Ntsako Jason Maluleke 201209457 P2 Project Stickies Trial

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1. Abstract
The purpose of the trial was to test the ability of the Nalco chemical regime to
attach colloidal material and remove them with no adverse effect to the
basesheet from a tensile and softness perspective thus reducing wash-ups at the
tissue machines.

1. Abstract............................................................................................................. 1
Abbreviations and Definitions................................................................................ 3
Definitions.......................................................................................................... 3
Abbreviations...................................................................................................... 3
2. Introduction....................................................................................................... 4
3. Methodology...................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Experimental Procedure...............................................................................5
3.2. Apparatus.................................................................................................... 6
4. Results and discussions..................................................................................... 7
5. Conclusion....................................................................................................... 16
6. Recommendations........................................................................................... 16
7. References....................................................................................................... 17
8. Appendix.......................................................................................................... 18
Figure 1: Turbidity <5 m (NTU) 2-Ply Branded 16.7gsm grade............................6
Figure 2: Cationic Demand on Headbox and Back water.......................................7
Figure 3: Headbox Consistency before and during trial.........................................8
Figure 4: Back water Consistency before and during trial......................................8
Figure 5: First Past Retention................................................................................. 9
Figure 6: Back water consistency.........................................................................12
Figure 7: DAF Outlet Consistency.........................................................................12
Figure 8: Cationic Demand final phase................................................................13
Figure 9: Turbidity <5 m (NTU) final phase........................................................13

Table 1: Lab results 24Hours into trial...................................................................9

Table 2: Lab Results, 29 August 2016 8am..........................................................10
Table 3: Lab Results, 29 August 4pm...................................................................11
Table 4: Lab Results, 30 August 2016 12pm.......................................................11

Abbreviations and Definitions
Turbidity- is a measure of the degree to which the water loses its transparency
due to the presence of suspended particulates.
Cationic demand- of a sample of paper making furnish or process water equals
the amount of highly charged cationic polymer required to neutralize its surface.
Consistency- The ratio of mass of dry fibre to mass of wet stock in a sample.
pH- is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. log[H+]
First pass retention- gives a practical indication of the efficiency by which fine
materials are retained in a web of paper as it is being formed.
Wash-up or wash- The removal of stickies and/or pitch from the wire or felt of a
tissue machine using sodium hypo chloride.
Stickies- are tacky substances contained in the pulp and process water systems
of paper machines.

FPR- First Pass Retention
Cs- Consistency
LFC- Long Fibre Chest
BW- Back Water
HB- HeadBox
DAF- Dissolved Air Flotation
TM- Tissue Machine
MC- Machine Chest
SFC- Short Fibre Chest
LAB- Laboratory
PPM- Parts Per Million

2. Introduction
Sticky deposits are a common problem in mills producing tissue from recycled
fibre. This issue leads to inferior runnability of the tissue machine, specks and
holes in a final product as well as production downtime due to cleaning of wires
and felts.
The Tissue Machines have been experiencing increase in wash-ups which is a
combination of colloidal build up in the process water system and pitch which
has increased in the raw material. Due to the particle sizes, normal mechanical
cleaning will require micro-filtration, and current application and capital
investment do not allow for this.
In addition, to run such filtration systems, large pressure drops are needed and
this energy cost is usually more expensive than a standard chemical regime.
The Nalco chemical regime is designed to attach the colloidal material to the
basesheet and remove them with the product with no adverse effect to the
basesheet from a tensile and softness perspective, that is, fibre-to-fibre bonding
is not hampered.
In doing so, the expectation is to reduce machine clothing wash-ups and increase
machine availability; this comes with overall process stability and chemical
Turbidity, pH, conductivity, cationic demand and consistency were tested on
Tissue machine 2 before the trial and during the trial. The testing points were as
1. Short fibre chest
2. Long fibre chest before dosing point
3. Long fibre chest after dosing point
4. Machine chest
5. Headbox
6. DAF in
7. DAF out
8. Effluent water (Launder effluent)
9. Filtered water

3. Methodology
3.1 Experimental Procedure
Turbidity <150m
1. Collect a sample using a 500ml beaker
2. Filter the sample with into a beaker using a <150m sieve tray for 1
3. Switch on the Turbidity meter
4. Pour 25ml of the sample into the turbidity meter bottle.
5. Place the bottle in the turbidity meter
6. Close the cap and measure turbidity
7. record the result
Turbidity <5m
1. Filter the <150m sieve tray sample using a <5m filter paper
2. Switch on the turbidity meter
3. Pour 25ml of the sample into the turbidity meter bottle
4. Place the bottle in the turbidity meter
5. Close the cap and measure turbidity
6. Record the result
Cationic Demand
1. Take 10ml from the sample filtered using a <150m sieve tray using a
2. Pour the sample into the MUTEK PCD measuring cell.
3. First measure potential (mV). If the potential is positive use PES-Na
(anionic titrant for charge titration), the cable marked red on the MUTEK
PCD and if its negative use polydad-mac (cationic titrant for charge
titration), the cable marked black on the MUTEK PCD.
4. Measure cationic demand
5. Record the result
pH and Conductivity
1. Ensure the pH meter is calibrated
2. Pour 500ml of sample into a beaker
3. Insert pH probe in the beaker
4. Measure pH and/or conductivity
5. Record the result
1. Take a sample
2. Tare the balance
3. Weigh filter paper and record the weight (W1)
4. Weigh sample (W2)
5. Place weighed filter paper on the Buchner funnel
6. Pour sample on the filter paper and filter.
7. Take filter paper and dry in the oven for 1hour
8. Cool filter in the desiccator for 2minutes
9. Weigh the filter paper (W3)
10.Calculate consistency
' W 3W 1
C S=

3.2. Apparatus
1. pH meter
2. Turbidity meter
3. MUTEK PCD cationic demand reader
4. A box of <5m Filter Paper
5. <150m sieve tray
6. 10ml and 25ml Syringes
7. 500ml glass beakers
8. Pen and book to take readings

4. Results and discussions
Only the results from the first 4 days and also the last two days of the trial will be
discussed as this is where major changes to the system were observed.
The trial, using the Nalco 61755EU, started on the 11th July 2016 with the
objective of evaluating the product on both tissue and towel grades, i.e.
observing its performance on a continuous basis. The main indicator for success
was a reduction in washes on the machine and thus increasing production.
At 15:50 on 11th July, the Nalco 61755EU was introduced to TM2 at a dosage of
80ml/min, which equates to 1.2kg/Ton. This dosage was broken up as follows:

26ml/min - LFC
26ml/min - Pre-MC
28ml/min - Post-MC).
On 12 July at 12pm, the dosage was reduced to 50ml/min (0.85kg/Ton). On 13
July the dosage was further optimized to 30ml/min (0.5kg/ton), which was split as
10ml/min - LFC
10ml/min - Pre-MC
10ml/min - Post-MC
On 14 July an investigation was started during which the dosage was further
reduced to 22ml/min (0.38kg/Ton).

The following indicators were used to evaluate trial performance:

1. Number of daily washes and report back from Converters regarding pin holes,
2. The period, the Nalco 61755EU requires to settle in the system
3. Machine runnability
4. Ensuring continuous treatment with the Nalco 61755EU, i.e. no interruptions in
dosage to the machine
5. Lab analysis that entails the following:
Cationic demand
Consistency (First Pass Retention)

The biggest challenge experienced during the first 4 days of the trial was that no
prominent reduction on the number of solvent washes was seen. With the initial
high dosages upon starting the trial, it was suspected that the resultant effect
was that contaminants and stickies were mopped up too harshly from the short
and long loop in a short of period of time, which led to agglomerates being
formed and carried forward to the machine. This action was not desirable and
actually creates the opposite effect of what was aimed for which is reduction in
the number of washes.

Application of treatment was continued but at different dosages according to the
raw materials (fibre quality) and machine additives (wet strength resin or not). At
this point the dosage rate was 0.38kg/Ton with ongoing performance monitoring.
With no reduction in solvent washes seen, an investigation was started on 14th
July, which focused on turbidity, cationic demand and first pass retention of the
headbox and back water. Headbox loads the fibre onto the wire at the tissue
machine and everything that falls through the wire is collected as back water.
The graphs below illustrate the Turbidity, Cationic Demand and first pass
retention results with various conditions as recorded on the 2Ply Branded
16.7gsm grade.
When the water is clear (less turbid) it gives a low consistency or ppms, this
allows for effluent water to be used. This is a cost saving because less fresh
water will be used.
Figure 1: Turbidity <5 m (NTU) 2-Ply Branded 16.7gsm grade

Turbidity <5 m (NTU)

Without Nalco

It can be seen from figure 1 that the turbidities at 0.5kg/Ton reflect the best
results. However, at this dosage rate the mopping up of stickies in the system
was too harsh hence an increase in wash-ups on the machine. This phenomenon
has been confirmed through further investigation which explains that the Nalco
61755EU should be administrated at lower dosages on virgin fibre.
Since these results were obtained on virgin fibre, it makes sense that the
0.38kg/Ton dosage brought about improved runnability with a reduction in
washes but a slight increase in turbidity. The 0.38kg/Ton dosage was maintained
with ongoing monitoring of washes.
From the time the 0.38kg/Ton dosage was applied (13:00 on 14th July 2016), the
machine only had 2 washes over a period of 22 hours. This was a positive
observation and the aim was to see further reductions going forward. The dosage
was maintained at 0.38kg/Ton with continuous monitoring of wash patterns.

Cationic Demand
Figure 2: Cationic Demand on Headbox and Back water

Cationic Demand eq/L

Headbox Back water

The drop in cationic demand reflected at 0.38kg/Ton dosage level was influenced
by a solvent wash which occurred moments before sampling took place. It can be
seen that even at 0.5kg/Ton, the charge is not a concern and a healthy demand
is still maintained. So, cationic demand was not a concern at this point.
Although it is generally recommended to measure the cationic demand reduction
to determine the effect of a fixative, cationic demand does not measure the
actual fixation process and favours fixatives that have a high cationic charge
density. It is well documented that a high degree of filtered turbidity reduction
can be attained with a small overall cationic demand change. This is the case for
the Nalco 61755EU (with only a 30% cationic charge), which is why it provides
excellent fixation with less agglomeration than typical highly charged coagulants
but the cationic demand of the pulp has to be known in order to understand the
products impact on the system charge balance.
First pass retention
First-pass retention gives a practical indication of the efficiency by which fine
materials are retained in a web of paper as it is being formed. First-pass
retention values can be calculated from two consistency measurements, the
headbox consistency, and the back water consistency.
Good retention is important to the efficiency of the papermaking operation due
to the large influence it can have on furnish and production costs, as well as on
the quality of the finished sheet. Low retention can lead to many problems,

Poor runnability
Increased deposits
Sheet defects
Higher additive costs
More downtime for wash-ups
Higher sewer losses

NB: Consistency was not calculated on thick stock as the main focus was on
headbox and back water, and how much water could be saved.

Headbox consistency shows how much fibre is going through to the wire
Figure 3: Headbox Consistency before and during trial

Headbox Consistency (%) Before and During Trial

Pre-Trial (6-9 July 2016) During Trial (12-15 July 2016)

Back water consistency shows the amount of fibre being lost from the wire
Figure 4: Back water Consistency before and during trial

Back Water Consistency

Pre-Trial (6- 9 July 2016) During Trial (12 - 15 July 2016)

Figure 5: First Past Retention

First Pass Retention (%)

92 94 93
85 82

1 2 3 4

Pre-Trial (6-9 July 2016) During Trial (12-15 July 2016)

From figure 5, it can be seen that solid contents at the back water and headbox
have decreased hence a 12% increase (from 80% to 92%) in First Pass Retention
(FPR) was recorded (TM2 FPR is was between 60% and 80% before the
introduction of Nalco 61755EU ). Another positive effect seen during the trial was
that Turbidity results show a reduction in cloudiness considering that the
machine was using effluent water.

It was found that Optimum dosage of the 61755EU needed to be fine-tuned

with correlation between solvent wash frequencies and measurements made
along the circuit with targeted values for the measurements conducted being
Turbidity, Consistency and Cationic Demand.
Below are the results recorded 24 hours into the trial
Table 1: Lab results 24Hours into trial

LFC LFC MC MC HB BW DAF in DAF Effluent Effluent

before after before after out filtered launder
61755 61755 61755 61755 water
treat treat treat treat chest
Cons (%) - - - - 0.1362 0.0107 0.0244 0.002 0.005 0.1191

Dem -3 -2 -2 -1 0 0 6 -2 -2 -4
Turb 5-
150 m 69.6 8.7 41.9 14.9 130 85 7.3 6.4 11.6 64
Turb <5
14 6.7 8.6 8.6 7.1 7.4 6.1 5.5 10.6 5.5
m (NTU)
pH 7.2 7.4 7.4 7.2 7.65 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.4 7.8
Cond 794 487 522 600 686 670 610 610 851 610

It can be seen from table 1 that cationic demand was maintained well throughout
the short loop. To address the positive charge seen on the DAF inlet, the Nalco
61755EU dosage, which was started off high, was reduced, and the coagulant for
the DAF was optimised to reduce positive charge in the system. The result was a
negative charge of -3 recorded for the DAF inlet subsequently.
The trial was stopped for about 3 weeks (21 July 28 August 2016) due to
instability on the tissue machine.
On Monday 29th August 2016 the final phase of the stickies trial using Nalco
61755EU was resumed. This decision was made after better stability on the
machine in terms of runnability was reached. It was also decided to take
advantage of the fact that TM2 would be running one grade (16.7gsm Branded,
100% Virgin fibre) for 7 uninterrupted days. Therefore this was viewed as an
opportunity to conclude the last phase of the trial.
The following actions took place during the start-up period:

After a short machine shut, the system started up at 1am with 100% fresh
water and virgin fiber (10 bales of Baycell or hardwood).
At 8am effluent water was introduced into the loop.
A sample without the Nalco treatment was taken at 8am.
The start-up dosage was 13ml/min (0.204kg/ton at 8:20am) into the
machine chest discharge. It was agreed to start off with this dosing point
This dosage rate was increased to 18ml/min at 11am.
Dosage was optimized at 11:25 am to 20ml/min or 0.3kg/ton, introducing
the Long Fiber Chest dosing point at 8ml/min together with 12ml/min
(reduced from 18ml/min) to post-Machine Chest.
These conditions were kept for the first 24hours without any changes

Lab Results
29 August 2016 8am: FPR= 86%
The results below are for samples taken directly after the switch from fresh water
to effluent water, these samples were without Nalco 61755EU. The long fibre
chest results were the same as those for the short fibre chest due the overflow
from one chest to the other with no additives.
Table 2: Lab Results, 29 August 2016 8am

8 am Shor Long Long Machin Hea Back DAF DAF Filtered Launde
t Fibre Fibre e Chest dbo water Inlet Outlet Water r

Fibre Chest Chest x Chest Effluent
Che Befor After
st e
Cs% 0.16 0.022 0.03 0.003 0.0011 0.0465
7 7 1
<5 13.4 13.4 13.4 5.22 4.03 3.09 2.66 2.91 9.45 6.92
5-150 17.1 17.1 17.1 15.2 168 158 14.8 3.66 10.8 594
pH 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.18 7.66 7.92 8 8 7.68 7.41
Cat 0 0 0 5 -3 -3 -2 -2 0 -3
Cond 396 396 396 432 396 394 371 375 791 818

29 August 2016 4pm: FPR = 84%, Production on TM2= 85.898 Tonnes

At the time of the second round of sampling was done (results seen below), there
were 3 solvent washes from 6am 6pm amounting to 30 minutes downtime.
Only 1 Solvent wash equating to 10 minutes was recorded for the period 6pm, 29
August to 6am, 30 August. The dosage rate was 0.3kg/ton
Table 3: Lab Results, 29 August 4pm

4pm Shor Long Long Machin Hea Back DAF DAF Filtered Launde
t Fibre Fibre e Chest dbo water Inlet Outlet Water r
Fibre Chest Chest x Chest Effluent
Che Befor After
st e
Cs% 0.16 0.02 0.04 0.00
1 6 6 2 0.0005 0.1457
m 11.8 17.7 6.97 7.1 4.81 4.17 4.04 4.09 7.86 6.45
m 29.7 23 11.3 15.6 182 164 4.99 4.15 8.8 557
pH 6.91 6.96 7.02 7.08 7.78 7.87 7.99 7.99 7.8 7.78
Eq/L -3 -3 -2 0 -2 -2 -1 -2 -1 -1
s/cm 460 495 407 440 487 488 434 421 603 573

30 August 2016 12pm: FPR = 96%, Production on TM2= 81.006 Tonnes

The results in the table below were based on samples taken when the 61755EU
dosage was 0.5kg/Ton.
Table 4: Lab Results, 30 August 2016 12pm

12pm Shor Long Long Machin Hea Back DAF DAF Filtered Launde
t Fibre Fibre e Chest dbo water Inlet Outlet Water r
Fibre Chest Chest x Chest Effluent
Che Befor After
st e
Cs% 0.006 0.02 4E-
0.15 4 9 04 0.0017 0.041
m 19.1 18.8 4.35 7.08 4.47 3.45 3.67 3.42 8.09 3.54
m 28.8 27.6 8.04 19.8 128 124 5.1 3.82 8.5 84.9
pH 7.37 7.27 7.28 7.22 7.79 7.93 8.06 8.03 7.86 7.99
Eq/L -3 -4 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -2 5
s/cm 278 269 235 284 288 286 269 271 447 347

Figure 6: Back water consistency

Back water Solids for 16.7gsm Branded TM2




It can be seen from the above trend that the effect of the 61755EU is evident,
which led to a 75% improvement in the amount of solid contents in back water.
The initial increase seen (from 0.0227%-0.026%) was due to the switch from
fresh water to effluent water which took place shortly after 8am. With this

achievement, the initial back water solids target which was set at 150 200ppm
was exceeded to obtain 64ppm.
Figure 7: DAF Outlet Consistency

DAF Outlet Solids for 16.7gsm Branded TM2

From the results it can be seen that there is a decline in the amount of solid
content at the DAF outlet. This shows the positive effect that Nalco 61755EU has
on the system. From this the aim of <40ppms at the DAF outlet was achieved.

Figure 8: Cationic Demand final phase

Cationic Demand Eq/L

29 Aug 8am 29 Aug 4pm 30 Aug 12pm

From the above graph it can be seen that charge was fairly constant and
negative across all sampling points. Cationic demand became positive on 2
occasions, at the machine chest and launder effluent. Wet Strength and/or

polymac are added at the machine chest to influence pulp properties. These
chemicals may have an effect on charge, hence the increase in cationic demand
at the machine chest. Process water often contains dissolved and colloidal
material that is anionically charged and that may react with cationic additives
used in the papermaking process. Effluent water was being used for production,
the quality of the water may have had an effect on cationic demand at the
launder effluent. It is known, and also seen from the results obtained, that Nalco
61755EU is not a fully cationic product and will have less effect on charge.
Figure 9: Turbidity <5 m (NTU) final phase

Turbidity <5 m (NTU)

29 Aug 8am 29 Aug 4pm 30 Aug 12pm

On 30th August, a 66% improvement on turbidity at long fibre chest before and
after samples was recorded, showing the effect that Nalco 61755EU has on water
clarity. Even with the change to effluent water, improvements are still evident in
the Headbox, Backwater, and both DAF in & DAF outlet at 7%, 17%, 9% and 16%
Dosage was further reduced to 14ml/min at 3:42pm due to machine runnability
with the sheet requiring a solvent wash to bypass onto the jumbo. Cationic
demand in the DAF outlet did become positive even though it is a known fact
that the Nalco 61755EU is not a fully cationic product and has little impact on
charge. The product has been specifically designed for systems where the
interference with charge has to be minimal.
Since start-up of the machine after the shut, the main concern was pin holes on
the sheet. Immediately after start-up, pin holes were evident and within an hour
of start-up these holes seemed to have increased in number, which led to a wash
with a Viscous Horse Power on the wire. Due to this and other problems that
affected runnability and caused instability at the machine, a decision to suspend
the trial was made.

5. Conclusion
From the results obtained it can be concluded that that all dynamics around the
application of the Nalco 61755EU chemical regime are in place and set up
optimally to warrant a successful outcome. Even though the trial didnt run long
enough to have representative results on the other grades that are ran at the
tissue machine, the results above indicate that the Nalco chemical regime can
combat the stickies problem, increase production with good runnability and
increase savings.

6. Recommendations
It was recommended that an investigation be carried out to find the causes and
possible solutions to the pin holes phenomenon. It was also recommended that
an investigation be carried out to find the cause of instability and runnability
issues, as the washes occurred with and without Nalco 61755EU.

7. References
1. http://nitttrc.ac.in/Four%20quadrant/eel/Quadrant%20-%201/Exp2_pdf.pdf
Date accessed: 08 November 2016
2. https://www.btg.com/en/products/products-by-type/laboratory-detail/1372/
Date accessed: 05 November 2016
3. http://www.pfi.no/Documents/Scan_test_methods/W/W_12_04.pdf Date
accessed: 29 October 2016
4. http://www.lenntech.com/turbidity.htm Date accessed: 29 October 2016
5. Tissue 101 Training Manual
6. http://www.tappsa.co.za/html_index_links/html_issue_may_09/Stickies
%20control.pdf Date accessed: 01 November 2016

8. Appendix
Appendix 1: Figures
Figure 10: Turbidity <5 m (NTU) 2-Ply Branded 16.7gsm grade

Turbidity <5 m (NTU)

Without Nalco

Figure 11: Cationic Demand on Headbox and Back water

Cationic Demand eq/L

Headbox Back water

Figure 12: Headbox Consistency before and during trial

Headbox Consistency (%) Before and During Trial

Pre-Trial (6-9 July 2016)

During Trial (12-15 July 2016)

Figure 13: Back water Consistency before and during trial

Back Water Consistency

Pre-Trial (6- 9 July 2016)

During Trial (12 - 15 July 2016)

Figure 14: First Past Retention

First Pass Retention (%)

92 94 93
85 82

1 2 3 4

Pre-Trial (6-9 July 2016)

During Trial (12-15 July 2016)

Figure 15: Back water consistency

Back water Solids for 16.7gsm Branded TM2



Figure 16: DAF Outlet Consistency

DAF Outlet Solids for 16.7gsm Branded TM2

Figure 17: Cationic Demand final phase

Cationic Demand Eq/L

29 Aug 8am 29 Aug 4pm 30 Aug 12pm

Figure 18: Turbidity <5 m (NTU) final phase

Turbidity <5 m (NTU)

29 Aug 8am 29 Aug 4pm 30 Aug 12pm

Appendix 2: Tables
Table 1: Lab results 24Hours into trial

LFC LFC MC MC HBOX BW DAF in DAF Effluent Effluent

before after before after out filtered launder
61755 61755 61755 61755 water
treat treat treat treat chest
Cons (%) - - - - 0.1362 0.0107 0.0244 0.002 0.005 0.1191
Dem -3 -2 -2 -1 0 0 6 -2 -2 -4
Turb 5-
150 m 69.6 8.7 41.9 14.9 130 85 7.3 6.4 11.6 64
Turb <5
14 6.7 8.6 8.6 7.1 7.4 6.1 5.5 10.6 5.5
m (NTU)
pH 7.2 7.4 7.4 7.2 7.65 7.7 7.8 7.8 7.4 7.8

Cond 794 487 522 600 686 670 610 610 851 610
Table 2: Lab Results, 29 August 2016 8am

8 am Shor Long Long Machin Hea Back DAF DAF Filtered Launde
t Fibre Fibre e Chest dbo water Inlet Outlet Water r
Fibre Chest Chest x Chest Effluent
Che Befor After
st e
Cs% 0.16 0.022 0.03 0.003 0.0011 0.0465
7 7 1
<5 13.4 13.4 13.4 5.22 4.03 3.09 2.66 2.91 9.45 6.92
5-150 17.1 17.1 17.1 15.2 168 158 14.8 3.66 10.8 594
pH 7.22 7.22 7.22 7.18 7.66 7.92 8 8 7.68 7.41
Cat 0 0 0 5 -3 -3 -2 -2 0 -3
Cond 396 396 396 432 396 394 371 375 791 818

Table 3: Lab Results, 29 August 4pm

4pm Shor Long Long Machin Hea Back DAF DAF Filtered Launde
t Fibre Fibre e Chest dbo water Inlet Outlet Water r
Fibre Chest Chest x Chest Effluent
Che Befor After
st e
Cs% 0.16 0.02 0.04 0.00
1 6 6 2 0.0005 0.1457
m 11.8 17.7 6.97 7.1 4.81 4.17 4.04 4.09 7.86 6.45
m 29.7 23 11.3 15.6 182 164 4.99 4.15 8.8 557
pH 6.91 6.96 7.02 7.08 7.78 7.87 7.99 7.99 7.8 7.78
Eq/L -3 -3 -2 0 -2 -2 -1 -2 -1 -1
s/cm 460 495 407 440 487 488 434 421 603 573

Table 4: Lab Results, 30 August 2016 12pm

12pm Shor Long Long Machin Hea Back DAF DAF Filtered Launde
t Fibre Fibre e Chest dbo water Inlet Outlet Water r
Fibre Chest Chest x Chest Effluent
Che Befor After
st e
Cs% 0.006 0.02 4E-
0.15 4 9 04 0.0017 0.041
m 19.1 18.8 4.35 7.08 4.47 3.45 3.67 3.42 8.09 3.54
m 28.8 27.6 8.04 19.8 128 124 5.1 3.82 8.5 84.9
pH 7.37 7.27 7.28 7.22 7.79 7.93 8.06 8.03 7.86 7.99

Eq/L -3 -4 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -2 5
s/cm 278 269 235 284 288 286 269 271 447 347

Appendix 3: Formulae

W 3W 1
C' S= 100

First Pass Retention


C HBHeadBox Consistecy

C BW Back Water Consistency


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