Partial Molar Volume Measurement
Partial Molar Volume Measurement
Partial Molar Volume Measurement
Abstract In the case of many water-ethanol or salt case of the references research) concentration up to
systems, a change of product volume varying accordingly 50% at 20C increases the solubility of organic salts
with the mole fraction of its constituents can be observed. which enhances or hastens the production time of salt
This phenomenon is called Partial Molar Volumes and
derivatives [3].
serves as an important factor in many solution theories
and chemical processes delicate enough where small The preparation of these aqueous mixtures
changes in concentration and volume significantly affects such as the water-ethanol solution used for
the kinetics of the system. Different concentrations of
electrodialysis can be very delicate or specific in the
NaCl solutions were prepared with each of their densities
concentration of its constituents as they can greatly
measured, these parameters were then manipulated into
equations governed by the Raoults Law and Debye- affect what products are formed and their respective
Huckel Theory to finally give the apparent molar volume amounts.
of the solute and solvent.
When mixing two equal amounts of pure
water and ethanol, the volume of the product does not
Index Termspartial molar volume, density simply equate to the sum of the volume of its reactants
but a rather decreased volume due to thermodynamic
processes to be discussed. By setting the temperature
I. Introduction and pressure as state variables of the water-ethanol
solution constant, the excess volume of water-ethanol
Monosodium glutamate or MSG is a
mixture generated is affected by the relative amounts
naturally occurring organic salt found in various dairy
of each component shown in Fig.1. [4]
products, vegetables, and fruits such as cheese,
potatoes, and peas. MSG is a sodium salt derivative of
glutamic acid and is processed vastly in the food
industry as a flavor enhancer. In the Philippines
context, Ajinamoto serves as one of the leading
producers of food seasoning known for its MSG
content. [1]
[1] "Monosodium glutamate." Wikiwand. Accessed
February 22, 2017.
[2] "Water Treatment Solutions." Electrodialysis.
Accessed February 22, 2017.
[3] Kameche, Mostfa, Feina Xu, Christophe
Innocent, and Grald Pourcelly. "Electrodialysis in
water-ethanol solutions: Application to the
acidification of organic salts." Desalination 154, no. 1
(2003): 9-15. doi:10.1016/s0011-9164(03)00203-0.
[4] "The Basics of General, Organic, and Biological
Chemistry, v. 1.0." Flat World Knowledge. Accessed
February 22, 2017.
Table 4:
Table 5: