Spe 64400
Spe 64400
Spe 64400
Technique Due to the inability to set the upper packer during the
workover, another inflatable packer was run and latched
The scab liner assembly consisted of two inflatable into the release sub of the un-set upper packer. This
packers, interval tubing, choke coupling, circulating tool operation proceeded without incident.
and a hydraulic release tool which wax run to isolation
There are a number of factors, which need to be If is important that the surface pressure is closely
considered when implementing this type of technology. monitored throughout the pumping programs as not to
These include the temperature of the zone being isolated, exceed the formation fracture gradient. This is to keep the
the concentration of the fluid providing the isolation, pH polymer fluids from being pumped away in a fracture,
and most importantly reservoir characteristics such as maintaining the integrity of the conformance squeeze.
porosity, permeability and clay content. This is of particular importance as the final stage is being
pumped when it is expected that permeability has been
Polymer isolation of a two meter perforation interval was significantly reduced by the previous gel stages. Once all
performed on one well, which was preferentially stages are pumped, the gel is left for approximately 30
producing gas. Electric logs performed before the hours to continue cross-linking. The remaining polymer
isolation of this sand indicated a temperature of 183F at gel in the wellbore is circulated out. The polymer squeeze
isolation depth. The horizontal permeability was 1-3 is then subjected to a draw down or negative pressure test
darcy and vertical permeability was between 40-80% of to ensure integrity. A deeper zone can then be perforated
the horizontal permeability. The porosity was upon completion of the shut-off operation.
pressure on the control line, an attempt was made to flow the After running the completion, pressure is applied to the tubing
well however all indications were the SC-SSSV was not to set the packer and test the tubing. Once the production
opened. The ability to maintain pressure on the control line packer has been set at the appropriate depth, the tubing hanger
suggested that the leak was sealed, however the inability to is landed in the tubing head and the production annulus is
open the SC-SSSV would indicate that there might have been pressure tested. The drilling rig could then move on to the
a blockage in the control line. next well slot as a pump could now be used to expend the plug
by pressure cycling once the surface facilities had been
Difficultly was experienced on the single unsuccessful casing installed to prepare the well for production.
hanger repair due to a substantial leak rate. A large enough
differential pressure could not be obtained, preventing the Technique- Perforating gun hanger systems
polymer coagulating at the leak site.
Permanent production and gas lift flow lines are installed prior
The most significant measure of success for this technology to perforating so that an under balanced condition at the
has been the cost savings associated with not having to pull producing interval can be developed. This underbalance is
tubing, as well as the production it has brought back on stream achieved by unloading fluid from the tubing using lift gas.
for the cheap price. In total more than $10M worth of savings There is a delay of the order of 2-3 days required for flowline
have been realized with more than 5kbd of production installation during which the rig is skidded to the subsequent
reinstated. operation in the interest of maximizing productive rig time.
Wire lineless Completions Utilizing Expendable Given space constraints while drilling on the smaller first
Plugs and Perforating Gun Hanger Systems generation Bass Strait platforms, traditionally through-tubing
conductor line perforating techniques required the rig to be
skidded back to the well in question to allow access for
Traditionally, Bass Strait completion operations have used conductor line rig-up, significantly increasing perforating cost.
slickline to run and retrieve wireline-set plugs for the packer Rig time savings were realized under conductorline conveyed
setting and pressure testing operations. In addition, typically gun hanger systems installed inside the production casing prior
conductor line is utilized to perforate wells after the to running the completion. This system uses a time-delayed,
completion has been run. hydraulically activated firing sequence that could be initiated
after flowlines had been installed. This kept perforating
Expendable plugs and perforating gun hanger systems offered operations off the rig critical path so that subsequent
the advantage of completing wells on space limited platforms operations did not have to be interrupted.
without the need to mobilize slickline or skid the drilling rig
back to a well to rig up conductor line for perforating. While The expendable plug isolates the hydraulic firing head from
the primary application for these technologies is in high angle packer set and tubing test pressures. When the plug is
wells where wireline intervention is difficult or impossible, in expended, pressure can then be applied to the gun system to
this application it afforded significant rig time/ cost savings in initiate the firing sequence.
a space-limited environment.
Technique- Expendable plugs
To date eight jobs have been completed using expendable plug
Expendable plug assemblies are installed below the production and perforating gun hanger technology. In all cases the
packer as an integral part of the tubing string, allowing perforating gun hanger system worked without incident while
hydraulic packer setting and pressure testing of the completion the expendable plug technology had mixed results as outlined
string. below:
A typical expendable plug assembly (Fig. 3) consists of a Ability to set the packer and test the tubing with
debris barrier to prevent debris build-up, an auto-fill device to the expendable plug- seven of eight was
allow tubing to fill when running the completion into the hole, successful (87.5%).
and the plug itself. The plug consists of a fresh water Expelling the expendable plug- five of eight
reservoir kept separate from a salt plug until a pre-determined were successful (62.5%).
number of pressure cycles are completed. The pressure cycles
progressively move an inner mandrel, eventually opening up a On three wells, difficulty was experienced expending the plug
conduit for the fresh water to contact the salt plug and expend after the packer had been set. The operational difficulties
it. During pressure cycling, pressure and volume is monitored were a result of surface pressure limitations where the tubing
to determine when the plug has expended. could not be pressured to the required cycle pressure limit.
Pressure was cycled a minimum of 20 times with no indication
of the plug expending. To expel the plug, a slickline unit was Results
mobilized so that a spear could be run to puncture the debris
barrier and the protective membrane, dissolving the plug. In The well test results using conventional charges and deep
these instances no cost savings were realized, as slickline was penetrating charges are outlined in Table 1.1.
required for well intervention.
Table 1.1: Well Test Data.
Another operational difficulty experienced included the
inability to maintain pressure on the tubing after the Conventional Deep Penetrating
expendable plug had been run in the completion. A slickline Charges Charges
plug had to be run to set the packer. It is believed that debris Interval 3517-3519m 3517-3519m
became lodged in the auto-fill device causing it not to affect a Oil Rate (kl/d) 78 259
seal during the closing operation. Water Rate (kl/d) 522 388
Water Cut 87 60
While some difficulties were experienced with the expendable Choke (%) 100 100
plug, the five successful operations saved more than $1M in
rig time. The well was perforated with conventional charges in 1992.
This well exhibited flow stability problems despite a
Perforating with Deep Penetrating Charges downgrade in the tubing size from 4-1/2 to 3-1/2 in 1996
and several gas lift valve change-outs. Studies indicated that
Perforating is a critical component of the well completion the most likely reason for the slugging was excessive near
process and continuous effort is focused on increasing well wellbore damage.
productivity through this technology. Perforating with deep
penetration charges has been performed on a number of wells To trial the deep penetrating technology the well was first
in Bass Strait providing increased productivity from reservoirs perforated with conventional charges. No improvement in
containing lower quality sands. production was seen and approximately two months later the
well was perforated using deep penetrating charges. A
The deep penetrating perforating charges offer increased significant increase in oil rate and a reduction in water rate
penetration depth and a larger whole size for improved were experienced.
reservoir connectivity when compared to conventional
perforating charges. The result proved that these charges were able to penetrate
past the near wellbore damage where conventional charges
Technique could not.
The main differences between conventional perforating Mini-fracturing Gas Stimulation Technology
charges and the deep penetrating charges are in the proprietary
design of the charge itself. Material selection, improved Wellbore damage can be experienced during perforating as the
manufacturing tolerances, quality control, and charge crushed rock particles bridge across the pore throats increasing
geometry optimization have all contributed to improved flow resistance and reducing productivity. In some cases the
penetration performance. damage can be so severe that only a portion of the perforations
will produce.
Regardless of charge, perforating operations are carried out to
maximize depth control and reservoir productivity. Gamma To reduce the risk of damaging the formation, it is common
Ray/Casing Collar Locator (GR/CCL) tools are run on all practice in Bass Strait to perforate in an underbalanced state to
perforating toolstrings for correlation and depth control. encourage rock particles to flow out of the tunnels
Measurement While Perforating Tools (MWPT) is utilized for immediately after perforating. Stimulation technology is also
precise control of under balance pressure plus short-term available to remove near wellbore damage using extreme
reservoir response immediately prior to and following overbalance as an alternative.
Gas stimulation involves perforating the damaged zone in an
To evaluate the effectiveness of the deep penetrating charges, extreme overbalanced state. The pressure exerted on the
one well, which had previously been perforated with formation during stimulation exceeds the fracture gradient of
conventional charges, was perforated over a similar interval the formation; creating short fractures and forcing crushed
using the deep penetrating charges. rock particles into the formation (Fig. 4). The fractures
improve reservoir to wellbore connectivity, bypassing the near
wellbore damage.
To date there has been one gas stimulation attempted in the continue to use cost effective measures to maintain and
Bass Strait. enhance production. The recent trials of new technologies
have proven that, when evaluated and implemented in
Technique appropriated situations, the reward out weighs the risk.
In general the operation is very similar to conventional Esso will continue to take on the challenge of new
perforating with the main difference being the requirement of technologies trailing, evaluating and learning from their
a 100+m gas cushion below the surface wellhead. This implementation.
cushion eliminates the chance of fluid surging to the surface
under the shock of firing the stimulation tool. There is a risk Acknowledgements
of damaging the surface and downhole equipment during a
stimulation operation if this gas cushion is not present. The authors would like to thank Esso Australia Pty Ltd and
BHP Petroleum for permission to publish this paper. They
The stimulation tool consists of three major components- the would also like to thank the many members of the Esso
explosive igniter, the stimulation material and the hardware. Production Department and Service Company representatives
The explosive igniter consists of a detonator and a primer for their assistance in its preparation.
cord. The simulation material is a solid which when ignited,
becomes a high-pressure gas (15,000 psi). The hardware NOMENCLATURE
consists of a top firing head, the individual connectors and a
bottom bull-nose. The bull nose is used for centralization and OD Outside Diameter
has a larger OD than the stimulation material to ensure that the ID Inside Diameter
material is conveyed downhole with the minimal amount of CT Coiled Tubing
damage. The connectors also have a larger OD than the BHT Bottom Hole Temperature
stimulation material and are used to connect the tool THP Ltubing Head Pressure
components. FGOR Flowing Gas Oil Ratio
SC-SSSV Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve
The stimulation tool with GR/CCL tools and adequate weight Kbd 1000 barrels per day
bars is conveyed to stimulation depth via conductor line. Bbl 1 barrel (159 litres)
Once the stimulation tool has been correlated on depth with GR/CCL Gamma Ray/Casing Collar Locator
the gamma ray tool, the detonator is fired and the solid NWPT Measurement While Perforating Tool
material oxidizes within milliseconds, producing a burst of Kl/d 1000 litres per day
high-pressure gas. This high velocity gas enters the % - Percentage
perforations cleaning out the tunnels by initiating short
fractures in the formation (approximately 1-6 feet long). As
the stimulation material continues to burn, fractures are
propagated through the damaged zone, resulting in an
improved flow path from the formation to the wellbore.