E. Wierszewski C.V.
E. Wierszewski C.V.
E. Wierszewski C.V.
Emily A. Wierszewski
Seton Hill University
One Seton Hill Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
Publications “Conventional faces: Emoticons in instant messaging discourse.” Computers
and Composition. (Forthcoming) (with A. Garrison, P. Thomas, and
D.R. Remley).
Publications Introduction to genre. (2006). Reading and writing the college experience (4th
ed.). Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s. (With L. Straschewski)
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Presentations Where have you been, and where are you going?: Space and place as contributing factors to
teachers’ expectations for multimodal texts. (2010, October). Paper
presented at the English Association of Pennsylvania State
Universities (EAPSU) Annual Conference, Lock Haven, PA.
Facebook as a literacy sponsor. (2009, March). Paper presented at the CCCC, San
Francisco, CA. (With J. Castillo)
Making the space our own: Literacy sponsorship and social networking. (2007,
November). Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of
English (NCTE) Annual Convention, New York, NY.
Presentations Using Audacity in the classroom. (2009, August). Kent State University
Writing Program Workshop, Kent, OH.
Experience Assistant Professor, Seton Hill University, 2010-present
Advanced Study in Literature (1 section, Spring 2011)
Basic Composition (1 section, Fall 2010)
Seminar in Thinking and Writing (5 sections)
Writing for the Internet (1 section, Fall 2010)
Service Seminar in Thinking and Writing Instructors’ Sub-Committee on
Assessment, member (Seton Hill University) (Fall 2010)
Honors and
Awards Faculty Conference Travel Award, Seton Hill University (Fall 2010)
Affiliations Modern Language Association (MLA)