Technical and Economic Assessment of Solar PV/diesel Hybrid Power System For Rural School Electrification in Ethiopia
Technical and Economic Assessment of Solar PV/diesel Hybrid Power System For Rural School Electrification in Ethiopia
Technical and Economic Assessment of Solar PV/diesel Hybrid Power System For Rural School Electrification in Ethiopia
Zelalem Girma*
Corresponding Author; Zelalem Girma, Wolfhager strae 12, 34117, Kassel corraddress, Tel: +49 17666443926,
Abstract- This paper proposes the most feasible configuration of solar PV system with diesel generator as back up for
hypothetical rural school electrification around Arbaminch town(6.0333 N, 37.5500 E) in the southern region of Ethiopia.
Integration of PV systems with the diesel plants is being disseminated worldwide to reduce diesel fuel consumption and to
minimize atmospheric pollution and the proposed simulation has been done to assure that the PV-Diesel hybrid system is
Economically and technically feasible for Ethiopia as well. The proposed system can supply the daily energy demand of
50kWh / day with 11kW peak for 24 hours. Technical and economic analysis of the optimum system has been done to compare
the economic viability of solar photovoltaic ( PV)/ gen/battery hybrid power system with that of a standalone diesel generator
only system. For analysis purposes HOMER simulation software has been used and meteorological data of solar insolation of
the site have been taken from Online data from NASA. To incorporate uncertainty in solar radiation and diesel fuel price , both
are taken as a sensitivity variable in the simulation. The costs of components are taken from the online site of manufacturing
and equipment suppliers and adjusted to an Ethiopian price value. The result of simulation shows that solar PV system with
Generator backup is more cost effective and environmental friendly over the conventional diesel generator alone system with
in life time of the project.
Keywords- HOMER, Photovoltaic, Diesel Generator, Hybrid power system
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
3. Methodology
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
The local minimum and maximum ambient The type of battery used for the proposed system is
temperature and etc. Surrette 4KS25p model (AGM type) with a rating of 4V,
1900Ah, 7.6 kWh with life time throughput 10,569kWh. The
The proposed design accounts for the decrease in PV
cost for one battery is assumed $1400 with the replacement
efficiency panels with the ambient temperature. The average
cost of $1300. The battery stack is containing several
daily radiation of the site is 5.32 kWh/m2/day, providing
numbers of batteries and 12 batteries per string with bus
1700kWh/ kWp. The array slope angle is set to 15 degrees
voltage of 48V. The Figure below shows the properties of the
and the array azimuth is 0 degrees which are referring to the
Surrette 4KS25p battery..
South direction. The lifetime of this PV array system is 25
years with de-rating factor of 90% and ground reflectance is
20%. Fig.4 shows the average monthly solar radiation data
on the site where maximum radiation occurs in the month of
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
5.4. Power converter load totally PV without discharging the battery or starting the
backup diesel generator. If the load requirement is greater
The power electronic converter is used to maintain the than the capacity of the power system including battery and
flow of energy between AC and DC components .The generator the inverter sends signal to load relay to shed some
optimal size of power converter used in this system is 9 kW.
The lifetime for one unit of converter is 10 years with the non critical loads.
efficiency of 95%. The system uses two types of converters.
One is Sunny boy inverter which converts DC (direct 6. Descriptio Energy management and control scenario
current) electricity from PV array to AC (Alternating current
) with bus voltage of 240V, 50 Hz. The other converter is The sunny battery inverters monitor and control the
Sunny Island battery inverter as shown in fig 1, which is an
whole system automatically by calculating the state of charge
energy manger of the overall system. It converts DC
electricity from Battery into AC electricity with the same (SOC) of the batteries and controlling the power via bus
voltage and frequency of the bus. It is a bi-directional frequency (50Hz). The sunny Island battery inverter forms
inverter with the capability of converting Ac to DC and vice the AC grid of the hybrid power system [13]. At the same
versa. The overall controlling detailed will be explained in time it controls the voltage and frequency on the AC side.
next consecutive section.
When the Photovoltaic array produces more energy than
being consumed, the energy is used to charge the battery
bank if the battery is in a low state of charge otherwise it
increases the bus frequency and automatically reduces the
power feed from a photovoltaic array to the buss. If, on the
other hand, the photovoltaic array generates less energy than
being used, the batteries provide the needed margin. The
Sunny Islands continuously monitor the SOC of the batteries.
If the SOC decreases below 60 %, the sunny battery inverter
automatically starts the generator. The generator will be
disconnected at 90 % SOC. With commissioning, the Sunny
Island inverter configuration was set to default, requesting
b. the diesel generator to run between 40 % to 90 % SOC. This
was changed to avoid deep cycling of the batteries and thus
to increase the lifetime of the batteries.
Fig. 7. Output of power converter a). Inverter output b.)
Rectifier output
In order to enable the parallel operation of the AC
Figure 7 reveals that the inverter working intensively coupled voltage source without involving any
during day time to convert DC power from the PV system to communication the so called droop mode is used. This
AC power needed by the load. At 12:00-13:00 which is lunch
method uses active and reactive power statics as a basis for
time , no consumption of power and the inverter output is
very small since it reduces the power from the PV system by coordinating the performance of the various coupled
increasing system frequency. Otherwise it charges the battery converters. To achieve optimum power flow , the grid
if it is not full. Figure 7b shows that the diesel generator parameters voltage and frequency are specifically
charges the battery rarely during the year. It charges the influenced.
battery during the raining season and seasons with low solar
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
7. Sensitivity Analysis price change of the fuel. The current diesel fuel price in
Ethiopia is around 1.2 $/liter . When the diesel price sore
Two sensitivity variables have been chosen to take into beyond 1.5 $/litter PV/battery hybrid system is more
accounts the variation of these variables in the future. The economical. Since the optimal system incorporates all the
chosen variables are amount of solar radiation of the site and subsystems it is feasible to install generator as back up and
the price of diesel fuel. It is assumed that these two variables use solar energy and battery to cover base loads. Of course
highly affect the cost of the system. The output of sensitivity the energy management system in the battery inverter always
analysis is shown as graph as shown in Fig 9 . As seen from prioritizes energy from solar energy followed by batteries
fig 9, PV/Gen/battery system is optimal until the solar and finally the backup diesel generator.
radiation will reach 5.88 kWh/m2 and less sensitive to the
Fig. 9. Graphical Result of sensitivity analysis between Diesel fuel price and Solar radiation value for optimal Hybrid system
account the Lifecycle costs of both systems [14]. The system
8. Economic comparison of Diesel only system and
PV/Diesel/battery hybrid system summary table (Fig 9) shows the component sizes, capital
cost and net present cost of the base case system and current
The fig 9 below shows economic comparison of the systems.
diesel only system , which is base case, with that of
The present worth is the difference between the net
PV/Gene/battery system. The important variables are
present costs of the diesel only system and the
displayed in the table with corresponding value and here only
PV/diesel/battery hybrid system. A positive value
the meaning of the variables will be explained to avoid
indicates that the PV/diesel/battery system saves
repetition. The metrics ( present worth, Annual worth, return
money over the project lifetime compared to the
on investment etc.) show the value of the difference between
diesel only system which is equivalent to $ 206,562
the two options( base case and current system) taking into
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
Fig. 10. Economic comparison of PV/gen/Battery system with that of Diesel generator only system
The annual worth is the present worth multiplied by the base case system. In our case it takes 2.09 years
the capital recovery factor. The capital recovery to pay back the investment. The simple payback is
factor (CRF) is given by where the nominal cash flow difference line crosses
zero. The discounted payback is where the
discounted cash flow difference line crosses zero.
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
economic as well as technical advantages over a stand alone PV/Diesel/battery hybrid power system is feasible in terms
diesel system. The system pays back its investment cost of economics as well as technically. It has also less
within two years and saves a huge amount of money. The greenhouse gas emission (see Table2) and therefore reduces
main advantage of hybrid system involving SMA battery negative externality of diesel generator. Figure 11 and 12
inverter is that it can deliver the required amount of energy shows cash flow summary of hybrid and stand alone diesel
directly from PV without discharging the battery as far as generator system. As seen from the hybrid system has a high
enough solar radiation on the site. This increases the lifetime initial capital cost and low operating and fuel cost. Whereas
of the battery and also prevents the frequent start and stop of the stand alone diesel system has a low capital cost and high
diesel generator consequently saves the fuel cost of the operating and fuel cost.
system. From the result of the simulation it is concluded that
Table.1. Categorized result of simulation
Fig. 11. Cash flow summary of PV/Gen/ battery hybrid system by cost type
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
Fig. 12. Cash flow summary of diesel generator only system by cost type
Zelalem Girma. ,Vol.3, No. 3
[10] Givler,T. and Lilienthal, P. (2005). Using Appendix
HOMER Software, NRELs Micro-power
Optimization Model, to explore the Role of Gen-sets in Technical data and cost information of components
Small Solar Power Systems; Case Study: Sri Lanka used in the HOMER simulation software
Technical Report National Renewable Energy
Laboratory,USA. PV Array DC
[11] M.H.Nehrir, C.Strunz A Review of hybrid Capital cost 4000$/kW
renewable /alternative Energy for Electric Power Replacement cost 3000$/kW
Generation, IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy O& M cost $0
Vol, 2 No.4, October 2011 Efficiency 15%
Lifetime 25
[12] SMA web site accessed on
Tracking system No tracking
Diesel Generator AC
[13] Mike Meinhardt, Martin Rothert, Alfred Engler, Capital cost 600$/kW
''New V/fStatics controlled Battery Inverter: Sunny Replacement cost 500$/kW
Island- the key component for AC-Coupled Hybrid O& M cost 0.075$/hour
Systems and Mini Grids'' , European union More Lifetime 15000hr
Microgrid project paper. Battery DC
[14] W. J. Kaszeta, Handbook of Secondary Storage Technology Surrette 4KS25P
Batteries and Charge Regulators in Photovoltaic Capacity 7.6 kWh
Systems Nominal Capacity 1900Ah
Voltage 4V
[15] Solar Stand-Alone Power and Backup Power Min. state of charge 40%
Supply, SMA solar technology, Technology
Capital cost $1300
Compendium 2.
Replacement cost $1200
O& M cost 100$/year
Efficiency 80%
Lifetime 12year
Converter AC/DC/AC
Capacity 9kW
Capital cost $700/kw
Replacement cost $700/kw
O& M cost 70$/year
Efficiency 90%
Lifetime 10 year