Art Science Value Realization Volume 01
Art Science Value Realization Volume 01
Art Science Value Realization Volume 01
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Volume 1
2011-2012 Infosys Limited, Bangalore, India. All rights reserved. Infosys believes the information
in this document is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change
without notice. Infosys acknowledges the proprietary rights of other companies to the trademarks,
product names and such other intellectual property rights mentioned in this document. Except as
expressly permitted, neither this documentation nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, printing,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Infosys Limited and/or any
named intellectual property rights holders under this presentation.
Stephen Pratt
Raj Joshi
Sharad Elhence
Mathias Herzog
Prakash Jayaram
Frank Samuels
Jonquil Brookes
Oliver Siodmak
Vince Cavasin
Sameer Phadke
Manu Tyagi
Jacob Varghese
Jonathan Cohan
Gaurav Mittal
Anand Shastry
We are thrilled you have joined us for our inaugural issue. Art & Science hopes
to share rare, human, interesting and highly practical insights into the world
of business. We take business seriously, but not so seriously that imagination,
creativity, and freedom of exploration never see daylight.
Not the tired old view of the topic, but a view that breaks down traditional
barriers between the prima-donnas and the propeller heads, the artists and
the engineers, the pragmatists and the dreamers, the mathematicians and
the poets.
As you engage your left brain on the issue of value, we offer one cautionary
word, courtesy of the right hemisphere: beware the tyranny of numbers.
While our inner scientist may rejoice at the triumph of a carefully crafted
calculation or a five-way pivot table, our experience shows that real value
creation requires a delicate dance between the right and left brain. In the
business of value, breakthrough logic and logical connections trump
numbers. Deep thinking, probing, and challenging are the music. Logic
diagrams are the dance steps. Spreadsheets may have a place at the dance,
but only after the party is done, to clean up the place.
From all of us at Infosys, we thank you for spending some time with us.
I would like to extend a special thank you to Sally Blount, Dean of the Kellogg
School of Management, Northwestern University, for her contribution to this
Stephen Pratt
Managing Partner - Worldwide Consulting & Systems Integration
Executive Council Member
n the early years of the space race, the United States
was repeatedly bested by the Soviet Union. Sputnik
was just the first shot over the bow. In 1961, the
Russians shocked the U.S. by sending a man into space.
It was an audacious vision. It would realizing value from their operations. They
require unmanned test flights, focus on a philosophy of continuous
development of a lunar landing craft, improvement. But that approach usually
testing of new fuels, boosters and engines, leads only to minor incremental change.
and a host of other challenges.
Instead they need to invest in a true
But his was more than just an empty transformation of their business
rallying cry. Kennedy plowed enormous processes. Thats the key to delivering real
resources and investments into the business value and creating a measurable
program. In the first year uptick in shareholder
he tripled the space Realizing business or customer value.
budget. And over the value through measurable More than remaining
next five years, NASA competitive, its about
improvement in business
doubled the number driving step-function
of scientists and process metrics is both change and coming out
engineers involved. an art and a science. on top. And that should
be the priority for every
So while the Soviets continued to prove operations leader.
a formidable opponent in the space race
and won their share of victories over the It is, however, easier said than done.
next few years, the U.S. ultimately claimed Establishing a cause-and-effect relationship
the big prize, essentially leapfrogging the between process change and things like
competition. increased revenue, reduced need for
working capital, and/or reduced cost is
CHANGE MUST BE difficult at best. What is easier and more
TRANSFORMATIONAL practical, though, is to measure business
The lesson? Too many organizations value through material improvement
are thinking small when it comes to in quantifiable process and operational
Establish a direct link between measurable process improvement and realized value
Business Strategy
To-be Environment
Business Process Metrics
As-is Environment
Realized Value
Revenue 2
Ratio * 1.5
2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
From 2006 through the middle of 2008, the competition had clearly out-performed the company. By Q2 of
2008, it was clear that the company had to take strong decisive action because incremental improvement
was not making an impact. Management had no other option but to launch a transformation initiative.
Revenue Multiple Ratio = Competitors Market Cap to Revenue Ratio / Companys Market Cap To Revenue Ratio
5 days for processing, then this is a clear
indication of improved process efficiency
and therefore business value.
The trick, of course, is to figure out a way
Realizing maximum business value can to deliver this material improvement. And
only be attained when the organizations therein lies the challenge.
business processes (measured through
process objectives Too many organizations
and metrics) are in The most elegant spend millions of
complete alignment business process in the dollars redesigning
with business strategy business processes
and operational and world means little if its
and building
financial goals. If not accompanied by a supporting technology
every activity within
material improvement in solutions only to
a business process is
structured to support process metrics. end up with little or
the broader business no improvement in
strategy, then all of the process metrics. While
organizations assets are aligned in a a structured, methodical approach can
common direction and are therefore facilitate and guide change, thats just the
more effective. science. Only by also mastering the art
of the game deep knowledge of the
Without a structured, methodical business and a creative and innovative
approach to analyzing and refining mindset of the team members will
operations at periodic intervals,
material change occur. The most elegant
material inefficiencies are almost
business process in the world would
guaranteed. Most global Fortune 500
companies today can stand to benefit mean little if it is not accompanied by a
by taking an analytical look at how their material improvement in process metrics.
processes and strategy are aligned.
It is a known fact that metrics drive behavior. So if
INTEGRATE the wrong metric is measured then the resultant
ENABLERS OF behavior can deliver an undesirable outcome.
PROCESS EFFICIENCY It is also critical that there be strong alignment
between organizational strategy, process
objectives and related process metrics. In this
Lasting operational change case, the targeted metric taken in isolation was not
aligned with the objective of improving customer
that delivers measurable
satisfaction and market share.
step-function business value
can only be realized if the By focusing on the right set of metrics, and aligning
them with strategy, the organization was able to
solution effectively integrates realize value and achieve its goal.
four key enablers: process,
technology, data and people. Although industry. There have been similar
integration of these enablers can be instances in the business world where the
complex, done right, it can create non- need to leapfrog the competition caused
linear value for the organization. organizations to set audacious goals that
fostered innovation and helped change
Technology, primarily applications the rules of the game.
software, tends to be the big-dog in the
transformation game and the interplay When companies embark on a
between business processes and enabling transformation journey, they are typically
technology will consume the bulk of encumbered by knowledge of whats
the transformation bandwidth. But the possible and awareness of the constraints
importance of the other enablers should of their business processes and supporting
not be underestimated. technology. By setting audacious goals,
leaders can empower the transformation
Take the people enabler, for instance team to think beyond the normal and
(commonly referred to as Organization ignore current limitations. When this
Change Management). Employees happens, it sets the stage for
acceptance of change can make or mind-blowing innovation that
break a program. Leadership can radically reposition the
must make the case for change company in the market.
and employees must buy
into it and thereafter be held The business value of
accountable to deliver the innovation, however, can only
change. Moreover, people must be confirmed and validated if
be given the tools the changes lead to measurable
and training necessary to operate improvement in process
in a different way and deliver the targeted metrics and therefore, business
business value. process performance.
A well-formulated business case that
delivers a return on investment based
on targeted benefits and costs can
PARADIGM SHIFTS provide good direction. But in reality,
things change and companies often
President Kennedys audacious goal end up ignoring the original business
spurred rapid innovation in the space case. Without this compass as a guide,
Raj has been in consulting for 23 years; during that time, he has become an
industry expert on Business Transformation. He is also the key architect of
the Infosys Value Realization MethodTM.
Q How long have you been in Q Are you left brained
consulting? or right brained?
I have had to change my stripes three I was left brained for the first 25 years
times in my career as a consultant. of my career. Over the next 25 years, my
So, although I have been in Consulting right brain has caught up. So as of now,
for 23 years, it seems like I have been the answer is both.
doing this for only seven years!
Q What is your favorite song?
Q What stands out in your mind as
you look back over the past 23 Dream On by Aerosmith.
The chance to be an entrepreneur
with two great firms: first with Deloitte
and then with Infosys.
hen Sarbanes-Oxley burst onto the scene
in 2002, it was an unwitting poster child for
effective change management. In less than
a year, the SOX reforms swept through American
industry; thousands of companies implemented the
stringent, at times even draconian, provisions with nary
a whimper. Sarbanes-Oxley slammed full-force into
corporate America and then just noiselessly slid in.
The defining attribute of the car phone story and other buy-in based change
programs that work is their open-ended time frame for adoption. In reality, this
is anathema to most major business transformations, where there is a hard go-
live date and a requirement that every person perform as expected on Day 1.
A 30-year business veteran, Holly spent the first half of her career in
petroleum exploration. While still with a Fortune 10 oil company, she
became fascinated with questions of strategy, leadership, and organizational
change, which ultimately led to a career change. Now she brings her pragmatic
management experience to clients, helping them find realistic solutions to the vexing people and organizational challenges of business.
Holly holds a B.A. and M.A. in Geological Sciences and was named one of
Consulting Magazines Top Women in Consulting in 2008.
In her spare time, Holly owns a mineral and fossil gallery and a coffee bar in
Taos, New Mexico and paints in watercolor and oil.
Q What is the strangest thing youve Q What would you never
ever been paid to do? be caught without?
Model the basin subsidence and A sense of curiosity. And a clean
hydrocarbon maturation profile of the conscience.
Michigan Basin. Not what youd expect
from an Organizational Transformation Q Favorite song.
consultant, is it?
Rolling Stones, Honky Tonk Woman.
Dropbox TripIt
Flipboard SoundHound
Instapaper Pandora
OmniFocus Audible
No {Truly}
can be Without
Nevertheless, its not only the device that is having the ultimate impact: its the software.
And software in the future will be distributed to us as apps, small applications that we
download from our platform vendors app store. Apples iTunes Store has already caused
a revolution in software development and distribution, providing everything from rock
concert lighters to calorie counters, star charts and bar code readers.
Not far in the future, well see apps that remotely manage health conditions and report
back to the physician, and apps that can turn on your homes lights, air conditioning, and
washing machine and your car.
Today there are over 350,000 mobile apps in the iTunes store, and almost 100,000 for
Android. But if you are in business, the number you actually use drops precipitously.
Here are our favorite must-haves for productivity, travel, and enjoyment:
On the road and need to sign something? Because life isnt all work, your
Fill in and sign electronic documents smartphone should also have
on the go with Zosh. For syncing files SoundHound, the nearly magical music
between desktops and devices, theres identifier that can listen to ten bars of a
Dropbox, and for reading Wikipedia on song you sing (even off-tune), and tell you
a 4-inch screen, try Wikipanion. Catch its name and where to buy it. Pandora
up on the news with Flipboard, your is for custom-generated internet radio
personally-curated magazine for iPad, or stations, and Audible is a must-download,
save it to read later withInstapaper. Get where first-rate narrators read books aloud
more done with OmniFocus,a powerful that you would never have time to sit down
task manager with live, automatic and read.
syncing, location-aware custom actions
lists, and on-the-fly task entry. Weve left off this list the apps that
probably manage your personal life:
TRAVEL: your Mint personal finance software, the
Kayak is currently the best mobile app American Express app, your online banking
for finding flights, comparing prices, and app, and lest we forget, Facebook. But you
making reservations. Once you have an already knew about those.
itinerary, email it to TripIt,an excellent
way to manage all your travel plans in one
place. Then see if your flight is on time
with Flighttrack Pro, a must-have for
road warriors who need to stay on top of
weather delays and airport maps.
Without that flexibility during those early years, I would have left the work
force to care for my children. I know many well-educated bright women
who did not have the same flexibility at work and did quit. Now that our
children have grown, they are struggling to find meaningful work upon
reentry. Thats a net loss to our society.
One of my favorite groups is Everything But the Girl, and if I had to pick
one of their songs that has spoken to me over the years, it would be We Walk
the Same Line. It speaks to me of what I try to bring to my relationships as a
mother, a partner, a daughter and sister, a friend and a leader.
t Apple, the now-iconic company that brought
us the Macintosh, the iPod, the iPhone, and now
the iPad, the final gating factor before a new
product launch is always the CEO, Steve Jobs. Conversely,
at Google, it often seems to be no one; Google Labs is an
almost automated launch pad for products that may not
be ready for prime time, but are brought out for trial runs
and quickly iterated or removed.
is never the case. Customer needs change, environment. Theyre dialed into customer
product portfolios change, and new product needs and cooking up new ideas and
specs often need to change to keep up. products. Their whole reason for being
is to optimize the customer experience,
Connecting these common gaps in product and theyd like to do so without cost
development can help companies convert constraints, thank you very much.
the usual challenges into powerful enablers They brainstorm ideas all day long.
for long-term growth.
On another floor, or in another building, the
CONNECT THE GAPS suits are hard at work in walled offices,
dont lose the voice of the customer. As strategy channels resources toward the
the product development process moves most promising products, and aligns new
along, the customer voice tends to be product development to the companys
gradually drowned out. Engineering takes overall strategy: Are you a market leader
over, and the product marketers who talk to or fast follower? An Apple or a Microsoft?
customers no longer stay involved. Each has different product development
needs, in terms of speed-to-market and
Dont make this mistake. Product marketers level of innovation. Is this the right product
must stay attached from idea to execution. lineup to provide a competitive edge or
market leadership?
Another way to maintain the customer
voice is to observe lean startup A portfolio approach can also save money.
principles. Some products perform better In the auto industry, designing similar
when an early, less functional version is chassis for multiple vehicles has enabled
released to customers. So in the case of car companies like Toyota to leverage
Google Labs, users are invited to play technologies across their products,
around with prototypes of the companys significantly reducing R&D complexity
latest ideas, and offer and costs. And Apple has
feedback directly to the accomplished a similar
engineers who developed benefit by leveraging
them. The process is common sources for glass
highly iterative, unlike and chips in its iPod, iPhone
waterfall development, and iPad products.
which assumes that
once decisions are While all product
made, downstream managers in a company
stakeholders must live may benefit from
with them. improving underlying
capabilities, no one person or function
A final way to maintain the voice of the wants to bear this cost individually as part
customer is to actually observe them using of her own project. To do so would likely
your products. Procter & Gamble has drive any project below acceptable business
been an avid promoter of this technique, case justification.
actually going into customers homes to
observe how they use dish soap, or how So strong leadership is required from
they handle laundry detergent. Business- the CEO, chief product officer, and line
to-business companies could learn a lot by business executives, not only to implement
adopting a similar approach. an effective portfolio management strategy,
but to sustain it over time.
Instead, companies should revisit the value as a quality control checkpoint where yes/
equation at specific, defined intervals. A no decisions are made on whether or not
stage-gate management process provides a to move forward.
ready mechanism for this.
While this sounds obvious, and all
Stage-gate management breaks the companies do this in some manner, few
innovation process into multiple stages,
actually take full advantage of what stage-
with each one consisting of a set of tasks.
gate management can offer. Beyond quality
There are typically four or five major gates
assurance, it can be a powerful tool to lean
from business case generation through out the product pipeline and maximize
product launch. The gate typically serves
yield on investment. Think about it: how
much of your design and
testing resources are spent on
features that customers do not
About Stage Gate Decision-Making: value, or for which the financial
assumptions are no longer valid?
The stage-gate process optimizes
resource allocation through each
phase of the product development Though product development
process, from idea generation to is probably the most important
launch. It can ensure that ideas dont enterprise process, many
go any further than their merits allow product launches fail to meet
at any given time.
expectations. There is significant
One of the greatest advantages of potential for improvement in
stage-gate management is that both top-line revenue growth
spending can be low at the beginning and more effective allocation of
and increase in a non-linear manner
resources. Success depends on
as stages are completed. If problems
closing the gaps in the process.
are addressed or prevented in the
early stages, more resources can
be committed to new products and New product development
features with the greatest potential for efficiency and effectiveness
customer and financial success. can be built upon a few time-
Implemented correctly, stage-gate honored principles: connecting
management can improve teamwork, company and customer value;
accelerate products to market, give effective portfolio management;
structure to the innovation process, and updated value measurement.
reduce rework and improve success
rates on new product deployments
Taken together, these principles
Before moving on, ask these questions: form a practical framework for
Are the objectives the same as exceeding customer expectations
when we started? while delivering financial and
operational success.
Are these the right activities to
meet those objectives?
Jeff has been in consulting and industry for more than 20 years; over that time
he has become a noted expert on product development and supply chain.
[Illustrative] Transaction Project B
Project D
Operating Cost
Cost of Doing Increase
Business Revenue
Increase Optimize
Project E
Self-Service Portfolio
Customer Increase
Project F Free
Value Index Improve
Product Cost Cash Flow
Willingness to Pay Increase
Reduce Product
Shareholder Value
Contracting Project G
Options Complexity
Set Up Project H
Faster Project J Implement Lean
Time-to-Market Operations
Project K Rework
The Changing Consumer
Payments Landscape
here was a time, long ago, when the
relationship between a merchant and his
customer was simple and direct. The customer
purchased goods in cash or on a personal account at
the store, and the merchant got to keep all of what he
was paid.
Just follow the complex value chain in a And electronic payments versus paying
typical credit or debit transaction, and you by cash or check are only going to
can see how many parties have a piece of increase in popularity. In just the last
the action and how big their stake is: decade alone, theyve gone from less than a
third of total transactions (in dollar value)
First, a consumer goes to a retailer like to almost two-thirds.
Target, and uses a credit or debit card to
buy $100 worth of stuff; Its no wonder retailers are itching to
do something about the current value
The Merchant Acquirer, a bounty chain (and questioning just how much
hunter who signs up retailers to use actual value each
Visa or MasterCard, gets a CONSU
brings to
$0.40 cut; purch
the table).
Then the Payment Network Owner A bo
ER And now
(Visa or MasterCard) takes a cut of is the time
r th
use V up retail at
isa o e
r Mas rs to
to act. Over
about $0.15; PAYME
the next
rCard -0.15
The Transaction Processor, several years,
who handles all the back-end Back-
CESSO a combination
trans nd proces R -0.
underworkings of the purchase, actio
o f
of external
then comes in and takes his ISSUE
trends and new
$0.15 cut; and players on the
relat the cust - 1 .
ionsh omer 60=
scene promise to
Finally, the Issuer Bank, who
inal completely upend
manages the relationship
the status quo.
with the customer, gets the
biggest cut, at $1.60. The coming battle
should be epic,
So of that original $100, the merchant reminiscent of the
gets to keep $97.70. Gunfight at the O.K. Corral only
with less violence and more chaos. The
Thats the system as it has stood pretty first round of the shootout is already
much since the dawn of the credit era. underway, and retailers stand to gain not
While a mere $2.30 of every $100 may only a bigger piece of the action, but a
not seem like a huge price to pay, consider closer, richer relationship with
this: electronic payments (debit, credit, etc.) the consumer.
by consumers totaled almost $6 trillion last
year. Of that, merchants paid almost $136 Lets review the cast of characters and their
billion to these other parties. stake in the fight, examine the big solution
that everyones aiming for, and look at
THE WILD, WILD WEST how the various plans and schemes may
Up until recently, the merchant has had very shake out.
little bargaining power in this arrangement.
But imagine shaving just 10 cents off that KEY PLAYERS SHAPING
$2.30: thats almost $6 billion. How about 50 THE BATTLE
cents? Now were talking about real money The status quo is clearly under attack,
almost $30 billion. and its coming from all sides. Here are
a few of the players and whats driving advantage of feature-rich phones with
their actions. special payment apps offers the wireless
carriers an attractive foothold into the
SMARTPHONE-WIELDING payments industry.
Todays smartphones can originate and JOIN THE BATTLE
consummate transactions as well as store, Companies like Google that now have a
manage, and exchange information in small piece of the consumer payments
a secure manner. This gives consumers industry are exploring ways to expand
the power to conduct more and more their footprint, either by integrating with
electronic transactions from any place at existing players or bringing in new ones.
any time. Handsets could ultimately replace Google Checkout is now expanding from
the physical wallet as the major receptacle online to actual in-store payments
for all manner of cards debit, credit, through the introduction of a new
prepaid, loyalty, rewards and even ticketing. smartphone. Theyre exploring other
Consumers could also use capabilities, like mobile banking,
them to take advantage of It is clear that an advertising and identity
digital merchant offers management.
alternative payment
(e.g. coupons
and other transaction- platform based on a mobile GOVERNMENT
based rewards). network is the ultimate REGULATORS
industry direction ARE CRACKING
HONING THEIR TACTICS Recent legislative and regulatory changes,
Advertisers are moving away from static, from the 2009 Card Act to the creation
mass media blitzes and paper coupons to of a new consumer advocacy agency,
focus on a clearer return on investment promise to restrict the credit card
with lower risk by targeting individual industrys marketing and interest rate
consumers, in real time, and with ever practices and impact profitability (to
more precision. Combining smartphones, the tune of $50 billion over the next
the ability to determine the location of five years in the case of the Card Act).
the consumer, and digital coupons gets Its likely that issuers will find a way to
marketers closer to the Promised Land: recoup some, if not all, of the losses
more certain return on their investments from the merchants, or from consumers
and prompt feedback through real-time through modified card agreements.
coupons and rapid redemption.
This brings us back full circle. As the
WIRELESS CARRIERS ARE various players battle it out, retailers will
AGGRESSIVELY SEEKING NEW want to pay close attention in order to
REVENUE STREAMS protect their interests, minimize total
The telecom industry has this huge payments to each party, and gain more
fixed asset base the mobile networks control over the battlefield.
they painstakingly built and theyre
looking to squeeze every last dollar out THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO
of them. Strong competition from the COME
likes of Skype and Google Voice has only Based on the early moves of these key
increased the urgency to do so. Taking players, it is clear that an alternative
A Mobile Payment
Network Primer
A mobile payment network facilitates financial
transactions over a wireless network through
applications and information residing on the
mobile handset. By storing a consumers
existing credit, debit or pre-paid card
information within the phone and employing
near-field communication (NFC) technology,
the mobile phone can be waved near a
payment platform based on a contactless point-of-sale (POS) terminal to
mobile network is the ultimate complete transactions.
industry direction. [See sidebar: A Mobile Wallet as a key part of the overall
A Mobile Payment Network solution provides consumers with the interface
Primer.] to choose a preferred payment method (debit,
credit, prepaid, etc.). Turning a mobile phone
The goal of such a network will
into a mobile wallet involves adding four
be to unbundle the traditional elements to the device:
payment value chain, redesign
NFC Chip, which enables mobile devices
the value equation, and then
to send account information to contactless
selectively reconfigure it payment readers at customer checkouts
to capture in some distinct and other point-of-sale systems;
advantages for whoever gets
A Secure Element, which is used for storing
there first. and accessing applications and financial
data in a secure manner;
Success will require scale and
A Wallet Application, which allows a user
some strategic partnerships.
to manage payment accounts, initiate
Each player or group of players contactless payments, and, through an
seeking to set up a mobile interface, take advantage of additional
payments network will likely services such as advertising, mobile loyalty
and ticketing; and
still partner with or leverage
most of todays incumbents Personalized Account Information, which
(merchant acquirer, payment is applied at the point of sale to validate the
identity of the customer.
network owner, etc.) but may
also attract new participants Mobile payment networks are not an entirely
like mobile network operators, new concept and have been rolled out in some
to help provide the last mile other countries. Japan boasts the largest
deployment of contactless mobile phones
connection. used for making payments in the world by far,
a rollout that began six years ago. More than
How these partnerships are 60 million phones carrying the NFC-like FeliCa
structured and who takes on the chip from Japans Sony Corp. are in circulation.
These phones are used for a wide range of
leadership role will go a long way services like transit ticketing, airline check-in,
in defining who comes out on and building access, to name a few.
top and how long they stay there.
There is evidence of strong consumer interest
in the US and various financial institutions are
HOW WILL THIS cautiously evaluating their options while trying
MOVIE END? to understand the economic benefits and
As the consumer payments challenges it could bring them.
Frank has had the privilege of three professional careers ranging from structural
engineering to corporate mergers and acquisitions to (over the past 13 years)
strategic management consulting. His primary focus is on helping clients capture
value from complex business transformations.
Frank is an incurable learner and is very passionate about helping others
through volunteer activities. He holds a Bachelors degree in Structural
Engineering, a Masters in Finance, and an MBA from MIT Sloan with a
focus on Financial Engineering.
Inder has an international MBA from HEC France and a degree in Process
Control Engineering. He was one of the 3 finalists for a global social venture
business plan competition (for Organic Groundnuts), and he actively supports
causes of eye donation and welfare for handicapped kids in India. He is a
strong believer in Karma Yoga and enjoys reading the Bhagwad Gita.
he show Mad Men has richly revived the portrait
of the iconic 50s housewife, who made choices
for her family by reading ads in newspapers
and taking advantage of Wednesdays deals. As we all
know, that consumer is gone. In her place is someone
increasingly technically savvy, connected, perhaps more
frugal, and certainly more pressed for time.
Large retailers like Walmart, who deal sheets. He believes his real value is in the
directly with the new consumer, have relationship, and its hard to blame him:
known this for a long time, and have been he has no real line-of-sight from the local
pioneers in just-in-time inventory manage- mom and pop or mega-store in his ter-
ment. Unfortunately, the consumer pack- ritory to his companys P&L. On top of
aged goods (CPG) companies of the world that, he is given competing priorities, so he
are up against an ongoing problem: how to has to use intuition and work-arounds to
manage a large, distributed field sales force decide what needs to be done where, and
against the demands of a big box retailer, a by when.
small mom and pop, and the demands of
the consumer in the aisle. The most progressive consumer products
companies have begun to address this
DIGITAL VALUE CHAIN breakdown with mobile,
This new complex world dictates CPG web-based collaboration tools.
Business Units
the need for a digital value They are finding that, al-
chain a near real-time Account though difficult to imple-
feedback loop that con- ment, web-based col-
nects the consumers laboration among all
wishes with the inventory the many players the
and supply systems of Retail Store
company business unit,
the retailer, all the way the brand manager, the
back to the CPG company Sales Force sales force, and the retail
and its business, marketing stores can deliver ben-
and R&D departments. Also Supply Chain efits to the tune of hundreds
somewhere within that loop is the of millions in incremental
sales rep for the CPG company, who has a revenue and margins for all involved.
longstanding personal relation-ship with the
retail store manager. THE CHALLENGE
But theres a reason CPG manufacturers
And this is where the breakdown in the have been slow to embrace technology to
digital value chain nearly always occurs. enable their sales reps. And just as it was
with the rep who wields a spreadsheet
Because the sales rep is out on the floor, to manage inventory, its hard to blame
pushing product, placing displays, handling the CPG companies: they have 100+
in-store signage and overseeing in-store products across 30,000 stores in 100
trade promotions, youd expect theyd have different regions. Add in all the product
access to all sorts of market information. authorization required for warehouse and
Youd also expect that information would be direct-to-store supply chain variations,
digested, analyzed and transmitted back to as well as managing a 1,000+ field sales
corporate, to help drive better decisions. organization, and P&L management by
the business units at headquarters, and you
But this kind of analysis and data transfer can begin to visualize the complexity of a
on an enterprise level requires technology. systemic organizational change.
And most sales reps use spreadsheets and
manual lists to manage promotions, prod- So, yes, these transformations do not hap-
ucts, stores and inventory. pen overnight. But they have to happen.
Even when enterprise tools are provided, No packaged goods company can afford
the sales rep often does his own shadow to have a sales force that is underleveraged
accounting on the more familiar spread- and ineffective.
to secure buy-in and ownership or smart phones that are easy to use in
promotion period itself. The software all retail stores drive equal revenue. So sales
should help the sales rep do his job bet- reps have to be given information that will
ter, get higher incentive pay, and empow- encourage them to plan retail execution
er him with mobile insight. more effectively to focus their time on the
stores that generate the most revenue, and
At the same time, the software should to spend time in the stores most effectively.
empower the account team as well,
helping them prepare presentations for While we know that salespeople feel their
various store chains, and helping them personal relationships are always more im-
monitor sales force activity or promo- portant than technology, and often distrust
tions success. software designed by corporate, there
is reason to believe that corporate can get
SUMMARY smarter, and that the current handhelds,
Consumer packaged goods companies can smart phones and tablets are finally getting
increase incremental revenue by becoming so easy to use, even adults can use them.
more effective in planning and executing
retail activities including trade promotions. At the very least, when the salesman collides
Every promotion generates a lift for both with that modern consumer in the aisle, his
the company and the retailer, although not technology should be worthy of hers.
What Most Companies Get Wrong,
and How to Get Metrics Right
f youve been around corporate metrics programs,
youve probably heard the horror stories. The
fast food chain whose employees started making
every chicken sandwich to order because management
began measuring the amount of waste. Sounds good,
but order time and wait time went up exponentially,
and customer satisfaction scores dropped precipitously.
Or the more common: the customer service rep who
dumps callers abruptly after helping them in order to
meet call volume targets.
What to Who to
Measure Measure
Process Inputs Process
and Outputs Owners
Align to
How to
What data is required Measure What dashboards and
and where should Technology reports do we need? How
it be captured? do we automate delivery?
Be open to evolving and refining the Once you begin assigning metrics to
metrics from one period to the next individuals or departments, make sure the
in line with changing priorities and metric owners have continuous visibility
to data so they can adjust levers and To make a metrics program successful, it
behaviors to drive performance. Having must avoid the common pitfalls and: a)
a scorecard of performance as a visible measure the right performance given the
reminder of pending action is a significant company strategy, b) allow for the right
motivator. Visible success is an even ownership, and c) be systematic
stronger motivator. Once an individual, and consistent.
team or the whole organization can visibly
see improvement in metrics towards theSo while metrics are absolutely critical,
desired target, they will be motivated to
relying solely on them to understand
sustain the momentum. whats happening in a business is a sure-
fire path to failure. A little qualitative
CONCLUSION analysis and anecdotes can be quite
Be careful what you measure, because telling and should complement any
you may get more of it than you want. metrics program. Most importantly,
While this is an often quoted clich, get engaged; youll see if a process is
it is true without exception. achieving the desired outcome, and if
not, why.
Over the last 23 years, Sharad has served many clients. He got his start at
American Airlines, was trained in consulting at McKinsey, and then worked
for supply chain software company i2 Technologies. He holds a Bachelors degree
in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, a
Masters in Industrial Engineering from SUNY Buffalo, and an MBA from Wharton.
The Rise of Unstructured Data
rank Eliason, a lone customer service manager
for Comcast, was sitting in his living room fielding
customer service calls on his headset, when he
saw an article about a new status messaging service. He
thought it might be another way to reach the customers
who called him daily with service problems.
So Frank logged into the service, registered under the
handle @comcastcares, and began to make history.
But even more than being a new vehicle From the structured data, we can learn
to reach and serve customers, Twitter data that 2010 Model X is a car model,
taught Comcast what kinds of problems Navigation System is a component, and
its customers were having, so it could defective is a condition: we can define
tweak its products and eliminate the prob- the relationships between those three
lems. It also made Frank into something fields so we know that the navigation
of a social media star. system in a particular 2010 Model X is
Frank was a pioneer in a new form of
business social business wherein cus- UNSTRUCTURED DATA IS
tomers expect to talk to brands, and expect DIFFERENT
to be answered, often in near-real time. He Unstructured data, on the other hand, is not
got information about Comcast customers stored in a relational database, or at least
that was not available before social media. not one in which the data model is relevant
to the meaning of the data. For example,
Now imagine if you could get that kind of someone posts to an automotive forum on
insight into your prospects, your custom- the internet:
ers, your competitors, your products and
what customers like and dislike about your The GPS in my 2010 Model X is constantly
product without all that People today are getting me lost!
manual monitoring. People leaving a vast digital It stops receiving any signal for
today are leaving a vast minutes at a time, and when it
data trail on social media
digital data trail on social finally decides to tell me where I
media sites, in customer sites, in customer call am, half the time its wrong. Of
call center issues logs, and center issues logs, or in course it worked perfectly when I
in emails. was at the dealer for my last oil
phone calls, but most
change. How do I demonstrate
But most companies dont companies dont tap this the problem for them
know how to tap this data unstructured data and so that they can fix it?
and use it to improve their use it to drive business
business. The same basic informa-
tion is contained in this
Although its impossible to paragraph, but the database
know for sure, some estimates say 80-85 that stores the text cannot tell us so. This
percent of the data handled by modern database is organized around different
businesses is unstructured data. Even as pieces of text, dates, times and the users
the volume of structured data explodes, who post to the forum.
unstructured data grows even more quickly
because of the shift to social business. Examples of unstructured data also in-
Customers never talked back to the brand clude e-mails and notes from call centers.
before. Now they can, and they do.
The structure in structured data comes BUSINESS VALUE
from an abstract model that is created to The best way to get a good view of your
describe the data. The model gives names business is to look at a mixture of unstruc-
to each field in a database and defines the tured and structured data. Lets return to the
relationships between the fields. Take, for example of the defective GPS to demon-
example, an automobile manufacturer. strate how both kinds of data are important.
Assuming that the defect is present across maker get compensation from third-party
multiple vehicles, the automaker will find suppliers.
out eventually, from service center records And for public relations reasons, its in the
(structured data), that there is a flaw in companys interest to contact a customer
the component. It will then launch an who is having service problems and cor-
investigation into the root cause, craft an rect the problem at a higher level.
appropriate, cost-effective process for
handling the defective part, and then com- HOW DOES THIS WORK?
municate and train its service centers on No company wants to pay an employee to
this process. sit and search automotive forums all day,
counting potential issues and taking notes.
The sooner this process can be developed, So IT managers need a system that moni-
the lower the overall cost of the defect will tors not only the structured records from
be to the automaker. Hence the earliest its service centers, but unstructured data
warning benefits the automaker the most from online forums, twitter streams, blogs
especially if this warning comes before and other types of digital social media.
customers even start showing up to have the
defect repaired (unstructured data). Luckily, search and indexing technology
to monitor publicly-available unstructured
For certain vehicle components, it may be data is abundant. So is business intelli-
more cost-effective to simply replace a de- gence (BI) technology that enables manag-
fective component than try to diagnose the ers and statisticians to define and create
problem and fix it. Hence, the service center the reports and predictions relevant to
records (structured data) may contain very their business.
little data about the symptoms of breakages,
while the online forum postings (unstruc- The third technological pillar of an
tured data) may contain a lot of detail and unstructured data mining system is text
this information would be necessary to mining the use of computer processing
determine the root cause of the problem. to understand patterns and trends in text.
It uses techniques such as natural language
Knowing the root cause can help ensure processing to help understand syntax &
that future components do not carry the context, sentiment scoring to discern posi-
same defect, and perhaps help the auto- tive and negative attitudes, and intelligent
Forums, Blogs
External Sources & Alerts
Social Networks
Forums, Blogs
Point of Sale
Service Tickets
External Sources
Industry Research Data
each other. Most companies start out on the rise. Marketing can test reactions to
with comprehensive human monitoring various price increases. Product develop-
of their forums, but as the activity levels ment can learn which features customers
grow, this often becomes too labor-inten- are responding most to.
sive to scale.
While social CRM platforms typically With this much opportunity, there should
include some data structure, such as dis- be a clear market leader in unstructured
cussion categories and contributor ratings, data analysis. Instead we have a host of
mining the meat of the discussions competing tools & vendors, making the
can be rewarding. For example, a semi- tool / services selection difficult.
conductor manufacturer might choose to
monitor its engineer forums for mention In general, the tools / services fall into
of competitor products. This could help three main buckets Business Intelligence,
it learn about features that its customers Online Analytics and Predictive Analytics.
are interested in that the company doesnt The BI market is well established and domi-
currently offer, or even about customer nated by Oracle, IBM and SAP. The online
accounts that might be in danger of being analytics space has been attracting the most
lost to competition. attention (especially social media), but the
rate of innovation in this area is slowing.
And dont just give the unstructured data The area that usually comes last to mind for
assignment to marketing and IT. Although most companies is predictive analytics, yet
most of the attention is typically focused the most rapid innovation is occurring in
on marketing in getting better infor- this space.
mation about potential customers, or
customer service there are many other Unfortunately, there is no ERP
scenarios where insights can be shared for analytics.
across other business units to reduce costs
or provide better service. GAME PLAN FOR SUCCESS
Thus, although the opportunity for making
For example, insights from customer sup- use of unstructured data may be clear,
port can be used to drive product lifecycle; there are a few challenges in making this all
or research from competitive intelligence work together. We recommend a struc-
can drive R&D investment. HR can learn tured game plan focused on business value.
what recruits and prospective employees
say about the company in social media, First, companies must try to articulate the
and it can learn why employee turnover is business value that unstructured data would
He is an expert in digital operations and IT strategy, and has helped several global
organization on digital business strategies, process improvement, and implementation
Prior to Infosys, Akash was an early employee of a software startup (since acquired
by IBM), where as a product manager, consultant and general man Friday he helped define, market and sell portal dashboard solutions. He has graduate degrees
in Physics and Computer Science.
Q What is your fundamental rule of Q Forecast the biggest trend of the
consulting? next five years.
Simplify the complicated. Consumerization of IT or Enterprisation
of consumer IT. Fancy ways of saying
Q What would you never be caught I like the way Facebook, iPad, iPhone,
without? Twitter and Skype work for my life, and
My pants, at least in a business setting, I would like the same at work. Please.
and a sense of humor.
omewhere in a boardroom right now, a $50
million business transformation project
is getting the green light. For the next
several years, it will consume massive amounts of
the companys resources, and generate reams of
requirements documentation and process flows.
31% But it doesnt have to be this way.
There are three major mistakes
companies make in their transformation
1994 2008 projects that, if avoided, would improve
their odds for success:
In 1994, 84% of all major projects were either 1. They fail to recognize the importance
challenged or cancelled. Fourteen years later, of the set direction phase;
68% of projects still meet that same grim fate.
Or maybe theyve come to accept the The VP of Sales bends the CEOs ear,
fact that this is the way it is long- claiming the sales force has been hobbled
term projects rarely produce the results for years by bad software. Its time to rip
expected. And this fact is so widely it out and replace it with something that
accepted, the actual consequences for works! Make it so, the CEO orders,
failure are minimal. sending the IT people into a frenzy,
evaluating software, getting a systems
In the end, its very likely that they integrator on board and working feverishly
simply dont know a better way. The to get the project going before the funding
typical process cycle analyze, gather is turned off.
During the Set Direction phase, budgets If we plan to grow organically, how are
and schedules were their top priorities, we going to do that? Is it a matter of
and delivering measurable business benefits pricing? Cost optimization?
ranked in the middle of the
pack of concerns. And unless youre running a
philanthropic organization, value for the
But once the project was concluded, the customer should translate into value for
concerns flip-flopped: a majority of the company.
executives complained that the program
did not meet quantifiable business objectives, while Third, figure out what capabilities
budgets and schedules landed near the are required to create customer and company
bottom of their concerns. value.
Here you have to conduct an end-to-end with todays special on a silver platter,
process continuum analysis, to show the initial cost may be the least of the
what the desired customer experience will companys concerns. But once program
look like across the enterprise. Include sponsors commit to a system, they begin
all stakeholders from sales to order to understand its true costs. They try
management to fulfillment to installation to minimize the rest of the program by
to customer service. taking short cuts software gets randomly
customized, test cycles are reduced, any
Too often companies waste endless effort at change management is skipped.
amounts of time gathering requirements And they discover too late that software
when they should be defining alone cannot fix process problems.
capabilities. Requirements-gathering
relies too much on anecdote Sheila in Without a clear process for handling
Accounts Receivable wants a specific prioritization and weighing such issues
feature that will make her job easier. as customization versus standardization,
Never mind that it costs $125,000 and chaos reigns. Personality and subjectivity
has no quantifiable benefit. rule the day, and people overrun the
Instead, they should ensure capabilities
are driven by features that customers When looking for where to start or what
actually value. Armed with that to improve, trust your customers, not
knowledge, companies can set a direction just the loudest guy in the room. Getting
that truly addresses customer needs. back to our VP of Sales (and hes just
todays example it could just as easily be
Take the time to answer these three marketing, manufacturing or anyone else),
questions upfront, and the overall odds he might grab the CEO and complain,
of success will go up dramatically, while Were spending too much time keying
total investment over the long term stuff into our CRM tool. I dont want to
should decrease. key anything in. So to make his rainmaker
happy, the CEO sends down an order:
MISTAKE #2 Were going to stop keying stuff in.
CAN SOLVE A PROCESS Now the order management and
PROBLEM fulfillment people who rely on that data
Software vendors can be aggressive in dont have the information necessary
selling the sizzle of their software, and to do their job, and they get the order
executives tend to eat it up like a big wrong. So when the order shows up in
T-bone steak. New York instead of Omaha, the sales
guy is now resolving customer support
And its no wonder. Theyre hungry! And issues instead of focusing on his next
overwhelmed, with data, processes, internal sale. All because one influential person
resource performance problems. Between ended up setting the priorities for
web interaction, call center reports, emails, transformation.
service calls, chat forums, and social media
sites, communication is all-encompassing The voice of the customer adds a powerful
and never-ending. Companies struggle to element of objectivity to the internal
get a handle on it all and properly interact debate. Too often, political considerations
with the customer. and whoever pounds the table the hardest
wins the day. Rather than appointing a
So when a software vendor shows up person to make decisions, its better to
A seasoned leader and Six Sigma certified Black Belt, Peter has led
Customer Operations transformations for various clients. He has also received
the top business consultant in the world award from his son, Aidan.
Peter Maloof
Brandon holds a degree in German and Political Science from the University of Texas at Austin. His
band Sub Ether Radio has an album (Fuchsias Jewel) available on iTunes.