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Brief Communication 173

The Role of Surgery in Renal Cell Carcinoma with Pancreatic

YingHsu Chang1, ChuangChi Liaw2, ChengKeng Chuang1

Metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to the pancreas is uncommon and, in most cases, presents as
a single pancreatic mass that shows a more favorable prognosis than primary pancreatic tumors. We
examined patients with renal cell carcinoma metastatic to the pancreas, and discuss the clinical find
ings, treatment administered, and final outcomes. The present study is a retrospective analysis of renal
cell carcinoma patients with pancreatic metastasis. Pancreatic tumor specimens were obtained by
surgical excision, surgical biopsy, fineneedle biopsy, or endoscopic ultrasound biopsy. The surgical
approaches included distal splenopancreatectomy, total pancreatectomy, or distal pancreatectomy.
The physician determined the postoperative treatment regimen with interferon or targeted therapy
on the basis of patients performance. A total of six patients with median age of 50years were in
cluded in the study. The median time from the primary nephrectomy to the development of pancreatic
metastasis was 16years. In the biopsyonly group, the mean stable disease period was 16.5months.
In the patients treated with surgery combined with interferon or targeted therapy, the mean stable
disease period was 29.5months. The patients treated with repeat mastectomy showed a mean stable
disease period of 33.3months. Aggressive surgical management is more effective than observation or
immunotherapy. Recent advances in the design of targeted therapies may provide alternative treatment
strategies. Combination therapy may play an important role in the future. Considering patient compli
ance and costeffectiveness, resection of pancreatic metastasis is currently the first choice of treatment.
(Biomed J 2015;38:173-176)

Key words: n
 ephrectomy, pancreatic metastasis, pancreatic tumor, renal cell carcinoma

R enal cell carcinoma(RCC) is one of the most common

malignancies of the genitourinary tract. It accounts for
2-3% of all adult cancers.[1] Radical nephrectomy remains
After receiving internal review boards approval, the
the treatment of choice for localized renal tumors. However, data of six RCC patients who were treated at our hospital
recurrence occurs in approximately 20-30% of patients with for metastasis to the pancreas between 2005 and 2011 were
localized tumors, and in most cases, it occurs within a period retrospectively analyzed. All the data were obtained from the
of 3years.[2] The most common sites of recurrence are the medical records. Tumor staging was performed according to
lungs, liver, brain, and bones.[3] the 2002 American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM classi
Metastasis to the pancreas is uncommon in RCC pa fication. The diagnosis of pancreatic metastasis was based
tients. Most patients present with a single pancreatic mass on the clinical findings and image data, including abdominal
that shows a more favorable prognosis than primary pan computed tomographic(CT) or magnetic resonance imag
creatic tumors.[4] In the present study, the medical records ing(MRI) scans. The final diagnosis of metastatic RCC was
of six patients with RCC metastatic to the pancreas were confirmed by the histological examination. Pancreatic tumor
reviewed and the clinical findings, treatment administered, specimens were obtained by surgical excision, surgical bi
and the final outcomes are discussed. opsy, fineneedle biopsy, or endoscopic ultrasound biopsy.

From the 1Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou, Chang Gung University College of
Medicine, Taoyuan, Taiwan; 2Department of Internal Medicine, Division of HematoOncology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou,
Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Received: Dec. 25, 2013; Accepted: Jun. 08, 2014
Correspondence to: Dr.ChuangChi Liaw, Division of HematoOncology, Department of Internal Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital at Linkou 5, Fusing St., Gueishan, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan. Tel: 88633281200 ext 2103; Fax: 88633285818;
DOI: 10.4103/2319-4170.137771
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174 YingHsu Chang, etal.

Renal tumor with pancreatic metastasis

Surgical procedures, which included distal spleno In the biopsyonly group, one patient received
pancreatectomy, total pancreatectomy, or distal pancre shortterm(3months) sorafenib therapy, and died after
atectomy, were determined by the surgeon. Postoperative 3months. One patient received shortterm interferon
immunotherapy with interferon or targeted therapy was therapy owing to poor tolerance and was found with multiple
administered according to the performance of the patients metastases to the lungs and paraaortic lymph nodes at the
and was determined by the physician. 30month followup. The patient received targeted therapy
with sunitinib for 3months and was followed- up at our
RESULTS hospital. The mean stable disease period in the biopsyonly
group was 16.5months(range, 3-30months).
Table1 summarizes the characteristics of the patients. In the surgery group, one patient died during the
Atotal of six patients, with a median age of 50years(range, followup period and two patients received targeted therapy.
43-57years) were included in the study. All the patients One of the two patients underwent distal pancreatectomy and
underwent primary nephrectomy. All the tumors were adrenectomy and was treated with sorafenib for 11months.
diagnosed as clear cell carcinoma. The median time from The other patient received distal pancreatectomy and left
the primary nephrectomy to the diagnosis of pancreatic nephrectomy owing to tumor invasion and was followedup
metastasis was 16years(range, 2-27years). Four patients regularly with close observation. After 51months, the patient
had metastases to other organ: One to the liver, duodenum, had recurrence of pancreatic metastasis and liver metastasis
lung, and brain; one patient had left adrenal gland metastasis; and was treated with sunitinib for 3months. Of the two
one had left kidney involvement; and one had spleen and left patients treated with interferon and targeted therapy, one
retroperitoneal metastasis. One patient received total pan underwent total pancreatectomy followed by 45months of
createctomy, three patients received distal pancreatectomy interferon therapy, which was changed to sorafenib for
combined with metastasis site excision, and two patients 1month because of tumor progression. The patient died
received endoscopic or echoguided biopsy of the pancreas. 3month later. The other patient received distal pancreatec
The mean followup period from the time of confirmation of tomy, local tumor excision, and splenectomy and then regu
pancreatic metastasis was 36.8months(range, 3-60months), lar followup without adjuvant treatment[Figure1]. Twelve
and two patients died during this period. All the patients months later, the patient was found with right RCC, which
received targeted therapy with sunitinib or sorafenib, and was treated with cryotherapy. Recurrence of metastasis to
three patients were treated with interferon before receiv the head of the pancreas and duodenum was detected after
ing targeted therapy. 22months, and the patient received shortterm interferon

Table1: Summarizes the patients characteristics of RCC with pancreatic metastasis

Patient Age/ Primary Time to Combination with Surgical method Adjuvant therapy(period) Outcome
no. sex RCC site/ pancreas other metastasis
stage metastasis, years at diagnosis
1 57/M Right/ 15 Liver, duodenum, Biopsy Sorafernib(3 months) Die
unknown lung brain
2 50/F Left/ 2 Nil Biopsy Interferon 2times Alive
T3aN0M0 observation 30 months
sorafenib(4 months)
3 43/M Left/ 16 Nil Total Interferon (45 months) Die
T2N0M0 pancreatectomy Sorafenib(1 month)
4 55/F Left/ 6 Adrenal gland Distal pancrectomy+ Sorafenib(11 months) Alive
T3aN1M0 adrenectomy
5 45/F Right/ 27 Left kidney Distal Observation(51months) Alive
T1aN0M0 pancreatectomy+left sunitinib(3 months)
6 55/F Left/ 16 Spleen, left Distal Observation(12 months) Alive
T2N0M0 retroperitoneal pancratectomy+ right kidney cryotherapy
splenectomy+local observation(10 months)
excision pancreas recurrent
Interferon (3 months)
Whipple operation
observation (27 months)
right kidney RCC recurrent
sunitinib(8 months)
Abbreviations: RCC: Renal cell carcinoma; M: Male; F: Female

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March - April 2015
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YingHsu Chang, etal. 175

Renal tumor with pancreatic metastasis

therapy(3months) followed by a Whipple procedure and yond 20years for the detection of recurrence or metastatic
regular followup without local recurrence. Twentyseven disease.[8]
months later, the patient had local RCC recurrence and was The current approaches to the treatment of meta
treated with sunitinib for 8months. The patient was still alive static RCC include immunotherapy with interferon,
and was followedup at our clinical department at the time targeted therapy, or one of these therapies combined with
of the study. For the patients treated with surgery combined metastatectomy. Motzer etal., reported that the median
with interferon or targeted therapy, the mean stable dis progressionfree survival with interferon was 5months
ease period was 29.5months(range, 10-51months). In the and the response rate was 6%.[9] In our study, one patient
patients receiving repeat metastasectomy, the mean stable received immediate postoperative adjuvant therapy with
disease period was 33.3months(range, 10-51months). interferon until disease progression(45months). On the
other hand, shortterm interferon therapy in one patient
DISCUSSION after biopsy resulted in a stable disease period of 36months.
In two patients treated with surgery and observation only, the
The pancreas is a rare site for tumor metastasis, and ap
diseasefree periods were 12 and 51months, respectively.
proximately 2-3% of all pancreatic tumors are metastatic.[5]
In one patient was pancreas recurrence received surgery
Metastasis to the pancreas occurs mostly from kidney, lung,
breast, colon, and skin cancers, and is often associated with and remained diseasefree for 27months. The present data
diffuse systemic disease.[6] Although RCC can metastasize revealed that the patients treated with or without immuno
to any organ through the venous and lymphatic systems, therapy maintained a long stabledisease period.
the most common sites of metastasis are the lungs, bones, Targeted therapy for the treatment of metastatic RCC
liver, and brain.[3] In the present study, only six cases with was introduced in recent years. Most of these drugs are
metastatic pancreatic cancer were identified. used for the treatment of clear cell typeRCC. Motzer etal.,
Local recurrence or late distant metastasis is common reported a partial response rate for sunitinib of 34-40% and
in RCC. McNichols etal., reported that 11% of patients a median progressionfree survival of 8.3-8.7months.[10,11]
undergoing primary nephrectomy well develop metastatic For sorafenib therapy, Escudier etal., reported that the
disease after 10years.[7] The longest period between the progressionfree survival was 5.5months and the median
primary cancer and the development of pancreatic metas overall survival rate was 19.3months.[12] In a study on the
tasis was 15-22years.[5,8] In the present study, the longest effect of bevacizumab, Escudier etal., showed that the
period was 27years. Wente etal., suggest that the followup combination of the inhibitor with interferon resulted in
period in patients with earlystage RCC should extend be a progressionfree survival period of 10.2months and a re
sponse rate of 31%.[13] Temsirolimus therapy has been mostly
used for the treatment of RCC patients with poor progno
sis, and the median overall survival rate was 10.9months
in a study by Hudes etal., which was superior to that of
interferon therapy(7.3months).[14] Everolimus was used
for the treatment of patients who failed to respond to tyrosine
kinase inhibitor, and the median progressionfree survival
A B was 4months.[15] Despite the effectiveness of these drugs for
the shortterm control of disease progression, they have been
associated with serious adverse events.[9,13-15] In addition, the
high cost of targeted therapy is an important limiting factor
for the patients and the health insurance administration.
Targeted therapy may therefore be more suitable for the
treatment of patients with multiple metastases that cannot
be complete eliminated surgically.
Figure1: (A) A 55yearold man with left RCC received left radical
Another important issue in RCC with metastasis to the
nephrectomy and showed local tumor recurrence at the tail of the pancreas is whether pancreatic metastatectomy is indicated
pancreas, spleen, and left retroperitoneum(arrow). (B) Twelve or not. Zerbi etal., reported favorable disease control and
months later, right renal RCC was diagnosed(arrow). (C) Twentytwo survival rates in patients who underwent surgery compared
months later, recurrence at the head of the pancreas and metastasis with nonsurgical patients, with 5year survival rates of
to the duodenum were observed(arrow). (D) After a Whipple
operation(pancreaticoduodenectomy) and regular followup without 88% and 47%, respectively and median diseasefree sur
local recurrence for 27months, recurrence at the right kidney was vival periods of 44 and 27months, respectively.[16] In a
found(arrow). recent review, Tanis etal., reported that the 2-and 5year

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March - April 2015
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176 YingHsu Chang, etal.

Renal tumor with pancreatic metastasis

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Biomed J Vol. 38 No. 2

March - April 2015

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