d6 Hero RPG Quick History

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d6 RPG

Appendix B.

Table Ba-b:

Misc. . . . . . . . . . . B1

Table B1.

Natural Bonuses . . . . . B2

Table B2.
Hobbies. . . . . . . . . . . . B3

Histories Table B3.

Social Class. . . . . . . . . B4

Table B4.
Flaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B5

Table B5.
Flaw Description. . . . . B6

b1. Filling Out: Discovering the Character within

Age. While it is The following tables are provided to players as a way to flesh out their characters with
conceivable that minimal effort. The following descriptions are not period or culture specific (as much as
adventures could be possible) and can be adapted for any genre.
any age, the
expectation is that they are
roughly working age, 16-65. Not all of the tables provided have a direct impact on game play and are merely included to
Players are free to chose the age provide the role-playing background to the role-playing game. However, because both the
of their character, but if the ref tables for Natural Bonuses and the table for Flaws do include elements that directly affect
wishes, the age can be linked to
attributes in the following manner.
game play, it is strongly encouraged that players either roll on all of the tables or none of the
tables so that play is balanced.
Characters less than 16

Knowledge 1 That being said (or written), let the twisting of personalities begin. . .
Body 10%

+10% Agility

+10% Health Table ba. Relationship Table bb. Education

1 No Education/ Illiterate
1 Single
Character older than 40 1 2-5 No Formal Education/ Literate
2 Dating/ Engaged
+1 to Knowledge 6 No Formal Education/ Street Wise
3 Married
Health 10% 2 Primary Education/ Schooling
4 Divorced
+5% to Size Graduate of General Education/ Trained by
5 Widow(er) 3-4
Skilled Laborer or Artisan
6 Celibate 5 Advanced Education
Highest Level of Education Available by
Society/ Learned member of the intelligentsia
Appendix B. Quick
Character Histories d6 RPG
Table b1. Natural Bonuses. Roll 1D6 to determine your characters natural affinities.

1 1 Weapon Control. Characters cautious nature prevents them from mistreating a weapon items in their care never
2 Disarm. Naturally gentle nature gives the character a +3 to disarm attempts.

3 Dead Eye. Character is a born killer and does not suffer penalties for called shots (though they still strike last).
Bastard 4 Natural Marksman. Characters affinities with distance weapons gives them a +2 to all attacks with distance weapons.

5 Lightning Reflexes. Hard wired adrenal glands give the character a +2 Initiative in combat.

6 Ambidextrous. Character can use either hand with equal proficiency. In hand to hand, the character can use two weapons
(2 attacks).
2 1 Iron Gut. Characters iron stomach gives them a +3 resistance to disease and poison caused by ingestion.

2 Steel Grip. Strong handed, the character has a +3 all attempts to maintain their hold and cannot be disarmed.

3 Pack Horse. Character has super natural endurance and can carry an additional 1D6 encumbrance
Odd Ball
Characteristi 4 Iron Lung. Character has superhuman lung capacity and can hold their breath for twice normal while receiving a +2
cs modifier when testing for asphyxiation.
5 Light Step. Character is naturally sneaky and can move silently, sneak, or hide in shadows with a +2 Modifier.

6 Pain Threshold. Character feels no pain receives a +3 modifier against interrogation or when testing against falling
3 1 Golden Tongue. Character is supernaturally persuasive and receives a +4 modifier when attempting to convince someone.

2 Scary. Character appears scary and frightens others. As a consequence, they receive a +2 when attempting to intimidate
other characters.
3 Direction Sense. Character is a freaking homing pigeon. Character receives a +3 when attempting ascertain direction or
Left Brainers
4 Debutante. Character took Ms. Gladburns etiquette class as a child and receives a +4 modifier when attempting to move
within High Society.
5 Cynical. Naturally cynical, the character receives a +3 when trying to peer through deceptions and lies.

6 Walking Encyclopedia. Characters savant-like recall gives them a +2 bonus when attempting to recall trivial facts.

4 1 Taste & Smell. Character has heightened sense of taste and smell and receives +3 modifier.

2 Hearing. Character has heightened sense of hearing and receives +3 modifier.

3 Vision. Character has heightened sense of sight and receives +3 modifier.

Senses 4 Touch. Character has heightened sense of touch and receives +3 modifier when manipulating items by feel (includes
kinesthetic sense).
5 Cat Eyes. Character has supernaturally good night vision and receives a +2 modifier when working in low light conditions.

6 Intuition. Not just for women, intuition allows a character to make a roll to determine if they are on the right track.

5 1-2 Choose which category to roll a bonus from.

Who said you
never have a 3-4 Choose between either category A or D to roll a bonus from.
5-6 Choose between either category B or C to roll a bonus from.

6 Bonus Roll 1-6 Roll Twice on the table and take both bonuses.
Appendix b. Quick
Volume III Character Histories

Table b2. Hobbies. Roll 1D6 to determine the main time-killer of your character. If you roll a [6], your character has actually made
money doing their past-time.
1 Track Field.. [1] Sprinter, [2] Marathon, [3] Thrown Items, [4] Jumping, [5] Pole Vault, [6] statistician

2-3 Team Sports. [1] Football, [2] Soccer, [3] Basket Ball, [4] Hockey, [5] Baseball, [6] Lacrosse

1 Athlete 4 Culture Specific.: [1] Polo, [2] Taber Throw, [3] Drinking

5 Exercise. [1] Weight Lifting, [2] Aerobics, [3] Swimmer, [4] Bicycling, [5] Gymnastics

6 Coach. Re-roll for sport. [1-2] Coach, [3] Referee, [4] Announcer, [5] Concession Stand Worker

1-2 Animals. [1] Training, [2] breeding, [3] showing, [4-6] riding

3 Survival. [1-2] Eco challenge freak, [3-4] dangerous climate camping, [5-6] societys goin crumble
2 Outdoorsy Type
4 Camping. [1-2] Hiking, [3] scavenging, [4] canoeing, [5] climbing, [6] nature watcher

5-6 Gardening. [1] Herbalist, [2] vegetable, [3] flower, [4] topiary, [5] landscaping, [6] Farm Animals

1 Science. [1] Math, [2] Physics, [3] Chemistry, [4] Biology, [5] Researcher, [6] Astronomy

2-3 Culture. [1] Law, [2] Politics, [3] Pop Culture, [4] Languages, [5] History, [6] Religion

3 Book Learning
4-5 Applied. [1] Medicine, [2] Pharmacology, [3] Engineering, [4] Fire, [5] Inventor, [6] Plumbing &
6 Writer. [1], Journalism; [2] fiction; [3] Public Relations, [4] Instruction Writer, [5] Scripts

1 Crafts. [1] Metal, [2] leather, [3] clay, [4] fabric, [5] wood, [6] Brewing

2 Bar Games. [1] Slight of hand, [2] juggling, [3] rope tricks, [4] ventriloquism, [5] riddles

3 Games/ Gambling. [1-2] Cards, [3] roulette, [4] sports, or [5-6] board games.
4 Enthusiast
4 Magic. [1] Palm Reading, [2] Crystals, [3] Medium, [4] Tarot, [5] Astrology, [6] Mind Reader

5 Domestic. [1] Decorating, [2] Cooking, [3] Sewing, [4] Meddling in Relationships, [5] Gossip, [6]
1 Musician. [1] Wind/brass, [2] String, [3] Percussion, [4] culture specific, [5] electric, [6] Singer

2 Dancer. [1] Ball Room, [2] Ballet, [3] Salsa, [4] Jazz, [5] Free Form

3 Painter. [1] Figs, [2] Canvas, [3] Sculptures, [4] murals, [5] buildings, [6] cars
5 Artiste!
4 Sculpture. [1] Rock, [2] clay, [3] metal, [4] taxidermy, [5] people, [6] misc.

5 Actor. [1] Performance artist, [2] stand up comedian, [3] Greek Drama, [4] Adult Films, [5]
Shakespearean, [6] Any
1-3 Semi-pro, trying to get paid to do it. Re-roll on the table to determine job.

6 Professional 4-5 Extra Money. Re-roll on the table to determine job.

6 For a living. Re-roll on the table to determine job.

Appendix B. Quick
Character Histories d6 RPG

b2. Social Class

Socioeconomic Status is the single most important key to personality, cultural traits, and language inflection, and social skills of any
person. Table b3 does nothing but give the player a sense of their characters social history and is not meant to hinder their
characters development (unless the ref wants tobut hey, thats out of our hands *snicker*).

Table b3. Social Class. Roll 1D6 to determine the initial social class of a character

1 True Slave: [1] Valued, [2-3] Meat for Market, [4-6] Ignored

Slave: 2 Indentured Servitude

is eligible 3 Criminal: [1-3] Time Served, [4-5] Paroled, [6] Escaped
for 0 to
1 5% of the 4 Institutionalized: [1-3] Ward of the Court (orphan), [4-5] Looney Bin, [6] MR/DD Facility
5 [1-3] Bankrupt, [4-6] Street Person
6 Oppressed Minority

1 Nomad/ Migrant Worker: Eligible for 5% of starting income, but owns a means of transportation

2 Tenant Farmer: Eligible for 5 to 20% of starting income, owns no property.

3 Hill Billy: Eligible for 10 to 40% of starting income, may own a means of transportation or home.
2-3 Rural
4 Cottage Industry: Eligible for 40 to 75% of starting income including a place of residence.

5 Family Farm: Eligible for 50 to 90% of starting income with some property and land.

6 Agri-business/ Plantation: Eligible for 75 to 150% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property and land holdings

1 Resident of Inner City/ Ghetto: Eligible for 5 to 20% of starting income, owns no property.

2 On Public Assistance: Eligible for 10 to 40% of starting income, may own a means of transportation or home.

3 Working Class/ Artisan: Eligible for 60 to 80% of starting income including a place of residence.

4-5 Urban
4 Lower Middle Class/ Merchant: Eligible for 80 to 100% of starting income with some property and land.

5 Affluent/ Professional: Eligible for 75 to 150% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property or investments

6 Industrialist/ Capitalist: Eligible for 150 to 300% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property and land holdings

1 From Political Family: Eligible for 80 to 100% of starting income with some property and land.

2 Currently Holding Political Office: Eligible for 75 to 150% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property or
3 Noble Lineage: Eligible for 100 to 150% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property and land holdings

6 Noble 4 Landless Noble: Eligible for 150 to 200% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property or investments

5 Landed Noble: Eligible for 150 to 300% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property and land holdings

6 Puppet Master: Eligible for 300 to 500% of starting income in cash, but has extensive property and land holdings
Appendix C. Quick
Volume III Character Histories

b3. A word about Flaws

Every character has an Achilles heel, just like, well Achilles who had the original heel. To discover the personality or physical
flaw of your adventurer, roll on the table below. Descriptions of each flaw and how they impact game play can be found the
following page.

Table b4. Flaws. Roll 1D6 to determine physical or personality flaw possessed by your character.

[1] Animal Phobia, [2] Insect Phobia, [3] Occupational Phobia, [4] Xenophobia, [5] Afraid of the
1 Creature Phobias
opposite sex, [6] Agoraphobia
[1] Acrophobia, [2] Pyrophobia, [3] Hydrophobia, [4] Claustrophobia, [5] Technophobia, [6]
1-2 2 General Phobias
[1] Multiple Personality Syndrome, [2] Paranoia, [3] Messiah Complex, [4] Auditory Illusions, [5]
3 Delusions

1 Bad Habits [1] Unclean (wont bath), [2] Glutton, [3] Lecher, [4] Greedy, [5] Sloth (Lazy), [6] Nihilist

Obsessive- [1] Pyromaniac, [2] Kleptomaniac, [3] Clean Freak, [4] Anal Retentive, [5] Nymphomaniac, [6]
2 Compulsive Disorder Pathological Liar
[1] Masochist, [2] Sadist, [3] Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, [4] Cannibal, [5] Anti-social
3 Deviancy
Personality Disorder
[1] Narcissistic, [2] Superstitious, [3] Hypochondriac, [4] Right Wing Conservative, [5] Leftist
4 Annoying
Liberal, [6] Anarchist

[1] Near-Sighted, [2] Far Sighted, [3] Ansomnia (no sense of taste or smell), [4] Missing Limb ([1]
1 Limitations
Hand, [2] Foot, [3] arm, [4] leg, [5] Lame), [5] No tactile Sense, [6] Deaf
[1] Wimp, [2] Obese, [3] Thin, [4] Albino, [5] Dwarf, [6] Long-Time Smoker
2 Physique
[1] Hemophiliac, [2] Sever Allergy, [3] Sickly, [4] Seizure Disorder, [5] Calcium Deficient, [6]
3 Danger
Conjoined Twin
[1] Weight Intolerant, [2] Weak Stomach, [3] Irritable Bowel Syndrome, [4] Fragile Mind
4 Nancy-Girl

1-3 Combat [1] Blood Guilt, [2] Berserker, [3] Chivalrous, [4] Item Breaker
[1] Dogs, [2] Cats, [3] Insects, [4] Sea Life, [5] Large Herbivores, [6] If its alive, it hates the
4-6 Animal Hated
Appendix B. Quick
Character Histories d6 RPG

Table b5. Flaws in Game Terms

Category Description of Impact During Play

Phobias (Creature & When faced with the product of there fears, the character must roll K [12] or flee from the source of the fear in
General) mindless terror, able to perform no other actions for 1D6+2 Rounds or until the cause of the fear is removed.
Delusions When the character rolls a natural 3, they immediately begin hallucinating and acting in a manner appropriate to
the hallucination.
Bad Habits The characters repulsive habits persistently manifest causing everyone around them to distrust them around the
cause of their habit or to be disgusted by them. NPC reaction to the character is always at a [-3].
Obsessive-Compulsive Character must engage in the appropriate ritual whenever the opportunity presents itself unless they can make a
Disorder (OCD) K[12] roll to resist the temptation.
Deviancy The character will get an urge to engage in the behavior whenever they roll a natural 7. They have the
opportunity to resist the urge providing they can make a success roll of K [12].
Annoying Like characters with Bad Habits, annoying characters continually engage in whatever behavior is indicated making
everyone else shy away from them. Before an NPC or other player-character can lend assistance to the annoying
character, they must first make a success roll of K[11] in order to over-come their natural tendency to make an
annoying character suffer.
Perception Character suffers a limitation on a particular sense equal to [-1D6]. In some instances, the disability can be
remedied using an appropriate device (such as glasses), but in others this will be impossible. For lameness, the
characters movement rate is reduced by [-1D3], for missing hands, the characters Agility attempts are minus [-
1D3] when appropriate.
Physique [1] Wimp: Character must make a body roll versus damage sustained each time they are injured or they faint
from the pain for 1D3 rounds.
[2] Obese: Character has an illusionary Size value of 300% current value for the purpose of determining fit as
in through escape hatches, armor, etc
[3] Thin: Whenever hit by a concussive force, character must make a Body roll versus damage or be knocked
back a number of spaces equal to the damage and crumple ot the ground
[4] Albino: Character suffers 1D3 damage for every 10 rounds exposed to the sun.
[5] Dwarf: You figure it out.
[6] Long-Time Smoker. Character must make a natural roll of [7] every two-rounds of combat or become
winded and suffer a 1 to all physical activities for the remainder of combat.

Danger [1] Hemophiliac: When injured by a concussive force (cutting, hitting, etc) character will begin bleeding on a
natural roll of [10] or higher until receiving the appropriate aid.
[2] Sever Allergy: Character is allergic to a common natural substance and suffers 1D3 to all attempts while in
its presence
[3] Sickly: Character must make a natural [11] to resist the effects of disease
[4] Seizure Disorder: On a natural [11], the character is taken by a seizure for 1D3 rounds
[5] Calcium Deficient: Characters body is halved when calculating damage resistance
[6] Conjoined Twin: Character literally has a better half still attached.

Nancy-Girl [1] Weight Intolerant: Character will not/ can not carry more than 3 encumberance
[2] Weak Stomach: When in the presence of something nasty or even violence, anchovies, etc.. the character
must make a natural [9] or begin losing their lunch for 1D3 rounds.
[3] Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A roll of natural [3] causes the character to begin suffering stomach cramps and
diarrhea for 1D3 rounds
[4] Fragile Mind: Mental stress causes the character to shut down temporarily. Character must make K[12]
roll or go bye-bye mentally for 1D6 rounds when presented with extreme stress.

Combat Troubles [1] Blood Guilt: Character will never attempt to kill another creature and will immediately suffer unassuageable
guilt for 2D6 rounds following a death caused by the character.
[2] Berserker: A natural [7] or [11] during combat causes the character to lose control and begin attacking
each nearest target in succession with a +2 melee bonus (no missiles allowed), character will continue until
unconscious or makes a K[12] roll
[3] Chivalrous: Character will never gang up on an enemy or participate in an ambush
[4] Item Breaker: When using any item, the character causes it to malfunction on a natural roll of 7 or less. All
items with non malfunction number break on a natural 3.

Animal Hated Character is hated by a particular type of creature that, when in their presence, will attack the character.

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