Statistical Reports On Street: Applied Statistics
Statistical Reports On Street: Applied Statistics
Statistical Reports On Street: Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics
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We made our
Statistical Report
Based on
Street Kitchen
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Submitted TO:
Syed Riaz Mahmood
Ali [RIZ]
Faculty Member
Department of
SBE, North South University
Submitted BY:
N Name: ID:
0 Mohammed Maheer 142 0224
1 Tazoer 030
0 Syed Atabur Rahman 142 0296
2 Tuhin 030
0 Ifraha Fairuz Binte 142 0352
3 Iliyas 030
0 MD Sadman Hossain
Section: 09
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Submission: 10th July
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Letter of Transmittal
7th July, 2016
Faculty Member
Department of Management
Dear Sir,
We are highly delighted to submit the term project of our summer 2016, Bus
173 program based on Statistical Analysis on Street Kitchen. This report
has been prepared to fulfill the requirement of the Applied Statistics [Bus-
173] Course.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your kind guidance
& suggestions in preparing the report. It would be our great pleasure if you
find our report informative and useful to have an idea of Our used Datas and
Sincerely yours
MD Sadman Hossain
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Learning Scope and Goals
Objective of the Study
Acquiring a practical knowledge and personal observation about the
overall Statistical operation.
Find out the activities and implication of Minitab.
Analyzing the Data and findings from the research etc.
Gathering the experience about Statistics application, activities, its
importance through the Report
Almost in every research work we need to use statistics application and w2e
have to know about the implication and how to analyze the data. And with
this study it can help us through our career when we need to analyze tons of
data for our research, academic and Professional career in near future.
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We tried our level best to make this report a successful and flawless one. But
since some condition limit our capability and literally not easy to avoid which
becomes a hurdle to utilize our best.
Time was too short to utilize our best
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Data And Analysis
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Minitab Regression Analysis:
8/10/2016 4:44:44 AM
Regression Analysis: Total Sales versus Total number, Discounts of, ...
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 3 330771175 110257058 7.95 0.009
Residual Error 8 110898492 13862312
Total 11 441669667
Source DF Seq SS
Total number of customers serve 1 313375313
Discounts offered 1 5837876
Promotional/Advertising costs 1 11557986
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