P Inputs To M Outputs in A Non-Blocking: Network Topology Advantages and Disadvantages Bus Based Network
P Inputs To M Outputs in A Non-Blocking: Network Topology Advantages and Disadvantages Bus Based Network
P Inputs To M Outputs in A Non-Blocking: Network Topology Advantages and Disadvantages Bus Based Network
All processors access a common bus for exchanging data, The bandwidth of the shared bus is a major bottleneck as the
The distance between any two nodes is 1 in a bus. The bus number of nodes increases.
Bus based network also provides a convenient broadcast media. The demand of a bus bandwidth can be reduced by making the
majority of the data accessed is local to the node and remote data is
accessed by the bus.
A crossbar network uses an pm grid of switches to connect The cost of crossbar network at which p processors connected to b
Crossbars p inputs to m outputs in a non-blocking databank increases as the number of processing nodes increases ,
this leads to memory access blocking.
This network consists of multiple stages; these stages Accessing a memory location may block other accesses to another
Multistage Networks connect number of inputs/outputs. memory location by another processor, this is called blocking
multistage network
Each processor is connected to every other processor. The hardware complexity is not realizable for large values of p. This
network is ideal in the sense that a node sends a message to other
Connected Network
node directly in a single step.
Star Connected Every node is connected only to a common node at the The central node becomes a bottleneck.
Network center; Distance between any pair of nodes is 1.
In a linear array, each node has two neighbors, one to its
Linear Arrays left and one to its right. If the nodes at either end are
connected, we refer to it as a 1-D torus or a ring.
A generalization to 2 dimensions has nodes with 4
neighbors, to the north, south, east, and west called 2
Meshes, and k-d
dimensional mesh.
A further generalization to d dimensions has nodes with 2d
The distance between any two nodes is at most log p.
Each node has log p neighbors.
The distance between two nodes is given by the number of
bit positions at which the two nodes differ.
The distance between any two nodes is no more than Links higher up the tree potentially carry more traffic than those at
2logp. the lower levels.
For this reason, a variant called a fat-tree, fattens the links as we go
up the tree.
Tree-Based Networks How to send a message in a tree based network?
To route a message in a tree the source node sends the message up
the tree until reaches the root of the smallest sub tree containing
both the source and destination.
Classification of interconnection networks: (a) a static network; and (b) a dynamic network.
Bus-based interconnects (a) with no local caches; (b) with local memory/caches.
Linear arrays: (a) with no wraparound links; (b) with wraparound link.
Two and three dimensional meshes: (a) 2-D mesh with no wraparound; (b) 2-D mesh with wraparound link (2-D torus); and (c) a 3-D mesh
with no wraparound.
Construction of hypercubes from hypercubes of lower dimension.
Complete binary tree networks: (a) a static tree network; and (b) a dynamic tree network.
A fat tree network of 16 processing nodes.
An example of blocking in omega network: one of the messages (010 to 111 or 110 to 100) is blocked at link AB.