A Microcontroller-Based Room Temperature Monitoring System: Theophilus Wellem Bhudi Setiawan
A Microcontroller-Based Room Temperature Monitoring System: Theophilus Wellem Bhudi Setiawan
A Microcontroller-Based Room Temperature Monitoring System: Theophilus Wellem Bhudi Setiawan
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 53 No.1, September 2012
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 53 No.1, September 2012
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 53 No.1, September 2012
administrator sent a text message whose content is Status. system has advantage by using GSM's short message service
(SMS) for its data communication. Using SMS, administrator
can check and monitor the room temperature from anywhere
by using only a mobile phone even without Internet
connection. Other approaches, for example RS-485 network,
Bluetooth and Zigbee, are limited by distance.
In this paper, we have designed and implemented a
microcontroller-based system for monitoring server room
temperature. We utilized Atmel AVR ATmega8535
microcontroller and LM35 temperature sensor. Based on the
testing results, the system works according to our predefined
specification. This system can be used to help the
administrator to monitor server room temperature and control
Fig 4: System testing with Status command electronic appliances in real-time using text message (SMS),
in case the administrator in not inside the server room. The
system also can raise an alarm and send a text message to
warn the administrator if the server room temperature is above
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