Marine Engineering Industry
Marine Engineering Industry
Marine Engineering Industry
An Occupational Analysis (OA) is the process of identifying the work scope of the
occupational area in terms of competencies. It is used to analyse skilled human resource
competency requirement for the industry. The development of the Occupational Structure is
a preliminary process in developing relevant National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS).
The NOSS in turn will be developed to be used as the basis to conduct skills training and
certification of competent personnel. This document is divided into several chapters, the first
being an industrial overview highlighting the definition and scope of the industry, the current
analysis of the local industry and its skilled worker requirements, Government bodies and
development plans supporting the growth of the industry, then the next chapter will explain
the methodology used in Occupational Analysis development such as qualitative analysis
through brainstorming discussion sessions and the formulation of the Occupational
Description. Workshops were held to get a better understanding of the organisational
structure, job titles, hierarchy objectives and main activities of the specified positions. The
final chapters will present the findings of the Occupational Analysis that is translated into the
Occupational Structures, levels of competencies and critical areas. These findings will in turn
be the basis of reference for the development of the National Occupational Skills Standard
(NOSS) document. The NOSS will serve not only as a reference of skills standards for
certification but also as a guide to develop the skills training curriculum. In order to conduct
the Occupational Analysis on the Marine Engineering Industry, all the information related to
the aforesaid industry was gathered through literature survey and further discussed in
workshop sessions with experts from the industry. During the development workshops, the
panel members had identified four sub sectors, 13 job areas and a total of 165 job titles that
reflect the main category of Marine Engineering in Malaysia. The four Marine Engineering
sub sectors are such as Ship Building & Ship Repairing, Offshore Fabrication & Installation,
Ship & Offshore Designing and Ship Board Operation. In Malaysia, this sector has great
employment opportunities. Furthermore, with strong support from the government and
private sectors, these areas could expand further in the future.
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objectives 4
1.3 Scope 5
1.4 Problem Statement, Issues and Challenges 5
1.5 Conclusion 6
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Existing National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) 8
2.3 Current Analysis, Industrial Demand and Statistic 11
2.4 International Benchmarking 17
2.5 Statutory and Regulatory Bodies 21
2.6 Related Policies, Acts, Regulations and Standards for Industry 30
2.7 Conclusion 35
4.1 Introduction 44
4.2 Occupational Structure and Occupational Area Structure 44
4.3 Critical Job Titles 69
4.4 Occupational Description 72
4.5 Conclusion 72
EU European Union
OA Occupational Analysis
OD Occupational Description
OS Occupational Structure
Figure 2.0 Export and Import of Ships, Boats and Floating Structures 12
This chapter will explain the objectives, scope and problem statement of the
Occupational Analysis for the Marine Engineering Industry. The background of
Occupational Analysis and its function in skills training and curriculum development is
also elaborated in this chapter.
Every job title will be identified according to its level as defined in the Malaysian
Occupational Skills Qualification Framework (MOSQF) level descriptor (refer to Annex
1). It must be highlighted that the Occupational Structure should not reflect the
Organisational Structure but rather the competency levels and possible career path
for personnel under a particular sector in the industry.
The OA requires input from all parties especially industry players, statutory bodies,
training institutions among others. The identified job titles obtained during the OA
will be used as reference during National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS)
development. By developing the NOSS, personnel in the industry can be deemed
certified by undergoing three methods of skills training certification.
Therefore, it can be said that with the development of the OA and subsequently the
relevant NOSS will provide wider opportunities for personnel to be trained and
certified. Figure 1.0 shows the significance of the Occupational Analysis (OA) for
policy and NOSS development used in Malaysian skills training.
Skill Advisory
Instructional Analysis
Instructional Design
& Development
COMPETENT Implementation
GRADUATES (Delivery) of
& WORKERS Training
i. Identify the Occupational Structure and job titles available in the Marine
Engineering Industry
ii. Identify the levels of competency required beginning at the entry levels until the
highest level of competency
iii. Identify the job scope, job area and role of each job title identified including the
possibility of multi skilling between different areas as to increase employability
iv. Identify the specific job titles that are considered critical and require immediate
development of Standards & Curriculum
The scope of this particular OA is focused on the Marine Engineering Industry and all
areas that are defined to be under the Marine Engineering Industry.
The Occupational Analysis on the Marine Engineering Industry will cover the scope of:
i. Occupational Structures;
ii. Occupational Area Analysis; and
iii. Job Descriptions.
There have been various National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) documents
developed for the Marine Engineering Industry covering areas of Marine Electrical
Maintenance and Technical Management, Marine Mechanical Engineering
Maintenance and Technical Management, Marine Hull Construction and Marine
Electronics Maintenance and Technical Management (Details of the existing NOSS
relevant to the Marine Engineering Industry are included in Chapter 2).
In the light of recent economic development in the Marine Engineering Industry, the
demand for sufficient skilled personnel has increased and the development of skilled
manpower is timely. By going through the mechanism provided by the Skills Training
system in Malaysia, one of the important steps is to identify the Occupational
Structure of the Marine Engineering Industry. With the Occupational Structure clearly
defined, the industry stakeholders will be able to identify areas that will require more
intensive efforts in human capital development. Although there have been past
efforts in National Standards Development for the industry, the need for an
Occupational Analysis is required to determine the overall areas that may not yet
have been focused on. We can assume that the Occupational Analysis to be a
blueprint of the manpower planning for the Marine Engineering Industry.
This chapter will focus on the explanation of the Marine Engineering Industry, the
current scenario in Malaysia, introduction to government policies, development
plans, government bodies and industrial competitiveness at the international level
pertaining to the Marine Engineering Industry. Findings in this chapter were obtained
via literature review, observation, interviews with industry practitioners and
discussions during workshops with development panel members. This literature
review will be further discussed with panel members to obtain insight on the matters
at hand from a practitioners perspective.
Marine engineering broadly refers to the engineering of boats, ships, Mobile Offshore
Drilling Unit (MODU) and any other marine vessel or floating structure. Specifically,
marine engineering is the discipline of applying engineering sciences, mostly naval
architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, to the development, design,
operation and maintenance of watercraft structure (hull) propulsion and on-board
systems; e.g. power and propulsion plants, machinery, piping, automation and
control systems etc. for marine vehicles of any kind like surface ships, submarines etc.
Not all of marine engineering is concerned with moving vessels. Offshore
construction, also called offshore engineering, ocean engineering or maritime
engineering, is concerned with the technical design of fixed and floating marine
structures, such as oil platforms and offshore wind farms. The term Marine
Engineering can also be defined broadly to include all enterprises engaged in the
business of designing, constructing, manufacturing, acquiring, operating, supplying,
repairing and/or maintaining vessels, or component parts there of: of managing
The Marine Engineering Industry is defined into 4 main sub sectors which are:
The Ship Building / Ship Repair Industry as addressed in the Third Industrial Master
Plan (IMP3), is part and parcel of the marine transport sub-sector of the larger
transport equipment industry. Structurally, the ship building/ship repair industry
serves the shipping Industry in terms of building and supplying new vessels and
maintaining existing vessels operated or owned by ship owners. Ship Design activities
are high income activities and will contribute positively towards creating a high
income nation with the establishment of a big pool of designers. The realisation of
local design capabilities will support the Ship Building and Ship Repair sector to meet
the target in year 2020, of capturing 80 % of local new built market and 2 % of global
new built market.
In order to analyse the industry, the existing National Occupational Skills Standard
(NOSS) and Occupational Structure documents were referred. In the DSDs NOSS
Malaysian Shipbuilding/Ship Repair Industry Strategic Plan 2020.MIGHT.AMIM.
Registry, the existing OA Matrices can be seen in the following figures included in this
Less than 500 GT 500 3000 GT More than 3000 GT
TP-025 2 : 2012
L5 (Not Available) Navigational and Shipboard Operation
TP-025 4 : 2012
L4 Navigational Watchkeeping and Cargo Operation
TP-025 3 : 2012
L3 Navigational Watchkeeping and Deck Operation
TP-025 2 : 2012
L2 Navigational Lookout and Deck Operation
TP-025 1 : 2012
L1 Deck Operation
(Not Available)
TP-200-3 TP-032-3 : 2012
L3 Port Supervisor Bunker Operation
(10.12.2010) (18.12.2012)
TP-200-2 TP-032-2 : 2012
L2 Port Operation Assistant Bunker Operation
(10.12.2010) (18.12.2012)
TP-200-1 TP-032-1 : 2012
L1 Port Stevedore Bunker Operation
(10.12.2010) (18.12.2012)
Marine industries in this country had been established since the past many decades.
The industries vary from boats, ships and offshore platforms design, construction,
operation, maintenance, and repair to manufacturing of parts and equipment as well
as in oil and gas exploration and production. 2
Malaysia has what it takes to emerge as a serious player in the maritime industry
which includes shipbuilding, ship repairing, and maritime support services. Blessed
with favourable maritime features including being located along critical and busy sea
lanes, Malaysia has many advantages that can be harnessed to elevate the nation's
competitiveness and stature among key maritime nations. 3
Malaysia faces several constraints and challenges in the Marine Engineering Industry.
Among them are the strong competition from yards in other countries, rising cost of
raw materials, shortage of skilled labour among locals, excess capacity of yards and
high reliance on labour intensive activities. Partly because of these challenges,
Malaysian yards are not capable of building large sophisticated ocean going vessels
which leading shipbuilding nations like South Korea, Japan and China are renowned
for. As a result, local ship owners still depend on foreign yards for building, servicing
and repairing their vessels. This reliance on foreign made vessels and of the services
of yards abroad leads to foreign exchange outflow and contributes to the current
account deficit of the country. 4
Malaysia has many advantages and features that can be leveraged upon to make it an
internationally competitive shipbuilding and ship repairing nation. These include
excellent location along busy shipping routes, pro-business policies, and good
Malaysian Marine Industries Perspective. University Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Institute of Marine Technology
Malaysia Shipbuilding/Ship Repair Industry Report 2013/2014
4 nd
2 National Marine Industries Forum 2012.Realising Ship Building/Ship Repair Industry Strategic Plan 2020.
institutional framework, favourable maritime features for shipyard activities and
good infrastructure and many others.
In 2011, the Ship Building and Ship Repair Industry generated RM 7.05 billion in
revenue, provided more than 30,000 jobs and attracted investments worth RM6
billion approved by MITI.
Malaysia is poised to be one of the major ship building nations in the region with
close to 55,500 jobs opening up by 2020 and plans to capture almost 80% of the local
shipbuilding market by 2020. The country enjoys certain strengths such as its
strategic location, serving as a strong logistics hub in the region, financial stability and
a skilled workforce. However, certain weaknesses also include lack of government
involvement, lack of modular technology and marketing presence. As part of its
growth strategy, Malaysia plans to focus on building small/medium size vessels of up
to 30,000 tonnes rather than large container vessels.
The marine industry is not only a conduit to Malaysia's trade but is also an important
source of employment. Various activities in the industry provide a platform for the
development of skills in a wide range of areas such as naval architecture, engineering
and fabrication.
There are five (5) capital shipyards which could handle work scopes on construction,
maintenance and repair of ships ranging from 300 up to 400,000 tonnes deadweight
and eighteen (18) medium and small size shipyards handling the same work scopes
for ships ranging from the smallest size of boats to the medium size of ships of up to
300 tonnes deadweight which are accounted for in Malaysia. These shipyards are
linked to networks of vendors, suppliers and original manufactures of the associated
materials, parts and equipment in the country and abroad which provide the
integrated technical and the logistic supports to the industries. These shipyards take
work orders from clients within the country and also from overseas. There are other
numerous unaccounted small yards and traditional boat builders operating along
many rivers and coastal towns in the West Peninsular and East Malaysia serving
individual boat owners, fishermen and petty boat operators. General survey carried
out shows that an average of up to 500 engineers and skilled technicians which are
categorised as engineering professionals and semi-professionals are employed by
every capital shipyard. Each of the medium and small size shipyards employs an
average of up to 50 engineers and skilled technicians. Therefore a rough figure of
more than 4000 engineering professionals and semi-professionals are employed in
Malaysian shipyards. 5
Malaysian Marine Industries Perspective.University Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Institute of Marine Technology
A total of about 480 ships and boats of various sizes are owned by the various
government agencies including the Royal Malaysian Navy, Marine Police, Fishery
Department, Royal Custom and Excise, Port Authorities and the Maritime
Enforcement Authority. With an average of 15 shipboard and shore support
engineering personnel employed per ship, a total of more than 7000 engineering
professionals and semi-professionals are engaged in the employment by the various
government agencies. 6
In all, from the above statistics a total of about 22,000 engineering professionals and
semi-professional are currently employed in the marine and the related industries in
Malaysia excluding in the oil and gas exploration and production sector. Allowing for
a pessimistic growth of 8% to 10% inclusive of vacancies created due to workforce
retirement and migration to other industries in every five years ahead, a total of
Malaysian Marine Industries Perspective.University Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Institute of Marine Technology
The Government of Malaysia seeks to strengthen the capacity and the capability of
the shipbuilding and repair sector under the Third Industrial Master Plan (IMP3) from
2006 to 2020. This is necessary as to reduce the outflow of capital for the acquisition
of marine transport products, especially ships. The push to the shipbuilding and
repair sector is amongst the strategic thrusts for the long-term growth and viability of
the marine transport sector. The country imported passenger ships, LNG ships, LPG
ships, container ships, oil tankers, general cargo ships, barges and others. Many
shipping companies also leased or chartered the various types of vessel from abroad
as to cater the additional requirements to transport their commodities or goods out
of and into the country.
The full capability and capacity in ship design are necessary to be built up. The
Malaysian shipyards seemed to be more comfortable engaging foreign ship design
consultants than building own capability and capacity. Most Malaysian ship owners
prefer their vessels to be designed by foreign ship design consultants and constructed
at shipyards overseas. The present limited capability and capacity in the fields of ship
design and construction or shipbuilding needs to be enhanced as to ensure a long
Out of the 30,000 strong workforces currently serving the industry, the blue collar
skilled workers and technicians represent the majority of the workforce. In order to
achieve the targets set for year 2020, it is necessary to fulfil the human capital
demand of the industry which is estimated that by 2020, an approximately 1,300
marine engineers and 2,300 technicians and mechanics specialising in aluminium and
steel welding and carpentry are required.
To fulfil the demand of workers in the Marine Industry, the role of training providers
to produce highly skilled workers are crucial. Currently there are various local training
institutions and universities that offer marine engineering courses, such as University
Technology Malaysia (UTM), University Pertahanan Malaysia, Akademi Laut Malaysia
(ALAM), Ungku Omar Polytechnic, Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of
Marine Engineering Technology (UniKL MIMET), Sarawak Maritime Academy and
Ranaco Marine. 7
Malaysia Shipbuilding/Ship Repair Industry Strategic Plan 2013/2014
*Year to Sep
Source :Clarksons ** A measure of shipbuilding capacity
The South Korean ship building industry is recognised as the best in the world,
producing 350 commercial and military vessels per year, these range from VLCC
tankers (385 meters in length) LNG, LPG, car carriers (7000 cars) and container
The cluster also benefits from supply of Engineers from Seoul National University and
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), as well as skilled workers
from vocational institutions such Ulsan Polytechnic College and Changwon
Polytechnic College. KOSHIPA is the leading shipbuilding association enhancing
cooperation amongst members and promoting their common interests, with
membership covering all major shipbuilders. Other key shipbuilding industry
associations include Korea Marine Equipment Association (KOMEA) and the Korea
Shipbuilding Industry Cooperative (KOSIC).
Singapore is the largest manufacturer of jack-up rigs, and commands 70 per cent of
the world market. It also has 70 percent of the global market for the conversion of
Floating Production Storage Offloading units. Towards meeting future demand for
energy, offshore deep-water along with unconventional oil & gas exploration and
Based on the three benchmark countries shown above it can be summarised that in
order to develop a sustainable Marine Engineering Industry, there are several factors
that are instrumental such as:
i. Ministry of Transport
The Marine Department of Malaysia acts as the regulatory body which audits
the respective training institutions and enforces the implementation of the
correct training programme for ship hull construction coordination/ marine
seafarers at those institutes. The role of MARDEP is to ensure that the study
program is in line with the STCW 2010, requirements where the workshop
facilities, teaching faculty members qualifications and the students entry
qualifications are in full compliance with the set standard.
Classification societies set technical rules, confirm that designs and calculations
meet these rules, survey ships and structures during the process of
construction and commissioning, and periodically survey vessels to ensure that
they continue to meet the rules. Classification societies are also responsible for
classing oil platforms, other offshore structures, and submarines. This survey
process covers diesel engines, important shipboard pumps and other vital
machinery. Classification surveyors inspect ships to make sure that the ship, its
components and machinery are built and maintained according to the
standards required for their class.
No. Name Abbreviations Head Office
1. Lloyd's Register LR 1760 London
2. Bureau Veritas BV 1828 Paris
3. Registro Italiano Navale RINA 1861 Genoa
4. American Bureau of Shipping ABS 1862 Houston
5. Det Norske Veritas DNV 1864 Oslo
6. Germanischer Lloyd GL 1867 Hamburg
7. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK) NK 1899 Tokyo
Russian Maritime Register of Saint
8. RS 1913
Shipping Petersburg
9. Hellenic Register of Shipping HR 1919 Piraeus
Overseas Marine Certification
10. OMCS 2004 Panama
11. Polish Register of Shipping PRS 1936 Gdansk
12. Croatian Register of Shipping CRS 1949 Split
13. Bulgarian Register of Shipping BRS () 1950 Varna
China Corporation Register of
14. CR 1951 Taipei
15. China Classification Society CCS 1956 Beijing
16. Korean Register of Shipping KR 1960 Busan
17. Turk Loydu TL 1962 Istanbul
18. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia BKI 1964 Jakarta
No. Name Abbreviations Head Office
19. Indian Register of Shipping IRS 1975 Mumbai
International Naval Surveys
20. INSB 1977 Piraeus
International Register of
21. IROS 1993 Miami
22. Ships Classification Malaysia SCM 1994 Shah Alam
23. Isthmus Bureau of Shipping IBS 1995 Panama
24. Guardian Bureau of Shipping GBS 1996 Syria
25. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia BKI 1964 Jakarta
26. Registro Internacional Naval RINAVE 1973 Lisbon
Rio de
27. Brazilian Register of Shipping RBNA 1982
28. Shipping Register of Ukraine RU () 1998 Kyiv
29. Dromon Bureau of Shipping DBS 2003 Limassol
Intermaritime Certification
30. ICS Class 2005 Panama
31. Iranian Classification Society ICS 2007 Tehran
32. Register of Shipping Albania ARS 1970 Durres
Venezuelan Register of
33. VRS 2008 London
IMO's specialised committees and sub-committees are the focus for the
technical work to update existing legislation or develop and adopt new
regulations, with meetings attended by maritime experts from Member
Governments, together with those from interested intergovernmental and
non-governmental organisations.
MMEAS Functions:
The association was established on 14 March 1984 and was initially known as
Association of Shipbuilders and Repairers of Malaysia (ASROM). The name
was changed to Association of Marine Industries of Malaysia (AMIM) on 24
July 1997 with a view to broaden its membership and representative
spectrum to include all aspects of marine industry activities in Malaysia.
protect, safeguard, preserve and strive for the interest of its members
to meet the growing demands of the industry and the aspiration of
Malaysia to be a Maritime Nation;
develop and improve the standard and technology by setting up
standard in conformity with the global order and applying it to
Malaysian Shipbuilding, Ship repair and general Marine industries;
act as a mean of communication and forum for its members to interact
contribute and consolidate their ideas and experience to improve the
act as a source of reference for Marine industries of Malaysia by
providing information kiosk, directory and other services to promote
and introduce the activities of its members;
promote cooperation between its members and affiliated members
with the objectives of forming a healthy working relations between
parties and encourage the exchange of technologies as inspired by the
national industrial policy;
give assistance in the form of advice and references for expert advice
on all matters relating to management of business and investments
and also sponsor and promote research into areas affecting marine
industries in Malaysia or any other act that the Association may think
proper and desirable in the interest of the Association in line with any
of its objective;
promote and facilitate the pursuit of education and training in marine
industries curriculum by sponsoring, introducing, advocating and
subjects related to the industry and providing such facilities like
scholarships and loans and to enable the pursuit locally or abroad of
suitable candidates to ensure the continuity of the industry and its
organise, sponsor and hold lectures, workshops, exhibition, visits,
competition, trade discussion and representation locally and abroad
on Marine industry activities in Malaysia;
act as buffers and representative for its members in their relation with
government agencies and other concerned groups to enable issue be
collective and centralized to improve efficiency by eliminating
repetition and deliberation;
assist members in negotiations, meetings, discussions with other
groups or agencies with the object of furthering the development of
Marine industry in Malaysia;
organise and manage matters of common interest, concern or benefit
to members or any group of members and to collect and manage
funds for the same;
make by laws and regulations to govern the conduct and ethic of its
members based on established customs and practices of marine
businesses and having such mandate and authority to promulgate and
enforce these rules and regulations against any members of the
make representation on behalf of its members at any forum for
dispute settlements, negotiation, inquiries or forum at its sole
discretion on all matters concerning marine industries and to employ,
recommend and introduce professionals for the purpose of common
good of the Association at its discretion without prejudice to any of its
establish, maintain, rent, acquire or own property under the
Association for the use of its members and engage in such social
activities including meals and refreshment for its members;
act as Arbitrators in any disputes of its members provided that such
members have given their express consent in writing. Such Arbitration
i. Standard of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW 2010) - The 2010
Manila Conference
The STCW has assisted many training institutions to improve the quality of the
training they provide and have been used to improve procedures for assessing
competency by ensuring uniformity in the application of the training and
assessment provisions of the STCW Convention and Code.
ii. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974
iii. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 - Act 415 provides the
legislative framework to promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of
safety and health at work. The aim is to promote safety and health awareness,
and establish effective safety organisation and performance through self-
regulation schemes designed to suit the particular industry or organisation.
The long-term goal of the Act is to create a healthy and safe working culture
among all Malaysian employees and employers. OSHA 1994 defines the
general duties of employers, employees, the self-employed, designers,
manufacturers, importers and suppliers of plant or substances. Although these
duties are of a general character, they carry a wide ranging set of
responsibilities. The Act provides a comprehensive and integrated system of
law to deal with the safety and health of virtually all people at work and the
protection of the public where they may be affected by the activities of
people at work.
There are seven regulations under OSHA 1994 that are enforced by DOSH,
which are:
Below are lists of other Acts relevant to the marine engineering industry as
listed by the Ministry of Transport Malaysia:
This chapter describes the methodology of the overall Occupational Analysis process
that was conducted throughout the Marine Engineering Industry Occupational
Below are the techniques used throughout the research conducted on the Insurance
A literature survey is carried out to get some insight on the scope, policies,
programs and activities in the context of the Malaysian scenario. The scope
covered under this survey includes descriptions, current analysis of the
sectors/ Sub-Sectors, current status of the respective industry, skilled workers
requirement in the local sector and the industrial competition at international
(b) Survey/Questionnaire
The purpose of the survey is to collect the data and feedback from the
industries on the supply and demand on skilled workforce, job scope, nature
of work, occupational description, occupational structure, career path,
current and future trend of the industries.
(c) Interview
Interviews are one of the methods to reinforce the information gathered from
the survey. The Interview focuses on the main industry players and
stakeholders to seek their opinions and/or impressions.
Industrial experts who represent small, medium and large scale industries are
identified and short listed for further communication and contact. Normally
these experts are from Human Resources or managerial levels that have an
Based on the activities done above, substantial data and information will then
be collected. The data and information will then be discussed and analysed in
development workshops attended by selected key persons or experts from
the public and private sector. The presence of the key persons or experts
ensures that the development of the Occupational Analysis is current and
The final report of OA must be well presented with discussion, conclusion and
recommendations in order to guide the general readers and interested parties
to comprehend about the skilled workforce scenario in the industries.
Identify sector
Identify sub-sector
The Occupational Description (OD) is the detailed description of the main job scope
of the job title. Below are the main steps in producing an OD for the respective job
a) Object
The object is determined first before the verb and qualifier. It is the main
determinant to distinguish one job to another. The objects are acquired from the
industrial experts during a brainstorming session and written on DACUM cards so
that all the experts can see the objects identified. Objects of those in the related
area or sub-sector are determined as in the example below.
Developing Carbon
key work Footprint
stream Carbon
Paperwork or
Legend : footprint
: Sector/ Sub-sector/ Area/ Sub-area
: Object
b) Verb
The verb is then determined based on the level of difficulty of the identified job
titles, such as below:
Object : GHG emission data
Verb for Level 3 : Calculate and analyse
Verb for Level 4 : Verify
Verb for Level 5 : Endorse
c) Qualifier
Based on the example above, the statement is not clear as there is no qualifier
for the object, therefore a qualifier must be added to further clarify it. Below is
an example:
Calculate and analyse GHG emission data according to determined
These chapters have elaborated on the methodology used in the study which is
through literature review, brainstorming sessions and DESCUM (Development of
Standard and Curriculum). The development of the Occupational Structure and
Occupational Description obtained via brainstorming sessions will be presented in the
next chapter, Chapter 4, Findings.
The identified sectors for the Marine Engineering Industry were obtained through
discussions with industry experts during the development workshop sessions and
interviews. Based on the discussions held during development workshops, the
development panel members had identified that the main sectors under the Marine
Engineering Industry in Malaysia were to be segregated into 4 different Occupational
Structures which are Ship Building and Ship Repair, Offshore Fabrication and
Installation, Ship Design and Ship Board Operation.
The Occupational Structures for these sectors are included in this section, firstly the
sectors and relevant areas are shown, then following them will be the Occupational
Structures that show the common job titles in the industry and are presented under
each relevant sub-sector and area.
Under this sub sector, there are 5 areas that are pertinent to ship building and
ship repairing which are piping, electrical and instrumentation, hull,
mechanical and preservation. The personnel under the piping area may start
as Fitters at Level 1, Piping System Technician at Level 2, Piping System
Supervisor at Level 3, Piping System Technical Executive at level 4 and finally
as Piping System Manager at level 5. These personnel will be responsible for
the ships piping system preparation, fabrication, installation and
The personnel under the Electrical and Instrumentation (E & I) area are
responsible for the preparation, installation, maintenance and management
of the ships electrical devices, electrical appliances, lighting system and
overall electrical system. The Instrumentation personnel under the E & I area
will perform the testing and calibration of the electrical devices, appliances
and lighting on the ship. This is important to ensure that they are in good
working condition and are accurate. The personnel start their careers as
Junior Technicians at Level 1, then proceed as Technicians at level 2,
Supervisors at level 3, Technical Executives at level 4 and finally as Managers
at level 5.
The Hull area involves personnel who will be responsible for the construction
of the ships hull which is the body of the ship. The personnel at entry level 1
are divided according to their specialisation of material used to build the ship
hull. These materials are aluminum, composite, steel and wood. Then for each
material they will be further divided into hull and outfitting work. Outfitting is
the fitting of parts other than that of the Hull. Entry level personnel at level 1
are as Fitters that proceed to level 2 as Technicians, to Level 3 as Supervisors
The Preservation area deals with Painting, Blasting and Fairing work that deal
with the exterior and surface preparation of the ship. Fairing is coating used
on luxury ships. The personnel start at level 1 as Painting, Blasting or Fairing
Junior Technicians then at Level 2 may advance as Technicians, at Level 3 as
Supervisors. At Level 4, they will be Blasting & Painting Executives and at Level
5 as Blasting & Painting Managers, where they will be able to oversee both
The next sub sector is Offshore Fabrication and Installation which are usually
platforms and other vessels than ships. The areas and levels of competencies
under this sub sector are mostly similar such as Piping and Electrical &
Instrumentation however the skills and technologies used are different from
those under the Ship Building & Ship Repairing sub sector.
Under the Structure area, the personnel are responsible for the fabrication of
the steel structure where their entry level is at Level 1 as Steel Structure
Fitter. They may proceed to higher levels until the highest level which is as the
Structure Manager at Level 5.
Outfitting is also another area that deals with the fittings and fixtures other
than the main structure, where personnel start at Level 1 and are known as
Accommodation & Outfitting personnel until Level 5 as Accommodation &
Outfitting Managers.
Under the Mechanical area the difference with the Mechanical Engineering on
Ships is that there are no cargo systems. The level of competencies are the
same for the Engine, Propulsion, Auxiliary and Marine HVAC between the
Mechanical area for Ships and Offshore structures though the personnel
require different skills and technologies.
The Ship & Offshore Design sub sector consists of the Naval Architecture,
Electrical & Instrumentation and Mechanical Piping Design personnel. Naval
Architecture focuses on designing the structure of various maritime and naval
vessels. Personnel in this field must ensure the design of vessels that are both
extremely safe under the often wild conditions of the ocean, but are still able
to effectively perform whatever function theyve been designed for. Electrical
& Instrumentation design personnel are responsible for the design of
electrical systems on ships and other offshore structures. Personnel under
the Mechanical Piping Design area are responsible for the design of piping
systems. The personnel under this sub sector start at Level 3 as Draughtsman
in their respective areas and may proceed until the highest level as Design
The Ship Board Operation sub sector consists of personnel under Deck
Operation and Engine Operation. The personnel start at Level 1 in their
respective areas and may proceed until the highest level of competency as the
Captain for Deck Operation and Chief Engineer for Engine Operation. It must
be highlighted that the personnel under this area that wish to serve on board
seagoing vessels must comply with the Malaysian Marine Department
(MARDEP) requirements that follow the international STCW Convention
The Deck Operation area consists of personnel in charge of the Deck area of
the ship such as below:
Captain: The Captain is responsible for the safe and efficient operation
of a merchant vessel, including crew management, navigation, cargo
operations and making sure that the vessel is in compliance with all
international and local laws, as well as any state or company policies.
Chief Mate : The Chief Mate is the head of the Deck Operation area or
Deck department of the ship. This involves administrative tasks such as
scheduling work, quality control, coordinating with other departments,
and conflict resolution. The Chief Mate also compiles supply, overtime,
The Occupational Area Analysis is done so that the current job titles in the industry
are translated into the job areas required of the personnel. In doing so, candidates
will have better employment prospects as there will be no mismatch of job titles to
expected job competencies. This is because different organisations use different job
titles. Certification will also be able to reflect the job competencies correctly and
avoid confusion of job scope based on job titles.
For the Ship Building and Ship Repairing job areas, it has been analysed by expert
panel members that personnel start their careers at Level 1 where their job areas
Under the Ship & Offshore Design sub sector personnel start at Level 3 where their
job scope is design operation and they may advance until Level 8 and conduct Design
Under Ship Board Operation, the personnel at Levels 1 and 2 have been merged
because their job scopes are similar and may be combined into one area. Whereas at
Level 4 and Level 5 the personnel will focus on Deck Administration and Management
in their respective areas.
Level 5 Piping System Manager Marine Electrical Manager Marine Instrumentation Manager
Level 3 Piping System Supervisor* Marine Electrical Supervisor* Marine Instrumentation Supervisor*
Level 2 Piping System Technician* Marine Electrical Technician* Marine Instrumentation Technician*
Area Hull
Sub Area/ Ship
Aluminum Outfitting Steel Outfitting Composite Outfitting Wood Outfitting
Level Carpentry
Level 8 No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level
Level 7 No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level
Level 6 No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level No Level
Ship Hull Manager
Level 5 Ship Hull Manager (Aluminum& Steel) Ship Hull Manager (Wood)
Ship Hull Technical Ship Hull Technical Ship Hull Technical
Level 4 Ship Hull Technical Executive (Wood)
Executive (Aluminum) Executive (Steel) Executive (Composite)
Ship Hull Outfitting Ship Hull Outfitting Ship Hull Outfitting Ship Hull Outfitting Ship
Level 3 Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Carpentry
(Aluminum)* (Aluminum) (Steel)* (Steel) (Composite)* (Composite) (Wood) (Wood) Supervisor
Ship Hull Outfitting Ship Hull Outfitting Ship Hull Outfitting Ship Hull Outfitting Ship
Level 2 Technician Technician Technician Technician Technician Technician Technician Technician Carpentry
(Aluminum)* (Aluminum) (Steel)* (Steel) (Composite)* (Composite) (Wood) (Wood) Technician
Ship Hull Ship Hull Ship Hull Ship Hull
Outfitter Outfitter Outfitter Outfitter Ship
Level 1 Fitter Fitter Fitter Fitter
(Aluminum) (Steel) (Composite) (Wood) Carpenter
(Aluminum)* (Steel)* (Composite)* (Wood)
Level 5 Piping System Manager Marine Electrical Manager Marine Instrumentation Manager
Level 3 Piping System Supervisor* Marine Electrical Supervisor* Marine Instrumentation Supervisor*
Level 2 Piping System Technician* Marine Electrical Technician* Marine Instrumentation Technician*
Marine Mechanical
Marine Mechanical Marine Mechanical Marine Mechanical
Level 3 Marine Structure Supervisor* Supervisor
Supervisor (Engine)* Supervisor (Auxiliary)* Supervisor (HVAC)*
Marine Mechanical
Marine Mechanical Marine Mechanical Marine Mechanical
Level 2 Marine Structure Technician* Technician
Technician (Engine)* Technician (Auxiliary)* Technician (HVAC)*
Level 1 Accommodation & Outfitting Fitter* Blasting Junior Technician Painting Junior Technician
Area Engineering
Piping / Machinery
Level 4 Ship Designer* Electrical Designer* Instrumentation Designer*
Sub Area/ Deck Operation Engine Operation
Level 8 No Level No Level
Level 1 Able Body / Ordinary Seaman (Deck Rating) Wiper (Engine Rating)
Level 2
Piping System Fabrication, Installation & Marine Electrical Installation, Marine Instrumentation Installation,
Maintenance Operation & Maintenance Operation & Maintenance
Level 1
Marine Hull
Level 2 Outfitting Marine Hull Outfitting Marine Hull Outfitting Marine Hull Outfitting Ship
Fabrication, Fabrication, Fabrication, Fabrication, Fabrication, Fabrication, Fabrication, Carpentry
Installation & Installation & Installation & Installation & Installation & Installation & Installation & Fabrication,
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Installation &
Level 1 Maintenance
(Aluminum) (Steel) (Steel) (Composite) (Composite) (Wood) (Wood) Maintenance
Piping System Fabrication & Installation Marine Electrical Installation Marine Instrumentation Installation
Level 5
Management Management Management
Piping System Fabrication & Installation Marine Electrical Installation Marine Instrumentation Installation
Level 4
Coordination Coordination Coordination
Piping System Fabrication & Installation Marine Electrical Installation Marine Instrumentation Installation
Level 3
Supervision Supervision Supervision
Level 2
Piping System Fabrication & Installation Marine Electrical Installation Marine Instrumentation Installation
Level 1
Level 2
Marine Mechanical Marine Mechanical Marine Mechanical Marine Mechanical
Marine Structure Fabrication &
Fabrication & Fabrication & Fabrication & Fabrication &
Installation (Engine) Installation (Auxiliary) Installation (Propulsion) Installation (HVAC)
Level 1
Marine Outfitting Fabrication & Marine Preservation Application Marine Preservation Application
Level 3
Installation Supervision Supervision (Blasting) Supervision (Painting)
Level 2
Marine Outfitting Fabrication & Marine Preservation Application Marine Preservation Application
Installation (Blasting) (Painting)
Level 1
Marine Engineering Design (Naval Marine Engineering Design Marine Engineering Design Marine Engineering Design
Level 8
Architecture) (Electrical) (Instrumentation) (Piping/Machinery)
Marine Engineering Design Marine Engineering Design
Marine Engineering Design Management Marine Engineering Design
Level 7 Management Management
(Naval Architecture) Management (Electrical)
(Instrumentation) (Piping/Machinery)
Marine Engineering Design Marine Engineering Design Marine Engineering Design
Marine Engineering Design Operation
Level 6 Operation Management Operation Management Production Management
Management (Naval Architecture)
(Electrical) (Instrumentation) (Piping/Machinery)
Marine Engineering Design Drafting Marine Engineering Design Marine Engineering Design Marine Engineering Design
Level 3
(Naval Architecture) Drafting (Electrical) Drafting (Instrumentation) Drafting (Piping/Machinery)
Deck Operation Engine Operation
Sub Area/ Level
Level 5 Deck Operation Administration & Control Engine Operation Administration & Control
Level 3 Deck Operation & Maintenance Supervision Engine Operation & Maintenance Supervision
Level 2
Deck Operation & Maintenance Engine Operation & Maintenance
Level 1
This section will highlight the skilled personnel requirement in the Marine Engineering
Industry job areas which are in demand currently and in the near future. There were
job titles identified during the brainstorming session with the panel members that they
had categorised as critical. The job titles which were not considered as critical were
because the current numbers of personnel under these categories were sufficient.
Based on input from the expert panel members, the following table is the list of the
critical job titles within short term and medium term.
Table 14.0: List of Critical Job Titles within Short Term and Medium Term
Item Critical job Title (1-3 Page
(4-5 years)
1. Piping System Fitter 86
2. Piping System Technician 87
3. Piping System Supervisor 88
4. Marine Electrical Junior Technician 91
5. Marine Electrical Technician 92
6. Marine Electrical Supervisor 93
Marine Instrumentation Junior
7. 96
8. Marine Instrumentation Technician 97
9. Marine Instrumentation Supervisor 98
10. Ship Hull Fitter (Aluminum) 101
11. Ship Hull Technician (Aluminum) 102
12. Ship Hull Supervisor (Aluminum) 103
13. Ship Hull Fitter (Steel) 108
14. Ship Hull Technician (Steel) 109
15. Ship Hull Supervisor (Steel) 110
16. Ship Hull Fitter (Composite) 116
17. Ship Hull Technician (Composite) 117
18. Ship Hull Supervisor (Composite) 118
Table 14.0: List of Critical Job Titles within Short Term and Medium Term
Item Critical job Title (1-3 Page
(4-5 years)
Marine Mechanical Fitter
19. 143
Marine Mechanical Technician
20. 144
Marine Mechanical Supervisor
21. 145
22. Cargo System Technical Executive 152
23. Cargo System Manager 153
24. Piping System Fitter 166
25. Piping System Technician 167
26. Piping System Supervisor 168
27. Marine Electrical Junior Technician 171
28. Marine Electrical Technician 172
29. Marine Electrical Supervisor 173
Marine Instrumentation Junior
30. 176
31. Marine Instrumentation Technician 177
32. Marine Instrumentation Supervisor 178
33. Marine Structure Fitter 181
34. Marine Structure Technician 182
35. Marine Structure Supervisor 183
36. Marine Mechanical Fitter (Engine) 186
Marine Mechanical Technician
37. 187
Marine Mechanical Supervisor
38. 188
39. Marine Mechanical Fitter (Auxiliary) 190
Marine Mechanical Technician
40. 191
Marine Mechanical Supervisor
41. 192
Based on this chapter, the sub sectors that have been identified reflect the main
sectors in the Marine Engineering Industry which are Ship Building & Ship Repairing,
Offshore Installation & Fabrication, Ship & Offshore Designing and Ship Board
Operation. The visual representations of the Occupational Structures and Occupational
This chapter will discuss the findings and providing recommendation on the
development of human capital for Marine Engineering Industry.
To ensure that Malaysian marine based industry remain competitive in the global
employment market, the manpower in the industry need to be trained in the advanced
technology of current ships. This requires many corrective actions at the national level
to enhance their training much beyond the current scope of current curriculum and
make them competent to meet the technology challenge of new ships and thereby
enhance their employability globally. A number of initiatives are required to meet
these challenges which include revision of the curriculum, course certification and also
general enhancements of the training infrastructure. Academic institutions and other
skills institutions should play an important role in addressing this issue. As the result
from this Occupational Analysis, it can be the basis of restructuring their training
programs and curriculum. Endowed with strong government support, this industry
could expand more and continuously contribute to Malaysian economy. It is hoped that
Achievement at this level reflects the ability to use relevant knowledge, skills and
1 procedures to complete routine and predictable tasks that include responsibility
for completing tasks and procedures subject to direction or guidance
Achievement at this level reflects the ability to select and use relevant knowledge,
ideas, skills and procedures to complete well-defined tasks and address
2 straightforward problem. It includes taking responsibility for completing tasks
and procedures, and exercising autonomy and judgment subject to overall
direction or guidance
Achievement at this level reflects the ability to identify and use relevant
understanding, methods and skills to complete task and address problems that
are well defined with a measure of complexity. It includes taking responsibility for
initiating and completing tasks and procedures as well as exercising autonomy and
judgments within limited parameter. It also reflects awareness of different
perspectives or approaches within an area of study or work
Achievement at this level reflects the ability to identify and use relevant
understanding, methods and skills to address problems that are well defined but
complex and non-routine. It includes taking responsibility for overall courses of
action as well as exercising autonomy and judgment within fairly broad
parameters. It also reflects under-standing of different perspective or approaches
within an area of study or work
Achievement at this level reflects the ability to identify and use relevant
understanding, methods and skills to address broadly-defined, complex
problems. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of
action as well as exercising autonomy and judgment within broad parameters. It
also reflects understanding of different perspectives, approaches or schools of
thought and the reasoning behind them
Achievement at this level reflects the ability to refine and use relevant
understanding, methods and skills to address complex problems that have limited
definition. It includes taking responsibility for planning and developing courses of
6 action that are able to underpin substantial change or development, as well as
exercising broad autonomy and judgment. It also reflects an understanding of
different perspectives, approaches of schools of thought and the theories that
underpin them
Achievement at this level reflects the ability to reformulate and use relevant
understanding, methodologies and approaches to address problematic situations
that involve many interacting factors. It includes taking responsibility for planning
7 and developing courses of action that initiate or underpin substantial change or
development, as well as exercising broad autonomy and judgment. It also reflects
an understanding of theoretical and relevant methodological perspectives, and
how they affect their area of study or work
New Construction
Bureau Veritas (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Mr. Noor Asha Bin Abdul
3. Association of Marine
Treasurer Industries of Malaysia
Director of Training Malaysian Maritime
4. Captain Lee Ghim Teck
& Education Academy Sdn. Bhd.
Chief Executive Shin Yang Shipping
5. Captain Ting Hien Liong
Officer Corporation Berhad
Malaysian Maritime
6. Captain V. Sivanandan Senior Lecturer
Academy Sdn. Bhd.
Cdr. (R) Raja Mohamed Chief Executive
7. BYO Marine Sdn. Bhd.
Mustafa Officer
Senior General Boustead Penang Shipyard
8. Ir. Ng Hock Seng
Manager Sdn. Bhd.
Naval Education Training
Lt. Cdr Zulhilmi Bin Quality Control Staff
9. Command (NETC),Royal
Jamaluddin Officer
Malaysian Navy
Mr. Abdul Nasar Abdul Principal Assistant
10. Jabatan Laut Malaysia
Hadi Director
Malaysian Industry
Mr. Anuar Bin Mohd Senior Principal
11. Government Group For High
Noor Analyst
Technology (MIGHT)
22. Mr. Renco Yong King Hwa Executive Director Gimhawk Shipyard Sdn. Bhd.
Job Definition :
A Piping System Fitter is designated to carry out piping system fabrication, installation,
repairing and preservation application according to quality assurance & quality control
procedures. The fitter also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out piping system fabrication.
4. Carry out piping system repairing.
5. Carry out piping system installation.
6. Carry out piping system preservation activities.
7. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
8. Update piping system installation, fabrication & repairing checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Piping System Technician is designated to carry out piping fabrication and check piping
system fabrication, installation, repairing and preservation application according to quality
assurance & quality control procedures. The technician also has to adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Piping System Supervisor is designated to supervise piping system fabrication, installation,
repairing and preservation application according to quality assurance & quality control
procedures. The supervisor also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Piping System Technical Executive is designated to monitor & control piping system
fabrication, installation, repairing and preservation application activities according to quality
assurance & quality control procedures. The technical executive also has to adhere to safety,
health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Piping System Manager is designated to plan & organise piping system fabrication,
installation, repairing and preservation application activities. He also has to review and
endorse quality assurance & quality control procedures. The manager also has to adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Junior Technician is designated to operate switch gear, carry out
preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Technician is designated to check switch gear operation, check preventive
maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Supervisor is designated to supervise switch gear operation, supervise
preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, perform electrical testing
& commissioning and perform electrical equipment inspection & calibration. He also has to
comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Technical Executive is designated to coordinate switch gear operation,
coordinate preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, verify
electrical testing & commissioning and verify electrical equipment inspection & calibration. He
also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Manager is designated to monitor & control switch gear operation, plan &
organise preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, manage
electrical testing & commissioning and review & endorse electrical equipment inspection &
calibration. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Junior Technician is designated to carry out preventive
maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Technician is designated to check preventive maintenance,
installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply with quality assurance &
control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Supervisor is designated to supervise preventive maintenance,
installation, repairing and troubleshooting, perform instrumentation testing & commissioning
and perform instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration. He also has to comply with
quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Technical Executive is designated to coordinate preventive
maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, verify instrumentation testing &
commissioning and verify instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration. He also has to
comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Manager is designated to monitor & control switch gear operation,
plan & organise preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, manage
instrumentation testing & commissioning and review & endorse instrumentation equipment
inspection & calibration. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures
and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Fitter (Aluminum) is designated to carry out aluminum ship hull marking, cutting,
fabrication, installation, and repairing. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
requirement and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technician (Aluminum) is designated to inspect aluminum ship hull marking,
cutting, fabricate, install and repairing. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
requirement and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Supervisor (Aluminum) is designated to supervise aluminum ship hull cutting,
repairing, installation, marking and fabrication. He also has to comply with quality assurance &
control requirement and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Outfitter (Aluminum) is designated to carry out aluminum ship hull marking, repair, fitting
& cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Technician (Aluminum) is designated to carry out and check aluminum ship hull
marking, repair, fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures &
adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Supervisor (Aluminum) is designated to supervise aluminum ship hull marking,
repair, fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technical Executive (Aluminum) is designated to coordinate, analyse, review &
verify aluminum cutting, marking, testing, repairing, fabrication, lamination, aluminum mould
preparation, aluminum design modification, system integration and outfitting. He also has to
comply with quality assurance & control assessment and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Fitter (Steel) is designated to carry out steel marking, cutting, fabricate, install
and repair. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control requirement and adhere
to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technician (Steel) is designated to inspect steel cutting, repairing, installation,
marking and fabrication. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
requirement and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Supervisor (Steel) is designated to supervise steel marking, cutting, fabricate,
install and repair. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control requirement and
adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Outfitter (Steel) is designated to carry out steel marking, repair, fitting & cutting. He also
has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Technician (Steel) is designated to carry out and check steel marking, repair,
fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety,
health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Supervisor (Steel) is designated to supervise steel marking, repair, fitting &
cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technical Executive (Steel) is designated to coordinate, analyse, review & verify
Steel cutting, marking, testing, repairing, fabrication, lamination, steel mould preparation,
steel design modification, system integration and outfitting. He also has to comply with
quality assurance & control assessment and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Manager (Aluminum & Steel) is designated to plan, organise, review & endorse
cutting, marking, testing, repairing, fabrication, lamination, mould preparation, design
modification, system integration and outfitting. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control assessment and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Fitter (Composite) is designated to carry out composite ship hull cutting,
marking, repair, mould making and lamination. He also has to comply with quality assurance
& control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technician (Composite) is designated to carry out & inspect composite ship hull
cutting, marking, repair, mould making, fabrication, composite lay-up, outfitting and
lamination. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere
to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Supervisor (Composite) is designated to supervise, inspect & check composite
ship hull cutting, marking, repair, mould making, fabrication, composite lay-up, outfitting,
block assembly, plug making and lamination. He also has to comply with quality assurance
& control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Sector Marine Engineering Industry
Job Definition :
An Outfitter (Composite) is designated to carry out composite ship hull marking, repair,
fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Technician (Composite) is designated to carry out and check composite ship
hull marking, repair, fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures
& adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Supervisor (Composite) is designated to supervise composite ship hull marking,
repair, fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technical Executive (Composite) is designated to coordinate, analyse, review &
verify composite cutting, marking, testing, repairing, fabrication, lamination, composite
mould preparation, composite design modification, system integration and outfitting. He
also has to comply with quality assurance & control assessment and adhere to safety, health
& environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Manager (Composite) is designated to plan, organise, review & endorse cutting,
marking, testing, repairing, fabrication, lamination, mould preparation, design modification,
system integration and outfitting. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
assessment and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Fitter (Wood) is designated to carry out wood ship hull cutting, marking,
fabrication, repairing and keel-laying. He also has to comply with quality assurance &
control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technician (Wood) is designated to carry out and check wood ship hull cutting,
marking, fabrication, keel laying, outfitting and repair. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Supervisor (Wood) is designated to supervise wood cutting, marking,
fabrication, keel laying, outfitting and repair. He also has to comply with quality assurance
& control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitter (Wood) is designated to carry out wood marking, repair, fitting & cutting. He
also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Technician (Wood) is designated to carry out and check wood marking,
cutting, fitting and repair. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere
to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
An Outfitting Supervisor (Wood) is designated to supervise wood marking, repair, fitting &
cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety, health
& environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Carpenter is designated to carry out fitting, finishing works and repairing. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Carpentry Technician is designated to carry out and check fitting, finishing works
and repairing. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and
adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Carpentry Supervisor is designated to supervise fitting, finishing works and
repairing. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere
to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Technical Executive (Wood) is designated to coordinate, analyse, review &
verify wood cutting, marking, testing, repairing, fabrication, lamination, wood mould
preparation, wood design modification, system integration and outfitting. He also has to
comply with quality assurance & control assessment and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Ship Hull Manager (Wood) is designated to plan, organise, review & endorse cutting,
marking, testing, repairing, fabrication, lamination, mould preparation, design modification,
system integration and outfitting. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
assessment and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (Engine) is designated to carry out engine parts dismantle,
cleaning, engine component and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (Engine) is designated to carry out engine preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (Engine) is designated to supervise engine preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (Engine) is designated to coordinate engine
preventives maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (Auxiliary) is designated to carry out auxiliary parts cleaning,
dismantle auxiliary components and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with
quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (Auxiliary) is designated to carry out auxiliary preventive
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (Auxiliary) is designated to supervise auxiliary preventive
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (Auxiliary) is designated to coordinate auxiliary
preventive maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (Propulsion) is designated to carry out propulsion parts cleaning,
dismantle propulsion component and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with
quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (Propulsion) is designated to carry out propulsion
preventive maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (Propulsion) is designated to supervise propulsion
preventive maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (Propulsion) is designated to coordinate
propulsion preventive maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance.
He has also to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety,
health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (HVAC) is designated to carry out HVAC parts cleaning,
dismantle HVAC component and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (HVAC) is designated to carry out HVAC preventive
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (HVAC) is designated to supervise HVAC preventive
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (HVAC) is designated to coordinate HVAC
preventive maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Manager is designated to plan, organise, monitor & control engine,
auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC preventive maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning
and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Monitor & control tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC preventive
4. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC overhauling.
5. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC testing &
6. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC installation &
7. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC troubleshooting &
8. Monitor & control engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC parts cleaning.
9. Monitor & control first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Endorse activities report.
Job Definition :
A Cargo System Technical Executive is designated to carry out cargo system testing &
commissioning, sensor installation & maintenance, sensor equipment calibration,
troubleshooting & diagnosing, pumping & piping installation & maintenance, tank coating
regasification installation and inerting installation & maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE).
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out cargo system testing & commissioning.
4. Carry out sensor equipment installation & maintenance.
5. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
6. Carry out sensor equipment calibration.
7. Carry out troubleshooting & diagnosing.
8. Carry out pumping & piping installation & maintenance.
9. Carry out cargo control monitoring system & inerting installation, monitoring &
10. Carry out tank coating.
11. Prepare Cargo Control System inspection report.
12. Carry out regasification system installation, monitor & maintenance.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Cargo System Manager is designated to monitor & control cargo system testing &
commissioning, sensor installation & maintenance, sensor equipment calibration,
troubleshooting & diagnosing, pumping & piping installation & maintenance, tank coating
degasification installation and inerting installation & maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE).
2. Monitor & control tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Monitor & control cargo system testing & commissioning.
4. Monitor & control sensor equipment installation & maintenance.
5. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
6. Monitor & control sensor equipment calibration.
7. Monitor & control troubleshooting & diagnosing.
8. Monitor & control pumping & piping installation & maintenance.
9. Monitor & control cargo control monitoring system & inerting installation, monitoring
& maintenance.
10. Monitor & control tank coating.
11. Endorse Cargo Control System inspection report.
12. Monitor & control degasification system installation, monitor & maintenance.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Blasting Junior Technician is designated to carry out site preparation, surface preparation
& blasting. He also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out site preparation.
4. Carry out surface preparation.
5. Carry out surface blasting.
6. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Blasting Technician is designated to carry out & check site preparation, surface
preparation & blasting. He also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out & check site preparation.
4. Carry out & check surface preparation.
5. Carry out & check blasting.
6. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Blasting Supervisor is designated to carry out & check site preparation, surface
preparation & blasting. He also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise site preparation.
4. Supervise surface preparation.
5. Supervise surface blasting.
6. Check activities report.
Job Definition :
A Painting Junior Technician is designated to carry out site preparation, surface preparation,
coating & cold fairing. He also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out site preparation.
4. Carry out surface preparation.
5. Carry out coating.
6. Carry out cold fairing.
7. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Painting Technician is designated to carry out & check site preparation, surface
preparation, coating & cold fairing. He also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out & check site preparation.
4. Carry out & check surface preparation.
5. Carry out & check coating.
6. Carry out & check cold fairing.
7. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Painting Supervisor is designated to supervise site preparation, surface preparation,
coating & cold fairing. He also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise site preparation.
4. Supervise surface preparation.
5. Supervise coating.
6. Supervise cold fairing.
7. Check activities report.
Job Definition :
A Fairing Junior Technician (Cold Fairing) is designated to carry out site preparation, surface
preparation, cold fairing and coating. He also has to adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out site preparation.
4. Carry out surface preparation.
5. Carry out cold fairing.
6. Carry out coating.
7. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Fairing Technician (Cold Fairing) is designated to carry out & check site preparation,
surface preparation, cold fairing and coating. He also has to adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out & check site preparation.
4. Carry out & check surface preparation.
5. Carry out & check cold fairing.
6. Carry out & check coating.
7. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Fairing Supervisor (Cold Fairing) is designated to supervise site preparation, surface
preparation, cold fairing and coating. He also has to adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise site preparation.
4. Supervise surface preparation.
5. Supervise cold fairing.
6. Supervise coating.
7. Check activities report.
Job Definition :
A Blasting & Painting Technical Executive are designated to coordinate site preparation,
surface preparation, cold fairing, and coating and perform quality inspection. He also has to
adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate cold fairing activities.
4. Perform blasting & painting quality inspection.
5. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Blasting & Painting Manager is designated to plan, organise, monitor & control site
preparation, surface preparation, cold fairing, apply coating and review quality inspection.
He also has to adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Manage tools, equipment & materials availability.
3. Plan & organise cold fairing activities.
4. Verify blasting & painting quality inspection.
5. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Piping System Fitter is designated to carry out piping system installation, fabrication,
repairing and preservation applications according to quality assurance & quality control
procedures. The fitter have also to adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out piping system installation.
4. Carry out piping system fabrication.
5. Carry out piping system repairing.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Carry out piping system preservation.
8. Update piping system installation, fabrication & repairing checklist
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Piping System Technician is designated to carry out and check piping system installation,
fabrication, repairing and preservation applications according to quality assurance & quality
control procedures. The technician has also to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Inspect tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out complex piping system installation, fabrication and repair works.
4. Check piping system installation, fabrication and repair works.
5. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
6. Carry out and check piping system preservation.
7. Update piping system installation, fabrication & repairing checklist
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Piping System Supervisor is designated to supervise piping system installation, fabrication,
repairing and preservation applications according to quality assurance & quality control
procedures. The supervisor has also to adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise piping system installation activities.
4. Supervise piping system fabrication activities.
5. Supervise piping system repairing activities.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Supervise piping system preservation activities.
8. Check piping system installation, fabrication & repairing report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Piping System Technical Executive is designated to monitor & control piping system
installation, fabrication, repairing and preservation application activities according to quality
assurance & quality control procedures. The technical executive has also to adhere to safety,
health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Coordinate piping system installation & maintenance tools, equipment & materials
3. Monitor & control piping system installation activities.
4. Monitor & control piping system fabrication activities.
5. Monitor & control piping system repairing activities.
6. Perform piping system installation quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Manage piping system preservation activities.
8. Verify piping system installation, fabrication & repairing checklist.
Job Definition :
A Piping System Manager is designated to plan & organise piping system installation,
fabrication, repairing and preservation application activities. They have also to review and
endorse quality assurance & quality control procedures. The manager has also to adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Evaluate & endorse tools, equipment & materials procurement.
3. Plan & organise piping system installation.
4. Plan & organise piping system fabrication.
5. Plan & organise piping system repairing.
6. Review & endorse quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Plan & organise piping system preservation.
8. Endorse piping system installation, fabrication & repairing checklist.
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Junior Technician is designated to operate switch gear, carry out
preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out switch gear operation.
4. Carry out electrical preventive maintenance activities.
5. Carry out marine electrical repairing.
6. Carry out marine electrical installation activities.
7. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
8. Carry out marine electrical troubleshooting.
9. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Technician is designated to check switch gear operations, check
preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Check switches gear operations.
4. Check electrical preventive maintenance activities.
5. Carry out complex marine electrical installation and repair works.
6. Check marine electrical installation & repair works.
7. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
8. Check marine electrical troubleshooting.
9. Check & update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Supervisor is designated to supervise switch gear operations, supervise
preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, perform electrical
testing & commissioning and perform electrical equipment inspection & calibration. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise switch gear operations.
4. Supervise electrical preventive maintenance activities.
5. Supervise marine electrical repairing.
6. Supervise marine electrical installation activities.
7. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
8. Supervise marine electrical troubleshooting.
9. Perform marine electrical testing & commissioning.
10. Perform marine electrical equipment inspection & calibration.
11. Check activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Technical Executive is designated to coordinate switch gear operations,
coordinate preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, verify
electrical testing & commissioning and verify electrical equipment inspection & calibration.
He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety,
health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials availability.
3. Coordinate switch gear operations.
4. Coordinate electrical preventive maintenance activities.
5. Coordinate marine electrical repairing.
6. Coordinate marine electrical installation activities.
7. Perform quality assurance & quality control procedures.
8. Coordinate marine electrical troubleshooting.
9. Verify marine electrical equipment inspection & calibration.
10. Verify marine electrical testing & commissioning.
11. Verify activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Marine Electrical Manager is designated to monitor & control switch gear operation, plan
& organise preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, manage
electrical testing & commissioning and review & endorse electrical equipment inspection &
calibration. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere
to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Evaluate & endorse tools, equipment & materials procurements.
3. Monitor & control switch gear operation.
4. Plan & organise electrical preventive maintenance activities.
5. Plan & organise marine electrical repairing.
6. Monitor & control marine electrical installation activities.
7. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
8. Monitor & control marine electrical troubleshooting.
9. Review & endorse design adjustment.
10. Review & endorse marine electrical equipment inspection & calibration.
11. Manage marine electrical testing & commissioning.
12. Endorse activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Junior Technician is designated to carry out preventive
maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out instrumentation preventive maintenance activities.
4. Carry out marine instrumentation repairing.
5. Carry out marine instrumentation installation activities.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Carry out marine instrumentation troubleshooting.
8. Update activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Technician is designated to check preventive maintenance,
installation, repairing and troubleshooting. He also has to comply with quality assurance &
control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Check instrumentation preventive maintenance activities.
4. Carry out marine instrumentation repairing.
5. Carry out marine instrumentation installation activities.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Check marine instrumentation troubleshooting.
8. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Supervisor is designated to supervise preventive maintenance,
installation, repairing and troubleshooting, perform instrumentation testing &
commissioning and perform instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise instrumentation preventive maintenance activities.
4. Supervise marine instrumentation repairing.
5. Supervise marine instrumentation installation activities.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Supervise marine instrumentation troubleshooting.
8. Perform marine instrumentation testing & commissioning.
9. Perform marine instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration.
10. Check activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Technical Executive is designated to coordinate preventive
maintenance, installation, repairing and troubleshooting, verify instrumentation testing &
commissioning and verify instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration. He also has
to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Verify tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate instrumentation preventive maintenance activities.
4. Coordinate marine instrumentation repairing.
5. Coordinate marine instrumentation installation activities.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Coordinate marine instrumentation troubleshooting.
8. Verify marine instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration
9. Verify marine instrumentation testing & commissioning.
10. Perform system integration development.
11. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Instrumentation Manager is designated to monitor & control switch gear
operations, plan & organise preventive maintenance, installation, repairing and
troubleshooting, manage instrumentation testing & commissioning and review & endorse
instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Review & endorse tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Plan & organise instrumentation preventive maintenance activities.
4. Plan & organise marine instrumentation repairing.
5. Monitor & control marine instrumentation installation activities.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Monitor & control marine instrumentation troubleshooting.
8. Review & endorse design adjustment.
9. Review & endorse marine instrumentation equipment inspection & calibration.
10. Plan & organise system integration development.
11. Manage marine instrumentation testing & commissioning.
12. Endorse activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Structure Fitter is designated to carry out steel cutting, repairing, installation,
marking and fabrication. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
requirement and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out steel cutting.
4. Carry out steel repair.
5. Carry out ship hull steel installation.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Carry out steel marking.
8. Install cathodic protection.
9. Carry out steel fabrication.
10. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Structure Technician is designated to inspect steel cutting, repairing, installation,
marking and fabrication. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
requirement and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Inspect steel cutting.
4. Carry out steel repair.
5. Carry out & check ship hull steel installation.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Carry out and check steel marking.
8. Check cathodic protection application activities.
9. Carry out & check steel fabrication.
10. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Structure Supervisor is designated to supervise steel cutting, repairing, installation,
marking and fabrication. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures
and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise steel cutting.
4. Carry out steel testing.
5. Supervise steel repair.
6. Supervise & check ship hull steel installation.
7. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures
8. Supervise and check steel marking.
9. Supervise cathodic protection installation.
10. Carry out module assembly.
11. Supervise & check steel fabrication.
12. Check activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Structure Technical Executive is designated to coordinate steel cutting, repairing,
installation, marking and fabrication. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
procedures and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate steel structure construction.
4. Coordinate steel structure testing.
5. Coordinate steel structure repair.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures
7. Coordinate cathodic protection installation.
8. Perform steel structure system integration.
9. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Structure Manager is designated to monitor & control steel cutting, repairing,
installation, marking and fabrication. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
procedures and adhere to safety, health and environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Plan and monitor to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Plan and monitor tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Plan and monitor steel structure construction.
4. Plan and monitor steel structure testing.
5. Coordinate steel structure repair.
6. Adhere to quality assurance & quality control procedures
7. Plan and monitor cathodic protection installation.
8. Perform steel structure system integration.
9. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (Engine) is designated to carry out engine parts cleaning,
dismantle engine component and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out engine parts cleaning.
4. Dismantle engine components.
5. Carry out first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
6. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (Engine) is designated to carry out preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Carry out and check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out engine preventives maintenance.
4. Carry out engine & ancillaries overhauling.
5. Carry out & check engine parts cleaning.
6. Check engine components.
7. Carry out & check first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
8. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
9. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (Engine) is designated to supervise preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise engine preventives maintenance.
4. Supervise engine & ancillaries overhauling.
5. Perform engine testing & commissioning.
6. Perform engine installation & alignment.
7. Perform engine troubleshooting & diagnostics.
8. Supervise engine parts cleaning.
9. Supervise first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Check activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (Engine) is designated to coordinate preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate engine preventives maintenance.
4. Coordinate engine & ancillaries overhauling.
5. Coordinate engine testing & commissioning.
6. Coordinate engine installation & alignment.
7. Coordinate engine troubleshooting & diagnostics.
8. Coordinate engine parts cleaning.
9. Coordinate first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (Auxiliary) is designated to carry out auxiliary parts cleaning,
dismantle auxiliary component and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with
quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out auxiliary parts cleaning.
4. Dismantle auxiliary components.
5. Carry out first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
6. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Carry out pneumatic & hydraulic control system maintenance.
8. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (Auxiliary) is designated to carry out preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Carry out and check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out auxiliary preventives maintenance.
4. Carry out auxiliary & ancillaries overhauling.
5. Carry out & check auxiliary parts cleaning.
6. Check auxiliary components.
7. Carry out & check first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
8. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
9. Carry out pneumatic & hydraulic control system maintenance.
10. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (Auxiliary) is designated to supervise preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise auxiliary preventives maintenance.
4. Supervise auxiliary & ancillaries overhauling.
5. Perform auxiliary testing & commissioning.
6. Perform auxiliary installation & alignment.
7. Perform auxiliary troubleshooting & diagnostics.
8. Supervise auxiliary parts cleaning.
9. Supervise first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Supervise pneumatic & hydraulic control system maintenance.
12. Check activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (Auxiliary) is designated to coordinate preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate auxiliary preventives maintenance.
4. Coordinate auxiliary& ancillaries overhauling.
5. Coordinate auxiliary testing & commissioning.
6. Coordinate auxiliary installation & alignment.
7. Coordinate auxiliary troubleshooting & diagnostics.
8. Coordinate auxiliary parts cleaning.
9. Coordinate first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Coordinate pneumatic & hydraulic control system maintenance.
12. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (Propulsion) is designated to carry out propulsion parts cleaning,
dismantle propulsion component and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with
quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out propulsion parts cleaning.
4. Dismantle propulsion components.
5. Carry out first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
6. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (Propulsion) is designated to carry out preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Carry out and check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out propulsion preventives maintenance.
4. Carry out propulsion& steering gear equipment maintenance.
5. Carry out & check propulsion parts cleaning.
6. Check propulsion components.
7. Carry out & check first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
8. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
9. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (Propulsion) is designated to supervise preventives
maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also has to comply
with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise propulsion preventives maintenance.
4. Supervise propulsion& steering gear equipment maintenance.
5. Perform propulsion testing & commissioning.
6. Perform propulsion installation & alignment.
7. Perform propulsion troubleshooting & diagnostics.
8. Supervise propulsion parts cleaning.
9. Supervise first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Check activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (Propulsion) is designated to coordinate
preventives maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning and first level maintenance. He also
has to comply with quality assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate propulsion preventives maintenance.
4. Coordinate propulsion& steering gear equipment maintenance.
5. Coordinate propulsion testing & commissioning.
6. Coordinate propulsion installation & alignment.
7. Coordinate propulsion troubleshooting & diagnostics.
8. Coordinate propulsion parts cleaning.
9. Coordinate first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Fitter (HVAC) is designated to carry out equipment installation,
maintenance, citadel monitoring and control. He also has to comply with quality assurance
& control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE).
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out HVAC equipment installation & maintenance.
4. Carry out HVAC control & monitoring system installation & maintenance.
5. Carry out citadel monitoring and control.
6. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
7. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technician (HVAC) is designated to carry out and check equipment
installation, maintenance, citadel monitoring and control. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE).
2. Carry out and check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out preventives maintenance.
4. Carry out and check HVAC equipment installation & maintenance.
5. Carry out and check HVAC control & monitoring system installation & maintenance.
6. Carry out citadel monitoring and control.
7. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
8. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Supervisor (HVAC) is designated to supervise equipment installation,
maintenance, citadel monitoring and control. He also has to comply with quality assurance
& control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE).
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise preventives maintenance.
4. Supervise HVAC equipment installation & maintenance.
5. Carry out testing & commissioning.
6. Carry out installation & alignment.
7. Supervise HVAC control & monitoring system installation & maintenance.
8. Carry out troubleshooting & diagnostics.
9. Carry out citadel monitoring and control.
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Check activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Technical Executive (HVAC) is designated to coordinate equipment
installation, maintenance, citadel monitoring and control. He also has to comply with quality
assurance & control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE).
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate preventives maintenance.
4. Coordinate HVAC equipment installation & maintenance.
5. Coordinate testing & commissioning.
6. Coordinate installation & alignment.
7. Coordinate HVAC control & monitoring system installation & maintenance.
8. Carry out troubleshooting & diagnostics.
9. Coordinate citadel monitoring and control.
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Marine Mechanical Manager is designated to plan, organise, monitor & control engine,
auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC preventive maintenance, overhauling, parts cleaning
and first level maintenance. He also has to comply with quality assurance & control
procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) procedures.
2. Monitor & control tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC preventive
4. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC overhauling.
5. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC testing &
6. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC installation &
7. Plan & organise engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC troubleshooting &
8. Monitor & control engine, auxiliary, propulsion and marine HVAC parts cleaning.
9. Monitor & control first level maintenance (oiling, greasing, take reading).
10. Comply with quality assurance & quality control procedures.
11. Endorse activities report.
Job Definition :
An Accommodation & Outfitting Fitter is designated to carry out marking, repair, fitting &
cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out marking for outfitting works.
4. Carry out fitting activities.
5. Carry out fittings repair.
6. Adhere to quality control procedures.
7. Carry out cutting activities.
8. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Accommodation & Outfitting Technician is designated to carry out and check marking,
repair, fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Carry out marking works.
4. Check repair works.
5. Adhere to quality control procedures.
6. Check fitting quality.
7. Update activities checklist.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Accommodation & Outfitting Supervisor is designated to supervise marking, repair,
fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to safety,
health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Supervise marking activities.
4. Supervise repair works.
5. Adhere to quality control procedures.
6. Supervise fitting activities.
7. Check activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Accommodation & Outfitting Technical Executive is designated to coordinate marking,
repair, fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate marking.
4. Coordinate repair.
5. Adhere to quality control procedures.
6. Coordinate fitting activities.
7. Coordinate cutting activities.
8. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
An Accommodation & Outfitting Manager is designated to monitor & control marking,
repair, fitting & cutting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures & adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Monitor & control tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Monitor & control fabrication.
4. Monitor & control marking.
5. Monitor & control repair.
6. Adhere to quality control procedures.
7. Monitor & control fitting activities.
8. Monitor & control cutting activities.
9. Endorse activities report.
Job Definition :
A Blasting Junior Technician is designated to carry out site preparation, surface preparation
& blasting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures and adhere to safety,
health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Adhere to quality control procedures.
4. Carry out site preparation.
5. Carry out surface preparation.
6. Carry out surface blasting.
7. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Blasting Technician is designated to carry out & check site preparation, surface
preparation & blasting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures and to adhere
to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Adhere to quality control procedures
4. Carry out & check site preparation.
5. Carry out & check surface preparation.
6. Carry out & check blasting.
7. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Blasting Supervisor is designated to carry out & check site preparation, surface
preparation & blasting. He also has to comply with quality control procedures and adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Adhere to quality control procedures
4. Supervise site preparation.
5. Supervise surface preparation.
6. Supervise surface blasting.
7. Check activities report.
Job Definition :
A Painting Junior Technician is designated to carry out site preparation, surface preparation,
coating & cold fairing. He also has to comply with quality control procedures and adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Adhere to quality control procedures
4. Carry out site preparation.
5. Carry out surface preparation.
6. Carry out coating.
7. Carry out cold fairing.
8. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Painting Technician is designated to carry out & check site preparation, surface
preparation, coating & cold fairing. He also has to comply with quality control procedures
and adhere to safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Carry out & check tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Adhere to quality control procedures
4. Carry out & check site preparation.
5. Carry out & check surface preparation.
6. Carry out & check coating.
7. Carry out & check cold fairing.
8. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Painting Supervisor is designated to supervise site preparation, surface preparation,
coating & cold fairing. He also has to comply with quality control procedures and adhere to
safety, health & environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Supervise tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Adhere to quality control procedures
4. Supervise site preparation.
5. Supervise surface preparation.
6. Supervise coating.
7. Supervise cold fairing.
8. Check activities report.
Job Definition :
A Blasting & Painting Technical Executive are designated to coordinate site preparation,
surface preparation, cold fairing, and coating and perform quality inspection. He also has to
comply with quality control procedures and adhere to safety, health & environmental
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Coordinate tools, equipment & materials preparation.
3. Coordinate cold fairing activities.
4. Perform blasting & painting quality inspection.
5. Adhere to quality control procedures
6. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Blasting & Painting Manager is designated to plan, organise, monitor & control site
preparation, surface preparation, cold fairing, and coating and review quality inspection. He
also has to comply with quality control procedures and adhere to safety, health &
environmental requirements.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Manage tools, equipment & materials availability.
3. Plan & organise cold fairing activities.
4. Verify blasting & painting quality inspection.
5. Adhere to quality control procedures
6. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Draughtsman is designated to prepare CAD drawings general arrangement, showing the
detail and assembly of arrangement, prepare structure drawing, hull outfitting drawing and
accommodation carpentry drawing.
Job Description :
1. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation technical specification.
2. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation drawing list.
3. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation preliminary cad drawing.
4. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation detail drawing.
5. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation design approval.
6. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation Material Take Out
7. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation production drawing.
8. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation as built drawing.
9. Prepare general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Ship Designer is designated to coordinate CAD drawings general arrangement, showing
the detail and assembly of arrangement, prepare structure drawing, hull outfitting drawing
and accommodation carpentry drawing.
Job Description :
1. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation technical
2. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation drawing list.
3. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation preliminary CAD
4. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation detail drawing.
5. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation design approval.
6. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation Material Take Out
7. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation production drawing.
8. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation as built drawing.
9. Coordinate general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Assistant Naval Architect is designated to review and endorse CAD drawings general
arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of arrangement, prepare structure drawing,
hull outfitting drawing and accommodation carpentry drawing.
Job Description :
1. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation technical
2. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation drawing list.
3. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation preliminary
CAD drawing.
4. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation detail
5. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation design
6. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation material
take out (MTO).
7. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation production
8. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation as built
9. Review and endorse general/ structure/ hull outfitting and accommodation activities
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
A Naval Architect is designated to endorse, review, plan &organise concept design, design
calculation, hull form design, technical specification endorsing, vessel construction
monitoring & control and endorse preliminary, detail & production as built drawing.
Job Description :
1. Evaluate Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment design.
2. Produce concept design.
3. Carry out vessel design calculation.
4. Endorse preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
5. Verify technical specification.
6. Produce hull form design.
7. Monitor & control vessel construction.
8. Plan & organise testing & commissioning procedures.
9. Coordinate vessel design approval.
10. Endorse Material Take Out (MTO) list.
Job Definition :
A Chief Naval Architect is designated to approve, manage & organise concept design, design
calculation, hull form design, technical specification approving, vessel construction
organising & management and approve preliminary, detail & production as built drawing.
Job Description :
1. Endorse Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment design.
2. Approve concept design.
3. Approve vessel design calculation.
4. Endorse preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
5. Endorse technical specification.
6. Approve hull form design.
7. Consult & manage vessel construction.
8. Organise & manage testing & commissioning procedures.
9. Present vessel design for approval.
Job Definition :
A Naval Architecture Specialist is designated to recommend, provide & plan concept design,
design calculation, hull form design, technical specification recommendation, vessel
construction monitoring and approve preliminary, detail & production as built drawing.
Job Description :
1. Provide consultation on Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment
2. Provide consultation on concept design on new vessel.
3. Recommend technical specification.
4. Provide consultation on hull form design.
5. Provide consultation on vessel construction.
6. Provide consultation on testing & commissioning procedures.
Job Definition :
An Electrical Draughtsman is designated to prepare CAD drawings electrical arrangement,
showing the detail and assembly of electrical equipment devices, indicating dimensions,
fastening methods, prepare single line drawing.
Job Description :
1. Prepare electrical technical specification.
2. Prepare electrical drawing list.
3. Prepare electrical preliminary cad drawing.
4. Prepare electrical detail drawing.
5. Prepare electrical design approval.
6. Prepare electrical Material Take Out (MTO)
7. Prepare electrical production drawing.
8. Prepare electrical as built drawing.
9. Prepare electrical activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Electrical Designer is designated to coordinate CAD drawings electrical arrangement,
showing the detail and assembly of electrical equipment devices, indicating dimensions,
fastening methods, prepare single line drawing.
Job Description :
1. Coordinate electrical technical specification.
2. Coordinate electrical drawing list.
3. Coordinate electrical preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Coordinate electrical detail drawing.
5. Coordinate electrical design approval.
6. Coordinate electrical Material Take Out (MTO).
7. Coordinate electrical production drawing.
8. Coordinate electrical as built drawing.
9. Coordinate electrical activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Electrical Senior Designer is designated to review and endorse CAD drawings electrical
arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of electrical equipment devices, indicating
dimensions, fastening methods, prepare single line drawing.
Job Description :
1. Review and endorse electrical technical specification.
2. Review and endorse electrical drawing list.
3. Review and endorse electrical preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Review and endorse electrical detail drawing.
5. Review and endorse electrical design approval.
6. Review and endorse electrical Material Take Out (MTO).
7. Review and endorse electrical production drawing.
8. Review and endorse electrical as built drawing.
9. Review and endorse electrical activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Electrical Design Manager is designated to review, plan & approve load calculation,
technical specification, electrical installation management, testing & commissioning
procedures, design approval management and system integration planning.
Job Description :
1. Approve Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment.
2. Review & endorse electrical load calculation.
3. Plan preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
4. Approve electrical technical specification.
5. Manage electrical installation.
6. Monitor testing & commissioning procedures.
7. Manage electrical system design approval.
8. Approve Material Take Out (MTO) list.
9. Analyse system integration.
10. Plan electrical system design.
11. Approve activities report.
Job Definition :
An Electrical Chief Design Manager is designated to recommend, provide & conduct load
calculation, technical specification, electrical installation management, testing &
commissioning procedures monitoring, design approval management and system
integration planning.
Job Description :
1. Recommend Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment.
2. Recommend electrical load calculation.
3. Recommend preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
4. Provide electrical technical specification.
5. Conduct electrical installation.
6. Conduct testing & commissioning procedures.
7. Manage electrical system design approval.
8. Plan Material Take Out (MTO) list.
9. Recommend system integration.
10. Recommend electrical system design.
11. Approve activities report.
Job Definition :
An Electrical Design Specialist is designated to recommend, provide & plan concept design,
design calculation, electrical form design, technical specification recommendation, electrical
installation monitoring and approve preliminary, detail & production as built drawing.
Job Description :
1. Provide consultation on Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment
2. Provide consultation on concept design on electrical design.
3. Recommend technical specification.
4. Provide consultation on electrical form design.
5. Provide consultation on electrical installation.
6. Provide consultation on testing & commissioning procedures.
Job Definition :
An Instrumentation Draughtsman is designated to prepare CAD drawings instrumentation
arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of instrumentation equipment devices,
indicating dimensions, fastening methods, prepare instrumentation single line drawing.
Job Description :
1. Prepare instrumentation technical specification.
2. Prepare instrumentation drawing list.
3. Prepare instrumentation preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Prepare instrumentation detail drawing.
5. Prepare instrumentation design approval.
6. Prepare instrumentation Material Take Out (MTO).
7. Prepare instrumentation production drawing.
8. Prepare instrumentation as built drawing.
9. Prepare instrumentation activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Instrumentation Designer is designated to coordinate CAD drawings instrumentation
arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of instrumentation equipment devices,
indicating dimensions, fastening methods, prepare instrumentation single line drawing.
Job Description :
1. Coordinate instrumentation technical specification.
2. Coordinate instrumentation drawing list.
3. Coordinate instrumentation preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Coordinate instrumentation detail drawing.
5. Coordinate instrumentation design approval.
6. Coordinate instrumentation Material Take Out (MTO)
7. Coordinate instrumentation production drawing.
8. Coordinate instrumentation as built drawing.
9. Coordinate instrumentation activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Instrumentation Senior Designer is designated to review and endorse CAD drawings
instrumentation arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of instrumentation
equipment devices, indicating dimensions, fastening methods, prepare instrumentation
single line drawing.
Job Description :
1. Review and endorse instrumentation technical specification.
2. Review and endorse instrumentation drawing list.
3. Review and endorse instrumentation preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Review and endorse instrumentation detail drawing.
5. Review and endorse instrumentation design approval.
6. Review and endorse instrumentation Material Take Out (MTO)
7. Review and endorse instrumentation production drawing.
8. Review and endorse instrumentation as built drawing.
9. Review and endorse instrumentation activities report.
*Critical Job Title
Job Definition :
An Instrumentation Design Manager is designated to review, plan & approve load
calculation, technical specification, instrumentation installation management, testing &
commissioning procedures monitoring, design approval management and system
integration planning.
Job Description :
1. Approve Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment.
2. Review & endorse instrumentation load calculation.
3. Plan preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
4. Approve instrumentation technical specification.
5. Manage instrumentation installation.
6. Monitor testing & commissioning procedures.
7. Manage instrumentation system design approval.
8. Approve Material Take Out (MTO) list.
9. Analyse system integration.
10. Plan instrumentation system design.
11. Approve activities report.
Job Definition :
An Instrumentation Chief Design Manager is designated to recommend, provide & conduct
load calculation, technical specification, instrumentation installation management, testing &
commissioning procedures monitoring, design approval management and system
integration planning.
Job Description :
1. Recommend Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment.
2. Recommend instrumentation load calculation.
3. Recommend preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
4. Provide instrumentation technical specification.
5. Conduct instrumentation installation.
6. Conduct testing & commissioning procedures.
7. Manage instrumentation system design approval.
8. Plan Material Take Out (MTO) list.
9. Recommend system integration.
10. Recommend instrumentation system design.
11. Approve activities report.
Job Definition :
An Instrumentation Design Specialist is designated to recommend, provide & plan concept
design, design calculation, instrumentation form design, technical specification
recommendation, instrumentation installation monitoring and approve preliminary, detail &
production as built drawing.
Job Description :
1. Provide consultation on Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment
2. Provide consultation on concept design on instrumentation design.
3. Recommend technical specification.
4. Provide consultation on instrumentation form design.
5. Provide consultation on instrumentation installation.
6. Provide consultation on testing & commissioning procedures.
Job Definition :
A Piping / Machinery Draughtsman is designated to prepare CAD drawings machinery
arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of machinery and mechanical devices,
indicating dimensions, fastening methods, prepare process and piping systems drawing,
piping layout and piping isometric drawing, and HVAC drawing
Job Description :
1. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC technical specification.
2. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC drawing list.
3. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC detail drawing.
5. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC design approval.
6. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC Material Take Out (MTO).
7. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC production drawing.
8. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC as built drawing.
9. Prepare piping/ machinery/ HVAC activities report.
Job Definition :
A Piping/ Machinery Designer is designated to coordinate CAD drawings machinery
arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of machinery and mechanical devices,
indicating dimensions, fastening methods, prepare process and piping systems drawing,
piping layout and piping isometric drawing, and HVAC drawing
Job Description :
1. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC technical specification.
2. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC drawing list.
3. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC detail drawing.
5. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC design approval.
6. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC material take out (MTO).
7. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC production drawing.
8. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC as built drawing.
9. Coordinate piping/ machinery/ HVAC activities report.
Job Definition :
A Piping / Machinery Senior Designer is designated to review and endorse CAD drawings
machinery arrangement, showing the detail and assembly of machinery and mechanical
devices, indicating dimensions, fastening methods, prepare process and piping systems
drawing, piping layout and piping isometric drawing, and HVAC drawing
Job Description :
1. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC technical specification.
2. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC drawing list.
3. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC preliminary CAD drawing.
4. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC detail drawing.
5. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC design approval.
6. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC Material Take Out (MTO).
7. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC production drawing.
8. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC as built drawing.
9. Review and endorse piping/ machinery/ HVAC activities report.
Job Definition :
A Piping/ Machinery Design Manager is designated to review, plan & approve flow
calculation, technical specification, piping installation management, testing &
commissioning procedures monitoring, design approval management and system
integration planning.
Job Description :
1. Approve Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment.
2. Review & endorse piping flow calculation.
3. Plan preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
4. Approve piping technical specification.
5. Manage piping installation.
6. Monitor testing & commissioning procedures.
7. Manage piping system design approval.
8. Approve Material Take Out (MTO) list.
9. Analyse system integration.
10. Plan piping system design.
11. Approve activities report.
Job Definition :
A Piping/ Machinery Chief Design Manager is designated to recommend, provide & conduct
flow calculation, technical specification, piping installation management, testing &
commissioning procedures monitoring, design approval management and system
integration planning.
Job Description :
1. Recommend Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment.
2. Recommend piping load calculation.
3. Recommend preliminary, detail, production & as built drawing.
4. Provide piping technical specification.
5. Conduct piping installation.
6. Conduct testing & commissioning procedures.
7. Manage piping system design approval.
8. Plan Material Take Out (MTO) list.
9. Recommend system integration.
10. Recommend piping system design.
11. Approve activities report.
Job Definition :
An Piping/ Machinery Design Specialist is designated to recommend, provide & plan concept
design, design calculation, piping/ machinery form design, technical specification
recommendation, piping/ machinery installation monitoring and approve preliminary, detail
& production as built drawing.
Job Description :
1. Provide consultation on Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) compliance assessment
2. Provide consultation on concept design on piping/ machinery design.
3. Recommend technical specification.
4. Provide consultation on piping/ machinery form design.
5. Provide consultation on piping/ machinery installation.
6. Provide consultation on testing & commissioning procedures.
Job Definition :
An Able Body / Ordinary Seaman (Deck Rating) is designated to carry out lifesaving
equipment launching, deck machinery operation, cargo gear operation, carry out scaling,
buffing and painting decks, splicing wire & rope, rigging running gear & cargo securing and
general maintenance.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Launch lifesaving equipment.
3. Operate deck machinery.
4. Operate cargo gear.
5. Perform general maintenance.
6. Perform lifeboat maintenance.
7. Carry out ships scaling and buffing.
8. Paints ships deck & superstructure.
9. Carry out wire & rope splicing.
10. Carry out stow cargo, stationary rigging and running gear handling.
11. Carry out cargo securing.
12. Carry out boats launching & recovering.
13. Update activities report.
Job Definition :
A Leading Seaman (Deck Rating) is designated to watch at sea and in port. supervise a small
group of crew members carrying out deck department duties and perform other duties.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Operate steering wheel.
3. Update weather, telephone and radio watches and recording observations log-book.
4. Receiving and directing visitors on ship.
5. Control deck machinery operation such as winches, derricks and cranes.
6. Oversee loading and unloading of equipment and supplies.
7. Check and keeping records of soundings in fresh water and ballast tanks, bilges and
8. Participate in towing, salvage, and rescue drill and operations.
9. Maintain lifeboats and safety equipment.
10. Oversee washing and cleaning of the ship's hull, decks and superstructure.
11. Coordinate minor maintenance and servicing of cabin fixtures and non-technical
12. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Bosun (Deck Rating) is designated to supervise the deck department crew on a ship,
ensures cleanliness of the ship and good working condition of all machinery, equipment and
ship's navigational aids under control of the deck department, directs the construction,
maintenance and repair of aids to navigation and performs other duties.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Determine daily work schedules for ship crews.
3. Provide on-the-job training and instruction to crew members.
4. Reviewing work proficiency of deck crew.
5. Make recommendations for promotion or disciplinary action.
6. Oversee crew members engaged in ship's cleaning, such as chipping and scaling steel
work, washing and painting wood-work, cleaning out holds and quarters.
7. Supervise running maintenance and repair to deck department machinery and
8. Conduct boat or barge engaged in landing.
9. inspect aids to navigation,
10. determine services or repairs needed on ship,
11. Assign deck personnel to the work and checking completed work.
12. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Watchkeeping Officer is designated to tend to the safety and navigation of a vessel while
at sea. There are usually several qualified watchkeepers on a ship, and the duties are divided
into eight to twelve hour shifts, with the on-duty watchkeeper reporting directly to the
captain when necessary.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Navigate ship and adept at plotting courses and positions.
3. determine position and course.
4. Watch for obstacles that might collide with the vessel.
5. Prepared to deal with adverse weather when it arises.
6. Watch the radar and the sky for any signs of adverse weather.
7. Adjust the course of the ship as required.
8. Maintain order among the crew members.
9. Ensure that all members are performing their respective duties.
10. Endorse activities report.
Job Definition :
A First Officer Chief Mate is designated to supervise the Second Mate, Third Mate, Bosun,
Crane Operator and Dynamic Position Operator. The Chief Mate monitors all third party
people as they work on the deck. In addition, the Chief Mate assists the Master to exercise
control effectively over marine operations with appropriate regard for the protection of the
environment, maintenance of equipment and personnel safety.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Check local and international laws related to vessel operation are being followed, and
all pollution regulations are being met.
3. oversees maintenance of life saving, firefighting, deck and lifting equipment
4. Oversees exterior vessel maintenance.
5. Check equipment and materials are loaded, labeled and secured according to
6. Monitor that the vessel is maintained and operated according to the Marine
Operations Manual guidelines.
7. Supervise loading and storing of all consumables.
8. Check the watertight integrity of the vessel is maintained.
9. Check the safety of the vessel crew and any cargo or equipment it may be carrying.
Job Definition :
A Captain is designated to operate ships. He is also responsible to direct crew, operate the
ship and ensure safe port.
Job Description :
1. Command vessels in various bodies of water.
2. Operate and maintain engines, winches, navigational systems, fire extinguishers, and
life preservers.
3. Measure and record water depths.
4. Ensure adequate levels of hydraulic fluid, air pressure, and oxygen.
5. Resolve problems with customers.
6. Sort logs or salvage lost logs.
7. Utilise electronic sounding devices.
8. Direct and coordinate crew members or workers performing activities such as loading
and unloading cargo, steering vessels, operating engines, maintaining and repairing
ship equipment.
9. Inspect ships operation ability condition.
10. Set courses and determine speeds using charts, plotting sheets, sextants, and
11. Monitor loading of cargo.
12. Record ship positions and movements.
Job Definition :
A Wiper (Engine Rating) is designated to attend to the lubrication of machinery and
equipment under the control of the Engine Room Department during the hours of a regular
watch at sea and an auxiliary watch in port. Operate as directed all main and auxiliary
machinery and equipment. Keep the Engine Room Department machinery, equipment and
spaces in a clean and orderly condition. Work independently or under direction of an
Engineer Officer during maintenance and opening up of main and auxiliary machinery for
survey or repair and record data in Engine Room logs. Perform other duties as required.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Cleaning the engine room.
3. Check and maintain all oil pump levels of main and auxiliary machinery including thrust
shaft and propeller shaft bearing.
4. Maintain correct levels by adding as necessary.
5. Check and maintain correct levels in manually filled oil feeder boxes grease cups of
main and auxiliary machinery including pumps, steering gear, and refrigeration
6. Change and clean oil filters as necessary.
7. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
A Greaser (Engine Rating) is designated to grease small piece parts, coat parts and dismantle
unit to facilitate application of grease.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Greases small piece parts.
3. Coats parts with grease, using swabs and brushes, or dips parts into grease pot.
4. Dismantle units, such as breech or firing mechanism to facilitate application of grease.
5. Update activities checklist.
Job Definition :
An Oiler (Engine Rating) is designated to carry out engine maintenance, record temperature,
and pressure and assist to stand by main engine and other auxiliary engines and other
operating conditions.
Job Description :
1. Adhere to Safety, Health & Environmental (SHE) requirements.
2. Engage in work relating to engine maintenance.
3. Watch duty in port, sea and the other engine rating.
4. Engage in watch duty during navigation.
5. Record temperature, pressure and operating condition of machineries in engine space.
6. Assist to several maintenance works including housekeeping.
7. Assist to stand by main engine and other auxiliary engine.
8. Verify activities report.
Job Definition :
A Watchkeeping Engineer is designated to be responsible for engine and other equipment
start up and shut down, in charge of operation, repair and scheduled maintenance and
involve in bunkering operation.
Job Description :
1. On fitter work either by day or regular watch keeping within and outside main engine
and boiler spaces.
2. Responsible for engine and other equipment start-up and shutdown prior vessel
departure and arrival at port.
3. In charge of operation, repair and scheduled maintenance of pumps, air compressors,
oil purifiers, fresh water generators, boilers and auxiliary engines.
4. On regular watch of main engines and boilers simultaneously.
5. Involve in bunkering operation for fuel oil as well as fresh water for the ship operations
and domestic consumption.
6. Prepare detail service or repair specification and spares requirement prior vessel
7. Prepare equipment maintenance report on monthly basis and spare part stock take at
regular basis.
Job Definition :
A Second Engineer is designated to provide the utmost assistance to the Chief engineer for
running the ship efficiently. Moreover, the second engineer is also in-charge of all the
operational engineers and the crew of the engine room. He ensures for their personnel
safety and routine duties. He also plans the overall maintenance of all the machinery
present in the engine room of the ship.
Job Description :
1. Responsible for risk assessment, briefing and safety training of the entire engine crew,
especially for the junior engineers and fresh crew.
2. Operate & maintain lifesaving appliances and firefighting appliances.
3. Manage all the emergency machinery and equipments.
4. In-Charge of pollution prevention equipment onboard.
5. Responsible for all oil transfer operations carried out onboard including bunkering.
6. Distributes and assigns task to engine crew members.
7. Keep and maintain record of the spares inventory.
8. Responsible for the maintenance of all the engine room and deck machinery.
9. Responsible all the machineries and safety systems are working safely, efficiently and
within the provided parameters.
10. Plan maintenance system (PMS).
Job Definition :
A Chief Engineer is designated to oversee the entire Marine engineering department on the
vessel and responsible for the maintenance and operation of all engineering equipment on
board the vessel.
Job Description :
1. Responsible for the operation of the engine room and any maintenance of machinery
onboard the vessel.
2. Liaise with the captain, occasionally holding equal rank, to ensure that the physical
aspect of the vessel is completely under control.
3. Ensure that all maintenance is completed efficiently and in depth.
4. Maintain inventory for all spare parts, extra fuel and oil. This inventory must be kept
up to date.
5. Ensure that the engine room is well kept and prepared for inspection by higher
6. Responsible in the event that the inspection by higher authority finds the room
7. Determine the volume of oil, fuel and lube required for each voyage and ensure that
substantial quantities of each are on board.
8. Delivers general daily operation of the engine room to their primary assistant.