3rdgrade16 17ipdpform
3rdgrade16 17ipdpform
3rdgrade16 17ipdpform
1. Determine the purpose of the work that ties directly to student learning.
a. What is the goal for student learning?
Students will improve reading comprehension and fluency through
enrichment, practice or intervention while developing life-long reading habits.
Teachers will investigate research- based reading strategies to use as
interventions such as PRESS. Teachers will start by utilizing Read Naturally and
RAZ Kids (as well as as other tools to be determined) to provide practice for
students. Students participating in the Read Naturally intervention will have their
progress graphed and work with the teacher to set goals for themselves.
Requested support:
TQPD funds requested:
$100 or more to attend training or purchase materials
Signatures (Indicates the evaluator and teacher have discussed the progress on the
Professional Development Plan.)