02 Response To Harmonic & Impulsive Loading

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Problem Set No. 2

Prepared by:


MSCE-Structural Engineering
Student No: 2016190006

Submitted to:


I. The structural frame shown has a rigid beam and is rigid jointed at both ends of the three columns. The
mass of the structure of 5000 kg is concentrated at the top. The columns are 3.0 m long and each has an
EI = 4.5x106 N-m2. The structure has a viscous damping (h) of 4.0%. Model the structure as an SDOF
shear building. A force F(t)=10sin(t) in Newton is applied as shown.

Derive the general solution for the damped force vibration system. Compare the responses
(acceleration, velocity, and displacement) for the two case: (a) = 10rad/sec and (b) = 34rad/sec.
Discuss the effect of on the vibration of the system.
The equation of motion is:
mv left (t right ) +cv'(t)+kv(t)=F(t)

Where F(t) is the harmonically varying load of sine-wave form having an amplitude p 0, and circular
frequency .
mv left (t right ) +cv'(t)+kv(t)= {p} rsub {0} sin ( t)

The general solution is:

t t
v ( t )=Acos ( D t) e + Bsin ( D t ) e +Csin ( t )+ Dcos( t )

A=0(at rest initial condtion) B=
1[ ]

p0 1 2 p0 2
C= D=
k (1 2)2 +(2 )2 k (1 2 )2+(2 )2

v ( t )=[ Acos ( D t )+ Bsin ( D t ) ] et +
[ 1
k (1 ) +(2 )2
2 2
[ ( 1 2 ) sint 2 cos ( t )]

velocity , v (t)' =
d (t) [ Acos ( D t ) + Bsin ( D t ) ] et + 0
[ 1
2 2
k (1 ) +(2 )2
[ ]
( 1 2) sint 2 cos ( t ) ]
acceleration , v (t)' ' =
d (t)
Acos ( D t ) +Bsin ( D t ) ] et + 0
k[ 1
2 2
(1 ) +( 2 )
[ ( 1 2 ) sint 2 cos ( t )]

m=5000 kg L=3.00 m EI =4.5 x 106 N . m2 =4.0

12 EI 6 N
k =3 =6.0 x 10
L 3

=20 3=34.641
sec .


D =n 1 2=34.613
sec .

Displacement (=10rad/sec)

Displacement (meter)
Total Response Transient Vibration Force Vibration
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Time (second)
Figure 1a

Displacement (=34 rad/sec)


Displacement (meter) 0
Total response Transient Vibration Force Vibration
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Time (second)

Figure 1b
Figure 1 shows the plot of the displacement of the frame subjected to harmonic loading.
The graph shows two distinct vibration components: the transient vibration, and the forced or
steady-state vibration, and its total response. Figure 1a shows the displacement for force angular
velocity, = 10 rad/sec, and figure 1b for = 34 rad/sec.
Velocity (=10rad/sec)
Velocity (m/s)
Total 0
response Transient Vibration Force Vibration
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (second)

Figure 2a

Velocity (=34rad/sec)
Velocity (m/s)
Total 0
Response Transient Vibration Force Vibration
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Time (second)
Figure 2b
Figure 2 shows the plot of the velocity of the frame subjected to harmonic loading
F(t)=10sin(t). Figure 2a shows the velocity for force angular velocity, = 10 rad/sec, and
figure 2b for = 34 rad/sec.

Acceleration (=10rad/sec)
Acceleration (m/s2)
Total Response 0 Transient Vibration Force Vibration
00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Time (second)

Figure 3a

Acceleration (=34rad/sec)
Acceleration (m/s2)
Total Response 0 Transient Vibration Force Vibration
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Time (second)
Figure 3b
Figure 3 shows the plot of the acceleration of the frame due to the harmonic loading
F(t)=10sin(t). Figure 3a shows the acceleration for force angular velocity, = 10 rad/sec, and
figure 3b for = 34 rad/sec.
The first term of the general equation, Acos ( D t)e +Bsin ( D t ) et represents
the the transient response, which damps out exponentially with time, with accordance to
et . The second term, Cnsi( +
)tDcos()t represents the forced or steady-state
harmonic response, which will continue indefinitely.
As shown in the figure, as the value of force frequency equals to the natural frequency
( D =n ) , the amplitude of the vibration increases.

II. Analyze the same structure in I, but replace the load F(t) with blast load shown below.

Force (Newton) 4
0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Time (second)
a. Analyze using numerical integration the response (acceleration, velocity, and displacement) with
respect to time in intervals of 0.01 sec, if the mass (initially at rest) moved due to a blast load F(t)
directed to the right as shown. Show spread sheet results. Summarize equations used. Plot the
responses, x(t), v(t), a(t) from t=0s to t=1.0s.
b. Determine the maximum displacement produced by the blast load and the resulting shear force
and bending moment in the columns.

Newmarks Method
In 1959, N. M. Newmark developed a family of time-stepping methods based on the following

v i +1=v i + [ ( 1 ) t ] ai + ( t ) ai+1

x i+1=ui + t vi + [ ( 0.5 ) t 2 ] ai + [ t 2 ] ai+1

Using Average Acceleration Method ( = , = )

1.0 Initial Calculations
12 EI N
m=5000 kg , L=3.00 m , EI =4.5 x 106 N .m2 , k=3 =6.0 x 106
L 3

=4.0 , c c =2 km=346410.162,c= c c =13856.406

initial displacement , x 0=0.00, initial velocity , v 0=0.00,initial force , p0=0.00

p 0c v 0k x0
1.1initial acceleration ,a 0= =0.00
1.2time interval , t=0.01
c m
1.3 =k + + =208,771,281.292 N /m
t t2

m c m
1.4 q= + =2,027,712.81,b= + tc
t 2 2
1 =10,000.00 ( )
2.0 Calculations for each time step, i
2.1 i= pi +q v i +b ai
2.2 xi =

xi xi
2.3 v i =

+ t ai 1
2 ( )
xi vi ai
2.4 ai= 2

t t 2

2.5 xi +1=x 1+ xi , v i +1=v 1 + v i ,a i+1=a 1+ ai

3.0 Repetition for the next time step. Replace i by i = 1 and implement steps 2.1 to 2.5 for the next
time step.
The successive time steps are summarized in Table 1.0

Table 1.0 Numerical Solution by Average Acceleration Method

pi ai (m/s2) pi pi (N) xi (m) vi (m/s) ai (m/s2) vi (m/s) xi (m)
(N) (Step 2.5) (N) (Step 2.1) (Step 2.2) (Step 2.3) (Step 2.4) (Step 2.5) (Step 2.5)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.400 0.400 1.92E-09 3.83E-07 7.66E-05 0.00 0.00
0.01 0.40 7.66E-05 0.400 1.943 9.31E-09 1.10E-06 6.58E-05 3.83E-07 1.92E-09
0.02 0.80 1.42E-04 0.400 4.822 2.31E-08 1.66E-06 4.77E-05 1.48E-06 1.12E-08
0.03 1.20 1.90E-04 0.400 8.671 4.15E-08 2.02E-06 2.46E-05 3.14E-06 3.43E-08
0.04 1.60 2.15E-04 0.400 13.020 6.24E-08 2.14E-06 -7.75E-07 5.17E-06 7.59E-08
0.05 2.00 2.14E-04 0.400 17.357 8.31E-08 2.01E-06 -2.53E-05 7.31E-06 1.38E-07
0.06 2.40 1.89E-04 0.400 21.184 1.01E-07 1.65E-06 -4.63E-05 9.32E-06 2.21E-07
0.07 2.80 1.42E-04 0.400 24.073 1.15E-07 1.11E-06 -6.15E-05 1.10E-05 3.23E-07
0.08 3.20 8.07E-05 0.400 25.719 1.23E-07 4.62E-07 -6.91E-05 1.21E-05 4.38E-07
0.09 3.60 1.16E-05 0.400 25.964 1.24E-07 -2.27E-07 -6.86E-05 1.26E-05 5.61E-07
0.10 4.00 -5.70E-05 0.400 24.818 1.19E-07 -8.71E-07 -6.02E-05 1.23E-05 6.86E-07
0.11 4.40 -1.17E-04 0.400 22.450 1.08E-07 -1.40E-06 -4.52E-05 1.15E-05 8.05E-07
0.12 4.80 -1.62E-04 0.400 19.163 9.18E-08 -1.75E-06 -2.53E-05 1.01E-05 9.12E-07
0.13 5.20 -1.88E-04 0.400 15.361 7.36E-08 -1.89E-06 -3.05E-06 8.30E-06 1.00E-06
0.14 5.60 -1.91E-04 0.400 11.494 5.51E-08 -1.81E-06 1.90E-05 6.41E-06 1.08E-06
0.15 6.00 -1.72E-04 0.400 8.008 3.84E-08 -1.53E-06 3.82E-05 4.60E-06 1.13E-06
0.16 6.40 -1.34E-04 0.400 5.294 2.54E-08 -1.07E-06 5.25E-05 3.07E-06 1.17E-06
0.17 6.80 -8.10E-05 0.400 3.644 1.75E-08 -5.08E-07 6.05E-05 2.00E-06 1.20E-06
0.18 7.20 -2.06E-05 0.400 3.218 1.54E-08 1.00E-07 6.12E-05 1.49E-06 1.21E-06
0.19 7.60 4.07E-05 0.400 4.034 1.93E-08 6.81E-07 5.49E-05 1.59E-06 1.23E-06
0.20 8.00 9.56E-05 0.400 5.965 2.86E-08 1.17E-06 4.25E-05 2.27E-06 1.25E-06
0.21 8.40 1.38E-04 0.400 8.758 4.20E-08 1.51E-06 2.55E-05 3.44E-06 1.28E-06
0.22 8.80 1.64E-04 0.400 12.071 5.78E-08 1.67E-06 6.00E-06 4.95E-06 1.32E-06
0.23 9.20 1.70E-04 0.400 15.508 7.43E-08 1.63E-06 -1.36E-05 6.61E-06 1.38E-06
0.24 9.60 1.56E-04 0.400 18.671 8.94E-08 1.40E-06 -3.12E-05 8.24E-06 1.45E-06
0.25 10.00 1.25E-04 -0.400 20.403 9.77E-08 2.57E-07 -1.98E-04 9.64E-06 1.54E-06
0.26 9.60 -7.33E-05 -0.400 18.944 9.07E-08 -1.65E-06 -1.84E-04 9.90E-06 1.64E-06
0.27 9.20 -2.58E-04 -0.400 13.747 6.58E-08 -3.33E-06 -1.50E-04 8.25E-06 1.73E-06
0.28 8.80 -4.07E-04 -0.400 5.506 2.64E-08 -4.57E-06 -9.90E-05 4.92E-06 1.79E-06
0.29 8.40 -5.06E-04 -0.400 -4.748 -2.27E-08 -5.25E-06 -3.81E-05 3.53E-07 1.82E-06
0.30 8.00 -5.45E-04 -0.400 -15.785 -7.56E-08 -5.32E-06 2.55E-05 -4.90E-06 1.80E-06
0.31 7.60 -5.19E-04 -0.400 -26.313 -1.26E-07 -4.77E-06 8.45E-05 -1.02E-05 1.72E-06
0.32 7.20 -4.35E-04 -0.400 -35.138 -1.68E-07 -3.69E-06 1.32E-04 -1.50E-05 1.60E-06
0.33 6.80 -3.02E-04 -0.400 -41.288 -1.98E-07 -2.21E-06 1.63E-04 -1.87E-05 1.43E-06
0.34 6.40 -1.39E-04 -0.400 -44.129 -2.11E-07 -5.15E-07 1.75E-04 -2.09E-05 1.23E-06
0.35 6.00 3.61E-05 -0.400 -43.422 -2.08E-07 1.19E-06 1.66E-04 -2.14E-05 1.02E-06

Table 1.0 Numerical Solution by Average Acceleration Method (continuation)

ti pi ai (m/s2) pi pi (N) xi (m) vi (m/s)
ai (m/s2) vi (m/s) xi (m)
(sec (N) (Step 2.5) (N) (Step 2.1) (Step 2.2) (Step 2.3)
(Step 2.4) (Step 2.5) (Step 2.5)
0.36 5.60 2.02E-04 -0.400 -39.341 -1.88E-07 2.72E-06 1.39E-04 -2.02E-05 8.11E-07
0.37 5.20 3.41E-04 -0.400 -32.447 -1.55E-07 3.89E-06 9.57E-05 -1.75E-05 6.23E-07
0.38 4.80 4.37E-04 -0.400 -23.605 -1.13E-07 4.58E-06 4.30E-05 -1.36E-05 4.67E-07
0.39 4.40 4.80E-04 -0.400 -13.884 -6.65E-08 4.73E-06 -1.33E-05 -9.02E-06 3.54E-07
0.40 4.00 4.66E-04 -0.400 -4.426 -2.12E-08 4.33E-06 -6.66E-05 -4.29E-06 2.88E-07
0.41 3.60 4.00E-04 -0.400 3.690 1.77E-08 3.44E-06 -1.11E-04 4.55E-08 2.67E-07
0.42 3.20 2.89E-04 -0.400 9.567 4.58E-08 2.19E-06 -1.41E-04 3.49E-06 2.84E-07
0.43 2.80 1.48E-04 -0.400 12.588 6.03E-08 7.09E-07 -1.54E-04 5.68E-06 3.30E-07
0.44 2.40 -6.31E-06 -0.400 12.481 5.98E-08 -8.11E-07 -1.49E-04 6.38E-06 3.91E-07
0.45 2.00 -1.56E-04 -0.400 9.343 4.48E-08 -2.20E-06 -1.28E-04 5.57E-06 4.50E-07
0.46 1.60 -2.83E-04 -0.400 3.614 1.73E-08 -3.29E-06 -9.16E-05 3.38E-06 4.95E-07
0.47 1.20 -3.75E-04 -0.400 -3.979 -1.91E-08 -3.98E-06 -4.61E-05 8.47E-08 5.12E-07
0.48 0.80 -4.21E-04 -0.400 -12.513 -5.99E-08 -4.19E-06 3.54E-06 -3.90E-06 4.93E-07
0.49 0.40 -4.18E-04 -0.400 -20.981 -1.00E-07 -3.92E-06 5.15E-05 -8.09E-06 4.33E-07
0.50 0.00 -3.66E-04 0.000 -28.013 -1.34E-07 -2.82E-06 1.69E-04 -1.20E-05 3.33E-07
0.51 0.00 -1.97E-04 0.000 -32.038 -1.53E-07 -1.04E-06 1.87E-04 -1.48E-05 1.99E-07
0.52 0.00 -1.03E-05 0.000 -32.273 -1.55E-07 8.13E-07 1.83E-04 -1.59E-05 4.52E-08
0.53 0.00 1.73E-04 0.000 -28.791 -1.38E-07 2.52E-06 1.59E-04 -1.51E-05 -1.09E-07
0.54 0.00 3.31E-04 0.000 -22.093 -1.06E-07 3.90E-06 1.16E-04 -1.25E-05 -2.47E-07
0.55 0.00 4.48E-04 0.000 -13.032 -6.24E-08 4.78E-06 6.16E-05 -8.63E-06 -3.53E-07
0.56 0.00 5.09E-04 0.000 -2.714 -1.30E-08 5.10E-06 1.47E-06 -3.85E-06 -4.16E-07
0.57 0.00 5.11E-04 0.000 7.642 3.66E-08 4.82E-06 -5.73E-05 1.25E-06 -4.29E-07
0.58 0.00 4.53E-04 0.000 16.845 8.07E-08 4.00E-06 -1.08E-04 6.07E-06 -3.92E-07
0.59 0.00 3.46E-04 0.000 23.867 1.14E-07 2.73E-06 -1.45E-04 1.01E-05 -3.11E-07
0.60 0.00 2.01E-04 0.000 27.959 1.34E-07 1.19E-06 -1.64E-04 1.28E-05 -1.97E-07
0.61 0.00 3.68E-05 0.000 28.728 1.38E-07 -4.51E-07 -1.64E-04 1.40E-05 -6.30E-08
0.62 0.00 -1.27E-04 0.000 26.174 1.25E-07 -2.00E-06 -1.45E-04 1.35E-05 7.46E-08
0.63 0.00 -2.72E-04 0.000 20.679 9.91E-08 -3.27E-06 -1.10E-04 1.15E-05 2.00E-07
0.64 0.00 -3.82E-04 0.000 12.953 6.20E-08 -4.13E-06 -6.30E-05 8.27E-06 2.99E-07
0.65 0.00 -4.45E-04 0.000 3.942 1.89E-08 -4.50E-06 -1.02E-05 4.14E-06 3.61E-07
0.66 0.00 -4.55E-04 0.000 -5.282 -2.53E-08 -4.34E-06 4.24E-05 -3.61E-07 3.80E-07
0.67 0.00 -4.13E-04 0.000 -13.654 -6.54E-08 -3.68E-06 8.87E-05 -4.70E-06 3.55E-07
0.68 0.00 -3.24E-04 0.000 -20.234 -9.69E-08 -2.62E-06 1.24E-04 -8.38E-06 2.89E-07
0.69 0.00 -2.00E-04 0.000 -24.314 -1.16E-07 -1.29E-06 1.43E-04 -1.10E-05 1.92E-07
0.70 0.00 -5.70E-05 0.000 -25.490 -1.22E-07 1.60E-07 1.46E-04 -1.23E-05 7.59E-08

Table 1.0 Numerical Solution by Average Acceleration Method (continuation)

pi ai (m/s2) pi pi (N) xi (m) vi (m/s) ai (m/s2) vi (m/s) xi (m)
(N) (Step 2.5) (N) (Step 2.1) (Step 2.2) (Step 2.3) (Step 2.4) (Step 2.5) (Step 2.5)
0.71 0.00 8.90E-05 0.000 -23.704 -1.14E-07 1.55E-06 1.32E-04 -1.21E-05 -4.62E-08
0.72 0.00 2.21E-04 0.000 -19.241 -9.22E-08 2.73E-06 1.03E-04 -1.06E-05 -1.60E-07
0.73 0.00 3.24E-04 0.000 -12.685 -6.08E-08 3.56E-06 6.31E-05 -7.85E-06 -2.52E-07
0.74 0.00 3.87E-04 0.000 -4.844 -2.32E-08 3.96E-06 1.69E-05 -4.30E-06 -3.13E-07
0.75 0.00 4.04E-04 0.000 3.345 1.60E-08 3.89E-06 -3.00E-05 -3.43E-07 -3.36E-07
0.76 0.00 3.74E-04 0.000 10.932 5.24E-08 3.38E-06 -7.22E-05 3.55E-06 -3.20E-07
0.77 0.00 3.02E-04 0.000 17.062 8.17E-08 2.49E-06 -1.05E-04 6.93E-06 -2.67E-07
0.78 0.00 1.97E-04 0.000 21.067 1.01E-07 1.34E-06 -1.25E-04 9.42E-06 -1.86E-07
0.79 0.00 7.20E-05 0.000 22.544 1.08E-07 7.10E-08 -1.30E-04 1.08E-05 -8.48E-08
0.80 0.00 -5.78E-05 0.000 21.390 1.02E-07 -1.18E-06 -1.20E-04 1.08E-05 2.31E-08
0.81 0.00 -1.77E-04 0.000 17.808 8.53E-08 -2.26E-06 -9.61E-05 9.66E-06 1.26E-07
0.82 0.00 -2.74E-04 0.000 12.274 5.88E-08 -3.05E-06 -6.21E-05 7.40E-06 2.11E-07
0.83 0.00 -3.36E-04 0.000 5.475 2.62E-08 -3.47E-06 -2.19E-05 4.36E-06 2.70E-07
0.84 0.00 -3.58E-04 0.000 -1.772 -8.49E-09 -3.48E-06 1.98E-05 8.90E-07 2.96E-07
0.85 0.00 -3.38E-04 0.000 -8.623 -4.13E-08 -3.09E-06 5.81E-05 -2.59E-06 2.87E-07
0.86 0.00 -2.80E-04 0.000 -14.301 -6.85E-08 -2.35E-06 8.87E-05 -5.67E-06 2.46E-07
0.87 0.00 -1.91E-04 0.000 -18.184 -8.71E-08 -1.37E-06 1.08E-04 -8.03E-06 1.78E-07
0.88 0.00 -8.26E-05 0.000 -19.874 -9.52E-08 -2.51E-07 1.15E-04 -9.39E-06 9.05E-08
0.89 0.00 3.23E-05 0.000 -19.234 -9.21E-08 8.64E-07 1.08E-04 -9.65E-06 -4.68E-09
0.90 0.00 1.40E-04 0.000 -16.400 -7.86E-08 1.85E-06 8.91E-05 -8.78E-06 -9.68E-08
0.91 0.00 2.30E-04 0.000 -11.756 -5.63E-08 2.60E-06 6.04E-05 -6.93E-06 -1.75E-07
0.92 0.00 2.90E-04 0.000 -5.884 -2.82E-08 3.03E-06 2.54E-05 -4.33E-06 -2.32E-07
0.93 0.00 3.15E-04 0.000 0.509 2.44E-09 3.10E-06 -1.15E-05 -1.30E-06 -2.60E-07
0.94 0.00 3.04E-04 0.000 6.673 3.20E-08 2.81E-06 -4.61E-05 1.79E-06 -2.57E-07
0.95 0.00 2.58E-04 0.000 11.907 5.70E-08 2.21E-06 -7.46E-05 4.60E-06 -2.25E-07
0.96 0.00 1.83E-04 0.000 15.633 7.49E-08 1.36E-06 -9.36E-05 6.81E-06 -1.68E-07
0.97 0.00 8.96E-05 0.000 17.463 8.36E-08 3.89E-07 -1.01E-04 8.17E-06 -9.35E-08
0.98 0.00 -1.18E-05 0.000 17.236 8.26E-08 -6.05E-07 -9.74E-05 8.56E-06 -9.89E-09
0.99 0.00 -1.09E-04 0.000 15.035 7.20E-08 -1.50E-06 -8.23E-05 7.95E-06 7.27E-08
1.00 0.00 -1.91E-04 6.45E-06 1.45E-07

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00


Displacement (m) 1.00E-03


Time (sec)
Figure 4

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Velocity (m/s) 0.00E+00
Time (sec)

Figure 5

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90

Acceleration (m/s2)


Time (sec)
Figure 6
Based on this method, the maximum displacement is:
t max=0.00182 mm

The equivalent static force associated with this displacement is:

V max =k x max=10.927 N

The maximum shear force per column is 10.927/3 = 3.642 N

The total maximum moment is:
6 EI x max
M max= 2
=5.463 N . m

The maximum moment per column is 5.463/3 = 1.821 N.m

Chopra A. K. (2001). Dynamics of Structures Theory and Applications to
Earthquake Engineering, Second Edition
Clough R. W. (2003). Dynamics of Structures, Third Edition

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pFad v3 Proxy

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