A Detailed 4A
A Detailed 4A
A Detailed 4A
Quarter: Third
Content: Geometry
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Learning Competency:
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of 1 hour, Grade7-Marangal students should be able to:
a. create a model of plane figure using measuring materials
b. differentiate polygon from non-polygon figures by means of sketching
c. categorize the kinds of polygons by using variety of graphic organizer
D. Motivation
E. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
I have here an activity; I have here
list of questions and list of figures.
Possible answers:
1. 1,2.3.7
2. 18,17,22,23
3. 7,24,12
4. 4,19
5. 14,12, 11
List of questions:
2. Analysis
Now, Im going to point the figure
and tell, how many line
segments/sides and angles it has
and what kind of polygon it is.
Triangle, Quadrilateral, Pentagon,
3. Abstraction
4. Application