Sabultern Studies
Sabultern Studies
Sabultern Studies
Supratim Das
particularly India, has been brought about by the Subaltern Studies project, which
historiography, the first volume of the Subaltern Studies appeared in 1982 from
Oxford University Press, Delhi. The next two decades witnessed the coming out of a
series of similar other volumes. The latest one (Vol. XII) saw the light of day in 2005.
Ranajit Guha, once a Marxist and a full-time activist in the Communist Party of India,
was the intellectual driving force behind the concept of Subaltern Studies. He edited
the first six volumes of the project with the help of a core group of younger historians
editorial collective that originally comprised young scholars like Shahid Amin, David
The central concern of the project was to produce an account of South Asian history
and society from the point of view of Europes periphery. In doing this, subaltern
history had robbed the common people of their agency. The issues further raised were
Subaltern Studies is in fact a critical history from the beginning. As Ranajit Guha
nationalism has for a long time been dominated by elitism -- colonialist elitism and
insurrections. Not surprisingly, in the first four volumes of the series, twenty essays
were published on peasant and tribal insurrections. It was argued that the peasant
uprisings in the colonial period formed a separate trend not much connected with the
Congress /nationalist politics. Hence, it was too much to say that the Congress helped
peasantry to stand on its feet. Elite historians claim, argue the subalternists, that the
subalterns joined the national movement under the aegis of Gandhiji is unfounded.
The truth is that subalterns are makers of their history. It is not possible to do justice
to such movements as the Quit India Movement of 1942 or the RIN Mutiny of 1946
without bringing to the fore the active role of the subaltern masses.
Subaltern Studies did not stand still as a project. It underwent considerable changes as
the subaltern scholars engaged with various contemporary problems and theoretical
formulations. Initially, they had been working on subaltern politics in the vein of
E.P.Thompson and Antonio Gramsci. After 1988, many of them came under the
influence of Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. In a word, in the last 15-20 years,
the temperament and orientation of the project have substantially changed. New
agendas have been set out. The social and political problematics of contemporary
India such as caste conflict, struggle between fundamentalism and secularism, gender
studies, police, prison, bureaucracy and related issues now overwhelm subaltern
project for scholars who discovered the failures and betrayals of modernity,
In the present work, some major thematic areas of the project have been highlighted
for locating the twists and turns in its journey. At the outset, the project was what may
The subalternists believed that through historical research on subaltern protest and
actions, it was possible to describe the pure, total and autonomous formation of the
subaltern being or consciousness. The question was: What is the true nature of the
subaltern? True, the Subaltern Studies, right from its inception, was already aware
that the notion of the subaltern was constructed as the other of the elite. But it was
believed then that the elitist construction would drop down if correctly analysed. The
But over time, the new question became: How is the subaltern represented? Many of
the subalternists felt that it would never be possible to land into the realization of a
writing a pure and unadulterated subaltern history became untenable. The most
important question now was the construction of the subaltern. As a result, the need for
an entirely different approach was felt. Subsequently, the Subaltern Studies became
engaged in the study of such known fields as the expansion of the colonial apparatus,
nationalism, etc. On the other hand, the attention was given to the different institutions
of modern states and social system and the modern regime of power. As pointed out
community. These are some of the more important questions problematized by the
subalternists. In the early years of its career, the projects central argument was that
the nationalist leaders of India sought to mobilize the masses and thoroughly control
their movements with a view to challenging the authority of the British Raj. But
itself, and to reveal its autonomy from elite nationalist thought. Subaltern Studies, it
nationalism and what Gyan Pandey calls the prejudiced way of history-writing.
Challenging what they see as the totalizing standpoint of a seamless nationalism, the
subaltern historians have argued that nationalism should not assert the cultural
homogeneity of communities.
Scholars like Partha Chatterjee have shown that Gandhijis intervention in Indian
nationalist politics fundamentally changed the course of its history. His thought of
non-violence and Satyagraha strongly criticized modern Western political ideas and
the notions of civil society. There were several possibilities inherent in the Gandhian
political philosophy. But ultimately, they became the ideological weapons in the
hands of the nationalist elite. The peasantry was politically mobilized by Gandhian
politics. But this, according to the subaltern scholars, did not give them political
rights. Peasants became a part of a nation, but were perpetually detached from the
Indian nation-state.
Over time, I have tried to show, Subaltern Studies has moved away from its primary
pointed out that the subaltern historian should make a probe into the processes
through the subaltern is constructed as the other of the elite. She thought that it was
pointless to try to set apart the subalterns autonomous out of a thousand of noises.
For whatever voices we hear in the documents of history are not the words of the
subaltern, but some construction by others. Hence, it was necessary to discover the
processes by which such construction takes place, and the institutions through which
it is done. Thus, gradually Subaltern Studies used the subaltern as a space from which
The subaltern historians such as Chatterjee and Dipesh Chakrabarty have engaged in
the debate on colonial modernity. In recent Subaltern Studies, a key argument has
been built up about alternative or hybrid modernities. The focus has been centred on
the diffusion of the ideas, practices and institutions of colonial modernity in India. I
have highlighted this subalternist critique of modernity with special reference to how
episode in which the renaissances heroes failed to raise any basic questions on the
structure of power in colonial India. In the view of the subalternists, the renaissance
paradigm of Enlightenment.
I have sought to show that as a historical project Subaltern Studies does not represent
developments over the last few decades in political theory, social history, and cultural
studies. The projects look out for self-impulsive disciplinary appraisal has created
inventiveness in the writings of the group and has affected other area studies scholars
in Latin America and Africa. Inevitably, Subaltern Studies has encountered scathing
criticism in India and abroad. I have discussed in some detail the critical literature on
the school, especially the recent phase considered by some critics as Late Subaltern
Studies. For example, historians like Sumit Sarkar have taken strong exception to the
tendency of what they call essentializing the categories of subaltern and autonomy
meanings and qualities. According to the Marxist critics, the subaltern scholars
conveniently ignore the fact that an easy replacement of class by subaltern would not
strengthen the liking for reification of a subaltern or community identity. It has also
been argued that the subaltern school lost its original track by falling into the bad
debates and opened up a treasure house for both activists and academicians. In having
radical politics, the collective has provided an important paradigm to discuss to the
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