Good Sample Stage2

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Assessing Your Potential for an

Entrepreneurial Career

he discussion in Stage One should have served to dispel many of the popular myths concerning
entrepreneurship. This section will expand on the theme of entrepreneurial characteristics by
proposing and discussing two important questions that are vital to you if you are interested in an
entrepreneurial career:
1. Are there certain common attributes, attitudes, and experiences among entrepreneurs that appear to
lead to success?
2. If such attributes, attitudes, and experiences exist, can they be learned or are they inborn and thus
available only to those with a fortunate heritage?
Research into these questions suggests that the answer to question 1 is yes, while the answer to ques-
tion 2 is both yes and no. These answers, of course, are of little value to you on their own without some
further explanation.


In 1980, Tom Wolfe wrote a perceptive bestseller that examined the lives of Americas leading test pilots and
astronauts. According to Wolfe, becoming a member of this select club meant possessing The Right Stuff
i.e., the proper mix of courage, coolness under stressful conditions, a strong need for achievement, technical
expertise, creativity, etc. While Wolfe was not talking about entrepreneurs, his viewpoint is similar to the basic
thesis held by many members of the people school of entrepreneurship: A person has to have the right stuff
to become a successful entrepreneur.
There is considerable evidence, however, that a great deal of the ability and right stuff needed to
become a successful entrepreneur can be learned (though probably not by everyone).

While most writers in the field of entrepreneurship agree that there is no single profile, no specific set of char-
acteristics, that defines a successful entrepreneur, there do appear to be some common attributes, abilities,
and attitudes. Prior to proceeding any further with our discussion of these entrepreneurial characteristics, it is
suggested that you take the Entrepreneurial Quiz that appears as Figure 2.1, starting on page 34. This will
enable you to compare your personal attitudes and attributes with those of practising entrepreneurs.


In a study of the 21 inductees into the Babson University Academy of Distinguished Entrepreneurs, only
three attributes and behaviours were mentioned by all 21 as the principal reasons for their success, and they
were all learnable:
1. Responding positively to all challenges and learning from mistakes
2. Taking personal initiative
3. Having great perseverance

Realistically assess your potential for an

entrepreneurial career

Understand the Understand the Evaluate Conduct a

personal attributes demands the your managerial personal financial
important for success entrepreneurial role skills assessment
in a business will make on you
of your own and your family

Develop a Develop a
personal personal
balance sheet budget

Assess your strengths and weaknesses

that will affect your ability to
achieve your entrepreneurial goals

Other research has uncovered different lists of common learnable attributes. These qualities are also very
desirable in the people with whom entrepreneurs want to surround themselves in building a high-
potential business.
Following is a summary of the attitudes and behaviours that can be valuable in turning a business dream
into reality. The proposed characteristics represent the conclusions of over 50 separate research studies into
the essential nature of the entrepreneur.


More than any other single factor, a combination of perseverance and total dedication is critical. In many
cases these qualities have won out against odds considered impossible to overcome.
Determination and commitment can compensate for other weaknesses you may have. It requires substantial
commitment to give up a well-paying job, with its regular paycheques, medical insurance, and pension and profit-
sharing plans, and start out on your own.
16 Building a Dream

Entrepreneurs are driven by an immense desire to achieve the goals they initially set for themselves and then
to aim for even more challenging standards. The competitive needs of growth-minded entrepreneurs are to
outperform their own previous best results, rather than just to outperform another person. Unlike most people,
entrepreneurs do not allow themselves to be concerned with failure. What they think about is not what they
are going to do if they dont make it, but what they have to do to succeed.


Growth-minded entrepreneurs are more focused on the nature and extent of their opportunity rather than
resources, structure, or strategy. They start with the opportunity and let their understanding of it guide these
other important issues. Entrepreneurs are able to sense areas of unmet needs and their potential for filling
these gaps. Effective entrepreneurs set goals consistent with their interests, values, and talents. These goals
are generally challenging but still attainable. Their belief in the reality of their goals is a primary factor in
their fulfillment of them. Having goals and a clear sense of direction also helps these persons define
priorities and provides them with a measure of how well they are performing.


Successful entrepreneurs are action-oriented people; they want to start producing results immediately. They
like to take the initiative and get on with doing it, today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.


Entrepreneurs are not intimidated by the number or severity of the problems they encounter. In fact, their
self-confidence and general optimism seem to translate into a view that the impossible just takes a little
longer. They will work with a stubborn tenacity to solve a difficult problem. This is based on their desire to
achieve the goals they have established for themselves. However, they are neither aimless nor foolhardy in
their relentless attack on a problem or obstacle that can impede their business, but tend to get right to the
heart of the issue.

The best entrepreneurs have a keen sense of their own strengths and weaknesses and of the competitive
environment in which they operate. In addition, they know when they are in trouble and have the strength
to admit when they are wrong. This reality orientation allows them to avoid continuing on an ill-advised
course of action.


Entrepreneurs have a burning desire to know how they are performing. They understand that to keep score and
improve their performance they must get feedback, digest the results, and use the information they receive to
do a better job. In that way they can learn from their mistakes and setbacks and respond quickly to unexpected
events. For the same reason, most entrepreneurs are found to be good listeners and quick learners.

Successful entrepreneurs trust the fate of their ventures to their own abilities. They do not believe that
external forces or plain luck determine their success or failure. This attribute is consistent with their achieve-
ment and motivational drive and desire to achieve established goals.
In a similar vein, entrepreneurs are not joiners. Studies have shown that the need for affiliation, or a high
need for friendship, often acts as a deterrent to entrepreneurial behaviour.

The self-confidence displayed by entrepreneurs is based on their feeling that they can overcome all the nec-
essary challenges and attain their desired goal. They almost never consider failure a real possibility. While
this self-confidence implies a strong ego, it is a different kind of ego an I know Im going to do well type
of attitude.
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 17


Entrepreneurs tolerate ambiguous situations well and make effective decisions under conditions of uncertainty.
They are able to work well despite constant changes in their business that produce considerable ambiguity in
every part of their operation.
Entrepreneurs take change and challenge in stride and actually seem to thrive on the fluidity and
excitement of such undefined situations. Job security and retirement are generally not of great concern
to them.


Despite the myth that suggests entrepreneurs are gamblers, quite the opposite is true. Effective entrepreneurs
have been found, in general, to prefer taking moderate, calculated risks, where the chances of losing are neither
so small as to be a sure thing nor so large as to be a considerable gamble. Like a parachutist, they are willing to
take some measurable and predetermined risk.
The strategy of most entrepreneurs also includes involving other parties in their venture to share the burden
of risk: Partners put money and reputations on the line; investors do likewise; and creditors and customers who
advance payments, and suppliers who advance credit all share in the financial risk of the business.

Another important attribute of high-performance entrepreneurs is their ability to treat mistakes and failures
as temporary setbacks on the way to accomplishing their goals. Unlike most people, the bruises of their
defeats heal quickly. This allows them to return to the business world again soon after their failure.
Rather than hide from or dismiss their mistakes, entrepreneurs concede their errors and analyze the
causes. They have the ability to come to terms with their mistakes, learn from them, correct them, and use
them to prevent their recurrence. Successful entrepreneurs know that they have to take personal responsi-
bility for either the success or the failure of their venture and not look for scapegoats when things do not work
out. They know how to build on their successes and learn from their failures.


Entrepreneurs derive great personal satisfaction from the challenge and excitement of creating and building
their own business. They are driven by a high need for achievement rather than a desire for status and power.
It is important, therefore, to recognize that power and status are a result of their activities and not the need
that propels them.
In addition, when a strong need to control, influence, and gain power over other people characterizes
the lead entrepreneur, more often than not the venture gets into trouble. A dictatorial and domineering
management style makes it very difficult to attract and keep people in the business who are oriented toward
achievement, responsibility, and results. Conflicts often erupt over who has the final say, and whose
prerogatives are being infringed upon. Reserved parking spaces, the big corner office, and fancy auto-
mobiles become symbols of power and status that foster a value system and an organizational culture not
usually conducive to growth. In such cases, the businesss orientation toward its customers, its market, or
its competitors is typically lost.
Successful entrepreneurs appear to have a capacity to exert influence on other people without formal
power. They are skilled at conflict resolution. They know when to use logic and when to persuade, when to
make a concession and when to win one. In order to run a successful venture, entrepreneurs must learn to
get along with many different constituencies, who often have conflicting aims customers, suppliers, finan-
cial backers, and creditors, as well as partners and others inside the company.


Long-term personal and business relationships are built on honesty and reliability. To survive in the long
run, an approach of Do what you say you are going to do! is essential. With it the possibilities are
unlimited. Investors, partners, customers, suppliers, and creditors all place a high value on these
attributes. Success resulting from dishonest practices is really long-term failure. After all, anyone can
lie, cheat, or steal and maybe get away with it once, but that is no way to build a successful
entrepreneurial career.
18 Building a Dream



1. Creativity have the ability to look at problems and needs from different angles and think outside
the box
2. Goal-orientated constantly set goals for themselves that challenge their creativity and strengths
3. Hard-working willing to work long hours to complete tasks, go the extra mile
4. Commitment remain focused on an idea or task
5. Willing to take the initiative always want to be first, do not sit back and wait for others to take
the initiative
6. Spirit of adventure willing to try something new and different, pioneer
7. Positive attitude do not let minor setbacks hinder their progress toward their overall goal
8. Self-confident believe in themselves and their idea
9. Persistence keep working at a problem until they solve it or find an alternative
10. Need to achieve strong desire to accomplish something in life and leave a legacy

Entrepreneurs who create and build successful businesses are not isolated, super-independent types of indi-
viduals. They do not feel they have to receive all of the credit for their success, nor do they feel they have to
prove they did it all by themselves. Just the opposite situation actually tends to be true. Not only do they rec-
ognize that it is virtually impossible to build a substantial business by working alone, but they also actively
build a team. They have an ability to inspire the people they attract to their venture by giving them respon-
sibility and by sharing the credit for their accomplishments. This hero-making ability has been identified as
a key attribute of many successful corporate managers as well.
In addition to these characteristics, other attributes that have been associated with successful
entrepreneurs are the following:
1. They are determined to finish a project once it has been undertaken, even under difficult conditions.
2. They are dynamic individuals who do not accept the status quo and refuse to be restricted by habit
and environment.
3. They are able to examine themselves and their ideas impartially.
4. They are not self-satisfied or complacent.
5. They are independent in making decisions while willing to listen to suggestions and advice from others.
6. They do not blame others or make excuses for their own errors or failures.
7. They have a rising level of aspirations and expectations.
8. They have a good grasp of general economic concepts.
9. They are mature, self-assured individuals who are able to interact well with people of varying per-
sonalities and values.
10. They are able to exercise control over their impulses and feelings.
11. They have the ability to make the very best of the resources at hand.
The consensus among most experts is that all of these personal characteristics can be worked on and
improved through concerted practice and refinement. Some require greater effort than others, and much
depends on an individuals strength of motivation and commitment to grow. Developing these attributes
should not be very different from personal growth and learning in many other areas of your life.
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 19


The attributes listed next are those that many experts consider to be innate, and thus not acquirable to any
great degree. Fortunately the list is quite short. It is from these not-so-learnable characteristics that the con-
clusion that entrepreneurs are born, not made is principally derived. However, while possessing all these
attributes would be beneficial, there are many examples of successful business pioneers who lacked some of
these characteristics or who possessed them to only a modest degree:
1. High energy, good health, and emotional stability
2. Creativity and an innovative nature
3. High intelligence and conceptual ability
4. The ability to see a better future and a capacity to inspire others to see it
It is apparent from this discussion that entrepreneurs work from a different set of assumptions than most
ordinary people. They also tend to rely more on mental attitudes and philosophies based on these
entrepreneurial attributes than on specific skills or organizational concepts.
Many of these points are summed up in An Entrepreneurs Creed in the Key Points feature below, a
general philosophy outlining the entrepreneurial approach to doing business.

The purpose of this discussion has been to have you evaluate your personal attitudes, behaviour tendencies,
and views to determine the extent to which you seem to fit the typical entrepreneurial profile. Now you should
complete Figure 2.2 on page 38, the Personal Self-Assessment Questionnaire, which will help you summa-
rize your feelings regarding your potential for self-employment.
Many of these attitudes are illustrated by the comments made by Tom Poole in Entrepreneurs in
Action #2 and Elizabeth Scott in Entrepreneurs in Action #3. Poole, for example, feels the principal
character trait common to himself and other entrepreneurs is the act of faith their strong belief that their
concept or idea is fantastic, and their readiness to jump in with both feet. Is this approach always
successful? Of course not. But by being flexible and driven by a strong desire to make it, he feels these
individuals succeed more often than they should.


1. Do what gives you energyhave fun.
2. Figure out how to make it work.
3. Anything is possible if you believe you can do it.
4. If you dont know it cant be done, then youll go ahead and do it.
5. Be dissatisfied with the way things areand look for ways to improve them.
6. Do things differently.
7. Businesses can fail. Successful entrepreneurs learn from failurebut keep the tuition low.
8. Its easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission in the first place.
9. Make opportunity and results your obsessionnot money.
10. Making money is even more fun than spending it.
11. Take pride in your accomplishmentsits contagious.
12. Sweat the details that are critical to success.
13. Make the pie biggerdont waste time trying to cut smaller pieces.
14. Play for the long haul. Its rarely possible to get rich quickly.
15. Remember: Only the lead dog gets a change in scenery.
20 Building a Dream

For Scott, business is a gritty reality involving constant responsibility and considerable stress rather
than the glamorous lifestyle commonly perceived by the general public. Yet she and others like her are con-
tinually prepared to undertake such burdens. Why? Perhaps, she comments, its the need to challenge them-
selves, to test their potential, to push the boundaries, reach goals, fulfill a mission, and make this wonderful
world better. After all, she reflects, is this not the essence of an unbridled human spirit?

2 Entrepreneurs in
a c t i o n

The Entrepreneur Exposed

Over the years, people have asked me many questions that an idea is great but requires more research, and
about my business. But there are two questions I have some spend years explaining to their friends how they
found myself answering most often: Why did you had developed the concept long before Ms. X (who
give up a promising career to leap into the world of went on to make a fortune with the idea). But true
the entrepreneur? (which my father-in-law continues entrepreneurs leap in with both feet.
to ask me weekly) and, Would you do it again? For I decided to jump in February 1989. I quit my high-
the longest time I was unable to provide good paying, secure job with a multinational company,
answers, and quite frankly, I never gave them much moved my wife and two and one-half children into a
thought. However, as I grow older and perhaps more camper van, and set out to find a business to run. My
philosophical, I have pondered these questions. The gamble paid off the company I eventually bought
answers are slowly beginning to take shape, and I has grown from three employees, a 1,800 square-foot
believe my conclusions might shed some light on factory and $350,000 in annual sales to the
entrepreneurs in general. current 800 employees, five production facilities and
I think the answers lie in a character trait common $80 million-plus in revenue.
to most, if not all, entrepreneurs. By entrepreneur, Do entrepreneurs always succeed? Of course not.
I do not mean the corporate executive who takes an We simply dont hear as much about the failures. But
early retirement package to start a home-based con- entrepreneurs do succeed more often than circum-
sulting business (not that theres anything wrong with stances suggest they should. Why? Often for what
that). I am talking about that crazy s.o.b. who quits business schools call the wrong reasons: the speed
his job as a C.A. and sells his mother to secure the of their decision-making, the dearth of analysis and
capital needed to start a rubbish-collection company. the fact that they hold nothing back, financially,
Take a look around you at the entrepreneurs that you physically or emotionally. How do these seemingly
know. What do these people have in common? Are irrational actions improve the chances of success?
they all a little wacky? Eccentric? Unorthodox? Most By acting quickly, the entrepreneur reduces the like-
likely; it goes with the territory. lihood of having the idea stolen; the cursory anal-
If the prospective entrepreneur were reasonable and ysis allows the entrepreneur to avoid an analysis-
orthodox, he or she would use conventional methods of paralysis affliction; and by investing everything, the
measuring the risk associated with giving up every- consequences of failure are so dire that . . . well, they
thing for a leap into the unknown.The consequence of just cannot afford to fail! . . . .
conducting a proper decision-tree analysis would be Now back to the questions that I have been asked
that no one would ever take the step. so many times over the years. First, why did I do it?
So how does an entrepreneur approach the go/no- Well, it was a mix of about one part crazy and two
go decision-making process? Well (at the risk of parts ignorance. And once I had taken the plunge, it
revealing that I never really had a master plan), I was about 100 per cent fear. Most entrepreneurs, if
think the typical entrepreneur does some initial pressed for an honest response, would likely acknowl-
research, becomes absolutely convinced that his or her edge that their early days were not unlike mine.
idea is fantastic, and jumps.This act of faith is the lit- Would I do it again? The answer is complicated. In
mus test for entrepreneurs. Some people may decide this hypothetical situation, assuming I had the
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 21

knowledge I have now, the answer is a categorical you saw the same things go by again and again. It
No. Of course not. I would know that what I was became rather boring. The roller coaster, on the other
undertaking was probably close to impossible. hand, was exhilarating, sometimes even frightening.
Equipped with this information, my analysis would But once she had ridden the roller coaster, she could
result in a no-go decision. I may be crazy, but Im never go back to the merry-go-round.
not stupid! So, having taken the plunge and ridden the roller
But if you re-phrase the question and ask whether I coaster, I can never return to the merry-go-round.
would take another entrepreneurial plunge, the answer And to those of you who are riding the merry-go-
is Yes, of course.Why? I think the Steve Martin film round, mix yourself a cocktail consisting of one part
Parenthood contains the best answer to that question. crazy and two parts ignorance. Drink it in one gulp
Toward the end of the movie, a mother explains life to and go for the ride of your life. (
her risk-averse son (Martin). She tells of being young
and going to the fair with his father. He always wanted Source: Tom Poole, The Entrepreneur Exposed,
to ride on the merry-go-round, while she preferred the PROFIT (, July 12, 2001. Used with
roller coaster. On the merry-go-round, she explained, permission.

3 Entrepreneurs in
a c t i o n

Planet Entrepreneur
What galaxy was I visiting when I decided to Why do entrepreneurs undertake such burdens?
become an entrepreneur!? Why are we compelled to initiate action, solve prob-
I ask this question every once in a while to relieve lems, produce results? I suspect every entrepreneur
stress. For all the hype associated with has a unique response. Perhaps its the need to chal-
entrepreneurship, the reality is anything but glam- lenge ourselves, to test our potential, to push the
orous. The idea that entrepreneurs have plenty of boundaries, reach goals, fulfill a mission, make this
time to enjoy foamy lattes, schmooze and parlay wonderful world better. Is this not, after all, the
acquaintanceships into cash is largely fiction. essence of an unbridled human spirit?
Managing my business more often involves lunches In 1996 I launched WOMAN as a home-based
at Taco Bell or Wrap-n-Go, with the odd flourish of business; I wanted to be in my own environment,
warmth from a Second Cup coffee. accessible to my kids, do what I love and solve child-
For an entrepreneur, responsibility, as Cervantes care dilemmas all at once. (Writing off the rent was
Don Quixote says of death, perches forever upon the also appealing.) But working from home is not for
shoulder. It is a constant companion, an ever-present everyone. I sometimes long for a quiet place to go.
reminder of the impact decisions and actions can But Ive learned to work in close quarters with
have on the business and on others. Super Nintendo. Ive perfected focus, which has
Running a company is much like caring for a fam- helped me manage the workload.
ily I have one of those too. Mornings begin with And there are small rewards. Ben and Byron
getting everyone organized and making sure my two sometimes join me at work-related events. Earlier
sons get to school with full knapsacks and lunch- this year, they came to a conference in Ottawa to lis-
bags. I then step delicately through the blanket of ten to world-renowned women leaders. They found
paper that is my office floor and begin the day. My some speakers less than relevant, but not U.S.
relationship with WOMAN newsmagazine is my comedian Kathy Buckley. As she told of facing such
third 24-hour-a-day commitment. Since each was monumental challenges as deafness, abuse and a
born, Ben and Byron have rested on one shoulder, tragic accident, her strength of spirit made a dis-
WOMAN on the other. tinct impression, and may have instilled in them a
22 Building a Dream

Entrepreneurs in Action #3 continued

new understanding of how I was able to launch and talking, negotiating and forming strategic
WOMAN in the face of daunting odds. alliances, underneath it all perhaps were really
Sharing the entrepreneurial experience with the reaching out to connect with someone to whom we
guys somehow makes the responsibilities feel less think we may relate, to share our experiences,
onerous. Maybe the load seems lighter because Im thoughts and self with another human being.
sharing it with people I care about.Which is why Ive
started to think maybe there is some truth in the per-
ceptions that non-business owners have of Source: Elizabeth Scott, Planet Entrepreneur, PROFIT,
entrepreneurs. For all the time we spend schmoozing November 1999. Used with permission.


As you can see from the Entrepreneurs in Action examples, not all entrepreneurs are the same. John Warrillow,
a Toronto-based marketing consultant, spent three years interviewing more than 500 small-business owners.
He used that research to develop attitudinal profiles for three entrepreneurial archetypes:
CRAFTSPEOPLE Comprise 60 per cent of small business owners and derive their sense of self-worth from
their mastery of a craft or trade. While they dont think of themselves as entrepreneurs, they still have the
resources and confidence to operate independently. They are more interested in developing their skills than
growing their revenue and generally work alone or employ one other person, often a spouse.
FREEDOM FIGHTERS They work hard to control their own destiny. Thats because their prime motivator isnt
growth, but simply being in business for themselves. They comprise 30 per cent of all small businesses and
typically employ 3 to 50 staff and grow less than 30 per cent a year. More than half the freedom fighters are
college educated, and 30 per cent are women. They are more likely to hire family and tend to treat their staff
as family members.
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS They are the 10 per cent of growth-oriented business owners who are motivated
almost solely by achievement, usually measured in terms of company growth. You can usually identify
mountain climbers by the fact that their companies grow by more than 30 per cent annually. As a result,
they are the most high-profile and high-profit group. More than 75 per cent have college or university
degrees. These go-getters work long hours, and expect a lot from themselves and their staff. Eighty-three
per cent claim to be married.1
If you are planning to go into a business of your own, into which of these three groups do you think you
would fall? Mountain climbers are the people we tend to read about in the newspapers and financial maga-
zines and are likely to be the kind of individuals profiled throughout this book. It is important to recognize,
however, that not everyone can or wants to be a mountain climber and there are many other opportunities for
you to start a business and still be quite happy and do very well.


There is a lot more to succeeding as an entrepreneur than just having the proper background, attitudes, and
lifestyle. This next section discusses another factor you should consider in assessing your potential for
becoming a successful entrepreneur: Do you have the requisite managerial and administrative skills needed
to manage and operate a business?
Possessing the necessary managerial skills is an essential ingredient to succeeding in any small
venture. It is estimated that the principal reason for the failure of small firms is poor management. Witness
the experience of restaurateurs Richard Jaffray and Scott Morison (Entrepreneurs in Action #4). They

1. Kara Kuryllowicz, What Kind of Entrepreneur are You?, PROFIT (2000).

Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 23

thought they had learned a lot in building up their chain of Cactus Club Cafes in the lower mainland of
British Columbia. They figured they could do no wrong, decided to branch out, and opened four
additional Clubs, two each in Calgary and Edmonton. Within six months, they knew they had a problem,
and six months later it all fell apart.
What could have gone wrong for these relatively seasoned entrepreneurs? Everything, says Jaffray.
Restaurant locations were selected by price rather than by location as they had been in British Columbia. They
changed the original concept of the restaurants and abandoned their long-time practice of grooming existing
employees to take over the management of new restaurants. They neglected to take local culture into account and
charged British Columbia prices, which were 10 per cent to 20 per cent higher than comparable price levels in
Alberta. In the end, three of the four Alberta locations were closed and the whole experience ended up costing
them about $3 million.
Having learned their lesson and rebuilt the business in British Columbia, the pair are now looking to
take their concept back into Alberta and also to the United States. This time they are not too worried. They
feel they have been through it before and can be successful now. Had we not gone right to the very bottom,
I dont think wed be as successful as we are today, says Jaffray.

4 Entrepreneurs in
a c t i o n

Rock Bottom and Back

Its 4:00 p.m. on a Monday, and business is boom- But that success hasnt come without challenges.
ing in the newest uptown Vancouver location of In 1996 an overzealous expansion into Alberta
Cactus Club Cafe. Hip young 20-somethings lounge brought the company to the brink of ruin. Opening
in leather armchairs at tables surrounding a massive four restaurants in less than 15 months without ade-
centrepiece mahogany bar, drinking Cactus Bellinis, quate research and preparation proved nearly fatal,
a peach/rum/champagne/sangria slurpie billed as says Jaffray. Undaunted by the near-disaster, the
better than sex. Others relax in plush leather
booths next to massive windows framed with
crushed velvet drapes. Still others gather around
glowing-eyed gargoyle fountains, kibitzing with ser-
vice staff as they sample diverse cuisine, ranging
from jerk chicken and sea-salted fries to the
Millionaires Cut filet mignon.
Its an opulent yet informal, eclectic atmosphere
thats become the tongue-in-cheek trademark of
restaurateurs Richard Jaffray and Scott Morison.
From the bawdy paintings in heavy gilt frames to
the glass-enclosed courtyard, river-rock fireplaces
and signature moose heads, the new $1.8-million
restaurant is fanciful and fun. And thats a key

component in Cactus Clubs recipe for success,

says Jaffray. The other ingredients? Innovative,
high-quality food at a reasonable price, he says,
and a service culture bent on entertaining cus-
tomers. Its a formula thats proving popular with
West Coast consumers, fuelling Cactus Clubs ambitious partners rolled up their sleeves to retrench
growth into a 10-chain restaurant with 1998 sales and reorganize. . . . Their long-term goal? No less
of $20 million up from $17 million in 1997. than 200 restaurants across Western Canada and

24 Building a Dream

Entrepreneurs in Action #4 continued

the U.S. in the next 20 years. Our objective, says include five restaurants in the lower mainland. We
Jaffray, is to be the best upscale, casual, fun restau- could do no wrong, says Jaffray.
rant in North America. A lofty ambition, perhaps, Emboldened, in 1996 Jaffray and Morison decided
but one the partners are confident they can meet by to branch out, opening four Cactus Clubs, two each in
learning from their past mistakes and adhering to the Calgary and Edmonton.Within six months, we knew
first rule of business: know thy customers. we were headed for trouble big time, says Jaffray.
In fact, that axiom was instrumental in Jaffrays Six months later, it all fell apart.
decision to abandon his initial idea of launching a What went wrong? Everything, says Jaffray. For
company that would offer party cruises upon arriv- starters, restaurant locations were chosen not by
ing in Vancouver from Calgary in 1984. After living market research as they were in B.C., says Jaffray,
in his 74 Dodge Dart at a local beach for a month, but by price.They tweaked their original concept and
he discovered that Vancouvers often inclement ended up with more of a bar than a fun eatery. A
weather isnt well suited to cruising. longtime practice of grooming existing staff to take
Instead Jaffray began waiting tables for Earls over the management of new restaurants was aban-
Restaurants Ltd., a popular family-restaurant doned; they neglected to take into account local cul-
chain. It was there he met Morison, a fellow waiter tures such as Edmontons tradition of happy hour
and would-be entrepreneur. Eager to strike out on discount drinks. Plus, they charged B.C. prices
their own, two years later the then 21-year-olds 10% to 20% above local price point despite the
hatched a plan to capitalize on the popularity of fact that Alberta costs were lower. Unimpressed by
Expo 86, launching an ice cream and cappuccino the West Coast whiz kids, customers stayed away.
bar called Caf Cucamongas. Staunching mounting losses in Alberta consumed
Revenues reached $250,000 in the first year, the pairs attention.The inevitable result sales flat-
enough to attract the attention of the pairs former lined and even dropped for their B.C. locations. . . .
boss at Earls, Stan Fuller. Impressed with the duos Within a year of opening in Alberta, they realized they
enthusiasm and commitment, Fuller approached would have to cut their losses or lose everything.
them in 1987 about a potential partnership in a new In the end, three of the four Alberta locations were
restaurant geared to a younger clientele. His timing closed. The whole exercise cost about $3 million.
was perfect, since Jaffray and Morison were already says Jaffray.Weve been paying it off for four years.
looking beyond Cucamongas. It was win-win, Fuller is impressed with the pairs courage. To
explains Jaffray. The partnership provided them with their credit, they rolled up their sleeves and changed
the capital they needed to develop a full-scale direction, he says. They went back to what they
restaurant chain, plus access to Fullers expertise knew and then made it better, and worked them-
and experience. In return, Earls got an investment in selves out of the hole. Indeed, getting back on track
a new market without having to manage it. . . . meant building change into the companys overall
Morison and Jaffray sold Cucamongas and wran- management philosophy. The menu for example,
gled a $225,000 bank loan, giving them enough cash which had remained the same for two years, is now
to finance their half-share in the new venture. In changed twice a year. Menu covers are updated
March 1988, the first Cactus Club Cafe opened in every six weeks. . . . Staff are encouraged to use
club-starved North Vancouver. The concept was sim- their own creativity when it comes to service, and
ple: to combine the best attributes of a pub, restaurant managers are responsible for establishing and regu-
and nightclub in a single nightspot. The vision, says larly updating goals. These initiatives seem to be
Jaffray, was to establish a restaurant that would working. Today Cactus Clubs nine restaurants are
become a local neighborhood hangout, with its own all profitable, and posting annual sales increases of
character and vitality. A place where the food and 5% to 22% for the past three years.
atmosphere would entice customers into making a full While Jaffray and Morison remain cautious about
night of it not merely stop in for a drink or dinner. again expanding into a new market, they arent
Cactus Club seemed to fit the bill. Its quirky overly worried. Theyve been through this before.
decor, music, party atmosphere and progressive Had we not gone right to the very bottom, I dont
menu proved popular with hip consumers. The menu think wed be as successful as we are today, says
featured Vancouver firsts such as tortilla wraps and Jaffray. We now know all the things that can go
microbrewed beer on tap. Staff, hired as much for wrong. (
their outgoing personalities as their waiting skills,
were encouraged to engage and entertain cus- Source: Diane Luckow, Rockbottomandback, PROFIT,
tomers. . . . By 1995 Cactus Club had grown to April 1999, pp. 5355. Reprinted with permission.
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 25


Businesses, whether large or small, have to perform a number of diverse functions to operate successfully.
An entrepreneur, because of the limited amount of resources (human and financial) at his or her disposal,
faces a particularly difficult time.
The business skills required by an entrepreneur (or some other member of the organization) can be
broken down by function, as shown in Table 2.1.


Now that you understand the range of skills necessary to enable your new business to succeed, the
Managerial Skills Inventory in Figure 2.3 on page 39 can be used to develop an inventory of your skills and
capabilities in several aspects of management. Your present level of expertise may be anything from minimal
to having a great deal of skill. The goal of the inventory is to assess your present skills, with the purpose of
identifying areas that may need improvement. Since each of these management skills is not required at an
equivalent level in all new business situations, completing this inventory might also provide you with some
insight into the type of business opportunities for which you are best suited.


It should be apparent from the lengthy list in Table 2.1 that few people can expect to have a strong grasp of all
of these skills prior to considering an entrepreneurial career. The key question then becomes where and how
you can acquire these skills. The available means for developing these business skills are outlined below.

Every job you have had should have contributed to the development of some business skills. For example,
working as an accountant might teach you:
1. How to prepare financial statements
2. How to make financial projections and manage money
3. How to determine the businesss cash requirements, among other things


1. Managing money c. Managing inventory

a. Borrowing money and arranging financing d. Filling orders
b. Keeping financial records e. Managing facilities
c. Managing cash flow
4. Directing sales and marketing operations
d. Handling credit
a. Identifying different customer needs
e. Buying insurance
b. Developing new product and service ideas
f. Reporting and paying taxes
c. Deciding appropriate prices
g. Budgeting
d. Developing promotional strategies
2. Managing people e. Contacting customers and making sales
a. Hiring employees f. Developing promotional material and
b. Supervising employees media programs
c. Training employees
5. Setting up a business
d. Evaluating employees
a. Choosing a location
e. Motivating people
b. Obtaining licences and permits
f. Scheduling workers
c. Choosing a form of organization and type
3. Directing business operations of ownership
a. Purchasing supplies and raw materials d. Arranging initial financing
b. Purchasing machinery and equipment e. Determining initial inventory requirements
26 Building a Dream

Working as a sales clerk might teach you:

1. How to sell
2. How to deal with the public
3. How to operate a cash register
Perhaps the best experience, however, is working for another entrepreneur. In that case you will learn to
understand the overall process and skills required to operate your own business.

Many of the functions that service clubs and similar organizations perform in planning and developing
programs are similar to those performed by small businesses. Some examples of what can be learned from
volunteer activities are:
1. How to organize and conduct fund-raising activities
2. How to promote the organization through public service announcements and free advertising
3. How to manage and coordinate the activities of other members of the organization

Universities, community colleges, high schools, and government agencies such as local business
development organizations and the Business Development Bank of Canada provide many programs and
individual courses in which essential business-related skills can be acquired. Some examples of applicable
skills that can be learned from these programs include:
1. Business skills (from particular business classes)
2. Socialization and communication skills (from all school activities)
3. Bookkeeping and record-keeping skills (from accounting classes)

Most of us have friends who through their job experience and education can teach us valuable business skills.
Some examples of useful information we may acquire from this source are:
1. Possible sources of financing
2. Assistance in selecting an appropriate distribution channel for your products
3. Information on the availability of appropriate sites or locations for your business
4. Sources for finding suitable employees

Growing up with an entrepreneur in the family is perhaps the best learning experience of all, even though
you may not be aware of the value of this experience at the time. Some examples of what you might learn from
other members of your family are:
1. How to deal with challenges and problems
2. How to make personal sacrifices and why
3. How to keep your personal life and business life separate
4. How to be responsible with money

Our everyday home experiences help us develop many business skills. Some examples of such skills are:
1. Budgeting income
2. Planning finances
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 27

3. Organizing activities and events

4. Buying wisely
5. Managing and dealing with people
6. Selling an idea
It can be hard for a single individual to wear all these hats at once. Partnerships or the use of outside tech-
nical or general business assistance can be an excellent supplement for any deficiencies in characteristics and
skills a small-business owner may have. Thus, it often becomes essential to identify an individual, or individ-
uals, who can help you when needed. This outside assistance might come from one of the following sources:
1. A spouse or family member
2. A formal partnership arrangement
3. Hired staff and employees
4. External professional consultants
5. A formal course or training program
6. Regular idea exchange meetings or networking with other entrepreneurs


In addition to your managerial capabilities, your financial capacity will be a very important consideration in
your decision as to whether an entrepreneurial career is right for you. It will certainly be a critical factor to
those you may approach for a loan to provide investment capital for your venture.


Your personal balance sheet provides potential lenders with a view of your overall financial situation so they
can assess the risk they will be assuming. Generally, if you are in a strong financial position, as indicated by
a considerable net worth, you will be considered a desirable prospect. On the other hand, an entrepreneur with
a weak financial position and a large number of outstanding debts may not meet the standards of most lenders.
From a personal standpoint, you might also want to reconsider becoming a small-business owner if you
cannot afford a temporary or perhaps even a prolonged reduction in your personal income.
Your personal balance sheet includes a summary of all your assets what you own that has some cash
value and your liabilities or debts. Preparing a personal balance sheet is a relatively simple process:
Step 1 Estimate the current market value of all your assets the items you own that have cash
value and list them.
Step 2 Add up the value of these assets.
Step 3 List all your debts, also known as liabilities.
Step 4 Add up your liabilities.
Step 5 Deduct your total liabilities from your total assets to find your net worth.
Figure 2.4 on page 41 shows a Sample Balance Sheet Form that you can use to help organize your assets and
liabilities. The items listed are not exhaustive; the form is provided only as a guide for thinking about your
present position. Since every business opportunity has its own unique capital (money) requirements, there is
no specific dollar value for the personal net worth necessary to start a business. However, you should keep
in mind that most private lenders or lending institutions typically expect a new small-business owner to pro-
vide at least 40 to 50 per cent of the capital required for start-up. In addition, lenders consider the net worth
position of prospective borrowers to determine their ability to repay the loan should the new business fail.


As well as determining your present net worth, you must also consider your personal living expenses when assess-
ing your ability to provide the total financing needed to start a new business. In fact, you should evaluate your
personal financial needs while in the process of determining whether an entrepreneurial career is right for you.
28 Building a Dream

In some situations you will need to take money from the business each month to pay part or all of your
personal living expenses. If such is the case, it is crucial that this amount be known and that at least that
much be set aside to be paid out to you each month as a salary.
If your new business is starting off on a limited scale, you might wish to continue holding a regular job
to cover your basic living expenses and provide some additional capital to your fledgling operation. In some
cases, your spouses income may be sufficient to cover the familys basic living expenses and it may not be
necessary to consider your personal financial needs in making a go/no-go decision.
The Personal Living Expenses Worksheet shown in Figure 2.5 on page 43 is an effective means of esti-
mating your present cost of living. From the totals on the worksheet, you can calculate the minimum amount
of money you and your family will require on a regular monthly basis and determine from what sources this
regular income will be obtained.


It is not enough simply to possess a large number and high level of the characteristics previously discussed
as prerequisites for a successful entrepreneurial career. There are also certain external conditions, pressures,
and demands inherent in the small-business ownership role itself.
While successful entrepreneurs may share several characteristics with successful people in other
careers, entrepreneurs preference for and tolerance of the combination of requirements unique to their role
is a major distinguishing feature.
Many of these requirements were mentioned earlier. What follows is a discussion of a few of the most rel-
evant issues you should consider concerning your degree of readiness and preparedness for such a career.


As an entrepreneur you must live with the challenge of trying first to survive in the business world, then to
stay alive, and always to grow and withstand the competitive pressures of the marketplace. Almost any ven-
ture worth considering requires top priority on your time, emotions, and loyalty. As an entrepreneur you must
be prepared to give all youve got to the building of your business, particularly during the initial stages of
its development. Anything less than total commitment will likely result in failure.

Stress, the emotional and physiological reaction to external events or circumstances, is an inevitable result
of pursuing an entrepreneurial career option. Depending on how it is handled, stress can be either good or
bad for an entrepreneur. The better you understand how you react to stressful situations, the better you will
be able to maximize the positive aspects of these situations and minimize the negative aspects, such as
exhaustion and frustration, before they lead to a serious problem.
Stress, in the short term, can produce excellent results, because of its relationship to the type of behaviour
associated with entrepreneurial activities, especially during the start-up stage of a new business. There is some
evidence that once individuals become accustomed to producing under stressful conditions, they seem to
continue to respond in a positive manner; entrepreneurs tend to create new challenges to replace the ones they
have already met, and to continue to respond to those challenges with a high level of effectiveness.


Entrepreneurs engaged in for-profit as opposed to social or not-for-profit organizations must share the
basic values of the free enterprise system: private ownership, profits, capital gains, and growth. These dom-
inant economic values need not exclude social or other values. However, the nature of the competitive mar-
ket economy requires belief in, or at least respect for, these values.


With the collapse of Enron and WorldCom and other incidents of a similar nature in the world of big business
in recent years, a dramatic increase in the ethical expectations of all businesses and professionals has
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 29

occurred. Increasingly, consumers, clients, employees, and others are seeking out those who define the basic
ground rules of their businesses on a day-to-day basis.
Entrepreneurs are typically faced with many ethical decisions. These may relate to such issues as
potential conflicts of interest between your personal situation and the interests of your business; temptations
to provide gifts, expensive entertainment, or even bribes or kickbacks to certain people or organizations in
order to attract or influence their business activity; or the use of proprietary or confidential information in
order to influence the outcome of a deal or a sale. To be successful as an entrepreneur, it is important that
you act and conduct your business in an ethical manner, and the significance of ethics when initiating a new
venture must be emphasized.
What specifically do we mean by ethics? One dictionary defines it as the moral quality of a course
of action; fitness; propriety.2 One could think of ethics as a set of principles outlining a behavioural code
that lays out what is good and right or bad and wrong. Ethics may also outline obligations and appropriate
moral actions for both the individual and the organization.3 The problem with these kinds of definitions,
however, is that they think of ethics as a static description, implying that society universally agrees on cer-
tain fundamental principles that everyone regards as being ethical. With society being a dynamic and
rapidly changing environment, however, such a consensus clearly does not exist. In fact, considerable
conflict and general disagreement over what would be considered ethical in most decision situations is
probably more typical.
Another dilemma for the entrepreneur is the issue of legal versus ethical considerations. Survival of
their business is a strong motivating factor for most entrepreneurs and the question arises as to how far they
can go in order to help their business become established and successful. The law provides the boundaries
defining just what activities are illegal (although they are often subject to some interpretation) but it does
not provide any specific guidance for ethical considerations. So what is legal and illegal is usually very clear
but what is ethical and unethical is frequently not obvious. Rather, situations involving ethical issues are
often very ambiguous.
Because the system is so unclear and filled with situations involving potential conflicts, entrepreneurs
need to commit to a general strategy for ethical responsibility. Many professional organizations and business
associations have a code of ethics that members are expected to follow. Failure to do so can result in expul-
sion from the organizations. Definity Global Solutions, an employee-recruiting agency in Toronto, for
example, is a member of the Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services (ACSESS)
and prominently displays the associations code of ethics on its Web site ( This
code is reproduced in the Key Points feature on the next page.
Many organizations, on the other hand, prefer to develop their own codes of ethics or conduct. These
documents often lay out in considerable detail just how the companys management and employees are
expected to behave in particular situations and what the company feels is the right thing to do. Home
Security Metal Products, a supplier of security systems and alarms in the Ottawa area, has developed a very
specific code of conduct that spells out how its customers are to be treated and how particular situations are
to be handled by its managers and employees ( The company
would like to see its code accepted by others in the industry as well. This code is reproduced in the Key
Points feature on page 31.
Having a code of ethics can be a great start but it may not be sufficient to take the greyness out of an
ethical situation and help you to determine a solution. It is easy to charge ahead without thinking and then
rationalize your decision after the fact. Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale suggest using an
Ethics Check that helps you to sort out dilemmas by examining the situation at several different levels.
Their Ethics Check is intended to help you clarify issues by addressing three questions when confronted
with an ethical problem:
1. Is it legal?
Will you be violating either civil law or your organizations code of ethics?

2. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed., William Morris, Ed.
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000).
3. V.E. Henderson, The Ethical Side of Enterprise, Sloan Management Review, Spring 1982, p. 38.
30 Building a Dream



1. We will serve our clients, candidates and employees faithfully, with integrity and professionally.
2. We will observe the highest principles of honesty and fair practice in dealing with clients, candidates,
employees and all regulatory authorities, and will respect the confidentiality of records in accordance
with law and good business practices.
3. We will provide leadership in the adherence to both the spirit and letter of all applicable human rights,
employment laws and regulations. We will treat all candidates and employees without prejudice and
will not accept an order from any client that is discriminatory in any way.
4. We will take all reasonable steps to provide clients with accurate information on each candidates
employment qualifications and experience, and will only present those candidates who have given us
authorization to represent their application for employment.
5. We will supply candidates and employees with complete and accurate information as provided by the
client, regarding terms of employment, job descriptions and workplace conditions.
6. We will not recruit, encourage or entice a candidate whom we have previously placed to leave the
employ of clients, nor will we encourage or coerce an individual to leave any assignment before com-
7. We will not restrict the right of a candidate or employee to accept employment of their choice.
8. We will maintain the highest standards of integrity in all forms of advertising, communications and
solicitations, and will conduct our business in a manner designed to enhance the operation, image and
reputation of the employment, recruitment and staffing services industry.
9. We will recognize and respect the rights and privileges of competitors in the true fashion of individual
initiative and free enterprise and refrain from engaging in acts of unfair competition.
10. We will continually work toward strengthening our business relationships and continually improve our
Source: Definity Global Solutions Inc. (, accessed December 11, 2003.

2. Is it balanced?
Is it fair to all concerned in the short term as well as the long term? Does it promote winwin
3. How will it make you feel about yourself?
Will it make you proud?
Would you feel good if your decision was published in the newspaper?
Would you feel good if your family knew about it?4
Regardless of the approach, having a code of ethics can be the foundation for the success of your business.
By being honest and truthful and adhering to a clearly defined set of principles, not only will you feel good
about yourself but you will also gain the respect of your customers, suppliers, bankers, and other business
Consider the views of Elias Vamvakas of TLC Laser Eye Centres described in Entrepreneurs in
Action #5. TLC clinics became the largest provider of laser eye surgery in the world, and Vamvakas attributes
much of this success to the goodwill cycle the company created for the business and to a very conscious
effort on its part to follow a specific set of ethical business practices. It is clear that integrity and ethical
conduct can have a powerful impact on your success in creating a successful and growing business.

4. K. Blanchard and N.V. Peale, The Power of Ethical Management (New York: William Morrow and Co. Inc., 1988), p. 27.
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 31



1. An outright sale of an alarm panel should be accompanied by an explanation of the purpose of the
installers code and the capability of the lockout feature. The installers code will be changed only for
both parties protection during that time when the panel is being monitored by the alarm company.
Should the customer decide to obtain his monitoring services elsewhere, the original company will
always change the code back to factory default at no cost to the customer.
2. Panels purchased outright by a customer will never be locked by the alarm company providing the
monitoring services.
3. All panels will be tested to the Central Station, and as much as is possible or practical, will have all
programming checked via upload/download software at some time following the end of the installation
to assure that the system will function properly in an emergency and is programmed properly.
4. All alarm panels will have an autotest programmed in for the protection of the client.
5. Customers will not be sold proprietary equipment that cannot be monitored elsewhere other than the
original installing companys Central Station.
6. Customers will be fully trained by the alarm company in the use of the system, including ways to pre-
vent common user-caused false alarms. Panels will be programmed as much as possible with false-
alarm prevention codes designed to assist in preventing false dispatches by authorities.
7. Companies will not knowingly solicit other companys monitored accounts. Customers wishing to leave
will be treated with the same respect due when they were paying customers. If approached by a client
coming from another firm, a courtesy call to the other company is in order, letting the company know
what the client is planning to do, and giving the company a chance to save the account.
8. Customers will not be marketed to in such a way as to deceptively lead them to believe they are being
given a free alarm system, and will be told clearly up front that this is simply another way to
finance their purchase of an alarm system.
9. Companies should use care and good taste in advertising, such that fear tactics are never employed to
sell services.
10. Older customers should have special attention and training paid to them, to ensure that they are actually
capable of using the alarm system properly, before they commit to purchase.
11. Companies should at all times make it a high priority to install systems using only the best of components
highly rated to prevent false alarms.
12. Salesmen selling alarm systems will not knowingly sell system designs that their companys installers
cannot actually provide, leaving frustrated and unhappy customers. Sales staff will not engage in
selling practices that emphasize mini-systems solely for the purposes of obtaining more monitoring
contracts with less installation time and work for installation staff. All options including full perimeter
system protection will be outlined to the customer.
13. All commitment terms of any long-term contracts for monitoring services will be clearly explained to
the buying customer. Customers should be given a copy of any agreement and encouraged to read it
through and clarify points they dont understand.
14. Companies removing leased systems will make every effort to remove all accompanying decals from
the premises when they remove the equipment.

Source: Home Security Metal Products (, accessed December 11, 2003.
32 Building a Dream

5 Entrepreneurs in
a c t i o n

Goodwill Hunting
Right from the beginning, we knew we had found a We felt that the ulti-
great business idea that we truly believed in, but the mate winner in this
challenges of tackling a new, emerging industry were emerging industry
daunting. Looking back, we have learned that our would be the organiza-
success began with a goodwill cycle that started tion that provided the
with ethical business practices. Doing the right thing, highest level of clinical
along with hard work, has sustained us through care while maintaining
startup through the challenge of presenting public a business environment
offerings, and still forms the basis of each decision to founded on integrity
this day. It all started on the day I received a call and the desire to
from my best friend, Dr. Nick Nianiaris. He was com- always do the right
pletely exasperated with his friend and colleague, thing. We decided to never take short cuts or
Dr. Jeff Machat, who was about to throw away his jeopardize clinical care to satisfy business or
career. Dr. Machat, an award-winning ophthalmology financial needs.
graduate, had a potentially incredible future ahead of Following these principles set in motion what I
him, but he wanted to risk it all to perform a revolu- call a goodwill cycle. Our company, with only
tionary new procedure called PRK (a procedure one clinic in Windsor, Ontario, started to get a rep-
using a highly accurate laser to reshape the front utation for providing incredible results. It soon
part of a persons eye, eliminating the need for became one of the busiest clinics in the world,
contacts or glasses). attracting worldwide attention. Dr. Machat was
My job, as the only senior business person that open to sharing his knowledge and experience.
these young doctors knew, was to convince the way- Doctors came from all over the world to talk with
ward Dr. Machat that he should get back to practic- him, and manufacturers of lasers came with their
ing medicine as a real doctor. But I couldnt do it. blueprints and asked him to help with their
He had traveled the world to study this new laser, designs. This openness and focus on positive clini-
and was extremely excited about the results. I was cal results attracted excellent doctors to TLC.
so impressed with his personality and drive that I Having the best doctors provided more referrals,
became hooked on the same dream we believed leading to the opening of more clinics, which
PRK would change the world as we knew it. TLC attracted more of the best doctors, and so on.
Laser Eye Centres was born. This goodwill cycle also extended to the staff,
We spent two years doing research on the proce- whose work involved helping people to see better.
dure, the outcomes and other surgical business mod- Positive affirmation (including hugs, chocolates, flow-
els throughout the world before raising the initial ers and thank-yous) from delighted patients became a
funds ($1.5 million from three investors and mort- tremendous motivator. The staff loved their jobs and
gages on both Dr. Machats house and my own). Our it began to show. Over the last five years, we have
time was filled with opportunities, decisions, and grown to employ close to 1,000 people. We currently
many hours of phone calls per week. It was difficult hire more than two new employees every day. . . .
to decide upon an approach to entering this emerg- I have learned one very important lesson in
ing industry. We considered setting up hospital asso- business: Ethical business practices always work
ciates, stand-alone clinics, and private clinics that out for the best and unethical practices always
simply rented equipment to doctors. We considered result in disaster. Decisions about right and wrong
direct consumer marketing models as well as mobile need to be made every day. Will you strive to honor
systems. We even considered just being a financial the intent of an agreement rather than the words
company, providing consulting services and money that may be translated in your favor? Pay individ-
to emerging practices. But as new partners, we uals what they deserve, not just what they will
made one key agreement: I would not be involved in accept? Promote based on merit, not friendship?
clinical decisions and he would not be involved in Try to preserve the reputation of competitors? We
business decisions. try to do the right thing, because although it may
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 33

take a while before actions produce the appro- and you really want to do it, you can achieve what
priate reaction, they always do. others consider impossible.
In the early 90s, the thought of laser vision cor-
rection was preposterous. But the industry has out- Source: By Elias Vamvakas, Chairman and CEO, TLC
performed everyones expectations, growing close to Vision Corporation, Goodwill Hunting,
100% per year since U.S. FDA approval. And TLC
is the largest provider of this service in the world. I (,
believe that if you know what you are doing is right accessed December 9, 2003.

The Entrepreneurial Assessment Questionnaire in Figure 2.6 on page 44 is designed to help you recap your
thinking concerning what you need to become a successful entrepreneur. The questions involve consider-
ations at various stages of a businesss development, and some may not be applicable to the stage you have
currently reached in your business planning. However, you should answer all applicable questions.
If you have answered all the questions carefully, youve done some hard work and serious thinking. Thats a
positive step. If your answer to most of the questions was yes, you are on the right track. If you answered no to
some questions, you have more work to do; these questions indicate areas where you need to know more or that
you need to do something about. Do what you can for yourself, but dont hesitate to ask for help from other sources.
This assessment of your entrepreneurial potential is based on a series of self-evaluations, and for it to
reveal anything meaningful, an absolute requirement is for you to be completely honest with yourself. This,
however, is only the first step. The road to entrepreneurship is strewn with hazards and pitfalls and many who
start on it fall by the wayside for one reason or another. However, those who persevere and reach the end by
building a successful venture may realize considerable financial and psychological rewards as well as a lot
of personal satisfaction.
The remainder of this book can help you evaluate other important parts of this process and improve your
chances for success. It will help you decide what else you need to consider and enable you to go after it.
Good luck!

Video Case #2

Reaching for the Heights

Contractor Steve Smith came up with an idea to make extension ladders safer. He
thought he had a cant miss product, one that retailers would be begging for, so he
created a company called Strong Arms to make and market his ladder accessories.
But getting his product into hardware stores across Canada has been a tougher task
than even he imagined.

Questions for Discussion

1. What benefits might Smith have derived if he had initially sought help from out-
side sources, such as the manager of his local Home Hardware store?

2. According to retailers, what elements are essential for the successful launch of a
tangible product such as the Strong Arm?

3. Why arent retailers more willing to be of assistance to a budding entrepreneur?

4. What are the benefits of licensing your product to a national company like
Caradon versus simply marketing the product yourself?
34 Building a Dream


Below are a number of questions dealing with your personal background, behavioural characteristics,
and lifestyle patterns. Psychologists, venture capitalists, and others believe these to be related to
entrepreneurial success. Answer each question by placing an X in the space that best reflects your
personal views and attitudes.The most important result of this exercise will be an honest, accurate self-
assessment of how you relate to each of these dimensions.

Rarely Mostly
or no or yes

1. Are you prepared to make sacrifices in your family life and take
a cut in pay to succeed in business? ______ ______
2. Are you the kind of individual that once you decide to do something
youll do it and nothing can stop you? ______ ______
3. When you begin a task, do you set clear goals and objectives
for yourself? ______ ______
4. When faced with a stalemated situation in a group setting, are you
usually the one who breaks the logjam and gets the ball rolling again? ______ ______
5. Do you commonly seek the advice of people who are older and more
experienced than you are? ______ ______
6. Even though people tell you It cant be done do you still have to find
out for yourself? ______ ______
7. When you do a good job, are you satisfied in knowing personally that
the job has been well done? ______ ______
8. Do you often feel, Thats just the way things are and theres nothing
I can do about it? ______ ______
9. Do you need to know that something has been done successfully
before, prior to trying it yourself? ______ ______
10. Do you intentionally try to avoid situations where you have to converse
with strangers? ______ ______
11. Do you need a clear explanation of a task before proceeding with it? ______ ______
12. Are you a good loser in competitive activities? ______ ______
13. After a severe setback in a project, are you able to pick up the pieces
and start over again? ______ ______
14. Do you like the feeling of being in charge of other people? ______ ______
15. Do you enjoy working on projects that you know will take a long time
to complete successfully? ______ ______
16. Do you consider ethics and honesty to be important ingredients for a
successful career in business? ______ ______
17. Have you previously been involved in starting things like service clubs,
community organizations, charitable fund-raising projects, etc.? ______ ______
18. Did your parents or grandparents ever own their own business? ______ ______
19. When you think of your future do you ever envision yourself running
your own business? ______ ______
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 35

Rarely Mostly
or no or yes

20. Do you try to do a job better than is expected of you? ______ ______
21. Do you make suggestions about how things might be improved on
your job? ______ ______
22. Are you usually able to come up with more than one way to solve a
problem? ______ ______
23. Are you between 25 and 40 years of age? ______ ______
24. Do you worry about what others think of you? ______ ______
25. Do you read a lot of books, particularly fiction? ______ ______
26. Do you take risks for the thrill of it? ______ ______
27. Do you find it easy to get others to do something for you? ______ ______
28. Has someone in your family shared with you his or her experience
in starting a business? ______ ______
29. Do you believe in organizing your tasks before getting started? ______ ______
30. Do you get sick often? ______ ______
31. Do you enjoy doing something just to prove you can? ______ ______
32. Have you ever been fired from a job? ______ ______
33. Do you find yourself constantly thinking up new ideas? ______ ______
34. Do you prefer to let a friend decide on your social activities? ______ ______
35. Did you like school? ______ ______
36. Were you a very good student? ______ ______
37. Did you hang out with a group in high school? ______ ______
38. Did you actively participate in school activities or sports? ______ ______
39. Do you like to take care of details? ______ ______
40. Do you believe there should be security in a job? ______ ______
41. Will you deliberately seek a direct confrontation to get needed results? ______ ______
42. Were you the firstborn child? ______ ______
43. Was your father or another older male generally present during your
early life at home? ______ ______
44. Were you expected to do odd jobs at home before 10 years of age? ______ ______
45. Do you get bored easily? ______ ______
46. Are you sometimes boastful about your accomplishments? ______ ______
47. Can you concentrate on one subject for extended periods of time? ______ ______
48. Do you, on occasion, need pep talks from others to keep you going? ______ ______
49. Do you find unexpected energy resources as you tackle things you like? ______ ______
50. Does personal satisfaction mean more to you than having money to
spend on yourself? ______ ______

36 Building a Dream

Entrepreneurial Quiz continued

Rarely Mostly
or no or yes

51. Do you enjoy socializing regularly? ______ ______

52. Have you ever deliberately exceeded your authority at work? ______ ______
53. Do you try to find the benefits in a bad situation? ______ ______
54. Do you blame others when something goes wrong? ______ ______
55. Do you enjoy tackling a task without knowing all the potential
problems? ______ ______
56. Do you persist when others tell you it cant be done? ______ ______
57. Do you take rejection personally? ______ ______
58. Do you believe you generally have a lot of good luck that explains
your successes? ______ ______
59. Are you likely to work long hours to accomplish a goal? ______ ______
60. Do you enjoy being able to make your own decisions on the job? ______ ______
61. Do you wake up happy most of the time? ______ ______
62. Can you accept failure without admitting defeat? ______ ______
63. Do you have a savings account and other personal investments? ______ ______
64. Do you believe that entrepreneurs take a huge risk? ______ ______
65. Do you feel that successful entrepreneurs must have advanced college
degrees? ______ ______
66. Do you strive to use past mistakes as a learning process? ______ ______
67. Are you more people-oriented than goal-oriented? ______ ______
68. Do you find that answers to problems come to you out of nowhere? ______ ______
69. Do you enjoy finding an answer to a frustrating problem? ______ ______
70. Do you prefer to be a loner when making a final decision? ______ ______
71. Do your conversations discuss people more than events or ideas? ______ ______
72. Do you feel good about yourself in spite of criticism by others? ______ ______
73. Do you sleep as little as possible? ______ ______
74. Did you ever have a small business of your own while in school? ______ ______

Adapted from Judy Balogh et al., Beyond a Dream: An Instructors Guide for Small Business Explorations (Columbus: Ohio State
University, 1985), pp. 2628.


The answers provided in Table 2.2 for the Entrepreneurial Quiz represent the responses that best exemplify
the spirit, attitudes, and personal views of proven, successful entrepreneurs. Here they are not arranged in
numerical order (174) but by the characteristic that they are measuring (personal background, behaviour
patterns, and lifestyle factors).
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 37


Personal Background
Most Desirable Response Question Number
Rarely or No 30, 36, 37, 43
Mostly or Yes 17, 18, 23, 28, 32, 35, 28, 42, 44, 74

Behaviour Patterns
Most Desirable Response Question Number
Rarely or No 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 24, 39, 40, 48, 54, 57,
64, 65
Mostly or Yes 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29,
31, 33, 41, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55,
56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69

Lifestyle Factors
Most Desirable Response Question Number
Rarely or No 25, 34, 51, 67, 71
Mostly or Yes 1, 3, 15, 19, 59, 63, 70, 72, 73


Answering this questionnaire will let you determine the extent to which your responses match those that best
exemplify the spirit, attitudes, and personal views of proven, successful entrepreneurs. To determine your
score, count the number of your responses that appear to be correct in Table 2.2 and mark it in Table 2.3.
Your responses in Table 2.3 have also been arranged by the characteristic they are measuring (your personal
background, behaviour patterns, and lifestyle factors).


Number of Most Desirable Responses

Your Personal Background /14
Your Behaviour Patterns /46
Your Lifestyle Factors /14
Total Number of Most Desirable Responses /74


The Entrepreneurial Quiz is not intended to predict or determine your likely success or failure. However, if
you answer and score the questionnaire honestly, it will provide considerable insight into whether you have
the attitudes, lifestyle, and behavioural patterns consistent with successful entrepreneurship.
The higher your number of most desirable responses, the more your responses agree with those of
successful entrepreneurs. High levels of agreement indicate that you may have the right stuff to suc-
ceed in an entrepreneurial career. You should make certain, however, that your responses reflect your real
opinions and attitudes.
38 Building a Dream

The word may is highlighted above because of the overwhelming importance of one particular set of
attributes/characteristics: commitment, determination, and perseverance. Scoring well on the test is not nec-
essarily a guarantee of entrepreneurial success. Anything less than total commitment to your venture, and
considerable determination and perseverance, will likely result in failure, regardless of the degree to which
you may possess other important attributes. Your total commitment and determination to succeed helps con-
vince others to come along for the ride. If you are not totally committed, both financially and philosophi-
cally, to the venture, it is unlikely that potential partners, your employees, bankers, suppliers, and other cred-
itors will have the confidence in you to provide the level of support your business will require.

Several other instruments are available that will also enable you to assess your potential for an
entrepreneurial career. You might check out:

Am I an Entrepreneur? Self-Assessment Quiz This quiz will allow you to compare yourself
with successful self-made businesspeople on some key traits and characteristics. It provides a comprehensive
individual assessment and will give you some insight into your own distinctive style.

National Entrepreneurship Test A light-hearted test from PROFIT magazine that enables you to rate
your business potential. (

Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment A questionnaire from the Business Development Bank of Canada

on attitude and lifestyle that will enable you to assess how consistent your character is with that of proven
successful entrepreneurs.

The Entrepreneur Test Do you have what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur? This interactive quiz
will help you assess your entrepreneurial skills and indicate to what extent you have the personal traits impor-
tant to a business owner. (


1. What personal weaknesses did you discover from analyzing your responses to the questionnaire?

2. Do you feel you can be an entrepreneur in spite of these weaknesses?

Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 39
3. What can you do to improve your areas of weakness?

4. What did the questionnaire indicate as your strengths?

5. Do your strengths compensate for your weaknesses?

6. Does your lifestyle appear to be compatible with the demands of an entrepreneurial career?


The following questionnaire can be used to develop an inventory of your skills and capabilities in each
of the five areas of management outlined in this Stage. For each management area, the questionnaire
lists some corresponding skills. Rate your present level of expertise for each skill listed by placing an
X under the appropriate number in the charts below (1 indicates minimal skill, while 5 indicates a
great deal of skill). Beneath each section, in the space provided, briefly describe where and when you
obtained this experience.
The goal of this inventory is to assess the level of your present skills, with the purpose of identifying
areas that may need improvement.

Borrowing money and arranging financing     
Keeping financial records     
Cash flow management     
Handling credit     
Buying insurance     
Reporting and paying taxes     

40 Building a Dream

Managerial Skills Inventory continued

Describe where and when you obtained this expertise.

Hiring employees     
Supervising employees     
Training employees     
Evaluating employees     
Motivating people     
Scheduling workers     
Describe where and when you obtained this expertise.


Purchasing supplies and raw materials     
Purchasing machinery and equipment     
Managing inventory     
Filling orders     
Managing facilities     
Describe where and when you obtained this expertise.


Identifying different customer needs     
Developing new product and service ideas     
Deciding appropriate prices     
Developing promotional strategies     
Contacting customers and making sales     
Developing promotional material and a media program     
Describe where and when you obtained this expertise.
Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 41

Choosing a location     
Obtaining licences and permits     
Choosing a form of organization and type of ownership     
Arranging initial financing     
Determining initial inventory requirements     
Describe where and when you obtained this expertise.


Name: ___________________________________________
as of
________________ ________ _______
(Month) (Day) (Year)

Cash & cash equivalents
Cash ____________
Chequing/savings ____________
Canada Savings Bonds ____________
Treasury bills ____________
Short-term deposits ____________
Money market funds ____________
Other ____________
Subtotal ____________
Investment property ____________
Business Interests ____________
Subtotal ____________
Registered assets
Registered Retirement Saving Plan (RRSP) ____________
Employers pension plan
(Registered Pension Plan: RPP) ____________
Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) ____________
Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) ____________
Other ____________
Subtotal ____________
Personal Property
Home ____________
Seasonal home ____________

42 Building a Dream

Sample Balance Sheet Form continued

Cars and/or other vehicles ____________

Equipment ____________
Collectibles (art) ____________
Jewellery ____________
Household furnishings ____________
Subtotal ____________
Guaranteed Income Certificate
(GIC) and term deposits ____________
Mutual funds ____________
Stocks ____________
Bonds ____________
Life insurance (cash surrender value) ____________
Provincial stock savings plan ____________
Subtotal ____________
TOTAL ____________(A)
Credit card debt ____________
Personal line of credit, margin account ____________
Instalment loans (e.g., car, furniture,
personal loans) ____________
Demand loans ____________
Loans for investment purposes ____________
Tax owing (income and property) ____________
Other ____________
Subtotal ____________
Mortgage home ____________
Mortgage seasonal home ____________
Mortgage investment property ____________
Other ____________
Subtotal ____________
TOTAL ____________(B)


Liquid assets vs. short-term debt
Total assets ____________(A)
Total liabilities ____________(B)
Assets exceed debt by ____________
(Debt exceeds assets by) ____________
Debt-equity ratio (liabilities/net worth) ____________

Net worth (assets less total liabilities) ________(A B)

Stage 2 Assessing Your Potential for an Entrepreneurial Career 43




Rent or house payments (including taxes) $____________
Car payments (including insurance) ____________
Appliances/TV payments ____________
Home improvement loan payments ____________
Personal loan payments ____________
Health plan payments ____________
Life insurance premiums ____________
Other insurance premiums ____________
Miscellaneous payments ____________
Total $____________
Food at home $____________
Food away from home ____________
Total $____________
Clothing, cleaning, laundry, shoe repair $____________
Drugs ____________
Doctors and dentists ____________
Education ____________
Union and/or professional dues ____________
Gifts and charitable contributions ____________
Travel ____________
Newspapers, magazines, books ____________
Auto upkeep, gas, and parking ____________
Spending money, allowances ____________
Total $____________
Telephone $____________
Gas and electricity ____________
Water ____________
Other household expenses, repairs, maintenance ____________
Total $____________
1. Regular monthly payments $____________
2. Food expense ____________
3. Personal expenses ____________
4. Household operating expenses ____________
Total Monthly Expenses $____________

*This budget should be based on an estimate of your financial requirements for an average month based on a recent 3- to 6-month
period, and should not include purchases of any new items except emergency replacements.
44 Building a Dream



1. Are you the kind of person who can get a business started and run it
successfully? ____ ____
2. Think about why you want to own your own business. Do you want it enough
to work long hours without knowing how much money youll end up with? ____ ____
3. Does your family go along with your plan to start a business of your own? ____ ____
4. Have you ever worked in a business similar to the one you want to start? ____ ____
5. Have you ever worked for someone else as a supervisor or manager? ____ ____
6. Have you had any business training in school? ____ ____


7. Have you saved any money? ____ ____
8. Do you know how much money you will need to get your business started? ____ ____
9. Have you figured out whether you could make more money working for
someone else? ____ ____
10. Have you determined how much of your own money you can put into the business? ____ ____
11. Do you know how much credit you can get from your suppliers the people
from whom you will buy? ____ ____
12. Do you know where you can borrow the rest of the money needed to start
your business? ____ ____
13. Have you figured out your expected net income per year from the business?
(Include your salary and a return on the money you have invested.) ____ ____
14. Can you live on less than this so that you can use some of it to help your
business grow? ____ ____
15. Have you talked to a banker about your plans? ____ ____


16. Do you know what licences and permits you need? ____ ____
17. Do you know what business laws you have to obey? ____ ____
18. Have you talked to a lawyer about your proposed business? ____ ____


19. If you need a partner who has money or know-how, do you know someone
who will fit someone with whom you can get along? ____ ____
20. Do you know the good and bad points about going it alone, having a
partner, and incorporating your business? ____ ____


21. Do most businesses in your community seem to be doing well? ____ ____
22. Have you tried to find out how well businesses similar to the one you want
to open are doing in your community and in the rest of the country? ____ ____
23. Do you know what kind of people will want to buy what you plan to sell? ____ ____
24. Do such people live in the area where you want to open your business? ____ ____
25. Do you feel they need a business like yours? ____ ____
26. If not, have you thought about opening a different kind of business or going
to another neighbourhood? ____ ____

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