Felix Uy V COA
Felix Uy V COA
Felix Uy V COA
1 MSPB further
21 March 2000 | Puno, J. | Notice and explained that although the governor
Hearing when required may take measures to retrench or reduce
Petitioners: Felix Uy, Roman Cagatin, the work force, the 53 out of 106
James Enguito, and 57 others employees in the office were terminated
Respondents: COA, represented by Chair without showing that they were
Celso Gangan and Commissions Sofronio compared in terms of relative fitness,
Ursal and Raul Flores efficiency and length of service. There
was no other basis for terminating them
FACTS: except for lack of funds.
Petitioners were among the more than 60
permanent employees of the Provincial MSPB ordered the governor to reinstate
Engineering Office of Agusan del Sur who the dismissed employees which the
were dismissed from service by then Gov. governor refused to implement.
Ceferino Paredes, allegedly to scale down MSPB then directed the
the operations of said office. governor to show cause why he
should not be declared in
(July 11, 1988) A petition for contempt.
reinstatement was filed by petitioners
before the Merit Systems Protection The matter was brought before the Civil
Board (MSPB) Service Commission (CSC) which issued
They alleged that Gov. Paredes an Order (Dec. 14, 1993) directing the
was motivated by political governor to reinstate the employees with
vengeance when he dismissed the caveat that should he fail to do so,
them and hired new employees the CSC would be constrained to initiate
to replace them. contempt proceedings against him and
other responsible officials.
During the pendency of the petition, Gov.
Paredes issued Memorandum Order No. (March 21, 1994) CSC initiated indirect
3-A providing for the hiring of casual contempt proceedings against the
employees to replace the dismissed Provincial Governor who was by then,
employees, allegedly due to exigency of Democrito Plaza.