15fad100217 PDF
15fad100217 PDF
15fad100217 PDF
1. Application is invited for Combined Recruitment for 1 Field Ordnance Depot, 15 Field Ammunition
Depot, Northern Comd Vehicle Depot, Ordnance Transit Group, 39 Mtn Div Ord Unit, 10 Inf Div Ord Unit & 25
Inf Div Ord Unit from eligible MALE/FEMALE candidates for the post of Fireman (Male only), Tele Optr Gde-
II, Tradesman (Mate), Civilian Motor Driver, Safaiwala, LDC, Stenographer Gde-II & Material Asst
(SSK/SS) to reach Commandant, 15 Field Ammunition Depot, PIN : 909715, C/o 56 APO by
Ordinary/Registered/Speed post within 21 days from the last date of publication of this advertisement in
Employment News as per the format attached as Appendix 'A'. The scale of pay, number of vacancies,
educational qualification and other requirements are as under:-
2. Calculation of Age. Age calculation will be as on last date prescribed for receipt of application in
open advertisement which will be considered as 21 days from the date of publication of advertisement in
Employment News.
3. Detailed Eligibility Criteria and application form is available at www.indianarmy.nic.in.
4. Application NOT confirming to the format given in website will NOT be accepted.
Note-2. The Physically Handicapped (PH), Ex-Servicemen (ESM) and Meritorious Sports Persons (MSP)
selected for appointment will be in respective cat i.e. GEN, SC, ST & OBC to which they belong and will be
appointed against vac res for them i.e. PH, ESM & MSP.
Note-3. It is clarified that, separate list for selected candidates will be prepared by Bd of Offr for each
unit based on the No of vacs released. The selection of a candidate for a vacs released to a particular
unit will be solely at the discretion of Bd of Offr detailed for recruitment. However, common reserve list will be
prepared for all the units.
5. Applicants are required to forward a mandatory undertaking placed at Appendix 'B' for this combined
recruitment certifying willingness to serve in 1 FOD, 15 FAD, NCVD, OTG, 39 Mtn DOU, 10 Inf DOU & 25 Inf
DOU / respective APs / or any where in India.
6. Age limit and its relaxation for Fireman, Tele Optr Gde-II, Tradesman (Mate), Safaiwala, Civilian
Motor Driver, LDC & Steno Gde-II :-
(a) The following Physical Endurance/ Skill Tests (Qualifying) will be conducted at 1 FOD for
candidates as per their categories : -
(v) Civilian Motor Must possess the civilian driving license for heavy vehicles and have
Driver minimum two years experience of driving such vehicles. Practical test
as deemed fit by the BOO.
(vi) LDC Typing test (Qualifying) will be conducted on computer as under :-
(iii) Visual Handicapped Candidates. No physical tests are reqd for VH candidates.
Merit should be prepared based on the performance of the candidate in written test.
(c) Endurance Test for Ex-Servicemen. Age factor should be kept in mind while conducting
Physical Tests for Ex-Servicemen. Since selection of these candidates will be carried out among
themselves for vacancies reserved horizontally, common yardstick as decided by Bd of Officers
should be applied while conducting physical Test.
(d) Endurance Test for Meritorious Sports Persons. Physical Tests will be applicable for
these persons as applicable for SC/ST/OBC/UR candidates.
(c) Material Asst Category : Written test will be held at 15 FAD on the basis of Graduation level
and the question papers of written test (objective type) will be bilingual i.e. English & Hindi as under:-
Subject No of Maximummarks Duration Remarks
General 25 25 2 Hours The written test will be as
Intelligence and per SSC syllabus on
reasoning Graduation std basis.
Numerical aptitude 25 25
General English 50 50
General 50 50
11. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidates. No inquiry or correspondence will be
12. Dates for physical endurance tests/written test for all categories will be intimated in the CALL
LETTERS by Commandant, 15 FAD/1 FOD only to individuals whose applications recd through Ordinary
post/ Registered post/ Speed post and are found correct in all respects after scrutiny by Commandant,
15 FAD.
13. The application should be addressed to Commandant, 15 FAD, PIN : 909715, C/o 56 APO. No
application will be accepted by hand. Board will not be responsible for loss of any application in transit and for
postal delay. No TA/DA will be paid for any test . The candidates themselves will make arrangement for
boarding and lodging. No application will be entertained after the due date. While forwarding the application,
the envelope should be clearly marked, APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF Fireman/Tele Optr Gde -II /
Tradesman (Mate)/Safaiwala/Cvilian Motor Driver /LDC/ Stenographer Gde-II /Material Asst(EX-
SERVICEMEN/ GEN/PH/ MSP/ SC/ST/OBC) (Delete which ever is not applicable). (Quoting of Postal
Index Number (PIN) & Category are mandatory).
14. Candidates are advised to attach self attested copies of following documents as applicable along
with (Size 12 x 18 cm) one x self addressed registered envelope with Rs 25/- postage stamps. Please do not
forward ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES with the application.
15. The candidate should be in possession of all original documents/certificates as given / applicable in
Para 14 above.
16. Unit will not be responsible to pay any compensation in case of injury/death of a candidate during and
after physical tests and also reserve the right to reschedule the date of Physical /Skill test/Written test due to
strike/ bandh/ curfew/bad weather/any other administrative reasons.
17. It is made clear that merely fulfilling the basic essential qualification requirements does not
automatically entitle a person to be called for tests. The selection will be made strictly on the merit basis. The
decision of appointing authority regarding selection/rejection will be final. It is also made clear that the
numbers of posts/vacancies are tentative and recruitment process can be can celled /suspended/ terminated
by the Board of Officer at any stage due to administrative reasons.
18. Place of Work. Individual should be willing to serve in 1 FOD, 15 FAD, NCVD, OTG , 39 Mtn DOU,
10 Inf DOU & 25 Inf DOU / respective Ammunition Points / or any where in India, if selected.
19. Vacancies may increase or decrease, if additional vacancies are released or reduced by Competent
20. Rejection. The following acts /omission would render a candidate/applications disqualified :-
(k) If mandatory undertaking is not found attached with the application showing willingness to
serve in 1 FOD, 15 FAD, NCVD, OTG , 39 Mtn DOU, 10 Inf DOU & 25 Inf DOU / respective
Ammunition Points / or any where in India. Format of the willingness certificate is attached as per
Appendix B'.
21. Selected candidates will be given an appointment letter by the AOC Records for Fireman, Tele Optr
Gde -II, Civilian Motor Driver, LDC, Stenographer Gde-II & Material Asst by Commandant/ Commanding
Officer/ Officer Commanding of their respective unit for Tradesman (Mate) & Safaiwala subject to receipt of
verification of character and antecedents from concerned District Magistrates, Supdt of Police and medical
fitness certificate from medical authorities.
22. Post is permanent, subject to completion of two years probation period successfully by the individual.
23. Central employees appointed in Govt services on or after 01 Jan 2014 will be governed by new
defined contribution pension scheme.
24. Any dispute with regard to rect will be subject to jurisdiction of Jammu court only.
26. WARNING. All candidates are guarded against contact with self appointed agents/touts indulging in
any kind of malicious propaganda undermining the transparency and fairness of entire rect process.
27. Unambiguously, it is stated that Merit as per spelt out tests and possession of Bonafide documents
shall be the sole criteria for selection process.
Appendix A
Affix recent
Commandant passport size
15 FAD photograph
PIN 909715 duly self
C/o 56 APO
5. Correspondence address :-
House No/Street/Village
Post Office............. Teh
DistrictPIN Code
6. Permanent address : -
House No/Street/Village
Post Office.............
7. Educational Qualification (Matriculation onwards) :-
S.No Qualification Name of School/ Name of Board / University Percentage Obtained
College (upto two decimal
8. Category for which applied:
Sports person who Sports person who have Sports person who have Sports person who have
have represented represented the represented the State been awarded National
a State or Country University in the Inter School teams in the Awards in physical
in the National or University Tournaments National sports / games Efficiency under the
International conducted by the Inter for schools conducted by National physical Efficiency
University Sports Board All India School Games Drive
10. Eligible for Jammu & Kashmir migrants age relaxations. Yes/No_______________
11. Whether registered with any employment exchange. Yes/No _________________
(If yes, mention registration No and name of employment exchange)
12. (a) I hereby certify that the information contained in the above application is correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. In the event of information found false or incorrect, my candidature may be
cancelled and I understand that my appointment, if made, shall stand terminated without any notice.
C No/ 2017
3. All certificates (mentioned in para 15 of advertisement ) will be brought in original along with 4 x
passport size photographs. No boarding/lodging will be provided. Candidate must come prepared for a stay up
to 3 days in very cold climate.
4. The candidate failing to report on the fixed date/time will not be allowed to take test.
5. Production of this letter is mandatory for entry alongwith Govt. issued photo ID proof in original on all
days of test.(Voter Card / Driving Licence / Aadhar Card / PAN Card)
Appendix 'B'
serve in 1 FOD, 15 FAD, NCVD, OTG , 39 Mtn DOU, 10 Inf DOU & 25 Inf DOU / respective APs / or any
The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said Competition/Tournament was
The certificate is being given on the basis of record available in the Office of National
Designation _________________________
Address : ___________________________
Seal _______________________________
NOTE : This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Secretary, National
Federation/ National Association.
The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said Competition/Tournament was
The certificate is being given on the basis of record available in the Office of the State Association of
Designation _________________________
Address : ___________________________
Seal _______________________________
NOTE : This Certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Secretary of the State Association.
UNIVERSITY OF _____________
The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said Competition/Tournament was
The certificate is being given on the basis of record available in the Office of Dean of Sports or Officer in
overall charge of sports in the University of ______________
Designation _________________________
Address : ___________________________
Seal _______________________________
NOTE : This certificate will be valid only when signed personally by Dean/Director or other Officer in overall
charge of sports in the University.
(For representing a State School Team in the National Games for school
in one of the recognized Games/Sports)
The position obtained by the individual/team in the above said Competition/Tournament was
The certificate is being given on the basis of record available in the Office of Directorate of Public
Instructions/ Educations of ______________
Designation _________________________
Address : ___________________________
Seal _______________________________
NOTE : This certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Director or Additional/Joint or Deputy
Director in overall charge of sports/games for schools in the Directorate of Public Instruction/Education of the
______________ School Team in the game/event of ________________ in the National competition held at
The certificate is being given on the basis of record available in the Ministry of Education and Social
Designation _________________________
Address : ___________________________
Seal _______________________________
NOTE : This certificate will be valid only when signed personally by the Secretary or the other Officer in
overall charge of Physical Efficiency in the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare.
Appendix E
(G.I, Dept of Per & Trg O.M No 36033/28/94-Estt (res), dated 02-07-1997)
*(i) Government of India, Ministry of welfare, Resolution No 12011/68/93-BCC (C) dated the 10th
September, 1993, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No.186 dated the
13th September, 1993.
*(ii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No 12011/9/94-BCC dated the 19th
October 1994, Published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No 163, dated the
20th October 1994.
*(iii) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No 12011/7/95-BCC dated the 24th May
1995, Published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No 88, dated the25th May
*(iv) Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No 12011/44/96-BCC dated the 6th Dec
1996, Published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-I, Section I, No 210, dated the 11th
December 1996.
District Magistrate
Dated: Deputy Commissioner, etc.