Synopsis of The Novel "The White Horse Rider"
Synopsis of The Novel "The White Horse Rider"
Synopsis of The Novel "The White Horse Rider"
Hans Theodor Storm is the author of the novel "The white horse rider." Hauke sha
rk grows up with his father Tede sharks will reeve, Elke marries the daughter of
Deichgrafens Tede Volkert, and can build a new dike, but fails on the resistanc
e of the superstitious villagers, as his strength disappears. Hauke grew up in t
he North Frisian march, where he discovered as a boy his interest in mathematics
and dikes. He spent his entire youth mainly so to watch the sea and its effect
on the dikes. He comes early to the conviction that their form has improved. Hau
ke is Kleinknecht at reeve Tede Volkerts. Shortly after, he is from that often u
sed as a helper when to charge or dike Sielgebühren are. Hauke therefore, has a
good relationship with the reeve. The head-man Ole Peters sees his chance to ma
rry and Elke reeve to be dwindling due to Hauke Hauke and enemy. After the death
of the old dike, a successor is sought. Hauke can not become a reeve, as he own
s no land. Elke announce their engagement until then kept secret with Hauke. Thi
s increases Hauke's property to such an extent that it can be reeve. The choice
is Hauke sharks. The newly appointed reeve finds little support among the popula
tion. His ideas for improving the levees mean great financial burden and signifi
cant workload for the villagers who see no need to build a new dike. When the ol
d woman dies Trin Jans, Hauke falls more and more to superstition. Hauke sharks
can build a new dike, whose profile is very different from that of the old dikes
. The new dike to the lake to be considerably flatter than is usual. The biggest
opponent of the reeve Ole Peters, of the use of superstition, the villagers wil
l always muster against him. buys as Hauke a white horse, which he has since rid
ing constantly comes to the village rumor, it was stated that this mold is a gho
st horse whose bones lie on a small sandbar in Jevers Island off the coast and c
laim of the few, whether in Some nights have seen on this sand bank alive. The d
ike is now said to have tamed this ghost horse, making him the villagers uncanny
. Shortly after the completion of the dike trying to explain Hauke sharks the fa
rmers that the old dikes would have to be improved according to his model, he fa
ils and agrees to repair the old dikes. It does not take long before a severe st
orm surge breaks over the coast. Hauke's new dam holds the waters rose, but brea
ks of adjacent, repaired, old dyke. The reeve Elke see with their daughter Wienk
e in the flood
. Perish Then he drives his white horse into the fracture site and says that God
should take him and spare the other for it. He dies in the floods. I'm an old G
erman book would be harder to understand. With poetry I have much worse experien
ces. Something nice about this book is that it is culture from Schleswig-Holstei
n. The book is much better than I thought. The Hamburg Lesehefte publisher behin
d even a glossary of old German and reprinted by coastal people used words and a
time table Theodor Storms. The price of 1,60 â ¬ is also encouraging. I am pleasa
ntly surprised by this book and can only recommend. Introduction: 47 words Main
part: 421 words Final part: 81 Total Words: 549 (+5) Words