Williams Bioreactors PDF
Williams Bioreactors PDF
Williams Bioreactors PDF
and certain sugars and organic acids. Frequently, the activi- Key issues in bioreactor design and operation
ty and desired selectivity occur in a substantially smaller The goal of an effective bioreactor is to control, contain
range of conditions than are present in conventional chemi- and positively influence the biological reaction. To accom-
cal reactors. Further, deactivation of the biomass often plish this, the chemical engineer must take into considera-
poses more severe consequences than a chemical upset. tion two areas. One is the suitable reactor parameters for
Rate is of secondary importance. For many biological sys- the desired biological, chemical and physical (macrokinet-
tems, an incubation period is needed to prepare a culture used ic) system. The macrokinetic system includes microbial
to inoculate the bioreactor with the producing microbes or growth and metabolite production. Microbes can include
their precursors. Although a bioreaction can be brief, in sys- bacteria, yeast, fungi, and animal, plant, fish and insect
tems where organism or biomass growth is necessary, the cells, as well as other biological materials.
bioreaction can take 1020 d for completion of the batch. Fur- The other area of major importance in bioreactor design
ther, the bioreactor should not be regarded as an isolated unit, involves the bioreaction parameters, including:
but as part of an integrated unit operation with both upstream controlled temperature
(preparation) and downstream (recovery) unit operations. optimum pH
sufficient substrate (usually a carbon source), such as
Products of bioreactions sugars, proteins and fats
Bioreaction products are formed by three basic processes: water availability
1. Processes in which the product is produced by the salts for nutrition
cells is either extracellular, e.g., alcohols or critic acid, or vitamins
intracellular, e.g., a metabolite or enzyme. Production of oxygen (for aerobic processes)
cellular products is divided into two types, based on when gas evolution and
they are produced within a biological cycle. Primary product and byproduct removal.
metabolites are produced during growth and are essential In addition to controlling these, the bioreactor must be
for continuing growth. Secondary metabolites are produced designed to both promote formation of the optimal morphol-
after growth has ceased. Primary metabolites include amino ogy of the organism and to eliminate or reduce contamina-
acids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbo- tion by unwanted organisms or mutation of the organism.
hydrates. Examples of primary products for industrial use This article will provide a description and overview of a
include ethanol, citric acid, acetone, butanol, lysine, variety of bioreaction systems, including both bioreactors
polysaccharides and vitamins. that are production-oriented and those used for environmen-
Secondary cellular products are formed from the inter- tal control. We will discuss the advantages and disadvan-
mediates and products of primary metabolism, and tend to tages of the various systems, with a brief mention of the
be specific to a species or group of organisms. Not all mi- typical applications for each. It is also worth noting here
croorganisms produce secondary metabolites, but they are that there is a wide variety of bioreaction systems, and any
widespread among the filamentous fungi and plants. Many attempt to categorize them by their various attributes will
secondary products have toxic or antibiotic properties and naturally result in some overlap of system characteristics.
are, as such, the basis of much of the antibiotic industry. We will not include all the various subtopics that may be
Production of enzymes via bioreactions has displaced inef- relevant, since the study of bioreactions is so expansive that
ficient extraction techniques with mutation and genetic ma- it would be impossible to include subtopics here in any de-
nipulation. Industrial enzymes find their home in baking, tail. Those subtopics not covered include: microbiology,
brewing, grain processing, dairy making, and in the pro- sterilization, rheology, mixing, agitator design, fluidization,
duction of detergents, juices, wines and other products. heat transfer, mass transfer, surface phenomena and trans-
2. Processes that produce a cell mass. Bakers yeast, used port enhancements, kinetics, hydrodynamics, scaleup, mod-
in the baking industry, is an example of a produced cell eling, instrumentation and process control. For the most
mass. Others include single-cell proteins for food sources. part, an abundance of literature exists on these conventional
3. Processes that modify a compound that is added to chemical processes, and the treatment is frequently directly
the fermentation process are referred to as biotransforma- applicable to bioreactors with only slight modifications to
tions. Biotransformations occur using the inherent enzy- accommodate for the living organisms involved in the pro-
matic capability of most cells. Cells of all types can be em- cess. For more in-depth reading on these topics, see the sec-
ployed to biocatalyze a transformation of certain com- tion on Further Reading at the end of this article.
pounds via dehydration, oxidation, hydroxylation, amina-
tion or isomerization. Enzymatic conversions frequently Bioreaction/fermentation technologies
exhibit lower activation energies and higher selectivity than Now we will discuss the engineering aspects and applica-
their chemical counterparts. Steroids, antibiotics and tions for a variety of bioreaction/fermentation technologies,
prostaglandins can all be produced via biotransformations. including the challenges of each and the advantages and dis-
advantages of the respective technologies. The various types
Gas Product
Figure 2. A tray bioreactor is loaded with the culture medium and Figure 3. Stirred-tank bioreactor uses baffles and an agitator for optimal
organisms, then airflow is started to initiate the reaction. mixing, and recycles biomass.
ther sterile or comprised of microorganisms is continuous- ism usually outgrows another. Chemostats are continuous-
ly fed into the bioreactor to maintain the steady state. Of flow stirred-tank bioreactors (CFSTRs) in an idealized
course, the product is also drawn continuously from the re- steady-state, i.e., the feed- and outlet-stream compositions
actor. The reaction variables and control parameters remain and flows are constant, and perfect mixing occurs within
consistent, establishing a time-constant state within the re- the CFSTR vessel. In chemostats, the outlet stream compo-
actor. The result is continuous productivity and output. sition is considered to be the same as within the bioreactor.
These systems provide a number of advantages, including: Bioreactors operated as chemostats can be used to enhance
Increased potential for automating the process. the selectivity for thermophiles, osmotolerant strains, or
Reduced labor expense, due to automation. mutant organisms with high growth rates. Also, the medi-
Less non-productive time expended in emptying, fill- um composition can be optimized for biomass and product
ing and sterilizing the reactor. formation, using a pulse-and-shift method that injects nu-
Consistent product quality due to invariable operat- trients directly into the chemostat. As changes are ob-
ing parameters. served, the nutrient is added to the medium supply reser-
Decreased toxicity risks to staff, due to automation. voir and a new steady state is established.
Reduced stress on instruments due to sterilization. A third advantage is the quality of the product. Because of
The disadvantages of continuous bioreactors include: the steady-state of continuous bioreaction, the results are not
Minimal flexibility, since only slight variations in the only more reliable, but also more easily reproducible. This
process are possible (throughput, medium composition, process also results in higher productivity per unit volume,
oxygen concentration and temperature). because time-consuming tasks, such as cleaning and steriliza-
Mandatory uniformity of raw material quality is nec- tion, are unnecessary. The ability to automate the process also
essary to ensure that the process remains continuous. renders it less labor-intensive, and, therefore, more cost-effi-
Higher investment costs in control and automation cient and less sensitive to the impact of human error.
equipment, and increased expenses for continuous steril- Along with the strengths of continuous bioreaction,
ization of the medium. there are inherent disadvantages that may make this pro-
Greater processing costs with continuous replenish- cess unsuitable for some types of bioreaction. For exam-
ment of non-soluble, solid substrates such as straw. ple, one challenge lies in controlling the production of
Higher risk of contamination and cell mutation, due to some non-growth-related products. For this reason, the
the relatively brief cultivation period. continuous process often requires feed-batch culturing,
Continuous bioreaction is frequently used for processes and a continuous nutrient supply. Wall growth and cell ag-
with high-volume production; for processes using gas, liquid gregation can also cause wash-out or prevent optimum
or soluble solid substrates; and for processes involving mi- steady-state growth.
croorganisms with high mutation-stability. Typical end prod- Another problem is that the original product strain can
ucts include vinegar, bakers yeast and treated wastewater. be lost over time, if it is overtaken by a faster-growing one.
The viscosity and heterogenous nature of the mixture can
Continuous vs. batch also make it difficult to maintain filamentous organisms.
There are several major advantages to using continuous Long growth periods not only increase the risk of contami-
bioreactions as opposed to the batch mode. First, continu- nation, but also dictate that the bioreactor must be extreme-
ous reactions offer increased opportunities for system in- ly reliable and consistent, incurring a potentially larger ini-
vestigation and analysis. Because the variables remain un- tial expenditure in higher-quality equipment.
changed, a benchmark can be determined for the process
results, and then the effects of even minor changes to phys- Semicontinuous bioreactions
ical or chemical variables can be evaluated. Also, by This hybrid of batch and continuous operations is found
changing the growth-limiting nutrient, changes in cell in many types of processes. One of the more frequently
composition and metabolic activity can be tracked. The used is initiating the bioreaction in the batch mode, until
constancy of continuous bioreaction also provides a more the growth-limiting substrate has been consumed. Then,
accurate picture of kinetic constants, maintenance energy the substrate is fed to the reactor as specified (batch) or is
and true growth yields. maintained by an extended culture period (continuous). For
Secondly, continuous bioreaction provides a higher de- secondary metabolite production, in which cell growth and
gree of control than does batch. Growth rates can be regu- product formation often occur in separate phases, the sub-
lated and maintained for extended periods. By varying the strate is typically added at a specified rate. Like batch reac-
dilution rate, biomass concentration can be controlled. Sec- tors, semicontinuous reactors are non-stationary. These
ondary metabolite production can be sustained simultane- systems provide a number of advantages, including:
ously along with growth. In steady-state continuous biore- Higher yield, resulting from a well-defined cultivation
action, mixed cultures can be maintained using chemostat period during which no cells are added or removed.
cultures unlike in batch bioreaction, where one organ- Increased opportunity for optimizing environmental
Anaerobic bioreactions
Anaerobic bioreactions are used in applications such as
ethanol production, winemaking, beer brewing and
wastewater treatment. Technologies are well established in
Gas Product wine, ethanol and beer production, with improvements re-
Supply Pump sulting from product improvements and manufacturing cost
reductions. Continuous bioreactors for beer have been
commercialized, however, batch fermenters continue to re-
Figure 6. A trickle-bed employs adhered, immobilized enzymes to
accomplish a reaction. ceive capital investments. Waste treatment is a field largely
considered to have matured with fully functional technolo-