cf. Figure):

Select Tool Type The tool types are listed in a window in the selection menu. Analogous to position
marking, the field that is activated for further processing is emphasized in color:

or Mark a certain tool type with the cursor keys or .

Change tool: Then confirm your selection with F1 or .

F1 or
The Tool Selection menu is then loaded.

F8 or ESC Return: With F8 or ESC

you cancel the tool type selection.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 99

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.3.4-3:
CNC Milling,
Tool Manager, display
of a tool list, here:
angular cutters (Type

Figure 4.3.4-4:
CNC Milling,
Tool Manager,
information on an
individual tool, here:
angular cutter (Type

4- 100 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.3.4 Magazine Tooling

Tool Selection For tool selection there are two menus of analogous structure:
1.) either all available tools are listed on the right half of the screen and the
currently selected tool is highlighted graphically or
2.) you display one by one the specific tool data of each tool and select then
the tool required.
In both menus the left-hand-side screen window shows a graphical illustration of
the current tool (including tool holder and adapter).
The further processing options are stated in the lower screen margin:

Show/list tools: With F1 you switch between the tool list and the specific
F1 information of a tool.
Select tools: With this function you select tools from an extensive tool list (cf.
F2 CNC Turning above).

Show tool adapter: Apart from displaying the tool as such, the data of the
F3 corresponding tool adapter can be displayed separately as well.

Select: With F8 you confirm the currently displayed tool in the magazine position
F8 marked at the beginning.

ESC With ESC Tool Selection is canceled and you return to the tool type selection

Procedure For the selection of the tool, the following operation steps are to be taken:

or Mark the required tool in the tool list with the cursor keys or or or .

Next entry/ previous entry: During the display of the detailed information,
F5 or F6 display the next or previous tool with F5 or F6 or and or and .
Select: With F8 , the tool is inserted in the previously defined magazine position.
F8 At the same time you switch automatically back to the processing of the
magazine configuration.

Search List With this function you select from the extensive tool list of all tools those meeting
specified geometrical criteria. Thus you reduce the current tool list and have a
better overview of the tool selection.

F2 Select tools: In the selection menus this function is called with F2 :

The Selection menu and the Information menu are of analoguous stucture - with
the difference that there are no initial entries in the data fields. The possible
entries are discussed above (cf. CNC Turning, Clamping Fixture Manager).

F3 Tool adapter selection : You can select a specific tool adapter with F3 .

F5 Delete form: All entries in the input fields are deleted again with F5 .

Switch rotation direction : With F6 specify the rotation direction either as "M03"
F6 or "M04".
Select tools: Press F8 to confirm your data in order to select the corresponding
F8 tools from the list.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 101

4. Setup Mode Milling

Figure 4.3.4-5:
CNC Milling,
Tool Manager,
display output of the
selection criteria.

Figure 4.3.4-6:
CNC Milling,
Tool Manager, display
of a tool adapter.

4- 102 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 4.3.4 Magazine Tooling

Procedure For "Search and Selection" in the tool file, the input menu is first loaded without
any input data in it. You then enter only the selection criteria meeting the
desired tool requirement in the corresponding input fields:

You move from input field to input field with the key.

[Value Statement or Name] The values are entered as numbers, the decimal point as <,> or <.> (cf. above
CNC Turning, Clamping Fixture Manager).


you cancel current processing and return to the selection menu.

Select tools: Confirm your entries with F8 only after all desired selection criteria
F8 have been entered.

You then return automatically to the preceding processing situation. The list of
tools now contains only those tools meeting the selection criteria.

To have the complete list of all existing tools displayed agin, perform the "Select
tools" function without any entries in the input fields.

Show Tool Adapter Apart from displaying the data of a single tool, the data of the associated tool
adapter can be displayed separately as well. And it is further possible to select the
tool adapter separately when selecting the tool file. The functions for displaying
and selecting the tool adapter are analogous to those described above.

Cross Reference All other functions of the Tool Manager are discussed in the next chapter.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 103

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3.5-1:
Calculating the
theoretical cutting edge
tip for a turning and a
milling tool.

Figure 4.3.5-2:
CNC Turning,
Compensation values of
a tool for corner work
(LH) and for an external
recessing tool (RH).

Figure 4.3.5-3:
CNC Turning,
back rake angle and
infeed angle: in the left
example the back rake
angle is larger than the
infeed angle, so that
the contour can be
produced without

4- 104 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3.5 Compensation Value Registers

4.3.5 Compensation Value Register

The control system initially refers to the tool reference point for all tool data
coordinates. This point is a fixed reference point on the tool carrier, which, as a
rule, is located on the stop face of the adapter (cf. also CNC Turning and CNC
Milling Programming Instructions).

CNC Turning To calculate the target points for the tool tip ( = theoretical tool nose),
the distances between the tool tip and the tool reference point need to
be defined for each tool (without tool nose compensation (TNC), cf.
Programming Instructions).
The calculated differences of these values are stored in a register as X and Z
compensation values and are used for calculating the tool movements (see
Figure 4.3.5-1).

TNC The above mentioned tool nose represents only the "theoretical tool tip", since
the cutting edge/reversible tip is radiused at its "tip". The real cutting point is a
few tenth of a millimeter offset of this point depending on the machining position.
This difference causes a small radius in the inner corner contours when
machining parallel to the axis. For rising and falling contours as well as for
circles, however, considerable contour deviations may occur.
To eliminate these deviations, an equidistant to the contour is calculated as a tool
path with the so-called "tool nose compensation", whereby the cutting edge
radius and the position of the cutting edge tip (Cutting edge compensation
vector, cf. Programming Instructions) are taken into account. Therefore, in
addition to the indicated X and Z compensation values, the radius of the tool tip is
stored under "R" and either the working quadrant under Q or the cutting edge
correction vector as additional register values under "I" and "K".

Working Quadrant Finally, the angle of the TNC vector is relevant for the calculation of the cutting
as well. Either the working directions are entered with the values of I and K,
as prefix or they can be more easily defined as working quadrants.
If the working quadrant Q is entered the exact compensation value of the
vector is calculated automatically. If Q is not entered the values of I and K
are considered correspondigly.

Cutting Edge Angle For external and internal turning tool, the rear cutting edge angle (back rake
angle) is also given under "E" to enable the eventual correction of the machining
of "falling contours"(cf. Fig. 4.3.5-2/3 as well as programming instructions, G81
and G82).

Cutting Edge Width And finally, for recessing tools the maximum cutting edge width (cf. Fig. 4.3.5-
2) is given under "G" to enable optimized calculation of the cut segmentation of
the cycles.

CNC Milling The correct path movement for a cutting tool or a drill is computed
under consideration of the distance between the real tool tip and the
tool reference point. If the milling cutter radius compensation or the
pocket cycle are switched on the radius of the milling cutter tool is used
in the calculation as well.

All tools of the tool files are premeasured. Their compensation values can be
confirmed automatically when tooling the turret/magazine (cf. above).
To be able to memorize the tool assignments to the turret/magazine, the numbers
of the tool location should agree with that of the compensation value register.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 105

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3.5-4:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
determining a
compensation value

Figure 4.3.5-5:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Compensation value

Figure 4.3.5-6:
CNC Turning,
Compensation value
data in a Setup Sheet

4- 106 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3.5 Compensation Value Registers

99 compensation value registers in total are available. They can be defined or

edited. In this way it is possible, for instance, to generate finishing allowances
through slight changes of the compensation values, without making changes in the
NC program (cf. below, Fig. 4.3.5-9).


Main Menu Tool / Compens. Changing the

Setup Mode F4 Zeropoint F3 Storage Comp. Values

Processing the compensation value register is called with F3 proceeding from the
" Tool and Zeropoint Definition" menu.

When using the CNC keyboard or the graphic tablet, processing of the
compensation value registers can be activated directly.

The currently loaded compensation value register is then opened and the register
numbers and the compensation values for the current working tool are
displayed in the information column:

Designation Parameter

Compensation storage D
Cutting edge point X and Z Coordinates of the theoretical
cutting edge tip related to the tool reference
Working quadrant Q
Position of the cutting edge tip, results from
the data I and K
Cutting edge radius R
for boring tools: R=000.000
Size G
max. width of a recessing tool or drill
diameter; for all other tools G=000.000
Infeed angle E
rear cutting edge angle of the external and
internal turning tools; for all other tools
Compensation I and K
Statement of the cutting edge correction
vector1; for boring tools =000.000
Cutting edge radius R
Radius of the cutting edge tip; for drills

1 The vector is defined with X and Y in the Tool Manager (cf. Chapter 5)

To get the contour-parallel finishing allowance, increase the cutter radius in

the compensation value register and start machining with the cutter radius
compensation switched on.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 107

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.3.5-7:
CNC Milling;
Compensation values

Figure 4.3.5-8:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Entry of the compensation

4- 108 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.3.5 Compensation Value Registers

In contrast to turning, the compensation value registers of milling

consists of two parameters only:

Designation Parameter
Compensation storage D
Cutting edge point Coordinate of the cutting edge tip refering to the tool
reference point
Cutting edge radius R
Radius of the milling/boring tool

Procedure Processing the compensation value register consists of two working steps:
first select the desired register, and then
change the compensation values as required:

Select Register After the register is called, the cursor is first located under the register number.

[Register Number] Enter the number of the register or

select the register with the cursor keys or .

F1 or Edit values: Then switch with F1 or or to the editing function.

Change Q / change I, K : For turning you have the additional option of editing
F1 or F2 working quadrants or the values of I and K of the cutter vector.

F8 or ESC Return: You switch back to the starting situation with F8 or ESC

Edit Values To change the compensation values, the currently activated input field in each
case is highlighted in color:

You move the cursor forwards and backwards in the input fields with the cursor
keys or .

[Value Statement] You change the compensation values by overwriting the data.

or You move from input field to input field with the cursor keys or .

F7 or ESC Cancel: With F7 or ESC

you cancel processing.

Accept: With F8 or you confirm the changes.

F8 or
Simultaneously you return to the starting situation.

Note If a reference tool exists, the compensation values of another tool can be first
calculated with the help of the coordinate values by "touching" them and then
storing the values in a register. In this way the CNC Simulator allows the
compensation values to be checked and so it is possible to demonstrate tool
geometry during CNC training.

Cross Reference Please pay attention to the necessary entries for preaxial or postaxial machining in
the CNC Turning configuration (cf. Configuration Instructions).

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 109

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.4-1:
CNC Turning;
representation of the
work space.

Figure 4.4-2:
Example of the zero and
reference points of a
milling machine

Machine zero

Reference point

Turret reference point

Tool reference point

Workpiece Zero

Tool change point

4- 110 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.4 Zero and Reference Points

4.4 Zero and Reference Points

The most important reference and zeropoints of an NC machine tool are:

the machine zero point (also called datum),
the machine reference zero point (also called home position),
the workpart zero point,
the tool change point and
the tool reference point.

Machine Zeropoint The "starting point" of the coordinates system of a machine tool is determined by
the machine zeropoint, which, in turn, has been defined in the construction design
by the manufacturer by means of the position measuring system and control
adaptation. In the same way, the machine zero point of the CNC Simulator is
predetermined and cannot be changed.

Reference Point The reference point serves for calibration and control of incremental position
measuring systems. It is located within the travel range of the turret slide/spindle
head (i.e. spatially diagonally opposed to the machine zeropoint). After the NC
machine or the CNC Simulator are switched on, you need to go to the reference
points first, in order to adjust the position measuring system in relation to the
reference point.
In absolute position measuring systems, it is not necessary to go to the reference
point, since here the position of the feed units in relation to the machine zeropoint
can be read in at each place of the scale.

Workpart Zeropoint The workpart zeropoint designates the starting point of the cordiantes system of
the workpart. It is free definable, however, it is helpful to define it analogously to
the dimension reference point of the tool drawing.
With the new version 5.2 of the CNC Simulator, four different zeropoints can be
stored simultaneously under the G commands "G54", "G55", "G56" and "G57" or
"G58" (cf. Programming Instructions).

Tool Change Point In turning, the tool carrier goes to the the tool change point if the turret is newly
In milling, the spindle head always moves to the tool change point in order to
insert a new working tool.
The position of the tool change point is determined in the configuration (cf.
Configuration Instructions).

Tool Reference Point The tool reference point is located on the tool carrier and is identical with the tool
setting point when inserting the tool holder.
Since the system control refers for all data of the tool coordinates to the tool
reference point, the position of the tool tip or cutting edge in relation to the tool
reference point needs to be calculated using the compensation values (cf.

Turret Reference Point The turret reference point is located on the tool carrier and functions as
a reference point for the configuration of the travel range (cf.
Configuration Instructions).

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 111

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.4.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Going to the reference

Figure 4.4.1-2:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode going to
the reference point.

4- 112 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.4.1 Reference Point

4.4.1 Reference Point

Similar to the NC machine,you need to go to the reference point after starting the
CNC Simulator in order to adjust the position measuring systems of the axes in
relation to the reference point or the machine zeropoint.

Note If you do not go to the reference point, NC programs cannot be executed in

Automatic Mode and the workpart zeropoint cannot be determined. When going
to a reference point specified in the configuration make sure to avoid a collision.


Main Menu Setup Reference

Mode F2 Point

The function "Go to reference point" is called with F2 proceeding from the main
menu of the Setup Mode.

Procedure For the "Go to reference point" function no menu changes are required!
After the call, the following message is displayed in the dialogue line:
"Please specify approach axis ".

or The tool carrier moves to the reference point immediately after a cursor key is
pressed. Please note the assignments of the approach axes:

or Key CNC Turning CNC Milling

or or X axis Z axis
or Z axis X axis
or not applicable Y axis
1 to G17

2 numerical keypad

After the reference point has been reached, you remain in the Setup Mode in the
machining plane.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 113

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.4.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
definition of a

Figure 4.4.2-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Menu for determining
the workpart zeropoint.

Figure 4.4.2-3:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
Manual entry for
determining a new
workpart zeropoint.

4- 114 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.4.2 Workpart Zeropoint

4.4.2 Workpart Zeropoint (Coordinate Change)

The workpart zeropoint can be reset anywhere in the work space area by "zeroing"
the coordinates or by entering a new value for a statement. In manual mode, this
is normally done by touching the workpart, in which case new coordinate values
are assigned to the tool cutting edge.
Furthermore, the MTS programming code allows four different workpart zeropoints
to be programmed and activated with the corresponding G command. Since these
G commands are modally valid (after the entry they are stored until overwritten),
they can be used for the manual mode as well. If you determine a new workpart
zeropoint manually, first enter the G command under which this zeropoint should
be saved.


Main Menu Tool / Set Determine

Setup Mode F4 Zeropoint F4 Zeropoint Zeropoint

The "Set zeropoint" function is called with F4 proceeding from the "Tool and
zeropoint definition" menu.

Procedure When processing the workpart zeropoint, you need to differentiate two work steps
from each other:
1. you activate a stored zeropoint after a G command;
2. you change this zeropoint by touching and/or entry of the coordinate

G54/G55/G56/[G57/G58] active: Activate one of the corresponding zeropoints

F4 or F5 with the function keys F4 to F7 . The corresponding coordinate values are

displayed simultaneously in the information line next to the message: "Active

F6 or F7 zeropoint".

Return: With F8 or you conclude definition of the workpart zeropoint and

F8 or
return to the starting situation.

When in doubt, use as a guideline for the coordinates sytem the position of the
current workpart zeropoint. In milling, you can display the axes using the "Graphic
display" menu.

Manual Change of a Zeropoint

The manual change of the workpart zeropoint is made by "zeroing" the coordinates
or a certain value statement. The changes are stored under the zeropoint which
was active last (cf. above).

or If you want to determine the workpart zeropoint by touching, first move the tool tip
carefully to one edge of the workpart (or reverse) until the collision message

or "Collision: Please switch on spindle"

is displayed.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 115

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.4.2-4:
CNC Turning,
Workpart zeropoint;
Example of activating
a stored zero with G54

Figure 4.4.2-5:
CNC Turning,
Workpart zeropoint;
Example of activating
a stored zero with G55

Figure 4.4.2-6:
CNC Milling,
Workpart zeropoint;
Example of activating
a stored zero with
G54, G55, G56 and

4- 116 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.4.2 Workpart Zeropoint

F1 or F2 Set X/Y/Z coordinates: Depending on the coordinates to be defined, press the

relevant function key (after touching the workpart).
The corresponding coordinate field in the information column is then released for
F3 or entry:

[Entry of a Coordinate Now enter the desired coordinate value (the existing values are overwritten), for
zero setting therefore "000.000" etc.
In milling, the cutter radius needs to be be taken into account as well for
the X and Y coordinates (according to G17).

After entering the values, confirm with .

F8 Accept: To save the entry, then confirm it with F8 .

F7 Cancel: With F7 you cancel the entry of a coordinate value.

You then return to the "Define zeropoint" menu and you can either edit a further
coordinate statement or change the values in an other G command. You return to
the starting situation with F8 .

Note When "touching" the workpart, you proceed simply as follows: move in rapid
traverse motion (see below) up to a safety distance from the workpart, then you
switch to the smallest incremental value (cf. following chapter) and travel now in
feed motion with the tool tip towards the workpart edge (or reverse) until the
collision message is displayed.

When using the CNC keyboard or graphic tablet, the entry options of the
coordinate statement are activated immediately after pressing a "zeroing key".

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 117

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.5-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence
"Machine and
technology functions"

Figure 4.5-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
"Machine and
technology functions"

Figure 4.5-3:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
"Machine and
technology functions"

4- 118 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.5 Machine and Technology Functions

4.5 Machine and Technology Functions

The CNC Simulator provides the customary machine functions also in the Setup
Mode. In addition to the tool change already mentioned, these are:
Enter feedrate,
Enter speed,
Switch spindle on/off, determine sense of rotation,
Switch coolant on/off.
Determine increment.

Note Within the technical performance entries of the machine configuration of the CNC
Simulator, presettings can be made for the maximum and minimum speed, the
maximum and minimum feedrate and the rapid traverse speed. The currently
selected configuration file is decisive for machining (cf. also Configuration

The manual machine controls are set in two submenus. These are called up with
F3 in the "Technology" function proceeding from the main menu of the Setup

Feedrate mm/r: The feedrate in mm/r is set with this function.

Feedrate mm/min.: The feedrate in mm/min. is set with this function.
S speed: The spindle speed in rpm is set with this function.
Increment: The "increment value" defines the step length (in mm) of the tool
F5 carrier (or the machine table) when pressing a direction key once. You select the
increment value with F6 .
Spindle/coolant : You can switch the spindle and the coolant pumps on or off
F6 according to the machine commands in an other submenu. You call up this
submenu with F6 .
Tool change : To change the tool in working position (by turning the turret to the
F7 stated station or changing in a tool from the magazine), press F7 . The tool
change is described in Section 4.3.1.

F8 Return: F8 returns you again to the main processing level of the Setup Mode.

The second submenu allows you the following additional operation possibilities:

Spindle right/left/off : With these functions, the spindle is switched on or off

F1 or
F2 according to the M commands M03/M04/M05.

Coolant M08/M07/M09: With these functions, the coolant pump is switched on or
F5 or
F6 off corresponding to the M commands.

F8 Return: F8 returns you to the starting situation

Since the handling of the above machine functions is not difficult, the operation is
given below as a summary.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 119

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.5-4:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
"Spindle and coolant
control" menu.

Figure 4.5-5:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
"Spindle and coolant
control" menu.

4- 120 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.5 Machine and Technology Functions

Speed and Feedrate

CNC Turning Provided no performance restrictions have been made in the
configuration, the minimum possible speed of the Simulator for
Turning is 10 rpm and the maximum 9,000 rpm; and the minimum
possible feedrate 0.001 mm/r and the maximum 50 mm/r.

CNC Milling According to the standard configuration of the milling Simulator, the
following minimum and maximum values also apply:
Speed: 10 rpm - 6,000 rpm and
Feedrate: 0.001 mm/min. - 999.9 mm/min. .

Procedure To determine the speed and feedrate, select the relevant function and enter the
desired values in the information column:

Feedrate (mm/r or mm/min.) / S speed: Activating these functions releases the

F1 or F2 corresponding input field in the information column:

or The cursor can be set to a certain field with the cursor keys.

[Switching Data] Enter the desired speed or feedrate.

F7 or ESC Cancel: With F7 or ESC

you cancel processing.

Accept: With F8 or you confirm your entry.

F8 or You then return to the starting situation.

Note If the stated value is outside of the range determined in the configuration, the
entry is ignored after the confirmation, and the input field is released again for

Spindle and Coolant

Analogous to the switching commands of the NC programming, the spindle and
the coolant pump can be switched on and off manually. The current machine
status is displayed in the information column under "Spindle" and "Coolant".
Here the following applies:
M03 : Spindle switched on clockwise,
M04 : Spindle switched on counterclockwise,
M05 : Spindle switched off,
M07 : Coolant pump, stage 1 switched on,
M08 : Coolant pump, stage 2 switched on,
M09 : Coolant pump switched off.

Procedure The functions in the menu for spindle and coolant control are simple switch on/off
functions to set up/off the machine tool.

If the CNC keyboard or graphic tablet is used, the machine controls are executed
directly on the processing level of the Setup Mode.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 121

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.5-6:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for
choosing the
increment values.

Figure 4.5-7:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Increment values.

Figure 4.5-8:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
Increment values.

4- 122 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.5 Machine and Technology Functions

Increment Values
"Increment value" determines the step length (in mm) of the tool carrier (or the
machine table) when pressing the direction key once. The increment therefore
defines the movement unit for machining in manual mode.

The currently active increment value in each case is displayed under "Increment"
in the information column. At the same time you can read the increment value of
the tool carrier in motion or of the machine table in feed motion in the
corresponding change of the coordinate values.

The CNC Simulator offers the choice between four increment values: 1.0 mm, 0.1
mm, 0.01 mm or 0.001 mm:


Main Menu Selection of

Setup Mode F3 Technology F5 Increment
Increment Values

The option to switch on the increment value is called up with F5 proceeding from
the menu of the technology functions.

Procedure Then select the desired increment with one of the function keys:

You then return automatically to the starting situation.

F1 or F2 Increment 1.0/0.1/0.01/0.001: You choose the desired increment with the

function keys F1 to F4 .
F3 or F4

F8 or ESC Return: You cancel processing with F8 or ESC


When the CNC keyboard or graphic tablet is used, the change of the increment
value is performed directly on the processing level of the Setup Mode.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 123

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.6-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the

Figure 4.6-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;

Figure 4.6-3:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;

4- 124 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.6 Override/Times

4.6 Override/Times
The additional function "Override/Times" is available both in the Setup Mode and
in the Automatic Mode. Feedrate and time settings of the CNC Simulator can be
modified with it. Furthermore, the additional function also allows "access" to the
established engagement times of the tools.

Override With "Override", the feedrate can be increased or reduced. This function is used
frequently to check the movements of the tool during the test run. The override of
the CNC Simulator can be set from 10% to 150%.

Test Run/Slow Motion The workpart is machined at an override of 100% in "real time", i.e. its
presentation in the CNC simulation takes the same time as the actual workpart
production with a machine tool.
To speed up the simulation of complex machining operations - without changing
the technology data of an NC program - a so-called "test run" also exists. In this
mode, the workpart machining is run at maximum speed. However, this depends
upon the computing power of your personal computer. The "slow motion" setting
also permits gradual setting of the presented machining speed. This can be used,
for instance, to obtain a good workpart machining flow for a PC of low computing

Note The time calculation which is shown in the information column remains
unchanged by the settings for the "test run" and "slow motion"; and corresponds
to the actual machining time - however, considering the set override.

The override or the test run are set directly in the "Override/Times" submenu. Call
it up with F5 proceeding from the main menu of the Setup Mode. The current
override (in percent) is then displayed in the dialogue line:

F1 or + / -: To change the override, the desired percentage value (10% - 150%) is set
with F1 or F2 or the cursor keys or (decreasing) or
or (increasing).
F2 or

Test run on/off : You switch the test run on or off with F3 or the T key. After
F3 or
T switching on, the message "Test run" appears in the dialogue line next to the
percentage for the override, it disappears when switching off again.
Engagement times: This function permits a direct "access" to the established
F4 engagement times of the tools. Since the corresponding submenus have been
already discussed when dealing with the turret/magazine (cf. above), they are not
repeated here.
Zero running time : You set the calculated machining time ("running time") back
F5 to zero with F5 .
Slow motion slower/faster : The displayed machining speed can be set between
F6 or F7 10% and 1000% with this function.

Accept: With F8 you confirm your settings and return to the main processing
F8 or
level of the Setup Mode.


you cancel processing without taking over new set values.

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 125

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 4.7-1:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Machining with manual

Figure 4.7-2:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
Machining with manual

4- 126 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 4.7 Machining by Manual Control

4.7 Machining with Manual Control

Machining with manual control is possible at any time after calling the Setup Mode
with F3 - provided no other function is active and not completed yet. After
switching on the CNC Simulator the reference point should be approached first
and the compensation values of the tools should then be entered.

4.7.1 CNC Turning

After you have set up the CNC Turning Simulator and entered the
desired technology data, the blank or the workpart can be machined with
manual control. Analogous to the NC commands, it is possible to move
the tool slide in feed motion and in rapid traverse motion.

Feed Motion Parallel to the Z Axis

The tool slide is moved in Z direction with the cursor keys or . If the spindle
is switched on, the workpart can be machined and the cutting is shown on the
Collisions with the tool holder etc. are indicated by the corresponding collision or
error messages.

Feed Motion parallel to the X Axis

The tool slide is moved in X direction with the cursor keys or . If the spindle
is switched on, the workpart can be machined and the cutting is shown on the
Collision with the tool holder etc. is indicated by respective collision or error

Note In feed movements, feedrate and spindle speed are taken into account. In
addition, the movement of the tool slide is coupled with the selected increment
value (cf. above). In many cases, faulty operations result from not having switched
on the spindle or from having determined wrong direction for spindle rotation, from
cutting edge collisions or from choosing the feedrate too low.

Rapid Traverse in Z and X Direction

Moving in rapid traverse is effected analogous to the feed movement. You press
the key and simultaneously the corresponding cursor key for the desired
and movement direction on the PC keyboard.
The rapid traverse speed is determined in the configuration and can be
between 1000 and 10000 mm/min.
and Collisions and other errors are displayed in rapid traverse as well. In this case, of
course, workpart machining is not possible .

MTS GmbH 1996 4- 127

4. Setup Mode Turning and Milling

4.7.2 CNC Milling

After you have set up the CNC Milling Simulator and entered the
desired technology data, the blank or the workpart can be machined
with manual control. Analogously to the NC commands in feed motion
and in rapid traverse motion the movements of the spindle head or of
the machine table are possible here as well.

For the sake of clarity, we discuss the movement of the spindle head only, in the

Feed Movement parallel to the Z Axis (G17)

The spindle head is moved in the Z direction with the cursor keys or . If the
spindle is switched on, the workpart can be machined and the cutting process is
shown on the screen.
Collisions with the tool holder etc. are indicated with collision or error messages.

Feed Movement parallel to the X Axis (G17)

The spindle head is moved in the X direction with the cursor keys or . If the
spindle is switched on, the workpart can be machined and the cutting mprocess is
shown on the screen.
Collisions with the tool holder etc. are indicated with collision or error messages.

Feed Movement parallel to the Y Axis (G17)

The spindle head is moved in the Y direction with the 9 or 1 keys on the
numerical keypad of the PC keyboard. If the spindle is switched on, the workpart
can be machined and the cutting process is shown on the screen.
Here collisions with the tool holder etc. are shown by collision or error

Note In feed movements, the feedrate and the spindle speed are taken into account.
The movements of the spindle head and of the machine table are coupled with
the selected increment value (cf. above).
In many cases, faulty operations result from not having switched on the spindle
or from having determined wrong direction for spindle rotation, from cutting edge
collisions or from choosing the feedrate too low.

Rapid Traverse in Z, X and Y Direction

Movement in rapid traverse is analogous to the feed movement. For this you
press the key on the PC keyboard and simultaneously the desired cursor key
or key on the numerical keypad of the PC keyboard for
the desired direction.
and The rapid traverse speed is defined between 1000 and 10000 mm/min in the
In rapid traverse, collisions and other errors are indicated as well. Naturally
and enough, workpart machining is not possible here.

4- 128 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 5. Tool Management

5. Tool Management
Version 5 of the CNC Simulator has a tool management function with a novel
structural concept and an extended functional application field. The program
provides almost all DIN tool types and tools as standard options, and allows all
common tools to be defined (parameterized tool geometry). Naturally, the tool
management includes options for editing the available tool files, i.e. modification
of existing tools and deletion of those no longer required.

CNC Turning Turning tools are defined [according to DIN] and entered into the tool
file with their data for geometry and for fastening of reversible tips,
including the data on infeed and relief angle, toolholder and tool holding
fixtures (adapters).

CNC Milling The same applies for the CNC Milling Simulator. Milling tools available
in its standard data files are: face end mills, shank end mills, slot drills,
T-slot, shell end, angular, radial, concave and side cutters. Additionally,
various drill types area available as well, such as tap drills, reversible
tip and stepped drills, as well as reamers and countersinks.


Turret/Magaz. Define/Del.
Configuration F2 Tooling
Tools menu

The starting point is the Turret/Magazine Configuration menu (see also chapter

Define/Delete Tools : To access the Define/Delete Tools menu , continue with

the F2 function key.

Password To prevent unauthorized access to the Define/Delete Tools menu, it can be

protected by a password. If you have specified a password during program
configuration, enter this password after selecting Define/Delete Tools, and
confirm your entry by pressing .
Subsequently, the Define/Delete Tools menu is loaded.

Note If you wish to change the turret or magazine configuration only, you can use F1 to
access the Tooling function for selecting a tool from the Define/Delete Tools
menu and placing it in a previously marked turret/magazine location (see also
chapter 4).

The only function of the Define/Delete Tools menu is to define of new tools,
toolholders and tool adapters, and the modification or deletion of existing
Please note that modifications of a tool file may necessitate changes in
existing setup sheets or NC programs. It is therefore recommended that
only necessary tool changes are made, and that subsequently the setup
sheets and NC programs containing data of the changed tool are checked.
In case of doubt, (rather than changing an existing one), generate a new

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 1

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools
menu schematic

Figure 5.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Setup Mode;
Define/Delete Tools

5- 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

The Define/Delete Tools menu is a separate program component of the CNC
Simulator for the generation, definition, management, and/or modification of tools,
(reversible tips), toolholders and tool adapters [e.g. according to DIN]. Accordingly,
you can generate a tool file containing all the tools available for your lathe.
The program includes 283 tools as standard defaults:

Lathe Tools Number CNC Turning Tool Types

26 Corner work tools, RH cutting
32 Corner work tools, LH cutting
20 External tools (circular bits)
12 Copying tools
16 External recessing tools
30 Internal corner tools (preaxial)
30 Internal corner tools (postaxial)
10 Internal recessing tools (preaxial)
10 Internal recessing tools (postaxial)
8 Axial recessing tools
8 External thread cutters, RH cutting
8 External thread cutters, LH cutting
6 Internal thread cutters (preaxial)
6 Internal thread cutters (postaxial)
40 Twist drills
12 Centering drills
9 Reversible tip drills

To support logical work progress, the Tool Management functions are accessed
immediately following the Turret/Magazine Configuration menu. The process
includes three dialogue-guided menu types:
1.) Define/Delete Tools main menu,
2.) Selection menu for procedural steps,
3.) Data entry menus for defining tool geometry.

Main Menu The screen layout of the Define/Delete Tools main menu is divided into two
sections: the upper screen area contains a listing of all available tool types; the
Procedure currently used tool type is highlighted in colored. The function keys at the bottom
of the screen indicate the further steps available:

or Use the or cursor keys to select a specific tool type.

Info On/Off: Use this function to toggle information on the current procedure on
F1 or off.

F3 Create: Select F3 to define a new tool of the currently selected tool type.

F4 Modify: Select F4 to modify an existing tool of the currently selected tool type.

F5 Delete: Select F5 to delete an existing tool of the currently selected tool type.

Return: Use F7 or ESC to cancel the current operation and to return to the
F7 Turret/Magazine Configuration menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 3

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Defining reversible tips
for an LH cutting
corner work tool.

Figure 5.1.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
defining tool data for a
reversible tip drill.

5- 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

5.1.1 Creating a New Tool

Depending on the tool type, the definition of a new tool requires two to four
working steps:
1.) To start with, the geometrical shape of the reversible tip, tool nose or drill is
2.) secondly, define the working tool nose (except thread cutting tools and
3.) then add the appropriate toolholder (exception: drills), and
4.) the tool adapter.

A separate data entry menu is available for each operating step.

Data Entry: Tool with Reversible Tip or Drill

After accessing the Create function by selecting F3 in the Define/Delete Tools
menu, the Data Entry menu for defining the cutting edge / reversible tip or drill is
loaded immediately:

Data Entry Menu Similar to the Define/Delete Tools main menu, the Data Entry menu consists of
two sections: in the upper screen section you enter the tool description and the
desired geometrical values. In this area, you can also display additional
information on the entries made.
The function keys at the bottom of the screen indicate further steps for defining or
editing tool data:

Info On/Off: With this function you toggle on and off clarifying information on the
F1 current operation.
Show Help Graphic: Use F2 to display a help graphic clarifying the geometrical
F2 parameters required for the entry.
You can then return to the Data Entry menu by pressing either ESC or F7 .
[Spindle Rotation RH/LH]: When defining a drill, you can specify the rotation
F3 direction (right-hand/left-hand) of a drill by pressing F3 .
Copy Data: If you wish to define a tool by using and modifying the data of an
F5 existing tool, you can copy its data. Press F5 to select the tool (see below).

Return: Use F7 or ESC to cancel the operation, and to return to the main
F7 or ESC
Define/Delete Tools menu.

Accept: Use F8 or to confirm the currently entered values, and to continue

F8 or
with the following menu for selecting toolholder or adapter, etc.

Before adding the tools which you actually need in your production process by
entering them into the tool files of your CNC Simulator to have them at your
disposal during the simulation, it is recommended that you first study and practice
the application of the Define/Delete Tools menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 5

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-3:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Help graphic for
defining a reversible

Figure 5.1.1-4:
CNC Turning, Define/Delete Tools; example of entry parameters for the selection of reversible tips and

5- 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu


Use the key to move from input field to input field.

or To move the cursor within the input field, use the or cursor keys.

or Use the or cursor keys to select the input field for the tool entering angle.

INS or Use the INS

key to insert a character, and the key to remove a character.

[Tool Name] Enter the name or tool number in this input field.

[Reversible Tip] The entry data for reversible tips depend on the tool and reversible tip type
selected. Use the Help Graphics and/or the Info On/Off options to obtain further
details on the geometrical shapes and parameters (see figures on the facing
[Entering Angle]
The entering angle specifies at which angle the reversible tip of the internal or
external corner tool is fixed. You have the option of defining the entering angle
according to the DIN standards, or based on the side or end cutting angle (see
also illustrations and help information). Select with the cursor key the desired
entry, and use the key to move to the right input field. Enter either the DIN
code letter or the size of the angle.

[Drill Data] The entries defining the drill geometry depend on the drill type. Use the Help
Graphics option to obtain information on the various parameters (see figure.)

Accept: Use F8 or to confirm the entered data, and to continue with the
F8 or
subsequent specifications regarding the toolholder or the tool adapter, etc.

Note An overview of the available reversible tips and toolholders is enclosed as an

appendix to this Programming Instructions.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 7

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-5:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
intermediate menu for
copying existing tool
data. The desired
criteria are entered in
the input fields.

5- 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

Copying Existing Tool Data

If you wish to base your tool definition on already filed data use of the Copy Data
function. With this function you search a specific data record to be used as a
`rough specification'. Use the Data Entry menu to modify then the existing values
to meet your requirements. (See also chapter 4.2.2.):

Copy Data: The Copy Data function is accessed from the Data Entry menu for
F5 tool geometry by pressing F5 .
Tool Selection This opens an intermediate Tool Selection menu consisting of three sections, with
initially no entries in the input fields: The left part of the screen is a window for
graphic display of the tool; the empty input fields for tool geometry (including
toolholder and tool adapter) are on the right-hand side of the screen, and the
function keys at the bottom of the screen are marked with the respective
Info On/Off: Press F1 to display information on/off in each input field of the
F1 information column.
Clear Input Data: To select specific data records from the file of available tools,
F2 enter the desired tool specifications in the respective input fields. Use F2 to clear
all entries in the input fields.
Spindle Rotation RH/LH: If the rotation direction of the spindle (M03 or M04) is
F3 to be used as a selection criterion, you can activate this option by pressing F3 .
Scroll Forward/Backward: Provided that you have already used the Search &
F4 or
F5 List option to select specific data records from the file of available tools, you can
now scroll through all the tools meeting the selection criteria.
Search & List: With this function you can select specific entries from the
F6 extensive file of available tools. The entries in the input fields are used as search
criteria. After the completion of the Search & List function, all tools meeting the
search criteria can be accessed by scrolling through a new list.
Return: Use F7 or ESC
to cancel the current operation, and to return to your
F7 or ESC
starting situation.

Continue/Accept: Use F8 or to accept the currently displayed data for further

F8 or
tool definition.

Procedure In this example, we assume that you can enter several geometrical values as
search criteria:

Use the key to move from input field to input field.

[Enter Values] Enter the desired geometrical values in the input fields.

Search & List: Use F6 to select from the available tools file the tools meeting
F6 your search criteria. The number of selections is indicated in the information line
as "Selected X of Y data records searched."
Scroll Forward/Backward: From the new list of tools in the list window, you can
F4 or
F5 select the appropriate tool by pressing F4 or F5 .
Continue/Accept: Use F8 or to confirm the currently displayed tool data as a
F8 or
tool definition. At the same time, you return automatically to the Data Entry menu.

If you do not know the specific search criteria, leave the input fields empty
and select the Search & List function to display all available tools in the
current tool list.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 9

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-6:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Reversible tips and drill
definition menu
sequence schematic.

Figure 5.1.1-7:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Selection menu for
defining toolholder, tool
adapter, and cutting

5- 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

Further Steps in Tool Definition

After entering the geometrical data a menu for further steps, for defining the data
for the toolholder, tool adapter and, if applicable, the cutting point, follows. The
window to the left of the input data shows a graphic presentation based on the
previously specified tool geometry.

Spindle Rotation RH/LH: This function specifies the rotation direction (right-hand
F1 or left-hand rotation) of the spindle holding the tool.
Show Help Graphic: Use F2 to display the help graphics for the toolholder and
F2 the tool adapter.
You can return to your starting position by pressing F7 .
Cutting Edge Point: Select F3 to define the cutting edge point or the nose of the
F3 reversible tip.

F4 Toolholder: This function defines a toolholder.

F5 Tool Adapter: This function defines a tool adapter.

Zoom: If you wish to enlarge or reduce the displayed graphic, select F6 (see
F6 below).
Return: Use F7 or ESC to finish your procedure, and to return to the main
F7 or ESC
Define/Delete Tools menu.

Save: Use F8 or to save the complete data record of a tool under the specified
F8 or
tool name.

Note After completing one of the main functions described above, you return to the
selection menu either to access the next function or to conclude the operation.
The functions described above also depend on the context. This means that they
are not available with all tool types. For example, no toolholder is defined for drills
since this was already specified in their geometry under "drill data" (see above).
Also, with thread cutting tools and drills, the function Cutting Point is omitted.

The sequential order of the further tool definition steps is irrelevant. In the
following description, we concentrate on the main functions.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 11

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-8:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Cutting Edge Point
definition, menu

Figure 5.1.1-9:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Defining the cutting
edge point.

5- 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

Cutting Edge Point Definition

Compensation Values As a default value, the control system of the CNC Turning Simulator always first
uses the tool reference point as a reference when defining the tool coordinates.
This reference point is a fixed point on the turret. It is normally located on the stop
face of the tool adapter. In order to allow the calculation of the "tool tip", the
distances between the real cutting edge point and the tool reference point must
be defined for each tool. The calculated differences of these values are saved as
tool compensation values in the so-called "compensation value register".
Due to the fact that the reversible tip has a radius, there is actually no real
geometrical tool tip at all. In order to enable the program to set the real cutting
edge point through internal calculations, the location of the "theoretical" tool tip, or
nose of the reversible tip, is entered through this menu. In doing so, you have the
choice between several possible cutting edge points. With this definition, you
specify the compensation values, the work quadrant and the work range of the
tool. This enables the program to evaluate the precise location of the cutting edge
of the given tool (see also Chapter 4).
Starting from the selection menu, the location of the tool noses is accessed by
pressing F3 .In this menu, however, the tool nose does not refer to the tool
reference point but to the center of the cutting edge circle. This is the basis for the
program's internal calculation of exact compensation values.
Cutting Edge Point The window displays an enlarged tool tip. The color highlighted arrow indicates
Menu one possible location for the theoretical cutting edge point (of the tool nose).
On the right, the main parameters are listed, and the display below contains a list
of the available tool noses, as well as the current coordinate values of the
arrowhead. Only the first data record of the list is used to calculate the
compensation values ("running count No. 1"); the rest of the data is for
information only.
The function keys at the bottom of the screen show the available functions:

F1 Info On/Off: Use F1 to display help info in the information line.

Cutting Edge Point: This function key is a switch showing in succession the
F2 possible cutting edge nose locations by means of the color-highlighted arrow.
Display: If you have manually entered the coordinates of the cutting edge point,
F3 you can have it displayed as a graphic by pressing F3 .
Reset: This function places the arrow to the point in the graphic corresponding to
F4 the currently highlighted field of the listing of the cutting edge noses.

Delete: Use F5 to delete the currently selected entries in the listing of the cutting
F5 edge noses.

F6 Zoom: To enlarge or reduce the displayed graphic, select F6 (see below).

Return: Use F7 or ESC

to save the entered values, and to return to your starting
F7 or ESC

Accept: Use F8 or to confirm the values for the cutting edge nose marked by
F8 or
the arrow, and to transfer them to the selected field in the listing.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 13

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-10
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Manual definition of a
new cutting edge point.
For example, to get a
finishing allowance of
0.5 mm for Z parallels
(diameter), the
allowance was entered
in this example by
using Y: -0.65 (radius).
This finishing
allowance is valid only
when working without
Nose Radius
Compensation (NRC).

5- 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

Procedure The definition of a cutting edge point compensation vector can be made either
automatically with the graphic supported entry of the cutting points, or by entering
the coordinate values manually. For defining the cutting nose as a manual data
entry you can on the finishing allowances (see figure), as long as the tool nose
radius compensation is not activated during machining:

or In both cases, first select with the cursor keys or the field in the list of the
tool noses to enter the values.
Cutting edge point : For the graphically supported definition of cutting edge
F2 points, select the desired value with the F2 function key; the currently selected
cutting edge point is indicated in the graphic with a color-highlighted arrow.

In manual entry of the coordinate values, you activate in succession the

coordinate fields Kand I(Krefers to the Z axis, and Ito the X axis), and

[Enter Values] then enter the desired values; as an orientation you should use one of the set
cutting edge points in the graphic.
After you have entered the coordinate values, reactivate with the key the input
field in the list of the cutting edge points.

Accept: Use F8 or to transfer the values of the selected tool nose, or the
F8 or
manually entered values, into the listing.

Return With F7 or ESC

you save the entered values and return to the starting
F7 or ESC

Notes Please note that the MTS program control currently uses only the uppermost tool
nose listing entry for the calculation of compensation values. For example, if you
want to define a recessing tool based on two tool noses, you actually need to
define two separate tools differing only in their cutting edge point.

As the geometry of the tool is defined under tool management the values of the
cutting edge point (correction value vector) are also considered in the correction
values of X and Y. For the definition of the tool nose the finishing allowance
can only be entered for the parallels of X and Y as far as the procedure takes
place without the cutting radius compensation value function having been
switched on.

If, however, you wish to get a contour parallel dimensioning (with the cutting edge
point correction having been switched on) you change the respective radius
values of the tool cutting edge point in the correction value register.

The coordinates of the cutting edge point are saved in the compensation
value registers under the parameters I and K (cutting edge vector).

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 15

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-11:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Defining a toolholder.

Figure 5.1.1-12:
CNC Turning, Define/Delete Tools; examples for various toolholders and entry parameters:

5- 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

Defining a Toolholder
Unlike the defintion of a drill, where the entire tool geometry is specified in a single
step in the previously described Data Entry menu, a toolholder is defined in a
menu separate from those of other tool types. Starting with the selection menu,
the Define Toolholder menu is selected by pressing F4 .

Toolholder Like the Tool Selection menu, the Define Toolholder menu is divided into three
areas: on the left-hand side, a tool is displayed based on the currently valid data.
On the right, below the major parameters listed are the input fields for entering
the geometrical data for the toolholder.
The function keys at the bottom of the screen are labeled with corresponding

Info On/Off: Use this function to toggle on/off help information on current
F1 operations.
Show Help Graphic: Select F2 to display the help graphic clarifying the entry
F2 parameters to be entered.
Subsequently you return to the Data Entry menu by pressing ESC .
Angled Yes/No: To specify an angled toolholder, select F3 . In the definition of a
F3 cranked toolholder, the input fields Step and Offset are added to the parameter
p1 / p2: Points P1 and P2 separate the range of the reversible tip that is located
F4 or F5 inside the toolholder from the cutting edge of the reversible tip (see figure). To
define the toolholder, both points need to be defined on the reversible tip.The
possible points are selcted by repeatedly pressing these function keys. A
modification of the location may also cause an automatic change in the infeed
angle and in the angular pitch of the toolholder (alpha or beta, see figure).

F6 Zoom: To enlarge or reduce the displayed graphic, select F6 (see below).

Return: Use F7 or ESC

to cancel the current operation, and to return to your
F7 or ESC
starting situation.
Accept: Use F8 or to save the toolholder data, provided the data record is
F8 or complete. For control, a graphic based on the toolholder data is displayed.

Procedure Depending on the toolholder type, several operational steps are required:

Use the key to move from input field to input field.

Existing entries can be deleted by using the cursor key or the <BACKSPACE>
p1 / p2: If previously only the shape of the reversible tip was specified, the
F4 or F5 graphic display is restricted to the reversible tip only, with color-highlighted
crosses marking possible locations for points P1 and P2. Use F4 and F5 to select
the desired "attachment points" for the toolholder.
Alternately, the toolholder has been defined already, then new attachment points
can be selected with the help of the displayed graphic by using F4 and F5 .

[Enter Values] Enter the desired geometrical values in the input fields.

F8 or Accept: Use F8 or to accept the entry values for the toolholder.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 17

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-13:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
defining a toolholder.

Figure 5.1.1-14:
CNC Turning, Define/Delete Tools; examples of various tool adapters and entry parameters:

5- 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

Defining a Tool Adapter

For practical reasons, the definition of the tool adapter follows the definition of the
tool itself. Like the toolholder, the tool adapter is defined in a separate menu:
starting from the Selection menu, the Define Tool Adapter menu is accessed by
pressing F5 .

Tool Adapter The Define Tool Adapter menu has the same layout as the other data entry
menus. A graphic of the already defined tool, or a help graphic is displayed in the
window. On the right, the major parameters are listed; below them are the input
fields to enter the geometrical data of the tool adapter.
The function keys at the bottom of the screen are labeled with respective

F1 Info On/Off: Use this function to obtain help information on the current operation.

Show Help Graphic: Select F2 to display a help screen clarifying the required
F2 entry parameters.
Subsequently, return to the Data Entry menu by pressing ESC .

F6 Zoom: To enlarge or reduce the displayed graphic, select F6 (see below).

Return: Use F7 or ESC

to cancel the current operation, and to return to the starting
F7 or ESC
Accept: Use F8 or to save the data for the tool adapter, provided the data
F8 or record is complete. For control, a graphic based on the entered data is displayed.

Procedure Similar to the other data entry menus, you enter the desired values and
designations in the input fields:

Use the key to move from input field to input field.

Existing entries can be deleted by using the cursor key or the <BACKSPACE>

[Enter Values] Enter the desired geometrical values in the input fields (see also Fig. 5.1.1-14).

F8 or Accept: Use F8 or to accept the entry values.

Note As a rule, the mounting standard, and consequently also the shank diameter, is
identical for all tools in a turret.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 19

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.1-15:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;

5- 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

Zoom Function
To support the entering of geometrical data, several data entry menus within the
Define/Delete Tools main menu feature a simple zooming function allowing the
displayed graphic to be enlarged or reduced:

Zoom The menu for the modification of the displayed graphic has the same structure as
the data entry menus: the fully defined tool is graphically displayed in the window.
The right-hand screen section remains unchanged during the use of the Zoom
function; the function keys at the bottom of the screen are labeled with the
corresponding functions:

F1 Reset: This option selects the default settings for the displayed graphic.

Enlarge/Reduce: Use F2 or F3 to enlarge or reduce the graphic display of the

F2 or F3 tool step by step.

Up/Down: Use F4 or F5 to shift the tool display vertically upward or downward

F4 or F5 step by step.

Right/Left: Use F6 or F7 to shift the tool display horizontally right or left step by
F6 or F7 step.

Accept: Use F8 or to accept the selected section of the graphic display, and to
F8 or
return to your starting situation.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 21

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Menu sequence
schematic for
modifying an existing

Figure 5.1.2-2:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Selecting a tool.

5- 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

5.1.2 Modifying an Existing Tool

In fact, the same steps are used to modify an existing tool of the available tools
file as to create a new tool. Before you can modify a data record to meet your
requirements, the tool to be modified needs to be selected (for this see the section
Copying Existing Tool Data earlier in this chapter).

Procedure The menus used to modify an existing tool have been discussed already. To
avoid repetition, these menus are not described in detail here; only the sequence
of the required steps is explained below:

1.) Starting from the Define/Delete Tools main menu, select the Modifying
function by pressing F4 .
2.) Subsequently, like for copying an existing data record, an intermediate
menu is loaded, allowing with the options to
specify certain search criteria,
search the file of available tools, and
select a specific tool from the resulting new list.
3.) Then, the program opens the data entry menu for reversible tip, tool cutting
edge or drill, and you can modify all entries as required.
4.) After having concluded the entries regarding the tool geometry, the
selection menu is opened, allowing further steps to be selected:
modify the cutting edge point or the tool noses;
modify the toolholder, and/or
modify the tool adapter.

After all required modifications have been completed, save them by pressing F8 ,
and then press ESC to return to the Define/Delete Tools main menu.

Please note that modifications of a tool file may necessitate changes in

existing setup sheets or NC programs using this tool.
It is therefore recommended that only necessary changes of tool files are
made. When in doubt, (rather than changing an existing one), generate a
new tool!

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 23

5. Tool Management Turning

Figure 5.1.3-1:
CNC Turning,
Define/Delete Tools;
Control enquiry prior to
deletion of a tool.

5- 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 5.1 CNC Turning: Define/Delete Tools Menu

5.1.3 Deleting a Tool

To delete an existing tool from the file of available tools is even easier than to
modify the tool: you first select the tool to be deleted, and then you delete it.

Procedure The menus applied have been discussed already. To avoid repetition, only the
sequence of required steps is discussed here:

1.) Starting from the Define/Delete Tools main menu, select the Delete
function by pressing F5 .
2.) After using the Search & List function to select the file to be deleted, mark
the file to be deleted in the list window.

Once you have confirmed your selection, the Delete function is activated, and as a
control query the message, "Do you want to delete the tool named: ..... " is

F7 or ESC Cancel: Use F7 or ESC

to cancel the operation.

Delete: Confirming the deletion by pressing F8 or deletes the tool.

F8 or
Subsequently, you return to the Define/Delete Tools main menu.

Please note that deleting a tool may necessitate changes in existing setup
sheets or NC programs using this tool.
It is therefore recommended that only necessary deletions of tool files are
made. If possible, the default tools supplied with the program should not
be deleted.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 25

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2-1:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Main Menu schematic.

Figure 5.2-2:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Main Menu.

5- 26 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

5.2. CNC Milling: Define/Delete Tools

The Define/Delete Tools menu is a separate program component of the
CNC Milling Simulator, allowing the creation, definition, management,
and/or modification of tools and tool adapters [e.g. according to DIN].
Accordingly, you can generate a tooling file corresponding to all the
milling tools available on your milling machine.

The program supplies 326 tools as standard defaults:

Milling Tools Number CNC Milling Tool Types

66 End mills
51 Slot drills
27 T-slot cutters
6 Shell end mills
5 Face end mills
16 Radial cutters
8 Angular cutters (type A)
8 Angular cutters (type B)
10 Reamers
23 Tap drills
37 Drills
10 Reversible tip drills
13 Stepped drills
16 Countersinks
10 Concave cutters
20 Side milling cutters

Main Menu The screen layout of the Define/Delete Tools main menu is divided into two
sections: the upper screen area contains a listing of all available tool types; the
field currently in use is highlighted in color. As usual, further steps for specifying
or editing tool data are indicated on the function keys at the bottom of the screen:

or Use the or cursor keys to select the tool type.

Create Tool/Tool Adapter: To generate a new tool of the current tool type, select
F1 or
F5 F1 ; to define a new tool adapter, use F5 .

or Modify Tool/Tool Adapter: To modify an existing tool of the current tool type,
F2 F6 select F2 ; to modify an existing tool adapter, select F6 .

Delete Tool/Tool Adapter: To delete an existing tool of the current tool type,
F3 or
F7 select F3 ; to delete an existing tool adapter, select F7 .
Return: Use F8 or ESC to conclude the current operation, and to return to the
F8 or ESC
Magazine Configuration menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 27

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.1-1:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
defining a shank end

End mill / Slot drill T-slot cutter Shell end mill

Face end cutter Radius cutter Angular cutter (type A)

5- 28 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

5.2.1 Creating a New Tool

Each tool consists of tool geometry and of a tool adapter. Consequently, both data
records are required to save a tool, however, the tool adapter can be managed
separately as well.

A separate Data Entry menu is provided for each procedural step.

Data Entry: Tool

Having started in the main menu by selecting the tool type, and subsequently
selecting the Create Tool function by pressing F1 , the Data Entry menu for
defining the tool is loaded:

Data Entry Menu The screen layout of the Data Entry menu is divided into three areas: the window
on the left contains either a help graphic or a graphic corresponding to the data of
the tool being defined (including the tool adapter). The input fields for the
complete data record are located on the right.
The function keys at the bottom of the screen are labeled with their respective

Tool Graphic: If the data entry of all parameters is completed, you can obtain a
F1 graphic display of the tool with this function in the window area of the screen.

F2 Help Graphic: This function displays a help graphic in the window.

Select Tool Adapter: Use this function to select an existing tool adapter for the
F3 tool (see below).

F5 Clear Entry Data: Press F5 to delete the tool geometry data.

Rotational Direction: Use F6 to specify right-hand or left-hand (M03/M04)

F6 rotation.
Copy Data: Use F7 to access the selection menu for copying an existing data
F7 record as a default.
Create Tool: When the data entry for all parameters of tool and tool adapter has
F8 been completed, you can save the tool under a certain name by pressing F8 .

To save time, it is reasonable to define a new tool by first copying the data record
of a similar tool, and then to modify the data to meet your requirements.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 29

5. Tool Management Milling

Angular cutter (type B) Tap drill Drill

Step drill Reversible tip drill Reamer

Countersink Concave cutter Side milling cutter

5- 30 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

Procedure You define a tool by manually entering the geometrical data, as well as the tool
name and rotation direction. The desired tool adapter data can be automatically
copied by selecting the Select Tool Adapter function.

Use the key to move from input field to input field.

or Use the or cursor keys to move the cursor within the input field.

INS or Use the INS

key to insert a character, and the key to delete one.

If you confirm the entry in the input field with the key, the cursor moves
automatically to the next input field.

[Tool Name] Enter the tool name or number in this input field.

[Parameter] The entries required for a tool depend on the tool type. Use the help graphics to
obtain information on the parameters (see also the Appendix to the Programming

Rotation direction : Use F6 to specify either right-hand or left-hand rotation

F6 (RH/LH).

Create tool: When the data entry for all tool and tool adapter parameters has
F8 been completed, you save the tool under a certain name by pressing F8 .

ESC Use ESC to conclude the operation, and to return to the Define/Delete Tools main

Before adding the tools used in your actual production to the tool files of the CNC
Simulator, be sure to get sufficient training in the procedures required in using the
Define/Delete Tools menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 31

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.1-2:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
selecting a specific
tool from the tool list.

Figure 5.2.1-3:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
selecting a specific
tool from the listing of
individual tools.

5- 32 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

Copying Existing Tool Data

If you want to use the data of an existing tool as a basis for a new tool, you can
read in the data with the Copy Data function. This function is used to search for a
specific data record to be used as a temporary presetting', to be then modified
with the Data Entry menu to meet your requirements:
Copy data: The Copy Data function is accessed for tool gemetry from the Data
F7 Entry menu by pressing F7 .
Tool List Selection An intermediate Tool Selection menu is then available. It is divided into three
sections (like the preceeding example): the left part of the screen contains a
window displaying the tool; a complete listing of all available tools of the selected
tool type appears on the right. The current tool is highlighted in color, and the
function keys at the bottom of the screen show available further functions:
Show Tools: Use F1 to switch to the graphic display of the current tool (see also
F1 the section Select Single Tool below).
Search & List Tools: To select from the total quantity of the available tools of a
F2 certain type those meeting the geometrical criteria, you can have these searched
and then displayed as a new list.
Show Tool Adapter: A graphic display of the currently marked tool in the list is
F3 shown in the window on the left. Use F3 to obtain a separate display of the tool
Create Temporary Tool: Use F8 or to copy the data of the currently selected
F8 tool as a temporary tool definition into the entry menu.

Procedure In this example, we assume that the list of the available tools is not too extensive,
and that are immediately able to identify the tool whose data record should be
copied as a temporary data set for the entry menu:

or Use the or cursor keys to mark the desired tool.

Copy Data: Use F8 to copy the data record of the current tool into the entry
F8 menu, to serve as a temporary tool definition.
Use ESC to cancel the selection, and to return to the Data Entry menu.
ESC Alternatively, you may wish to check the tool data. In this case, you press F1 to
access the selection menu displaying a single tool:

Select Single Tool Similar to the entry menu, the second selection menu shows the currently
selected tool on the left hand side of the screen. All tool data appear on the right,
and the function keys at the bottom of the screen are marked with corresponding
functions. In addition to the above mentioned functions, this menu contains the
following options:
Scroll forward/backward: To view the preceding or following tool in the current
F5 or
F6 tool list, scroll forward or backward by pressing the F5 or F6 function keys.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 33

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.1-4:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Search & List function
in the tool list;
schematic of the menu

Figure 5.2.1-5:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Search & List menu:
searching the tool list.
This example uses a
cutting edge angle of
45 and a RH rotation
(M03) as search

5- 34 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

Available Tools List: Search & List Function

As indicated, this function is used to search in the file of available tools for tools
meeting certain criteria, and to produce a new tool list. The entries in the data
fields are used as selection criteria. After completing the selection, one tool can be
selected as a temporary tool definition basis for the Data Entry menu.

Select Tools: From both selection menus, the Search & List function is accessed
F2 by pressing F2 .
Selection Menu This opens a Selection menu divided into three sections (similar to the Data Entry
menu): the left part of the screen is a window displaying the help graphic of the
entry parameters; the input fields are on the right, and the function keys at the
bottom of the screen are marked with the corresponding functions:

Select Tool Adapter: Use this function to select an existing tool adapter for the
F3 tool.

F5 Clear Entry Data: Use F5 to clear the entries in the input field.

F6 Rotation: Use F6 to specify the rotation direction (LH or RH turning).

Search & List Tools: Use F8 to select in the file of available tools the tools
F8 meeting your selection criteria.

The size of the tool list is indicated by the X/Y values in the information line on
the right: Y indicating the total number of tools, and X indicating the position of
the selected tool in the list. For example, the statement "4/40" means that the list
has 40 entries, and that the selected tool is the 4th entry in the list.

Procedure Let us assume, you have several geometrical values to enter as search criteria:

Use the key to move from input field to input field.

[Enter Values] Enter the desired geometrical values in the input fields.

Search & List: Use F8 to select from the available tools list the tools meeting
F8 your search criteria. You subsequently return to the Selection menu to see a
reduced tool list.


to cancel the search process.

Note Should there be no tool to meet the search criteria, an error message is
displayed, "No tool available!" You can then enter new search criteria in the Data
Entry menu.
If you wish to have a listing of all available tools displayed, use the Search & List
function without entering any criteria in the input fields.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 35

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.2-1:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Modify Tool menu
sequence schematic.

Figure 5.2.2-2:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
selecting a specific
tool with the Modify
Tool function.

5- 36 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

5.2.2 Modifying a Tool

The same steps as were used to create a new tool are used to modify an existing
tool from the available tools file. Before modifying a data record to meet your
requirements, the tool to be modified needs to be selected (see the Copy Tool
Data function described earlier in this chapter).

Procedure The menus used to modify an existing tool have been introduced in the previous
passages. To avoid repetition, these menus are not described here in detail, only
the sequence of the steps required is discussed below:

1.) Starting from the Define/Delete Tools main menu, select the Modify Milling
Tool function by pressing F2 .
2.) Subsequently, when copying an existing data record, the selection menu is
loaded, with the following available options
select the desired milling tool and,
if applicable, first search the file of available tools, or switch to the
display of individual tools.
3.) Subsequently, the program accesses the data entry menu and, with the
exception of the tool name, all entries can be modified as required.
4.) Press F8 to conclude the operation, and to save your modifications. The
selection menu is then reopened for possible further modifications, or you
can use ESC to return to the Define/Delete Tools main menu.

Please note that modifications of a tool may also necessitate changes in

existing setup sheets or NC programs using this tool.
It is therefore recommended to change the tool file only when necessary.
When in doubt, (rather than changing an existing one), generate a new tool!

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 37

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.3-1:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
selecting a specific
tool with the Delete

5- 38 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

5.2.3 Deleting a Tool

Deleting an existing tool from the file of available tools is even simpler than
modifying: you first select the tool to be deleted, and then you delete it.

Procedure The menu sequence for selecting the desired tool is identical with the previously
described operation. To avoid repetition, only the sequence of required steps is

1.) Starting from the Define/Delete Tools main menu, select the Delete Milling
Tool function by pressing F3 .
2.) After using the Search & List function to select the file to be deleted, mark
the file for deletion in the list window.

Once you have confirmed your selection, the Delete function is activated, and for
control reasons the warning message is displayed, "Do you want to delete the

F7 or ESC No/Cancel: Use F7 or ESC

to cancel the operation.

Yes/Delete: Confirming the deletion by pressing F8 or deletes the tool.

F8 or
Subsequently, you return to the Define/Delete Tools main menu.

Please note that deleting a tool may also necessitate changes in existing
setup sheets or NC programs using this tool.
It is therefore recommended not to make any deletions from the tool file
unless necessary. If possible, the default tools included in the program
should be kept intact.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 39

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.4-1:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Defining a tool

5- 40 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

5.2.4 Creating a New Tool Adapter

The tool management functions include the definition of different tool adapters
specified according to the DIN or other industrial standards. For data entry or
modification, separate menus to be accessed from the Define/Delete Tools main
menu are available. In this operation it does not make any difference which tool
type has been selected.
Note Please keep in mind that the data record defining a tool consists of the tool
geometry data, as well as of the tool adapter data. Assigning a tool adapter to a
specific tool is done as a part of the tool definition.

Data Entry: Tool Adapter

Starting in the Define/Delete Tools main menu, you access the Define Tool
Adapter function by pressing F5 . The Data Entry menu is then loaded:
Data Entry: Tool The screen layout of the Data Entry menu is divided into three main areas: the
Adapter window on the left contains either a help graphic or a graphic corresponding to the
data of the tool adapter being defined. The input fields for the complete data
record are located on the right.
The function keys at the bottom of the screen are labeled with their respective
Tool Adapter Graphic: When the data entry of all parameters has been
F1 completed, pressing F3 enables you to obtain a graphic display of the tool
adapter in the window.

F2 Help Graphic: The help graphic describes the input parameters.

F5 Clear Entry Data: Press F5 to delete all data entries from the input fields.

F7 Copy Data: Use F7 to copy an existing data record into the input fields.

Create Tool Adapter: When the data entry for all parameters has been
F8 completed, you can save the tool under a certain name by pressing F8 .

Procedure The steps required to define a tool adapter are similar to those used in tool

Use the key to move from input field to input field.

or Use the or cursor keys to move the cursor within an input field.

INS or Use the INS

key to insert a character, and the key to delete one.

When confirming an entry in an input field with the key, the cursor moves
automatically to the next input field.

[Tool Name] Enter the name or the number for the tool adapter in this input field.
[Parameter] The entries required for a tool adapter depend on its type. Use the help graphics
for information on the parameters.

ESC Use ESC to cancel the operation, and to return to the Define/Delete Tools
main menu.

F8 Create Tool Adapter: Use F8 to save the tool adapter.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 41

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.4-2:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Selecting a tool
adapter from the list.

Figure 5.2.4-3:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Selecting a tool
adapter from the
individual display.

5- 42 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

Copying Existing Tool Adapter Data

If you want to use the data of an existing tool as a basis for a new tool, you can
make use of the Copy Data function. You use this function to search for a specific
data record to be used as a temporary specification', and then use the Data Entry
menu to modify the existing values to meet your requirements:

Copy data: The Copy Data function is accessed from the Data Entry menu by
F7 pressing F7 .
Search & List This opens a selection menu divided into three sections (as in the previous
example): the left part of the screen contains a window displaying a graphic of the
current tool adapter; a complete listing of all available tool adapters appears on
the right. The current adapter is highlighted in color, and the function keys at the
bottom of the screen are marked with their respective functions:

Show Tool Adapter: Use F1 to switch to the detailed listing of the current fixture
F1 (see also the section Select Single Tool Adapter below).
Search & List: This function is used to select specific data records from a large
F2 file. In the subsequent menu you enter the criteria the tool adapters to be selected
need to meet; this search will generate a new list (see below).
Create Tool Adapter: Use F8 or to copy the data of the currently selected tool
F8 adapter as a temporary definition into the entry menu.

Procedure In this example, we assume that the list of available tools is not too extensive,
and that you are able to identify the tool adapter to be copied as a temporary data
set for the entry menu:

or Use the or cursor keys to select the desired tool adapter.

Copy data: Use F8 to copy the data record of the current tool adapter into the
F8 entry menu, to serve as a temporary definition.


to cancel the selection, and to return to the Data Entry menu.

Select Single Tool Alternatively, you may want to check the tool adapter data for control reasons. In
this case, you press F1 to access the selection menu, to display one single tool
Similar to the entry menu, the second selection menu shows the currently
selected tool adapter on the left hand side of the screen. The data record is
displayed on the right, and the function keys at the bottom of the screen are
marked with the respective functions:

F1 List Tool Adapters: Press F1 to return to the listing of tool adapters.

Scroll Forward/Backward: To view the preceding or the next tool adapter in the
F5 or
F6 current list, scroll forward or backward by pressing the F5 or F6 function keys.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 43

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.4-4:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Search & List function
on list of available tool
adapters; Menu
sequence schematic.

Figure 5.2.4-5:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Search & List menu for
tool adapters.
In this example, the
minimum and
maximum width for the
opening were specified
as 10 and 20 as search
and selection criteria.

5- 44 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

Available Tool Adapters: Search & List

As already described, this function is used to search a large file for specific tool
adapters meeting certain criteria, and to generate a new tool list. The entries in the
data fields are used as selection criteria.

Search & List [Tool Adapters]: From both selection menus, the Search & List
F2 function is accessed by pressing F2 .
Search & List This opens a Selection menu which is divided into three sections (similar to the
Tool Adapters Data Entry menu): the left part of the screen contains a window displaying the
help graphic for the entry parameters; on the right, you enter the desired selection
criteria in the input fields, and finally, the function keys at the bottom of the screen
are marked with the corresponding functions:

F5 Clear Entry Data: Use F5 to clear all entry data from the input fields.

Search & List Tool Adapters: Use F8 to select those tool adapters from the
F6 current file that meet your selection criteria.

Procedure Let us assume that you have several geometrical values to be entered as search

Use the key to move from input field to input field.

[Enter Values] Enter the desired geometrical values in the input fields.

Search & List: Use F8 to select from the file the tool adapters meeting your
F8 search criteria. You then automatically return to the selection menu.
The size of the tool list is indicated by the X/Y value on the right above the
information bar, X indicating the location of the current tool adapter in the list, and
Y indicating the total number of items in the list.


to cancel the search process.

If you do not know the search/selection criteria to be entered, leave the

input fields without entries and use the Search & List function. This causes
all available tool adapters to be included in the resulting list.

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 45

5. Tool Management Milling

Figure 5.2.5-1:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
Modify Tool Adapter;
Menu sequence

Figure 5.2.5-2:
CNC Milling,
Define/Delete Tools;
using the Modify Tool
Adapter function to
select a specific

5- 46 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 5.2 CNC Milling: Tool Management

5.2.5 Modifying a Tool Adapter

To modify an existing tool adapter of the available tools file is identical to creating
a new tool adapter. Before modifying the existing data record to met your
requirements, the tool needs to be selected first.
Procedure The menus used to modify an existing tool adapter have been introduced in the
previous passages. To avoid repetition, these menus are not discussed here in
detail. Only the sequence of the necessary steps is discussed below:

1.) Starting from the Define/Delete Tools main menu, select the Modify Tool
Adapter function by pressing F6 .
2.) Subsequently, as was the case when reading in an existing data record
(Copy Data), the selection menu is loaded, with the options to
select the desired tool adapter and,
if applicable, first search the data file, or switch to the display of
individual tool adapters.
3.) Subsequently, the program accesses the data entry menu, and you can
modify all entries as required.
4.) Press F8 to conclude the operation, and to save your modifications. This
causes the selection menu to reopen for eventual further modifications, or
you can use ESC to return to the Define/Delete Tools main menu.

5.2.6 Deleting a Tool Adapter

To delete an existing tool adapter is even simpler than modifying it: you first select
the tool adapter to be deleted, and then you delete it!
Procedure The menu sequence for selecting the desired tool adapter is identical to the
previously described operation. To avoid repetition, only the order of the required
steps is discussed here:
1.) Starting from the Define/Delete Tools main menu, select the Delete Tool
Adapter function by pressing F7 .
2.) After using the Search & List function, as previously described, to select the
file to be deleted mark the tool adapter in the list window.

Once you have confirmed your selection, the Delete function is activated, and for
control reasons the control enquiry is displayed, "Do you want to delete the tool

F7 or ESC No/Cancel: Use F7 or ESC

to cancel the operation.

Yes/Delete: Confirming the deletion by pressing F8 or deletes the tool.

F8 or
Subsequently, you return to the Define/Delete Tools main menu.

Please note that modifying a tool adapter may also necessitate changes in
existing setup sheets or NC programs. It is therefore recommended not to
modify a tool adapter unless necessary. If possible, the default tool
adapters of the program should remain unmodified. When in doubt,
generate a new data record for the tool!

MTS GmbH 1996 5- 47

5. Tool Management Milling

5- 48 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6. Automatic Mode

6. Automatic Mode
The automatic mode is used to run and test programs created by the CNC
Simulator, the INCAD NC/CAD system or some other programming system, in
real-time simulation under consideration of collision monitoring. Since the machine
and control configuration of the simulator allows a reality-identical performance of
the machine tool in terms of geometrical and technological parameters as well as
those of the CNC control, the program evaluation takes place under conditions
highly identical with the actual workpart machining operations. Accordingly,
various configurations provide professional applications for the purpose of
optimizing the NC programs.

It is also convenient for the user to be able to change directly from the automatic
mode to the Interactive Programming mode (and subsequently to the editor, the
Workshop-Oriented Programming interface or the Teach-In functions) without
having to interrupt the program. Since the Programming Aids are available as
well, error corrections and program improvements can be carried out quickly and

Depending on your needs and operating habits you may wish to make use of the
full performance potential of the CNC Simulator. You have the choice between
different simulation modes to be made as a flying change, as well as the option to
add certain supplementary functions, such as zooming (CNC turning), measuring,
3D-view, traverse path monitoring, and the calculation of machining cycles and

Note The conditions for the Automatic Mode are the configuration defaults and the
predefined machine setup.
Since the simulations can be run with different tool qualities and workpart
materials, etc., the programmed feed rates and rpm values are not subject to
error and collision monitoring. It is recommended to have them checked
individually, before transferring an NC program to a CNC control system.


CNC Simulator Automatic Automatic

Main Menu F2 Mode Mode menu

Starting from the Main Menu, Automatic Mode is accessed by pressing the F2
function key.

Setup Please consider, before starting the Automatic Mode, the CNC Simulator needs to be
properly set up (i.e., going to the reference point, defining turret and magazine
configuration, saving tool compensation values, etc., see also Chapter 4).
Alternatively, you may wish to have the Automatic Mode set up automatically.

Setup Sheet Apart from manually setting up the machine tool, you have the option of performing an
automatic setup by using a setup sheet. The corresponding data is introduced to the
respective NC program, and can be generated -- also automatically -- according to a
specific machine status. When a setup sheet has been implemented in the
program, and the interpreter is switched on, the machine tool is set up
according to the setup sheet data upon starting the NC program.

MTS GmbH 1996 6-1

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.-1:
CNC Turning & Milling,
Automatic Mode menu

Figure 6.-2:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode

Figure 6.-3:
CNC milling,
Automatic Mode;
Selecting the
simulation mode.

6-2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6. Automatic Mode

Automatic Mode Menu Structure

A status message in the information column ("Automatic Mode") as well as the
system information modal commands and runtime indicate that Automatic
Mode has been activated. Further, to start an NC program in Automatic Mode, two
procedural steps are required, both of which are supported by menus:

Main Menu 1.) As a first step after starting Automatic Mode, the main menu is loaded,
allowing you to enter the name of the NC program to be simulated.

Other menu functions:

Accept program: Use F1 or to confirm the program name appearing in the

F1 information line.
If the program is available, it is subsequently loaded into program memory; if not,
an appropriate error message is displayed.
Select range: If only a part of the NC program is to be run, select the range
F2 definition option by pressing F2 .
Override/times: To modify the feed rate override, start the test run or evaluate
F5 the tool engagement times, select F5 .
[Measuring]/3D view: Use F6 to access the measuring function (available for
F6 CNC turning only) or the 3D View option.
Screen graphic: The screen graphic function allows you to make certain
F7 modifications for the screen display.

F8 Return: Use F8 to return to the main menu.

Simulation Modes 2.) Continue by selecting the desired simulation mode for program execution:

Automatic: Select F1 to execute the program specified in the dialogue line under
F1 continuous automatic control.

F2 Single NC block: Use F2 to activate single block operation.

Interactive: To create or modify the NC program interactively, press F3 to switch

F3 to Interactive Programming mode.
Traverse paths: To track program execution by means of traverse path
F4 monitoring, press F4 .
The additional functions are identical to those discussed above.

Automatic Run 3.) Finally, during program simulation the following functions are available:

F2 Single NC block: Press F2 to switch to single block operation.

Dynamic zoom: During CNC Turning, the screen graphics can be enlarged and
F4 reduced by pressing F4 .
Stop/resume: Use the F8 toggle function to interrupt the current simulation, and
F8 to continue after an interruption.
The additional functions are identical to those discussed above.

MTS GmbH 1996 6-3

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.-4:
CNC Turning,
menu during
continuous automatic

Figure 6.-5:
CNC Milling;
Presentation of a circular movement in the three machining planes, G17, G18, and G19:

Machining Plane: longitudinal lateral vertical (feed)

Plane Selection G17 X Y Z

G18 X Z -Y

G19 Z Y -X

6-4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6. Automatic Mode

Screen Layout
Screen Window The screen layout is similar to the screen in Setup Mode: the window on the left
shows a section of the work space of the machine tool, including the blank or
workpart, clamping device(s) and, depending on its position, the tool. During
automatic run, the workpart milling operation is displayed by means of dynamic
graphics. During milling operations the top view can be supplemented by cross
section graphics of the workpart and tool, aligned on the coordinate axes. During
turning operations, the workpart graphic can be enlarged or reduced (see also
Chapter 10).

Information Column To supplement the workpart graphics during machining, current machine status
information appears in the information column on the right:

Machine status CNC Turning CNC Milling

Coordinates 1 X/Z/C X/Y/Z

current tool current tool
position [in mm] position [in mm]2
System status S : Spindle rpm S : Spindle rpm
max3: 9000 rpm max3: 6000 rpm
min3: 0010 rpm min3: 0010 rpm
F : feed rate F : feed rate
max3: 50.0 mm/U max3: 999.0 mm/min
min3: .001 mm/U min3: .001 mm/min
Txxyy : working tool Txxyy : working tool
xx : turret location xx : magazine location
yy : comp. value reg. yy : comp. value. reg.
Cutting speed. in m/min in m/min
Spindle/Coolant M03 - M05 / M07 - M09 M03 - M05 / M07 - M09:
Runtime machining time machining time
(incl. tool change) [min]:[sec]:[1/100 sec] [min]:[sec:[1/100 sec]
Modal Commands 4 auto-stop auto-stop
G commands G commands
Override 10 - 150 % 10 - 150 %

1 under consideration of tool compensation values and tool zero point; C is reserved for expansion with
powered tools
2 consider also the plane selection
3 based on standard configuration
4 The movement commands of the NC program that remain valid until they are overwritten (see also
Programming Instructions) are called Modal commands.

CNC Milling Please consider the plane selection ("G17", "G18" or "G19") specified in
the configuration; it determines the coordinate information (see table on
opposite page).

MTS GmbH 1996 6-5

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.-6:
Automatic Mode;
Systematic menu level

Figure 6.-7:
CNC Milling;
Example of an
Automatic Mode

6-6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6. Automatic Mode

Dialogue Bars The dialogue lines at the bottom of the screen contain information on the current
The upper line displays the currently used NC program block , the number of
displayed NC blocks can be increased (see below).
The bottom line is reserved for error and collision messages and for the user

As a whole, the operation of the Automatic Mode is structured to provide clear and
convenient functions for the testing, modifying and optimizing of NC programs.
For a better control, the comprehensive collision monitoring enables you to locate
and correct program errors quickly.

CNC Icons To keep the handling of the CNC Simulator as identical as possible with that of a
machine tool, CNC icons can be displayed instead of the normal function keys;
program operation is also possible by means of a CNC keyboard or a digitizer
tablet with a CNC template:

Selection via CNC Icons:

CNC Simulator Automatic Automatic Program

Main Menu Mode Run Simulation

CNC Keyboard In some cases, certain program functions (i.e. setting Override, or Measuring/3D
View) can be directly selected with CNC keyboard or digitizer tablet, without
having to access the menus. You can choose the selection mode that is most
convenient for you.

MTS GmbH 1996 6-7

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode menu
systematic sequence

Figure 6.1-2:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
Filename query of the
specified NC program;
in this example, the
NC program name
"%550" was entered.

6-8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.1 Starting Simulated Machining

6.1 Starting Simulated Machining

Three procedure steps are required to start the machining simulation of an NC
1.) Starting from the CNC Simulator main menu, press F2 to access Automatic
2.) Enter the name of the NC program to be executed during simulation.
3.) Select the simulation mode for the program execution.
The last two steps are supported by a program dialogue in the dialogue line.


CNC Simulator Automatic

Main Menu F2 Mode

Note Please check that the CNC Simulator has been set up correctly (i.e. referencing,
defining tool compensation values, etc., see also related discussion in Chapter 4),
prior to starting the Automatic Mode.

Selecting NC Program
After the Automatic Mode has been started, you will be prompted for an entry,
"Please enter and confirm/accept a program name." Simultaneously, the upper
dialogue line is activated for this entry:

[Program Name] Enter the name of the NC program that you wish to use.
If the program is stored in program memory (i.e., if it has been previously edited),
its name appears automatically as a default in the upper dialogue line. If some
other NC program is to be loaded, the existing program name can simply be

Accept program: Use F1 or to accept and confirm the program name shown
F1 or
in the dialogue line.
If this program is available, it is then loaded into program memory, if it is not, a
corresponding error message is displayed.
Select range: If only a certain part of the NC program is to be executed, select
F2 the range definition by pressing F2 .
Override/Times: To modify the feed rate override, activate the test run, or
F5 evaluate engagement times, select F7 .
[Measuring]/3D view: Use F6 to activate the Measuring function (CNC turning
F6 only), or the 3D View option.

F7 Screen graphics: To change the graphic display, select F7 .

F8 or ESC Return: Use F8 or ESC

to return to the main menu.

Note The selected NC program needs be located in the current subdirectory (with the
default name, ".\DPROG" or ".\FPROG"). If the program is not available, an error
message is displayed. When in doubt, use the Program Manager (see Chapter 4)
to ascertain which directory is currently active, and which programmes are
located in this directory.

MTS GmbH 1996 6-9

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.1-3:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
Selecting simulation

Figure 6.1-4:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
Complete automatic

Figure 6.1-5:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
Example of a collision
during automatic run:
an incorrect feed
advance in "Z"
(Z+002.000 would be
correct) results in a
collision at rapid

6 - 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.1 Starting Simulated Machining

Selecting Simulation Mode

After entering the program name, you select the simulation mode for program

Automatic Mode: Use F1 to execute the selected NC program under continuous

F1 automatic control.

F2 Single NC block: Use F2 to activate the single block function.

Interactive Mode: To generate or edit the NC program interactively, press F3 to

F3 switch to Interactive Programming mode.
The Interactive Programming functions are discussed in detail in Chapter 8.
Traverse paths: To track program operation by means of traverse path
F4 monitoring, press F4 .
The use of the traverse path monitoring function is described in Chapter 6.4.

The additional functions are identical to those discussed above.

Complete Automatic Run

The NC program is loaded after the simulation mode has been selected. Should a
setup sheet be available, the CNC Simulator is configured accordingly.
Subsequently, the machining simulation is executed in real time. During this
process, the workpart manipulation is demonstrated as a dynamic graphic screen
display, while the current NC control block is displayed in the uppermost dialogue
line (see also options for changing the graphic display). This allows the direct
execution of the NC commands on the actual machine tool. In addition, the
individual commands (such as feed rate, rpm, coolant, spindle) are taken into
system status information, and the tool engagement time is evaluated and

Providing no operation errors occur, the Simulator uses the complete automatic
run to execute the entire NC program without interruptions. Having completed the
run it returns to the system status Automatic Mode. (As a rule, the program
conclusion is effected by the "M30" command.)

During program simulation, the following functions are available:

F2 Single NC block: Use F2 to switch to Single Block mode.

Dynamic zoom: During CNC turning, the screen graphics can be enlarged and
F4 reduced by pressing F4 .
Stop/Resume: Use the F8 toggle function to interrupt the current simulation, and
F8 to continue again.

Alternatively, after an interruption, the complete automatic run can be continued

by pressing the key.

Further functions are identical to those discussed above.

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 11

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.1-7:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode;
Single Block mode.

Figure 6.1-7:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
Single Block mode.

6 - 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.1 Starting Simulated Machining

Single NC Block Mode

During single NC block mode, individual NC command blocks (or one machining
cycle) are executed in succession. The simulation is "interrupted" until the next
NC block is confirmed.
Error or collision messages, program end and interruptions are identical to those
of the continuous automatic program simulation (see above).

Execute NC block: After each NC block or machining cycle, the workpart

F8 or machining is interrupted, and to continue, the next NC block needs to be
confirmed by pressing F8 or .

F1 Automatic Run: Use F1 to select the continuous automatic run.

Interactive: Use F3 to switch to the Interactive Programming mode.

The additional functions are identical to those discussed above.


The simulation can be interrupted at any point by pressing ESC

. The system status
is then displayed to be the Automatic Mode again.

Collision Monitoring
If a program error or collision occurs during the simulation run, a corresponding
message is displayed, and the execution of the NC program is canceled. The error
message needs to be confirmed by pressing any key, after which the Simulator
returns to the Automatic Mode main menu (unless you are in Interactive
Programming mode, see below).

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 13

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode menu
sequence schematic.

Figure 6.2-1:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode;
to start the simulation
of a specific part of an
NC program, the
starting and ending
block numbers are

6 - 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.2 Selecting a Programme Range

6.2 Simulation of a Selected Program Part

As a rule, the program blocks of an NC program are numbered by a three-digit
block number preceded by the address character "N" (see also Programming
Instructions). In automatic mode, irrespective of the use of the Continuous
Automatic Run or the Single NC Block option, it is possible to simulate only
specific program "segments", for example., to run a program range from block
"N001" to "N180", or from "N265" to N"555". With this program function you are
able, for instance, to test only those program sections you have previously
modified or reprogrammed, without having to run through the entire NC program.

Note Please note that starting an NC program at a specific block number generally
presupposes certain workpart geometry: If, for example, a blank has been
inserted, this can result in a collision if certain working procedures are
presupposed! Therefore, after having modified the workpart save it (see also
above, and Chapter 11), and set up the Simulator accordingly.

Selection Example:

Automatic [Enter Program Select

F2 Mode Name] F2 Range
[Enter Range]

It is assumed that, the Automatic Mode has been activated already.

[Program Name] First, enter the name of the NC program in the dialogue line.

Select Range: To execute certain parts of a program simulation, the range

F2 definition function is first chosen by pressing F2 , and only after this the
program name is confirmed by pressing F8 .

[Enter Starting & To define the desired NC program range, enter the last or first block number
Ending Block Numbers]
before or after the program range that is to be simulated. If the entered block
number is not available, the next closest block number will be used.

Confirm: Furthermore, both block numbers need to be confirmed first by pressing

F8 or F8 or .
If no block numbers are entered, the program uses as detault values "N000" for
the start, and "N999" for the end of the block to be simulated.
An example: The NC program "%220200" is to be run from the beginning up to
block number "N135". To do this, you confirm the default of "0" by pressing ,
enter "136" in the second field, and confirm again with .

Subsequently, you choose the simulation mode, as described above.

This causes the entire NC program to be loaded (to load the machine status and
the modal functions); however, the actual program execution is limited to the
defined range.

After completion of the simulation a dialogue query is displayed whether the

or ESC remaining NC blocks are to be executed or not.

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 15

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.3-1:
Automatic Mode,
switching simulation
modes (simplified

Figure 6.3-2:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode;
use F2 to switch from
Complete Automatic
Run to Single Block

6 - 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.3 Switching Simulation Modes

6.3 Switching Simulation Modes

As a special feature, the CNC Simulator offers the option to switch from one
simulation mode into an other. At any time, you can switch to one of the following
Complete Automatic Run
Automatic Single NC Block Run
Interactive Programming
without interrupting program execution. Furthermore, as long as Interactive
Programming is active, all additional CNC Simulator programming options, such
as Editor, Teach-In, and the Workshop-Oriented Programming are available. With
these parallel operating functions, the CNC Simulator provides convenient and
practice-oriented applications in NC program generation, testing and optimizing.
These can be effectively used in actual production as well as in CNC training.
The two examples below serve to demonstrate the switch from one simulation
mode to another. The schematic on the facing page illustrates how easy it is to
switch between the available options.

Cross Reference The Interactive Programming mode is discussed in detail in Chapter 8.

Switching from Automatic Run to Single Block Mode


Complete Single NC
Automatic Run F2 Block mode

Procedure In this example it is assumed that the currently selected mode is Complete
Automatic Run, and that you wish to switch to the Automatic Single Block mode.

Stop/Resume: For better understanding of the procedure, we suggest that you

F8 first interrupt the simulation by pressing F8 . However, this step is not obligatory.
With certain procedures (i.e. tool changes), the current work will be completed
before the simulation is halted.

Single Block Processing: Subsequently you can switch to Single NC Block

F2 mode by pressing F2 .
If you had interrupted your simulation before the switch, you can now continue it
by pressing F8 ,
Complete Automatic Run: From the Single Block mode you can return to the
F1 Complete Automatic Run mode by pressing F1 .

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 17

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.3-2:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode;
from Single NC Block
mode you can switch
to Interactive
Programming by
pressing F3 .

6 - 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.3 Switching Simulation Modes

Switching from Single Block Mode to Interactive


Selection Example 1:

Autom. Single Interactive

Block Run
Interruption F3 Programg.

Selection Example 2:

Autom. Single Interactive

Block Run
End Block F3 Programg.

Procedure In Interactive Programming as well as in Single Block Mode, the machining

simulation is processed block by block. For this reason, the Single Block Mode
needs to be activated (see schematic) first to be able to switch to Interactive
Programming during a machining simulation.

To switch from one simulation mode into an other, you either interrupt the current
F8 or
block] operation by pressing F8 or you can change the mode after having completed an
NC block:

F2 Interactive Programming is accessed by pressing F2 .

This places you in the Programming mode, enabling you to continue to the
NC Editor or the Workshop-Oriented Programming mode. With this switch
you have consequently changed the operating mode of the CNC Simulator.

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 19

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.4-1:
CNC Turning,
Traverse Path
menu sequence
schematic in
Automatic Mode.

Figure 6.4-2:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode;
Traverse Path
Monitoring for an NC
program range.

Figure 6.4-3:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
Traverse Path
Monitoring for an
entire NC program.

6 - 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.4 Traverse Path Indication

6.4 Traverse Path Monitoring

The traverse path monitoring serves as a monitoring function during the
execution of an NC program. For the CNC Simulator, it can be selected for an
entire NC program or for a part of it.


Identify NC Traverse Traverse Path

Program F4 Paths Indication

Procedure The Traverse Path Monitoring can be activated in the Automatic Mode.

[Enter Program Name] Start by entering the name of the desired NC program. It is logical enough, that
this program is located in the current subdirectory (as default ".\DPROG" or
If the program is not available, the corresponding error message is displayed.
When in doubt use the Program Manager function (see Chapter 4) to ascertain
which program files are located in the current directory.

F4 Traverse paths: The traverse paths function is accessed by pressing F4 .

The NC program is then loaded, and the traverse paths is graphically displayed.
After the traverse path monitoring has been concluded a message is displayed:
"End of Traverse Path Monitoring (press any key to continue)."

Select Range: If the traverse path of only a part of an NC program is to be

F2 displayed, first enter the program name with F2 (see above) and define the
deseired range before accessing the traverse path function.

Note If the program contains further NC blocks located after the monitored traverse
paths of the currently displayed range, their paths can also be displayed:

To do this, confirm the following message: "Continue with ; cancel with ESC ." by
or ESC pressing the key. Or, you conclude the traverse path display by pressing ESC .

Return: To return to Automatic Mode after concluding the traverse path display, press any

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 21

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.5-1:
CNC Turning,
Override/Times menu

Figure 6.5-2:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode;
Override/Times menu.

Figure 6.5-3:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
Override/Times menu.

6 - 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.5 Override/Times

6.5 Override/Times
The supplementary Override/Times function is available in Automatic Mode as
well as in Setup Mode. It is used to modify CNC Simulator feed rates and time
settings. This function also provides "access" to the already calculated tool
engagement times.

Override The feed rate override, also called feed rate overlapping, is used to increase or
decrease the feed rate. This function enables improved monitoring of the tool
movements, and optimizing cutting values during the test runs of an NC program.
The CNC Simulator override can be set between 10% and 150%.

Test Run/Slow The override being 100%, the workpart machining takes place in real time, i.e., its
Motion representation by the CNC simulation requires the same time as the machining of
the actual workpart.
To accelerate the simulation of complex processes without having to change the
technology data of the NC program, a "rapid motion" option "Test Run" is also
available. This modus displays the graphic simulation of the workpart machining
processes, depending on the processing power of your personal computer, at the
maximum speed possible.
The opposite funciton "Slow Motion" allows a gradual slowing down of the
displayed machining speed. It is especially useful to obtain a fluent and jerk-free
tool movement with computers of lower processing power.

Note The time calculation which is displayed in the information column remains
unganged irrespective of the run mode selection of either Test Run or Slow
Motion. It indicates the actual machining time, however, considering the given

The settings for Override or Test Run are directly entered in the Override/Times
menu. During all working situations, this menu is accessed by pressing F5 ,
producing a display of the current override value (in percent) in the dialogue line:

F1 or + / -: To change the Override, the value is set to the desired percentage (between
10% and 150%) with the F1 or F2 function keys; or it can be
decreased with the or cursor keys, or increased with the or cursor
F2 or
Test Run On/Off : Use F3 or the T key to activate or switch off the Test Run
F3 or
T function. After activation, the message "Test Run" appears next to the override
percentage value; the message disappears when Test Run is switched off.
Engagement Times: This function gives direct "access" to the calculated tool
F4 engagement times. Since the submenus concerned have already been discussed
under the Turret/Magazine Configuration menu (see above), it is not repeated
Time Zero Reset: Use F5 to reset the calculated machining time ("Runtime") to
F5 zero (Automatic Mode only).
Slow Motion Faster/Slower : This function is used to set the displayed machinig
F6 or F7 speed between 10% and 1000%.
Accept: Use F8 to confirm your settings, and to return to the Setup Mode main
F8 or
menu level.


to cancel the operation without confirming any new settings.

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 23

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.6-1:
CNC Turning,
Measuring/3D View
menu schematic.

Figure 6.6-2:
CNC Milling,
3D View menu

Figure 6.6-3:
CNC Milling,
3D View, three-quarter

6 - 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.6 Measuring, 3D View

6.6 Measuring, 3D View

Measuring For the purpose of a quality control prior to production, turned
CNC Turning workparts (including threads) can be measured with mathematical
precision. Also, for the calculation of the maching processes the
theoretical roughness is evaluated and displayed to check the surface

3D Views A funciton supporting CNC training is given by the option to display, at any time,
3D Views of the workpart, seen from different viewing angles. Version 5 of the
program features 3D displays in both Turning and Milling Simulators. To display
machining inside the workpart, any cylinder sectors (CNC Turning) or workpart
quadrants (CNC Milling) can be cut out.


(Measuring/) Measuring/3D
Automatic Mode F6 3D View View Main Menu

The Measuring (CNC Turning) and 3D View functions can be used during both
the Complete Automatic Run and Automatic Single Block functions, as well as
during Interactive Programming.

Depending on whether you are using the Turning or Milling Simulator, further
options are available.

Cross Reference To avoid repetition (both the Measuring and the 3D View functions are featured in
their own separate chapters), we would like to refer you to Chapters 9 and 10,
containing detailed descriptions of these operating functions.

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 25

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.7-1:
CNC Turning,
Graphic Display; Menu
sequence schematic.

Figure 6.7-2:
CNC Turning,
Modifying Graphic
Display. Depending on
the current setting,
several NC information
blocks can be

6 - 26 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.7 Modifying Graphic Display and Zooming

6.7 Modifying Graphic Display, Zoom Function

The CNC Turning and Milling Simulators feature various functions to emphasize
specific machining operations by modifying the screen graphics. This includes
displaying sections, displaying several NC program lines, and the dynamic
Zooming function (turning).

Cross Reference Since the modifications of the graphic display are discussed in detail in Chapter
10, they are presented here as a summary only.

CNC Turning
When using the CNC Turning Simulator, you can modify the screen
display and enlarge and reduce a section of the displayed piece
(Dynamic Zoom function):

Selection Example:

Graphic Screen Graphic

Automatic Mode F7 Display Menu

Screen Graphic: By far from all operating functions you can access the Screen
Graphic menu by pressing F7 .

F1 Exterior View: To show an exterior view of the workpart, select F1 .

Full Sectional View: To display full section of the workpart, select F2 . To

F2 differentiate the representation of a section from that of an elevation, the cut
surfaces (section) are represented with a cross-hatch pattern according to industry
Half-Section, Bottom: Use F3 to display the workpart as a section below its
F3 longitudinal axis, and as an elevation above its longitudinal axis.
Half-Section, Top : Use F4 to display the workpart as a section above ist
F4 longitudinal axis, and as an elevation below its longitudinal axis.
Zoom: To enlarge or reduce the displayed representation, press F5 to access the
F5 zoom function.
Show NC program lines: During machining or simulation, the current NC block
F7 is displayed in the upper dialogue line (default). To display several NC blocks,
you can redefine the required number of blocks by pressing F7 . This function can
be activated in Automatic Mode only.
Accept: Use F8 to confirm your modifications, and to return to your starting
F8 situation.

Selection Example:

Automatic Mode F4 Zoom
Zoom menu

Dynamic Zoom: Even during a current machining run, the graphic display section
F5 can be modified by accessing the dynamic Zoom function with F4 .
Refer to Chapter 10 for a detailed description of the Zoom function.
MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 27
6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.7-3:
CNC Milling,
Graphic Display;
menu sequence

Figure 6.7-4:
CNC Milling,
Automatic Mode;
the number of
displayed NC lines can
be varied during both
turning and milling

6 - 28 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.7 Modifying Graphic Display and Zooming

CNC Milling
To modify the the screen graphics during CNC Milling, the following
functions are available:

Selection Example:

Graphic Screen Graphics

Automatic Mode F7 Display Menu

Screen Graphics: It is possible to access the Screen Graphics menu by pressing

F7 almost from all operating functions.

Permanent Sections: In addition to the default workpart top view, it is possible to

F1 toggle section representaitons on and off by selecting F1 .
Tool Display : To toggle representation of the workpart additionally into the
F2 section graphics of the workpart, select F2 .
Show Coordinate Axes: Use F3 to toggle a display of the coordinate axes on
F3 and off.
Workpart Outline: Use F4 to toggle on and off the workpart contours highlighted
F4 in color.
Display NC lines: As a default in Automatic Mode, the current NC block is
F7 displayed in the upper dialogue line during the machining process. To display
several NC blocks, redefine the number of blocks to be displayed by pressing F7 .
Accept: Use F8 to confirm your modifications, and to return to your starting
F8 situation.

You can change the screen display also during workpart milling simulation. Make
use of this option and try to select the most ideal display mode!

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 29

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

Figure 6.8-1:
CNC Simulator,
Programming Aids
menu sequence

Figure 6.8-2:
CNC Turning,
Programming Aid on
the "G83" cycle with
travel range limitation

Figure 6.8-3:
CNC Milling,
Programming Aid on
cutter radius
compensation with
approach "G42 - G46".

6 - 30 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 6.7 Modifying Graphic Display and Zooming

6.8 Programming Aids

The Programming Aid functions are available during simulation as well. For this
purpose, the program execution is stopped, and the appropriate help information is
called. Subsequently the program simulation can be resumed.


Automat. Run (also Programming

Single Block Mode) F8 Interruption


A Programming Aid function can be accessed either during the interruption of a

program simulation or while the Automatic Mode system status is active.

Press the key to load the help screen management. Continue by entering the
name of the desired help screen, or select a group register from which you can
select the desired programming aid. Refer to Chapter 11 for a detailed discussion
of these help functions.


F8 Return
F8 Resume

F8 To close the help function again, press the F8 function key.

You then return to the function from which you initially called the help
function. After an interruption of the simulation, you can resume the operation
by pressing F8 .

MTS GmbH 1996 6 - 31

6. Automatic Mode Turning and Milling

6 - 32 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7. NC Programming

7. NC Programming


Programming Modes For creating, modifying and optimizing of NC programs, the CNC Simulator
provides four programming modes:
Interactive Programming
Workshop Oriented Programming (WOP interface).
The first three of the listed functions are supplied as standard software
components, while the Workshop Oriented Programming option is available as an
optional program enhancement package.

Program The NC Editor is equipped with a easy NC program management to delete and
Management print NC programs conveniently without prior knowledge of the operating system.

The programming modes are structured to meet various requirements and to

support the user with comfortable operating functions as well as some error
checking or collision monitoring functions during program generation.

NC-Editor The Editor with its user interface, especifically designed for NC programs, as well
as a its "syntax checking" function, is the easiest way to enter and edit NC data

Interactive Prog. The Interactive Programming function is a reciprocal extension of Automatic

Mode and Editor. Block by block, the generation of an NC program is
accompanied by machining simulation and collision monitoring.

Teach-In The Teach-In function is a modification of interactive programming. Like in Setup

Mode, the workpart is machined manually. The CNC Simulator uses the traverse
paths for the automatic generation of simple "G commands" (based on the DIN
66025 standard), and transfers them into the NC program.

WOP Interface Finally, the WOP (Workshop Oriented Programming) function allows easy
programming of complex contours without additional programming aids. With the
support of dialogue guidance and help graphics, the dimensional data of the
workshop drawing (even if the dimensions are not according to NC conventions)
are entered in the entry menu, and the programmed workpart contour and the
generated NC data block are displayed simultaneously. WOP-generated contours
can be gauged and zoomed as well.
Corresponding to the option of the four programming modes, it is possible to
switch from one mode into the other during NC programming. The user can so
benefit from the specific advantages of each entry system. Of course, the various
Programming Aid functions can be called at any time to generate or edit an NC
data block.

MTS GmbH 1996 7-1

7. NC Programming Turning and Milling

Turning and Milling:

Overview of the
programming G00 Rapid traverse
commands according G01-G03 Linear and circular interpolation
to the MTS command G04 Dwell
code (excerpt): G09 In-position programming
G20,G21 Inch/Metric switch
G22 Subprograms up to 11-fold nesting depth
G23 Program segment repeat
G24 Unconditional jump
G25 Approach reference point
G26 Approach tool change point
G40-42 Tool nose / cutter radius compensation
G54-56 Set zero reference point
G53-59 Shift zero reference point
G71-73 Segment contour programming
G90-91 Fixed / incremental dimensions (absol. relative coordinate system


G28 Move tailstock

G31 Thread cycles
G33 Non-standard thread
G36 Traverse path limitation for G83
G50, G51 Definition of desired finished contour
G57 Finishing allowance for cycles G81-G83
G58 Set zero point
G65, G66 Longitudinal/tranv. roughing cycle, tapered profile
G75, G76 Longitudinal/tranv. roughing cycle, rectang. contour
G81, G82 Longitudinal/tranv. roughing cycle, any contour sequence
G83 Contour-parallel roughing, multiple cycle
G84 Deep thrilling cycle
G78, G85 Undercuts
G79, G86 Recesses
G87, G88 Radius (chamfer) cycle
G92 RPM Limitation
G94, G95 Feed rate in mm / min / per revolution
G96, G97 Constant cutting speed / constant RPM


G10 Rapid traverse (polar coordinates)

G11-G13 Lin. / circular interpolation (polar coordinates)
G45-G47 Approach / departure conditions for CRC
G57 Set zero point
G67 Rectangular pocket
G61, G77 Drilling cycle: hole pattern on a circle
G78 Drilling cycle: hole pattern on a straight line
G81-G86 Drilling, reaming, thread cycles
G87-G88 Pockets (rectangle, circle)
G89 Pins

7-2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7. NC Programming

Programming Code
The terms "programming code" or "command code" refer to all G commands or
preparatory functions, cycle invocations and machine commands, including their
respective parameters and their combinations, which can be executed by a CNC
control system. Especially within the free ranges of the DIN standard, there are
considerable programming differences between manufacturers. As a result, NC
programs written for different control systems cannot be changed with each other.

For this reason the programming code, and at the same time the command
syntax1, of the MTS Simulators, has not been rigidly defined but can be re-defined
and specified in an assignment table by means of a User Defined Programming
Code module. This enables the user to create various DIN block-oriented
programming codes, and to use them in his NC programming work. The User
Defined Programming Code program module is an optional enhancement of the
CNC Simulator software.

The generation of additional programming codes uses the default command codes
supplied with the MTS Simulators. Accordingly, their language has been structured
to be as comprehensive as possible. (See also table on facing page; for detailed
discussion on programming, refer to the section on Programming Instructions in
this manual, and to the instructions for the User Defined Programming Code.)

Naturally, in addition to the above mentioned G commands, machine functions

selected through the letter "M", as well as other control commands (letters "F", "S",
and "T"), are available. It is also possible to use NC programming with parameters
or subprograms.

CNC Controls As mentioned, the CNC Simulators can be adapted to various programming
codes. Provided that the corresponding assignments of respective NC commands
including formats, passwords and register values are available, the user can
simulate the programming code of other CNC control systems. This feature
produces a two-fold advantage for production and training:

1. The user can operate the CNC Simulator with the same programming code as
the machine tool control system uses. It is possible to demonstrate during training
the differences between CNC controls or, for example, the PAL Programming
code can be used (see also the section on PAL Programming Code Instructions).

2. If the CNC Simulator has been configured for a specific control system, and
NC programs have been created with this specific programming code, a post
processor is not required any more to transfer NC programs to this control
system, since the program can be executed (with the exception of the possibly
expanded control characters required for the transfer itself; see also the section
on User Defined Programming Code Instructions.)
Also, for NC programs generated in the MTS programming code, more than 60
post processors and one generalised post processor are available.

In this context, 'syntax' means the formal structuring of the NC commands,
i.e., the parameter sequence and assignment, and the signs of values.

MTS GmbH 1996 7-3

7. NC Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.-1:
CNC Turning,
Programs menu;
use F2 to call the
Format Conversion

Figure 7.-1:
Format Conversion
Program menu;
NC programs written
with an older version
of the CNC Simulator
or another
programming system
need to be converted
before they can be run.

7-4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7. NC Programming

Format Conversion
This section is relevant only for those who wish to work with programs
generated by a previous version of the CNC Simulator or the INCAD
programming system!

As a rule, NC program data information has a uniform structure to allow their

editing with an NC editor or programming system. The information sturucture may
include definitions such as upper and lower case letters, or the allowable digits
after or before the decimal point. Such definitions are called dataformats".
In most cases, data formats are automatically assigned by the programming
system used to create the NC program, and do not require any configuration by
the user (see also section 7.1). However, if the NC program is to be interchanged
or transferred between two programming systems, and different data formats have
been used, a format conversion is necessary even if both are based on the same
program code. To facilitate format conversion, the CNC Simulator has an
automatic conversion program providing you with a quick and error-free way of
adapting the data formats to the MTS standard.
Since the new version of the CNC Simulator features a slight change in the data
format, you are advised to run the format conversion for all NC programs that you
wish to use and that were created with an older version of the CNC Simulator or
the INCAD NC programming system. Please note, however, that this conversion is
not required if you wish to edit the NC programs by means of the Free Format
Mode (see below).


MTS Programs Tur/Mil. Format Conversion

Selection Menu F6 F7 Menu F2 Conversion Program

Starting from the MTS Program Selection menu, first select the option Turning
Menu or Milling Menu (supplementary programs) by pressing F6 or F7 ,
respectively. Continue by pressing F2 to go to the Format Conversion Program

Screen Layout The main screen area is horizontally divided into two sections in which the NC
data blocks of source and target programs are simultaneously displayed during
the conversion run. Above each window, the name and identifier of the respective
source and target program file is displayed. As usual, the function keys at the
bottom of the screen are labeled with their respective functions:

F1 Specify Source Program: To specify the source program, select F1 .

F2 Specify Target Program: To name the target program, select F2 .

Import/Export: this function is reserved for the new program management, but is
F3 not implemented in the present CNC Simulator software version.

Start Conversion: After you have defined the source and target programs, press
F5 F5 to start the data conversion.

Cancel: Use F8 to cancel the current operation, and to return to your starting
F8 situation.

MTS GmbH 1996 7-5

7. NC Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.-3:
NC Program
Conversion; specifying
source and target
program; prior to the
conversion, an existing
program is selected.
The name and
directory for the
program resulting from
the conversion (target
program) are entered.

Figure 7.-4:
NC Program
during conversion the
source program is
displayed in the upper
screen section, while
the re-created
(converted) program is
displayed in the lower
screen section.

7-6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7. NC Programming

Procedure Data conversion takes place automatically. You only need to select the NC
program to be converted (source program), to specify the program name and, if
applicable, the directory for the new NC program with the converted data formats.
These definitions are made in a "file selection window" (see also Chapter 2).

File Selection The file selection windows for the selection of the source program and the
identification of the target program have analogous lay-outs. The display shows
all files located on the currently active path. For your control, the previously
selected operation mode is also indicated above the list of NC-programs.

Use the key to activate the directory display (Path: ...), and continue by
entering the desired directory name, including the global (wildcard) file identifier.
The same directory must be selected for the source and target program.

If you confirm the selected directory by pressing , the cursor moves back into
the selection field, while the programs appear in the file list according to the
indicated path definition.

To change the sort order criterion, press the combination of and keys.
and This causes the highlighted selection bar to move to the next field, and a new
sorting of the file list.

[Enter Program Name] Enter the name of the desired file in the selection field. You can also select the
file by using the cursor keys:
To choose a file from the list, select it with the or cursor keys. The filename
or is then automatically written in the selection field.
If the next higher and lower directory levels are displayed in the file list, you can
change directories by selecting the desired directory in the list, and confirming it
with the key.

Cancel: Use F8 or ESC to cancel the file selection, and to return to your starting
F8 or ESC
Select: After you have entered or selected the program name, confirm it by
F1 or pressing F1 or . You then return to the conversion program menu, with the file
being displayed as a source or target file.

Start Conversion: After you have specified the source and target file, start the
F5 data conversion run by pressing F5 .
In the event that the filename of the target program is identical with the name of
an existing program, you receive a control enquiry : "Target file exists already!
Do you wish to replace it with the conversion? (Y/N)":

N Enter to overwrite the existing file, or N to cancel the operation.

Note All programs created with a previous version of the CNC Simulator are
compatible with the present version. Since Version 5 inserts a so-called
checksum into the program, older programs must be converted, even if the data
formats are identical. The checksums are automatically assigned, and constitute
error checking routines to guarantee the files are complete.

MTS GmbH 1996 7-7

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1-1:
Turning Control
programming code
default settings.

Figure 7.1-2:
Milling Control
NC Command
Interpretation default

Figure 7.1-3:
WOP surface
schematic of CNC Program management Editor
Simulator Programming aids
programming options.
WOP surface
Programming aids
Automatic mode interactive Prog.
WOP surface

Automatic mode Programming aids

Setup mode

7-8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

7.1 NC Editor
The Editor is a programming interface especially designed for NC programs. It
allows quick and easy entry or editing of NC data blocks. Each NC word has its
fixed format defining the allowable number of digits before and after the decimal
point, and whether a sign may be prefixed or not. By editing the format file, these
format definitions can be freely specified by the user. In addition, block numbers
are assigned automatically, and it is possible to renumber NC programs or
program segments, to change, delete or insert NC words, blocks and block
sequences, and even to copy entire NC programs to any location of the current NC
program, etc.

Syntax Checking During program generation, the Editor has an important function as an error
detector. The NC data blocks undergo a line-by-line syntax check, i.e. a check of
the formal format of the NC data blocks. If the NC data block is syntactically
incorrect the message "Incorrect Syntax" appears in the header, and the
corresponding line is highlighted in red.

Value Ranges Additional Editor functions are used for checking applied value ranges, as well as
for sorting NC words.
If a range violation (according to the format file definitions) is found, it is marked
with the pound sign "#" in the program line. This is a convenient function for
checking and, if applicable, correcting technology data, rpm values and feed rate
Moreover, NC words within a program line are automatically sorted according to
DIN standard 66025, or according to a user-defined default sequence.

Free Format In addition to the functions described above, the Editor can also be used in the
so-called Free Format Mode. This mode applies no syntax checking, and you can
enter any characters or character strings (see also section 7.1.6 below).
The Free Format Mode is activated during configuration.


CNC Simulator Program

Main Menu F1 NC Editor
Managem. Menu

Proceeding from the main menu, the Editor is called by pressing F1 (on the PC

This causes the internal program management menu (see next page) to be
loaded to allow NC program selection.

Cross Reference Refer to the Configuration Instruction Manual for information on default values.

MTS GmbH 1996 7-9

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.1-1:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor; Program
Management menu

Directory path
Cur. proces. funct.

Input field

File information

Available program

Figure 7.1.1-2:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor, Program

7 - 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

7.1.1 NC Program Management

As indicated, the Editor includes a simple NC program management function to
perform the necessary steps for data management without prior knowledge of the
operating system. A corresponding separate menu is available; it is loaded after
activating the Editor (see figure on facing page).

Screen Layout The screen layout of the Program Management is slightly different from other
user interfaces (see figure on facing page):
The main screen area includes a file selection window to select the NC
program. It displays all programs available on the currently active path. For
better orientation, the operational function previously selected in the
Program management menu, is repeated above the window.
As always, the function keys at the bottom of the screen are labeled with their
respective functions:

Edit Program: This function allows the generation or modification of the currently
F1 selected NC program; press F1 to load the selected NC program, and to open it
for subsequent editing.
Delete Program: With this function it is possible first to select and then to delete
F3 NC programs no longer required.
Print Program: To print an NC program, select the desired program in the file
F6 selection window, and activate the print function by pressing F6 .
Setup Mode: From the NC Program management menu you can select the Setup
F7 Mode by pressing F7 .

F8 Automatic Mode: Press F8 to switch to the Automatic Mode.


to return to the CNC Simulator main menu.

To edit NC programs, you first specify the NC program to be edited, and

then select the desired editing function:

Selecting NC Program: Selection Window

Directory Path The NC programs created and modified with the CNC Simulator are saved in the
directory specified for this purpose during the software configuration. During the
software installation, the default directories .\DPROG and .\FPROG were created
for turning programs and milling programs, respectively.
After opening the file selection window, one of these directory paths appears as a
default (top left). A global file extension, i.e., wildcard characters "*" or "?" is also
required here. As a rule, turning programs are saved with the file extension .DNC,
and milling programs with the extension .FNC.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 11

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Examples: 1.) Based on the standard conventions of the MS-DOS operating system, all
files bearing the extension .FNC can be listed by adding a wildcard
character, i.e., by typing *.FNC. If we assume that .\FPROG is the path
name for the subdirectory, then the correct path name for listing all milling
files is .\FPROG\*.FNC.
2.) Alternatively, if you wish to list all files stored on a floppy disk in drive A: in
the list window, your correct path statement would be A:\*.*.

To change the directory, press the key.

[Directory Path] This opens the input field for the path name, and you enter the desired directory,
together with a (wildcard) file extension.
If you continue by confirming the entered path name by pressing , the cursor
returns to the selection field, and the programs are listed in the file list according
to their pathname definition.

Note The selection of the path name can be blocked with a corresponding entry
in the configuration. If such an entry has been done, a subsequent change
of the directory name during program execution is not possible.
In a similar way, the default filename extensions for the NC programs in the CNC
Simulator can be defined by the user. The standard defaults are .DNC and .FNC
(see also Configuration Instructions).

Program Files Each program file is identified by name, date, time, and file size in byte (number
of characters). Simultaneously, after entering a list criterion, the resulting list is
sorted alphabetically or numerically, based on one of the above sort criteria. The
selected sort criterion is highlighted.

To change the sort criterion, press the + key combination. This moves the
cursor into the next field, and the resulting re-sorted program list will be displayed.

Program Selection Enter the name of the NC program to be edited in the selection field. The
selection window provides additional user functions to simplify file selection:
If you know the program name, type it in the input field.
[Enter Program Name]

or Within the selection field you move the cursor with the and cursor keys.

To select a program file from the file list, move the cursor to the filename by
or using the or cursor keys. This automatically transfers the program name
marked by the cursor into the selection field.
If the program list is long, you can use the or keys to scroll through the file


to cancel the file selection.

After you have entered or selected the correct program name, you can
continue by selecting the desired Edit, Delete or Print function:

7 - 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

Program Management User Dialogues

Edit Existing NC Once you have chosen a program name in the selection window and confirmed it
Program by pressing , the NC program is loaded and displayed in the Editor.

Create New NC To create a new NC program, enter the name of the new program in the file
Program selection window and confirm it also by pressing the F1 function key.
If no file with this name has been stored, the following message is displayed:

Program does not exist !

Create program ? (Y/N)

If you confirm the prompt by pressing , a new program with this name is
The same message also appears if you wish to select an existing program, but
make a typing error when entering the file name.
If this occurs, respond by pressing N and retype the filename correctly.
Delete NC Program If you wish to delete an NC program, and you have selected the desired
program name in the file selection window and confirmed it by pressing F3 , the
final control enquiry appears, for example:

Do you really wish to delete

.\fprog\EXAMPLE.FNC ? (Y/N)

N To delete the selected program, press ; press N to cancel the operation.

Print NC Program If you wish to print an NC program, and you have entered the name of the
desired program and confirmed it by pressing F5 , you receive a corresponding
message, for example:

Printing .\fprog\%220.FNC
... please wait

If the printer is not switched on or not properly connected, or incorrect information

regarding interface, printer type or printer driver was entered during configuration
the corresponding message is displayed, for example:

The printer is not ready !

Retry printing? Y/N

To restart printing, confirm the query by pressing ; use N to cancel the

N operation.
If no data can be sent to the printer the message: "Printer does not respond" is
displayed. Confirm the message by pressing any key and you will return to the
program management menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 13

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.2-1:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor;
menu sequence

Figure 7.1.2-2:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor
interface; the two
double lines mark the
editing range: the
marked program
line(s) can be edited.
The header contains
also the program name
and the syntax
checking message.

Figure 7.1.2-3: N048 G88 Z-050.000 B+015.000 I+200.000 K-080.000

Structure of an NC
data block (see also
Programming Value
Instructions): Address
Block number

7 - 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

7.1.2 NC Editor Programming Interface

The programming interface of the NC Editor is used to edit NC programs. It is a
convenient support when entering NC data blocks: NC words are automatically
formatted during the data entry. (For example, if you enter "x1", the string
""X+001.000", including the space character in front ot this sting, is entered in the
NC program.) You can also insert, move or delete NC words, blocks and lines, and
you can overwrite value statements or addresses (identification letters) of the
same format without difficulty. In addition, you can insert other NC programs in
any desired location of the NC program you are currently editing, etc.

Error Checking The format of the NC words (number of places before and after the decimal
point, permitted signs) and the value range of the addresses
(minimum/maximum values) are set as defaults as part of the control
configuration. During programming the Editor performs a running check on
whether these defaults have been considered. The incorrect statements are
marked with a pound sign (#). With this function the RPM and feedrate can be
checked and corrected if necessary. Moreover, the error function monitors the
complete and correct entry form of the NC data blocks. An incorrect NC data
block is highlighted in color, and the message, "Incorrect syntax" appears in the
The NC data block numbers are assigned automatically. However, NC programs
or specified program segments can be easily renumbered. Finally, the NC words
are sorted according to the DIN 66025 standard.

Note If NC programs are to be entered without syntax checking, automatic formatting,

etc., the Free Format Mode can be used. This allows the entry of any characters
and character strings. The Free Format Mode is selected either as a default for
the entire edit operation, or it can be activated for single NC lines by pressing the
")" (closing round bracket) character.

Screen Display The illustration on the facing page shows an example of the screen display of the
programming interface:
The program name and the error message are displayed in the header.
The NC program is displayed in the area below. If the NC programs are
extensive, it is possible to scroll up and down the entire program NC data block
by data block. If a line stretches beyond the screen display area, its continuation
is indicated by a "" or "" character. In this case, the screen display can also be
shifted to the right or left.
Finally, the editing range is framed by double line. Its position and size are set
during configuration, they can, however, be changed during program editing.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 15

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.2-4:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor
as an alternative to the
text labeling of the
function keys menu
operations can also be
indicated with CNC
symbols and icons.

Assignment of CNC
symbols to the CNC-Keyboard PC-keyboard Key-function
program functions (see
also Appendix).

F1 Link programs

F2 Group-operation

F3 Change editing range

F4 Renumber

F5 WOP-surface

F6 Helpscreen

F7 Search string

F8 Quit

7 - 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

As usual, the function keys at the bottom of the screen are labeled with their
respective menu functions:

Link Programs: With this function you can copy another NC program into the
F1 current program.

Block Group Treatment: If you wish to move, copy or delete one or several NC
F2 data blocks as a group, press F2 to access the Block Group function.
Change Edit Range: To change the beginning and/or end of the edit range and
F3 the number of NC data blocks which it can contain, select F3 .

F4 Re-numbering: To change the NC data block numbering, select F4 .

F5 WOP: Use F5 to switch to the Workshop Oriented Programming interface.

Help: To consult one of the Programming Aids functions, select F6 . (In the Editor,
F6 the familiar help access with the <?> key is disabled.)
Search: You can use this function to search for a specific character string (NC
F7 word, address, etc.)

F8 End: Use F8 to end program editing.

CNC Symbols As an alternative to the text labels of the function keys, the CNC Editor can
indicate the functions with CNC symbols and icons. However, depending on the
processing power of the PC, the reinstatement of the screen lay-out and scrolling
through the NC program may take considerably longer. This display mode is set
during configuration.

Note To be able to describe better the program modification by means of the NC

Editor, the applicable user functions are divided into two groups:
1.) The first group, called "editing functions ", refers to the different editing
functions for an NC program, such as entry, insertion, deletion, etc.
2.) The second group refers to the supplementary program functions , such
as changing block numbers, accessing Programming Aids or search
functions, etc.. These are selected with the function keys on the PC
Since these operating function groups are used together, their application has to
be learnt for the manual programming with the NC Editor.

When creating your NC program try to build a clear program structure and,
if possible, to give helpful comments for the NC data blocks.

If this is your first work with the Editor, you should try the entry functions first.
Also, note that the Free Format Mode does not feature automatic character
formatting, but that all characters (including spaces, etc.) need to be entered.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 17

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

7.1.3 Editing Functions

Position Program To edit a programming line, it must first be placed (scrolled) into the editing
Line in Editing Range range. The editing range is marked by the two double lines.

An NC data block is positioned in the editing range by using the and/or

or cursor keys for scrolling up and/or down through the entire program. This enables
you to place any programming line into the editing range.
Page Page Since larger programs may require considerable time for scrolling, you can use
or the and keys for page-by-page browsing through the program.

Entry Routine For improved convenience in NC programming, a new entry routine was
developed that makes the entering of NC data blocks and comments faster and
simpler than before. This means that two entry modes, the New Entry Mode and
the Overtype Mode, are automatically suggested:
The New Entry Mode is used to write new NC words or to replace value
statements, while in Overtype Mode single figures or addresses are changed.

The switch between both entry modes is made with the and cursor keys,
or and the respective entry mode is indicated by the coloured highlighting and the
cursor position, respectively.

[New Entry Mode] The entry routine is determined after the entry of a new address letter or, while in
New Entry Mode, after moving the cursor from one address letter one column to
the right. Any additional cursor movement automatically effects the switch to
Overtype Mode.
During New Entry Mode, the entire input field is marked with coloured
highlighting, and you can continuously enter the desired numerical values without
leading zeroes, and with optional signs. The old numerical value is deleted with
the entry of the first number, and is replaced by the new entry in the format
corresponding to the address character. If a decimal point (or comma) is entered
after the optional sign, only the digits after the decimal point are deleted and
replaced by the numbers entered.
Example: For the NC data block in Figure 7.1.2-3 the following entry is sufficient:
From this entry, the Editor automatically formats (and sorts) the correct NC data
G88 Z-050.000 B+015.000 I+200.000 K-080.000

[Overtype Mode] In Overtype Mode, the cursor is located under a letter or number. To change a
single value or an address letter, move the cursor to the required position and
simply overwrite the present entry.


Pressing the key, or the + key combination moves the cursor from word
to word (and back) within an NC data block.

To get some routine of NC word entry and Overtype Mode, try using them!

7 - 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

Special Characters In addition to the entry of letters and numbers (including decimal point and
positive/negative sign), the NC Editor provides various special characters for
special entries:
Comments The <(> character (opening bracket) is used to indicate that the statement is a
comment. The statements after the comment character are not interpreted as
belonging to the programming sequence (exception: setup sheet, see below).
A comment can be repeated as often as required. If the comment character is
deleted, the entire comment is deleted as well.
Setup Sheet The characters <()> (opening and closing brackets) are used to mark the start and
end of the setup sheet. All other setup data is preceded by a comment character.
Other setup sheet language conventions are discussed in Chapter 3.
During configuration you can specify if the setup sheets can be modified by the
NC Editor. If the configuration defaults prevent setup sheet modification, this is
indicated by the message, "Setup sheet cannot be edited. "

Temporary Free Format The <)> character (closing bracket) is used to select the Free Format Mode for
individual programming lines. similar to the comment character, any characters
may follow the 'switching' character. Although no syntax checking takes place, all
characters are interpreted as belonging to the programming sequence. (see
below, section 7.1.6).
The line-by-line Free Format switching is used in the compact entry of NC data
blocks containing many addresses. However, check that the entries make sense
and can be executed by the program.
Disable Interpretation The <:> (colon) character is used to disable the interpretation of the following NC
words in the programming line, and can be inserted like a code letter at any
location of an NC data block.
A conditional disabling of the interpretation can be used to "remove" single NC
words during a program test, without actually having to delete them. The
character can be deleted, to enable the rest of the program line again.

Concluding a Conclude the entry of your NC data block as follows:

Program Line

If the block is completely programmed, press to confirm it.

Another, even simpler way of closing a line is that of using or keys to move
or the cursor to the next or previous program line.
After closing an NC data block, the NC words are automatically sorted
according to the default settings saved in the format file.

Insert Character Version 5.2 of the CNC Simulator provides a total of four different insert modes:
String as editing functions the options of either inserting single NC words in an existing
NC data block, or of adding new NC data blocks; as program functions the
options of either copying several NC data blocks as a group (Block Group
Handling), or of inserting complete NC programs.

To insert an NC word into a program, place the cursor on a code letter and press
INS the INS key. This causes the following data to move one space to the right, and
you can now enter the additional NC word.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 19

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

CNC Editing Function

CNC-Keyboard PC-keyboard Key-function

INS Insert NC-Word / Number

Delete NC-Word / Number

+ INS Insert NC-Block

+ Delete NC-Block

Page down

Page up

Cursor down

Cursor up

Cursor right

Cursor left

7 - 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

If you wish to insert an NC data block into the program, position the cursor on the
and INS desired block number and press the + INS key combination. This inserts a blank
line which you can subsequently edit.

Note To enter an NC block, the program is switched to the Insert Mode. The status
message "Inserting" is displayed in the header. If you now confirm an NC block
with , another NC data block is inserted, etc. To toggle the Insert Mode off,
press the + INS key combination again.

Delete Character As in the Insert Mode, the Editor features four different Delete Modes: You either
String delete individual NC words or complete NC data blocks (Edit Function), or you
delete several NC data blocks as a group (Block Group Handling), or a complete
NC program (NC Program management).

To delete a number in an NC word, place the cursor in the desired position, and
press the key.
Or, if you wish to delete a complete NC word, move the cursor to the first letter of
the word and press the key.

and To delete a complete NC data block in one step, press the + key

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 21

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.4-1:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Link Programs;
Menu sequence

Figure 7.1.4-2:
CNC Simulator, NC
Link Programs;
after using the cursor
to mark the position for
inserting the NC
program, the Link
Programs function is
accessed by pressing
F1 , and the name of
the NC program to be
inserted is entered.

7 - 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

7.1.4 Program Functions

Linking NC Programs
The Link Programs function can be used to insert a second complete NC program
into the current program.

or You first move the cursor prior to the line the program is to be inserted.

F1 Link Programs: Continue by pressing F1 to select this function.

[Enter Program Name] To enable you to determine which of the available NC programs to insert, the file
selection window is opened again. Enter the name of the program to be inserted
in the input field.
You can also use the cursor to select the desired program file (see above).

F5 or Execute Insert: Press F5 or to insert the NC program.

Cancel: Press F8 or ESC

to cancel the operation.
F8 or ESC
Before the second program is inserted, a control enquiry is displayed:

About to copy
Do you wish to proceed?(Y/N)

To execute the linking/inserting function, confirm it by pressing . Press N to

N cancel the operation.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 23

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.4-3:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Block Group Handling;
Menu sequence

Figure 7.1.4-4:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Block Operation;
selected block in an
NC program.

7 - 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

Block Group Handling

In the version 5 of the CNC Simulator it is possible to move, copy or delete NC

data blocks as a group.

Block group handling: Start this editing function by pressing F2 .

F2 This loads a submenu with the following options:
1.) Define the desired NC data blocks as a block group.
2.) Specify the location to which the block group is to be moved or copied.
3.) Choose and activate the respective function (delete, copy, move) for the
block group handling.

Define Block Group To define a block group, first mark the NC data blocks which are to be handled as
a block group:

Place the cursor always on the first and last NC data block of the desired block
Start/End Mark: Confirm the respective cursor position by pressing F1 for the
F1 and F2 start, and F2 for the end mark of the block group. The entire block group is then
highlighted in colour.

F3 Delete Mark: Use F3 to delete again the start or end mark.

Target Position To move or copy the block group, you then define the NC data block prior to
which the block group to be moved or copied is to be inserted (this step is ignored
for deletion!):

or As for marking of the first and last NC data block of a block group, place the
cursor again in the desired position.

Block Group As an editing option, the block group can be deleted, moved or copied:

Delete Block Group: Press F4 to delete all selected (marked) NC data blocks.
F4 There is no control enquiry!
Copy Block Group: Press F5 to copy the block group and insert prior to the NC
F5 data block that is marked by the current cursor position.
Move Block Group: Press F6 to move the block group and insert it before the
F6 NC data block that is marked by the current cursor position.

F8 Return: Use F8 to return to your starting position.

Note Should you have specified a location within the marked block group as the
target/insert position, the error message, "Block group handling not possible" is
displayed. It is not possible to copy or move a block group into this same group.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 25

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.4-5:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Modify Editing Range;
Menu sequence

Figure 7.1.4-6:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Modify Editing Range;
enter the desired size
of the editing range in
the display window.

7 - 26 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

Modify Editing Range

On the screen, the editing range is marked by the two horizontal double lines; it
identifies the part of the NC program that can currently be edited. Even if the size
of the editing range is defined by a configuration default, it can also be changed
during NC programming:

F3 Editing Range: To redefine the editing range, press F3 .

This opens a dialogue window (see figure) in which you can enter new
specifications to define the size and screen position of the editing range. The
current configuration defaults specifying the editing range are already present in
the dialogue window:

Starting Line: The number entered here determines the screen position
for the first line of the editing range.
Number of Lines: This is the number of lines included in the editing
range on the screen.

The entry which can now be changed, is highlighted in colour. Use

the key to select an input field.

or Use the or cursor keys to change the field values.

F8 Accept: Press F8 to accept your modifications.


to cancel the operation.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 27

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.4-7:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Menu sequence

Figure 7.1.4-8:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
In the dialogue window
you enter the range,
the new starting block
number and the
numbering increment.

7 - 28 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

Renumbering NC Data Blocks

The block numbers are automatically assigned during programming. You can
change the numbering, of course. This is helpful especially when one or more NC
data blocks are inserted into, or moved within a program.

Renumbering: Press F4 to define a new block numbering sequence:

F4 This opens a dialogue window in which you can specify the desired sequence:

From: This number indicates the first block of the current program to be
To: This number indicates the last block of the current program to be
Increment: Numbering progress, i.e., with an increment value of "3", it is: 3,
6, 9, 12 ...

The entry which can currently be changed is highlighted in colour.

Use the key to select an input field.

[Enter Value] Enter the desired value in the active input field.

Execute: Having changed all values as desired, confirm them by pressing F8 .

F8 This causes the renumbering to proceed from the first identified NC data block


to cancel the operation.

The Renumbering function might be necessary if NC data blocks or block groups

were moved, inserted or copied. These functions may cause duplications of NC
data block numbers, possibly requiring one or more renumbering runs, if the NC
data blocks must be numbered in linear succession.
In the case of duplicated block numbers, renumbering takes place from the first
starting number found to the first ending number found.

Switch to WOP Interface

As discussed earlier, if the Workshop Oriented Programming module was
installed in your system, the WOP Interface can also be accessed during
programming operations with the Editor. This change of mode facilitates the
programming of complex contours, without any prior contour calculations.

F6 WOP: Press F6 to switch to the Workshop Oriented Programming interface.

Cross Reference Detailed information on the WOP Interface is given in a separate chapter.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 29

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.4-9:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Find Character String;
Menu sequence

Figure 7.1.4-10:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor,
Find Character String;
enter in the dialogue
window the desired
character string for
automatic search.

Figure 7.1.4-11:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor;
Programming Aids.

7 - 30 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

Programming Aids
As in the other operating modes, all Programming Aids are also available during
working with the Editor.

Aids: In the NC Editor, the Programming Aids are accessed by pressing the F6
F6 key (and not the key!). Use the dialogue window to enter the name of the
desired Aid or select it by means of the registers (see also Chapter 11).

F8 or ESC Press F8 or ESC

to cancel the help function.

Note In the same manner as the Programming Aids can be accessed from the
Editor, an NC data block can be modified by calling the Editor when using
Programming Aids.

Find Character String

A program modification often requires the changing of one single item only. With
the search function you can quickly find such items. The search function checks
whether a certain character string (such as one or several NC words, an NC data
block or merely code letters or values) is included in the program, and displays it
automatically. However, the maximum length of the specified character string is
10 characters.

Find: Press F7 to start the search function.

F7 This opens an intermediate menu with several search options:

Previous/Next Error: To search for a tagged error (see Figure 7.1.5-1 next
F1 or F3 page) in the NC program, select F1 or F3 . If an error is found, it is displayed

F5 Find String: Press F5 to enter any type of "search string" (see below).

F8 or ESC Return: Press F8 or ESC

to return to your starting situation.

Find String To check whether the specific string is included in the NC program, activate the
Find String function to open a dialogue window in which you can enter the
character string for the automatic search.
[Search String] Enter the desired character string in the dialogue window, and check the correct
spelling of the Search String.
Search Up/Down: If you confirm your entry by pressing F1 or F3 , the program
F1 or F3 searches for the search string before or after the current editing line, respectively.
If the string is found, it is automatically displayed. If it is not found the message
"Search string not found" is displayed
If the character string occurs several times in the program, repeat this function.
Change String: If you wish to search for a further string, select F5 and repeat the
F5 procedure described above.

F8 Return: Press F8 to return to your starting situation.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 31

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.4-12:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor;
Ending Programming.

Figure 7.1.5-1:
NC Editor
Syntax Checking and Range
NC data block "N110"
contains two incorrect
statements: By mistake
feedrate was programmed
F:000.000 and toolchange
"T0000". The not acceptable
values are automatically
tagged with the "#" character.
Also, NC data block "N135"
contains an incorrect word
combination. The syntax
checking function highlights
the line with colour, and also
displays the message,
"Incorrect syntax" in the

7 - 32 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

Conclude NC Programming
You can conclude your programming session with or without saving your data:

Press ESC to return directly to the Program Management menu, and to save
ESC simultaneously your programming results.

With the function key you return directly to the Program Management
without saving your programming data.

End of Job: At the same time it is possible to conclude your work via program
F8 dialogue: press F8 to activate this dialogue sequence:

Return: If you have mistakenly started the End of Job function, you can return to
F1 program editing by pressing F1 .
Without Saving: Press F6 to cancel program editing, without saving the most
F6 recent editing results, and you return to the Program Management menu.
Caution! After cancelling, the previous editing results are no longer available for
Save Data: Normally, you conclude your NC programming session by saving your
F8 data. Press F8 to conclude your session and to save your data. You then return
to your starting point, the Program Management menu.

Return to Setup or Automatic Mode

From the Program Management menu, you can access the Setup Mode by
pressing the F7 key, or the Automatic Mode by pressing F8 (see above).

7.1.5 Syntax Check and Range Violation

As already described, the Editor automatically performs a syntax and value range
check during programming.
If you enter and confirm an NC data block which violates the set file format the
incorrect data block is highlighted in color, and the message, "Incorrect Syntax" is
displayed in the header.
Also, in case of value range violation the incorrect value is tagged with the
character "#".
The figure on the facing page shows examples of these functions.

Procedure As soon as one of these error messages occurs, check the program, and correct
the incorrect value statements or addresses, etc.

Note Refer to your programming instructions for information on correction procedures.

You can also consult a Programming Aid.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 33

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 7.1.3-1:
CNC Simulator,
NC Editor;
programming in Free
Format Mode.

7 - 34 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 7.1 NC Editor

7.1.6 Free Format Mode

In addition to the functional modes described the Editor can also be used in the so-
called Free Format Mode. This mode uses no syntax checking, and you can
enter any character or character strings.The Free Format Mode is switched on
during configuration (see also Configuration Instructions).

Procedure Basically, the programming functions featured in the Editor (Editing Range, End-
of Line, Find Character String, etc.) are handled in Free Format Mode in the
same way as under the MTS Programming Code.
To program (editing) NC data blocks you enter directly addresses and values; to
correct them you overwrite them and/or insert new data. At the same time, the
cursor can be freely positioned within the editing range, and existing characters
as well as empty input fields are overwritten by the entries.

However, keep in mind that the Free Format Mode does not provide automatic
character formatting, that all characters (including empty spaces) must be entered
separately, and that all editing functions must be executed individually.

For example: The NC data block

G88 Z-050.000 B+015.000 I+200.000 K-080.000
can be programmed in Free Format Mode as follows:
G88 Z-50 B+15 I+200 K-80

Note Also consider, that an NC program made in Free Format Mode cannot be loaded
by the Editor during standard editing or in PAL Mode. Due to the fact that the
code letter formats are, as a rule, different, a correct program run is not
guaranteed. Therefore, prior to starting the CNC Simulator, it is recommended
that you either check the configuration defaults, or adjust the data formats of the
NC program to correspond to the MTS Programming Code by means of the
Format Conversion utility (see above).

Temporary Free Format

As described earlier in this chapter, the Free Format Mode can also be selected
line by line with the <)> (closing bracket) character for the purpose of single-line
editing, in order to allow condensed entry of NC data blocks containing multiple
addresses. In the same way as after the comment character this mode allows the
entry of any character string, and even if no syntax check is made, all data is
interpreted for program execution (see section 7.1.3 above).

For example:
N056 ) G77 X+170 Y+50 A+0.0 B+22 D+60 S6
N057 G00 X+162.000 Y+050.000 Z-023.000 T0909 M03

Please, note that the entries made in Free Format must make sense, and that the
program must be able to interpret them.

MTS GmbH 1996 7 - 35

7. NC-Programming Turning and Milling

7 - 36 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8. Interactive Programming

8. Interactive Programming
Interactive programming is a reciprocal "supplement" to the Editor and Automatic
Mode. NC programs can be created, tested and optimized with it. You first
program an NC block or machining cycle; the corresponding machining simulation
is then performed. In the subsequent dialogue you decide whether you accept the
program sequence as it is or whether you want to correct or change it.

Collision Monitoring Like in the automatic mode, exact collision monitoring is made in interactive
programming as well. If there is a collision it is displayed. After the error message
has been confirmed the incorrect machining cycle is canceled. The NC block can
then be corrected and tested again by simulation. Parallel programming and
workpart machining shows which "information" the NC commands contain for the
control system and the opportunity to make immediate corrections supports error-
free NC programming.
Note The presettings of the configuration and the previously defined machine setup
apply for interactive programming.
Since error and collision monitoring do not consider the programmed feedrates
and speed rates, these should be tested prior to the transfer of the NC program to
a CNC machine tool.

It is the aim of this manual to provide a complete description of the program

functions in each chapter they occur to avoid unnecessary cross-referencing.
However, repeting the same function again and again may also get boring. Since
many subroutines of interactive programming - in particular loading an NC
program, defining the range, modifying the graphical display, etc., - are the same
as for the automatic mode and other subroutines, these should be read first..
Please refer to the programming instructions (Programmers Guide for Turning
and Milling) and the configuration instructions for further information.


Main Menu Automatic [NC Program

CNC Simulator F2 Mode Name] F3 Interactive

Interactive programming is integrated in the Automatic Mode: proceeding from

the main menu first select Automatic Mode with F2 , then load an NC program and
if necessary enter the editing range. The interactive programming mode is not
selected (with F3 ) until when selecting the simulation mode.

Setup Please, check that the CNC Simulator has been set up correctly before starting
the Automatic Mode (cf. above, Chapter 4).

Setup Sheet In addition to the option of setting up the machine tool manually, this can be done
automatically with the setup sheet. Provided the setup sheet is included in the
program and the interpreter is switched on, the machine tool is set up
according to the set-up sheet on starting the NC program.

MTS GmbH 1996 8-1

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.-1:
CNC Simulator,
Input of an NC block
(Deep Hole Drilling

Figure 8.-2:
CNC Simulator,
Dialogue to confirm an
NC block.

8-2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8. Interactive Programming

Screen Layout
The screen display has an analoguous layout to that of the Automatic Mode
screen: In the upper screen area part of the work space of the machine tool with
blank or workpart, clamping fixture and - according to its position - tool is
displayed. A graphic-dynamic workpart machining is displayed during the
simulation. The information column on the right side of the screen contains
information on the current system status.
Dialogue Guidance The dialogue guidance of interactive programming is in the two information lines
under the work space window:
The top line always displays the current NC block of the progam generation.
Error and collision messages and the program dialogue are displayed in the
line blow it.
To use interactive programming is simple and clear: You enter the NC block in
the input menu Interactive Programming and then either confirm or cancel the
programmed NC block with the dialogue menu.
As a special feature, it is also possible to switch over to the other programming
modes of the CNC Simulator, without having to interrupt program processing. In
addition, the programming aids as well as other additional functions of the
Automatic Mode are available:
Input Menu In the doalogue line you enter the next data record.

Automatic Run: With F1 you end interactive programming and test the
F1 remaining NC blocks in the automatic run. This function is not available for a
program to be generated.
Single Block: With F2 you end interactive programming and test the remaining
F2 NC blocks in the single block mode. This function is not available for a new

F3 Teach-In: With F3 you switch to the Teach-In (cf. below).

F4 Editor: With F4 you switch to the NC editor.

WOP: With F5 you switch to workshop-oriented programming - provided this

F4 program is available.

F6 Help Images: With F6 you call up the programming aids.

F7 Graphical Display: To change the display, press F7 .

Execute Block: You accept the programmed NC block with F8 and the
F8 or
machining simulation is performed.

Dialogue Menu After machining simulation, you can take the NC block into the program:

Accept Block: With F1 you take the last executed NC block/blocks into the NC
F1 or

Reject Block: With F2 you release the last executed NC block/blocks for
F2 or ESC
Override/Times: To change the feed override, to switch on the test run or to
F5 define the tool usage times, press F5 .

[Measuring]/3D view: With F6 you switch to the "Measuring" function (only CNC
F6 turning) or 3D view.

F7 Graphical Display: To change the display, press F7 .

MTS GmbH 1996 8-3

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence for

Figure 8.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Automatic mode;
Enquiry of the file
name of the desired
NC program:
after a new program
name is stated, there
is a control enquiry:
"Create new program
?". If this is confirmed
with , the CNC
Simulator creates a
new program file.

8-4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.1 Invoking Interactive Programming

8.1 Activate Interactive Programming

Load an Existing NC Program

Interactive programming is activated from the Automatic Mode.
Please check that the CNC Simulator has been set up correctly (cf. above,
Chapter 4)

[Enter Program Accept

Automatic Mode
Name] F1 Program F3 Interactive

The Automatic Mode is called up from the main menu of the CNC Simulator with
F2 , from the program manager of the editor with F8 (indicated by the message:
"Automatic Mode").

[Program Name] Enter the name of the desired NC program in the dialogue line. If a program is
already loaded in the program memory (e.g. if it was edited previously) its name
appears as a default entry in the dialogue line. To load another program overwrite
this statement.

F1 or Accept program: Confirm the statement of the program name with F1 or .

Interactive: You choose the simulation mode in the following menu: with F3 you
F3 switch to interactive programming.

ESC If you have selected this processing mode by mistake, cancel it with ESC

Cross Reference The stated NC program must be stored in the currently selected subdirectory
(standard: ".\DPROG" or ".\FPROG", cf. above, Chapter 7). When in doubt you
can check via the file manager of the NC editor which NC programs are available
and if necessary also change the path statement.

Create and Load a New NC Program

It is also possible to start interactive program processing with a new NC program.
The starting point is again the main menu of the Automatic Mode:

[Enter: New Dialogue: Create Y:

Program Name] F3 Interactive
new program ? F1 Confirmation

[Program Name] Enter the name of the new program file in the dialogue line. Existing entries can
be overwritten.

F1 or Confirm the program name with F1 or .

MTS GmbH 1996 8-5

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.1-3:
CNC Turning,
Range definition;
After the program
name has been
entered, it is also
possible to load only a
part of the NC
program. The
corresponding NC
block numbers are
entered in the range

Range definition, example:

N040 G78 X+015.000 Y+072.000 A+000.000 D+022.000 S0006 Z+005.000
N041 X+020.000 Y+020.000
N042 Z+005.000
N044 G87 X+030.000 Y+032.000 Z-040.000 I-050.000 K+025.000
N046 G78 A+000.000 D+050.000 S0003 desired processing
N048 G88 Z-050.000 B+015.000 I+200.000 K-080.000 range
N050 G79 X+170.000 Y+050.000
N051 G00 Z+005.000 T0404 M03
N053 G83 Z-050.000 K+030.000 D+010.000
N054 X+192.000
N056 G77 X+170.000 Y+050.000 A+000.000 B+022.000 D+060.000 S0006
N057 G00 X+162.000 Y+050.000 Z-023.000 T0909 M03

8-6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.1 Invoking Interactive Programming

Interactive: In the subsequent menu select the simulation mode: switch to

F3 interactive programming with F3 .

In the case of a new program name, there is a control enquiry: "Create new
program?" before the CNC Simulator creates a new program file.

If you want to create a new NC program, confirm this message with or ,
otherwise cancel the process with N or ESC
N or ESC

Load Part of an NC Program

In general, the program lines of an NC program are numbered continuously with
the letter N and a subsequent three digit block number at the beginning of each
line. If you want to use the interactive mode only for a certain part of the program
define the desired program part after entering the program name.

Note Please note that the start of the NC program at a specified point frequently
presupposes certain workpart geometry. Therefore, save the prefabricated
workpart (cf. above, Chapter 3) first and set up the CNC Simulator accordingly
before the program start.


[Enter: Program Select

Name] F2 Range
[Enter Range] F3 Interactive

The Automatic Mode needs to be called up first.

[Program Name] First, enter the name of the desired NC program in the dialogue line.

Select range: To process the range definition section by section press F2 .

[Entry of the lower To define the range of the NC program, enter the last or first block number
and upper Block Number]
before or after the desired range in the dialogue line.
Accept: In addition, you should in each case confirm the two block numbers with
F8 or F8 or . If no entry is made, then "N000" is taken as the first block number and
"N999" as the last.

Subsequently select interactive programming as described above. The NC

program is then read in starting from the selected partial range.

or After the selected range has been processed, there is a dialogue as to whether
the remaining NC blocks should be executed or not.

Note It is natural enough that the range definition makes sense only for an existing
program. If you apply the range definition for a new program, then the program
file is created but processing is interrupted with the message "Inconsistent
conclusion of a program part" and the program is created without NC data.

MTS GmbH 1996 8-7

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.2-1:
CNC Simulator,
Schematic of the
menu sequence.

Figure 8.2-2:
CNC Turning,
Processing a cycle:
Simulation of
machining does not
start until the entire
cycle (here rough
turning cycle and
contour definition in a
subprogram) is
The contour is
displayed for checking.

8-8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.2 Programming an NC Block

8.2 Programming NC Blocks

NC Block Input In contrast to the Automatic Mode, the NC block displayed in the dialogue line
can be edited in interactive programming. After one NC block has been
confirmed, the simulation is performed. Finally, different correction possibilities
are available to change an NC program.
[Display of the NC Block] After confirming the program name the NC program is loaded and the first NC
block is output in the programming line. If a new NC program is created, only the
first block number (e.g. "N10") is available.

[Creating or Changing an The NC block which has been read into the dialogue line can be then processed.
NC Block]
In this case you can use, even in interactive programming, all editing
functions which the editor provides: in addition to a letter and number input,
address and value data can be overwritten as well and you can delete or insert
characters. To overwrite individual data, position the cursor at the desired
For the input you just state the individual letters and digit values of the
immediately following NC block. Do not confirm the individual NC words with

For example: enter the NC block of Figure 8.-1 as follows (assuming a "blank"
program line is available):

N115 g 8 4 k 2 5 b 0 . 5 d 1 5 z - 7 9
This line is then automatically formatted into the following NC block:
N115 G84 K+025.000 B+000.500 D+015.000 Z-079.000
Unlike in NC editor, the NC words are not automatically sorted in interactive

You can try out the input functions with a "Test program".

Overview of Editing Functions

[Character Input] : Input / Overwrite an NC block

or : Position cursor

INS or : Insert or delete a character or NC word

and INS : Insert an NC block1

and : Delete an NC block

: Position cursor (word by word)

1 The insert mode of an NC block remains activated until it is switched
off with the same key combination.

MTS GmbH 1996 8-9

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.2-3:
CNC Simulator,
recessing cycle:
since the recessing
cycle should be
performed twice, the
distance of the
recesses from each
other is first defined
with G83 and then the
recess with G79.

Figure 8.2-4:
CNC Simulator,
before machining the
recessing cycle, its
geometry has to be be
defined first.

Figure 8.2-5:
CNC Simulator,
after the workpart has
been machined, you
can decide in a
dialogue whether you
want to confirm or
change the

8 - 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.2 Programming an NC Block

[Completion of an NC Block] Having entered the NC block completely, machining can be simulated:

Execute block: Execution of the NC block is started with F8 or . When

F8 or programming a "simple" NC block the corresponding machining simulation is
then performed immediately.

Radius Note that with radius compensation switched on, each NC block is
Compensation performed offset by at least one NC block, since the end point of a section or
of an arc can only be computed by the subsequent NC block (cf. Configuration
instructions, Control configuration: Interpretation).

Cycle In programming a machining cycle, the cycle is first defined, then it is invoked
and finally the simulation is performed.

Note In interactive programming the addresses are not sorted because of memory

In addition to the editing options, you have the choice of the following program

Automatic Run: With F1 you end interactive programming and test the
F1 remaining NC blocks in automatic run. This function is not available for a new
Single Block: With F2 you conclude interactive programming and test the
F2 remaining NC blocks in single block mode. This function is not available for a new

F3 Teach-In: With F3 you switch to Teach-In Mode (cf. below).

F4 Editor: With F4 you switch to the NC editor.

WOP: With F5 you switch to workshop-oriented programming - provided this

F5 program is available.

F6 Help Images: With F6 you call up the programming aids.

F7 Graphical Display: To change the display, press F7 .

As in Automatic Mode, it is also possible in Interactive Programming to interrupt

F8 machining simulation temporarily with F8 , in order to enlarge the display
representation of the turning operation for example, to call up a 3D view, etc. The
temporary interruption is possible only during machining.
Machining simulation is then continued with F8 .

To cancel the programming of an NC block, press, ESC .

ESC The message "Please press ESC once again for program cancel" is then displayed.
If you now press the ESC key once again, you cancel the entire program
processing. After operation of any other key, the NC block is released again for

Cross Reference Chapter 7 contains detailed discussion of the editing functions.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 11

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.2-6:
CNC Simulator,
processing schematic.

8 - 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.2 Programming an NC Block

Interactive Check of NC Blocks

Provided no processing errors occur, the CNC Simulator performs the
programmed NC block or cycle. You thus get the control information contained in
the NC commands displayed and can create and test NC programs block by block.

Dialogue When the processing of the current NC block or machining cycle is completed, a
program dialogue follows before the next block is edited. This serves the
purpose to control the NC command with the message: "Accept NC Block
[Y/N]?" (cf. Fig. 8.2-3/4/5).

After processing has been completed, the NC block can be taken into the

F1 or

Accept block: If you agree with the processing result, confirm with F1 , or the
or key. The NC block or cycle is added to the program and either the next NC
block can be entered or the next program line is read.

F2 or
Reject block: If the execution did not bring the desired result, reject the block
or ESC with F2 , ESC or the N key. The machining process specified in the last block is
then canceled (if it is a cycle it can be extensive) and the current NC block (or a
cycle call) is proposed again for programming.
You can repeat this process until the desired result has been achieved.

Note After having negated the program dialogue with radius compensation switched
on, you return to the starting position of radius compensation just like when
processing a cycle.

Apart from this dialogue you have further options to modify and check the
machining execution:

Override/Times: To change the feed override, to switch on the test run or to

F5 calculate the tool operation times, select F5 .
[Measuring]/3D view: You switch to the "Measuring" (only CNC turning) or 3D
F6 view functions with F6 .

F7 Graphical display: To change the display, press F7 .

Collision Monitoring
A program error or collision during simulation is reported in the dialogue line and
the execution is interrupted. The error message is then to be confirmed with any
key. The processing of the incorrect NC block is then canceled and the program
block is released for correction. After modification the block can be tested again.

An incorrect NC block cannot be taken into the NC program.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 13

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.3-1:
Overview for the
switch between the
simulation and
programming modes;
simplified schematic
for the operation

8 - 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.3 Switching between Programming Modes

8.3 Switching between Programming Modes

As a special feature the CNC Simulator allows you to switch to other programming
modes during interactive programming without having to interrupt and to restart
the processing of the NC program. The user can change as necessary between:

Interactive Programming,
the Editor,
Workshop-Oriented Programming (WOP) and
the Teach-In Mode.
and continue program processing (cf. schematic opposite page). Furthermore, the
programming aids can be called up; or you can subsequently return to automatic
run - after having changed already existing NC blocks - in order to have only the
subsequent NC blocks executed in the simulation.
With these parallel operating possibilities, the CNC Simulator allows convenient
applications of NC programming and of testing or optimizing NC programs, to be
used practice-oriented in production and in CNC training.

Cross Reference In this section only the switch-over possibilities are discussed: cf. the relevant
chapters of these instructions for operating the programming modes.

Changing over from With the "WOP interface", contour strings are generated with the help of user
Interactive guidance by transferring the dimension data of the workpart drawing into the
Programming to the relevant "entity menus" (straight line, arcs, tangentially adjoining entities etc.).
WOP The corresponding NC block and the graphic representation of the programmed
contour are both displayed.

Note The WOP is not included in the standard scope of the CNC Simulator. It is,
however, available as a software extension and needs to be ordered separately. If
the WOP is not available in your computer, the below described selection option
is not possible.

It is assumed that you are editing an NC block in interactive programming mode.

To continue programming in workshop-oriented programming mode, call up the
WOP interface without confirming your entries prior to it:

F5 WOP: With F5 you switch to workshop-oriented programming.

The main menu of this program part is loaded and from there you can select the
F8 further processing operations required.
To continue programming in interactive programming mode, end WOP
processing and switch from the main menu of the WOP interface back to
interactive programming mode with the F8 key.

Note All NC blocks programmed in WOP are inserted prior to the NC block which
you had last processed before switching over. If you now continue interactive
programming, the first (inserted) NC block that you had generated with WOP is
loaded: thus you can now test and if necessary modify these NC blocks in
interactive programming mode.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 15

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Change from Assuming you are editing an NC block in interactive programming mode. To
Interactive obtain an overview of the entire NC program, call up the editor without confirming
Programming to the your entries prior to it:

Editor: With the F4 key, you can switch directly over to the programming
F4 interface of the editor: the entire current NC program is displayed and, in addition
to this, all editing and program functions of the editor are available: You can thus
change, delete, insert etc. any NC block.
To continue programming in interactive programming mode, switch back with the
key (PC keyboard). You return to the same processing situation from which
you had called up the editor.

Note All changes made with the editor, are saved. However, if you change NC
program lines located prior to the NC block which is displayed in interactive
programming, these changes are no longer valid and they cannot be tested when
continuing the "current" interactive machining simulation (therefore, pay attention
to changes located prior to the current NC block!). On the other hand, it is
possible to insert further program blocks, which can also be tested when
continuing interactive programming, after the current NC block of interactive

Calling Programming In all working situations of the CNC Simulators, programming aids can be
Aids activated. They clarify the use of motion commands or cycle calls and are
grouped according to their technical function. For better orientation and as an
introduction overviews of contents and representations are also available. The
user can consequently make use of programming instructions even during
Also, in interactive programming a help window can be called up during the
creation/modification of a block as well as during interrupted machining

Help Window: Programming aid is called with F6 or <?> during NC block

F6 generation. After calling it enter the name of the help needed or choose a group
register from which you can select the desired programming aid.
Also, parallel to the programming aid you can have the current NC block
displayed in order to enter changes and corrections.
With F8 you close the aid function again. You then switch back to the starting
F8 situation from which you have called up the aid.

Change from Teach-In Mode is a special operating mode of interactive programming. As in

Interactive setup mode, the tool is moved manually and the workpart is machined. The
Programming to traverse paths resulting from the manual mode are in this case converted
Teach-In Mode automatically into simple provisional functions of the command syntax and
inserted in the NC program.
If you are editing an NC block in interactive programming call up Teach-In Mode
directly without confirming your entries:

You switch into Teach-In Mode with the F3 key. You can now machine the
F3 workpart "manually". The simple G-commands generated for this are displayed in
each case in the first information line and inserted prior to the NC block from
which you called up the Teach-In Mode.

8 - 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.3 Switching between Programming Modes

To continue in interactive programming mode, switch back with F8 .

F8 The next NC block is then released for interactive programming.

Switching Back into It is possible to terminate program processing in interactive programming mode at
Automatic Mode any place and - provided this is not the last NC block of the program - to test the
remaining program in automatic run or in single block mode. This switch-over
function is ideal for optimizing certain program parts. In this way it is not
necessary to work through the entire NC program in interactive mode but you can
select for each section the most efficient processing method (cf. above, Chapter

You can conclude the processing of an NC block and switch directly over into
continuous or block-by-block Automatic Mode:

Automatic Run / Single Block: During block generation you call up continuous
F1 or F2 automatic run with F1 . Or if you want to test the remaining program blocks in
block-by-block machining simulation press the F2 key.

Program End or As a rule a program ends with the machine command "M30". The CNC Simulator
Interrupt Processing then switches back into Automatic Mode.
Should the program end with some other command the message "Unexpected
program end" is displayed, and after confirmation with any key, you switch back
into Automatic Mode.
It is also possible to interrupt program processing directly:

If you press the ESC key during programming, the entire program processing is
ESC interrupted.
The message "Please press ESC once again for program interruption" is then
displayed. If you press ESC the second time, the program lines created by then are
stored, however, the program processing is concluded immediately.

If you press any other key in response to the above message you can continue
the programming done prior to the interruption.

Special Functions
Cross Reference The functions for changing the Graphical Display, Zooming (CNC turning),
Measuring (CNC turning), 3D views, changing the override and switching
on the test run are discussed in detail in Chapter 9 and 10. Please, refer to these
chapters if necessary.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 17

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.4-1:
CNC Turning,
Teach-In Mode;
as in Setup Mode, the
tool is moved by
manual control and
corresponding to this a
simple G-command is
created as an NC
The last NC block is
displayed in each
case, the dialogue line
beneath this is
reserved for the error
messages etc.

Figure 8.4-2:
CNC Milling,
Teach-In Mode;
in contrast to turning,
the "Angle statement"
function is not

8 - 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.4 Teach-In Mode

8.4 Teach-In Mode

Teach-In Mode offers a special form of interactive programming. In this
programming mode, the workpart is machined by manual control like in setup
mode. The program automatically converts the resulting traverse paths into simple
G-commands (G00 or G01) and inserts them in the NC program.

Teach-In Concept To make Teach-In Mode a complete programming mode, the following
processing options were included in it:
Reading the contour of the finished part as "nominal contour" to avoid any
breech with the final contour ("gouging") (only CNC turning).
Programming of the additional and switching functions such as speed,
feedrate, tool change and M commands
Programming the zero point.
Angle statement for the motion commands G00 and G01 (only CNC Turning).
With these functions, a complete NC program including all technology data can be
created in Teach-In Mode without entering any command code. The NC program
blocks are created by the system in the background and displayed on the screen -
and can thus be identified by the user at any time. Therefore, the Teach-In Mode
is suitable as "the first stage" of CNC training and Simulator.

Display The screen display is structured analogously to interactive programming: In the

upper part, a section of the work space is shown and a graphic-dynamic
representation of the workpart machining is displayed during manual control. The
lower dialogue lines give information on current machining: in the upper lines, the
last NC block is displayed and error and collision messages are displayed below it.

Interactive Teach-In Machining by

Programming F4 Mode Manual Control

Teach-In Mode is called up with the F3 key during interactive programming. The
main menu of the Teach-In mode then loads in automatically:

Increment: As in setup mode, you can also set under incerement the tool
F1 movement unit applied when pressing the traverse key in Teach-In programming.

[Angle statement]: The turning tool can be moved at an angle of 45 (or 135,
F2 225 and 315) with the 1 , 9 and 3 , 7 keys on the numerical keyboard (PC
keyboard). You can change this angle setting with the "Angle statement" function.
Technology: In this submenu you can program speed, feedrate, tool change and
F3 M commands.

F4 Zero point: In this submenu you can program the workpart zero point.

Reject traverse motion: With F5 you can delete the last generated NC block
F5 again.
[Measuring]/3D view: With F6 you switch to the measuring (CNC turning) and
F6 3D view functions.

F7 Graphical display: To change the display, press F7 .

End Teach-In Mode: With F8 you finish Teach-In programming and switch back
F8 to Interactive Programming mode.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 19

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.4.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Teach-In Mode;
Reading in the nominal
contour: if a nominal
contour has been
defined, the area
limited by it can no
longer be machined.
Consequently, it is not
possible to violate the
finished part geometry.

Figure 8.4.1-2:
CNC Turning,
the easiest way to
define a nominal
contour is to use the
WOP interface.

Figure 8.4.1-3:
CNC Turning,
NC program for the
nominal contour;
The "nominal contour"
is defined in an NC
program by the
commands "G51"
(start) and "G50"

8 - 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.4 Teach-In Mode

8.4.1 CNC Turning: Nominal Contour

Reading-in and displaying a nominal contour is available only for
turning. It can be used especially in Teach-In programming:
A defined contour which should not be violated during tool movement
- similar to limiting the clamping jaws, the tailstock etc. - is called
nominal contourMachining beyond this line is not possible and
causes "collision".

It is reasonable to define the geometry of the finished part as "nominal

contour" to avoid any damage of the workpart during manual machining.

Defining Nominal Contour

The nominal contour is specified with the NC commands "G51" and "G50" as well
as with the normal contour description according to DIN or the segment contour
programming (cf. Programming Instructions). For convenient handling we would
recommend you the following procedure:

1. Enter the start and end block (G51/G50) in Interactive Programming,

2. the nominal contour is specified with Workshop-Oriented Programming,
3. then switch to the Teach-In Mode and continue your NC programming.

In CNC training the trainer can specify the start/end block and the path of the
nominal contour, whereas the Teach-In programming should be done by the
trainee. Furthermore, with reference to the nominal contour it is possible to
demonstrate in a simple way machining deviations with/without nose radius
compensation operative.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 21

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.4.2:
CNC Turning,
Teach-In Mode;
Menu for entering the
Technology Data.

8 - 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.4 Teach-In Mode

8.4.2 Input of Technology Data

Two submenus which can be called with F3 are included for programming the
technology data.
1st Menu:

F1 F, feedrate mm/rev: To enter the wanted feedrate in mm/rev, press F1 .

F2 F, feedrate mm/min: To enter the wanted feedrate in mm/min, press F2 .

F3 S, speed: Machining speed is programmed with F3 .

F4 S, cutting speed: To program constant cutting speed, press F4 .

[S, maximum speed:] The maximum speed for turning is defined with F5 . The
F5 command "G92" (speed limit) is generated for this in the background.

F6 Spindle/coolant: You switch to the spindle and coolant controls with F6 .

T, tool: With F7 you can program a tool change including the statement of the
F7 corresponding compensation value register.
Return: After you have specified the technology data as desired, return to the
F8 main menu of the Teach-In Mode with F8 .
Procedure Each function is processed analogously:

F1 or F7 Call up the desired menu item with a function key.

[Value Entry]
The corresponding data field is then activated in the information column on the
right side of the screen and you can now enter the data.
Cancel/Accept: You confirm your entry with F8 or and cancel the operation
F7 or F8 with F7 or ESC .
2nd Menu:

F1 Spindle clockwise: Press F1 to switch on the spindle (clockwise/M03).

Spindle counter-clockwise: Press F2 to switch on the spindle (counter-clock-

F2 wise/M04)).

F3 Spindle off: Press F3 to switch off the spindle (M05).

F5 Coolant M08: Press F5 to switch the coolant pump (M08) on.

F6 Coolant M07: Press F6 to switch the coolant pump (M07) on.

F7 Coolant off: Press F7 to switch the coolant pump off (M09).

F8 Return: Press F8 to return to the starting situation.

Before you switch back to the main menu, enter all technology data as required.
The corresponding NC block is not generated and displayed until during the
generation of the next NC block.
Cross Reference Cf. also Chapter 4, Setup Mode.
MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 23
8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.4.3:
CNC Turning,
Teach-In Mode;
Menu for entering the
Workpart Zero Point
(by touching).

8 - 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.4 Teach-In Mode

8.4.3 Programming Workpart Zero Point

To program the workpart zero point with the command G54, call the "Zero Point"
function with F3 proceeding from the main menu of the Teach-In Mode:

CNC Turning To determine the workpart zero point for turning, you can either enter
the Z and the X coordinates manually or you determine them by
touching the workpart:

Z zeroing: Press F1 to place the Z value of the zero point on the current tool
F1 position. First move the tool to the right position by touching.
X zeroing: Press F2 to place the X value of the zero point on the current tool
F2 position. Move first the tool to right position by touching.

F5 Z entry: To enter the Z value manually, press F5 .

F6 X entry: To enter the X value manually, press F6 .

Return: Press F8 to return to the main menu of the Teach-In Mode. The
F8 corresponding NC block (G54 ...) is not generated and displayed until when
generating the next NC block.

CNC Milling Analogous to turning, the workpart zero point is determined in milling
either by a manual entry of the coordinates or by touching the

X zeroing: Press F1 to place the X value of the zero point on the current tool
F1 position. Move first the tool to the right position by touching.
Y zeroing: Press F2 to place the Y value of the zero point on the current tool
F2 position. Move first the tool to the right position by touching.
Z zeroing: Press F3 to place the Z value of the zero point on the current tool
F3 position. Move first the tool to the right position by touching.

F5 X entry: To enter the X value manually, press F5 .

F6 Y entry: To enter the Y value manually, press F6 .

F7 Z entry: To enter the Z value manually, press F7 .

Return: Press F8 to return to the main menu of the Teach-In Mode. The
F8 corresponding NC block (G54 ...) is not generated and displayed until when
generating the next NC block.

Note After touching, the message: "Note: After touching move first back to the
right starting point!" is displayed. Its purpose is to remind you to move to the
starting point before you switch back to the main menu. If you do not reset the
tool until you are in the main menu, the corresponding G commands for these
movements are automatically generated as NC blocks!

The following section describes how the tool is moved.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 25

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.4.4-1:
CNC Turning,
Teach-In Mode;
Generating simple
Motion Commands.

Figure 8.4.4-2:
CNC Milling,
Teach-In Mode;
Generating simple
Motion Commands.

8 - 26 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.4 Teach-In Mode

8.4.4 Machining with Manual Control

After the necessary switching commands have been determined, you can machine
the workpart "manually". The corresponding preparatory functions generated are
displayed in each case in the first information line and inserted after the last
processed NC block.

CNC Turning In the turning CNC Simulator, the tool slide can be moved in fast
speed or in feed motion. Note that in the Teach-In Mode, you can
also enter machine commands (tool change, spindle, feedrate,

The tool slide is moved in the Z direction with the cursor keys or . If the
or spindle is switched on, the workpart can be machined and cutting is shown on the
Collisions with the toolholder etc. are indicated by error messages.

or The tool slide is moved analogously in the X direction with the cursor keys or
Movement in fast speed is analogous to feed movement. For this press the
and key and at the same time the corresponding cursor key for the wanted movement

Fast speed movement is defined in the configuration and can be between 1000
and and 10000 mm/min. Collisions and other errors are displayed in fast speed as
well; however, it is natural enough workpart machining is not possible in this case.

CNC Milling With the milling CNC Simulator, the spindle head or machine table
can be moved in fast speed or in feed motion. Please note that you
can also enter machine commands in the Teach-In Mode (tool
change, spindle, feedrate, speed).

For the sake of clarity, we refer to one tool movement only in the following.

The tool is moved in the Z direction (according to G17) with the cursor keys or
or . If the spindle is switched on, the workpart can be machined and cutting is
shown on the screen.
Collisions with the toolholder etc. are displayed as error messages.
The tool is moved in the X direction (according to G17) with the cursor keys or
The tool is moved in the Y direction (according to G17) with the 9
NUM or 1
NUM key on
or the numerical keypad of the PC keyboard.

Movement in fast speed is analogous to the feed movement. Press the key on
the PC keyboard for this and at the same time the cursor key or the
and corresponding key on the numerical keypad.
The fast speed is defined in the configuration and can be between 1000 and
10000 mm/min. Collisions and other errors are also displayed in fast speed;
and however, workpart machining is not possible.

Note Incorrect operations frequently result from spindle not being switched on, the
spindle direction being wrong or from cutting edge collisions or the selected feed
rate being too low.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 27

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 8.4.4-3:
CNC Turning,
Teach-In Mode;
Angle Input for Manual

8 - 28 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 8.4 Teach-In Mode

CNC Turning: Angle Input

In the CNC Simulator turning, the tool slide can be moved not only
parallel to the axes but also at a certain angle in fast speed or in feed
motion. In this case 45 (or 115, 225, 315) is set as standard for
the angle, or you can also enter some other angle value. You then
move the tool slide to the target position.

From the main menu of the Teach-In Mode you call the "Angle Input" submenu
with F2 . A second coordinate cross is then displayed at the tool tip based on the
current entry under "Angle", indicating the current movement angle for the tool
The angle input field in the information column is activated parallel to this and
you can enter the angle size as desired:

[Angle Input] Enter the angle for the the tool slide movement.

Then confirm this entry with . Based on your entry the new tool slide movement
is displayed.

If you want to change the angle, repeat the entry.

Cancel: If you have selected the function by mistake, you can cancel processing
F7 with F7 .

F8 Accept: To confirm the angle entry, return to the main menu with F8 .

Tool Movement Based on Set Angle

The keys of the switched-off numerical keypad (PC keyboard) are the movement
keys for the tool slide which moves either at the standard angle or at the entered
angle setting:

or 1
The tool slide is moved in the Z' direction with the 9 or 1 keys on the numerical

keypad or End or . If the spindle is switched on, the workpart can be machined
or End and the cutting is shown on the screen.

or 3
The tool slide is moved analogously in X' direction with the 7 or 3 keys on the

numerical keypad or the Pos1 or keys.

Pos1 or

Cancel Last Movement Command

If you make a mistake in manual machining, it is possible to cancel the last
generated movement command in the main menu of the Teach-In Mode:

Reject movement: The last NC block is deleted with the function key F5 and the
F5 displayed workpart machining is canceled.

MTS GmbH 1996 8 - 29

8. Interactive Programming Turning and Milling

Change Incremental Value

The step length (in mm) for the tool or machine table movement after pressing a
direction key once is called "incremental value". The increment therefore defines
the movement unit for machining in manual mode.

Increment: The CNC Simulator offers a choice between four incremental values:
1.0 mm, 0.1 mm, 0.01 mm or 0.001 mm. It is possible to switch between these
incremental values in any machining situation.

An increment is switched on either with the corresponding "increment key" - or

via menu guidance with F1 .

Increment 1.0/0.1/0.01/0.001: You choose the increment with the function keys
F1 to F4 F1 to F4 .
The CNC keys are marked with the corresponding values.

F8 or ESC Return: Press F8 or ESC

to return to the starting situation.

Note The change of the incremental value is displayed in the information line.

Special Functions
Cross Reference The functions for changing the graphics display, zooming (CNC Turning),
measuring (CNC Turning), 3D views are discussed in detail in Chapters 9 and
10. Therefore, for details refer to those chapters.

Return to Interactive Programming

End Teach-In Mode: To continue in the interactive programming mode, switch
back with the F8 key.

You can then continue NC programming in the Interactive Programming Mode or

in one of the other programming modes.

8 - 30 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9. Measuring

9. Measuring

CNC Turning For a quality test prior to production, workparts to be machined by

turning or contours programmed with the WOP system can be
measured at any time: either the contour elements are entered with
all geometrical data (starting and end points, circle center points,
lengths, transition angles etc.) or the contour points are measured
the zero point with an accuracy of 1 m. Threadings are also recognized and

Peak-to-Valley To test the surface quality, the theoretical peak-to-valley height of roughing is
Heights also calculated and displayed graphically for the machining passes. The
maximum peak-to-valley height and the mean roughness value of the surface can
be determined in accordance with DIN 4768.

Apart from this quality control, the "Measuring" program function can also be used
in CNC training to teach some principles of NC programming: for instance,
contour deviations due to lack of radius compensation or radiusing of inner
corners can be made transparent and plausible with the tool nose radius.

Note The zoom function is available at any time during measuring as an additional


Automatic or Measuring/ Measuring Main

Setup Mode F6 3D View Menu

You call up the measuring program function

in the Setup Mode,

in the Automatic Mode,
during Interactive Programming or
during Teach-In Programming

with F6 .
During Workshop-Oriented Programming, the measuring function is offered
directly in the main menu, provided one geometry element was specified already.
If you currently use some other function of the CNC Simulator, switch to the
Automatic or Setup Mode menu first.


CNC Milling Unlike the Turning Simulator, only the contours programmed with
the WOP can be measured in milling.
Operation of the measuring function in Workshop-Oriented
Programming is analogous to the measuring function of the
Simulator for Turning described below.

MTS GmbH 1996 9-1

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.-1:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
Measuring Main Menu.

Figure 9.-2:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode,
Processing in the
zoom section;
you call up the
"Measuring/3D display"
function with F6 .

Figure 9.-3:
CNC Turning,
Measuring main menu;
Center: Display of a
workpart produced with
the CNC Simulator
(optionally as a cut-out
and as different
sectional views);
Right: information
column for dimension
Below: function keys
and dialogue lines.

9-2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9. Measuring

Menu: Measuring
Display In the measuring menu (cf. Figure), a graphical display showing the workpart
contours, similar to a design drawing, is displayed in the screen window. The dot-
and-dash line indicates the axis of rotation; workpart edges are marked as visible
edges, internal corners which are rounded with the tool nose radius are marked
as so-called "clearance edges" (lines which end in front of physical edges).
The other screen areas are divided into an information column and a function
key menu like in the Set-Up or Automatic Mode.

Proceeding from the "Measuring" menu, you can choose one of the following
operation functions:

F1 3D display: You switch to the 3D view function with F1 .

Select display: You can choose between the display modes: external view, full
F2 section, half section below, half section above as well as display of the
thread as symbol or as thread contour. Press F2 to switch to the setting for these
display modes (cf. below, Chapter 10).
Zoom: If you want to enlarge or reduce the size of the displayed section, switch to
F4 the "Zoom" function with F4 (cf. below, Chapter 10).
Peak-to-valley height: The function "Calculate the peak-to-valley heights" is
F5 called with F5 .
Element dimensioning: In element dimensioning, the relevant geometrical
F6 data (starting and end point, transition angle, lengths, circle center points etc.) of
the contour elements (lines or circular arcs) are output.
Point dimensioning: In point dimensioning, the contour points (including the
F7 center points for existing circular lines), intersections or vertices are measured in
relation to a predetermined dimensioning zero point.

F8 Return: With F8 you return to the starting situation.

Now, try to use the different measuring subfunctions.

MTS GmbH 1996 9-3

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.-4:
Graphical symbols
used for element and
point dimensioning.

Figure 9.-5:
Graphical marking of
a contour segment in
element dimensioning.

Figure 9.-6:
Display and graphical
symbols of the vertices
in point dimensioning.

9-4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9. Measuring

Special Graphic Symbols and Markings

For the sake of clarity, additional graphic markings to emphasize the reference
points and selected geometrical elements are used for element and point
dimensioning of the screen display. The following symbols are used:

Point Marking
The cursor position is indicated with " X " and marks the selected point. This can
be within a geometry element or is freely selected with the cursor keys.

Default or User-Defined Workpart Zero

The reference system of the measuring program is defined by two reference
points: After program invocation, the workpart zero point is pre-set and
corresponds to the programmed or manually set workpart zero point (cf. Setup,
Chapter 4). This point is identified by the standardized symbol and also forms the
origin of the displayed system of coordinates.

Should the pre-set workpart zero point differ from that of the pattern (drawing or
NC program), it is possible to set a dimension reference point. In order not to
distinguish it from the default workpart zero point, the symbol used (cf. Figure) is
emphasized in color. The dimension reference point is the starting point for
all dimensioning data.

Note If the predetermined workpart zero point and dimension reference point are
identical, they are placed on one another in the screen display.

Marking Elements
In element dimensioning, the selected element is emphasized in color and its
starting and end point are indicated (cf. Figure). This "orientation" of the contour
segment is arbitrary and does not depend on the production method of the actual

Displaying Vertices
Circular lines are sometimes given as vertices in a drawing, and can, in this
form, be analyzed in point dimensioning. The contact points of a horizontal or
vertical tangent are vertices. The four assigned symbols (cf. Figure) appear in the
text column and identify the corresponding vertex.

MTS GmbH 1996 9-5

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.-4:
CNC Turning,
Point Dimensioning
Display of threads.

9-6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9. Measuring

Thread Contours
If there is no thread in the workpart, it is drawn as a closed contour. On the other
hand, if there is one, then three closed contour lines exist:

the thread contour,

the outer contour and
the core contour.

The course of these contour lines differs only in the area of the thread. During
dimensioning, these contour lines can be activated one after an other with the
"Contour Type" function (see below).

Active Contour for Dimensioning

The contour displays show the workpart as a mirror-image above and below the
rotation axis. During dimensioning, either of these two sections is active and can
be "tracked" with the cursor. To change the active contour, position the cursor with
the cursor keys or above or below the rotation axis and continue
dimensioning. The currently active contour is highlighted in color.

Since the Figures in this manual are monochrome, it is not always possible to
reproduce the color distinctions available on the screen.

MTS GmbH 1996 9-7

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.1-1:
CNC Turning;
Schematic of the
Element Dimensioning

Figure 9.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Measuring a straight
line in enlarged
Half Section;
in this Figure,
reference is also made
to the length and the
gradient angle.

Figure 9.1-3:
CNC Turning,
dimensioning of a
circular line
programmed with the
WOP, enlarged; in this
Figure, reference is
made additionally to
the center point, the
radius and the
specified zero point.

9-8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.1 Element Dimensioning

9.1 Element Dimensioning

To start dimensioning contour segments, it is necessary to display at least one
geometrical entity (contour element).
Straight lines and/or circular lines
can then be measured as elements with the accuracy of 1 m. Dimensioning can
be effected in the absolute or incremental system (by shifting the dimension
reference point).

In the graphic representation of the workpart or of its contour, the currently

selected element is marked in color and its starting and end point are marked by
the corresponding symbols (cf. Figure).
In the text column next to it, the relevant dimensions are displayed:

Line: Starting and end point (in each case according to the diameter
and Z coordinates),
Gradient angle (related to positive rotation axis and orientation)
Transition angle : Angle between the extension of the preceding
element and the current element counter-clockwise;
: Angle between the extension of the current element and the
following element counter-clockwise, (note orientation); tangential
connection: 0),
Zero point (coordinates of the dimension reference point);

Arc: Starting and end point (in each case according to the diameter
and Z coordinates),
Center point (diameter and Z coordinates),
Transition angle (between the preceding and subsequent element
(note orientation); tangential connection: 0),
Circular angle (1. Starting point: Angle between the positive
rotation axis and the line from the circle center point to the starting
point; 2. Angle of the circular sector; 3. Angle between the positive
rotation axis and the line from the circle center point to the end
Zero point (coordinates of the dimension reference point).

Note Angles are shown counter-clockwise in degrees, values exceeding 180 are
shown as complements of 360. Correspondingly, for instance, the value -10 is
displayed instead of 350.

When entering angle values consider the orientation of the selected



Measuring or Element Element

WOP Menu F4 Dimensioning Dimensioning Menu

First select the appropriate display mode of the workpart so that the dimensioning
required can be performed (cf. above). Then select Element Dimensioning with
the function key F6 ; the menu for Element Dimensioning is then loaded.

MTS GmbH 1996 9-9

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.1-4:
CNC Turning,
Dimensioning a line in
a zoomed detail
window; in this Figure
the definition of the
transition angles is

Figure 9.1-5:
CNC Turning,
Example for
dimensioning a circular
line in a zoom section
window; in this Figure
reference is made
additionally to
determining the
circular angle.

9 - 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.1 Element Dimensioning

Menu: Element Dimensioning

After the first invocation of this menu, the dimension reference point is identical
with the default workpart zero point.

Next element: Depending on the selected "element type", the element closest to
F1 the cursor is measured after the initial invocation. After that the elements coming
next in the contour line are measured. These values specify the sense of rotation.

F2 Previous element: To select the preceding element, press F2 .

Change type: Either only straight lines or circular lines or both straight lines
F3 and circular lines can be measured with Element Dimensioning. You select the
"element type" with F3 ; the corresponding selection criterion is then displayed in
the dialogue line.

Note If the selected element type is not available, this is indicated by the message:
"Region empty". Confirm this message with any key and then select another
selection criterion.

Adapt zoom: The workpart display can be modified even during dimensioning. A
F4 detailed presentation of this function is given in Chapter 10.
Define zero point: To define the dimension reference point anew, call up the
F5 corresponding submenu with F5 , cf. below.
Configuration: In this configuration, colors of the screen display as well as the
F6 number of decimal places for the dimension values can be changed. A detailed
description of this function is provided in Section 9.5.
Contour type : This function is available only if there is a thread available. You
F7 switch between the thread, surface and core contour with F7 .
Return: Return to the main menu with F8 .
To be able to select elements in complex contour segment strings quickly, it is
possible to position the cursor manually as well, as an alternative to the steps
discussed above as follows:

or Move the cursor vertically with the cursor keys or .

or Move the cursor horizontally with the cursor keys or .

Move the cursor diagonally with the , or Pos1


Note As already mentioned, dimensioning of an already programmed workpart takes

normally place above the rotation axis. Should you, however, wish to measure
points below this axis, position the cursor below the Z axis first.

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 11

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.2-1:
CNC Turning;
Schematic of the Point
Dimensioning menu.

Figure 9.2-2:
CNC Turning,
Point Dimensioning;
Dimensioning a thread,
sectional display. To
define the thread pitch,
a temporary dimension
reference point has
been set.
In the point
dimensioning, a
contour point is
marked, a
dimensioning frame is
displayed and the
values are displayed in
the text column.

Figure 9.2-3:
CNC Turning
Point Dimensioning;
Dimensioning a
contour point
proceeding from the Programmed contour
WOP interface; in this,
Figure reference is Contour point
made additionally to
the programmed
contour line.

9 - 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.2 Point Dimensioning

9.2 Point Dimensioning

For point dimensioning it is necessary to have at least one contour point
displayed. After that, points such as:
contour points, intersections or vertices
can be measured with the accuracy of 1 m. The default dimensioning mode is
absolute, and it is possible to perform incremental dimensioning by shifting the
dimension reference point correspondingly.

In the graphical display of the workpart or of the programmed contour, the cursor
location is identified with a " X " and the dimensioning frame is displayed (cf.
Figure). In addition to this, the complete dimension data is displayed in the text
column next to it:

Contour Coordinates (diameter and Z coordinates),

point: Zero point (coordinates of the dimension reference point);

Intersection: "Intersections" are called the intersection points of two lines

connected by a third element (e.g. a chamfer or radiusing)
(dimensions as above) in a section;

Vertex: "Vertices" are called the contact points of a horizontal or vertical

tangent (Dimensions as above). The symbols indicate the
position of the tangent as well (cf. above)

Like in Element Dimensioning, there are the functions for changing the graphical display or stating the
dimension values (decimal places) available, in addition to the option to select the type of the point and the
definition of the zero point selection:

Measuring or Point Point Dimensioning

WOP Menu F7 Dimensioning Menu

Proceeding from the current main menu, select Point Dimensioning with the
function key F7 . Before you call up Point Dimensioning, select first, if necessary,
the appropriate display mode to be able to perform the dimensioning as required
(cf. above).

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 13

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.2-4:
CNC Turning,
Point Dimensioning;
Example for point
dimensioning in a
zoomed detail window.

9 - 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.2 Point Dimensioning

Menu: Point Dimensioning

After the first invocation of this menu, the dimension reference point is identical
with the default zero point of the workpart.

Next point: Depending on the selected "point type", the point closest to the
F1 cursor is activated for dimensioning after the initial invocation, and after that the
elements coming next in the contour line. These values define sense rotation.

F2 Previous point: To select the preceding point, press F2 .

Change type: as already mentioned, contour points, intersections and vertices

F3 can be measured. Select the "point type" with F3 ; the current selection criterion is
displayed in the dialogue line.

Note If the selected point type is not available, the message: "Section empty" is
displayed. Confirm this with any key and select a further selection criterion.

Adapt Zoom: during dimensioning, the zoomed section of the display can be
F4 changed. A detailed description of this function is given in Chapter 10.
Define Zero Point: to re-define the dimension reference point, call up the
F5 corresponding submenu with F5 . A detailed description of this function is provided
Configuration: in this configuration, the dimensioning frame can be shifted, the
F6 number of decimal places for the dimensions as well as the colors of the screen
display can be changed (cf. below).
Contour Type: This function is available only in case of threading. You can
F7 switch between the thread, surface and core contour with F7 .
Return: You return to the main menu with F8 .
In addition to the operation steps given above, it is possible to position the cursor
manually. This is necessary, for instance, for shifting the dimensioning frame or
defining the zero point.

or Move the cursor vertically with the cursor keys or .

or Move the cursor horizontally with the cursor keys or .

Move the cursor diagonally with the , or <HOME> keys.


Note As already mentioned, a programmed workpart is normally dimensioned above

the rotation axis. Should you, however, want to measure the points below this
axis, place the cursor below the Z axis first.

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 15

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.3-1:
CNC Turning,
Menu for shifting the
Dimension Reference
the location is selected
with the function keys.
In this example, the
Dimension Reference
Point was set with
<F5> to the point X=0,

9 - 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.3 Determining the Dimension Reference Point

9.3 Defining Dimension Reference Point

In each dimensioning menu there is a default workpart zero point which is
identical with the programmed or manually set zero point. If the reference system
of the drawing or of the NC program is not identical with this specified zero point
(or if you want to dimension a detail, e.g. a thread, separately), a new dimension
reference point can be determined during measuring. This then defines the zero
point for the following measured data.

The specified workpart zero point is marked with a standard symbol and it is the
origin of the displayed coordinate system. The symbol of the dimension reference
point (cf. above) is displayed in color offset from it.

Procedure Determining a new dimension reference point is identical in Element and Point
Dimensioning and consists of three operation steps:

First, set the cursor in the Element or Point Dimensioning menu on the point
F1 or
F2 which is to be defined as the new dimension reference point. For this purpose
move the cursor - either with the function keys F1 or F2 or the cursor keys - to the
corresponding position.

Then press F5 to call up the submenu with which you redefine the dimension
F5 reference point:

Menu: Zero Point Definition

You select the zero point in this menu:

Workpart Zero Point: When F4 is operated, the workpart zero point and
F4 dimension reference point coincide (again).
Cursor X = 0 : With F5 the Z value of the cursor position is taken over as Z
F5 coordinate of the dimension reference point and the X value is set to zero.

F6 Cursor: With F6 the dimension reference point is set to the current cursor
Mirror in Z axis: With F7 the current dimension reference point is mirrored in the
F7 Z axis.

F8 Return: Press F8 to return to Element or Point Dimensioning without change.

Note There are three further functions in Element Dimensioning to shift the zero point
for incremental dimensioning:

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 17

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.3-2: Transition angle related to

CNC Turning,
angle related to the end point
the starting Incremental
Dimensioning with
point dimensions
provisory zero point.
The workpart has been
reclamped previously. Selected element
The calculation of the
transition angles
considers this
orientation; they are
given as negative
values here

Temporarily defined

9 - 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.3 Determining the Dimension Reference Point

Incremental Dimensioning
Before doing increment measuring in Element Dimensioning, select the element
which is to be dimensioned incrementally. If you then call up the zero point
definition, the following three possibilities are available in addition to the above
described assignments:

Starting point: (this function is available only if an element is currently selected)

F1 if you confirm with F1 , the zero point is placed temporarily onto the starting point
of the marked element. This zero point shift can be peformed only once.
End point: (this function is available only if an element is currently selected) with
F2 F2 the zero point is placed temporarily on the end point of the marked element.
This zero point shift can be performed only once.
Center point: (this function is available only if a circular line is currently selected)
F3 with F3 the zero point is placed temporarily on the center point of the marked
circular line. This zero point shift can be performed only once.

Note If you want to dimension several elements or points incrementally, you need to
redefine the zero point in each case.

To exchange the starting and end point of the dimensioning, it might be

necessary to reclamp the workpart in the Setup Mode first.

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 19

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.4-1:
Menu for the
configuration of the
program functions of
measuring and
In the configuration
you can modify the
dimensioning frame in
Point Dimensioning
("Q point"), the
statement of the
decimal places
("dimension text" and
"text column") as well
as the color settings.

9 - 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.4 Measuring Configuration

9.4 Measuring Configuration: Change Displays

The Measuring program function as well as the Workshop-Oriented
Programming have the same configuration, which allows to change certain
presettings of the graphical or text display.

Password After concluding the configuration menu, the changes are stored in a
configuration file and then considered in the subsequent processing. Since the
configuration program of the CNC Simulator can be secured with a "password",
the password prompt is displayed after of the configuration has been concluded.
After entering the correct password, the changes are protected for all times,
otherwise they apply only for the current program run.

Note The configuration described below concerns the graphic display and
the text/value entries of the Measuring program function as well as
Workshop-Oriented Programming. It is separated from other
configuration procedures of the CNC Simulator (please refer to the
Configuration Instructions of the CNC Simulator for Turning and
Should the turning and milling CNC Simulators both be installed
on your computer, the changes made apply for the WOP
interface in both systems.


Measuring or Measur- Configu- Configuration

WOP Menu F6 F7 ing F6 ration Menu

Element or Point Dimensioning is first called up with F6 or F7 from the main menu
of Workshop-Oriented Programming as well as from the Measuring main menu.
You then switch to the Configuration menu with the function key F6 .

Note In Workshop-Oriented Programming, the dimensioning functions are not available

until at least one geometrical element has been defined.


ESC or Element/Point
F8 Return
[password] Dimensioning Menu

F8 With F8 you end the configuration. In the subsequent dialogue you either enter
the password or confirm it with ESC or F8 (cf. above).
ESC or [Password]

Note The changes of the configuration are not considered in full extent until you have
returned to Element or Point Dimensioning. Color changes, however, are valid

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 21

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.4-2:
The so-called "Q
Point" is the
intersection of the
straight lines running
through the two
dimension lines in
Point Dimensioning.
This Figure shows the
situation after re-
positioning the Q

9 - 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.4 Measuring Configuration

Positioning the Dimensioning Frame: "Q Point"

In Point Dimensioning, dimensioning frames are displayed in the graphic
window, in addition to the dimension data displayed in the text column indicating
the cursor position relative to the dimension reference point. As this data might
overlap other contour elements, the dimension lines can be shifted as required.
The so-called "Q Point" is decisive for the position of the dimensioning frame.

The intersection of the two straight lines going through the two dimension lines is
called "Q Point". To shift the dimensioning frame a new Q Point must be defined.


or Before you call up the configuration to define a new Q Point, first move the
cursor with the cursor keys or or or to the the desired new
intersection of the dimension lines.

F6 Then call up the configuration with F6 .

In the configuration menu, the Q Point is placed on the cursor position with the
F1 function key F1 . The message: "Intersection of the dimension lines set on
cursor" is displayed for this.

You can then make further changes in the configuration or you can return to the
starting situation by pressing the F8 key by entering the password or ESC .

Note Positioning the Q Point is relevant only for Point Dimensioning.

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 23

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.4-3:
CNC Turning,
Dimension data with
the accuracy of 10-3

9 - 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.4 Measuring Configuration

Places after the Decimal Point of the Dimension Values:

Dimension Text and Text Column

In dimensioning, the dimension values can be displayed without any places after
the decimal point or with the accuracy of a tenth, hundredth or thousandth of a
millimeter. You define the "format" of the dimension data for the dimensioning
frame under the menu item "dimensioning text" and that for the text column under
"text column".


F6 If the configuration is not loaded yet, call it up with F6 .

Dimension text: To change the format of the value data in the dimensioning
F5 frame, continue with the function key F5 .
Text column: To change the format of the value data in the text column,
F6 continue with F6 .

In both cases a further menu is then loaded with the following options:

F1 0 Dec $: With F1 the values are displayed with no places after the decimal point.

F2 1 Dec $.$: With F2 the values are displayed with one place after the decimal

F3 2 Dec $.$$: With F3 the values are displayed with two places after the decimal
3 Dec $.$$$: With F4 the values are displayed with three places after the decimal
F4 point.

Note As soon as you have defined the format, the program returns to the configuration
menu and confirms the made definition with the message: "The dimension text
(or the text block) now has 0 (1) (2) (3) places after the decimal point".

If you decide not to make any format changes, return with F8 to the configuration
F8 menu.

You can then make further changes in configuration, or you return to the starting
situation by pressing F8 and entering the password or ESC .

Note Determining the format for the "dimension text" is relevant only for Point
The text columns of Point and Element Dimensioning are configured

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 25

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.5-1:
CNC Turning;
Schematic of the
Peak-to-Valley Height

Figure 9.5-2:
CNC Turning,
Menu for calculating
the Peak-to-Valley
Overview of the
Contour Elements.

9 - 26 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.5 Peak-to-Valley Height

9.5 Surface Roughness: Peak-to-Valley Height

Surface Quality Every worpiece surface has a certain roughness. It is never identical with the
geometrically ideal surface, and correspond to it only within a certain tolerance
range. Normally the average or maximum peak-to-valley height, which
characterizes the deviation tolerance of the workpart geometry from the ideal
surface quality, is indicated in the technical drawing.

Quality Control In production practice, the quality of the workparts is recorded among other things
by measuring the peak-to-valley height profile indicating the surface quality.
Analogously, the turning CNC Simulator enables quality control prior to
production in that the theoretical peak-to-valley heights are recorded and
displayed for each machining operation. In DIN 4768, the maximum peak-to-
valley height Rmax and the mean roughness value Ra are specified as follows:

DIN 4768 Rmax: the largest peak-to-valley height within a measuring distance is
designated as "maximum peak-to-valley height";
Ra: the arithmetic mean of all deviations of a peak-to-valley height profile
from the "center line" is designated "mean roughness value". A center
line divides the roughness profile so that the area of all peaks is
identical to that of the valleys.

MTS Deviating from this definition, the mean roughness value Ra is calculated in the
MTS Simulator not with regard to the center line but to the "nominal contour". The
following therefore applies for the CNC Simulator:

Ra: is the arithmetical mean of the deviations between the nominal and
theoretical actual contour. This value is larger than that according to

In addition to the peak-to-valley height data, the coordinates of the starting and
end point as well as of the zero point and for lines also the line length are
displayed as well. Single elements (cf. Element Dimensioning) or several adjacent
elements can be used as measuring lines. Elements with peak-to-valley height
zero are not included in the calculation of Ra.

The actual roughness of a workpart is a result from various factors. The

mathematical model of the turning Simulator considers only the deviations
resulting from the shape of the tool cutting edge and from the selected feedrate.
Threads have no peak-to-valley height in this model and the peak-to-valley height
calculation simulates an "accurate stop" at the end of each element, i.e. the tool
stops for an entire spindle revolution.

Note In certain cases, the peak-to-valley calculation gives an incorrect result , e.g. if

tools are no longer available for workpart machining (i.e. they have
been removed from the turret),
the calculation of the peak-to-valley heights was interrupted with ESC ,
a contour element has been machined with different technologies (only
the most recent technology is taken into account),
too large feedrates have been selected for machining.

The calculating method used by MTS is, of course, a compromise, however,

unavoidable since a more accurate calculation results in unacceptable computing

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 27

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.5-2:
CNC Turning,
Peak-to-Valley Height;
The screen window is
divided to display the
peak-to-valley heights:
you can have the
entire workpart or
sections of it displayed
in the left half, the right
half shows - normally
in a highly enlarged
sectional display - the
specified peak-to-
valley height
Both image sections
can be varied as

Figure 9.5-3:
CNC Turning,
Peak-to-Valley Height
calculation of a
contour section. In this
case the preceding
workpart machining
was performed with
four times the

9 - 28 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.5 Peak-to-Valley Height

Menu: Peak-to-Valley Height

The peak-to-valley height menu cosists of two basic work steps:
1.) Selection of the contour elements for calculating the peak-to-valley height.
2.) Modifying the screen displays.

Peak-to- Peak-to-Valley
Measuring Menu F5 Valley Height Height Menu

Proceeding from the Measuring main menu, press F5 to reach the Peak-to-Valley
Height menu:
Note The calculation of the peak-to-valley heights may require some time. You can
interrupt the calculation with ESC .
The Peak-to-Valley Height function can not be switched on until the blank has
been machined.

Display In the Peak-to-Valley Height menu the screen window is divided into two sectors:
the workpart or a section of it is displayed as a rule on the left side and the
currently selected contour element enlarged on the right with display of the
specified peak-to-valley height (Peak-to-Valley Height Display). This section is
adapted dynamically to the element selected in each case, while, however, the
selected scale is retained. In addition, the section of the Peak-to-Valley Height
Display is marked in the left window by a cross or a rectangle. Both sections can
be enlagrged or reduced as required.
The remaining screen area is divided, as usual, into the Information Column
and the Function Key menu :

Next element: With F1 you select, just like in Element Dimensioning, the next
F1 or
contour element whose theoretical peak-to-valley height is displayed on the
side depending on the selected screen display. In addition, the geometrical values
or including the maximum peak-to-valley height: Rmax and the mean roughness
value: Ra are displayed in the text column.

F2 or

Previous element: Correspondingly you select the preceding contour element

or F2 with F2 .
Measuring range/individual element : Instead of specifying the peak-to-valley
F3 height of a single contour element, you can also define the peak-to-valley height
of a certain contour section ("measuring distance"). You switch to peak-to-valley
height calculation of a measuring distance with F3 .

F4 Zoom workpart: The range of the picture in the left window can be redefined
with F4 .

F5 Info: With F5 you receive information on the entire workpart.

Position detail : With this function the peak-to-valley-height representation of the

F6 right window is positioned to the starting, end or center point of the selected
Zoom detail: With this function the section enlargement displayed in the right
F7 window is defined.

F8 Return: With F8 you return to the measuring main menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 29

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.5-4:
CNC Turning,
Peak-to-Valley Height,
measuring line output;
With this special
function you can
output the peak-to-
valley heights of a P1
contour section P2
(here measuring
distance P1 - P2).

9 - 30 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.5 Peak-to-Valley Height

Peak-to-Valley Height Calculation of Measuring

As an alternative to defining the peak-to-valley height of an individual contour
element, you can have the peak-to-valley heights of a certain contour section
("measuring distance") calculated as well.
The elements within the measuring distance are highlighted in color and parallel to
this the number of the elements, the geometrical values and the peak-to-valley
heights are output in the information column. Finally, in addition to the above
functions, the following operation options are available:

Measuring distance/single element: Proceeding from the "Peak-to-Valley

F3 Height menu", you switch with F3 to the peak-to-valley height calculation of
several contour elements and then specify the measuring distance for which the
peak-to-valley height is to be calculated.
To switch off the addition function, press again F3 : the "single element" data are
then displayed in the information line.

F1 or
Next/previous starting point: You set the starting point of the measuring
or distance on that of the next/previous element with F1 or F2 respectively. The
peak-to-valley height is displayed correspondingly on the right side and the
geometrical values of the measuring distance including the maximum peak-to-
valley height: Rmax and the mean roughness value: Ra are displayed in the text

F5 or
Next/previous end point: By analogy, you set the end point of the measuring
or distance on that of the next/previous element with F5 or F6 .

Note The measuring distance is the distance between the starting and end point; if
these are identical, the measuring distance covers the entire workpart.

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 31

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.5.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Peak-to-Valley Height,
zoom workpart ( F4 );
as standard, the entire
workpart is displayed
in the left window.
With the zoom
function you change
this display and can
select enlarged or
reduced presentations
of it.

Figure 9.5.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Peak-to-Valley Height,
zoomed detail ( F7 );
the right window
displays the specified
peak-to-valley heights
graphically; as in the
workpart display, a
section of the
representation can
also be selected for
this. The Figure shows
the choice of a new
section using the
"Zoom Detail" function
F7 .

9 - 32 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.5 Peak-to-Valley Height

9.5.1 Modifying the Screen Display

The peak-to-valley heights of a workpart are normally only a few m. It is therefore
necessary for a clear graphical representation to enlarge the section considerably
for the display.
Zoom As already mentioned, the screen window in the Peak-to-Valley Height menu is
divided into areas showing in the left half the finished workpart or sections of it
(called "workpart display" in the following) and in the right half the specified peak-
to-valley height for one or several contour elements (called "Peak-to-Valley
Height Display" in the following). Both display areas can be separately adjusted
with different zoom functions as desired:

Changing the Workpart Display

The workpart display (left window) is adjusted analoguous to the Zoom function in
the other program sections (cf. Chapter 10):

Zoom workpart: In the Peak-to-Valley Height menu, the Zoom function for the
F4 left window is called up with F4 .
You then define or select a new section of the representation.

After definition/choice of the section, you return to peak-to-valley height

calculation with ESC .

Changing the Peak-to-Valley Height Display

There are two operating functions for modifying the Peak-to-Valley Height Display
(right window).

1.) Zoom Detail:

Zoom Detail: With this function the enlargement/reduction of the representation

F7 area of the right window is specified.
You then define or select a new section of the representation.

After the definition/selection of the section, you return to peak-to-valley height

calculation with ESC .

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 33

9. Measuring Turning

Figure 9.5.1-3:
CNC Turning,
Peak-to-Valley Height,
Position Detail;
With this special
function you can adjust
the Peak-to-Valley
Height Display to the
specific situation.
In this example, the
center of the detail
window was set onto
the starting point.

Figure 9.5.1-4:
CNC Turning,
Peak-to-Valley Height,
Position Detail;
With this special
function you can adjust
the Peak-to-Valley
Height Display to the
specfic situation.
In this example the
center of the detail
window was set onto
the end point.

9 - 34 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 9.5 Peak-to-Valley Height

2.) Position Detail:

This function is available only in the "Single Element" mode.

F6 Position detail : The Peak-to-Valley Height Display can be re-adjusted with F6 :

Fixed detail: The selected area for Peak-to-Valley Height Display is confirmed as
F1 the current area with F1 . Consequently, if you select further contour elements
after this fixation, these section windows are not considered dynamically any
Starting point detail : The center of the selected Peak-to-Valley Height Display is
F2 placed in each case on the starting point of the current contour element with F2 .
End point detail : The end point of the current contour element is selected as
F3 center of the selected Peak-to-Valley Height Display with F3 .
Center detail: By analogy, the center is placed on the center point of the current
F4 contour element with F4 .
Return: After you have determined the desired adjustment of the Peak-to-Valley
F8 Height Display, press F8 to return to the Peak-to-Valley Height menu.

Note If the "Fixed detail" status was set, this is retained in the Measuring Distance
mode. Otherwise the Peak-to-Valley Height Display in this mode is always
centered on the last shifted starting or end point.

Always select a clear representation for both dispaly parts.

Color Configuration of the Peak-to-Valley Height

The peak-to-valley height calculation has a color configuration of its own. It is
C invoked with the C key.

The color of the marked elements should be the same as that of unmarked ones,
however, of different color intensity (e.g. light-red - dark-red). The colors marked
with a "*" cannot be changed in the color configuration menu.

Note The color configuration is discussed in the following chapter.

MTS GmbH 1996 9 - 35

9. Measuring Turning

9 - 36 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10. Graphical Display

10. Changing Graphic Display

Apart from the display modes already described, the Turning and Milling CNC
Simulators offer various possibilities for modifying the screen display. Certain
processes can, for instance, be highlighted.

3D Views The option of three-dimensional views of the workpart displayed at any time from
different viewing directions is a practical support in NC programming.

Sectional Display In CNC turning, the changes mainly concern different views of the workpart,
whereas in CNC milling, apart from top view, graphic-dynamic section displays
relating to the current working position of the tool in X/Z and Y/Z axial direction
and the axes can also be displayed.

Zoom Furthermore, the turning Simulator allows gradual enlargement or

reduction of the screen section (up to the representation of the entire
CNC Turning working space of the machine tool) even during processing.
This zoom function is also available during measuring and Workshop-
Oriented Programming (WOP).

CNC Milling Unlike in the Turning Simulator, only the contours programmed with
the WOP can be zoomed in milling, and the display of the entire
work space of the machine tool is possible only as a special function in
the setup mode when defining clamping (cf. Chapter 4).

Color Display Finally, it is possible to define all colors of the screen elements (corresponding to
the graphics card of your PC) as required.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 1

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.-1:
CNC Turning,
Automatic Mode;
As a first step the
Measuring main menu
is called up under the
menu item
"Measuring/3D View"

Figure 10.-2:
CNC Turning,
Measuring main menu;
Press F1 to switch to
the 3D Display menu.

10 - 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.1 3D Display

10.1 3D Display
With the version 5, 3D displays can be called up both in the turning and in the
milling Simulators. To display machining inside the workpart, it is possible to cut
out any cylinder sectors (CNC turning) or workpart quadrants (CNC milling) in the
3D display.

Variable Sections In addition to the 3D display, freely definable sectional displays can be
selected in the milling Simulator. The displayed section areas are no
CNC Milling longer tied to the milling cutter center point in this display mode but
can be re-defined in X and Y parallel axes. In the sectional displays,
a horizontal line is also displayed indicating the relevant Z plane. Naturally its
position can also be changed.

CNC Turning Selection Example:

Automatic or Measuring/
Setup Mode F6 3D View F1 3D View 3D Display Menu

CNC Milling Selection Example:

Automatic or
Setup Mode F6 3D View 3D Display Menu

You select the 3D display using the "Measuring/3D View" (turning Simulator) or
"3D View" (milling Simulator) function. It is called up with F6
in the Setup Mode,
in the Automatic Mode,
during Interactive Programming or
during Teach-In Programming

If you are currently working with an other operating function of the CNC
Simulator, first switch to the Automatic Mode or Setup menu.

In turning, the "3D Display" function is called up in the Measuring main menu with
F1 the function key F1 . The 3D Display menu is then loaded.

Note Since the 3D Display function is slightly different in turning and milling Simulator,
it is discussed separately for each technology.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 3

10. Graphical Display Turning

Figure 10.1.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Menu: 3D Display,
Schematic Display.

Figure 10.1.1-2:
CNC Turning,
3D Display,
Select viewing angle;
before the 3D view is
loaded, the viewing
angle of the workpart
can be chosen.

Figure 10.1.1-3:
CNC Turning,
3D Display, outside
view corresponding to
the above selected
viewing angle.

10 - 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 10.1.1 3D Display

10.1.1 CNC Turning: 3D Display

The CNC Turning Simulator allows three-dimensional display
representation of the workparts from different viewing angles.
Furthermore, the 3D representation can be displayed as a half or full
section or with any cut-out sectors.

Procedure: Before the spatial representation is displayed, you first define the viewing angle
onto the workpart and the display mode. The corresponding 3D view is then
loaded and you can subsequently select a new viewing angle or display mode
again, or you return to the starting situation to continue processing.

Select Viewing Angle

The intermediate menu "Select Viewing Angle" shows in the center of the screen
window a graduated ellipse enclosing the sketched workpart (quasi as "circulatory
path" for the viewing point) with a small arrow next to it. This arrow indicates the
currently selected viewing angle. The current viewing position is also displayed in
the information column:

F5 Viewing Angle - : You change the view angle clockwise with F5 or the cursor
keys or . The position arrow is shifted accordingly and the corresponding
or number of degrees is displayed in the information column.

F6 Angle of View +: You change the viewing angle counter-clockwise with F6 or the
cursor keys or . The position arrow is shifted accordingly and the
corresponding number of degrees is displayed in the information column.
or After you have determined the viewing angle, select the display mode:

Select Display Mode

The following display modes are available: external view, half or full section or
"any section" according to your section definitions.

F1 Full workpart: The workpart is displayed as viewed from outside with F1 .

F2 Full section below : The workpart is shown in full section with F2 .

F3 Half section: To display the workpart in half section, press F3 .

Selected section: The workpart is displayed according to your specification as a

F4 variable section with F4 ; if you have not made any section definition yet, the
standard setting is displayed.

Try the different 3D display options!

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 5

10. Graphical Display Turning

Figure 10.1.1-4:
CNC Turning,
3D Display, Select
Apart from the half and
full section, any
section can also be
selected and

Figure 10.1.1-5:
CNC Turning,
3D Display, Select
When defining the
section, both the
section size and the
viewing angle onto the
section can be

Figure 10.1.1-6:
CNC Turning,
3D Display, Optional
Example of a sectional

10 - 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 10.1.1 3D Display

Select Section
The standard setting of the optional section cut-out displays a 90 cut-out wedge
viewed towards the center of the workpart. Both the viewing direction and the
section cut-out can be redefined with the "Select Section" menu.

The "Select Section" menu shows in the screen window a circle with cut-out
sector as a symbol for the cut-out workpart in the top view. You can enlarge or
reduce the circular sector as necessary and change the viewing direction onto the

Section smaller: You reduce the cut-out circular sector with F1 or the cursor key
F1 or . Parallel to this, the angle of the circular sector is displayed under "Wedge
size" in the information column.
Section larger: You enlarge the cut-out circular sector with F2 or the cursor key
F2 or . Parallel to this, the angle of the circular sector is output under "Wedge size"
in the information column.
Rotate section -: You rotate the workpart clockwise with F3 or the cursor key
F3 or and the viewing direction onto the section changes. At the same time, the current
angle of rotation is displayed under "Section planes" in the information column.
Rotate section +: You rotate the workpart counter-clockwise with F4 or the cursor
F4 or key and the viewing direction onto the section changes. At the same time, the
rotation angle is displayed under "Section planes" in the information column.

F8 or You confirm the selected setting with F8 or .

You interrupt section definition with F7 or ESC

without taking over the selected
F7 or ESC setting.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 7

10. Graphical Display Turning

Figure 10.1.1-7:
CNC Turning,
Menu: 3D Display,
Schematic of the
menu sequence.

Figure 10.1.1-8:
CNC Turning,
3D display in half

10 - 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 10.1.1 3D Display

Menu: 3D Display
The quality of the 3D display depends on the graphic card of your PC. A reality-
corresponding display representation can be received with the VGA standard (and
higher) using different gray shade. According to the standard setting, 16 gray
shades are reproduced with VGA video cards whereas, in most cases, these would
be able to display as many as 256 colors (cf. hardware configuration).

The processing scope of the 3D Display menu is identical with that discussed
earlier. Therefore, consult for reference the previous section , if necessary,

You can load different 3 dimensional views of the workpart one after the


Quit 3D Measuring Main

F8 Menu Menu

F8 or Press F8 to return to the Measuring main menu.

Note The 3D view of complex turned parts including displays of threads requires a
large working memory space. Should there not be enough memory space
available, a corresponding error message is displayed.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 9

10. Graphical Display Milling

Figure 10.1.2-1:
CNC Milling,
Menu: 3D Display,
Schematic display.

Figure 10.1.2-2:
CNC Milling,
3D Display,
Select display;
Before the 3D display
is computed, the
display mode and the
viewing direction onto
the workpart needs to
be defined.
The workpart
quadrants are
designated with A - D
in the Figure.

Figure 10.1.2-3:
CNC Milling,
3D Display, full view of
the workpart viewed
from bottom left of the
screen ("front left").

10 - 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 10.1.2 Sectional and 3D Display

10.1.2 CNC Milling: Sectional and 3D Display

To reproduce a top view and sectional views of a workpart requires

spatial imagination from the viewer and from the drafter. As
assistance, it is possible to have a 3 dimensional representation of
the workpart displayed for any machining situation.
Furthermore, it is possible to display sectional representations of any sectional
axes as special functions.
As in turning, a 3D display representation of the workpart can be generated from
any viewing angle. To check machining inside the workpart, the workparts are "cut
open" and only specified "part pieces" are displayed.

Procedure: To display a 3D view, two or three settings must be selected first:

1.) For the sectional displays and the 3D views of a "cut open" workpart, first
position the sectional axes. This operation is not necessary for displaying
the whole part.
2.) Also choose the display mode and then select
3.) the viewing angle the workpart should be viewed from.

The corresponding 3D view is then built up and you can proceed to select new
sections, viewing directions or display modes again, or you return to the starting
situation to continue your processing.

Select Sectional Position

After you have called up the 3D View function, an intermediate menu for
positioning the sectional axes and selecting the display mode of the 3D view is
For a side view and a partial 3D side view, position the sectional axes in the X and
Y direction (according to the plane selection "G17"). These axes divide the
workpart into max. four parts (called "quadrants"). The corresponding sectional
representations are "carried along" and the parallel coordinate values are
displayed in the information column.

or You shift the parallel line to the Y axis with the cursor key or .

1 You shift the parallel line to the X axis with the or End
or 9 or 1 keys on the

numerical keypad.
or End

The unit of movement of the sectional axes is determined by the increment. 1.0
mm, 0.1 mm, 0.01 mm or 0.001 mm are possible as setting for this and you
determine these in the Setup Mode (cf. Chapter 4). The currently selected
increment is shown in the information column.
For clarity, the workpart quadrants resulting from the division by the sectional axes
are marked below with the letters "A" to "D" (cf. Figure opposite page).

The workpart can be measured in simplified form with the aid of the
sectional axes.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 11

10. Graphical Display Milling

Figure 10.1.2-4:
CNC Milling, 3D
select viewing angle;
you can choose
between four different
viewing directions of
the 3D display in
(front left: 4, front right:
5, rear left: 6, rear
right: 7).

Figure 10.1.2-5:
CNC Milling,
3D Display, 3/4 part;
View from the bottom
right of the screen
("front right").

Figure 10.1.2-6:
CNC Milling,
3D Display, 1/4 part;
View from the front
right of the screen
("front right").

10 - 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 10.1.2 Sectional and 3D Display

Select Display Mode

The display mode is selected using the function keys:

F1 3D full part: To display the complete workpart, press F1 .

3D 3/4 part: The front quadrant seen from the viewing direction is cut out
F2 with F2 .
3D 1/4 part: The three front quadrants seen from the viewing direction are
F3 cut out with F3 .
3D with sections: The full part and the side views, corresponding to the sectional
F4 axes, are displayed together with F4 . In this case, the sectional areas are marked
by the two rectanglular frames. of the axes
Z section dotted: The surfaces to be machined, locating above the set Z axis
F5 (according to G17), are displayed dotted in the top view with F5 .

F8 Return: Press F8 to return to the starting situation.

Select Viewing Direction

In a 3-dimensional display, the viewing direction of the workpart is of importance.
For this reason, the choice between four different viewing directions was
integrated in the "3D Views" function. The perspective viewing locations are
selected according to the workpart corners.

The view onto the bottom left corner of the workpart (according to the top view) is
F4 selected as viewing direction with F4 .
The view onto the bottom right corner of the workpart (according to the top view)
F5 is selected as viewing direction with F5 .
The view onto the top left corner of the workpart (according to the top view) is
F6 selected as viewing direction with F6 .
The view onto the top right corner of the workpart (according to the top view) is
F7 selected as viewing direction with F7 .

F8 Return: Press F8 to return to the starting situation.

The following combinations are possible in the 3D View function (cf. Fig.):

Specification 1/4 part 3/4 part Full part

to the front left only quadrant D A cut out total
to the front right only quadrant C B cut out total
to the rear left only quadrant B C cut out total
to the rear right only quadrant A D cut out total

Now, get some training in the selection of the different 3D displays!

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 13

10. Graphical Display Milling

Figure 10.1.2-7:
CNC Milling,
Menu: 3D Display,
Schematic of the
menu sequence.

Figure 10.1.2-8:
CNC Milling,
3D Display
Full part with sections

Figure 10.1.2-9:
CNC Milling,
variable sectional
Display of the workpart
the dotted areas
indicate the machining
depths from the
sectional axis to the
workpart bottom edge.

10 - 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Milling 10.1.2 Sectional and 3D Display

Menu: 3D View
After you have chosen the viewing direction, the 3D view is displayed. You can
then call up further 3D views without closing the program function. Since the
operation options in the 3D view menu are identical with those of turning, they are
not discussed here.

Note The computing performance of your personal computer as well as the complexity
of the workpart geometry define how long it takes to generate a display

Different 3-dimensional views of the workpart can be computed one after

an other.


Quit 3D Intermed. Menu Select Starting

F8 Menu Direction of View F8 Situation

F8 or ESC Press F8 or ESC

to return to the starting situation.

Calculating Machining Depths: Z Section Dotted

In addition to the sectional display representations and 3D views, the machining
depths can be graphically highlighted and the corresponding Z coordinate values
(according to G17) can be displayed.

Procedure The presettings for the calculation of the machining depths are made in the
intermediate menu "Select Display":

The line parallel to the Z axis is positioned at the required machining depth with
the cursor keys or .

The movement unit of the sectional axes is determined by the increment. Settings
of 1.0 mm, 0.1 mm, 0.01 mm or 0.001 mm are possible for this and you determine
them in the setup mode. The currently selected increment is shown in the
information column.

Z section dotted : To display the depth layers according to the selected secti onal
F5 position, select the function F5 .

All "layers" from the workpart top edge down to the selected sectional depth are
then marked by a dotted grid.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 15

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.2.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Graphical Display;
Schematic of the menu

Figure 10.2.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Graphical Display;
Display of the workpart
"half section below"
was selected.

Figure 10.2.1-3:
CNC Turning,
Menu: Graphical
The display of the
workpart in the "full
section" was selected.

10 - 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.2 Changing the Graphical Display

10.2 Changing the Graphical Display

Apart from the display modes already described, the turning and milling CNC
Simulators allow different possibilities of modifying the screen display. In this way
specific machining procedures can be clearly emphasized:

In CNC Turning, the changes mainly concern different views of the workpart,
whereas in CNC Milling apart from the top view, graphic-dynamic sectional
displays related to the working position of the tool in X/Z and Y/Z axial
direction and the axes can also be displayed.
In addition, the display of turning feed operation can be enlarged gradually up
to a section of 6 m x 8 m.
Finally you can define all colors of the screen elements (depending on the
video card of your PC).

10.2.1 CNC Turning: Changing the Display

The screen display is set in the "Graphical Display" menu which can
be called up both from the setup mode and from the automatic mode:

Selection Example:

Setup or Graphical Menu: Graphical

Automatic Mode F7 Display Display

If you are currently using some other working function of the CNC Simulator, first
switch to the Automatic or Setup mode menu.

You further switch to the "Graphical Display" menu with F7 .

The following options are available for changing the screen display:

F1 External view: The external view of the workpart is displayed by pressing F1 .

F2 Full section: The full section of the workpart is displayed by pressing F2 .

Half section below : With F3 the workpart is displayed as a section below the
F3 rotation axis and as an external view above it.
Half section above: With F4 the workpart is displayed as a section above the
F4 rotation axis and as an external view below it.
Zoom: If you want to enlarge or reduce the displayed area, switch to the "Zoom"
F5 function with F5 .
[Display NC line]: The current NC block is displayed in the dialogue line during
F7 automatic mode. If you want to display several NC blocks at the same time,
redefine the number with F7 .

F8 Accept: You confirm your modifications with F8 and return to the starting

Note Sectional display representations are hatched (cf. Figure) to distinguish them
from external views.

The display mode changes automatically according to whether external or internal

machining is being performed with the tool.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 17

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.2.2-1:
CNC Milling,
Menu: Graphical
Graphical Display;
Schematic of the
menu sequence.

Figure 10.2.2-2
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
Screen display: in
addition to the top
view, dynamic
sectional displays of
the workpart and of the
tool as well as a
system of coordinates
can be displayed

10 - 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.2 Changing the Graphical Display

10.2.2 CNC Milling: Changing the Display

As described, the milling CNC Simulator shows the workpart, the
clamping and the tool in top view. Furthermore, these representations
can be modified in the display:

Displaying graphic-dynamic sectional views of the workpart,

Inserting sectional views of the tool into the workpart sections,
Displaying the axes of the machine tool.

It is also possible, to display sectional views of any viewing location (cf. above).

Note The dynamic representation of sectional views should be switched off for PCs
with low computing power.

The screen display is set in the "Graphic Display" menu, which can be called up
both from the Setup Mode and from the Automatic Mode:

Selection Example:

Setup or Graphical Menu: Graphical

Automatic Mode F7 Display Display

If you are currently applying some other working function of the CNC Simulator,
first switch to the Automatic or Setup mode menu.

The menu for changing the graphical display is invoked with F7 .

The following operation options are available for changing the screen display:

Permanent sections: The dynamic representation of sectional views of the

F1 workpart are displayed with this function.

F2 Tool display : If sectional representations of the tool are to be displayed, press

F2 .

F3 Axes display: The axes of the machine tool are displayed with F3 .

Contour display : The contours of the workpart are either highlighted in color or
F4 switched off with F4 .

[Display NC line]: The current NC block is displayed in the dialogue line as

F7 standard, parallel to processing. Should more than one NC block be displayed,
you can redefine the number of blocks to be displayed with F7 .

F8 Confirm: Press F8 to confirm your modifications and return to the starting


ESC With ESC you interrupt this procedure without confirming and taking up your

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 19

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.2.2-3:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode;
Sectional displays.

Figure 10.2.2-4:
CNC Milling
Setup Mode;
Displaying the
machine table axes

Figure 10.2.2-5:
CNC Milling,
Setup Mode,
Contour display; if this
function is activated,
the workpart contours
are highlighted in

10 - 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.2 Changing the Graphical Display

Graphic-Dynamic Sectional Displays

To obtain a 3-dimensional impression of workpart machining, sectional displays
of the workpart and of the tool can be displayed and carried on with the
machining process graphic-dynamically. The sectional axes run paraxially in the
longitudinal and transverse direction ("front/side view") through the current tool
position (cf. Figure).

The toggle function to display or switch off dynamic sectional displays (front and
F1 side view) is activated with the F1 key. The following dialogue line appears:
"Sections carried along [Y/N] ?" (Y = Yes, N = No)

The toggle function to display or switch off the tool in the dynamic sectional
F2 displays is activated with the F2 key. There is then a program dialogue which
offers you the following options for changing the display:
"Tool in front view [Y/N] ?" (Longitudinal section)
"Tool in side view [Y/N] ?" (Transverse section)
"Color cutting edge/shank/spindle [Y/N] ?"

or If you confirm a dialogue query with or , the corresponding display mode is


N or ESC Should a function not be executed, "negate" the enquiry with N or ESC

After you are through with the program enquiries in each case, you will return to
the starting situation.

Apart from the above menu guidance, the "Permanent Sections" and "Tool
P Display" functions can also be activated directly with the and P keys from the
"Setup Mode" and "Automatic Mode" menu levels. The further dialogue guidance
is as described above.

Displaying the Machine Table Axes

Apart from sectional displays, scaled machine table axes can be displayed or
switched off as special function (cf. Figure). The scaling refers to the workpart
zero point.

F3 The F3 key is a toggle to switch on and off the scaled axes.

Contour Display
There is also a special function with which the workpart contours can be
highlighted in color (cf. below, Color settings):

F4 The F4 key is a toggle to switch on and off the contour display.

You can change the screen display during workpart machining any time. Always
try to select the most appropriate display mode!

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 21

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.2.3-1:
CNC Turning,
Graphical Display;
the current NC line is
displayed in the upper
dialogue line during
Automatic Mode. The
number of NC lines
can be increased in
the "Graphical Display"

Figure 10.2.3-2:
CNC Milling,
Graphical Display;
both in turning and in
milling, the number of
displayed NC lines can
be varied.

10 - 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.2.3 Display of the NC Lines

10.2.3 Displaying the NC Lines

In the Automatic Mode, the current NC block is displayed in the dialogue line
parallel to machining. If several NC blocks are to be displayed, the number of the
displayed blocks can be changed in the "Graphical Display" menu, which is called
up in the Automatic Mode:


Graphical Display NC Edit Number of

Automatic Mode F7 Display F7 Lines Lines

The menu for changing the graphical display is called up with F7 in automatic
mode as well as during interactive programming.


To edit the number of displayed NC lines, press F7 .

A submenu with which you can set the required number of lines is then loaded:

Line +/-: To increase the number of lines, press F1 , to reduce it F2 ; the number
F1 or F2 of lines is then increased or reduced by one in each case.
Default configuration : One NC line is displayed as standard setting. You can
F5 switch (back) to this standard with F5 .
Accept: After you have selected the required number of lines, confirm this setting
F8 with F8 . You return simultaneously to the "Graphical Display" menu.


F8 Accept Starting Situation

F8 To return to the starting situation, quit the "Graphical Display" menu with F8 .

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 23

10. Graphical Display Turning

Figure 10.3-1:
CNC Turning,
The Zoom function can
be called from various
operation modes using
the "Graphical Display"
or "Dynamic Zoom"

Figure 10.3-2:
CNC Turning,
Graphical Display;
You call up the Zoom
function with F5 .

Figure 10.3-3:
CNC Turning,
You select
either via standardized
menu functions such
as "Zoom up" or
"Zoom down", or you
determine the wanted
iarea to be displayed
via "Select region".

10 - 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 10.3 Zooming

10.3 Zooming
Enlargement The screen display of the turning CNC Simulator shows as standard
setting a partial representation of the work space of the machine tool
with the blank or workpart and clamping fixtures displayed in it as
well as workpart machining. With the help of the enlarging function
("Zoom"), selected areas can be displayed and zoomed, the maximum detail
resolution showing an area of 6 m x 8 m.

Display Areas The other way round, naturally the image can also be scaled down or the full
machine work space can be displayed.
In analogy to this zoom function, the "Measuring" function also allows the
Note option of enlargement/reduction. Workpart contours which were
programmed in the WOP mode, can also be enlarged.

Scaling up or down the work space display (area) can be called up parallel to
current processing in Setup and in Automatic Mode or during Interactive
Programming, for example, through the "Graphical Display" menu:

1st Selection Example:

Menu: Graphical
Display F5 Zoom Area Definition

You call up the zoom function with the function key <F5> in the "Graphical
Display" menu. The "Zoom" menu with which you can define new image regions is
then loaded.

2nd Selection Example:

Automatic run Dynamic

of an NC prog. F4 zoom
Area Definition

During the automatic run of an NC program (Automatic Mode), the displayed area
can be scaled up or down during workpart machining ("Dynamic Zoom").

Of course, it is possible for you to choose different dispaly areas and change
them at any time or according to the machining situation.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 25

10. Graphical Display Turning

Figure 10.3-4:
CNC Turning,
with the "Zoom down"
function, the displayed
area is reduced in size
by approx. 20%.

Figure 10.3-5:
CNC Turning,
with the "Zoom up"
function, the current
displayed area is
enlarged by approx.

Figure 10.3-6:
CNC Turning,
Display of the work
space of the machine

10 - 26 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 10.3 Zooming

Menu: Zoom (Machine Tool Work-Space)

CNC Turning This menu includes either standardized options for scaling up or down
or you can select the display area yourself:

Zoom down : The display is scaled down by approx. 20% in each case with F1 .
F1 The standard window size or the display of the machine work space set the limits
for scaling.
Zoom up: With this function F2 , the current display is enlarged by each pressing
F2 of the key by 20%. The maximum range of enlargement is at approx. 6 m x 8
Standard window : A standard window displaying the entire workpart and the
F3 clamping fixtures in an ideal way is loaded with F3 .
Machine space window : The entire work space of the machine tool can be
F4 displayed with F4 .
Last region: Several defined areas are stored as long as you work with the CNC
F5 Simulator. You call up the preceding area with F5 .

F6 Next region: If several areas are defined, you call up the next one with F6 .

Select region: If you want to define the area to be scaled up yourself, switch with
F7 F7 to the "Select region" menu.

F8 Return: Press F8 to return to the "Graphical Display" menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 27

10. Graphical Display Turning

Figure 10.3-7:
CNC Turning,
Schematic of the
menu sequence.

Figure 10.3-8:
CNC Turning,
Determining the zoom
region: you define the
wanted detail with the
inserted rectangle.

Figure 10.3-9:
CNC Turning,
Display of the detail
selected above; a
further detail can then
be defined or you
return to the starting
situation with ESC .

10 - 28 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 10.3 Zooming

Defining the Zoom Detail

To enlarge a certain image area, it must be defined first. For this purpose a square
frame is displayed on the screen.
This square frame can be moved on the screen and enlarged or reduced in size.
After confirmation of the area definition, the selected detail is displayed in full
screen size.
Selection Example:

Menu: Graphical Select

Display F5 Zoom F7 Detail
Define Detail

Proceeding from the "Zoom" menu, you call up the "Select detail" function with F7
to define a certain screen area enlargement:

Standard window [last detail]: A standard window displaying the ideal setting of
F3 the entire workpart with clamping or workpart machining is loaded with F3 . If the
standard window is active, you call up the last detail with F3 .
Machine space window [last detail]: The entire work space of the machine tool
F4 can be displayed with F4 . If the machine space window is active, you call up the
last detail with F4 .

F5 Last detail: You call up the previously defined detail again with F5 .

F6 Next detail: If several areas are defined, you call up the next one again with F6 .

New detail: You confirm a detail without quitting the menu with F8 , you confirm a
F8 or
detail and return to the starting situation with .

Procedure A detail display is defined in two steps:

1.) The inserted square frame is positioned and if necessary also enlarged or
reduced in size.
2.) You then confirm your selection.

or Use the cursor keys to position the frame in the right place.

or You can move the frame a bit faster with the key combination and <"cursor
key">, e.g. and .

+ or
- The square is enlarged with the + key and reduced in size with the - key.

New Detail: After the square has been positioned the right place, confirm with
F8 or
or F8 . The enlargement of the framed area is then carried out.

ESC You return to the starting situation with ESC


Note The display with a zoomed detail remains valid until you define a new way of
representation or call up an existing window again.

Get some practice in the zoom function and enlarge and reduce different
screen areas.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 29

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.4-1:
Schematic overview of
the different
possibilities of
changing the color

10 - 30 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.4 Colour Settings

10.4 Color Settings

The shades and colors of the screen display are selected in the color settings.
Thus it is possible to design the representation of the tool, clamping fixtures or
workparts etc. similar to the representation on the display of a machine tool. Or if
individual work stations are equipped with different monitors, you can match the
color display to each another with corresponding settings.

The color settings can be changed and stored during processing . A special
configuration is not necessary.

Depending on the processing situation, different "screen interfaces" are provided

to support the work steps. Accordingly there are various possibilities for defining
the color settings. Thus the display of the workpart machining contains other
screen elements than the measuring and WOP program sections or the acquisition
of the surface peak-to-valley heights.

Basically there are two different menus for color definition :

Settings for the display of the work space of the machine tool;
Settings for the contour displays in the WOP, measuring and acquisition of
peak-to-valley height program parts.

Naturally you can decide whether you want to change the color settings at all.
And also it is not necessary to make use of all of the above possibilities at once.
However, note that certain fields of the available color scale ("palette") define the
coloring of various screen objects. A change can therefore lead to a situation
where screen objects in a number of submenus become invisible or vague.

10.4.1 Color Setting for CNC Simulator

The menu for changing the colors in the display of the work space is called up
from the main menu of the CNC Simulator:


Graphics Color Setting

Main Menu F7 Colors Menu

If you are currently working in one of the operation modes of the CNC Simulator,
firstl return to the main menu with F8 .
The menu for color setting is called up with the F7 key.
Should you have defined a password for protection, you must first enter this for
further processing and confirm it with .

Note In milling the menu for color settings is loaded immediately after this, in turning,
however, the CNC Simulator offers an intermediate menu for processing:

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 31

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.4.1-1:
CNC Turning,
Color Settings
Intermediate menu;
In this menu certain
settings for the screen
display are specified.

Figure 10.4.1-2:
CNC Turning,
Color Settings
Both the selection of
the available set of
color shades (palette)
and the assignment of
certain colors to
individual screen
elements are part of
the color setting.

Figure 10.4.1-3:
CNC Milling,
Color Settings
As in turning, the color
display can be
redefined in milling as

10 - 32 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.4 Colour Settings

CNC Turning: Intermediate Menu for Color Setting

The intermediate menu of the turning Simulator provides the
opportunity to specify some graphics display settings. This may be an
advantage especially for computers with low computing capacity.
(Functions requiring long computing
times are marked in the following with (*), those requiring large memory space
with (+).) The currently selected settings are stated in the information line.

F1 Colors/palette: You call the menu for color setting with F1 .

Visible edges (*): The display of the visible and clearance edges can be
F2 switched on and off with F2 . Rounded edges are called "clearance edges"; they
are marked with lines which end before the physical edges.
Fill out cutting edge (+): You define whether the tool cutting edge is to be filled
F3 out in color or only its outer contour should be displayed with F3 .
Update thread (*/+): With version 5 of the turning Simulator, thread geometries
F4 are calculated and displayed exactly. With low computing and storage capacity, it
is possible to switch off this function with F4 .
Accept without saving : If you want to confirm the changes for the current
F7 machining only, return to the main menu with F7 .

F8 Accept with saving : You store the changes and return to the main menu with F8

ESC You interrupt processing with ESC

without confirming the changes made.

CNC Turning & Milling: Menu for Color Setting

If you switch from the intermediate menu into the color and palette setting, the
following processing options are available.

Change palette: The "color palette" defines the available color shades of the
F1 screen display. It is called up with the function key F1 .

F2 Change colors: To allocate the colors to the screen elements, press F2 .

Coloring on/off (*): With F4 you switch the option of coloring the workpart during
F4 machining on or off. The colors to be used are specified in the "Change Colors"
CNC Milling You can define ten different colors as different "depth shades" in the
"Change Colors" submenu. You define with this switch whether the
machining depths are colored accordingly in the top view.

Next page: Only the CNC Simulator for milling offers this function to display the
F5 other color definitions.
Save configuration : Since the milling CNC Simulator does not have the above
F6 intermediate menu, the "permanent storage of the changes" function is integrated
separately here.
Cancel: If you want to cancel processing without confirming the changes made,
F7 press F7 .

F8 Return: You confirm your changes and return to the Setup mode with F8 .

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 33

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.4.1-4:
CNC Turning, Color
The color values are
"mixed" according to
the red/green/blue
proportions determined
in the setting of the
"Color Palette".

Figure 10.4.1-5:
CNC Milling, Color
The milling Simulator
provides 16 color fields
whose color values are
always a mixture of
red/green/blue in
varying propotions

10 - 34 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.4 Colour Settings

Change Palette
In total nine palette fields are available in turning and sixteen in milling for the
definition of various color shades (cf. Figure, square fields above the function
keys). Each color shade is a result of a mixture of the so-called "RGB proportions"
(RGB = Red/Green/Blue), which can be determined with the "Change Palette"

Procedure In the submenu for the "Change Palette" function, the corresponding values of the
RGB scale are displayed for the individual color shades above the color fields.
Furthermore, the currently selected column has a different color background. The
values of the RGB scale are between 0 and 100. Depending on the graphic mode
different gradations are possible:
e.g. in the EGA graphic mode, the numerical values for the relevant color
proportions are:
0 33 67 100

Furthermore, the outer color fields determine the background color (on the left,
1st field) and the text color (on the right, 9th or 16th field). This allocation does
not depend on the color assignments of the further display elements.
Finally the different RGB proportions can be increased (+) or reduced (-) and thus
the color shades re-mixed". These changes are made in two operational steps:

The palette area whose shade is to be changed is selected with the cursor keys
or .
[Color +/-]: You can then increase or reduce the RGB proportions with the
F1 or F2 function keys F1 to F6 ; the color in the active palette field changes
As an orientation for "color mixing" use the data of the adjacent fields; the color
F3 or F4 black has the RGB values 0/0/0, white the values 100/100/100.

F5 or F6
Cancel: If you want to cancel processing without confirming the changes made,
F7 press F7 .

Return: With F8 you confirm the changes and return to the "Color Settings"
F8 menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 35

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.4.1-6:
CNC Turning, Color
In the color allocation,
the colors are
allocated to further
tations of the screen

Figure 10.4.1-7:
CNC Milling, Color
Selection of screen
representations for
color setting.

10 - 36 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.4 Colour Settings

Change Colors
With this function, you allocate a specific color from the "Color palette" to certain
screen elements.
The various elements are listed in the upper screen half. As their designation is
clear (cf. Figure),the list is not repeated here.
The square fields in front of the object description in the upper screen half indicate
the current colors. To change these, the object area is selected first and then a
color is assigned.

Procedure After you have called up the function "Change Colors" with F2 , a horizontal arrow
is set in front of one of the object specifications to activate this item and one of
the palette fields is also marked with a vertical arrow.

Select the object whose color is to be changed with the cursor keys or . The
or designations in the list indicate the relevant object (cf. Figure; different machining
depths are designated as "layers" in CNC milling).

or Then mark with the cursor keys or the color shade in the color palette.

Accept: To confirm the color assignment set by the two arrows, press F1 . The
F1 color field in front of the object specification is then changed accordingly and you
can define a new object.

F5 Next page: In the CNC Simulator for milling, the remaining objects are displayed with
F5 .

F7 Cancel: You cancel processing with F7 without confirming changes made.

F8 Return: With F8 you confirm all color changes made and return to the starting

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 37

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Figure 10.4.2-1:
Configuration and
Programming; Color

Figure 10.4.2-2:
Measuring and
Programming, Color
Setting the Color

Figure 10.4.2-3:
Measuring as well as
Programming, Color
Color assignment to
the individual

10 - 38 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.4 Colour Settings

10.4.2 Color Settings for WOP, Measuring, Surface

Peak-to-Valley Height Calculation
The second color definition option covers the screen elements of the program
functions of Measuring, Workshop-Oriented Programming and those of Surface
Peak-to-Valley Height calculation - this means, among other things, the screen
background, the workpart contours and edges as well as the individual menu
fields, the dialogue line, information column, input fields etc.

Selection Example: Measuring, CNC Turning

Element / Point Configu-

Dimensioning F6 ration F7 Colors

Selection Example: WOP, CNC Turning & Milling

Meas Configu-
WOP main menu F6 F7 uring F6 ration F7 Colors

Selection Example: Surface Peak-to-Valley Heights, CNC Turning

Measuring / 3D Peak-to- Color Con-

View menu F5 Valley Height C figuration F7 Colors

Configuration: Proceeding from the point or element dimensioning, first call up

F6 the "Configuration" menu item with F6 .
Colors: To change the color display, select the "Colors" item in the configuration
F7 menu with the function key F7 .

During the peak-to-valley heights calculation, you can call up the color settings
C for this processing menu directly with the C key.

Menu: Color Settings

A submenu with two processing possibilities is then loaded: as in the color
configuration of the CNC Simulator (cf. above), both the color shades can be
defined and the relevant colors can be assigned to the screen elements:

Change palette: The "Color palette" defines the available color shades of the
F1 screen display. It is called up with the function key F1 .
Change colors: To define the assignment of the colors to the individual screen
F2 elements, press F2 .

F6 Store configuration: You store the changes with F6 .

Cancel: If you want to cancel processing without accepting changes made, press
F7 the function key F7 .

F8 Return: With F8 you confirm the changes for the current processing.

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 39

10. Graphical Display Turning and Milling

Change Palette
As in the CNC Simulator for milling, 16 palette fields are available to define
different color shades (cf. Figure above, square fields above the function keys).
The "Change palette" function is identical with that described above and need not
to be described here.

Change colors
In the menu for color configuration, the upper screen half contains the names of
the objects which can be assigned a color separately. This function is identical to
that already described and is therefore not repeated here.

The abbreviations in the measuring/WOP object list stand for the following:

FuncKeys BG Background of the function key fields

FuncKey Lab Labels of the function key fields
FuncKey Number Numbering of the function key fields
Status Text Color of the text in the status line
Status BG Background color of the status line
Geo. elements Color of the geometry elements (only WOP)
Contour color Color of the contour elements
Alternatives Display of one of several possibilities (only
Help Screen BG Background color of the help screens (only WOP)
Help Screen lines Color of the drawing in the help screens (only
Cursor Color of the cursor and of the frame
Scale Color of the graduation
Visible edges Color of the visible edges
BG elements Color of the background elements (only WOP)
Elem. selection Color for identification of elements (only WOP).
Text line print Color of the output in the text line
Error Mess. Color of the error messages
NC block BG Color of the NC blocks
Dimension line Color of the dimension line (only point
Dimens.aux.line Color of the help lines (only point dimensioning)
Dimens.text Color of the dimension text (only point
Elem.mark Color for marking elements (only measuring)
End points Color of the end points (only element
Program ZP. Color of the program zero point
Workpc. Zp. Color of the workpart zero point
Text column BG Background color of the text bar in dimensioning
Heading Print color : headings in dimensioning
Standard text Print color of the output dimension values
Special text Print color for the "incr. zero point" text (element

Note If positioned on each other in the screen display, some objects are displayed in
the complementary mode, i.e. black <-> white, blue <-> yellow, red <-> green etc.

10 - 40 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 10.4 Colour Settings

The abbreviations in the peak-to-valley height object list stand for the following:

unmachined 1 Coloring of the unmachined workpart contours

unmach. & mark. 1 Coloring of the unmachined workpart contours,
which are currently marked
machined 1 Coloring of the machined workpart contours
mach. & mark. 1 Coloring of the machined workpart contours,
which are currently marked
SP-EP marking 1 Color of the starting and end point
Rough contour 1 Color of the displayed rough contour
R. contour & mark. 1 Color of the displayed marked rough contour
Inactive frame Color of the frame of the inactive screen window
Active frame Color of the frame of the active screen window
Det. box in overview Color of the detail display in the left screen
Scale Displayed scale for the displayed peak-to-valley
Axis color Color of the rotation axis
Text column BG Color of the NC blocks
Text column header Color of the NC blocks
Text column text Color of the NC blocks
Header BG Menu header, background
Header text Menu header: print color
Text line 1 BG Information line: background
Text line 1 Text Information line: print color
Text line 2 BG Dialogue line: background
Text line 2 Text Dialogue line: print color
Function keys BG Color of the function key background
Function keys text Color of the function key lettering
Function keys No. Color of the function key numbering
Zero point color Color of the workpart zero point
1 For clarity, the assigned colors should be changed neither in the color allocation
nor in the palette setting.

You conclude the color configuration with F8 . There is then a program dialogue
F8 in which you either enter the password or confirm with ESC or F8 .

ESC or [Password]

MTS GmbH 1996 10 - 41

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning and Milling

Figure 11.1-1:
CNC Simulator;
Programming Aids
menu schematic.

Figure 11.1-2:
CNC Simulator,
accessing a
Programming Aid;
after the help function
has been activated, its
name is displayed in
the dialogue bar.

11 - 0 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 11.1 Programming Aids

11. Miscellaneous Functions

To supplement the program features, miscellaneous additional functions, such as
programming aids, as well as the option of generating a printout of the current
screen display, are provided.

11.1 Programming Aids

Whenever you need assistance or have a question during the creation or testing of
an NC program, you can call for help. The available help functions provide basic
DIN-based NC programming information, and contain detailed descriptions of the
MTS programming code.
The programming aids and control information are available in the form of "help
screens", and are directly displayed in the graphic window on the monitor. As a
rule, they contain a short informative text, a context-based graphic display, and an
application example referring to the subject.
Almost 200 help screens are available. Based on subject matter, they are divided
into groups; for better orientation, each group is preceded by a table of contents or
a schematic function display. In this manner, you have almost the entire set of
programming instructions available, without having to interrupt programming.

Note If required, the scope of available information can be individually extended, and
tailored to meet the requirements of the user. The optionally available MTS
program package "CAL Generator" can be used to generate new help screens, or
to modify existing ones for subsequent reintegration into the CNC Simulator.


Request Help [Enter help Confir- Help Screen

Function screen name] mation Display

Accessing the Programming Aids is possible from almost all working situations
within the CNC Simulator; the <?> key is used for this purpose during:
Setup Mode,
Automatic Mode,
Interactive Programming, and
Teach-In Programming.
Since the "?" (question mark) character is used in NC programming comment
texts, the F6 function key is used for calling help functions while working with the

[Designation] Subsequently you enter the name of the help screen in the dialogue line. The
corresponding program message is displayed, "Help screen: _______"

Confirm the name entry by pressing . If a help screen with that name is
available, it is then loaded. If not, the error message: "Help screen not found" is
You can use the + keys on the PC keyboard, or the <CONT> key on the
and CNC keyboard to recall the previous help screen.

Accessing a help function during a program dialogue (i.e., "Accept NC block?" in

interactive programming) is not possible. In this case, first finish the dialogue and
then call the help function.

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 1

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning and Milling

Figure 11.1-3:
CNC Simulator
Help Function;
Overview of the main
programming help
groups; all primary
Help Functions ("H",
"D", "F", "K", "Z", and
"M") contain their own
table of contents, and
have priority over the
secondary, context-
based groups.
Subsequently, you can
address a help function
directly, or scroll
through one of the
groups, until you have
located the desired
The "T" help function is
a special function
allowing a direct
display representation
of the current turret or

11 - 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 11.1 Programming Aids

Names/Designations and Group Assignments

Designation In order to facilitate direct access to help functions, each help screen, has a
designation of its own (also called Help Name in the following). In the same
fashion, the tables of content and overview schematics are identified with names.
The uppermost table of content in the hierarchy is called by pressing the H key.

The names of the individual help screens are generally based on the
designations of the corresponding commands.

For example: the name of the help function for linear interpolation is identical to
the appropriate DIN command, namely "G01"; the help function for the thread
tapping cycle is "G84", etc.

CRC / Segment The only exceptions are the overviews, the information on cutter radius
Contour compensation (CRC), and the subgroups for segment contour programming:
Since on the one hand, different combinations of several NC blocks are possible,
very often the only difference being the address characters, but on the other
hand, the names of programming aids cannot exceed a length of eight characters,
additional subgroups had to be formed, and names had to be shortened:
The linking possibilities of geometrical elements, such as straight line and circular
arc, were selected as subgroup identifiers. A further differentiation into left-hand
and right-hand orientated arcs would have needlessly multiplied the number of
help screens. For this reason, only one example is presented in each case (either
"G72" or "G73"). To call a help function for a specific contour segment string, first
search the respective names of the required help in the table of contents, or scroll
through one of the subgroups until you find the required information.

Turret/Magazine In addition to the NC programming information discussed here, the help function
also provides you with the option of displaying the current turret/magazine
configuration. This function is accessed by pressing the T key.

The following sections present a help screen designation overview that is

structured according to the group assignments: Magazine configuration, "G"
commands based on DIN programming standards, segment contour programming
(subgroups only), machining cycles and machine commands.

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 3

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning

CNC Turning Programming Aids

T Current turret configuration (tooling)
H Turning, Primary overview
D DIN programming, G commands and other commands
K Contour segment string, Overview: G71, G72, G73
Z Cycles overview: G31, G57, G75 to G88
M Machine commands
[D] G00 Rapid traverse
G01 Linear interpolation
G02 Circular interpolation, clockwise
G03 Circular interpolation, counter-clockwise
G04 Dwell
G09 In-position programming
G22 Subroutine invocation
G23 Program segment repeat
G33 Thread cutting, constant lead
SRK Tool nose radius or tool path compensation (TNC)
G41G42 Cutter compensation, left (G41) or right (G42)
G40 Cancel cutter compensation
G53 Cancel incremental datum shift
G54 Set datum (global)
G59 Incremental datum shift
G90 Absolute dimensions
G91 Incremental dimensions
G92 RPM limit
G96 Constant surface speed
G97 Cancel G96
[Z] G31 Thread cycle
G36 Multiple cycle with travel range limitation
G75 Rectangular longitudinal roughing cycle
G76 Rectangular transversal roughing cycle
G78 Undercut cycle
G79 Recess cycle
G80 Cycle invocation for G81, G82 and G83 (ibid.)
G81 Longitudinal roughing cycle, arbitrary connecting contour
G82 Transverse roughing cycle, arbitrary connecting contour
G83 Multiple cycle with travel range limitation G36
G57 Finishing allowance
G84 Deep hole drilling cycle
G85 Diameter dependent undercut cycle
G86 Recess cycle
G87 Radius cycle
G88 Chamfer cycle
[K] ZA Additional addresses for segment contour programming
G71 Line (subgroup)
G72 Circle (subgroup)
G71G71 Line/line (subgroup)
G71G72 Line/circle (subgroup)
G72G71 Circle/line (subgroup)
G72G72 Circle/circle (subgroup)
VPZ Four-point strings comprising different contour elements (subgroup)
OK Contour segment strings with indeterminate end point (subgroup)
P000 Tangential transition from previous element (subgroup)

11 - 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning 11.1 Programming Aids

Note In defining the help names for the segment contour programming help functions,
the NC words "G71", "G72", and "G73" were abbreviated with the numbers "1",
"2", and "3", and the respective address characters were added. Two examples:

Contour segment (circle): G72 X.. I.. K.. Help Name: 2XIK
Contour segments: G71 A..
(line/arc) G72 Z.. I.. K.. B.. Help Name:1A2ZIKB

Also note that although the sequential order of addresses is arbitrary during
program generation, it is fixed and clearly specified when naming help functions.
The addresses follow the order of: X, Z, I, K, L, A, B
Example: If a programming block reads "G72 K.. I.. Z..", the name of the
matching Programming Aid is "2ZIK".

Finally, in four-point contour segment definitions the circle centre coordinates I

and K are grouped together with M.

When in doubt regarding the location of Programming Aids for specific NC

commands, please refer to the overviews for the corresponding names.
While you are getting to know the program, it is helpful to scroll through the
subgroups by pressing the F3 or F4 function keys.

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 5

11. Miscellaneous Functions Milling

CNC Milling Programming Aids

T Current magazine configuration
H Milling, Primary overview
D DIN programming G commands and other commands
F Overview, cutter radius compensation (CRC)
K Contour segment string, Overview: G71, G72, G73
Z Cycles overview: G31, G57, G75 to G88
M Machine commands
[D] G00 Rapid traverse
G01 Linear interpolation
G02 Circular interpolation, clockwise
G03 Circular interpolation, counter-clockwise
G04 Dwell
G09 In-position programming
G10 Polar coordinates, rapid traverse
G11 Polar coordinates, linear interpolation
G12 Circular interpolation polar coord., clockwise
G13 Circular interpolation polar coord., counter-clockwise
G22 Subroutine invocation
G23 Program segment repeat
G53 Cancel incremental datum shift
G54 Set datum (global)
G59 Incremental datum shift
G90 Absolute dimensions
G91 Incremental dimensions
[F] FRK General notes on cutter radius compensation (CRC)
G40 Overview: Canceling CRC
G40-1 Cancel CRC without retract command
G40G45 Cancel CRC, contour-parallel retract
G40G46 Cancel CRC, semi-circular retract
G40G47 Cancel CRC, quarter-circular retract
G41 CRC overview, left of contour
G41G01 CRC left of contour, no approach command
G41G45 CRC left of contour, contour-parallel approach
G41G46 CRC left of contour, semi-circular approach
G41G47 CRC left of contour, quarter-circular approach
G42 Overview, CRC left of contour
G42G01 CRC right of contour, no approach condition
G42G45 CRC right of contour, contour-parallel approach
G42G46 CRC right of contour, semi-circular approach
11 - 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual
Milling 11.1 Programming Aids

CNC Milling Programming Aids

G42G47 CRC right of contour, quarter-circular approach
[Z] S 1st and 2nd clearance level
G77 Multiple cycle invocation on circular arc
G78 Multiple cycle invocation on linear path
G79 Single execution of last cycle
G81 Drilling cycle
G82 Drilling cycle with chip breaking
G83 Deep drilling cycle
G84 Thread cutting cycle
G85 Reaming cycle
G86 Hollowing cycle (boring out a drilled hole)
G87 Rectangular pocket cycle
G88 Circular pocket cycle
G89 Pin cycle
[K] ZA Additional addresses for segment contour programming
G71 Line (subgroup)
G72 Circle (subgroup)
G71G71 Line/line (subgroup)
G71G72 Line/circle (subgroup)
G72G71 Circle/line (subgroup)
G72G72 Circle/circle (subgroup)
VPZ Four-point contour segment string consisting of different
contour elements (subgroup)
OK Contour definitions with indeterminate end point (subgroup)
P000 Tangential transition from previous element (subgroup)

Note As in the CNC Turning Simulator, in defining the help names for the contour
programming help functions, the NC words "G71", "G72", and "G73" were
abbreviated with the numbers "1", "2", and "3", and the respective address
characters were added. Two examples:
Contour definition (circular arc): G72 X.. I.. J.. Help Name: 2XIJ
Contour definition: G71 A..
(line/circle) G72 Y.. I.. J.. B.. Help Name: 1A2YIJB
Please, note that the name assignments of help functions is fixed and the address
sequence has to follow the rules.
The addresses are presented in the order of: X, Y, I, J, L, A, B .
Example: If a programming block reads "G72 I.. J.. Z..", the name of the
corresponding Programming Aid is "2ZIJ".
Finally, in four-point contour definitions the circle centre coordinates I and J are
grouped together with M.
If you are uncertain regarding the location of Programming Aids for specific
NC commands, please refer to the overviews.
During the learning process of the program, it is helpful to scroll through the
subgroups by pressing the F3 or F4 function keys.

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 7

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning and Milling

Figure 11.1-4:
CNC Turning,
Programming Aid;
Segment contour
programming, circular
arc, clockwise: the
function keys at the
bottom of the screen
are labeled with the
available help

Figure 11.1-5:
CNC Milling,
Programming Aid;
cycle call on graduated
arc "G77";
as a rule each help
screen is sectioned
into explanatory text,
graphic display and
program example.

11 - 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 11.1 Programming Aids

Using Help Functions

Once you have activated the help function and entered the name of the help
screen, it apears displayed on the screen. You can call the Programming Aids one
after the other; you can either scroll within one group, i.e., search for and compare
closely related NC commands, or you can explore wider contextual scopes by
'jumping' from group to group.
During Interactive Programming mode or NC program creation with the Editor, it is
also possible to display only a part of the programming level with the help display.
This allows you to correct or enter the current NC block directly.

Screen Display The screen display is divided into three areas:

The screen header contains the description and the name of the help screen.
Also, if a help function comprises several 'pages', this is indicated by a
corresponding display in the header.
Below the header is the main screen area, containing the help information text,
and the NC command structure and parameter description that are normally
supplemented by a graphic display and a programming example.
The rectangular fields at the bottom edge of the screen represent the available
function keys, and are labeled with their respective control functions for the
current help function:

[Editor/Input]: In addition to the current help function, you can also display and
F1 edit the current NC block by pressing F1 . (This function is available during
programming only.)
Next or Previous Page: You can use the F3 and F4 function keys to select the
F3 or F4 previous or next information within a group.
Table of Contents: You can display the respective table of contents of the
F5 currently selected group (see also overview above) by pressing F5 .
Second Help Screen: Parallel to the display of one help function during a
F6 programming function, you can call a further help screen by pressing F6 . At the
prompt "Help Screen", enter the name of the desired help screen in the
dialogue line, and confirm it by pressing .

Note If this function has been used already, the description used last time appears in
the dialogue line as a proposal. You can now either confirm this function or type
over its name.

Return: Use the F8 or ESC key to close the help function. You will then
F8 or ESC automatically return to the working situation from where you initially called the
help function.

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 9

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning and Milling

Figure 11.1-6:
CNC Turning,
Programming Aid;
Correcting an NC
program simultaneous
with the help display:
the current NC block is
always displayed at the
bottom of the screen,
and can be edited as

Figure 11.1-7:
CNC Milling,
Correcting an NC
program while
displaying a
Programming Aid.

11 - 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 11.1 Programming Aids

NC Programming with Help Functions

If you access a help function during the creation/editing of an NC program, you
have the option to correct or re-generate the current NC block, i.e. to enter data
while you are viewing the help information.

Editor/Input: Provided a help function was called during programming with the
F1 Editor, the Interactive Programming or the Teach-In mode, you can display the
current NC block at the bottom screen edge by pressing the F1 function key (see
figure). In addition, this NC block can now be modified or created anew by using
the usual editing functions.


to cancel editing of an NC block without saving any of your changes.

To insert the (edited) NC block into your NC program, confirm it by pressing .

Note Especially when entering or checking complex NC commands, this simultaneous

access to both Programming Aids and the NC program is very convenient and
saves time as time-consuming searches of programming instructions are not
However, if it is preferred to block the help function, e.g., for the purpose of test
preparation of the CNC trainees, the simplest method is to rename the
subdirectory in which the help functions are located. This prevents the help
functions from being accessible.

Error Message Should no corresponding help screen be available with the name entered, the
message "Help screen not found" is displayed. It is therefore essential that you
pay particular attention to the proper spelling of help screen names.
Furthermore, it is the possibility that an incorrect 'search path' was entered for the
corresponding files during configuration. In the CNC Simulator, the default
subdirectories for the programming help files are .\DHILF" (turning), and ".\FHILF"
(milling), respectively. If these files are located in a different directory, this
directory, together with the proper filename extensions, must be specified during
the configuration of the CNC control (see also, Configuration Instructions, Control

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 11

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning and Milling

Figure 11.2-1:
CNC Milling,
Main Menu,
Print Function;
Screen contents
('screen dump') can be
printed out or saved as
a file.

11 - 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 11.2 Printing Graphics

11.2 Printing Graphics

The program management of the Editor has an integrated print function, enabling
you to output NC programs directly with a printer (see also Chapter ?? in this
manual). In addition, the CNC Simulator is capable of printing a hardcopy of
almost all editing situations displayed on the screen (screen dump). You need to
have a compatible printer, of course, and the printer port needs to be set up
correctly during the configuration of the CNC Simulator (see also Configuration


[Filename] Printer Setup

/ Accept Dialog

A screen dump can be printed in both Setup and Automatic Mode. However, in
the latter case the machining simulation must first be interrupted by pressing F8 ;
moreover, immediate access to the print function is not available during a
program dialogue. Conclude the dialogue first, and then access the print function.

On the PC keyboard, the + <PRINT SCREEN> key combination is used to

access the print function. In response, the following message appears in the
dialogue line:
"For printout, press , or type filename: ______________ "

[Enter Filename] If you wish to save the current screen display in the form of a file (i.e., for printout
at a later date), enter a filename according to the conventions of the MS-DOS
operating system. This filename automatically receives the ".PRN" extension, and
is saved in the main directory in which the CNC Simulator is installed.


to cancel this program function.

Press to confirm the entered filename; should you not have entered any
filename, the screen dump is automatically output on the printer.

Before the printout is started, you will be requested through a dialogue to specify
the size of the screen area and also the colour or gray scale output parameters for
the printout.

Note To print a screen dump, the connected printer must be capable of operating in
graphics mode. The MTS systems support CANON and EPSON printers, and all
printers that are EPSON compatible, as well as all HP printers for which an
integrated printer driver is supplied with the program. If some other printer is
used, a corresponding peripherial printer driver must be supplied (see also
Configuration Instructions, Hardware).

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 13

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning and Milling

Figure 11.2-2:
CNC Milling,
Main Menu, Print
prior to printing the
screen dump, you use
the cutout frame to
specify the desired
screen area.

Figure 11.2-2:
CNC Milling,
Main Menu, Print
after specifying the
screen cutout you can
use menu parameters
to determine the colour
or gray scale
reproduction for the
printout. In terms of
available gray scales
and their assignment
to the displayed
objects, the printout is
identical with the
screen display.

11 - 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling 11.2 Printing Graphics

Selecting the Screen Area for Printouts

The dialogue field and other information for defining printouts are displayed at the
bottom of the screen.
As a first step, you specify the screen area to be printed. A selection frame is
inserted in the screen display indicating the size and screen area of the desired
printout. In the field "Cutout borders: top left ... bottom right" are also the pixel
coordinate values of the selected screen segment displayed.

F1 Press F1 to change the size and position of the screen cutout selection frame:

Begin by using the cursor keys to place the top left corner of the cutout frame at
the desired position.

Continue by pressing F2 to define the position of the bottom right corner of the
F2 cutout frame.

or Use the cursor keys to move the corner to the desired position.

Confirm the selected screen section by pressing the key.

This is followed by a further dialogue for defining the colour/gray scale

parameters for the printout:

Defining Colour/Gray Scale Parameters

The definition of colour/grayscale print parameters is handled by a further dialogue
function that provides information on the operational steps and default parameters
for the printout:

F1 Press F1 to open the printout parameter menu.

The menu consists of 16 dual input fields at the bottom of the screen, with each
field containing two numbers: the upper field indicates the current colour selection,
while the lower field refers to the various screen objects. Beginning from the left,
for example, the first field is used to specify the colour of the work space, the
second that of the information column, the third that of the displayed coordinate
axes, with the ninth field setting the fill colour for the workpiece, etc:

Use the F2 key to toggle back and forth between the colour display and grayscale
F2 representation.

Press the or cursor keys to activate the fields representing the various
screen objects.
Press the or cursor keys to select the desired grayscale for the selected
Press the key to confirm a selected grayscale.

This function initiates either the generation of the graphics file, or the printout of
the selected screen area, with subsequent automatic return to the starting

Note You can print a graphics file later on with the MS-DOS command:
where LPTx is the port the printer is connected with.

MTS GmbH 1996 11 - 15

11. Miscellaneous Functions Turning and Milling

11 - 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Introduction

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming

Contour Definition According to the DIN Standard 66025, a workpart contour is programmed with the
Commands commands "G01" (linear interpolation), "G02" (circular interpolation, clockwise) or
"G03" (circular interpolation, counter-clockwise), and by defining the coordinates
of the target point or center of a circle, respectively. Considering this, the
definition of contours which cannot be measured according to NC standards might
require extensive calculation. Modern CNC control systems as well as the CNC
Simulator feature additional commands for segment contour programming
allowing the integration of data with reference to length, angles and radii, as well
as tangential transition conditions. Consequently it is possible to program many
contours without additional calculations.
The need to program or modify NC programs directly in the workshop constitutes
another problem. On one hand, there are normally no tools for geometric
calculations available at the shop level. On the other hand, entering the contour
definition commands for complex geometric shapes requires good abstract
thinking from the operator. According to experience even Programming Aids and
related information are often insufficient when it comes to mastering this difficult
subject matter at the first try.

WOP Interface To solve these problems, a programming method was developed to meet
especially the requirements in production level: the "Workshop Oriented
Programming", abbreviated "WOP". WOP stands for a programming interface for
CNC technologies worked out (even if not standardized) by the German Federal
Ministry of Research and Technology within the framework of one of its projects.
With this method, data entry takes place with function keys only, and with the help
of a program dialogue. Parallel to the data entry, the workpart geometry is
graphically displayed in a fashion similar to a CAD program and, if several
solutions are possible, all solution options are presented for selection.
WOP Features The WOP interface developed by MTS GmbH is based on these conditions. It is
easy to use and convenient in everyday NC programming:
It can be easily incorporated in the CNC Simulator, facilitating easy switching
from one programming mode to an other or enabling a program test. In
this manner, the individual system components can be used to their full
During NC programming the workpart contour and the corresponding NC
block are simultaneously displayed on the screen. This means that it is
possible to compare the original drawing and the assignment of the graphical
contour display with the generated NC block parallel to each other. Possible
errors in contour definition are recognized immediately and may be corrected
at once. During the geometrical definition, the direct correlation between the
workpart geometry and the NC blocks remains apparent.
On the other hand, all already programmed1 contours can be copied to the
WOP Interface for control and modification.
The MTS programming code does not require a complete definition of all
geometrical elements; it does permit the programming of open contours and
multiple-point definitions.

providing they are available in the form of NC programs in the MTS format; it is irrelevant whether they
were created by means of the CNC Simulator, or the INCAD or another NC programming system.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 1

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12-1:
Schematic diagram:
Combining the
Programming with the
other CNC Simulator
programming options.

Figure 12-2:
WOP Interface, CNC
Main Menu:
Center: Display of
programmed workpart
Bottom: Function keys
and last current NC Programmed contour

Last created NC block

Function keys

12 - 2 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling Introduction

The WOP Interface dialogue guidance automatically provides only the

acceptable parameters for selection, including the data relating to radiusing or
chamfers. Intersections and transitions are calculated automatically to
facilitate the application by the user.
Like in other CNC Simulator program modules, the Measuring and Zoom
functions are available. This provides the option of using the screen segment
zooming function while generating or modifying NC blocks.

Consequently, the programmer has immediately the confirmation that the workpart
geometry is specified correctly and that the workpart can be machined as specified
on a CNC machine tool. Finally, schematic help graphics are available clarifying
the respective input parameters.

Note Since the WOP Interface is not a part of the CNC Simulator standard
program package, it is suggested that you verify that this extension option
is actually included in your system. If this is not the case, you can skip over
the rest of this chapter.

Starting the WOP Interface

Installation If the WOP Interface was supplied as a part of your CNC Simulator version, it
was automatically converted with the other program modules. Accordingly, no
separate installation procedure is required.
For both technologies: turning and milling, the WOP Interface is structured
analoguously with similar operation steps. A special introduction is needed only
about the differences in NC programming (see also the Programming Instructions
["Programmers Guide"]; the differences refer normally to the coordinate
systems). If you know how to work with one of these technologies you are able to
work with the other as well.
For this reason, the Workshop-Oriented Programming methods are documented
here as being identical. Like the other chapters of this manual, minor differences
are highlighted and described in detail.

Sample Selection 1:

WOP Interface
Main Menu F1 NC-Editor F5 WOP
Main Menu

Sample Selection 2:

Interactive WOP Interface

Automatic Mode F3 Programming F5 WOP
Main Menu

The WOP can be started while using the programming interface of the Editor, or
while creating an NC block during Interactive Programming, by pressing the F5
function key. This loads the WOP Main Menu, allowing you to modify the current
NC block, insert new NC blocks into the program, or to copy existing NC blocks to
have them checked and corrected if necessary.

CNC Milling The Workshop-Oriented Programming is designed only for the

compatibility with the MTS programming code with the "G17" plane
selection. Before you start working with the WOP Interface, verify that
the appropriate defaults have been set (see also Configuration

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 3

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12-3:
WOP Interface, CNC
Bottom: Function keys,
information and
dialogue bar, Helpscreen
displaying the current Blank
NC block.
Right: Input fields for
address values;
Center: Graphic Programmed contour
display of
programmed contour
plus selectable
supplementary help

Figure 12-4:
WOP Interface, CNC Rapid traverse
use of "G73"
command for
programming a circular Blank
arc with different Z
Input fields
coordinate points for
end and start. The Programmed contour
WOP display
illustrates the
projection onto
machine table plane
X/Y, using G17.

NC block Function keys

12 - 4 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling Introduction

WOP Interface Screen Layout

As already described, the Workshop-Oriented Programming has an interface of its
own with several menus and its own dialogue guidance. Its screen display is
divided into three main areas:

Function keys 1. The numbered boxes at the bottom of the screen represent the program
functions available during operation. They can be called with the function
keys. Depending on the current processing, a choice of various functions is
The two text lines located above the function keys are reserved as information
and dialogue lines. The upper line displays the current NC block or specific error
messages; for better clarity, the selected processing function is displayed in the
lower line.

Input fields 2. The input fields for entering the address values are located on the right side
of the screen. Initially, the input fields display all the valid parameters relating
to the selected geometrical element, and you can then enter the values
according to the information in the drawing. In addition, the entry of certain
data generates an automatic evaluation regarding the relevance of the
remaining addresses to the programming of the contour. To eliminate the
generation of incorrect NC blocks, all addresses resulting in "overdefinitions"
are automatically removed.

3. Based on the address data, the workpart blank and the corresponding
contour are displayed in the central area of the screen:

CNC Turning The contour of the blank or workpart to be turned is displayed in the
form of a sectioned area on the X/Z plane; the rotation axis is
represented by the dot-and-dash line.

CNC Milling The Milling WOP Interface displays the workpart contours as top views
(projection on the machine table plane). This projection mode is
identical with the conventional projection used in drawings, and
depends on the machine type being simulated by the CNC Simulator.
Since the configuration is based on a 3-axis milling machine with a 2 1/2 D control,
it is possible to move spatially along the three coordinate axes X, Y and Z;
however a circular arc motion in the X/Y plane (based upon G17) can only be
effected by superimposing a linear movement in Z direction (helical interpolation).
This means that the contour projection onto the machine table plane always
consists of linear or circular interpolations. These are precisely rendered by the
WOP Interface, and can be programmed without problems. (This sounds more
complicated than it really is; so just try to use the WOP?)

When programming an NC block, the corresponding contour is graphically

displayed. Successive contour elements are connected to form a contour segment
string. This means that at any time during programming, you are able to see at the
same time the address data, the NC block and the graphic contour display. If you
have specified a zoom enlargement, only the contour of the enlarged segment is
displayed. Moreover, during the definition of geometrical values, you can access
additional help graphics to illustrate the selected parameter.

Note You also have the option to change the color used in the representation of the
various screen elements. The configuration of the color setting is an integral part
of the Measuring program module (see Chapters 9 and 10).

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 5

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12-5:
CNC Milling,
3-D machining
schematic (helical

12 - 6 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling Introduction

Available User Options

You can use the Workshop-Oriented Programming Interface to define traverse
paths and contour trains in accordance with the preparatory functions "G00",
"G01", "G02" and "G03" of the DIN 66025 standard, or by using the contour
definition commands "G71", "G72" and "G73" as specified in the MTS
programming code.

NC Programming Starting from the WOP Main Menu, the NC programming function is located
under the Create Geometry menu option.
In the subsequent Entity menu each contour element is initially selected as a
"linear" or "circular" path.
After this the corresponding Input Menu is loaded allowing you to enter the
relevant address values: not the NC command, but the geometrical data of the
drawing are prompted; this may be data referring to the length, angles,
coordinates or tangential transition paths as well as chamfer lengths or radiusing.
In addition, during address specification a context-based function checks which
additional addresses are acceptable.

Example: For programming a circular arc with "G72" or "G73" the end coordinate
and radius data are sufficient; if these values are available, the addresses "I" and
"J" (center point coordinates of the circular arc) are no longer displayed.

When a contour element has been correctly defined, it is displayed as a graphical

representation. If several (mathematical) solutions are possible, they are all
presented for selection.

A specific feature of the WOP Interface is the unequivocal (and reversible)

assignment of the contour definition steps to the corresponding DIN commands.
This allows easy switching from one programming mode to an other irrespective
of eventual differences of NC syntax.

Due to the user dialogues and their graphic support functions, NC programming
can be quickly learned with the WOP Interface. The program functions are
described in detail in the subsequent sections:
Menu levels: Main Menu
Entity menu
Input Menu
Programming a contour element
Modifying a contour
Segment contour programming using non-NC compatible data from
Multiple-point definitions and open contours

The illustrations in this manual are monochrome. Accordingly, certain

reproductions of screen representations with color differences cannot be rendered
in their full effect.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 7

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.1-1:
WOP Interface,
schematic diagram of
Main Menu and its
integration with the
CNC Simulator.

Figure 12.1-2:
WOP Interface, CNC
Milling, Main Menu,
Variant 1:
When starting the
WOP, the Main Menu
is opened, containing
these options.

Figure 12.1-3:
WOP Interface, CNC
Main Menu, Variant 2:
After completing
processing, on
returning to the Main
Menu further menu
options are available.

12 - 8 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.1 Menu Levels

12.1 Menu Levels

WOP Sequence As a rule, NC program editing in the Workshop-Oriented Programming mode is
Control done with a series of user dialogues. Hereby, a difference is made between the
WOP sequence control for selecting the desired machining techniques, and the
contour definition (entering address values). The WOP sequence control refers to
such versatile steps as the selection of a geometrical element for the next
programming step, toggling the help graphic display on and off, as well as
enlarging a contour area, etc.
For each individual processing situation, the possible control sequences are listed
in the "menu line", and they are selected with the function keys. Since they partly
depend on the previous steps, different processing situations may result in a
varying number of available menu options on the same menu level: For example,
after a G01 command all geometrical elements required for segment contour
programming are available. However, if the last NC block contains the
programming of a chamfer as a contour transition, the programming code
requires a linear string as a connecting element. This means that in such a
situation the choice is in fact limited to that of a linear path.

Main Menu
After the Workshop-Oriented Programming Interface has been loaded by pressing
the F5 function key - either from the programming interface of the Editor or from
the Interactive Programming Mode - the Main Menu is loaded (see figure on
facing page).

In all processing situations the Main Menu presents three default menu options:
Create Geometry: You select this function to generate or modify an NC block.
F1 Subsequently an Entity menu is loaded (see below).

Zoom (Fit): Use the F4 function key to enlarge a selected detail of the contour
F4 display, or to toggle back to the full view.
End WOP: Press F8 to conclude working with the Workshop-Oriented
F8 Programming, and to return to the position from which you initially started the
WOP Interface.

The Main Menu contains additional program functions which are available if
editing or programming functions have been selected:
Delete One Entity: You can use this function to delete the last programmed or
F2 copied NC block.
Reset: If you wish to change again the NC programming based on one of the
F4 available geometrical elements, you can press F4 to reset the editing progress.

Entity Dimensioning: Entity dimensioning is accessed by pressing the F6

F6 function key (see also the chapter on Measuring).
Point Dimensioning: Point dimensioning is accessed by pressing the F7
F7 function key (see also the chapter on Measuring).

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 9

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.1-4:
WOP Interface, Entity
Menus 1 and 2, menu
structure schematic.

Figure 12.1-5:
WOP Interface, CNC
Entity Menu 1;
illustration shows the
menu with all functions
for selecting a linear or
circular path,
according to segment
contour programming.
Use F7 to switch to
Entity Menu 2.

12 - 10 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.1 Menu Levels

Entity Menu 1
Immediately following the Main Menu, this menu allows the selection of the basic
geometric entities (contour elements) to be programmed by contour definition
commands (see also Programming Instructions). It should be remembered,
however, that the selectable elements depend on the preceding string of contour
entities. For example, if a rounding was defined as for the transition in the last NC
block, this makes sense only if the segment transition does not take place
tangentially; correspondingly a "tangential transitions" option is not available in this

Line: The next element is a linear path that is programmed with the contour
F1 definition command "G71".
Tangential Line: The next element is a tangentially connected linear path that is
F2 programmed with the contour definition command "G71 ... P000".
Clockwise Arc: The next element is a clockwise circular arc (right-hand turning)
F3 that is programmed with the contour definition command "G72".
Tangential Clockwise Arc: The next element is a tangentially connecting
F4 clockwise arc (right-hand turning) that is programmed with the contour definition
command "G72 ... P000".
Counter-clockwise Arc: The next element ist a counter-clockwise arc (left-hand
F5 turning) that is programmed with the contour definition command "G73".
Tangential Counter-clockwise Arc: The next element is a counter-clockwise arc
F6 (left-hand turning) that is programmed with the contour definition command "G73
... P000".
Other Element Types: The Entity menu 1 contains only those contour elements
F7 that are programmed by means of contour definition commands. If instead you
wish to use the DIN command set "G00" to "G03" for defining a geometry, you
can press the F7 function key to switch to the Entity menu 2.

F8 End of Menu: Press the F8 function key to return to the Main Menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 11

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.1-6:
WOP Interface, CNC
Milling, Entity menu 2:
The illustration shows
the menu including all Blank
DIN 66025 standard
programming functions
of a linear path or
Programmed contour
circular arc. F7 is used
to switch over to Entity
menu 1.

Last created NC block Function keys

Figure 12.1-7:
WOP Interface, CNC
Programming a string
of contours containing
reverse tangential
transitions ("acute

12 - 12 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.1 Menu Levels

Entity menu 2
Since the Entity Menu 2 is located on the same level as the Entity Menu 1, it is
possible to change from one to the other at any time. It contains the
geometrical entities corresponding to the NC commands "G00", "G01", "G02"
and "G03" (see also, Programming Instructions). As in Entity Menu 1, the
entities available depend on the context;; their availability is based on the
preceding string of contour elements (see above).

Linear Path G01: The next element is a linear path that is programmed with the
F1 NC command "G01".
Clockwise Arc G02: The next element is a clockwise arc (right-hand turning) that
F2 is programmed with the NC command "G02".
Counter-clockwise Arc G03: The next element is a counter-clockwise arc (left-
F3 hand turning) that is programmed with the NC command "G03".
Rapid Traverse G00: The DIN command "G00" is used to program rapid traverse
F4 infeed adjustments.
Acute Tangential Angles ON/OFF: This toggle switches on and off the option of
F5 programming a string of contour elements with a tangential transition, in which the
successive element forms a "reverse" connection (with a seemingly sharp angle
between the elements) with the previous element (see figure and Programming
Instructions). The function key label changes from ON to OFF.

In this case the labeling Acute Tangents ON means that this programming
option is currently not activated, while the display Acute Tangents OFF indicates
that this option is currently activated.

Next NC Block: If you start the WOP Interface from the Interactive Programming
F6 Mode, and intend to edit an existing NC program, you can use the F6 function key
to copy the subsequent NC blocks from the program into the WOP Interface for
further editing.

F7 Other Types: Press the F7 function key to toggle to Entity Menu 1.

F8 End Menu: Press the F8 function key to return to the Main Menu.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 13

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.1-8:
WOP Interface, CNC
Milling, Input Menu for Input
defining geometry:
Input fields for address
value data are located
at right; the help
graphic always
corresponds to the
Programmed contour
current input field at

Last created
NC block Selected geometry

Figure 12.1-9:
WOP Interface, CNC
Input Menu;
as soon as the string of
contour elements can
be calculated, it is
graphically displayed.
The NC block can be
confirmed by pressing
the Accept Entry
function key, or
modified with the
Correction function
key. You can enter a
"chamfer" as "fine
(detail) contour".

12 - 14 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.1 Menu Levels

Input Menu for Geometry Definition

The Input Menu comes after the Entity Menus. The input fields for the address
values are located at the right side of the screen. Even if all values have not been
defined, a contour is graphically displayed as soon as its calculation is possible.
For example, when programming a linear path, if the starting angle is defined but
the end point is so far unknown, a "help line" in the form of a half line can be
displayed. As in the Entity Menus, various context-dependent program
functions are available:

Position Help Screen: To avoid covering the contour display with the help
F1 screen, it can be positioned with the F1 function key. This menu option is
available only if the help screen has been activated.
Help Screen ON/OFF: The help screen can be toggled on and off with the F2
F2 function key. No help screen is provided for the preparatory function "00".
Delete Entry: To delete the value displayed in the current entry field, press the
F3 F3 function key.
Zoom (Fit): It is possible to enlarge a screen cutout during the input of NC blocks
F4 or, to return to viewing the full display again (see also the chapter on Zooming)
after viewing the enlargement.
Cancel: If you cancel a contour definition, all entries in this menu are deleted,
F5 and you will automatically return to the previous Entity menu.
Correction: During normal data entry, all input fields containing data are skipped.
F6 If an already entered value needs to be changed, the correction mode needs to
be activated by pressing the F6 function key. The "Correction" label is
correspondingly deleted from the respective function key.
Delete Element: Similar to the Correction function, this function key is activated
F7 only under special conditions. For example, if you are copying NC blocks from an
existing NC program, they can also be modified by means of this menu. However,
if the complete NC block is to be deleted, press the F7 key.
End Input: If the entered data stand for a contour, the entry of the last date item
F8 causes automatic acceptance of the generated NC block. If this is not the case
(i.e. in Correction mode, or while the geometric definition of the last contour
element remains incomplete, as in open-ended contour definition programming),
the End Input option is made available, and you conclude editing by pressing the
F8 function key.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 15

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.2-1:
WOP Interface, CNC
Turning, geometry
definition Input Menu:
Programming a
circular arc (left-hand
turning), G73

Figure 12.2-2:
WOP Interface, CNC
Milling, geometry
definition Input Menu: Parameters entered
Input Menu for contour
definition of a linear
path; as soon as
sufficient data for
calculating the contour Contour segment
is available, it is
graphically displayed.
The linear path ends in
a 5 mm chamfer.

Programmed NC block

12 - 16 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.2 Programming a Contour Element

2. Programming a Contour Element

Geometry Entities The term "workpart contours" stands for one or several related axis departure
commands that are executed as a result of an NC program. They consist of the
geometrical entities of "line" and "circular arc", which can also be subject to
certain additional transition conditions, such as a tangential connection, chamfer
or fillet.


Create Entity Menu: Input Menu: End

F1 Geometry [Select Element] [Enter Values] F8 Input

Operation Sequence In the WOP Interface, the NC programming function is loaded by selecting the
Create Geometry option with the F1 function key. Subsequently the desired
contour element is selected in one of the Entity Menus, and the available values
for the respective addresses are entered in the following Input Menu. This process
is accompanied by a context-dependent user dialogue: only the menu options and
input fields permissible under the current programming code are available.
The following sections begin with the introduction of the editing functions, and
continue with a discussion of the addresses possible with each geometrical
element, as well as of alternative selections.

Editing Functions in Input Menus

Contour Definition Every geometrical entity has an Input Menu of its own. After the known parameter
values have been entered in the respective input fields, and sufficient data is
available for calculating the contour segment, it is graphically displayed. At the
same time, "open contours" (contour entities with undefined end points, however,
whose location and path can be derived from the available parameters) are
displayed in the form of "auxiliary contours" (see below). The graphic display of
programmed chamfers and fillets is however only possible with the successive
connecting element.
Parallel to this the corresponding NC block is displayed and taken into the
The input fields identified by the individual address characters are located at the
right side of the screen. The currently active input field is highlighted in color.
Finally, the current entry position is marked by the cursor.

Procedure To activate a specific input field, you can select from three options:

[Enter Character] Pressing the first character of the address definition directly activates the
corresponding input field. At the same time, the help screen changes accordingly.

or Alternatively, you can use the or cursor keys, or the key, to move from
input field to input field, or to select a specific field.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 17

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

[Entering Values] You enter a number by typing the respective digits, and the places behind the
comma after typing <.> (period/decimal point). Otherwise, the normal editing
functions apply (see above).

Once you have transferred the available values into the input fields, conclude
F8 your entries either by pressing the key, or select End Input with the F8 function
key. The latter option is required in all cases in which you have made certain
modifications to the geometric definition (such as Correction, Alternative
Selection, etc.).
Subsequently another Entity menu is loaded for selection of the next contour

Note As long as you have not used the WOP Interface to specify a geometrical entity,
the definition of the coordinates of the current tool position or - after a cycle start -
the contour starting point is based on the system status or on the last NC
programming data, however, the path of the contour line is not specified.
Therefore, in this case, it is not possible to select a tangentially connecting
element either.

Input Parameters for "Linear Path"

Under the DIN 66025 standard a linear path can be programmed with the
preparatory function "G00" (rapid traverse motion) or "G01". The MTS
Programming Code provides a further contour definition command "G71". (see
Programming Instructions.)
These NC commands provide the parameters listed below. (In this context, any
addresses that were stored by previous entries, and that remain valid until they are
overwritten by a new value, are called "self-retaining" or modal addresses. In
contrast, all addresses that must be entered are called "mandatory".)
Of course, the respective address values depend on the technology used:

End coordinates: X e , Ze (modal)
End coordinates: X e , Ze (modal)
Fillet: Rc
Chamfer length: Fc
End coordinates: X e , Ze
Start angle: Aw
Path length: L
Fillet: Rc
Chamfer length: Fc

12 - 18 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.2 Programming a Contour Element

End coordinates: X e , Y e , Ze (modal)
End coordinates: X e , Y e , Ze (modal)
Fillet: Rc (ref. X/Y plane)
Chamfer length: Fc (ref. X/Y plane)
End coordinates: X e , Y e , Ze
Start angle: Aw (ref. X/Y plane)
Path length: L (ref. X/Y plane)
Fillet: Rc (ref. X/Y plane)
Chamfer length: Fc (ref. X/Y plane)

Input Parameters for "Circular Arc"

Under the DIN 66025 standard a circular arc can be programmed with the
preparatory functions "G02" (clockwise) or "G03" (counter-clockwise). The MTS
Programming Code provides the additional contour definition commands "G72"
and "G73" (see Programming Instructions). The following parameters are used
when programming with these NC commands:

G02 (clockwise):
End coordinates: X e , Ze (modal)
Center point coordinates: I,K (optional; either
I or K should be entered, since
in absence of entry the value
of the center point coordinate is
set equal to the corresponding
start coordinate.
Fillet: Rc
G03 (counter-clockwise):
End coordinates: X e , Ze (modal)
Center point coordinates: I,K (optional, see G02 above)
Fillet: Rc
G72 (clockwise):
End coordinates: X e , Ze
Start angle: Aw
Arc radius: B
Center point coordinates: I,K
End angle: Ew
Fillet: Rc
G73 (counter-clockwise):
End coordinates: X e , Ze
Start angle: Aw
Arc radius: B
Center point coordinates: I,K
End angle: Ew
Fillet: Rc

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 19

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.2-3:
WOP Interface, CNC
Input Menu for contour Entered parameters
open contour element:
since the end point of
the circular arc
G73) has not yet been
defined, an "auxiliary Auxiliary contour
contour" in the form of
a full circle is

Programmed NC block

12 - 20 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.2 Programming a Contour Element

G02 (clockwise):
End coordinates: X e , Y e , Ze (modal)
Center point coordinates: I,J (optional, s.a.: G02, Turning)
Fillet: Rc (ref. X/Y plane)
G03 (counter-clockwise):
End coordinates: X e , Y e , Ze (modal)
Center point coordinates: I,J (optional, s.a.: G02, Turning)
Fillet: Rc (ref. X/Y plane)
G72 (clockwise):
End coordinates: Xe , Ye ,Ze
Start angle: Aw (ref. X/Y plane)
Arc radius: B (ref. X/Y plane)
Center point coordinates: I,J (ref. X/Y plane)
End angle: Ew (ref. X/Y plane)
Fillet: Rc (ref. X/Y plane)
G73 (counter-clockwise):
End coordinates: X e , Y e , Ze
Start angle: Aw (ref. X/Y plane)
Arc radius: B (ref. X/Y plane)
Center point coordinates: I,J (ref. X/Y plane)
End angle: Ew (ref. X/Y plane)
Fillet: Rc (ref. X/Y plane)

CNC Milling Corresponding to the provisions of the WOP Interface, any

changes in the value of Z, as well as the values of angles, length
and radii are displayed after their projection on the X/Y plane
(helical interpolation). However, in the case of fine (detailed)
contours (fillets and chamfers), any change in Z precedes the
modification of the detailed contour.

Cross Reference In the programming of multiple-point contour definitions, open contour

definitions and tangentially connecting contour elements , the address
selection options are generally limited. Since address selection depends on the
previous contour, it cannot be shown as a schematic here. Please, refer to the
Programming Aids or the Programming Instructions for further details on this

On th contrary, in many cases it is possible to begin by confirming incomplete

geometrical data, and to complete in the next NC block the definition of the
contour segment. However, if the data available is not sufficient, the
programming of the current NC block cannot be completed. This, on the other
hand, also guarantees that only correct NC blocks can be programmed (see

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 21

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.2-4:
WOP Interface, CNC
Turning, Alternative
certain value entries
give two solutions for
the contour segment;
the desired one is
selected in the
Alternative Selections

Figure 12.2-5:
WOP Interface, CNC
second alternative to
the preceding
example: the
alternative selection
refers to the current
NC block.

12 - 22 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.2 Programming a Contour Element

Selecting Alternatives
Frequently, the entered parameter values result in several possible variants of the
contour segment being programmed. In such cases the WOP Interface switchs to
the Alternative Selections menu to enable you for the selection of the desired
contour alternative.
The change into the Alternative Selections takes place automatically, and you
cannot continue programming until after having selected one contour variant, or
until after canceled the current programming session. Please note that the
Alternative Selection menu displays solutions that are mathematically possible,
irrespective of the fact that the solution might not be feasible from the technical or
logical point of view.
After the selection you can continue your work in the Input Menu.

Alternate Solution: After switching to the Alternative Selections menu, the first
F1 alternative is graphically displayed. To see the other alternative solutions, press
the F1 function key.
Select: Press F2 to select the currently displayed alternative variant.
F2 You return then automatically to the Input Menu.
Zoom (Fit): Like other program modules, the Alternative Selections menu allows
F4 you to toggle between an enlarged screen cutout and the full display view (see
also the chapter on Zooming).
Cancel: If you do not want to select any of the given alternatives, but prefer to
F5 ignore the current NC block, press the F5 function key. This deletes all entries of
the previous geometric definition, and returns you to the Entity menu.

Note If during work in the Alternative Selections menu you find that none of the given
solutions is acceptable because of incorrect parameter values, you can accept
any of the offered alternatives for the moment, and then continue by correcting
the programmed parameter values.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 23

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.3-1:
Schematic diagram of
WOP Operations:
Starting from the Main
Menu,select the
desired geometry
element in the Entity
menu; continue by
entering the correct
address values in the
input fields of the Input
Menu, or modify the
displayed data.
Confirmation of the
entry is followed by
selecting the next
geometric entity.

12 - 24 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.3 Modifying a Contour

12.3 Contour Modification

For defining geometry in the Workshop-Oriented Programming Interface, the
program provides several corrective functions for modifying or deleting a current
contour element (geometric entity) or one or more NC blocks. Also, the WOP
Interface can be used to modify the programming for a complete string of contour
segments or specific contour segments thereof. In doing so, it is irrelevant which
programming mode of the CNC Simulator was used to generate this contour, or
whether it was generated by the INCAD CAD/CAM system or an other NC
programming system. It is however necessary that the NC program is available as
a program file coded according to MTS coding conventions.
After the applicable NC program is loaded, all NC blocks can be copied ("read in")
into the WOP Interface, and the existing geometrical definitions can be checked
and modified, if required. In addition, the WOP Interface gives you the option of
resetting a programmed, copied or modified contour to a specific contour point for
the purpose of adding a new geometrical definition or specifying new contour

Corrections during Parameter Input

Several correction functions are available. When working in the Input Menu,
you can choose between the following options:

Correction: In the standard editing mode, after a value has been entered, it is not
F6 possible to reactivate an input field to correct the input data. You can, however,
select the Correction Mode by pressing the F6 function key to activate the
available input fields for overwriting their current values. In Correction Mode, the
menu option "Correction" is not available.

or Use the cursor keys or the key to select the input field.

[Enter Value] A value is entered a number by typing the corresponding digits; a comma
(decimal point) is represented by the <.> (period) character. Also, the normal
editing functions apply (see above).

Delete Entry: Use F3 to delete the entry for an address character if you do not
F3 wish to program it.

End Input: Once you have corrected the values, conclude the operation by
or F8 pressing F8 .

Note Modifying existing values during Corrective Mode automatically causes a

corresponding change in the generated NC block, as well as in the graphic
contour display. Consequently, the deletion of a complete set of data normally
causes the accompanying contour graphics to be deleted as well, and additional
input fields are activated.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 25

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.3-2:
WOP Interface, CNC
Delete Element:
The entity to be deleted is highlighted in color
Before the
programming of a
geometrical entity is
deleted, it is
highlighted in color for
clarity and to avoid
any mistake.

12 - 26 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.3 Modifying a Contour

Delete Entity
This menu option is available only if an element has already been programmed.
The Delete 1 Element program function is available in the Main Menu as well as in
the Input Menu.

Sample Selection 1:

WOP Interface Delete 1 NC block is

Main Menu F2 Entity F8 Selection

Sample Selection 2:

WOP Interface Delete 1 NC block is

Main Menu F7 Entity F8 Selection

Delete Entity: This program function is selected either in the Main Menu by
F2 or F7 pressing F2 , or in the Entity Menu by pressing F7 .
It causes the corresponding menu to be loaded, and the last programmed contour
element to be highlighted in color.

Cancel: If you do not wish to delete the selected entity, press theF5 function key.
F5 You then return to the menu level from which you initially selected the Delete
Element function.

Select: To delete the selected entity, press the F8 function key. The
F8 corresponding NC block is deleted, and the system returns to the menu level from
which you initially selected the Delete function.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 27

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.3-3:
WOP Interface, CNC
Defining the "restart
Use the cursor to place
the displayed
crosshairs on the
contour element from
which you wish to
continue programming.


Figure 12.3-4:
WOP Interface, CNC
After defining the
"restart point" you can
either delete the NC
blocks corresponding
to the selected
subsequent entities
(colored markings), or
place them in the Selected entities
background and
"suspend" them.

12 - 28 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.3 Modifying a Contour

In addition to the option of deleting an NC block, you can reset a programmed or
copied contour definition to a specific contour point, and then modify the contour
by restarting editing from this "restart element". In this procedure, the following
options are available:

1. The contour definition data following the restart element is deleted; this
means that the corresponding NC blocks are no longer available, and that the
contour needs to be reprogrammed from the restart point onwards.
2. As an alternative, you may wish to modify the existing geometry by changing
the existing NC blocks, or by inserting new ones. In this case you can
temporarily place the contour elements following the restart point in
"suspension" in the background, to keep them available for eventual later
access and reactivation.
This procedure causes the "suspended" contour elements to be identified by a
different color. The newly created NC blocks are inserted into the existing
program. After finishing the desired modification, you can use a program dialogue
to decide whether you wish to delete the remaining NC blocks from program
memory, or not.

Defining the Restart Point

Sample Selection:

WOP Interface Posi-

Main Menu F3 Reset tion F8 Selection

From the WOP Interface Main Menu, select the Reset program function by
F3 pressing the F3 function key.
This opens a menu in which you specify the contour point to which the
or programming sequence is to be reset (see figure).
Use the cursor keys to move the crosshairs to the first element that follows the
or restart point.

Cancel: To cancel the Reset program function, press the F5 function key. You
F5 then return to the Main Menu

Selection: After placing the crosshairs on the desired point, press F8 to confirm
F8 this "selection". The subsequent menu is loaded automatically.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 29

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.3-5:
WOP Interface, CNC
Conclude Reset Menu:
the programming
sequence was reset
and subsequently the
contour modified; prior
to quitting the WOP
Interface you need to
decide if you delete
the suspended NC
blocks or not.

Selected entities

12 - 30 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.3 Modifying a Contour

Deletion / Background Suspension of Elements

In the subsequent menu, the contour segment that is selected for suspension is
highlighted in color (see also Fig. 12.3-5). As already described, you can recheck
your restart point and decide whether the NC blocks defining the subsequent
contour segments should be deleted or retained suspended in the background.

Cancel: If the specification of the restart point is not correct, cancel the operation
F5 by pressing F5 , and repeat the selection procedure.
Delete: For immediate deletion of the NC blocks defining the selected contour
F7 segments, press the F7 function key. The NC blocks is no longer available.
Suspend: The Suspend function holds the selected elements (and the
F8 corresponding NC blocks) suspended in the background. You can subsequently
insert new NC blocks into the existing program, or reactivate the suspended NC
blocks for further modification.

Accept Suspended Background Elements

Having returned to the Editor, or to the Interactive Programming mode, after
concluding the new geometry definition, a program dialogue prompts you for a
final decision whether to delete the remaining suspended NC blocks, or whether to
keep them in the NC program:


F1 Accept: To accept these NC blocks, press the F1 function key.

Discard: To delete these NC blocks irrevocably, confirm the query by pressing

F2 the F2 function key.

Note The NC blocks that were newly created as the result of a contour segment
modification are taken into the NC program, i.e., placed in front of the NC blocks
that were held suspended in the background.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 31

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.3-6:
WOP Interface, CNC
Entity menu:
Starting from Entity
Menu 2, existing NC
blocks can be copied
to the WOP Interface
by pressing the F6
function key.

12 - 32 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.3 Modifying a Contour

Copying Existing NC Blocks

As discussed in the foregoing, all NC blocks of the currently loaded NC program
can be copied ("read in") into the WOP Interface, providing the WOP was started
from the Interactive Programming mode. The modification options are limited to
preparatory functions defining linear and circular paths.


Create Ent. Menu 1: Ent. Menu 2: Input Menu

F1 Geometry F7 Other Types F6 Copy Block Copied NC block

Procedure The starting point is the WOP Interface Main Menu that you invocated while in
the Interactive Programming mode:

Create Geometry: Use the F1 function key to open the Entity menu for
F1 programming a contour element, or for copying an existing NC block into the
WOP Interface.

Other Types: The WOP includes one Entity menu for contour definition
F7 commands, and one for DIN commands. Provided that additional NC blocks are
available, the latter menu allows the option to Copy NC Blocks. Press F7 to
toggle between the two Entity menus.

Copy NC Block: Press the F6 function key to copy the following NC block.
F6 After copying the NC block, the Input Menu is available to allow editing.

[Modify Entries] If the copied NC block defines a geometrical element, this is graphically
displayed, and the entry values can be corrected.

End Entry: After checking and possibly modifying the NC command, conclude
F8 the operation by pressing F8 . Subsequently you can copy a new NC block, or
define a new contour element.

Certain preparatory functions which do not define a geometrical element can be
copied into the WOP Interface, however, they cannot be modified at all or only to
some extent. For example, although the command " G54 X+200.000 Y+100.000
Z+065.000 " is displayed after copying, it cannot be modified.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 33

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.4-1:
WOP Interface, CNC
"Auxiliary Contour"
display in linear path
Since the starting point
and the angle are
known, an auxiliary
line without end point,
indicating the path of
the linear string, is

Figure 12.4-2:
WOP Interface, CNC
open contour entity:
"Auxiliary Contour" in
defining a tangentially
connecting circular
arc; based on this
transition condition and
the entry of the radius,
a full circle can be
displayed on which the
contour entity end
point is located.

12 - 34 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.3 Modifying a Contour

12.4 Contour Definition Programming based on

Non-NC Standard Dimensioned Drawings
Summary The definition of geometrical elements by means of the WOP Interface not only
facilitates the programming of complex contours, but also helps in creating NC
programs based upon drawings which are dimensioned in standards incompatible
with NC conventions. Since on one hand, the application of the contour definition
commands G71, G72 and G73 also allows the entry of additional geometrical
data, such as angles, lengths, tangential transition conditions, etc., and on the
other hand the precise definition of each element is not necessary, most
problems of daily practice can be solved without additional tools.

After each data entry, the user dialogues of the Workshop-Oriented Programming
Interface evaluate which further address definitions are needed, while
simultaneously providing a context-dependent selection of the geometrical
elements. Normally this means that the user only needs to transfer the existing
drawing data.

In case of incomplete data entries the contour cannot be graphically displayed.

However, as soon as the "path" of a geometrical entity is defined, an "auxiliary
contour line" is displayed, even if the end point is not known.

Two examples: For the definition of a linear path, the starting or connecting point
and their starting angles are known; in this case, calculation of the "path" of the
linear string is already possible, and an "auxiliary line" without end point is
displayed on the screen (see figure).
In case of circular arc the situation is similar: Again, the starting point as well as
the center point coordinates are available. Based on the available data, the
system automatically calculates a full circle on which the end point of the circular
arc is located. In this case, too, the full circle is displayed as an auxiliary contour.

In the above examples the starting point of the currently edited contour element
was known. It is often identical to the programmed end point of the preceding
contour element. However, it is possible that the drawing does not supply
information regarding the end point. For example, this is always the case if a
fillet (based upon the programming code) is defined by a radius only.

Previous discussions of this subject have shown that even in this situation,
programming in WOP can be continued. If a precise geometrical definition
follows, the last transition point is evaluated retroactively. Accordingly, the
entire string of contour elements can again be graphically displayed (in this
manner, to use the previous example, the fillet can be represented only together
with the corresponding succeeding element).

This summary description of the system internal contour calculations

remains necessarily somewhat abstract even if the actual use of the WOP
Interface is very easy because of the numerous menus and user dialogues.
Therefore, you should just start to work with the WOP Interface and get
experience by using it.

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 35

12. Workshop-Oriented Programming Turning and Milling

Figure 12.4-3:
WOP Interface, CNC
Segment Contour
Programming with the Blank
WOP Interface.

Programmed contour


Related NC program N110 G42 X+190.000 Y+050.000 G46 A+005.000 G01 Z-020.000
(excerpt): combining N115 G73 I+150.000 J+050.000 P070 P001
an open and a closed N120 G72 B+060.000 P000
four-point contour N125 G73 I+035.000 J+060.000 P070 B+025.000 P000 P001
string; plus N130 G73 B+125.000 P000
explanations: N135 G73 X+190.000 I+150.000 J+050.000 P070 B+040.000 P000
N140 G40 G46 A+010.000

N110 Infeed adjustment to Z, selecting cutter radius compensation with

approach condition in semi-circle
N115 Circular arc G73 with I/J center point (absolute dimension: P070) and
alternative selection P001.
This circular arc comprises the first element of an open four-point string ["FPS"]. Together
with the starting point, a circular "auxiliary contour" is calculated on which the end point
must be located.
N120 Circular arc G72 with radius B.
Second element of the open FPS; since neither transition point nor center point coordinates
are known, the contour progress cannot be calculated.
N125 Circular arc G73 with center point I/J (absolute dimension: P070),
radius B and alternative selection P001.
Third element of the open FPS; this data defines a circle as an open element on which the
end point of the circular arc must be located. Also, the program control can use the
alternative selection to automatically and retroactively calculate the previous transition points
from the two circles (N115 and N125) and the radius definition (N120); only the end point of
the last element remains undefined. Subsequently this element will internally be used as the
first element of a new FPS.
N130 Circular arc G73 with radius B.
Second element of a FPS; since neither the transition point nor the center point coordinates
are known, the contour cannot be calculated.
N135 Circular arc G73 with end coordinate X, center point I/J (absolute
dimension: P070) and radius B.
Third element of the FPS; this data defines a circular arc. The program control uses the two
circles (N125 and N135) and the radius definition (N130) to automatically and retroactively
calculate the missing transition points. Accordingly, the full contour is precisely defined.

12 - 36 WOP Interface Operating Instructions

Turning and Milling 12.3 Modifying a Contour

Open Contours and Multiple-Point Definitions

The described retroactive contour calculation might first appear to be nothing
special, it creates, however, a multiple combination of "incomplete" NC blocks
which together render a precise definition of a contour path! Of course, the
condition is that, after an incomplete geometrical definition, the address data of a
succeeding NC block defines the last transition points and the "basic contour
profile". Any contours resulting from such NC block combinations are generally
referred to as "open contours".

Beside the definition of open contours, the described "calculation principle"

provides a second linking of incomplete NC blocks that is of special interest in
professional applications: It is the programming of so-called "multiple-point
strings". Multiple-point strings are contour definitions comprised of two or more
contour elements that base the calculation of their final profile on the
"combination" of the individual data. They can be chained in random sequence,
and their last geometrical element may again consist of an open contour.

Cross Reference At this point, the discussion of open and multiple-point contours gives you
only the basic information required to use of the WOP Interface. For more
detailed questions, we recommend you to refer to the relevant discussions
in the Programming Instructions.

Therefore, a brief concluding outline of the use of the WOP Interface in this
special mode of NC programming is presented at this point:

Procedure The programming of open and multiple-point contour definitions with the WOP
Interface follows the same conventions as entering geometric elements by means
of complete data sets. Since the program control presents the selection options
and input fields automatically, "overdefining" through entered data is not possible.
It is furthermore not necessary to search permissible address assignments in the
programming manual required.

In addition, the WOP Interface allows the programming of several undefined

elements as long as the geometric elements may be calculated retroactively.
Only if several successive incomplete geometric definitions fail to yield a
result, the current entry cannot be concluded. During data entry such a
situation is available if the F8 function key (End Entry) in the Input Menu is not
activated yet. If this occurs, you can either enter the pending values in the
remaining address fields, or you can cancel the data entry procedure.

Note Before you conclude working with the WOP Interface, it is recommended that you
use the last geometric element to render a precise contour definition. Only then
the corresponding NC blocks can be executed and tested in Automatic Mode or
Interactive Programming Mode. In contrast, if the simulation is started for an
incomplete contour definition programming, the program displays the error
message, "Contour definition not concluded".

MTS GmbH 1996 12 - 37

Turning and Milling CNC Symbols and Miscellaneous Icons

Appendix 1

CNC Symbols and Miscellaneous Icons

This appendix provides an overview over the functions of the various CNC
symbols and miscellaneous icons used in working with the CNC Simulator.

The right-hand side colum below shows the corresponding functions for
CNC Milling technology as far as these are different from those of the
CNC Turning technology (left-hand column).

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Milling

Symbol Symbol

General-purpose Control Keys:

Return to your starting situation, jump to
previous menu level
Execute/Accept, go to next procedural
Cancel, return to previous
editing/working situation

Main Menu:
NC Editor and Program Management

Automatic Mode

Setup Mode

Automatic Setup

Colour selection and graphic display

Setup Sheet functions

Status Management

Exit from Simulator operation

NC Editor Functions:
Edit Program

Delete Program

A1 - 0 MTS GmbH 1996

Turning and Milling CNC Symbols and Miscellaneous Icons

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Turning

Symbol Symbol

Print program

Link program

Set editing range

Find Word/Character string/Error


Start block operation

Workshop-Oriented Programming

Help function

Conclude NC programming

End programming without saving

End programming after saving

Automatic Mode functions:

Accept program name

Select range

Override, Test Run and Times settings

Measuring and 3D Views Sectional display and 3D Views

Modifying graphic display

Continuous automatic run

Interactive Programming

Single NC block mode

MTS GmbH 1995 A1 - 1

Appendix 1 Turning and Milling

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Milling

Symbol Symbol

Traverse path display Traverse path display

Zoom function (dynamic)

Interactive Programming and Single NC Block Mode:

Execute NC block

Accept NC block

Reject NC block

Teach-In Mode:
Teach-In Mode

Setting the increment

Technology switching commands

Zero point programming

CNC Turning only :

Entering angle for operation
End Teach-In Mode, return to
Interactive Programming Mode
Delete last motion command

Increment: 1.0 mm

Increment: 0.1 mm

Increment: 0.01 mm

Increment: 0.001 mm

Enter feedrate in mm per revolution

RPM spindle speed coding

A1 - 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling CNC Symbols and Miscellaneous Icons

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Milling

Symbol Symbol

Maximum RPM spindle speed coding

CNC Turning only : Enter constant

cutting speed in m/min
Program tool change Program tool change

Menu call: M commands spindle and

Coolant OFF (M09)

Coolant pump 1 ON (M08)

Coolant pump 2 ON (M07)

Spindle OFF (M05)

Spindle ON: clockwise (M03)

Spindle ON: counter-clockwise (M04)

Workpiece zero point: Define Z coordinate Workpiece zero point: Define X

Workpiece zero point: Define X coordinate Workpiece zero point: Define Y
Workpiece zero point: Define Z
Workpiece zero point: current Z coordinate Workpiece zero point: current X
=0 coordinate = 0
Workpiece zero point: current X coordinate Workpiece zero point: current Y
=0 coordinate = 0
Workpiece zero point: current Z
coordinate = 0

Setup Mode Operations:

Blank/Clamping Definition Blank/Clamping Definition


Enter technology data

Tool change, turret configuration and zero Tool change, magazine configuration
point definition and zero point definition

MTS GmbH 1995 A1 - 3

Appendix 1 Turning and Milling

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Milling

Symbol Symbol

Entering technology data, see Teach-In, above

New workpiece New workpiece

Re-clamp workpiece Re-clamp workpiece

Change clamping fixture Change clamping fixture

CNC Turning only:

Set tailstock/sleeve
New clamping setup New clamping setup

Workpiece management Workpiece management

CNC Turning only :
Blank: Cylinder
CNC Turning only :
Blank: Centered cylinder
CNC Turning only :
Blank: Tube
CNC Turning only :
Blank: Tube with chamfer
Insert prepared workpiece, no clamping Insert prepared workpiece, no
fixture clamping fixture
Insert prepared workpiece, use clamping Insert prepared workpiece, use
fixture clamping fixture
CNC Turning only :
Display: Defined blank
Entry: Material

Display: Entire workspace Display: Entire workspace

Clamping Methods:
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Select next clamping type Select vice clamping
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Select previous clamp type Select magnetic plate clamping
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Clamping with/without tailstock Select modular clamping

A1 - 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling CNC Symbols and Miscellaneous Icons

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Milling

Symbol Symbol

Clamping Position:
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Shift workpiece toward spindle Change workpiece position
CNC Turning only :
Shift workpiece away from spindle
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Open jaws Change vice position
CNC Turning only :
Close jaws

Tailstock/Sleeve or Modular Clamping:

CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Set tailstock/sleeve Change clamping
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Set tailstock toward workpiece Select modular clamping
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Reset tailstock Change workpiece position
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Set sleeve Change clamping element position
CNC Turning only : CNC Milling only :
Loosen sleeve Define new clamping element
CNC Milling only :
Delete existing clamping element

Tools/Turret or Magazine Configuration/Workpiece Zero Point:

Change tool Change tool

Turret configuration Magazine configuration

Compensation value register Compensation value register

Workpiece zero point

Change tool in current turret location Change tool in current magazine

Tool management Tool management

Tool: Information on current turret location Tool: Information on current

magazine location
Remove tool from current turret location Remove tool from current magazine

MTS GmbH 1995 A1 - 5

Appendix 1 Turning and Milling

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Milling

Symbol Symbol

Store compensation values in assigned Store compensation values in

registers assigned registers
Display tool engagement times Display tool engagement times

Workpiece zero point: Define coordinate Z Workpiece zero point: Define

coordinate X
Workpiece zero point: Define coordinate X Workpiece zero point: Define
coordinate Y
Workpiece zero point: Define
coordinate Z
Workpiece zero point based on values
saved under G54
Workpiece zero point based on values
saved under G55
Workpiece zero point based on values
saved under G56
Workpiece zero point based on values Workpiece zero point based on
saved under G58 values saved under G57

Measuring and 3D View:

Start: Measuring and 3D Views Start: Sectional displays and 3D

CNC Turning only:

3D Views
CNC Turning only:
Select display
CNC Turning only:
CNC Turning only:
Evaluate surface roughness
CNC Turning only:
Element dimensioning
CNC Turning only:
Point dimensioning

CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:

3D View: Exterior view 3D View: Full view
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
3D View: Semi-sectional view 3D View: 3/4 part
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
3D View: Full sectional view 3D View: 1/4 part
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
3D View: Selectable section 3D View with sectional display

A1 - 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling CNC Symbols and Miscellaneous Icons

CNC Key Function CNC Key Function CNC Milling

Symbol Symbol

CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:

Viewing angle, left-hand turning "Z depths" dotted (based on G17)
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Viewing angle, right-hand turning Viewing direction from front left
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Select section Viewing direction from front right
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Select viewing angle Viewing direction from left rear
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Reduce section Viewing direction from right rear
CNC Turning only:
Enlarge section
CNC Turning only:
Rotate section counter-clockwise
CNC Turning only:
Rotate section clockwise

Modifying the Graphic Display:

CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Display: Exterior view Workpiece sectional views
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Display: Full sectional Display: Workpiece sectional
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Display: Bottom semi-sectional Display of axes
CNC Turning only: CNC Milling only:
Display: Top semi-sectional Emphasizing workpiece contours
CNC Turning only:
CNC Turning only:
Thread display: ON/OFF

As a rule, the text of this manual is accompanied by the corresponding PC

function key symbols in the left-hand side margin of the page.

MTS GmbH 1995 A1 - 7

Appendix 1 Turning and Milling

Additional Symbols on CNC Keyboards & Graphic

Since the CNC Simulator can be operated with the CNC keyboard or the graphic tablet
alone, additional entry keys are required (NC program editing). The following section
gives an overview of these keys and their corresponding PC key assignments:
+ In this overview the plus character "+" is used to marks a key combination on the PC
keyboard (and not the <+> key!): Similar to typing a capital letter on a typewriter by
simultaneously pressing the <SHIFT> and respective character key, the respective
key combinations are also entered by pressing two keys at the same time.
CNC PC keys key function

Editing Functions:
Insert NC word or number

Delete NC word or number

+ Insert NC block

+ Delete NC block

Page forward

Page backward

Cursor downward

Cursor upward

Cursor to right

Cursor to left

General-purpose Control Functions:

+ ... This symbol indicates rapid traverse movement; on the PC keyboard the
rapid traverse movement of the tool is started by simultaneously pressing
the <SHIFT> key and the appropriate cursor key.
Setting an override of + 10 %.

Setting an override of - 10 %.

Starting the test run.

Ending the test run.

Rather than using the PC keyboard to control the CNC functions, they can
normally be directly selected with the graphic tablet. This means that the
intermediate steps for control menus and menu options are eliminated!

A1 - 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Appendix 2

Listing of Error Messages in Alphabetical Order

This appendix lists the error messages which are displayed in case of program
execution or operating errors. This list includes most of the functions leading to an
error message including hardware problems and file structure inconsistencies in
NC programs and in other files...

The error messages are listed in alphabetical order in the following. Each message
is commented on, specifying the possible cause of the problem and the ways of
correcting it. If in doubt refer to the MTS Operating Manuals or the Programming
Instructions and also check the connected hardware devices and the storage
media you are using.

Information on further error messages not included here can be found in the
Configuration Instructions and in the Operation Manual for Postprocessors.

Note The term "unfinished" or "open contour strings" refers in the following to a
sequence of standard or contour definition commands with an unspecified contour
end point.

Error Message Cause / Correction

3D Movement not The present configuration of the control system does not allow simultaneous
allowed movements in three axes.
Make the corresponding changes in the NC program or select some other
configuration setting (cf. Configuration Instructions).

A - Abort MS-DOS statement, occurrintg in various situations. Confirmation of this prompt
by typing <A> cancels the current procedure.

Abort editing See "The format file was modified!"

Address code ... does Error message during format conversion of a program file: The source program
not exist in NC- contains an address letter that is not available in the MTS programming code.
Syntax Press <F1> to skip conversion of the concerned NC word and subsequently insert
the command which is to be applied (according to the MTS code) in the converted
program. To cancel the conversion process, press <F8>.

Address combination The programmed addresses / identification characters of a segment contouring

invalid command are not consistent with the contour strings of the MTS programming
Please re-program this contour string according to the Programming Instructions.

Address not valid Internal definition of auxiliary values is not possible. If this error occurs, send the
defective NC program to MTS, or contact us per phone.

Analyzing BEM.KNF The configuration file for the program parts Workshop-Oriented Programming and
file error: Measuring could not be loaded.
Check (on the DOS level) whether the file "BEM.KNF" exists in the directory in
which the CNC Simulator has been installed.
If the configuration file is not found, repeat system installation.

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 1

Error Messages Turning and Milling

A new cycle cannot The attempt to call a cycle while radius compensation is active failed.
be defined while Disable radius compensation before invocating a cycle or make sure that the
radius compensation cycle is programmed after the radius compensation has been switched off.
is active

Arguments list of the See "Program was aborted with an error ...
selected program too
long (environment)

Before calling cycle, Roughing cycle cannot be invocated if tool nose compensation is active.
please deacivate tool Deactivate tool nose compensation before calling the cycle.
nose radius

Beginning and end of Errors in a Setup Sheet: beginning and end point of a specified workpart contour
blank contour are not must be identical.
identical. Please make the corresponding corrections in the contour definition or generate a
new setup sheet (after preproducing the workpart).

Blank dimensions See "Blank not permissible!"

inconsistent with the
configurated min/max

Blank not permissible The minimum and maximum blank geometry values must bee within the values
! specified in the configuration.

Block number According to the MTS programming code the acceptable block number entries
overflow !!! Abort range from "N000" to "N999".
renumbering. Press Reduce the increment in block numbering. If an NC program contains more than
any key 1000 NC blocks, you can edit the numbers manually.

Calculation of an Computing the surface depth-and-valley heights of an entity may be time-
entity suspended consuming, esp. if the specified feedrate is very small.
You can cancel this calculation with <ESC> and the corresponding error message
is then be displayed.

Can only be edited in See "The format file was modified !"
free format mode

Cannot overwrite the The specified target file name (and path) for conversion is locked. Select a new
target file ! Press any file name and try again.
key ...

Cannot find "FROM"- The specified start number is not available.

number. Abort Correct your entry and call the "renumber" function again.
renumbering. Press
any key

Cannot open target The specified target file name (and path) for conversion is not correct.
file ! Press any key... Check your entries and try again.

Cannot read Floppy Make sure that the drive selection is correct and the diskette has been properly
Disk! To try again, inserted. Should this error occur again, the diskette may be defective or initialized
press any key in a foreign format. Press any key to retry reading the diskette...

A2 - 2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Centere sleeve See "Spindle sleeve did not catch !"

cannot be
set/disengaged !

Centering does not The centering of the turning workpart as specified in the blank definition, is not
make sense consistent with the blank geometry.
Modify the entries regarding to centering ( cf. Chapter 4 in this Manual).

Chamfer does not When defining a blank, the width of the chamfer and its angle to to positive X-axis
make sense need to be specified.
Correct the entries correspondingly (cf. the detailed instructions in this Operation

Character-number- See "ISO blocks for blanks contain different parameters..."

principle of the ISO
code was ignored

Chuck and spindle The values specified for chuck and spindle geometry are inconsistent or
data inconsistent contradictory.
Check the entries; when in doubt refer to the explanations in this Manual.

Chuck does not The workpart could not be clamped with the clamping device specified in the
match part. setup sheet.
Either edit the entries in the setup sheet, or insert a new clamping fixture in
manual mode, clamp the workpart and then select automatic generation of the
setup sheet.

Chucking depth The workpart could not be clamped at the desired depth with the clamping device
impossible specified in the setup sheet.
Change your entries in the setup sheet or select automatic generation of the setup

Circular interpolation In a G02 or G03 block either the end point or the centre point has not been
error calculated correctly. The end point is not located on the circle line which has
already been mathematically specified by the centre and starting point. As only
three places behind the decimal point are accepted for the entered coordinate
values, this error may occur despite of the fact that very small circular arcs have
been computed correctly.
Basically, this message indicates a coordinate input error. The CNC Simulator
checks coordinate values at the tolerance of 10 m.

Clock device error Hardware error: Check the employed hardware and contact your local dealer, if

Codeword CHUCKING The respective keyword is not specified in the setup sheet. Correct the setup
DEVICE / TOOLS is sheet or generate a new one.

Collision during rapid The programmed NC block effects a rapid tool movement which leads to a
traverse collision with the workpart.
Correct the NC block so that the end point of the rapid traverse movement is
located far enough from the workpart.

Collision of tip Both jaw chucking and clamping between tips has been specified in the setup
chucking and jaw sheet.
chucking Delete one of these entries.

Collision of tool with The movement effected by the programd NC block leads to a collision of the tool
chuck with the clamping device or tailstock or centre sleeve.
Change the values of the NC block to enable collision-free tool movement.

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 3

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Collision of turret The tool movement effected by manual control or by the programd NC block
(tool, tool adapter) leads to a collision.
with sleeve tip / Change the values of the NC block to enable collision-free movement.
machine space / quill
/ tailstock / chuck /
spindle / face driver /
step jaws / workpart

Collision of spindle The movement of the spindle head effected by the programd NC block leads to a
with part collision with the workpart.
Change the values of the NC block to enable collision-free movement.

Collision while lifting The programd NC block effects a tool movement leading to a collision with the
workpart from below.
Program first "tool retract" and then "lifting"

Collision while tool- Moving the selected tool to working position into the turret leads to a collision
changing (because of adjacent tools!).
First increase distance between the turret and the other objects in the machine
space, then program this tool change.

Collision with desired The movement effected by the programmed NC block leads to a gouging of the
workpart contour desired final contour.
Change the values of the NC block to avoid gouging.

Collision with The programmed NC block effects a tool movement leading to a collision with the
machine table machine table.
Modify the NC block to enable a collision-free tool movement.

Collision with part See "Collision during rapid traverse"

Collision with shank The programmed NC block leads to a collision of the tool shank with the workpart.
In a multipass roughing cycle, the broaching of a falling contour span would lead
to a collision.
Change the values of the NC block to enable collision-free tool movement. Also
check the programmed contour, the selected tool and, if applicable, the starting
point of the multipass cycle. You may have to choose a tool with a larger infeed

Collision with spindle The movement of the spindle head effected by the programmed NC block leads
while sinking to a collision with the spindle.
Change the values of the NC block to enable collision-free movement.

Collision with tool See "Collision during rapid traverse"

Collision with tooth The programmed NC block effects a non-centred (not X=0) drill movement.
Change the values of the NC block to enable centred drilling.

Collision with turret The movement effected by the programmed NC block leads to a collision of the
head turret head and the workpart (occurs frequently when machining inside the
workpart, also when the workpart is approached preaxially by a tool for postaxial
cutting, and vice versa).
Change the values of the NC block to enable collision-free movement.

Collision with work The attempt to move the tool carrier beyond the configured work space failed.
space The dimensions of the work space are specified in the machine configuration.

Collision: End of The attempt to move the tool carrier beyond the configured travel range failed.
travel limits Check the specification of the travel range limits in the machine configuration.

A2 - 4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Collision: Please The attempt to machine the workpart while the spindle is deactivated is not
activate spindle possible.
Switch the spindle on prior to carrying out any tool movements.

Colour configuration The colour display can only be specified or changed if the applicable colour
impossible in this display mode is part of the system configuration (Cf. Configuration Instructions).
graphic mode

Compensation values Error message caused by various situations:

cannot be processed a.) Recessing cycle: the tool width value in the current compensation register is
too small.
b.) Threading cycle: the quadrant specified in the current compensation register is
not compatible with the location of the thread.
c.) Radiusing/chamfering cycle: the quadrant specified in the current
compensation register is not compatible with the actual position of the tool in
relation to the cycle end point.
Check the tool storage and the compensation value register.

Configuration aborted The configuration program has been protected by a password.

because of invalid To proceed, the correct password must be entered.
password entry

Configuration already The specified file name already exists as a configuration file.
exists Specify a new file name.

Configuration could The actual selection of configuration files could not be stored In the main
not be actualized. selection menu of the MTS programs.
Press any key! Check (on the DOS level) whether the files "DNC.KNF" and "FNC.KNF" are
available (and unlocked) in the directory in which the CNC Simulator has been
If the files are locked change the file attributes. You may also import the selected
configuration files by activating the configuration management (cf. Configuration
Instructions) and subsequently repeat your configuration selection.

Configuration file not Error in the colour configuration of the CNC Simulator.
found : Data is not Check whether the selected configuration files of the turning/milling control are
saved ! available and properly embedded (cf. Configuration Instructions). When in doubt
contact MTS.

Contour entity invalid The programmed values are not logical, therefore the contour segment could not
or incomputable be computed. Examples:
a.) Parallel non-identical straight lines have no intersection point.
b.) The rounding radii of two non-intersecting circles is less than half the distance
between the two circles.
c.) The value of a circle radius or of the length of a line is "extremely small"
(almost zero). Consequently internal computing is not possible.
Check the programmed values, including those of the preceding NC blocks.

Contour not available In a roughing multipass cycle no contour has been programmed between the
invocation and termination of the fixed cycle.
Program a contour specifying the roughing passes.

Contour point cannot The maximum number of contour points allowed in a roughing multipass cycle
be processed has been exceeded.
To increase the number of the contour points allowed in cycle programming
activate the configuration programme (cf. Configuration Instructions).

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 5

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Contour points The contour points in a roughing cycle have been programmed in sequential
arranged in wrong order opposite to the machining direction (e.g. from the upper left to the lower
order (ESC to Abort) right with postaxial external roughing).
Pressing <ESC> cancels program execution. Pressing any other key starts the
automatic rearrangement of the contour points (referring to the above example,
the sequential order should be changed to "lower right to upper left").

Contour string is not No standard or contouring command has been programmed within an open
finished contour string.
Conclude this contour string before you proceed to program further G commands.

CRC-Check error ! Hardware error: Diskette reading error: Either the diskette or the floppy disk drive
is defective.

Cycle address codes An obligatory address letter has not been programmed in this cycle.
incomplete Program a complete cycle as described in the applicable "Programmer's Guide".

Cycle starting point The current tool position cannot not processed with the programmed cycle:
cannot be processed a) The current tool location is too close to the programmed cycle end point. Move
the tool to a better location before calling the cycle.
b) The tool quadrant is not consistent with the location of the cycle end point
relative to the current position. Check the quadrant statement in the current
compensation register or select an appropriate tool.

Degression or radius Cutter radius compensationis not possible for the active tool:
compensation invalid a) Check whether the desired tool is in working position.
b) Check whether it is possible to go without collision to the specified starting
point of the cutting operation
c) Check whether the go to statement is compatible with the current tool
(frequently the radius given in the quadrant/semicircle for go to is not
"compatible" with the tool geometry).
See also "tool tip radius larger than programmed radius"

Depth of roughness The available working memory is not sufficient to compute the surface peak-to-
could not be valley heights.
displayed (short of Terminate the current processing and restart the Simulator. Make sure that driver
memory) files etc. which are not currently needed do not occupy memory space.

Depth of roughness See "Surface roughness data incomplete !


Device not ready ! Hardware error: Check whether the device is ready to receive and properly
connected and set up as specified in the hardware configuration.

Different planes have The CNC milling Simulator can be configurated to simulate a 3-axis milling
been selected in the machine with vertical or horizontal spindle position and different axes
system and in the designations.
setup form Either change the selection of planes in the configuration or make change the
entries in the setup sheet.

Directory does not An already existing or a non-existent directory has been selected.
exist / already exists Check the entry and consider the MS DOS conventions.

Division by zero The programmed NC block has effected the system attempt to execute a division
by zero or a very small value.
Check the plausibility of the NC block or slightly change the programmed values.

A2 - 6 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Dongle not found The software ID module (dongle) could not be found during startup.
Please check whether the port for the dongle has been correctly selected in the
configuration. If the dongle is attached to a port where an exeternal device (e.g.
printer) is connected, this must be either switched off or set to the "on line" mode
(depending on the type of printer).

Double entry of a part Workpart geometry data has been specified several times in the setup sheet.
geometry! Delete double entries, or select automatic generation of a setup sheet (after pre-

Error calculating the Mathematical error during calculating the surface roughness. This may occur if
depth of roughness the tool used in the machining is not available any more.
To guarantee the correct calculation of the peak-to-valley height, all working tools
must be available in the tool manager.

Error in input/ output Hardware error: please check the device in question.

Error in field An error during field operation.

operation. Press any Check whether the NC program is error-free. When in doubt, first save the results
key... of your session, then repeat the operation.

Error in graphic The Workshop Oriented Programming cannot be loaded.

contouring Press any Save your work results and start the Simulator again. If this error occurs again
key and again, incorrect data structure may be the cause: Check the working
sequence of your hardware and try re-installation of the MTS system.

Error in nested Error in the turning tools management:

routine Please check the memory space available (see "Memory overflow"). When in
doubt, contact MTS. You can also try to re-install the system.
Note: Newly defined tools, clamping devices etc. get lost during re-installation!

Error in subsequent An input mask could not be loaded.

mask Save your results and start the system anew. Should this error occur again, check
whether your computer functions properly; if necessary repeat the installation of
the CNC Simulator in your system.

Error in working General hardware error: Please make sure that your computer functions properly,
memory! for questions consult your dealer.

Error on floppy ! Hardware error: please check the selected drive and make sure that the diskette
has been properly inserted.

Error reading A configuration file could not be read during initialization of the CNC Simulator.
Simulator Check whether the configuration files are available in the subdirectory ".\KNF". If
configuration necessary, repeat the installation of your MTS system.

Error while initializing The selected graphic mode is not compatible with your hardware.
graphic mode Check the entries in the hardware configuration.

Error while initializing The keyboard driver for the configured keyboard could not be loaded.
keyboard Check whether the keyboard is properly connected and the configuration data are

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 7

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Error while initialising The graphics tablet is not properly connected or not compatible with hardware
the graphic tablet configuration.
Please check entries in the hardware configuration and also make sure the
required driver files are available and have been selected (Cf. Configuration

Error while initializing The Editor could not be loaded.

the NC Editor Check the available memory space (see "Memory overflow") and make sure the
control configuration is error-free. The corresponding format and syntax files must
be available as well as the selected programming code. When in doubt rerun the
system installation.

Error while initializing General error: The Simulator could not be initialized.
the Simulator Please check your hardware and re-install the MTS system on your computer.

Error while initializing A software module that is part of the Workshop Oriented Programming could not
the status file ! be loaded.
Save the results of your work session and restart the CNC Simulator. Should this
error occur again, check the system functions of your computer; if necessary re-
install the MTS software.

Error while initializing The configuration of the turret/magazine could not be set up while loading the
tools system.
Check whether the tool files are available in the the subdirectories ".\DWZ" or
".\FWZ". If necessary, repeat the system installation.
Note: newly defined tools get lost during re-installation!

Error while opening Internal error during WOP processing.

data input file Conclude the current work session and save the results, then start the system
again. Should this error occur again, the data structure of Workshop Oriented
Programming may be the reason. Make sure that your computer functions
correctly, then re-install the software.

Error while opening / The tool file could not be read or saved.
closing the library Please check whether the tool files are available in the subdirectories ".\DWZ"
and ".\DWZ". If necessary, repeat system installation.
Note: newly defined tools get lost during re-installation!

Error while printing The screen dump (the print file) could not be generated.
or writing Check the printer connection as well as the file name and printer configuration.
When in doubt, contact MTS.

Error while reading ! General hardware error: reading operation failed.

Check eventual problems during accessing the hard disk or other drives.

Error while reading The language file could not be read-in during initialization of the Simulator.
language file Check the entry of the language file in the configuration and repeat conversion if
necessary. Note, that sufficient memory space must be available on your hard
disk for this operation (cf. Configuration Instructions, Language Files).

Error while reading The programming code file specified in the configuration could not be read.
programming code Check the entries in the control configuration. When the "Free Definition
file Programming Code" is applied, the corresponding files with extensions ".DPS" or
"FPS" must be available. If necessary, modify or replace the assignment file in
the configuration (cf. also the Instructions for the Free Definition Programming

Error while searching An error during search operation.

! Make sure the search string and the NC program have been specified correctly. If
necessary, save your results and repeat the procedure.

A2 - 8 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Error while writing ! General hardware error: this message is displayed each time a write operation
could not be executed (error while writing to the buffer file).
Make sure your storage media are not defective, that the hard disk or other drives
can be accessed error-free and that sufficient storage capacity is available.

Error while writing See "Error while opening data input file"
input data

Error with See "Internal inconsistency" and "Internal data error"

consistency or data

Error: Closing bracket The character "]" is missing in the calculation program.
not found Insert the missing character in the NC program (please note that calculations can
only be made in the Free Format Mode).

Error: Division by 0 See "Division by zero"

Error: Incorrect There is a syntax error in the current NC block or one of the address values
syntax / invalid value violates the defined value range.
Change the NC block (see also Ch. 7 of this manual)

Error: Invalid A non-permissible value (such as root of a negative number) within programmed
argument of an calculation in the NC program has not been accepted.
operator Check the NC block and verify parameter assignations, if neccessary. (Please
note that arithmetical operations can only be programmed in the Free Format

Error: Invalid Either no number (or, with recurring parameters, no following character/word) has
parameter type been specified after a programmed parameter letter (or parameter word,
depending on the control configuration) or the parameter number refers to a
parameter not yet specified.
Check the correctness of the entries next to the parameter letter (cf. the
Configuration Instructions).

Error: Invalid The parameter number refers to an invalid or not yet specified parameter.
parameter- or Check the correctness of the entries next to the parameter letter (cf. the
register-index Configuration Instructions).

Error: Memory The available memory capacity is not enough for the calculation.
overflow Conclude the current processing and restart the CNC Simulator. Check that
driver files etc. not currently needed do not occupy memory space.

Error: NC-block too The allowed maximum length of the NC block has been exceeded when replacing
long a text parameter.
Check parameter definition or edit the NC block.

Error: Overflow The value resulting from an arithmetical operation is too large (e.g. with
trigonometrical functions).
Check the NC block and parameter assignments, if neccessary. (Please note that
arithmetical operations can only be programmed in the Free Format Mode.)

Error: Parameter Either no number (or, with recurring parameters, no following character/word) has
exchange impossible been specified after a programmed parameter letter (or parameter word,
depending on the control configuration) or the parameter number refers to a
parameter not specified yet.
Please check that only valid entries have been made next to the parameter letter
(cf. the Configuration Instructions).

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 9

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Face driver and See "Chuck and spindle data inconsistent"
spindle data

Face driver cannot be Error during setup, workpart changing, re-chucking ...
loosened After the face driver has been deactivated, the clamping elements cannot be
positioned in a consistentl way.
Check the combination of clamping devices, change the clamping if necessary.

Fatal error while See "Error while reading"

reading status file /

Feed adjustment or The infeed depth or filleting programmed with this cycle cannot be executed with
rounding incorrect the active tool.
a) Make sure the right tool is engaged.
b) Check whether the currently active tool can be applied to machine the desired
fillet (frequently the specified radius is "not compatible" with the tool geometry).
c) Check whether the feed adjustment of the active tool can be executed as
See also "Contour point cannot be processed"

Field operations not It is not possible to copy or move a block to itself. If you specify a target position
possible. Press any within the selected block, the appropriate error message is displayed.

File could not be No workpart data is stored under the specified file name in the subdirectory.
opened! Check the listing of available workpart files in the selection window and make
sure the name is spelled correctly.

File does already/not The specified file name already exists or does not exist. Check your entry or enter
exist! some other name.

File reading error or The selected file could not be loaded.

invalid file format Check your file information or the file format (on the DOS level).

Fixed cycle not No machining cycle has been programmed with this cycle invocation. Insert the
available cycle data in the corresponding program line, prior to the invocation.

Floppy Disc write The target disk is locked.

protected ! Unlock the disk or insert an other.

General error ! General hardware error: please check that your computer works properly; if in
doubt, consult your dealer.

Generated line too Error during format conversion of a programme file: according to the MTS format
long, line has been an NC line of more than 80 characters is generated. The program cannot be run.
split Use the Free Format Mode to make the relevant corrections in the NC line, either
before or after conversion.

Help screen not See "Help screen not found"
available! Press any

A2 - 10 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Help screen not A help screen of the specified name is not available.
found Check your entry. You may also select the desired help screen from the help
screen list.


I - Ignore MS DOS prompt, caused by various reasons: When <I> is pressed, the system
ignores the current error and makes a new try to execute the function.

Impossible to change The selected clamping devices are not compatible with the current machine
the jaws configuration.
Please select some other jaws (or define smaller dimensions of the blank/
workpart). Alternatively you can also edit the configuration file.

Impossible to This error message isshown if you specify a part of an NC program to be

continue in undefined executed and its upper limit is within an open string of contour segments or a
contour or cycle cycle. If so, further processing is not possible.
Re-specify the program range.

Impossible to flip the There is no logical way to position the re-clamped workpart.
part Check and change if necessary the selected clamping fixtures and the tool

Inconsistency See "Internal inconsistency"

Inconsistency in See "Internal inconsistency"


Inconsistent See "Unexpected program end"

termination of a

Index of NC cross- This error message appears if you apply some other than the MTS programming
reference file is code: The cross-reference file contains invalid data.
invalid Use the MTS editing program to check the cross-reference file (cf. instructions for
the Free Definition Programming Code). Carefully check that no undefined
references are included on the foreign syntax side.

Internal data error An error has occured during a CNC Simulator run.
Save the results of your work session and restart the MTS system. Should this
error recur, check the system functions of your computer, then try to proceed by
repeating the installation of the CNC Simulator. In case of recurring problems,
contact us for help.

Internal error: Part The workpart geometry could not be computed (beginning or end point not
information defined or values too small).
incomplete or invalid Try again to machine the workpart before you call up the 3-D view function.
Should this error occur again, check the system functions of your computer, then
try to proceed by repeating the installation of the CNC Simulator. In case of
recurring problems, contact us for help.

Internal Inconsistency of data.

inconsistency Check the movement command or the programmed values.

Intersection cannot See "Contour point cannot be processed"

be computed

Invalid centre tip Clamping between centres as specified in the setup sheet is not possible.
chucking Check your entries in respect to clamping devices and workpart geometry.

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 11

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Invalid contour entity The contour to be roughed in a multipass cycle contains a loop.
Delete the loop (e.g. by block skipping).

Invalid initialization! Error message caused by various reasons:

a.) It is not possible to generate an NC program. The number of file locators
(pointers) allocated to this program may be too small. Check the entry at
FILES=xx in the CONFIG.SYS file which is read-in after startup (at the DOS
level). Change the value statement to FILES=20 and reboot the system.
b.) A roughing or contouring cycle (Simulation od turning or dressing) cannot be
initialized. Invalid modification of a configuration file may be the cause. Check
your entry at the menu item "roughing cycles/number of contour points" in the
Configuration Program and enter an acceptable value (Cf. Configuration
c.) Resetting of contour segments is not possible. The current working memory of
your computer may be insufficient. You should not continue the program run. You
can add available memory space e.g. by deleting all driver files not currently

Invalid inner diameter It is not acceptable that the internal diameter of the blank is longer than the
external one.

Invalid subprogram No valid subprogram name could be found.

name Check the subprogram invocation. According to the MTS format, next to the
invocation address a number of maximum six digits must be specified. In the
Free Format mode a character string of maximum seven alphanumerical
characters is acceptable.

Invalid tool (Input) error with tool offset values.

compensation Check your entries. If in doubt, refer to the magazine configuration or the tool file
manager for information on the applicable tool geometry.

Invalid turret number The turret position (or magazine location) specified in the setup sheet is not
Check the machine configuration, if necessary edit the acceptable number of tool

Invalid value of an The values entered next to the address letter do not conform to the MTS
address programming code. In case of departure commands, machine commands, tool
change commands and block skipping only integer values may be entered next to
the address letter. Subprogram names and character strings next to a parameter
assignation are exceptions.
Check the syntax of the NC block in question. If you do not apply the MTS code,
use the editor of the Free Definition Programming Code to check the cross-
reference file applied for conversion of this NC file (or NC files). Cf. the
Instructions for the Free Definition Programming Code.

?ISO-blocks for For the definition of workpart geometry in the setup sheet, only DIN blocks are
blanks contain permitted.
different parameters Please change the commands in the setup sheet, or choose automatic setup
than G,X,Z,I,K,M sheet generation (after pre-machining).

Jaws cannot be Opening the jaws would cause a collision.
opened Move the tool carrier to increase the distance for opening the clamping device.

Jaws invalid, An internal check of blank length and clamping fixture geometry is automatically
maximum blank carried out.
length ... Some other clamping device must be selected.

A2 - 12 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages


Lathe centre and The entered values relating to spindle and lathe centre geometry are invalid or
spindle data contradictory.
inconsistent Check the entries and, if in doubt, refer to the corresponding explanations given
in this manual.

Line segment See "Contour point cannot be processed"


Line segment not Unacceptable values have been entered when programming a hole pattern on a
properly defined straight line entity.
Check the conformity of the address values.

Machine function More than four machine commands have been programmed within the same NC
cannot be executed block.
Insert the machine commands in different blocks.

Mathematical error See "Contour point cannot be processed"

Maximum /minimum The values specified for blank geometry exceed the defined range of acceptable
blank dimensions values.
exceeded Modify your entries or check the machine configuration.

Memory overflow The memory space required by the software could not be located.
Please use the commands "CHKDSK" or "MEM" at DOS level to check the
working storage capacity of your computer. You may obtain additional memory
space by deleting driver files etc. that are not needed currently.
In some cases the problem can be eliminated by editing the NC block which
caused the prompt. However, it is recommended not to continue the program run
after this error message has been displayed.

'MiniMask': See "Error while initializing the status file"


Movement not The movement effected by this NC block would result in one coordinate
possible exceeding the max value of "999.999".
Please edit the NC block so that the movement does not violate the configured
travel limits.


NC-Block not Error message caused by various reasons:

permitted in this a.) machine travel limits function has been programmed although no roughing
situation cycle is selected. Please delete the limits function.
b.) a roughing cycle has been programmed while a roughing cycle is already
Please delete the second cycle invocation.
c.) a single pass cycle of less than two contour points has been programmed
while a roughing cycle with undefined starting point is selected.
Please program the contour beginning first, then check the values of the single

NC-block not No start block number has been programmed for a jump instruction or routine.
complete Please program the start block number.

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 13

Error Messages Turning and Milling

NC-command or Error message caused by various reasons:

coordinate movement a.) The NC block contains a standard movement command without coordinate
could not be value.
established You can either program the coordinate or eliminate the movement command.
b.) The departure command is not available (because no modal command is
configured, cf. "modal commands") In such a case, program a command or edit
the configuration.

NC program not See "Program does not exist / not available"


No help screen See also "Help screen not found"

available !

No help screen The auxiliary graphics for tool and clamping fixture management have either not
available ! been installed in your system or their data structure is defective.
Try to re-install the MTS system in your computer.

No intersection with A contour element could not be computed because the programmed values are
the previous contour inconsistent. Examples:
entity a) Parallel non-identical straight lines have no intersection point.
b) The rounding radii of two non-intersecting circles is less than half the distance
between the two circles.
c) The value of a circle radius or of the length of a line is "extremely small"
(almost zero). This renders internal computation impossible.
Please verify the programmed values, including those of preceding NC blocks.

No more memory No working memory available (see "Memory overflow").

available ! Terminate your current work session and restart the CNC Simulator. Make sure
that driver files etc. not currently needed do not occupy working memory space.

No printer configurat- Please change the setting in the hardware configuration.

ed! Print job aborted

No source or Error during format conversion of a program file.

converted program To generate a NC program according to the MTS programming code, the file
selected names of the (existing) source program and the target (object) program (to be
generated) must be specified prior to the conversion.

No such setup file The program for automatic setup of the Simulator, as specified in the
available configuration, is not available.
Check your configuration entries or generate the Setup Sheet.

No workpart has been If no status file or setup sheet is read in during the startup procedure of the CNC
selected! Simulator, then the simulated machine must be completely set up in the manual
Please note that you need to specify a blank or insert a pre-produced workpart
before you can change clamping devices.

Note: After touching When working in Teach-In mode, after having specified the zero point by touching
the workpart, return the workpart, take the tool back to its starting position before you conclude the
to a suitable starting submenu.
point !

Not enough memory See "Memory overflow"

available !

A2 - 14 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Not enough memory There is not enough free memory space to display the complete list of tools or
to list all clamping fixtures.
Terminate yor current session and restart the CNC Simulator. Make sure that
driver files etc. not currently needed do not occupy memory space.

Null device error Hardware error: please check your hardware; if in doubt, consult your dealer.

One of the tools is One of the tools specified in the setup sheet is not available (any more).
not available Define the desired tool or specify some other tool in the setup sheet.

Only For the definition of workpart geometry in the setup sheet, only DIN blocks are
G00/01/02/03/0/1/2/3 accepted.
accepted! Please edit the commands in the setup sheet, or choose automatic setup sheet
generation (after pre-machining).

Out of paper ! Your printer is out of paper

Part cannot be Re-chucking the workpart would lead to a collision. Please move the tool carrier
removed to a position that enables collision-free re-clamping of the workpart.

Part contour contains Workpart geometry data describing a preaxial/postaxial closed contour can be
not just one single specified in the setup sheet. Only one contour definition is allowed.
contour Edit your geometry entries or select automatic generation of the setup sheet after
the first machining process of the inserted part has been carried out.

Part contour contains Workpart geometry data describing a preaxial/postaxial closed contour can be
only three different specified in the setup sheet. At least four corner points must be defined.
points! Edit your geometry entries or select automatic generation of the setup sheet after
the first machining process of the inserted part has been carried out.

Part contour crosses Workpart geometry data describing a preaxial/postaxial closed contour can be
rotation axis! specified in the setup sheet. The contour line must not cross the rotation axis
(centre line).
Edit your geometry entries or select automatic generation of the setup sheet after
the first machining process of the inserted part has been carried out.

Part does not exist ! No workpart is stored under the specified file name.
Check the file name or select an existing file from the list in the workpart

Part geometry too This workpart cannot be represented in 3-D view because of too complex
complex ! geometry information.
This may apply to certain stored parts as well.
Please check the available free memory space in your system (cf. "Memory
overflow"). If the applicable workpart has been generated with the MTS system check
that driver files or programs which are currently not used do not occupy memory
space. Make sure that only the currently needed program and driver files are being
loaded, then reboot the system. (See also "Error while reading / writing")

Part is not clamped The workpart is not (or cannot be) clamped with the selected clamping device
(examples: the driver teeth do not engage in the workpart or the tailstock/quill has
not been positioned).
Please select an other clamping fixture or specify an appropriate clamping

Part updating Data inconsistency during contour computing (rounding error). Send the applied
impossible program to MTS or contact us per phone.

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 15

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Part was saved in a The system failed to read in a stored workpart which was generated in a different
graphic mode graphic mode.
different from the Only parts created in the currently active graphic mode can be loaded.
active mode

Plane selection in the See "Different planes have been selected..."

setup form
inconsistent with the
current control

Please program the The value A for the angle to the X axis has not been specified in the geometry
angle definiton by polar coordinates.
Enter the missing data into the NC block.

Please program the The value "B" for the distance to the polar centre has not been specified in the
distance from the geometry definition by polar coordinates.
polar centre Enter the missing data into the NC block.

Please enter program To launch an NC program in the Automatic Mode, first enter the desired program
name first name.

Please move to the Each time when starting the CNC Simulator the reference point needs to be
reference point approached to set the position measuring systems to the machine datum. This is
part of the setup procedure and is required for running NC programs. (For
information on the option of Automatic Setup, cf. the Configuration Instructions.)

Please remove the Changing the blank would result in a collision with the working tool.
tool Move the spindle head to a position where it does not collide with the new blank
to be inserted.

Please remove A workpart cannot be loaded or stored until the tailstock has been removed.
tailstock before
loading a saved part !

Please select The tailstock cannot be positioned until one of the clamping methods "with
tailstock/ centre tailstock" in the clamping fixture menu has been selected.
sleeve in the
clamping menu

Please turn the Changing tool or blank is not possible if the spindle is still active. Turn the spindle
spindle off off first.
See also : "Warning: Spindle still activated"

Point on circle cannot See "Contour point cannot be processed"

be computed

Positioning / After reclamping or changing the blank, the tailstock cannot be set to the initial
removing of the position again, because this would result in a collision when the "G28" command
tailstock not is executed.
possible! Please check workpart geometry, tool position etc.

Precision loss Error during format conversion of a program file.

According to the MTS code the indicated value would appear in the target
You can either confirm this value conversion (with <F1>) or press <F8> to cancel
the conversion.

Printer not Check that the printer is switched on and ready to receive. Or check the printer
responding! port selection in the hardware configuration of the CNC Simulator (Cf.
Configuration Instructions).

A2 - 16 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Printing impossible in To print out the graphic display (screen dump) select appropriate graphics mode.
this graphic mode (Cf. Configuration Instructions)

Program not available No program file is available in the specified search path.
Please check the directory and file names in the NC program management.
Another possible cause: the program selection path has been edited (cf. the
Configuration Instructions).

Program termination A program end statement has been programd in an open contour string, in a
not possible in this subprogram, in a routine, in a multipass roughing cycle or during the operation of
situation the tool nose compensation.
Note that the program end command can only be stated at the actual point of
program termination.

[Program] ... could Check the file identification entries. File extensions and file names must conform
not be installed / to the MS DOS conventions.
deleted / printed

Program could not be An error during launching an MTS program.

started (error ...) Check the system functions of your computer and rerun the installation of the
CNC Simulator.

Program does not Error message of the PAL Marking Program: No NC Program is stored under the
exist filename you have entered. Use the file selection window for an overview of
available programs.

Program file already The specified file name has already been used for a program.
exists Either overwrite the existing program or enter a new file name.

[Program] ... not See "[Program] ... could not be installed "

Program ... not found! Internal error while starting an MTS Program.
Press any key...

Programmed halt A program halt has been programmed in an open contour string, in a multipass
impossible in this roughing cycle or during the operation of the tool nose compensation.
situation A program halt can only be programmed at a point where the above procedures
have been concluded.

Programmed value One of the address letters of the current cycle is not acceptable.
not plausible Check the value statements assigned to the address letters.

R - Repeat MS DOS prompt caused by several reasons. Type <R> for an other try to execute
the previous operation.

Reading error See also "Error while initializing the status file !"

Reading/Writing Error A file cannot be read or stored.

! Check the specified file name; a file whose data structure is incompatible with the
present program function may have been stored by mistake in the respective
directory and later selected; also a data error may have occurred.
Storage problems may be due to the storage medium being defective or full, also
a hardware problem may be the cause.

Reversible tip not yet This type of reversible tip is not implemented in the current version of the
available Simulator.

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 17

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Rounding error The computer clock device works with a certain tolerance range; a rounding error
during time within this tolerance has resulted in inconsistency. Restart the NC program or
calculation repeat the execution of the NC block.

Rounding impossible See "Contour point cannot be processed"

Rounding radius or During parameter programming a non-permissible value has been entered.
chamfer too small The length of a chamfer or the filleting radius must be larger than 0.0005 mm.


Sector not found ! Hardware error: during disk access a sector could not be found. Either the disk or
the floppy drive is defective.

Set-up of help screen The data structure of the help screen file is defective.
inconsistent Please re-install the help screen files in your computer.

Short of memory: the See "Memory overflow"

selected program
cannot be loaded

Simulation cannot A jump instruction or a program routine has been programmed within a
begin from within a subroutine.
subprogram or a Jump instructions and program routines can only be programmed in the main
cycle program. You may try to block skipping.

Source- and target Error during format conversion of a program file.

program must have To generate an NC program conforming to the MTS programming code, the
different names ! (existing) source program and the target program (to be created) must have
different names.

Space problem : No Available memory space is not enough to compute the intersection points.
intersections In most cases you will be able to continue processing without computing the
available ! intersections. However, it is advisable to save the results of your session and
check the available memory space (see also "No more memory available").

Spindle sleeve did To clamp the workpart, the tailstock must be positioned closer to the workpart.
not catch !

Stack overflow This error message may have various origins:

The NC program contains more than five jump instructions; a jump instruction
causes an infinite loop; the NC program contains more than fifteen routines,
subprogram invocations or jump instructions.
Reduce the nesting in your NC programming and pay special attention with jump
instructions prior to the current NC line.

Status could not be The required status file could not be loaded while initializing the simulator.
read Skip the status file in the initialization process (by appropriately editing the
configuration) and subsequently store the status again.

Status could not be The current processing status could not be saved.
saved Check the file identification. Other causes of this error may be:
The storage medium is full or defective, or an hardware error has occured (see
also "Error while reading/writing")

Step jaw and spindle See "Chuck and spindle data inconsistent"
data inconsistent

A2 - 18 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Subroutine not When searching the configured path (cf. Configuration Instructions) the simulator
available system could not find the specified subprogram. If the subprogram name consists
only of digits (e.g. G22 U000123) and the number of the subprogram repetitions
has not been specified in the corresponding configuration file, the system
searches the program path for the specified routine, first with and then without the
zeros as a search criterion (e.g. U000123 in the first pass, then U123). Also check
the subprogram identification letter and the default extensions as specified in the
Example: If the subroutine identification is "%" and the default extension is ".din",
the program path search is successful for subprograms "%000123.din" and
To avoid this kind of problem a subroutine invocation should be programmed with
reference to a routine which is in accordance with the configuration settings.

Subroutine nesting Too many subroutine invocations have been nested. For the maximum nesting
limited depth check the program configuration (cf. Configuration Instructions).
Edit, if necessary, nesting depth in the configuration. Up to 11 nested routines
can be specified in the configuration. Consider this during programming.
See also "Error in nested routine"

Surface roughness There is not enough memory space available to complete the peak-to-valley
data incomplete ! heights computation (see also "Calculation of an entity suspended").

Tailstock and blank According to the present work space configuration, the workpart geometry as
are overlapping! specified in the setup sheet is not compatible with the selected tailstock.
Please amend either the setup sheet or the machine configuration.

Tailstock not The machine configuration specifies whether the simulated machine tool is
available! equipped with a tailstock. It also includes the information on tailstock geometry, if
Check the settings in your machine configuration.

Tailstock or chuck See "Tailstock not available"

not defined.

Tangential transition See "Contour point cannot be processed"


The converted block Conversion of an NC block would result in a block exeeding the acceptable block
is too long length according to the MTS programming code. This error message appears only
when working with foreign control codes.
Please check the current cross-reference file (cf. Instructions for the Free
Definition Programming Code). Reduce the number of addresses per block, e.g.
by programming optional words or standard conversion words in subsequent

The face driver / lathe The face driver / lathe centre specified in the setup sheet is not/no longer
centre ... is not available in the clamping fixture manager.
available in the chuck Modify the setup sheet or define a new clamping device to be stored under this
management name.

The first line of the In the setup sheet the first block for definition of the workpart geometry must be
geometry accepts the DIN block "G01".
only G, X and Z as Change the entries in the setup sheet or select automatic generation of a setup
parameters. sheet (after pre-machining).

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 19

Error Messages Turning and Milling

The first line of the In the setup sheet the first block for definition of the workpart geometry must be
geometry accepts one of DIN blocks "G00" and "G01".
only G0 and G1. Change the entries in the setup sheet or select automatic generation of a setup
sheet (after pre-machining).

The following tool Values in this compensation value storage are not correct or logical.
compensation makes Check the entries in the setup sheet or activate automatic generation of a setup
no sense: ... sheet.

The following turret A turret has a maximum of 16 tool positions, a magazine has a maximum of 99
position is not tool pockets.
available: ... Change the entries in the setup sheet or check the machine configuration.

The format file was The selected NC program is not based on the current format file or the checksum
modified ! is invalid.
Convert this program before starting to edit.

The NC-program It is not possible to load an NC program to the NC Editor which has been
contains no format generated or edited in a different system.
information! Convert this program first or try to edit in the Free Format Mode.

The NC-program does See above "The NC program contains no format information!"
not match the format

The NC-program was The selected NC program is not based on the current format file.
not created with the Convert the program before starting to edit.
current format file !

The path to the NC- This program selection path has not been configured.
Programs could not Check the program selection path stated in the configuration (cf. Configuration
be established Instructions).

The printer is busy ! The printer is not ready to receive. Enter <Y> to try again, <N> to cancel the
Try again ? procedure.

The printer is not The printer does not respond.

ready! Make sure the printer is switched on and ready to receive.

The reach of the Change the input data regarding the reach of the sleeve (quill stroke) in the
sleeve tip is too small Configuration.

The selected program See below "The selected program was aborted with error ..."
arguments list is too
large (environment)

The selected program An error has occured during the launching of an MTS program.
could not be started ! Terminate other applications before you start the CNC Simulator. Should this
error occur again, check the system functions of your computer and repeat the
installation of the CNC Simulator.

The selected program See "The selected program was aborted with error ..."
file cannot be
executed (format

The selected program You have selected a program module that has not been installed in your system.
is not available

A2 - 20 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

The selected program Internal error while starting an MTS Program.

was aborted with Conclude all applications and start the program again. Should this error occur
error ... again, contact us for help. If you decide to install the MTS system anew, make
sure to save the tools, clamping fixtures etc. that you have generated, to avoid
them not being overwritten.

The setup form A setup sheet must be structured according to certain conventions.
syntax is not as Correct the entries to conform to the syntax, or have the setup sheet generated
expected! automatically.

There is a loop in the The workpart geometry data specifying a preaxial/postaxial closed contour can be
contour! entered in the setup sheet. The defined contour segments are not allowed to
intersect any other segment (contour loop).
Change the geometry entries or select automatic generation of a setup sheet after
the first machining process of the inserted part.

There is no entity The surface roughness (peak-to-valley height) can only be calculated for
with a calculable machined parts.
depth of roughness !

This combination of See "Too many addresses in NC block..."

NC-Commands is not

This graphic mode is The auxiliary graphics cannot be displayed in the selected graphic mode (cf.
not supported Configuration Instructions, Hardware)

This program The NC program cannot be processed because it contains no address letters.
contains no address. Check the program on the DOS level or try to edit in the Free Format Mode.
Press any key...

Too many adresses in Error messages due to various reasons:

NC-block / This a) Multiple standard commands or contour string commands have been
combination of NC- programmed within the same NC block.
Commands is not b) Program halt as well as program end have been programmed within the same
permissible NC block.
c) A subprogram invocation as well as a routine have been programmed within
the same NC block.
d) Tool nose compensation has not been programmed in a separate NC block.
e) In the Simulator for turning multipass roughing cycles have not been
programmed in separate blocks.
To eliminate these problems split the applicable NC block into several blocks.

Tool adapter and See "Chuck and spindle data inconsistent"

spindle data

Tool already exists Error message referring to the tool file management.
The specified name has already been used for a tool. Give some other name to
designate the tool.

Tool and spindle data See "Chuck and spindle data inconsistent"

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 21

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Tool change Error message due to various reasons:

impossible a) The programmed tool number exceeds the maximum number of tools in the
turret (the latter being a default parameter which is specified in the configuration).
Enter an acceptable tool number or edit the applicable entry in the configuration
file (cf. the Configuration Instructions).
b) Removing the active tool or inserting a new tool would cause a collision.
Before changing the tool move the tool slide to a position allowing a collision-free
tool change.

Tool tip radius larger This error may occur while the tool nose radius compensation is active. The
than programmed programmed NC block provides compensation of a circular arc whose radius is
radius smaller than the tool nose radius.
You must program an arc of larger radius or apply a different tool.

Tool too close to the See "Tool too close to the part"

Tool too close to the Error whene inserting a new workpart from the workpart file.
part Please move the tool to a different position.

Tools for the A tool that does not / no longer exist has been specified in the setup sheet.
following turret Please amend your entries in the setup sheet or define a new tool for this name.
positions not

Transformation in A zero offset has been programmed in a multipass roughing cycle or concurrent
this situation with tool nose compensation.
impossible Deactivate tool nose compensation or conclude the cycle before you can program
the zero shift.

Turret already exists See "Magazine already exists"

Type of tool presently The selected type of tool is not implemented in the current version of the MTS
not implemented system.

Unable to read status The status index contains information for segment contour programming. It is
index stored as the file "ZT" in the main directory of the Simulator.
Make sure this file is available; also check your hardware. If necessary install the
system anew.

Unanticipated end of Error message due to various reasons:

program a) The NC program is not terminated by a "program end command" (M02 or M03
congruent to the MTS programming code).
Make sure the program is properly concluded.
b) Start block number or end block number of a jump instruction or routine could
not be found in the program.
Change the programming of the block numbers.

Unidentified error! An unidentified error during printing.

Check whether the printer is properly connected and ready to receive. Also check
the printer selection in the hardware configuration (cf. Configuration Instructions).

Unknown command ! Hardware error: the selected device does not support the actual application.
Check your command entry and try again.

Unknown device ! Hardware error: system access to a peripheral device failed.

Check the status of the selected device.

A2 - 22 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Error Messages

Unknown Floppy Disk Hardware error: the inserted disk has no MS DOS format.
format ! Check whether this disk is needed for application in another system. If this is not
the case you may use the MS DOS "FORMAT" command to format the disk.

Use of parameter ... According to the MTS programming code it is not acceptable to insert an
invalid identification letter immediately after a parameter.
Either interrupt the file conversion to change parameter assignation, or make the
necessary corrections after the program has been converted.

User directory is Error message for network operation.

occupied The CNC Simulator cannot be started until the current processing is terminated.

Vice capacity to small In the Simulator for milling the workpart may be turned 90 in a single step.
for the workpart! Should the vice capacity prove insufficient for clamping the turned part, either
Accept anyway? rotate the part by another 90 or select an other vice.

Vice not available in The vice specified in the setup sheet is not/no longer available in the clamping
the chuck fixture management.
management Either change the setup sheet or define a new vice to be stored under the given

Warning: Coolant still Please deactivate the coolant function before you proceed to change the blank or
activated workpart.

Warning: Different The currently selected configuration files differ from those specified in the setup
configuration files sheet.
active! Check whether the selected files are available; if necessary, modify the entries in
the setup sheet.

Warning: Failure in An error has occurred during the setup sheet generation.
creating correct setup Check the current setup status and the NC program file name to which the setup
form! sheet is to be assignated.

Warning: Invocation The invocation of a roughing cycle has been programmed as part of a
of cycle before subprogram or routine. This message is meant to prompt the user to check
subprogram end or eventual inconsistencies in the current program structure.
program section end Check the NC program on inconsistencies. Strike <ESC> to cancel processing,
press any other key to continue.

Warning: Spindle still Deactivate the spindle before you proceed to change the tool.

Warning: You cannot This error message may appear when attempting to run an NC program, starting
start at this position from a certain block number. If the starting block is part of an open contour string
or a multipass roughing cycle, this may cause problems in the subsequent
program run.
Press <ESC> to interrupt the processing, then select a block number before or
after the applicable contour string or multipass cycle.

When turning When clamping between centres, the tailstock and sleeve are not allowed to be
between centres, deactivated in the NC program
movements are not

MTS GmbH 1995 A2 - 23

Error Messages Turning and Milling

Window too small ! The detail area to be zoomed has been specified too small: the area must be at
least 8mx by 6m. Specify a larger window for enlargement.

Withdraw spindle The spindle sleeve must be withdrawn before setting back the tailstock.
sleeve first !

WOP-shell not Workshop Oriented Programming may only be invocated before beginning or
available with open after completing a contour definition.

WOP-shell only The MTS programming code must be applied in Workshop Oriented
available with MTS- Programming. A further requirement is the plane selection G17 in the
Control configuration.

Wrong buffer value Hardware error: internal buffer size statement is invalid.
Reboot the system and check the system configuration: the "buffer statement" in
the MS-DOS CONFIG.SYS file determines the number of hardware
(disk/diskette) queue space segments in the working memory to be allocated to
the buffer pool at system startup. To run a CNC Simulator this value should be
set to 8 at minimum (Cf. your MS-DOS Operation Manual).

Wrong chuck or Entries in the setup sheet referring to the clamping device and clamping depth
chucking length are not consistent.
Change your entries or select automatic generation of a setup sheet.

Wrong password ! In the program modules "Workshop-Oriented Programming" and "Measuring and
Changes are not Zooming" this interactive error prompt is displayed when, after concluding the
permanent. editing of the configuration, a wrong password is entered.
In such a case, the changes of the configuration are only considered for the
current processing. After restarting the program module, these values are reset to
the "previous state".

Wrong sense of An attempt to machine the workpart with wrong sense of spindle rotation has
spindle rotation failed.
Change the sense of spindle rotation before executing the tool movement.

WOP-shell only The MTS programming code must be applied in Workshop Oriented
available with MTS- Programming. A further requirement is the plane selection G17 in the
Control configuration.

Note: Error messages are subject to modifications. If you are not able to find the
message displayed in the prompt line in this list refer to the entries "Error: ..." or
go through the list to find a similar situation.

A2 - 24 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Register

register, 4-5, 4-87, 4-91, 4-105,
3-D Views, 1-15, 6-25, 10-3 5-13, 6- 5
Turning, 10-5 configuration, 2-3, 2-21, 3-5, 6-1, 9-21, 9-35
Milling, 10-11 control, 2-1, 7-9, 7-35, 11-11
Menu, 10-9, 10-15 hardware, 1-7, 2-1, 7-13, 11-13
machine, 2-1, 3-19, 4-109, 4-119,
-A- 4-127
selection, 2-5
Absolute Dimensioning, 9-13 contour element, 9-9, 12-7, 12-11, 12-17
Automatic Mode, 1-13, 6-1 chamfer, 12-7, 12-18
automatic setup, 3-17 circular arc, 9-9, 12-19
cancel, 6-13 contour point, 9-13, 12-18, 12-29,
interrupt/resume, 6-11, 6-17 12-35
menu structure, 6-3 display, 12-5, 12-27, 12-31,
screen layout, 6-5 12-35
start, 6-1, 6-9, 7-11, 8-17 fillet (rounding), 12-7, 12-18
Automatic Run, 6-11 linear path, 9-9, 12-18
multi-point strings, 12-21, 12-37
-B- open contour, 12-21, 12-37
segment contour programming,
batch file, 2-3 7-1, 12-1
blank, 4-9 tangential transition, 12-11
change, 4-11, 4-15 control, 1-9, 1-11
definition, 4-9 conversion programme, 7-5
dimensions, 4-13, 4-15 coolant, 1-13, 4-119, 8-23
Block Group Handling, 7-25 cutter radius compensation (CRC), 8-11
cutting edge point, 4-105, 5-13
-C- cutting point, 4-105, 5-13
cycle, 7-3, 8-11
CAD/CAM system, 1-7, 12-25
cavalier perspective, 4-17 -D-
checksum, 7-7
clamping fixtures, 1-9, 1-11, 4-23, 4-55 datum, 4-111
change, 4-23, 4-27, 4-55 dialogue, 8-9
copy data, 4-47, 4-75 Interactive Programming, 8-13
define, 4-41, 4-75 Teach-In, 8-29
delete, 4-51, 4-81 Workshop-Oriented Progr., 12-1
Manager, 1-15, 4-27, 4-37, 4-71 dimension reference point, 9-5, 9-13, 9-17
modify, 4-49, 4-79 dimensioning framework, 9-13, 9-23
select, 4-25, 4-55 dimensioning text, 9-25
clamping, 3-19, 4-31, 4-67 DIN, 2-5, 7-3, 12-1, 12-7
define, 4-31
display, 4-17 -E-
jaw chuck, 4-31
tailstock, 4-33 edges display
CNC control, 7-3 clearance edges, 9-1, 10-33
CNC keyboard, 1-3, 1-7, 2-15, 2-22 visible edges, 10-33
CNC symbols, 1-7, 2-11 editing functions, 7-18, 8-9
CNC template, 1-7 Editor, 1-13
collision monitoring, 1-13 entering angle, 5-7
collision, 6-1, 6-13, 8-13 exit
error message, 4-87, 4-127, 6-7, 8-3, 8-27 CNC Simulator, 2-22
colour setting, 2-9, 9-35, 10-31, 12-5 MTS System, 2-3
assignation, 10-37, 10-40
palette, 10-35, 10-40 -F-
compensation values, 4-85, 4-105
face driver, 4-25

MTS GmbH 1995 R1

Register Turning and Milling

define, 4-25 lathe, 1-9

feed motion, 1-13, 4-119, 4-125, 6-5, 6-23, 8-23, 8-27
rapid traverse speed, 4-5 -M-
file, 2-19
extension, 2-21, 7-1, 11-13 machine functions, 4-119. 7-3
format, 7-5, 7-15 machine table, 4-123
management, 1-15, 3-19, 7-11 machine tool, 1-9, 4-111
open strings, 2-22 functions, 1-7, 4-1
selection, 2-19 machining, 1-13
finishing allowance, 4-107, 5-15 setup, 4-1
format conversion, 2-3, 2-5, 7-5 status, 4-5, 6-5
Free Format Mode, 7-9, 7-15, 7-17, 7-35 work space, 2-7, 3-1, 4-5, 4-111, 6-5
function keys, 2-7 machine zero, 4-111
machining planes, 1-11
-G- machining simulation, 1-13. 6-3, 6-11, 8-11
machining status, 3-19, 4-7
G-commands, 7-3 file, 2-19, 3-20
graphic tablet, 1-3, 1-7, 2-15, 2-22 management, 3-20
graphics adapter, 1-3 magazine, 1-11, 4-85, 4-99
graphics printout, 11-13 tooling, 4-7, 4-85, 4-89, 4-99
graphics standard (video mode), 1-3, 10-35, 11-13 magnetic plate clamping, 4-55, 4-61
Main Menu, 2-7, 3-1
-H- functions, 3-3
manual control, 4-125, 8-27
hardcopy, 11-13 measuring, 6-25, 9-1
hardware, 1-3 configuration, 9-21
helical interpolation, 12-5 display, 9-3
Help Function, 6-31, 7-31, 8-16 element dimens., 9-9
cancel, 11-9 incremental, 9-13, 9-19
start, 11-1 invoke, 9-1
point dimens., 9-13
-I- menu operation, 2-1, 2-11
disable functions, 2-15
image region (detail display), 10-29 menu, 2-7
INCAD, 2-3, 7-5 military perspective, 4-17
increment, 4-5, 4-119, 8-23, 8-30 milling machine, 1-11
incremental dimensioning, 9-19 milling tools, 1-11, 5-27
infeed angle, 4-105 parameters, 5-29
input media, 1-7 selection, 5-35
input routine, 2-17, 7-18 tool adapter, 5-41
installation, 2-1, 7-11, 11-11, 12-3 modal commands, 6-3, 6-5, 12-18
Interactive Programming, 1-13, 6-1, 7-1, 8-1 modular clamping, 4-55, 4-63
dialogue, 8-9
end, 8-17
input, 8-9 -N-
interrupt, 8-11
screen layout, 8-3 NC block, 7-15, 12-11, 12-33
start, 6-19, 8-5 block number, 6-15, 7-9, 7-29
interface, 1-5, 1-7, 7-13 display, 2-19, 6-7, 7-15, 8-3, 10-23, 12-5
interruption of simulation, 6-11 format, 7-15
intersection point, 9-13 special char., 7-19
NC Editor, 2-19, 3-7, 7-9, 7-15, 8-16
-L- block group handling, 7-25
display, 2-19, 7-15
lathe centre, 4-25 editing range, 7-27
define, 4-45 exit, 7-11, 7-33
lathe chuck 4-25
define, 4-45

R2 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

Turning and Milling Register

functions, 2-19, 7-17 programming code, 7-3, 12-7

invoke, 7-9 file assignment, 7-3
Search & List, 7-31 PAL, 7-3
NC programme, 1-13, 7-9, 8-7 programming modes, 7-1
convert, 7-5 switch, 7-29, 8-15, 8-30
delete, 7-11
edit, 7-9, 7-15, 8-9, 8-19, 12-17, 12-25 -Q-
file, 2-19
link, 7-23 quality control, 6-25, 9-1
Manager, 1-15, 7-11 quality testing, 6-25, 9-1
print, 7-11
range, 6-15, 8-7 -R-
renumber, 7-29
save, 7-33, 8-16, 12-31 radius compensation, 8-11
select, 2-21, 6-3, 7-7, 7-12 rapid traverse, 4-127, 4-128, 8-27
Setup Sheet, 3-15 re-clamping, 4-23, 4-35, 4-69
test, 1-13, 6-1, 8-3, 8-13 realtime, 4-125, 6-23
NC programming, 1-13, 2-17, 6-19, 7-1, 8-1 reference point, 4-111, 4-113, 6-1
NC word, 7-9 reversible tip, 5-7
addresses, 7-15, 12-18 DIN identification, 5-7
value range, 7-15, 7-33 rotation speed, 1-13. 4-119, 6-5, 8-23
network, 1-5
nominal contour, 8-21 -S-

-O- screen display, 2-7, 3-1, 4-5, 6-5, 10-1, 12-5

contour display, 10-21
office perspective, 4-17 display of axes, 2-9
operating system, 1-5, 2-1, 2-21, 2-22, 7-12 dynamic sectional displays, 10-21
operation modes, 1-13 modification, 10-17
override, 4-125, 6-23 sectional display, 10-11
work space, 10-27
-P- section display, 2-9
milling, 10-19
PAL Marking Programme, 2-3 turning, 10-17
PAL Programming Code, 2-5, 7-35 Setup Mode, 1-13, 4-1
parameters, 12-25 functions, 4-3
circular arc, 12-19 screen layout, 4-5
linear path, 12-18 start, 4-1, 7-11
password, 9-21 Setup Sheet, 3-5, 4-7, 6-1, 8-1
PC keyboard, 1-3, 1-7 create, 3-15
peak-to-valley height, 1-15, 9-1, 9-27 delete, 3-15
acquisition, 9-27 edit, 3-7
display, 9-29, 9-33 Interpreter, 3-5
maximum roughn., 9-27 keywords, 3-7
mean roughn., 9-27 magazine config., 4-89
measuring distance, 9-31 turret config., 4-89
select element, 9-29 setup, 4-1
perspectives, 4-17 automatic setup, 3-5, 3-17, 6-1, 6-8
plane selection, 4-5. 6-5 Simulation Mode, 6-17, 8-17
port, 1-5, 1-7, 7-13 Single Block Mode, 6-13, 6-17, 8-17
postprocessors, 2-3, 2-5, 7-3 sleeve, 4-33
preparatory function, 7-3, 8-19, 12-7 spindle, 4-119, 4-127, 8-23, 8-27
printer, 1-3, 7-13, 11-13 start
programme dialogues, 2-7 CNC Simulator, 2-1
Programming Aids, 1-15, 6-31, 7-31, 8-16, 11-1 Configuration Progr., 2-3
names & designations, 11-3

MTS GmbH 1995 R- 3

Register Turning and Milling

status manager, 3-19 -V-

stepped jaws, 4-25
define, 4-43 vertex, 9-5, 9-13
subprogram, 7-3 vice, 4-55
surface roughness. See peak-to-valley height change, 4-57
switches, 4-121 define, 4-77
syntax check, 1-13, 7-1, 7-9, 7-33 delete, 4-81
system information, 2-7, 4-5, 6-5 modify, 4-79
rotate, 4-61
-T- select, 4-59
video card, 1-3
tailstock, 4-23, 4-33, 4-35 views, 4-17
tangential transition, 12-13
Teach-In Mode, 1-13, 7-1, 8-16, 8-19 -W-
technology functions, 4-119, 8-23
test run, 4-125, 6-23 WOP operation concept, 2-11
text bar, 9-25 Working Quadrant, 4-106
threads, 1-15, 9-1, 9-7 workpiece material, 4-13, 4-15
time calculation, 4-125, 6-5, 6-23, 8-3 workpiece, 3-19, 4-5, 6-5
tool carrier, 4-123 file, 2-19, 4-19
tool change point, 4-111 geometry, 9-1
Tool Manager, 1-15, 4-85, 5-1 machining, 4-127, 6-9, 8-1, 8-19
change tool, 5-23, 5-37 management, 1-15, 4-9, 4-19
copy data, 5-9, 5-33 position, 4-63, 6-5
define tool, 5-5-, 5-29 sections, 2-9
tool adapter, 5-19, 5-41 top view, 4-17
tool holder, 5-17 zero, 4-85, 4-111, 4-115, 8-25, 9-5
tool nose compensation (TNC), 4-105 Workplace, 1-3
tool nose compensation vector, 4-105 Workshop Oriented Programming (WOP), 1-13,
tool nose compensation vector, 4-105 7-1, 12-1
tool path indication, 6-21 Alternatives Menu, 12-23
tool, 3-19, 4-5, 4-85, 6-5 copy NC block, 12-33
adapter, 5-19, 5-41 delete element, 12-27, 12-31
change point, 4-109 dialogue, 12-17, 12-35
change, 4-87, 4-95, 4-99 Elements Menu, 12-11, 12-33
engagement time, 4-93 exit, 12-9
holder, 5-17 Input Menu, 12-15
offset values, 4-91, 4-105 Main Menu, 12-9
position, 4-5 reset, 12-29
reference point, 4-91, 4-105, 4-111 Segment Contour Programming, 12-35
selection, 4-97, 4-101 start, 7-29, 8-15, 12-3
transfer programme, 2-3 WOP Interface, 12-5
turning tools, 1-9, 5-3
adapter, 5-19
compens. values, 5-13 -Z-
cutting edge pt., 5-19
drills, 5-5 zero point, 4-111, 9-5
holder, 5-17 determine, 4-115, 9-17
reference point, 5-13
reversible tip, 5-5- Zoom Function, 1-15, 2-9, 5-21, 6-27, 9-33, 10-
select, 5-9 25, 12-3
turret, 1-9 choose detail, 10-29
reference point, 4-111 invoke, 10-25
tooling, 4-7, 4-85, 4-89, 4-95 menu, 10-27

R4 CNC Simulator Operation Manual

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