3D Modelling of Rock Mass Falls Using The Particle Flow Code PFC3D
3D Modelling of Rock Mass Falls Using The Particle Flow Code PFC3D
3D Modelling of Rock Mass Falls Using The Particle Flow Code PFC3D
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Alexander Preh
TU Wien
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3D modelling of rock mass falls using the Particle Flow Code PFC3D
ABSTRACT: Rock mass falls are modelled as the movements of single rock blocks over a surface or as the movement of a
viscous mass over a surface (DAN). In reality a mass of discrete, interacting rock blocks is moving downslope. Thus, the
program PFC (Particle Flow Code) based on the Distinct Element Method was used to model rock mass falls realistically in
3 dimensions, based on physical relations. PFC models the movement and interaction of circular (2D) or spherical (3D)
particles and wall elements, using the laws of motion and of force - displacement. During the calculation, the contacts
between particles and particles or particles and walls are detected automatically. The particles may be bonded together at
their contact points, and the bondage can break due to an impact. For realistic modelling of a runout a viscous damping
routine in case of a particle wall contact was introduced. Numerical drop tests, comparisons with the results of a rock fall
program and back analyses of several rock mass falls provided appropriate damping factors. Thus, the movement types -
bouncing, sliding, rolling and free falling of single rock blocks - and the interaction between the blocks occurring in a rock
mass fall can be realistically modelled by using the PFC adapted code.
1 METHODS TO MODEL A ROCK MASS FALL absorption, friction, etc.) applied in rock fall programs
USING PFC (Hoek 1987, Spang & Rautenstrauch 1988).
C i = i C icrit (6)
2.1 Free falling
where Ccriti is the critical damping constant, which is given
In order to model the free falling of blocks, neither the
acceleration nor the velocity (ignoring the air resistance) is
to be reduced during fall as a consequence of mechanical (7)
Cicrit = 2mi = 2 mk i
PFC applies a local, non- viscous damping proportional to where i (i = n: normal, s: shear) is the natural frequency of
acceleration, to the movement of every single particle as a the undamped system, ki (i = n: normal, s: shear) is the
default. The local damping used in PFC is similar to that contact tangent stiffness, and m is the effective system
described in Cundall (1987). A damping-force term is added mass.
to the equations of motion, so that the damped equations of
motion can be written
&&(i) for i = 1K3; (2)
M (i) A (i) =
& (i 3) for i = 4K 6
where F(i), M(i), and A(i) are the generalized force, mass, and
acceleration components, I is the principal moment of
inertia, & is the angular acceleration and &x& is the
translational acceleration; F(i) includes the contribution from
the gravity force; and Fd(i) is the damping force
F(i) = F(i) sign( (i) ) i = 1K 6 (3) Figure 3. Viscous damping activated at a contact with the linear
contact model (Itasca 1999)
expressed in terms of the generalized velocity
x& (i) for i = 1K3; In rock fall programs, the rebound height of blocks
(i) = (4) touching the bedrock is calculated using restitution
(i 3) for i = 4K 6. coefficients. The restitution coefficient Ri (i = n: normal,
The damping force is controlled by the damping constant , s: shear) is defined as the ratio of the contact velocity before
whose default value is 0.7 and which can be separately and after the impact and can be defined as
specified for each particle. vif
This damping model is the best suited for a quick Ri = (8)
calculation of equilibrium. There arises, however, the
disadvantage of the movements of the particles being where vif (i = n: normal, s: shear) is the velocity of the block
damped as well. Therefore, the local damping has been after impact and vii (i = n: normal, s: shear) is the velocity
deactivated for all kinds of particle movements. of the object before impact. The relation between the
restitution coefficient Ri and the critical damping ratio i
2.2 Bouncing can be estimated by simulating drop tests (Fig. 4).
2 (13)
m r 2 rr = Frr rrr N c rr
5 t
m r 2 rr = m rr r rrr m g c rr .
5 t t
Figure 8. Deformation of the surface and distribution of contact
stresses Therefore, the angular deceleration is
g c rr (14)
rr = t
Due to these deformations, the distribution of contact 2
stresses between the ground and the block is asymmetric r (rrr r)
(Fig. 9). Replacing the contact stresses by equivalent static
contact forces results in a normal force N, which is shifted
rrr = r 2 c 2rr .
forward by the distance of crr , and a friction force Frr ,
opposing the direction of the movement.
The rolling resistance is implemented by adding the
r calculated increment of the angular velocity, to the angular
velocity calculated automatically by PFC at every time step
r (Equation 14).
i(t ) = i(t ) + rr,i (15)
c rr
r = [ ] . (16)
x s =
&& & r (11)
Figure 10a. Detached rock mass