Behn Meyer vs. Yangco
Behn Meyer vs. Yangco
Behn Meyer vs. Yangco
?A sale of 80 drums of caustic soda was agreed between Behn, Meyer & Co. and Teo
doro Yanco. The merchandise was shipped from New York to Manila.
?However, the ship carrying the cargo was detained at Penang and the 71 of the 8
0 drums were removed. Respondent Yangco also refused to accept the 9 remaining a
nd also refused to accept the offer of Behn Meyer to have the products substitut
ed with other merchandise, which however were different from what was ordered.
?It must be noted that the contract provided for "c.i.f. Manila, pagadero agains
t delivery of documents."
?Yanco filed an action seeking for damages for alleged breach of contract.
Issue: WON Behn, Meyer & Co. should bear the burden of the loss of the merchandi
se? YES
Payment of freight by the seller = title of property does not pass until the goo
ds have reached their destination
On the other hand, if the seller is to pay the freight, the inference is equally
so strong that the duty of the seller is to have the goods transported to their
ultimate destination and that title to property does not pass until the goods h
ave reached their destination.
c.i.f. means Cost, Insurance and Freight = CFI is paid by the seller
The letters "c.i.f." found in British contracts stand for cost, insurance, and f
reight. They signify that the price fixed covers not only the cost of the goods,
but the expense of freight and insurance to be paid by the seller.
F.O.B. stands for Free on Board = seller bear all expenses until goods are deliv
In this case, in addition to the letters "c.i.f.," has the word following, "Mani
la." In mercantile contracts of American origin the letters "F.O.B." standing fo
r the words "Free on Board," are frequently used. The meaning is that the seller
shall bear all expenses until the goods are delivered where they are to be "F.O
Behn Meyer failed to prove that it performed its part in the contract
In this case, the place of delivery was Manila and plaintiff (Behn Meyer) has no
t legally excused default in delivery of the specified merchandise at that place
. In resume, we find that the plaintiff has not proved the performance on its pa
rt of the conditions precedent in the contract.
For breach of warranty, the buyer (Yanco) may demand rescission of the contract
of sale
The warranty the material promise of the seller to the buyer has not been compli
ed with. The buyer may therefore rescind the contract of sale because of a breac
h in substantial particulars going to the essence of the contract. As contemplat
ed by article 1451 of the Civil Code, the vendee can demand fulfillment of the c
ontract, and this being shown to be impossible, is relieved of his obligation. T
here thus being sufficient ground for rescission, the defendant is not liable.