The Lost Vikings Manual

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The Lost Vikings

Copyright (C) 1992-2014 Blizzard Entertainment

For EULA see file "Lost Vikings EULA txt 20140331.txt"
The Vikings' Story
It was a day that the members of the Viking village looked forward to every year
. On this day everyone in the village celebrated the fall harvest with contests
of bravery and skill throughout the afternoon followed by a grand feast at dusk.
The most anticipated event of the day was the hunt. In this competition, the bes
t huntsmen from the village venture into the wilderness to see who could catch t
he most game for the evening's feast. By noon, all the participants had arrived
at the starting point of the hunt, except for three Vikings who lived just outs
ide the village. Since their tardiness was nothing new, the decision was made to
start the hunt without them. Upon hearing the horn, indicating the beginning of
the competition, Olaf the Stout and his two buddies, Baleog the Fierce and Erik
the Swift simply rushed into the forest to prevent the others from having too g
reat of a head start.
Meanwhile, the infamous intergalactic zookeeper, Tomator, piloted his space craf
t to Earth through a fiery vortex that appeared high above the fjords of the Bal
tic Sea. Tomator was sure that he could find adequate specimens for his zoo on t
his tiny planet. He commanded his ship to begin its descent as he made preparati
ons to go on a hunt of his own.
As Olaf the Stout, Baleog the Fierce and Erik the Swift walked home from the fea
st they were still bragging over their triumphs in the hunt. When each brother h
ad finished claiming that he was a better hunter than the other two, they retire
d to their cottages, oblivious to the strange flying object that had appeared di
rectly over their village.
Tomator brought his craft closer to the ground, trying to locate the three speci
mens that he had previously chosen. He had noticed them earlier, when they appea
red to be the victors of some primitive ritual of skill and strength. After a fe
w minutes, Tomator's computer located the selected humans and began to teleport
his unsuspecting captives aboard his ship.
Erik, the swiftest of the Vikings, was awakened suddenly to find himself suspend
ed above his bed and being pulled upward. Despite his efforts to resist, he was
drawn through the top of his hut and into the night sky. Next, Olaf the Stout an
d Baleog the Fierce experienced the same fate as they too were pulled from their
beds, toward the strange metallic object in the sky.
With the acquisition complete, Tomator took his craft out of orbit. Due to a sho
rt circuit during the teleportation process, the Vikings materialized in the cor
ridors of Tomator's ship rather than in his specimen room. Now the Vikings only
hope to return home is the use of their skills and the strange vortices that can
carry them through time and space.
Your story begins with the three Lost Vikings aboard Tomator's ship, and only wi
th your help and expertise can they find their way back home again.
You must guide the Lost Vikings through the complex maze of Tomator's space craf
t. Use Erik's speed, Baleog's weaponry and Olaf''s defensive abilities to help r
eturn these poor lost souls to their village.

How to Play
The goal of The Lost Vikings is to help Olaf the Stout, Baleog the Fierce and Er
ik the Swift find their way back home. To do so they must successfully solve all
the levels of the game going through time and space to many different eras, unt
il they confront and defeat their captor, Tomator.
To successfully complete a level all three Vikings must get to the "EXIT" alive.
They will then continue onto the next level. At the end of the last level of ea
ch era there will be a vortex that will warp the Vikings to the next era in time
Each Viking starts each level with three health points and no items. These healt
h points can be lost either one at a time or all at once depending on what type
of enemy or obstacle does damage to the character. The health status of each war
rior is represented by the three red dots under their picture in the status bar
at the top of the screen. Health points can be restored by eating food that can
be found throughout the game. They can also use armor to get a bonus health poin
t represented by a blue dot.
To complete the level the Vikings will have to use their skills in many differen
t ways to solve the puzzles. Many times the Vikings will have to use their skill
s cooperatively.
When the Vikings get to a new level you will be given a password. Write this dow
n in the back of this manual. You will be able to restart the game later by usin
g this password. If at any time a Viking has died or you feel that they are stuc
k in a position making the level unsolvable, you can give up by pressing a PAUSE
key and then selecting YES. Doing this will bring all dead Vikings back to life
and they will restart the level.
There are many hidden places throughout the game. If the Vikings find these plac
es, they are sure to find something valuable.
In the early levels there will be hint buttons with '?' in them. When a Viking i
s near one of these you can press the S key to get a hint.

Keyboard Controls
Left/Right Arrow Keys or Keypad 4/6
Up/Down Arrow Keys or Keypad 5 or 8/2
When a Viking is on a ladder or an elevator, these will move the Viking in that
F Key, Space, Enter, Keypad Enter, Keypad (+)
Baleog the Fierce will swing his mighty sword.
Erik the Swift will jump to great heights.
Olaf the Stout will raise or lower his shield.
D Key
Baleog the Fierce will shoot arrows with his bow.
Erik the Swift uses his head to bash while running.
Olaf the Stout will raise or lower his shield.
E Key
Allows a Viking to use the highlighted item from his supply of items.
S Key
Allows a Viking to activate buttons, flip switches, etc. and talk to other chara
Ctrl, Keypad 7, Keypad 9, Keypad 0
Will enable the player to take control of one of the other two Vikings.
Esc Key, P Key
Pressing one of these keys during play will pause the game. When the game is pau
sed you will be given the option to GIVE UP? Choosing YES will restart you at th
e beginning of the same level. Choosing NO will resume the game. The GIVE UP opt
ion is very useful if one of your Vikings has died or are in a position so that
you cannot complete the level. You cannot complete the level if a Viking has die
Tab Key, Caps Lock
Allows you to choose the item to be used. To choose an item, press one of these
buttons and move the flashing box to the desired item. Pressing the button again
will resume the game. This can also be used to pause the game.
Turns the sound off, pressing the buttons again turns the sound back on.
Turns the music off, pressing the buttons again turns the music back on.

Throughout the course of the game, there will be several different items that wi
ll assist you in completing the game.
Food--Heals 1 one health point
Steaks--Heals 2 health points
Shield--Gives a Viking a bonus blue health point
Bombs--You can drop them anywhere you like to blow something up
Smart Bombs--Destroys all enemies on the screen
Flaming Arrow--Kills an enemy in one shot
Keys--Used to unlock doors of the same color
Gravity Boots--Lets a Viking walk in a gravitational field
Buttons--Used in many places to activate things in the game, like opening doors
Switches--Also used in many places to activate things in the game such as openin
g doors
Target--Acts like a button but must be shot by Baelog to activate
Inventory Control
Each Viking has the ability to carry up to four items. An item is automatically
picked up when they touch it (as long as the Viking has room to carry the item).
To use an item, press a SELECT key and move the flashing box to the desired ite
m. Then press a SELECT key again to resume your game. You can then press E at an
ytime to use the selected item.
The Vikings are also able to trade items with each other, but only if they are c
lose to each other. To trade an item you must first switch control to the Viking
with the item you want to trade. Press a SELECT key, move the flashing box to t
he desired item to be traded and press a Primary Ability key. Then move the item
to the Viking you want to give the item to and press a Primary Ability key. To
exit inventory mode, press a SELECT key.
You can also throw away food or bombs by moving the item to the trash can.

Saving the Game

The Lost Vikings allows you to continue where you last left off by entering a pa
ssword. The game will give you a password at the beginning of each new level you
reach. In case you forget to write down the password at the start of a new leve
l, you can retrieve the password again by pressing D, E or S at the funeral scre
Erik, Olaf, and Baleog want to remind you to write down your passwords on the pa
ge provided in the back of this manual. This way you will always know where it i
s and you will never have to replay levels that you have already completed.
To start the game from a saved password, select PASSWORD from the START screen.
Enter your password by using the Up and Down Arrow Keys or type it in for faster
entry. If you type the password in, it will automatically go to the next letter
, if you are using the arrow keys, then use the Right Arrow Key to move to the n
ext letter. If you have made a mistake in the password, use the Left Arrow Key
or Backspace to undo the error.

Character Profiles
Name: Erik the Swift
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Specialty: Scouting, speeding
Equipment: Running shoes, a strong head
Occupation: Mercenary, track coach, stuntman, pizza delivery
Hobbies: Sprinting, rock climbing
Favorite Authors: Dr. Seuss, Friedrich Nietzsche
Favorite Movies: The Running Man, Running Scared, Run Silent, Run Deep, Logan's
Run, Running on Empty, Nuns on the Run, Running Brave, Erik the Viking
Favorite band: Rush
Favorite Meal: Fast food
Ailments: Athlete's foot, frequent headaches
Favorite Pets: Cheetahs, jaguars, falcons
Desired Birthday Present: A football helmet
Favorite Holiday: Groundhog Day
Favorite Quote: "It is better to run and jump away from enemies than it is to le
t them smash you into little pieces." - Anonymous
Comments: The tactical genius and self-proclaimed leader of the party.
Erik is the swiftest and most agile of the Vikings which makes him an indispensa
ble part of any expedition. His wit and resourcefulness are often key to resolvi
ng difficult situations. However, he has a short attention span and gets easily
agitated by sitting in the same place too long. In fact, his patience is often t
imes too thin to tolerate his two brothers. Despite these shortcomings, he prove
s to be a valuable companion on any adventure.
Strengths: Erik is the swiftest Viking. He can outrun any enemy and leap high in
to the air. He also has a head of stone which he can use to bash open walls.
Weaknesses: Erik has no defensive capabilities, which leaves him very vulnerable
if he goes out scouting by himself. His speed can also be a liability at times
if you are not careful.
Name: Baleog the Fierce
Age: 25
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Specialty: Combat, chopping, slicing and dicing.
Equipment: Bow, arrows, sword, attitude
Occupation: Mercenary, corporate raider
Hobbies: Body building, knife throwing, bowling
Favorite Drink: Fruit punch
Preferred Vegetable: Squash
Goals: World domination, bowling league champion
Favorite Movies: Sparticus, Rambo II, Conan the Barbarian, Pumping Iron, The Ter
Favorite Exclamation: Yo!
Favorite Vacation Spot: Iceland
Favorite Vowel: A
Favorite Holiday: Labor Day
Favorite Band: Aerosmith
Favorite Quote: "Enter the mill and you will come out floury and
baked." - unknown Danish baker
Prized Possessions: Sword-shaped letter opener, long underwear
Comments: Baleog's enormous ego is tolerable only in light of the martial skill
he provides to the expedition. When he's not accusing his brothers of being lazy
or weak, Baleog can often be found sharpening his sword and contemplating his s
trategy for world conquest. Nonetheless, despite his sometimes less than pleasan
t company, Baleog is a fierce foe to any that stand in a party's way.
Strengths: Baleog can attack with his sword and shoot arrows. He can also use ar
rows to activate switches that are a long distance away.
Weaknesses: He has not yet mastered the art of defense. Therefore he usually hid
es behind Olaf's shield during battles with formidable foes.
Name: Olaf the Stout
Age: 23
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 320 lbs.
Specialty: Defense, aeronautics, comedic relief
Equipment: Shield, belly, a silly laugh
Occupation: Mercenary, Winchell's poster boy
Hobbies: Para-Sailing, bungee jumping
Favorite Food: Meatloaf, sprinkled doughnuts
Ultimate Fantasy: To be a Sumo wrestler
Favorite Instrument: Tuba
Favorite Movies: Fat Man and Little Boy, Little Big Man, Breakfast at Tiffany's,
The Breakfast Club, The Naked Lunch, Lunch Wagon, Dinner at Eight, Guess Who's
Coming to Dinner, My Dinner with Andre
Favorite Relative: Uncle Beorn
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving Day
Favorite Books: ABC-123, Green Eggs and Ham
Favorite Quote: "Life is just a big banana. Be careful not to slip on the peel a
nd all will turn out fine." - Uncle Beorn
Family: Married with two children
Favorite Toy: Yellow rubber duck named Elvis
Comments: This jovial Viking, with his hardy constitution and
steadfast resolve, can be counted on in any situation. His appetite for adventur
e is rivaled only by his passion for pastries. Unfortunately, he is often seized
by unprovoked laughing fits, making extended travel with him somewhat tiresome.
His hulking presence is, however, greatly appreciated in the heat of battle.
Strengths: He can use his shield to block enemies and their shots. He can also h
old his shield above his head and float long distances, which gives him great ma
Weaknesses: He has to wait for Baleog in combat situations and his shield can no
t always protect him and the other Vikings from certain foes that have jumping c
apabilities of their own.
Blizzard Entertainment
Allen Adham & Alan Pavlish
Steve Nguyen
Brian Fargo
Ronald Miller
Michael Morhaime, Frank Pearce & Allen Adham
Bryan Waters
Patrick Wyatt, Jim Sproul
Joeyray Hall, Ronald Millar, Samwise Didier, Clyde Matsumoto, Jason Magness
Stu Rose, Todd Camasta, Cheryl Austin, Spencer Kipe
Allister Brimble, Dave Bean, Alan Premselaar, Glenn Stafford, Rick Jackson
David Givone
Danny H. Nguyen
Jason Kwan
Matthew Grubb
The DOSBox team

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