086/IX/SA2/29/B1: Class - IX IX Science
086/IX/SA2/29/B1: Class - IX IX Science
086/IX/SA2/29/B1: Class - IX IX Science
Class - IX
- IX
Time : 3 to 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
3 3 U 80
General Instructions :
1. The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in all the three questions
of five marks category. Only one option in such question is to be attempted.
4. All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately.
5. Question numbers 1 to 4 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in
one word or one sentence.
6. Question numbers 5 to 13 are two mark questions, to be answered in about 30 words.
7. Question numbers 14 to 22 are three mark questions, to be answered in about 50 words.
8. Question numbers 23 to 25 are five mark questions, to be answered in about 70 words.
9. Question numbers 26 to 41 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical
skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to choose one most appropriate response
out of the four provided to you.
10. An additional 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper only. During
this interval you are not to write any thing on the answer book.
1. - U , , U
3. U l U
4. U - U
5. 1 4 U
6. 5 13 , U 30
7. 14 22 , U 50
8. 23 25 , U 70
9. 26 41 U U
10. - 15 U U -
1. Define 1 W of power. 1
7. Why is a bucket of water lighter when in water than when it is taken out of water. 2
14. To which group do the following organism belong and give one reason for each. 3
(a) Cyanobacteria (b) Euglena (c) Ulothrix
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 2
17. (a) Define the term molecular mass. 1
(b) State and explain law of conservation of mass with example. 2
18. (a) A truck and a car are running with same velocity. Which of the two has less 2
kinetic energy ?
(b) Give an example of electrical energy converted into light energy. 1
21. A sound wave travels at a speed of 339 m/s if the wavelength is 1.2 cm, what is the 3
frequency of the wave.
22. What are the different means by which infectious diseases can spread. 3
23. (a) The K. E of an object of mass m, moving with a velocity 5 m/s is 25 J. What will 3
be its K. E when its velocity is doubled and tripled.
(b) An object of mass 12 kg is at a certain height above the ground. If the P. E of the 2
object is 480 J, find the height at which the object is w. r. t the ground.
(Given g 5 10 m/s2)
(a) Define K. E and drive the expression for K. E ? 3
(b) A man weighing 70 kg carries a weight of 10 kg to the top of tower 100 m high. 2
Calculate the work done.
24. (a) Write the symbol and name of the element having 14 proton. 1
(b) Complete the table. 3
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 3
28. While determining the density of copper piece using spring balance and a measuring 1
cylinder Nitin carried out the following procedure :
(i) Noted the water level in the measuring cylinder without the copper piece.
(ii) Immersed the copper piece in the water
(iii) Noted the water level in the measuring cylinder with the copper piece inside it.
(iv) Removed the copper piece from the water and immediately weighed it using a
string balance.
the wrong step in the produce is :
(a) step i (b) step ii (c) step iii (d) step iv
29. Form measuring cylinders with different least counts are shown in fig A, B, C and D. 1
The most suitable cylinder for determining the volume of a cube of side nearly 1 cm is :
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 4
31. Three students A, B and C determined volume of a solid by immersing it in water in the 1
over flow cans set up as shown. The result obtained will be wrong for.
32. The correct experimental set up for determining the mass of a solid in water is shown 1
in fig :
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 5
34. Non - green saprophytic plant is : 1
(a) Marsilea (b) Marchantia (c) Paramecium (d) Rhizopus
37. The wave pulse can be produced on a rope whose one end is fixed : 1
(a) By giving a single jerk to the other end.
(b) By giving more jerks to the other end.
(c) By giving continues jerks.
(d) Either (a) or (b) or (c)
38. To observe and compare the pressure exerted by solid cuboid in its up right position, 1
student A placed the cuboid gently on the loose sand while B placed it on the surface of
table top. Who will observe the exerted pressure by cuboid easily ?
(a) Student A only (b) Student B only
(c) Both student A and B (d) Neither A nor B.
40. In the experiment for determining the velocity of a pulse propagating along the length 1
of string we prefer a long thick cotton string :
(a) Because pulse can not be formed in a thin short string.
(b) Because cotton string is cheap and easily available
(c) So that pulse move through it easily
(d) So that time taken by pulse to move from one end of string to other may be
accurately determined.
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 6
U -
1. 1 W Q U 1
2. ? 1
3. mU ? 1
4. U CO2 SU ? 1
5. 34 g NH3 2
( , N U 5 14 u ; H 5 1 u)
6. (a) U U 1
(b) 1
7. U U, U , U ? 2
8. Q 2
9. R U U ? 2
10. U 2
(a) U U (b) UU
12. (a) U U 1
(b) S U U ? 1
13. U 2
14. - U 3
(a) -U (b) (c)
15. 120 g Ca U U 3
(Ca U 5 40 u)
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 7
16. (a) UU ? 1
(b) //R/R U h 2
UU, U, UU, $U
17. (a) U 1
(b) U U SC U 2
18. (a) U U ? 3
(b) l MU U
19. (a) 1
(b) , U ? 2
20. U 3
(a) (b) AIDS U (c) U
22. R U U ? 3
24. (a) 14 U 1
(b) U U U 3
n ;m8 g ; q;
Cl 17 - - 18
Si - 28 - -
F - - 9 10
(c) UUU U 1
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 8
(a) X U U 16.2 u 16X8 18X8 S 3
(b) U U U U SC U U 2
25. (a) U R U 4
(b) ? 1
(a) U U Z U SC 3
(b) U ? 1
(c) -U ? 1
U -
26. -c 1
(a) RU (b) U (c) m (d)
27. U U 1
28. U UU U U U 1
(i) U UU U
(ii) U () U U
(iii) UU U U
(iv) U U U U U U U
(a) i (b) ii (c) iii (d) iv
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 9
29. U UU A, B, C D 1 cm 1
30. -S U ? 1
(a) - (b) (c) UU (d)
31. U U U U U A, B C 1
U U # U
(a) U A (b) U B
(c) U C (d) U
32. U U ? 1
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 10
33. S ? 1
34. -U 1
(a) U (b) Z (c) U (d) U
35. S U S U 1
(a) S (b) S
(c) (d)
36. ? 1
(a) (b) U (c) (d) UU
37. US U SU , U-S 1
(a) U U U U (b) U U U U U
(c) U U U (d) (a), (b) (c)
38. U mU U U U , U A 1
U U U U U B U U mU
U U?
(a) U A (b) U B
(c) U A B (d) U
39. UU U 1
(a) (b) RU
(c) (a) (b) (d) (a) (b)
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 11
40. U U U S U U U U UU 1
(a) UU UU S
(b) UU S
(c) S U
(d) S UU U U U U U
41. (c ) ? 1
086/IX/SA2/29/B1 12