The Use of PC Analyzer

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The Use Of PC Analyzer

1.Must-reads of users.
2.Operation guide of PC Analyzer M04A for laptop .
3.Operation guide of PC Analyzer PI0050A for desktop .
4.Operation guide of PC Analyzer PI0050 for both laptop and desktop .
Must-reads of users

1. The PC Analyzer is also named POST (Power On Self Test ) could display the error code by the result of POST, then you would soon determine cause
of the error by error codes table. Especially when the PC can't boot operating system, or it is a black screen, or the card and motherboard couldn't issue an audible
beep. It is a powerful diagnostic tool. Now just use it, and you'll get twice the result with half the effort. When the power is turned on, the BIOS first would have a
strict test with system circuit memory keyboard video hard disc floppy drive and so on. It analyzes the system configuration and initializes the base
I/O setup. At last when all is normal, it boots the operating system .The obvious feature of testing crucial components is demarcated by curse's appearing .At first,
the BIOS tests the crucial components .If the testing is abnormal, the computer stopped compulsively; The curse cannot appear in the screen; There is no
response to the screen; If the test of crucial components is normal, the BIOS tests common components afterwards. If the testing of common components is
abnormal,the computer continues to run and of error. When there is some trouble with the computer and the testing is abnormal, especially the testing crucial
component, no displaying in the screen, the black screen, you can put the Post card in the expansive
slot.You will know the cause of the trouble by the code that the card indicates and the error codes table of this manual.
2. Pay attention to distinguishing "intiative code" and " trouble code". The intiative code is meaningless.Only can the trouble code point the cause of trouble
computer out.

3. The error codes table is in the order of the codes' value from small to big. The sequence in which the code displays is decided by BIOS of the motherboard.

4. The codes that haven't been defined is not included in the table.
5. For the different BIOS (such as AMI Award Phoenix ), the code is meaning differently . So you must make sure which type of BIOS you are testing by
viewing the users' guide ?Seeing symbol on the BIOS IC of the motherboard or seeing the screen directly while the computer booting.
6. There is no more than some code displayed when you insert the card into the PCI slot on a few brands of motherboards, but when you plug it into the ISA
slot, all the code can be displayed. At present, it has be discovered that all codes is displayed when you insert the card into the PCI slot of several brands of
computers which not all codes
is displayed when you plug the card in the ISA slot. So we suggest that you need plug the card from one slot to another slot when consulting the code is
addition, the different slot on the certain motherboard in the different states. For example, all codes can be displayed from "00" to "FF". when you plug the card in
the PCI slot that is near the CPU on the motherboard DELL810 while only a part of codes can be displayed from "00" to "38" when you plug the card in the other
PCI slot on the motherboard DELL810.
7. The time of PCI that the resetting signal needs is not always synchronized with the time of ISA .So sometimes the code begin to be displayed when the card
in the ISA, but the resetting light of PCI has not been off while the card stops to display the original code.
8. As there are more and more different kinds and structures of the motherboard, and the codes of BIOS POST is updated constantly, so the cause of trouble
that error code indicates is just a reference for you.
9. According to experience, the card of two-bit code is reliable if you plug it in the slot on the motherboard below and including the P 300. It will stop running
or it dose not indicate the error code or it indicates false error code. As until recently we haven't received the bad reflect about the four-bit code card of P0050. We
suggest you buy and use the four-bit code card of P0050.
10. Hexadecimal character table

11. Explanation of indicator light's function

LED Signal Type Description

RUN Bus pulse If the LED sparkles, the main board has been running. If the man board hasn't run, the LED is off.

CLK Bus clock As long as the main board is on power after you plug PC Analyzer in either PCI slot ??| ISA slot of desktop or
MiniPCI of laptop, the LED is on. Or else there is no bus clock signal.

BIOS Basic input/output signals As long as the CPU is reading from BIOS when the PC Analyzer is inserted in ISA slot, the LED sparkles.
(Alert: When PI0050A-S or PI0050A-SD is inserted in ISA slot, if BIOS is being read from, the BIOS LED is off;
Else, the BIOS LED is on. The definition of "BIOS" LED of PI0050A is opposite of "BIOS" LED of two-bit-code
PC Analyzer and PI0050.)

IRDY The LED sparkles when the PC Analyzer is inserted in PCI slot and there is a IRDY signal.
Main equipments is ready

OSC Oscillation signal It is oscillation signal of ISA slot. The LED should be on, As long as the Power is on after you plug the card in
the ISA slot on the main board. Or else the crystal oscillation circuit is broken, and there is no OSC signal.

FRAME Frame periods It is cycle frame signal of PCI slot or MiniPCI slot. The LED should sparkles as soon as the FRAME signal is
coming. Or else there is no FRAME signal. Lights is off all the time.

RST Resetting signal The LED ought to have been on for half second since you press the power switch or the reset switch. If it is on
all the time, please check whether the resetting pin connects to the accelerating switch or makes up a short
circuit or there is some trouble with the resetting circuit.

12V Power supply The LED should be on, As long as the Power is on after you plug the card in the slot. Or else there is no
12-volt positive voltage of 12V or there is short circuit.

-12V Power supply Same as above.

12-volt negative

Same as above.(L50 use LED that can change color. When insert it in alternative of USB or power plug of host
5V Power supply computer, that it is on indicate power of computer on. If the LED changes color, It indicates that The L50 is
5-volt positive inserted in parallel port (LPT) with power. )

-5V Power supply The LED should be on, As long as the Power is on after you plug the card in the ISA slot. Or else there is no
voltage of-5V or there is short circuit. (There is own -5V of ISA slot.)
5-volt negative

3V3 Power supply There is the proper voltage of 3V3 of the PCI or MiniPCI. The LED should be on, As long as the Power is on
3.3-volt positive after you plug PC Analyzer in the PCI slot or MiniPCI slot, but sometimes the LED may be off by the reason
that there is no voltage of 3V3 of a few PCI slot or there is open circuit.

Operation guide of PC Analyzer M04 for laptop

1. Installation of PC Analyzer M04 for laptop as figure shows:

2. Flow chart of M04A PC Analyzer's operation guide.

3. Definition of what PC Analyzer M04A's digitron displays.

There is a four-bit code displayed on th PC Analyzer M04A forlaptop.The four-bit code could be divided to two two-bit codes. The one is made up of the
thousands digit and the hundreds digit; The other is made up of the tens digit and units digit. The thousands digit and the hundreds digit show the POST code. The
difinition of the code that is made up of the tens digit and units digit is different as operation is different. While the PC Analyzer is testing the mainboard, The tens
digit and the units
digit show the POST code that is previous to the POST code of thousands digit and the hundreds digit; While You use the function switchto thumb through the
POST codes, The tens digit and the units digit show ordinal number of the POST code that is make up ofthousands digit and the hundreds. ( The PC Analyzer
M04A can memorize 48 POST codes. The ordinal number is from 00 to 47 .)
While Testing automatically: While thumbing through codes:
thousands hundreds tens units thousands hundreds tens units
digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit

Previous Ordinal
POST code POST code
code number
4. Flow chart of operating the function switch.

5. Implication of word/number of M04A

Word/NUM Explanation
The guide of entrance
0--- 1.??It can go automatically when
power is on?
The initiatory function symbol of main menu,The Start automatic diagnosis after it has displayed. (but the display
2. Press and hold the switch for
is so fast that you cannot see. It is good for entering test.)
about 0.8 second (The sixth time). It
will return round.
1--- Press and hold the switch for about The first function symbol of main menu,then enter the function of thumbing through POST codes after it
0.8 second (The first time). displayed for about half a second.
2--- Press and hold the switchfor about The second function symbol of main menu,then display the decimal refrence value of the speed of bus after it
0.8 second (The second time). displayed for about half a second. The value is more big,the speed of bus is more high.
3--- Press and hold the switch for about The third function symbol of main menu,display the version
0.8 second (The third time). number"5004" after it displayed for about half a second
4--- Press and hold the switch for about The fourth function symbol of main menu,start to test the card itself. If it displays from "0000"??| "1111" to
0.8 second (The fourth time). "FFFF" after it displayed for about half a second.
5--- The fifth function symbol of main menu,start self-test after the symbol displayed for about half second.As long as
Press and hold the switch for about
each of 4 bits can display symbols, no matter what it displayed, the POST process passed. Because of the
0.8 second (The fifth time).
POST content has be enhanced a lot. plenty of symbols are especial. you can pay no attention to it.
-P C I It indicates that the type of the slot you insert the card in is MiniPCI,and wait for you to thumb through the codes backwards by pressing function
---P Waiting for you to thumb throught the codes by pressing the function switch. After it displayed for half a second, the POST code will be displayed, and
the thousands digit and the hundreds digit indicate
the hexadecimal POST code;the tens digit and units digit indicate ordinal number of the POST code that the thousands digit and the hundreds digit
P--- Waiting for you to thumb through the code forwards by pressing the function switch. After it displayed for half a second, the POST code will be
displayed, and the thousands digit and the hundreds digit indicate
the hexadecimal POST code;the tens digit and units digit indicate ordinal number of the POST code that the thousands digit and the hundreds digit
-E n d It indicates that thumbing through the codes backwards is in the end and the last code( ordinal number limit: 00-47) had been displayed; press and
hold the function switch for some 0.8 second, then enter the mode of thumbing through the codes forwards and display
"P- - -", after half a second,the code is displayed. the thousands digit and hundreds digit indicate the 47th POST code, the two-bit code(47) that is
made up of the tens digit and units digit indicate the ordinal number of the POST code;if press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second
twice, it will exit thumbing through POST codes and enter the second function of main menu, at the same time displayed
"2- - -", then display decimal reference value of the speed of PCI/ISA bus in half a second.
E n d- It indicates that thumbing through the codes forwards is in the end and The first code (ordinal number limit : 00-47) had been displayed; Press and
hold the function switch for 0.8 second, then enter the mode of thumbing through the codes backwards and display
"- - -P", after half a second, the code is displayed. The thousands digit and hundreds digit indicate the first POST code; the last two-bit code (00) that
is made up of the tens digit and units digit indicates ordinal number of the POST code. If press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second
twice, it will exit thumbing through POST codes and enter the second function of main menu, at the same time displayed
"2- - - ", then display decimal reference value of the speed of PCI/ISA bus in half a second.

The explanation of testing the speed of MiniPCI Bus

You can use the function of testing the speed of MiniPCI Bus on certain laptop computer. It will display reference value of the speed of MiniPCI bus. This will
can help you suffer no losses when you buy the laptop or you sell the laptop whose speed of bus is high at good price.
Insert the PC Analyzer in the MiniPCI slot on the laptop. Press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second two times. It will display the decimal refrence
value of the speed of MiniPCI bus after it displayed "2- - - "for about half a second. The value is more big,the speed of bus is more high.

Operation guide of PC Analyzer PI0050A

1. Installation of PC Analyzer PI0050A as figure shows:

The first pin of PCI slot(B1) and the first pin of the ISA slot(A1) on the mainboard as figure shows:

2. Flow chart of PC Analyzer PI0050A's operation guide.

3. Definition of what PC Analyzer PI0050A's digitron displays. TOP
There is a four-bit code displayed on PI0050A PC Analyzer. The four-bit code could be divided to two two-bit codes. The one is made up of the thousands
digit and the hundreds digit; The other is made up of the tens digit and units digit. The thousands
digit and the hundreds digit show the POST code. The difinition of the code that is made up of the tens digit and units digit is different as operation is different.
While the PC Analyzer is testing the mainboard, The tens digit and the units digit show the POST code that is previous to the POST code of thousands digit and
the hundreds digit; While You use the function switch to thumb through the POST codes, The tens digit and the units digit show count number of the POST codes
that is make up of thousands digit and the hundreds. ( PI0050A PC Analyzer can memorize 48 POST codes. The count number is from 00 to 47 .)
While Testing automatically: While thumbing through codes:
thousands hundreds tens units thousands hundreds tens units
digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit

Previous Ordinal
POST code POST code
code number

4.Flow chart of operating the function switch.

5. Implication of word/number of PI0050A TOP
Word/NUM Explanation
The guide of entrance
1.It can goautomatically when power
is on.
The initiatory function symbol of main menu,The Start automatic diagnosis after it has displayed. (but the
2. Press and hold the switch for about
display is so fast that you cannot see. It is good for entering test.)
0.8 second (The sixth time). It will
return round.
1--- Press and hold the switch for about The first function symbol of main menu,then enter the function of thumbing through POST codes after it
0.8 second (The first time). displayed for about half a second.
2--- Press and hold the switchfor about 0.8The second function symbol of main menu,then display the decimal refrence value of the speed of bus after it
second (The second time). displayed for about half a second. The value is more big,the speed of bus is more high.
3--- Press and hold the switch for about The third function symbol of main menu,display the version
0.8 second (The third time). number"5004" after it displayed for about half a second
4--- Press and hold the switch for about The fourth function symbol of main menu,start to test the card itself. If it displays from "0000"??| "1111" to
0.8 second (The fourth time). "FFFF" after it displayed for about half a second.
5--- The fifth function symbol of main menu,start self-test after the symbol displayed for about half second.As long
Press and hold the switch for about
as each of 4 bits can display symbols, no matter what it displayed, the POST process passed. Because of the
0.8 second (The fifth time).
POST content has be enhanced a lot. plenty of symbols are especial. you can pay no attention to it.
-P C I
It indicates that the type of the slot you insert the card in is PCI,and wait for you to thumb through the codes backwards by pressing function switch.
-I S A
It indicates that the type of the slot you insert the card in is ISA, and wait for you to thumb through the codes backwards by pressing function switch.
---P Waiting for you to thumb throught the codes by pressing the function switch. After it displayed for half a second, the POST code will be displayed, and
the thousands digit and the hundreds digit indicate
the hexadecimal POST code;the tens digit and units digit indicate ordinal number of the POST code that the thousands digit and the hundreds digit
P--- Waiting for you to thumb through the code forwards by pressing the function switch. After it displayed for half a second, the POST code will be
displayed, and the thousands digit and the hundreds digit indicate
the hexadecimal POST code;the tens digit and units digit indicate ordinal number of the POST code that the thousands digit and the hundreds digit
-E n d It indicates that thumbing through the codes backwards is in the end and the last code( ordinal number limit: 00-47) had been displayed; press and
hold the function switch for some 0.8 second, then enter the mode of thumbing through the codes forwards and display
"P- - -", after half a second,the code is displayed. the thousands digit and hundreds digit indicate the 47th POST code, the two-bit code(47) that is
made up of the tens digit and units digit indicate the ordinal number of the POST code;if press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second
twice, it will exit thumbing through POST codes and enter the second function of main menu, at the same time displayed
"2- - -", then display decimal reference value of the speed of PCI/ISA bus in half a second.
E n d- It indicates that thumbing through the codes forwards is in the end and The first code (ordinal number limit : 00-47) had been displayed; Press and
hold the function switch for 0.8 second, then enter the mode of thumbing through the codes backwards and display
"- - -P", after half a second, the code is displayed. The thousands digit and hundreds digit indicate the first POST code; the last two-bit code (00) that
is made up of the tens digit and units digit indicates ordinal number of the POST code. If press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second
twice, it will exit thumbing through POST codes and enter the second function of main menu, at the same time displayed
"2- - - ", then display decimal reference value of the speed of PCI/ISA bus in half a second.

The explanation of testing the speed of PIC/ISA Bus

You can use the function of testing the speed of PIC/ISA Bus on certain Mainboard. It will display reference value of the speed of PCI/ISA bus. This will can help
you suffer no losses when you buy the Main board or you sell the Main board at good price.

Insert the PC Analyzer in the slot on the mainboard. Press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second two times. It will display the decimal refrence value of
the speed of bus after it displayed "2- - - "for about half a second. The value is larger,
the speed of bus is more high.
When PI0050A is inserted in ISA slot, If BIOS LED is on, It indicates that BIOS is not being read from at the moment; If BIOS LED is off, It indicates BIOS is being
read from at the moment. If BIOS LED sparkles, It indicates the time for which BIOS has been being read is short. Sometimes there are so short time that you
cannot feel the BIOS LED have been on by naked eyes. If sometimes BIOS has not been being read for a short time, the time is so short that you cannot feel the
BIOS LED have been off by naked eyes. The definition of "BIOS" LED of PI0050A is opposite of "BIOS" LED of two-bit-code PC Analyzer and PI0050.
When PI0050A is inserted in PCI slot, If FRAME LED is on, It indicates that there is cycle frame signal of PCI slot or MiniPCI slot at the moment; If FRAME LED is
off, It indicates that there is no cycle frame signal of PCI slot or MiniPCI slot at the moment. If FRAME LED sparkles, It indicates that duration of cycle frame signal
is short. Sometimes there is so short duration of cycle frame signal that you cannot feel the FRAME LED have been on by naked eyes. the same kind, if
sometimes the cycle frame signal have vanished for a short time, the time is so short that you cannot feel the FRAME LED have been on by naked eyes.

Operation guide of PC Analyzer L50

1.Installation of PC Analyzer L50 as figure shows:

2.Flow chart of PC Analyzer L50's operation guide.

3. Explanation of L50's indicator light 5V
4.Definition of what PC Analyzer L50's digitron displays.
There is a four-bit code displayed on PC Analyzer L50. The four-bit code could be divided to two two-bit codes. The one is made up of the thousands digit and the
hundreds digit; The other is made up of the tens digit and units digit. The thousands digit and the hundreds digit show the POST code. The difinition of the code
that is made up of the tens digit and units digit is different as operation is different. While the PC Analyzer is testing the mainboard, The tens digit and the units digit
show the POST code that is previous to the POST code of thousands digit and the hundreds digit; While You use the function switch to thumb through the POST
codes, The tens digit and the units digit show count number of the POST codes that is make up of thousands digit and the hundreds. ( PC Analyzer L50 can
memorize 48 POST codes. The count number is from 00 to 47 .)?? ??
While Testing automatically: While thumbing through codes:
thousands hundreds tens units thousands hundreds tens units
digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit

Previous Count
POST code POST code
code number

5.Flow chart of operating the function switch.

6.Implication of word/number of L50
Word/NUM Explanation
The guide of entrance
0--- 1.It can go automatically when The initiatory function symbol of main menu,The Start automatic diagnosis after it has displayed. (but the display
power is on.
2. Press and hold the switch for
is so fast that you cannot see. It is good for entering test.)
about 0.8 second (The sixth time). It
will return round.
1--- Press and hold the switch for about The first function symbol of main menu,then enter the function of thumbing through POST codes after it
0.8 second (The first time). displayed for about half a second.
2--- Press and hold the switchfor about L50 displays the monitoring value of PC Analyzer's working speed itself. As long as the monitoring value is large
0.8 second (The second time). than 0500, PC Analyzer is all right.
3--- Press and hold the switch for about The third function symbol of main menu,display the version
0.8 second (The third time). number"5004" after it displayed for about half a second
4--- Press and hold the switch for about The fourth function symbol of main menu,start to test the card itself. If it displays from "0000"??| "1111" to
0.8 second (The fourth time). "FFFF" after it displayed for about half a second.
5--- The fifth function symbol of main menu,start self-test after the symbol displayed for about half second.As long as
Press and hold the switch for about
each of 4 bits can display symbols, no matter what it displayed, the POST process passed. Because of the
0.8 second (The fifth time).
POST content has be enhanced a lot. plenty of symbols are especial. you can pay no attention to it.
It indicates that the port you insert port in is parallel port(LPT),and wait for you to thumb through the next code by pressing function switch.
---P Waiting for you to thumb throught the codes by pressing the function switch. After it displayed for half a second, the POST code will be displayed, and
the thousands digit and the hundreds digit indicate
the hexadecimal POST code;the tens digit and units digit indicate ordinal number of the POST code that the thousands digit and the hundreds digit
P--- Waiting for you to thumb through the code forwards by pressing the function switch. After it displayed for half a second, the POST code will be
displayed, and the thousands digit and the hundreds digit indicate
the hexadecimal POST code;the tens digit and units digit indicate ordinal number of the POST code that the thousands digit and the hundreds digit
-E n d It indicates that thumbing through the codes backwards is in the end and the last code( ordinal number limit: 00-47) had been displayed; press and
hold the function switch for some 0.8 second, then enter the mode of thumbing through the codes forwards and display
"P- - -", after half a second,the code is displayed. the thousands digit and hundreds digit indicate the 47th POST code, the two-bit code(47) that is
made up of the tens digit and units digit indicate the ordinal number of the POST code;if press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second
twice, it will exit thumbing through POST codes and enter the second function of main menu, at the same time displayed
"2- - -", then display decimal reference value of the speed of PCI/ISA bus in half a second.
E n d- It indicates that thumbing through the codes forwards is in the end and The first code (ordinal number limit : 00-47) had been displayed; Press and
hold the function switch for 0.8 second, then enter the mode of thumbing through the codes backwards and display
"- - -P", after half a second, the code is displayed. The thousands digit and hundreds digit indicate the first POST code; the last two-bit code (00) that
is made up of the tens digit and units digit indicates ordinal number of the POST code. If press and hold the function switch for about 0.8 second
twice, it will exit thumbing through POST codes and enter the second function of main menu, at the same time displayed
"2- - - ", then display decimal reference value of the speed of PCI/ISA bus in half a second.

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