Marx's Dialectic of Labour
Marx's Dialectic of Labour
Marx's Dialectic of Labour
Author(s): G. A. Cohen
Source: Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Spring, 1974), pp. 235-261
Published by: Wiley
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Accessed: 29-01-2017 18:19 UTC
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G. A. COHEN Marx's Dialectic of Labor
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236 Philosophy & Public Affairs
mind and the world, predating any form of reflection. The mind does
not experience itself as divided from the world, and is incapable of
distinguishing things and aspects in what lies before it. The elements
of the object are merged, and the subject is merged with them. Under-
standing is the sphere of analysis: the subject asserts a distinction
between itself and the object, of an absolute kind, and is able to dis-
criminate parts and features of the object. Understanding is a neces-
sary phase in the acquisition of knowledge, but it must be surpassed
by reason, which maintains understanding's distinctions, yet also
recognizes deeper unities beyond understanding's competence. Rea-
son recaptures the integration understanding suspended, without
renouncing the achievements premised on that suspension.
Epistemology is not the only area Hegel trisected in the manner
just sketched. While I do not seek endorsement of his procedure in
epistemology or in general, I do submit that the rhythm realized in
the progress exhibited above sometimes occurs in a person's develop-
ment. With respect to categorially various items to which a person
may be related-his spouse, his family, his country, his job, his role,
his body, his desires-it seems possible for him to sustain something
like each of the three attitudes we have separated. He may fail in
significant ways to distinguish himself and what he is from the other
to which he is related; he may possess a strong sense of its otherness,
so that it seems alien to him; or he may have that sense, yet find it
compatible with close engagement. What is more, it sometimes hap-
pens that he occupies the three positions successively, in the order
Hegel thought canonical in epistemology and elsewhere.
A domain offering examples of the sequence Hegel favored is that
of marriage. In its early stages a person may feel his interests and
purposes to be identical with those of his spouse. Both may feel that
way, and thus combine their lives to an extent which from outside
looks artificial or moronic. But then one or both may revolt against
fusion, and become hostile to continued connection. Finally, a new
harmony may supervene, not through relapse into complete mutual
absorption, real or pretended, but by discovery of a unity which is not
antagonistic to the individuality of each.
Referring to this sequence in intimate relations, Hegel wrote in his
fragment "On Love" that "the process is: unity, separated opposites,
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237 Marx's Dialectic of Labor
reunion."2 He thought the course of true love always has this structure,
but we need not agree when we acknowledge that there is such a
structure, and that it deserves attention. The term "dialecticar' will
hereafter be applied to processes of the envisaged kind. I shall say that
a subject undergoes a dialectical process if it passes from a stage
where it is undivided from some object, through a stage where it di-
vides itself from it in a manner which creates disunity, to a stage
where distinction persists but unity is restored. I shall label the suc-
cessive stages "undifferentiated unity," "differentiated disunity," and
"differentiated unity." Finally, a process may be deemed dialectical,
but incompletely so, if it passes from the first to the second stage
without achieving the third, or from the second to the third without
originating in the first.
I shall be meaning nothing more than this by the term "dialectical"
here. Some of the things to which so using the term does not commit
me are worth noting.
First, I do not maintain that all processes of spiritual growth are
dialectical in the specified sense.
Second, I do not claim that mine is the only defensible use of the
term, where a use of "dialectical" is defensible if it is both clear and
appropriately related to some Hegelian or Marxian use.
Finally, I do not affirm any dialectical laws. Processes displaying
the required structure count as dialectical whether or not their stages
generate one another: it is enough that they follow one another, for
whatever reason. In seeing dialectic in a process, we discern its con-
tour in an intellectually satisfying manner, but the explanation of
why it unfolds as it does is not thereby disclosed to us. I am not as-
serting that there is something necessary or natural about dialectical
sequence, not claiming that subjectivity merged with an object tends
in time to propel itself away from the object, and then tends to reunite
with it, the independence it has gained being preserved. But I do think
many processes in which subject and object are implicated in chang-
ing relation are well conceived as transitions from undifferentiated
unity, through differentiated disunity, to differentiated unity.
This concept of dialectic is the descriptive residue of a concept
which Hegel certainly, and Marx perhaps, thought had explanatory
2. "On Love," Early Theological Writings (Chicago, 1948), p. 308.
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238 Philosophy & Public Affairs
3. Hal Draper, in The Socialist Register (London, 1970), p. 305, quoting an un-
published I884 fragment. For an interesting exposition of communism's many
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24I Marx's Dialectic of Labor
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242 Philosophy & Public Affairs
jected to his occupation, whereas the modem proletarian does not care
about the job he performs, or what kind of job it iS.7 The wageworker's
indifference manifests his alienation. But it also betokens a birth of
freedom. The artisan using his own means of production, typically
handed down by his father, is caught like a "snail inside its shell";8
but the fact that the nineteenth-century worker is propertyless, which
explains his misery, signifies an independence, a detachment from
this particular machine and this particular job, a disengagement the
guildsman does not know.
Engels is not just thinking of the future when he finds such disen-
gagement appealing:
... it was absolutely necessary to cut the umbilical cord which still
bound the worker of the past to the land. The hand weaver who had
his little house, garden and field along with his loom was a quiet,
contented man, 'godly and honourable,' despite all misery and de-
spite all political pressure; he doffed his cap to the rich, to the
priest and to the officials of the state and inwardly was altogether
a slave. It is precisely modern large-scale industry which has turned
the worker, formerly chained to the land, into a completely prop-
ertyless proletarian, liberated from all traditional fetters, a free
outlaw. ... 9
The person here called "free" is typically forced to spend the best
part of his time and energy doing what he has no inclination to do,
in factory labor. That he does not doff his cap to the rich is compatible
with their extensive control over him. He has not escaped constraint:
he has won the freedom of detachment. By contrast, the "worker of the
past" could not so much as "conceive the idea'10 of rejecting his con-
ditions of life. He understood himself only as part of them.
The transition is from engulfment in nature, one's work, and one's
role in a society itself engulfed in nature; a passage from what Marx
7. Idem. See also Grundrisse der Kritik der Politischen okonomie (Berlin,
1953), p. 204; and "Excerpt-Notes of I844," in Writings of the Young Marx on
Philosophy and Society, eds. Easton and Guddat (Garden City, I967), p. 276.
8. Capital i (Moscow, I96I), p. 359.
9. "The Housing Question," Marx-Engels Selected Works I, p. 563. (All em-
phases reproduced from original, unless otherwise stated.)
Io. Ibid., p. 564.
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243 Marx's Dialectic of Labor
Thereby the worker and the tools come to fit one another. But capitalist
industry violates this happy accommodation. The "new modern sci-
ence of technology" resolves each production "process into its constit-
uent movements, without any regard to their possible execution by
the hand of man.'4 The inhumane disregard breaks the snail's shell.
The resultant transition is dialectical in the sense specified in
section i. In the first stage the craftsman is fastened to his work facil-
ities and surroundings, absorbed into a particular cell within the body
social, which is at peace with nature. The proletarian is free of such
encumbrance, but also bereft of the solace and security it confers. He
enjoys an independence but loses the possession the craftsman knew.
To complete the dialectic, the socialist producer would have to estab-
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244 Philosophy & Public Affairs
lish some new form of unity with his situation, without sacrificing the
acquired autonomy.
The respective experiences of craftsman and proletarian, the con-
trasting phenomenologies of their everyday lives, reflect and consoli-
date similarly antithetical ownership positions.'5 The preproletarian
laborer has the right and the duty to work with particular means of
production in a particular place. He is both endowed with and bound
to particular means of production. The proletarian lacks the right and
the duty to work in any particular factory. A labor contract, which
neither he nor his employer need renew, is required for him to engage
in production.
For Marx, the central episode in the genesis of capitalism is a dual
severance of the laborer from his means of production. Gone are his
intimate control of and by them, and his rights over, and duties to,
them. The prelude to capitalism is
15. Or production relations. For the connection between ownership and pro-
duction relations, see my "On Some Criticisms of Historical Materialism," Pro-
ceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, 1970.
i6. "Wages, Price and Profit," Marx-Engels Selected Works I, p. 425. Cf.
Grundrisse, p. 404 (tr. ed. Hobsbawm, p. I08), pp. 850-851; Capital i, part viii.
17. See the quotation from Hegel's Realphilosophie in Avineri, Hegel's Theory
of the Modern State (Cambridge, 1972), p. io6 n. 66.
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246 Philosophy & Public Affairs
ant, but he is the social repository of science, since those who know
are in his hire.22 Knowledge and skill are applied in the productive
process, but not by the producers themselves.23 Their action is imposed
on them, by supervisor and machine. As social production grows in
sophistication, less talent is required of each operative. In future soci-
ety the theory governing industry will be shared, and the achievement
of the species will no longer face its members as an alien power, but
will enter their lives as production is democratically planned and
understood by all. Socialism will provide for men the creative existence
achieved under capitalism by man.
So men sunk variously in nature but also at home in it lose that
integration to gain abstract freedom and collective power dissociated
from individuals-a step on the road to concrete freedom and dis-
alienation of that power.
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247 Marx's Dialectic of Labor
contrasts with the feudal serf and lord, since they consumed, and so
were interested in the concrete character of, the immediate result of
the serf's labor. Under capitalism the abstract aspect takes precedence
in fact and in consciousness.
But labor becomes abstract under capitalism in a further sense.
Concrete differences between different kinds of labor not only matter
less, as explained above: they are also reduced in extent. I shall eluci-
date by noticing the different forms the division of labor takes in
medieval and modern times.
Capitalism increases the number of distinct jobs involved in the
production of a given product, but at the same time it decreases the
specialization of the worker. Precapitalist weavers and tanners partici-
pated in several stages of the respective production processes, and
weaving operations differed significantly in kind from tanning opera-
tions, and among themselves. But mechanized textile and leather fac-
tories demand similar simple movements from their operatives.24 The
products of the factories differ because of diversity in raw materials
and machines on which, and at which, like labor is spent. Capitalism's
ideal is to homogenize tasks across and within all branches of pro-
duction, so that workers may move from job to job doing much the
same simple thing in a variety of settings.
To recapitulate. Under the sway of capital the immediate interest
in labor is for its abstract quality of producing wealth in general, ex-
change-value, the particular embodiment of which ceases to matter;
and the concrete differences between kinds of labor are diminished.
Labor is then abstract "not only as a category but in reality":
24. ". . . as the division of labour increases, labour is simplifted. The special
skill of the worker becomes worthless. He becomes transformed into a simple,
monotonous productive force that does not have to use intense bodily or intel-
lectual faculties. His labour becomes a labour that anyone can perform" ("Wage-
Labour and Capital," Marx-Engels Selected Works i, p. 102).
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248 Philosophy & Public Affairs
from one type of labour to another, the particular type of labour be-
ing accidental to them and therefore irrelevant. Labour, not only
as a category but in reality, has become a means to create wealth in
general, and has ceased to be tied as an attribute to a particular
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Its destruction is
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25I Marx's Dialectic of Labor
steals and shrinks each man's laboring power but promotes an un-
precedented increase in the power of mankind. Its enormous produc-
tion within the frame of a global market transforms a collection of
isolated groups of parochial men into a wondrously creative universal
humanity. There flourishes in parallel with alienation a magnificent
assertion of sovereignty over the physical world. A utilitarian attitude,
in theory and in practice, supplants the "idolatry of nature." There is,
to be sure, no, wisdom in the exercise of this sovereignty. It threatens to
mangle nature irreparably, and socialism will not perpetuate it in its
uncontrolled form.41 On the other hand, it will in some respects ex-
tend it, for not all humanly desirable transformations of nature are
compatible with the constraints of the market.42
Marx holds not only that capitalism as a matter of fact develops a
cosmopolitan civilization of production but also that it must do so and
that it alone can do so. This "extreme form of alienation" "in which the
worker . . . is opposed to his own conditions and to his own product is
a necessary transitional stage."43 Why is it necessary? Why must cap-
italism give rise to the asserted result? And why can capitalism alone
do it, and a precapitalist economy not? Marx answers these questions
by economic reasoning which will not be discussed here.44 To the ques-
tion why capitalist, and not precapitalist, arrangements are capable
of sponsoring great advances in production, he suggests an additional
answer on the level of philosophical anthropology, which we now
Under capitalism men are restless and unfulfilled. The identity
they once borrowed from their circumstances is gone, and no new one
has appeared. Precapitalist men are at peace with themselves and at
home in the world, unfrustrated and possessed of "plenitude." It
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252 Philosophy & Public Affairs
is Marx's idea that they enjoy fulfillment only because their powers
and wants are limited, their human nature stunted. Prodigious
power develops explosively under capitalism, dissociated from individ-
uals, by virtue of an economic system which presupposes their aliena-
tion from that power. Only such a system can advance that power,
only a system in which it is not directed to serving their needs. For
those needs, inherited from past society, are narrow in range. If the
point of production were to fulfill them, it would fail to be prodigious.
It is only once production is out of gear with limited human needs that
they will be caused to lose their limited character; their development
will be stimulated by the development of production itself. The con-
tentment and order of the ancient world must be forfeited if human
nature is to grow:
The second sentence rebukes both those who would retreat to bygone
tranquillity and those who think men are by nature unsatisfiable and
doomed to endless quest. The latter bourgeois view is fittingly resisted
by the former romantic one. Neither understands the nature of human
The theme is elaborated in a text worth quoting at length:
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To determine Marx's reply we must recall his thesis that the dialectic
spanning precapitalist society and capitalism is appropriately com-
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Labour does not seem any more to be an essential part of the process
of production. The human factor is restricted to watching and su-
pervising the production process....
The worker no longer inserts transformed natural objects54 as
intermediaries between the material and himself; he now inserts
the natural process that he has transformed into an industrial one
between himself and inorganic nature, over which he has achieved
mastery. He is no longer the principal agent of the production proc-
ess: he exists alongside it.55
The world has been wrought into a system which by its own action
produces the environment and objects men need. Marx calls the bene-
ficiaries "workers," but the designation is inappropriate. They do not
wield tools or work at machines, but rule over an industrialized nature
the line between which and machinery is invisible. The writ of the
Curse of Adam lapses: there is no exploitation of labor because there
is no labor to be exploited, no toilers to be governed but only physical
process to be administered. Town and country are united because in-
dustry and nature are one. The ravages of class society give way to
freedom in an industrial Eden. And since the need to supervise cannot
consume much time, there is full range for "that development of hu-
man energy which is an end in itself,"56 for activity which is not labor
because it lacks an economic end-but which may nonetheless resem-
ble activity which once was labor. Those who want craftsmanship to
recapture its status as means of material existence must reject the pic-
ture, but the picture does not reject widespread performance, "along-
side the production process," of the creative activity they prize.
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... as soon as the distribution of labour comes into being, each man
has a particular, exclusive sphere of activity, which is forced upon
him, and from which he cannot escape. He is a hunter, a fisherman,
a shepherd, or a critical critic, and must remain so if he does not
want to lose his means of livelihood; while in communist society,
where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can be-
come accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the
general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing
today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the
afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as
I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd,
or critic.57
57. The German Ideology, pp. 44-45. In a deleted sentence, communist man
is also said to go in for shoemaking, gardening, and acting. His interests (shoe-
making apart) are curiously similar to those of a cultured gentleman farmer. But
the meaning is clearly allegorical-which is not to say that the allegory is easy to
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259 Marx's Dialectic of Labor
I am claiming that the last sentence does not say: "In a communist
society there are no full-time painters but at most part-time painters."
People paint, but the status "painter" is not assumed even from time
to time.
The abolition of roles may be conceptual or sociological nonsense,
but it is an idea we find in Marx. The reproach that he sought a com-
plete absorption of the individual by society states the reverse of his
aim. Having complained that in modern times "a general or a banker
plays a great part, but mere man . .. a very shabby part,"59 he would
not be impressed by a jack-of-all-roles, who is other than mere man,
whatever he took that to be. He wanted individuals to face one an-
other and themselves without mediation of institutions. For they rep-
resent "fixation of social activity, consolidation of what we ourselves
produce into an objective power above us."60 It is no great exaggeration
to say that Marx's freely associated individuals constitute an alterna-
tive to, not a form of, society.6'
58. Ibid., pp. 431-432, my emphasis.
59. Capital I, p. 44.
6o. German Ideology, p. 45.
6I. For more in this vein, see my "Beliefs and Roles," Proceedings of the Aris-
totelian Society, I966-I967, p. 32.
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26I Marx's Dialectic of Labor
63. Capital III, pp. 799-800 (translation corrected slightly). Cf. Capital II
(Moscow, I957), pp. 515-5I6.
64. "Critique of the Gotha Programme," Marx-Engels Selected Works II (Mos-
COW, I958), p. 24.
65. I thank Ted Honderich and Richard Wollheim for useful criticisms of an
earlier version of this article.
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