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A beach
by John Russell
Growing up
For a child a beach is a wonderful place. Here I
found lots of space to run and play on the sand or
to swim in the water. Being a campsite there
were always lots of other families with children to An interesting hobby
play with. Another of my favourite activities was Sailing is a very serious activity in the UK, this
climbing on the rocks and cliffs around the beach. beach is no different. There are large racing
Rock pools were very educational places where I boats for three or more people, smaller boats
used to study the little fish and sea animals. (such as the Topper) for just one or two people,
Silence was also important; at school I was fishing boats and windsurfers. In fact people on
always surrounded by people and noise but the this beach are willing to try any type of water-
beach gave me the chance to be on my own and sport; water skiing, speed boating, even the
think, or read, away from anyone else. recent sport of sail surfing is becoming popular.
Over the years my family has had 4 different
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Podcasts Themes Beaches
boats, from a small Topper to a large Caprice for Galloway can be seen. Lots of photographers
racing. We have sailed, raced, and fished off the and artists come to the area (also known as the
boats, and have even capsized in bad weather a Solway) because they can capture such beautiful
few times. scenery.
Surroundings A refuge
If this beach had been next to a town or near a Even after 22 years, the beach is still a sanctuary
popular tourist area I dont think we would have for me. Its a place away from the rest of the
continued going there. But its location is very world where I can forget about lifes problems,
beautiful indeed. Its in the middle of green and just relax. In todays modern, busy world,
countryside with many different types of plants everyone should have a place like this.
and flowers, and in the background the hills of
Anchor (v): to make something or someone stay in Life Jacket (n): a piece of equipment, like a jacket
one position by fastening them firmly without sleeves, which is filled with air or light
Campsite (n): a piece of land where people on material and designed to help someone float if they
holiday can camp, usually with toilets and places for fall into water
washing Paradise (n): a place or condition of great
Capsized (v): to (cause a boat or ship to) turn happiness where everything is exactly as you would
upside down accidentally while on water like it to be
Capture (v): to record or take a picture of Refuge (n): (a place which gives) protection or
something using a camera shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc
Caravan (n): a wheeled vehicle for living or Rock pool (n): a small area of sea water contained
travelling in, especially for holidays, which contains by the rocks around it
beds and cooking equipment and can be pulled by Sanctuary (n): protection or a safe place
a car Tent (n): a shelter made of cloth, which you can fold
Cliff (n): a high area of rock with a very steep side, up and carry with you and which is supported by
often on a coast poles and ropes
Float (v): to stay on the surface of a liquid and not Water-sport (n): sports which take place on or in
sink water
Gulls (n): a sea bird with black and white or grey
and white feathers
After reading
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Podcasts Themes Beaches
Exercise 1: 1. In Dumfries and Galloway (Scotland); 2. 22 years; 3. Gatehouse of Fleet; 4. A campsite;
5. Rock Pools; 6. Life Jackets; 7. A sailing boat; 8. Sail surfing; 9. It has beautiful scenery; 10. Because
of the peace and quiet
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.