Pneumatic Hack Sawmachine

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Submitted by:
(Team name)


Guided by:

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the
Award of Diploma in
By the State Board of Technical Education
Government of
Tamilnadu, Chennai.

College name:





This Report is certified to be the Bonafide work done by

Selvan/Selvi ---------------- Reg.No. ------------ Of VI
Semester class of this college.

Guide Head of the Department

Submitter for the Practical Examinations of the board of

Examinations,State Board of Technical Education,Chennai,
TamilNadu.On --------------(date) held at the ------------
(college name),Coimbatore
Internal Examiner External Examiner




At this pleasing moment of having successfully

completed our project, we wish to convey our sincere thanks
and gratitude to the management of our college and our
beloved chairman------------------------.who provided all the
facilities to us.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our

principal ------------------for forwarding us to do our project and
offering adequate duration in completing our project.

We are also grateful to the Head of Department

prof., for her/him constructive suggestions
&encouragement during our project.

With deep sense of gratitude, we extend our earnest

&sincere thanks to our guide --------------------, Department of
Mechanical for her/him kind guidance and encouragement
during this project we also express our indebt thanks to our
---------- (college Name).




1 Introduction
2 Literature review
3 Description of equipments
3.1 Pneumatic control components
3.2 Valves
3.3 Hose
3.4 Pressure gauge
3.5 Vice
3.6 Filing
3.7 Control unit
4 Design and drawing
4.1 Machine component
4.2 Design calculation
5 fabrication
6 Working principle
7 Merits and demerits
8 applications
9 List of materials
10 Cost Estimation
11 Conclusion

Number Title

1 Piston Rod
2 piston
3 Double acting pneumatic cylinder
4 Hose
5 Solenoid valve
6 Base
7 Base up plate
8 Center plate
9 Moving cutter
10 Overall Diagram

A =Area of cylinder(m2 )

D=Diameter of Piston (m)

F =Force exerted on the piston (N)

H=Height (m)


P=Pressure (N/m2)

V=Volume (m3)

The pneumatic hack saw cutting and filing is a metal cutting

and filing machine tool designed to cut/filing metal by applying

pneumatic pressure. The machine is exclusively intended for mass

production and they represent the fast and more efficient way to cut a

metal. The slow speed operation is occurs in a grinding operation.

This machine is a multipurpose machine.

Hacksaw is used to cut thin and soft metals. The grinding shaft I

used to grinding operation by replacing the hacksaw frame. The

operation of the unit is simplified to a few simple operations involving

a cylinder block and piston arrangement. There are numerous types

of cutting machine in engineering field, which are used to full fill the

requirements. We are interested to introduce pneumatic system in

especially in cutting machine and also filling operation. The main

function of pneumatic cutting is to cut thin and soft metals by

pneumatic power.


A hacksaw is a fine-tooth saw with a blade under tension in a

frame, used for cutting materials such as metal or bone. Some have

pistol grips which keep the hacksaw firm and easy to grip.

Small hand-held hacksaws consist of a metal arch with a handle that

fits around a narrow, rigid blade. One edge of the blade has many

small saw teeth along almost its entire length. The blade can either

be attached such that the teeth face away from the handle, resulting

in sawing action when pushing, or be attached such that the teeth

face toward the handle, resulting in sawing action when pulling. On

the push stroke, the arch will bend a little, releasing the tension on

the blade. The blade is normally quite brittle, so care needs to be

taken to prevent brittle fracture of the blade.

A panel hacksaw eliminates the frame, so that the saw can cut into

panels of sheet metal without the length of cut being restricted by the

frame. Junior hacksaws are the small variant, while larger mechanical

hacksaws are used to cut working pieces from bulk metal.Large,

power hacksaws are sometimes used to replace a band saw in

machine shops.
Nowadays almost all the manufacturing process is being atomized in

order to deliver the products at a faster rate. The manufacturing

operation is being atomized for the following reasons.

To achieve mass production

To reduce man power

To reduce the work load

To reduce the fatigue of workers

To achieve good product quality

Less maintenance


A saw is a tool that uses a hard blade or wire with an abrasive edge

to cut through softer materials. The cutting edge of a saw is either a

serrated blade or an abrasive. A saw may be worked by hand, or

powered by steam, water, electric or other power.

In a modern serrated saw, each tooth is bent to a precise angle called

its "set". The set of the teeth is determined by the kind of cut the saw

is intended to make. For example, a "rip saw" has a tooth set that is

similar to the angle used on a chisel. The idea is to have the teeth rip

or tear the material apart. Some teeth are usually splayed slightly to

each side the blade, so that the cut width (kerf) is wider than the

blade itself and the blade does not bind in the cut.

An abrasive saw uses an abrasive disc or band for cutting, rather

than a serrated blade.

According to Chinese tradition, the saw was invented by Lu Ban. In

Greek mythology, Talos, the nephew of Daedalos, invented the saw.

In fact, saws date back to prehistory, and likely evolved from Neolithic
tools or bone tools. The early ancestors of man, in the Pleistocene

era, likely first used a jaw bone of a bovid animal as a saw.



Tool steel or carbide. Carbide is harder and holds a sharp edge

much longer.

In woodworking, a cut made at (or near) a right angle to the

direction of the grain of the work piece. A crosscut saw is used

to make this type of cut.

In woodworking, a cut made parallel to the direction of the grain

of the work piece. A rip saw is used to make this type of cut.

A circular saw blade with many small teeth designed for cutting

plywood with minimal splintering.





Mostly used in back saws because of its low price, its flow

characteristics that make the material relatively easy to cast,

and unlike other types of saw, the forces that take place in back

saws are relatively low because of the pulling motion used.


Used in almost every existing kind of saw. Because steel is

cheap, easy to shape, and very strong, it has the right

properties for most kind of saws.


Used only in saws for the really heavy cutting. It is very

expensive and comes in two shapes: ropes and circular saws.

Mostly used for cutting concrete and other materials with rock-

like structures or in softer materials, such as wood, where the

precision and high volume of work justifies the expense of

diamond-edged cutting tools. Diamond saws are made by

combining powder metal with diamond crystals, which are then

heated and pressed into a molding to form the diamond


Saws are most commonly used for cutting hard materials. They

are used extensively in forestry, construction, demolition,

medicine, and hunting.

Some saws are used as instruments to make music.

Chainsaw carving is a flourishing modern art form. Special

saws have been developed for this purpose.


A hacksaw is a fine-tooth saw with a blade under tension in a frame,

used for cutting materials such as metal or bone. Some have pistol

grips which keep the hacksaw firm and easy to grip.

A power hacksaw is a type of hacksaw that is powered either by its

own electric motor (also known as electric hacksaw) or connected to

a stationary engine. Most power hacksaws are stationary machines

but some portable models do exist. Stationary models usually have a

mechanism to lift up the saw blade on the return stroke and some

have a coolant pump to prevent the saw blade from overheating.

While stationary electric hacksaws are reasonably uncommon they

are still produced but saws powered by a stationary engines have

gone out of fashion. The reason for using one is that they provide a

cleaner cut than an angle grinder or other types of saw.


Cutting sheet metal can be done in various ways from hand

tools called tin snips up to very large powered shears. With the

advances in technology, sheet metal cutting has turned to computers

for precise cutting.

Cutting is the separation of a physical object, or a portion of a

physical object, into two portions, through the application of an

acutely directed force. An implement commonly used for cutting is the

knife or in medical cases the scalpel. However, any sufficiently sharp

object is capable of cutting if it has a hardness sufficiently larger than

the object being cut, and if it is applied with sufficient force. Cutting
also describes the action of a saw which removes material in the

process of cutting.

Cutting is a compressive and shearing phenomenon, and occurs only

when the total stress generated by the cutting implement exceeds the

ultimate strength of the material of the object being cut. The simplest

applicable equation is stress = force/area: The stress generated by a

cutting implement is directly proportional to the force with which it is

applied, and inversely proportional to the area of contact. Hence, the

smaller the area (i.e., the sharper the cutting implement), the less

force is needed to cut something.

When referring to propagating plants, cutting is one of the methods

that can be used. It involves cutting a part of the plant typically a

healthy shoot, with sharp and sterile scissors or any other cutting

device, and then placing the removed part in water. Some cuttings do

not require water. Certain shoots when cut are able to grow when

placed in vermiculite or potting soil. However, the former is the

easiest to do as most shoots when cut from the main plant need time

to grow roots, and then they are able to be transferred to potting soil.

The word pneuma comes from Greek and means wind. The

word pneumatics is the study of air movement and its phenomena is

derived from the word pneuma. Today pneumatics is mainly

understood to means the application of air as a working medium in

industry especially the driving and controlling of machines and


Pneumatics has for some considerable time between used for

carrying out the simplest mechanical tasks in more recent times has

Played a more important role in the development of pneumatic

technology for automation.

Pneumatic systems operate on a supply of compressed air

which must be made available in sufficient quantity and at a pressure

to suit the capacity of the system. When the pneumatic system is

being adopted for the first time, however it wills indeed the necessary

to deal with the question of compressed air supply.

The key part of any facility for supply of compressed air is by

means using reciprocating compressor. A compressor is a machine

that takes in air, gas at a certain pressure and delivered the air at a

high pressure.

Compressor capacity is the actual quantity of air compressed

and delivered and the volume expressed is that of that of the air at

intake conditions namely at atmosphere pressure and normal

ambient temperature.

The compressibility of the air was first investigated by Robot

Boyle in 1962 and that found that the product of pressure and

volumes of particular quantity of gas.

The usual written as

PV =C (or) PiVi =P2V2

In this equation the pressure is the absolute pressured which

for free is about 14.7Psi and is of courage capable of maintaining a

column of mercury, nearly 30 inches high in an ordinary barometer.

Any gas can be used in pneumatic system but air is the mostly used

system now a days.


Mechanization is broadly defined as the replacement of manual

effort by mechanical power. Pneumatic is an attractive medium for

low Cost mechanization particularly for sequential (or) repetitive

operations. Many factories and plants already have a compressed air

system, which is capable of providing the power (or) energy

requirements and control system (although equally pneumatic control

systems may be economic and can be advantageously applied to

other forms of power).

The main advantages of an all pneumatic system are usually

Economic and simplicity the latter reducing maintenance to a low

level. It can have out standing advantages in terms of safety.


Pneumatic systems use pressurized gases to transmit and

control power. Pneumatic systems typically use air as the fluid

medium because air is safe, low cost and readily available.


1. Air used in pneumatic systems can be directly exhausted back

In to the surrounding environment and hence the need of special

reservoirs and no-leak system designs are eliminated.

2. Pneumatic systems are simple and economical

3. Control of pneumatic systems is easier


1. Pneumatic systems exhibit spongy characteristics due to

compressibility of air.

2. Pneumatic pressures are quite low due to compressor design

limitations(less that 250 psi).


Pneumatic systems operate on a supply of compressed air, which

must be made available. In sufficient quantity and at a pressure to

suit the capacity of the system. When pneumatic system is being

adopted for the first time, however it wills indeed the necessary to

deal with the question of compressed air supply.

The key part of any facility for supply of compressed air is by means

using reciprocating compressor. A compressor is a machine that

takes in air, gas at a certain pressure and delivered the air at a high

pressure. Compressor capacity is the actual quantity of air

compressed and delivered and the volume expressed is that of the air

At intake conditions namely at atmosphere pressure and normal

ambient temperature.

Clean condition of the suction air is one of the factors, which

decides the life of a compressor. Warm and moist suction air will

result increased precipitation of condense from the compressed air.


1. Positive displacement compressor

2. Turbo compressor

Positive displacement compressors are most frequently employed for

Compressed air plant and have proved highly successful and supply

air for pneumatic control application.

The types of positive compressor

1. Reciprocating type compressor

2. Rotary type compressor

Turbo compressors are employed where large of air required at

low discharge pressures. They cannot attain pressure necessary for

pneumatic control application unless built in multistage designs and

are seldom encountered in pneumatic service.


Built for either stationary (or) portable service the reciprocating

compressor is by far the most common type. Reciprocating

compressors lap be had is sizes from the smallest capacities to

deliver more than 500m3/min.In single stage compressor, the air

pressure may be of 6 bar machines discharge of pressure is up to

15bars.Discharge pressure in the range of 250bars can be obtained

with high pressure reciprocating compressors that of three & four

stages. Single stage and 1200 stage models are particularly suitable

For applications, with preference going to the two stage design as

soon as the discharge pressure exceeds 6 bars, because it in

capable of matching the performance of single stage machine at

lower costs per driving powers in the range.


The pneumatic hacksaw cutting and filing machine is low cost

automation equipment which can be widely used in small scale

industries and automobile maintenance shops. Pressing speed is

high. The manpower requirement is reduced also reducing the

machining time.



3.1.1 Pneumatic cylinder:

An air cylinder is an operative device in which the state input

energy of compressed air i.e.penuamtic power is converted into

mechanical Output power, by reducing the pressure of the air to that

of the atmosphere.

3.1.1a) single acting cylinder:

Single acting cylinder is only capable of performing an

operating medium in only one direction. Single acting cylinders

equipped with one inlet for the operating air pressure, can be

production in several fundamentally different designs. Single

cylinders Develop power in one direction only.

Therefore no heavy control equipment should be attached to

them, which requires to be moved on the piston return stroke single

action cylinder requires only about half the air volume consumed by a

double acting for one operating cycle.

3.1.1 B) Double acting Cylinders:

A double acting cylinder is employed in control systems with the

full pneumatic cushioning and it is essential when the cylinder itself is

required to retard heavy messes. This can only be done at the end

positions of the piston stroke. In all intermediate position a separate

externally mounted cushioning derive most be provided with the

damping feature.

The normal escape of air is out off by a cushioning piston

before the end of the stroke is required. As a result the sit in the

cushioning chamber is again compressed since it cannot escape but

slowly according to the setting made on reverses. The air freely

enters the cylinder and the piston strokes in the other direction at full

Force and velocity.



The directional valve is one of the important parts of a pneumatic

system. Commonly known as DCV; this valve is used to control the

direction of air flow in the pneumatic system. The directional valve

does this by changing the position of its internal movable parts.

This valve was selected for speedy operation and to reduce the

manual effort and also for the modification of the machine into

automatic machine by means of using a solenoid valve.

A solenoid is an electrical device that converts electrical energy

into straight line motion and force. These are also used to operate a

mechanical operation which in turn operates the valve mechanism.

Solenoid is one is which the plunger is pulled when the solenoid is


The name of the parts of the solenoid should be learned so that

they can be recognized when called upon to make repairs,to do

service work or to install them.


1. Coil

The solenoid coil is made of copper wire. The layers of wire are

separated by insulating layer. The entire solenoid coil is covered with

a varnish that is not affected by solvents, moisture, cutting oil or often

fluids. Coils are rated in various voltages such as 115 volts

AC,230volts AC,460volts Ac,575 Volts AC.6Volts DC,12Volts DC,

24 Volts DC,115 Volts DC &230Volts DC.they are designed for such

Frequencies as 50Hz to 60Hz.

2. Frame

The solenoid frame serves several purposes. Since it is made

of laminated sheets, it is magnetized when the current passes

through the coil. The magnetized coils attract the metal plunger to

move. The frame has provisions for attaching the mounting. They are

usually bolted or welded to the frame. The frame has provisions for

receivers, the plunger. The wear strips are mounted to the solenoid

frame, and are made of materials such as metal or impregnated less

Fiber cloth.

3. Solenoid plunger

The solenoid plunger is the mover mechanism of the solenoid. The

plunger is made of steel laminations which are riveted together

under high pressure, so that there will be no movement of the

lamination with respect to one another. At the top of the plunger a

pin hole is placed for making a connection to some device. The

solenoid plunger is moved by a magnetic force in one direction

and is usually returned by spring action.

Solenoid operated valves are usually provided with cover either

the solenoid or the entire valve. This protects the solenoid from dirt

and other foreign matter, and protects the actuator. In many

applications it is necessary to use explosion proof solenoids.


The solenoid valve has 5 openings. These ensure easy exhausting of

5/2Valve.the spool of the 5/2 valve slide inside the main bore

according to spool position: the ports get connected and


The working principle is as follows.


When the spool is actuated towards outer direction port P gets

Connected to B and S remains closed while Agets connected to



When the spool is pushed in the inner direction port P and A

Gets connected to each other and B to S while port Rremains



The control valve is used to control the flow direction is called cut off

valve or solenoid valve. This solenoid cutoff valve is controlled by the

electronic control unit.

In our project separate solenoid valve is used for flow direction

of vice cylinder. It is used to flow the air from compressor to the single

acting cylinder.

3.2.2 Flow control valve:

In any fluid power circuit, flow control valve is used to control

the speed of actuator. The flow control can be achieved by varying

the area of flow through which the air in passing.

When area is increased, more quantity of air will be sent to

actuator as a result its speed will increase. If the quantity of air

entering into the actuator is reduced, the speed of the actuator is


3.2.3 Pressure control valve:

The main function of the pressure control valve is to limit (or)

Control the pressure required in a pneumatic circuit.

Depending upon the method of controlling they are classified as

1. Pressure relief valve

2. Pressure reducing valve


Pneumatic hacksaw machine is consists of a cutter. It is made

up of mild steel. The work piece is placed from the bottom of the

table. The cutter is moved with the help of pneumatic power, to cut

the work piece firmly against the fixed cutter.

3.3. Hoses:

Hoses used in this pneumatic system are made up of

polyurethane. These hose can with stand at a maximum pressure

level of 10 x105N/m2.


In our system there are two type of connectors used. One is the

Hose connector and the other is the reducer. Hose connectors

normally comprise an adopt hose nipple and cap nut. These types of

connectors are made up of brass (or) aluminum (or) hardened

pneumatic steel.

Pressure gauges are usually fitted with the regulators. So the

air Pressure adjusted in the regulator is indicated in the pressure

Gauge, is the line pressure of the air taken to the cylinder.

3.4 VICE:

A vise or vice (see under miscellaneous spelling differences) is a

mechanical screw apparatus used for holding or clamping a work

piece to allow work to be performed on it with tools such as saws,

planes, drills, mills, screwdrivers, sandpaper, etc. Vises usually have

one fixed jaw and another, parallel, jaw which is moved towards or

away from the fixed jaw by the screw.

Metalworkers' vises:
For metalworking, the jaws are made of metal which may be

hardened steel with a coarse gripping finish. Quick change removable

soft jaws are being used more frequently to accommodate fast

change-over on set-ups. They are also kept for use where

appropriate, to protect the work from damage.

Metalworking bench vises, known as engineers' or fitters' vises, are

bolted onto the top surface of the bench with the face of the fixed

jaws just forward of the front edge of the bench. The bench height

should be such that the top of the vise jaws is at or just below the

elbow height of the user when standing upright. Where several

people use the one vise, this is a counsel of perfection but is still a

good guide.

The nut in which the screw turns may be split so that, by means of a

lever, it can be removed from the screw and the screw and moveable

jaw quickly slid into a suitable position at which point the nut is again

closed onto the screw. Many fitters prefer to use the greater precision

available from a plain screw vise. The vise may include other features

such as a small anvil on the back of its body but it is in general, better

to separate the functions of the various tools.

Vise screws are usually either of an Acme thread form or a buttress

thread. Those with a quick-release nut use a buttress thread.

The word 'vise' comes ultimately, from the Latin word vitis (vine),

referring to the helical tendrils of the vine. The more direct source is

the French vis, screw.

Metalworking vises in Machine Shops

In high production machine work, work must be held in the

same location with great accuracy so CNC machines may perform

operations on an array of vises. To assist this, there are several

machine-shop specific vises and vise accessories.

Hard and soft machine jaws have a very important difference

between other metalworking vise jaws. The jaws are precision ground

to a very flat and smooth surface for accuracy. These rely on

mechanical pressure for gripping, instead of a rough surface. An

unskilled operator has the tendency to over-tighten jaws, leading to

part deformation and error in the finished work piece. The jaws

themselves come in a variety of hard and soft jaw profiles, for various

work needs. One can purchase machinable soft jaws, and mill the

profile of the part into them to speed part set-up and eliminate

measurement. This is most commonly done in gang operations,

discussed below. For rectangular parts being worked at 45 degree

angles, prismatic hard jaws exist with V grooves cut into them to hold

the part. Some vises have a hydraulic or pneumatic screw, making

setup not only faster, but more accurate as human error is reduced.
For large parts, an array of regular machine vises may be set up to

hold a part that is too long for one vise to hold. The vises' fixed jaws

are aligned by means of a dial indicator so that there is a common

reference plane for the CNC machine.

For multiple parts, several options exist, and all machine vise

manufacturers have lines of vises available for high production work.

The first step is a two clamp vise, where the fixed jaw is in the

center of the vise and movable jaws ride on the same screw to

the outside.

The next step up is the modular vise. Modular vises can be

arranged and bolted together in a grid, with no space between

them. This allows the greatest density of vises on a given work

surface. This style vise also comes in a two clamp variety.

Tower vises are vertical vises used in horizontal machining

centers. They have one vise per side, and come in single or

dual clamping station varieties. A dual clamping tower vise, for

example, will hold eight relatively large parts without the need

for a tool change.

Tombstone fixtures follow the same theory as a tower vise.

Tombstones allow four surfaces of vises to be worked on one

rotary table pallet. A tombstone is a large, accurate, hardened

block of metal that is bolted to the CNC pallet. The surface of

the tombstone has holes to accommodate modular vises across

all four faces on a pallet that can rotate to expose those faces

to the machine spindle.

New work holding fixtures are becoming available for five-axis

machining centers. These specialty vises allow the machine to

work on surfaces that would normally be obscured when

mounted in a traditional or tombstone vise setup.


A file (or hand-file) is a hand tool used to shape material by

cutting. A file typically takes the form of a hardened steel bar, mostly

covered with a series of sharp, parallel ridges or teeth. Most files

have a narrow, pointed tang at one end to which a handle can be

fitted. The rasp is a related tool which is generally larger and has

raised, pointed teeth on its surface rather than straight ridges.

Files come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and tooth

configurations. The cross-section of a file can be flat, round, half-

round, triangular, square, knife edge or of a more specialized shape.

There is no unitary international standard for file nomenclature;

however, there are many generally accepted names for certain kinds

of files.

A file's teeth can range from rough, coarse and bastard (meaning

intermediate) to second-cut, smooth and dead smooth. A single-cut or

mill file has one set of parallel teeth, while a cross-cut or double-cut

file has a second set at an angle to the first. In Swiss-pattern files the

teeth are cut at a shallower angle, and are graded by number, with a

number 1 file being coarser than a number 2, etc. Most files have

teeth on all faces, but some specialty flat files have teeth only on the

face or only on the edge, so that the user can come right up to

another edge without damaging the finish on it.

Some of the common shapes and their uses:

Hand files are parallel in width and tapered in thickness; they

are used for general work.

Joint round edge files are parallel in width and thickness, with

rounded edges. The flats are safe (no teeth) and cut on the

rounded edges only. Used for making joints and hinges.

Half round ring files taper in width and thickness, coming to a

point, and are narrower than a standard half round. Used for

filing inside of rings.

Barrette files are tapered in width and thickness, coming to a

rounded point at the end. Only the flat side is cut, and the other

sides are all safe. For doing flat work.

Checkering files are parallel in width and gently tapered in

thickness. They have teeth cut in a precise grid pattern, and are

used for making serrations and doing checkering work, as on


Crossing files are half round on two sides with one side having

a larger radius than the other. Tapered in width and thickness.

For filing interior curved surfaces. The double radius makes

possible filing at the junction of two curved surfaces or a

straight and curved surface.

Crochet files are tapered in width and gradually tapered in

thickness, with two flats and radiused edges, cut all around.
Used in filing junctions between flat and curved surface, and

slots with rounded edges.

Knife files are tapered in width and thickness, but the knife

edge has the same thickness the whole length, with the knife

edge having an arc to it. Used for slotting or wedging


Pippin files are tapered in width and thickness, generally of a

teardrop cross section and having the edge of a knife file. Used

for filing the junction of two curved surfaces and making V-

shaped slots.

Square files are gradually tapered and cut on all four sides.

Used for a wide variety of things.

Triangle files, also called three square files, are gradually

tapered and come to a point. Used for many things, cutting

angles less than 90 degrees, etc. It has been pointed out that

there's no such thing as a "three square". Triangle files are 60

degree angles, and "square" is 90 degrees. All this is true, but

triangle files are often called the term simply as a matter of

Round files, also called rat-tail files, are gradually tapered and

are used for many tasks that require a round tool, such as

enlarging round holes or cutting a scalloped edge.

Round parallel files are similar to round files, except that they

do not taper. Shaped like a toothed cylinder.

Equaling files are parallel in width and thickness. Used for

filing slots and corners.

Slitting files are parallel in width with a diamond shaped cross

section. Thinner than knife files and use for filing slots.

Pillar files are parallel in width and tapered in thickness for

perfectly flat filing. Double cut top and bottom with both sides

safe; these are long, narrow files for precision work.

Warding files are parallel in thickness, tapered in width, and

thin. Like a hand or flat file that comes to a point on the end.

Used for flat work and slotting.

Dreadnought (curved teeth) and millenicut (straight teeth)

files both have heavily undercut, sharp but coarse teeth. Both

can be used for rapidly removing large quantities of material

from thick aluminum alloy, copper or brass. Today, the millenicut

and dreadnought have found a new use in removing plastic

filler materials such as two-part epoxies or styrenes such as

those commonly used in automobile body repairs.

Files have forward-facing cutting teeth, and cuts most

effectively when pushed over the workpiece. Drawfiling involves

laying the file sideways on the work, and carefully pushing or pulling it

across the work. This catches the teeth of the file sideways instead of

head on, and a very fine shaving action is produced. There are also

varying strokes that produce a combination of the straight ahead

stroke and the drawfiling stroke, and very fine work can be attained in

this fashion. Using a combination of strokes, and progressively finer

files, a skilled operator can attain a surface that is perfectly flat and

near mirror finish. The grooves in a file may became clogged during

use, causing the file to lose its cutting ability and trapped shavings

can scratch the work surface. A file card can be used to clean the file.


The pneumatic high speed hacksaw machine. Air-operated device

used for many small operations. It is a portable one. Compressed air

is the source of energy for this device. The compressed air is

allowed. Here the compressed air from the compressor firstly enters

the Control unit. In the control unit the pressure of the air is






The pneumatic hack saw cutting and filing machine consists of

the following components to full fill the requirements of complete

operation of the machine.

1. Double acting pneumatic cylinder

2. Solenoid vale

3. Flow control valve

4. Connectors

5. Hoses

6. Saw frame

1. Double acting pneumatic cylinder:

Technical Data

Stroke length: cylinder stroke length 100mm =0.1m

Piston rod : 10mm =10 X10-3m

Quantity : 1
Seals : Nitride (Buna-N) Eastover

End cones : Cast iron

Piston : EN-8

Media : Air

Temperature: 0-80C

Pressure Range: 8N/m2

2. Solenoid Valve

Technical data

Size : 0.635x10-2m

Part size : G0.635x10-2m

Maximum pressure: 0-10 x10 5 N/m2


Quantity: 1

3. Flow control valve:

Technical data

Port size: 0.635 x 10-2 m

Pressure: 0-8 x105 N/m2

Media : Air

Quantity: 1
4. Connectors

Technical data

Max working pressure : 10 x105 N/m2

Temperature : 0-100C

Fluid media :Air

Material :Brass

5. Hoses

Technical data

Max pressure : 10 x105 N/m2

Outer diameter : 6mm =6 x 10-3 m

Inner diameter : 3.5mm =3.5 x10-3m

Pneumatic unit

Type of cylinder : Double acting cylinder

Type of valve : flow control valve &solenoid valve

Max air pressure : 8 x105 N/m2


Max pressure applied in the cylinder (p) : 8N/m 2

Area of cylinder (A) : (3.14/4*(D 2)

: 80.38cm2

: 80.38 X 10-4m2

Force exerted in the piston (F) : Pressures applied X area

Of cylinder.




The pneumatic cylinder mounded on the supporting horizontal this pneumatic piston rod is threaded to the cutter, with the

help of nut. The cutter is placed in side of the pneumatic stand; witch

is placed above the base of the machine. And the work piece is

placed at the bottom of the table,the base and it is welded part, and

the cutter is placed were the moving(reciprocating motion) direction.

Then the two hoses are connected from solenoid valve to the

cylinder. The air goes through the tubes. The tubes are also

connected by the nozzle head. The supporting stands are placed in

the base side by means of welding. Finally the unit is connected to

the compressor.
Chapter -6



The compressed air from the compressor reaches the solenoid

valve. The solenoid valve changes the direction of flow according to

the signals from the timing device. The compressed air passes

through the solenoid valve and it is admitted into the front end of the

cylinder block. The air pushes the piston for the cutting stroke. At the

end of the cutting stroke air from the solenoid valve reaches the rear

end of the cylinder block.

The pressure remains the same but the area is less due to the

presence of piston rod. This exerts greater pressure on the piston,

pushing it at a faster rate thus enabling faster return stroke. The

weight attached at the end of the hacksaw frame gives constant loads

which lower the hacksaw to enable continuous cutting of the work.

The stroke length of the piston can be changed by making suitable

adjustment in the timer. Cutting hack saw frame is removed in the

case of grinding operation. The above same procedure is occurring







There is no need of giving feed during every cut due to the

presence of weight.
The cutting /filing speed can be varied according to our needs
by adjusting the timer
It is portable
It does not have any prime mover, like electric motor related to
the unit.
As the air is freely available, we can utilize the air to cut metal
and hence it is economical.
Simple in construction than mechanical hacksaw


Only smaller size and soft metal can be cut

It is costlier than the mechanical hacksaw because of

compressor unit.

Less efficiency when compressed to mechanical device.

Leakage of air affects the working of the unit.




1. Agriculture

Crop forming

Stock breeding

Animal food industries


2. Utilities:

Power station

Nuclear engineering

Water supply

3. Mining

4. Chemical industry

5. Plastics and rubber industries

6. Stone, ceramic and glass industries

7. Metal industries:

Iron and steel

Non-ferrous metals


Scrap and recycled metals

8. Leather industry

9. Textile industry

10. Paper and printing industry

11. Filing industries





The various factors which determine the choice of material are

discussed below.
1. Properties:

The material selected must posses the necessary properties for

the proposed application. The various requirements to be satisfied

Can be weight, surface finish, rigidity, ability to withstand

environmental attack from chemicals, service life, reliability etc.

The following four types of principle properties of materials

decisively affect their selection

a. Physical

b. Mechanical

c. From manufacturing point of view

d. Chemical

The various physical properties concerned are melting point, thermal

Conductivity, specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific

gravity, electrical conductivity, magnetic purposes etc.

The various Mechanical properties Concerned are strength in tensile,

Compressive shear, bending, torsional and buckling load, fatigue

resistance, impact resistance, eleastic limit, endurance limit, and

modulus of elasticity, hardness, wear resistance and sliding


The various properties concerned from the manufacturing point

of view are,

Cast ability

Weld ability

Forge ability

Surface properties


Deep drawing etc.

2. Manufacturing case:
Sometimes the demand for lowest possible manufacturing cost or

surface qualities obtainable by the application of suitable coating

substances may demand the use of special materials.

3. Quality Required:

This generally affects the manufacturing process and ultimately

the material. For example, it would never be desirable to go casting of

a less number of components which can be fabricated much more

economically by welding or hand forging the steel.

4. Availability of Material:

Some materials may be scarce or in short supply. It then

becomes obligatory for the designer to use some other material which

though may not be a perfect substitute for the material designed. the

delivery of materials and the delivery date of product should also be

kept in mind.

5. Space consideration:

Sometimes high strength materials have to be selected because the

forces involved are high and space limitations are there.

6. Cost:

As in any other problem, in selection of material the cost of

material plays an important part and should not be ignored.

Some times factors like scrap utilization, appearance, and non-

maintenance of the designed part are involved in the selection of

proper materials.


1 Double acting 1 aluminum
pneumatic cylinder
2 Solenoid Valve 1 aluminum
3 Flow control valve 1 aluminum
4 hacksaw 1 M.S
5 Control unit 1 Electronic
6 PU tubes 5meter polyurethane
7 Base 1 M.S
8 Base up plate 1 M.S
9 Center plate 1 M.S
10 Filing tool 1 --





1 Double acting 1 aluminum
pneumatic Cylinder
2 Solenoid Valve 1 Aluminum
3 Flow Control Valve 1 Aluminum
4 hacksaw 1 M.S
5 Control unit 1 Electronic
6 PU Tubes 5 meter Polyurethane
7 Base 1 M.S
8 Base up plate 1 M.S
9 Center plate 1 M.S
10 Filing tool 1 --


Lathe, drilling, welding, grinding, power hacksaw, gas cutting cost

The overhead charges are arrived bymanufacturing cost

Manufaturing Cost =Material Cost +Labour Cost

Overhead Charges =20%of the manufacturing cost


Total cost = Material Cost +Labour Cost +Overhead Charges

Total cost for this project =




The project carried out by us made an impressing task in the

field of small scale industries and automobile maintenance shops. It

is very useful for the workers work in the lath and small scale


This project will reduce the cost involved in the concern. Project

has been designed to perform the entire requirement task at the

shortest time available.


1. Design data book -P.S.G.Tech.

2. Pneumatic handbook -R.H.warrning

3. Machine tool design handbook Central machine tool

Institute, Bangalore.

4. Strength of Materials -R.S.Kurmi

5. Manufacturing Technology -M.Haslehurst.

6. Design of machine elements- R.s.Kurumi


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