++nuclear Physics
++nuclear Physics
++nuclear Physics
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Table of Contents
1. Radioactive Split
2. The Nucleus
3. Nucleus Hypothesis
4. Artificial Radioactivity
5. The Radiations
6. The Coherences
7. The Laser
9. Raman Spectrum
12. Summary
Radioactive Split
Radioactive Split
Nuclear Fission
In 1939, two German scientists Hahn and Strassman observed that when uranium nucleus (Z=92) was
bombarded with neutrons, it splitted up into two radioactive nuclei which were identified as isotopes of
barium (Z=56) and krypton (Z=36). Frisch and Meitner called this phenomenon as `nuclear fission'.
Thus, nuclear fission is a process in which a heavy nucleus, after capturing a neutron, splits up into two
lighter nuclei of comparable masses. The product nuclei are called `fission fragments'. The process is
accompanied by the release of a few fast neutrons and a huge amount of energy in the form of the
kinetic energy of the fission fragments, and also as g-rays (Fig.).
Nuclear Physics
The natural uranium is a mixture of two isotopes, 92U238 and 92U235 in the ratio 145:1. The isotope
238 can be fissioned only by the `fast' neutrons having energy above 1 MeV, while 92U235 can be
fissioned by quite slow neutrons also, say by thermal (0.03 eV-energy) neutrons. Thus when a slow
neutron strikes 92U235 nucleus, it is captured and a highly unstable nucleus 92U236 is formed which at
once breaks up into two fragments with the emission of two or three fast neutrons. A wide range of
fission fragments is possible. One of the typical fission reactions is
In general, the fission fragments are found to be the radioactive isotopes of elements lying in the mass
number range roughly from 70 to 160. All fragments undergo several b-decays (electron emissions) until
they reach some stable end-product.
Later researches showed that besides uranium, other nuclei are also assignable. Thorium (90Th232) and
protactinium (91Pa231) can be fissioned by fast neutrons, whereas the transuranium element plutonium
(94Pu239) and an artificial isotope of uranium (92U238) can be fissioned by thermal neutrons.
Radioactive Split
Bohr-Wheeler Theory of Nuclear Fission : We know that U238 can be fissioned by fast neutrons only
(having energy 1.0 MeV or more), while U235 is fissionable by fast as well as by slow neutrons. An
explanation of this observation was given by Bohr and Wheeler in terms of the liquid-drop model of the
A nucleus is like a spherical drop of an incompressible liquid which is held in equilibrium by a balance
between the short-range, attractive forces between the nucleons and the repulsive electrostatic forces
between the protons. The internucleon forces also give rise to surface tension forces which maintain the
"spherical" shape of the drop (Fig.).
When the nucleus-drop captures a neutron, it becomes a compound nucleus of very high energy. The
energy added to the nucleus is partly the kinetic energy of the incident neutron and partly the binding
energy of the same neutron which it releases on being captured. This excitation energy initiate rapid
oscillations within the drop which at times become ellipsoidal in shape (Fig. b). The surface tension
forces tend to make the drop return to its spherical shape, while the excitation energy tends to distort the
shape still further. If the excitation energy is small, the nucleus oscillates until it eventually loses its
excitation energy by g-emission (radiative capture) and returns to the spherical shape. If the excitation
energy is sufficiently large, however, the nucleus may attain the shape of a dumbbell (Fig. c). When this
happens, the repulsive electrostatic forces between the two parts of the dumbbell overcome the attractive
forces between nucleons and the splitting takes place. Each splitted part becomes spherical in shape (Fig.
d). Thus there is a threshold activation energy required to produce stage (c) after which the compound
nucleus is bound to split.
Nuclear Physics
The activation energy required to induce fission in various heavy nuclei can be calculated from the
liquid-drop model. It gives following values for the Uranium nuclei :
When a neutron is captured by one of these nuclei, an energy equal to the corresponding activation
energy must be supplied if fission is to occur. The actual energy supplied is equal to the sum of the
kinetic energy and the binding energy of the neutron. For U235, the binding energy released by the
captured neutron in forming U236 is 6.8 MeV. This is greater than the required 6.4 MeV of energy.
Hence fission would occur even if the kinetic energy of the incident neutron is near zero. This is why the
thermal neutrons (energy 0.03 eV) cause fission in U235.
For U238, however, the binding energy released by the captured neutron in U239 is only 5.5 MeV which
is less than the required 6.6 MeV by l.l MeV. The incident neutron must therefore have a kinetic energy
of atleast l.l MeV to induce fission. This is the reason that U238 can be fissioned by fast neutrons only,
with energy above 1 MeV.
For the same reason the nuclei 92U233 and 94Pu239 are fissionable by slow neutrons, while 90Th232 and
91Pa can be fissioned by fast neutrons only.
Fission Fragments : In a given nucleus the fission may occur in a number of different ways. In general,
the fissionable nucleus gives two fission fragments which thereafter decay by b-emission into stable end-
products. What particular fragments are produced by the given nucleus is a matter of chance. For
example, in case of the fission of U235 by thermal neutrons, a
Radioactive Split
wide-range of primary fission-fragments having mass numbers roughly between 70 (Fig.) and 160 is
possible. The mass distribution of the fission fragments may be shown by a `fission yield curve', in
which the percentage yields of the different fragments are plotted against mass number (Fig.). The curve
shows that the splitting of U235 nucleus into two fragments of equal mass (A 118) has only a 0.01%
chance of occurring; whereas the formation of fragments with mass numbers 95 and 140 is most likely
(7%). About 97% of the U235 nuclei undergoing fission give fragments which fall into two groups, a
lighter group with mass numbers from 85 to 104, and a heavier group with mass numbers from 130 to
Neutron Emission in Nuclear Fission : An important feature of nuclear fission is the emission of fast
neutrons. Most of them (more than 99%) are emitted almost instantaneously ( within 10_14 sec) with
the fission process. These are called `prompt' neutrons. They have an energy distribution, with an
average energy of 2 MeV. In addition, a few neutrons (less than 1% of the total) are emitted a short time
later (ranging from 0.05 sec to 1 min) after the fission has occurred. These are called `delayed' neutrons.
On the average, 2.5 neutrons are emitted per fission.
The reason of the emission of the prompt neutrons is as follows. The heavy nuclei have a greater neutron/
photon ratio than the medium-mass nuclei. Therefore when a heavy nucleus
Nuclear Physics
splits into lighter nuclei, the primary fission fragments have a n/p ratio which is too large for their
stability. In other words, the fragments are overloaded with neutrons. Hence they liberate few neutrons
as soon as they are formed. These are the prompt neutrons.
The liberation of prompt neutrons does not completely eliminate the neutron-overloading of fission
fragments. Therefore as a further means of decreasing n/p ratio, the fragments undergo a chain of b-
decays attended by the emission of g-rays until stable end-products are reached. In a few cases neutrons
are emitted
Energy Released in Nuclear Fission : The binding energy per nucleon for nuclei of intermediate mass
is greater than that of heavy nuclei by about 1 MeV. Hence fission of a heavy nucleus into two lighter
nuclei of intermediate masses is bound to release a large amount of energy. This energy release is the
most striking aspect of nuclear fission.
A rough estimate of the energy released per fission can be made by using the binding energy curve
(Fig.). The curve shows that heavy nuclei whose mass numbers are near 240 have binding energies of
about 7.6 MeV per nucleon; while fission fragments whose mass numbers lie in the range roughly from
70 to 160 have binding energies of about 8.5 MeV per nucleon. Thus the fission fragments have, on the
average, binding energy of about 0.9 MeV per nucleon greater than the (heavy) nucleus which has been
fissioned. Hence 0.9 MeV/nucleon is released during the fission. The total amount of energy released
per fission of a compound nucleus U236 (which has 236 nucleons) is thus
or roughly 200 MeV. This is much larger than the energy liberated in nuclear reactions (other than
fission) which is of the order of 10 MeV. (The energy liberated in an ordinary
Radioactive Split
chemical reaction is only a few electron volts. The energy released per fission is distributed roughly as
200 MeV
Thus we see that most of the (84%) energy released during fission goes into the kinetic energy of the
fission fragments, 5% is given off as kinetic energy of neutrons and g-rays which are emitted at the time
of fission, and the remainder (11%) appears as radioactivity of the fission, fragments which decay to
form stable end-products.
Chain-reaction : When a neutron fissions a uranium nucleus then, besides the fission fragments, a few
fast neutrons are also emitted. If one or more of the emitted neutrons are used to fission other nuclei,
further neutrons are produced and the process is repeated. The reaction thus becomes self-sustained and
is known as a chain reaction (Fig.).
Nuclear Physics
The chain reactions may be of two types :
(i) Uncontrolled Chain Reaction : If more than one of the neutrons emitted in a particular fission cause
further fissions, then the number of fissions increases rapidly with time. Since a large amount of energy
is liberated in each fission, within a very short time the energy takes a tremendous magnitude and is
released as a violent explosion. This is what happens in a nuclear bomb. Such a chain reaction is called
an "uncontrolled" reaction.
(ii) Controlled Chain Reaction : If by some means, the reaction is controlled in such a way that only one
of the neutrons emitted in a fission causes another fission, then the fission rate remains constant and the
energy is released steadily. Such a chain reaction is called a "controlled" reaction. It is used in a nuclear
General Condition for a Self-Sustained Chain ReactionCritical Size :In the fission of uranium
nuclei, 2.5 neutron are, on the average, emitted per fission. Not all of these neutrons are available for
further fissions. Some of them escape through the surface of the uranium, while many are lost in non-
fission processes such as radiative capture by the nuclei of uranium and other materials present. Hence
the basic condition that must be satisfied for sustaining a chain reaction is that on the average, at least
`one' of the 2.5 neutrons born per fission must cause another fission. This requirement may be stated by
means of a constant k defined as :
k is known as `neutron multiplication factor'. If k < 1, the chain reaction will slow down and stop. If k_
1, the reaction
Radioactive Split
will proceed at a steady rate. If k > 1, however, the reaction will grow to an explosive rate. These
situations are known as `sub-critical' `critical' and `super-critical' respectively.
In a nuclear bomb, values of k considerably greater than 1 are needed ; while in a nuclear reactor, k is
required to be 1 or only slightly greater than 1.
In order to have the neutron multiplication factor greater than 1, the rate of production of neutrons must
be larger than the rate of their loss. If the uranium is in the form of a solid sample, the rate of production
of neutrons will be proportional to its volume while the rate of their escape will be proportional to the
surface area. Since for a given volume, the sphere has the smallest surface area, the uranium should be
taken in the form of a sphere.
Now, let us consider a uranium sphere of radius R. Let N1 be the number of neutrons produced in a given
time-interval, N2 the number of neutrons lost in non-fission processes and N3 the number escaped
through the surface in the same time-interval. N1 and N2 will be proportional to the volume, while N3
will be proportional to the surface area of the sphere. Thus
N1 pR3 = C1 R3,
N2 pR3 = C2 R3,
N1 > N2 + N3
or C1 R3 > C2 R3 + C3R2
or C1 R > C2 R + C3
or (C1 _ C2) R > C3
Nuclear Physics
or R > = C (say).
C is known as the critical size of the sample. Thus, in order to achieve a self-sustained chain reaction,
the size (or mass) of the sample must be greater than a critical value C. Below the critical size (or
critical mass) the chain reaction would not occur.
Further, even if we take a piece of natural uranium in a size greater than the critical value, the chain
reaction would not develop in it. The reason is that the neutrons emitted in a fission carry an energy of
about 2 MeV. Such `fast neutrons' have a much larger probability of being scattered by U238
than fissioning it. In this process their energy is reduced to below 1 MeV and then they are captured by
U238 without fission. U235 nuclei, however, can be fissioned by fast neutrons but they are insignificantly
small in number (only 0.7%) in natural uranium.
The isotope U235 can, however, be separated from natural uranium and then used as fissionable material.
It can be fissioned by neutrons of all energies and has a much larger probability of fission than radiative
capture. Hence, once a fission is initiated, the chain reaction is built up at an explosive rate.
Achievement of Controlled Chain Reaction : A different way of carrying out a chain reaction in
`natural' uranium is to rapidly slow down the emitted neutrons to thermal energies ( 0.03 eV) by means
of moderators. The fission probability of U235 by thermal neutrons is very large. Therefore, inspite of
the very small concentration of U235 in natural uranium, fissions of U235 occur slightly more frequently
than the radiative (non-fission) capture of these neutrons both by U235 and U238. Hence the neutron
reproduction factor becomes very slightly greater than 1 and the chain reaction continues at almost a
steady rate. This method is employed in a nuclear reactor.
Radioactive Split
Function of Moderator
A controlled chain-reaction is obtained in a nuclear reactor by slowing down the neutrons emitted in
nuclear fissions. This is achieved by colliding the (fast) neutrons with such nuclei which have a small
probability for neutron capture but a large probability for neutron scattering. A substance whose nuclei
have these properties is called a `moderator'. The nuclei of the moderator absorb energy from the
colliding neutrons which are then scattered with reduced energy. The energy-loss is maximum if the
nuclei are of the same mass as neutrons. Heavy water (D2O) which has heavy-hydrogen nuclei, and pure
graphite which has carbon nuclei are the best moderators. About 250 collisions are required to reduce
the energy of a neutron from 2 MeV to thermal energy in heavy water and about 100 collisions in
graphite. When heavy water is the moderator, the uranium is taken in the form of very small particles of
uranium oxide suspended in the (heavy) water. The reactor using it is said to be `homogeneous'. When
graphite is the moderator, then uranium is taken in the form of rods distributed through the graphite in
the form of a lattice. The reactor using it is said to be `heterogeneous'.
Pu239 versus U235 as Fissionable Material : Pu239 has almost same fission properties as U235. Hence
both can be used for fissioning. But, however, the separation of U235 from natural uranium (99.3% U238
+ 0.7% U235) is not easy. The reason is that U235 and U238 have same chemical properties and so they
cannot be separated from each other by any chemical method. They can be separated either by thermal
diffusion or in a mass spectrograph. These processes are, however, very slow and expensive because of a
very small fractional difference in the masses of U235 and U238 and the very small relative concentration
of U235.
Pu239 is produced by neutron bombardment of U238 and is a chemically different element. Therefore it
can be easily
Nuclear Physics
separated from uranium by chemical methods. Hence Pu239 is now being used all over in nuclear bombs
and nuclear reactors.
Atom Bomb
An atom bomb, infact a nuclear fission bomb, is a device in which an uncontrolled chain reaction is built
up in a fissionable material by means of fast neutrons. It then releases tremendous amount of energy in a
very short time.
The bomb consists essentially of two pieces of U235 (or Pu239), which are kept separated in a massive
cover of a high-density material (Fig.). The mass of each piece is below the critical value so that any
stay neutron, either from cosmic rays or produced by spontaneous fission, is unable to start a chain
reaction. Thus, so long the two pieces are kept separated, they are perfectly stable and safe.
When an explosion is required, the two pieces are brought rapidly together (in a time less than a
microsecond) by means of some device so that the total mass becomes supercritical (greater than the
critical value). As soon as this happens, the stray neutrons initiate chain reaction in which fast neutrons
rapidly multiply and within a few millionths of a second the reaction acquires an explosive nature.
An idea of the rate of energy released in a nuclear bomb having 1 kg of uranium can be made in the
following way :
In a nuclear chain reaction the number of neutron N, available to produce fission at any time t is given
N = Noe(k _ 1) t/t
Radioactive Split
where k is the neutron multiplication factor and t is the mean life-time of fission neutrons, t is the time
which elapses between the emission of a fission neutron and the production by this neutron of a further
fission neutron. The average value of t in a nuclear bomb is one nano-second (10_9 sec). Therefore the
increase in the neutron population after 1 microsecond
(t = l0_6 sec) is given by (taking k =1.1).
Thus within a micro-second the neutrons multiply many millions of times which are sufficient to fission
all the 1024 uranium nuclei present in 1 kg. Since each fission produces about 200 MeV of energy, an
amount of 2 l026 MeV of energy could be released within 1 micro-second. This will constitute a large
In the explosion, a temperature of the order of 107 C and a pressure of several million atmospheres is
developed. Large quantities of radioactive material and blinding flashes of light are also produced. All
objects and living creatures within a range of hundreds of kilometers are completely destroyed. The
radioactive dust formed is carried away by air-currents to distant places causing loss beyond description.
The bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had released an amount of energy equivalent to that from
20,000 tons of TNT. It was called a 20-kiloton bomb.
An upper limit is set to the size of a fission bomb by the practical difficulty of combining more than two
pieces at exactly the same time, and because each of the pieces must be below the critical size so that it
can be transported safely.
Nuclear Reactor
A nuclear reactor, or a nuclear pile, is a device in which a self-sustaining, controlled chain reaction is
produced in a
Nuclear Physics
fissionable material. It is thus a source of controlled energy. The main parts of a modern reactor are as
follows :
(i) Fuel : The fissionable material, known as fuel, plays the key role in the operation of a reactor.
Uranium enriched with the isotope U235, or Pu239, is used as fuel.
(ii) Moderator : The moderator slows down the neutrons to thermal energies by elastic collisions
between its nuclei and the fission neutrons. The thermal neutrons have a very high probability of
producing fission in U335 nuclei. Heavy water, graphite and beryllium oxide are most suitable
(iii) Control Rods:These are the rods of cadmium (or boron) which are used to control the fission rate in
the reactor. Cadmium and boron are good absorbers of slow neutrons. Therefore, when the rods are
pushed into the reactor, the fission rate decreases, and when they are pulled out, the fission grows.
(iv) Shield : Since nuclear fissions produce various types of radiations which are dangerous to human
life, the reactor is surrounded by a concrete wall about 2 meter thick and containing a high proportion of
elements like iron.
(v) Coolant : The energy is released inside the reactor in the form of heat which is removed by means of
a cooling agent, known as coolant. The carbon dioxide gas is the main coolant in a reactor. It is
circulated through the interior of the reactor by a pumping system.
(vi) Safety Device : In an emergency, if the reactor begins to go too fast, a special set of control rods,
known as shut-off rods, drop in automatically. They immediately absorb the neutrons so that the chain
reaction stops entirely.
Radioactive Split
Construction : One type of nuclear reactor is shown in Fig. It consists of a large number of uranium
rods placed in a calculated geometrical lattice between layers of pure graphite (moderator) blocks. To
prevent oxidation of uranium and also to preserve the gaseous fission products, the rods are covered by
close-fitting aluminium cylinders. The control rods are so inserted in the lattice that they can be raised or
lowered between the uranium rods whenever necessary. The whole reactor is surrounded by a concrete
Working : The actual operation of the reactor is started by raising the control rods so that they do not
absorb many neutrons. Even a single neutron is capable of starting fission and there are always a few
stray neutrons present either from the cosmic radiation or from a spontaneous fission. As soon as a
neutron strikes a U235 nucleus and fissions it, two or three fast neutrons are emitted. These neutrons are
slowed down from energies of several MeV to energies of less than 1 eV by collision with moderator
nuclei, after which they induce further fission in U235. The reaction, once started, is controlled by
moving the control rods in and out.
Nuclear Physics
Carbon dioxide is pumped rapidly through the reactor to carry away the heat generated by the fission of
the uranium nuclei. The hot carbon dioxide gas passes through a heat-exchanger where it gives up its
heat to water and converts it into steam. This steam drives the turbines and generates electric power.
The size of the reactor may be reduced by using heavy water as a moderator (in place of graphite). It,
being lighter, slows the neutrons more effectively.
Neutron Cycle : The neutron balance in a thermal reactor can be described in terms of a cycle. For
simplicity we assume that the reactor is infinitely large so that there is no leakage of neutrons through its
surface. Let us start with the fission of U235 nucleus by a thermal neutron. In this process, suppose N0
fast neutrons are emitted. These neutrons have an energy above the fission threshold for U238 and so
some of these may produce fission in U238 before colliding with moderator nuclei, causing a fractional
increase . The number of fast neutrons available is now N0 where is called the fast fission factor', is
usually about 1.03.
The N0 neutrons diffuse through the pile and are slowed down by collisions with moderator nuclei.
However, a few of them are captured by U288 before they are slowed down to thermal energies. If p is
the fraction which escapes resonance capture, the number of thermal neutrons now available is Nop,
where p is called `resonance probability'. p is usually 0.95.
Of these Nop thermal neutrons, only a fraction f may succeed in producing fission in U235, others being
lost by absorption in other materials, such as the moderator, the control rods, the metal casing, impurities
in uranium, etc. Thus the number of U235 nuclei undergoing fission is N0pf, where f is called the
`thermal utilisation factor', and is always less than1.
Radioactive Split
If each thermal fission in U235 produces h `fast' neutrons to start the cycle over again, then the total
number of neutrons after one cycle, or one generation, is
N = N0pfh.
k= = pfh.
For the steady operation of the reactor at a particular power level, k must be equal to 1. The reactor is
then said to be `critical. The condition is achieved by varying the factor f by adjustment of control rods.
If k < 1 then the chain reaction stops and the reactor becomes sub-critical. If k > 1, the fissions increase
from cycle to cycle and the reactor becomes supercritical.
While most of the fission neutrons are emitted promptly, about 0.7% are emitted a short time later after
the fission has occurred. These delayed neutrons help in increasing the over-all average life-time of
fission neutrons. The average life-time of the prompt neutrons in a graphite reactor is about 1 milli-
second (10_3 sec) but with the inclusion of the delayed neutrons the over-all average increases to 0.1
second. Thus sufficient time is available for adjusting the control rods. If all the neutrons were prompt,
the reactor would become supercritical and would be unmanageable.
Applications : The nuclear reactors are used mainly for the following purposes :
(i) Production of Pu239: The ordinary uranium reactor is used to produce plutonium (Pu239) which is a
Nuclear Physics
fissionable material than U235. The neutrons in the reactor which do not participate in the fission chain-
reaction of U235, are absorbed by U238 and convert it into a heavier isotope U239 :
92U is an unstable nucleus. It emits a b-particle and is converted into a new heavier element,
neptunium (93Na239) :
Since plutonium is a new element and is different in chemical properties from uranium, so it can easily
be separated from uranium. It is used in nuclear reactors and in nuclear bombs in place of U235. The
critical size of Pu239 is smaller compared to that of U235 for the fission chain-reaction. Therefore, the use
of Pu239 is economical compared to U235.
(ii) Production of Neutron Beam : Fast-moving neutrons are emitted by the fission of U235 in the reactor.
By converging these neutrons into a fine beam, artificial disintegration of other elements are studied.
(iii) Production of Radio-Isotopes : Artificial radioactive isotopes of many elements are produced in the
reactor. For this, the element is placed in the reactor and bombarded with fast-moving neutrons. These
radio-isotopes are utilised in medicines, biology, agriculture, industries and scientific discoveries.
(iv) Generation of Energy : The energy produced in reactors is used to run electric-generators. Thus
nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy. It is used at power
Radioactive Split
stations to generate electricity on a large scale which runs industries. Nuclear energy can be used in
place of coal and patrol for driving the engines and for the propulsion of ships, submarines and aircrafts.
Thermal Reactor and Breeder Reactor : The reactors in which energy is produced by the fission of
U235 by slow neutrons, are called `thermal reactors'. Since the major part in ordinary uranium is U238
(U235 is only 0.7%), therefore the fission of U235 is very costly, and this would lead to an early depletion
of uranium reserves. We know that besides U235, Pu239 and U238 are also fissionable substances. So
Pu239 is produced from U238 in many nuclear reactors. In addition to it, U233 is also produced from
Th232. The quantity of the substance produced (Pu239 and U233) in these reactors is more than the
quantity of substances (U238 and Th232) consumed. Such reactors are called breeder reactors'.
Nuclear Fusion
When two or more very light nuclei moving at very high speeds are fused together to form a single
nucleus, then this process is known as `nuclear fusion'. The mass of the product nucleus is less than the
sum of the masses of the nuclei which are fused. The lost mass is converted into energy which is
released in the process. This property of the light nuclei is shown by the binding energy curve (Fig.), in
which the average binding energy per nucleon rises rapidly with increase in mass number in the range of
low mass number nuclei.
For example, two deuterons (heavy-hydrogen nuclei) can be fused to form a tritron (tritium nucleus)
according to the following reaction :
The tritron so formed can further fuse with a third deuteron to form an a-particle (helium nucleus):
Nuclear Physics
3 2 4 1
1H + 1H 2He + 0n + 17.6 MeV energy.
The net result of the two reactions is the burning of three deuterons and the formation of an a-particle
(2He4), a neutron (0n1) and a proton (1H1). The total energy released is 21.6 MeV, so that the energy
released per deuteron burnt is 7.2 MeV. Most of the liberated energy appears as kinetic energies of
neutron and proton.
Alternatively, the fusion of three deuterons into an aparticle can take place as follows :
The energy output in a fusion reaction (21.6 MeV) is much less than the energy released in the fission of
a U235 nucleus which is about 200 MeV, But this does not mean that fusion is a weaker energy-source
than fission. The number of deuterons in 1 gram of heavy hydrogen is much larger than the number of
U235 nuclei in 1 gm of uranium. Therefore, the energy output per unit mass of the material consumed is
much greater in case of the fusion of the light nuclei than in case of the fission of heavy nuclei.
The fusion process is, however, not easy to carry out. Since the nuclei to be fused are positively charged,
they would repel one another strongly. Hence they must be brought very close together not only by high
pressure but also with high kinetic energies ( 0.l MeV). For this, a temperature of the order of 108
Kelvin is required. Such high temperatures are available in the sun and stars. On earth they may be
produced by exploding a nuclear fission bomb. Since very high temperatures are needed for the fusion of
nuclei, the process is called a `thermonuclear reaction', and the energy released is called as
`thermonuclear energy'.
Radioactive Split
Difference between Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion : These two nuclear processes are opposite in
nature but give a common result namely, the liberation of large amount of energy. The fission is the
splitting of a `heavy' nucleus under neutron bombardment into lighter radioactive nuclei whose
combined mass is less than the mass of the original nucleus. The lost mass is converted into energy. The
energy when released in an uncontrolled manner produces destruction (as in a bomb), but if released
steadily it can be used for peaceful purposes (as in a reactor).
The fusion, on the other hand, is the joining of two or more `light' nuclei into a single nucleus whose
mass is less than the sum of the masses of the joining nuclei. Again, the lost mass is converted into
energy. This process happens at very high temperature and under very high pressure. The energy
released in fusion is uncontrolled, though efforts are being made to control the fusion energy.
Hydrogen Bomb
It is a nuclear fusion bomb (also called as thermonuclear bomb), based upon the fusion of heavy-
hydrogen nuclei. Since fusion takes place under the extreme conditions of high pressure and high
temperature, a fission bomb must be used as igniter of a fusion bomb.
The central core of a hydrogen bomb is a uranium (or plutonium) fission bomb which is surrounded by
the fusable material such as lithium hydride (LiH2), a compound of heavy hydrogen. Thus, in turn, is
surrounded by uranium. When the central fission bomb explodes, enormous temperature and pressure
are produced and the fusion of surrounding heavy-hydrogen nuclei starts. The fast neutrons produced in
fusion produce further fissions in the outer layer of uranium. Thus a fusion chain reaction is developed
and a tremendous amount of energy is released.
Nuclear Physics
The size of a fission bomb cannot be increased beyond a limit because in it the fissionable material is
kept in two pieces, and the size of each piece should be less than the critical size. There is no such
restriction on the size of hydrogen bomb. The material to be fused may be taken in it in any quantity.
Once the fusion is initiated, it can spread throughout any mass of the material. Therefore, a fusion bomb
is much more destructive than the fission bomb.
The fusion of nuclei is an uncontrolled process. Till now, there is no available method of controlling the
release of fusion energy. Therefore, its only use so far is destructive.
To carry out controlled nuclear fusion, it is necessary to set up and maintain a temperature of the order
of 108 K in a limited volume. At such a high temperature the atoms are entirely stripped of their
electrons so that the fusable material is a completely ionised gas called `plasma. The plasma thus
consists of atomic nuclei and electrons in rapid random motion. The main problem is the design of a
"container" in which the hot plasma can be contained under the required high pressure. No vessel of any
substance can be a container because it would immediately evaporate.
Moreover, the contact of plasma with the walls of the vessel will result in its cooling. Attempts are being
made to retain the plasma is a circular magnetic field created by means of a current pulse of the order of
a million amperes (Fig.). The magnetic forces on the moving charged plasma particles make them travel
along paths in a limited part of space. This is known as "pinch effect."
Radioactive Split
The achievement of controlled fusion will provide mankind with almost limitless source of energy. This
is because the main fusion fuel is heavy hydrogen which is found in abundance in the sea water
(whereas the fission fuel uranium is limited). Further, the products of fusion are, in general, not
radioactive. Therefore, the problem of the disposal of the radioactive waste will not arise.
Solar Energy
The sun has been radiating energy at an enormous rate for billions of years. The source of the continuous
supply of energy remained a mystery for a long time. Chemical reactions in the sun cannot supply this
energy. The reason is that even if the sun were composed entirely of carbon, then its complete
combustion would supply energy at the present rate for only a few thousand years. In that case the sun
would have burnt long ago.
Helmholtz suggested that the sun is continuously contracting and so its gravitational energy is being
converted into heat energy. But calculations show that contraction could supply not more than one
percent of the actual energy output. Hence gravitational contraction can also not be a possible source of
solar energy.
Nuclear fission of heavy nuclei must also be ruled out because the abundance of heavy elements in the
sun is too small to account for the observed rate of energy emission.
Nuclear Physics
Infact, the process responsible for the solar energy is the fusion of light nuclei into heavier nuclei. About
90% of the solar mass is composed of hydrogen and helium, and the rest 10% contains other elements,
mainly the lighter ones. The temperature of the interior of the sun is estimated to be about 2 107 K. At
such a high temperature the molecules dissociate into atoms, and atoms are completely ionised to form a
hot plasma. Fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei is continuously taking place in this plasma,
with the continuous liberation of energy.
It is unlikely in the solar conditions that four hydrogen nuclei would fuse together directly to form a
helium nucleus. This may take place through a cycle of processes, however. Two such cycles have been
proposed ; the carbon cycle and the proton-proton cycle.
Carbon Cycle : This cycle was proposed by Bethe in 1939 to account for the energy radiated by the sun.
In this cycle the fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nucleus takes place in the sun through a series of
nuclear reactions in which carbon acts as a catalyst. These reactions occur in the following order:
14 + 1H1 8O15 + g
15 7N15 + +1b0 + v
The net result is the fusion of four hydrogen nuclei into a helium nucleus with the emission of two
positrons (+1b0) and 24.7 MeV of energy. The nucleus 6C12 which starts the cycle reappears in the final
reaction. The emitted positrons combine with two electrons and are annihilated, producing about 2
Radioactive Split
MeV of energy. Thus about 26.7 MeV of energy is released for every helium nucleus formed. Enormous
number of such fusions can simultaneously take place in the sun.
Proton-Proton Cycle : Another possible cycle of reactions is the proton-proton cycle which occur in the
following sequence:
Multiplying each of the equations and (ii) by 2, and then adding all the three, we get
In this cycle of reactions, the reactions (i) and (ii) must occur twice for the reaction (iii) to take place.
The net result is again the fusion of four hydrogen nuclei into a helium nucleus with the emission of two
positrons. Approximately same energy is released per cycle as in the carbon cycle.
In the sun, whose interior temperature is estimated to be 2 107 K; the proton-proton cycle has the
greater probability for occurrence. In general, the carbon cycle is more efficient at high temperatures,
while the proton-proton cycle is more efficient at low temperatures. Hence stars hotter than the sun
obtain their energy (known as stellar energy) largely from the carbon cycle, while those cooler than the
sun obtain the greater part of their energy from the proton-proton cycle.
The sun is emitting energy at the rate of about 4 1026 joule/ second. Because of this, the solar mass is
reducing at the rate of about 4 109 kg/second. Thus, the sun is annihilating at a very high rate. But the
annihilated mass is still very much less than the total mass of the sun which is about 2 1030 kg. It is
estimated that the sun will be emitting energy at the present rate for the next one thousand crore (1011)
Nuclear Physics
The energy equivalent of 1 amu is 931.5 MeV. Therefore, the energy released in the fission of a U235
= = 2.56 1021.
Hence the energy released in the fission of 1 gm of U235 i.e, in 2.56 l021 fissions is
Radioactive Split
= 1000 3600sec
2. Calculate the energy released from the fission of 100 gm of U235 if the fission of one U235 nucleus
gives 200 MeV of energy.
3. If in a certain fission process, the mass loss is 0.1%, then calculate the energy liberated by the
fission of 1 kg of the substance. How much kilowatt-hour electric energy can be generated from it ?
DE = (Dm) c2
4. Calculate the useful power produced by a reactor of 40% efficiency in which 1014 fissions are
occurring each second and the energy per fission is 250 MeV. Take 1 MeV = l.6 10_13 joule.
Nuclear Physics
5. Calculate the fission rate of U235 required to produce 2 watts and the amount of energy that is
released in the complete fission of 0.5 kg of U235. The energy released per fission of U235 is 200 MeV.
P = 2 watts = 2 joule/sec
= MeV/sec
= = 6.25 l010.
The number of atoms in 235 gm of U235 is 6.02 1023. Therefore, the number of atoms in 0.5 kg (=500
gm) of U235
The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Therefore, the total energy released in the complete fission
of 0.5 kg of U235
6. Energy released in the fission of a single uranium nucleus is 200 MeV. Calculate the number of
fissions per second to produce 1 milliwatt power.
Radioactive Split
7. A reactor is developing nuclear energy at a rate of 32,000 kilowatts. How many atoms of U235
undergo fission per second? How many kg of U235 would be used up in 1000 hours of operation ?
Assume an average energy of 200 MeV released per fission. Take Avogadro's number as 6 1013 and
1 MeV = 1.6 10_23 joule.
Solution: The power developed by the reactor is 32000 kilowatts, i.e. 3.2 l07 watts. Therefore, the
energy released by the reactor per second is
The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Therefore, the number of fissions occurring in the reactor
per second
= = 1.0 l018.
= 36 l023.
Now, 1 gm-atom (i.e. 235 gm) of U235 has 6 1023 atoms. Therefore, the mass of U235 consumed in
1000 hours is
8. Calculate the approximate mass of uranium which must undergo fission to produce same energy as
is produced by the combustion of 105 kg of coal. Heat of combustion of coal is
Nuclear Physics
8000 kcal/kg ; the energy released per fission of U235 is 200 MeV and Avogadro's number is 6.02
1023 per gm-atom (1 cal = 4.2 joules).
= 8 l011 cal
= 8 l011 4.2 = 3.36 l012joule
The energy released per fission is 200 MeV. Therefore, the number of fissions required for 2.1 1025
MeV energy is
= 1.05 1023.
Since 235 gm of U235 contains 6.02 1023 atoms, the mass of uranium containing 1.05 1023 atoms is
= 41 gm.
9. Certain stars obtain part of their energy by the fusion of three a-particles to form a 6C12 nucleus.
How much energy does each such reaction evolve ? The mass of helium atom is 4.00260 amu while
the mass of an electron is 0.00055 amu. The mass of 6C12 atom is 12.0000... amu by definition. (1
= 931.5 MeV)
Solution: The mass of 2He4 atom is 4.00260 amu and it has 2 electrons. Therefore, the mass of its
nucleus (a-particle)
= 4.00260mass of 2 electrons
Radioactive Split
= 4.00260_ (2 0.00055)
= 4.00260_0.00110
= 4.00150 amu.
The mass of 6C12 atom is 12.00000 amu and it has 6 electrons. Therefore, the mass of 6C12 nucleus
= 12.00000 _ (6 0.00055)
= 12.00000 _ 0.00330
= 11.99670 amu.
The Nucleus
Nuclear Structure
Nuclear Sizes and Shapes : The Rutherford a-scattering experiment established that the mass of an atom
is concentrated within a small, positively-charged region at the centre which is called the `nucleus' of the
atom. Since Rutherford's time many scattering experiments, using highly energetic electrons and
neutrons as the scattering particles, have been performed to determine the size of the nucleus. An
electron interacts with a nucleus only through electric forces, while a neutron interacts only through
nuclear forces. Thus electron scattering tells the distribution of charge in a nucleus and neutron
scattering tells the distribution of nuclear mass. These experiments have shown that the volume of a
nucleus is directly proportional to the number of nucleons in it, which is its mass number A.
R = R0 A1/3.
Nuclear Physics
The value of the constant R0 is experimentally found to be given by
R0 l.2 l0_15 m.
R = 1.2 Al\3 fm
for nuclear radii. The radius varies from nucleus to nucleus and is of the order of 1 fm or 10_15 m.
While the size of the nuclei are readily determined by experiment, not too much is known about the
shape of nuclei. For almost all purposes nuclei may be regarded as being `spherical'. Certain nuclei,
however, deviate from sphericity but the deviation is only 10 percent, or so.
Structure of the NucleusProton-Electron Hypothesis : Before the discovery of the neutron, the
nucleus of an atom was thought to be composed of protons and electrons which could account for the
mass and charge of the nucleus. For example, the helium nucleus, whose mass is four times that of the
proton but its charge is only + 2e, was thought as being composed of 4 protons and 2 electrons. This
proton-electron hypothesis of the nucleus could easily account for the b-emission from the radioactive
nuclei. It, however, failed because of a number of strong arguments against it :
(i) Nuclear Size : The radii of the nuclei are only of the order of 10_15 meter. The uncertainty principle
demands that an electron confined to such a small region must have a kinetic energy of the order of 100
MeV. However, the electrons emitted during b-emission have energies of only 2 or 3 MeV. Hence they
cannot be present within the nucleus.
The Nucleus
The uncertainty principle applied to protons in a nucleus demand a kinetic energy only of the order of 1
MeV which is acceptable.
(ii) Nuclear Spin : A proton and an electron each has a spin of 1/2. Thus nuclei with an even number of
protons plus electrons should have integral spins, while those with an odd number should have half-
integral spins. This prediction is, however, not obeyed. The deuteron (nucleus of deuterium) has a mass
about two times that of proton, but a charge of only + e. Therefore, on the proton-electron hypothesis, it
must have two protons and one electron i.e. an odd number of particles. Its spin should therefore be half-
integral or depending on the orientation of the particles). However, the observed spin of the
deuteron is 1. Again, this shows that the electron as a separate particle cannot exist within the nucleus.
(iii) Nuclear Magnetic Moment : An electron, owing to its spin, has a magnetic moment of the order of a
Bohr-magneton. Where there is an odd number of electrons, the odd electron should add this amount of
magnetic moment to the nucleus. Yet the magnetic moment of nuclei are only about 1/1000 th of this.
Hence the electrons cannot be the nuclear constituents.
In addition to the above theoretical considerations, experiments on electron scattering by nuclei and on
nuclear disintegrations also rule out the existence of electrons in nuclei. Nevertheless, there remains the
fact that many radioactive nuclei emit fast electrons (b-rays).
Proton-Neutron Hypothesis : In 1932 came the discovery of neutron, an uncharged particle of mass
slightly more than that of a proton, and a spin of . All these properties fit
Nuclear Physics
perfectly with the observed properties of nuclei when it is assumed that nuclei contains protons and
neutrons tightly packed together (Fig.). The protons provide the (positive) charge, and the protons and
neutrons together provide the mass of the nucleus. Thus the nucleus of hydrogen atom consists of 1
proton only. The nucleus of helium atom has 2 protons and 2 neutrons. In general, the nucleus of an
atom of atomic number Z and mass number A contains Z protons and (A_Z) neutrons. The nuclear
particles, proton and neutron, bear a common name `nucleon'.
The hypothesis that nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons explains the existence of isotopes. The
nuclei of all the isotopes of an element contain the same number of protons but have different number of
neutrons. For example, ordinary hydrogen has three isotopes : hydrogen, heavy hydrogen (deuterium)
and tritium. The hydrogen nucleus has only one proton, the heavy-hydrogen nucleus (called deuteron)
has one proton and one neutron, while tritium nucleus (called tritron) has one proton and two neutrons.
The proton-neutron hypothesis also explains the observations regarding nuclear stability. Not all
combinations of protons and neutrons form stable nuclei. There are three observations :
(i) Light nuclei contain roughly equal numbers of protons and neutrons. For heavier nuclei, the neutron
number becomes progressively larger than the proton number. For the heaviest stable nuclei, the neutron
number exceeds the proton number by about 50%. The excess
The Nucleus
of neutrons over protons in the heavier nuclei is necessary because protons repel one another
electrostatically, and so their relative number should be less in order to secure the stability of the
(ii) Nuclei of atoms beyond 83Bi209 are unstable and undergo radioactive decay. This is so because when
the proton number exceeds 83, the coulomb repulsion becomes so large that the neutrons are not able to
prevent the disruption of the nucleus.
(iii) Sixty percent of the stable nuclei have even number of protons and even number of neutrons. (These
are called even-even nuclei). Nearly all the others have either even number of protons and odd number
of neutrons (even-odd nuclei) or vice versa (odd-even nuclei). Only five stable nuclei are odd-odd. Thus
there is a preference for "even" numbers of protons or neutrons. This is in consistent with the existence
of nuclear energy levels, each capable of containing two particles (neutrons or protons) of opposite
Packing Fraction : The masses of the atomic isotopes are all very close to whole numbers, but are not
exactly whole numbers. The difference between the actual atomic mass M of an isotope and its mass
number A divided by the mass number is defined as the packing fraction P of the isotope. Thus
The packing fraction is positive for isotopes of very low and very high mass numbers, and negative for
the rest. It is zero for 6C12, by definition.
Mass Defect and Binding Energy : The masses of all stable nuclei are less than the sum of the masses
of their constituent particles (protons and neutrons) in the free state. This means that when protons and
neutrons combine to form a nucleus,
Nuclear Physics
a loss in mass results. The "missing" mass is released in the form of energy when the nucleus is formed.
If Dm be the missing mass in the formation of a nucleus, the energy released DE will be given by the
Einstein's relation :
DE = (Dm) c2
where c is the speed of light. The missing mass (Am) is called the `mass defect', and its energy
equivalent (DE) is called the `binding energy' of the nucleus. D E is actually the energy that must be
supplied to the nucleus to break it into its constituent particles.
The greater its binding energy, the more the energy that would be needed to break the nucleus. Thus, the
binding energy is a measure of the stability of the nucleus.
Binding Energy of Deuteron : Deuteron is the simplest nucleus containing more than one nucleon. It
consists of a proton and a neutron. The mass of the deuteron is less than the sum of the masses of proton
and neutron. The energy equivalence of this mass difference is the binding energy of the deuteron. Then,
if mn , mp and md be respectively the masses of neutron, proton and deuteron, the binding energy of the
deuteron would be
In order to calculate the binding energy of the nucleus, we must use nuclear masses, i.e. neutron mass,
proton mass and the mass of the nuclide.
We can write the nuclear binding energy in terms of atomic masses also. For example, the above
equation will be written as
where m (1H1) stands for the mass of hydrogen atom and m (1H2 ) for the mass of deuterium atom. The
nuclear mass of
The Nucleus
hydrogen (the proton mass) is just the atomic mass of hydrogen minus the mass of one electron. The
nuclear mass of deuterium (the deuteron mass) is the atomic mass of deuterium minus the mass of one
electron. Thus electron mass automatically cencels out in calculating the nuclear binding energy from
eq. (ii).
In general, the nuclear binding energy of an atom zxA can be written in terms of atomic masses in the
following way :
= = 2.25 MeV.
Thus the deuteron has a binding energy of 2.25 Me V. Using more accurate values of masses, the
binding energy is about 2.23 MeV. This is confirmed by photo disintegration experiments which show
that a g-ray photon with a minimum energy of 2.23 MeV can split a deuteron into a free neutron and a
free proton.
Binding Energy Curve : The nuclear binding energies range from 2.23 MeV for the heavy hydrogen to
about 1800 MeV for Uranium. This shows that the binding energy increases with the complexity of the
nucleus. Therefore, in order to compare the stabilities of different nuclei, we require the `average
binding energy per nucleon', which is obtained by dividing the total binding energy of a nucleus by the
number of nucleons (protons+ neutrons) it contains. For example, the average binding energy per
nucleon for, H2 is
Nuclear Physics
= = 1.115 MeV.
When the average binding energy per nuclear for various nuclei is plotted against the mass number A, a
curve is obtained having the appearance as shown in Fig. This is known as the `binding energy curve.
The curve rises first rapidly and then slowly until it reaches a maximum of 8.8 MeV at A = 56,
corresponding to the iron nucleus Fe56. It then drops very slowly to about 7.6 MeV at ,4=238 (Uranium).
Evidently nuclei of intermediate mass are the most stable, since they have the greatest average binding
energy per nucleon (in the neighbourhood of 8.5 MeV). This means that the greatest amount of energy is
needed to break them in their nucleons.
The (light) nuclei with A < 20 are the least stable. For example, the average binding energy per nucleon
for the heavy hydrogen nucleus H2 is only about 1 MeV. The subsidiary peaks occurring at He4, C12,
O16 (even-even nuclei) indicate that these nuclei are much more stable than their immediate neighbours.
The Nucleus
Explanation of Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion : The general appearance of the binding energy
versus mass number curve leads us to two remarkable conclusions which are of immense practical
importance. The curve shows that very heavy and very light nuclei, which lie on either side of the broad
maximum of the curve, have a lower average binding energy per nucleon. Therefore, if a very heavy
nucleus (such as U238) be splitted into two lighter nuclei near the top of the curve, the binding energy
per nucleon will increase by about 1 MeV. This will obviously result in a general release of energy. This
method of releasing nuclear energy by breaking up a heavy nucleus is known as `nuclear fission', and is
the basis of nuclear bombs and nuclear reactors.
Alternatively, if two or more very light nuclei (such as H2) be combined into a heavier nucleus (say
He4), the binding energy per nucleon will again increase and now by a much greater amount than in the
fission process. This will result in a much larger release of energy. This method of releasing nuclear
energy is called `nuclear fusion', and is the source of energy in the sun and in stars.
Nuclear Forces
The protons which repel each other electrostatically, and the neutrons which exert no electric force are
held extremely close together inside a stable nucleus. Obviously, there are some forces operating within
the nucleus which bind neutrons to protons (n-p forces), protons to protons (p-p forces), and neutrons to
neutrons (n-n forces), thus holding the nucleus in one piece. Experimental evidences lead to the
following properties and the nature of these nuclear forces :
(i) Nuclear Forces are Primarily Attractive : The overall effect of the nuclear forces is attractive,
otherwise the nucleus would be disrupted under the electrostatic repulsion between the protons.
(However, there is a repulsive
Nuclear Physics
component also in nuclear forces because an exclusively attractive force would lead to a collapse of the
nucleus into a volume much smaller than the observed value).
(ii) Nuclear Forces are Non-electric: The nuclear forces cannot be of an electrical nature. If it were so,
the protons would repel one another thus leading to nuclear disruption rather than to stability.
(iii) Nuclear Forces are Non-gravitational : If the gravitational forces between the nucleons are
calculated, they are found to be about l0_40 times than the attractive forces demanded. Thus the nuclear
forces cannot be gravitational in origin. In general, the nuclear forces are not central forces.
(iv) Nuclear Forces are Extremely Strong : The study of simplest stable nuclei, like 1H2, shows that the
forces holding the nucleons together must be very strong. In fact, they constitute by far the strongest
class of forces known.
(v) Nuclear Forces are Extremely Short-range Forces : The nuclear forces do not obey the inverse-
square law, and act only over distances as short as a small multiple of 10_15 meter. At distances
appreciably smaller than 10_15 meter, the attraction of nucleons is replaced by repulsion.
(vi) Nuclear Forces are Charge-independent : The nuclear forces make no distinction between neutrons
and protons. Experiments involving the scattering of protons and neutrons show that the (attractive)
nuclear forces existing between protons and protons (p-p forces), between neutrons and neutrons (n-n
forces), and between protons and neutrons (p-n forces) are all essentially the same in magnitude.
(vii) Nuclear Forces are Spin-dependent : Experimental evidences show that the nuclear force acting
The Nucleus
two nucleons depends on the mutual orientation of the spins of the nucleons. For example, a neutron and
a proton are kept together forming a deuteron only if their spins are parallel to each other.
(viii) Nuclear Forces have the Property of Saturation : This means that in the nucleus any one nucleon
interacts with only a limited number of other nucleons nearest to it (not with all the other nucleons of the
nucleus). This is apparent from the fact that the average binding energy per nucleon, after rising rapidly
among the lightest nuclei, remains approximately constant for further increase in mass number A. This
means that the total binding energy is proportional to the mass number A. When a fresh nucleon is added
to the nucleus, it interacts with a fixed limited number of nearest nucleons, and so adds a constant
amount to the binding energy.
Protons in the Nucleus do not Fly Apart : The very Strong attractive nuclear forces (p-p, n-n and n-p)
between nucleons overcome the relatively weak electrostatic repulsive forces between protons. Hence
the nucleus remains intact.
The electrostatic repulsion between protons make, however, the nucleus less stable than it otherwise
would be. The emission of a-particles from heavier nuclei (which have a large number of protons)
indicates this fact.
Yukawa's Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces : The mechanism responsible for the strongly-attractive,
non-electrical and non-gravitational, short-range forces between nucleons remained a mystery for quite
long. Heisenberg, in 1932, had suggested that the nuclear forces are `exchange forces' which arise by the
exchange of electrons (or positrons) between nucleons. But, calculations based on b-decay data snowed
that the forces resulting from electron and positron exchange were 1014 times weaker than those actually
required for nuclear stability.
Nuclear Physics
Yukawa, in 1935, predicted the existence of a new particle, now called a pi-meson, having a rest mass
greater than that of an electron but less than that of a nucleon. He proposed a theory of nuclear forces
which involves these pi-mesons and is known as the `meson theory of nuclear forces.' According to this
theory, all nucleons (protons and neutrons) consist of identical cores surrounded by a `cloud' of one or
more pi-mesons. The mesons may be neutral, or may carry either a positive or a negative charge equal to
the electronic charge, and are designated as p, p+ and p_ respectively. The sole difference between
protons and neutrons lies in the composition of their respective meson clouds. The mesons are being
continually exchanged between nearby nucleons. The (nuclear) force between a neutron and a proton is
the result of the exchange of charged mesons (p+ and p_) between them. When a p+ meson jumps from a
proton to a neutron, the proton is converted into a neutron, and the neutron is converted into a proton :
p _ p+ n
and p + p+ p.
Conversely, when a p_ meson jumps from a neutron to a proton, the neutron is converted into a proton,
and the proton is converted into a neutron :
n _ p_ p
and p + p_ n.
In the same way, the forces between two protons and those between two neutrons arise by the exchange
of neutral mesons (p) between them. Thus the nucleus is an ever-changing structure. However, the
numbers of protons and neutrons remain the same in a particular structure.
A question arise at this point : When mesons have a finite rest mass, why this mass is not added to the
mass of protons
The Nucleus
and neutrons ? The answer lies in the uncertainty principle. The mesons are constantly running between
the nucleons. That is, the nucleons are constantly emitting and absorbing mesons. As such, even in
principle, it is impossible to detect any change in mass of the nuclei's.
The actual discovery of pi-mesons in cosmic radiation, after Yukawa's prediction of its existence,
opened a new field of research in nuclear structure.
Estimation of p-meson Mass : Let mp be the mass of the p-meson. Its energy equivalence is DE=mp c2.
Suppose the meson travels between nucleons at a speed v (c). Nuclear forces have a maximum range r
of about 1.7 fm (= 1.7 10_15 m). The time Dt required for the meson to travel this distance is
Dt =
or (mpc2)
or mp .
Nuclear Models : An atomic nucleus shows a number of properties: It has (i) a radius proportional to
A1/3 (where A is
Nuclear Physics
the mass number), (ii) a well-defined and uniform density,
(iii) a binding energy per nucleon which is almost constant (except for very small A) and (iv) a neutron
to proton ratio which is close to unity for small A but increases progressively with increasing A. Further,
it shows many types of nuclear reactions, radioactive decay and also the phenomena of nuclear fission
and nuclear fusion. Many nuclear models have been suggested in an attempt to explain these properties
although none of them is entirely satisfactory. Of these, two are more important : the liquid-drop model
and the shell model.
Liquid-drop Model : Bohr, in 1936, pointed out that the strong, short-range, attractive forces between
the nucleons are analogous to those acting between the molecules of a liquid. Therefore, the nucleus is
like a liquid-drop in which the nucleons are closely packed together, each nucleon being strongly
attracted only by its immediate neighbours. On this model, the nucleus will be a sphere with a radius
proportional to (mass)1/3, and its density will be independent of its volume.
Let us now see how the liquid-drop model accounts for the observed variation of binding energy per
nucleon with mass number. We know that the binding energy arises from the proton-proton, neutron-
neutron, and proton-neutron nuclear attractions and is proportional to the number of nucleons A (the
mass number). \Ve may write it as
Ev = a1 A,
where a1 is a positive constant. The energy Ev is called the volume energy of the nucleus.
Now, treating the nucleus as a liquid-drop, the binding energy is decreased by a surface term, because
the nucleons on the surface have fewer neighbours to attract than those in the interior. This is
proportional to the surface area, so that
Es = _ a2 A2/3.
The Nucleus
The negative energy Es is called the surface energy of the nucleus. It is most significant for the lighter
nuclei since a greater fraction of their nucleons are on the surface.
The electrostatic repulsion between each pair of protons in the nucleus also contributes toward
decreasing its binding energy. The coulomb energy is proportional to the number of proton pairs Z
(Z1)/2 ! in the nucleus, and inversely proportional to the nuclear radius ( A1/3), so that
Ec= _ a3 .
The coulomb energy is negative because it arises from an effect that opposes nuclear stability.
The total binding energy of a nucleus is the sum of its volume, surface and coulomb energies:
Eb = Ev + Es + Ec
In a more complete equation two more energy terms are added to account for the excess of neutrons over
protons in the heavier nuclei and for the occurrence of proton pairs and neutron pairs. These energies
are called `asymmetry energy' and `pairing energy' respectively. The asymmetry energy is negative
because it reduces the binding energy of the nucleus. The pairing energy is positive for even-even nuclei
(which are most stable), zero for odd-even and even-odd nuclei, and negative for odd-odd nuclei. The
average binding energy per nucleon is
In Fig., each of the terms on the right is plotted against A, together with their sum, EB/A. The curve
representing the total binding energy per nucleon is fairly close to the experimental curve. Hence the
analogy of a nucleus with a liquid drop has some validity at least.
Nuclear Physics
The nuclear reactions, accompanied by the emission of nucleons from the nucleus, can be interpreted on
the basis of liquid-drop nuclear model. If the thermal agitation in the drop of a liquid is increased by
heating, evaporation of molecules takes place. In a similar way, when an energetic particle is captured
by a nucleus, a compound nucleus is formed which emits nucleons almost immediately. The emission of
nucleons from a compound nucleus is thus analogous to the evaporation of molecules from a hot liquid
Nuclear Fission and Liquid-drop Model : The liquid-drop model best explains the nuclear fission in
which a heavy nucleus splits into two more or less equal parts. This occurs in the same way as a liquid-
drop, if made to oscillate with sufficient energy, may become unstable and break.
The liquid-drop model fails, however, to explain nuclear reactions involving very high energies, and also
the properties of the excited states of the nuclei.
Shell ModelMagic Numbers : There are certain nuclear phenomena which show the existence of
excited states of nuclei and of sharply defined nuclear energy levels. This led to the shell model of the
nucleus, the idea of which was borrowed from external electronic structure of the atom.
The Nucleus
We know that the electrons in an atom are grouped in "shells", and "sub-shells", and atoms with 2, 10,
18, 36, 54, and 86 electrons have all their shells completely filled. Such atoms are unusually stable and
are chemically inert. A similar situation exists with nuclei also. Nuclei having 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and
126 nucleons of the same kind (either protons or neutrons) are more stable than nuclei of neighbouring
mass numbers. These numbers are called as `magic numbers'. This observation is based on the following
lines :
(iii) The end-products of the three naturally occurring radioactive series are lead isotopes (Z = 82).
(iv) The binding-energy curve has small peaks (showing extra stability) for the following nuclei :
It is seen that for these nuclei either Z (number of protons) or A Z (number of neutrons) is a magic
(v) The electric quadripole moments of magic number nuclei are very low (nearly zero) compared with
those of other nuclei. This means that these nuclei have almost spherical charge distribution which is
expected for the more stable nuclei.
The shell model of the nucleus is an attempt to account for the existence of magic numbers and certain
other nuclear properties. According to this model, the nucleons (protons and neutrons) in a nucleus live
in a square potential well with rounded corners in which they occupy separate discrete sets of energy
levels. When a spin-orbit interaction is assumed to exist, the energy levels of either class of nucleon are
arranged into different
Nuclear Physics
groups (shells). In this group-formation the gaps appear at just the right places, i.e., after the completed
groups having 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126 protons or neutrons.
The shell model is able to account for several nuclear phenomena in addition to magic numbers. For
instance, it is observed that even-even nuclei are, in general, more stable than the odd-odd nuclei. This is
obvious from the shell model. According to Pauli's principle, a single energy sub-level can have a
maximum of two nucleons (one with spin up and other with spin down). Therefore, in an even-even
nucleus only completed sub-levels are present which means greater liability. On the other hand, an odd-
odd nucleus contains incomplete sub-levels for both kinds of nuclear which means lesser stability.
Further, the shell model is able to predict the total angular momenta of nuclei. Since the two protons (or
neutrons) of each sub-level have opposite spins, they cancel each other's angular momentum. Hence, the
actual total angular momentum of a nucleus depends only on the presence of an extra neutron or proton
or both. In even-even nuclei, all protons and also all neutrons mutually cancel, so that the total angular
momentum is zero for such nuclei. This has actually been observed with no exception.
The odd-odd nuclei have an extra proton and an extra neutron. Since each of these particles has an half-
integral spin they give an integral total angular momentum, and this is experimentally observed. A
similar reasoning predicts a half-integral total angular momentum for even-odd or odd-even nuclei,
which is also experimentally confirmed.
Both the liquid-drop and shell models of the nucleus account, in their very different ways, different
groups of nuclear phenomena. Neither is entirely satisfactory. Recently attempts have been made to
combine the best features of each of these models and some success has been achieved. The resulting
model is known as `collective model'.
The Nucleus
R = R0A1/3
R = 1.2 A1/3fm.
\ R = l.2 (27)1/3 fm
2. A nucleus with A = 235 splits into two nuclei whose mass numbers are in the ratio 2:1. Find the
radii of the nuclei. (Take R0 = 1.4 fermi).
Solution: The mass numbers of the resulting nuclei are 157 and 78.
R = R0 A1/3
Solution: R = R0 A1/3,
Nuclear Physics
\ 1.2 A1/3 = 2.5
or A 1/3 = = 2.08,
\ A = (2.08)3 = 9.
4. Estimate the density of nuclear matter in kg/m3, given that the nuclear radius Rl.2 A1/3 fm. Take
mass of the nucleus A amu where A is mass number and 1 amu = l.66 10_27 kg. (1 fm = 10_15
V= pR3 3.14
5. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon in 6C12. Masses of proton, neutron and electron are
1.00728, 1.00867 and 0.00055 amu respectively. The mass of 6C12 atom is 12.00000 amu.
Solution: The nucleus of 6C12 atom contains 6 protons and 6 neutrons. Now,
The Nucleus
This is the mass of the 6C12. nucleus. Therefore, the mass defect is
Dm = mass of nucleonsmass of nucleus
We know that 1 amu is equivalent to 931.5 MeV of energy. Therefore, the energy equivalent of Dm is
This is the binding energy of carbon nucleus which has 12 nucleons. Therefore binding energy per
nucleon is
= 7.68 MeV.
6. Taking the result of the last problem, calculate the binding energy of the least strongly bound
neutron in the nucleus of 6C13 isotope. The mass of the isotope is 13.00335 amu.
7. The atomic mass of 6C12 is 12.000000 amu and that of 6C13 is 13.003354 amu. Find the energy
required to remove a neutron from 6C13 in MeV. The mass of neutron is 1.008665 amu.
13 0C12 + on1
Nuclear Physics
The mass of 6C12 + on1 is 12.000000 + 1.008665 = 13.008665 amu.
= 0.005311 amu.
8. Compute the binding energy of the "last" proton in a 6C12 nucleus if the mass of this nucleus is
11.99671 amu and the mass of the 5B11 nucleus is 11.00657 amu. The mass of proton is 1.00728 amu.
11 + 1pl 6C12.
The mass of 5B11 + 1P1 is 11.00657 + 1.00728 = 12.01385 amu, while that of the product nucleus 6C12 is
11.99671 amu. Therefore, mass loss is
9. Calculate the binding energy of a-particle in MeV. The masses of the proton, neutron and the a-
particle (helium nucleus) are 1.00728,1.00867 and 4.00151 amu respectively.
Solution: The a-particle (2He4) is composed of two protons and two neutrons. The sum of the masses of
its constituent particles is as follows :
The Nucleus
Subtracting from this sum, the mass of the a-particle (He nucleus), we obtain the mass-defect Dm, that
Dm = 4.03190 _ 4.00151 = 0.03039 amu.
1 amu is equivalent to 931.5 M.eV of energy. Therefore the energy equivalent of the above mass defect
This is the energy that would be liberated if one were to make an a-particle out of protons and neutrons.
Conversely, this is also the energy that would have to be supplied to an a-particle to break it into protons
and neutrons, and consequently it is the binding energy of the a-particle. This large amount of energy
explains why the a-particle is a highly stable particle.
The a-particle has 4 nucleons. Hence its binding energy per nucleon is = 7.07 MeV.
10. How much energy must a photon have if it is to split an a-particle (2He4 nucleus) into a triton
(1H3 nucleus) and a proton (1H1 nucleus) ? The masses of the a-particle, triton and proton are
4.00151, 3.01550 and 1.00728 amu respectively and 1 amu is 931.5 MeV.
Solution: The energy required for the photon is the binding energy of the a-particle formed by the fusion
of triton and proton.
The mass of triton plus proton is 3.01550 + 1.00728 = 4.02278 amu, while the mass of the resulting a-
particle is 4.00151 amu. Thus, the missing mass is
This is the binding energy, and hence the required energy for the splitting of the a-particle.
Nuclear Physics
11. Calculate the binding energy of a deuteron (nucleus of 1H2) from the following data:
Mass of deuterium atom 1H2 = 2.014102 u, mass of hydrogen atom 1H1 =1.007825 u ana mass of
neutron = 1.008665 u.
(l u= 1.66 10_27 kg.)
Calculate the minimum energy of gamma-rays necessary to disintegrate a deuteron into a proton and
a neutron.
Solution: The deuterium atom 1H2contains one proton and one neutron in its nucleus (called as
deuteron) and one extra-nuclear electron. Let us calculate the mass defect of deuteron. We have
total = 2.016490 u.
This is the mass of all the constituent particles of the atom 1H2. The mass of the atom 1H2 is 2.014102 u.
Therefore, the mass defect of its nucleus is
Dm = 2.016490_2.014102 = 0.002388 u.
DE = (Am) c2
The Nucleus
When a deuteron is formed from a free proton and a free neutron, then 2.23 MeV of energy is liberated.
Conversely, a gamma-ray photon must have an energy of at least 2.23 MeV to break a deuteron into a
proton and a neutron.
12. Calculate the average binding energy per nucleon for a U238 nucleus in MeV. The mass of U238
atom is 238.05078 amu and it is composed of 92 protons and 146 neutrons. The masses of proton,
neutron and electron are 100728, 1.00867 and 0.00055 amu respectively.
Solution: Let us consider U238 atom. Its nucleus contains 92 protons and 146 neutrons. The sum of the
masses of the constituent nucleons is as follows :
The mass of the U238 atom is 238.05078 amu. It contains 92 electrons. Therefore, the mass of U238
nucleus is
Dm = 239.93558 _ 238.00018
= 1.93540 amu.
Its energy equivalent, that is, the binding energy of U238 nucleus is
DE = l.93540 931.5
The total number of nucleons is 238. Therefore binding energy per nuclear is
= 7.57 MeV/nucleon.
Nuclear Physics
13. Find the total energy liberated in the reaction 3Li7
(P, a) if the binding energy per nucleon for Li7 and He4 are 5.61 MeV and 7.06 MeV
The binding energy of 3Li7 = 5.61 7 = 39.27 MeV and that of 2He4 = 7.06 4 = 28.24 MeV. There is
no binding energy in the nucleus of 1H1 (it is simply a proton).
Thus, the total binding energy of the reactants is 39.27 MeV and that of the products is 2 28.24 =
56.48 MeV. The increase in binding energy is
14. The binding energy of 17C135 nucleus is 298 MeV. Find its atomic mass. The mass of hydrogen
atom (H1) is 1.007825 amu and that of a neutron is 1.008665 amu. Given : 1 amu
= 931.5 MeV.
Solution: The 17Cl35 atom has 17 protons and 18 neutrons in its nucleus, and 17 extra nuclear electrons.
Its mass would be the sum of the masses of the constituent particles minus the mass equivalent of the
binding energy of its nucleus. Now,
Dm = 0.319914 amu.
Nucleus Hypothesis
Nuclear Reactions
A nuclear reaction is a strong interaction of an atomic nucleus with an elementary particle, which results
in a new nucleus and one or more new particles. The reaction occurs when the interacting nucleus and
the particle approach each other up to distances of the order of 10_15 meter.
X + a Y + b,
where X is the initial nucleus, a the initial particle, Y the final nucleus and b the final particle. It can be
written in the following abbreviated form :
X (a, b) Y
The particles participating in the reaction are indicated in parentheses, first the initial particle, then the
final one.
The particles a and b may be alpha particle (2He4), proton
Nuclear Physics
(1H1 or p), deuteron (1H2 or d), neutron (n), gamma-ray photon (g), etc.
Nuclear reactions are usually attended by the liberation or absorption of energy, which is called the
`reaction energy' or `disintegration energy'.
(a-particle) (proton)
In this reaction a nitrogen nucleus hit by an a-particle is converted into an oxygen nucleus and emits a
proton. The reaction is called an alpha-proton (a, p) reaction.
Like a chemical reaction, a nuclear reaction must be balanced; the number of protons and neutrons must
be the same on both sides of the equation.
Bohr, in 1936, proposed the compound nucleus hypothesis for nuclear reactions. According to it, many
nuclear reactions proceed in two separate stages :
(i) The incident particle strikes the initial (or target) nucleus and the two first combine to form a new
nucleus, called a compound nucleus. The atomic and mass numbers of the compound nucleus are
respectively the sum of the atomic numbers and the sum of the mass numbers of the incident particle and
the target nucleus. The energy brought by the incident particle is quickly shared by the nucleons of the
compound nucleus which is therefore invariably in an excited state.
(ii) The (excited) compound nucleus immediately breaks up by ejecting a particle or a g-photon, leaving
the final (or product) nucleus.
Nucleus Hypothesis
Thus the Rutherford's reaction can be written to show the intermediate stage of the compound nucleus
formation as
14 + 2He4 (9F18) 8O17 + 1H1.
The compound nucleus has an average life-time of the order of 10_14 sec which is very long compared
with the
time (~10 _21 sec) required for a particle with an energy
of several MeV to pass through a nucleus. The compound nucleus therefore "forgets" how it was formed
and its breaking is independent of the mode of its formation. In fact, the
same compound nucleus can be formed by different pairs
of incident particle and target nucleus, and can break in diffe-rent ways, giving different products. The
idea of compound nucleus has been very fruitful in correlating many nuclear phenomena.
Stripping Reaction and Pick-up Reaction : A different type of nuclear reaction is sometimes observed
when a deuteron strikes a nucleus. Because of the finite distance between the proton and the neutron in
the deuteron, one of these particles reaches the nuclear surface earlier and is captured by the nucleus,
whereas the other particle flies past the nucleus. This is called `stripping reaction' because a nucleon is
stripped out of the deuteron by the target nucleus.
The reverse of a stripping reaction is a `pick-up reaction'. A nucleon (n or p) striking a nucleus picks-up
from it a nucleon (p or n) and forms a deuteron.
Conservation Laws in Nuclear Reactions : The nuclear reactions are governed by certain conservation
laws which limit the possible outcomes of the reaction. Some of these laws are as follows :
1. Conservation of Total Relativistic Energy : Mass and kinetic energy are not separately conserved in
nuclear reactions. Instead, the total relativistic energy (kinetic energy
+ rest mass energy) is conserved.
Nuclear Physics
Let us consider the general case in which a bombarding particle a interacts with a target nucleus X to
give a product nucleus Y and a product particle b ; that is
X+ a Y + b.
According to the conservation law, the kinetic energy plus the rest energy on one side of the reaction
equation must equal the corresponding sum on the other side ; that is
3. Conservation of Angular Momentum:The sum of the spin angular momentum and the motional
angular momentum of the system (X+a) should be equal to the corresponding sum of the system (Y + b).
The angular momentum affects the rate, or cross-section, of the nuclear reaction.
4. Conservation of Charge : The total net electric charge before and after the nuclear reaction should be
the same.
5. Conservation of the number of Nucleons (Mass Number): In all nuclear reactions the number of
nucleons (or the mass number) remains conserved, i.e., the total number of nucleons present before the
reaction equals the total number present after.
Nucleus Hypothesis
Nuclear Reactions induced by a-particles : The (positively-charged) a-particles can readily penetrate
light (low Z) nuclei which offer less coulombic repulsion. Besides the Rutherford's first reaction, some
other reactions induced in light nuclei by a-particles with energies upto about 7-8 MeV emitted from
natural substances are as follows :
(a, p) reactions
(a, n) reactions
As we are seeing, a given incident particle and a given target nucleus can lead to different reaction
products depending on the energy of the incident particle.
a-particles directed towards heavier nuclei experience strong coulombic repulsion and are scattered
rather than reacting with the nuclei.
Reactions induced by Protons : Protons (and deuterons) with a single positive charge would experience
smaller coulombic repulsion than a-particles in the field of the nucleus, Hence these particles, when
accelerated to high energies by means of particle-accelerators can induce reactions in many nuclei.
Cockcroft and Walton were the first to produce such an artificially induced reaction in 1932. They
disintegrated lithium-7 by protons accelerated, to about 0.3 MeV which resulted in a-particle
production :
This reaction had provided one of the earliest verifications of the Einstein's mass-energy formula. The
other proton-induced reactions which give rise to a-particles, neutrons, and g-rays are as follows:
Nuclear Physics
(p, a)
(p, 3a)
(p, n)
(p, g)
In the last reaction the bombarding proton is captured by the target nucleus forming an excited
compound nucleus which is simply de-excited by emitting g-ray photon. Such a reaction is called
`radiative capture'.
Reactions induced by Denterons : Many nuclear reactions have been observed with deuterons
accelerated to energies over a wide range upto several hundred MeV, producing aparticles, protons and
Reactions induced by Neutrons : Neutrons, being uncharged, are much more likely to penetrate nuclei
than are protons, deuterons or a-particles. Therefore fast as well as slow neutrons have been found
extremely effective in producing nuclear disintegrations.
The reaction between a neutron and a nucleus gives rise in most cases to an a-particle, a proton, two
neutrons, or a gray photon (radiative capture). The actual type of reaction depends upon the energy of
the bombarding neutron and the nature of the target nucleus. Among the most interesting neutron-
induced reactions are the following:
Nucleus Hypothesis
(n, a)
(n, p)
The slow neutrons, almost in all cases, induce (n, g) reactions (radiative capture) and the product nuclei
are often radioactive. These reactions are important source of artificial radio-isotopes.
Q-value of Nuclear Reaction : In a nuclear reaction not only the charge numbers and mass numbers
balance, but also the total relativistic energy, (= kinetic energy + rest mass energy) remains conserved.
Let us consider a general nuclear reaction
X + a = Y+ b, ... (i)
Nuclear Physics
where X is the target nucleus, a is the bombarding particle, Y is the product nucleus, and b is the product
Let mx , ma , my and mb be the rest masses of X, a, Y and b respectively; and Ka , Ky and Kb the kinetic
energies of a, Y and b respectively. The target nucleus X is initially at rest so that it has no kinetic energy
(Kx = 0). By the conservation of total relativistic energy in reaction (i), we have
Because there can be an exchange of energy between kinetic energy and rest mass energy, the final
kinetic energy Ky + Kb may be greater, or less, than the initial kinetic energy Ka. The difference is called
the `Q-value' or `energy balance' of the reaction, That
Thus the Q-value may be determined by measuring the energies or the masses.
The m's in eq. (iv) refer to the rest masses of the nuclei X and Y and to the rest masses of the completely
ionised nuclear particles a and b. However, in view of the conservation of charge in nuclear reaction, we
can incorporate electron masses in m's (ignoring electron binding energy) and hence can treat them as
atomic masses.
Reactions for which Q is positive, the rest mass energy of product particles Y and b is less than that of
the initial particles X and a. The rest energy surplus of X and a is converted into the kinetic energy of the
product particles which exceeds the kinetic energy of the initial particles. Such reactions are called
`exothermic' or `exoergic'.
If Q is negative, that is, the rest energy of the product particles exceeds that of the initial particles, the
reaction is
Nucleus Hypothesis
`endothermic' or `endoergic'. In this case the surplus rest energy of the product particles results in a loss
of kinetic energy.
Atomic mass unit (abbreviated `u') is the unit in which atomic masses are expressed. "l u is defined as
1/12 th the mass of an atom of 6C12 which is the most abundant isotope of carbon". Thus, by definition,
the mass of 6C12 atom is exactly 12.00000......u. The masses of other atoms are determined by measuring
the position of the line they produce in a mass spectrograph relative to that of 6C12.
Atomic masses refer to the masses of neutral atoms, not of stripped nuclei. Thus the masses of the
orbital electrons and the mass equivalent of their binding energies. (which are very small) are included
in the figure of atomic masses.
1 gm-atom of 6C12 has N (Avogadro's number) atoms and a mass of 12 gm. Therefore, the mass of 1
Thus, by definition.
= = gm.
Let us now calculate the energy equivalence of 1 u. We know that 1 u = l.66 l0_27 kg and E = mc2.
Thus, for 1 u, we have
Nuclear Physics
E = l.66 10_27 kg (3.0 108 m/s)2
Using more accurate values of the constants involved yields 931.5 MeV. Thus
[Ans. (i),1H1, (ii) 0n1, (iii) 1H2, (iv) 1H1, (v) 6C12,
(vi) a-particle 2He4, (vii) tritron 1H3]
2. Complete the following disintegration reactions by substituting the proper nuclide or particle for
the question mark in each case :
Nucleus Hypothesis
(iv) ? (n , p) Na24.
The atomic masses are : 1H2 = 2.014102 u, 3Li6 = 6.015123 u, 2He4 = 4002603 u. Given lu c2 =
931.5 MeV.
Solution: The Q-value is initial masses minus final masses, multiplied by c2, that is,
= (0.024019 u)c2.
5. Compute the Q-value of the reaction 1H3 (d, n) 2He4. Given : mass of neutron = 1.008665 u, mass
of deuterium
Nuclear Physics
(atom) =2.014102 u, mass of tritium (atom)=3.016049 a, mass of helium atom = 4.002603 a and 1
amu 931.5 MeV.
= (0.018883 u) c2
The atomic masses are : 7N14 = 14.003074 u, 2He4 = 4.002603u, 8O17 = 16.99913l u and 1H1 =
1.007825 u.
= 18.005677 u _ 18.006956 u) c2
= (_0.001279 u) c2.
The energy equivalent of mass 1 u is 931.5 MeV, that is, lu c2 = 931.5 MeV.
Nucleus Hypothesis
The atomic masses are : 4Be9 = 9.012182 u, 2He4 = 4.002603u, 6C12 = 12.000000 u, neutron mass = 1.
008665 u and 1 amu is equivalent to 931.5 MeV of energy.
8. Find the mass of 6C14 (in amu) from the following nuclear reaction :
Let the mass of 6C14 be mc amu. Substituting the given values in the above equation, we have
= 0.55 MeV
(14.00892 amu-mc)c2 =
Nuclear Physics
7 4 3
3Li + g = 2He + 1H
The minimum energy of the photon must be equal to the rest energy of the product particles minus the
(rest) energy of 8Li7. Let us write the above equation in terms of energy :
= (0.002649 u)c2
Artificial Radioactivity
Rutherford's apparatus consisted of a long chamber with a side opening covered by a silver foil F (Fig.).
A zinc sulphide (ZnS) screen was placed just outside the opening and a microscope M was placed for
observing any scintillations occurring on the screen. The source of a-particles, S, was deposited on a
metal plate placed inside the chamber. The distance of S from the ZnS screen could be varied. The
chamber could be filled with different gases through the side-tubes
T1 and T2.
Nuclear Physics
When the chamber was filled with oxygen or carbon-dioxide gas, no scintillations were seen on the
screen. But when it was , felled with nitrogen, scintillations were observed on the screen, even though
this screen was shielded from the a-particle source S by the silver foil F which was thick enough to
absorb all the a-particles. Hence Rutherford concluded that the scintillations were produced by some
new particles which were more penetrating that the a-particles and were ejected from the nitrogen nuclei
by collision with a-particles.
Since the scintillations were observable even when the distance of S from the screen was as long as 40
cm, the ejected particles had a range upto 40 cm. Magnetic deflection experiments indicated that these
particles had a positive charge equal to the charge of an electron and a mass equal to that of a hydrogen
nucleus (l.672 l027kg). They were called as `protons'.
Blackett, in 1925, took cloud chamber photographs of the above process. He obtained a straight thicker
track of the incident a-particle, and a long thinner track of the ejected proton together with a short, thick
track of the recoiling nucleus. There was no a-particle track after the collision, showing that the a-
particle had disappeared completely. From this it was concluded that the a-particle did not rebound after
collision but was absorbed by the nitrogen nucleus, resulting into a new nucleus and the emission of a
proton. The nuclear reaction for this process is
Artificial Radioactivity
This reaction states that when a nitrogen nucleus (7N14) is hit by an a-particle (2He4), a proton (1H1) is
ejected leaving a recoiling oxygen nucleus (8O17). Thus Rutherford transformed ordinary nitrogen into a
rare isotope of oxygen. This was the first artificial nuclear transformation.
Following Rutherford historic experiment on artificial nuclear disintegration, Rutherford and Chadwick
disintegrated other light elements by bombarding them with a-particles. They found that protons could
be ejected out of the nuclei of all the light elements from boron to potassium (with the exception of
carbon and oxygen).
In some cases the energy of the ejected protons was even greater than that of the bombarding a-particles.
This result further verified that the protons were emitted due to nuclear disintegration, the extra energy
being acquired due to the nuclear re-arrangement.
Later on, particles other than those emitted from a radioactive substance, such as neutrons, and
artificially-accelerated charged particles (protons, deuterons) were used for producing nuclear
Nuclear Physics
Discovery of Neutron
In 1920, there were only three known material particles, namely electron, proton and a-particle, all
charged. Rutherford had suggested the existence of a new particle having a mass roughly equal to the
proton mass but carrying no charge. The particle was subsequently discovered and is now known as the
In 1930, Bothe and Becker found that when beryllium (or boron) was bombarded with a-particles, a
highly penetrating but very poorly ionizing radiation was emitted. It was supposed that this radiation
was high-energy g-radiation produced by the reaction
9 + 2He4 6C13 + g
This supposition led, however, to difficulties. The measurement of absorption of the radiation in lead
showed that if it was a g-radiation then its energy should be about 7 MeV. This value was greater than
the energy of any g-radiation known at that time.
In 1932, Curie and Joliot investigated the radiation further by examining its effect on a paraffin block (a
substance rich in hydrogen) placed between the beryllium and an ionisation chamber (Fig.). They found
that the ionisation increased markedly by the presence of the block. They correctly concluded that
protons (hydrogen nuclei) were being ejected from the paraffin by the radiation, and producing
ionisation in the chamber. They assumed that the supposed g-radiation on falling upon the paraffin,
underwent Compton collisions with the hydrogen nuclei, which therefore recoiled and appeared as
These protons were found to have energies of about 4.5 MeV. Calculations on this basis showed that
each incident gray photon must have had an energy of 55 MeV, a value about eight times higher than
that deduced from the absorption
Artificial Radioactivity
measurements. Thus there was a serious difference between the values of the energy of the supposed g-
radiation given by the two methods.
In 1932, Chadwick performed a series of experiments on the recoil of many other nuclei (for example
nitrogen) when struck by this penetrating radiation. He found that if this radiation consisted of g-ray
photons, then the energy of the photons as obtained from experimental results varied with the nature of
the recoiled nucleus. For example, protons ejected from paraffin had energies which required a g-ray
photon to have an energy of 55 MeV, while recoiling nitrogen nuclei had energies which required a g-
ray photon to have an energy of 90 MeV. This meant that the energy of the supposed g-ray photon
increased with the mass of the recoiling atom, which was contrary to the conservation of energy and
momentum in Compton collisions.
Chadwick showed that these difficulties disappeared if the radiation coming from beryllium bombarded
with a-particles is supposed to consist of `particles' (instead of massless g-ray photons) of mass nearly
equal to that of a proton, but having no charge. He called these particles `neutrons'. The nuclear reaction
which produces these neutrons is
Nuclear Physics
where 0n1 is the symbol for the neutron. The penetrating nature of the neutrons follows from the absence
of a charge, and the energies of the recoiling nuclei in Chadwick's experiments can be accounted for on
the basis of collisions with an energetic `particle.'
Production of Neutrons : As we have seen above, neutrons are produced when a light element like
beryllium (or boron) is bombarded with a-particles. Therefore an a-emitter (like radium, polonium or
americium) mixed with beryllium powder constitutes a neutron source. Such a mixture placed in a
capsule emits neutrons with energies ranging upto 10 MeV or more.
Neutrons can also be produced by bombarding deuterium (heavy water) or beryllium with g-rays
obtained from artificial radioactive atoms like 11Na24 or 51SB124. Such sources are called `photoneutron'
sources and give practically monoenergetic neutrons.
Now a days the most powerful source of neutrons is the nuclear reactor in which the fission of heavy
nuclei takes place.
Determination of Mass of Neutron : Since neutron is not a charged particle, its mass cannot be
determined directly by deflecting it in electric or magnetic field. Chadwick determined the mass of
neutron by measuring the maximum velocities of recoiling nuclei of hydrogen and nitrogen struck by
neutrons. Suppose a neutron of mass m and velocity v suffers head-on collision with a stationary
hydrogen nucleus of mass mH. Let the velocity of the neutron after the collision be v', and the
(maximum) velocity of the recoiling hydrogen nucleus be vH. The equation of conservation of kinetic
energy is
= ,
mv = mv' + mHvH.
Artificial Radioactivity
vH = v. ... (i)
Again, if a neutron with the same velocity v collides with a stationary nitrogen nucleus of mass mn , the
(maximum) velocity imparted to the recoiling nitrogen nucleus is given by
vN = v. ... (ii)
mN and mH are known. If, therefore, vH and vN are found by measuring the maximum length of the cloud
chamber tracks of the recoiling nuclei, the mass m of the neutron can be determined. Chadwick's result,
although approximate because of errors in the determination of vH and vn , showed that the mass of the
neutron is slightly larger than that of the proton.
Properties :
(i) The neutron is a fundamental constituent of the nuclei of all atoms (except hydrogen atom). It has a
mass of 1.00898 amu or 1.675 10_27 kg which is slightly greater than that of a proton.
(ii) It is an uncharged particle. Therefore it cannot be accelerated to high velocities by means of electric
fields as can be charged particles such as protons and electrons. For the same reason, the neutrons cannot
be focussed by means of magnetic fields.
(iii) It is a highly penetrating particle and can pass through thick sheets of lead.
Nuclear Physics
ionisation in a gas, and hence no track in a cloud chamber.
(v) Being uncharged, a neutron can easily enter the nucleus of an atom. It can therefore produce a
nuclear excitation or nuclear disintegration far more readily than almost any other particle. (Other
particles carrying a charge have to overcome the strong electrostatic repulsion offered by the nucleus.)
(vi) If the probability of nuclear excitation or nuclear disintegration is small, the neutrons, on striking
matter, are simply scattered by the atomic nuclei. On colliding with heavy nuclei, the neutrons are
scattered with very little loss of energy. On colliding with light nuclei, however, the neutrons are slowed
down in a few collisions. Light water (H2O), heavy water (D2O), paraffin wax, and carbon are very
effective in slowing down neutrons. These substances are called `moderators'. A slow neutron is more
efficient in producing nuclear disintegration because it spends more time near a nucleus than a fast
neutron and thus stands a greater chance of being captured.
(vii) Neutrons possessing energies of 1 MeV or more are known as fast neutrons. Those with energies
below 1 eV are described as slow neutrons. The neutrons which have come into thermal equilibrium
with a moderator at normal temperature and pressure are called thermal neutrons. Such neutrons have
energies of approximately 0.03 eV.
Detection of Neutrons : The neutron, being a non-ionising particle, does not produce a track in a cloud
chamber. Hence it cannot be detected by a G-M tube or by a cloud chamber. Indirect methods are,
however, available for its detection.
Slow neutrons can be detected by means of a G-M tube or ionisation chamber filled with boron
trifluoride gas (containing
Artificial Radioactivity
5B ). The neutrons passing through the gas disintegrate boron nuclei which thus emit a-particles :
The a-particles so produced cause ionisation of the gas and are thus detected.
Similarly, a G-M tube or ionisation chamber containing hydrogen will detect fast neutrons. When a fast
neutron collides with a hydrogen nucleus, it imparts energy to the hydrogen nucleus which in turn
produces ionisation in the surrounding gas and is detected.
Radioactive Decay of Neutron : A free neutron outside an atomic nucleus is unstable and decays into a
proton, emitting an electron and an antineutrino. The reaction is
1 1H1 + -1e0 +
Uses of Neutrons :
(ii) Fast and slow neutrons are used for artificial disintegration of nuclei and producing radio-isotopes.
Positron : It is a positively-charged particle having the same mass and charge as an (negative) electron.
Thus it is the antiparticle of the electron and is also called as `positive electron'.
Positron was discovered by Anderson in 1932. Anderson was photographing the tracks of comic-ray
electrons in a Wilson cloud chamber placed in a strong, magnetic field. He obtained
Nuclear Physics
a number of curved tracks showing that they were formed by charged particles of electronic mass and
electronic charge. The direction of curvature of most of the tracks indicated a negative charge on the
particles. Occasionally, however, a track was obtained whose direction of curvature was just opposite,
thus indicating a positive charge on the particle producing it. The particle was named positron. It was the
first antiparticle to be discovered.
The existence of positron was predicted by Dirac before its discovery by Anderson. It was later found
that when hard grays are absorbed by nuclei of atoms, the electrons and positrons are simultaneously
produced (pair production). Positrons are also emitted by some artificially produced radioactive
A positron has only an extremely short life, of the order of a micro-second. It is readily annihilated by
combining with an electron from the surroundings.
(a-particle) (proton)
In this reaction a nitrogen nucleus hit by an a-particle is converted into an oxygen nucleus and emits a
proton. For
Artificial Radioactivity
every nuclear reaction the total number of protons and neutrons is conserved as is the total mass plus
Artificial Radioactivity
The experiments on the artificial disintegration of nuclei led to the discovery of artificial (or induced)
radioactivity. In 1934, Curie and Jollot observed that when certain light elements, like boron and
aluminum, were bombarded by a-particles, the resulting products of disintegration emitted positrons, and
the emission persisted even after bombardment by a-particles was stopped.
The positron activity decayed exponentially with time just in the same way as natural radioactivity. This
showed that as a result of a-particle bombardment, the stable elements
were converted into unstable radioactive isotopes. The phenomenon in which a stable element is
converted into a radioactive isotope by an artificial disintegration is called `artificial radioactivity'.
These artificially-produced radioactive isotopes have comparatively much shorter half-lives than the
natural radioactive elements.
Thus when boron is bombarded by a-particles, it disintegrates emitting a neutron and forming an
unstable radioactive isotope of nitrogen called radio-nitrogen :
13 13 + +1e0 (positron)
7N 6C
The half-life of 7N13 is found to be about 14 min, and 6C13 produced is a stable isotope of carbon.
In a similar manner, the bombardment of aluminium results in the production of unstable radio-
phosphorus, which decays by positron-emission into a stable isotope of silicon :
Nuclear Physics
27 4 30 1
13Al + 2He 15P + 0n
30 14Si30 + +1e0
In general, artificial radioactive isotopes are produced by the bombardment of stable elements with
accelerated charged particles (protons, deuterons, a-particles). By far the most useful particles for
producing artificial radioactivity are the neutrons which are available in large numbers in a nuclear
reactor. Hence artificially radioactive isotopes are now-a-days produced by placing elements inside a
nuclear reactor. Practically all the elements can now be made artificially radioactive.
Some artificially radioactive isotopes emit positrons, while some others emit electrons. In some cases g-
ray emission also takes place together with positrons or electrons. Artificially radioactive isotopes which
emit a-particles are much less common and occur mostly in transuranic elements (Z>92).
There is some correlation between the type of radioactivity of an artificially radioactive isotope and the
means of its formation. The radioactive isotopes produced by (n, g), (n, p), (n, a), and (d, p) reactions in
which the neutron to proton ratio increases, emit electrons. As an example, we consider (n, a) reaction :
27 + 0n1 11Na24 + 2He4
24 24
11Na 12Mg + _1e
Artificial Radioactivity
Radio-isotope and their Applications : In addition to the naturally occurring radio-isotopes such as
radium, hundreds of others have been made artificially. These isotopes have numerous applications in
medicine, agriculture, industry and pure research. Many applications employ a special technique known
as `tracer technique'.
Tracer Technique : A small quantity of a radio-isotope is introduced into the substance to be studied
and its path is traced by means of a G. M. counter. As an example, a leakage in an underground water-
pipe can be detected by this method. A small quantity of radio-sodium Na24 (g-ray emitter) is introduced
into the pipe at its inlet. After the liquid has gone through the pipe, the ground around the leak will have
larger g-ray activity which can be detected by moving a G. M. counter on the ground. Similarly, in order
to locate a blockage in an underground sewage pipe, a rubber ball having Na24 is introduced into the
pipe. A G. M. counter above ground will give the position of the ball when it has come to rest.
Radio-isotopes can also be used in transporting different oils through underground pipe to distant places.
When the type of the oil flowing through the pipe is changed, a small quantity of radio-isotope is mixed
exactly at the position where the change takes place. Near the other end of the pipe line, a Geiger
counter is placed which gives a signal when the radio-isotope passes.
In the field of medicine the tracer technique is employed in a number of ways. For example, the doctor
can find out any obstruction in the circulation of the blood in the human body. He injects radio-
phosphorous (P32) into the blood of the patient and examines the movement of the blood by detecting
radiations emitted by P32 by means of G. M. counter. He can thus locate clots of blood present in the
body. In a similar way, the passage of a particular element in the body and the rate at which it
accumulates in different organs can be studied. For example,
Nuclear Physics
phosphorus accumulates in bones, and iodine in thyroid gland. When the thyroid gland suffers with
some disease, its rate of accumulation of iodine changes. To investigate it, radio-iodine (I131) is given
orally to the patient and the radiation emitted by his thyroid gland is measured externally by a G. M.
counter at suitable intervals over the following 48 hours or so. An over-active or under-active (ailing)
thyroid gland can thus be diagnosed.
In agriculture, the tracer technique is used to study the rate and direction of movement of an element in a
plant. For this a radio-isotope of that element is injected in the ground near the plant. After a few days
the plant is laid on a photographic paper to produce an auto-radiograph. The dark areas in the radiograph
show the positions reached by the element. This technique gives valuable information regarding the
optimum season for fertilising crops and for poisoning weeds.
In industry, the tracer technique is used for testing the uniformity of mixtures. For testing a chocolate
mixture, a small quantity of a short-lived radio-isotope such as Na24 or Ma56 is added to the primary
ingredients. Several different samples of the final product are then tested for radioactivity by means of a
G. M. counter. If each sample gives the same counting rate, then the mixing has been uniform. This
method can be used in mixing processes occurring in the manufacture of chocolate, soap, cement paints,
fertilizers, cattle food and medical tablets.
The tracer technique is extremely sensitive in testing the sealing process in making envelopes for radio
valves. A sample valve is filled with radio-krypton (Kr85) and a G. M. counter is held outside the valve.
The counter detects even an extremely poor leakage.
The tracer technique is also used in research to study the exchange of atoms between various molecules,
and to investigate the solubility and vaporisation of materials.
Artificial Radioactivity
Besides the uses employing the tracer technique there are hundreds of other uses of radio-isotopes in
various fields.
Medical Uses : The radiations given out by some radio-isotopes are very effective in curing certain
For example, radio-cobalt (Co80) is used in the treatment of brain tumour, radio-phosphorus (P32) in
bone-diseases and radio-iodine (I131) in thyroid cancer. The radiations, besides destroying the ailing
tissue, also damage the healthy tissue and hence a careful control over the quantity administered is
Bacteria and other disease-carrying organisms can be destroyed by irradiating them with g-rays. The
process is used to sterilise medical instruments, plastic hypodermic needles, packets of antibiotics, and
hospital blankets; whereas heat sterilisation would damage them. A portable source of g-rays for
sterilisation is radio-cobalt (Co60).
X-ray photography in medical diagnosis can be replaced by g-ray photography with advantage. The g-
ray source (radio-isotope) is compact and needs no power supply.
Agricultural Uses : Radiations from certain radio-isotopes are used for killing insects which damage the
food grains. Certain seeds and canned food can be stored for longer periods by gently exposing them to
Better yields of milk from cows, and more eggs from hens have been obtained on the basis of
information gained by mixing radio-isotopes with their diet.
Radio-isotopes are also employed for determining the function of fertilizer in different plants. Thus the
agricultural yield is increased.
Certain seeds, when exposed to feeble radiation, develop into different varieties of plants. For example,
new and exciting colours have been given to some of the flowering plants.
Nuclear Physics
Industrial Uses : There are many different uses to which radio-isotopes are put in industry. By g-ray
photography we can find out wearing of cutting tools and lathes, and can locate internal cracks in stones.
We can check any non-uniformity in the thickness of a sheet by b- or g-absorption measurements. The
sheet is made to run continuously between a radio-isotope (emitting b- or g-rays) and a counter. A
change in the counting rate indicates a variation in the thickness of the sheet. The output from the
counter may be used to correct the machinery which is rolling the sheet as soon as a variation is
detected, and thus the thickness is automatically kept constant. This method is used as a thickness
control in the manufacture of paper, plastic, metal sheet, etc.
The same method can be used to check sealed cigarette packets whether they are full or if one or more
cigarette is missing. The packets are placed on a conveyer belt running between a radio-isotope and a
counters. An empty or partially-filled packet gives a higher counting rate due to less absorption of
radiation than with a completely filled packet. The increase in counting rate can be converted into an
electronic signal which knocks the incomplete packet off the belt.
A radioactive isotope together with a fluorescent material (such as ZnS) becomes a weak source of light.
Such sources are used for providing light in coal mines, and for painting watches.
Carbon Dating : The radio-carbon (6C14) is continuously being produced in the atmosphere by neutron
bombardment of nitrogen :
14 + 0n1 6C14 + 1H1
The radio-isotope 6C14 has a half-life of 5600 years and decays back to nitrogen by electron emission :
14 7N14 + _1e0.
Artificial Radioactivity
In the course of time an equilibrium has been reached in which the rates of formation and decay of 6C14
are equal. Hence the ratio of 6C14 to stable carbon 6C12 in all atmospheric carbon dioxide is constant.
All living matter (plant or animal) by one process or another exchanges its carbon with atmospheric
carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide). As long as the exchange is taking place, the ratio of 6C14 to 6C12
in the plant or animal is the same as that in the atmosphere. After the death of a plant or animal the
process of exchange stops, so that the concentration of 6C14 in it decreases due to radioactive decay. The
ratio of 6C14 to 6C12 remaining at a certain time after death, can be found by measuring the activity of a
carbon sample taken from the dead body. From this ratio the time since death can be calculated. By this
method, ages ranging from about 600 years to 20,000 years can be estimated. The method is known as
`carbon-14 dating'.
Carbon-14 dating is applicable for dating dead vegetation (such as wood, paper, papyrus, etc.) and
animal matter (such as hair, wool, etc.). For instance, it has been used for wooden coffins containing
Egyptian mummies, which were found to be 3500 years old.
Transuranic Elements : The heaviest naturally occurring element is uranium (U) which has an atomic
number Z = 92. Since 1940, elements having an atomic number greater than 92 have been artificially
produced in the laboratory by the bombardment of certain heavy nuclei with appropriate particles. These
are called `transuranic elements' (Z>92). The transuranic elements ranging from Z=93 to Z=103 are the
following :
1. Neptunium, Np (Z = 93) : When uranium 92U238 is bombarded with slow neutrons, a new isotope
92U is produced with the emission of g-rays (radioactive capture) :
Nuclear Physics
238 + n1 U239 + g
92U 0 92
The product nucleus 92U239 is radioactive and decays by electron emission into 93Np239, an isotope of
the first transuranic element neptunium :
2. Plutonium, Pu (Z = 94) : The Neptunium isotope 93Np239 is itself radioactive and has a half-life of 23
days. It decays by electron emission into 94Pu239, an isotope of the second transuranic element
plutonium :
239 is very stable. It decays by a-emission into 92U235 with a half-life of 24,400 years :
The production of 94Pu239 is carried on a large scale for generating nuclear power.
Other transuranium elements can be made by bombarding the appropriate heavy nucleus with
accelerated a-particles, deuterons, or with bare nuclei of lighter atoms. They are named as below :
Each one of the transuranium elements is found to have several isotopes. Elements beyond E (Z=99)
have so short half-lives that they cannot be isolated in weighable quantities.
In general, the half-lives of transuranium elements are very short compared with the age of the earth ( 4
109 years). Even if the elements existed among the natural ores when the earth was formed, they
would have disappeared long ago. This is why they do not occur in nature. On the other hand, the half-
life of uranium is about the same as the age of the earth so that a considerable quantity still remains.
1. 10 mg of carbon from living material produces 200 counts per minute due to a small fraction of the
radio-carbon 6C14. A piece of ancient wood of mass 10 mg is found to give 50 counts per minute. Find
the age of the wood assuming that the 6C14 content of the atmosphere has remained unchanged. Half-
life of 6C14 is 5700 years.
Particle Detectors
Particle Detectors : Nuclear radiation (or particles) such as a- b-, and g-rays, cannot be observed
directly. They are detected by the secondary effects which they produce in the materials through which
they pass. There are three such effects, and a number of detecting instruments are based upon them.
These effects are ionisation, photographic action and fluorescence.
Ionisation : A charged particle like a-particle, b-particle, or proton, passing through matter produces
ions by collisions with the molecules of the material. This ionisation is the basis of many detecting
instruments such as electroscope, spark counter, ionisation chamber, Geiger-Muller counter, cloud
chamber and bubble chamber. The various instruments differ in the material within which the ionisation
is produced, and in the way in which the ionisation is observed or measured.
Electroscope : It is the simplest instrument used for the detection of ionisation produced in air by
nuclear radiation. It
Nuclear Physics
consists of two gold leaves, one fixed in position, the other free to rotate. When the leaves are charged to
a positive potential (say) with respect to earth, they are separated out due to mutual electrostatic
repulsion. If the air surrounding the leaves is now exposed to a radioactive source R, it becomes ionised
so that positive ions and electrons are produced.
The positive ions move towards the earthed case, and the electrons towards the leaves. The electrons
neutralise some of the positive charge on the leaves which therefore come closer. The decrease in the
separation of leaves is a measure of the intensity of the ionising radiation, specially of the a-rays which
alone produce strong ionisation.
Spark Counter : It is another simple device for detecting a-particles. It consists of a tungsten wire A and
a flat tungsten plate B, with an air gap of about 1 mm in between. A potential difference of about 6 kV,
which is only very slightly less than that required to produce sparking, is applied across the gap. When
an a-source is placed near the gap, sparks begin to pass across the gap. This is because the a-particle
passing through the gap ionises the air strongly and a spark is initiated. The counting of spark visually
gives roughly the number of aparticles passing through the gap. Alternatively, the current that passes in
a spark produces a voltage-pulse in a resistance R, which is fed into an electronic scalar which records
the exact number of a-particles.
Particle Detectors
The spark counter can give the range of a-particles in air by finding the maximum distance between
source and gap for spark to be produced, It responds well to a-particles, but it is practically insensitive to
b-particles and photons (g-rays, Xrays, etc.).
Ionisation Chamber and G-M Counter : These are the most popular instruments for detecting nuclear
radiations. In them the ionisation is produced in a gas. The positive ions and the electrons so-produced
are separated and collected by means of an electrostatic field. This results in electric pulses which are
amplified, measured and counted electronically. `
Cloud Chamber : In a cloud chamber the ionisation is produced in a gas supersaturated with some
vapour, and the track of ions is made visible by the condensation of vapour upon them.
Babble Chamber : In a bubble chamber the ionisation is produced in a superheated liquid and the track
of tons is made visible by the formation of bubbles upon them.
In both, the cloud chamber and the bubble chamber, the tracks are illuminated and photographed
Many of the above instruments' are used to detect not only the charged particles (such as a- and b-
particles), but also the uncharged radiation such as g-rays and X-rays which do not produce enough
ionisation directly. These radiations are made to fall on suitable materials from which they eject
electrons (by photoelectric, pair production, or Compton scattering
Nuclear Physics
processes). These electrons produce ionisation which leads to the detection of the radiation.
Nuclear particles leave tracks if they travel through the emulsion of special photographic plates. Such
emulsions are called `nuclear emulsions'. The tracks produced in them become observable when the
photographic plate is developed. Many important studies of cosmic rays and nuclear particles have been
made with the aid of nuclear emulsions.
Fluorescence : Nuclear radiation, especially a-particles, produce flashes of light when they fall upon a
screen coated with a fluorescent material like zinc sulphide or barium platino-cyanide. These flashes of
light are called `scintillations'. The observation and counting of these scintillations provide us a means of
detecting nuclear particles.
Rutherford was the first to use fluorescence for detecting a-particles. He made a-particles to struck a ZnS
screen and observed visually the scintillation produced. Crookes in 1903 designed a simple instrument
called `spinthariscope' on this basis. It consists of a small radioactive source R and a fluorescent screen
S, together with an eye-piece E for viewing the scintillations. The number of scintillations counted per
unit time gives directly the number of a-particles falling upon the screen. The screen is comparatively
insensitive to b- and grays. It has the disadvantages that scintillations can only be seen in a dark room,
and that visual counting is limited to about 60 scintillations/min.
Particle Detectors
Since 1947, various liquids and solids have been found in which scintillations can be produced by b- and
g-rays also, as well as by neutrons (through an indirect process). In modern instruments, the
scintillations are converted into amplified current pulses by a photo-multiplier tube, and are counted
electronically. Such an instrument is called a `scintillation' counter.
Gas-filled Detectors : When nuclear radiation passes through a gas enclosed between two electrodes, it
ionises the gas molecules. If a potential difference is applied across the electrodes, the positive ions
move toward the negative electrode and the electrons toward the positive electrode. Thus pulses of
electric current are produced which detect end measure the ionising radiation. Such detectors are called
`gas-filled detectors' and include ionisation chamber, proportional counter and Geiger-Mueller counter.
Each one of them has its own condition of ionisation under which it can work. To understand this, let us
consider the variation of ionisation current with the potential difference applied across the electrodes.
The curve I corresponds to the ionisation current produced by a charged particle of lower energy; while
the curve II corresponds to a particle of higher energy.
Nuclear Physics
If there is no p.d. across the electrodes, the ions will recombine and there will be no current. As the p.d.
is increased to a few volts, some of the positive ions and electrons reach the opposite electrodes so that a
small ionisation current is obtained. At a certain p.d. V1, all the ions formed in the gas reach the
electrodes and a saturation current results. As the p.d. is further increased, the current stays constant
until a p.d. V2 is reached. Thus between V1 and V2 the ionisation current is independent of the applied p.
d., and is proportional to the number of (primary) ions formed in the gas, and hence proportional to the
energy of the ionising particle. If the ionising particle is of higher energy, a larger saturation current is
obtained, as shown by the dotted curve. In the region between V1 and V2 the ionisation chamber works.
When the p.d. is increased above V2 the (primary) ions formed by the charged particles gain so much
energy that they themselves begin to ionise the gas molecules by collision. The secondary ions so
formed, in turn, initiate further ionisation, and so on. In this way an avalanche of ionisation is produced
and the current increases. Upto a p. d. V3, the number of secondary ions formed remains proportional to
the number of (primary) ions produced initially. Hence the output current pulse is proportional to the
initiating particle energy. The curves I and II therefore continue to run parallel in the region between V2
and V3. It is this region in which a proportional counter works.
Above V3, the avalanche begins to spread rapidly in the space between the electrodes and the secondary
ionisation begins to lose the proportionality feature. The curves I and II approach each other and
eventually meet at V3'. The region between V3 and V3' is the region of limited proportionality. No
detector works in this region.
Above the avalanche fills the whole of the space between the electrodes. The number of secondary
ions formed now become independent of the, number of (primary) ions produced initial, so
Particle Detectors
that the curves I and II become identical. The region above V3' is the region of Geiger-Mueller counter.
It ends at a p. d V4, above which continuous discharge starts.
Ionisation Chamber : An ionisation chamber is used for detecting mainly the a- and b-rays, and to
compare the activities of sources emitting these rays. Basically,, it consists of a chamber filled with a gas
like air or argon at normal pressure. It is fitted with a pair of electrodes E1 and E2 between which a
constant p. d. is maintained. It also carries a window W made of nylon or mica, 0.002 mm thick, and
coated with graphite to make it conducting.
When the rays to be detected enter the chamber through the window, they ionise the gas between the
electrodes. The positive ions and the electrons so produced move in opposite directions towards the
electrodes so that an ionisation current (l0_12 amp) flows in the external circuit. This current is
measured by measuring the p. d. established by it in a high resistor R by means of an electrometer.
The p. d. across the electrodes is so selected that all the ions collect at the electrodes and there is no
secondary ionisation. Under this condition the (saturation) ionisation current is proportional to the
number of pairs of ions and hence to the number of particles entering the chamber. Therefore, the
activities of the sources can be compared by comparing their ionisation currents.
Nuclear Physics
An ionisation chamber is much less sensitive to b-particles (in comparison to a-particles) because b-
particles produce fewer pairs of ions in their passage through the chamber. It is too insensitive for g-
For detecting g-rays, an ionisation chamber of thick wall made of high atomic-number material (Pt, Bi)
is employed. The g-rays impinging on the walls of the chamber eject high-speed electrons which
produce ionisation in the gas.
The ionisation chamber does not give a count of individual particles, but an average effect of a large
number of particles.
Proportional Counter : The proportional counter is used to detect and measure the energies of particles
(a- and b) and also of photons (g- and X-rays). It operates under a p. d. across the electrodes which is
such that secondary ionisation takes place, but the output current pulse is always proportional to the
number of (primary) ions produced initially by the entering particle (or photon). These pulses are
displayed on an oscilloscope screen. The pulse height gives a measure of the energy of particle (or
photon) entering the counter. The proportional counter is thus able to distinguish directly (by virtue of
the height of the pulse produced) between a- and b-particles and g-rays since they differ so much in
ionising powers.
Geiger-Mueller Tube (G-M Tube) : A Geiger-Mueller tube is the most versatile and useful of the
instruments used for detecting and measuring the energies of a, b-, g-, and X-rays. It is sufficiently
sensitive to detect individual a- and b-particles. It is widely used in industry and medicine to locate radio
isotopes, and in the laboratory for comparing the activity of radioactive specimen.
One of the simplest form of a G. M. tube is shown in Fig. It consists of a metallic cylindrical cathode
tube enclosed in a glass envelope. A fine tungsten wire anode is stretched along the axis of the tube. The
rays to be detected enter the tube through the glass envelope.
Particle Detectors
A slightly different form of G-M tube is used for a-particles and the less energetic b-particles which are
unable to penetrate the glass envelope. It is known as `end-window' G. M. tube and is shown in Fig. In it
the cylindrical cathode tube carries a thin mica window to let the particles enter. The wire anode, instead
of extending through the length of the tube, terminates in a point.
The tube contains a monatomic gas such as argon or neon at a pressure of about 10 cm of mercury,
together with a small trace of a halogen such as chlorine or bromine. (The halogen acts as a `quenching
agent'). A potential difference of several hundred volts is applied between the anode wire and the
cathode tube.
When an ionising particle enters the G-M tube, it ionises some of the argon atoms, forming positive ions
and free electrons. Because of the shape of the electrodes, the electrostatic field is radial and is very
strong near the anode wire. Any free electrons in this region are rapidly accelerated to cause further
ionisation. This process is cumulative, and a large `avalanche' of electrons is produced. Besides this,
some of the free electrons
Nuclear Physics
colliding the argon atoms merely excite them. The excited atoms return to their normal state emitting
light photons. If a photon is absorbed by another excited atom, the atom is ionised releasing more
electrons which produce further avalanches. Since photons are unaffected by the electric field, they can
go in any direction.
Hence the avalanche spreads rapidly in the entire volume of the tube, and an amplification as high as 108
is reached. The total number of ions produced is now `independent' of the initial number of ions formed
by the entering particle. The electrons, being very light, are collected almost at once at the anode,
leaving behind a space-charge due to massive, slow-moving positive ions. In a short time ( 1 micro-
second) the space-charge becomes enough dense to cancel the electric field round the anode. The
ionisation then stops. Therefore the positive ions are drawn to the cathode and ionisation again starts.
The period during which ionisation remains suspended is called `dead time'. Thus the entry of a single
particle in the tube causes a pulse of current. The magnitude of this pulse is independent of the energy
and nature of the ionising particle. The current pulse causes a corresponding voltage pulse across the
resistance R in series with it. This voltage pulse is fed to a pulse amplifier through a capacitor C. The
amplified pulse is finally passed on either to a scalar or to a ratemeter. The scalar records the arrival of
each individual pulse separately, and so gives the exact number of particles entering the G-M tube in a
given time-interval. The ratemeter records the number of pulses in a given time, i.e. it gives the average
rate at which the particles enter the tube. The combination of G-M tube and the recorder is known as `G-
M counter'.
Because the magnitude of the pulse produced does not depend upon the nature or energy of the entering
particle, a G-M tube does not distinguish between the arrival of an a-particle and a b-particle. (A
proportional counter does it).
Particle Detectors
However, the particles can be distinguished by finding what absorber placed in their path will prevent
them from entering the G-M tube.
Self-quenching Action of the G-M Tube : The G-M tube must produce a single pulse due to the entry of
a single particle. It should not then give any spurious pulses, but should recover quickly to record the
next entering particle. Unfortunately, the positive argon ions which eventually strike the cathode gain
electrons from it and become neutral argon atoms which are left in an excited state. These excited atoms
return to the normal state with the emission of photons, and these photons cause avalanches and hence
spurious pulses.
These unwanted pulses are avoided by the presence of a poly-atomic or diatomic gas, such as bromine,
in the tube. The positive argon ions moving slowly toward the cathode collide many times with the
bromine molecules and transfer their charge to them. Thus only neutral argon atoms reach the cathode.
On the other hand, now bromine molecular ions reach the cathode where they gain electrons to become
neutral bromine molecules in an excited state. However, the excited bromine molecules lose their
excitation energy by dissociation into bromine atoms, and not by photon emission, and thus no spurious
pulses are produced. In due course the bromine atoms recombine to form bromine molecules. Thus
bromine quenches the discharge, and the tube is ready to receive the next particle within about th
of a second.
Operating Voltage for G-M Tube : It is important to operate a G-M tube at the correct p.d. A plot of
counting rate against the p.d. applied is shown in Fig. For low p.d.'s, only the most energetic particles
produce detectable pulses. As the p.d. is increased, the count rate increases. In this region the magnitude
of the pulse depends upon the energy of the entering particle ; and only those particles are recorded
which give detectable
Nuclear Physics
pulses. Beyond a certain threshold p.d. there is a range of p.d.'s, LM, in which the count rate is almost
constant. This is known as the plateau region'. In this region all pulses are of the same magnitude, and
every entering particle is being recorded. This is the right range of p.d.'s in which the G-M tube must be
operated. For a halogen-quenched tube this range is about 400500 volts. Beyond the plateau region, the
quenching action becomes ineffective, The tube may then go into a `continuous discharge" and be
Wilson's Cloud Chamber : C.T.R. Wilson, in 1911, invented a cloud chamber to detect the presence of
radioactive particles, to identify them and to measure their energy.
Principle : If we suddenly increase the volume of air saturated with water vapour, the temperature of air
falls sharply and it becomes super-saturated with water vapour. The vapour is condensed in the form of
small droplets on the dust particles present in the air and a fog appears. If there be no dust particles in
the air, the vapour will not be condensed and the fog will not appear.
If, however, we ionise the `dust-free' air by some ionising radiation (like a- or b-particles), then the
vapour is condensed on the ions produced in the air. Thus, by seeing the condensation of water vapour
in dust-free air, the presence of b-and bparticles can be detected.
Particle Detectors
Construction : Wilson's cloud chamber is shown in Fig. It consists of a cylindrical metallic chamber C
fitted with a glass top G and carrying a movable piston P. The space between the piston P and the glass
cover G is filled with dust-free air saturated with water-vapour. Intense light is sent into the chamber
through a window. Just above the chamber is fitted a camera. Near the chamber is placed some
radioactive substance at the end of a rod.
Working : The a or b-particles emitted by the radioactive substance enter the chamber. Each particle
goes on producing ions by ionising the air molecules on its path. To mark the path of the particle the
piston P is dropped down which leads to a sudden expansion of the saturated air in the chamber. Hence
the air is cooled and becomes super-saturated with water vapour. Now the vapour condenses in the form
of drops on the ions formed along the path of the particle. Thus the path of the particle is marked as a
trail of droplets which is the track of the particle. It is photographed by the camera. The process is
automatic. As soon as a particle enters the chamber, the piston drops down, the shutter of the camera
opens and the track of the particle is photographed. Immediately after this, the particle track is removed
by applying an electric field across the air space. Now the chamber gets ready for the next photograph.
Nuclear Physics
UsesDetection of Ionising Particles : Different ionising particles (a, b, etc.) produce different tracks
in Wilson cloud chamber. For example, a-particles are heavier and slow-moving. Therefore, they remain
comparatively longer in the vicinity of the molecules on their way, ionise a larger number of them and
soon lose their energy. Hence the a-particle tracks in the cloud chamber are thick, short and almost
continuous (Fig.). On the other hand, b-particles are much lighter and fast moving. They spend very
little time near a gas molecule and are frequently (Fig.) deviated by collision with the molecules. As
such, they produce fewer ions. So, their tracks are thin, dotted and zig-zag. Thus, ionising particles can
be identified by their tracks.
Determination of Momentum, Energy and the Sign of the Charge of Ionising Particles : For this, the
cloud chamber is placed in a known magnetic field vertically down the chamber so that the tracks of the
charged particles become curved (Fig.). The measurement of the curvature of the path determines the
momentum and energy of the particle while the direction of curvature determines the sign of the charge.
Particle Detectors
We know that a particle of mass m, charge q and velocity v moving perpendicularly to a magnetic field
of flux density B describes a circular path of radius r, given by
= qvB.
Hence, by measuring the radius r of the circle, the momentum p of the particle can be determined.
If the particle velocity v is comparable to the velocity of light c, then the kinetic energy K of the particle
K ~ pc.
So, knowing the momentum p, the kinetic energy of the particle can be calculated.
The discovery of particles positron and meson and the study of cosmic rays could be possible by the
Wilson's cloud chamber.
The cloud chamber is not suitable for g-rays and X-rays because they produce very little ionisation in the
Automatic Cloud Chamber : Blackett and Occhialini placed a cloud chamber C between two G_M
tubes G1 and G2, connected in coincidence (Fig). An ionising particle which passes through both these
tubes necessarily passes through the cloud chamber C. The pulse produced by the coincidence circuit
operates a thyratron which, in turn, triggers off the sudden expansion of the gas in C and also an spark
illumination for photography of the track. After a trad, has been photographed, the pulse also starts an
electric motor which resets the apparatus and makes it ready to record fresh particle.
Nuclear Physics
Bubble Chamber : The bubble chamber is a device, invented by Glaser in 1952, to photograph the
tracks of charged particles, it is almost the exact (Fig. ) inverse of cloud chamber. When a liquid is
subjected to a pressure higher than normal, it can be held in the liquid state at a temperature above its
normal boiling point. The liquid then becomes superheated at the moment when the pressure, is
suddenly reduced, and has a strong tendency for boiling. If the liquid is very pure and free from dust,
this superheated state can be maintained for a few seconds, after which it starts boiling. If an ionising
particle passes through the superheated liquid, it leaves a trail of ions behind it. These ions cause
immediate boiling and, acting as centres, form a track of bubbles. This track of bubbles can be readily
illuminated and photographed.
A simple form of bubble chamber is shown in Fig. It consists of a heavy-walled pyrex bulb filled with a
low boiling-point liquid like liquid-propane or liquid-hydrogen. The liquid is compressed by admitting
air through a pressure-regulating device, and is maintained at a proper temperature by a thermostat-
controlled oil-bath placed round the pyrex bulb. The air is then allowed to escape very rapidly so that the
liquid becomes highly superheated at normal pressure and remains so for a few seconds. During this
period, a charged particle is passed through the liquid which leaves a track of bubbles
Particle Detectors
behind it. Light is flashed and the bubbles are photographed simultaneously from different angles.
The bubble chamber is more sensitive, more efficient and more compact than a cloud chamber and gives
sharped tracks.
Photographic Emulsions
When an ionising particle (such as proton, a-particle or electron) travels through a photographic plate
emulsion, it leaves a track in the emulsion which appears when the plate is developed. This provides us a
technique for detecting ionising particles.
Special photographic emulsions are prepared for this purpose. They are called `nuclear emulsions'. They
are thicker, and have a large size and density of silver bromide grains than an ordinary optical emulsion.
The tracks which are left by the ionising particles passing through these emulsions are short (a few mm)
so that they are studied under a microscope (Fig.). Counting of the individual tracks gives a measure of
the number of particles entering the emulsion, and the study of the structure of the track gives
information about the mass, charge and
Nuclear Physics
energy of the particle. The method has the advantage of giving a permanent record of the events studied.
Scintillation Counter : It is a device used for detecting radiation like a-, b-, and g-rays by means of the
fluorescence which they produce in certain materials called `scintillants'. When such radiation strikes a
scintillant, the atoms or molecules of the scintillant are excited and within a very short time they drop
back to the normal state with the emission of flashes of visible and ultraviolet light. These flashes are
converted into amplified electrical pulses by means of a photomultiplier tube and are then recorded
The selection of the scintillant depends upon the radiation to be detected. For a-particles, zinc sulphide
(ZnS) in the form of a thin crystal is used. For b-particles, a crystal of anthracene or naphthalene is
commonly employed, while for g-rays a crystal of sodium iodide (Nal) containing a trace of thallium is
One type of scintillation counter is shown in Fig. A suitable scintillant crystal is fitted to the end of a
photo multiplier tube through a light-pipe'. It is shielded from all stray light by an aluminium casing.
The radiation entering the crystal produces a tiny flash of light. The photons of this flash travel through
the light pipe to the photomultiplier tube and fall on a transparent photosensitive layer, and eject photo
electrons. The tube has several electrodes called `dynodes' to which progressively higher potentials are
The photoelectrons are pulled to the dynode 1 where a number of secondary electrons are emitted for
each primary photo electron. These, in turn, are pulled to dynode 2 where the electrons are further
multiplied by secondary emission. The process is repeated at all the dynodes and finally a highly
amplified electrical pulse emerges at the anode. These pulses are fed to an electronic system where they
are counted.
Particle Detectors
The scintillation counter has two main advantages over other counters such as the G-M tube counter.
Firstly, the time of flight of the electrons through the photo multiplier tube is so small that as many as
106 particles per second can be counted. This is about 200 times the rate possible with G-M counters.
Secondly, the efficiency of the scintillation counter in counting g-rays is much higher.
Besides this, the magnitude of the output pulse from the photo multiplier is proportional to the energy of
the particle or g-photon entering the scintilla crystal. Hence a scintillation counter can be used as an
energy spectrometer.
1. A halogen-quenched G-M tube operates at 1 kV and has a wire of diameter 0.20 mm. The radius of
the cathode is 20 mm and the tube has a guaranteed life-time of 109 counts. What is the maximum
radial field and how long will the counter last if it is used on the average for 30 hours per week at
3000 counts per minute ?
Solution: Let a be the radius of the wire (anode) and b that of the cylindrical counter tube (cathode). The
radial field will be maximum at the surface of the wire, that is, at a distance a from the center. It is given
E= ,
where k is a constant. The expression for the p.d. across the tube is given by
Nuclear Physics
E= = = 1887 volts/mm
Suppose the life-time of the tube is N weeks. Then
N 30 60 3000 = 109
N= = 3.7 years.
The Radiations
The Radiations
Natural Radioactivity
The atomic nuclei of certain elements and their salts, such as Uranium, Thorium, Radium, Polonium,
etc., emit spontaneously invisible radiation which penetrates through opaque substances, ionises gases
and affects photographic plates. Such elements are said to be "radioactive", and the spontaneous
emission of radiation is known as "natural radioactivity".
Rutherford studied the effect of electric and magnetic fields on the radiation emitted by different
radioactive substances (Fig.). He observed that the radiation has three types of rays: one which deflect
toward the negative plate, second which deflect toward the positive plate, and the third which remain
undeflected in the electric field. These are called `alpha' rays' (a-rays), `beta rays' (b-rays) and `gamma
rays' (g-rays) respectively. a- and b-rays are actually streams of particles ; hence they are called a- and b-
particles. Thus, a-particles are positively charged, a-particles are negatively charged and
g-rays are electrically neutral.
Nuclear Physics
The same conclusion was drawn by passing the radiation through a magnetic field. The magnetic field in
Fig. is perpendicular to the plane of paper, directed inward. In this field, a-particles are deflected to the
left and b-particles to the right and move on circular paths, whereas g-rays continue moving on their
initial path. According to Fleming's left-hand rule, a-particles are positively charged and b-particles are
negatively charged.
No radioactive substance emits both a- and b-particles simultaneously. Some substances emit a-particles,
and some other emit b-particles. g-rays are emitted along with a- and b-particles.
Properties of a-particles : An a-particle has a positive charge of 3.2 10_19 coulomb and a mass of
6.645 x 10_27 kg which are the same as the charge and mass of a helium nucleus. In fact, an a-particle is
a helium nucleus and is represented by 2He4. The main properties of a-particles are the following:
The Radiations
1. a-particles are deflected in electric and magnetic fields, and the direction of deflection indicates that
they are positively charged. Their small deflection (compared to b-particles) indicates that they are
comparatively heavier particles.
2. The velocity of a-particles is much less than the velocity of light (less than 1/10th part), and a-
particles emitted by different elements have somewhat different velocities. For example, the velocity of
a-particles emitted by Uranium-1 is l.4 107 meter/ second and that of particles emitted by Thorium-C'
is 2.2 l07 meter/second.
3. The range of a-particles in air (the distance travelled by an a-particle in air at NTP) varies from 2.7 cm
for particles from Uranium-1 to 8.6 cm for particles from Thorium C'. In general, the range varies with
the radioactive substance, and the nature and pressure of the medium.
4. a-particles can penetrate through matter but their penetrating power is small. They are stopped by only
0.1 mm thick aluminium sheet. Their penetrating power is only l/100th of that of b-particles and
l/10,000th of that of g-rays.
5. They cause intense ionisation in a gas through which they pass. Their ionising power is 100 times
greater than that of b-rays and 10,000 times greater than that of g-rays. Their tracks in a cloud chamber
are continuous.
6. They are scattered when passing through thin foils of gold or mica. While most of the particles scatter
through small angles, some of them scatter through very large angles, even greater than 90.
Nuclear Physics
7. They produce fluorescence in substances like zinc sulphide and barium platinocyanide. When a
particle strikes a fluorescent screen, a scintillation (flash of light) is observed. We can count the number
of a-particles by counting the number of scintillations.
8. Because of their high emitting velocity, a-particles are used for bombarding the nuclei in the
transmutation of one element into other.
Properties of b-particles : A b-particle has a negative charge of 1.6 10_19 coulomb which is the charge
of electron. Actually, b-particles are fast-moving electrons. They have the following main properties :
1. b-particles are deflected by electric and magnetic fields and the direction of deflection shows that they
are negatively charged. Their deflection is much larger than the deflection of a-particles. This shows that
b-particles are much lighter than the a-particles.
2. Their velocity is from 1% to 99% of the velocity of light (only in velocity, b-particles differ from
cathode rays). There is enough variation in the velocities of b-particles emitted by the same radioactive
substance. This is why enough dispersion is found in these particles in electric and magnetic fields
3. Since the velocity of b-particles is of the order of the velocity of light, their mass increases with their
4. The b-particles emitted by the same radioactive substance has a continuous distribution of kinetic
energy between zero and a certain maximum value,
The Radiations
and this maximum value is different for different substances. Hence the range of b-particles is not
definite (while the range of a-particles is definite).
5. The penetrating power of b-particles is about 100 times larger than the penetrating power of
aparticles. They can pass through 1 mm thick sheet of aluminium.
6. b-particles produce ionisation in gases. Their ionising power is much smaller than that of a-rays,
because the mass of b-particle is much less. As b-particles cannot produce ionisation continuously, their
tracks in cloud chamber do not appear to be continuous.
Properties of g-rays : Like X-rays, the g-rays are electromagnetic waves (or photons) of very short
wavelength, 0.01 , which is about 1/100th part of the wavelength of Xrays. The important properties
of g-rays are as follows :
(1) g-rays are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields. This indicates that they have no charge.
(3) They are most penetrating. They can pass through 30 cm thick iron sheet.
(5) They ionise gases, but their ionisation power is very small compared to that of a- and b-particles.
(8) Though there is much similarity between X-rays and g-rays, yet their sources of origin are different.
X-rays are produced by the transition of electrons in an atom from one energy level to another energy
level, i.e., it is an atomic property ; whereas g-rays are produced from the nucleus, i.e., it is a nuclear
(9) These rays are absorbed by substances and give rise to the phenomenon of pair-production. When a
g-ray photon strikes the nucleus of some atom, its energy is converted into an electron and a positron
(positively-charged electron), and its own existence is extinguished:
hv e_ + e+
a-particles are doubly-charged Helium Ions : a-particles are emitted from radioactive atomic nuclei.
Their deflections in magnetic and electric fields indicate that they are positively-charged. Experiments
have shown that an a-particle carries a charge + 2e, which is numerically twice the charge of electron.
Further, from the determination of the ratio of charge to mass, the mass of an a-particle has been
calculated to be equal to the mass of a helium nucleus. From this we may conclude that
a-particles may be doubly-charged helium ions, i.e., helium nuclei. Rutherford and Royds, in 1909,
showed experimentally that a-particles are in fact helium nuclei.
The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. A small quantity of radon gas (radioactive substance)
was sealed in a thin-walled glass tube A. This tube was placed in a thick-walled glass tube B. A capillary
tube C provided with two electrodes was sealed on B. Tubes B and C were highly evacuated and the
arrangement was allowed to stand for a few days.
The Radiations
The a-particles emitted by the radon passed through the thin walls of the tube A and collected in tube B.
The gas collected in tube B could be forced into the capillary tube C by introducing mercury in B. After
about a week enough gas was accumulated and forced into C. A discharge was then passed through the
gas and the emitted light was examined by a spectroscope which clearly showed spectral lines of helium.
The a-particles collected in the tube B had caught outer electrons and had become helium atoms. This
spectroscopic evidence proves conclusively that a-particles are helium nuclei.
Detection of a-particles : a-particles strongly ionise air (or any other gas), and cause fluorescence in
certain materials. Any of these properties may be utilised for the detection and counting of a-particles.
Two important a-particle detectors are spark counter (based on ionisation) and scintillation counter.
Nuclear Physics
Range of a-particles :The distance through which an a-particle travels in a substance before coming to
rest is called the `range' of the particle in that substance. The a-particles from any one isotope are all
emitted with approximately the same energy and have a well-defined range which is characteristic of
that isotope.
When an a-particle passes through matter say air, it gradually loses its energy chiefly in inising the air
molecules. At the start of its path, the particle may produce 20,000-30,000 ion pairs per cm of air. (This
number can be found by measuring the density of the particle track obtained in a cloud chamber). The
ionisation increases as the particle loses speed. This is because the slowing-down particle spends more
and more time in the vicinity of the molecules. Finally, the unionisation reaches a maximum, when as
much as 70,000 ion pairs per cm are produced, and then falls sharply as the particle comes to a stop
(Fig.). The total distance travelled by the a-particle before coming to rest is the range R of the particle.
Most a-particle sources have ranges between 2.7 and 8.0 cm in air.
Range-Energy Relationship
The range of an a-particle in a substance is related to its initial kinetic energy. The energy lost by the
particle per unit
The Radiations
path in the substance is called the `stopping power' S (E) of the substance :
S (E) = _
The stopping power varies with the energy of the particle, and the range of the particle is given by
R= = ,
The stopping power S (E) of a substance can be determined by measuring (e. g, by magnetic deflection)
the energy of the particles after they have travelled a certain distance in the substance. When the energy
loss is deter, mined for different initial velocities, the range in the substance can be deduced from the
above relation as a function of the initial energy. A graph between range in air and initial energy is
shown in Fig.
Nuclear Physics
Experimental Determination of Range of a-particles: Experimentally, the range of a-particles in air can
be measured using either a spark gap or a vertical ionisation chamber of adjustable height (Fig.). A
radioactive source of a-particles is placed on a small platform inside the chamber whose top can be
adjusted. A suitable constant potential difference is applied across the chamber, and the resulting
ionisation current is measured by means of an electrometer.
As the top of the chamber is raised, the current at first increases with the height of the chamber and then
becomes constant (Fig.). In the beginning when the height is very small (Fig.), the tracks of the a-
particles inside the chamber are short so that only few pairs of ions are produced.
As the height of the chamber is increased (Fig.) the tracks are lengthened so that more pairs of ions are
formed and the current increases. However, when the height is greater than a certain value (Fig.), no
further pairs of ions are produced because the range of the a-particles in air is limited and the lengths of
the tracks cannot be increased beyond this limited range. The distance between the source and the top
when the curve levels off gives an approximate value for the range of these a-particles in air. In Fig. the
mean range is OR.
The Radiations
All the a-particles from a given radioactive source have the same range and hence the same energy. A
close study, however, shows that a-particles often fall into a few close but sharp energy groups. This is
known as the `fine structure' of the a-rays. It gives the clue that there are different energy levels within
the nucleus, i.e. the nucleus may exist in one or more excited states above the ground state. The
existence of these excited states also explain the origin of rays from a radioactive nucleus.
Geiger-Nuttall Law
Different a-emitters emit a-particles of different energies, and hence of different ranges. It has been
found that the a-emitters giving the higher-energy particles have the shortest half-lives (or largest decay
constants), and vice-versa.
Geiger and Nuttall obtained an empirical relation between the decay constant l of an a-emitter and the
range R (in air) of the a-particles emitted by it. This relation which applies to members of a particular
radioactive series is
log l = a + b log R,
where a and b are constants for the given radioactive series. This law can be derived by quantum
A few short-lived a-emitters, thorium C' and radium C', emit a-particles of unusually long range (10-12
cm) occasionally. Such a long-range a-particle is emitted from the parent nucleus when it is in an excited
state, so that it carries not only its normal energy but also the excitation energy of the parent nucleus.
Radioactive Disintegration
Radioactive substances emit spontaneously either a-particles or b-particles, and some times g-rays also.
It is due
Nuclear Physics
to the disintegration of the nuclei of the atoms of the radioactive substance. This spontaneous emission is
called `radioactive disintegration' or `radioactive decay'.
Rutherford-Soddy Theory of Radioactive Disintegration: Rutherford and Soddy studied the radioactive
decay and formulated a theory which is based on the following laws :
(i) The radioactive emission is characteristic of the isotope, it varies from one isotope to another of the
same element.
(ii) The emission occurs spontaneously and cannot be speeded up or slowed down by physical means
such as change of pressure or temperature.
(iii) The disintegration occurs at random and which atom will disintegrate first is simply a matter of
(iv) The rate of disintegration of a particular substance (i.e. number of atoms disintegrating per second)
at any instant is proportional to the number of atoms present at that instant.
Let N be the number of atoms present in a radioactive substance at any instant t. Let dN be the number
that disintegrates in a short interval dt. Then the rate of disintegration is dN/dt, and is proportional to N
_ = lN.
where l is a constant for the given substance and is called `decay constant' (or `disintegration constant' or
`radioactive constant' or `transformation constant').
=_ dt.
The Radiations
Integrating, we get
loge N = lt + C,
where C is the integration constant. To determine C, we apply the initial conditions. Suppose there were
N0 atoms in the beginning i.e. N = N0 at t = 0. Then
loge N0= C
\ loge N = _ lt + loge N0
or log0 = _ lt
or = e_l
This equation shows that the number of atoms of a given radioactive substance decreases exponentially
with time (i.e. more rapidly at first and slowly afterwards). This is the Rutherford-Soddy law of
radioactive decay.
The graph between the number of atoms left in a substance and the time is shown in Fig.
Statistical Nature of Radioactive Decay : Measurements of the rate of decay of a radioactive substance
are purely statistical averages based on measurements made with a large number of atoms. Every atom
in a sample of radioactive substance has a certain probability of decaying, but we cannot know which
atom will actually decay in a particular time-interval.
Furthermore, an atom has no memory of the past. Suppose a particular atom has a probability of decay
of 1 in 106 in a given length of time.
Nuclear Physics
After a thousand years, if it has not decayed, it still has the same probability of decay. Thus for an atom
the decay probability per unit time is constant until it actually decays.
Half-life : The atoms of a radioactive substance undergo continuous decay so that their number goes on
decreasing. The time-interval T in which the mass of a radioactive substance, or the number of its atoms,
is reduced to half its initial value is called the `half-life' of that substance. The half-life of a radioactive
substance is constant, but it is different for different substances. It can be read from the graph in Fig.
Relation between Half-life and Decay Constant : Let N0 be the number of atoms present in a
radioactive substance at time t = 0, and N the number at a later time t. Then, by Rutherford-Soddy law,
we have
N = N0 e_li,
The Radiations
= N0 e_l
or = e_l
or el = 2
or lT = loge 2
The half-life of a radioactive substance cannot be changed by any physical or chemical means. The half-
life of an isotope of Lead (82Pb214) is 26.8 minutes. If this isotope forms some compound by chemical
combination, even then its half-life will be 26.8 minutes.
The half-life of natural radioactive substances and their isotopes vary from a fraction of a second to
hundreds of millions of years. The half-life of an isotope of Polonium (84Po214) is 10_5 second, whereas
the half-life of Uranium (92U238) is 4.5 109 years.
The determination of half-lives is very useful for geologists for estimating the ages of mineral deposits,
rocks and earth. We can also calculate how long our present stock of radioactive substances will last.
Average Life (or Mean Life) of Radioactive Atom : The atoms of a radioactive substance are
continuously disintegrating. Which atom will disintegrate first is a matter of chance. Atoms which
disintegrate in the beginning have a very short life and those which disintegrate at the end have the
longest life. The average life of a radioactive atom is equal to the sum of the life-times of all the atoms
divided by the total number of atoms.
Nuclear Physics
Relation between Mean-life Time and Decay Constant : Suppose N0 is the total number of atoms at t =
0, and N the number remaining at the instant t. Suppose a number dN of them disintegrates between t
and t + dt. As the interval dt is small, we may assume that each of these dN atoms had a life-time of t
seconds. Thus the total life-time of dN atoms is equal to t dN.
Since the disintegration process is a statistical one, any single atom may have a life from 0 to . Hence
the sum of the life-times of all the N0 atoms is
Dividing it by N0 , the total number of atoms originally present, we get the average life-time of an
atom. Therefore
N = N0e_l
or dN = _ N0le_l dt
= =
The Radiations
= =
= [\ e_ = 0]
= .
Thus, the mean-life of a radioactive atom is equal to the reciprocal of its disintegration constant.
Relation between Mean-life and Half-life : The mean-life time of a radioactive atom is different
from the half-life T. We have seen that
and T = .
\ = = 1.44 T.
Thus mean life is longer than half-life. The reason is that the last few atoms of a radioactive substance
may last for a very long period of time.
Radioactive Series
Practically all natural radioactive elements lie in the range of atomic numbers from Z=83 to Z=92. The
nuclei of these elements are unstable and disintegrate by ejecting either an aparticle or a b-particle. The
ejection of an a-particle lowers the mass number A by 4, and atomic number Z by 2. The ejection of a b-
particle has no effect on mass number but
Nuclear Physics
increases the atomic number by 1. The atomic number is characteristic of an element and a change in it
implies the formation of an atom of a new element. The new atom so formed is also radioactive and
further disintegrates into another new atom, and so on. Thus a series of new radioactive elements is
produced by successive disintegrations until a stable element is obtained. Such a series is called a
`radioactive series'.
There are four important radioactive series : (i) Uranium series, (ii) Thorium series, (iii) Actinium series
(iv) Neptunium series.
Uranium Series : In this series the parent element is Uranium with atomic number Z = 92 and mass
number A = 238 (92U238). The sequence starts by the loss of one a-particle giving the product 90Th234,
an isotope of thorium. This is followed by the emission of two b-particles which brings its nuclear
charge to the original value 92, producing an isotope of Uranium, 92U234. This, in turn, emits an a-
particle thus producing another isotope of Thorium 90Th230 which then emits another a-particle and
becomes Radium 88Ra226.
The end-product of this series, after the emission of five more a-particles and four more b-particles, is
radium-lead (82Pb206), which is indistinguishable chemically from ordinary lead. It is a stable isotope of
Several isotopes occurring in the series, such as 84Po218, 83Bi214, and 83Bi210, have been found to decay
in an alternative way also, as shown by dotted arrows in Fig.
Thorium Series : The parent element of this series is Thorium with Z = 90 and A = 232 (90Th232). It
goes through a series of transformations in many respects similar to the Uranium series, and end with an
stable isotope of lead (82Pb208).
Actinium Series : The parent element in this series is an isotope of Uranium called Actino-Uranium
(92U235). The end product is again an stable isotope of lead (82Pb207).
The Radiations
Neptunium Series : With the discovery of the unstable transuranium element, another radioactive series
was traced out.
This is called the `Neptunium series' after its longest-lived member Neptunium. Its origin can be traced
back to Plutonium. It does not end in a stable isotope of lead, but in the stable isotope of Bismuth
Nuclear Physics
Laws of Radioactive Displacement
(i) When a radioactive atom emits an a-particle, the product atom shifts in the periodic table two steps in
the direction of lower atomic number and its mass number is lowered by 4 units.
(ii) On the emission of a b-particle, the product atom shifts one step in the direction of increasing atomic
These are called the `rules of radioactive displacement'.
Radioactive Series Growth and Decay (Successive Radioactive Disintegrations): When a pure sample
of radioactive atoms is isolated, it does not remain pure. The parent atom decays into a daughter atom,
which decays in turn, and so on, until finally a stable end-product is reached. If the parent atom has a
long half-life, the daughters, grand-daughters, and great-grand-daughters are all present with it. We can
determine their numbers that exist in the mixture at a specific time.
The rate of increase of the atoms 2 is equal to their rate of production l1N1 from the decay of parent
atoms minus the rate of their own decay l2 N2 into the atoms 3. Thus
The Radiations
The rate of increase of the (stable) atoms 3 is equal to the rate of decay of the atoms 2 into the atoms 3.
= l2N2. (iii)
From Rutherford-Soddy equation, the number N1 of parent atoms 1 at the time t can be directly written
N1 = . ... (iv)
Substituting this value of N1 in eq. (ii), we get
= l1 _l2N2
or + l2N2 = l1
or =
Integrating : =
\C=_ .
This gives
= N0.
Nuclear Physics
or N2 = N0 . ... (v)
On substituting this value of N2 in eq. (iii) and then integrating and applying the condition that at t = 0,
N3 = 0 we get
N3 = N0 . ... (vi)
Eq. (iv), (v) and (vi) represent the numbers of atoms 1, 2 and 3 respectively present in the mixture at a
specified timet.
Fig. shows the numbers of atoms 1, 2 and 3 as a function of time when it is assumed that atoms 2 have a
half-life longer than atoms 1, while atoms 3 are stable. Initially there are N0 parent atoms. The number
N1 of the parent atoms l decreases exponentially according to eq. (iv). The number N2 is initially zero, it
increases, passes through a maximum, and then decreases gradually in accordance to eq. (v). The
number of atoms N3 of the stable end-product increases steadily with time, eventually approaching N0.
In a, radioactive series in which the parent has a very long half-life, a state is reached after a fairly long
time when each
The Radiations
daughter-product is formed at the same rate as it decays. When this condition is reached, the proportions
of the different radioactive atoms in the mixture do not change with time, and the parent is said to be in
`secular radioactive equilibrium' with its daughter-products. We can prove it from the theory of
successive disintegrations :
Suppose that the parent atoms 1 have a very long half-life (i.e. decay much more slowly) than any of the
decay products (T1>>T2). Then
N1 N0. [\ 1 when l1 0]
N2 =
= [\ N1 N0]
After a sufficient period of time i.e. when t becomes sufficiently large, e_l2t becomes negligibly small, so
N2 = N1
or l1N1 = l2N2.
l1 N1 is the rate of production of the atoms 2 due to the decay of the parent atoms l, and l2N2 is their own
rate of decay into the atoms 3, and these two rates have become equal.
Thus after a sufficient time, the activities of parent and daughter become equal. The condition is known
as `secular equilibrium' and is shown in Fig.
Nuclear Physics
For a series of several daughter-products the above equation can be expanded as
l1 N1 = l2 N2 = l3 N3 = ... ...
= = = ... ...
The secular equilibrium has been established in the uranium series, the (parent) uranium having a half-
life (4.5 109 years) so long that it takes 50 106 years for its quantity in a rock to change by 1%.
A different type of equilibrium exists when the parent is longer-lived than the daughter (l1 < l2), but the
half-life of the parent is not very long (T1 ~ T2). In this case, l1 cannot be assumed zero. After t becomes
sufficiently large, becomes negligible compared with so that the number of the daughter
atoms is given by (see eq. v)
Comparing it with eq. (iv) and remembering that l1 < l2, we find that the daughter eventually decays
N2 =
The Radiations
or = .
Thus after a sufficient time the ratio of parent atoms to daughter atoms becomes constant, and both
eventually decay. This condition is called `transient equilibrium', and is shown in Fig.
When the parent has a shorter half-life time than the daughter (T1 < T2 or l1 > l2), no state of equilibrium
is attained. If initially we have only the parent atoms, then as the parent atoms decay, the daughter atoms
increase in number, pass through a maximum, and eventually decay with their own half-life.
Activity of Radioactive Substances : The activity of a sample of any radioactive material is the rate at
which its constituent atoms disintegrate. Thus if dN be the number of atoms which disintegrate during a
time-interval dt, the activity R of the sample is given by
The negative sign indicates that the number of atoms is decreasing with time.
If at any time the number of atoms in the sample is N, then it is an experimental fact that the rate of
disintegration of the atoms is proportional to N, that is,
Nuclear Physics
_ N = lN,
where l is the decay constant for the particular atom (rather the particular isotope). Thus
R = lN.
Thus the activity of the sample depends upon the number of atoms in the sample, i.e. upon the mass of
the sample and upon the type of atom.
1 curie is approximately the activity of one gram of radium. The smaller units are `millicurie' (mCi) and
`microcurie' (Ci).
The SI unit of activity is the `becquerel' (Bq); named after the discoverer of radioactivity :
Determination of Half-life (T) : The half-lives of the known radioactive substances cover an enormous
range from about more than 1015 years to about less than 10_6 second. Although many of these can be
determined by direct measurements in the laboratory ; those which are extremely long or short are
estimated by less direct methods.
The moderate half-lives can be determined by measuring the activity of the given sample for a
reasonable time-interval.
The Radiations
where N is the number of radioactive atoms in the sample at time t, and l is the disintegration constant.
From Rutherford-Soddy law,
N = N0e_l ,
R = l N0e_l ,
R = R0e_l .
On taking logarithms :
logc R = loge R0 _ lt
Hence, when the logarithm of the measured activity R is plotted against the time t, a straight line is
obtained whose slope is equal to _ 0.434 l. Thus, by measuring the slope, the disintegration constant l
and hence the half-life T ( = 0.693/l) can be calculated.
The activity (number of atoms disintegrating per second) is measured by a Geiger counter or a
scintillation counter which counts the particles emitted per second from the radioactive sample, and each
emitted particle represents the disintegration of one atom.
so that l = .
The half-life of a very short-lived radioactive atom can be obtained, if it emits a-particles, by measuring
the range of these particles and applying Geiger-Nuttall rule.
Radioactive Dating (Age of Earth): The decay of radioactive elements and its complete independence
from physical and chemical conditions gives us a method for estimating the ages of old rocks and earth's
crust. If a radioactive element and its decay products remain trapped in a rock (since it first solidified),
the measurement of the proportion of the end-product to the parent element enables us to determine the
age of the rock.
It is believed that the element U288 was formed at some time in the past when the earth was solidified
and has been remained trapped in the rocks and earth's crust. Since then
it has been decaying forming finally a stable isotope of
lead (Pb206), and has reached a state of secular equilibrium. Now, the disintegration constant of U288 is
l.54 10_10 year_1. It means that, 1 gm of U238 produces an amount of Pb206
equal to
Hence, if (Pb206/U238) be the mass of Pb206 per gram of U233 in a specimen of earth's crust, then the
time T that has elapsed since the disintegration of U238 started is given by (neglecting the decrease in the
amount of U238)
The Radiations
This can be taken to be the age of the earth. Measurements on the oldest rocks has established the age of
the earth to be ~ 4 l09 years.
1. The isotope 92U238 successively undergoes eight alpha decays and six beta decays. What is the
resulting isotope ?
Solution : The isotope 92U238 has mass number 238 and atomic number 92. An a-decay reduces the
mass number by 4 and atomic number by 2. A b-decay simply increases the atomic number by 1. Hence
the new mass number is 238
(8 4) = 206, while the new atomic number is 92 _ (8 2)
+ (6 1) = 82. The new isotope is 82Pb206.
2. The thorium decay series begins with 90Th232 and ends with 82Pb208. How many a- and how many
b-decays occur in the series ?
Solution : An a-decay reduces the mass number by 4 and atomic number by 2. A b-decay simply
increases the atomic number by 1. In the series 90Th232 82Pb208, the mass number is reduced by
(232208) = 24. Hence there occur 6 a-decays.
6 a-decays reduce the atomic number by 12. But, in the series, the atomic number is reduced by only (90
82) = 8, i.e., there is also an increase of 4 in the atomic number. Hence there occur 4 b-decays.
3. Calculate the radioactive constant for an element whose half-life period is 20 years.
Solution : The radioactive constant l and the half-life period T of a radioactive element are related as
l= =
Here T = 20 years.
Nuclear Physics
4. Find the half-life time and mean-life time of a radioactive substance of which the decay constant is
4.28 l0_4 per year.
T= =
= 1619 years.
The mean-life is
= = = 2336 years.
5. Ten milligrams of a radioactive substance of half-life period two years is kept in store for four
years. How much of the substance remains unchanged ?
Solution : The time-interval in which the mass (or number of atoms) of a radioactive element decays to
one half of its initial value, is called the `half-life' of the element. Thus, if the initial quantity of a
radioactive substance be N0 , then the quantity N of the substance left after n half-lives is given by
N = N0 .
6. The half-life of a radioactive nucleus is 2.5 days. What % of the original substance will have
disintegrated in 7.5 days?
Solution : If N0 be the initial quantity of a radioactive
The Radiations
Here n = =3
\ = = .
7. The half-life of radon is 3.82 days. What fraction of a freshly separated sample of this nuclide will
disintegrate in one day ? If the sample contains initially 2.71 x 1015 atoms, how many atoms will
disintegrate during the first day ?
Solution : If N0 be the number of atoms at t = 0, and N the number at time t, then by Rutherford-Soddy
N = N0e_l
or loge = lt.
\ 2.3026 log10 =
or log10 = = 0.0788
or = antilog (0.0788) = 1.199
or fraction disintegrated,
1_ = 1_ =
Nuclear Physics
= 0.166 = 16.6%.
If N0 = 2.71 l015 atoms, then the number of disintegrated atoms during the first day is
N0 _ N = N0
= 4.5 l014.
8. The half-life of Na 24 is 15 hr. How long does it take for 87.5% of this isotope to decay?
The half-life of a radioactive substance is 15 hr. Calculate the period in which 12.5% of the initial
quantity of the substance will be left over.
Solution : Let t be the time period in which 87.5% of the initial quantity of the radioactive substance is
decayed, or 12.5% is left over. Now,
half-life, T = l5hr, .
If N0 be the number of atoms at t = 0, then the number N at time t is given by (Rutherford-Soddy law)
N = N0 e_l
Here = 12.5% = = .
\ = e_l
el = 8.
The Radiations
= = 45 hr.
9. The half-life of 11Na24 is 15 hours. How long will it take for 93.75% of a sample of this isotope to
decay ?
[Ans. 60 hr.]
10. The half-life of radon is 3.8 days. After how many days will only one-twentieth (1/20) of a radon
sample be left over?
11 The half-life of radium is 1590 years. In how many years will 1 gm of radium (i) be reduced to 1
centigram, (ii) loses 1 centigram.
Solution : (i) Let t be the time in which 1 gm of radium will be reduced to 1 centigram ( =0.01 gm) .
The decay constant is
l= = per year.
If N0 be the number of atoms at t = 0, and N the number at time t then, by Rutherford-Soddy law
N = N0 e_lt
Here = = 0.01 = .
\ = e_l
or el = 100
Nuclear Physics
= 2.3026 2
= = 10566 years.
(ii) In this case in the beginning (at t=0) the radium is 1 gm. In a time t (say), it loses 1 centigram (= 0.01
gm), that is, it remains (1_0.01) = 0.99 gm.
Thus = = .
\ = e_l
or el =
= 2.3026 0.0044.
= = 23.2 years.
12. 10 gram of a radioactive substance is reduced by 2.5 mg in 6 years through a-decay. Evaluate half-
life time and mean-life time of the substance.
= e_l ,
The Radiations
\ = e_6l
or e6l =
or l = 2.3026 (log10 10-log10 9.9975)
13. A radioactive element disintegrates for an interval of time equal to its mean life. (i) What fraction
of element remains? (ii) What fraction has disintegrated ?
Hint: = 1/l.
14. 83Bi212 decays to 81T1208 by a-emission in 34% of the disintegrations and to 84Po212 by b-emission
in 66% of the disintegrations. If the total half-value period is 60 5 minutes, find the decay constants
for a and b emissions.
Solution : Certain nuclei break up in two different ways, either by a-emission or by b-emission, giving
rise to two different product nuclei. The probability of disintegration is the sum of separate probabilities
Nuclear Physics
l = la + lb.
0.34 = laN
15. The mean lives of a radioactive substance are 1620 and 405 years for a-emission and b-emission
respectively. Find out the time during which three-fourth of a sample will decay if it is decaying both
by a-emission and b-emission simultaneously.
Solution: The decay constant for a- and b-emission are and per year respectively.
If N0 be the amount of a sample at t = 0 and N the amount left over at time t,, then by the decay law
N = No e_lt
The Radiations
= e_l
or el = 4
16. The activity of a radioactive substance decreases to 1/64 of its original value in 21 years. Calculate
the half-life of the substance.
Solution: The activity (rate of disintegration) at any instant is directly proportional to the number of
radioactive atoms present at that instant. Thus a decrease in activity means a corresponding decrease in
the number of atoms. If N0 be the number of atoms initially and N the number left after a time-interval t
(21 years), then
= .
= e _l =
or elt = 64
Here t = 21 years.
17. A radioactive substance at a given instant emits 4750 particles per minute. Five minutes later it
emits 2700 particles
Nuclear Physics
per minute. Find the decay constant and half-life of the substance.
Solution : The rate of disintegration of a substance at any instant is proportional to the number of atoms
at that instant. Thus, if N0 be the number of atoms at t = 0, when the rate of disintegration is 4750 min_1,
and N be the number of atoms at t = 5 min when the rate of disintegration is 2700 min_1, then
= .
= = 0.113 min_1.
T= = = 6.13 min.
18. The activity of a radioactive substance is reduced to half of its original value in 3.86 days. Find
the time-interval in which its activity will become 1%. What is the average life of the atom of the
substance ?
Solution : The activity is proportional to the number of atoms. It is reduced to half in 3.86 days. It
means the half-life T is 3.86 days.
Let t be the time in which the number of atoms reduces to 1%. By the decay law,
The Radiations
= = e_lt
Here = 1% = .
\ = e _l
or e l = 100
= = 25.6 days.
= = = 5.57 days.
19. The half-life of 92U238 against a-decay is 4.5 109 years. Find the activity of 1 gm of 92U238.
(Avogadro Number = 6.02 1028 per gin-atom).
Solution: 1 gm-atom of U238 has a mass of 238 gm and contains 6.02 1023 atoms (the Avogadro's
number). Therefore, the number of atoms in 1 gm of U238 is
N= = 2.53 1021.
l= =
Nuclear Physics
a substance at any instant is proportional to the number of atoms N present at that instant i.e.
R=_ = lN
20. Calculate the radioactivity in curie for 1 gm of 38Sr90 with half-life period of 28 years. Given :
Avogadro number =6.025 1026 molecules/kg molecule.
R = lN,
where l is decay constant and N is the number of atoms in 1 gm.
Here l =
= =
and N =
The Radiations
21. One gm of Ra226 has an activity of 1 curie. Determine the half-life of radium. Avogadro number is
6.02 1038.
Solution : 1 gm-atom of radium has a mass of 226 gm, and contains 6.02 1023 atoms (the Avogadro's
number). Therefore, the number of atoms in 1 gram of radium is
N= = 2.66 1021.
Now, the activity R of a radioactive sample is the rate of disintegration of its atoms;
R=_ = lN,
The half-life is
The average-life is
= = 2282 years.
Nuclear Physics
22. A sample of U234 for which the decay constant is 8.78 10_14 per sec undergoes 3.7 108
disintegrations per second. Find the mass of the sample. Avogadro number = 6.03 l028.
R = lN.
Here R = 3.7 108 disintegrations/sec and
Thus there are 4.21 1021 atoms in the given sample of U234.
23. The half-life of a cobalt radio-isotope is 5.3 years. What strength will a milli-curie source of the
isotope have after a period of one year and 5.3 years?
R = lN,
Let N0 be the number of atoms at t = 0 when the strength is 1 milli-curie, and N the number at a time t =
1 year when the strength is R' (say). Then
The Radiations
\ = R' .
But from Rutherford-Soddy law, = e _l
\ R' = e _l
or log e = lt.
\ log e = 0.131 1.
or log e = = 0.0569
The strength after 5.3 years (half-life) will become one-half, i.e., 0.5 milli-curie.
24. The isotopes U238 and U235 occur in nature in the ratio 140 : 1. Assuming that at the time of
earth's formation they were present in equal ratio, make an estimation of the age of the earth. Th e
half-lives of U238 and U235 are 4.5 109 years and 7.13 108 years respectively. (log10 140 = 2.1461,
log10 2 = 0.3010)
Solution : Let N1 and N2 be the number of atoms of U238 and U235 , and T1 and T2 their half-lives.
From the decay formula N = N0e _ l , we have
= e(l2 _ l1) ,
Nuclear Physics
= 6 109 years.
25. Find the half-life of uranium, given that 3.23 10_7 gm of radium is found per gm of uranium in
old minerals. The atomic weights of uranium and radium are 238 and 226 and half-life of radium is
1600 years. (Avogadro Number is 6023 1023/gm-atom).
Solution: The half-life of uranium is very much longer than that of radium. Therefore, in very old
minerals, radioactive equilibrium exists, and we have
where NU and Nr are the number of atoms of uranium and radium at any time, and lU and lr the
corresponding decay constants.
or TU = . (i)
The Radiations
NU is the number of uranium atoms in l gm of uranium while Nr is the number of radium atoms in 3.23
10_7 gm of radium. Thus
Nu =
\ = = 2.94 106.
26. The atomic ratio between the uranium isotopes U238 and U234in a mineral sample is found to be
1.8 l04. The half-life of U234 is 2.5 105 years. Find the half-life of U238
The Coherences
A wave which appears to be a pure sine wave for an infinitely large period of time or in an infinitely
extended space is said to be a perfectly coherent wave. In such a wave there is a definite relationship
between the phase of the wave at a given time and at a certain time later, or at a given point and at a
certain distance away. No actual light source, however, emits a perfectly coherent wave. Light waves
which are pure sine waves only for a limited period of time or in a limited space are partially coherent
There are two different criteria of coherence; the criteria of time and the criteria of space. This gives rise
to temporal coherence and spatial coherence.
Temporal Coherence
The oscillating electric field E of a perfectly coherent light wave would have a constant amplitude of
vibration at any point, while its phase would vary linearly with time. As a function of time the field
would appear as shown in Fig. It is an ideal sinusoidal function of time.
Nuclear Physics
However, no light emitted by an actual source produces an ideal sinusoidal field for all values of time.
This is because when an excited atom returns to the initial state, it emits light "pulse" of short duration
such as of the order of 10_10 second for sodium atom. Thus, the field remains sinusoidal for time-
intervals of the order of 10_10 second, after which the phase changes abruptly. Hence the field due to an
actual light source will be as shown in Fig. The average time-interval for which the field remains
sinusoidal (i.e. definite phase relationship exists) is known as "coherence time" or "temporal coherence"
of the light beam, and is denoted by t. The distance L for which the field is sinusoidal is given by.
L = tc,
where c is the speed of light. L is called the "coherence length" of the light beam.
The coherence time (or the coherence length) can be measured by means of Michelson's interferometer
(Fig.). A light beam from the source S falls on a semi silvered plate P at which it is partly reflected and
partly transmitted. The reflected and transmitted beams, 1 and 2, are reflected back from mirrors M1 and
M2 respectively and enter the telescope T in which interference fringes are observed. We know that the
two beams can produce a stationary interference pattern only if there is a definite phase relationship
between them.
The Coherences
Let Mz ` be the image of M2 formed by the plate P. The arrangement is then equivalent to an air-film
enclosed between two reflecting surfaces M1 and M2 `. If d is the separation between M1 and M2', then
2d will be the path difference between the interfering beams. Now, if
2d < < L,
then there will be a definite phase relationship between the two beams and interference fringes will be
observed. If, on the other hand,
2d > > L,
there will be no definite phase relationship and the fringes will not be observed. Therefore, starting with
equal path-lengths, as the distance d is increased (by moving one mirror), the fringes become gradually
poorer in contrast and finally disappear. The path difference at disappearance gives an estimation of
coherence length.
For the sodium yellow light the coherence length is about 3 cm, so that the coherence time is
t= 10_10 sec.
Nuclear Physics
For the Krypton orange light the coherence length is about 30 cm while for laser light it can be few
Spatial Coherence
The spatial coherence is the phase relationship between the radiation fields at different points in space.
Let us consider light waves emitting from a source S (Fig.). Let A and B be two points lying on a line
joining them with S. The phase relationship between A and B depends on the distance AB and on the
temporal coherence of the beam. If AB < < L (coherence length), there will be a definite phase
relationship between A and B i.e. there will be high coherence between A and B. On the other hand, if
AB > > L, there will be no coherence between A and B.
Let us now consider points A and C which are equidistant from S. If the source S is a true point source,
then the waves shall reach A and C in exactly the same phase i.e. the two points will have perfect
(spatial) coherence. If, however, the source S is extended, the points A and C will no longer remain in
coherence. This may be emonstrated by Young's double-slit experiment illustrated in Fig. Light emitting
from a narrow slit S falls on two slits S1 and S2 placed symmetrically with respect to S. The beams
emerging from S1 and S2, having been derived from the same original beam, maintains a constant phase
difference at all points on the screen. Hence a stationary interference pattern is observed on the screen.
The Coherences
If, however, the width of the slit S is gradually increased, the pattern becomes poorer and poorer in
contrast and finally disappears. This means that as the size of the source is increased, the situation of
spatial coherence on the screen changes into a situation of incoherence. This happens because when S is
wide, S1 and S2 receive waves; from different independent parts of S and hence do not remain coherent
with respect to each other.
We may derive a relationship between the spatial coherence and the size of source. An extended source
is made up of a largo number of point-sources. Let us first consider the case when the Young's double
slit is illuminated by two independent point-sources S and S' at a distance l apart (Fig.). We shall find
minimum value of l at which pattern on the screen would disappear. The waves from S which reach the
point O on the screen via S1 and S2. have zero path difference. Hence there is a bright fringe at O due to
S. Now, the waves from S' reaching the point O via S1 and S2 have a path difference S'S2 -S'S1 = KS2.
Clearly, we shall obtain a dark fringe at O due to S' when
Nuclear Physics
where l is the wavelength of light. When this is the case, the maxima of the interference pattern due to S
will fall on the minima due to S' so that the fringes would disappear. Now, from the figure,
KS2 ~ qd,
where d is the separation between S1 and S2. Let a be the distance between S and Q. Now, again from
the figure
q~ ~ .
\ a = SP + PQ ~ =
or q ~
\ KS2 ~ qd ~
or l ~ ... (ii)
From this it is clear that if we illuminate the double-slit with an extended source whose linear dimension
exceeds la/2d, then no interference pattern will appear on the screen.
Eq. (ii) can be rewritten as
The Coherences
d~ ~ .
is termed as "lateral spatial coherence width''. We conclude that to obtain a good interference pattern
with Young's double-slit, the separation between the slits (S1 and S2) should be kept much less than the
coherence width.
Purity of a Spectral Line : Every spectral line has a finite width which means that it corresponds to a
continuous distribution of wavelengths in some narrow interval between l and . l + D l. This is obvious
from the fact that for every spectral line the interference pattern in the Michelson interferometer
experiment eventually disappears when the path difference between the interfering beams is gradually
increased. We also know that the pattern disappears when the path difference exceeds the coherence
length. Thus the concept of temporal coherence is directly related to the width (or purity) of the spectral
Let us adopt the criterion that when the path difference between the interfering beams becomes equal to
the coherence length L, the rings due to two closely spaced wavelengths l1 and l2 are completely out of
step at the centre (i.e. a bright ring of l1 coincides with a dark ring of l2). Then we can write
Eliminating n, we get
or =
or L =
or L =
Nuclear Physics
If instead of two discrete wavelengths l1 and l2, the beam consists of all wavelengths lying between l1
and l2, then the pattern would disappear if
or L ~
or Dl ~
Thus if the fringes become indistinct when the path difference exceeds L , we can conclude that the
For the cadmium red line (l = 6438 ) L is as large as about 30 cm. This corresponds to a wavelength-
spread given by
Dl ~ ~ ~ 0.01 .
Dv = ~
We know that t ~ where t is coherence time.
\ Dv ~ .
Thus the frequency-spread of a spectral line is of the order of the inverse of the coherence time. It means
that a perfectly sharp monochromatic line (Dv _ 0) would correspond to an infinite interval of time (t =
The Laser
The Laser
The word `LASER' is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It is a
device to produce a strong, monochromatic, collimated and highly coherent beam of light; and depends
on the phenomenon of "stimulated emission", first predicted by Einstein in 1916. Einstein considered the
equilibrium between matter and electromagnetic radiation in a black-body chamber at a constant
temperature in which exchange of energy takes place due to absorption and spontaneous emission of
radiation by the atoms. He found that the usual absorption and emission processes alone are not
sufficient to explain the equilibrium. He then predicted that there must be a third process also, now
called "stimulated emission". This prediction was paid little attention until 1954, when Townes and
Gordon developed a microwave amplifier (MASER) using ammonia, NH3 . In 1958, Schawlow and
Townes showed that the maser principle could be extended into the visible region and in 1960, Maiman
built the first laser using ruby as the active medium. Since then laser has opened up completely new
fields of development in optics.
Nuclear Physics
Absorption of Radiation
An atom has a number of possible quantised energy states characterised by integral numbers. If it is
initially in a lower state 1, it can rise to a higher state 2 by absorbing a quantum of radiation (photon) of
frequency v, given by
v= ,
where E1 and E2 are the energies of the atom in the states 1 and 2 respectively (Fig.). This is absorption
of radiation. This is a stimulated (or induced) process, the absorbed photon being the stimulating photon.
(The absorption is necessarily stimulated).
The probable rate of occurrence of this absorption transition l2 depends on the properties of states 1
and 2 and is proportional to the energy density u(v) of the radiation of frequency v incident on the atom.
Spontaneous Emission
Let us now consider an atom initially in the higher (excited) state 2 (Fig.). Observations show that its
life-time in higher state is usually very small C10_8 second) and it, of its own accord, jumps to the lower
energy state 1, emitting a photon of frequency v. This is `spontaneous' emission of radiation. If
The Laser
there is an assembly of atoms, the radiation emitted spontaneously by each atom has a random direction
and a random phase, and is therefore incoherent from one atom to another.
The probability of spontaneous emission 2 1 is determined only by the properties of states 2 and l.
Einstein denoted this probability per unit time by
which is known as `Einstein's coefficient of spontaneous emission of radiation'.
We note that the probability of absorption transitions depends upon the energy density (v) of the
incident radiation, whereas the spontaneous emissions are independent of it. Hence, for equilibrium,
emission transitions depending upon u(v) must also exist. These are `stimulated' emission transitions.
Stimulated (or Induced) Emission : According to Einstein, an atom in an excited energy state may,
under the influence of the electromagnetic field of a photon of frequency v incident upon it, jump to a
lower energy state, emitting an additional photon of same frequency v (Fig.). Thus now two photons,
one original and the other emitted, move on. This is `stimulated' emission of radiation (or negative
absorption of radiation). The direction of propagation, energy, phase and state of polarisation of the
emitted photon is exactly the same as that of the incident stimulating photon. In other words, the
stimulated radiation is completely coherent with the stimulating radiation. As a result of this process,
radiation passing through an assembly of atoms is amplified.
Nuclear Physics
The probability of stimulated emission transition 2 1 is proportional to the energy density u(v) of the
stimulating radiation and is written as
B21 u(v),
The total probability for an atom in state 2 to drop to the lower state 1 is therefore
Relation between Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission Probabilities : Let us consider an assembly of
atoms in thermal equilibrium at temperature T with radiation of frequency v and energy density u(v). Let
N1 and N2 be the number of atoms in states 1 and 2 respectively at any instant. The number of atoms in
state 1 that absorb a photon and rise to state 2 per unit time is
N1P12 = N1B12 u(v). [by eq. (i)]
Conversely, the number of atoms in state 2 that drop to 1, either spontaneously or under stimulation,
emitting a photon per unit time is
N1P12 = N2P21
The Laser
or u(v) =
or u (v) =
Einstein proved thermodynamically that the probability of (stimulated) absorption is equal to the
probability of stimulated emission, i.e.
B12 = B21
Then, we have
u (v) =
The equilibrium distribution of atoms among different energy states is given by Boltzmann's law
according to which
or = =
Consequently, u(v) =
This is a formula for the energy density of photon of frequency v in equilibrium with atoms in energy
states 1 and 2, at temperature T. Comparing it with the Planck radiation formula
u (v) = ,
we get
Nuclear Physics
This is the formula for the ratio between the spontaneous emission, and induced emission coefficients.
This ratio is proportional to v3. It means that the probability of spontaneous emission increases rapidly
with the energy difference between two states.
Let us consider an ensemble of atoms irradiated with light of frequency v which coincides with one of
the characteristic frequencies of the atoms. At room temperature, or higher, a certain number of atoms
will be in an excited state. Now, two processes may occur : (i) an absorption transition of atoms from a
lower energy level 1 to a higher energy level 2, such that v = (E2 _ E1,)/h; (ii) stimulated emission
transition from higher energy level 2 to lower energy level 1.
In the first process, a photon from the incident beam is absorbed by an atom, thus leading the atom to an
excited state. In the second process, an incident photon forces the excited atom to emit another photon of
the same frequency in the same direction and in the same phase. The two photons go off together as
coherent radiation.
Requirements for Laser Action : Under ordinary conditions of thermal equilibrium the number of atoms
in higher energy state 2 is considerably smaller than the number in lower energy state 1 (N2 < N1), so
that there is very little stimulated emission compared with absorption. An incident photon is more likely
to be absorbed than to cause emission.
If, however, by some means a larger number of atoms are made available in the higher energy state,
stimulated emission is promoted. The situation in which the number of atoms in the higher energy state
exceeds that in the lower state
(N2 > N1) is known as "population inversion". In this situation the system of atoms would lase.
The Laser
Stimulated emissions are further encouraged by increasing the radiation density u (v) of the stimulating
radiation. This is achieved by enclosing the emitted radiation in a "cavity" between two parallel
reflectors. The radiation repeatedly travels back and forth, and the photons passing through the atoms go
on multiplying by repeated stimulated emission (Fig.). Hence a strong coherent beam of light emerges
from the system. (Fig.)
Pumping : The process of achieving population inversion is known as "pumping" of atoms. There are
various types of pumping process, but the most natural is the `optical pumping' which is utilised in Ruby
The Ruby Laser : This is the first laser developed in 1960, and is a solid-state laser. It consists of a pink
ruby cylindrical rod whose ends are optically flat and parallel (Fig.). One end is fully silvered and the
other is only partially silvered. Upon the rod is wound a coiled flash lamp filled with xenon gas.
Working : The ruby rod is a crystal of aluminium oxide (A12O3) doped with 0.05% cromium oxide
(Cr2O3), so that some of the A1+++ ions are replaced by Cr+++ ions. These
Nuclear Physics
"impurity" chromium ions give pink colour to the ruby and give rise to the laser action.
In Fig. is shown a simplified version of the energy-level diagram of chromium ion. It consists of an
upper short-lived energy level (rather energy band) E3 above its ground-state energy level E1, the energy
difference E3E1 corresponding
to a wavelength of about 5500 A. There is an intermediate excited-state level E2 which is metastable
having a life-time of 3 10_3 sec (about 105 times greater than the life-time of E3 which is l0_8 sec).
Normally, most of the chromium ions are in the ground state E1. When a flash of light (which lasts only
for about a millisecond) falls upon the ruby rod, the 5500- radiation photons are absorbed by the
cromium ions which are "pumped" (raised) to the excited state E3. The transition 1 is the (optical)
pumping transition.
The excited ions give up, by collision, part of their energy to the crystal lattice and decay to the
"metastable" state E2. The corresponding transition 2 is thus a radiationless transition. Since the state E2
has a much longer life-time, the number of ions in this state goes on increasing while, due to pumping,
The Laser
the number in the ground state E1 goes on decreasing. Thus population inversion is established between
the metastable (excited) state E2 and the ground state E1
When an (excited) ion passes spontaneously from the metastable state to the ground state (transition 3),
it emits a photon of wavelength 6943 . This photon travels through the ruby rod and, if it is moving
parallel to the axis of the crystal, is reflected back and forth by the silvered ends until it stimulates an
excited ion and causes it to emit a fresh photon in phase with the stimulating photon. This "stimulated"
transition 4 is the laser transition. (The photons emitted spontaneously which do not move axially escape
through the sides of the crystal).
The process is repeated again and again because the photons repeatedly move along the crystal being
reflected from its ends. The photons thus multiply. When the photon-beam becomes sufficiently intense,
part of it emerges through the partially-silvered end of the crystal.
There is a drawback in the three-level laser such as ruby. The laser requires high pumping power
because the laser transition terminates at the ground state and more than one-half of the ground-state
atoms must be pumped up to the higher state to achieve population inversion. Moreover, ions which
happen to be in their ground state absorbs the 6943- photons from the beam as it builds up.
The ruby laser is a "pulsed" laser. The active medium (Cr+++ ions) is excited in pulses, and it emits laser
light in pulses. While the Xenon pulse is of several millisecond duration ; the laser pulse is much
shorter, less than a millisecond duration. It means enhanced instantaneous power.
Helium-Neon Laser : It is a four-level laser in which the population inversion is achieved by electric
discharge. A mixture of about 7 parts of helium and 1 part of neon is contained in a glass tube at a
pressure of about 1 mm of mercury. (Fig.).
Nuclear Physics
At both ends of the tube are fitted optically plane and parallel mirrors, one of them being only partially
silvered. The spacing of the mirrors is equal to an integral number of half-wavelengths of the laser light.
An electric discharge is produced in the gas-mixture by electrodes connected to a high-frequency
electric source.
The electrons from the discharge collide with and "pump" (excite) the He and Ne atoms to metastable
states 20.61 eV and 20.66 eV respectively above their ground states (Fig.). Some of the excited He
atoms transfer their energy to ground-state Ne atoms by collisions, with the 0.05 eV of additional energy
being provided by the kinetic energy of atoms. Thus He atoms help in achieving a population inversion
in the Ne atoms.
When an excited Ne atom passes spontaneously from the metastable state at 20.66 eV to state at 18.70
eV, it emits a 6328019 photon. This photon travels through the gas-mixture, and if it is moving parallel
to the axis of the tube, is reflected back and forth by the mirror-ends until it stimulates an excited Ne
atom and causes it to emit a fresh 6328- photon in phase with the stimulating photon. This stimulated
transition from 20.66-eV level to 18.70-eV level is the laser transition. This process is continued and a
beam of coherent radiation builds up in the tube. When this beam becomes sufficiently intense, a portion
of it escapes through the partially-silvered end.
The Laser
From the 18.70-eV level the Ne atom passes down spontaneously to a lower metastable state emitting
incoherent light, and finally to the ground state through collision with the tube walls. The final transition
is thus radiationless.
Obviously, the Ne, atom in its ground state cannot absorb the 6328-A photons from the laser beam, as
happens in the three-level ruby laser. Also, because the electron impacts that exite the He and Ne atoms
occur all the time, unlike the pulsed excitation from the xenon flash lamp in the ruby laser, the He-Ne
laser operates continuously.
Further, since the laser transition does not terminate at the ground state, the power needed for excitation
is less than that in a three-level laser.
Properties of a Laser Beam : The laser beam has certain characteristic properties which are not present
in beams derived from other light sources :
(i) The laser beam is completely spatially coherent, with the waves all exactly in phase with one another.
An interference pattern can be obtained not merely by
Nuclear Physics
placing two slits in a laser beam but also by using beams from separate lasers.
(ii) The laser light is almost perfectly monochromatic, i.e. highly temporally coherent. ,
(iii) The laser rays are almost perfectly parallel. Hence a laser beam is very narrow and can travel to
long distances without spreading. It can be brought to an extremely sharp focus.
(iv) The laser beam is extremely intense. It can vaporise even the hardest metal. Because of its high
energy density and directional property, a laser beam can produce temperatures of the order of 104C at
a focussed point.
Applications of Lasers : The laser beam being narrow, intense, parallel, monochromatic and highly
coherent is finding increasing applications in various fields :
(i) In the technical and industrial field, the laser beam is used for cutting fabric for clothing on one hand
and steel sheets on the other. It can drill extremely fine holes in paper clips, single human hair and hard
materials including teeth and diamond. Extremely thin wires used in cables are drawn through the
diamond hole. Metallic rods can be melted and joined by means of a laser beam (laser welding). The
surfaces of engine crankshafts and the cylinder walls are hardened through heat-treatment by laser. The
laser beam is used to vaporise unwanted material during the manufacture of electronic circuits on
semiconductor chips.
(ii) In the medical field, the laser beam is used in delicate surgery like cornea grafting. Using laser beam,
the surgical operation is completed in a much shorter time. It is also used in the treatment of kidney
stone, cancer, tumour and in cutting and sealing the small blood vessels in brain operation.
The Laser
(iii) During war-time, lasers are used to detect and destroy enemy missiles. Now, laser-rifles, laser-
pistols and laser-bombs are also being made which can be aimed at the enemy in the night. In space,
laser has been used to control rockets and satellites and in directional radio-communication like
fiberoptic telephony.
(iv) Laser is very useful in science and research. It has been used to perform Michelson-Morley
experiment which is the building stone of the Einstein's theory of relativity. It can be used to determine
the temperature of plasma and the density of electron. Laser-torch is used to see objects at long
(vi) Since laser rays are very much parallel, so they are used for communications and measuring long
distances. The distance between earth and moon has been measured by laser rays to an accuracy of 15
(vii) Laser rays have proved to be useful in detecting nuclear explosions and earthquakes, in vaporising
solid fuel of rockets, in the study of the surface of distant planets and satellites.
(viii) Laser beams have also been used in the "inertial confinement" of plasma.
Quantum Numbers Specifying the State of an Electron in an Atom: The study of the spectra of atoms,
and of the Zeeman effect, has suggested that an electron in the atom can exist only in one of the several
discrete energy states, called `quantum states'. Each state is quantised with regard to size, shape and
orientation of the electron-orbit and is described by a set of four quantum numbers. These quantum
numbers are as follows:
(i) n : It is the `total' or `principal' quantum number which takes integral values from 1 to infinity :
n = l, 2, 3,........., .
It determines the general size of the electron-orbit and the energy of the electron.
(ii) l : It is the `orbital' or `azimuthal' quantum number which takes integral values from 0 to n _ 1 :
l = 0, 1, 2.........., n-1.
It determines the shape of the electron-orbit and the orbital angular momentum of the electron.
Nuclear Physics
(iii) j : It is the `inner' quantum number which takes two values given by
where s is the (intrinsic) spin quantum number and takes the value for all electrons. The quantum
number j determines the total (orbital + spin) angular momentum of the electron.
(iv) mj : It is the `magnetic' quantum number corresponding to the inner quantum number j, and takes
the following values :
mj = j, j _ 1, j _ 2, ... ... 1, 0, _ 1, _ 2, _ j ;
that is, a total of (2j + l) values. It determines the orientation of electron-orbit in an external magnetic
Thus the four quantum numbers n, l, j and mj specify completely the (quantum) state of an electron in an
and hence determine its energy and angular momentum. When an electron jumps from one state to
another, some or all
of these quantum numbers, and hence the energy and
angular momentum of the electron, change. (The charge, rest mass and spin do not change as these are
intrinsic properties of electron).
The permissible orbits (i.e. quantum states) of the atom can be grouped together into `shells'. Electrons
that have the same total quantum number n are roughly, on the average, at the same distance from the
nucleus and have some energies. All these electrons are said to occupy the same atomic "shell". These
shells are denoted by capital letters K, L, M, N,... according as n = 1, 2, 3, 4,....... The K-shell (for which
n _ 1) is nearest the nucleus.
The energy of an electron in a particular shell also depends upon its orbital quantum number l (except
for hydrogen-like atoms), though this dependence is not so great as that upon n. Therefore, each shell is
considered as composed of sub-shells. The electrons in a shell having the same value of l are said to
occupy the same "sub-shell." All the electrons in a sub-shell have almost identical energies. The sub-
shells are denoted by small letters s, p, d, f ...... according as l = 0, 1, 2, 3, ....... Thus the various shells
have the following sub-shells :
K 1 0 1 1s
L 2 0,1 2 2s, 2p
Thus the K-shell has one sub-shell called 1z, the L-shell has two sub-shells called 2s and 2p, and so on.
In general, a shell characterised by a total quantum number n has n sub-shells.
Pauli's Exclusion Principle and Distribution of Electrons Among the Shells : The electrons in an atom
are distributed in a definite way among the various shells and sub-shells. This distribution is governed
by a principle given by Pauli in 1925. This is known as `Pauli's exclusion principle'.
It states that no two electrons in an atom can exist in the same quantum state. This means that no two
electrons can have the same set of the four quantum numbers n, l, j and mj.. On this basis we can deduce
the number of permitted electrons in various sub-shells, and hence in the various shells.
Nuclear Physics
In a given sub-shell all the electrons have the same values of n and l. Hence they must differ either in j
or in mj. Now for a given l, there are two different values of j, namely,
l+ and l _ . Let us call them j' and j" respectively. Further, for a given j, we have [2j + 1] different
values of mj. Thus for j' we have
On this basis the various sub-shells can have the following maximum electrons :
d 2 10
f 3 14
Thus an s sub-shell can have a maximum of 2 electrons, a p sub-shell can have a maximum of 6
electrons, and so on.
Now, a given shell has n sub-shells, with l having integral values from 0 to (n _ 1). Hence the maximum
number of electrons in a shell
= 2n2.
Thus the K-shell (n = 1) can have a maximum of 2 electrons, the L-shell (n = 2) a maximum of 8
electrons, the M-shell
(n = 3) a maximum of 18 electrons, and so on. The final distribution can be tabulated as below :
Maximum Electrons
2(2l + 1)
K 1 0 1s 2 2
L 2 0, 1 2s, 2p 2, 6 8
M 3 0, 1, 2 3s, 3p, 3d 2, 6, 10 18
A shell or sub-shell having its full quota of electrons is said to be `closed' or `filled'.
Magnetic Moment of a Closed Shell: Every electron in a closed sub-shell is paired with another
electron having the same value of mj but of opposite sign. For example, in a 2p sub-shell (n = 2, l = 1),
the 6 electrons have the following values of j and mj:
mj ,_ , ,_ ,_
Nuclear Physics
Thus for all the electrons, we have
mj = 0,
that is, for the (closed) sub-shell the total (orbital plus spin) angular momentum in a specified direction
is zero. As a result, a closed shell, which is made up of closed sub-shells, does not contribute toward the
total angular momentum, and hence toward the magnetic moment, of the atom.
Pauli's Exclusion Principle has been stated and explained earlier. If applies to those particles which obey
Dirac statistics and are known as "Fermions". They can be described only by "anti-symmetric" total
wave-functions. Such particles have half-integral spins, such as electron, proton, neutron, etc.
Hydrogen (Z = 1) : It has only one electron. This electron will go into the lowest-energy sub-shell 1s.
The electronic configuration of hydrogen in the ground state is therefore
Helium [Z = 2) : It has two electrons, both of which can go into the 1s sub-shell. The energy of the
atom will then be a minimum. The configuration of the helium atom is thus
Lithium (Z = 3):It has three electrons. Of these, two go into the 1s sub-shell, when the K-shell is
closed. The remaining third electron will then go to the next available lowest-energy sub-shell 2s of the
L-shell. The configuration of the Li atom is thus
Neon (Z = 10) : It has 10 electrons. In order that the atom has a minimum energy, the first two
electrons will go into the 1s sub shell, the next two in the 2s sub-shell, and the remaining six in the 2p
sub-shell. Thus 2 electrons occupy the k-shell and 8 electrons occupy the L-shell. The configuration is
Sodium (Z = 11) It has 11 electrons. Of these, the first two go into the 1s sub-shell thus closing she K-
shell, the next two go into the 2s sub-shell and then six go into the 2p sub-shell thus closing the L-shell
also. The remaining eleventh electron goes to the next available sub-shell 3s of the M-shell. Under this
condition the atom is in the lowest energy (ground) state and its electronic configuration is
For atoms with Z > 18 the energy-ordering of the sub-shells becomes somewhat irregular and is deduced
from detailed study of the atomic spectra. However, once the electronic configuration has been
established, many of the chemical and optical properties of the element can be understood.
Nuclear Physics
The Pauli's exclusion principle and the shell structure of atoms have been discussed in the last question.
The periodic table is an arrangement of elements listed in the order of atomic number; It has the
characteristic that the elements with similar chemical and physical properties recur at regular intervals.
The table was first constructed by Mendeleev in 1871 and perfected by Moseley and others from a study
of X-ray spectra. A modern version of the periodic table of elements is shown in Fig.
The table consists of seven horizontal rows which are called "periods", having 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32 and 17
elements respectively. The last period is rather incomplete. Across each period there is a steady
transition from an active metal to an inert gas. As a consequence, elements with similar properties occur
in vertical columns which are called "groups". For instance, group I consists of hydrogen plus the alkali
metals ail of which are highly active while, the (last) group VIII consists of noble gases all of which are
In each period after the third, a series of "transition elements" appears between the group II and group III
elements. The elements of each series show chemical resemblance to one another, but are different from
the elements of the preceding periods. The transition elements of period six include 14 "rare earth"
elements called `lanthanides' which are virtually indistinguishable in their properties. A similar group of
closely related metals, called `actinides' occurs in period seven.
The structure of the periodic table can be explained on the basis of the shell structure of atoms and the
distribution of electrons among them. The distribution is done under Pauli's principle and is in an order
such that all the electrons of the atom are in the lowest energy states available to them. The atom is then
maximum stable.
The numerical position of the atom in the table (which is the atomic number Z) gives the number of
positive charges in the nucleus of the atom, and is equal to the number of electrons around the nucleus. It
is seen that the elements in the same period of the table have their electrons distributed among the same
shells, and that each period starts with the filling-up of a new shell.
First Period: Let us start with hydrogen (Z = 1). It has only one electron which occupies the lowest-
energy sub-shell 1s. The next element Helium (Z = 2) has two electrons both of which can go into the 1s
sub-shell. Its configuration is therefore , and with this the K-shell is closed. Since the K-shell can
hold only two electrons, there are only two elements in the first period.
Second Period: With Lithium (Z = 3) starts the second period. Its two electrons occupy the K-shell, and
the third goes to the next available sub-shell 2s of the L-shell. Its configuration is 2s1. The next
element is Beryllium (Z = 4) whose configuration is 2s2. The sub-shell 2s is now closed. In the
next element Boron (Z = 5) the fifth electron goes to the next available sub-shell 2p so that the electron
Nuclear Physics
is 2S2 2p1. The. process continues until at Neon
(Z = 10) the configuration becomes 3s1, and the L-shell is closed. With this the second
period is also closed.
Third Period: With Sodium (Z = 11) starts the third period. Out of its eleven electrons, ten electrons fill
the K- and L-shell, and the eleventh goes to the next available sub-shell 3s of the M-shell. Its
configuration is 3s2. This process continues until at Argon (Z = 18), the configuration
becomes 3s2 3p6, and the 3p sub-shell of the M-shell is closed (The 3d sub-shell of the
M-shell is vacant). With this the third period is also closed.
With Potassium (Z = 19) and Ca (Z = 20) starts the fourth period and the filling-up of the N-shell. The
additional electrons of these atoms go to the 4s sub-shell of the N-shell and not to the already-vacant 3d
sub-shell of the M-shell. This is because 4s is lower in energy than the 3d. The 3d sub-shell is filled
successively in the next ten elements from Sc (Z = 21) to Zn (Z = 30). These ten elements form the first
series and are called `transition elements'. After Zn, the filling up of the 4p sub-shell starts. The rest of
the table is constructed in a similar way. The rare-earth elements from Z = 58 to Z = 71, and then again
from Z = 90 to Z = 103, are formed again in a special way.
The periodic table having built up, we can interpret some of its prominent features in terms of the
electronic configuration of atoms :
(i) Similarity of Group Elements : Elements in the same vertical column (group) show similar chemical
properties and give similar spectra. This is because they have similar electron configurations. Take, for
example, the alkali metals ; Li, Na, K, etc., in the first group which are very much chemically and
optically alike. All of them have closed shells or sub-shells with
Periodic Table of Elements
a single outer electron in an s sub-shell. Hence they show electropositive behaviour, that is, they readily
give up their outermost electron (thus becoming a positive ion) and acquire a very stable configuration
like that of an inert gas. This is why these alkali elements are chemically very much active.
Li (Z = 3) : 2s1
Similarly, on the other hand, the elements of the VII group, F, Cl, Br, etc. show electro-negative
behaviour. This is because in all of them there is an outermost p sub-shell having 5 electrons. Hence
these atoms leadily capture one electron from outside (thus becoming a negative ion) so that their p sub-
shell becomes closed and acquire a very stable configuration like that of an inert gas.
From this we conclude that the electronic configuration of an atom plays the leading role in determining
its properties.
(ii) Ionisation of Atoms : If an atom is ionised then its spectrum becomes similar to that of the atom
directly preceding it in the periodic table. For example, the spectrum of Be+ ion is similar to that of Li
atom. This is because on losing of Be one electron, the configuration of Be+ becomes the same as that of
(iii) Noble Gases : All the elements in the last group are noble gases He, Ne, A,.........which are
particularly stable and chemically inert. This is because in all of them either a shell or a p sub shell is
closed, and after
Nuclear Physics
each of them a new period starts and a new shell begins to be filled up.
He (Z = 2) :
Ne (Z = 10) :
Ne (Z = 18) :
From this we conclude that closed shells or sub-shells give very stable configurations.
(iv) Transition Series Elements : In the first three rows of the periodic table the properties (valency,
ionisation energy, etc.) of the elements change uniformly from element to element. For the succeeding
rows, however, this is not true. In the fourth row the elements from 21Sc to 30Zn have quite similar
chemical properties. They form the first transition series. This observation can be easily explained.
These elements occur during the filling of the 3d sub-shell which is shielded by the already filled 4s sub-
shell from external influence. Hence the chemical properties of these elements, which depend on the
electrons in the outer sub-shells of their atoms, are quite similar, independent of the number of their 3d
electrons. Similar transition series occur during the filling of 4d and 5d sub-shells in 5th and 6th periods.
(v) Lanthanides and Actinides : Lanthanides (or rare earths) are the elements from 58Ce to 7I Lu. These
are the elements in which the 4f sub-shell is filling. This sub-shell lies within the outermost already
filled 6s sub-shell. Thus the 4f electrons remain shielded from the external environment. Since the outer
configuration, which is responsible for the chemical properties, is same for these elements, the chemical
properties of the rare earths are almost identical. The same is true for
Periodic Table of Elements
the actinides, which occur during the filling of the 5f sub-shell inside the filled 7s sub-shell.
Importance of Exclusion Principle: If it were not obeyed, all the electrons in a multi-electron atom
would be in the lowest-energy 1s sub-shell. In this case all atoms would have very high first excited
states. Then all atoms would be extremely inert and there would be no molecules, no chemical
compounds, no life. Infact, the world would be completely different if electrons did not obey the
exclusion principle.
1. If atoms could contain electrons with principal quantum number upto n = 6, how many elements
would there be ?
For n = 2, `' = 8
For n = 3, `' = 18
For n = 4 `' = 32
For n = 5, `' = 50
For n = 6, `' = 72
2. Use Pauli exclusion principle to show that the p sub-shell (l = 1) in an atom can contain a
maximum of 6 electrons.
Solution : No two electrons can have all the four quantum numbers n, l, ml, ms same. For electrons in
the p sub-shell,
n and l are same. Hence they must differ either in m1 or in m3. For l = 1, we have
ml = 1, 0, _1
and we know ms = .
Nuclear Physics
The following different combinations of ml and ms, are possible :
3. Explain that 14 electrons will be required to completely fill the 4f sub-shell of an atom.
ml = 3, 2, 1, 0, _1, _2, _ 3
and ms =
We can see, as above, that 14 different combinations of ml, and ms, are possible; hence 14 electrons will
complete an
4. Explain why an atomic shell with n = 2 cannot contain more than 8 electrons.
Solution : According to Pauli's exclusion principle, no two electrons in an atom should have all the four
quantum numbers n, l, j, mj (or n, l. ml, m,) same.
For n = 2, l = 0, 1.
For l = 0, j = l s = and mj = ,_
and for l = 1 , j = ,
and mj = , ,_ ,_ ; ,_
Raman Spectrum
Raman Effect
When a strong beam of visible or ultraviolet line-spectral light illuminates a gas, a liquid, or a
transparent solid, a small fraction of light is scattered in all directions. The spectrum of the scattered
light is found to consist of lines of the same frequencies as the incident beam (Rayleigh lines), and also
certain weak lines of changed frequencies. These additional lines are called `Raman lines'.
The Raman lines corresponding to each exciting (Rayleigh) line occur symmetrically on both sides of
the exciting line. The lines on the low-frequency side of the exciting line are called `Stokes' lines, while
those on the high-frequency side are called `anti-Stokes' lines. The anti-Stokes Raman lines are much
weaker compared to the Stokes Raman lines. This phenomenon is called `Raman effect'.
The displacements (in cm_1) of the Raman lines from the corresponding exciting lines are independent
of the frequencies
Nuclear Physics
of the latter. If another light source with a different line-spectrum is used, other Raman lines are
obtained for the same scattering substance. However, the displacements from the exciting lines are the
same. For different scattering substances, the displacements have different magnitudes. Thus the Raman
displacements are characteristic of the scattering substance.
Experimental Setup: The basic requirements for photographing Raman spectrum are a source, a Raman
tube and a spectrograph. The source must be an intense line-source with distinct lines in the blue-violet
region. A mercury arc or a discharge lamp is a proper source. Now-a-days, laser provides an
exceptionally intense and monochromatic Raman source.
The Raman tube used for liquids is a thin-walled glass (or quartz) tube T (Fig.) about 15 cm long and 2
cm in diameter, whose one end is closed with an optically-plane glass (or quartz) plate, and the other is
drawn out into the shape of a horn and covered with black tape. The flat end serves as the window
through which the scattered light emerges, while the blackened horn-shaped end causes the total
reflection of the backward scattered light and provides a dark background.
The spectrograph must be one of high light-gathering power combined with good resolution. This may
be achieved in a good prism spectrograph with a short-focus camera.
A typical arrangement for obtaining the Raman spectra of liquids is shown in Fig. The source S is a long
horizontal arc of mercury. The Raman tube T containing the experimental liquid is placed above and
parallel to the source S. In between the source and the tube is placed a glass cylindrical container filled
with saturated solution of sodium nitrate. This acts as a cylindrical lens to concentrate the light along the
axis of the Raman tube. The sodium nitrate solution absorbs the ultraviolet lines of the mercury arc but
transmits the blue line with great
Raman Spectrum
intensity. A polished reflector R laid over T increases the intensity of illumination. The scattered light
passing through the plane window of the Raman tube is focussed on the slit of a spectrograph which
photographs the spectrum under a long exposure. A spectrophotometer may also be used as a recorder
instead of a spectrograph.
Explanation: Raman effect can be explained from quantum theory. According to this theory, light of
frequency v is a bundle of `photons', each of energy hv. When it falls on a scatterer, the photons collide
with the molecules of the scatterer. There are three possibilities in such a collision :
(i) The photon may be scattered or deflected off its path without loss or gain of energy. It then gives rise
to the unmodified spectral line of the same frequency v as of the incident light. This is the Rayleigh line.
(ii) The photon may give a part of its energy, DE (say), to a molecule which is in its ground energy state
E1 (Fig.). The molecule is then excited to a higher energy state E2 (= E1 + DE), and the photon is
consequently scattered with a smaller energy hvDE. In this case it gives rise to a spectral line of lower
frequency (or longer wavelength). This is the Stokes Raman line (Fig.).
Nuclear Physics
(iii) The photon may collide a molecule already in the excited state E2 and take energy DE from it. In
this case, the molecule is de-excited to the ground state E1 and the photon is scattered with increased
energy hv + D E. Now it gives rise to a spectral line of higher frequency (or shorter wavelength). This is
the anti-Stokes Raman line (Fig.).
Since the number of molecules in the excited state is very small, the chances of this last process are very
small. Hence anti-Stokes Raman lines are much weaker than the Stokes Raman lines.
Uses : Raman effect is a powerful tool for studying the molecular structure of compounds and crystals.
It is used to determine the arrangement of atoms in a given molecule. It supplies data regarding the spin
and statistics of the nucleus. It is used in industries for studying the composition of mixtures, plastics,
Compton Effect Versus Raman Effect: Both these phenomena are interaction of matter with radiation.
In the Compton effect an electron loosely bound to an atom acquires energy from the incident photon
and becomes free from the
Raman Spectrum
atom, the photon being scattered with reduced energy (or reduced frequency). The nucleus takes almost
no part in the process. The Raman effect, on the other hand, is a very general case of interaction between
photon and matter in which the entire molecule takes part. In this process the molecule acquires energy
from the incident photon and is simply raised to an excited state of higher energy, no electron from the
molecule is freed.
In case of Compton effect the wavelength of the scattered photon is always longer than that of the
incident photon. In case of Raman effect, however, the scattered wavelength may be longer as well as
shorter than the incident wavelength.
1. With exciting line 2536 a Raman line for a sample is observed at 2612 . Calculate the Raman
shift in cm_1 units.
= = 39432 cm_1
\ Raman shift
2. The exciting line in an experiment is 5460 and the Stokes line is at 5520 . Find the wavelength
of the anti-Stokes line.
Solution : The Stokes and anti-Stokes lines have the same wave-number displacement with respect to
the exciting line. The wave-number of the exciting line is
Nuclear Physics
v= = 18315 cm_1
= 18116 cm_1.
3. With exciting line 4358 , a sample gives Stokes line at 4458 A. Deduce the wavelength of the anti-
Stokes line.
[Ans. 4262 ]
Zeeman Effect
Zeeman Effect
Vector Model
Orbital Magnetic Dipole Moment of Atomic Electron: An electron revolving in an orbit about the
nucleus of an atom is a minute current loop and produces a magnetic field. It thus behaves like a
magnetic dipole. Let us calculate its magnetic moment.
Let us consider an electron of mass m and charge _e moving with speed v in a circular Bohr orbit of
radius r (Fig.), It constitutes a current of magnitude
i= ,
Now, T = , and so
i= .
Nuclear Physics
From electromagnetic theory, the magnitude of the orbital magnetic dipole moment for a current i in
a loop of area A is
l = iA
and its direction is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit as shown. Substituting the value of i from
above and taking
A = pr2, we have
Because the electron has a negative charge, its magnetic dipole moment is opposite in direction to its
orbital angular momentum , whose magnitude is given by
= ... (iii)
Thus the ratio of the magnitude l of the orbital magnetic dipole moment to the magnitude L of the
orbital angular momentum for the electron is a constant, independent of the details of the orbit. This
constant is called the `gyromagnetic ratio' for the electron.
Zeeman Effect
Bohr Magneton : From wave mechanics, the permitted scalar values of are given by
L= ,
where l is the `orbital quantum number'. Therefore, the magnitude of the orbital magnetic moment of the
election is
l = .
The quantity forms a natural unit for the measure-ment of atomic magnetic dipole moments, and is
called the `Bohr magneton', denoted by b . Thus
l = ,
where B = =
In Fig. is shown an electron orbit in an external magnetic field . The orbital angular momentum of the
electron is
Nuclear Physics
represented by a vector perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. Let q be the angle between and .
where _ e is the charge on the electron of mass m. The minus sign signifies that is directed opposite
to . As a result of its interaction with , the dipole experiences a torque , given by
= . ... (ii)
According to eq. (i) and (ii), the torque is always perpendicular to the angular momentum .
We know that a torque causes the angular momentum to change according to a form of Newton's law
Zeeman Effect
= ,
and the change takes place in the direction of the torque. The torque on the electron, therefore,
produces a changed in in a time dt. The changed is perpendicular to (because the change is in
the direction of torque, and the torque is perpendicular to ). Hence the angular momentum remains
constant in magnitude, but its direction changes. As time goes on, traces a cone around , such that
the angle between and remains constant. This is the precession of , and hence of the electron
orbit, around .
If w be the angular velocity of precession, then precesses through an angle w dt in time dt. From the
Fig., we see that
w dt =
or w = = .
Thus the angular velocity of Larmor precession is equal to the product of the magnitude of the magnetic
field and the ratio of the magnitude of the magnetic moment to the magnitude of the angular momentum.
\w= .
Nuclear Physics
The Larmor frequency (frequency of precession) is therefore
f= = B.
It is independent of the orientation angle q between orbit normal ( ) and field direction ( ).
Importance: This theorem is of considerable importance in atomic structure as it enables an easy
calculation of energy levels in the presence of an external magnetic field.
Nr : Putting e = l.6 10_19 coul, m = 9.1 l0_31 kg and B 104 weber/m2 (given), we get
Space Quantisation of Atoms: An electron moving around the nucleus of an atom is equivalent to a
magnetic dipole. Hence, when the atom is placed in an external magnetic field , the electron orbit
precesses about the field direction as axis. The electron orbital angular momentum vector traces a
cone around such that the angle q between and remains constant (Fig.).
If the magnetic field is along the z-axis, the component of parallel to the field is
Lz = L cos q
or cos q =
Quantum mechanically, the angular momentum L and its z-component Lz are quantised according to the
and Lz = ml ,
Zeeman Effect
where l and ml are the orbital and magnetic quantum numbers respectively. Therefore,
cos q = =.
Thus the angle q between and the z-axis is determined by the quantum numbers l and ml. Since, for a
given l, there are (2l+ 1) possible values of ml ( = 0, 1, 2,........., 1), the angle q can assume (2l +
1) discrete values. In other words, the angular momentum vector can have (2l+1) discrete orientations
with respect to the magnetic field. This quantisation of the orientation of atoms in space is known as
`space quantisation'.
The space quantisation of the orbital angular momentum vector corresponding to l = 2 {or L =(6)
h/2p} is shown in Fig. For l = 2, we have
ml = 2, 1, 0, _1, _2
so that Lz = .
Alternatively, the orientations q of with respect to the field (z-axis) are given by
cos q =
Nuclear Physics
We note that can never be aligned exactly parallel or antiparallel to , since is always smaller
than .
Zeeman Effect
Zeeman, in 1896, observed that when a light-source giving line spectrum is placed in an external
magnetic field, the spectral lines emitted by the atoms of the source are split into a number of polarised
components. This effect of magnetic field on the atomic spectral lines is called `Zeeman effect'.
To produce Zeeman effect, a source of light, such as a gas discharge tube, is placed symmetrically
between the pole-pieces of a strong electromagnet, one of whose pieces carries a hole drilled parallel to
the magnetic field direction. The light coming from the tube is examined by a spectroscope of high
resolving power. The attention is focused on a single spectral line observable in the absence of the
magnetic field (Fig.).
Zeeman Effect
When the light is viewed at right angles to the magnetic field direction, a singlet spectral line is found to
split up into three components (Fig.). The central component is in the same position and hence has the
same frequency v0 as the original line. The outer components of frequencies v1 and v2 are displaced
equally from the central component. The central component is linearly polarised with electric vector
vibrating parallel to the magnetic field, while the two outer components are linearly polarised with
electric vector vibrating at right angles to the field. This splitting is known as `normal transverse
Zeeman effect'.
When the light is viewed (through the hole) in a direction parallel to the magnetic field, only the two
outer components are seen and there is no central component (Fig.). These components are circularly
polarised in opposite senses. This is known as `normal longitudinal Zeeman effect'.
The fine-structure components of a multiplet spectral line, however, show a complex Zeeman pattern.
For example, the D1 and D2 components of sodium yellow doublet give four and six lines respectively in
the Zeeman pattern. This is `anomalous' Zeeman effect.
Explanation of Normal Zeeman Effect : The normal Zeeman effect, which is shown by spectral lines
arising from transitions
Nuclear Physics
between the singlet energy levels of an atom, can be explained from the classical electron theory and
also from the quantum theory (without taking note of electron spin).
In terms of quantum theory, an atom possesses an electron orbital angular momentum and an orbital
magnetic moment , with gyromagnetic ratio given by
= ,
where e and m are the charge and mass of electron. The vector is directed opposite to the vector
because the electron is negatively charged (Fig.).
When the atom is placed in an external magnetic field say along the z axis, the vector precesses
around the field direction (Larmor precession) with quantised components given by
Lz = ml ,
w= = .
The change in energy of such a precession is equal to the product of the angular velocity and the
component of angular momentum along the field, that is,
ml = l, l_1,...2, 1,0, _ 1, _2, ..........l, a total of (2l+1) values. Thus each energy level (of a given l value)
of the atom placed in the magnetic field is split into (2l + 1) energy levels, called
Zeeman Effect
`Zeeman levels', having different ml, values. The separation between the Zeeman levels is same for all
the energy levels of the atom.
Let us consider a line arising by electron transition from l = 1 level to l = 0 level (Fig.). In the magnetic
field, the level l = 1 is split into (2l + 1) = 3 components corresponding to ml = +1, 0, _ 1 ; while the
level l = 0 remains unplatted (Fig.).
Nuclear Physics
Theory shows that only those transitions are allowed for which the quantum number ml changes by 0 or
1 , i.e.
Dml = 0 1.
Therefore, from eq. (i), the energy-change due to the Zeeman splitting of levels is
DE = 0, B.
Hence the change in the frequency of the emitted spectral line is given by
Dv = =0 .
Thus the original line of frequency v0 is splitted into three components of frequencies
v1 = v0 + ,
and v2 = v0 _ ,
i.e. one displaced component v0, and two equally-displaced components on either side of the v0
component (Fig.).
When the light is viewed parallel to the magnetic field B, the displaced components v1 and v2 (which are
circularly-polarised) are seen. The undisplaced component, however, which has optical vibrations
parallel to the field does not send light in this direction due to the transverse nature of light waves.
Hence in this case no central component is seen.
Determination of e/m: The change in the frequency of a spectral line, when the light source is placed in
a magnetic field B, is given by
Dv =
Zeeman Effect
or D v = _ Dl
\ Dl = _ Dv = _
or Dl = (numerically).
\ = .
Electron Spin
The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantum theory of elliptic orbits with relativity correction was in fair agreement
with the observed fine structure of hydrogen spectral lines. It, however, suffered from two major
drawbacks :
Firstly, it could not explain the fine-structure observed in the spectral lines of atoms other than
hydrogen. For example, the spectral lines of alkali atoms are doublets, have two close fine-structure
components. In alkali atoms, the (single) optical electron moves in a Bohr-like orbit of large radius at
low velocity. Therefore, the relativity effect would be too small to account for the large fine-structure
splitting observed in alkali lines.
Secondly, the simple quantum theory failed to explain anomalous Zeeman effect, that is, the splitting of
atomic spectral lines into four, six, or more, components when the light source was placed in an external
magnetic field.
In view of these drawbacks of the theory, Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck proposed in 1925 that an electron
must be looked upon as a charged sphere spinning about its own axis having an intrinsic
Nuclear Physics
angular momentum and an intrinsic magnetic moment. These are called `spin angular momentum' and
`spin magnetic moment' , respectively. (These are besides the orbital angular momentum and
orbital magnetic moment ). The magnitude of the spin angular momentum is
S= ,
where s is the `spin quantum number'. The only value s can have is
S= ,
S= = .
Sz = ms ,
where ms is the `spin magnetic quantum number' and takes (2s + l) = 2 values which are + s and _ s, that
ms = + and _ .
Thus sz = + and = _
The gyromagnetic ratio for electron spin, is twice the corresponding ratio for the electron
orbital motion. Thus the spin magnetic moment of electron is related to the spin angular momentum
Zeeman Effect
=_ .
The minus sign indicates that is opposite in direction to (because electron is negatively charged).
= .
Coupling of Orbital and Spin Angular Momenta : Vector Model of the Atom: The total angular
momentum of an atom results from the combination of the orbital and spin angular momenta of its
electrons. Since angular momentum is a vector quantity, we can represent the total angular momentum
by means of a vector, obtained by the addition of orbital and spin angular momentum vectors. This leads
to the vector model of the atom.
Let us consider an atom whose total angular momentum is provided by a single electron. The magnitude
of the orbital angular momentum of an atomic electron is given by
Lz = ,
Nuclear Physics
where l is orbital quantum number and ml, is the corresponding magnetic quantum number, with values
ml = l, l _ 1,........., _ l + 1, _ l.
Sz = ms ,
where s is the spin quantum number (which has the sole value + ) and ms is magnetic spin quantum
number (ms=
= s).
The total angular momentum of the one-electron atom, ,is the vector sum of and , that is
= .
The magnitude and the z-component of are specified by two quantum numbers j and mj, according to
the usual quantisation conditions
and Jz = mj .
j is called the `inner quantum number' and mj is the corresponding magnetic quantum number. The
possible values of m, range from + j to _ j in integral steps :
mj = j, j 1........, j + 1, -j.
Zeeman Effect
Let us obtain the relationship among the various angular momentum quantum numbers. Since Jz, Lx and
Sz are scalar quantities, we may write
Jz = Lz Sz.
The maximum values of m1, ml and ms are j, l and s respectively. Therefore, we have
Since , and are ail quantised, they can have only certain specific relative orientations. In case of a
one-electron atom, there are only two relative orientations possible, corresponding to
j = l + s,
so that J > L.
and j = l _ s,
so that J < L.
The two ways in which and can combine to form (when l = 1, s = ) are shown in Fig.
Nuclear Physics
The angular momenta of the atomic electron, and, interact magnetically; which is known as `spin-orbit
interaction'. They exert torques on each other. These internal torques do not change the magnitudes of
the vectors and , but cause them to precess uniformly around their resultant (Fig.). If the atom is in
free space so that no external torques act on it, then the total angular momentum is conserved in
magnitude and direction. Obviously, the angle between and would remain invariant. This is the vector
model of the one-electron atom. It can be extended to many-electron atoms. The vector model enables us
to explain the phenomena which could not be understood from Bohr-Sommerfeld theory such as fine
structure of spectral lines and anomalous Zeeman effect.
Alkali Spectra: The alkali atoms Li, Na, K,.........readily give up one electron to form positive ions. The
energy required to remove one electron from these atoms is small (5.1 eV in case of Na), but that
required to remove a second electron is much larger (47.3 eV). This suggests that of all the electrons in
an alkali atom, one electron is loosely-bound to the atom. The spectral lines of an alkali atom arise due
to the transitions
Zeeman Effect
of this electron only which is called the `optical' or `valence' electron. The alkali spectrum is called `one-
electron' spectrum.
The alkali spectrum consists of spectral lines which can be classified into four series : principal, series,
sharp series, diffuse series and fundamental series. The principal series is the most prominent and can be
observed in emission as well as in absorption spectrum. The other series are observed in emission
spectrum only.
The emission of alkali spectral lines can be fairly explained on the same lines as the Bohr-Sommerfeld
theory for hydrogen atom. An atom has a number of discrete energy states, each state being
characterised by a total quantum number n( = 1, 2, 3,...). For each value of n, there are component
levels labelled by an additional quantum number l, called the `orbital' quantum number, l can take values
0, 1, 2,......(n _ l). Thus n = 1 state has only one level (l = 0) ; n = 2 state has two levels (l = 0, 1), and so
on. The levels corresponding to
l = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... are called as s, p, d, f,....levels respectively. Thus n _ 1 state has a level called 1s; the n =
2 state has two levels called 2s and 2p ; the n = 3 state has three levels called 3s, 3p and 3d; the n = 4
state has four levels 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f, and so on. The energies of these levels are given by
En,l = _ ,
where D is called `quantum defect' and depends on l. Thus the energies of levels with same n but
different l are different.
Let us now consider an alkali atom, say sodium (Na). Measurement of spectral wavelengths and the
ionisation potential shows that the ground state of the sodium atom is 3s, i.e. the optical electron
occupies the 3s level in the normal atom. When the atom is excited by some outer means, the electron
leaves the 3s level and goes to any of the higher levels 3p, 3d, 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f,.... From the higher level the
electron jumps
Nuclear Physics
back to the lower levels but only such that the l value changes by 1 (Fig.), i.e.
D l = 1.
This is called the `selection rule'. When the electron jumps from any p-level to the lowest s-level (3s), it
emits a line of principal series ; when it jumps from any s-level to the lowest p-level (3p), it emits a line
of sharp series ; and so on. Thus emission of all the spectral series is explained.
Fine Structure of Alkali Spectra and its Explanation: When the spectral lines of an alkali atom are
seen under high resolution, each of them is found to consist of two close components. For example, the
yellow D-line of sodium consists of two close lines of wavelengths 5890 and 5896 . This is
Zeeman Effect
called the fine structure and is explained by introducing the conception of electron spin.
The total angular momentum of the electron is the vector sum of its orbital angular momentum
j=ls=l .
Thus, for
Each value of the total angular momentum of the electron corresponds to a particular total energy of the
electron. Therefore, each energy level of a given l-value is split into two sub-levels of slightly different
energies, corresponding to the two j-values. The s-levels (for which l = 0) still remain unsplitted because
there is only one j-value for them. On this basis, the doublet structure of the spectral lines of alkali atoms
can be explained.
Let us consider the sodium D-line. It arises from the transition of the electron from the 3p to the 3s level
(Fig.). But, due to electron spin, the 3p level consists of two sub-levels, one corresponding to j = and the
other corresponding to j = (Fig.). Thus there are two transitions and hence the D-line is a doublet.
Nuclear Physics
Similarly, the spin-orbit coupling together with relativity correction explains the fine structure of
hydrogen lines.
Stern-Gerlach Experiment : Stern and Gerlach, in 1921, performed an experiment which demonstrated
directly that an atom placed in a magnetic field can take only certain discrete orientations with respect to
the field (space quantisation). It also demonstrated the existence of electron spin, thus providing an
experimental verification of the vector model of atom.
The plan of the experiment is shown in Fig. A beam of neutral silver atoms was formed by heating silver
in an oven. It was collimated by a few fine slits and then passed through a non-homogeneous magnetic
field. The field was produced by specially-designed pole-pieces whose cross-sectional view is displayed
separately. It shows that the field increases in intensity in the z-direction defined in the figure.
The beam leaving the magnetic field was received on a photographic plate P. On developing the plate,
no trace of the direct beam was obtained. Instead, two traces were obtained, symmetrically situated with
respect to the direct beam. This meant that the beam of silver atoms splitted into two discrete
components, one component being bent in the + z-direction and the other bent in the z-direction. The
experiment was repeated using other atoms, and in each case the beam was
Zeeman Effect
found splitted into two, or more, discrete components. This result is interpreted in the following way :
A magnet experiences a net deflecting force in a non-homogeneous magnetic field which depends on the
orientation of the magnet in the field. Since atoms are tiny magnets, they experience deflecting force
when passing through the field. If an atom could have any orientation in the magnetic field, then for the
millions of atoms present in the beam, all possible orientations would be obtained and the beam would
be deflected into a continuous band.
In the experiment, however, there was no band, but discrete traces on the photographic plate. This
showed that the atoms passing through the field were oriented in space in discrete directions so that the
beam deflected in certain discrete directions only and gave discrete traces on the plate.
The experiment is also an evidence for the existence of electron spin. This was shown most clearly in
1927 by Phipps and Taylor, who repeated the Stern Gerlach experiment by using a beam of hydrogen
atoms. This atom consists of a single electron which, in the ground state, lies in an s-level, for which the
quantum number l = 0. If there were no spin, then j would also be zero, so that (2j +.1) = 1.
In that case the hydrogen atomic beam would be unaffected by the magnetic field, and only one trace
would be obtained on the plate. Phipps and Taylor, however, found the beam to be splitted into two
symmetrically deflected components giving rise to two traces. This is just the case when the existence of
Nuclear Physics
quantum number. Thus j = l s = 0 = so that 2j + 1 = 2. Hence two traces.
Need of Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field: If the field were homogeneous, then the atoms (tiny magnets)
would have experienced only a turning moment, and no deflecting force. As such, we could not obtain
the deflected components in spite of the orientation of the atoms relative to the field.
Atoms, not Ions: In the Stern-Gerlach experiment, a beam of `neutral' atoms is passed through an
inhomogeneous magnetic field, and each atom experiences a transverse force depending upon its
orientation with respect to the field. If (charged) ions were used, they would be subjected to Lorentz
force also and their deflection would no longer be transverse so that no traces would be obtained on the
1. Calculate the two possible orientations of spin vector with respect to magnetic field direction.
Solution : Let the magnetic field be along the z-axis. The magnitude of the spin angular momentum
and its zcomponent are quantised according to the relations
S= ,s=
and Sz = ms , ms =
Hence the angle q between and the z-axis (Fig.) is determined by the quantum numbers ms and s,
according as
cos q = =
Zeeman Effect
= ms.
For ms = + , we have
cos q = + = 0.577.
For ms = , we have
cos q = _ = _ 0.577.
2. A beam of electrons enters a uniform magnetic field of 1.2 Tesla. Calculate the energy difference
between electrons whose spins are parallel and anti-parallel to the field.
Solution : An electron has an intrinsic (spin) angular momentum and an intrinsic magnetic dipole
moment , which are related by
Nuclear Physics
=_ ,
where S = and s = .
Let the magnetic field be along the z-axis. The magnitude of the z-component of the magnetic
moment is
x = Sz
Sz = ms ,
sz = ms
= = .
Now, the magnetic potential energy of a dipole of moment , in a magnetic field is given by
Vm = _ .
=_ ,
where sz is the scalar magnitude of in the direction of the magnetic field. Thus
Vm = B.
The difference in energy of the electrons having spin parallel and anti-parallel to the field is
Zeeman Effect
DVm = _ = .
Substituting the known values of e, h and m ; and the given values of B, we get
DVm =
3. (a) For a one-electron atom, write down the spectroscopic symbols for the possible energy levels of
an electron with
l = 2. (b) Which of these levels has the higher energy and why? (c) If the atom is placed in a weak
magnetic field, into how many magnetic levels will each of the above levels split up? (d) Which one of
these magnetic levels will have the highest energy and why ?
l = 2 and s = .
The energy levels for the election are designated by S, P, D,......according as l = 0, 1, 2,...... The
multiplicity is indicated by a super-script and the value of j by a sub-script. Thus the possible energy
levels for l = 2 electron in a single-electron atom will be written as
2D 2D
5/2, 3/2.
Nuclear Physics
(b) The level 2D5/2 (j = ) corresponds to spin momentum parallel to orbital momentum while the level
stable level is one in which the magnetic moment of the electron spin, , lines up in the direction of
the magnetic field produced by the orbital motion of the electron.
Now, the field due to orbital motion is always in the direction of angular momentum vector (Fig.).
Since the electron is negatively charged, the spin magnetic moment is opposite to spin angular
momentum . Thus is in the direction of for the level in which is anti-parallel to i.e. for the level
corresponding to j = l s (Fig.). ( is opposite to when is parallel to as in Fig.). Hence the
level 2D3/2 is more stable i.e. of lower energy. The level 2D5/2 is higher.
(c) When the atom is placed in a weak magnetic field, each energy level breaks up into 2j + 1 magnetic
levels corresponding to mj = j, j1,......0,...... j. Thus the level 2D5/2 breaks up into 6 magnetic levels
Zeeman Effect
(d) The level corresponding to mj = involves highest magnetic shift and hence lies highest.
4. For an electron orbit with quantum number l = 2, state the possible values of the components of
angular momentum along a specified direction.
Solution : The component of total angular momentum along a specified direction (z-axis) is quantised,
and takes values given by
Jz = mj
where mj is the magnetic quantum number corresponding to the inner quantum number j.
l = 2 (d-electron)
and, of course s = .
The values differ by integers. Thus, the possible values of the z-components of total angular momentum
Nuclear Physics
5. Calculate the possible orientations of the total angular momentum vector corresponding to j =
3/2 with respect to a magnetic field along the z-axis.
Solution : The magnitude of the total angular momentum and its z-component are quantised according
to the relations
and Jz = mj
cos q = =
Now = = .
\ cos q =
Zeeman Effect
6. An element under spectroscopic examination is placed in a magnetic field of flux density 0.3 weber/
meter2. Calculate the Zeeman shift of a spectral line of wavelength 4500 .
Dv =
where e and m are the charge and mass of electron. Since
v= , we have
Dv = _ Dl
\ Dl = Dv = .
Dl =
Nuclear Physics
7. The Zeeman components of a 500-nm spectral line are 0.0116 nm apart when the magnetic field is
1.00 T. Find the ratio e/m for the electron.
Dl = .
= .
Here l = 500 nm = 5.00 10_7 m, D l = 0.0116 nm = 0.000116 l0_7 m, B =1.00, Tesla = l.00 N/A-m
and also c = 3.0 108 m/s.
\ =
Hydrogen Spectrum
The spectrum of hydrogen atom consists of a number of lines. These lines have been grouped into a
number of `series'. The lines in each series are such that their separation and intensity decrease
regularly towards shorter wavelengths, converging to a limit called the `series limit'.
The wavelengths in each series can be given by a simple empirical formula. The first such spectral series
was observed by Balmer in 1885 and is called the Balmer series of hydrogen. The first line with the
longest wavelength (6563 A) is named Ha , the next Hb, and so on. The series limit lies at 3646 A,
beyond which is a faint continuous spectrum. Balmer's formula for the wavelengths of the series is
The quantity R is called the `Rydberg constant' and has the value
Nuclear Physics
The Ha line corresponds to n = 3, the Hb line to n = 4, and so on. The series limit corresponds to n = ,
so that it occurs at a wavelength of 4/R, in agreement with experiment.
The Balmer series contains only those spectral lines which fall in the visible part of the hydrogen
spectrum. The lines falling in the ultraviolet and infrared parts form other series. The lines in the
ultraviolet form the Lyman series whose wavelengths are given by
In the infrared, three spectral series have been observed whose lines have the wavelengths given by the
Bohr's Theory of Hydrogen Spectrum : The existence of sharp spectral lines cannot be explained from
the classical electromagnetic theory. Bohr explained it by applying Planck's quantum hypothesis to the
Rutherford's atomic model. The Rutherford's atom consists of a central massive nucleus containing the
positive charge of the atom, and the electrons move round the nucleus in circular planetary orbits. The
centripetal force required for the orbital motion is provided by electrostatic attraction between the
positively-charged nucleus and the negatively-charged electron.
Hydrogen Spectrum
(i) An electron can move only in those orbits for which the angular momentum L of the electron is an
integral multiple of h\2p where h is Planck's constant. (Thus Bohr quantised the angular momentum of
the electron.) The electron moving in any of the permitted orbits does not radiate energy in spite of its
acceleration towards the centre of the orbit. The atom, therefore, is said to exist in a stationary state.
(ii) The emission (or absorption) of radiation by the atom lakes place when an electron jumps from one
permitted orbit to another. The radiation is emitted (or absorbed) as a single quantum (photon) whose
energy hv is equal to the difference in energies of the electron in the two orbits involved. Thus if Ei be
the energy of the initial orbit of the electron and Ef that of the final orbit, then we have
hv = Ei Ef
Let e, m and v be the charge, mass and velocity of the electron (measured in coulomb, kg and meter/sec
respectively) and r the radius of the orbit measured in meter. The positive charge on the nucleus is Ze,
where Z is the atomic number (Fig.). In case of hydrogen Z=l, so that positive charge on nucleus is e. As
the centripetal force is provided by the electrostatic attraction, we have
Nuclear Physics
From the first postulate, the angular momentum of the electron is given by
L = mvr = n ,
Now, the energy E of the electron in an orbit is the sum of kinetic and potential energies. The kinetic
energy of the electron
K= = . [form eq. (i)]
The potential energy at a distance r from the nucleuses equal to the work done in removing the electron
Hydrogen Spectrum
U= = =_ .
E=K+U= =_ .
n = 1, 2, 3, ... ...(iv)
This is the expression for the energy of the electron in the nth orbit. We see that it is negative.
Let Ei and Ef be the energies of the election corresponding to the initial (higher) and final (lower) orbits
of the excited atom. Then we have
Ei = _ ;
and Ef = _
where ni and nf are the corresponding quantum numbers. The energy difference between these states is
Ei _ Ef = .
Hence, from Bohr's second postulate, the frequency v of the emitted photon is
= .
Nuclear Physics
The corresponding wavelength A is given by
= =
This equation indicates that, since ni and nf can take only integral values, the radiation emitted by
excited hydrogen atoms should contain certain discrete wavelengths only.
The value of the constant term comes out to be the same as the Rydberg constant R in the
Balmer's empirical formula. Thus we have
=R .
Emission of Spectrum
When the hydrogen atom gets sufficient energy from outside by some means, the electron from an inner
orbit of lower energy goes up to an outer orbit of higher energy. This excited state of the atom lasts for
about 10 8 second after
which the electron jumps back to an inner orbit. In jumping down, it emits the difference in energy
between two orbits
as electromagnetic radiation. If the electron jumps from
an orbit ni to an orbit nf , the wavelength of the emitted radiation will be
=R .
Hydrogen Spectrum
The corresponding energy level diagram is shown in Fig. below. The top horizontal line represents zero
energy i.e. energy of the electron outside the atom (n = ). The other horizontal lines represent energies
of different orbits given by the formula
E=_ .
The arrows ending at the lines n = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 represent the transitions responsible for the Lyman,
Balmer, Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series respectively.
Shortcomings of Bohr's Theory : Bohr's theory although very successful in explaining the hydrogen
spectrum and giving valuable information about atomic structure, has the following shortcomings :
Nuclear Physics
1. An individual line of hydrogen spectrum, when examined under a high-resolving spectroscope is
found to be accompanied by a number of faint lines. This `fine structure' of spectral lines cannot be
explained by Bohr's theory as such. It can, however, be explained when
2. Bohr's theory cannot explain the variation in intensity of the spectral lines of an element. The intensity
can be explained by quantum mechanics.
3. The theory is only applicable to one-electron atoms such as hydrogen, hydrogen isotopes, singly-
ionized helium, doubly-ionised lithium, etc. It does not explain the spectra of complex atoms.
4. The success of Bohr's theory in explaining the effect of magnetic field on spectral lines is only partial.
The theory cannot explain the `anomalous' Zeeman effect'.
5. The theory does not satisfactorily explain the distribution of electrons in atoms.
No Balmer Lines in Absorption Spectrum of Hydrogen: The Bohr theory also explains the absorption
line spectrum
of hydrogen. When a beam of continuous light (containing
all wavelengths) is passed through hydrogen and then sent into a spectrograph, a set of dark lines is
obtained. In terms of quantum theory, the incident light is a beam of quanta (photons) of all sorts of
energies. Now, according to Bohr theory, the hydrogen atoms absorb only those quanta
whose energies correspond to transitions between its discrete energy levels.
The resulting excited hydrogen atoms re-radiate the absorbed energy almost at once but these photons
come off in
Hydrogen Spectrum
random directions with only a few in the same direction as the original beam of continuous light. The
dark lines in the absorption spectrum are therefore never completely black. Obviously the absorption
lines will have exactly the same frequencies as the emission lines.
Now it is found that all the emission lines of hydrogen spectrum do not appear in the absorption
spectrum. The reason is that normally the atom is always in the ground state n = 1. Therefore, absorption
transitions can only occur from n = l to n>l. Hence lines of only the Lyman series can appear in
absorption spectrum. To obtain Balmer series in absorption, the atom must initially be in the state n = 2,
because Balmer lines require transitions from n = 2 to n = 2. Since atoms are usually in the ground state,
Balmer lines are not obtained in absorption. `
Assumptions of Planck, Einstein and Bohr: Planck had assumed that the atoms of a hot body behave as
oscillators and have discrete (quantised) energies. They do not emit radiant energy continuously, but
only in `jumps' or `quanta'. Planck, however, still maintained that radiation propagates continuously
through space as electromagnetic waves.
Einstein, in order to explain the photoelectric effect, went a step ahead. He proposed that the radiation
not only is emitted as quantum at a time, but also propagates as individual quanta (photons). He thus
treated the propagation of radiation as particle propagation rather than wave propagation.
Bohr, in order to explain the hydrogen spectrum, adopted the Planck's quantum hypothesis that the
radiation is
emitted discontinuously from the atom. He started with the quantisation of the angular momentum of the
electron in the orbit which ultimately results in the quantisation of energy of the atom.
Nuclear Physics
Negative Energy of Hydrogen Orbits
An electron revolving in a hydrogen orbit has a negative potential energy by virtue of its attraction
towards the nucleus, and also kinetic energy (which is positive) by virtue of its motion. The potential
energy is greater in magnitude than the kinetic energy, so that the net energy is negative. The `negative'
energy signifies that the electron cannot escape from the atom. A positive energy for a nucleus-electron
combination would mean that electron is not bound to the nucleus. Such a combination cannot constitute
an atom.
Absorption of a Photon of Energy Greater than the Binding Energy : The binding energy of the
hydrogen atom is the energy which must be supplied to it in order to remove its electron from the lowest
state (level) to a state of zero total energy. It is numerically equal to the energy of the lowest state (: 136
The highest energy level of the atom corresponds to n= so that =0. Above this are the energy states of
the system consisting of an unbound electron plus the ionized atom. The total energy of an unbound
electron is not quantised and is positive. Thus any energy E > 0 is possible for the electron, and the
energy states form a continuum. When the hydrogen atom receives a photon of any energy which is
greater than its binding energy of 13.6 eV, it absorbs the photon and the electron of the atom passes from
its discrete ground state to a continuum state.
Bohr Theory as Corrected for Nuclear Mass: In Bohr theory we assume that the nucleus of the
hydrogen atom is infinitely heavy compared with electron, and so it remains stationary while the
electron revolves around it. In fact, the nucleus has a finite mass, and both the electron and the nucleus
revolve about their common centre of mass C (Fig.) with a common angular velocity w. Let us make
correction in Bohr theory for the finite mass (motion) of the nucleus.
Hydrogen Spectrum
Let m be the mass of electron, MH that of hydrogen nucleus, and r the distance between them. Let x be
the distance of the nucleus from the common centre of mass C. The distance of the electron will be
(rx). Since the system is in equilibrium, the moments of MH and m about C will be equal. That is
MH x = m (r _ x).
Solving we get: x =
and r _ x =
The total angular momentum of the atom about the centre of mass is
L = MH x2 w + m (r x)2 w
= MH
= MH
= r2 w,
where is called the `reduced mass' of the electron, because its value is slightly less than m.
Nuclear Physics
Taking nuclear motion into account, Bohr's first postulate will be read as thus : "An electron can move
only in those orbits for which the angular momentum of the whole atom is an integral multiple of h/2p"
mvr = n .
But v = rw, so that
mr2w = n . ...(ii)
Eq. (i) is exactly the same as eq. (ii) except that has replaced m. Therefore all the results of Bohr
theory (which assume mass of the nucleus infinite) still hold, provided m is replaced by .
E=_ .
Since is slightly less than m, the electron energies are slightly less negative than if the nucleus were at
rest (i.e. infinitely heavy). The wavelengths of the hydrogen lines are now given by
= RH ,
Hydrogen Spectrum
where RH is the Rydberg constant for the hydrogen atom. Since the value of the Rydberg
constant is slightly less than if the nucleus were at rest, the wavelengths are slightly larger than those
corresponding to an infinitely heavy nucleus.
Effect of Finite Nuclear Mass on Rydberg Constant : Taking nuclear motion into account, the Rydberg
constant for the hydrogen atom is
RH =
Now = .
\ Rh = .
But is the value of the Rydberg constant of an infinitely heavy nucleus, and is a constant for all
the atoms. Let it be denoted by R . Its value is 109737 cm_1. Thus
RH = R = .
This shows that the Rydberg constant for hydrogen, RH depends upon the mass MH of the hydrogen
nucleus. Thus it is a constant only for a particular atom, and varies slightly from atom to atom. This
variation, clearly, arises because of the finite mass (motion) of the nucleus. The Rydberg constant for
hydrogen is RH = 109677 cm_1.
The variation of Rydberg constant from element to element is shown in figure below. The largest change
occurs between H1 and H2. With increasing mass number, the Rydberg constant approaches more and
more closely to R.
Nuclear Physics
Discovery of Heavy Hydrogen
The variation of Rydberg constant with the mass of the nucleus resulted in the discovery of deuterium
(heavy hydrogen), The deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen whose nucleus has a mass almost exactly
double that of ordinary hydrogen. Therefore, the Rydberg constant for deuterium is slightly greater than
that for hydrogen. Consequently, the wavelengths of the spectral lines of deuterium are slightly shorter
than those of the corresponding spectral lines of hydrogen. The general nature of the two spectra is,
however, exactly same because atoms of both hydrogen and deuterium have the same electron structure.
Urey, in 1932, photographed hydrogen spectrum by means of a large concave grating. He observed that
each hydrogen line was accompanied by a very faint line slightly on the short wavelength side. He
measured the wavelength difference and attributed the faint line to some isotope of hydrogen. This
isotope is now known as `heavy hydrogen' or `deuterium.
Bohr Theory Applied to Singly-ionised Helium Atom (He+): The Bohr theory can be applied to ions
containing single electron such as He+ (singly-ionised helium), Li++ (doubly-ionised
Hydrogen Spectrum
lithium), and so on. Such ions behave just like hydrogen atom except that they have greater nuclear
charge and mass. Hence they are also called as `hydrogen-like atoms'.
The nucleus of a hydrogen-like atom of atomic number Z carries a charge +Ze so that the electrostatic
force of attraction which it exerts on the orbital electron is , instead of as in the case
of hydrogen atom for which Z = 1. Consequently, the formula for the energy levels of a hydrogen-like
atom is
E=_ ,
where is the reduced mass of the electron in the hydrogen-like atom, which is different than that in H.
The corresponding wave-length JA are given by
= ,
Now for He+, we have Z = 2 and = Rh, (the Rydberg constant for ionised helium), now being
the reduced mass of the electron in He+. Therefore
= 4RHe ,
= RH ,
Relationship between H and He+ Spectra : The formula for He+ differs from the formula for hydrogen
by a factor of 4,
Nuclear Physics
provided we ignore the difference between RHe and RH. The corresponding helium wavelengths are
therefore shorter by a factor of 4 . It is clear from the above two formulae that a transition from ni = 4 to
nf = 2 in He+ would emit a photon of the same wavelength as that emitted during a transition from ni, =
2 to nf = 1 in H. Hence we can conclude that the He+ spectral lines coincide with certain H spectral
lines. The coincident is, however, not exact because the Rydberg constant, for H and He+ are slightly
Below given figure shows Balmer series of H and the Pickering series of He+ photographed on the same
plate. We see that alternate members of Pickering series of He+ coincide roughly with members of
Balmer series of H.
where R is the Rydberg constant for an infinitely heavy nucleus, m is the mass of electron and MH is the
mass of hydrogen nucleus (i.e. mass of proton). Similarly, the Rydberg constant for He+ is given by
RHe = ,
where Mh, is the mass of a helium nucleus. Since helium nucleus is very nearly equal to four times
hydrogen nucleus (MH ~ 4MH), we write
Hydrogen Spectrum
or RH = RHe
or = RHe _ RH
or =.
Rhe and Rh can be found by measurements of wavelengths in the series of helium and hydrogen spectra.
Hence m/Mh, the ratio of the mass of electron to the mass of proton (i.e. hydrogen nucleus) can be
Sommerfeld's Extension of Bohr Theory: According to Bohr's theory, an atom has a number of discrete
energy levels (orbits), which only can be occupied by electrons. Each level is characterised by an integer
n called the `quantum number.' In a hydrogen atom, the (quantised) energy of a level with quantum
number n is given by (ignoring nuclear motion)
En = _ ,
En = _ ... (i)
where R is the Rydberg constant and c is the velocity of light. Whenever the electron
jumps from one level
Nuclear Physics
to another, electromagnetic radiation of a discrete frequency is emitted (or absorbed). For example,
when the electron jumps from the n = 3 to n = 2 level, the first line of Balmer series (called Ha-line) is
emitted (see Fig.) and its frequency is
v= .
According to the above theory, each line of the hydrogen spectrum must be a single line i.e. it must have
a single frequency (or wavelength). It was, however, observed by Michelson and others that in fact, the
hydrogen lines were not strictly single. Each line consisted of a small number of close components of
slightly different frequencies. This is called the `fine structure' of spectral lines. This infers that each
energy level of a given n must be splitted into sub-levels of slightly different energies. Hence the fine-
structure could not be explained by Bohr's original theory,
Sommerfeld extended the Bohr's theory by assuming the existence of elliptical orbits (in addition to
Bohr's circular orbits) for the electron, with one focus at the nucleus of the atom (Fig.). Now, an electron
in an elliptic orbit has two degrees of freedom, namely the radial distance r and the azimuthal angle q.
Sommerfeld postulated that each of these degrees of freedom must be quantised separately. If pq and p,
be the angular and radial momenta of the electron, then according to Wilson Sommerfeld quantisation
rules ; we must have
Hydrogen Spectrum
where k and nr are integers, called respectively `azimuthal' and `radial' quantum numbers. By integrating
over a complete revolution, it can be proved that
1_ e2 = k2 / K + nr)2
where e is the eccentricity of the ellipse. Since both k and n, ate integers, we can put
k + nr = n, (n = 1, 2, 3,..... )*
1 _ 2 = .
If a and b be the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse, then (l _ e2) = b2 a2. Therefore
or ... (iv)
This is the condition of quantisation for the orbits. Only those elliptic orbits are permitted for the
electron for which the ratio of the major to the minor axis is the ratio of two integers.
Let us now calculate the total energy E of an electron in a quantised elliptic orbit. The energy is the sum
of the kinetic energy K and potential energy U, That is
Nuclear Physics
= m (r2 + r2q2) _ .
But pr= mr and pq = mr2q. Therefore the last expression may be written as
E= .
Now, pr = mr = m =m =m q = (mr2q) =
E= . ... (v)
where (1 _ 2) = b2/a2. If we put the value of r and from eq. (vi) in eq. (v), then we can show that
For an isolated system, the angular momentum pq is constant. Then from eq. (ii), we get
pq = .
Hydrogen Spectrum
=_ .
Now, for a given value of n (= k + nr), k can take n possible different values (k = 1, 2, 3,.....n). This
means that for a given n, there are n orbits of different eccentricities (according to the condition
which can be occupied by the electron, But the energy E for all these orbits is the same, because E is
independent of k and depends upon n only [see eq. (viii)]. Thus the mere introduction of elliptic orbits
adds no new energy levels.
Relativistic Correction
In an elliptic orbit the velocity of the electron varies, becoming very large when the electron passes close
to the nucleus. The theory of relativity shows that when the velocity of a particle increases, its mass also
increases. This effect makes the energy of the electron in a more elliptic (i.e. of greater eccentricity)
orbit greater than that in a less elliptic orbit. Thus, the different k-orbits with a given n have slightly
different energies,
Nuclear Physics
according to the following expression, also proved by Sommerfeld
E= ,
We can now explain the fine structure of Ha line which is emitted when the electron jumps from the n =
3 to n=2 level. The n = 3 level consists of 3 sub-levels corresponding to k =1, 2, 3, and the n=2 level
consists of 2 sub-levels corresponding to k=1,2 (Fig.). Only those electron-jumps from the upper sub-
levels to the lower sub-levels are allowed for which k changes by unity (Dk = 1). Thus there are three
possible jumps, showing that the Ha-line actually consists of three components.
Note: From quantum mechanical considerations the azimuthal quantum number k has been replaced by I
+ I. Hence l can take the values 0, 1, 2, ... (n _ l).
Excitation and Ionisation Potentials of an Atom: According to the Bohr's theory, in an atom there are
certain discrete orbits only in which an electron can revolve without radiating energy. Each of these
orbits of a given atom is characterised by a certain (quantised) energy. Hence we say that there are
certain discrete energy levels in an atom.
Hydrogen Spectrum
When an electron in an atom absorbs sufficient energy from an outside source, it rises from its present
energy level to a higher level. The atom is then said to be `excited'. This excited state lasts only for about
10_8 seconds after which the electron jumps back to the inner level, emitting the absorbed energy in the
form of electromagnetic radiation.
When the electron in the atom gains sufficient energy so as to escape completely from the atom, the
atom is said to be `ionised'.
Again when the atom recaptures an electron and reverts to its original state, the absorbed energy is
emitted as electromagnetic radiation.
The energy required to excite or to ionise a given atom is perfectly definite. For example, in case of
hydrogen atom the energy of the nth orbit is
En = _ .
=_ electron-volt.
Putting n = l, 2, 3,......, the energies of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,...... energy levels come out to be 13.6,
3.4, 1.51,......0 electron-volts respectively. Hence the energy to be supplied to the atom to raise an
electron from the first to the second orbit is
Nuclear Physics
(l3.6 _ 3.4) = 10.2 electron-volts, from first to the third orbit is (13.6 _ 1.51) = 12.09 electron-volts,* and
to the ionized state is (13.6 _ 0) = 13.6 electron-volts.
Now, the atoms are usually excited or ionised by bombarding them with electrons accelerated through a
potential. But the excitation or unionisation of an atom can take place only when the bombarding
electron has the required amount of energy.
The minimum accelerating potential which imparts to the bombarding electron an energy sufficient to
excite a given atom is called the `excitation potential' of the atom. Similarly, the minimum accelerating
potential which imparts to the bombarding electron an energy sufficient to ionise the atom is called the
`ionisation potential' of the atom.
Thus 10.2, 12.09, electron-volts are the excitation potentials; while 13 6 electron-volts is the ionisation
potential for the hydrogen atom. All these together are called the `critical potentials' of the atom.
Franck-Hertz Experiment
Franck and Hertz, in 1914, performed a series of experiments to measure the excitation potentials of
atoms of different elements. These experiments showed directly that in an atom discrete energy levels do
Their apparatus is shown in Figure below. It consists of a glass tube in which are mounted a filament F,
a grid G , and a plate P as shown. The filament F is heated by a small battery B. An accelerating
potential V is applied between F and G ; and a small fixed retarding potential V0 (about 0.5 volt) between
G and P. The gas of the element whose atoms are to be studied is introduced in the tube at about 1 mm
of mercury pressure.
Hydrogen Spectrum
The electrons emitted from the hot filament F are accelerated between F and G by the potential V, and
retarded between G and P by the potential V0. Thus only electrons having energies greater than, eV0 at G
are able to reach P. The current to P is recorded by an ammeter A.
The current is plotted against the accelerating potential V. which is gradually increased from zero. The
curve obtained shows a series of regularly-spaced peaks (Fig.).
Interpretation of the Curve: Electrons are emitted from F with a range of small energies. In the
beginning, they acquire a small additional energy eV on reaching G. Those electrons whose energy is
now greater than eV0 reach P, and a current is obtained. As the accelerating potential V is increased,
more and more of the electrons arrive at the plate and the current rises. Between F and G the electrons
collide with the gas atoms. But since the electron energies are not enough to excite
Nuclear Physics
the atoms, the electrons do not lose energy in these (elastic) collisions.
When the accelerating potential V becomes equal to the first excitation potential Ve of the gas atoms, the
electron energy at G is cVe . The electrons can now suffer inelastic collisions with gas atoms near G and
excite them to an energy level above their ground state. The electrons which do so, lose their energy and
are unable to reach P against the retarding potential. Hence the current drops sharply. Thus the position
of the first peak gives the excitation potential Vc of the gas atoms.
As the accelerating potential V is increased further, the electrons suffer inelastic collisions nearer and
nearer to the filament F, so that when they reach the grid G, once again they acquire enough energy to
reach the plate P. The current thus begins to rise again. When V becomes equal to 2Vc, a second inelastic
collision occurs near the grid and the current drops again. Thus the second peak gives 2 Vc, . This
process repeats as V is further increased.
The first peak occurs at a potential slightly less than Vc. This is because electrons are emitted from the
filament with a finite velocity and hence with some energy. The true excitation potential Ve, is obtained
by measuring the difference between two successive peaks.
Limitations : Atoms have more than one excitation potentials and also an unionisation potential.
Therefore in an actual experiment the curve obtained is quite complicated and we cannot distinguish
between which are excitation and which are unionisation potentials
Demonstration of the Existence of Discrete Energy Levels: The experiment shows that electrons
transfer energy to the atoms in discrete amounts, and that they cannot excite atoms if their energy is less
than eVc. Franck and Hertz demonstrated it directly by observing the spectrum of the gas during electron
Hydrogen Spectrum
collisions. They showed that a particular spectral line does not appear until the electron energy reaches a
threshold value. For example in the case of mercury vapour, they found that a minimum electron energy
of 4.9 eV was required to obtain the 2536 A line of mercury; and a photon of 2536 light has an energy
of just 4.9 eV. This shows that discrete energy levels do exist in atom and the electrons of the atom can
exist only in these levels.
Bohr's Correspondence Principle : The quantum theory gives results which are altogether different
from those given by the classical theory in the microscopic world. Yet the two theories approach each
other as the quantum number in question increases. This fact was pointed out by Bohr in 1923 who
enunciated the following principle :
"The predictions of the quantum theory for the behaviour of any physical system must coincide with the
predictions of the classical theory in the limit in which the quantum numbers specifying the state of the
system become very large." This is known as `Bohr's correspondence principle'. We establish it by
means of an example.
According to classical theory, an electron moving in a circular orbit must emit radiation only of a
particular frequency, namely, the frequency of revolution of the electron itself (or its integral multiples).
According to quantum theory, on the other hand, radiation is emitted when the electron jumps from one
orbit to the other and the frequency of radiation is determined by the difference in energy between the
two orbits. Let us try to find a relation between the two frequencies.
The basic equations in the Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom are the following :
Nuclear Physics
where v is the velocity of the electron of mass m in the orbit of radius r. These equations give
and r = .
f= =
= =
= =
= , ... (i)
where R is the Rydberg constant. This is the frequency which must be radiated by the
moving electron classically.
= ,
Hydrogen Spectrum
when the electron drops from the nith orbit to the nfth orbit. Again, introducing R, we have
v = Rc .
v = Rc ... (ii)
Let us write nf = n and ni = n + l. Then the frequency of the emitted radiation for the transition n + 1 n
(so that
Dn = l) is given by
v = Rc .
v= ...(iii)
Thus for very large quantum numbers n, the quantum-theory frequency v of the radiation is identical
with the classical frequency of the revolution (or its harmonics) of the electron in the orbits. This is in
accordance with Bohr's correspondence principle.
Nuclear Physics
1. The speed of electron in the nth orbit of the hydrogen atom is calculated. If relativist correction is
important for
> 0.005, find for which orbit this correction is necessary, (e = 16 10l9 coul, h = 6.63 10_34 joule-
Solution: Let v be the speed of the electron (mass m, charge e) in the nth orbit whose radius is r, all in M.
K.S. units. The charge on hydrogen nucleus is + e. As the centripetal force is provided by the
electrostatic attraction, we have
= . ... (i)
Further, from Bohr's postulate, the angular momentum of the electron is an integral multiple of h/ 2p,
that is,
v= .
v = (9 109 nt-m2/coul2)
= = .
Hydrogen Spectrum
2. An expression for the radius of the electron orbit in the hydrogen atom in its nth state is found in
the below-given way. What will be the approximate quantum number n for an electron in an orbit of
radius 1 mm is also given below (Take required values from problem 1).
Solution: The basic equations in the Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom are :
= ... (i)
r= .
= 0.53 n2 .
Nuclear Physics
107 = 0.53 n2
\ n2 = = 18.87 106
or n ~ 4350.
3. The time taken by the electron to traverse the first orbit in the hydrogen atom is calculated as
follows. Electron mass and charge are 91 x 10-31 kg and l.6 10_19 coul and h = 6.63 1034 J-s.
rn =
vn = .
Tn =
= 2p
= .
For the first orbit, n = 1. Substituting the given values of h, m, e and 0=8.85 10_12 C2/ N-m2, we get
T1 =
= 1.5 10_16 s.
4. The average life-time of an electron in an excited state of hydrogen atom is about 10_8 sec. Let us
find as to how many
Hydrogen Spectrum
revolutions does an electron in the n = 2 state make before dropping to the n = l state (R = 1.097 l07
Solution: Let v be the velocity of electron (mass m, charge e) in an orbit of radius r. The basic equations
and = mvr = n .
v= ,r= .
f= = (as proved in Q, 8)
Hence the number of revolutions of the electron in its life-time of 10_8 second.
5. The wavelength of the photon emitted when the hydrogen atom goes from n = 10 state to the
ground state is found as follows. (RH= 1.097 10_3 A_1).
Solution: Since the atom drops to the ground state (n = l), the photon emitted belongs to the Lyman
series. The wavelengths of the spectral lines in this series are given by
Nuclear Physics
= RH = RH
or l =
= = 921
6. The wavelength of the first line of Balmer series is 6563 A. Rydberg constant is calculated follows.
Solution: The wavelengths of the spectral lines of Balmer series are given by
= RH ; n = 3, 4, 5, ... ...
\ = RH = Rh
7. The wavelengths of the first two lines of the Balmer series and the series limit is calculated as
follows. (h = 6.63 10_34 joule-sec, c = 3.0 l08 meter/sec, e = 1.6 l0_19 coul, m 9.l l0_31 kg, 0
= 8.85 10_12 coul2/nt-m2).
Solution: Let us first calculate the Rydberg constant from the given data. We have
Hydrogen Spectrum
Now, the wavelengths of the spectral lines of Balmer series are given by
=R n = 3, 4, 5, ... ...
\ =R =
or l1 = = = 6.563 10_7 m
or l = =
8. The first member of Balmer series of hydrogen has a wavelength of 6563 . Calculate the
wavelength of the second member is calculated as follows.
Nuclear Physics
Solution: The wavelengths of the spectral lines of Balmer series are given by
=R ; n = 3, 4, 5 ... ...
\ =R = ... (i)
\ =R = ... (ii)
= = .
\ l2 = l1
9. The first line of the Balmer series in the spectrum of hydrogen has a wavelength of 6563 . The
wavelength of the first line of Lyman series in the same spectrum is calculated as follows.
Solution: The wavelength of the spectral lines of hydrogen spectrum are given by
=R ,
where R is Rydberg constant. For the first member of Balmer series, ni = 2 and nt = 3.
Hydrogen Spectrum
\ =R = . ... (i)
\ =R = . ... (ii)
= = .
10. The series limit of Balmer series is at 3646 . The wavelength of the first member of this series is
calculated as follows.
\ =
or R = .
\ =R =
or l1 = = = 6563 .
Nuclear Physics
11. An orange photon of wavelength 600 nm is emitted from an atom. The difference in energy in the
two atomic states involved and the same result for the red 6563 line of hydrogen are found out as
follows. (h = 6.63 10_34 joule-sec c = 3.0 108 meter/sec, 1 eV = l.6 10_19 joule).
v= ,
or DE = .
\ DE =
= = 2.07 eV.
12. The volume of energy required to remove an electron from a hydrogen atom in the ground state
and also in a state with n = 8 is given as follows (ii) The corresponding energies of the singly-ionised
helium atom is calculated. (m = 9.11 l0_31 kg, e = 1.6 10_19 coul, h = 6.63 10_34 joule-sec, 0 =
8.85 10_12 coul2/nt-m2 and 1 eV = 1.6 l0_19 joule).
Hydrogen Spectrum
Solution: (i) The energy required to remove an electron from the hydrogen atom in the ground state (n =
1) to infinity (where the energy is zero) is numerically equal to the energy of the electron in the n = 1
orbit. Now, the energy of the electron in nth orbit of hydrogen (Z = 1) is given by
En =
\ E1 = _
=_ = _ 13.6 eV.
E8 = _ =_
=_ = _ 0.213 eV.
Hence the energy required to remove an electron from = 8 orbit to infinity is 0.213 eV.
Nuclear Physics
(En)He + = _
=_ = _ 4 (En)H.
That is, the energies for He+ are 4 times the corresponding energies for H. Thus the results are
4 13.6 = 54.4 eV
13. The ground state energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy of (i) n = 3
state in He+, (ii) n=2 state in Li++ is computed as follows.
Solution: The energy of an electron in the nth state of a hydrogen-like atom is given by
En = _
=_ .
For H, Z = 1, so that
(En) H = _ .
Hydrogen Spectrum
(ii) For Li++, Z = 3, so that
14. The energy required to ionise hydrogen atom in the ground state, limit of Balmer series are
calculated as follows. (Rydberg constant is 1.097 107 m_1, h = 6.63 10_34 joule-sec, c = 3.0 108
m/sec, 1 eV = 1.6 10_19 joule).
Solution: The energy required to ionise i.e. to remove an electron from the hydrogen atom in the ground
state (n = 1) to infinity (where the energy is zero) is numerically equal to the energy of the electron in
the n = 1 orbit. Now, the energy of the electron in nth orbit of hydrogen is given by
En = _
=_ .
\ E1 = _ Rhc
(3 108 m-s_1)
=_ = _ 13.6 eV.
Nuclear Physics
For the series limit n = so that
= .
\l= =
15. The wavelength of the first line of Balmer series of hydrogen is 6562.8 The ionisation potential
and the first excitation potential of the hydrogen atom are calculated as follows. (h = 6.63 10_34 J-s,
c = 3 108 m/sec).
=R n = 3, 4, 5, ...
\ =R =
Or R =
The ionisation potential of an atom is numerically equal to the (ionisation) energy required to remove an
electron completely from the atom in the normal state. In hydrogen atom; the electron stays in the first
orbit (n = 1). Hence the energy required to remove this electron to infinity (where the energy is
considered to be zero) is numerically equal to the energy of the electron in the first orbit. We know that
electron energy in hydrogen atom is given by
En = _
Hydrogen Spectrum
\ E1 = - Rhc
(ii) The first excitation potential of the atom is the energy required to shift the electron from n = 1 to
E1 = _ 13.6 eV
16. A beam of electrons bombards a sample of hydrogen. Let us find as to through what minimum
potential difference must the electrons have been accelerated if the first line of the Balmar series is to
be emitted. The ionisation potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 volts. The numbers of possible spectral
lines can be expected if the atom finally attains the normal state is explained below.
Solution: Normally the hydrogen atoms are in the ground state (n = 1). The first Balmar line is emitted
when the atom returns from n = 3 to n = 2 state. Hence in order to emit this line the atoms must be first
raised to the n = 3 state by electron bombardment. Therefore the energy of the bombarding electrons
must be equal to the difference of energy between n _ 1 and n = 3 states (E1~ E3).
The energy of hydrogen atom in the nth state is
En = _ .
Nuclear Physics
Thus En = .
E3 = .
\ E1 _ E3 = E1 _ = E1.
But E1 = _ 13.6 eV
If the atom finally attains the normal state, the possible number of spectral lines is 3 (32, 3l, 2l).
17. A photon of energy 12.1 eV is completely absorbed by a hydrogen atom, originally in its ground
state, so that the atom is excited. What is the quantum number of this state ? The ground state
(negative) energy of hydrogen atom is
13.6 eV.
E1 _ = _ 12.1 eV.
\ 1_ = = 0.89
or = 1_0.89 = 0.11
or n2 = =9
\ n = 3.
Hydrogen Spectrum
18. A beam of monochromatic photons of energy 9 eV is incident on hydrogen gas all of whose atoms
are in the ground state. It is found that the beam is fully transmitted without absorption. The reason is
given ad follows. The ground state energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom is E1 = _13.6 eV.
Solution: The minimum energy that can be absorbed by ground-state hydrogen atom is E1 ~ E2, which
would excite it to the next state (n = 2). Now,
E1 ~ E2 = E1 ~
19. The first two excitation potentials of atomic hydrogen in Franck-Hertz experiment are 10.2 and
12.09 volts. An energy level diagram and all possible transitions for emission and absorption along
their wavelengths are shown as follows. (h = 6.63 10_34 joule-sec, c = 3.0 l08. m/sec, 1 eV = 1.6
10_19 joule).
Solution: The energy level diagram, and the three possible transitions (a), (b) and (c) for emission are
shown in the figure.
va =
la = . [\ c = vl]
Now, from the Fig., E2 _ E1 = 10.2 eV = 10.2 (1.6 10-19) joule. Therefore
Nuclear Physics
la =
Similarly, lb =
= =
In absorption, only the transitions starting from n = 1 shall be observed which correspond to 1216 and
1026 .
20. With Franck-Hertz type of experiment on sodium, the first spectral line to appear is the D-line, l =
5.89 l0_7 m. The first excitation potential of sodium is given below. Given: h = 6.63 10_34 joule-
sec, c = 3 108 m/sec and leV = 1.6 l0_19 joule.
Solution: Let V volt be the excitation potential. Then the (excitation) energy imparted to the electron
will be eV joule, where e coulomb is the charge on the electron. This energy is re-emitted as photon
(radiation) when the electron returns to the normal state. If v be the frequency of the emitted radiation,
the photon energy will be hv, Thus
eV = hv
Hydrogen Spectrum
or V =
21. The ionisation potential of an atom is 14.2 eV. The series limit in its absorption spectrum is
calculated. Datas as in last problem.
Solution : The series limit in the absorption spectrum of an atom corresponds to the energy which when
absorbed by a ground state atom, ionises it. Thus, if V be the ionisation potential of an atom, the
wavelength at the series limit is given by
= 0.874 10_7 m
= 874 .
22. The recoil speed of hydrogen atom after it emits a photon in going from n = 3 to n = 1 state is
found out in following way. Electron mass is 9.11 10_31 kg and h 6.626 10_34 J-s.
Solution: The energy of the hydrogen atom in the nth state is given by
Nuclear Physics
En = _
DE = E1 ~ E3 = Rhc.
p= = Rh.
By conservation of momentum, the recoil momentum of the hydrogen atom will be equal (and opposite)
to the momentum of the emitted photon. The recoil speed of the atom is
v= = .
\v= .
Putting the given values of h, m and using R = 1.097 l0_7 meter"1, we get
= 3.86 m/s.
23. A positronium atom is a system consisting of a positron and an electron. The reduced mass, the
Rydberg constant and the wavelength of the first Balmer line for positronium are calculated as
follows. (Given m = 9.1 10_3l kg, RH= l.09737 10_3 ~ 1 and Ha = 1.6563 ).
Hydrogen Spectrum
Solution: The positron has the same mass m as the electron and has equal but positive charge. The
reduced mass of the electron-positron atom is therefore
The Rydberg constant for positronium is therefore half than that for hydrogen (with
infinitely heavy nucleus). Thus
The wavelength of first Balmer line (Ha) for hydrogen atom is given by
= RH ,
= Rp ,
Thus = = 2.
24. A meson (charge e, mass = 207 m, where m is mass of electron) can be captured by a proton
to form a hydrogen-like "mesic" atom. The radius of the first Bohr orbit, the binding energy, and the
wavelength of the first time in the Lyman series for such an atom are calculated here. The mass of the
proton is 1836 times the mass of electron. The radius
Nuclear Physics
of first Bohr orbit and the binding energy of hydrogen are 0.53 and 13.6 eV respectively. R =
109737 cm-1.
= = 186 m.
From Bohr theory, the radius of the first orbit (n = 1) of a hydrogen-like atom for Z_1, is given by
(taking finite mass of nucleus in consideration)
r1 = =
The quantity in the bracket is the first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom which is 0.53 . Therefore
Again, from Bohr's theory, the ground-state energy for a hydrogen-like atom with Z = l is given by
E1 = _ = _ 186
where Rm is she Rydberg constant for the mesic atom. For the first line, n = 2 so that
l= .
Hydrogen Spectrum
Hence l = =
25. The wavelength of the first Balmer line (Ha) of hydrogen is 6562.8 . The wavelength of the same
line for tritium (1H3) is calculated as follows.
Solution: The wavelengths of the Ha line (n = 3 n = 2) of hydrogen (1H1) and tritium (1H'3) are given
= RH = RH
and = RT = RT ,
where RH and RI are Rydberg constants for hydrogen and tritium respectively (Z = 1 for both). From
this, we get
= . ... (i)
RM = ,
where R is the Rydberg constant for any atom of infinitely heavy nucleus. Thus, eq. (i) gives
Nuclear Physics
= ,
= = .
But lH = 6562.8 .
\ lT = 6562.8 = 6560.4 .
Note : The formulae deduced in this chapter belong to M.K.S. System. The values of h, e, m, c and R
used in the above problems are also in the M.K.S. system. The formulae in the C.G.S. system are as
follows : (They can be deduced exactly in the same manner as above by writing the force of electrostatic
=R ,
Hydrogen Spectrum
h = 663 10_27 erg-sec, e = 48 l0_10 esu, m = 9.1 10_28 gm, c = 3.0 1010 cm/sec, R = 1.097 105
cm_1, 1 eV = l.6 l0_12 erg, 1 = 10_8 cm.
1. The hydrogen atom (i) radius of the first orbit, (ii) velocity of the electron in the ground state, (iii)
Rydberg constant are calculated. (h = 6.63 10_27 erg-sec, m = 9.l l0_28 gm,
e = 4.8 l0_10 esu, c 3.0 l010 em/sec and proton mass Mp = 1.67 10_24 gm)
Solution : Let v cm/sec be the velocity of electron (mass m gm, charge e esu) in an orbit of radius r cm.
The positive charge on the nucleus is Ze, where Z is atomic number. In case of hydrogen atom, Z = 1, so
that positive charge on the nucleus is e. As the centripetal force is provided by the electrostatic
attraction, we have
r= . ... (iii)
Nuclear Physics
v= .
where Mp is the mass of proton {i.e. the hydrogen nucleus). Substituting the values
RH =
Hydrogen Spectrum
2. The wavelength of the first member and the series limit for the Lyman series of hydrogen is
calculated below, (h = 6.62 10_27 erg-sec ; m = 9.1 10_28 gm, e = 4.8 l0_10 esu ; c = 3.0 l010 cm/
Solution : According to Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom, the wavelengths of the Lyman series are given
=R ,
Now R =
\ = 1.097 105
or l = = 1.215 10_5 cm
Nuclear Physics
3. The change in energy when an electron in the hydrogen atom jumps from the first orbit to second
is calculated
(e = 4.8 10_10 esu, h = 6.62 l0_27 erg-sec, m = 9.1 10_28 gm, 1 eV = l.6 l0_12. erg).
DE = E2 _ E1 = _ _
= = 10.2 eV.
(b) The number of protons and neutrons together gives atomic mass numbers A.
(d) The neutron/proton ratio increases with increasing mass number of atoms in order to ensure nuclear
p1 =
where the spin quantum number I has half integral value for isotopes of odd mass numbers and whole
number values for those having even mass numbers.
Nuclear Physics
mI =
DE = 931 Dm MeV
Dm = Z.mH + (A _ Z)mn _ M
Nuclear Force : A part from long range coulombic forces between nuclear protons, there exist short-
range attractive nuclear forces which keep various nucleons bound together
in a nucleus. These forces are considered to arise from a continuous and rapid jumping back and forth
pions between the two nucleons.
Liquid Drop Model : According to liquid drop model, a nucleus resembles a liquid drop in many
respects. The short range nuclear forces play the part of surface tension and keep the nucleus in a
spherical shape. The electrostatic repulsive forces play the role of disruptive forces which, tend to push
the nucleon apart. The nuclear stability is determined by the balance of these two forces.
Nuclear Shell Model : Nuclear shell model considers the various nucleons to lead independent existence
and move about in quantum shells just as do the extra nuclear electrons. Nuclear stability is due to
complete and filled nuclear shells.
1. When the two nucleons are bound together of the three possible bound states of a two nucleon system,
di-neutron (nn), di-proton (pp) and deuteron (np), nature has provided us with only the deuteron and the
other two are unstable.
2. When the two nucleons are in free state and one is made to impinge on the other i.e., the scattering
In particle, it is not possible to make a neutron-target and therefore scattering experiments are limited
only to neutron-proton (np) scattering and proton-proton (pp) scattering.
Properties of Deuteron
(a) Charge : +e
= 3.34245 x 10_27 kg
Nuclear Physics
(e) Radius : The root-mean-square value of deuteron radius is 2.1 fermi.
The nuclear force binding the deuteron cannot be electrical because the nuetron carries no charge.
In the ground state of deuteron, the proton and neutron spins are parallel (--) and the deuteron is in a
triplet spin state (3s1)
Deuteron possesses only ground state and no excited state exist for the bound n-p system. Neutron and
proton can form a stable combination (deuteron) only in the triplet state i.e. when the neutron and proton
spins are parallel. The singlet state, i.e. a state of anti-parallel neutron-proton spins being unbound.
Therefore the information about the nuclear force from the study of deuteron is limited only to triplet
The existence of non-zero magnetic moment and electric quadrupole moment for deuteron suggests
that at least a part of the neutron proton force acting in deuteron is non central i.e., tensor force.
Conclusions : (1) The neutron-proton (np) and the proton-proton (p-p) forces are the same when one
takes into account the coulomb forces in p-p experiments. This shows that the nuclear force in all
probability is charge independent.
(2) For the deuteron the state with spins anti-parallel (singlet state) is not bound by a margin of only
about 50 KeV i.e., it is unbound by about 50 KeV. This shows that the nuclear force depends on the spin
orientation of the two nucleons.
Comparative Study of Shell Model and the Liquid Drop Model : In the shell model, it has been
assumed that each nucleon moves in its orbit with the nucleus, independently of all other nucleons. The
orbit is determined by a potential energy function V(r). Each nucleon is regarded as an independent
particle and the interaction between nucleons is considered to be a small perturbation on their action
between a nucleon and the potential field. Thus, the interaction between the orbital nucleon and the rest
is very weak.
In the liquid drop model on the other hand, the nucleons are considered to interact strongly with each
other so that the collective motions are possible.
Collective Model : The shell model has been successful in explaining a number of nuclear properties but
it fails to explain.
1. The large electric quadrupole moments and spherical shapes which many nuclei possess.
2. The ground states of the odd nuclei in the range 150 A 190 and at A 220.
3. The magnetic moments of some other nuclei where the deviations are not so marked.
4. The excited states of even-even nuclei, the probabilities of radiative transition and nuclear coulomb
excitations. The existence of large electric quadrupole moments for certain nuclei is a clear indication
that the nuclear surface is no longer spherical but deformed the simplest such deformed surface is
The deformation of the nucleus is attributed to the polarizing action of one or more loosely bound
nucleons on the remaining nucleus. The nucleons move in a potential which is not spherically
Nuclear Physics
1. The motion of the entire nucleus with nucleons occupied in an ellipsoidal box that might rotate or
deform itself by vibrations.
2. The motion of the nucleons inside the box. These two types of motions are coupled to each other. This
forms the basis of collective models.
In the first one, the nucleus is separated into a core and extra core nucleons. The core is treated
macroscopically as deformable drop of nuclear `liquid' in interaction with the few extra nucleons in an
unfilled shell. This model is some times called the Collective Model.
In the second case, the shell model potential is assumed non-spherical. The energies of the single
particles in the non-spherical potentials are calculated and the distortion which gives minimum energy is
taken as the actual distortion. This model is known as unified model.
Optical Model : A modification of the potential-well model in which the potential is made complex to
account both for elastic scattering and for nuclear reactions. The latter effectively remove nucleons or
clusters from the beam of incident particles.
1. Atoms of all radioactive elements undergo spontaneous disintegration to form fresh radioactive
products with the emission of a-, b- and g-rays.
2. The rate of radioactive disintegration is not affected by environmental factors but depends on the
number of the atoms of the original kind present at any time. The decay is given by
N = N0e_lt
Also, M = M0e_lt
The decay constant X may be defined as the reciprocal of the time during which the number of atoms
of a radioactive substance falls to 37 per cent of its original value.
Half life (T) of a radioactive element is equal to the time during which a given amount of that element
is reduced by disintegration to half its initial amount
The average life expectancy of radioactive atoms is equal to the reciprocal of-the decay constant
= lt
Curie (c) is the unit of activity i.e., rate of disintegration. One curie is that amount of radioactive
material which gives 3.7 1010 disintegrations per second.
Rutherford (rd) is also the unit of activity and is equal to that quantity of radioactive material which
gives 106 disintegration per second.
For radioactive equilibrium
Nuclear Physics
Radioactive exposure is measured in terms of roentgen (R) and one roentgen is that quantity of X- or g-
rays which under standard pressure and temperature produces 2.08 1015 ion-pairs per m3 of dry air.
Artificial Radioactivity
Artificial radioactivity was discovered by Curie-Joliots when they bombarded aluminium with a-
particles from polonium.
Transuranium elements have been produced by bombarding uranium with fast deuterons and neutrons
and accelerated a-particles.
1. As tracer elements
2. In diagnosis and understanding of many life processes and diseases which cannot be handled by
conventional methods.
Nuclear Reactions
The study of nuclear reactions involves the measurement of the following quantities :
2. The number of particles which are emitted from the target per unit time.
The overall energy liberated or absorbed in a nuclear disintegration is called nuclear reaction energy Q.
Those nuclear reactions in which energy is liberated are called exothermic or exoergic. They have
positive Q-value.
Those reactions in which energy is absorbed are called endothermic or endoergic. They have a negative
1. When the energy of the incident particle lies below about 10 MeV, the nucleus as a whole acts as one
2. When the energy of the incident particle is of the order of few hundreds of MeV, interactions with
local clusters of nucleons predominate.
3. At bombarding energy of several hundred MeV, meson production predominates and nuclear structure
becomes of little importance.
= (E2 + E3) _ E1
(a) Proton Induced Nuclear Reaction : Those reactions which include (p, a), (p, n), (p, g) and (p, d)
Nuclear Physics
(ii) (p, n) Reactions : In general
A+ 1 [Z + 1CA + 1] Z + 1YA + 1 + g
(b) Deuteron induced Nuclear Reactions : These reactions include (d, a), (d, p) and (d, n) types of
A+ 2 [Z + 1CA + 2]
(c) Neutron induced Reactions : Neutron induced reactions include the following types
(i) (n, a), (ii) (n, p), (iii) (n, g) and (n, 2n)
A+ 1 [ZCA + 1] Z XA _ 1 + 20n1
ZX 0n
The Q-value of (n, 2n) reaction is always negative and therefore can be produced only by the fast
Another type of reaction induced by neutrons is the so called radioactive capture of neutrons, in which
photons (g-rays) are emitted out and the product nucleus is an
isotope of the target nucleus with a mass number one unit greater.
A+ 1 [ZCA + 1] ZXA + 1 + g
ZX 0n
Photons possess zero rest mass energy and therefore are capable of delivering only their kinetic energy
and for the ejection of a particle from the target nucleus, the kinetic energy of the photon must exceed or
be at least equal to the binding energy of the target nucleus.
Photo-disintegration reactions are endoergic with threshold energies of the order of 10 MeV.
The division of a nuclide into two approximately equal parts when hit by neutron is called nuclear
The fission fragments are initially radioactive and ultimately become stable after emitting a few b-
Fissile nuclides are those which undergo fission with neutrons of energy ranging from almost zero
upwards. Examples areU235, U233 and Pu239.
Fissionable nuclides are those which have fission threshold at 1 MeV. Examples are U238 and Th238.
Nuclear Physics
Fission energy per U235 nuclide is nearly 200 MeV and per nucleon = = 0.85 MeV.
Nuclear fission means fusing of two lighter nuclei into one stable and heavier nuclide. The energy
released is called fusion energy and its value is nearly 6.7 MeV/nucleon.
Rate of nuclear fission of U235 necessary to produce a power of one watt = 3.1 1010 fissions/second.
A chain reaction is that fission process in which number of neutrons keeps on multiplying during
fission till whole of the fissile material is disintegrated.
Critical size of a fissile material is that for which production of neutrons by fission is equal to their loss
by leakage and-non-fission capture. For this size, k = 1.
For super critical size, k > 1 and for subcritical size, k< 1.
A chain reaction in natural uranium is possible only if moderator is used whose purpose is to
thermalise the fast fission neutrons.
P = 32 10_11 fsNVwatt
Elementary Particles
Particle Interaction : To understand the behaviour of elementary particles, we must know the nature of
interactions between them, which are categorised into four classes as follows
F force acting between the two particles of mass m1 and m2 at distance r apart and G is gravitational
constant. Nature : Attractive and source : Inertia of the particle.
The direction of action is along the line joining the two particles and it shows dependence on the
distance between them.
Magnitude of interaction for nucleons at a separation distance of nuclear diameter (10_15 metre) is given
Fg =
= 2 10_34 Newton
The force does not depend upon the velocity and orientation of masses and other parameters.
The force is propagated through a particle known as graviton, not detected so far.
Electromagnetic Interaction : It depends on the nature and magnitude of charges of the particles. The
interaction reduces to its simplest form when particles are at rest and is known as electrostatic force and
expressed as
Fe =
Fe Force acting between the two particles having charges q1 and q2 and kept at a distance r apart.
Nuclear Physics
Direction of force is again along the joining line.
Strong Interaction : The forces which hold the nucleons together in the nuclei of the atoms are the
examples of strong interaction.
The forces are short range (1.3 10_15 metre) and charge independent.
The forces do not depend upon the relative orientations of nucleons. It is found that strong interaction is
1000 times stronger than electromagnetic interaction. The agent through which the interaction
propagates is pion or kaon.
Weak Interaction : The interaction in b-decay process is the example of weak interaction.
There are several such decay process in which weak interaction is involved. The weak interaction
differs from others in the sense that it is never attractive.
The range of weak interaction is very short, even less than 10_15 m.
Classification of Elementary Particles : The elementary particles are classified into four groups namely,
massless bosons, leptons, mesons and baryons.
The Parameters : The systematic study of elementary particles requires the knowledge of characteristic
variables associated with the particles. The characteristic variables are known as parameters and they
are :
Mass : The elementary particles differ from each other in respect of their masses. The mass of a particle
is measured in terms of the energy it takes to produce it. This is generally expressed in eV.
Particle, Antiparticle
The development of Dirac theory led the negative energy states for the electrons which in turn gave birth
to a new particle, known as positron.
This particle has the same mass as electron but it has got positive charge. The positron is known
antiparticle of electron. Similarly other particles are said to have their antiparticles.
The antiparticles are denoted by the same symbol but with a bar over the symbol.
Most of the particles and antiparticles have the same mass and spin but opposite charge and
strangeness number. They also differ in respect of the sign of their magnetic moments and intrinsic
parity (only fermions).
Quantum Numbers
(a) The Nucleon Number : The charge independence of nuclear interactions suggests that neutron and
protons are the two states of single entity, the nucleon. It is also known that neutron converts into proton
and vice versa and free proton is stable. For this reason nucleon number N is defined as
Nuclear Physics
(b) The Lepton Number : The introduction of nucleon number makes one to think about a similar
quantum number for electron which is also a fairly stable particle. Such type of quantum number is
defined for a family to which the electron belong. The family is called lepton and includes muon,
electron and neutrions.
This is again a quantum number and remains constant. The conservation of lepton number makes the
decay schemes of pions and muons to run as
p+ m+ + vm
p_ m_ +
m+ e+ + + ve
m_ e_ + vm + ve
(c) (i) The Baryon Numbers : The behaviour of nucleons, leptons and hyperons is collectively expressed
by a new quantum number known as baryon number B. Baryon number B assumes the values as
(ii) The Muon Number M : The M = 1 is assigned to negative muon and to the m-neutrino and M = _1 to
their anti-particles; all other particles have M = 0. The significance of M is that in every process of
whatever kind, the number M remains constant.
The pion decay, muon decay and pair production illustrate the conservation of lepton number and
muon number. The process are
(i) p m_ +
L : 0 1 + (_1) dL = 0
M : 0 +1 + (_1) dM = 0
(ii) m_ e_ + vm +
L: + 1 1 + 1 _ 1 dL = 0
M: _1 0 + (_1) + 0 dM =0
\ g = e_ + e+
L : 0 1 + (_1) dL = 0
M : 0 0 + 0 dM = 0
Muon number can be included in lepton number but conservation laws applies separately for both. As
strong interaction do not produce leptons, lepton conservation do not apply to strong interactions.
(d) Spin Quantum Number and Statistics : The intrinsic spin of two particle is expressed by the letter S
and is known as spin quantum number.
The spin quantum number assumes odd half integral values for fermions (particles obey F.D. statistics)
and integral values for bosons (particles obey B.E. statistics).
Fermions are subjected to the conservation principle i.e., whenever they are produced with some
Alternately, we say that lepton number and baryon number remains constant.
No such conservation principle is applicable for bosons i.e., bosons are produced without any
antiparticle, provided charge, momentum etc. remain conserved.
(e) Iso-spin Quantum Number : We know, neutron and proton has get almost the same mass, same
intrinsic spin; also that nuclear forces are charge independent which inferences that the two particles are
different charge manifestation of the same entity the nucleon.
Nuclear Physics
Thus, the particles are grouped like isotopic grouping of the elements. The charge is treated as variable
for different state of nucleon and this variable is known with the help of a new quantum number known
as isotopic or iso-baric quantum numbers.
But since neutron and protons are not isotopes, iso-spin quantum number is used.
The new variable plays similar role as spin quantum numbers for a particle. The similarity between the
two vectors suggested the scientists to assign a value I = for nucleon and I = 1 for pion.
(f) Strangeness : Introduced by Gellmann and Nishijima for observing the strange behaviour of k-
mesons and hyperons, known as strange particles.
The strangeness quantum number is assumed zero for the particles which are not strange and it has non
zero value for strange particles. The strangeness quantum numbers is defined as
S = 2D
D Shift in mean charge centre of strange particle from reference origin of nucleon multiplet.
S = 2D
= _2 [for X doublet]
= _3 [for W - doublet]
By this definition pion have hyper charge zero kaon and nucleons have hypercharge, Y =1.
Also defined as the twice the average charge of the members of given multiplet.
For the pion triplet (p+, p0, p_) the average charge is zero and hence all the three have zero hyper
Y = 2(Q _ I3)
For particle and antiparticle hypercharge will be numerically equally and opposite in sign or zero.
As baryon number is conserved, the hyper-charge is conserved in all strong and electromagnetic
If we reflect the position co-ordinates of the system to obtain a mirror image, then there are two
possibilities, namely; the function may change sign and may not. If the function changes sign it is said to
possess odd parity and if it does not it is said to possess even parity.
Parity is related to the symmetry properties of fundamental physical phenomena. The reflection
symmetry principle of
Nuclear Physics
physical laws is equivalent to the following statement. "The parity of a closed system cannot change".
Parity is found to conserve in strong and electromagnetic interactions but it is not conserve in weak
interaction such as B-decay.
Electron, proton and neutron are assigned even parity.
Charge Conjugation : The operation of changing every particle by its antiparticle is known as charge
conjugation (C). It is a symmetry operation.
The parity is not conserved in b decay but it appeared plausible that b interaction is invariant under the
combined operations (CP = G) of charge conjugation and parity operations.
Time Reversal : A third symmetry operation which has been regarded as invariant in time reversal ().
The time reversal invariance means that a positive sense of time cannot be distinguished from negative
sense of time i.e., if we replace t by -t, all velocity and momentum vectors are reversed.
The three symmetry operations constitute an important theorem in particle physics and is known as
CPT theorem.
The theorem states that all kinds of interactions (weak and strong) are invariant under the combined
operations of C, P and T taken in any order.
"The processes seen directly in matter look exactly like those on film of processes in anti matter taken
through a mirror and run off backward".
The operation (CP = G) is conserved in beta decay. The CPT theorem requires that b
Hyper Isospin Particle Charge Spin Stran- Charge II3 (Symbol) geness Y= B + S I I3
Electron- 0
neutrino ve Muon- 0
neutrino vm
Hyper Isospin Particle Charge Spin Stran- Charge II3 (Symbol) geness Y= B + S I I3
Electron (e_) _1
Muon (m..) _1
Hadrons Mesons
p+ +1 0 0 0 1 1
p_ _1 0 0 0 1 _1
p0 0 0 0 0 1 0
K+ +1 0 +1 +1
K_ 0 0 +1 _1
K0 0 0 +1 +1
0 0 _1 _1
h0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nuclear Physics
Proton (P) 1 01
Neutron (n) 0 01
Lambda (L0) 0 _1 0 0 0
Sigma(S+) +1 _1 0 1 1
Sigma(S0) 0 _1 0 1 0
Sigma(S_) _1 _1 0 1 _1
ci(X0) 0 _2 _1
ci(X_) _1 _2 _1
W_ _1 _3 _2 0 0
decay is conserved under time reversal. If in same weak interaction CP interaction breaks down, then
CPT invariance requires the break down of time reversal invariance.
Quark Flavours and Colours : According to this model each hadronic particle is made up of basic units
called quarks. In this model we need only three types of quarks, namely u, d and s. The charge of these
are and respectively. For example, a proton is made up of three quarks namely uud, and
a neutron is made of udd. Further, ap* meson is a bound state of u and (the antiquark of d). In this way
we find all the baryons could be derived. By combining quark and antiquark states, the mesons could
also be derived.
Quark I L3 S Q B Y=[B + S]
u 0
d 0
s 0 0 _1
Particles Quark S Q B Y
Protons P uud 0 1 1 1
Neutron N udd 0 0 1 1
Lambda L uds _1 0 1 0
Sigma S* uus _1 1 1 0