Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing Ippb 2012
Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing Ippb 2012
Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing Ippb 2012
Version: This replaces the IPPB Guideline for Practice, September 2012
Review Date: September 2015
Contact: Regan Bushell, Senior Physiotherapist, 07812269729 or Eleanor Douglas
Lecturer/Practitioner Physiotherapist. Ext: 56142
This guideline has been registered with the Nottingham University Hospitals Trust. However,
clinical guidelines are guidelines only. The interpretation and application of clinical guidelines will
remain the responsibility of the individual clinician. If in any doubt regarding this procedure,
contact a senior colleague. Caution is advised when using guidelines after the review date.
Please contact the named above with any comments/feedback.
This guideline describes the procedure for the use of Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing
(IPPB) for the purposes of physiotherapy treatment in adult patients. IPPB is a technique used to
provide short- term or intermittent mechanical ventilation for the purpose of augmenting lung
expansion or assisting ventilation. IPPB uses a pressure-limited ventilator that applies a positive
inspiratory pressure, which is triggered by the patients spontaneous effort.
IPPB has been shown to increase Tidal Volume (VT) and Minute Ventilation (MV), therefore the
rate of alveolar ventilation. This can have the effect of improving Pa02 levels and reducing PaC02.
The application of the positive pressure reduces the work of breathing associated with inspiration.
IPPB may be of value in the following situations:
1. To augment VT in the presence of hypoventilation due to weakness, fatigue or diminished
level of consciousness.
2. Assisting secretion clearance where pathology or fatigue limits the ability to cough or
ventilate effectively
N.B. Used in isolation, IPPB will have no effect on functional residual capacity (FRC)
Action Rationale
Gain consent from the patient and explain the effects of IPPB Confirms the patient is willing to
undertake the treatment
Prepare the patient by ensuring analgesia and information is Minimises patient discomfort,
given as required thereby maximising the
effectiveness of the procedure
Position the patient according to assessment findings and Maximise effectiveness of
treatment aims procedure by optimising gas
Select interface: full facemask or mouthpiece (a nose clip may To ensure appropriate patient
be required) or via tracheostomy ventilator connection and
minimise air leaks
Assemble IPPB circuit, filling the nebuliser chamber with 5mls Drug is given as prescribed and
of sterile, normal saline. Check the saline amount and expiry avoids administration errors
date with another qualified member of staff e.g. nurse or Provides humidification to the
physiotherapist inhaled gas
IPPB will not be performed by physiotherapy or nursing staff who have not been trained and been
deemed competent
Education will be a mandatory inclusion in the in-service training programme for the Band
5 physiotherapy staff respiratory rotation
Education will be offered in the emergency duty induction programme
Opportunities will be offered to senior staff wishing to maintain their skills in IPPB
IPPB should only be applied when clinically indicated and then proven to have been effective.
All of the mechanical effects of IPPB are short lived, lasting less than an hour after treatment. The
therapist must therefore aim to maximise treatment carry over by educating the patient, the
carers and the multi-disciplinary team.
AARC Clinical Practice Guideline IPPB (2003) Respiratory Care 48,5: 540-546
Bott J et al (2009) Guidelines for the physiotherapy management of the adult, medical,
spontaneously breathing patient. Thorax 64: (Suppl 1)ii-i151
Bott J and Keilty S and Noone L (1992) IPPB A dying art? Physiotherapy 78, 9: 656-660
Denehy L and Berney S (2001) The use of positive pressure devices by physiotherapists.Eur
Respir J 17: 821-829
The authors would like to acknowledge Fiona Moffatt, Critical Care Outreach Physiotherapist at
QMC for her help in producing these guidelines.
IPPB Ventilator
effort dial Inspiratory