Programming NOTES

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Table of Contents

Foundations of Programming - Fundamentals .............................................................................................. 9

Programming Basics ........................................................................................................................... 9
Core Programming Syntax .................................................................................................................. 9
Variables and Data Types ................................................................................................................. 10
Writing conditional code .................................................................................................................... 10
Modular code..................................................................................................................................... 10
Iteration writing loops......................................................................................................................... 11
Do While Loop .......................................................................................................................... 11
Collections ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Programming style............................................................................................................................. 12
Input and output ................................................................................................................................ 12
Debugging ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Object orientation .............................................................................................................................. 12
Memory management........................................................................................................................ 12
Exploring the languages .................................................................................................................... 13
Up and Running with C# ............................................................................................................................. 15
General ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Data Structures - Types ..................................................................................................................... 16
Looping Structures ............................................................................................................................ 17
Decision Structures ........................................................................................................................... 18
Variables ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Functions........................................................................................................................................... 19
Non Returning Function............................................................................................................ 19
Returning Function ................................................................................................................... 19
Object Oriented Programming ........................................................................................................... 20
Encapsulation .................................................................................................................................... 21
Inheritance ............................................................................................................................... 22
Polymorphism .......................................................................................................................... 22
Namespaces ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Object Browser Window ........................................................................................................... 23
Exception Handling............................................................................................................................ 24
Resource Management ..................................................................................................................... 25
Destructors ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Extensible Types ............................................................................................................................... 25
Generics ................................................................................................................................... 25
Collections................................................................................................................................ 26
Foundations of Programming - Object Oriented Design .............................................................................. 27
Core Concepts of Object Orientation ................................................................................................. 27
Objects ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Classes .................................................................................................................................... 28
The 4 Fundamental Ideas in OOP - APIE .......................................................................................... 29
Abstraction ............................................................................................................................... 29
Encapsultion............................................................................................................................. 29
Inheritance ............................................................................................................................... 30
Polymorphism .......................................................................................................................... 30
OOP Analysis and Design ................................................................................................................. 31
Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 31
UML: Unified Modelling Language ............................................................................................ 32
Use Cases ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Use Case Diagram ................................................................................................................... 33
User Stories ............................................................................................................................. 34
Domain Modelling .............................................................................................................................. 35
CRC Class Responsibility Collaboration ................................................................................ 37
Creating Classes ............................................................................................................................... 38
Converting Class Diagrams to Code......................................................................................... 38
Object lifetime .......................................................................................................................... 39
Static Variables and Methods ................................................................................................... 40
Identifying Inheritance Situations ....................................................................................................... 40

Using Inheritance ..................................................................................................................... 41
Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 42
Aggregation and Composition .................................................................................................. 42
Advanced Concepts .......................................................................................................................... 43
Sequence Diagrams ................................................................................................................. 43
UML Diagrams ......................................................................................................................... 44
Design Patterns ................................................................................................................................. 44
Design Principles ............................................................................................................................... 46
SOLID Prinsiples ...................................................................................................................... 46
GRASP Principles .................................................................................................................... 47
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Javascript ................................................................................................................................................... 49
jQuery......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Javascript vs jQuery ................................................................................................................................... 66
Data Structures .......................................................................................................................................... 67
Simple Structures .............................................................................................................................. 67
Collections ......................................................................................................................................... 69
Arrays ....................................................................................................................................... 69
Jagged Arrays .......................................................................................................................... 69
Sorting ...................................................................................................................................... 70
Searching: Linear vs Binary ...................................................................................................... 70
Lists.......................................................................................................................................... 70
Arrays: Direct Access aka Random Access .............................................................................. 71
Lists: Sequential Access........................................................................................................... 71
Doubly Linked Lists .................................................................................................................. 72
Stacks LIFO ............................................................................................................................. 72
Queues FIFO ........................................................................................................................... 72
Priority Queues......................................................................................................................... 73
Deques ..................................................................................................................................... 73
Hash-Based Data Structures ............................................................................................................. 73
Associative Array...................................................................................................................... 73
Hashing ............................................................................................................................................. 74
Hash Tables Dictionaries ....................................................................................................... 74
Sets .......................................................................................................................................... 75
Trees ........................................................................................................................................ 75
Heaps ....................................................................................................................................... 76
Graphs ..................................................................................................................................... 76
Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 77
Foundations of Programming: Databases ................................................................................................... 78
Database vs DBMS ........................................................................................................................... 78
Database Fundamentals ................................................................................................................... 78
Tables ...................................................................................................................................... 78
Table Relationships .................................................................................................................. 79
Transactions............................................................................................................................. 79
Introduction to SQL .................................................................................................................. 80
Tables ............................................................................................................................................... 80
Database Planning ................................................................................................................... 80
Identifying Columns and Data Types ........................................................................................ 81
Primary Keys ............................................................................................................................ 81
Composite Key ......................................................................................................................... 81
Relationships ..................................................................................................................................... 82
One-To-Many ........................................................................................................................... 82
One-To-One ............................................................................................................................. 82
Many-To-Many ......................................................................................................................... 82
Optimization ...................................................................................................................................... 83
Normalization ........................................................................................................................... 83
First Normal Form (1NF) .......................................................................................................... 83
Second Normal Form (2NF) ..................................................................................................... 83
Third Normal Form (3NF) ......................................................................................................... 84
Denormalization ....................................................................................................................... 84

Querying............................................................................................................................................ 85
SELECT ................................................................................................................................... 85
WHERE .................................................................................................................................... 86
Sorting ...................................................................................................................................... 87
Aggregate Functions ................................................................................................................ 87
Joining Tables .......................................................................................................................... 88
Insert, Update and Delete ......................................................................................................... 89
Data Definition vs Manipulation ................................................................................................ 90
Indexing............................................................................................................................................. 90
Conflict and Isolation ................................................................................................................ 91
Stored Procedures ................................................................................................................... 92
Database Options .............................................................................................................................. 92
Desktop Database Systems ..................................................................................................... 92
Relational DBMS ...................................................................................................................... 93
XML.......................................................................................................................................... 93
Object Oriented Database Systems.......................................................................................... 93
NoSQL Database Systems ....................................................................................................... 94
WPF for the Enterprise with C# and XAML ................................................................................................. 95
Panels ............................................................................................................................................... 95
Controls ............................................................................................................................................. 95
Events ............................................................................................................................................... 95
Data Binding ...................................................................................................................................... 95
One Way Binding ..................................................................................................................... 95
Two Way Binding ..................................................................................................................... 95
INPC (INotifyPropertyChanged) ............................................................................................... 95
Element Binding ....................................................................................................................... 95
Data Context ............................................................................................................................ 95
List Binding............................................................................................................................... 95
Data Templates ........................................................................................................................ 95
Data Conversion....................................................................................................................... 95
Data Validation ......................................................................................................................... 95
One Way Data Binding ............................................................................................................. 96
INotifyPropertChanged ............................................................................................................. 96
Two Way Data Binding ............................................................................................................. 97
Data Binding Lists .................................................................................................................... 97
Data Binding Elements ............................................................................................................. 97
Asynchronous Programming ............................................................................................................. 98
Advanced Controls ............................................................................................................................ 98
Design Patterns .......................................................................................................................................... 99
Strategy Pattern ................................................................................................................................ 99
Design Principle #1 ................................................................................................................ 100
Design Principle #2 ................................................................................................................ 101
Design Principle #3 ................................................................................................................ 102
Observer Patter ............................................................................................................................... 103
WPF MVVM In Depth ............................................................................................................................... 104
MVVM Fundamentals ...................................................................................................................... 104
Separation of Concerns .......................................................................................................... 104
Related UI Separation Patterns .............................................................................................. 104
MVVM Responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 105
WPF MVVM Step by Step by .NET Interview Preparation videos on Youtube .......................................... 107
MVVM Obsertvation ................................................................................................................................. 107
Events and Delegates .............................................................................................................................. 108
Events ............................................................................................................................................. 108
Delegates ........................................................................................................................................ 109
Angular.js ................................................................................................................................................. 110
Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 110
Installing ................................................................................................................................. 111
Directives ........................................................................................................................................ 111
Modules........................................................................................................................................... 112
Expressions ..................................................................................................................................... 113

Controllers ....................................................................................................................................... 114
Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 116
Built-in Directives ............................................................................................................................. 116
Filters .............................................................................................................................................. 119
Decoupling ...................................................................................................................................... 123
Laravel ..................................................................................................................................................... 138
Composer........................................................................................................................................ 138
Angular / Slim API .................................................................................................................................... 139
Building a Site in Angular and PHP .......................................................................................................... 140
IIFE 140
Controller......................................................................................................................................... 140
Databinding/Expressions ................................................................................................................. 140
Calling the service from Angular ...................................................................................................... 141
Creating an Angular Service ............................................................................................................ 141
Two way data binding ...................................................................................................................... 142
Event Handling Directives................................................................................................................ 142
Custom Directives ........................................................................................................................... 142
Routing ............................................................................................................................................ 143
Using the Built-In Router ................................................................................................................. 143
Angular 2 Mosh Hammedani ................................................................................................................. 144
Architecture of Angular 2 Apps ........................................................................................................ 144
Components ........................................................................................................................... 144
Routers .................................................................................................................................. 146
Directives ............................................................................................................................... 146
Node Install ..................................................................................................................................... 146
TypeScript ....................................................................................................................................... 147
Decorators / Annotations ........................................................................................................ 147
Interpolation ........................................................................................................................... 148
Looping over a list .................................................................................................................. 148
Services .......................................................................................................................................... 149
Directives ........................................................................................................................................ 150
Property Binding .............................................................................................................................. 151
Class Binding .................................................................................................................................. 152
Style Binding ................................................................................................................................... 152
Event Binding .................................................................................................................................. 153
Two-way Binding ............................................................................................................................. 155
ngModel ................................................................................................................................. 156
Component API ............................................................................................................................... 156
Input Properties ............................................................................................................................... 157
Output Properties ............................................................................................................................ 158
Templates ....................................................................................................................................... 159
Styles .............................................................................................................................................. 159
Upvote / Downvote Exercise ............................................................................................................ 160
The Vote Component ............................................................................................................. 160
The App Component .............................................................................................................. 160
Tweets Exercise .............................................................................................................................. 161
*ngIf 162
*ngSwitch ........................................................................................................................................ 163
*ngFor ............................................................................................................................................. 164
The Leading Asterisk * .................................................................................................................... 164
Pipes 165
Creating Custom Pipes .................................................................................................................... 166
ngClass ........................................................................................................................................... 167
ngStyle ............................................................................................................................................ 167
Elvis Operator ?............................................................................................................................... 168
ngContent........................................................................................................................................ 169
Challenge - Accordion ..................................................................................................................... 169
Zen Coding ...................................................................................................................................... 170
Basic Form ...................................................................................................................................... 171
Control and Control Group............................................................................................................... 171

Control ................................................................................................................................... 171
Control Group ......................................................................................................................... 171
ngControl......................................................................................................................................... 173
Implicit Creation...................................................................................................................... 173
Validation Errors .............................................................................................................................. 174
Specific Validation Errors................................................................................................................. 175
ngForm ............................................................................................................................................ 176
Disable Submit Button ..................................................................................................................... 177
Subscribe Form Challenge .............................................................................................................. 177
PDO ......................................................................................................................................................... 180
MySQLi ........................................................................................................................................... 180
Prepared Statements....................................................................................................................... 180
Transactions .................................................................................................................................... 181
PDO Basics ..................................................................................................................................... 181
DSN Database Source Name .............................................................................................. 181
Fetching Results (4 ways) ............................................................................................................... 182
Query vs Exec ................................................................................................................................. 182
Slim Framework........................................................................................................................................ 184
Namespacing .................................................................................................................................. 185
MVC 185
Apache Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 186
RESTful Web API ..................................................................................................................................... 187
SSL everywhere - all the time .......................................................................................................... 188
Result filtering, sorting & searching ................................................................................................. 188
JSON only responses ...................................................................................................................... 189
snake_case vs camelCase for field names ...................................................................................... 189
Pretty print by default & ensure gzip is supported ............................................................................ 189
But what about all the extra data transfer? ...................................................................................... 189
Authentication.................................................................................................................................. 190
HTTP status codes .......................................................................................................................... 190
Web Services ........................................................................................................................................... 191
R .............................................................................................................................................................. 192
You Dont Know JS Up & Going ............................................................................................................ 193
Interpretation vs Compiling .............................................................................................................. 193
Converting Between Types and Coercion........................................................................................ 193
Comments ....................................................................................................................................... 194
State 194
Blocks.............................................................................................................................................. 194
Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 194
Nested Scopes ................................................................................................................................ 196
Conditionals .................................................................................................................................... 196
Strict Mode ...................................................................................................................................... 197
Functions As Values ........................................................................................................................ 198
Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs) ......................................................................... 198
Closure ............................................................................................................................................ 199
Closure - Stackoverflow Explanation ...................................................................................... 200
Another very interesting explanation. ...................................................................................... 201
Modules........................................................................................................................................... 202
this Identifier .................................................................................................................................... 203
Prototypes ....................................................................................................................................... 203
You Dont Know JS - Scope & Closures ................................................................................................... 205
Lex-Time and Avoiding eval() and with ............................................................................................ 206
Hiding i.e. Scoping........................................................................................................................... 206
Collision Avoidance ......................................................................................................................... 207
Global "Namespaces"............................................................................................................. 207
Function Declarations vs Expressions, Anonymous Functions, IIFEs and Callbacks ....................... 208
Functions As Scopes .............................................................................................................. 208
Anonymous vs. Named .......................................................................................................... 209
Invoking Function Expressions Immediately ........................................................................... 209
Node......................................................................................................................................................... 212

Example Workflow ........................................................................................................................... 212
Install NPM Package ....................................................................................................................... 212
Modules Export - Import .................................................................................................................. 213
Calculator Module Example .................................................................................................... 213
Importing Modules .................................................................................................................. 213
React - Udemy - React JS and Flux Web Development for Beginners...................................................... 214
Required NPM Packages ................................................................................................................ 214
React Skeleton/Seed Project ........................................................................................................... 214
Skeleton Structure .................................................................................................................. 214
Skeleton Example Components ............................................................................................. 215
Components .................................................................................................................................... 215
Guidelines .............................................................................................................................. 215
Empty Component Template .................................................................................................. 216
React.createClass( { } ) .......................................................................................................... 216
Render ................................................................................................................................... 216
this.props.key ......................................................................................................................... 216
getInitialState ......................................................................................................................... 216
.setState ................................................................................................................................. 216
Ingredients List Application Exercise ...................................................................................... 216
Bootstrap/CSS for JSX .................................................................................................................... 219
Grid System ........................................................................................................................... 219
className ............................................................................................................................. 219
Inline Style.............................................................................................................................. 219
React-Bootstrap-Seed ..................................................................................................................... 219
Reusability ....................................................................................................................................... 220
Thinking in React ............................................................................................................................. 221
Build process .......................................................................................................................... 221
React Developer Tools .................................................................................................................... 221
Important Notes about React ........................................................................................................... 221
Autobinding ............................................................................................................................ 221
Multiple Components - Composability .................................................................................... 221
Motivation: Separation of Concerns ........................................................................................ 221
The Virtual DOM..................................................................................................................... 222
Reactive Updates ................................................................................................................... 222
What Shouldnt Go in State? .................................................................................................. 222
Notes:..................................................................................................................................... 222
React Event System ........................................................................................................................ 223
Routing ............................................................................................................................................ 223
Hash History........................................................................................................................... 224
Country News Exercise ................................................................................................................... 224
Forms .............................................................................................................................................. 226
Refs 226
Express ........................................................................................................................................... 226
Simple Express Server ........................................................................................................... 227
Web Requests HTTP....................................................................................................................... 227
Postman ................................................................................................................................. 227
CRUD ..................................................................................................................................... 228
.bind 228
Fetch 228
Node Express Server + React View................................................................................................. 229
Weather App ................................................................................................................................... 230
Flux 231
Reflux .............................................................................................................................................. 232
Redux .............................................................................................................................................. 232
Functional Programming........................................................................................................................... 233
Elm ........................................................................................................................................................... 234
elm-repl i.e. node.................................................................................................................... 234
elm-reactor i.e. npm start + http-server ................................................................................... 234
elm-make i.e. npm start .......................................................................................................... 234
elm-package i.e. npm ............................................................................................................. 235

Core Language................................................................................................................................ 235
Functions......................................................................................................................................... 235
Type Annotations ............................................................................................................................ 237
Type Aliases .................................................................................................................................... 237
Elm for Beginners ..................................................................................................................................... 242
Development Environment Setup Steps .......................................................................................... 242
Functional Programming ................................................................................................................. 243
Installing Packages.......................................................................................................................... 243
Importing Packages / Modules ........................................................................................................ 244
Functions......................................................................................................................................... 244
Expanding a Function ...................................................................................................................... 244
Normal ................................................................................................................................... 244
Recursion ............................................................................................................................... 244
Partial Application and Currying with Named Functions.......................................................... 244
Partial Application and Currying with Forward Pipe Operator ................................................. 245
Partial Application and an Anonymous Expression ................................................................. 245
Local Variables with Let-in block...................................................................................................... 245
Functions Exercises ........................................................................................................................ 246
Infix Functions ................................................................................................................................. 246
Function Composition ...................................................................................................................... 246
Functions Exercises 2 ..................................................................................................................... 247
Static Type System.......................................................................................................................... 247
Elm Types ....................................................................................................................................... 248
Primitive Types ....................................................................................................................... 248
Union Types ........................................................................................................................... 248
Maybe vs null .................................................................................................................................. 249
Handling Errors i.e. try/catch ........................................................................................................... 249
Functions are Values ....................................................................................................................... 249
Type Annotations ............................................................................................................................ 250
Type Aliases .................................................................................................................................... 250
Type Exercises ................................................................................................................................ 251
Input Fields ...................................................................................................................................... 251
Parts of an Elm App......................................................................................................................... 252
Model ..................................................................................................................................... 252
Update ................................................................................................................................... 252
View ....................................................................................................................................... 252
App......................................................................................................................................... 252
Connecting them with Html.App.beginnerProgram .......................................................................... 253
App Flow ................................................................................................................................ 253
Simple App Exercise Calorie Counter ........................................................................................... 254
Elm Build Process ........................................................................................................................... 255
Elm make ............................................................................................................................... 255
Elm seed ................................................................................................................................ 255
Score Keeper App ........................................................................................................................... 256
Planning ................................................................................................................................. 256
Coding .................................................................................................................................... 258
Elm Beyond the Basics ............................................................................................................................. 259
Review ............................................................................................................................................ 259
Simple Login Module ....................................................................................................................... 259
The Elm Architecture ....................................................................................................................... 259
Example .......................................................................................................................................... 260
Before .................................................................................................................................... 261
After ....................................................................................................................................... 262
Fixing The Different Message Types? .................................................................................... 263
Effects i.e. Talking to Severs ........................................................................................................... 264
Maintaining State in Elm ......................................................................................................... 264
Http Requests.................................................................................................................................. 265
Commands ............................................................................................................................. 266
Program .......................................................................................................................................... 267
init .......................................................................................................................................... 267

update .................................................................................................................................... 267
Refresh (New Joke) Button .................................................................................................... 268
Modifying Lists................................................................................................................................. 269
Append ................................................................................................................................... 269
Cons....................................................................................................................................... 269
Map in Elm ...................................................................................................................................... 270
Map in Javascript ............................................................................................................................ 270
React Youtube ..................................................................................................... 271
Webpack ......................................................................................................................................... 271
Explanations ........................................................................................................................... 271
Linux......................................................................................................................................................... 272
Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 272
GIT ........................................................................................................................................................... 273
Most Common Windows / Unix Commands............................................................................ 273
Most Common GIT Commands .............................................................................................. 273
Common Workflow ................................................................................................................. 273
SSH .......................................................................................................................................................... 274
Sublime IDE - Text Editor ......................................................................................................................... 275
Installing Themes ............................................................................................................................ 275

Foundations of Programming - Fundamentals
Library = Framework i.e. Huge amounts of prewritten tested code ready to be used.
Programmers know that no-programmers don't, is that it's not really about the language, it's about the
library. Those are the skills to develop i.e. know not just the language, but also what you can do with it
without writing it all yourself. ex. Java having prewritten code just for MIDI and music production.

Event driven:

HTML: <div id="box"></div>

CSS: #box {width:100px; height:100px; background:red;}

JS: var box = document.getElementById("box");

box.onclick = function() {'blue';

Programming Basics
Programming languages levels (Low (Closest to CPU and hardest to write) > High): Assembly > C > C++ >
Objective-C > Java, C# > Ruby, Python > Javascript.

Every computer program is a series of instructions; very small and very specific ones. The art of
programming is taking a large idea and breaking it into these instructions.

Core Programming Syntax

These instructions are called statemets and are like sentences in English.Syntax is to programming what
grammar is to English.

Why isn't there just one programming language? Well, there is, and it's called machine language. That is
the only language the computer (CPU) understands. It is impossible to write by a human. Writing a full
program in machine code is like digging a tunnel with a spoon.

Programming languages serve to bridge the gap between human beings and computer hardware.

Whatever we write, regardless of language level, has to be converted to machine code before it can run.

Writing in a language requires 3 things:

1. How to write it i.e. where to actually type.
2. How will the source code be converted to machine code.
3. How to execute the program.

1. Code is written in plain text editors, programmer text editors and IDEs.
2. Source code is converted in machine code in 2 ways, either by compiling or interpreting it.
- Compiling: A program called compiler converts the source code into machine code in a separate file
called an executable. This way, the source code can't be seen. Compilers are downloadable but are often
built in into IDEs. ex. C, C++, Objective C.
- Interpreting: The code is run line by line i.e. processed on the spot and the soruce code is needed. ex.
PHP, Javascript. The conversion to machine code is done by the web browser in the case for Javascript.
OS runs the web browser, which runs the JS.
- There is a 3rd way called JIT compilation which is compiling the source into an intermidiate language (IL
or bytecode) just a step before machine code, which can then be compiled fully depending on the PC the
end user has. ex. Java, C#, VB.NET, Python.

Scripting languages are more limited programming languages that are embedded inside another program.
ex. ActionSript > FLASH, VBScript > MS Office, Javascript > Web Browser.

Variables and Data Types
Data is stored in variables in orded for it to be used in other lines i.e. the computer doesn't know unless you
write the statement again.

Variables are containers for data. We grab a piece of computer memory and we give it a name.

Strongly typed language = Variables must have a type. ex. integer, string.
Weakly typed language = No need of type.

All the same: a = a + 1; a += 1; a++; This is called incrementation.

Writing conditional code

Parantheses (), Brackets [], Braces {}

After each switch case, there needs to be a break;

Modular code
Large amounts of code are broken into smaller reusable blocks called functions. A function is simply the
idea of taking a block of code, one line or 100 lines, wrapping it up and giving it a name so it can be called
later as one thing. If it's in a function, it won't run unless you call it.

Recursion is a function calling itself.

function (a, b) { var result = a + b; alert(result);} the a, b in the () are parameters. function (5, 10) the 5, 10
are arguments.

Returning a value is done like so:

function addTwoNumbers(a,b) {
var result = a + b;
return result; // This saves the value and jumps out of the code.

var x = addTwoNumbers(5,10); // The var x is assigned the value of the result of the function.
alert(x); // This displays the returned result.

Iteration writing loops
The main issue with loops is not when to loop, but when to stop.

a = 1;

while (a < 10) {

a++; // This increments a which prevents an infinite loop.


var amount = 0;

// Create the index

i = 1;

// Check condition
While (i<10) {
amount = amount + 100; // This is the same as amount += 100;
// Increment index


A successful loop needs 3 things: Creating an index, checking a condition and incrementing the index.

The for loop has all that in one statement.

for (i = 1; i<10; i++) {}


Do While Loop

var a = 1;

do {
// your code
} while (a<10);

The difference here is that the code will always be executed once before the condition is looked at.

******* More about strings

String methods ex. string.length, methods (in this case) are functions that belong to the string.

Arrays are objects.

Methods are functions that belong to an object.

Associative array = dictionary = map = table (This is not a database) ex. Normal array [alabama, alaska,
arizona] indexes [0,1,2]. Associative array [alabama, alaska, arizona] indexes [AL, AK, AZ]

Programming style
Variables and functions should be named by the camelCase convetion. ex. foo, fooBar.

Functions should be defined before they are called.

Input and output

DOM = Document Object Model i.e. Document = Whole website, Object = Elements ex. h1, ul, div id, Model
= Agreed upon set of terms.
var headline = document.getElementById("mainHeading");
headline.innerHTML = "Wow, a new headline.";

Bugs usually come down to syntax or logic errors.

Object orientation
Class is a blueprint, a definition. It describes what something is, but isn't the thing itself.
Classes describe 2 things: Class Person with 1. Attributes i.e. variables i.e. properties (name, height,
weight) and 2. behaviour i.e. functions i.e. methods (walk, talk, jump).

Objects are the thing itself. Object is created from the class. Objects are createad by using "new" ex. var
today = new Date();

Encapsulation = The act of classes containing properties and methods all in one.

Memory management
Pointer = A variable whose value is the memory address of another variable.

Assembly, C = Manual; C++, Objective-C = Referece countring; Java, C#, VB.NET = Garbage collection;
Javascript = Automatic;

Multitasking = Running more than 1 programs at the same time.

Multithreading = Doing more than 1 thing in a program at the same time.

Exploring the languages
- Enormous library called "Java Class Library" i.e. prewritten code that you don't have to write.
- High level strongly typed language with garbage collection.
- Hybrid compilation model (Neither compiled nor interpreted), compiles into bytecode (instead of machine
code). In order for the bytecode to be compiled into machine code, Java uses the Java Virtual Machine or
JVM. This allows for the code to be run on multiple platforms, because it is compiled by the JVM specifically
for the place we want to run it on.
- IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans

// Java example code

class HelloWorldApp {
// another main method!
public static void main(String[] args) {
int myInt = 55;
System.out.println("Hello, world!");

- Enormous library called ".NET Framework" i.e. prewritten code.
- High level strongly typed language with garbage collection.
- The same as Java, it uses a hybrid compilation model. It compiles halfway into "Microsoft Intermediate
Language" and can then be distributed to different PCs with different CPUs which then take the last step
and compile it into their specific machine code. Like Java using JVM, .NET languages use ".NET Runtime"
to do the last step compilation.
- Website development is lumped under the term ASP.NET which is simply a phrase saying that you are
building a dynamic website using Microsoft technology (it is not a separate language), almost always C# or
- C# is the closes looking language to Java. Everything is a class / object.
- IDE: Visual Studio (Includes a text editor, compiler, debugger.

// C# example code
// Hello1.cs
public class Hello1
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");

public class Animal
public static void Eat()
System.Console.WriteLine("I am eating.");

public void Run()

System.Console.WriteLine("I am running.");

public virtual void Sleep() {}

public class Dog: Animal

public override void Sleep()
System.Console.WriteLine("I am sleeping in a house.");

- Public (moze da se povika od bilo koja klasa)
- Protected (metodot moze da se povika samo od klasi sto nasleduvaat od Hello1 i Hello1)
- Private (moze da se povika samo vo ramki na Hello1).

- Ako go ima, metodot se povikuva bez da se instancira objekt od klasata. Animal.Eat(); (Eat e static
- Ako go nema, mora da se instancira objekt od klasata pa da se povika metodot. Animal Mitre = new
Animal(); Mitre.Run(); (Run ne e static funkcija)

- Void (Metodot vrsi nekoja rabota, ama ne vrakja rezultat.)
- int, string, float, double, bool, Animal (vrakja objekt od tipot Animal)... (Ovie vrakjaat toa sto pisuva)

- Ako ima, metodot samo se deklarira vo glavnata klasa, a go specificiras vo klasite sto nasleduvaat.
- Ako go nema, go nema.


// VB.NET example code

Module Module1
Sub Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!")
End Sub
End Module

Up and Running with C#
public class Animal
public static void Eat()
System.Console.WriteLine("I am eating.");

public void Run()

System.Console.WriteLine("I am running.");

public virtual void Sleep() {}

public class Dog: Animal

public override void Sleep()
System.Console.WriteLine("I am sleeping in a house.");

- Public (moze da se povika od bilo koja klasa)
- Protected (metodot moze da se povika samo od klasi sto nasleduvaat od Hello1 i Hello1)
- Private (moze da se povika samo vo ramki na Hello1).

- Ako go ima, metodot se povikuva bez da se instancira objekt od klasata. Animal.Eat(); (Eat e static
- Ako go nema, mora da se instancira objekt od klasata pa da se povika metodot. Animal Mitre = new
Animal(); Mitre.Run(); (Run ne e static funkcija)

Returns / Return Type:

- Void (Metodot vrsi nekoja rabota, ama ne vrakja rezultat.)
- int, string, float, double, bool, Animal (vrakja objekt od tipot Animal)... (Ovie vrakjaat toa sto pisuva)

- Ako ima, metodot samo se deklarira vo glavnata klasa, a go specificiras vo klasite sto nasleduvaat.
- Ako go nema, go nema.

Library = Framework i.e. Huge amounts of prewritten tested code ready to be used.

- Enormous library called ".NET Framework" i.e. prewritten code.
- High level strongly typed language with garbage collection.
- The same as Java, it uses a hybrid compilation model. It compiles halfway into "Microsoft Intermediate
Language" and can then be distributed to different PCs with different CPUs which then take the last step
and compile it into their specific machine code. Like Java using JVM, .NET languages use ".NET Runtime"
to do the last step compilation.
- Website development is lumped under the term ASP.NET which is simply a phrase saying that you are
building a dynamic website using Microsoft technology (it is not a separate language), almost always C# or
- C# is the closes looking language to Java. Everything is a class / object.
- IDE: Visual Studio (Includes a text editor, compiler, debugger.

Can be cross-platform: iOS (Xamarin.iOS), Android (Xamarin.Android), Linux (Mono)

Solution = A collection of

Projects have:
- Properties.
- References. Here you define which libraries are used.
- App.config. ex. Here you can configure which runtime and .NET verion the application will use.
- Program.cs. These are the actual programs, and as sub items, there are the classes and methods for that

Startup Project = Which project will run first during debug.

Debugging: Step into = Execute the code one line at a time.


Data Structures - Types

Built in / Intrinsic / Simple Types (Because they simply store a value in the memory): Numeric, Character,
Custom / Complex Types (Because they can encapsule attributes and functionalities): Structures, Classes,
Interfaces, Enumerations.

C# uses a common type system i.e. each type can either be a value type or a reference type (pointer). The
common type also supports inheritance i.e. Parent / Child classes.

Value types derive from System.ValueType, they are: Built in types, Structures, Enumerations. They are
stored on the stack and are passed by value i.e. a copy of the value is passed rather than the data itself, so
the data remains unchanged.

Reference types are: Classes, Interfaces. They are stored on the heap and are passed by reference i.e. via
memory address which allows for original data modification.

All types derive from System.Object.

Nice explanation for this shit:

Say I want to share a web page with you.

If I tell you the URL, I'm passing by reference. You can use that URL to see the same web page I can see.
If that page is changed, we both see the changes. If you delete the URL, all you're doing is destroying your
reference to that page - you're not deleting the actual page itself.
If I print out the page and give you the printout, I'm passing by value. Your page is a disconnected copy of
the original. You won't see any subsequent changes, and any changes that you make (e.g. scribbling on
your printout) will not show up on the original page. If you destroy the printout, you have actually destroyed
your copy of the object - but the original web page remains intact.

Passing by pointer is passing by reference - in the example above, the URL is a pointer to the resource. If
you're talking about languages like C, where you can have pointers to other pointers... well, that's like me
writing the URL on a post-it note, sticking it on the fridge, and telling you to go and look on the fridge - I'm
giving you a pointer ("look on the fridge") to a pointer ("") to the actual thing you

Looping Structures for, foreach, while, do while

//for loop
for(int counter = 0; counter < 10; counter++) {
//foreach loop. Much better for collections than for loops.
int [] arrInts = new int [] {3, 5, 6, 23, 95, 45, 32};
for each (int item in arrInts) {
//while loop
int sentinel = 0;
while (sentinel < 0) {
sentinel++; //The same as sentinel = sentinel +1 or sentinel += 1.
//do while loop
int sentinel = 10;
do {
Console.Writeline(sentinel); // 10 will get displayed despite the while condition not being met.
} while (sentinel < 10);

Decision Structures if, if.. else if, switch
//if statement
bool result = true;
if (result) {
Console.Writeline("Result was true!");
} else {
Console.Writeline("Result was false!");
//if... else if
int value = 0;
if (value == 0;) {
Console.Writeline("Value is 0");
} else if (value == 1) {
Console.Writeline("Value is not 0");
} else {
Console.Writeline("Value is something else");
//switch statement
int value = 0;
switch (value) {
case 0:
Console.Writeline("Value is 0");
case 1:
Console.Writeline("Value is 1");
Console.Writeline("Value is something else");

Variables and Functions = camelCase, Constants = ALL UPPERCASE

int age = 0; // Integer Variable

const int NUM_MONTHS = 12; // Constant

struct Person {
int age;
string firstName;
string lastName;

Functions should focus on a single task. This makes debugging easier and makes it easier to sculpt the
***Functions are declared outside of main, and are later called in main. "static void Main" is the entry point
in a program because it's the first invoked function.

Non Returning Function

// Non returning function.
Concatenate("First ", "Last");

static void Concatenate (string first, string last) {

string whole = first + last;
Console.WriteLine(whole); // This should also be a separate function ex. displayString(whole); in
order to follow the single task per function rule.
Returning Function (has to have the returning data type declared)
// Returning function.
string word; // This declares the variable word of string data type.
word = Concatenate("First ", "Last"); // This assigns the function to the variable word which in turn assigns
the returned value to it.

// The upper can also be written in one line.

string word = Concatenate("First ", "Last");
Console.WriteLine(whole); // This displays the result of the function i.e. the returned value.

// This is also valid.

Console.WriteLine(Concatenate("First ", "Last"));

static string Concatenate (string first, string last) {

string whole = first + last;
return whole; // This returns the value in order for it to be assigned to a variable, in this case the
variable word of string data type.

Object Oriented Programming
Class = A blueprint for building a house.
Object = The house.

You can't live in the bluepring of a house, but you can live in a house created by the blueprint.
You live in an instance of a house created by the blueprint.

Values cannot be assigned to a class. You create an instane of a class called object in order to do that.

Classes are containers for the attributes and behaviour of the objects. Classes in C# can only have 1
parent class.
All classes inherit from System.Object.

When classes are created, it is important to provide some control over the data that gets assigned to the
members. We don't want illegal assignments such as negative ages. In order to control this, the scope
private is used which means only code within the class has the ability to change the variables. This is called

To create a class in C#: Right click on the project / Add / Class / Name the class / Click Add. You will get

namespace ProjectName
class ClassName

//Class example for Animal.cs
namespace ProjectName
class Animal
private string type;
private string color;
private string weight;
private string height;
private int age;
private in NumOfLegs;

public void move() // The methods are public in order to be available for calling.

public void makeNoise()


//Program.cs; We can use the class here.

namespace ProgramName
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// 1st Animal = Type of the variable.
// new Animal = Variable name (instance / object name).
// new = Instantiation keyword.
// 2nd Animal = Class name.

Animal newAnimal = new Animal(); // I want to create a variable "newAnimal" that will
store a type of "Animal" in the memory.
//"new Animal();" is called the constructor.

Encapsulation First pillar of Object Oriented Programming.

When classes are created, it is important to provide some control over the data that gets assigned to the
members. We don't want illegal assignments such as negative ages. In order to control this, the scope
private is used which means only code within the class has the ability to change the variables. This is called
encapsulation. Encapsulate = Hide implementation. Ex. Stereo vs the electronics. The electronics are
encapsulated by the stereo and the user doesn't need to know how it workds internally. The user simply
has to use the properties ex. The volume knob.

//Class example for Animal.cs

namespace ProjectName
class Animal
private int age; // This cannot be assigned in Main because of the private scope. Member
variables are not capitalized.

public int Age // This on the other hand can. This is a property and is capitalized. It is "int"
because it returns an integer.
get { return this.age; } // This returns the age from Main. "this" means me, my specific
intance. It can work without "this". It is used to // specify that it is the age
from this class and not some inherited one.
if ( value < 0)
Console.WriteLine("Age cannot be less than 0.");
this.age = value; // Value is a special keyword used in public
properties to indicate the incident of the value passed in by
// the user of our code. Keyword used to bring the age value into the age property.

namespace ProgramName
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Animal Dog = new Animal(); // "new Animal();" is called the constructor.
Dog.Age = 12; // Negative values are prevented by the if statement in the Animal

Inheritance Second pillar of Object Oriented Programming. All classes inherit from System.Object
// Dog.cs // This is a class file.

class Dog : Animal // This means that dog is a sub-class of animal and that it inherits animal's properties
and methods.

// Program.cs

Dog Spot = new Dog; // This can be created because of the Animal inheritance.
Dog.move(); // Same.

Polymorphism Third pillar of Object Oriented Programming.

The ability to modify i.e. add properties and methods to sub-classes.

// Dog.cs
class Dog : Animal // Dog inherits many properties from Animal.
public string name; // This property is specific to dogs only.
public string owner; // This property is specific to dogs only.

public override void move ()


// Animal.cs
public virtual move () // The addition of the word virtual adds the possibility of overriding the method with a
new sub-class method.

public virtual makeNoise()

Console.WriteLine("Made noise")

// Program.cs
Dog Spot = new Dog();
Dog.Age = 5; // This can be assigned because Dog inherits from Animal.
Dog.move(); // This will return "Running" because the method in Animal.cs was overriden by the method in
Dog.makeNoise(); // This will return "Made noise" because there is no overriding method.

Logical containers for classes. Namespaces provide a notional separation for classes, class libraries
provide a physical separation (in windows think a standalone dll). Class libraries are useful for when you
want to wrap up functionality that can be shared with other projects.

Libraries can be organized inside with namespaces.

Namespaces help control the scope of the classes, prevent duplicate class names when using multiple
vendor code.

C# provides the using directive to help shorten namespace.class.method typing in code. Ex. Instead of
writing: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary... one can type using System.Collections.Generic onace at
the top, and then simply write Dictionary in the code.

Renaming a namespace: Right click on the namespace / Click refactor / Rename / Choose name and
which instances to be changed.

Object Browser Window

This is used for searching prewritten classes i.e. methods in the .NET library so that you don't have to write
them. The location is View / Object browser. Scope can be chosen as well as the libraries. The classes are
on the left, and the methods and properties on the right.

Classes revision:

// Class creation
namespace Cars
class Car
private string make; // Moze i vaka namesto dolnoto: "public string make {get; set;}" taka sto namesto
myCar.Make ke bide myCar.make.
private string model;
private string color;

public string Make

get { return this.make; }
set { this.make = value; }

public string Model

get { return this.model; }
set { this.model = value; }

public string Color

get { return this.color; }
set { this.color = value; }

public void Drive() {


public void Stop()

// Class invoking
namespace Challenge_3
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Car newCar = new Car();
newCar.Make = "Ferrari";
newCar.Model = "F50";
newCar.Color = "Red";


Exception Handling
- An exception is an unexpected event in the code. Exception handling is done by wrapping code in
protective blocks which will monitor for exceptions to happen.
- Exceptions are passed up the call stack until a handling routine is found or the program crashes.
- Use the general exception to catch specific exceptions which can later be handled specifically for each

try { function }
catch { exception }
finally { function fix }
-------------- Challenge -----------------------------------------------
int intValue = 32;
object objectValue = intValue;
string strValue;
// string errorMessage; Ova ne mora radi dole.

try { strValue = (string)objectValue; }

catch (Exception e)
// errorMessage = e.Message. Ova ne mora zatoa sto direktno e err.Message a ne (errorMessage).
Console.WriteLine(e.Message); // The error is: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type
Overflow exception = A number too big for the chosen data type.
Divide by Zero exception = Divide by zero duh.

The throw method allows for custom error messages as well as throwing (redirecting) the error to an
exception handling class that logs error messages.

Resource Management
Stack vs Heap:

Memory is allocated for every type.

Garbage collectors deal with reference types.
Value types are stored on the stack and they go in and out of scope automatically.
Reference types are stored on the heap and they remain in scope until no longer needed.
C / C++ have no auto garbage collectors and the programmers are responsible for releasing resources.

Garbage collections does a performance heat, but it does so periodically when the system is idle i.e. it
doesn't run all the time. It does trigger when the heap is full.

We generate class files to form the definition of the objects that will be used in the code. When an object is
instantiated, a constructor is used to build the object i.e. to initialize instance variables, setting values for
the member variables.

A destructor is used for tearing down objects and is the opposite of a constructor.

Class Dog
public Dog(); // Constructor
{ // Initialization statements }

~Dog(); // Destructor
{ // Cleanup statements }

A destructor can only be used for classes and not for structures. This is because classes are reference
types and structures are value types.
There can be only one destructor and it cannot be overloaded or inherited. It also takes no parameters or
The destructor cannot be called because it is automatically invoked by the garbage collector.

Extensible Types

Used for creating classes and methods decoupled from data types, which allows code to be reused with
any data type i.e. makes the code type independent.

In other words, instead of writing many functions to compare values for each data type, you write one
generic comparison function, and later specify which data type to be used when the function is called.

public static bool areEqual<T>(T Value1, T Value2) // T is a dayta type placeholder. It can be anything, not
just T.
return Value1.Equals(Value2);

areEqual<string>("A", "A");
areEqual<int>(10, 10);

This way, you avoid writing separate functions for comparing ints and strings.

Boxing = Converting value types into reference types.


Non Generic Collections: ArrayList, Stack, Queue, SortedList

Generic Collections: Stack<int> intStack = new Stack<int>(); // The same can be done for the other types.

SortedList<int, string> list = new SortedList<int, string>();

list.Add(1, "one");
list.Add(2, "two");
list.Add(3, "three");

Foundations of Programming - Object Oriented Design
2 Mistakes are common:
1. Not using paper for planning and going straight to coding. This can lead to having to re-do weeks of work
just because of a poor plan.
2. Thinking that all the rules (jargon below) will limit creativity. The opposite is actually true. These are less
of a rule and more of an idea; a paradigm.

OOP Jargon: Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Composition, Association,

Aggregation, Constructors, Destructors, Cardinality, Singleton, Chain-of-

Responsibility, Class-Responsibility-Collaboration...

To write any piece of software, 3 things are needed.

1. Analysis: Understand the problem.
2. Design: Plan the solution.
3. Programming: Build it.

There is no one or right way to make software from start to finish. There are many different methodologies
that provide results. Here are some of the formal ones:
- Extreme Programming (XP)
- Unified Process
- Agile Unified Process
- Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
- Cleanroom
- Adaptive Software Development
- Crystal Clear
- Behaviour-Driven Development
- Raid Application Development

Waterfall vs Agile / Iterative approach of design:

Waterfall is a structured step by step process where everything is anticipated and linear. This would work
for building a bridge, not so much for software. New problems arise, bugs happen, people change their
minds... All these things make the waterfall approach inefficient. That's why the agile / iterative approach is
used; it allows constant code revision and is good enough to move forward. It doesnt have to be perfect.

Core Concepts of Object Orientation

First there were procedural languages: Assembly, C, Cobol, Fortran. The programs were written as one
long piece of code. They soon started to be difficult to manage.

Object oriented programming is the solution to the problem. The one long piece of code is now divided into
separate self contained objects, almost like having several mini programs each representing a different
part. Each object contains its own data and logic while communicating between themselves.

There are alternatives to OOP, but they have very specific areas they cover, ex. Prolog is a logic
programming language and Haskell which is functional programming language. They are heavily used in
science, but are inferior for practical use.


If everything is revolving around object orientation and everything is an object... What is an object?
Object orientation was invented solely for the purpose of making thinking about programming closer to the
real world.What is an object in programming is the same as asking what is an object in the real world?
Pretty much everything.

An object has 3 things ex. Coffee mug:

1. Identity i.e. Uniqueness. Each mug exists separately even though it can be the same as another one.
2. Attributes i.e. Characteristics / Properties. These describe the state of an object and are independent
from other. The mug can be full or empty. It can also be black or white at the same time. An object can
have many attributes.
3. Behaviour i.e. Methods.

Objects in programming are self contained i.e. the have a separate identity from other objects.

Ex. Bank Account Object:

balance: $500
number: A7652


Real world objects are physical things. In programming, they can be abstract. Ex. Date, Time, Bank
Account. You cannot see nor touch them, but they exist. Also, in programming they can be even more
abstract ex. Button vs an Array. The button can be seen.

Objects are not always physical or visible items.

But how can you tell what can be an object, aside from obvious ones like car, employee...?

1. Is the word a noun?
2. Can "the" be put in front of it? The time, the date, the event...

Ok, but how are they made? Say hello to classes.


Objects and classes go hand in hand because they are created by them.
A class describes what an object will be, but it isn't the object itself. A class is a blueprint for a house, while
the object is the house itself. One blueprint can be used for building 1000+ houses.

The class comes first and it is what we are writing. They describe what would an object be and what can it

What is a class?
1. (Type) name: What is it? Employee, Bank Account, Event...
2. (Properties) attributes: What desribes it? Height, Color, FileType...
3. (Methods) behavior: What can it do? Play, Open, Search, Save, Delete, Close...

Each object is an instance of a class. Creating objects = Instantiation.

Ex. Class:

Type: BankAccount



Most OOP languages provide many pre-written generic classes at minimum: strings, dates, collections, file
I/O, networking + Many more. These are gathered in frameworks i.e. libraries like: Java Class Library, .NET
Framework BCL, C++ Standard Library, Python Standard Library...

The 4 Fundamental Ideas in OOP - APIE:

Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation

These are the 4 ideas to keep in mind when creating classes: APIE - Abstraction, Polymorphism,
Inheritance, Encapsulation.

These 4 words may sound intimidating, but chances are, you use them daily in normal conversations; just
under different names.


It is at the heart of OOP. Focuses on the essentials of being.

If you are asked to think of a table, you can imagine it without knowing the material, color, size, number of
legs, shape... You just know what the idea of a table is i.e. the abstraction of a table. This means you have
seen enough real tables to abstract the idea of what a table means.

Abstraction means that we focus on the essential qualities of something, rather than one specific example.
It also means that we discard what is irrelevant and unimportant. A table can have a height and width, but it
is unlikely to have an engine size or flavour.

Abstraction means that we can have an idea or a concept that is completely separate from any specific
instance. Instead of creating separate classes for each bank account, we create a blueprint for all bank

It becomes a question of not "What does a bank account class look like?", but rather "What should a bank
account class look like?"; for this specific program at this time. The focus is on the bare essentials.


You hide everything about an object except what is absolutelly necessary to expose.

Think of a capsule which not only keeps things together, but also protects them.

Encapsulation is the bundling of the attributes (properties) and behaviours (methods) in the same unit
(class), while restricting access to the inner workings of that class or any objects based on that class.

An object should not reveal anything about itself except what is absolutely necessary for other parts of the
application to work.

We don't want some other part of the application to be able to reach in the bank account class and change
the account balance of an object without first going through the methods which can control things. To
prevent this, we can hide the attribute and control the access so that it is only accessable from inside the
object itself via the methods. This way, other parts of the applications can change the attributes but it would
still be controlled by the methods and it could not be changes otherwise from the outside.

Think of the term "blackboxing", which is hiding the inner workings of a device while only providing a few
public pieces for input and output.

We don't care what's inside a phone as long as we have dials to press and be able to call someone.

The most common question is: "I'm writing these classes, so why would I hide my own code from myself?"
A: It's not about being secretive. It's about reducing dependencies between different parts of the
application. A change in one place should not cascade down and require multiple changes elsewhere. If the
attribute is accessed from within i.e. it's hidden from the outside, a change would only have to be made on
the method accessing it rather than everything needing it from the outside.

How much should you hide? - As much as possible!

The effort put into abstracting and encapsulating our classes will be very useful when creating other
classes with inheritance.


A great form of code reuse. Also, the foundation for polymorphism.

Inheritance is a great form of code reuse. Instead of writing a new class from scratch, we can base it on an
existing one.

Ex. Customer inherits from Person. Person = Parent/Superclass, Customer = Child/Subclass.


Lets you do the right thing at the right time.

Ex. 1 + 2 vs "Hello" + "World". Addition vs Concatenation. They both share the + sign, but behave
differently. The first is 3, the second is HelloWorld.

Ex. Parent: BankAccount. Child: CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount, InvestmentAccount. They all inherit
from BankAccount, but some need to behave differently.
The BankAccount has withdraw(). The InvestmentAccount inherits the method but it has to be changed so
when you withdraw from the account without a 30 day notice you get a penalty. That change is called
"Overriding the method of the parent class". You inherit the useful, and override the things that need

The beauty of this is that the withdraw() method can now be called without the need for a different function
name as well as without knowing which class the object was instantiated from.

OOP Analysis and Design
The whole point of this is to determine which classes are needed and what do they do.

5 step OOP Analysis and Design Process:

1. Gather "Requirements". What does the app need to do i.e. what problem is it trying to solve. It should be
very specific.
2. "Describe" the app. How would people use the app? Describe this via use cases and user stories.
Sometimes the UI is essential, and sometimes it's a distraction.
3. "Identify" the main objects. What does the application revolve around? You pick these from the user
stories. These almost always become the classes.
4. Describe the "Interactions". What happens? A customer opens a bank account. A spaceship explodes
when it touches an asteroid. We use a sequence diagram for order.
5. Create a "Class Diagram". Visual representation of the needed classes. Here you get specific about
OOP Concepts i.e. AEIP (APIE).

The goal is to get the class diagram. This process is not done only once. It is constantly revisited for

CORE: Functional Requirements: What does it do? ex. Application must allow user to search by customer's
last name, telephone number or order number.

Non-Functional Requirements: What else? ex. System must respond to searches within 2 sec.
- Help. What kind of documentation needs to be provided?
- Legal. Are there any laws to comply to? Who knows these laws?
- Performance. Response time? How many people can use it at once?
- Support. What happens if there is a problem at 2 am on a sunday?
- Security. It can be functional or non-functional depending on the app.

This should be used in every case, regardless of it being for a client or self.

A team may think this can be skipped because they know all the requirements, but the problem is that they
all have semi-formed ideas about what the application COULD DO. The goal is to WRITE DOWN what the
application MUST DO. You can't design half a feature.

The bigger the application and organization, the more formal the process needs to be.

One common formal requirements approach is FURPS / FURPS+. This is a checklist, not instructions.
Focus on MUST HAVE, instead of NICE TO HAVE.
- Functional. App features.
- Usability. Help, documentation, tutorials...
- Reliability. Disaster recovery, acceptable fail rate...
- Performance. Availability, capacity, resources...
- Supportability. Maintenance, scalability.
- Design. Must be an iPhone app, must use relational databases.
- Implementation. Which technologies? Languages?
- Interface. Not UI, but rather the need to interface with an external systems.
- Physical. Needs to run on a device with a camera, must ship with 50GB DVDs.

UML: Unified Modelling Language

It is a graphical notation, not a programming

language. Diagrams for OOP design.
It is more useful to know a little than a lot of UML.
UML can become the main focus, which is a

Class Diagram

Use Cases
Here we focus on the user instead of the features of the program. How does the user accomplish

Informal vs Fully dressed use cases. The latter can hinder process for small projects, but is necessary for
major global ones.

1. Title. What is the goal? Short phrase, active verb. ex. Create new page, Purchase items, Register new

2. Actor. Who desires it? Instead of simple user, use Customer, Member, Administrator... It doesn't have to
be a human. It can be a system. A simple game can have just a user, whereas a corporate application can
have multiple actors with different job titles and departments. Also within that same application, some
processes require special actors regardless of job titles. ex. Requester and Approval for an Expense
Approval System.

3. Scenario. How is it accomplished? Paragraphs vs Lists (Step by step guides). Preconditions and
extensions can be defined. ex. Precondition: Customer must select one item. ex. If the item is out of stock.
The focus should be on specific actions. ex. Log into system. Why does one log into? The user logs in to do
something, not just to log in. Log in is too broad and simply a step towards the important goals i.e. the do
something. ex. Purchase something, Create new document.
Write a sunny day scenario first where everything works in order. Later add the scenarios for everything
that can go wrong from the actions side, not the technical. ex. Item is out of stock vs .NET is outdated.

Use ACTIVE voice. To the point without too many details.

BAD: The system is provided with the payment information and shipping information by the Customer.
GOOD: Customer provides payment and shipping information.

BAD: The system connects to the external payment processor over HTTPS and uses JSON to submit the
provided payment information to be validated, then waits for a delegated callback response.
GOOD: System validates payment information.


Ex. Provide steps without mentioning clicks, pages, mouse, buttons etc... Just the pure intent.

Questions that can provide unforseen actors and scenarios.

- Who does system administration tasks?
- Who manages users and security?
- What happens if the system fails?
- Is anyone looking at performance metrics and logs?

Use Case Diagram

It is not a diagram of a single use case, but rather a diagram of multiple use cases and actors at the same
time. It provides an overview of how they interact and it is not a replacement for written use cases.

User Stories

They are simpler and shorter than use cases. It describes a scenario from a user perspective with the focus
on their goal, rather than the system. They are usually 1 or 2 sentences long, in comparison to use cases
which can be pages long.

Differences between Use Case and User Story

Domain Modelling
Creating a conceptual model = Identifying objects from use cases and stories.

Noun List Conceptual Object Model

The goal here is to make a conceptual object model, not a database model. This is purely for planning
purposes, not execution.

Look for the verbs. An object should be responsible for itself. Dont confuse the actors with this. They
initiate the behavior that lives in the objects.

It may sound like many of these should be under the customer, but keep in mind that the customer is the

Its a common mistake for people new in OOP to give way too much behavior to actors.

This can lead to people creating a System object and putting a lot of behavior in it. This is a big mistake.
System is just a placeholder word for the specific object that has not yet been identified. It should be read
as SOME PART of the system does something.

Responsibilities should be distributed between objects, not stored in one master object. This is a sign that
you are thinking procedurally, not OOP.

CRC Class Responsibility Collaboration

1 CRC card = 1 Class

Avoid using software for this stage. There is a great advantage in the physicality of index cards.

Creating Classes
Classes are named in singular with uppercase first letter.

: Data Types, + = Public,- = Private

Everything should be as private as possible.

The initial focus should be on behavior / responsibilities, not properties. If the class diagrams have a ton of
properties and no methods, it is a sign of wrong priorities.

Converting Class Diagrams to Code

Object lifetime

If you want something else to happen i.e. take part in the instantiation of an object, a constructor is used.

A constructor is a special method that exists to construct objects. A constructor can make sure that any
variables belonging to an object are immediately set to the right values as soon as the object is created.

The constructor is used to be able to set dynamic values to objects upon their creation. If you do not use a
constructor you are only able to set initiated values to a specific value.

Constructors are an OOP concept and are not available in procedural languages.

No Constructor

With Constructor

In UML, if there is a method with the same name as a class, it means that its a constructor.

With 2 Constructors

Overloaded constructors allow flexibility and information can be passed in when creating an object.

Static Variables and Methods

Static Variables and Methods are the same across all objects. This is used in order to access the variables
from one place rather than individually for all created objects.

Static variables can be accessed ONLY with static methods.

Variables are called with the objects name whereas the static ones are called with the class name.

Ex. joeAcct.accountNumber vs SavingsAccount.interestRate

In UML they are denoted with underlined names.

Identifying Inheritance Situations

Are there shared attributes and behaviors between our objects?

Dont go actively looking for inheritance. It should come naturally and be obvious. It is a mistake to go too
deep with it. Be suspicious of levels beyond 1 or 2.


Using Inheritance

Abstract classes are never instantiated and exist purely to be inherited from.

Some languages (Java, C#, C++) have the ability to mark a class as abstract when created, which means
it wont allow to be instantiated as well as the requirement for the child objects to inherit from it before


It is created like a class but it has no properties and behavior. It is not allowed to create functionalities in
them. If we create a new class and we decide to implement and interface, it is like signing a contract. We
are promising to create methods with particular names. If we dont, we will get a compiling error.

The benefit of this is that we can have many different classes implementing the same interface, and other
parts of the app can use objects with interfaces withoug knowing anything about how the work.

Many programmers prefer using interfaces over inheritance. This way the programmer is free to choose
how to implement the methods, rather can be provided with them.

Program to an interface, not an implementation Design Patterns, 1995

Aggregation and Composition

Composition is Aggregation with the difference that Composition implies ownership i.e. when he owning
object is destroyed, so are the contained ones.

Advanced Concepts

These are structural i.e. static diagrams. They are great for providing an overview of the classes with their
compositions and actors. But, they are not good for representing the lifetime of objects. For this we use
behavioral / dynamic diagrams. They describe how objects change and communicate, and the most
common one is the sequence diagram.

Sequence Diagrams

These dont describe systems, but rather particular parts of them. These are good for sketching ideas that
are not completely clear and are not supposed to be used for every single process. These are simple
planning tools.

UML Diagrams

The first 4 are most common. Its always about selecting the right diagram for the right need. Their use
should be driven by a business problem. You shouldnt be asking the question Where can I write some
sequence diagrams, but simply realizing where would one be useful when thinking about a situation that
isnt clear.

Design Patterns
These are abstract ways to organize your programming. Think of design patterns as suggestions / best
practices on how to organize classes and objects to accomplish a task. They are best practices for
commong programming problems.

The below is based on a 90s book called Design Patterns written by GoF i.e. The Gang of Four.
Elements of reusable object oriented code.

Design Principles
Syntax rules are easy, because the program will not compile or it will crash if not done correctly. The
difficult part is the OOP design itself because there are no enforced rules.

If inheritance is not used for classes duplicating 90% od the same data, nothing will happen because it
would work just fine.

If every member of every class is made public i.e violate encapsulation, nothing will happen.

If every single concept is dumped in one huge class like a procedural language, again it would work.

This creates a nightmare for debugging and adding new features. A single change can fracture the whole

There are no warnings for bad design. Good OOP practices are not automatically imposed, it is up to the

General software development principles:

DRY: Dont repeat yourself. // Dont copy past blocks of code.

YAGNI: You aint gonna need it. // Dont write features that are not being used at the moment, i.e. they may
be useful in the future. This creates feature creep and code bloat.

Feature envy: A class that inherits everything and has nothing specific in it i.e. why does it exist?

SOLID Prinsiples

S Single responsibility: An object should have one reason to exist, and that reason entirely
encapsulated in one class. It can have many behaviors, but all of them should fall under that reason to
exist. This is against the God Object.

O Open/Close: Open for extension, but closed for modification. If a child class is added, the new
behavior should go under the child class by overriding, not by modifying the parent class.

L Liskov substitution: Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes. Child classes
should be able to be treated like their parent classes.

I Interface segregation: Multiple specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface.
Interfaces should be as small as possible. Interface = List of methods to be implemented.

D Dependency inversion: Depend on abstractions, not on concretions. Layers of abstraction should be

added in order to make room for code extension, but be careful not to violate the YAGNI rule. Look at the
picture below.


GRASP Principles

Creator Who is responsible for creating an object? Questions to be asked for finding out. Does one
object contain another (Composition)? Does one object very closely use another? Will one object know
enough to make another object? If yes, then that is a creator object.

Controller Dont connect UI elements directly to business objects. If there is a business class and an UI,
we dont want high coupling and low cohesion between them. They should not be tied together i.e. the UI
knowing about the business objects and vice versa.

The solution is a new middle-man class called the controller with the sole purpose of going between them.
This way we dont expect the business object to update the actual screen, nor do we expect the UI
elements to talk directly to the business objects. This is the basic idea behind the programming patterns

Pure Fabrication What if something needs to exist in the application that doesnt announce itself as an
obvious class or real world object? What if a behavior does not fit any existing class? When the behavior
does not belong anywhere else, create a new class. There is nothing wrong with making a class just for
pure functionality.

Information Expert Assign the responsibility to the class that has the information needed to fulfill it. A
class should be responsible for itself. Ex. If there are three object: Customer, Shopping Cart and Item; and
the customer wants to know the total of the items in the cart. Where would this go? Nothing stops us from
putting this inside the customer, but really, its the shopping cart that knows the most and should be

Low Coupling (Coupling: The level of dependencies between objects) Reducing the amount of required
connections between objects. As many as necessary, but as few as possible.

High Cohesion (Cohesion: The level that a class contains focused, related behaviors) A measure of how
focused the internal behavior of a class is. High cohesion is when all the internal behaviors are related to
the single responsibility. God objects have low cohesion.

Indirection To reduce coupling, introduce an intermediate object.


Polymorphism Automatically correct behavior based on type. We dont want conditional logic that
checks for particular types.

Protected Variations Protect the system from changes and variations by designing it so that there is as
little impact as possible by them. Do this by implementing everything learned. Ex.
- Encapsulation with private data.
- Interfaces for enforcing formality, but not specific behavior.
- Child classes should always work when treated as their parent classes.


Suggested reading:
- Software Requirements Karl Wiegers. Good for consultants that need to enter an unknown area.
- Writing Effective Use Cases Alistair Cockburn.
- User Stories Applied Mike Cohen.
- UML Distilled Martin Fowler.
- Refactoring Martin Fowler.
- Design Patterns C++ Gang of Four
- Head First: Design Patterns Java OReilly.

Build software, make mistakes. Dont focus on learning at the expense of practice. The more you learn the
more you realize there is to learn. Youll never feel fully prepared for a project.

Programming - Basically telling a computer what to do and how to do it.

Source File - This is a document written in a programming language that tells the computer what you want
it to do.

Programming Language - This is a language that (usually) resembles a mixture of English and math. It is
both simple and strict enough for a compiler to understand.

Compiler - This translates a programming language that you can understand into a language the computer
can understand, you can call it Computerese.

Library - A collection of useful code that has already been translated into Computerese that you can use in
the programs you write.

.NET Platform - A large collection of tools, languages and libraries for writing programs with a heavy
emphasis on productivity.

Sure, there's a lot more to it than that. You could tell them about IL and JIT compiling or garbage collection
but these details aren't very relevant to a non-programmer.

******************************************************************************* JAVASCRIPT
For loop = When you know when to stop looping.
While loop = When you dont know when to stop looping. Used with true or false instead of numbers.
Condition to be checked should be defined outside the loop. After reaching true, condition should be set to
false to avoid infinite loop. increment is done inside the loop.

As we mentioned, for loops are great for doing the same task over and over when you know ahead of time
how many times you'll have to repeat the loop. On the other hand, while loops are ideal when you have to
loop, but you don't know ahead of time how many times you'll need to loop. However, you can combine a
while loop with a counter variable to do the same kind of work a for loop does. In these cases, it's often a
matter of preference.

// FOR loop

for (i=0; i<6; i++) {


// WHILE loop

var i = 0;

while (i<6) {



// DO WHILE loop

var condition = false;

i = 99;

do {


} while (condition);

Sometimes you want to make sure your loop runs at least one time no matter what. When this is the case,
you want a modified while loop called a do/while loop.
This loop says: "Hey! Do this thing one time, then check the condition to see if we should keep looping."
After that, it's just like a normal while: the loop will continue so long as the condition being evaluated is true.

IF vs DO WHILE = IF runs once if something is true, DO WHILE runs continuously if something is true.

Let's go back to the analogy of computer languages being like regular spoken languages. In English, you
have nouns (which you can think of as "things") and verbs (which you can think of as "actions"). Until now,
our nouns (data, such as numbers, strings, or variables) and verbs (functions) have been separate.

No longer!

Using objects, we can put our information and the functions that use that information in the same place.

You can also think of objects as combinations of key-value pairs (like arrays), only their keys don't have to
be numbers like 0, 1, or 2: they can be strings and variables.

An object is like an array in this way, except its keys can be variables and strings, not just numbers.

Objects are just collections of information (keys and values) between curly braces, like this:

var myObject = {
key: value,
key: value,
key: value

Objects allow us to represent in code real world things and entities (such as a person or bank account). We
do this by storing all relevant information in one placean object.

How do we create an object? Like declaring a variable, or defining a function, we use var, followed by the
name of the object and an equals sign. Each object then:

starts with {
has information inside
ends with };

Each piece of information we include in an object is known as a property. Think of a property like a
category label that belongs to some object. When creating an object, each property has a name, followed
by : and then the value of that property. For example, if we want Bob's object to show he is 34, we'd type in
age: 34.

age is the property, and 34 is the value of this property. When we have more than one property, they are
separated by commas. The last property does not end with a comma.


There are two ways to create an object: using object literal notation (which is what you just did) and using
the object constructor.

Literal notation is just creating an object with curly braces, like this:


type: 'fancy',
disposition: 'sunny'

var emptyObj = {};

When you use the constructor, the syntax looks like this:

var myObj = new Object();

This tells JavaScript: "I want you to make me a new thing, and I want that thing to be an Object.

You can add keys to your object after you've created it in two ways:

myObj["name"] = "Charlie"; = "Charlie";

Both are correct, and the second is shorthand for the first. See how this is sort of similar to arrays?
- Literal = Single instance
- Constructor = Multiple instances

The method we've used to create objects uses object literal notationthat is, creating a new object with { }
and defining properties within the brackets.

Another way of creating objects without using the curly brackets { } is to use the keyword new. This is
known as creating an object using a constructor.

The new keyword creates an empty object when followed by Object(). The general syntax is:

var objectName = new Object();

In the last section, we discussed properties. We can think of properties as variables associated with an
object. Similarly, a method is just like a function associated with an object.

Methods serve several important purposes when it comes to objects.

They can be used to change object property values. The method setAge on line 4 allows us to update
They can be used to make calculations based on object properties. Functions can only use parameters as
an input, but methods can make calculations with object properties.


// here is bob again, with his usual properties

var bob = new Object(); = "Bob Smith";
bob.age = 30;

// this time we have added a method, setAge
bob.setAge = function (newAge){
bob.age = newAge;
// here we set bob's age to 40
// bob's feeling old. Use our method to set bob's age to 20
// here we define our method using "this", before we even introduce bob
var setAge = function (newAge) {
this.age = newAge;
// now we make bob
var bob = new Object();
bob.age = 30;
// and down here we just use the method we already made

// change bob's age to 50 here


function Person(name,age) { = name;
this.age = age;
this.species = "Homo Sapiens";

var sally = new Person("Sally Bowles", 39);

var holden = new Person("Holden Caulfield", 16);

console.log("sally's species is " + sally.species + " and she is " + sally.age);

console.log("holden's species is " + holden.species + " and he is " + holden.age);


function Rectangle(height, width) {

this.height = height;
this.width = width;

this.calcArea = function() {
return this.height * this.width;
// put our perimeter function here!
this.calcPerimeter = function() {
return 2*this.height + 2*this.width;

var rex = new Rectangle(7,3);

var area = rex.calcArea();

var perimeter = rex.calcPerimeter();



function Rabbit(adjective) {
this.adjective = adjective;
this.describeMyself = function() {
console.log("I am a " + this.adjective + " rabbit");

// now we can easily make all of our rabbits

var rabbit1 = new Rabbit("fluffy");
var rabbit2 = new Rabbit("happy");
var rabbit3 = new Rabbit("sleepy");




// Our person constructor

function Person (name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;

// Now we can make an array of people

var family = new Array();
family[0] = new Person("alice", 40);
family[1] = new Person("bob", 42);
family[2] = new Person("michelle", 8);
family[3] = new Person("timmy", 6);
// add the last family member, "timmy", who is 6 years old


**** In addition to making arrays of Objects, we can use objects as parameters for functions as well.

// Our person constructor

function Person (name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;

// We can make a function which takes persons as arguments

// This one computes the difference in ages between two people
var ageDifference = function(person1, person2) {
return person1.age - person2.age;

var alice = new Person("Alice", 30);

var billy = new Person("Billy", 25);

// get the difference in age between alice and billy using our function
var diff = ageDifference(alice, billy);


// Our person constructor
function Person (name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;

// We can make a function which takes persons as arguments

// This one computes the difference in ages between two people
var ageDifference = function(person1, person2) {
return person1.age - person2.age;

// Make a new function, olderAge, to return the age of

// the older of two people
var olderAge = function(person1, person2) {
if (person1.age > person2.age) return person1.age;
else return person2.age;

// Let's bring back alice and billy to test our new function
var alice = new Person("Alice", 30);
var billy = new Person("Billy", 25);

console.log("The older person is " + olderAge(alice, billy));



pages: 300,
author: "Herman Melville"


pages: 300,
author: "Herman Melville"

// 3 lines required to make harry_potter OBJECT CONSTRUCTOR DOES NOT BELONG TO BOOK
var harry_potter = new Object();
harry_potter.pages = 350; = "J.K. Rowling";

// A custom constructor for book CUSTOM CONSTRUCTOR

function Book (pages, author) {
this.pages = pages; = author;

// Use our new constructor to make the_hobbit in one line BELONGS TO BOOK CLASS
var the_hobbit = new Book(320, "J.R.R. Tolkien");


function Circle (radius) {

this.radius = radius;
this.area = function () {
return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

// define a perimeter method here
this.perimeter = function () {
return 2 * Math.PI * this.radius;

var circle1 = new Circle(5);



You can add objects directly to friends, like this:

var friends = {
bill: {},
steve: {}

Or with the bracket ([]) or dot(.) notation, like this:

friends[bill] = {};
friends.steve = {};

Or with Object constructors, like this:

var friends = new Object();

friends.bill = new Object();

friends.steve = new Object();

Notice that "bill" and "steve" are not capitalized!

var friends = new Object();


firstName: "Bill",
lastName: "Gates",
number: "2222 3333"

var steve = new Object(); // THIS ONE DOES NOT

steve.firstName = "Steve";
steve.lastName = "Jobs";

steve.number = "4444 9999";

var friends = new Object();

friends.bill = {
firstName: "Bill",
lastName: "Gates",
number: "2222 3333",
address: ["Street", "1"]

friends.steve = {
firstName: "Steve",
lastName: "Jobs",
number: "4444 9999",
address: ["Avenue", "2"]

var list = function() {

for (var friend in friends) {

var search = function(name) {

for (var friend in friends) {
if (friends[friend].firstName === name) {
return friends[friend];
var bob = {
firstName: "Bob",
lastName: "Jones",
phoneNumber: "(650) 777-7777",
email: ""

var mary = {
firstName: "Mary",
lastName: "Johnson",
phoneNumber: "(650) 888-8888",
email: ""

var contacts = [bob, mary];

function printPerson(person) {
console.log(person.firstName + " " + person.lastName);

function list() {
var contactsLength = contacts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < contactsLength; i++) {

/*Create a search function
then call it passing "Jones"*/
var search = function(lastName) {
for (i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) {
if (contacts[i].lastName === lastName) {
else return(lastName + " was not found.");


var add = function(firstName, lastName, email, phoneNumber) {

contacts[contacts.length] = {
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
phoneNumber: phoneNumber,
email: email

add("John", "Smith", "", "222 333");


Introducing Functions
Programming is similar to baking cakes. Seriously! Imagine you are trying to teach your friend Jane how to
bake many different types of cakes.

Each cake takes in different ingredients (ie. inputs). But the 'bake' instructions are always the same. For

Pre-heat the oven at 300 degrees

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl
Put contents into oven for 30 mins
And the output will be a different cake each time.

It is tedious to have to repeat to Jane the same 'bake' instructions every time. What if we could just say
'bake' and Jane would know to execute those three steps? That is exactly what a function is!


var number = prompt("Enter a number:");

var isEven = function(number) {

if (number % 2 === 0) {

return true;

else {

return false;




var userChoice = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?");

var computerChoice = Math.random();

if (computerChoice < 0.34) {

computerChoice = "rock";

else if(computerChoice <= 0.67) {

computerChoice = "paper";

else {

computerChoice = "scissors";

console.log("Computer: " + computerChoice);

var compare = function(choice1, choice2) {

if (choice1 == choice2) {

return("The result is a tie!");

else if (choice1 == "rock") {

if (choice2 == "scissors") return("rock wins");

else return("paper wins");

else if (choice1 == "paper") {

if (choice2 == "scissors") return("scissors wins");

else return("paper wins");

else if (choice1 == "scissors") {

if (choice2 == "paper") return("scissors wins");

else return("rock wins");

console.log(compare(userChoice, computerChoice));


var card = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "T", "J", "Q", "K", "A"];
var suit = ["s", "c", "h", "d"];

var randomCard1 = Math.random();

if (randomCard1 < 1/13) randomCard1 = card[0];
else if (randomCard1 <= 2*1/13) randomCard1 = card[1];
else if (randomCard1 <= 3*1/13) randomCard1 = card[2];
else if (randomCard1 <= 4*1/13) randomCard1 = card[3];
else if (randomCard1 <= 5*1/13) randomCard1 = card[4];
else if (randomCard1 <= 6*1/13) randomCard1 = card[5];
else if (randomCard1 <= 7*1/13) randomCard1 = card[6];
else if (randomCard1 <= 8*1/13) randomCard1 = card[7];
else if (randomCard1 <= 9*1/13) randomCard1 = card[8];
else if (randomCard1 <= 10*1/13) randomCard1 = card[9];
else if (randomCard1 <= 11*1/13) randomCard1 = card[10];
else if (randomCard1 <= 12*1/13) randomCard1 = card[11];
else if (randomCard1 <= 1) randomCard1 = card[12];

var randomSuit1 = Math.random();

if (randomSuit1 < 1/4) randomSuit1 = suit[0];
else if (randomSuit1 <= 2*1/4) randomSuit1 = suit[1];
else if (randomSuit1 <= 3*1/4) randomSuit1 = suit[2];
else if (randomSuit1 <= 1) randomSuit1 = suit[3];

var randomCard2 = Math.random();

if (randomCard2 < 1/13) randomCard2 = card[0];
else if (randomCard2 <= 2*1/13) randomCard2 = card[1];
else if (randomCard2 <= 3*1/13) randomCard2 = card[2];
else if (randomCard2 <= 4*1/13) randomCard2 = card[3];
else if (randomCard2 <= 5*1/13) randomCard2 = card[4];
else if (randomCard2 <= 6*1/13) randomCard2 = card[5];
else if (randomCard2 <= 7*1/13) randomCard2 = card[6];
else if (randomCard2 <= 8*1/13) randomCard2 = card[7];
else if (randomCard2 <= 9*1/13) randomCard2 = card[8];
else if (randomCard2 <= 10*1/13) randomCard2 = card[9];
else if (randomCard2 <= 11*1/13) randomCard2 = card[10];
else if (randomCard2 <= 12*1/13) randomCard2 = card[11];
else if (randomCard2 <= 1) randomCard2 = card[12];

var randomSuit2 = Math.random();

if (randomSuit2 < 1/4) randomSuit2 = suit[0];
else if (randomSuit2 <= 2*1/4) randomSuit2 = suit[1];
else if (randomSuit2 <= 3*1/4) randomSuit2 = suit[2];
else if (randomSuit2 <= 1) randomSuit2 = suit[3];

var dealtHand = function(card1, suit1, card2, suit2) {

if(card1!=card2 || (card1===card2 && suit1!=suit2))
return(card1 + suit1 + card2 + suit2);

document.writeln(dealtHand(randomCard1, randomSuit1, randomCard2, randomSuit2));


var cities = ["Melbourne", "Amman", "Helsinki", "NYC", "Skopje"];

for (var i = 0; i < cities.length; i++) {

console.log("I would like to visit " + cities[i]);

var count = 0;

var loop = function() {

while(count<3) {

console.log("I'm looping!");




How does this code work? Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1);

1. First we use Math.random() to create a random number from 0 up to 1. For example, 0.5
2. Then we multiply by 5 to make the random number from 0 up to 5. For example, 0.5 * 5 = 2.5
3. Next we use Math.floor() to round down to a whole number. For example, Math.floor( 2.5 ) = 2
4. Finally we add 1 to change the range from between 0 and 4 to between 1 and 5 (up to and including 5)

for (i=1; i<21; i++) {
if (i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 === 0) {
else if (i % 5 === 0) {
else if (i % 3 === 0) {
else console.log(i);

var answer = prompt("Do you like fishsticks?");

switch(answer) {
case "yes":
console.log("You are a gay fish!");
case "no":
console.log("Are you sure?");
case "maybe":
console.log("Yes you do!");
console.log("Only a gay fish can't answer...");

var movie = prompt("Which movie?");

var getReview = function (movie) {

switch(movie) {
case "Toy Story 2":
return("Great story. Mean prospector.");
case "Finding Nemo":
return("Cool animation, and funny turtles.");
case "The Lion King":
return("Great songs.");
default: return("I don't know!");


<script type='text/javascript' src='script.js'></script>

Next, we'll need to start up our jQuery magic using the $(document).ready(); syntax you've seen. It works
like this:

- $() says, "hey, jQuery things are about to happen!"

- Putting document between the parentheses tells us that we're about to work our magic on the HTML
document itself.
- .ready(); is a function, or basic action, in jQuery. It says "hey, I'm going to do stuff as soon as the HTML
document is ready!"
- Whatever goes in .ready()'s parentheses is the jQuery event that occurs as soon as the HTML document
is ready.



says: "when the HTML document is ready, do something!" (We'll show you how to replace something with
an action in the next exercise.)

Note that .ready(); ends with a semicolon. This tells jQuery that you're done giving it a command.

Functions are the basic unit of action in jQuery. The main entry point of most jQuery applications is a block
of code that looks like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
Do something
Let's go through it bit by bit.

- $(document) is a jQuery object. The $() is actually a function in disguise; it turns the document into a
jQuery object.
- .ready() is a type of function; you can think of it as sort of a helper that runs the code inside its
parentheses as soon as the HTML document is ready.
- function(){} is the action that .ready() will perform as soon as the HTML document is loaded. (In the above
example, the Do something placeholder is where those actions would go.)

BE CAREFUL OF THE NESTING!!! inside .ready() a function is defined function(){}

function() {
jQuery magic;


$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery magic;

$p vs $('p')
$p = $ does nothing. The $ sign just says that in this variable $p there is a p i.e. paragraph HTML selector.
$('p') = $ here is actually a function which gets passed a 'p' parameter which is a paragraph selector.

$div = $("div");





The this keyword refers to the jQuery object you're currently doing something with.

$(document).ready(function() {
$('div').click(function() {








/*-$body = $("body");
$paragraph = "<p>I am a paragraph</p>";

$("body").append("<p>I am a paragraph</p>");
.empty() deletes an element's content and all its descendants. For instance, if you .empty() an 'ol', you'll
also remove all its 'li's and their text.

.remove(), not only deletes an element's content, but deletes the element itself.

jQuery includes a .toggleClass() function that does exactly this.
If the element it's called on has the class it receives as an input, .toggleClass() removes that class;
if the target element doesn't have that class, .toggleClass() adds it.

$div = $("div");
$div.css("border-radius", 10);

Finally, we can update the contents of our HTML elementsthat is, the bit between the opening and
closing tagsusing the .html() and .val() functions. <div>CONTENT</div>

.html() can be used to set the contents of the first element match it finds. For instance,

will get the HTML contents of the first div it finds, and

$('div').html("I love jQuery!");

will set the contents of the first div it finds to "I love jQuery!"

.val() is used to get the value of form elements. For example,

would get the value of the first checked checkbox that jQuery finds.

You can set a variable equal to the contents of the input field using .val(), like so:

//Get the value from an input

var input = $('input[name=checkListItem]').val();

1. Our selector finds our specific input using a css selector on our checkListItem input
2. We call val() to get the value of the field

$button = $("#button");

var toAdd = $("input[name=checkListItem]").val();
$list = $(".list");
$appendix = '<div class="item">' + toAdd + '</div>' // ' vs " is important here; also don't put it in () out of

Remove What's Been Clicked
Great job! Finally, we want to be able to check items off our list.

You might think we could do this:

$('.item').click(function() {
and that's not a bad idea. The problem is that it won't workjQuery looks for all the .items when the DOM
is loaded, so by the time your document is ready, it's already decided there are no .items to .remove(), and
your code won't work.


For this, we'll need a new event handler: .on(). You can think of .on() as a general handler that takes the
event, its selector, and an action as inputs. The syntax looks like this:

$(document).on('event', 'selector', function() {

Do something!
In this case, 'event' will be 'click', 'selector' will be '.item', and the thing we'll want to do is call .remove() on

var toAdd = $("input[name=checkListItem]").val();
$(".list").append('<div class="item">' + toAdd + '</div>'); // ' vs " is important here; also don't put it in ()
out of habit.
$(document).on("click", ".item", function(){ // .on is a custom handler
$(this).remove(); // notice the usage of this here.

Javascript vs jQuery
Get value:
Change content:
document.getElementById("divId").onclick=function() {
// Do something
$("#divId").click(function() {
// Do something

AJAX (Not part of JS vs jQ): Needs <script type="text/javascript"


$.get("test.php", function(data) { // This gets the content of test.php and puts it in the variable called
alert(data); // get should not be used because there is no catch for lost
connection. Ajax has it.
$.ajax({ // This is the preferred "get" method
$("#text").html(data); // This is the same as .innerHTML for JS. This changes the content of
<p> with the one from test.php
//$$("#text").html(data); // This appends the content instead of swapping it.

Data Structures
It is an intentional arrangement of data held in memory.

The more constraints are put, the faster and smaller the data structure will be. Flexibility introduces

Humans naturally think in data structures i.e. collections of information. Ex. Recipe, shopping list, telephone
directory, dictionary

Simple Structures
A mathematical tuple is a grouped collection of elements.

Struct = a very basic data structure.

Unorganized data vs a struct organization


Examples of PODS



The most common data structure. It as ordered collection of items.

Multi dimensional arrays are simply arrays of arrays.

Three dimensional example: Track temperatures daily per hour per cities.

Jagged Arrays

Ex. Months have different number of days.

They are created by using logic as shown.


Always flinch at the thought of sorting. The operation is always resource intensive.

Make a difference between sorting and comparing.

Sorting is hard, comparing is easy.

Searching: Linear vs Binary

Linear searching is also very resource intensive because it goes over every single member in an array. If
the data structure is unordered, there might not be a faster solution than brute forcing it. If however, the
data structure is ordered i.e. sorted, searching it becomes immensely more efficient.

Binary searching is an incredibly efficient search method (compared to the linear) and it has nothing to do
with binary code i.e. 1 and 0. It simply means in 2 pieces. It works in a way where if the number wanted Is
99, the array length is determined and the search jumps to the midpoint. It then discards half of the array
depending on where the number is. This division in half continues until the number is found or it finds out it
doesnt exist. The only problem with this is that it only works on ordered data.


Are peculiar because they are all implemented differently in languages. A python list differs from a java list,
while Objective-C and Ruby dont have them.

Both arrays and lists are collections, used for grouping things under one name. But, they differ in the
access i.e. arrays are direct access whereas lists are sequential. Access as in stored in memory.

Arrays: Direct Access aka Random Access

The structure is stored in memory in one place meaning the objects are next to each other. The structure is
based on a strict numeric index and all of the members are equally accessible regardless of the array size.

Lists: Sequential Access

Unlike arrays, the objects are scattered in different memory locations. When accessing a list, the first node
is given and each node contains the location of the next one. This is how every member is accessed via a
sequence. It is not possible to jump to a specific object without accessing the first node and going through
each one until the desired location is reached.

Why then use lists when arrays offer both direct and sequential access? The answer is adding and
removing new elements.

Arrays require reallocation of the whole array in order to always keep a contigues area of memory. The
bigger the array, the less efficient adding and removing new elements becomes.

Lists (Singly Linked) on the other hand are as simple as adding a new node. Removal simply changes the
next information in a node. These are fixed time operations and are size agnostic.

Doubly Linked Lists

Most of the lists used in programming are of this kind. The difference from singly liked lists is in the
secondary information of previous in a node, as opposed to just next.

Null reference Circular

Stacks LIFO

Queues FIFO

Priority Queues


Hash-Based Data Structures

Associative Array

They cannot have duplicate keys.

Array Associative Arrays

When sorted, the array indexes stay in place whereas the keys are paired with the values in an associative
arrray i.e. they move together. The values can be objects:

Hashing is not encryption. Hashing functions are typically one-way i.e. not invertible and information is lost
during the process. You cant turn ground beef into a cow. Ex:

Object 1 > Hash Function > 7146759310cegdc1

Object 2 > Hash Function > 542427436

Why is it used? The integer i.e. hash value can be used as a way to get to a certain location.

Hash Tables Dictionaries

There is a huge speed advantage over arrays and linked lists in sorting, searching and adding or deleting
new items.


Searching is fast because instead of iterating through an array, the search value is hashed which gives the
exact location of the item since it was put there in the first place based on the same hash.

This process of managing collisions is called

Separate Chaining.

It works in a way where two hashes are the same,

the second item is stored in the same location,
but as a node, which meand that there is now a
linked list (which is iterated) within the associative
array i.e. hash table.

The default hash functionality will return an integer that is calculated from the id or the underlying memory
address of that object. This means that you should get a different hash for every object you call this on.


Used for super fast lookup for the existence of objects in a collection. They function like hash tables but
instead of storing items at a location based on a hashed key, the items are stored as hashes themselves.
They are only useful for checking membership, because no value is retrieved.


Binary Trees are allowed to have a maximum of 2 childs. Leaf nodes have no childs.


Not to be confused with Heap memory allocation.

Items are added top to bottom, left to right. This is a balanced structure and no space is left unallocated.
Items are swapped whenever needed to keep the balance.


Useful for complex systems of interconnected points. Linked Lists, Trees and Heaps are all graph
implementations. There is no support for generic graphs in any languages because they are too specific.

Its not about the data structure, its about the data itself.
How much data is there? How much does it need to change? Does it need to be sorted? Does it need to be
searched? These questions should determine the data structure.

Which data structure is the fastest? Fast to access? Fast to sort? Fast to search?

Foundations of Programming: Databases
Many business use spreadsheets in the beginning. Having data is not a good enough reason to have a
database. Having data is not the problem. The problem is what comes next:
- Size. What happens when there are 2 million records?
- Ease of updating. Can 20 people work on the same file?
- Accuracy. What prevents me from putting invalid data in a spreadsheet?
- Security. Who can view? Who can edit? Who made changes?
- Redundancy. Duplicate values. Same product selling for different prices. Which spreadsheet is the
valid one?
- Importance. A crash of a spreadsheet can lose you data. Can be corrupted etc.

Its not about where to put the data, but rather to manage it effectively.

Database vs DBMS
- Oracle
- SQL Server
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB

These are not databases. These are DataBase Management Systems. A DBMS is used to manage one
or more databases. Many companies use multiple databases across different DBMSs.

Relational DBMSs are by far the most used ones, but there are some others.

Database Fundamentals


Databases are in fact collections of tables. Without them, a database would be an empty useless shell.

Table Relationships

One to many

Many to many

- Not so obvious.
- Cannot be done directly.

Adding duplicate columns (AuthorID2) and multiple foreign keys (445, 446) is discouraged.

becomes this
One to many many to many

One to one relationships are very uncommon. If one row points to only one row, you might as well join the


Either both debit and credit happen at the same time or the transaction doesnt occur i.e. is reversed..



A transaction needs to be ACID:

- Atomic: It must happen completely or not at all, regardless of reason and if its 2 steps or 20 steps.
- Consistent: The transaction must result in the rules set by the DBMS.
- Isolated: Data is locked during transactions, making it impossible to change.
- Durable: Changes made are permanent and reliable.

Introduction to SQL

It is a declarative query language, not a procedural, imperative language. In procedural languages you
describe the steps whereas in a query language you describe the outcome.

Table Procedural Query

SQL is used to CRUD i.e. Create, Read, Update and Delete.


Database Planning

Planning is crucial before doing anything. It is a very bad idea to begin with building immediately.

Building a database is like getting tattooed. You really want to get it right on the first try, because changes
are painful.

Building a database is all about following a step by step methodology that was battle tested over 40 years.
It is a very bad idea to get creative in this part.

Before doing anything, you need to ask these two question:

Separate tables are created for each object i.e. entity.

Tables should be named in singular form.

Although there is a crossover in design from OOP, the

database is only concerned about saving the data and the
relationship between the entities. Not the actual behavior.

The stage of early database design is called Entity

Relationship Modelling. (Boxes and lines)

Identifying Columns and Data Types

Columns can be named in many styles (FirstName, first_name, firstname, fName, strFirstName, firstName)
Use: FirstName i.e. Uppercase each word.

Each column must have a defined data type and it should be known if its required or not/ Not NULL means
the column must contain data, whereas NULL means it could be left empty.

Flexibility is our friend in programming, but not in databases. Everything should be defined as precisely as
possible in order to enforce rules which will keep the database relevant and clean of garbage.

Primary Keys

A value that uniquely identifies an individual row. They are specified by integers called IDs which are auto-
incremented. Sometimes they occur naturally in a table, and they are called natural keys.

Composite Key

Unique rows are identified by two keys, whereas each cannot do it on its own. Sure, primary keys can be
manufactured via the auto-increment ID, but composite keys are still used.

Schools and years are not unique by themselves,

but when combined, given that a yearbook is
published only once per year, they pose as a
unique value. Orchard High 2010.

Look both ways (From each perspective) when trying to determine the relationship.



might as well

Sometimes you think you have a one-to-one relationship, but you dont. Look both ways (from each
perspective) to avoid this.

is in fact


Cant be represented directly.



Taking your database design through these 3 steps will vastly improve the quality of your data.

There are more than 3 Normal Forms, but usually 3 is the norm. There are more than 6.

First Normal Form (1NF)

Each of the columns and tables should contain one and only one value without it repeating.

What happens when an employee needs 2 computers?

Never do this!

This is better but still bad!

Best solution.
Usually every 1NF problem is solved by creating a new table. One of the signs for the need is when
columns start having the same name with a number differentiating them. Computer1, Computer2

Second Normal Form (2NF)

Any non-key field should be dependent on the entire primary key i.e. Can I figure out any of the values
in the row from just part of the composite key?. Only a problem when dealing with composite keys.

What happens if someone changes the Course

ID, but not the title? Solution!

Third Normal Form (3NF)

No non-key field is dependent on any other non-key field i.e. Can I figure out any of the values in this
row from any of the other values?..

Same seats in a room.

The total depends on the other values. Remove the column Or make it a calculated read only column


Sometimes tables intentionally break normalization, and some only seem like they do.

Creating a new table for phones and emails would complicate things needlessly.

The same goes for the area codes.



These SQL keywords handle 90% of needs. SQL is NOT case sensitive as well as whitespace. It is the
convention for keywords to be UPPERCASE. It is not necessary for statements to end in (;), but it does
provide extra clarity.



SELECT columns FROM table WHERE condition

If the query needs to be of another database, without writing it in the scope:


This is akin to an if statement in programming, where the result is a Boolean. String values must be in
single quotes.

the same as

should be


Ordering is ascending by default i.e. small to large.

Aggregate Functions

These do calculations on a set of data but return a single value.

Joining Tables

Employee.DepartmentID is used in order to differentiate which one is needed because there are two
instances of DepartmentID.

INNER JOIN = default JOIN (The null values will not appear in the result as well as the rows linked to it.)

LEFT OUTER JOIN (LEFT means employee takes precedence because it is on the left side of the JOIN)

RIGHT OUTER JOIN (RIGHT = Department is on the right of JOIN)

Insert, Update and Delete



It is imperative to use a WHERE clause, because without it, every single row would be updated!


Be CAREFUL with this one. Everyone has a horror story from an SQL DELETE statement written too

This is very dangerous because it deletes everything without warning.

A good practice for DELETE and UPDATE statements is to first write them as a SELECT statement.

Data Definition vs Manipulation


Be very careful with this one!

Developers are concerned with the first one as they would spend the bulk of the time doing data
manipulation. The second one is more in the domain of database administrators. The third one as well, as it
deals with permissions.

Indexes are all about speed of access as they work as a book index i.e. they dont add any content, but
rather help in finding it. They grow in importance as the database grows. They are very useful for columns
which are constantly used. They are mostly relevant further down the road as an optimization tool.

On table creation, the primary key column is automatically declared as the clustered index, unless specified
otherwise. It is usually the best option. Each table can only have one clustered index.

This one is very fast because primary keys are

already indexed and the search immediately
jumps at the value.

This one is significantly slower because the query

has to go through every single row in order to find
the value, since the column is not indexed.

The way fast searches are done is via non-clustered indexes which simply means that a column is picked
to be sorted in order to be searchable faster.

So why dont we just index every single column?

This is a very bad idea, because then when
inserting or updating data, what was once one
operation, now becomes multiple ones for each
column separately.

This slows the process significantly.This is why it

is advised to use indexes only in high traffic

Conflict and Isolation

The balance should be 8000, not 9000. This

problem occurs because both the transactions
happened at the same time.

This is called a Race Condition Problem.

In order to deal with the problem, transactions are

used. These see the actions as one thing rather
than many separate ones. But, this is not enough
because the content is not locked from editing.

Examples below for Pessimistic and Optimistic


The difference from pessimistic locking is that the
transaction is not locked outright, but rather it
goes on until the field that was recently changed
is ecnountered.

When this happens, a rollback occurs which goes

at the start of the transaction.

Stored Procedures

These are nothing but named chunks of SQL which are reusable, similar to functions in programming
languages. Some organizations even force administrators to write ONLY stored procedures instead of plain
SQL. This keeps the queries in the DBMS and it makes it easy to optimize.

Stored procedures with parameters are a great way for preventing SQL injection attacks. This is true
because stored procedures are inflexible and cannot be divided into separate statements.

The first statements returns no value. The second one is the injection. The third one acts as a comment
due to the before the .

Database Options

Desktop Database Systems

Microsoft Access, FileMaker (Useful for internal use in small businesses, up to 10 users)

Used for simple tracking, such as contacts, events

Relational DBMS

All DBMSs are based on the ideas of Edgard F. Codd in the 1970s.

DBMSs are not one thing. You install the database engine first, which lacks a UI, and then install an
application for managing it. There may be separate apps for backing up data, reporting etc

The pricing for commercial licenses varies greatly

because of the specifics. There are many factors
that can influence pricing such as number of
users, number of CPUs, features selection

In recent years, there has been growth in the hosted cloud based DBMSs. Microsoft Azure, Amazon RDS.
You still need to design the database, but you dont need to worry about the hosting infrastructure.

Every DBMS has a free edition, which is usually called EXPRESS. They are limited in the amount of data
that can be stored.


XML can be stored in relational databases. Some support having an XML column types, which means that
xQuery can be used within the DBMS.

Object Oriented Database Systems

These solve the problem of objects in

programming not mapping exatly with rows in a
database table. These are popular in niche areas
such as physics and engineering.

ORMs solve the same problems as OODBMSs.

C# .NET also uses the Entity Framework.
These simply create tables with columns based
on objects automatically without the need of the
user interfering.

NoSQL Database Systems

Means Not only SQL. These are not the new best way, but rather a solution to a new set of problems.
These are commonly used for big data where hundreds of millions and billions of data is common. Also,
these are useful when losing data is not detrimental. Ex. Click analytics vs Bank transfers. The latter cannot
lose a single piece of data.

CouchDB, MongoDB

WPF for the Enterprise with C# and XAML
Grid Rows and columns. Items are places with indexes.
Stack Stacks items vertically or horizontally. Used for forms and labels.
Wrap Items rearrange dynamically so that they fill up a row or a column.
Dock Items can be docked on each side, with the first item being the one on top.
Canvas Positions items absolutely via Top: Left:. Used for animations and games.

These can be grouped in:
- Text controls.
- Selection controls.
- List controls.
- Other controls.

Event is the type of event (click, hover, change) and event handler is the code that executes.

All events handlers work in the same way with 2 passed parameters.

private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { }

private void Job_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { }

Data Binding
It automates the connection between data and the view of the data. It significantly reduces the amount of
code needed. It is the foundation of MVVM.

One Way Binding Data is bound from its source i.e. the object that holds the data, to its target i.e. the
object that displays the data.

Two Way Binding The user is able to modify the data through the UI and have that data updated in the
source. If the source changes while looking at the view, you want the view to be updated.

INPC (INotifyPropertyChanged) It facilitates updating the view while the underlying data changes.

Element Binding Instead of biding to a data source, the binding can be done to another element on the

Data Context Binding happens between properties of the data source to the data target. Data context is
the source itself i.e. the object whose properties youre binding from.

List Binding Collections of data can also be bound, not just individual data. This can be bound to
controls such as ListBoxes and ComboBoxes.

Data Templates These tell which part of the data to be displayed.

Data Conversion Sometimes, data does not display properly because the types are too different and the
display is inappropriate. Data binding supports in WPF supports data conversion which happens at the
source to the type expected at the target.

Data Validation Many of the controls support data validation.

One Way Data Binding

In order to illustrate a binding, we need a binding source. Typically, thats some form of POCO i.e. Plain Old
Class Object. In order to get the object, we need to declare a class and an instance of it.

A binding can point to a property, but nothing happens until it is specified which object the property belongs
to. This is done by setting the data context and there are many ways to do this. The easiest way is:

// MainWindow.xaml.cs // MainWindow.xaml
Car car1 = new Car(Audi, 2008); <TextBlock Text="{Binding name}"/>
DataContext = car1;


This is an interface that needs to be implemented and it requires System.ComponentModel. It also

requires implementing an event of type PropertyChangedEventHandler like so:

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler propertyChanged;

PropertyChanged is called each time a property is being updated. To facilitate that, a helper method is
used called OnPropertyChanged which uses [CallerMemberName] which requires using
System.Runtime.CompilerServices. What this does is passing the name of the property that calls this

In order for this to work, we can no longer use automatic properties because we need to call
OnPropertyChanged method every time we call the setter.

Two Way Data Binding

Two-way binding means that any data-related changes affecting the model are immediately propagated to
the matching view(s), and that any changes made in the view(s) (say, by the user) are immediately
reflected in the underlying model. When app data changes, so does the UI, and conversely.

It is activated by adding a mode with the selection TwoWay.

<TextBlock Text="{Binding name, mode=TwoWay }" />

Data Binding Lists

ObservableCollection = The view will be notified of any addition or removal in the collection.

If only ItemSource={Binding} is used, the result would display DataBindingLists.Employee for each
object in the list. This happens because it is not specified what to be displayed about the objects. This is
accomplished with a template.

An ItemTemplate describes what each item should look like. Inside, we use a DataTemplate in which the
XAML is defined for the look of the object which is repeated for each item.

Data Binding Elements

Asynchronous Programming
Great explanation:

This deals with the unresponsiveness of an application. This usually happens because of an infinite loop, a
deadlock or using the UI thread for performing long operations. Ex. This code downloads a picture on click:

This may finish fast on a development PC, but when deployed, a real world slow internet connection will
cause a delay until the picture is downloaded in which the UI is frozen.

A fix for this might use tasks and task continuations to offload long operations off the main thread. But, this
causes another problem in which the download may trigger another action which would require a cascade
of tasks and continuations for every single possibility, making the code hard to read.

To fix this, we use the C# async / await model:

This causes the download to execute asynchronously, without blocking the UI. The await keyword ensures
nothing happens before the called asynchronous method is finished. Both keywords async and await
always work together i.e. await without async is not allowed.

In other words, async / await allows the user to build normal applications with straightforward logic and yet
have them run asynchronously. Write single threaded code which acts asynchronously. When the
await keyword is hit, it offloads the processing to another thread and it continues with the normal code.

If asynchronous programming is not used, an 8 core processor would act as 1 core because everything
happens in the main thread, hence the freezing in a long operation.

Advanced Controls
- Tab Control
- Data Grid
- Tree View
- Status Bar
- Menus

Design Patterns
Design patterns are well tested solutions to common problems in software development.

They exists in order to make code change over time easier, by making it more flexible and maintainable.

Think of design patterns as guidelines for how to structure objects and their behavior to get a particular

The primary goal is to structure code in order to be flexible and resilient.

Design patterns are also useful for communication. Example:

Strategy Pattern
It is the combination of composition (interfaces) for behaviours that need more flexibility and inheritance for
behaviours that dont need to change.

Design Principle #1

Identify the aspects of your code that vary and separate them from what stays the same.

Change is the only constant in software desing.

Design Principle #2

Program to an interface, not an implementation

Design Principle #3

Favor composition over inheritance.

Inheritance = IS A relationship, Composition = HAS A relationship.


Observer Patter

MVVM (Model View ViewModel) is all about organizing and structuring code in a way that leads to
maintainable, testable and extensible applications.

Check out Developing Extensible Software by Miguel Castro, and Extending XAML Applications with
Behaviors by Brian Noyes.

MVVM Fundamentals

Separation of Concerns

MVVM is mostly about trying to achieve good separation of concerns.

UI Element Access

Data Objects
Data Access

Interaction /
Business Logic

Related UI Separation Patterns

MVVM is an evolution of other UI separation patterns.

MVC (Model View Controller)

It dates back to early 1970s. It is favored by modern web platforms. One of the main differences between
MVVM and MVC is that there is a decoupled lifetime between the controller and the view. The Controller
produces a View, but may not stick around after that, until a new request comes from the user.

MVP (Model View Presenter)

It was introduced in the mid 2000s as a result of the MVC not being the best fit for desktop applications,
which required more stateful client views that stuck around in memory, as well as the supporting interaction
logic. MVP is a more nuanced MVC pattern technically.

The difference between a Presenter and Controller is that the lifetimes of the Presenter and the View were
coupled and they generally had a more ongoing conversation as the user interacted with the view. This was
done mostly in the form of back and forth method calls between the two parts.
MVVM (Model View ViewModel)

It was first introduced along with WPF by Microsoft. MVVM is a nuance of MVP, where the explicit method
calls between the View and its counterpart were replaced by two way data binding, flowing data and
communications between the View and the ViewModel.

MVVM Responsibilities

MVVM is a layered architecture for the client side. The presentation layer is composed of the Views, the
logic layer are the ViewModels and the persistence layer is the combination of the model objects and the
clients services that produce and persist them through either direct data access in a two tier application or
via service calls via n tier application.

Model Responsibilities

Contain the client data: The Model is the client side data model that supports the Views in the application.
Its composed of objects with properties and backing member variables to hold the discrete pieces of data
in memory.

Expose relationships between model objects: Some of those properties may reference other model
objects, forming the object graph that is the object model as a whole.

Computed properties: Model Object may also expose computed properties. Properties whose value is
computed based on the value of other properties in the model or information from the client execution

Raise change notifications (INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged): Because you will often be

binding directly to model properties, model objects should raise property changed notifications, which for
WPF data binding means implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and firing the
PropertyChanged event in the property set block.

Validation: Often you will embed validation information on the model objects, so it can work with the WPF
data binding validation features through interfaces such as INotifyDataErrorInfo / IDataErrorInfo.

View Responsibilities

Structural definition of what the user sees on the screen: The goal of the View is to define the structure
of what the user sees on the screen, which can be composed of static and dynamic parts. Static is the
XAML hierarchy that defines the controls and their layout, of which the View is composed of. The dynamic
part is any animation and state changes that are defined as part of the View.

GOAL: No Code Behind: There should be as least code as possible behind the View. It is impossible to
have 0 code behind it. You would at least need the constructor and the call to initialize component, that
trigger XAML parsing as the View is being constructed. The idea is to resist the urge to use event handling
code, as well as interaction and data manipualtion.

Reality: Sometimes code behind is needed: Any code that is required to have a reference to a UI
element is inherently View code. Ex. Animations expressed as code instead of XAML. Many controls have
parts of their API that is not conducive to data binding, forcing you to code the behavior. The key concept is
when using the MVVM pattern, you should always analyze the code you put in the code behind and see if
there is any way to make it more declarative in XAML itself with mechanisms like data binding, commands
or behavior, to dispatch calls into the ViewModel and put that logic there instead.

ViewModel Responsibilites

"Dependency Injection" is a 25-dollar term for a 5-cent concept. Dependency injection means giving an
object its instance variables.

Most of the Views are User Controlsl.

WPF MVVM Step by Step by .NET Interview Preparation videos on
.dll = class

MVVM Obsertvation
A framework is actually not necessary to implement MVVM and you should seriously consider whether
using one is right for your WPF application or not. Many applications do not need much of the features the
frameworks provide. However, there are two common classes that all MVVM frameworks contain. These
are ViewModelBase and RelayCommand. Though some frameworks may give them different names or
implement them slightly differently, they all have these classes. For example, MVVM Foundation names the
ViewModelBase differently. It is called ObservableObject, which is more appropriate because it is incorrect
to assume that all objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged are going to be ViewModel objects.

Instead of installing and using an MVVM framework, you could simply include these classes in your
application, as these are all you need to implement MVVM.


Bonus: Async / Await

While these two classes are enough, you may want to investigate how different MVVM Frameworks
implement and what else they implement and why. You may find that another feature implemented is
exactly what you need in your application and knowing about it could save you time.

Events and Delegates
They are a mechanism for communication between objects i.e. when something happens in an objects, it
notifies another object about that. This helps with designing loosely coupled applications. Ex.

This is a video encoding class with a method that

encodes a passed in video.

After it does the encoding, it sends an email and text to

the owner of the video.

The problem here is that the adding of services changes

the method which means the class has to be recompiled,
as well as all the places using it.

This problem of tight coupling can be solved with an event called VideoEncoded. The interesting thing
here is that the VideoEncoder knows nothing about the MailService. This makes it very easy to extend
the application by adding other notification services like MessageService without altering the
VideoEncoder, which leads to recompiling and possibly bugs.

OnVideoEncoded() notifies the subscribers.

Any amount of subscribers as well as notification services

can be added in this class without changing any code.

How does the VideoEncoder notify the subscribers? By invoking a method (EventHandler) in the
subscriber. By how does it know which method to invoke? This is done via a contract (a method with a
specific signature called a Delegate) between publishers and subscribers.

This is an EventHandler.
This is a typical implementation of a method in the subscriber which is called an EventHandler. It is a
method that is called by the publisher when the event is raised.

There needs to be a method like that in both

MailService and MessageService.

The VideoEncoder knows nothing of them and it

needs to invoke the EventHandlers in them.

This is done via Delegates.

How do we tell VideoEncoder what method to call? With a delegate. Delegates are an agreement / contract
between publishers and subscribers. They also determine the signature of the event handler method in

To give a class the ability to publish an event, 3 steps are needed.

1. Define a delegate. A contract between the publisher and subscriber. A delegate determines the
signature of the method in the subscriber that will be called when the publisher (VideoEncoder)
publishes an event.
2. Define an event based on the delegate.
3. Raise (publish) the event.

Code School Course


BDD = Behavior Driven Development

TDD = Test Driven Development

Traditional vs Responsive website





Controllers = Get data onto the page


Built-in Directives



Composer is a dependency manager which allows us to reuse any kind of code. Instead of reinventing the
wheel, we can instead download popular packages. In fact, Laravel uses dozens of said packages.

Angular / Slim API
Its an Immediately-Invoked Function Expression, or IIFE for short. It executes immediately after its

It has nothing to do with any event-handler for any events (such as document.onload).
The first pair of parentheses (function(){...}) turns the code within (in this case, a function) into an
expression, and the second pair of parentheses (function(){...})() calls the function that results from that
evaluated expression.

This pattern is often used when trying to avoid polluting the global namespace, because all the variables
used inside the IIFE (like in any other normal function) are not visible outside its scope.
This is why, maybe, you confused this construction with an event-handler for window.onload, because its
often used as this:

// all your code here
var foo = function() {};
window.onload = foo;
// ...
// foo is unreachable here (its undefined)

This is used in Angular.

You should, however, conform to modern practices in using angular 1.4. Notably, check out John Papa's
Style Guide as a starting point for learning about that, and prefer using custom directives over ng-controller
declarations, and using the Controller As syntax. Those two practices alone will prevent a lot of your
headaches if you feel the need to port from 1.x to 2.0 when it comes out.

Building a Site in Angular and PHP

Immediately Invoked Function Expression. The code runs instantly and all the variables live within this
scope i.e. they are not global.

(function() {
//Code goes here.


You should look at countryCtrl as an instance of the CountryController class.


We bind the countryCtrl instance, then to the countries property, and then to the name sub-property.

Calling the service from Angular

This works by using the promise concept which means that there is a window between making the
request and getting the results that can be used to do something. A promise returns an object before
returning the results. With this, we can use a method called .success which defines what to do if the
request works.

Creating an Angular Service

Two way data binding

Event Handling Directives

Custom Directives
Reusable HTML tags that reference some code as well as templates.


Using the Built-In Router

Angular 2 Mosh Hammedani
Architecture of Angular 2 Apps


Each component can be comprised of multiple components and so on.

The benefit of this is that the application can be split into multiple smaller parts which can then be reused in
many places, even in totally different projects.

A component is nothing but a plain TypeScript
class. The properties hold the data for the view
whie the methods implement the behavior of the
view; like what happens when a button is clicked.

The components are COMPLETELY decoupled from the DOM. Instead of modifying DOM elements with
each change, binding is used. In the view, we bind to the methods and properties of our component. To
handle an event raised from a DOM element by a click, we bind that element to a method in our

The reason for the decoupling is for making the components unit testable.

Sometimes our components need to talk to back-end APIs to get or save data. To have good separation of
concerns in our application, we delegate any logic that is not related to the view to a service.

A service is just a plain class that encapsulates any non UI logic, like making HTTP calls, logging, business
roles etc.


As the user navigates from one page to another,

it will figure out based on changes in the URL
what component to present to the user.


Similar to components, we use directives to work with the DOM. The directive, unlike a component, doesnt
have the template or HTML markup for a view. They are often used to add behavior to existing DOM

Ex. We can use a directive to make a text-box automatically grow when it is focused. Angular has a bunch
of built-in directives for commont tasks such as adding or removing DOM elements, repeating them. We
can also create our own custom directives.

Node Install

Navigate to the application directory and install node (dependencies) by using npm install. In the
project in package.json under scripts there are some custom node commands. The start command is a
shortcut for concurrently running two commands.
- npm run tsc:w Runs the TypeScript compiler into watch mode.
- npm run lite Runs the lite webserver.

To run the server, navigate to the directory where node was installed (use cd.. cd folder_name and
dir) and run the npm start command. After that, go to localhost:3000 to view the website.

If the server terminates on its own, run this command ^C and start it up again with npm start.

In TypeScript, each file is considered a module. In each
module, we export one or more things, like a class, a
function or a variable. The export keyword makes them
available to other modules in the application. Later we can
import said classes as needed. To make a class a
component, we need to add a decorator.

Decorators / Annotations

This is nothing but a TypeScript class decorated with a

component decorator. This decorator/annotation adds meta
data to the class. All components are basically classes with
such decorators. A decorator is the same as an attribute in
C# and annotation in Java.

The decorator component is a function that needs to be

imported from the angular2

module. All decorators must be prefixed with an @ sign and

then called. The function takes an object for which attributes
are selected.

Selector: it specifies a CSS selector for a host HTML element. When angular sees an element that
matches the selector, it will create an instance of the component in the element i.e. an element with the tag

Template: It specifies the HTML that will be inserted into the DOM when the components view is rendered.
We can write the template inline or put it in a separate file.

Inside the directives array, we need to input any component or directives used in the template of the
component. Ex. <courses></courses> is defined in CoursesComponent.

A component encapsulates the data and logic behind a view. We can define properties in our component
and display them in the template.

In TypeScript, unlike JavaScript, we can set the

type of our variables. In some cases, we dont
need to because it can be inferred from the value.


Rendering the value of a property by using {{ }}. If the value of the property in the component changes, the
view will be automatically refreshed. This is called one way binding. There is also two way binding, which
is used in forms i.e. when something is typed in an input form, the value is updated automatically.

One way binding

Two way binding

Looping over a list
*ngFor=#instance of object

{{ instance }}

*ngFor is a directive and its similar to a foreach


Courses is the object we are iterating i.e. the

property (list) in our component.

#course is a way to declare a local variable in our


Every iteration will hold one course at a time.

That course can be displayed by {{ course }}

In a real application, the data comes from a server rather than a hardcoded list in the component. Any logic
that is not about a view should be encapsulated in a separate class which we call a service. A service
should be named like serviceName.service.ts and it is a simple class.

This service returns a list and it simulates a response from a RESTful API.

The service needs to be imported first. ./ means start from

the current directory.

Providers: [CourseService] solves a common No

provider for problem in Angular 2 apps.

This means that CoursesComponent has a dependency on

CourseService, but Angular doesnt know how to create the
service. Providers handles the dependency injection.

This causes tight coupling between CoursesComponent and

CourseService. There are 2 problems with this.

If we create a custom constructor that takes 2 parameters,

we would have to modify the instantiation of the service in
every compontent that uses it.

Also, we wont be able to isolate the component and unit

test it because we dont want a running server with a
RESTful API. We want to use a mock service that simulates
an API.

Thats why we pass the service as a parameter in the

constructor. courseService of type CourseSevice
camelCase vs PascalCase

This directive enlarges an input form on focus, and reverts it back on blur (defocus).

We always start with exporting a class AutoGrowDirective and then we decorate it with a directive
decorator @Directive after we import the component import {Directive} from Angular core.

In the selector (CSS selector for the host element), square brackets are used for referring to an attribute.
When Angular is scanning a template, if it finds an element that matches the CSS selector, it will apply the
directive to it. Ex. The elemtn <input> has the attribute autoGrow in it.

We use host to subscribe to events raised from this element, in this case, focus
and blur. We are binding the onFocus method in our Directve class to the focus

In the Directives methods, we need to access the host elements. To do that, we import 2 services from
Angular; ElementRef for host element access and a service used to modify the element called

Angular will automatcally inject instances of ElementRef and Renderer from the constructor into the
Directive class i.e. dependency injection.

We then need the el and rendeder objects in the

onFocus and onBlur methods.

One way is to declare two private fields in the

class and initialize them in the constructor
Or, use this much simpler and cleaner way by using the private keyword.

In the component, where we use the directive, we need to declare the element in the template
. But, nothing happens until we teach angular how to use it with
after we import it with

Property Binding

Interpolation The use of {{ }} to display

properties of a component in the view. This is
syntactical sugar.

Behind the scene, when Angular compiles the

template, the interpolations are translated into
property bindings.

These are basically the same. For property binding, use [ ] brackets
i.e. the second one.

Use interplation when inserting dynamic text between elements.

textContent is a property of a DOM element. Its not an HTML

Property bindings work in one way. From component to

DOM. If the property in the component changes,
Angular will update the DOM. But any changes in the
DOM are not reflected in the component.

Class Binding
Adds a CSS class based on a criterium. Ex.

<button class=btn btn-primary>Submit</button> <button class=btn btn-primary

export class AppComponent {
isActive = true; export class AppComponent {
} isActive = true;

What this does is, if the condition in the component is true, the active class is added to the button, resulting
with this in the view: <button class=btn btn-primary active>Submit</button>

This is the Chapter 3 exercise where a favorite

star is to be made which can be toggled on and

The way this works is by decaring a base CSS

class glyphicon on which we append the empty or
full classes depending on the clicks/

When the start is clicked, the event calls the

onClick() method which reverses the isFavorite
boolean variable. Depending on this, the CSS
class is appended to the base one.

Style Binding
This works the same way like class binding.

class=btn btn-primary
[style.backgroundColor]= isActive ? blue : gray >

export class AppComponent {

isActive = true;

The ternary operator is evaluated and it colors the button blue if true, and gray if false. Results in
<button class=btn btn-primary style=background-color: blue>Submit</button>

Event Binding
We use it for handling events raised from the DOM, such as keystrokes, mouse movements, clicks etc.
Similar to property binding, we have we have 2 syntaxes for event binding. We can use paranthesis or a
prefix. Both of these are same.

We use [ ] for property binding, and ( ) for event binding.

When we click the button, the onClick() method in the component is called, and the message is logged.

Sometimes, in the event handler onClick(), we may need to get access to the event that was raised. Ex.
With mouse movements, the event object will tell us the x and y position. Or we can use the event object to
get access to the DOM element that raised the event. To get access to the event, you add the event
argument to onClick($event) and when subscribing, we need to pass it here (click)=onClick($event).

When the button is clicked, we get a mouse event.

The target property represents the DOM event that raised this event. In this case, its a button.

All the DOM events bubble up the DOM tree, unless a handler along the way prevents further bubbling.
This is a standard propagating mechanism. Ex:

When the button is clicked, the click event is

raised from the button and it gets handled by the
button itself. It will then bubble up to the
containing element, in this case, the div.

It then gets handled by the other method,

onDivClick(). If this div was contained by another
element and that element was also interested in
the click event, it would get notified as well. When
the button is clicked, we get this:

To stop this bubbling, we add $event.stopPropagation(); in the method we want to be the last. If we apply
this in onClick(), the handler in the div will not get called and we get this

Two-way Binding
The reality is that at the core of Angular, there is no two-way binding. There is only one-way binding that
simulates two-way.

A directive called ngModel is used to create two-way binding between a DOM property and a component
propery. ngModel replaces the following:

Lets say that we want to bind the input elements value property to the title property in our component. We
can write this <input type=text [value]=title />, which is one direction of the binding from the
component to the DOM. If the title property in the component changes, the DOM will be updated.

To implement the other direction, we use event binding. We are going to handle the input event of the input
field <input type=text [value]=title (input)= />, an event raised every time a character is typed. In
the binding expression, we can either call a method to update the title in the component, or we can write
the expression inline. This is a bad practice, because we want to encapsulate as much logic as possible in
our component so we can easily unit test the logic. We write it here just for a demonstration.

We set up the title property of our component to be equal to the value of the target element (that raised
the event) of the event object i.e. the value of the input field.

<input type=text [value]=title (input)=title = $ />

We can test this with interpolation like so: Preview {{ title }}, and the result would be:

Every update in the input field i.e. DOM is reflected in the component. To check that the binding works the
otner way from component to DOM, we can implement a button that clears the field.

<input type=button (click)=title = value=Clear />

after click

However, the code is very cumbersome. This is where the ngModel directive comes into play.

Reminder: A directive is a class that allows us to control or extend the behaviour of the DOM.


ngModel is a combination of property and event binding, and it is implemented like so:

<input type=text [(ngMode)]=title />

These two are identical.

The ngModel directive applies property binding like [value]=title

and event binding like (input)=title = $

An alternative to [(ngMode)]=title is bindon-ngModel =title i.e. bind (property) and on (event)


As stated previously, there is no real two-way binding. Only a simulation. Data always flow one way.

Component API
Using the favorite star as an example, it always starts empty. What if we previously marked it as favorite?
How do we keep what happened?

The consumer of the favorite component, the app

component, needs to use property binding to bind
the isFavorite property of the component to some
data. It would also be nice to use event binding to
subscribe to events raised from this component.

Ex. When the user clicks the icon, the favorite

component can raise a change event and app
component will be notified.

To achieve this, we need to define a Public API for our component. We can mark few or more properties as
input and output properties. These roperties would be visible from the outside and be available for property
or event binding.

As an analogy, think of a DOM element like button. We can bind the value
proerty of a button with a property in our component. Value here is an
example of an input property. We can use it to pass data to our button.

Button also have events like click, that we can bind to methods in our
components. Click is an example of an output property.

The combination of input and output properties, form the public API of a
button. We want to declare a similar public API for a custom coponent.

Input Properties
The whole purpose of this is to make the properties visible to other other components. Ex. isFavorite is only
visible in the FavoriteComponent and not in the AppComponent i.e. the component consuming it.

So, we need to declare such properties as input properties which is kind of like exposing them to the
outside. We do this with an @Input decorator (its a functions, so we call it), which needs to be imported.

This makes a property public, making it a part of the components public API.

We can give the public properties different names by passing a string argument in the @Imput function.

When we go in the component that consumes the original component, we can bind to the property made
public and set its value.

Ex: Lets imagine that the AppComponent uses a service to get a post from a server. The post has a title
and a property determining if the current user marked it as a favorite. We bind the element property with the
component property i.e. The isFavorite is set to true from the response and that makes the CSS class
have glyphicon-star appended to it, rather than the empty one.

To set the inputs, we can also use the inputs array , but this is not
optimal. With this, we dont need to use the @Imput decorator i.e. we dont need to import it. Also, all of the
inputs would be listed in one place. However, if during refactoring, some of the properties in the component
are renamed, we would have to go back and rename them there as well.

Output Properties
The whole purpose of this is to make the events visible to other other components, so they can subscribe to
them. If an event is raised in one component, a method can be called in another.

Ex. Everytime the favorite star is clicked, we want the component to raise a custom event. The consumer
might be interested in the change and may want to do something (like calling a server to update data).

To raise a custom event, we first need to declare a property of type EventEmitter. The name of the
property should be the name of the event we want published Ex. change.

To make it visible to the outside, we need to use @Output after we import it.

We need to publish an event when onClick() is called and isFavorite is changed. We do that by emitting an
object (along with any additional data) via our EventEmitter i.e. this.change with .emit. Here, we need to
pass an obejct with the current value of isFavorite.

Now lets say the app component (the one

consuming the favorite component) is
interested in this event.

We can use event binding to handle this event

i.e. (change)= .

In the binding expression, we make a call to a

method in our component i.e.

We use $event to pass the additional data.

This is the evet when the star is clicked.

If a template is small, it is better to do it inline. The larger it gets, the better the idea to move it in a separate
file. Doing it inline makes the component self sufficient and there is no need of declaring locations. The
convention would be favorite.template.html

Also, note that this separation results in an extra HTTP call, which is dont only once the first time and it is
cached for later use.

Both template and templateUrl can be used, but not both.

Becomes this:

Another useful filed in the component meta data is styles or stylesUrl, used for CSS. They are declared
similarly to templates. The interesting thing is that these styles are scoped to this component and wont leak
outside. Using external styles generates an HTTP request so it is good to do them inline if they are not

The way styles dont leak is by Angular adding attributes to the element and the styles would only be
applied to the elements containing the attribute. It is a random name and it changes every time.
Upvote / Downvote Exercise
The goals is to make a voting system where only one vote could be cast and the type of vote
should be highlighted.

The votes and vote status should be preset in the app component via JSON API response
simulation. Also, the act of voting should raise a custom event.

The Vote Component

The App Component

Moshs Way

Tweets Exercise
The goal was to create a feed of tweets which were
obtained from a service. The app component uses a tweet
component which uses a favorite component.

The new thing here is the binding of the nested

components i.e. how to reach the favorite component in the
tweet component and give it a state with the information
from the service.

We bind the data input to the tweet data from service. Then
we bind the favorite input to the data.

These two are identical in terms of hiding a div via an if statement. The result is the following.

However, there is a subtle difference. *ngIf DOES NOT render the HTML in the DOM, whereas [hidden]
renders it AND hides it.

This can impact the performance of the application significantly if there are a lot of elements.

So, when should we use each?

We have two types of conditional statements. The angular equivalents are *ngIf and *ngSwitch

Clicking on one of the pills i.e. menu items, renders a specific content.

The HTML5 template tags are not rendered until activated, which saves resources. The way this works is
by binding the click event of the pills to set the property in the component to either map or list. After that,
depending on the property, the active class is appended by using property binding.

To render the specific content, the ngSwitch directive is used. What this means is, we bind the switch
property to the component property and in the case of viewMode = map, the map content is rendered and
the same for list. This is a classic switch / case statement.

The click event binding could also call methods in the component. Ex. (click)=viewMode = map could
be changed into (click)=mapViewMode() with mapViewMode(){viewMode = map}. This is great for
unit testing.

Read the previous explanation of this. Most important thing to remember is that
#course of courses is instance of object

Here a new thing is introduced, and that is indexing. This is nothing special as it only creates a new
variable #i and it gives it the value of the index for the current item.

The Leading Asterisk *

The asterisk * is syntactic sugar for treating an element as a template. Under the hood, the asterisk *
transforms the target element into a template element. Ex:

Using an asterisk *

Not using one.

It is a concept used to format data. There are built in ones like: Uppercase, Lowercase, Decimal, Currency,
Date, JSONand we can create custom ones.

Before piping:

After piping:

Creating Custom Pipes
As an example, we will create a pipe that displays an excerpt of some longer content.

To declare a pipe, we create a new file with the name.pipe.ts convention and we implement the
PipeTransform interface.

PipeTransform is an interface which has the method tranform that takes in two arguments. The first one is
for the actual content to be shortened and the second (string array) for any additional ones.

To extend this pipes functionality, we add more arguments to the transform method.

The value of limit is set with a ternary operator where we first check if there is an argument (the number of
characters i.e. :10 in the piping) and if that argument is in the 0 index of the args string array.

If true, convert the value at index 0 to an integer (because it is a string in a string array). If false, the default
value is 50 characters.

This is used for appending CSS classes depending on a logical expression.

This is one way to do it, useful for small CSS applications.

This is a second way, useful I situations with many CSS classes. Both of these examples are identical. We
bind the ngClass directive to an expression, which is an object in this case.

The object can have one or more key value pairs. Each key represents a CSS class. If the value is true, the
class will be added to the element. The keys i.e. glyphicon-star need to be enclosed in quotes because
there are hyphens in the names, which is not allowed in property names in Javascript.

It works the same way as ngClass. It is seen as an anti-pattern because you might as well use a class if
there are many styles.

Using ngStyle, which is identical to the one above:

Elvis Operator ?.
It is used to solve errors when accessing properties with null values.

Using a null property results in an error.

<li>Assigned to: {{ }}</li>

We can use *ngIf to handle null values. This is not efficient because someone has to go over every
property and make a mental image of everything that can be null, and apply the if statements.

<li *ngIf=task.asignee != null>Assigned to: {{ }}</li>

Another way is to use a ternary operator. Using this is perfectly fine, but there is an even more elegant way.

<li>Assigned to: {{ task.asignee != null ? : }}</li>

Elvis operator. It is in the blue color. Thats it. A simple question mark after the property. Good thing about
this is that it can be used multiple times. This protects against possible null values.

<li>Assigned to: {{ task.asignee?.name }}</li>

<li>Assigned to: {{ task.asignee?.role?.name }}</li>

If you are building reusable components, its always good practice to prefix them (bs-panel).

Sometimes we need to insert content into our template of our component (BootstrapPanel) from the outside
(AppComponent). This useful for supplying markup from a host component (AppComponent). To do this,
we need to define the insertion points in the component (BootstrapPanel).

The insertion points are done with the ng-content directive and we identify it with a class. After that, we
apply the classes to the elements containing the content, who also need to be wrapped in the proper
selector (bs-panel).

Challenge - Accordion

Zen Coding
Write code using CSS syntax, press TAB at the end and HTML markup is outputted. Its a great way of
generating HTML without manually typing everything.

div.form-group + tab otuputs <div class=form-group></div>

. - specify classes
> - specify immediate children
+ - specify siblings
[ ] - specify attributes

SHIFT + ALT + F reformats the code in Visual Studio Code.



outputs (TAB must be pressed at the end)

<div class=form-group>
<label for=></label>
<input type=text class=form-control></div>



<button class=btn btn-primary type=submit></button>

Basic Form

Control and Control Group

With these, we turn the basic forms into Angular forms. With this, we can tell if any of the inputs are
changed, if they have errors, what values are storred etc.


The control class represents a single input field in a form. It has properties which tell us:

Value The value in the field

Touched Has it been interacted with
Untouched Or not
Dirty Has the value changed
Pristine Or not
Valid Is it valid
Errors If not, which errors

Control Group

As the name suggests, this is a group of

controls. Each form is a control group,
as it contains at least one control.

All the properties available in the control

class are available here too.

Both the Control and ControlGroup classes
derive from another class called

The model shown is the implementation of the

composite pattern. ControlGroup is the
composite, and Control is the part.

To implement a form in an Angular app, we need

to create a ControlGroup object for the form and
a Control object for each input field.

There are two ways to create these control objects. They can be created Implicitly by Angular, or we can
Explicitly create them.

The difference between the two is that when we create them Explicitly, we have more control over the
validation logic meaning we can implement a more complex validation logic. Also, we can unit test them.
However, this requires more code than the implicit creation.

A directive used to associate the input fields to the created control objects.

Implicit Creation

ngControl=firstName; firstName is the name of the control object behind the scenes i.e. associate this
input field with the control object. Every control object has a name and it is a way to distinguish it from other
objects. This is not to be confused with the id=firstName which is a DOM element.

This object is created automatically by Angular i.e. implicit creation.

We then bind the change event to a log method in the component. This will log any change the input field.
We need to pass a reference in the log method of the directive ng-control=firstName, and to do this, we
create a temporary local variable in the template and set it to the ng-control directive, like so

When Angular sees this temporary local variable on an input field set to ngForm, it automatocally applies
that variable to the ngControl directive and it applies it to that field. Mosh said that they should have made it
look like #firstName=ngControl but they decided to use ngForm.

This variable will hold a reference to the ngControl directive applied to the input field.

In the Google Chrome console, NgControlName is the ngControl object applied to the input element.
Inside, there is a reference to a control object implicitly created by Angular. The properties displayed in
NgControlName are computed properties meaning the real values reside in the control object within that
the directive is referencing.

Validation Errors
In implicitly created controls, there are only 3 validation options available: required, minlength and
maxlength. To enforce these, simply apply the HTML attribute.

In the binding expression for *ngIf we can use the temporary local variable, which is actually a reference to
the ngControl directive applied to the input field. The directive has a property called valid which means we
can dislay the error div by using *ngIf=!firstName.valid. In other words, when firstName.value is false,
render the div.

When the *ngIf is triggered, special classes are appended automatically by Angular to the input elements.
Ex. firstName has the ng-touched (element was focused), ng-dirty (element was altered) and ng-invalid
(element is empty) all added to it. These classes depend on the state of the input field.

What we can do now, is apply styles to these classes. In this

case, we can give the input fields a red border whenever ng-
invalid is appended. Ex: if the element has both the ng-
touched AND ng-invalid classes, make the border red.

Specific Validation Errors
What does
mean? firstName is a reference to
the ngControl directive applied to
our input field.

This directive has a property called

.errors, which can be null if the
input field has no errors.

Otherwise its going to be an object

with a separate key for each
validation rule.

Here we are checking if the

firstName.errors object has a key
called .required.

This code is a bit messy as firstName.touched is duplicated, so a refactored code would look like this:

There is still one problem with this code, and that is the hardcoded value of 3 characters. If this number
changes in the future, we would have to make the changes in two places. To render this dynamically, we
use interpolation.

If we interpolate {{ firstName.errors | json }} we would get a JSON errors object like this:

{ minlength: { requiredLength: 3, actualLength: 1 } }

minlength is the key, which is the validation that failed. Inside we have the value for the key. It is an object
with two properties, requredLength and actualLength. With the above interpolation in the error div
{{ firstName.errors.minlength.requiredLength }}, we access the requiredLength property to dynamically
render the numer of required characters.

To recap, ngControl is a directive that binds an input field to a Control object. ngForm is a similar
directive which binds the whole form to a ControlGroup object. Unlike ngControl, we dont need to
explicitly apply it on our form element. Angular automatically applies it whenever it encounters a form

This directive has a property called form which is of type ControlGroup, so it binds our form element to a
Control object under the hood.

It also has another property called ngSubmit which is an EventEmitter, used for publishing events from
our components i.e. we can bind our ngSubmit to a method in our component, which is called when the
user clicks the submit button.

In the form element, using event binding, we bind ngSubmit to a method in our component called
onSubmit(). When we implement this method, we need to have access to the ControlGroup object that
represents the entire form.

With that ControlGroup object, we can access each Control object, their state and their value, or we can
access the state and value of the form as a whole.

We need to pass a reference of the ControlGroup object to our submit method. To do this, in our form
element, we declare a temporary local variable #f and set it to ngForm. Angular sets the temporary local
variable #f to the ngForm directive applied on the form element. This directive has a property called form,
so in our submit method, we can pass f.form.

This is the ControlGroup object that represents the entire form. The
value of this object is another object with two keys i.e. the input fields
and their values.

This is the object that would be sent to a server for persistence.

Disable Submit Button
We bind the disabled property of the button to an
expression. In this expression, we need to see if
the form is valid or not.

We do this by using the temporary local variable

#f that references the ngForm directive applied to
the form element.

Subscribe Form Challenge

After Bootstrap



Prepared Statements


PDO Basics

DSN Database Source Name

Fetching Results (4 ways)

Use fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) to get just the column names.

Use fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM) to get just the column numbers.

Query vs Exec

Slim Framework

Everything in the vendor folder is managed by composer.json

Autoload.php fixes the messy usage of include at the top of every page when doing OOP.

Without Namespacing

With Namespacing


Apache Configuration
Ensure your .htaccess and index.php files are in the same public-accessible directory. The .htaccess file
should contain this code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

Make sure your Apache virtual host is configured with the AllowOverride option so that the .htaccess
rewrite rules can be used:

AllowOverride All

Dont forget to activate the rewrite module in the file httpd.conf.

Change this line : #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

To : LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Restart all services

The key principles of REST involve separating your API into logical resources. These resources are
manipulated using HTTP requests where the method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) has specific

Our HTTP verbs are POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE. (I think of them as mapping to the old metaphor of
CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete).)

Use 2 base URLs per resource. In your URLs - nouns are good; verbs are bad.

Once you have your resources defined, you need to identify what actions apply to them and how those
would map to your API. RESTful principles provide strategies to handle CRUD actions using HTTP
methods mapped as follows:

GET /tickets - Retrieves a list of tickets

GET /tickets/12 - Retrieves a specific ticket
POST /tickets - Creates a new ticket
PUT /tickets/12 - Updates ticket #12
PATCH /tickets/12 - Partially updates ticket #12
DELETE /tickets/12 - Deletes ticket #12

Should the endpoint name be singular or plural? The keep-it-simple rule applies here. Although your inner-
grammatician will tell you it's wrong to describe a single instance of a resource using a plural, the pragmatic
answer is to keep the URL format consistent and always use a plural. Not having to deal with odd
pluralization (person/people, goose/geese) makes the life of the API consumer better and is easier for the
API provider to implement (as most modern frameworks will natively handle /tickets and /tickets/12 under a
common controller).

But how do you deal with relations? If a relation can only exist within another resource, RESTful principles
provide useful guidance. Let's look at this with an example. A ticket in Enchant consists of a number of
messages. These messages can be logically mapped to the /tickets endpoint as follows:

GET /tickets/12/messages - Retrieves list of messages for ticket #12

GET /tickets/12/messages/5 - Retrieves message #5 for ticket #12
POST /tickets/12/messages - Creates a new message in ticket #12
PUT /tickets/12/messages/5 - Updates message #5 for ticket #12
PATCH /tickets/12/messages/5 - Partially updates message #5 for ticket #12
DELETE /tickets/12/messages/5 - Deletes message #5 for ticket #12

What about actions that don't fit into the world of CRUD operations?

This is where things can get fuzzy. There are a number of approaches:

Restructure the action to appear like a field of a resource. This works if the action doesn't take parameters.
For example an activate action could be mapped to a boolean activated field and updated via a PATCH to
the resource.
Treat it like a sub-resource with RESTful principles. For example, GitHub's API lets you star a gist with PUT
/gists/:id/star and unstar with DELETE /gists/:id/star.
Sometimes you really have no way to map the action to a sensible RESTful structure. For example, a multi-
resource search doesn't really make sense to be applied to a specific resource's endpoint. In this case,
/search would make the most sense even though it isn't a resource. This is OK - just do what's right from
the perspective of the API consumer and make sure it's documented clearly to avoid confusion.

SSL everywhere - all the time

Always use SSL. No exceptions. Today, your web APIs can get accessed from anywhere there is internet
(like libraries, coffee shops, airports among others). Not all of these are secure. Many don't encrypt
communications at all, allowing for easy eavesdropping or impersonation if authentication credentials are

Another advantage of always using SSL is that guaranteed encrypted communications simplifies
authentication efforts - you can get away with simple access tokens instead of having to sign each API

One thing to watch out for is non-SSL access to API URLs. Do not redirect these to their SSL counterparts.
Throw a hard error instead! The last thing you want is for poorly configured clients to send requests to an
unencrypted endpoint, just to be silently redirected to the actual encrypted endpoint.

Result filtering, sorting & searching

It's best to keep the base resource URLs as lean as possible. Complex result filters, sorting requirements
and advanced searching (when restricted to a single type of resource) can all be easily implemented as
query parameters on top of the base URL. Let's look at these in more detail:

Filtering: Use a unique query parameter for each field that implements filtering. For example, when
requesting a list of tickets from the /tickets endpoint, you may want to limit these to only those in the open
state. This could be accomplished with a request like GET /tickets?state=open. Here, state is a query
parameter that implements a filter.

Sorting: Similar to filtering, a generic parameter sort can be used to describe sorting rules. Accommodate
complex sorting requirements by letting the sort parameter take in list of comma separated fields, each with
a possible unary negative to imply descending sort order. Let's look at some examples:

GET /tickets?sort=-priority - Retrieves a list of tickets in descending order of priority

GET /tickets?sort=-priority,created_at - Retrieves a list of tickets in descending order of priority. Within a
specific priority, older tickets are ordered first
Searching: Sometimes basic filters aren't enough and you need the power of full text search. Perhaps
you're already using ElasticSearch or another Lucene based search technology. When full text search is
used as a mechanism of retrieving resource instances for a specific type of resource, it can be exposed on
the API as a query parameter on the resource's endpoint. Let's say q. Search queries should be passed
straight to the search engine and API output should be in the same format as a normal list result.

Combining these together, we can build queries like:

GET /tickets?sort=-updated_at - Retrieve recently updated tickets

GET /tickets?state=closed&sort=-updated_at - Retrieve recently closed tickets

GET /tickets?q=return&state=open&sort=-priority,created_at - Retrieve the highest priority open tickets
mentioning the word 'return'

JSON only responses

It's time to leave XML behind in APIs. It's verbose, it's hard to parse, it's hard to read, its data model isn't
compatible with how most programming languages model data and its extendibility advantages are
irrelevant when your output representation's primary needs are serialization from an internal representation.

snake_case vs camelCase for field names

If you're using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as your primary representation format, the "right" thing to
do is to follow JavaScript naming conventions - and that means camelCase for field names! If you then go
the route of building client libraries in various languages, it's best to use idiomatic naming conventions in
them - camelCase for C# & Java, snake_case for python & ruby.

Food for thought: I've always felt that snake_case is easier to read than JavaScript's convention of
camelCase. I just didn't have any evidence to back up my gut feelings, until now. Based on an eye tracking
study on camelCase and snake_case (PDF) from 2010, snake_case is 20% easier to read than
camelCase! That impact on readability would affect API explorability and examples in documentation.

Many popular JSON APIs use snake_case. I suspect this is due to serialization libraries following naming
conventions of the underlying language they are using. Perhaps we need to have JSON serialization
libraries handle naming convention transformations.

Pretty print by default & ensure gzip is supported

An API that provides white-space compressed output isn't very fun to look at from a browser. Although
some sort of query parameter (like ?pretty=true) could be provided to enable pretty printing, an API that
pretty prints by default is much more approachable. The cost of the extra data transfer is negligible,
especially when you compare to the cost of not implementing gzip.

Consider some use cases: What if an API consumer is debugging and has their code print out data it
received from the API - It will be readable by default. Or if the consumer grabbed the URL their code was
generating and hit it directly from the browser - it will be readable by default. These are small things. Small
things that make an API pleasant to use!

But what about all the extra data transfer?

Let's look at this with a real world example. I've pulled some data from GitHub's API, which uses pretty print
by default. I'll also be doing some gzip comparisons:

$ curl > with-whitespace.txt

$ ruby -r json -e 'puts JSON JSON.parse(' < with-whitespace.txt > without-whitespace.txt
$ gzip -c with-whitespace.txt > with-whitespace.txt.gz
$ gzip -c without-whitespace.txt > without-whitespace.txt.gz
The output files have the following sizes:

without-whitespace.txt - 1252 bytes

with-whitespace.txt - 1369 bytes
without-whitespace.txt.gz - 496 bytes
with-whitespace.txt.gz - 509 bytes
In this example, the whitespace increased the output size by 8.5% when gzip is not in play and 2.6% when
gzip is in play. On the other hand, the act of gzipping in itself provided over 60% in bandwidth savings.
Since the cost of pretty printing is relatively small, it's best to pretty print by default and ensure gzip
compression is supported!
To further hammer in this point, Twitter found that there was an 80% savings (in some cases) when
enabling gzip compression on their Streaming API. Stack Exchange went as far as to never return a
response that's not compressed!

A RESTful API should be stateless. This means that request authentication should not depend on cookies
or sessions. Instead, each request should come with some sort authentication credentials.

By always using SSL, the authentication credentials can be simplified to a randomly generated access
token that is delivered in the user name field of HTTP Basic Auth. The great thing about this is that it's
completely browser explorable - the browser will just popup a prompt asking for credentials if it receives a
401 Unauthorized status code from the server.

However, this token-over-basic-auth method of authentication is only acceptable in cases where it's
practical to have the user copy a token from an administration interface to the API consumer environment.
In cases where this isn't possible, OAuth 2 should be used to provide secure token transfer to a third party.
OAuth 2 uses Bearer tokens & also depends on SSL for its underlying transport encryption.

An API that needs to support JSONP will need a third method of authentication, as JSONP requests cannot
send HTTP Basic Auth credentials or Bearer tokens. In this case, a special query parameter access_token
can be used. Note: there is an inherent security issue in using a query parameter for the token as most web
servers store query parameters in server logs.

For what it's worth, all three methods above are just ways to transport the token across the API boundary.
The actual underlying token itself could be identical.

HTTP status codes

HTTP defines a bunch of meaningful status codes that can be returned from your API. These can be
leveraged to help the API consumers route their responses accordingly. I've curated a short list of the ones
that you definitely should be using:

200 OK - Response to a successful GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. Can also be used for a POST that
doesn't result in a creation.
201 Created - Response to a POST that results in a creation. Should be combined with a Location header
pointing to the location of the new resource
204 No Content - Response to a successful request that won't be returning a body (like a DELETE request)
304 Not Modified - Used when HTTP caching headers are in play
400 Bad Request - The request is malformed, such as if the body does not parse
401 Unauthorized - When no or invalid authentication details are provided. Also useful to trigger an auth
popup if the API is used from a browser
403 Forbidden - When authentication succeeded but authenticated user doesn't have access to the
404 Not Found - When a non-existent resource is requested
405 Method Not Allowed - When an HTTP method is being requested that isn't allowed for the
authenticated user
410 Gone - Indicates that the resource at this end point is no longer available. Useful as a blanket response
for old API versions
415 Unsupported Media Type - If incorrect content type was provided as part of the request
422 Unprocessable Entity - Used for validation errors
429 Too Many Requests - When a request is rejected due to rate limiting

Web Services
A web service is a framework for a conversation between two computers.

R Statistics Essential Training - 26.09.2013 @ 5h 59m

You Dont Know JS Up & Going
Interpretation vs Compiling
Statements like a = b * 2 are helpful for developers when reading and writing, but are not actually in a form
the computer can directly understand. So a special utility on the computer (either an interpreter or a
compiler) is used to translate the code you write into commands a computer can understand.

For some computer languages, this translation of commands is typically done from top to bottom, line by
line, every time the program is run, which is usually called interpreting the code.

For other languages, the translation is done ahead of time, called compiling the code, so when the program
runs later, what's running is actually the already compiled computer instructions ready to go.

It's typically asserted that JavaScript is interpreted, because your JavaScript source code is processed
each time it's run. But that's not entirely accurate. The JavaScript engine actually compiles the program on
the fly and then immediately runs the compiled code.

Converting Between Types and Coercion

If you have a number but need to print it on the screen, you need to convert the value to a string, and in
JavaScript this conversion is called "coercion." Similarly, if someone enters a series of numeric characters
into a form on an ecommerce page, that's a string, but if you need to then use that value to do math
operations, you need to coerce it to a number.

JavaScript provides several different facilities for forcibly coercing between types. For example:

var a = "42"; Using Number(..) (a built-in function) as shown is an explicit

var b = Number( a ); coercion from any other type to the number type. That should be
pretty straightforward.
console.log( a ); // "42"
console.log( b ); // 42 But a controversial topic is what happens when you try to compare
two values that are not already of the same type, which would
require implicit coercion.

When comparing the string "99.99" to the number 99.99, most people would agree they are equivalent. But
they're not exactly the same, are they? It's the same value in two different representations, two different
types. You could say they're "loosely equal," couldn't you?

To help you out in these common situations, JavaScript will sometimes kick in and implicitly coerce values
to the matching types.

So if you use the == loose equals operator to make the comparison "99.99" == 99.99, JavaScript will
convert the left-hand side "99.99" to its number equivalent 99.99. The comparison then becomes 99.99 ==
99.99, which is of course true.

While designed to help you, implicit coercion can create confusion if you haven't taken the time to learn the
rules that govern its behavior. Most JS developers never have, so the common feeling is that implicit
coercion is confusing and harms programs with unexpected bugs, and should thus be avoided. It's even
sometimes called a flaw in the design of the language.

However, implicit coercion is a mechanism that can be learned, and moreover should be learned by anyone
wishing to take JavaScript programming seriously. Not only is it not confusing once you learn the rules, it
can actually make your programs better! The effort is well worth it.


Code without comments is suboptimal.

Too many comments (one per line, for example) is probably a sign of poorly written code.
Comments should explain why, not what. They can optionally explain how if that's particularly

State is tracking the changes to values as your program runs.

var amount = 99.99; This kind of standalone { .. } general block is
valid, but isn't as commonly seen in JS programs.
// a general block
{ Typically, blocks are attached to some other
amount = amount * 2; control statement, such as an if statement (see
console.log( amount ); // 199.98
"Conditionals") or a loop (see "Loops").

For example:

var amount = 99.99; We'll explain if statements in the next section, but
as you can see, the { .. } block with its two
// is amount big enough? statements is attached to if (amount > 10);
if (amount > 10) { // <-- block
attached to `if` the statements inside the block will only be
amount = amount * 2;
processed if the conditional passes.
console.log( amount ); // 199.98

Note: Unlike most other statements like console.log(amount);, a block statement does not need a
semicolon (;) to conclude it.

If you ask the phone store employee for a phone model that her store doesn't carry, she will not be able to
sell you the phone you want. She only has access to the phones in her store's inventory. You'll have to try
another store to see if you can find the phone you're looking for.

Programming has a term for this concept: scope (technically called lexical scope). In JavaScript, each
function gets its own scope. Scope is basically a collection of variables as well as the rules for how those
variables are accessed by name. Only code inside that function can access that function's scoped

Continues below V V V

A variable name has to be unique within the same scope -- there can't be two different a variables sitting
right next to each other. But the same variable name a could appear in different scopes.

function one() {
// this `a` only belongs to the `one()`
var a = 1;
console.log( a ); Also, a scope can be nested inside another
scope, just like if a clown at a birthday party blows
function two() { up one balloon inside another balloon.
// this `a` only belongs to the `two()`
function If one scope is nested inside another, code inside
var a = 2; the innermost scope can access variables from
console.log( a ); either scope.

one(); // 1
two(); // 2


function outer() {
var a = 1; Lexical scope rules say that code in one scope
can access variables of either that scope or any
function inner() { scope outside of it.
var b = 2;
So, code inside the inner() function has access to
// we can access both `a` and `b`
both variables a and b, but code in outer() has
console.log( a + b ); // 3 access only to a -- it cannot access b because
} that variable is only inside inner().


// we can only access `a` here

console.log( a ); // 1


Recall this code snippet from earlier:

const TAX_RATE = 0.08;

The TAX_RATE constant (variable) is accessible
function calculateFinalPurchaseAmount(amt) { from inside the calculateFinalPurchaseAmount(..)
// calculate the new amount with the tax function, even though we didn't pass it in,
amt = amt + (amt * TAX_RATE); because of lexical scope.
// return the new amount
return amt;

Nested Scopes
function foo() { In addition to creating declarations for variables at
var a = 1; the function level, ES6 lets you declare variables
to belong to individual blocks (pairs of { .. }), using
function bar() { the let keyword.
var b = 2;
Besides some nuanced details, the scoping rules
function baz() {
var c = 3; will behave roughly the same as we just saw with
console.log( a, b, c ); // 1 2 3
} Because of using let instead of var, b will belong
only to the if statement and thus not to the whole
baz(); foo() function's scope. Similarly, c belongs only to
console.log( a, b ); // 1 2 the while loop.
Block scoping is very useful for managing your
bar(); variable scopes in a more fine-grained fashion,
console.log( a ); // 1 which can make your code much easier to
maintain over time.

In addition to the if statement we introduced briefly in Chapter 1, JavaScript provides a few other
conditionals mechanisms that we should take a look at.

Sometimes you may find yourself writing a series of if..else..if statements like this:

if (a == 2) { Here's another option, the switch statement:

// do something
} switch (a) {
else if (a == 10) { case 2:
// do another thing // do something
} break;
else if (a == 42) { case 10:
// do yet another thing // do another thing
} break;
else { case 42:
// fallback to here // do yet another thing
} break;
This structure works, but it's a little verbose // fallback to here
because you need to specify the a test for each }

The break is important if you want only the statement(s) in one case to run. If you omit break from a case,
and that case matches or runs, execution will continue with the next case's statements regardless of that
case matching. This so called "fall through" is sometimes useful/desired:

Continues below V V V

Another form of conditional in JavaScript is the "conditional operator," often called the "ternary operator."
It's like a more concise form of a single if..else statement, such as:

var a = 42; if (a > 41) {

b = "hello";
var b = (a > 41) ? "hello" : "world"; }
else {
similar to: b = "world";

If the test expression (a > 41 here) evaluates as true, the first clause ("hello") results, otherwise the second
clause ("world") results, and whatever the result is then gets assigned to b.

Strict Mode
ES5 added a "strict mode" to the language, which tightens the rules for certain behaviors. Generally, these
restrictions are seen as keeping the code to a safer and more appropriate set of guidelines. Also, adhering
to strict mode makes your code generally more optimizable by the engine. Strict mode is a big win for
code, and you should use it for all your programs.

You can opt in to strict mode for an individual function, or an entire file, depending on where you put the
strict mode pragma:

function foo() { Compare that to:

"use strict";
"use strict";
// this code is strict mode
function foo() {
function bar() { // this code is strict mode
// this code is strict mode
} function bar() {
} // this code is strict mode
// this code is not strict mode }

// this code is strict mode

One key difference (improvement!) with strict mode is disallowing the implicit auto-global variable
declaration from omitting the var:

function foo() {
"use strict"; // turn on strict mode
a = 1; // `var` missing, ReferenceError


If you turn on strict mode in your code, and you get errors, or code starts behaving buggy, your temptation
might be to avoid strict mode. But that instinct would be a bad idea to indulge. If strict mode causes issues
in your program, almost certainly it's a sign that you have things in your program you should fix.

Not only will strict mode keep your code to a safer path, and not only will it make your code more
optimizable, but it also represents the future direction of the language. It'd be easier on you to get used to
strict mode now than to keep putting it off -- it'll only get harder to convert later!

Functions As Values
So far, we've discussed functions as the primary mechanism of scope in JavaScript. You recall typical
function declaration syntax as follows:

function foo() { Though it may not seem obvious from that syntax, foo is basically just
// .. a variable in the outer enclosing scope that's given a reference to the
} function being declared. That is, the function itself is a value, just like
42 or [1,2,3] would be.

This may sound like a strange concept at first, so take a moment to ponder it. Not only can you pass a
value (argument) to a function, but a function itself can be a value that's assigned to variables, or passed to
or returned from other functions.

As such, a function value should be thought of as an expression, much like any other value or expression.

var foo = function() { The first function expression assigned to the foo variable is
// .. called anonymous because it has no name.
The second function expression is named (bar), even as a
var x = function bar(){ reference to it is also assigned to the x variable. Named
// ..
function expressions are generally more preferable, though
anonymous function expressions are still extremely

Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFEs)

In the previous snippet, neither of the function expressions are executed -- we could if we had included
foo() or x(), for instance.

There's another way to execute a function expression, which is typically referred to as an immediately
invoked function expression (IIFE):

(function IIFE(){ The outer ( .. ) that surrounds the (function IIFE(){ .. }) function
expression is just a nuance of JS grammar needed to prevent it
console.log( "Hello!" ); from being treated as a normal function declaration.
})(); The final () on the end of the expression -- the })(); line -- is what
actually executes the function expression referenced
// "Hello!"
immediately before it.

That may seem strange, but it's not as foreign as first glance. Consider the similarities between foo and
IIFE here:

function foo() { .. }
As you can see, listing the (function IIFE(){ .. }) before its
// `foo` function reference executing () is essentially the same as including foo before
expression, its executing ();
// then `()` executes it
in both cases, the function reference is executed with ()
// `IIFE` function expression,
immediately after it.
// then `()` executes it
(function IIFE(){ .. })();

Continues below V V V

Because an IIFE is just a function, and functions create variable scope, using an IIFE in this fashion is often
used to declare variables that won't affect the surrounding code outside the IIFE:

var a = 42; IIFEs can also have return values:

(function IIFE(){ var x = (function IIFE(){

var a = 10; return 42;
console.log( a ); // 10 })();
x; // 42
console.log( a ); // 42
The 42 value gets returned from the IIFE-named function
being executed, and is then assigned to x.

Closure is one of the most important, and often least understood, concepts in JavaScript. I won't cover it in
deep detail here, and instead refer you to the Scope & Closures title of this series. But I want to say a few
things about it so you understand the general concept. It will be one of the most important techniques in
your JS skillset.

You can think of closure as a way to "remember" and continue to access a function's scope (its variables)
even once the function has finished running.


function makeAdder(x) {
// parameter `x` is an inner variable

// inner function `add()` uses `x`, so

// it has a "closure" over it
function add(y) {
return y + x;

return add;

The reference to the inner add(..) function that gets returned with each call to the outer makeAdder(..) is
able to remember whatever x value was passed in to makeAdder(..). Now, let's use makeAdder(..):

// `plusOne` gets a reference to the inner `add(..)` function with closure over the `x`
parameter of the outer `makeAdder(..)`
var plusOne = makeAdder( 1 );

// `plusTen` gets a reference to the inner `add(..)` function with closure over the `x`
parameter of the outer `makeAdder(..)`
var plusTen = makeAdder( 10 );

plusOne( 3 ); // 4 <-- 1 + 3
plusOne( 41 ); // 42 <-- 1 + 41

plusTen( 13 ); // 23 <-- 10 + 13

More on how this code works:

1. When we call makeAdder(1), we get back a reference to its inner add(..) that remembers x as 1. We
call this function reference plusOne(..).
2. When we call makeAdder(10), we get back another reference to its inner add(..) that remembers x
as 10. We call this function reference plusTen(..).
3. When we call plusOne(3), it adds 3 (its inner y) to the 1 (remembered by x), and we get 4 as the
4. When we call plusTen(13), it adds 13 (its inner y) to the 10 (remembered by x), and we get 23 as
the result.

Don't worry if this seems strange and confusing at first -- it can be! It'll take lots of practice to understand it

But trust me, once you do, it's one of the most powerful and useful techniques in all of programming. It's
definitely worth the effort to let your brain simmer on closures for a bit. In the next section, we'll get a little
more practice with closure.

Closure - Stackoverflow Explanation

Whenever you see the function keyword within another function, the inner function has access to variables
in the outer function i.e. it has closure over them.

function foo(x) { This will always log 16, because bar can
var tmp = 3; access the x which was defined as an
argument to foo, and it can also access
function bar(y) { tmp from foo.
console.log(x + y + (++tmp)); // will log 16
That is a closure. A function doesn't have
bar(10); to return in order to be called a closure.
} Simply accessing variables outside of
your immediate lexical scope creates a
foo(2); closure.

function foo(x) { The above function will also log 16,

var tmp = 3; because bar can still refer to x and tmp,
even though it is no longer directly
return function (y) { inside the scope.
console.log(x + y + (++tmp)); // will also log 16
However, since tmp is still hanging
around inside bar's closure, it is also
var bar = foo(2); // bar is now a closure. being incremented. It will be
bar(10); incremented each time you call bar.

The simplest example of a closure is this:

var a = 10; When a JavaScript function is invoked, a new

function test() { execution context is created. Together with the
console.log(a); // will output 10 function arguments and the parent object, this
console.log(b); // will output 6 execution context also receives all the variables
} declared outside of it (in the above example, both
var b = 6;
'a' and 'b').

It is possible to create more than one closure function, either by returning a list of them or by setting them
to global variables. All of these will refer to the same x and the same tmp, they don't make their own

Here the number x is a literal number. As with other literals in JavaScript, when foo is called, the number x
is copied into foo as its argument x.

On the other hand, JavaScript always uses references when dealing with objects. If say, you called foo with
an object, the closure it returns will reference that original object!

function foo(x) {
var tmp = 3;

return function (y) {

console.log(x + y + tmp);
x.memb = x.memb ? x.memb + 1 : 1;

var age = new Number(2);

var bar = foo(age); // bar is now a closure referencing age.

As expected, each call to bar(10) will increment x.memb. What might not be expected, is that x is simply
referring to the same object as the age variable! After a couple of calls to bar, age.memb will be 2! This
referencing is the basis for memory leaks with HTML objects.

Another very interesting explanation.

I'm a big fan of analogy and metaphor when explaining difficult concepts, so let me try my hand with a

Once upon a time:

There was a princess...

function princess() {

She lived in a wonderful world full of adventures. She met her Prince Charming, rode around her world on a
unicorn, battled dragons, encountered talking animals, and many other fantastical things.

var adventures = [];

function princeCharming() { /* ... */ }

var unicorn = { /* ... */ },

dragons = [ /* ... */ ],
squirrel = "Hello!";

But she would always have to return back to her dull world of chores and grown-ups.

return {

And she would often tell them of her latest amazing adventure as a princess.

story: function() {
return adventures[adventures.length - 1];

But all they would see is a little girl...

var littleGirl = princess();

...telling stories about magic and fantasy.


And even though the grown-ups knew of real princesses, they would never believe in the unicorns or
dragons because they could never see them. The grown-ups said that they only existed inside the little
girl's imagination.

But we know the real truth; that the little girl with the princess inside... really a princess with a little girl inside.

Comment: I love this explanation, truly. For those who read it and don't follow, the analogy is this: the
princess() function is a complex scope containing private data. Outside the function, the private data can't
be seen or accessed. The princess keeps the unicorns, dragons, adventures etc. in her imagination (private
data) and the grown-ups can't see them for themselves. BUT the princess's imagination is captured in the
closure for the story() function, which is the only interface the littleGirl instance exposes into the world of

The most common usage of closure in JavaScript is the module pattern. Modules let you define private
implementation details (variables, functions) that are hidden from the outside world, as well as a public API
that is accessible from the outside.

function User(){ The User() function serves as an outer scope that

var username, password; holds the variables username and password, as
well as the inner doLogin() function; these are all
function doLogin(user,pw) { private inner details of this User module that
username = user; cannot be accessed from the outside world.
password = pw;

// do the rest of the login work

Warning: We are not calling new User() here, on
} purpose, despite the fact that probably seems
more common to most readers. User() is just a
var publicAPI = { function, not a class to be instantiated, so it's just
login: doLogin called normally. Using new would be
}; inappropriate and actually waste resources.

return publicAPI; Executing User() creates an instance of the User

} module -- a whole new scope is created, and thus
a whole new copy of each of these inner
// create a `User` module instance variables/functions. We assign this instance to
var fred = User();
fred. If we run User() again, we'd get a new
fred.login( "fred", "12Battery34!" );
instance entirely separate from fred.

The inner doLogin() function has a closure over username and password, meaning it will retain its access
to them even after the User() function finishes running.

publicAPI is an object with one property/method on it, login, which is a reference to the inner doLogin()
function. When we return publicAPI from User(), it becomes the instance we call fred.

At this point, the outer User() function has finished executing. Normally, you'd think the inner variables like
username and password have gone away. But here they have not, because there's a closure in the login()
function keeping them alive.
That's why we can call fred.login(..) -- the same as calling the inner doLogin(..) -- and it can still access
username and password inner variables.

There's a good chance that with just this brief glimpse at closure and the module pattern, some of it is still a
bit confusing. That's OK! It takes some work to wrap your brain around it.

this Identifier
Another very commonly misunderstood concept in JavaScript is the this identifier. Again, there's a couple of
chapters on it in the this & Object Prototypes title of this series, so here we'll just briefly introduce the

While it may often seem that this is related to "object-oriented patterns," in JS this is a different mechanism.

If a function has a this reference inside it, that this reference usually points to an object. But which
object it points to depends on how the function was called.

It's important to realize that this does not refer to the function itself, as is the most common misconception.

Here's a quick illustration:

function foo() { There are four rules for how this gets set, and they're shown
console.log( ); in those last four lines of that snippet.
1. foo() ends up setting this to the global object in non-
var bar = "global"; strict mode -- in strict mode, this would be undefined
and you'd get an error in accessing the bar property -
var obj1 = {
bar: "obj1",
- so "global" is the value found for
foo: foo
}; 2. sets this to the obj1 object.

var obj2 = { 3. sets this to the obj2 object.

bar: "obj2"
}; 4. new foo() sets this to a brand new empty object.

// -------- Bottom line: to understand what this points to, you have to
examine how the function in question was called.
foo(); // "global"; // "obj1"
It will be one of those four ways just shown, and that will obj2 ); // "obj2"
new foo(); // undefined
then answer what this is.

The prototype mechanism in JavaScript is quite complicated. We will only glance at it here. You will want to
spend plenty of time reviewing Chapters 4-6 of the this & Object Prototypes title of this series for all the

When you reference a property on an object, if that property doesn't exist, JavaScript will automatically use
that object's internal prototype reference to find another object to look for the property on. You could think
of this almost as a fallback if the property is missing.

The internal prototype reference linkage from one object to its fallback happens at the time the object is
created. The simplest way to illustrate it is with a built-in utility called Object.create(..).

var foo = {
a: 42

// create `bar` and link it to `foo`

var bar = Object.create( foo );

bar.b = "hello world";

bar.b; // "hello world"

bar.a; // 42 <-- delegated to `foo`

The a property doesn't actually exist on the bar object, but because bar is prototype-linked to foo,
JavaScript automatically falls back to looking for a on the foo object, where it's found.

This linkage may seem like a strange feature of the language. The most common way this feature is used --
and I would argue, abused -- is to try to emulate/fake a "class" mechanism with "inheritance."

But a more natural way of applying prototypes is a pattern called "behavior delegation," where you
intentionally design your linked objects to be able to delegate from one to the other for parts of the needed

You Dont Know JS - Scope & Closures
Encapsulation = Scope

One of the most fundamental paradigms of nearly all programming languages is the ability to store values
in variables, and later retrieve or modify those values. In fact, the ability to store values and pull values out
of variables is what gives a program state.

ReferenceError is Scope resolution-failure related, whereas TypeError implies that Scope resolution was
successful, but that there was an illegal/impossible action attempted against the result.

Scope is the set of rules that determines where and how a variable (identifier) can be looked-up. This look-
up may be for the purposes of assigning to the variable, which is an LHS (left-hand-side) reference, or it
may be for the purposes of retrieving its value, which is an RHS (right-hand-side) reference.

LHS references result from assignment operations. Scope-related assignments can occur either with the =
operator or by passing arguments to (assign to) function parameters.

The JavaScript Engine first compiles code before it executes, and in so doing, it splits up statements like
var a = 2; into two separate steps:

First, var a to declare it in that Scope. This is performed at the beginning, before code execution.

Later, a = 2 to look up the variable (LHS reference) and assign to it if found.

Both LHS and RHS reference look-ups start at the currently executing Scope, and if need be (that is, they
don't find what they're looking for there), they work their way up the nested Scope, one scope (floor) at a
time, looking for the identifier, until they get to the global (top floor) and stop, and either find it, or don't.

Unfulfilled RHS references result in ReferenceErrors being thrown. Unfulfilled LHS references result in an
automatic, implicitly-created global of that name (if not in "Strict Mode" [^note-strictmode]), or a
ReferenceError (if in "Strict Mode" [^note-strictmode]).

There are three nested scopes inherent in this code example. It may be helpful to think about these scopes
as bubbles inside of each other.

function foo(a) {

var b = a * 2;

function bar(c) {
console.log( a, b, c );

bar(b * 3);

foo( 2 ); // 2 4 12

Bubble 1 encompasses the global scope, and has just one identifier in it: foo.

Bubble 2 encompasses the scope of foo, which includes the three identifiers: a, bar and b.

Bubble 3 encompasses the scope of bar, and it includes just one identifier: c.

Scope bubbles are defined by where the blocks of scope are written, which one is nested inside the other,
etc. In the next chapter, we'll discuss different units of scope, but for now, let's just assume that each
function creates a new bubble of scope.

The bubble for bar is entirely contained within the bubble for foo, because (and only because) that's where
we chose to define the function bar.

Notice that these nested bubbles are strictly nested. We're not talking about Venn diagrams where the
bubbles can cross boundaries. In other words, no bubble for some function can simultaneously exist
(partially) inside two other outer scope bubbles, just as no function can partially be inside each of two
parent functions.

Had there been a c both inside of bar(..) and inside of foo(..), the console.log(..) statement would have
found and used the one in bar(..), never getting to the one in foo(..).

No matter where a function is invoked from, or even how it is invoked, its lexical scope is only defined by
where the function was declared.

Lex-Time and Avoiding eval() and with

Lexical scope means that scope is defined by author-time decisions of where functions are declared. The
lexing phase of compilation is essentially able to know where and how all identifiers are declared, and thus
predict how they will be looked-up during execution.

Two mechanisms in JavaScript can "cheat" lexical scope: eval(..) and with. The former can modify existing
lexical scope (at runtime) by evaluating a string of "code" which has one or more declarations in it. The
latter essentially creates a whole new lexical scope (again, at runtime) by treating an object reference as a
"scope" and that object's properties as scoped identifiers.

The downside to these mechanisms is that it defeats the Engine's ability to perform compile-time
optimizations regarding scope look-up, because the Engine has to assume pessimistically that such
optimizations will be invalid. Code will run slower as a result of using either feature. Don't use them.

Hiding i.e. Scoping

function doSomething(a) {
b = a + doSomethingElse( a * 2 ); In this snippet, the b variable and the
doSomethingElse(..) function are likely "private"
console.log( b * 3 ); details of how doSomething(..) does its job.
Giving the enclosing scope "access" to b and
function doSomethingElse(a) { doSomethingElse(..) is not only unnecessary but
return a - 1; also possibly "dangerous", in that they may be
} used in unexpected ways, intentionally or not, and
this may violate pre-condition assumptions of
var b; doSomething(..).

doSomething( 2 ); // 15

A more "proper" design would hide these private details inside the scope of doSomething(..), such as:

function doSomething(a) {
function doSomethingElse(a) {
return a - 1;

var b;

b = a + doSomethingElse( a * 2 );

console.log( b * 3 );

doSomething( 2 ); // 15

Now, b and doSomethingElse(..) are not accessible to any outside influence, instead controlled only by
doSomething(..). The functionality and end-result has not been affected, but the design keeps private
details private, which is usually considered better software.

Collision Avoidance
Another benefit of "hiding" variables and functions inside a scope is to avoid unintended collision between
two different identifiers with the same name but different intended usages. Collision results often in
unexpected overwriting of values.

function foo() {
function bar(a) {
i = 3; // changing the `i` in the enclosing scope's for-loop
console.log( a + i );

for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {

bar( i * 2 ); // oops, infinite loop ahead!


The i = 3 assignment inside of bar(..) overwrites, unexpectedly, the i that was declared in foo(..) at the for-
loop. In this case, it will result in an infinite loop, because i is set to a fixed value of 3 and that will forever
remain < 10.

The assignment inside bar(..) needs to declare a local variable to use, regardless of what identifier name is
chosen. var i = 3; would fix the problem (and would create the previously mentioned "shadowed variable"
declaration for i). An additional, not alternate, option is to pick another identifier name entirely, such as var j
= 3;. But your software design may naturally call for the same identifier name, so utilizing scope to "hide"
your inner declaration is your best/only option in that case.

Global "Namespaces"

A particularly strong example of (likely) variable collision occurs in the global scope. Multiple libraries
loaded into your program can quite easily collide with each other if they don't properly hide their
internal/private functions and variables.

Such libraries typically will create a single variable declaration, often an object, with a sufficiently unique
name, in the global scope. This object is then used as a "namespace" for that library, where all specific

exposures of functionality are made as properties off that object (namespace), rather than as top-level
lexically scoped identifiers themselves.

For example:

var MyReallyCoolLibrary = {
awesome: "stuff",
doSomething: function() {
// ...
doAnotherThing: function() {
// ...

Function Declarations vs Expressions, Anonymous Functions, IIFEs and


Functions As Scopes

We've seen that we can take any snippet of code and wrap a function around it, and that effectively "hides"
any enclosed variable or function declarations from the outside scope inside that function's inner scope.

var a = 2;
While this technique "works", it is not necessarily
function foo() { // <-- insert this very ideal. There are a few problems it
introduces. The first is that we have to declare a
var a = 3; named-function foo(), which means that the
console.log( a ); // 3 identifier name foo itself "pollutes" the enclosing
scope (global, in this case).
} // <-- and this
foo(); // <-- and this We also have to explicitly call the function by
name (foo()) so that the wrapped code actually
console.log( a ); // 2 executes.

It would be more ideal if the function didn't need a name (or, rather, the name didn't pollute the enclosing
scope), and if the function could automatically be executed.

Fortunately, JavaScript offers a solution to both problems.

var a = 2; Let's break down what's happening here.

(function foo(){ // <-- insert this First, notice that the wrapping function statement
starts with (function... as opposed to just
var a = 3; function....
console.log( a ); // 3
While this may seem like a minor detail, it's
})(); // <-- and this actually a major change. Instead of treating the
function as a standard declaration, the function is
console.log( a ); // 2 treated as a function-expression.

Note: The easiest way to distinguish declaration vs. expression is the position of the word "function" in the
statement (not just a line, but a distinct statement). If "function" is the very first thing in the statement, then
it's a function declaration. Otherwise, it's a function expression.

The key difference we can observe here between a function declaration and a function expression relates
to where its name is bound as an identifier.
Compare the previous two snippets. In the first snippet, the name foo is bound in the enclosing scope, and
we call it directly with foo(). In the second snippet, the name foo is not bound in the enclosing scope, but
instead is bound only inside of its own function.

In other words, (function foo(){ .. }) as an expression means the identifier foo is found only in the scope
where the .. indicates, not in the outer scope. Hiding the name foo inside itself means it does not pollute the
enclosing scope unnecessarily.

Anonymous vs. Named

You are probably most familiar with function expressions as callback parameters, such as:

setTimeout( function(){
console.log("I waited 1 second!");
}, 1000 );

This is called an "anonymous function expression", because function()... has no name identifier on it.
Function expressions can be anonymous, but function declarations cannot omit the name -- that would be
illegal JS grammar.

Anonymous function expressions are quick and easy to type, and many libraries and tools tend to
encourage this idiomatic style of code. However, they have several draw-backs to consider:

Anonymous functions have no useful name to display in stack traces, which can make debugging more
difficult. Without a name, if the function needs to refer to itself, for recursion, etc., the deprecated
arguments.callee reference is unfortunately required. Another example of needing to self-reference is when
an event handler function wants to unbind itself after it fires.

Anonymous functions omit a name that is often helpful in providing more readable/understandable code. A
descriptive name helps self-document the code in question.

Inline function expressions are powerful and useful -- the question of anonymous vs. named doesn't detract
from that. Providing a name for your function expression quite effectively addresses all these draw-
backs, but has no tangible downsides. The best practice is to always name your function

setTimeout( function timeoutHandler(){ // <-- Look, I have a name!

console.log( "I waited 1 second!" );
}, 1000 );

Invoking Function Expressions Immediately

var a = 2; Now that we have a function as an expression by

virtue of wrapping it in a ( ) pair, we can execute
(function foo(){ that function by adding another () on the end, like
(function foo(){ .. })(). The first enclosing ( ) pair
var a = 3; makes the function an expression, and the
console.log( a ); // 3 second () executes the function.

})(); This pattern is so common, a few years ago the

community agreed on a term for it: IIFE, which
console.log( a ); // 2 stands for Immediately Invoked Function

Of course, IIFE's don't need names, necessarily -- the most common form of IIFE is to use an anonymous
function expression. While certainly less common, naming an IIFE has all the aforementioned benefits over
anonymous function expressions, so it's a good practice to adopt.

var a = 2; There's a slight variation on the traditional IIFE
form, which some prefer: (function(){ .. }()).
(function IIFE(){
Look closely to see the difference. In the first
var a = 3; form, the function expression is wrapped in ( ),
console.log( a ); // 3 and then the invoking () pair is on the outside
right after it.
In the second form, the invoking () pair is moved
console.log( a ); // 2 to the inside of the outer ( ) wrapping pair.

These two forms are identical in functionality. It's purely a stylistic choice which you prefer.

Another variation on IIFE's which is quite common is to use the fact that they are, in fact, just function calls,
and pass in argument(s).

var a = 2;
We pass in the window object reference, but we
(function IIFE( global ){ name the parameter global, so that we have a
clear stylistic delineation for global vs. non-global
var a = 3; references.
console.log( a ); // 3
console.log( global.a ); // 2 Of course, you can pass in anything from an
enclosing scope you want, and you can name the
})( window ); parameter(s) anything that suits you. This is
mostly just stylistic choice.
console.log( a ); // 2

Another application of this pattern addresses the (minor niche) concern that the default undefined identifier
might have its value incorrectly overwritten, causing unexpected results. By naming a parameter undefined,
but not passing any value for that argument, we can guarantee that the undefined identifier is in fact the
undefined value in a block of code:

undefined = true; // setting a land-mine for other

code! avoid! Still another variation of the IIFE inverts the order
of things, where the function to execute is given
(function IIFE( undefined ){ second, after the invocation and parameters to
pass to it.
var a;
if (a === undefined) { This pattern is used in the UMD (Universal
console.log( "Undefined is safe here!" ); Module Definition) project. Some people find it a
} little cleaner to understand, though it is slightly
more verbose.

var a = 2;
The def function expression is defined in the
(function IIFE( def ){ second-half of the snippet, and then passed as a
def( window ); parameter (also called def) to the IIFE function
})(function def( global ){ defined in the first half of the snippet.

var a = 3; Finally, the parameter def (the function) is

console.log( a ); // 3 invoked, passing window in as the global
console.log( global.a ); // 2 parameter.


Node is isntalled on the computer and then ran in a terminal. Chrome uses the V8 engine (C++) to interpret
Javascript in the browser, and Node uses the same engine for the same job on the desktop.

Example Workflow
Using BASH for Windows (Unix commands):

1. pwd Show current path.

2. cd /d Change to the D: directory.
3. ls Show directory (D: ) content.
4. cd dev Navigate inside the dev folder.
5. mkdir node Create a node folder inside the current directory
6. ls Show directory (dev) content.
7. cd node Navigate inside the node folder.
8. touch script.js Create a javascript file with the given name.
9. vim script.js Open and edit in the VIM text editor.
10. Write a simple javascript program.
11. Press CTRL + C to go to the VIM prompt and type :x to save
and exit the file.
12. node script.js Run the javascript program inside the file.

Install NPM Package

Simply navigate to the destination folder and type npm install
PACKAGE_NAME. This will create a node_modules folder with
the readline-sync package inside.

After that, the library can be used to write a script using a prompt
as an input. Below is the example script and the result.

Modules Export - Import
Anything can be exported as a module.

Calculator Module Example

Importing Modules


./ = Current folder.
../ - Up one folder.
../../ - Up two folders.

React - Udemy - React JS and Flux Web Development for Beginners
Required NPM Packages
Browserify Allows the browser to use NPM modules by taking them all and putting them into one file, to
be used by the Front-End.
Babel Compiles ES6/JSX code into browser-readable Javascript ES5.
Babel-React-Preset Tells Babel how to compile JSX.
Babelify Allows you to use Babel with Browserify.
Watchify Watches for changes and instantly starts compiling, avoiding having to type node compiling
commands after each change.
React and ReactDOM The actual libraries.

Replace Gulp/Grunt and Browserify with Webpack

React Skeleton/Seed Project

This is used in order to avoid having to set up the same things all over again for each new project.
npm install g PACKAGE Installs it globally
npm install --save PACKAGE Installs it in the current directory and adds a dependency to
package.json in the current node project created by git init.

mkdir react-skeleton
cd react-skeleton npm install g browserify
npm install -save babelify
git init npm install -save watchify
git remote add origin GITHUB_URL npm install -save babel-preset-react
touch npm install -save react
git status npm install -save react-dom
git add .
git status
git commit m initial commit
git push origin master

Skeleton Structure

src has the source code, JSX and JS files.

The main.jsx file (which has all the dependencies) is monitored by Watchify for any changes, transpiles
them (ES6) with Babelify, into one main.js (usable ES5 Javascript) file placed in public, which is
referenced in the public index.html file. We need to run npm start to actually start the compiling script.

public has the actual code (compiled) to be used in the browser.

Skeleton Example Components

1. The div with the ingredients id is grabbed and List is rendered inside it.
2. List is populated with ListItems which are created by mapping the ingredients array.
3. ListItems returns ListItem elements with the key and ingredient properties, by assigning them
the values from the ingredients array via the map function by using item as an argument.
4. ListItem returns the actual list items with the ingredients which get their values from the
component above i.e. this.props.ingredient gets it from <ListItem key={}
ingredient={item.text} />



The idea is to break down everything into the smallest components possible, while abstracting them
to increase reusability. Ex. Christmas To Do list vs Generic To Do list (that can be anything)
User interaction usually happens at the top level component, because thats where the data usually
comes from.
Data trickles down to the lowest component, top to bottom one-way binding. There is no two way
Always start coding from the lowest/smallest component up.
Components have properties and state. this.props is READ ONLY i.e. data is passed down into
them. this.state is used for data that can change (mutable data). Never mutate properties.
Lists i.e. List Items MUST have unique identifiers, in order for the virtual DOM to work accurately.
React handles the this keywords automatically, so there is no need for explicit binding. It can be put
anywhere without the need of creating this = that or this = context etc.

Empty Component Template

React.createClass( { } )

The createClass method is used for declaring classes. It

also takes an object as an argument which has the render


Render handles JSX i.e. the mixture of HTML and Javascript. Anything between { } inside render is
considered Javascript meaning any expression can be used. Ex. <li>{this.props.item}</li>

There is no need for the () after return. Its just there for the visual effect of separation. Also, only one
element can be returned at a time, with infinite nestings.


props is an object containing properties named after the keys. Ex. this.props.text refers to the property
with the key (there can also be a key named key) named text inside the object calling it i.e. this. The
values are passed down from the component above with <Component key={index} text={text} /> and
then this.props.text referes to the value passed in {text}.


Every created Class (Component) in React automatically calls its property getInitialState only once upon
creation, regardless if its defined or not.


It is a method for the created classes (components) which takes an object with properties as an argument.
Upon calling, it changes the values of the properties (state).

Ingredients List Application Exercise


1. The list Item. ex. Chicken

2. The list. ex. Chicken, Lettuce, Tomato
3. The input box and add button. (These can be separate, but no need to now)
4. The component containing them all and handling the data (manager)

Continued below

1. main.jsx 2. ListManager.jsx

These just make the input

box empty, preventing this

Defined or not, this method is auto invoked only

once on class creation. Here, it sets the new
state for rerendering.

Sets the state of newItemText on each

keystroke, ready to be pushed onChange.

e.preventDefault() stops the

actual form submission and
3. List.jsx does the specified instead.

Gets the current state of items,

pushes the state of newItemText
from the input box and finally
sets the state of the items to
include the pushed content while
emptying the input box.

4. ListItem.jsx

Bootstrap/CSS for JSX
- DO NOT use CDNs for live websites, as it slows them down a lot.
- Always keep the scripts before the closing </body> tag for speed improvement.
- Everything should be inside of a container.
- NEVER EVER EVER put columns inside columns. All the columns should be inside a row. So it
goes row columns row columns
- All the classes should be set on divs. Avoid using them on other elements.
- CTRL + SHIFT + M opens the developer tool showing the layout for different devices.

Grid System

<div class=col-xs-3 col-sm-6 col-lg-12></div>

Makes the div take the full screen on large devices, half the screen on small ones and a third on extra small


The class= keyword is conflicting in JSX, so we use className= instead.

Inline Style

The way to do this is to create an object with parameters replacing css keywords and insert that inside
style={ }. The css keywords are written without the dash (-) character, as that would be invalid Javascript.

var divStyle={
marginTop: 10

<div style={divStyle} className=col-sm-12></div>

This is my own take on a seed file with small examples to get me started.


A very cool thing is that components can be

modified by using this.props for CSS. Ex.
headingStyle is created empty for instantiation
and via an if statement, we pass the colors if they
are set.

Set the background property of the headingStyle

object to be equal to a color via
this.props.headingColor which gets the value
from the upper component via attrbutes i.e.

Thinking in React

React is the V in MVC. Its all about creating highly reusable view components and the back-end is not
important. It can be Firebase, your own HTTP requests, Flux architecture, Relay There are a lot of ways
to bring data to the app, but React doesnt care about that.

There is not right way to design the apps. This is just Facebooks recommendation. An app can be built by
completely doing the UI first and then doing the components. It can be done complete component by
component. Whatever makes the most sense, use that.

Build process

1. Draw: Create a mockup. Visualize the overall look of the app.

2. Plan: Break up the UI into as many REUSABLE components as possible.
3. Design: Build a static version of React by using only props and not state (reserved for interactivity).
4. Interaction: Add interactivity i.e. apply state.

React Developer Tools

Get the React Developer Tolls extension for Google Chrome. Make sure Allow in incognito and Allow
access to file URLs are checked. The tools is mostly used for debugging.

In order for the tool to work, the project needs to be ran on a server. Simply opening the index.html file in
the browser will not work. To make it work, http-server is needed for node. Install it with npm install g
http-sever an navigate to the project folder. Make sure that the index.html file is in the top level or in a
public folder as it will be looked for automatically by http-sever.

After that, run the module with http-server p 8.483 where p stands for port number and the port is
anything you want. After that, go to http:, press CTR + ALT + J to open up the Chrome
Developer Toos and navigate to the React tab.

Important Notes about React


When creating callbacks in Javascript, you usually need to explicitly bind a method to its instance such that
the value of this is correct. With React, every method is automatically bound to its component instance
(except when using ES6 class syntax). React caches the bound method such that its extremely CPU and
memory efficient. Its also less typing!

Multiple Components - Composability

So far, weve looked at how to write a single component to display data and handle user input. Next lets
examine one of Reacts finest features: Composability.

Motivation: Separation of Concerns

By building modular components that reuse other components with well-defined interfaces, you get much of
the same benefits that you get by using functions or classes. Specifically you can separate the different
concerns of your app however you please simply by building new components. By building a custom
component library for your application, you are expressing your UI in a way that best fits your domain.

The Virtual DOM

React is very fast because it never talks to the DOM directly. React maintains a fast in-memory
representation of the DOM. render() methods actually return a description of the DOM, and React can
compare this description with the in-memory representation to compute the fastest way to update the

Additionally, React implements a full synthetic event system such that all event objects are guaranteed to
conform to the W3C spec despite the browser quirks, and everything bubbles consistently and efficiently
across browsers. You can even use some HTML5 events in IE8!

Most of the time you should stay within Reacts faked browser world since its more performant and easier
to reason about. However, sometimes you simply need to access the underlying API, perhaps to work with
third-party library like a jQuery plugin. React provides escape hatches for you to use the underlying DOM
API directly.

Reactive Updates

Open hello-react.html in a web browser and type your name into the text field. Notice that React is only
changing the time string in the UI any input you put in the text field remains, even though you havent
written any code to manage this behavior. React figures it out for you and does the right thing.

The way we are able to figure this out is that React does not manipulate the DOM unless it needs to. It
uses a fast, internal mock DOM to perform diffs and computes the most efficient DOM mutation for

The inputs to this component are called props short for properties. Theyre passed as attributes in JSX
syntax. You should think of these as immutable within the component, that is, never write to this.props.

What Shouldnt Go in State?

this.state should only contain the minimal amount of data needed to represent your UIs state. As such, it
should not contain:
- Computed data: Dont worry about precomputing values based on state Its easier to ensure that
your UI is consistent if you do all computation within render(). For example, if you have an array of
list items in state and you want to render the count as a string, simply render
this.state.listItems.length + list items in your render() method rather than storing it on state.
- React components: Build them in render() based on underlying props and state.
- Duplicated data from props: Try to use props as the source of truth where possible. One valid use
to store props in state is to be able to know its previous values, because props may change as the
result of a parent component re-rendering.


NEVER mutate this.state directly, as calling setState() afterwards may replace the mutation you made.
Treat this.state as if it were immutable.

setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing
this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.

There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for
performance ains.

setState() will always trigger a re-render unless conditional rendering logic is implemented in
shouldComponentUpdate(). If mutable objects are being used and the logic cannot be implemented in
shouldComponentUpdate(), calling setState() only when the new state differs from the previous state will
avoid unnecessary re-renders.
React Event System
What ths means is that React has its own implementation (because of the virtual DOM) for most of the
regular HTML events. For the full list, go here:

HTML: <button onclick=(onClickFunction) >Click Me!</button>

JSX: <button onClick={this.onClickFunction} >Click Me!</button>

This requres 2 packages, history and react-router. We install them by running npm install
history@1.13.1 react-router@latest --save. Multiple packages can be installed in one line and the save
is to include it in package.json.

There are 3 main things:

- Router Manages all the routes in the application.
- Route Think of it as a single page.
- Link - These are the actual links for navigation, as <a href=></a> doesnt work.

ReactRouter is the package, so we need to grab the Router and Route from it by using
ReactRouter.Router and ReactRouter.Route. Usually, there is a page created called base with things to
be included on every page. this.props.children is automatically populated with the components nested in
the Base path in Routes.

Routing works ONLY on a live server. It will not work on a local file system.
For this, we need to run the http-server module in node with http-server p 7070. There must be an
index.html file or a public folder. After that go to or localhost:7070

Hash History

This is used for supporting older browsers

in the storing of state which the hash

This can be removed by implementing the

things circled in red, which modify the
history module (a dependency of react-

Country News Exercise

Dont design the layout first and then try to make the components. It is much harder this way because of
JSX vs CSS. Instead, build each component from start to finish starting from the smallest one.

1. Create the folder country-news and paste in the content from the react-bootstrap-seed.
2. Define all the components and break them down to the smallest parts.
3. Run npm start in one terminal for transpiling/debugging the app.
4. Run http-server p 7070 in another terminal in order to create a local server for the app, so that the
routings can work. They dont work on a local server.
5. Build component by component, finishing one completely before moving to the next one.
6. Use className for adding CSS from a .css file, rather than using style={styleName}.
7. Use for randomly generating placeholder images.

index css



Posts Photos Base

Post Photo Header


Refs allow parent components to interact with child components. You gain access to a child component by
adding ref= (name can be anything) to a component. Ex: <EmailComponent ref=emailComponent />

After this, the state in the child component can be accessed, as well as invoking functions. Ex:

this.refs.emailComponent.state.value would return the email inputted in a field.

this.refs.emailComponent.functionName() will invoke the desired function.

Its a framework that sits on top of Node in order to allow HTTP requests to be made and handled by Node.

Mark advises to avoid using fake data in the view, and rather use the actual backend servers. This would
save a lot of refactoring in the future.

Simple Express Server

An Express server can run on just a couple of

lines. These server is started normally with node
server.js and it listens to the designated 6069

body-parser is a package (was part of express,

now standalone) which takes incoming requests
and parses them into JSON.

app.use is middleware which processes requests

before they get to the get post handlers.

app.listen(6069) turns on the server and listens to

the port.

app.all res.header is used in order to be able to

make the requests, because they are coming
from an unknown client.

If any changes are made in the server, it has to be restarted. In order to avoid doing this manually, we can
use an npm package called nodemon. To use it, install it with npm install g nodemon and instead of
node server.js use nodemon server.js. This will run the server, watch for changes AND restart it after
each change.

Web Requests HTTP

Clients sends requests, server sends responses. Both follow the HTTP protocol. All of this is baically
sending data back and forth. Each time you open Chrome and visit Google, the browser makes an HTTP
GET request and as a response, it gets the HTML.

To see this, you can use the linux terminal as a client and use curl with the full address to get the HTML.
Ex. curl

Both the browser and the terminal made the exact same request and got the exact same response. The
difference is that the browser knows how to handle the HTML.


Postman is a Google Chrome extension for testing API servers with HTTP Requests. It simply displays
JSON nicely, which does not look good in a terminal. There are some great APIs which server JSON for
testing purposes, such as: Star Wars API, Pokemon API. Also, you can use the JSON Online Formatter for
making raw JSON pretty.


Create = POST
Read = GET
Update = PUT
Delete = DELETE


this refers to the call site. It defaults to the Window object. So in the WTF, the call site for the .getCar
method is not marksGarage, but rather storeGetCarForLater, which defaults to the Window object. In this
case, we use bind to use marksGarage as the call site specifically.

It is a polyfill (a popular feature not present in the language, but provided by a third party) which servers as
an easier way to make web requests and handle responses than using XMLHttpRequest (used in vanilla
javascript). jQuery for example has a wrapper around this ugliness which provides a simpler API.

This is mainted by Github themselves and we can install this with: npm install whatwg-fetch --save

Node Express Server + React View

HTTP calls should be in a data store, not the view.

Weather App
HTTP calls should be in a data store, not the view.

React is just the VIiew in the MVC pattern. There is no good architecture for managing data with the View.
Flux is a pattern designed by Facebook to do just that. The main problem is the communication between
components i.e. if one components updates the data, how will another know it?

Component Component

Update database

Controller / Register callback onChange TODO Data Request Cloud

Component Store Server
Call the callbacks i.e. notify Response
Create TODO i.e. setState() Manipulate data in relevant store
Actions Dispatcher Feed Data

1. Controller registers with a data store in order to get notified when

changes happen. It registers a function to be called.
2. The view components inside the controller create actions. ex. Click
button to add new todo.
3. Actions talk to the dispatcher which notifies the relevant data stores.
4. The data stores process, and add or retrieve data from the server.
5. The data stores call the callbacks which notify the subscribed
components of the changes and sets the new state.

Flux is pretty much the Observer Pattern.

The concept "Flux" is simply:

1. That your view triggers an event (say, after user types a name in a text field).
2. That event updates a model.
3. Then the model triggers an event.
4. And the view responds to that model's event by re-rendering with the latest data.

That's it.


Its a library that makes the implementation of Flux much easier.

Component Component

Update database
Controller / Request Cloud
Notify of changes TODO Store
Component Server
Manipulate Data
Create TODO Action Actions Gifts Store


Functional Programming
Professor Frisbys Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming

After installing Elm successfully, you will have the following command line tools available on your computer:


Each one has a --help flag that will show more information.

elm-repl i.e. node

elm-repl lets you play with simple Elm expressions.

$ elm-repl

0.5 : Float

Note: elm-repl works by compiling code to JavaScript, so make sure you have Node.js installed. We use
that to evaluate code.

elm-reactor i.e. npm start + http-server

elm-reactor helps you build Elm projects without messing with the command-line too much. You just run it
at the root of your project, like this:

git clone

cd elm-architecture-tutorial

This starts a server at http://localhost:8000. You can navigate to any Elm file and see what it looks like. Try
to check out examples/1-button.elm.

Notable flags:

--port lets you pick something besides port 8000. So you can say elm-reactor --port=8123 to get
things to run at http://localhost:8123.
--address lets you replace localhost with some other address. For example, you may want to use
elm-reactor --address= if you want to try out an Elm program on a mobile device through
your local network.

elm-make i.e. npm start

elm-make builds Elm projects. It can compile Elm code to HTML or JavaScript. It is the most general way to
compile Elm code, so if your project becomes too advanced for elm-reactor, you will want to start using
elm-make directly.

Say you want to compile Main.elm to an HTML file named main.html. You would run this command:

elm-make Main.elm --output=main.html

Notable flags:

--warn prints warnings to improve code quality

elm-package i.e. npm

elm-package downloads and publishes packages from our package catalog. As community members solve
problems in a nice way, they share their code in the package catalog for anyone to use!

Say you want to use evancz/elm-http and NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline to make HTTP requests to a
server and turn the resulting JSON into Elm values. You would say:

elm-package install evancz/elm-http

elm-package install NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline

This will add the dependencies to your elm-package.json file that describes your project. (Or create it if you
do not have one yet!) More information about all this here!

Notable commands:

install: install the dependencies in elm-package.json

publish: publish your library to the Elm Package Catalog
bump: bump version numbers based on API changes
diff: get the difference between two APIs

Core Language
We will cover values, functions, lists, tuples, and records. These building blocks all correspond pretty
closely with structures in languages like JavaScript, Python, and Java.


> import String The function String.length has type String -> Int. This means
> String.length it must take in a String argument, and it will definitely return
<function> : String -> Int an integer result. So let's try giving it an argument:

A String -> Int function must get a String argument!

Here is the crazy secret though: this is how all functions are defined! You are just giving a name to an
anonymous function. So when you see things like this:

> half n = n / 2
<function> : Float -> Float

You can think of it as a convenient shorthand for:

> half = \n -> n / 2

<function> : Float -> Float

This is true for all functions, no matter how many arguments they have. So now let's take that a step farther
and think about what it means for functions with multiple arguments:

> divide x y = x / y
<function> : Float -> Float -> Float

> divide 3 2
1.5 : Float

That seems fine, but why are there two arrows in the type for divide?! To start out, it is fine to think that
"all the arguments are separated by arrows, and whatever is last is the result of the function". So
divide takes two arguments and returns a Float.

To really understand why there are two arrows in the type of divide, it helps to convert the definition to use
anonymous functions.

> divide x y = x / y
<function> : Float -> Float -> Float

> divide x = \y -> x / y

<function> : Float -> Float -> Float

> divide = \x -> (\y -> x / y)

<function> : Float -> Float -> Float

All of these are totally equivalent. We just moved the arguments over, turning them into anonymous
functions one at a time. So when we run an expression like divide 3 2 we are actually doing a bunch of
evaluation steps:

divide 3 2
(divide 3) 2 -- Step 1 - Add the implicit parentheses
((\x -> (\y -> x / y)) 3) 2 -- Step 2 - Expand `divide`
(\y -> 3 / y) 2 -- Step 3 - Replace x with 3
3/2 -- Step 4 - Replace y with 2
1.5 -- Step 5 - Do the math

After you expand divide, you actually provide the arguments one at a time. Replacing x and y are actually
two different steps.

Let's break that down a bit more to see how the types work. In evaluation step #3 we saw the following

> (\y -> 3 / y)

<function> : Float -> Float

It is a Float -> Float function, just like half. Now in step #2 we saw a fancier function:

> (\x -> (\y -> x / y))

<function> : Float -> Float -> Float

Well, we are starting with \x -> ... so we know the type is going to be something like Float -> .... We also
know that (\y -> x / y) has type Float -> Float.

So if you actually wrote down all the parentheses in the type, it would instead say Float -> (Float -> Float).
You provide arguments one at a time. So when you replace x, the result is actually another function.

It is the same with all functions in Elm:

> import String

> String.repeat
<function> : Int -> String -> String

This is really Int -> (String -> String) because you are providing the arguments one at a time.

Because all functions in Elm work this way, you do not need to give all the arguments at once. It is possible
to say things like this:

> divide 128

<function> : Float -> Float

> String.repeat 3
<function> : String -> String

This is called partial application. It lets us use the (|>) operator to chain functions together in a nice way,
and it is why function types have so many arrows!

Type Annotations
So far we have just let Elm figure out the types, but it also lets you write a type annotation on the line above
a definition if you want. So when you are writing code, you can say things like this:

half : Float -> Float

half n =

divide : Float -> Float -> Float

divide x y =

askVegeta : Int -> String

askVegeta powerLevel =
if powerLevel > 9000 then
"It's over 9000!!!"

"It is " ++ toString powerLevel ++ "."

People can make mistakes in type annotations, so what happens if they say the wrong thing? Well, the
compiler does not make mistakes, so it still figures out the type on its own. It then checks that your
annotation matches the real answer. In other words, the compiler will always verify that all the annotations
you add are correct.

Type Aliases
The whole point of type aliases is to make your type annotations easier to read.

As your programs get more complicated, you find yourself working with larger and more complex data. For
example, maybe you are making twitter-for-dogs and you need to represent a user. And maybe you want a
function that checks to see if a user has a bio or not. You might write a function like this:

hasBio : { name : String, bio : String, pic : String } -> Bool

hasBio user =
String.length > 0

That type annotation is kind of a mess, and users do not even have that many details! Imagine if there were
ten fields. Or if you had a function that took users as an argument and gave users as the result.

In cases like this, you should create a type alias for your data:

type alias User =

{ name : String
, bio : String
, pic : String

This is saying, wherever you see User, replace it by all this other stuff. So now we can rewrite our hasBio
function in a much nicer way:

hasBio : User -> Bool

hasBio user =
String.length > 0

Looks way better! It is important to emphasize that these two definitions are exactly the same. We just
made an alias so we can say the same thing in fewer key strokes.

So if we write a function to add a bio, it would be like this:

addBio : String -> User -> User

addBio bio user =
{ user | bio = bio }

Imagine what that type annotation would look like if we did not have the User type alias. Bad!

Type aliases are not just about cosmetics though. They can help you think more clearly. When writing Elm
programs, it is often best to start with the type alias before writing a bunch of functions. I find it helps direct
my progress in a way that ends up being more efficient overall.

Suddenly you know exactly what kind of data you are working with. If you need to add stuff to it, the
compiler will tell you about any existing code that is affected by it. I think most experienced Elm folks use a
similar process when working with records especially.

Note: When you create a type alias specifically for a record, it also generates a record constructor. So our
User type alias will also generate this function:

User : String -> String -> String -> User

The arguments are in the order they appear in the type alias declaration. You may want to use this

Everything in Elm is an expression. It doesnt do something, it returns something.

You cant modify a record, but you can return another version of a recors.

Parantheses are used for grouping things (like math), not for calling functions.

\ Start the anonymous function with x and y arguments.

-> The body of the function

apply_twice takes a function and a number as an argument. It returns a function applied twice, once on the
number, and once on the result of the first function.

The second one is useful for mapping, as it takes only one argument and apply_twice takes two. It is
syntactic sugar for square_twice n = apply_twice square n

c.lines = 200 is used outside records. {c | lines = 200 } is used inside records. . and | are kinda the same.
It is also used in Union Types to separate the possibilities.

Take a list of any type and return a list of any type. The second case is for an empty list. The first case
separates the list in the first item h and the rest of the list t. The body then appends the first item h twice to
the recursive function i.e. the same logic applied to the second item.

Heres the catchs. It doesnt apply recursion on a mutated list i.e. [1,1,2,3], but rather the second item in
[1,2,3]. Otherwise it would be an infinite loop.

We have a type Drink, and the values can be either OF TYPE Coffee OR Tea. Depending on the type, we
then return a result. This is very poweful because we can pass in different types of coffee or tea.

Html.App.beginnerProgram does the work of routing the messages that your view produces into this

Elm for Beginners

Development Environment Setup Steps

1. Install Recent Version of Nodejs by downloading and running the installer found
at or use the Node Version Manager found
2. Install Elm by keying the command npm install -g elm
3. Install the atom editor located at
4. Install the language-elm using the atom package manager (apm), by keying the
command apm install language-elm
5. Install elm-oracle by keying npm install -g elm-oracle
6. Determine the path where the elm-oracle command was installed by keying which elm-
oracle on mac and unix or where.exe elm-oracle on windows. Copy the entire path and file
name to the clipboard, for use in the next step
7. Open up Atom, then open up the preferences/settings by pressing CMD + , or via the menu.
Click packages then filter by elm. Find the language-elm package and click
the settings button. Set the elm-oracle setting, by pasting the value we copied in the prior
8. Download the current version of elm-format found at
9. Unzip the downloaded file and move the elm-format executable to a location in your PATH
variable, such as mv ~/Downloads/elm-format /usr/local/bin/elm-format
10. Install the elm-format Atom Package (Note: different from elm-format command), by
keying apm install elm-format
11. Start Atom, Open up Settings CMD + ,, click Packages, filter by elm, then click on the elm-
format package's settingsbutton. Set the elm-format command path setting and veryify
the format on save checkbox is checked.
12. Install atom linter by keying apm install linter
13. Install the elm linger by keying apm install linter-elm-make
14. Locate and copy the path and file for the elm-make command by keying the command which
elm-make for mac or where.exe elm-make on windows.
15. Open the linter-elm-make settings page in atom as you did in steps 7 and 13, then click the
settings button next to linter-elm-make and then set the elm-make setting to the copied
value from the prior step.

Your atom / elm dev environment should be good to go!

Functional Programming
Its a style of programming where only pure functions are used i.e. functions that always return a value
based on input parameters without causing side effects.

Installing Packages
The entry point for elm apps is the main function (technically a value, which we set). In order for the code
to work, several core packages are required.

This is achieved by running elm package install elm-


After that, we run elm reactor in order to compile the

code to javascript and start a web server.

To use the packages, we need to import them in our


Importing Packages / Modules
The examples bellow are equivalent. We use exposing in order to avoid typing more code.

Everything is an expression and the return is implicit.

Expanding a Function
These are all an equivalent way of adding 3 numbers, with a result of 6.



Partial Application and Currying with Named Functions

Partial Application and Currying with Forward Pipe Operator

The result from the left side becomes an argument on

the right. This works exactly like Unix piping.

The right side becomes add left 3 i.e. add 3 3.

Partial Application and an Anonymous Expression

Local Variables with Let-in block

This may seem verbose, but it saves a lot of debugging in the

future by not having state side effects.

The increment function may seem like it mutates the counter

variable, but in the actual function, the value passed in the first
argument cnt is copied in a new value localCount. After that, we
add the second argument to the new variable and return the result.

It might have been easier to use result = counter + 1, but this

way, we have a function which can have anything passed in.

Functions Exercises
1. Create a function that uppercases names longer than 10 characters with this format: "JAMES MOORE -
name length: 11" or "foo bar - name length: 7"

My solution Teacher

Infix Functions
Elm automatically considers functions named with non-
alphanumeric characters as infix functions.

Pretty much all the operators are made this way.

Ex. a function add a b can be callled with 1 `add` 2 instead

of add 1 2.

Function Composition
Combine multiple functions into one.

Functions Exercises 2
1. Write an infix function named `~=` that takes two Strings and returns True when the first letter of each
string is the same.

My solution Teacher

3. Using function composition, create a function named `wordCount` that returns the number of words in a

My solution Teacher

Static Type System

wordCount = String.words >> List.length

Elm Types

Primitive Types

String, Char, Bool, Number (Float, Int), List a, Touple, Records is the same as .name person, which can be useful in certain cases.

The pipe symbol is used to modify properties in a record. It returns a completely new record.

Union Types

Maybe vs null
Elm doesnt support null, and to handle the absence of a value, the union type maybe is used.

Checking for null in Javascript.

Maybe.withDefault takes two parameters, the default value if false and the second if true.

Handling Errors i.e. try/catch

In elm, the Result union type is used, which has two possibilities. Ok if it succeeds, and Err if it fails.

Functions are Values takes two parameters. The first one is a function, which will be applied to each element in the
list passed as the second parameter.

Type Annotations
They describe the INPUT and OUTPUT TYPES for functions and, TYPE for constants. It is not obligatory to
define the types as elm automatically infers them. However, it is highly advised to use them.

Not only is the code more readable, but sometimes we want to make the types more restrictive than the
iferred ones. Ex. The compiler might infer a number, but we may want int.

They help us write more reusable functions.

Lets say we want to apply a 20% discount on each purchase over 5 items.

This codes works great, but what happens if we want to offer

30% for purchases over 10 items as well???

Sure, we can write another function tenOrMoreDiscount, but

that violates the DRY principle.

With currying and composition, we can do this easily.

Type Aliases

Type Exercises
Write the logic necessary to set the `freeQty` of each record using the following logic: Purchases of 5 or
more receive 1 free. Purchases of 10 or more receive 3 free. Create a type alias for the cart records and
add the appropriate type annotations to all values and functions.

My solution Teacher

Input Fields
This handles all the dependecies requred for The
Elm Architecture.

beginnerProgram connects all the pieces behind

the scenes. Its a light version of Program.

We use a record to define our model.

The update functions listens for a message and if

the type is Change, the model is updated with the
new value passed in from the input field

The view updated the DOM automatically.

On each keystroke an event is fired which

dispatches the Change message which activates
the update function.

Parts of an Elm App


Its a container that holds the raw data your application needs. It can be a
primitve type (Int, String) or a Record. We are describing what the model looks
like and what the initial value is.


Its responsible for updating the model i.e. state. It has two concerns:
1. What things can happen in the app?
2. When they happen, how should the model change?

These concerns are handled by two things:

1. A union type representing all the possible things that can happen.
2. An update function that takes a message (One of the defined union types) and a model (current
state of the app. It returns and updated model.


A functions that takes a model and generates Html.


We set main to be equal to the value returned by calling the App.beginnerProgram function which takes
a record as a parameter where model = initModel value, update = update function and view = view function.
Connecting them with Html.App.beginnerProgram
We do this by using the beginnerProgram funciton and passing the initial model, the view and the
update function. It links them all together into a working app.

Html.App takes the responsibility of maintaining state, listening for messages, and calling the
update and view sections as appropriate.

main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update }

beginnerProgram : { model : model, view : model -> Html msg, update : msg -> model -> model }
-> Program Never

If you are using elm-reactor you will just see everything on screen. If you are using elm-make it will be
generating HTML files that you can open in any browser.

Create a Program that specifies how your whole app should work. The essense of every Elm program is:

Model a nice representation of your application state.

View a function that turns models into HTML.
Update given a user-input messages and the model, produce a new model.

Between these three things, you have everything you need!

1. When the user clicks on a button, it produces a message.

2. That message is piped into the update function, producing a new model.
3. We use the view function to show the new model on screen.
4. And then we just repeat this forever!

App Flow

When the app first loads, the initialModel sets

the current state of the app. Then the view
function is called with the current state i.e. model
and it generates a view showing the initialModel

When one of the buttons is clicked, the message

it generates is passed into the update function
along with the current state of the app i.e. model,
and a new model is generated i.e. returned.

The model returned from the update funciton is

stored as the new application state i.e. model
and then the view function is called with the
updated model which displays the new values.

Application state is handled by the Html.App


Simple App Exercise Calorie Counter

Elm Build Process

Elm make

Before compiling, elm-make will ask to install the latest dependencies. This will create a elm-
package.json file as well as an elm-stuff directory with all the packages inside. This is pretty much like
using npm install which creates a node_modules directory based on the package.json file.

elm-make Main.elm --output=main.html

This will create an HTML file with all the JS inside a script tag in the head.

elm-make Main.elm --output=main.js

This will create a JS file with just Javascript inside.

The second method is better because the file can simply be added to a custom HTML which will not be
overwritten in the build process.

A task runner can be used to automate this process along with starting a server.

Elm seed

To simplify the starting process, we can create a boilerplate HTML and CSS file which would be reused in
different projects. The only thing needed is to add the compiled JS file into the HTML one.

For a nicer structure, we can move all the Elm components into a src directory (by modifying the elm-
package.json file with source-directories: [ src ] ) and use the following command to compile in another

elm-make Main.elm --output=js/main.js

Score Keeper App






Its best if we break down the application into small pieces and get them working one by one. We always
start by defining the model.

Elm Beyond the Basics

Simple Login Module

The Elm Architecture

Its totally possible to wrote an application with
three pages in a single module, but that is not a
good idea because the code would get ugly pretty

This is where The Elm Architecture really shines.

The application is divided into logical modules

which are imported and tied together in the Main

TEA is a nice pattern that can be used all over the place But should it? In order to avoid over-engineering
things, the pattern should be used only when absolutely needed. Start with a single Main module and
later if needed, refactor the code into separate modules, which is easy to do.




Both modules have the import and main parts when standalone, but they are removed for export purposes.

A message lbMsg originated from some interaction on the LeaderBoardPage.
The Main module doesnt know much about the LeaderBoard messages,
except that they exist. LeaderBoard modules.update function is fully aware of
the different types of messages within its module and it knows how to update
the model based on them. Were just calling the LeaderBoards modules
update function and we provide the correct parameters (lbMsg and
model.leaderBoard), and in the end store the potentially updated
leaderboard model into the corresponding leaderboard field (constant).

We are transforming all the

LeaderBoard messages into Main

This is done because we are calling the

view function in that module
(LeaderBoard), which returns
messages that wont compile since
they are different from the ones
outputted in this module (Main).

It is further explained on the next page.

Fixing The Different Message Types?

We need to transform / map from Html capable of generating LeaderBoard Messages into Html capable of
generating Main Messages.

Map takes 2 parameters. The first one is a transformation function which takes one parameter of type a
(Html) and it returns a message. The second parameter is Html capable of generating messages of type a.

This is the same type the transformation function takes as a parameter. The map function ultimately returns
an Html capable of generating a slightly different type of messages.

Simply put, we are calling the view function inside the LeaderBoard module and we pass it the leaderBoard
model as a parameter. However, this willl not compile becase the view function returns messages from that
module, while we are calling the function inside the Main module.

In order to fix this, we must change those messages into Main messages.

Effects i.e. Talking to Severs
Effects are Talking to the Outside World i.e.:
- Websockets
- Http Requests
- Local Storage

The problem is, in Elm, you can only write pure functions, but you need to do impure things

Handling effects is similar to handling state (offloading the responsibility of maintaining state to the
Html.App module).

We tightly control where the complicated and messy parts of our app happen, leaving our app cleaner and
easier to work with.

Maintaining State in Elm

We write an update function which can be seen as a set of

rules for how the model should change when things happen
in the app.

We then pass the update function (rules) to the thing

maintaining the state, the Html.App module, which uses the
update function as needed to update the apps state.

Effects are handled in a very similar way

Lets say our app needs to talk to a server to add

something in a database. What if we describe
what we want done as a piece of data or a
command? And then we return that command
from the function.

Doing this allows us to have purity in the functions

because we just return data. However, another
module can receive the command and act on it
i.e. do the impure things.

A mob boss wants to do some dirty work. Instead of doing it himself (messing up his house and dirtying his
hands), he gives commands to someone and the work happenes in some remote place. Note: Just
because a command was issued, doesnt mean itll happen. The command needs to be sent to the right
person and the person will either succeed or fail.
The flow of issuing a command that succeeds or fails is exactly the flow for many effects in Elm.

Http Requests
How do we turn this basic app (Left) into one that can do Http requests (Right)?


We do this by creating commands (which is just data) and sending them to a place where the actual effects
can happen.

How do we Create a Command and Where Do We Send it?

Before anything, we need to install the necessary package by using elm package install evancz/elm-http
and import it.

After that, we create a constant randomJoke which is a command capable of generating messages.

similar to

Both can generate messages.

For the actual Http request, we will use the getString function which takes a URL ( as a parameter
(string) and returns a Task that can FAIL with an Error of an Http.Error type, or SUCCEED with a certain
type, in this case a string. Please note that this example omitts decoding JSON and returns it as a String.

A Task is an alias type which comes from the Task module in the core package.

We can think of Tasks as something used to describe asynchronous operations that can fail.

Both of these are equal.

How does our app know when user interactions happen? Via messages generated from the Html and sent
to the update function.

The same message mechanism is used to communicate an Http failure or success.

How do we translate Task failures and successes into corresponding fail / success messages that our app
can deal with?

This is done by transforming our Task into a Command which is done by calling the Task modules
perform function.

A command is just data that describes what we want to do and how to deal with possible outcomes.

The perform function takes three parameters.

1. The first parameter is the function that takes the ERROR value from the task if an error occurred
and returns a message our app understands.
2. The second parameter is the function that takes the SUCCESS value from the task if its successful
and returns a message our app understands.
3. The third parameter is the task itself i.e. the Http request.

We can think of a command as a data structure that contains a task that can either fail and succeed, and
application specific messages used to communicate failure and success back to the app.

First parameter is a fail message sent to the update function. Second one is a success message sent to the
update function. Both messages are the result of a function that reads the response from the Http request.
The third parameter is the Http request that returns a response (fail or success).

We can think of commands as a list of household chores that a parent might make for their child. The
commands are chores like clean room, wash dishes But if the list of chores is never passed along to the
child, the chores would never get done.

Similarly, the randomJoke command (which is just a constant) will never be executed unless we pass it
along something that can execute it.

To use commands, we need to switch from using the beginnerProgram function to the program function.

The program function takes a record parameter like the beginnerProgram one, with a slight difference.


The value assigned to the init field should be a touple with the initialModel as the first value, and the
second value is one or more commands that should be run when the app first loads. This is similar to
Reacts componentDidMount. We can use the randomJoke command to make a request and get a joke
when the app loads without any user interaction.


While update still takes a message and a model as the first two parameters, the return type is a bit
different, as it now includes commands. this is the answer to the How do we hand our commands to
something that can run them?.
This is done by simply specifying the commands we like executed in the init field and as part of the return
value of the update function.

When the Http.App module receives commands, it executes the commands and uses the success and
error message types, we specified earlier with the task modules perform function, to notify our app of the
tasks outcome, so we can deal with it.

Refresh (New Joke) Button

Modifying Lists
There are two ways to add items in a list We can use append or cons. Appends adds the item at the end
of the list, whilst cons adds it at the beginning. Cons is much more efficient as it doesnt have to traverse
the whole list.

We can think of lists (arrays) as a series of linked items i.e. a series of cons operators.


It has to traverse the whole list in order to find the end and insert a cons operation before the empty array.
This is rather inneficient as it it still a cons operation.


This is substantially faster as it just adds the new item at the beginning of the list. Even better, the first item
can be accessed with the head operator, which is similira to array.length 1, but much more efficient as it
doesnt have to evaluate the size of the array.

Map in Elm takes a functions as the first parameter and a list as the second. It outputs a new list containing
the modified values.

Map in Javascript
Map returns an array, with the results from the function called on each item from the original array.

It can also be done like this: var squared =;

React Youtube

It is the module loader/build system of choice for React developers.

What it does is the same as Browserify (putting everything in one file and compiling it to be used by a
browser) and Gulp/Grunt (minifying code etc.). So instead of using combinations, we can just use



var debug: Is our Node environment in production? If yes, we will run all the minification plugins, and not
have a devtool i.e. null. If its in debug mode there will be no plugins used and we will run source mapping
(helps with console logging).
context: __dirname = The directory we are currently in. If we had an app or src directory, we would do
entry: This is where all the dependencies end up (require).
output: The file from entry, after it gathers all the dependencies in one file, it will be saved in the path
directory under the filename specified, after its processed by all the plugins in production mode.

The first one runs webpack in debug mode and returns a source mapped file scripts.min.js (4,5KB).The
second command runs it in production mode with NODE_ENV=production webpack and returns a
minified file scripts.min.js (677 bytes).

Another cool thing that webpack does is running localized environments. Ex. using jQuery in ONLY one
module and nowhere else i.e. jQuery code will not work outside the module.

man command Explains the command.
apt-cache search name Searches the package manager for a specific program.
sudo apt-get install name Installs the specified package.
sudo dpkg i filename.deb Installs a downloaded .deb file.

dpkg is a backend for apt-get which is a backend for aptitude (GUI).


For it to work in Windows, you need to install it first. Get it from here:

Most Common Windows / Unix Commands

Action Windows Unix

Navigate outside cd.. cd ..
Navigate to cd folder-name cd folder-name
List directory content dir ls
Show path pwd
Change partition D: /d
Clear screen clear

Most Common GIT Commands

Action GIT Commands

Show all the commands i.e. help git
Copy (pull) repository in current folder from Github git clone URL
Show differences between local folder and Github git status
Add a file to be tracked git add FILENAME
Add everything to be tracked git add . / git add -A
Save changes locally with a message git commit m The message
Upload (push) the changes to Github git push
Download the latest changes git pull
Exit after committing without using -m ESC + :wq

Omitting m while committing opens up a multiline message which can be exited by ESC + :wq

git config NAME

git config EMAIL

Path to github repositories: /d/work/acme/github

Common Workflow

Updating Uploading existing project first time

1. Navigate to directory.

2. git status existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-
3. git add . OR git add FILENAME line/
4. git commit m message
5. git push 1. Create repository on github without to avoid errors.
2. Navigate to the local project.
3. git init
4. git add .
5. git commit m First commit
6. git remote add origin REPOSITORY_URL
7. git push origin master

SSH, useful for creating secure tunnels over unsecured networks allowing secure networking. Like a VPN,
just more hands on and flexible.

Its a better way of putting files on a server over FTP.

Sublime IDE - Text Editor
Installing Themes

To install themes, just use package control. So the process would be:

1. Install Package Control by running a script from the website inside the Sublime console.
3. Look for Package Control: Install Package and click it.
4. Search for the theme inside and hit enter.
5. Set the theme in Preferences -> Settings User by editing the JSON property called theme


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