Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors

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Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors

Microsoft Corporation
Published: March 2004

This white paper can help you troubleshoot Kerberos authentication problems that might occur in
a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system environment. It outlines some simple
troubleshooting basics and explains the causes of common Kerberos errors. It also summarizes
common tools used to troubleshoot problems with Kerberos authentication.
To troubleshoot Kerberos authentication, you need to understand how Kerberos authentication
interacts with its supporting technologies (such as Active Directory directory service and time
servers) as well as how the Kerberos authentication process works. With that understanding, you
can use specific diagnostic tools to find answers to specific questions, and to identify and resolve
This white paper does not provide detailed information about Kerberos authentication or its
supporting technologies, but does provide references to that information.
The information contained in this document represents the current
view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the
date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing
market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment
on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the
accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.
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Abstract ........................................................................................................................ 1
Contents ....................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 7
Infrastructure Requirements ....................................................................................... 7
Active Directory Domain.................................................................................. 7
TCP/IP Network Connectivity .......................................................................... 7
Domain Name System .................................................................................... 8
Time Service .................................................................................................... 8
Operating System ............................................................................................ 8
Troubleshooting Strategies ......................................................................................... 9
Kerberos Authentication Basics ..................................................................... 9
Isolating the Problem ................................................................................... 11
Common Issues ........................................................................................................ 12
Time Synchronization (Clock Skew) ............................................................ 12
UDP Fragmentation ...................................................................................... 13
Group Membership Overloads PAC ............................................................. 14
Need an SPN Set .......................................................................................... 15
Kerberos Logons Failing in a Mixed Windows and UNIX Environment with
Windows NT 4.0 Computers ........................................................................ 16
NTLM Fallback .............................................................................................. 16
Diagnostic Tools ........................................................................................................ 18
Event Viewer ................................................................................................. 18
Network Monitor ........................................................................................... 21
Klist.exe: Kerberos List ................................................................................ 24
Kerbtray.exe: Kerberos Tray ........................................................................ 26
Tokensz.exe: Kerberos Token Size .............................................................. 27
Setspn.exe: Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts ................ 33
Debug Output ............................................................................................... 34
Kerberos Errors: Codes, Possible Causes, Resolutions .......................................... 36
RFC Hex Error Value - Error Code: Description .................................................. 37
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 37
0x6 - KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database
............................................................................................................................. 37
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 38
0x7 - KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Server not found in Kerberos database
............................................................................................................................. 38
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 39
0x8 - KDC_ERR_PRINCIPAL_NOT_UNIQUE: Multiple principal entries in database
............................................................................................................................. 39
0xA - KDC_ERR_CANNOT_POSTDATE: Ticket not eligible for postdating ........ 41
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 42
0xB - KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID: Requested start time is later than end time 42
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 42
0xC - KDC_ERR_POLICY: KDC policy rejects request ....................................... 42
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 43
0xD - KDC_ERR_BADOPTION: KDC cannot accommodate requested option . 43
Possible Causes and Resolutions: .............................................................. 44
0xE - KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOTSUPP: KDC has no support for encryption type . 45
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 45
0xF - KDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP: KDC has no support for checksum type46
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 46
0x10 - KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP: KDC has no support for padata type
............................................................................................................................. 46
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 46
0x12 - KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED: Clients credentials have been revoked47
Possible Causes and Resolution ................................................................. 47
0x17 - KDC_ERR_KEY_EXPIRED: Password has expired change password to reset
............................................................................................................................. 47
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 48
0x18 - KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED: Pre-authentication information was invalid
............................................................................................................................. 48
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 48
0x19 - KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED: Additional pre-authentication required
............................................................................................................................. 48
Possible Causes and Resolution ................................................................. 48
0x1B - KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER: Server principal valid for user2user only
............................................................................................................................. 49
Possible Causes and Resolution ................................................................. 49
0x1C - KDC_ERR_PATH_NOT_ACCEPTED: KDC Policy rejects transited path. 49
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 49
0x1D - KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE: A service is not available .................... 50
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 50
0x1F - KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY: Integrity check on decrypted field failed50
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 51
0x20 - KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_EXPIRED: Ticket expired ........................................ 51
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 51
0x21 - KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_NYV: Ticket not yet valid ........................................ 51
Possible Causes and Resolution ................................................................. 52
0x22 - KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT: Request is a replay.......................................... 52
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 52
0x23 - KRB_AP_ERR_NOT_US: The ticket isnt for us ...................................... 52
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 52
0x24 - KRB_AP_ERR_BADMATCH: Ticket and authenticator dont match ..... 53
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 53
0x25 - KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW: Clock skew too great .......................................... 53
Possible Causes and Resolution ................................................................. 53
0x28 - KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE: Invalid msg type ......................................... 54
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 54
0x29 - KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED: Message stream modified .......................... 54
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 55
0x34 - KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG: Response too big for UDP, retry with TCP
............................................................................................................................. 55
Possible Cause and Resolution ................................................................... 56
0x3C - KRB_ERR_GENERIC: Generic error ........................................................ 56
Possible Causes and Resolutions ............................................................... 57
0x44 - KDC_ERR_WRONG_REALM: (user-to-user) ........................................... 57
Possible Causes and Resolution ................................................................. 57
Appendix A: Network Monitor Sample Traces ......................................................... 58
Kerberos Authentication During Normal Logon.......................................... 58
Clock Skew ................................................................................................... 60
UDP to TCP Failover ..................................................................................... 61
UDP Fragmentation ...................................................................................... 63
Related Information .................................................................................................. 65
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 7

The Kerberos V5 protocol assumes that transactions between clients and servers take place on an
open network, in which packets transmitted along the network can be monitored and modified at
will. The assumed environment, in other words, is very much like todays Internet, where an
attacker can easily pose as either a client or a server, and can readily eavesdrop on or tamper with
communications between legitimate clients and servers.
Microsofts implementation of the Kerberos V5 protocol is the default authentication package for
Windows Server 2003. The Kerberos V5 protocol became the default authentication package
with Windows 2000. Windows Server 2003 still supports NTLM for non-Kerberos clients such
as the Windows NT Server 4.0 operating system.

Infrastructure Requirements
Problems with Kerberos authentication often involve technologies on which the Kerberos SSP
depends, or stem from easy-to-correct oversights in the configuration of Kerberos settings. This
section reviews these dependencies and summarizes how they relate to troubleshooting Kerberos

Active Directory Domain

Kerberos authentication is not supported in earlier operating systems such as Windows NT. For
more information about the Active Directory directory service, see Active Directory
Collection on Microsoft TechNet at

TCP/IP Network Connectivity

For Kerberos authentication to occur, there must be TCP/IP network connectivity between the
client and the domain controller(s), and the client and the target server. Issues that can affect
network connectivity include:
Firewalls. If you use a firewall, be sure that the Kerberos ticket-granting service ports (TCP
port 88, UDP port 88) are enabled on the network.

TCP and UDP Ports Required for Correct Operation of the Kerberos Protocol
Port Service Description
53/TCP DNS service The internal DNS server needs to be accessible to all
clients for the location of KDC computers. The Active
Directory domain controllers need to be able to
access external DNS servers for resolving external
domain name requests.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 8

88/TCP Kerberos ticket-granting All clients need to be able to connect to this port on
service the KDC servers.
123/TCP Time service All clients need to be able to connect to this port for
time synchronization, either to an internal time server
or to an external time source. The internal time server
will need to connect to an external time source to
464/TCP Microsoft Windows 2000 This port is also used by the kpasswd protocol. This
Kerberos change port should only be open if clients use the kpasswd
password protocol protocol.

For more information about ports domain controllers use, see A List of the Windows Server
Domain Controller Default Ports in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at For more information about TCP/IP, see
TCP/IP Technical Reference on Microsoft TechNet at
Cached credentials. A user who can log on with cached credentials might not be aware of a
connectivity issue.

Domain Name System

The client uses the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to access the domain controller. In order
for the client to obtain the FQDN, DNS must be functioning. For best results, do not use host
files with DNS. For more information about DNS, see Deploying DNS in the Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit at

Time Service
For Kerberos authentication to function properly, it is vital that the time on all of the computers
on a network be synchronized that is, that all of the domains and forests in a network are
using the same time source. An Active Directory domain controller will act as an authoritative
source of time for its domain, which guarantees that an entire domain will have the same time.
For more information, see Windows Time Service Technical Reference on Microsoft TechNet

Operating System
Kerberos authentication relies on client functionality that is built in to Windows 2000, Windows
Server 2003, and the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. If a client, domain controller, or
target server is running an earlier operating system, it cannot use Kerberos authentication
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 9

Troubleshooting Strategies
As with most technologies, the better you understand how Kerberos authentication should work
and how to confirm whether it is being used, the better you can isolate a problem and determine a

Kerberos Authentication Basics

Kerberos authentication provides a mechanism for mutual authentication between a client and a
server on an open network, and in which packets transmitted along the network can be monitored
and modified at will. In order to provide secure authentication, Kerberos authentication uses
symmetric keys, encrypted objects, and Kerberos services.

Kerberos authentication relies on different types of keys:
User, service, and system keys. Long-term symmetric keys generated from passwords.
Public keys. Long-term asymmetric keys used with smart cards.
Session keys. Short-term symmetric keys created by domain controllers.

The main component in Kerberos authentication is the ticket. Essentially, the goal of Kerberos
messages is to request and deliver tickets. There are two types of tickets used in Kerberos
authentication, ticket-granting tickets (TGTs) and session tickets:
TGT. The KDC responds to a clients authentication service request by returning a session
ticket for itself. This special session ticket is called a ticket-granting ticket (TGT). A TGT
enables the authentication service to safely transport the requestors credentials to the ticket-
granting service.
Session ticket. A session ticket allows the ticket-granting service (TGS) to safely transport
the requestors credentials to the target server or service.

Key Distribution Center

To solve the problem of key distribution, the Kerberos protocol, similar to its namesake in Greek
mythology, uses three heads a client, a server, and a trusted third party that mediates
between the other two.
The trusted intermediary in the protocol is the Key Distribution Center (KDC).The KDC is a
service that runs on a physically secure server. The KDC maintains a database with account
information for all security principals in its realm (the Kerberos equivalent of a Windows
Server 2003 domain). Along with other information about each security principal, the KDC
stores a cryptographic key known only to the security principal and the KDC. This key is used in
exchanges between the security principal and the KDC.
As in other implementations of the Kerberos protocol, Microsoft implements the KDC as a single
process that provides two services:
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 10

Authentication service (AS). The AS issues TGTs good for admission to the ticket-granting
service in its domain. Before network clients can get tickets for services, each client must get
an initial TGT from the AS in the users account domain.
Ticket-granting service (TGS). The TGS issues tickets good for admission to other services
in the TGSs domain or to the ticket-granting service of a trusted domain. When a client
wants access to a service, it must contact the ticket-granting service in the services account
domain, present a TGT, and ask for a ticket. If the client does not have a TGT valid for
admission to that TGS, it must get one through a referral process that begins at the TGS in
the user accounts domain and ends at the TGS in the service accounts domain.
Windows Server 2003 implements the KDC as a domain service. It uses the domains Active
Directory as its account database and gets some information about users from the global catalog.

Kerberos Exchange and Message Summary

Authentication service exchange

Kerberos authentication service request (KRB_AS_REQ) The client contacts the KDCs
authentication service for a short-lived ticket (a message containing the clients identity and
for Windows clients SIDs) called a ticket-granting ticket (TGT). This happens at logon.
Kerberos authentication service response (KRB_AS_REP) The AS constructs the TGT and creates
a session key the client can use to encrypt communication with the ticket-granting service.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 11

The TGT has a limited lifetime, which is 10 hours by default. At the point that the client has
received the TGT, the client has not been granted access to any resources, even to resources on
the local computer.

Ticket-granting service exchange

Kerberos ticket-granting service request (KRB_TGS_REQ) The client wants access to local and
network resources. To gain access, the client sends a request to the TGS for a ticket for the local
computer or some network server or service. This ticket is referred to as the session ticket. To get
the ticket, the client presents the TGT, an authenticator, and the Service Principal Name (SPN) of
the target server.
Kerberos ticket-granting service response (KRB_TGS_REP) The TGS examines the TGT and the
authenticator. If these are acceptable, the TGS creates a service ticket. The clients identity is
taken from the TGT and copied to the session ticket. Then the ticket is sent to the client.

The TGS cannot determine if the user will be able to get access to the target
server. It simply returns a valid ticket. Authentication does not imply

Client/server exchange
Kerberos application server request (KRB_AP_REQ) After the client has the session ticket, the
client sends the ticket and a new authenticator to the target server, requesting access. The server
will decrypt the ticket, validate the authenticator, and for Windows services, create an access
token for the user based on the SIDs in the ticket.
Kerberos application server response (KRB_AP_REP) Optionally, the client might request mutual
authentication that is, that the target server verify its own identity. If mutual authentication is
requested, the target server will take the client computers timestamp from the authenticator,
encrypt it with the session key the TGS provided for client-target server messages, and send it to
the client.
For more detailed information about how Kerberos authentication works, see:
Windows 2000 Kerberos Authentication White Paper on the Microsoft website at
Windows Server 2003 Technical Reference on Microsoft TechNet at

Isolating the Problem

Knowing where a problem exists and whether that problem might indicate a problem with
Kerberos authentication is crucial to success.
Any issue related to authentication such as console logon, network logon, access to network
resources, or remote access might possibly indicate some sort of Kerberos error because
Kerberos is the default authentication protocol.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 12

How do you determine that a problem is occurring with Kerberos authentication? If the system
event log shows errors from any services that provide authentication such as Kerberos, KDC,
LsaSrv, or Netlogon, there might be Kerberos errors associated, as well. Also failure audits in the
security event log might show that the Kerberos protocol was being used when a logon failure

Where to start
1. Use Kerberos Tray or Kerberos List to confirm that you have a session ticket for the server
you are attempting to connect to. If you have a session ticket for the server and you are still
getting an error message, consider these two possibilities:
You might have an issue with SPNs. For more information about SPN issues, see Need
an SPN Set and 0x8 KDC_ERR_PRINCIPAL_NOT_UNIQUE later in this white paper.
You might have an authorization issue instead of an authentication issue. If this is the
case, most likely Kerberos authentication is not the problem.
2. If you do not have a session ticket, then use Kerberos Tray or Kerberos List to confirm that
you have a TGT.
If you have a TGT but no session ticket, examine the system event log. Errors logged in
the system log will help you determine why you cannot get a ticket to the server.
3. If you are auditing successful logons, then you can check the security event log on the client
to see if the system is using NTLM instead of Kerberos authentication. Use of NTLM can
occur because:
The application uses NTLM. See NTLM Fallback later in this white paper for an
example of this condition.
Kerberos authentication is failing and Negotiate is using NTLM.
4. If Kerberos authentication is failing, the system event log or captured data in a network trace
should contain the Kerberos error code that was returned by the KDC or the Kerberos SSP.
You can also debug to get more information.

Common Issues
The following sections detail the most common problems encountered by users in Kerberos
authentication environments, explain the possible causes of those problems, and suggest how to
resolve those problems.

Time Synchronization (Clock Skew)

One type of attack that Kerberos authentication was designed to prevent is known as a replay
attack. In a replay attack, a malicious user captures the network traffic and replays it to fool the
authenticating server into accepting the attacker as a legitimate user who is providing credentials.
Kerberos authentication prevents a replay attack with two mechanisms:
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 13

The Kerberos client on the local computer encrypts a timestamp inside the authenticator and
then sends it to the KDC. If the KDC verifies that the time it decrypts from the authenticator
is within a specified amount of the local time on the KDC (the default is 5 minutes), the
system can assume that the credentials presented are genuine.
All tickets issued by the KDC have an expiration time. Thus, if a ticket is compromised, it
cannot be used outside of a specified time range usually short enough to make the risk of
a replay attack minimal.
Because of these mechanisms, Kerberos authentication relies on the date and time that are set on
the KDC and the client. If there is too great a time difference between the KDC and a client
requesting tickets, the KDC cannot determine whether the request is legitimate or a replay.
Moreover, if the time difference is so great that the client is far into the future, the client might
attempt to compensate for the clock skew, but will receive tickets that have already expired and
are useless. If the client requests new tickets, that will not solve the problem because the KDC
uses its own clock as a reference instead of the time on the client computer.
Therefore, it is vital that the time on all of the computers on a network be synchronized in order
for Kerberos authentication to function properly. This means that all of the domains and forest in
a network must use the same time source. An Active Directory domain controller will act as an
authoritative time server for its domain, which guarantees that an entire domain will have the
same time. However, multiple domains might not have their times synchronized. It is
recommended that you use either an external time source or a single time source within the
network to synchronize all computers.

The difference between client timestamp in the authenticator or KRB_AS_REQ and the server is
greater than the Maximum tolerance for computer clock synchronization setting in the
domain policy.

Clock skew can be easily diagnosed by reviewing data in Event Viewer. For more information,
0x25: KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW: Clock Skew too great later in this white paper.
Clock Skew network trace in Appendix A.

For information about how to use an external time source to synchronize all the computers in a
domain, see How to Configure an Authoritative Time Server in Windows 2000 in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base at

UDP Fragmentation
By default, Kerberos authentication uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to transmit its data.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 14

UDP provides no guarantee that a packet sent along the network will reach its destination intact.
Thus, in environments with a high amount of network congestion it is common for packets to get
lost or fragmented on the way to their destination.

You can diagnose UDP fragmentation by reviewing Network Monitor captured data. For more
information, see the UDP Fragmentation network trace in Appendix A.

Because the only way to decrease the likelihood of UDP fragmentation occurring is to reduce
network traffic a usually impractical solution it is almost always better to configure the
Kerberos authentication service to use TCP instead of UDP. TCP provides a guarantee that a
packet that is sent will reach its destination intact and can therefore be used in any network
environment. In order to force Kerberos authentication to use TCP, see How to Force Kerberos
to Use TCP Instead of UDP in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

Group Membership Overloads PAC

In order to provide the proper authorization information to a user after the user logs on with
Kerberos authentication, the KDC will transmit Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) data in the
TGT. The PAC contains various types of authorization data including groups that the user is a
member of, rights the user has, and what policies apply to the user. When the client receives a
ticket, the information contained in the PAC is used to generate the users access token.

In order to optimize performance, the buffer size for the PAC is pre-allocated. The pre-allocated
buffer size is usually adequate to hold all the required authorization data. However, if a user has a
very high group membership from over 70 to over 120, depending on what groups the size
of the PAC might exceed the pre-allocated buffer size. In such a case, the system will generate a
memory allocation error, PAC creation will fail, and the Kerberos ticket-granting service will
either fail to generate a valid ticket or will generate a ticket with an empty PAC. This sort of error
usually manifests itself in the form of a memory allocation error, which gets reported as 0x3C -
KRB_ERR_GENERIC: Generic error. This also can result in the failure of clients to apply Group
Policy settings.

The Kerberos Token Size tool, described in the Diagnostic Tools section of this white paper, is
specifically designed to check for this problem.

You can solve this problem in two ways:
Reduce the number of groups that the user is a member of. Because nested groups are
expanded out within the PAC, the actual number of groups that the user is a member of
might be greater than you suspect.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 15

Alternatively, install a hotfix that will enable you to set the maximum size of a Kerberos
token via the registry. See New Resolution for Problems That Occur When Users Belong to
Many Groups in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

Need an SPN Set

Service Principal Names (SPNs) are unique identifiers for services running on servers. Each
service that will use Kerberos authentication needs to have an SPN set for it so that clients can
identify the service on the network. It is registered in Active Directory under a user account as an
attribute called Service-Principal-Name. The SPN is assigned to the account under which the
service the SPN identifies is running. Any service can look up the SPN for another service. When
a service wants to authenticate to another service, it uses that services SPN to differentiate it
from other services running on that computer.
SPNs are crucial to constrained delegation. When you set up a computer for delegation, one of
the steps of the process is to list the services on other computers that the computer is allowed to
delegate to. This list forms a type of ACL. The services running on the other computers are
identified by the SPNs that are issued to those services.
In general, SPNs should be set when you create an account, because setting an SPN on an
account is virtually the security equivalent of creating that account. Special accounts that were
created for services are useless until an SPN is set on those accounts for whatever service will be
running under them.

If an SPN is not set for a service, then clients will have no way of locating that service. Thus,
common results of not setting an SPN are KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN or
KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN errors. These two errors usually indicate that an SPN
has not been set correctly. Furthermore, there are many other errors for which the cause might be
a missing or incorrectly set SPN. Kerberos authentication is not possible without properly set

Because multiple services can run simultaneously under the same account, setting an SPN
requires four pieces of information that will make the SPN unique:
The service class. This allows you to differentiate between multiple services running under
the same account.
The account under which the service is running.
The computer on which the service is running, including any aliases that point to that
The port on which the service is running.
These four pieces of information uniquely identify any service running on a network and can be
used to mutually authenticate to any service.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 16

An SPN itself consists of ServiceClass/Host:Port, where:

ServiceClass is the service class of the SPN.
Host is the name of the computer to which the SPN belongs.
Port is the port on which the service that the SPN is registered to run.
For more information about how to set SPNs using setspn.exe, see Setspn in the Diagnostic Tools
section later in this white paper.

Kerberos Logons Failing in a Mixed Windows and UNIX Environment with Windows NT
4.0 Computers
In an environment where there exists a trust between a Kerberos realm and an Active Directory
domain, authentication data can come from one of two sources, either a UNIX KDC or the
Active Directory domain controller. If the authentication data is coming from a UNIX KDC, then
Windows users have account mappings set up for them to map their UNIX user account to a
Windows user account. Normally, the password on the Windows account does not matter,
because all authentications are done by the UNIX KDC.

The Windows NT 4.0 operating system does not support Kerberos authentication. Therefore, if
there are Windows NT computers on the network running services, any authentications involving
these computers will occur using NTLM and these authentications will be conducted by the
domain controller. In this scenario, the password on the domain controller must match the
password stored on the UNIX KDC. The passwords must match because the fallback to NTLM
occurs transparently. If the passwords do not match, the domain controller will return an Access
denied error because the user has provided a password that does not match the one stored on their
Active Directory account.

Reset the password on the account that the users UNIX principal is mapped to in order to match
the password stored on the UNIX KDC.

NTLM Fallback
You might find that the security log recorded an event in which logon occurred using NTLM
when it should have occurred using Kerberos authentication.

There are two situations in which this might happen:
The first situation is where the system attempts authentication using the Kerberos protocol
but it fails. As a result, the system attempts to authenticate using NTLM. Windows
Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 use an algorithm called Negotiate
(SPNEGO) to negotiate which authentication protocol is used. Although the Kerberos
protocol is the default, if the default fails, Negotiate will try NTLM.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 17

The second situation is one in which a call to Negotiate returns NTLM as the only protocol

The first situation will result in a failed Kerberos authentication that you can investigate by
examining errors in the event log or data packets captured by Network Monitor. Both
investigation methods are discussed later in this document.
The second situation is much more difficult to diagnose. There are two common causes of the
second situation when Internet Explorer is being used and the Kerberos protocol is not being
Enable Integrated Windows Authentication (requires restart) setting is not selected in
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer is accessing a site in the Internet zone instead of the intranet zone.

Internet Explorer 6 will, by default, not attempt to use the Kerberos protocol to authenticate to
any site. To change this, you must select the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication
(requires restart) setting. For more information, see Unable to Negotiate Kerberos
Authentication After Upgrading to Internet Explorer 6 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
The second common cause is that Internet Explorer 6 is attempting to access a site located in the
Internet zone. Internet zone sites are prevented from using Integrated Windows authentication
because these protocols will not typically work through Web proxies, among other reasons. If a
site is located in the Internet zone, Internet Explorer 6 will not attempt to use Kerberos
authentication, and will automatically try NTLM. In all versions of Internet Explorer, when
accessing a website to which you want to use Kerberos authentication, you must verify that the
website appears as being in the local intranet zone. An icon in the lower right-hand corner of the
Internet Explorer window will indicate what zone a website is in. It will display Internet for the
Internet zone and Local Intranet for the intranet zone. If the website appears as being in the
Internet zone, you must manually add the site to the local intranet sites list.

To add an Internet site to the local intranet sites list

1. Click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
2. Click the Security tab, then click Local Intranet, then click Sites, and then click
3. In the box under Add this Web site to the zone: type the name of the website which you
want to authenticate with Kerberos authentication and then click Add.
4. Click OK.
After you perform the above procedure, if you find that NTLM authentication is still being used,
or that Kerberos is not even being attempted in a situation where Kerberos authentication should
be used, contact Product Support Services for help in diagnosing the problem.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 18

Diagnostic Tools
Some tools for example, Event Viewer and Network Monitor that you use to diagnose
Kerberos errors are the same you would use for other network-related or authentication issues.
More specific tools such as Kerberos List, Kerberos Tray, and Kerberos Token Size can be
used for detailed Kerberos-specific information. To get more even more detailed information,
you can enable debug output. Information about troubleshooting tools is provided in this section.

Event Viewer
Event Viewer is included in Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. The
system and security logs will contain Kerberos error codes and other events related to
authentication. For more information about using Event Viewer, see HOW TO: Diagnose
System Problems with Event Viewer in Windows Server 2003 in the Microsoft Knowledge
Base at
System event log The first place to look if you are experiencing a problem with Kerberos
authentication is the system event log.
Any critical errors that Kerberos authentication encounters will show a Source value of Kerberos,
KDC, or LsaSrv. The event itself will contain a Kerberos error code and might contain
information about how to fix the problem.
If there are no errors listed in the system log or if the errors that appear are not detailed enough to
pinpoint the problem, you can configure more detailed Kerberos event logging.
Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 can log detailed Kerberos events in the event logs.
You can use the resulting information when you troubleshoot Kerberos authentication errors.

How to enable Kerberos event logging on a specific computer

1. Start Registry Editor.

Incorrectly editing the registry might severely damage your system. Before
making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the

2. Add the following registry value:

Registry Value: LogLevel
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 0x1
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 19

3. If the Parameters subkey does not exist, create it.

Remove this registry value when it is no longer needed so that performance
is not degraded on the computer. Also, you can remove this registry value to
disable Kerberos event logging on a specific computer.

4. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.

After you have configured the system for detailed Kerberos event logging, reproduce the
problem, and then check for any Kerberos-related events in the system event log. A new set of
Kerberos error messages should now appear in the system event log with event ID 4. These
errors might give more specific information about the problem. However, there might be errors
that are simply recording diagnostic information. You should verify that the error reported within
the event pertains to the affected systems, and that it occurred in response to the specific
authentication request that was performed.
Security event log The security event log contains information that can explain whether
Kerberos authentication was at fault or if perhaps some other authentication protocol was
responsible. The details of a specific logon/logoff event for a user will show what authentication
protocol was used.
Although Kerberos authentication is preferred, the system might revert to NTLM if errors or
failures occur. This reversion can cause further problems, because the user will not have obtained
any Kerberos tickets and might not be able to access Kerberos-aware services or might not have
the functionality of single sign-on across the entire network.
How do you know if logging on with NTLM or Kerberos protocol? All account logons that occur from
computers running Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 should occur using the Kerberos
protocol (or Negotiate, which could imply that Kerberos protocol was used). To catch these
events you need to enable auditing of successful Account Logon events for user authentication
and Logon events for computer authentication. If the security log shows that NTLM was used
and there are authentication-related issues present, you will need to investigate by using some of
the tools outlined in this section. The following table lists event IDs and information potentially
associated with Kerberos authentication. Only relevant event information will be present in the
event log. For example, only failure audits will have Kerberos error codes; smartcard logons will
have certificate information.

Security Log Events That Might Contain Kerberos Error Codes

Account Logon Event Type Event Information Potentially Associated with
Event ID
Kerberos Authentication
672 Success audit (Windows Authentication Ticket
2000 and Windows Request:
Server 2003)
User Name
Supplied Realm Name
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 20

(Windows User ID
Server 200
3) Service Name
Service ID
Ticket Options
Result Code: Kerberos error code
Ticket Encryption Type
Pre-Authentication Type
Client Address
Certificate Issuer Name
Certificate Serial Number
Certificate Thumbprint
673 Success Service Ticket Request:
User Name
2000 and User Domain
Server 200 Service Name
3) Service ID
Failure Ticket Options
(Windows Ticket Encryption Type
Server 200 Client Address
Failure Code: Kerberos Error Code
Logon GUID
Transited Services
675 Failure Pre-authentication Failed:
User Name
User ID
Service Name
Pre-authentication Type
Failure Code: Kerberos error code
Client Address
676 Failure Authentication Ticket Request Failed:
User Name
in Windows Supplied Realm Name
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 21

Server 200 Service Name

3; both
success Ticket Options
and failure Failure Code: Kerberos error code
audits use
event ID Client Address
677 Failure Service Ticket Request Failed:
User Name
in Windows User Domain
Server 200
3; both Service Name
success Ticket Options
and failure
audits use Failure Code: Kerberos error
event ID code
673.) Client Address

Network Monitor
If the errors in the event logs do not help you solve the problem, or if you need more detailed
information, use Network Monitor to capture a network trace for inspection of the actual
Kerberos packets being sent across the network.

For more information about Network Monitor, see Network Monitor on
Microsoft TechNet at For
best practices and procedures associated with Network Monitor, see
Checklist: Monitoring network traffic on your local computer on Microsoft
TechNet at

The full version of Network Monitor is included with Microsoft Systems Management Server
(SMS). A limited version of the tool is included with Windows 2000, Windows XP, and the
Windows Server 2003 family. It is also available from Microsoft Product Support Services.

How to install Network Monitor on Windows Server 2003

1. Open the Windows Components Wizard.
2. In the Windows Components Wizard, click Management and Monitoring Tools, and then
click Details.
3. In Subcomponents of Management and Monitoring Tools, select the Network Monitor
Tools check box, and then click OK.
4. If you are prompted for additional files, insert the installation CD for your operating system,
or type a path to the location of the files on the network.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 22

To perform this procedure, you must be a member of the
Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have
been delegated the appropriate authority. If the computer is joined
to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might be able
to perform this procedure.
To open the Windows Components Wizard, click Start, click Control
Panel, click Add or Remove Programs, and then click Add/Remove
Windows Components.
Certain Windows components require configuration before they
can be used. If you installed one or more of these components but
did not configure them, when you click Add/Remove Windows
Components, a list of components that need to be configured is
displayed. To start the Windows Components Wizard, click
This procedure automatically installs the Network Monitor driver.

How to install Network Monitor on Windows XP

Network Monitor is included with the Windows XP Support Tools.
1. Insert the Windows XP CD-ROM in the drive.
2. Double-click My Computer, right-click the CD-ROM drive, and then click Explore.
3. Go to Support\Tools, and then double-click Setup.exe.
4. When the Windows Support Wizard starts, click Next.
5. Click I agree on the End User License Agreement.
6. Type your name and organization and then click Next.
7. Click either the Typical or Complete installation type, and then click Next.
8. Verify the installation location, and then click Install.

How to install Network Monitor on Windows 2000

1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
4. Click Management and Monitoring Tools, and then click Details.
5. Click to select the Network Monitor Tools check box, and then click OK.
6. Click Next.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 23

Network monitoring on Windows XP is done with the Netcap.exe tool. This
tool only allows the capture of network traffic. The capture cannot be viewed
with the same tool. You must use the full version of Network Monitor on
Windows 2000 or the Windows Server 2003 family to view the captured

How to capture network traffic with Windows XP

If you are using the version of Netcap.exe provided in the Windows XP Support Tools, use the
following procedure:
1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt. This
will open a command prompt window.
2. Type Netcap.exe /c:path and press ENTER, where path is the full path to the directory and
file name where you want to store this network trace.
3. After the error has been reproduced, type Netcap.exe /remove and press ENTER. This will
stop the network capture.
The procedure for capturing network traffic with Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 is
different than the Windows XP procedure. Use the following procedure on these operating

How to capture network traffic with Windows 2000 and the Windows Server 2003 family
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, click
Administrative Tools, and then double-click Network Monitor.
2. Click the Start button to begin capturing network traffic.
3. Reproduce the error.
4. Click the Stop button to stop capturing network traffic.
5. In the capture statistics information on the right-hand side, verify that no packets were lost
because of the buffer overflowing. If any packets were lost, increase the buffer size in the
Buffer Settings dialog box on the Capture menu and perform the capture again.
For more information, see To capture network frames on Microsoft TechNet at

How to filter Kerberos-specific network traffic

You can filter out packets from all protocols except the Kerberos protocol. To apply a filter to
only show Kerberos protocol-related network traffic, perform the following steps in Network
1. Click Capture, and then click Display captured data.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 24

2. Click the Funnel button and then double-click Protocol == ANY.

3. Click Disable all.
4. Select Kerberos from the list and click Enable. Click OK, and then click OK again.
After you perform this procedure, the only packets that should appear are Kerberos packets.

If no packets appear after applying the filter

Three possible causes are:
The Kerberos tickets have either already been issued or have been cached. You can use
Kerberos List to show all the tickets currently issued on the computer. You can also use
Kerberos List to purge all tickets. Kerberos List is described in further detail later in this
The Kerberos authentication protocol is not even being attempted. The associated logon
event in the security event log should say which protocol was used to authenticate the user.
If NTLM is listed, then Kerberos was not even attempted. For more information about
NTLM fallback, see NTLM Fallback earlier in this white paper. If NTLM fallback is
occurring at logon or when requesting a network resource, the event logs (described in the
previous section) might contain useful information.
The Network Monitor buffer overflowed. On high-traffic networks, this can be easily happen
if the tool is configured with the default buffer size.

Analyzing the captured Kerberos traffic

After you have captured some Kerberos packets, the problem can be diagnosed by determining
how the captured data differs from a successful authentication. In most cases, the diagnosis will
involve following the packet exchange and looking for a KRB_ERROR packet somewhere in the
captured data. However, in some cases, especially if everything appears normal, more in-depth
analysis is required. Several examples of captured network data demonstrating a successful
logon and showing common failures are provided in Appendix A: Network Monitor Sample
Traces. The captured data is annotated to help explain each frames overall impact on the success
or failure of the authentication attempt.
For more information, see:
How to View HTTP Data Frames Using Network Monitor in the Microsoft Knowledge
Base at
Frequently Asked Questions About Network Monitor in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

Klist.exe: Kerberos List

Kerberos List is a command-line tool that is used to view and delete Kerberos tickets granted to
the current logon session. To use Kerberos List to view tickets, you must run the tool on a
computer that is a member of a Kerberos realm.
When Kerberos List is run from a client, it shows the:
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 25

Ticket-granting ticket (TGT) to a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) in Windows.

Ticket-granting ticket (TGT) to Ksserver on UNIX.

How to install Kerberos List

Kerberos List is supported for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
You can download Klist.exe from Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools on the Microsoft
Download Center at

How to use Kerberos List

Kerberos List is a command-line tool that uses the following syntax:
klist [tickets | tgt | purge] [-?]
1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt. This
will open a command prompt window.
2. Type klist.exe parameter (where parameter is one of four parameters: tickets, tgt, purge, or
-?) and then press ENTER. Each of these parameters is discussed in the following section.

Kerberos List parameters

Tickets Lists the current cached tickets of services to which you have authenticated since
logging on. Tickets can be used to verify that a Kerberos ticket has been issued to the user. After
an authentication request, several tickets should appear. This command will also show detailed
information about the tickets obtained including the servers for which they were issued, the
validity period, and ticket options.
Tickets displays the following attributes of all cached tickets:

Option Description
End Time Time when the ticket becomes invalid. After a ticket is past this time, it
cannot be used to authenticate to a service.
KerbTicket Encryption Type Encryption type used to encrypt the Kerberos ticket.
Renew Time Maximum lifetime of a renewable ticket (see TicketFlags in the following
table). To continue using this ticket, you must renew it before reaching
the established End Time and before the expiration date established in
Server Server and domain for the ticket.

tgt Lists the initial Kerberos ticket-granting ticket (TGT). Tgt displays the following attributes
of the currently cached ticket:

Option Description
AltTargetDomainName Name supplied to InitializeSecurityContext that generated this ticket,
typically an SPN.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 26

DomainName Domain name of the service.

EndTime Time when the ticket becomes invalid. When a ticket is past this time, it
cannot be used to authenticate to a service.
FullServiceName Canonical name of the account principal for the service.
KeyExpirationTime Expiration time from the KDC reply.
RenewUntil Maximum lifetime of a renewable ticket (see TicketFlags). To continue using
a ticket, you must renew it. Tickets must be renewed before the expiration
time set in End Time and in RenewUntil.
ServiceName A TGT is a ticket for the Key Distribution Center (KDC) service. The service
name for a TGT is krbtgt.
StartTime Time when the ticket becomes valid.
TargetDomainName For a cross-realm ticket, this is the realm, rather than the issuing realm, in
which the ticket is good.
TargetName Service name for which the ticket was requested. This is the name of a
servicePrincipalName property on an account in the directory.
TicketFlags Kerberos ticket flags set on the current ticket in hexadecimal. The Kerberos
Tray tool displays these flags on the Flags tab.
Time Skew The reported time difference between the client computer and the server
computer for a ticket.

purge Deletes all Kerberos tickets held by the user. Purge destroys all tickets that you have
cached, so use this with caution. It might stop you from being able to authenticate to resources. If
this happens you must log off, and then log on again.
-? Displays command-line help

Kerbtray.exe: Kerberos Tray

Kerberos Tray is a graphical user interface tool that displays ticket information for a computer
running Microsofts implementation of the Kerberos version 5 authentication protocol. Kerberos
Tray is supported for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
You can view and purge the ticket cache by using the Kerberos Tray tool icon located in the
notification area of the desktop. By positioning the cursor over the icon, you can view the time
left until the initial TGT expires. The icon also changes in the hour before the Local Security
Authority (LSA) renews the ticket.

How to install Kerberos Tray

Kerberos Tray is included in the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit and the Windows 2000
Resource Kit.
You can download Kerbtray.exe from Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools on the
Microsoft Download Center at
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 27

How to use Kerberos Tray

1. To run Kerberos Tray, double-click the Kerbtray file. The Kerbtray icon appears in the
notification area.
2. To open the main Kerbtray window, double-click the Kerbtray icon in the notification area.
Information about all tickets for the current user will be displayed. Ticket options for each
ticket are displayed on the Flags tab.
3. To purge tickets, right-click the Kerbtray icon in the notification area, and then click Purge

Tokensz.exe: Kerberos Token Size

You can use Kerberos Token Size to verify whether the source of the Kerberos errors stems from
a maximum token size issue. The tool will simulate an authentication request and report the size
of the resulting Kerberos token. The tool will also report the maximum supported size for the
token. If the size of the token exceeds this maximum supported value, then Kerberos
authentication will exhibit the maximum token size behavior seen when group membership
overloads PAC. This issue is described in more detail in Group Membership Overloads PAC
earlier in this white paper.
Kerberos Token Size is a command-line tool that you can use to view the maximum Kerberos
token size for a given account to a given service. To view maximum Kerberos token size, you
must run the tool on a computer that is a member of an Active Directory domain.
When Kerberos Token Size is run from a client, it shows:
The maximum Kerberos token size for the authentication package requested.
The maximum Kerberos token size required to authenticate to the service.

How to install Kerberos Token Size

You can download Tokensz.exe from the Microsoft Download Center at

Using Kerberos Token Size

Example command:
tokensz /compute_tokensize /package:negotiate /use_delegation
Example output:
Name: Negotiate Comment: Microsoft Package Negotiator

Current PackageInfo->MaxToken: 12128

MaxTokenSize (incomplete context): 2181

In this example:
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 28

Name shows the name of package chosen, in this case Negotiate, which is the Microsoft
Package Negotiator.
Current PackageInfo shows the current MaxTokenSize value in registry when package was
MaxTokenSize is the maximum token size required to authenticate to ServerName.
Incomplete context. The tool will return (incomplete context) when it does not have the
key for all the tickets.

Incomplete context versus complete context. Two situations might cause the
tool to return (complete context):
Using the /system switch. The tool will run the test in the system
context and thus have the key needed to open the service ticket.
Using the /serveruser switch and specifying the password. The
service ticket can be opened.

Syntax and parameters

Kerberos Token Size supports two optional sets of command-line parameters,
compute_tokensize or calc_groups.
Compute_tokensize syntax is:
tokensz /compute_tokensize [/package:PackageName] [/target_server:TargetName]
[/user:UserName] [/domain:UserDomain] [/password:ClientPassword]
[/serveruser:UserName] [/serverdomain:ServerDomain]
[/serverpassword:ServerPassword] [/dump_groups] [/system]
[/nopac][/use_delegation][/purge_tickets:[SPN | NULL]]
This switch will use the SSPI APIs InitializeSecurityContext() / AcceptSecurityContext to
compute the maximum token size required to authenticate using the Kerberos protocol.
The default package, if none is specified, is the Kerberos package. For many applications
for example, Group Policy the Negotiate package is used, which increases the maximum
token size by about 200 bytes. To simulate the Negotiate package, use /package:negotiate.
The proper usage of this parameter is to include an SPN for example,
host/ which directs Kerberos Token Size to obtain the token size for a
ticket to this specific server. If this parameter is omitted, the Kerberos package will get a
service ticket to the user account running the tool, in many cases using the User-to-User
extension to the Kerberos protocol. For more information about SPNs, see Need an SPN Set
earlier in this white paper.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 29

If you provide a target_server parameter, you must specify the
[/serveruser:UserName] [/serverdomain:ServerDomain]
[/serverpassword:ServerPassword] parameters corresponding to the
account on which the SPN is registered. Alternatively, you can run the tool
under the service or computer account on which the SPN is registered. If you
choose to run the tool under the account corresponding to the SPN and you
want to get the MaxTokenSize value for a user, you must specify the users
credentials using the [/user:UserName] [/domain:UserDomain] [/password:
ClientPassword] parameters.

In nearly all cases, the maximum token size is determined by the first call to
InitializeSecurityContext(). Thus, if you have connectivity issues to a target server you are
troubleshooting, you can select another server in the same domain as a target server for this
tool and be reasonably assured that accurate results will be reported. That is, if the target
server is in the same domain as the user, the credentials will contain global group, domain
local groups, and universal group membership. On the other hand, if you were to choose a
target server in a different domain, the credentials will include the domain local groups for
that domain.
These switches enable you to specify client credentials. For example, if you have a user
experiencing maximum token size issues, you can run this tool with that users credentials to
get an accurate idea of the MaxTokenSize values. Alternatively, the user can run the tool.
These switches enable you to specify server credentials. They must match the credentials of
the account specified in the [/target_server:TargetName] parameter, or you will only get
information for the incomplete context. In many cases for example, computer accounts
it is not possible to know the service password, so these switches are useful when the target
is a service account.
This switch extracts and displays all of the users token groups, relative to the server. The
output of this switch is dependent on which server is being used. For example, domain local
group membership is relative to which domain the service resides in. The choice of target
domain will affect the number of groups reported and the maximum token size.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 30

You must have administrator rights to use this switch, which runs the test under the Local
System context of the computer that the test is being run on. In these cases, you must use the
[/user:UserName] [/domain:UserDomain] [/password:ClientPassword] switches, because
the tool will be running under the Local System context. This switch is useful to see what
groups are present in the Local System logon context.
This switch uses the SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_ONLY flag for
AcquireCredentialsHandle(), which informs the KDC not to include a PAC in the TGT or
the service ticket. Because a service tickets size is primarily influenced by the PAC, you can
use this option to determine the size of the Kerberos ticket without including the PAC.
This switch passes the ISC_REQ_DELEGATE flag into InitializeSecurityContext(). If you
are testing delegation scenarios, use this flag in conjunction with a server in the
/target_server parameter that has the Trusted for Delegation option selected. When
delegation is used, the system passes both a service ticket and a TGT to the remote server.
This approximately doubles the required maximum token size, and is responsible for several
Group Policy issues that might be encountered.
/purge_tickets:[SPN | NULL]
You can use this switch to purge all of the tickets for the user before starting the token size
calculation. This is important if you want to judge the effects of adding groups to a users
maximum token size. This parameter provides the same functionality as using Kerberos List
to purge a users ticket.
Calc_groups syntax is:
tokensz /calc_groups ClientName [/user:UserName] [/domain:UserDomain]
[/password:ClientPassword] [/system]
This option is only available if you are using Windows Server 2003 KDCs and running the
tool on a computer running Windows Server 2003. The parameter passed to this option is a
user and (optionally) a domain that this user is a member of. Kerberos Token Size will list
all the groups that this user is a member of. If the user is a member of a large number of
groups generally more than 70-120 this user might exhibit maximum token size issues.
These switches enable you to specify client credentials.
You must have administrator rights to use this switch, which runs the test under the Local
System context of the computer that the test is being run on. In these cases, you must use the
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 31

[/user:UserName] [/domain:UserDomain] [/password:ClientPassword] switches, because

the tool will be running under the Local System context. This switch is useful to see what
groups are present in the Local System / logon context.

Examples of Kerberos Token Size in Use

Example 1: Incomplete context To determine the maximum Kerberos token size using incomplete
Type the following at the command line:
tokensz /compute_tokensize /package:negotiate /use_delegation
When you press ENTER, the following output is displayed:
Name: Negotiate Comment: Microsoft Package Negotiator

Current PackageInfo->MaxToken: 12128

MaxTokenSize (incomplete context): 2181

In this example:
MaxTokenSize (incomplete context) indicates that the protocol could not perform all legs of
authentication. In this case, (incomplete context) was returned because the server was specified
as server 1, but the test was run under the user account. However, this is still a reasonable
estimation of the maximum token size required for this user to authenticate to server 1.
Example 2: Administrator account to server host with delegation requested
To determine the maximum Kerberos token size for administrator to the host server 1:
Type the following at the command line:
tokensz /compute_tokensize /package:negotiate /target_server:host/server1
/user:administrator /password:ClientPassword /domain:UserDomain /use_delegation
When you press ENTER, the following output is displayed:
Name: Negotiate Comment: Microsoft Package Negotiator

Current PackageInfo->MaxToken: 12128

Asked for delegate, but didn't get it

Check if server is trusted for delegation.


Signature algorithm =

Encrypt algorithm = RSADSI RC4-HMAC

Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 32

KeySize = 128

Flags = 2081e

Signature Algorithm = -138

Encrypt Algorithm = 23

Start:4/2/2003 5:54:19

Expiry:4/2/2003 6:54:19

Current Time: 4/2/2003 5:54:19

MaxToken (complete context) 1375

In this example:
Asked for delegate, but didnt get it indicates that delegation was not used. This happens if
the target server is not trusted for delegation, or if the user account has the Account is
sensitive and cannot be delegated option selected.
MaxToken (complete context) indicates that all authentication legs have been completed,
and that this is a reliable value for maximum token size for server 1.
Example 3: Using /calc_groups
To calculate group membership for user 1:
Type the following at the command line:
tokensz /calc_groups user1
When you press ENTER, the tool returns a list of Kerberos token contents. In this example, the
following output is displayed:
Username = user1

TS Session ID: 0




00 S-1-5-21-148402017-3776891892-3157626230-513 Attributes -
Mandatory Default Enabled

01 S-1-1-0 Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled

02 S-1-5-32-545 Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled

03 S-1-5-32-554 Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled

04 S-1-5-2 Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled

05 S-1-5-11 Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled

Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 33

06 S-1-5-15 Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled

07 S-1-5-5-0-17077419 Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled


Primary Group:



00 0x000000017 SeChangeNotifyPrivilege Attributes - Enabled


01 0x000000006 SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege Attributes - Enabled


Auth ID 0:10494b4

Impersonation Level: Identification

TokenType Impersonation

Setspn.exe: Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts

The Setspn utility sets SPNs. Because SPNs are security-sensitive, you can only set SPNs for
user objects if you have domain administrator privileges. Setspn.exe is included in the Windows
Server 2003 Support Tools.

How to use Setspn

To add an SPN, you can type the following at a command prompt:
setspn A ServiceClass/Host:Port AccountName
To delete an SPN, you can type the following at a command prompt:
setspn D ServiceClass/Host:Port AccountName
To view the SPNs that are registered for an account, you can type the following at a
command prompt:
setspn L AccountName
To reset the default SPN registrations for the host names for an account, you can type the
following at a command prompt:
setspn R AccountName
The following section discusses the parameters listed above.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 34

ServiceClass. There are many different types of SPNs, and each service that is running on a
computer should have the appropriate SPN service class assigned to it. If an application is
written to take advantage of Kerberos authentication and delegation, it has the specific type
of SPN that it needs to access predetermined. For example, when Internet Explorer 5.5 and
later uses the Kerberos protocol to authenticate to a Web server, it looks for the http/ SPN,
whereas a SQL Server client looks for the MSSQLSvc/ SPN. If the wrong service class is
used on an SPN, then the SPN will not be located when a service searches for it.
Host. The computer to which the SPN belongs is all the names by which a computer on
which the service is running can be referenced. This usually includes a NetBIOS name, the
FQDN, and any aliases that might have been assigned to this computer A separate SPN will
need to be set for each name by which the computer can be referenced, with the Host
parameter changing respectively.
Port. The port that the service is running on. If this is a default port for that service (such as
80 for HTTP), then it can be omitted. However, it is recommended the port be included
regardless of what service is running.
AccountName. The name of the domain account under which the service runs. If the service
runs as Local System or Network Service, you usually do not need to set an SPN explicitly
for the service because most common SPN service classes will automatically be mapped to
the host/ SPN which is in turn automatically generated for each computer account.

Debug Output
You can use debug output associated with Kerberos authentication to obtain information if other
troubleshooting tools fail to produce useful information. Debug output is not meant to be used in
day-to-day troubleshooting. It should only be used if there is absolutely no other means available
to get information about the error. Debug output sometimes has extremely detailed error
messages that might help you find the source of the problem. However, debug output also can
contain messages that appear to indicate an error, but are actually normal messages that result
from routine operations of the Kerberos protocol.
The directions in the following sections apply only to Windows Server 2003. In order to view the
debug output on Windows 2000 Server, you must obtain instructions and a checked build of the
Kerberos dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) from Microsoft Product Support Services.

How to turn on debug output

There are a number of ways to view the debug output from Kerberos. The easiest way is by
logging the debug output to a file and then opening this file in Notepad.
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit.exe, and then press ENTER.

Incorrectly editing the registry might severely damage your system. Before
making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 35

2. Open the following registry key:

3. Create the following entry:
Value: KerbDebugLevel
Data: c0000043 (this value will print the most standard set of debug messages. Try it first. If
you still want to see more output, set it to ffffffff).
4. Create the following entry in the same registry location:
Value: LogToFile
Data: 1
5. Reproduce the error
6. Open the file lsass.log, located in the System32 directory of your Windows folder. You can
find the debug output inside this file.

After you have obtained the necessary output, delete the two registry keys
that you added in order to return the system to its full performance.

You might want to view and print the debug output in real time, as the errors actually happen. To
do this, you can use a debugging tool called Ntsd. Ntsd is included in both Windows 2000 and
Windows Server 2003.
How to use Ntsd to view real-time debug output from Kerberos authentication

Ntsd is included as a courtesy to software developers. Only system
developers should use this command. For more information, see the Help
file included with Ntsd.

1. Click Start, click Run, and then type regedit.exe.

Incorrectly editing the registry might severely damage your system. Before
making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 36

2. Open the following registry key:

3. Create the following entry:
Value: KerbDebugLevel
Data: c0000043 (this value will print the standard set of debug message. If you still want to
see more output, set it to ffffffff).
4. Determine the Process Identifier (PID) for the lsass.exe process from the Task Manager.
a. Click the Processes tab.
b. Select the View menu and choose Select Columns.
c. Click the PID (Process Identifier) check box and then click OK.
5. Click Start, Run, and then type ntsd -p PID of lsass.exe.
This will start the debugger and attach it to lsass. While the debugger loads, you might need
to wait a few minutes before the system presents a prompt.
6. At the prompt, type g. The debugger will now print out any errors that Kerberos
authentication encounters.
7. Try to authenticate using the Kerberos protocol, and then check the debug output for any
error messages that might further elaborate upon the Kerberos errors seen in the event log.
The following section about Kerberos errors lists many debug messages that are associated with
Kerberos errors.

After you have viewed the debug output, exit Ntsd correctly. If you do not exit
Ntsd correctly, you can terminate the lsass process, which will force a
system restart. To exit Ntsd, press CTRL+C. At the prompt, type qd to quit the
debugger. To return the system to its full performance level, remove the
KerbDebugLevel registry entry.

Kerberos Errors: Codes, Possible Causes,

This section explains the causes and resolutions for the various Kerberos errors seen in the event
logs or that Network Monitor has traced. These error codes are taken from the Kerberos RFC
1510 and draft extensions; all of the numbers and names are those that are used in the RFC. The
first section explains the format of an error message and what each element means.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 37

RFC Hex Error Value - Error Code: Description

Associated internal Windows error codes
These status codes are the internal error messages returned by Microsofts implementation of the
Kerberos protocol. Because these error codes are proprietary, they must be converted into the
standard RFC error codes in order to ensure RFC compliance. Because there are many more
potential internal errors than there are RFC errors, RFC errors map to more than one internal
error. This section shows which internal error codes map to a specific Kerberos error.

Corresponding debug output messages

When debug output is enabled, this is what will be printed if the corresponding Kerberos error is
encountered. Debug is often more detailed than a general Kerberos error and might help to
pinpoint the source of the problem.
There are two types of debug output messages:
DebugLog. Will be printed if debug output is enabled.
D_DebugLog. Only printed if a checked build of the Kerberos DLL has been installed on
the computer. (Checked builds can only be obtained from Microsoft Product Support
Many of the debug output messages will only be generated in Kerberos client application
development environments. An example of this would be if a Kerberos application requested an
authentication service request with invalid options.

Possible Causes and Resolutions

This section explains the possible causes of the error. Not all errors mean that something is
wrong; some are returned during normal operation. If the latter is the case, it is explained as such.
Resolution This section explains how to resolve a particular error, if applicable.

0x6 - KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in

Kerberos database
Associated internal Windows error code

Corresponding debug output messages

D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) No principal name supplied to AS request - not allowed\n)
DebugLog(KdcGetS4UTicketInfo normalize returned referral for S4U client\n)
DebugLog(Failed Authz check\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 38

Possible Causes and Resolutions

This error can occur if the domain controller cannot find the account name in Active Directory.
This can occur in three scenarios:
The actual account does not exist.
Resolution Verify that the name is in the Active Directory. If the principal name is not in the
local Active Directory, but you know the account should exist and the user was recently
added to the domain, verify that Active Directory replication is current.
A new account has been created and has not yet replicated to the KDC that the client is using
for authentication.
Resolution It could be that the updates have not yet reached the domain controller that is acting
as the KDC for that user. For information about how to manually initiate an update, see
Initiating Replication between Active Directory Direct Replication Partners in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base at
The users account has expired and the Enforce user logon restrictions Group Policy object
(GPO) setting is enabled.
Resolution If the user name is in Active Directory, determine whether the account has expired.
Enforce user logon restrictions forces the domain controller to check the users account
each time a TGT is presented and account expiration will cause the domain controller to
refuse an otherwise valid TGT.

0x7 - KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Server not found in

Kerberos database
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

D_DebugLog(Wrong S4UProxytarget %wZ %wZ\n)
DebugLog(KdcFindReferralTarget KLIN(%x) Needed exact match and got a transitively-
trusted domain.\n)
D_DebugLog(No referral info for %wZ\n)
D_DebugLog(Got UPN w/ uknown trust path %x\n)
DebugLog(No auth info for this trust: %wZ. %ws, line %d\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 39

Possible Causes and Resolutions

This error can occur if the domain controller cannot find the servers name in Active Directory.
This error is similar to KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN except that it occurs when the
server name cannot be found.
This might be because:
The actual name is missing.
Resolution Verify that the service is registered and has an SPN set. For more information about
setting SPNs, see Need an SPN Set earlier in this white paper.
A new computer account has been created and has not yet replicated to the KDC that the
client is using for authentication.
Resolution It could be that the updates have not yet reached the domain controller that is acting
as the KDC for that client. For information about how to manually initiate an update, see
Initiating Replication between Active Directory Direct Replication Partners in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base at
UDP fragmentation is occurring. If the SPN is set, or if the request failed for an initial TGT
(requesting a TGT does not require any SPNs to be set manually), then UDP fragmentation
might be causing the failure.
Resolution Capture a network trace with Network Monitor and compare it to the sample trace
associated with UDP fragmentation in Appendix A. If you determine that the cause is UDP
fragmentation, see UDP Fragmentation earlier in this white paper for information about how
to resolve the issue.
A trust path has been incorrectly configured. If the SPN is set correctly and this error is not
related to UDP fragmentation, then there might be an error while doing the referral. This can
occur if the trust path leading to the server has been incorrectly configured.
Resolution Verify that there is a valid trust path to the servers domain and that this path can be
followed. You can do this by attempting to logon as a user in the servers domain in the
client domain. If the logon is successful and occurs using the Kerberos protocol (this can be
verified in the security log), then the trust path is set up correctly.

0x8 - KDC_ERR_PRINCIPAL_NOT_UNIQUE: Multiple principal

entries in database
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 40

Possible Cause and Resolution

This error occurs if duplicate principal names exist. Unique principal names are crucial for
ensuring mutual authentication. Thus, duplicate principal names are strictly forbidden, even
across multiple realms. Without unique principal names, the client has no way of ensuring
that the server it is communicating with is the correct one.
Resolution You must remove the duplicate principal name in order for Kerberos authentication
to function. To find the duplicate SPN, you can use the LDP tool, or you can use the Ldifde
utility. The two methods are described below.
How to use the LDP tool

If you do not have the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools installed, install
them from the Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM before proceeding. (The
Setup executable file for Support Tools is located on the CD-ROM in the
Support\Tools folder. The installation does not require you to restart the
computer, but you might have to restart the computer so that the
environment variables are updated.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.

2. In the Open: text box, type LDP, and then click OK.
3. On the Connection menu, click Connect.
4. If you are on the domain controller, leave the default settings, and then click OK. If you
are not on the domain controller, type the domain controller name in the Server text box
and then click OK.
5. On the Connection menu, click Bind.
6. Type User, Password, and Domain in the corresponding text boxes, and then click OK.
7. On the View menu, click Tree.
8. In the Tree View dialog box, type the base distinguished name in the BaseDN text box
or select it from the pull-down menu.
9. On the Browse menu, click Search.
10. In the Search dialog box, type the base distinguished name in the BaseDN text box or
select from the pull-down menu.
11. In the Search dialog box, type the following in the Filter text box:
12. For SPN, type the Service Principal Name that the error refers to for example, HOST
for computer accounts, HTTP for Web services.
13. Under Scope, click the Subtree option.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 41

14. Click Run.

For more information about using ldp.exe to search Active Directory, see Using Ldp.exe to
Find Data in the Active Directory in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
How to use Ldifde
To use the Ldifde utility to extract the accounts for the domain, or from the suspected
container or OU:
1. From the domain controller, open a command prompt, and then:
For computer accounts, type
ldifde -f filename -d BaseDistinguishedName -r (objectclass=computer) -p subtree
For user accounts, type
ldifde -f filename -d BaseDistinguishedName -r (objectclass=user) -p subtree

If the accounts that seem to have the duplicate SPNs are located in a certain
OU (for example, Florida), you can refine the base distinguished name. For
example: -d ou=sales,dc=tailspintoys,dc=com .

2. Open the text file in Notepad, and then search for the SPN that is reported in the security
event log.
3. Note the accounts under which the SPN is located.
Use Setspn to rename or delete the duplicates. For more information about setting SPNs, see
Need an SPN Set earlier in this white paper.

0xA - KDC_ERR_CANNOT_POSTDATE: Ticket not eligible for

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Asked for postdate but start time not present\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 42

Possible Causes and Resolutions

This error can occur if a client requests postdating of a Kerberos ticket. Postdating is the act
of requesting that a tickets start time be set into the future.
Resolution Windows KDCs do not support postdating and clients should never request the
postdating of a ticket.
There is a time difference between the client and the KDC.
Resolution Verify whether there is a time difference between the client and the KDC. For
information about this error and about how to resolve time differences, see Time
Synchronization (Clock Skew) earlier in this white paper.

0xB - KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID: Requested start time is later than

end time
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Client asked for endtime before starttime\n)

Possible Cause and Resolution

There is a time difference between the KDC and the client.
Resolution For Kerberos authentication to work, you must synchronize clocks on the client and
on the server. For more information about this error and how to resolve it, see Time
Synchronization (Clock Skew) earlier in this white paper.

0xC - KDC_ERR_POLICY: KDC policy rejects request

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Additional ticket client realm is wrong: %s instead of %s\n)
DebugLog(Trying to renew a non-renewable ticket or against policy\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 43

DebugLog(AuthzInitializeContextFromSid() failed in KerbPerformTgsAccessCheck%x\n)

DebugLog(CrossOrg authz AC failed %x\n)
DebugLog(AuthzAccessCheck() failed in KerbPerformTgsAccessCheck%x\n)
DebugLog(Trying to do S4UProxy to another realm %wZ\n)
DebugLog(Failed to change password for user %wZ: 0x%x\n)
DebugLog(Missing PAC verifier in S4U Tickets\n)
DebugLog(S4U Pac verifier missing @ sign\n)
DebugLog(KdcBuildTicketTimesAndFlags asked for allow postdate but not allowed: )
DebugLog(Trying to validate a valid ticket\n)

Possible Causes and Resolutions

KDC_ERR_POLICY is usually the result of logon restrictions in place on a users account.
This error is usually accompanied by an error packet which might contain additional
information that can be viewed with a Network Monitor capture.
Resolution Use Active Directory Users and Computers to verify whether restrictions in place on
this account might prevent this user from logging on. To use Active Directory Users and
1. Click Start, click Run, and then type:
2. Locate the user that is having logon problems, right-click the users account, and then
click Properties.
3. Verify settings on the Account tab for valid logon hours and computer to which this
user is allowed to log on.
Constrained delegation is being attempted across multiple domains.
Resolution No resolution. Windows Server 2003 does not support constrained delegation across
multiple domains.
The server receives a ticket in which clients realm does not match the local realm.
Resolution Confirm the error with a Network Monitor capture. The only way to eliminate this
error is to ensure that the server and client are in the same realm (domain).

0xD - KDC_ERR_BADOPTION: KDC cannot accommodate requested

Associated internal Windows error codes
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 44

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Asked for forwarded but not allowed\n)
DebugLog(Asked for proxy but not allowed\n)
DebugLog(Asked for postdate but not allowed\n)
D_DebugLog(s4u set, but no ticket\n)
D_DebugLog(Couldnt decrypt evidence ticket %x\n)
D_DebugLog(Trying to mix S4U proxy and self requests\n)
D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Client %wZ sent AS request with no server name\n)
D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Attempt made to renew non-renewable ticket\n)
DebugLog(Client tried to use pkinit w/o client cert\n)
DebugLog(User supplied bad cert type: %d\n)

Possible Causes and Resolutions:

Impending expiration of a TGT.
Resolution Confirm the cause by verifying the expiration time on the TGT. To do this, use the
Kerberos List parameter tgt. If you confirm that this is the cause, you need do nothing more,
because the TGT will be automatically renewed or a new one will be requested if needed.
For example, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 will recover from this automatically.
The SPN to which the client is attempting to delegate credentials is not in its Allowed-to-
delegate-to list.
1. Use Network Monitor to determine the SPN to which the client is attempting to delegate
credentials. You will need this information in a later step.
2. Click Start, click Run, and then open Active Directory Users and Computers by typing
the following:
3. Right-click the user or service account that has problems authenticating, and then click
4. Click the Delegation tab.
5. The Allowed-to-delegate-to list is the list of servers shown under the heading, Services
to which this account can present delegated credentials.
6. Add the SPN the client is attempting to delegate to (information from the captured data
you obtained in Step 1) to the Allowed-to-delegate-to list for that client. This will tell
the KDC that this client is indeed allowed to authenticate to this service. The KDC will
then grant the client the appropriate ticket.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 45

For information about setting up service accounts for delegation, see HOW TO: Configure
Computer Accounts and User Accounts So That They Are Trusted for Delegation in
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
The server does not support constrained delegation or protocol transition. (Windows 2000
does not support constrained delegation or protocol transition.)

0xE - KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOTSUPP: KDC has no support for

encryption type
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Using a CryptSystem with a BlockSize(%d) > MAX(%d)\n)
DebugLog(Null password or crypt list passed to KerbFindCommonCryptSystem\n)
D_DebugLog(Got more than 20 crypto systems in password list\n)
DebugLog(KdcCheckForEtype no intersection between client and server Etypes!\n)
DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Failed to find common ETYPE: 0x%x\n)
DebugLog(KdcUnpackAdditionalTickets no encryption key found in krbtgts

Possible Causes and Resolutions

In general, this error occurs when the KDC or a client receives a packet that it cannot decrypt.
Four possible scenarios are:
UNIX interoperability scenarios in which the UNIX KDC attempts to use 3DES to encrypt
its tickets.
Resolution The UNIX KDC must be configured to use another encryption type, such as DES or
RC4. Windows operating systems do not support 3DES.
Interoperability scenarios in which the target server does support the encryption type used by
the KDC.
Resolution Configure target server to support the RFC standard encryption type RC4 or contact
the vendor.
Recent migration from Windows NT to Windows Server 2003.
Resolution Change the password of the user who is having difficulty logging on.
The administrator accounts password has not been changed since the domain was created.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 46

Resolution Change the administrators password to eliminate the error.

0xF - KDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP: KDC has no support for

checksum type
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Unsupported signature algorithm (not MD5)\n)

Possible Cause and Resolution

The KDC, server, or client receives a packet for which it does not it have a key of the
appropriate encryption type. The result is that the computer is unable to decrypt the ticket.
This error is common in UNIX interoperability scenarios when a new account is created. The
new account might have an incompatible key associated with it.
Resolution Change the password on the account to re-create the key, which should eliminate the

0x10 - KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP: KDC has no support for

padata type
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) No pre-auth data in TGS request - not allowed.\n)

Possible Cause and Resolution

Smart card logon is being attempted and the proper certificate cannot be located. This can
happen because the wrong certification authority (CA) is being queried or the proper CA
cannot be contacted.
1. Verify that there is a functioning CA on the domain.
2. Verify that the client can locate the CA.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 47

0x12 - KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED: Clients credentials have been

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages


Possible Causes and Resolution

The account being denied authentication is disabled. This might be because of an explicit
disabling or because of other restrictions in place on the account.
Resolution Use Network Monitor to capture data associated with this error. The
KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED error is usually accompanied by an error packet. The
error packet might contain additional information that could help you diagnose the problem.

0x17 - KDC_ERR_KEY_EXPIRED: Password has expired change

password to reset
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 48

Possible Cause and Resolution

The users password has expired.
Resolution The user should change password and logon again to obtain a new key.

0x18 - KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED: Pre-authentication

information was invalid
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(KLIN(%x) CPAHandlerEncryptedTime::Check: failed to derived compid key

Possible Cause and Resolution

The wrong password was provided.
Resolution Try authenticating again. It is possible that the password might have been incorrectly
Verify that the time on the KDC matches the time on the client. For more information about
time differences and how to resolve them, see Time Synchronization (Clock Skew) earlier in
this white paper.

0x19 - KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED: Additional pre-

authentication required
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages


Possible Causes and Resolution

This error often occurs in UNIX interoperability scenarios. MIT-Kerberos clients do not
request pre-authentication when they send a KRB_AS_REQ message. If pre-authentication
is required (the default), Windows systems will send this error. Most MIT-Kerberos clients
will respond to this error by giving the pre-authentication, in which case the error can be
ignored, but some clients might not respond in this way.
Resolution Set the Do not require Kerberos pre-authentication flag on the users account.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 49

Alternatively, consider upgrading to the most recent MIT reference distribution of Kerberos

0x1B - KDC_ERR_MUST_USE_USER2USER: Server principal valid

for user2user only
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Service principal requires user2user )
DbugLog(KdcVerifyKdcRequest must use user2user UserAccountControl %#x,
GenericUserName %wZ, PrincipalName: )

Possible Causes and Resolution

This error can be remapped from 0x7_KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKOWN. Causes and
resolutions of that error could apply to this error as well.
The SPN being provided is not registered anywhere.
Resolution Use Network Monitor to verify the SPN being requested. Be sure that the SPN is
registered for the appropriate service and under the correct account. For more information
about SPNs and how to register them, see Need an SPN Set earlier in this white paper.

0x1C - KDC_ERR_PATH_NOT_ACCEPTED: KDC Policy rejects

transited path
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

D_DebugLog(Client from realm %s attempted to access non transitive trust to %wZ :
DebugLog(TGT S4U Client from realm %s attempted to access non transitive trust to %wZ
: illegal\n)
DebugLog(Missing delegation info while transiting %p\n)
D_DebugLog(KDC presented w/ a unknown Xrealm TGT (%wZ)\n)

Possible Causes and Resolutions

A trust is incorrectly set up between two domains.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 50

Resolution Verify that there is a two-way transitive trust set up between the users domain and
the domain on which the user is trying to access resources.
If the domain to which the user is trying to authenticate is in another forest, see Cannot Use
Kerberos Trust Relationships Between Two Forests in Windows 2000 in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base at This article describes
why you cannot use internal Kerberos trust relationships between two forests in Windows
Constrained delegation is being attempted across multiple domains.
Resolution No resolution. Windows 2000 does not support constrained delegation across
multiple domains.
If constrained delegation is being attempted across multiple domains in Windows
Server 2003, this error message will read: Constrained delegation is not currently supported
across multiple domains.

0x1D - KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE: A service is not available

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Service principal not allowed )

Possible Cause and Resolution

A client attempted to query the global catalog, but the global catalog was not available.
Resolution Verify that DNS is correctly set up and that the users computer can contact the
domain controller.

0x1F - KRB_AP_ERR_BAD_INTEGRITY: Integrity check on decrypted

field failed
Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

D_DebugLog(Could not decrypt the ticket\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 51

Possible Causes and Resolutions

The authenticator was encrypted with something other than the session key. The result is that
the client cannot decrypt the resulting message. The modification of the message could be
the result of an attack or it could be because of network noise.
Resolution This error is similar to 0x29_KRB_APP_ERR_MODIFIED. See the resolutions
listed under that error later in this white paper.

0x20 - KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_EXPIRED: Ticket expired

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Trying to renew a ticket past its renew time\n)
DebugLog(Trying to renew an expired ticket\n)

Possible Cause and Resolution

The smaller the value for the Maximum lifetime for user ticket Kerberos policy setting, the
more likely it is that this error will occur. Because ticket renewal is automatic, you should
not have to do anything if you get this message.
Resolution To change the Maximum lifetime for user ticket setting:
1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then click Domain
Security Policy.
2. Click Accounts Policies, and then click Kerberos Policy.
3. Increase the value for Maximum lifetime for user ticket.
4. Run gpupdate /force on any client computer on which you want this policy change to
take effect immediately.

0x21 - KRB_AP_ERR_TKT_NYV: Ticket not yet valid

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Trying to validate a ticket before it is valid\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 52

Possible Causes and Resolution

The ticket presented to the server is not yet valid (in relationship to the server time). The
most probable cause is that the clocks on the KDC and the client are not synchronized.
If cross-realm Kerberos authentication is being attempted, then you should verify time
synchronization between the KDC in the target realm and the KDC in the client realm, as
Resolution For more information about time differences in Kerberos authentication and how to
resolve them, see Time Synchronization (Clock Skew) earlier in this white paper.

0x22 - KRB_AP_ERR_REPEAT: Request is a replay

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages


Possible Causes and Resolutions

This error indicates that a specific authenticator showed up twice the KDC has detected that
this session ticket duplicates one that it has already received. The cause could be:
A bad network card.
Resolution Replace the network card in the computer if the cause is failing hardware.
An attack is in progress.

0x23 - KRB_AP_ERR_NOT_US: The ticket isnt for us

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Ticket (%s) not for this service (%wZ).\n)
D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Tgt reply is not for our realm: %s instead of %s\n)
D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Verified ticket client realm is wrong: %s instead of %s\n)

Possible Cause and Resolution

The server has received a ticket that was meant for a different realm.
Resolution Verify that DNS is set up correctly. Verify that packets are correctly routed across
the network.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 53

0x24 - KRB_AP_ERR_BADMATCH: Ticket and authenticator dont

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Authenticator principal != ticket principal\n)
D_DebugLog(Cert name doesnt match user name: %wZ, %wZ\n)
DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Supplied U2U ticket is not for server: %wZ (%#x) vs. %wZ
DebugLog(S4USelf requestor realm != service realm\n)

Possible Causes and Resolutions

The KRB_TGS_REQ is being sent to the wrong KDC.
There is an account mismatch during protocol transition.
Resolution Confirm DNS settings are correct for the domain. Verify that constrained delegation
and protocol transition are correctly configured.

0x25 - KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW: Clock skew too great

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Client asked for endtime before starttime\n)

Possible Causes and Resolution

This error is logged if a client computer sends a timestamp whose value differs from that of the
servers timestamp by more than the number of minutes found in the Maximum tolerance for
computer clock synchronization setting in Kerberos policy.
Although this error might show up in the logs, it will not prevent a user from being authenticated.
When this error is returned, the domain controller also supplies the correct time on the domain
controller. The Kerberos client uses the correct domain controller time to attempt the
authentication request a second time. Presuming that the users credentials are valid, the user will
be authenticated on the second try.
This error can more commonly occur as the number of notebooks that is, disconnected
computers in your network increases.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 54

Resolution Beware that the higher you set the value of the Maximum tolerance for computer
clock synchronization setting, the more susceptible the network becomes to replay attacks.
To set Maximum tolerance for computer clock synchronization Kerberos policy:
1. Open the domain security policy by clicking Start, Programs, Administrative Tools,
Local Security Policy.
2. Click Account Policies, and then click Kerberos Policy.
3. Increase the value for Maximum tolerance for computer clock synchronization.
4. You can either wait for the policy change to propagate or you can run gpupdate /force
on the client computers to force propagation immediately.
For more information, see Time Synchronization (Clock Skew) earlier in this white paper.

0x28 - KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE: Invalid msg type

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Wont allow user2user with Datagram. %ws, line %d\n)

Possible Causes and Resolutions

UDP is being attempted with User-to-User protocol. User-to-User is an extension of
Kerberos authentication that enables secure servers to be run on personal computers.
Resolution Force Kerberos authentication to use TCP. For information about forcing Kerberos
authentication to use TCP see How to Force Kerberos to Use TCP Instead of UDP in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base at

0x29 - KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED: Message stream modified

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Failed to verify message: %x\n,Status)
DebugLog(Failed to encrypt message: %x\n,Status)
DebugLog(Failed to encrypt message (crypto mismatch?): %x\n)
DebugLog(Checksum on TGS request body did not match\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 55

D_DebugLog(Failed to create S4U checksum\n)

DebugLog(S4U PA checksum doesnt match!\n)
DebugLog(Pac was modified - server checksum doesnt match\n)
D_DebugLog(DEB_TRACE,Could not decrypt the ticket\n)

Possible Causes and Resolutions

Some encrypted Kerberos authentication data sent by the client did not decrypt properly at the
server because:
A service ticket is issued to the local computer account, for which a host/ SPN is
automatically created, instead of to the service account, for which no SPN has been created.
The reason for this is that a service does not register an SPN for itself, yet the service
belongs to a service class for which the computer will automatically map the SPN to a
host/service class. (Examples of this are the HTTP and Common Internet File System (CIFS)
service classes.) The result is that the service cannot decrypt the resultant ticket.
Resolution If the root cause appears to be that an SPN has not been set, verify that each service
running on the target computer has an SPN set. Those services that do not have SPNs set
might have had their SPNs remapped to the computers host SPN. For more information
about SPNs and how to set them, see Need an SPN Set earlier in this white paper.
The authentication data was encrypted with the wrong key for the intended server.
The authentication data was modified in transit by a hardware or software error, or by an
The client sent the authentication data to the wrong server because incorrect DNS data
caused the client to send the request to the wrong server.
Resolution Verify that DNS is functioning properly.
The client sent the authentication data to the wrong server because DNS data was out-of-date
on the client.
Resolution Verify that DNS is functioning properly.
Two computers in different domains have the same name and the client sent the
authentication data to the wrong computer.
Resolution Verify that there are not multiple computers with the same name, including NetBIOS
names, anywhere on the network.

0x34 - KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG: Response too big for UDP,

retry with TCP
Associated internal Windows error codes
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 56

Corresponding debug output messages

D_DebugLogKLIN(%x) KDC response too big for UDP: %d bytes\n)

Possible Cause and Resolution

The size of a ticket is too large to be transmitted reliably via UDP. In a Windows
environment, this message is purely informational. A computer running a Windows
operating system will automatically try TCP if UDP fails.
Resolution If this error occurs in a mixed operating systems environment, upgrade the UNIX
KDCs to the latest MIT distribution of the Kerberos protocol, which supports TCP
connections if UDP fails.
For information about forcing Kerberos to use TCP, see How to Force Kerberos to Use TCP
Instead of UDP in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

0x3C - KRB_ERR_GENERIC: Generic error

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(SpInitLsaModeContext failed to verify AP reply: 0x%x\n)
DebugLog(Failed to decrypt AP reply: 0x%x. %ws, line %d\n)
DebugLog(Failed to encode data: %d\n)
DebugLog(KerbUnpackData Trying to unpack NULL data\n)
D_DebugLog(Failed to unmarshal pac\n)
DebugLog(Failed to get CLIENT Principal : 0x%x\n)
DebugLog(Failed to get Client principal name: 0x%x\n)
DebugLog(Failed to acquire KDC certificate private key: 0x%x\n)
DebugLog(Trying S4UProxy w/ no PAC\n)
D_DebugLog(KdcUnpackAdditionalTickets KLIN(%x) Trying to unpack null ticket or
more than one ticket\n)
D_DebugLog(The client of kpasswd did not ask for a sub key.\n)
DebugLog(Failed to create token from ticket: 0x%x\n)
D_DebugLog(No logon info for PAC - not adding resource groups\n)
DebugLog(Failed to query domain info for %wZ: 0x%x. %ws, line %d\n)
DebugLog(Failed to decrypt old password: 0x%x\n)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 57

DebugLog(KdcGetTicketInfo cant restrict user accounts if

USER_EXTENDED_FIELD_SPN is not requested\n)

Possible Causes and Resolutions

Group membership has overloaded the PAC.
Resolution For information about how to resolve this issue, see Group Membership Overloads
PAC earlier in this white paper.
Multiple recent password changes have not propagated.
Resolution You can wait for the changes to replicate, or you can force replication. To manually
initiate replication see Initiating Replication Between Active Directory Direct Replication
Partners in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
Crypto subsystem error caused by running out of memory.
Resolution Restart system or end processes to free memory.
SPN too long.
Resolution Use Network Monitor to capture network data. Examine the SPN being requested.
Verify that it is a correctly formed SPN and is registered to a service on the network.
SPN has too many parts.
Resolution Use Network Monitor to capture network data. Examine the SPN being requested.
Verify that it is a correctly formed SPN and is registered to a service on the network.

0x44 - KDC_ERR_WRONG_REALM: (user-to-user)

Associated internal Windows error codes

Corresponding debug output messages

DebugLog(Client tried to logon to account in another realm\n)
DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Failed to locate handle for referral realm)
D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Client tried to logon to account in another realm\n)
D_DebugLog(KLIN(%x) Request sent for wrong realm: %wZ\n)

Possible Causes and Resolution

Although this error rarely occurs, it occurs when a client presents a cross-realm TGT to a realm
other than the one specified in the TGT. Typically, this results from incorrectly configured DNS.
Resolution To confirm the cause, capture network data and verify that the realm listed in the
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 58

TGT is different than the realm of the KDC that the TGT is being presented to. Then
investigate why the TGT is routed to something other than the realm it was meant for.

Appendix A: Network Monitor Sample Traces

The following sections detail both normal Kerberos traffic and some situations that involve
common Kerberos errors.

The traces below have been altered to remove irrelevant or unnecessary

Kerberos Authentication During Normal Logon

In this example, the Kerberos client obtains a TGT and session ticket from a KDC.
FRAME: Base frame properties
ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 7027; Total IP Length = 333;
Options = No Options
UDP: Src Port: Unknown (1676); Dst Port: Kerberos (88); Length = 313 (0x139)
KERBEROS: Realm (realm[2]) =multi
KERBEROS: Server name (sname[3]) =krbtgt/multi
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_SRV_INST
(Service & other unique instance)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1]) =krbtgt/multi
KERBEROS: Host addresses (addresses[9])
KERBEROS: Host address =NetBIOS: IIS

FRAME: Base frame properties

ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 14792; Total IP Length = 1457;
Options = No Options
UDP: Src Port: Kerberos (88); Dst Port: Unknown (1676); Length = 1437 (0x59D)
KERBEROS: Client realm (crealm[3]) =MULTI.EXAMPLE.COM
KERBEROS: Client name (cname[4]) =aaa
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL (Name
of Principal)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1]) =aaa
KERBEROS: Ticket (ticket[5])
KERBEROS: Server name (sname[2]) =krbtgt/MULTI.EXAMPLE.COM
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_SRV_INST
(Service & other unique instance)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 59

KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1])


FRAME: Base frame properties

ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 7028; Total IP Length = 1436;
Options = No Options
UDP: Src Port: Unknown (1677); Dst Port: Kerberos (88); Length = 1416 (0x588)
KERBEROS: Pre-authentication Data (padata[3])
KERBEROS: Ticket (ticket[3])
KERBEROS: Server name (sname[2]) =krbtgt/MULTI.EXAMPLE.COM
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) =
KRB_NT_SRV_INST (Service & other unique instance)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1])
KERBEROS: Server name (sname[3]) =host/
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_SRV_HST (Serv
with host name as instance)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1])

FRAME: Base frame properties

ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 14793; Total IP Length = 1422;
Options = No Options
UDP: Src Port: Kerberos (88); Dst Port: Unknown (1677); Length = 1402 (0x57A)
KERBEROS: Client realm (crealm[3]) =MULTI.EXAMPLE.COM
KERBEROS: Client name (cname[4]) =aaa
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL (Name
of Principal)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1]) =aaa
KERBEROS: Ticket (ticket[5])
KERBEROS: Server name (sname[2]) =host/
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_SRV_HST (Serv
with host name as instance)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1])

A successful logon will include an initial KRB_AS_REQ and KRB_AS_REP to obtain a TGT.
(This only occurs on the first authentication. After the client has a TGT, the protocol will not ask
for one again until the TGT expires.) After the AS message exchange, there will be a
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 60

KRB_TGS_REQ and KRB_TGS_REP for a service ticket to whatever service the client is trying
to access. Note that the realm names, the requesting user name, the time, and the SPN can all be
viewed in this exchange. This information is often vital in diagnosing problems with Kerberos
authentication. The sample packets above have been trimmed to only show the vital data. In a
real network capture, there will be much more data displayed, including ticket options and
encryption types.

Clock Skew
+ FRAME: Base frame properties
+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 6674; Total IP Length = 333;
Options = No Options
+ UDP: Src Port: Unknown (1550); Dst Port: Kerberos (88); Length = 313 (0x139)

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 13387; Total IP Length = 126;
Options = No Options
+ UDP: Src Port: Kerberos (88); Dst Port: Unknown (1550); Length = 106 (0x6A)
KERBEROS: Protocol version number (pvno[0]) = 5 (0x5)
KERBEROS: Message type (msg-type[1]) = KRB_ERROR (0x1E)
KERBEROS: Server time (stime[4]) = 7/30/2003 11:54:14 PM
KERBEROS: Microseconds on server (susec[5]) = 401788 (0x6217C)
KERBEROS: Error code (error-code[6]) = Clock skew too great
KERBEROS: Correct realm (realm[9]) =multi
KERBEROS: Correct server name (sname[10]) =krbtgt/multi
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_SRV_INST (Service
& other unique instance)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1]) =krbtgt/multi

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 6675; Total IP Length = 333;
Options = No Options
+ UDP: Src Port: Unknown (1551); Dst Port: Kerberos (88); Length = 313 (0x139)

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 13388; Total IP Length = 1457;
Options = No Options
+ UDP: Src Port: Kerberos (88); Dst Port: Unknown (1551); Length = 1437 (0x59D)
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 61

An unsuccessful authentication will usually contain a KRB_ERROR packet explaining what

error was encountered. In the trivial example of clock skew, there is a KRB_ERROR packet
immediately after the KRB_AS_REQ indicating that there was a problem obtaining the initial
TGT. In this case, there is another KRB_AS_REQ and KRB_AS_REP because the client will
automatically try to compensate for the clock skew in order to obtain a ticket.
Although it might appear that a TGT was successfully granted because there is a KRB_AS_REP,
running Kerberos List will show that no tickets have been issued. This is because the
compensation actually failed and the ticket had already expired when the client decrypted it. This
is common when the client is very far into the future relative to the domain controller. The
domain controller will issue a ticket with the default expiration time of 10 hours. If the client is
more than 10 hours into the future, the ticket will have expired when the client receives it. In this
case, as an alternative to doing a Network Monitor capture, examine the system event log (with
Kerberos event logging turned on) to determine whether it shows a Kerberos error with the code
KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW. For information about how to eliminate time synchronization errors, see
Time Synchronization (Clock Skew) earlier in this white paper.

UDP to TCP Failover

+ FRAME: Base frame properties
+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 893; Total IP Length = 338;
Options = No Options
+ UDP: Src Port: Unknown (1190); Dst Port: Kerberos (88); Length = 318 (0x13E)

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 11914; Total IP Length = 126;
Options = No Options
+ UDP: Src Port: Kerberos (88); Dst Port: Unknown (1190); Length = 106 (0x6A)
KERBEROS: Protocol version number (pvno[0]) = 5 (0x5)
KERBEROS: Message type (msg-type[1]) = KRB_ERROR (0x1E)
KERBEROS: Server time (stime[4]) = 7/31/2003 7:26:39 PM
KERBEROS: Microseconds on server (susec[5]) = 469384 (0x72988)
KERBEROS: Error code (error-code[6]) = Response too big for UDP, retry with
KERBEROS: Correct realm (realm[9]) =multi
+ KERBEROS: Correct server name (sname[10]) =krbtgt/multi

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 896; Total IP Length =
354; Options = No Options
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 62

+ TCP: Control Bits: .AP..., len: 314, seq:3601489557-3601489871, ack: 418744507,

win:17520, src: 1191 dst: 88

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 11916; Total IP Length =
2960; Options = No Options
+ TCP: Control Bits: .A...., len: 2920, seq: 418744507-418747427, ack:3601489871,
win:65221, src: 88 dst: 1191

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 11919; Total IP Length =
4420; Options = No Options
+ TCP: Control Bits: .A...., len: 4380, seq: 418747427-418751807, ack:3601489871,
win:65221, src: 88 dst: 1191
KERBEROS: Kerberos Packet (Cont.) Use the Coalescer to view contents

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 11923; Total IP Length =
631; Options = No Options
+ TCP: Control Bits: .AP..., len: 591, seq: 418751807-418752398, ack:3601489871,
win:65221, src: 88 dst: 1191
KERBEROS: Kerberos Packet (Cont.) Use the Coalescer to view contents

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 903; Total IP Length =
1500; Options = No Options
+ TCP: Control Bits: .A...., len: 1460, seq:1499456721-1499458181,
ack:3422954122, win:17520, src: 1192 dst: 88

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 904; Total IP Length =
1500; Options = No Options
+ TCP: Control Bits: .A...., len: 1460, seq:1499458181-1499459641,
ack:3422954122, win:17520, src: 1192 dst: 88
KERBEROS: Kerberos Packet (Cont.) Use the Coalescer to view contents
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 63

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 906; Total IP Length =
1500; Options = No Options
+ TCP: Control Bits: .A...., len: 1460, seq:1499459641-1499461101,
ack:3422954122, win:17520, src: 1192 dst: 88
KERBEROS: Kerberos Packet (Cont.) Use the Coalescer to view contents

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = TCP - Transmission Control; Packet ID = 907; Total IP Length =
1500; Options = No Options
+ TCP: Control Bits: .A...., len: 1460, seq:1499461101-1499462561,
ack:3422954122, win:17520, src: 1192 dst: 88
KERBEROS: Kerberos Packet (Cont.) Use the Coalescer to view contents

This is a common example of the error that occurs when the Kerberos protocol attempts to switch
to TCP. The RFC states that the Kerberos protocol should use UDP for transmitting data.
However, UDP has a practical limit on how large a packet might be sent across the network.
Because Microsoft extensions to the Kerberos protocol place group memberships within a ticket,
it is common for a ticket issued to a user that belongs to many groups to be larger than the
maximum value that UDP can reliably transmit. If this is what happens, a
KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG is almost always present.
In the system event log (with Kerberos event logging turned on), a Kerberos error will appear,
the details of which will state that a KRB_ERR_RESPONSE_TOO_BIG was received. In the
example above, there is a KRB_ERROR packet after the initial KRB_AS_REQ with the same
failure code in it. Also, note that the initial KRB_AS_REQ and KRB_ERROR occur over UDP,
but the rest of the traffic occurs over TCP, indicating that the switchover was successful and the
authentication continued normally.
Furthermore, note that the subsequent KRB_AS_REP takes multiple packets. This is because
there are many groups to be transmitted and they do not all fit into one packet. Thus, multiple
packets are required to transmit the information, something that could not have been
accomplished reliably with UDP.

UDP Fragmentation
+ FRAME: Base frame properties
+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 39863; Total IP Length = 1500;
Options = No Options
UDP: Src Port: Unknown (3010); Dst Port: Kerberos (88); Length = 1798 (0x706)
UDP: Source Port = 0x0BC2
UDP: Destination Port = Kerberos
UDP: Total length = 1798 (0x706)
UDP: UDP Checksum = Frame was truncated, unable to verify Checksum.
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 64

KERBEROS: Protocol version number (pvno[1]) = 5 (0x5)

KERBEROS: Message type (msg-type[2]) = KRB_TGS_REQ (0x0C)
KERBEROS: Pre-authentication Data (padata[3])
KERBEROS: Protocol version numer (pvno[0]) = 5 (0x5)
KERBEROS: Message type (msg-type[1]) = 14 (0xE)
+ KERBEROS: AP options (ap-options[2])
KERBEROS: Ticket (ticket[3])
KERBEROS: Ticket version number (tkt-vno[0]) = 5 (0x5)
KERBEROS: Realm (realm[1]) =EXAMPLE.COM
+ KERBEROS: Server name (sname[2]) =krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM
+ KERBEROS: Encrypted part (enc-part[3])

+ FRAME: Base frame properties

+ ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)
+ IP: Protocol = UDP - User Datagram; Packet ID = 32022; Total IP Length = 134;
Options = No Options
UDP: Src Port: Kerberos (88); Dst Port: Unknown (3010); Length = 114 (0x72)
UDP: Source Port = Kerberos
UDP: Destination Port = 0x0BC2
UDP: Total length = 114 (0x72)
UDP: UDP Checksum = 0x5B13
KERBEROS: Protocol version number (pvno[0]) = 5 (0x5)
KERBEROS: Message type (msg-type[1]) = KRB_ERROR (0x1E)
KERBEROS: Server time (stime[4]) = 1/6/2003 6:26:04 PM
KERBEROS: Microseconds on server (susec[5]) = 665608 (0xA2808)
KERBEROS: Error code (error-code[6]) = Server not found in Kerberos
KERBEROS: Correct realm (realm[9]) =EXAMPLE.COM
KERBEROS: Correct server name (sname[10]) =krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM
KERBEROS: Principal name type (name-type[0]) = KRB_NT_SRV_INST (Service
& other unique instance)
KERBEROS: Principal name value (name-string[1]) =krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM
At first glance, the KRB_ERROR packet might seem to indicate the source of the problem.
However, upon closer inspection of the UDP header portion of each packet, you can verify that
KRB_TGS_REQ has been truncated during transmission. This means that there is no guarantee
that the packet received was complete or correct. The KRB_ERROR packet most likely stems
from the fact that, because part of the request was lost during transmission, the server could not
be located (that is, part of the data required to locate it was missing). In this case, the
KRB_ERROR is misleading and the real source of the problem is UDP fragmentation. For more
information about how to resolve this type of error, see UDP Fragmentation earlier in this white
Troubleshooting Kerberos Errors 65

Related Information
Answers to Frequently Asked Kerberos Questions in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at
Authentication for Administrative Authority on Microsoft TechNet at
Building Security and Directory Solutions for UNIX Using the Windows Server 2003
Active Directory Kerberos and LDAP Services in the Solution Guide for Windows Security
and Directory Services for UNIX on the Microsoft Download Center at
Windows Server 2003 Technical Reference on Microsoft TechNet at
Vincent Abella, Technical Editor, Microsoft Corporation
Leon Arber, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Christiansen, Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Corporation
Mike Danseglio, Technical Writer, Microsoft Corporation
Xin Fan, Software Test Engineer, Microsoft Corporation
JK Jaganathan, Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation
Steve Light, Escalation Engineer, Microsoft Corporation
David Longmuir, Technical Editor, Volt
Soumitra Sengupta, Architect, Microsoft Corporation
Michiko Short, Technical Writer, Microsoft Corporation
Tim Springston, Support Professional, Microsoft Corporation
Todd Stecher, Development Lead, Microsoft Corporation
Jonathan Stephens, Escalation Engineer, Microsoft Corporation
Darol Timberlake, Consultant, Microsoft Corporation
Joseph Vasil, Consultant, Microsoft Corporation
Liqiang (Larry) Zhu, Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Corporation

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