Test A Scripts
Test A Scripts
Test A Scripts
Songkran marks the start of the Buddhist New Year in Thailand. It is a wild and wonderful festival
in which people of all ages have fun dousing each other with water for three solid days. If you
decide to stay indoors, youll miss out on a great time!
Songkran began nearly a thousand years ago to celebrate the beginning of the farming season. It is
a time when Thai people routinely do a thorough cleaning of their homes. Additionally, people
make offerings to local temples and provide food and new robes for monks.
During Songkran there is singing and dancing in the streets, and lots of water. Visitors should
expect to become totally drenchedand love every minute of it! On every side street, youll find
children waiting to throw water at you. Bus riders also need to be careful. Some people have been
known to hurl buckets of water through open windows!