Medial Parietal Cortex Encodes Perceived Heading Direction in Humans
Medial Parietal Cortex Encodes Perceived Heading Direction in Humans
Medial Parietal Cortex Encodes Perceived Heading Direction in Humans
The ability to encode and update representations of heading direction is crucial for successful navigation. In rats, head-direction cells
located within the limbic system alter their firing rate in accordance with the animals current heading. To date, however, the neural
structures that underlie an allocentric or viewpoint-independent sense of direction in humans remain unknown. Here we used functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure neural adaptation to distinctive landmarks associated with one of four heading direc-
tions in a virtual environment. Our experiment consisted of two phases: a learning phase, in which participants actively navigated the
virtual maze; and a test phase, in which participants viewed pairs of images from the maze while undergoing fMRI. We found that
activity within the medial parietal cortexspecifically, Brodmann area 31was modulated by learned heading, suggesting that this
region contains neural populations involved in the encoding and retrieval of allocentric heading information in humans. These results are
consistent with clinical case reports of patients with acquired lesions of medial posterior brain regions, who exhibit deficits in forming
and recalling links between landmarks and directional information. Our findings also help to explain why navigation disturbances are
commonly observed in patients with Alzheimers disease, whose pathology typically includes the cortical region we have identified as
being crucial for maintaining representations of heading direction.
The goal of the present study was to identify
brain structures involved in representing al-
locentric heading direction within a learned
environment. We used fMRI to measure
neural adaptation to pairs of images repre-
senting distinctive landmarks from the ends
of corridors within a virtual maze. After an
initial learning phase conducted over several
days outside the scanner, participants
viewed pairs of landmark images from the Figure 3. Mean BOLD activity for the comparison of novel heading repeated heading. MR brain slices are from an MNI-
same heading (repeated trials) or from dif- normalized template brain and show heading-direction-selective activity in the left medial parietal cortex (a height threshold of
ferent headings (novel trials). We predicted T 5.18, p 0.001) was used for display purposes. a, Sagittal view. b, Coronal view. c, Axial view. d, Time course of the average
that brain areas that encode or maintain al- percentage BOLD signal change for the activation cluster shown in a c. The 0 point on the x-axis represents the onset of the first
locentric heading information should show image within a trial pair.
attenuated responses, consistent with repe-
tition suppression (Grill-Spector et al., 2006; Krekelberg et al., 2006), In previous fMRI studies, the RSC has been found to be
in repeated versus novel trials. strongly active during scene viewing, scene imagery, and scene
Analysis of the fMRI data revealed a single brain region lo- memory (Epstein and Kanwisher, 1998; Epstein et al., 2007). Ac-
cated in the medial parietal cortex (BA 31), in which activity was tivity in the RSC during active navigation in a virtual environ-
modulated by learned heading. The activation cluster was located ment has also been found to correlate with behavioral measures
within the so-called RSC, a region that has been functionally of map expertise (Wolbers and Buchel, 2005). More recently,
defined by Epstein (2008) on the basis of its activation during Doeller et al. (2010) used fMRI to reveal grid-like representations
navigational tasks and during passive viewing of navigationally in human entorhinal cortex. These investigators also observed
relevant stimuli. The RSC is close to, but distinct from, the ana- activity in medial parietal areas associated with heading direction,
tomically defined retrosplenial cortex (encompassing only BA 29 but their task and display configurations did not permit disam-
and BA 30) (Vann et al., 2009) and extends superiorly into the biguation of activity related to allocentric heading per se, from
posterior cingulate and posteriorly into the parietal occipital activity evoked by visually identical landmarks associated with
sulcus/anterior calcarine region (Brodmann areas 23 and 31). We common headings within the virtual environment. In our task,
also observed a small cluster of reduced activity for repeated ver- participants were never shown the same landmark in repeated (or
sus novel trials in the bilateral dorsal striatum, but this response novel) trials, thus ensuring that the adaptation effect we observed
was well below the threshold for significance and is thus not for allocentric heading within RSC cannot be attributed to visual
considered further here. Although the activation we observed repetition of identical landmarks across experimental conditions.
within the RSC clearly indicates that this cortical region is in- The human ability to perceive and encode allocentric heading
volved in representing allocentric heading, the underlying mech- is consistent with the existence of so-called head-direction cells in
anism of the suppression effect is yet to be determined. One the rodent limbic system (Taube, 2007). Head-direction cells al-
possibility is that, in novel (i.e., different heading) trials, two ter their rate of firing in accordance with the animals directional
distinct representations of allocentric orientation must be re- heading, so that, for example, a particular neuron might dis-
trieved. In contrast, in repeated (i.e., same heading) trials, it is not charge whenever the animal points its head north, independent
necessary to retrieve orientation information for the second stim- of its location in the environment. It remains unknown whether
ulus of the image pair, because this representation would already rodent parietal cortex contains neural populations sensitive to
be active within relevant RSC neurons. perceived heading or whether the rodent head-direction system
Baumann and Mattingley Neural Correlates of Perceived Heading J. Neurosci., September 29, 2010 30(39):1289712901 12901
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