EXO Paints Coatings Failures FINAL PDF
EXO Paints Coatings Failures FINAL PDF
EXO Paints Coatings Failures FINAL PDF
Table of Contents
Introduction 04
Formulation-related failures 06
Surface-related failures 08
Failure analysis 10
Conclusions 11
References 11
In order to provide these functions, it is important that paints and coatings are
successfully applied to a properly prepared surface, and remain intact and
adherent to the substrate material to which they have been applied.
Although the vast majority of paints and coatings perform admirably until an
old age, at which time natural deterioration and degradation occur, they can
fail prematurely and lose their protective or aesthetic function, particularly
when exposed to adverse operating environments. This can result in potential
performance problems, costly repairs and downtime.
Failure analysis is a valuable tool when investigating the root causes of asset
failure. Not only does it help in assigning financial responsibility, but knowing
how a coating has failed is often the first step in developing a corrective action
plan and preventing recurrence of the same failure mode.
Causes and remedies of failure
Paints and coatings are used on a number of applications, each one with different
physical and chemical characteristics of their material surfaces, each one exposed
to a diverse service environment.
With all the variables involved in the use of paints and coatings, their failure can be attributed to a number
of reasons. However, they are typically the result of three main causes:
improperly prepared surfaces or poor application conditions
defective coating
inadequate specification.
Based on these causes, failure modes can be divided into three general categories:
1. CHALKING Surface is soft and powdery. UV degradation of the resin Use coatings formulated with UV-
Easily wiped away. binder. Improper pigmentation resistant resins and non-catalytic, high
formulation. hiding pigments.
2. EROSION Similar to chalking. High spot Chalking and surface weathering Use a tough chalk-resistant coating
removal and brush marks. and abrasion. with good flow out characteristics that
will form a smooth film.
3. CHECKING Uneven, small, non- Surface stresses caused by Use coatings formulated with weather-
continuous coating fissures shrinkage due to weathering and resistant resins and inert reinforcing
which do not penetrate to continued coating polymerization pigments in addition to non-catalytic
the substrate. and oxidation. colored pigments.
4. ALLIGATORING Large macro-cracking and Internal stresses with greater Apply thin coats and thoroughly dry
cross-hatching pattern. surface shrinkage. Hard top coat before replication. Never apply hard
applied over soft undercoat. top coats (epoxy) over soft undercoats
5.CRACKING Small breaks in coating to Stresses due to continued Use non-reactive resins and pigments.
substrate of various geometries. polymerization/oxidation.
6. MUD CRACKING Large macro-cracking, Rapid drying of highly filled Use coatings with strong adhesion.
curling at cracks, and coatings, especially water based Apply coatings under proper drying
adhesion loss. materials. conditions. Prevent sags, puddles or
areas of excessive thickness.
7. WRINKLING Furrows and ridges in coating Surface dries more quickly than Use coatings with even, thorough
surface. underlying coating. drying characteristics. Apply evenly
and avoid excessive thickness.
8. BIOLOGICAL Softening or slime reaction. Bacterial or fungal degradation. Use permanent fungicides or
FAILURE Blotchy brown or black The coating is used as a source of bactericides in coating.
spots causing poor dirty nourishment.
9. DISCOLORATION Yellowing, greying or Weathering or chemical reaction. Use color stable resins and pigments.
1. CHECKING Fine visible or microscopic High zinc pigment/binder ratio. Use reinforcing pigments, thin layer
checks that do not penetrate Rapid drying conditions. application and proper drying.
to the substrate.
2. MUD CRACKING Fine to large segments flaking Too tick application. Too rapid Use recommended thickness and
from surface. drying. proper drying method.
3. PINPOINT RUSTING Pinpoint spots of corrosion. Improper zinc/binder ratio. Uneven Remove and reapply more satisfactory
Early failure can be coating thickness. coating at first sign of failure.
4. CHEMICAL Pinpoint rusting progressing Acid or alkali reaction on both Apply resistant top coats over
from limited to continuous silicate binder and on metallic inorganic zinc coatings.
rusting. zinc.
5. PITTING IN Strong anodes form in breaks Reaction of chemicals with surface Top coat the inorganic zinc with a
SEAWATER in coating. of inorganic zinc or galvanizing, strongly adherent resistant coating
causing it to become inert and system.
thus a massive cathode.
Surface-related failures
1. ON PREVIOUSLY Blistering, rust, tubercles, loss Retention of minute amounts of Wash blasted surface with water or
USED STEEL of adhesion. corrosion product or contaminant, dilute phosphoric acid solution and
even after abrasive blast. re-blast. Use anti-corrosive primer with
strong adhesion.
2. ON GALVANIZED White zinc corrosion product Formation of zinc salts (oxide, Brush blast zinc surface or use
OR METALLIC forming under coating or sulfide, oxychloride, zinc soap) commercial zinc treatment. Use anti-
ZINC SURFACE breaking through. underneath coating. corrosive primer with strong adhesion.
3. ALUMINUM White corrosion product, Smooth aluminum oxide surface. Light blast aluminum surface or
loss of adhesion, possible No physical adhesion. use aluminum treatment. Use anti-
blistering. corrosive primer with strong adhesion.
4. COPPER Grey-green corrosion Smooth copper oxide surface. No Brush blast copper surface or use
product, loss of adhesion. physical adhesion. copper treatment. Use anti-corrosive
primer with strong adhesion.
5. WOOD Checking, cracking and flaking Expansion and contraction of Start with clean newly sanded surface.
of coating. Blistering from wood due to varying temperatures Use elastic, highly penetrating paint
trapped moisture in wood. and humidity. with high moisture porosity to allow
wood to breathe.
6. CONCRETE Blistering, peeling or loss Chemical reactivity, moisture Concrete surface should be clean and
of adhesion. Formation of content and porosity of concrete. dry. Acid etch or light blast. Use elastic,
calcium salts under coating. highly penetrating paint with alkali
resistance (epoxy)
Physical defect-related failures
1. BLISTERS Hemispherical bubbles Contamination on surface prior Clean surface prior to painting. Other
containing moisture or other to painting or coating. Moisture in means of moisture escape for wood
liquids. wood substrate. substrates.
2. BUBBLES AND Bubble: dome-like raised Solvent or moisture entrapment Application of coating in thin layers.
CRATERS area containing vapor. during drying or baking. Sufficient flash time before baking.
Crater: concave area once
covered by bubbles.
3. COLOR Color deviations from one Variations of film wetness and Consistency required in film wetness,
MISMATCH area to another. build, substrate, thickness, build, thickness, application and
application and agitation. agitation.
4. DIRT Any contaminants found in Inadequate facilities, poor Improve housekeeping and pay
paint or on painted surfaces. housekeeping, poor painting attention to painting practices and
practices (dirt, dust and general procedures.
detritus matter embedded in the
paint film).
5. FISHEYES Small depression with a central Surface contamination in the form Keep painting area free from silicone
mound. of residual oil or grease, especially products. Use fisheye eliminators.
silicone types.
6. GLOSS Gloss deficient patches of Basecoat wet spots, improper oven Control bake oven conditions, proper
VARIATIONS paint film. conditions, insufficient film build. application, and consistent film
7. MOTTLE Metallic paint. Color Application of paint too thick or Do not apply the paint too wet.
pigments separate from excessively wet.
metallic flake.
8. ORANGE PEEL Repetitive bumps and valleys Improper application technique. Proper paint spray atomizing pressure,
similar to a dried-out mud flat. Freshly applied paint film does not paint viscosity, and film thickness.
flow out smoothly.
9. RUNS, SAGS AND Downward flow of paints prior Excessive application of coating Proper spray gun cleanliness and
CURTAINS to film hardening. material. Application too wet or operation. Correct solvent amounts.
improper drying conditions.
10. PAINT ADHESION Premature lifting of the paint Contaminants, excessive bake Proper surface preparation,
LOSS film from the underlying times, condensed moisture. cleanliness, correct bake parameters,
surface. and prevention of condensed
11. SOFT PAINT FILMS Coatings cured to hardness Improper oven or cure parameters, Correct bake parameters, avoid
below a designated softening contaminants, excessive softening agents, proper solvent
specification. solvents and film builds. amount and film build.
12. SOLVENT POPPING, Tiny surface craters on Overly rapid solvent loss from the Avoid pigment clusters, controlling
BOILING AND paint films. Small versions of wet paint escaping as bursts. solvent evaporation rates and oven
PINHOLES bubbles and craters. temperatures.
13. SOLVENT WASH Paint voids or areas with Excessive solvent evaporation on Sufficient flash time before painted
thin paint due to solvent entry area of oven, condensation parts enter an oven.
condensation. on cool area of part.
Failure analysis
Coatings provide critical asset protection macroscopic features and characteristics can suggest
against adverse operating environments. certain failure modes and circumstances.
Should a coating fail or not perform as Physical testing provides important characteristics of a
expected, investigation of the root causes coated specimen which may reveal primary causes for
are needed to solve the problem and the failure. Important physical tests include thickness
testing, pinhole testing, adhesion testing, determination of
improve future performance. Failure analysis
the plane of delamination, hardness testing, and surface
is the best insurance against recurrence of roughness testing.
coating failure.
Performing a chemical analysis of the paint or coating,
Collecting information on the failed coating is essential as well as the substrate and corrosion products is usually
to identify the underlying factors that may have initiated the next step. Chemical analysis indicates whether a
the failure. Background information on the coating component is made of the specified material. Subtle
type and application procedure, its service history, the variations in composition can often dictate the strength
environmental conditions it has been exposed to, and and property values that processing can develop or in
physical evidence of the failed coating are necessary adhesion of the paint or coating. In addition, relatively
to determine why, how, when, and where a failure may low amounts of impurity elements can cause significant
have occurred. The findings will provide the insight to changes in these same properties.
solve the problem, take remedial action, and prevent
recurrence. Typical chemical analysis techniques that are used in the
laboratory for failure analysis of paints and coatings are
A wide array of testing methods are available for failure Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for organic
analysis of paints and coatings. However, the failure functional group analysis, gas chromatography mass
analysis sequence generally follows an order of increasing spectrometry (GM-MS) for organic compound separation,
destructiveness of the test in order to prevent damage identification and quantification, differential scanning
caused by previous tests. calorimetry (DSC) for melt range and thermal properties,
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with associated
A visual, or macroscopic, examination of the surface of energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental
the specimen is the most important step of any failure analysis, and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and x-ray
analysis, and precedes all other examination techniques, photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for surface elemental
including those directed at the microscopic level. Many analysis.
Paints and coatings provide critical asset
protection in some of the harshest operating
environments. Even a tiny area of coating
failure can result in serious operation issues
with economic losses.
Also, repairing a damaged coating is often very costly.
Failure analysis investigation helps identify the root causes
of failures to improve future performance and prevent
coating failures of a similar nature.
Exova 2016