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Surface waves on permeable and impermeable boundaries

of poroelastic media

Bettina Albers
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany

ABSTRACT: This work is devoted to the numerical analysis of surface waves in two-component saturated
poroelastic media. We use the simple mixture model which is a simplification of the classical Biots model for
poroelastic media.
For the interface porous medium/vacuum there exist two surface waves in the whole range of frequencies
a leaky Rayleigh wave and a true Stoneley wave. For the interface porous medium/fluid one more surface
wave appears a leaky Stoneley wave. For this boundary velocities and attenuations of the waves are shown in
dependence on the surface permeability. The true Stoneley wave exists only in a limited range of this parameter.

1 INTRODUCTION The second contribution, the coupling of partial

stresses Q, is neglected because it yields at most
The theoretical investigation of surface waves in quantitative corrections without changing the quali-
porous materials is motivated by the possible con- tative behavior of the system, at least in the range of a
struction of a method of nondestructive testing of relatively high stiffness of the skeleton in comparison
materials. Different operational areas require very dif- with the fluid. This has been analyzed for bulk waves
ferent regions of frequencies of the waves: e.g. for in (Albers and Wilmanski 2003b).
field measurements in soil mechanics the range of Bearing these remarks in mind it seems to be appro-
applicable frequencies lies between 1 Hz and 100 Hz priate to rely on the simplified model (simple mixture
while testing of nanomaterials requires frequencies model in which Q = 0, 12 = 0). It has the advantage
of approx. 100 MHz. Therefore we investigate the to reduce essentially technical difficulties.
dispersion relation in the whole range of frequencies. We present here the linear form of the simple mix-
Apart from the frequency range, the acoustic param- ture model for a two-component poroelastic saturated
eters are also investigated in dependence on two other medium (for details see: (Wilmanski 1999)).
parameters. One of them is the bulk permeability of In the simple mixture model a process is described
the porous material, . Furthermore the properties of by the macroscopic fields F (x,t), the partial mass
the boundary are described by the surface permeabil- density of the fluid, vF (x,t), vS (x,t) , the velocities of
ity, . It controls the intensity of the in- and outflow of the fluid and of the skeleton, respectively, eS (x,t), the
the fluid from the porous medium. symmetric tensor of small deformations of the skele-
ton and n, the porosity. The following set of linear
equations is satisfied by those fields

In our analysis we rely on a simpler model than this of

Biot. We neglect two effects:
the added mass effect reflected in Biots model by
off-diagonal contributions to the matrix of partial
mass densities (the parameter 12 ),
the static coupling effect between partial stresses
(the parameter Q).
The first one is neglected because it yields a
nonobjectivity of Biots equations (Wilmanski 2004).

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
In these relations 0F , 0S , n0 are the constant reference
values of partial mass densities, and porosity, respec-
tively.There appear constant material parameters , S ,
S , , , n , , . In particular, k denotes the macro-
scopic compressibility of the fluid component, S and
S are macroscopic elastic constants of the skeleton,
is the coupling constant between the components,
denotes the bulk permeability coefficient, n describes
the relaxation time of porosity and ,  are material
parameters related to equilibrium and nonequilibrium
changes of porosity, respectively. As already done in
the works (Albers 2005) and (Albers and Wilmanski Here u1S , u3S are x-, and z-components of the dis-
2003a) for the analysis of surface waves the coupling
placement uS , respectively, and u3F , u3F+ denote
parameter is assumed to be zero. Then the problem
z-components of the displacements uF and uF+ ,
of evolution of porosity can be solved separately from
respectively. Simultaneously, cP1 2
: = (S + 2S )/0S ,
the rest of the problem.
cS2 : = S /0S , cP2
: = and c+
: = + are squares of the
The additional equations for the fluid in the exterior
front velocities of bulk waves in the porous material:
of the porous material read
P1 (fast wave), S (shear wave), P2 (slow wave, also
called Biots wave), and of the P-wave in the fluid,
respectively. In the case of Biots model there would
be an additive contribution of the coupling parameter
Q in the numerator of cP1 which is of the order of a
few percent of S (see: (Albers andWilmanski 2003b)
for a detailed analysis).
The quantities outside of the porous medium are Two of the boundary conditions, (3)1 and (3)2 ,
denoted by a + sign. Thus F+ denotes the par- describe the continuity of the full traction, t: =
tial mass density of the fluid in the +-region and 0F+ (TS + TF ) n, n = (0, 0, 1)T , on the boundary; (3)3
is its constant reference value. + describes the true reflects the continuity of the fluid mass flux, and con-
compressibility of the fluid. dition (3)4 specifies the mass transport through the
surface. The difference of the pore pressures on both
sides of the boundary determines the in- and outflow
through the boundary. denotes a surface permeabil-
ity coefficient, which corresponds to T1 in the works
For the determination of surface waves in saturated
(Feng and Johnson 1983), (Gubaidullin et al. 2004),
poroelastic media conditions for z = 0 are needed.
and pF+ is the external pressure. Condition (3)4 relies
Boundary conditions for the interface between a sat-
on the assumption that the pore pressure p and the par-
urated porous material and an ideal fluid were for-
tial pressure pF satisfy the relation pF n0 p at least in
mulated by Deresiewicz & Skalak (Deresiewicz and
a small vicinity of the surface.
Skalak 1963). In a slightly changed notation they have
For the boundary porous medium/vacuum is = 0
the following form
and also the quantities outside of the porous medium
are equal to zero. Then the third and the fourth
conditions are identical.


We consider monochromatic waves with a given real

frequency . The construction of the solution for some

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
problems was shown already in earlier works (see e.g. However, the unknown constants have still to be
(Wilmanski and Albers 2003), (Albers and Wilmanski determined by the boundary conditions. We use the
2003a) or (Albers 2005)) therefore we do not show it constitutive relations
here but give an impression how it was done.
We have introduced displacement vectors for the
three components using potentials. In the twodimen-
sional case for those potentials monochromatic wave
solutions in the x-direction (exponential ansatz) have and assume
been assumed. The solutions have been substituted in
the field equations of the simple mixture model. This
has led to seven compatibility conditions containing
some unknown coefficients. A dimensionless notation
has been introduced. This has the advantage to con- The first condition means that the initial external pres-
nect characteristics of the surface waves to those of sure is equal to the initial pore pressure. After insertion
the better known bulk waves (e.g. with the velocity into the boundary conditions we obtain the following
of the P1-wave cP1 ). The dimensionless quantities are eigenvalue problem
defined as


Here is an arbitrary reference time. We further use the

dimensionless quantities omitting the prime. Substitu-
tion of these quantities into the compatibility condi-
tions yields for the boundary porous medium/fluid four
equations, for the boundary porous medium/vacuum
three equations still containing unknown coefficients.
However, in contrast to heterogeneous media, they
are for homogeneous materials independent of z. This
leads to a differential eigenvalue problem which can be
easily solved. We seek solutions in exponential form.
In these relations the exponents 1 , 2 , must possess
negative real parts and + must possess a positive real
part to describe a surface wave. We obtain relations for
the exponents:
follow from

result as solutions of the relation
and auxiliary quantities

and as solutions of
This homogeneous set yields the dispersion relation:
det A = 0 determining the relation between and k.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Table 1. Parameters for water saturated sandstones.

For both boundaries:

=0 cP1 = 2500 ms , cP2 = 1000 ms ,
kg kg 0F
0S = 2500 m3
, 0F = 250 m3
, r= 0S
= 0.1,
cf = cP2
= 0.4, = n = 10 s,
For the boundary porous medium/vacuum:
cS = 1500 ms , cs = ccP1S = 0.6,
For the boundary porous medium/fluid:
cS = 1250 ms , cs = ccP1S = 0.4, 0F+ = 1000 mkg3 ,
c+ = 1500 ms , cf+ = c+
= 0.6, r+ = 0S
= 0.4.


Figure 1. Boundary porous medium/vacuum. Normalized
For both boundaries the problem det A = 0 has been velocity of the leaky Rayleigh wave in dependence on the
solved for the complex wave number, , using the two frequency and the surface permeability.
computing packages MAPLE and MATLAB. It is pos-
sible to use the existing equation solvers although they
need for calculations with complex variables a very
extensive main memory.
The calculations have been performed for the fol-
lowing data (in Table 1) which correspond to water
saturated sandstones.


6.1 Boundary porous medium/vacuum

In the whole range of frequencies there exist two sur-
face waves corresponding to the classical Rayleigh
and Stoneley waves. The results for the phase veloc-
ities and attenuations are shown for different values
of the bulk permeability coefficient, . This param-
eter describes the resistance of the porous medium Figure 2. Boundary porous medium/vacuum. Normalized
against the flow of the fluid. Figures 1 and 2 show the velocity of the true Stoneley wave in dependence on the
phase velocities of the Rayleigh and Stoneley waves frequency and the surface permeability.
in dependence on the frequency. They are normalized
by the P1-velocity. We see a range of frequencies from
zero to the very large value of 100 MHz. Certainly, all number k determine the damping of waves. It is nor-
values lie below the normalized velocity of the shear malized by the product with the P1-velocity and the
wave cs ccP1S = 0.6. relaxation time. Figure 3 shows the attenuation of the
The Stoneley velocity increases from the zero value Rayleigh wave. It is obvious that this wave is strongly
for = 0. The growth is faster than the growth of the attenuated. The attenuation linearly increases to infin-
Rayleigh velocity but the maximum value is smaller. It ity as , i.e. the Rayleigh wave is leaky. Similar
lies always below the normalized velocity of the fluid to the attenuation of P1-waves these curves intersect
cf ccP2
= 0.4. The maximum value of the Stoneley for different values of . The attenuation for all values
velocity appearing for is approximately 0.15% of starts from zero.
smaller than the velocity of the fluid. Figure 4 shows that also the normalized attenuation
One should point out that differently than often of the Stoneley wave starts from the zero value for
stated the Stoneley velocity behaves regularly in the = 0. But in contrast to the Rayleigh wave attenuation
whole range of frequencies and it ceases to exist only for small frequencies it increases much faster and then
for = 0. In the vicinity of this point the Stoneley approaches a horizontal asymptotic value for larger
velocity possesses asimilar feature to the P2-wave: values of the frequency. This means the limit is
it decays to zero as . Imaginary parts of the wave finite and dependent on the permeability coefficient .

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Figure 5. Boundary porous medium/fluid. Normalized
Figure 3. Boundary porous medium/vacuum. Normalized
velocity of the leaky Rayleigh wave in dependence on the
attenuation of the leaky Rayleigh wave in dependence on the
frequency and the surface permeability.
frequency and the surface permeability.

Figure 6. Boundary porous medium/fluid. Normalized

Figure 4. Boundary porous medium/vacuum. Normalized velocity of the leaky Stoneley wave in dependence on the
attenuation of the Stoneley wave in dependence on the frequency and the surface permeability.
frequency and the surface permeability.
decreases with increasing . For the open pore situ-
ation the difference between high and low frequency
6.2 Boundary porous medium/fluid limits is approximately one half of the difference for a
close boundary. For frequencies around 100 kHz there
Figures 5 to 10 show the phase velocities and the is a steep increase of the Rayleigh velocity. For small
attenuations of all three surface waves appearing at values of there appears a small plateau in the fre-
the interface between a porous halfspace and a fluid quency range. This may be an indication of the change
halfspace. Also here we show the wide range of fre- of the Riemann surface which is, however, much better
quencies between 1 Hz and 100 MHz. The curves pronounced in the attenuations.
depend on the frequency and on the surface perme- The velocity of the leaky Stoneley wave behaves
ability parameter . = 0 means that the surface is similar to the Rayleigh wave. Also this wave possesses
completely impermeable while = corresponds to high an low frequency limits unequal to zero and the
an open pore situation. Both the frequency and the steep increase in between appears in the same fre-
attenuations are shown in logarithmic scale while the quency region. However, in contrast to the Rayleigh
velocity is presented in normal scale. Again, the veloc- wave for this wave the high frequency limit is larger
ity of the Rayleigh wave lies under the velocity of the for bigger values of than for smaller ones. The fre-
bulk shear wave, cS , whose normalized value is now quency behavior of this wave is at least for small
cs ccP1S = 0.5. While for small frequencies the veloc- not monotonous. A maximum value appears in the
ity is independently of , the high frequency limit region of order 100 kHz.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Figure 7. Boundary porous medium/fluid. Normalized Figure 9. Boundary porous medium/fluid. Normalized
velocity of the true Stoneley wave in dependence on the attenuation of the leaky Stoneley wave in dependence on the
frequency and the surface permeability. frequency and the surface permeability.

Figure 8. Boundary porous medium/fluid. Normalized Figure 10. Boundary porous medium/fluid. Normalized
attenuation of the leaky Rayleigh wave in dependence on the attenuation of the true Stoneley wave in dependence on the
frequency and the surface permeability. frequency and the surface permeability.

The true Stoneley wave exists only for small values of adsorption processes (Albers 2003). However, there
of , and, therefore, we show its behavior only for two exists an influence of the parameter , responsible
values of . For those the velocities do not differ sub- for dissipation, and, consequently, the location of the
stantially. They start form zero at = 0 and increase singularities changes with the variation of this coef-
until around 100 kHz where they nearly reach a high ficient. Hence, as indicated also in some papers on
frequency limit which is a little bit smaller than the Biots model, the diffusion-driven resonances appear
velocity of the P2 wave, cf ccP2P1
= 0.4. also in the surface waves. Little is known about their
The attenuation of the true Stoneley wave has the mathematical origin. However, the numerical analy-
same appearance as this obtained for the boundary sis indicates that they appear due to the change of the
porous medium/vacuum. We show a log-log-plot of Riemann surface. In any case, it is obvious that the
this attenuation. It starts from zero as = 0 and nearly curves show a leaky character.
reaches a horizontal asymptote at around 100 kHz. In
contrast to the true surface wave the remaining leaky
waves possess singularities in the attenuation for two REFERENCES
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Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
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Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

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