This document describes a sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer that can be used for studying alkaline phosphatases. The buffer covers a pH range of 9.2-10.8, which is suitable for enzymatic studies of phenolic esters of phosphoric acid. Mixtures of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are easy to prepare and have proven to be surprisingly stable when stored in stoppered bottles for up to 6 months without pH changes. The buffer mixtures do not inhibit enzymatic activity, have a useful alkaline pH range, are simple to prepare, and have reasonable stability, making them a good alternative to commonly used buffers like ammonia, borate, glycine and veronal that have limitations.
This document describes a sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer that can be used for studying alkaline phosphatases. The buffer covers a pH range of 9.2-10.8, which is suitable for enzymatic studies of phenolic esters of phosphoric acid. Mixtures of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are easy to prepare and have proven to be surprisingly stable when stored in stoppered bottles for up to 6 months without pH changes. The buffer mixtures do not inhibit enzymatic activity, have a useful alkaline pH range, are simple to prepare, and have reasonable stability, making them a good alternative to commonly used buffers like ammonia, borate, glycine and veronal that have limitations.
This document describes a sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer that can be used for studying alkaline phosphatases. The buffer covers a pH range of 9.2-10.8, which is suitable for enzymatic studies of phenolic esters of phosphoric acid. Mixtures of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are easy to prepare and have proven to be surprisingly stable when stored in stoppered bottles for up to 6 months without pH changes. The buffer mixtures do not inhibit enzymatic activity, have a useful alkaline pH range, are simple to prepare, and have reasonable stability, making them a good alternative to commonly used buffers like ammonia, borate, glycine and veronal that have limitations.
This document describes a sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer that can be used for studying alkaline phosphatases. The buffer covers a pH range of 9.2-10.8, which is suitable for enzymatic studies of phenolic esters of phosphoric acid. Mixtures of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are easy to prepare and have proven to be surprisingly stable when stored in stoppered bottles for up to 6 months without pH changes. The buffer mixtures do not inhibit enzymatic activity, have a useful alkaline pH range, are simple to prepare, and have reasonable stability, making them a good alternative to commonly used buffers like ammonia, borate, glycine and veronal that have limitations.
A Sodium Carbonate-bicarbonate Buffer for Alkaline Phosphatases
BY G. E. DELORY, Royal Infirmary, Preston, AND E. J. KING, Briti8h Po8tgraduate Medical School, London (Received 27 March 1945) For the study of alkaline phosphatase systems a potentiometer was accurate to jmV., so that the pH values non-phosphate-containing buffer is required. The could be measured to nearly 0.01 pH. The apparatus was buffers in common use for the alkaline pH range are checked with standard buffer mixtures prepared according ammonia, borate, glytine and veronal. Ammonia to Britton (1932). Through the courtesy of Prof. E. C. Dodds and Mr M. E. H. Fitzgerald of the Courtauld Institute of and borate have a retarding effect on the rate of Biochemistry, London, we were able to check the determina- ,enzymic hydrolysis of phosphoric esters. Glycine tions on their glass electrode apparatus (Beckmann). The activates phosphatase when present in very low two methods checked with a maximum difference of 1 mV. concentrations (0 1-1 mm), but in the concentrations equal to about 0-02 unit of pH. used in the buffer system (0-01-01M) it has an undoubted inhibitory effect. Veronal is much better pH OF BUFFER MIXTURES in this respect, but its useful pH range (6-8-9-6) is In Table 1 are listed the pH values at 20 and 370 for not sufficiently high to cover the pH optima of nine mixtures of sodium carbonate with sodium the enzyme acting on aromatic phosphoric esters bicarbonate. These figures have been checked many (Delory & King, 1943). To satisfy the criteria of times with different solutions and have agreed well non-inhibition of enzymic action, useful alkaline both with repeated determinations of the same and pH range, simplicity and reasonable stability, a with fresh solutions, and with the values recorded mixture of sodium carbonate with bicarbonate has by Kolthoff (1925) for his Na2CO3-HCl mixtures, been investigated. The range covered, 9-2-10-8, is whose composition in terms of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 suitable for enzymic study with phenolic esters of phosphoric acid. A sodium carbonate buffer was Table 1. pH values of sodium carbonate-bicarbonate described by Kolthoff (1925), in which a partial buffer mixtures transformation into sodium bicarbonate was effected 0-1 M- 0-1M- by the addition of hydrochloric acid. We have found Na2CO3 NaHCO3 pH pH it difficult to prepare buffer mixtures in this manner (ml.) (ml.) (200) (370) because of the ease with which carbon dioxide can 1 r 9-16 8-77 be lost from the solution when the hydrochloric acid 2 8 9.40 9-12 is added. The mixtures of sodium carbonate and 3 7 9.51 9-40 4 6 9-78 9 50 bicarbonate, on the other hand, are easy to prepare, 5 5 9 90 9-72 and have proved to be surprisingly stable. We have 6 4 10-14 9*90 kept the mixtures described below for as long as 7 3 10*28 10-08 6 months in well-stoppered waxed bottles without 8 2 10-53 10-28 9 1 10*83 10-57 any demonstrable change in their pH. was calculated. The mixtures have been in con- SOLUTIONS tinuous use for phosphatase studies and for routine work for several years, and have been satisfactory Freshly distilled water boiled immediately before use to for their purpose and the range of pH specified. It free it from CO should be used. Only sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate of A.R. quality are suitable. The is not recommended that this buffer system be used solutions should be kept in well-waxed tightly stoppered for pH lower than 9-2 (8-8 at 37). For this purpose bottles in a cool place. a carbonate-veronal buffer (King & Delory, 1940) Olm-Sodisum carbonate. 10-599 g. anhydrous Na2CO3 is suggested. are dissolved in water and diluted to 1 1. SUMMARY 0 lM-Sodium bicarbonate. 8-4 g. NaHCO8 are dissolved in water and diluted to 1 1. A sodium carbonate-bicarbonate buffer, covering Determination of pH. The apparatus used embodied a the range pH 8-9-10-8, is described. The mixtures hydrogen electrode unit employing the Moloney (1921) are easily prepared and are reasonably stable if kept platinum electrode, and a saturated calomel electrode. The in stoppered waxed glass bottles. REFERENCES Britton, H. T. S. (1932). Hydrogen lons, 2nd ed. London: King, E. J. & Delory, G. E. (1940). Enzymoiogia, 8, 278. Chapman and Hall Ltd. Kolthoff, I. M. (1925). J. biol. Chem. 83, 135. Delory, G. E. & King, E. J. (1943). Biochem. J. 37, 547. Moloney, P. J. (1921). J. phy8. Chem. 25, 758. Biochem. 1945, 39 16