Types of Female Pelvis
Types of Female Pelvis
Types of Female Pelvis
Female Pelvis is of four types. Actually these types are based on the shape of female pelvis. The shape of
female pelvis is very important from gynecological point of view. The anatomical shape of the female pelvis
should be suitable for the passage of baby through it. Otherwise, baby may get stuck inside the pelvis that
Let us discuss different types or shapes of female pelvis on by one and in brief detail.
1 .Gynaecoid Pelvis.
This is the most suitable female pelvic shape. This allow normal child birth with ease. It has round pelvic
inlet and shallow pelvic cavity with short ischial spines. All these feature allow rapid birth of the baby. So
2. Anthropoid Pelvis.
Anthropoid pelvis has oval shaped inlet with large anterio-posterior diameter and comparatively smaller
transverse diameter. It has larger outlet. The problem in this pelvis is the inlet. The diameters of inlet favors
the engagement of fetal head in occiput-posterior position that may slow down the progress of labor. If head
engages in anterior position then labor progress normally in most of the cases.
3. Android Pelvis.
Android shaped pelvis has triangular or heart-shaped inlet and is narrower from the front. It has prominent
ishial spines and also has narrower transverse outlet diameter. Such pelvis is more likely to be present in tall
women. African-Caribbean women are more at risk of having an adroid shaped pelvis. Child birth is difficult
and more complicated in android shaped pelvis than gynaecoid pelvis. Women have to push harder, walk
more often and chances of instrumental vaginal delivery are high. It may prolong the labor.
4. Platypelloid Pelvis.
Platypelloid pelvis is has narrow anterio-posterior diameter of pelvic inlet. The pelvic inlet is specifically
kidney shaped. The pelvic cavity is usually shallow and diameters of outlet are favorable for the process of
labor. But platypelloid pelvis dont allow the head to engage with ease. But if the head manage to engage
then rest of the process of labor may occur normally but in most of the cases it is longer as compared to
Also compare fetal head diameters with pelvic diameter by reading the following article.